The Price and the Prize

By Shaman il-de SaintGermain

Published on May 19, 2000


Hi there once again. Well here we are at chapter 5. Just one more chapter to go after this and then maybe a little clean up.

Once again, This is original fiction. I do not know any member of *Nsync, nor do I pretend to hold any knowledge of their sexual preferences, personal habits, underwear size, etc., etc.

Thanx again to Kat for all that she does for me. Thanx also to everyone who has contacted me about this story. I appreciate it. For any who would like to do so now, my e-mail address is; My ICQ# is; 15048366

One other thing. There are two stories I'm reading on Nifty at the moment which I like a lot. "Justin's Journal" and "*Nsync Saga". Just thought I'd mention that. It seems to be tradition for writers to mention other stories on the archives and I haven't done that to date so there. I have fulfilled my obligation to tradition.

Now, on with the story...

Tobias' Journal entry:

As I write this entry I'm in Washington DC.. I sit in the mendicant's room of St. Katrina's Basilica to be exact. I've missed this place. The peace of it. I wish sometimes that my life could be as simple as it was all those years ago. I know it can't. I'm not like Victor. I can't close my eyes to the world outside these walls. Still, I envy him his faith. Jeremiah, you told me once that I should come back here. If for no other reason than to settle things with Victor. Tonight was the first time I've seen him in eight years. I wasn't sure he'd allow me to take refuge here, let alone bring others with me. He did though. We talked a little. I find that he understands we're pretty much the same, we just seek a different route to our inner calling. He will not help us though. He hasn't set foot out of this place since he was nine years old...Sixteen years. I would have gone insane. But it suits him. He's at peace. He's found his place in this world.

I had a dream earlier. While we waited for our flight to Washington. The Lovers card again, flipping and turning. It's been there from the beginning. I still don't know what it means. If you were here you'd rap me on the head for that. Of course I can see the obvious meaning. I've fallen in love. I don't know how it happened. I didn't expect it, and I really, really don't want it right now, but I can't help it. Still, I don't think that's it, not all of it anyway. There is something more about the card and I'm just not seeing it. I'm afraid Jeremiah. I'm afraid for him. I'm afraid for me. It's always dangerous enough dealing with the dark sides of reality. Now, not only do I have four others to protect, but I find myself loving one of them. I'm taking stupid risks. They shouldn't be here. I don't need them to get to Justin anymore, and they'd be safer back in Hampton. They wouldn't leave if I told them to though. And honestly, I don't want them to. I've faced things alone before. So what's the deal now? I don't know if I can do this alone. Then again, I don't know if the five of us can do this together. There has definitely been a surprise or two with these guys. It turns out Chris is a familial witch, and evidently a strong one. Lance is holding himself together pretty well. I'm impressed. And what can I say about my man Joe. Only that I wish he were my man. He's courageous, he's strong. Gods I hope he makes it through this. NO. I'll make certain he does. With my dying breath he'll be safe. And there's the rub. Stupid risks. I still don't know about J.C.. We've almost come to blows once, and his temper and mine have butted heads several times in just the last day. I understand though. I can only imagine what he must be going through. It's obvious he loves Justin. I'm betting they're lovers. I don't understand why noone would have mentioned that though. Maybe the other guys just don't know.

Anyway, they're already in too deep. What else can I do. I have to sleep now. I'm so tired, and the blow to the head I took earlier isn't helping. Joey's worried I may have a concussion. I think I may. I still need sleep.

The Price and the Prize, Chapter 5; part 1

'...Whatever it takes, whatever you want from me. Please let us save Justin. Take my life for his. Break my mind to stop his pain. Feed my soul to the demons in his place. I will do anything, give anything! Just let us save him.'

I finish my prayer and look up. From where I sit I can see pretty much the whole the room. It reminds me of some of the ruins I saw in Italy. It's one large room with two rows of columns running down the center. At one end, the one we came in from, there are three archways leading into a small entrance hall. At the other is a...shrine. I guess that's the right word. I've never been big on the whole religion thing personally. I believe in God. That's about as far as I've ever needed to go with it. Now... Toby's still not here. They took him to take care of the gash on the back of his head as soon as we got here. That was like an hour ago. They, I guess they're monks or something, they brought us here to wait. Nobody's been back since then. Lance went up and kneeled at the shrine to pray, and he's been at it the whole time. I gotta admit, He looks like some knight of ancient days sitting at vigil to prove his faith. Joey's really worried about Toby. I guess he's falling for him. It could just be the stress though. Chris is laid out on one of the benches that line both sides of the room. I think he's asleep. I don't think I could sleep. God knows I should, but I keep thinking that I could be doing something to help Justin, and if I go to sleep I might...I don't know. I just can't. So I sit here and alternate between praying and writing. And I write;

He is gone from me,

And the world dims.

Light, ever faithful afore,

Falls now,

Leaving me,


A door opens. I look up too see a red robed monk walk in. We were told to ignore the ones in the red robes. I don't know why. I've seen one other one since we've been here. It's like they don't even know there's anybody around them. It's creepy. The monk walks through the room and puts something in front of the shrine, then walks back out the way he came. "Shit," whispers Joey,"When're they gonna tell us somethin'?" Just then a door opens on the other side of the room from the last one, and a guy walks in. He's wearing a brown robe, pretty basic, but something about him says he's in charge. He has this air of certainty. He also has deep red hair. The same colour as Toby's. Infact, this guy could be Toby's brother they look so much alike. He looks around the room and clears his throat. Joey crosses half the room in like three steps.

"How is he? Is he gonna be a'right?" he asks anxiously. Chris is getting up. Guess he wasn't sleeping after all. I mark my page with my pen and shut my notebook as I stand. My right arm gives a twinge. Almost time for another pain pill.

"Tobias will be fine," says the monk,"He needed a few stitches, but he will survive. I am Brother Victor. I am sorry, but I don't know your names."

"Oh, uh, I'm Joey," Joey says reaching out to shake hands with Brother Victor,"That's Chris, J.C. and Lance." he continues as he points at each of us in turn. Brother Victor nods at us as we're introduced. Lance gets up as Joey finishes. Damn he looks tired.

"Would that I could say I was pleased to meet you." Brother Victor says with a grimace,"Tobias will be fine, as I said. He is a hardy soul. He is sleeping now. As I think you all might like to do?"

"Fat chance." Chris says. The rest of us mumble our agreement.

"I have been told of your travail. Depriving yourself of sleep will not aid your cause," At that, the door he came in through opens and another monks steps in and nods to Brother Victor who nods back, and says,"We have prepared some food for you. Please," he says, motioning to the door. Food definitely sounds good right now. I grab my things, what little I brought in from the van, and follow the second monk.

They lead us to a large kitchen. There's bread and cheese and some vegetables spread out on one of the counters. The second monk hands us all cups. I take a drink. Wine, spicy tasting. It feels good going down. I drain my cup and eye the food. "Eat your fill," says Brother Victor,"You will need your strength for what is to come."

"And what's that?" I ask as I reach for an apple.

"If only I knew to tell you, but you have come here with Tobias, hurt and tired. He would not have brought you here were it not his last resort."

"Umm, This probably isn't any of my business, but are you two related?"Chris says, before taking a bite of a carrot. Brother Victor nods and smiles.

"Tobias is my brother."

"He said he had a brother." Joey says,"But, whoa, I mean, your a monk."

"How'd ya figure that one Sherlock?!" Chris says, eyes wide in sarcasm. Even Joeyluaghs at that one. I do to, for a second. Justin probably isn't laughing right now though.

"I am indeed," says Brother Victor, with a soft smile,"You find it strange that two brothers could come to such different ends. A monk and a and a sorcerer."

"Well," says Lance,"They are a little bit different. Did you not grow together."

"We did infact." says Brother Victor,"Until..." He lowers his eyes.

"Your parents were killed." Joey says hesitantly. Victor's eyes snap up, and he looks at Joey in confusion for a second.

"He told you?" He asks Joey.

"Not, not how. Just that it was...dark stuff that did it." Brother Victor closes his eyes and chuckles sadly.

"Yes, "dark stuff"," he says quietly. He opens his eyes and looks at us all. Everybody's just waiting for him to say something. It feels like he's looking right through me as his eyes meet mine. A shiver runs down my back. I want to look away, but I can't. Then he finally does. Damn, that was weird. Brother Victor nods to the second monk who nods back and leaves. Then continues,"Yes, our parents died at the hands of evil," His voice lowers a little and he looses some of the certainty he had before,"Tobias was 12 years old, and I was 9. Like Tobias, our father and mother were users of majik. They were strong, but not nearly strong enough," he says turning away from us,"I don't really know how it happened. I was so young then. I remember waking to screams, shouts of rage. there were many voices," He turns back, and I can tell that, even after all the years, he's still scared. "Our father had been possessed. Tobias and I didn't know that then. We came upon our father... standing over our mothers body...there was so much blood. I almost didn't recognize her, or him. When he turned on us, I couldn't move. My mind...I simply couldn't conceive of the reality my eyes told me was there." Victor puts his hands on the counter for support and just looks down as he goes on, his voice almost a whisper,"The rest is a blur. I know my father came at me. I know there was a blade, and more blood. I remember pain," He rubs one hand over his left side,"I...Tobias carried me away," He stands up straight, and the air of certainty returns. He's in charge again. "Tobias killed our father to save my life." There's a gasp. I don't know if it's from me, or one of the guys, or all of us. "We were brought to this place. Our uncle was a monk here then. For two years we lived here, trying to understand, trying to find peace. Tobias was never happy here. He left shortly after he turned 14. He kept in contact for a few years as he learned the majik our parents had known. I stayed, turning to God, finding in faith the peace Tobias seeks through action. I last saw Tobias at the entombment of our uncle. That was 8 years ago. Until last night I knew nothing of where or how he was." He smiles then.

"I know that this means little to you, but I thank you for bringing him back here. I am sorry for you troubles, and I will pray for your success and safety. I'll leave you to your meal now. When you've finished go through that door," he says, pointing the way,"Someone will be waiting to take you to the beds we have readied for you. Use them."

"I don't know if any of us will be able to sleep tonight, but thanks." Lance says.

"I think you will sleep fine," Brother Victor says with a little smile, and a nod to the wine pitcher, as he turns and walks out of the kitchen,"Forgive us." As the door shuts behind him Joey groans.

"Oh Jeez, They drugged the wine." Damn! He's right. I can already feel myself slipping some.

"It's probably for the best," Chris chuckles,"We do need to get some rest."

"If I sleep I'll dream." Lance says with a cold voice, and a look that makes me want to just beat the shit out of Brother Victor. How dare they! How Fucking Dare They! Joey shows how much better a friend he is then me once again as he steps around the counter and wraps Lance in a huge hug. Lance buries his face in Joe's shoulder and sighs. Damn my temper. Lance needs help, hope, not anger.

"Well," says Chris, finishing off his carrot,"There's no way to stop it now," He steps up and hugs Joey and Lance. I follow suit. Whatever they put in the wine is kicking in already.

"C'mon guys, let's go to bed," Joey says with a yawn,"You sleep with me Lanceton." And we make our way out of the kitchen and into the waiting arms of sleep.

...But the day dies ever,

and the light must recede,

and the night comes colder,

and I fear that I shall be,

Ever the Lost,

ever the days gone by,

drifting away to sorrow,

in my eyes,

Ever the wind,

pushing the flame to die,

never the pain to fly,

ever the lost...

There is a woman. I've never seen her before. She has long, black hair, a midnight river, and almond shaped eyes that shine like those of a night bird. She wears a gown of white and green. It flows in a breeze that does not touch her hair or the garden around her. In the garden roses bleed, thorns caress, trees weep. The night sky hangs above, a yellowed moon daring the stars to shine. This woman, this creature which draws my eyes, holds my mind, she holds out her hands to me. I can't stop myself from taking them. I know, somewhere in my heart, that she will lead me to my love. And we fly.

Butterflies scatter before us, shimmering colour in the sky of blue-black. An eerie song ignites the air as we seek an answer to a question that has not been asked. I look below and see the earth. A city shines, hearts beat, people live and die. And we fly. Another place. Another city. Houses tall and old. In this place my love awaits me.

In the Garden once more, she speaks, as the roses bleed upon her gown, thorns caressing her hands and feet. 'Go to him.' And she points the way. I see him for but a moment. Tears run from his eyes, blood stains his hands. His face is a mask of anguish and pain. Trees weep, and I weep with them.

I wake up crying. Oh my god! I can feel him! I can feel him like he's right here beside me! Then the sense of him fades, and I'm left alone in a tiny room. I wipe my eyes and catch my breath. I can see through the tiny window that it's almost dawn. The sky is just beginning to lighten. I remember they used candles to light the way to these rooms. There's a little flickering light coming from under the door. Gas lamps? I think I remember gas lamps on the way. And I remember a...a dream. That dream! Justin! Oh my God, I have to tell the others! "Justin's in Arlington!" I say, then I shout,"Justin's in Arlington!" I run from the room and slam into Chris, knocking him down. I grab his shirt and pick him up. "I know where Justin is! He's in Arlington!"

"J.C.! C'mon man, put me down!"

"Chris," I say letting him go,"I had this dream there was this woman in this garden and I don't know who she was but she showed me wh...!"

"WhoaWhoaWhoa! Slow down man, You had a dream?"

"Yah! A woman in a garden..."

"With roses that bled." Lance says from behind me.

"And crying trees?" says Chris.

"And she took your hand and you flew." says Joey beside Lance.

"Yah! How'd you guys...?"

"It was NightFire," Toby says, stepping out of a doorway a little down the hall.

"Dr. Coltrain," Lance says nodding his head,"She came to help us find Justin."

"In our dreams?" Chris asks.

"That's what she does," Toby says,"She's very good at it."

"Oh no," Lance says. He leans back against the wall and looks at me really strange,"You can't come with us J.C.."

"Huh!?" I say. Bullshit! "Bullshit! Of course I'm coming with you!"

"No!" he says, coming off the wall,"I saw...I saw you in my dreams last night. were on a table, with people standing around you. There was a knife...and blood." Oh shit. Oh ShiT!

"Oh ShiT!" Joey says,"They getcha!" Oh shiT.

"Was Justin there? Did you see Justin?" I ask.

"I...I don't know." Lance says hesitantly. There's a long pause. If Justin wasn't there, maybe he gets away. Is that it? Is this the answer to my prayer? Do I have to die to save Justin? If that's way it has to be so be it.

"Hey!," Chris says,"What are you thinking J.C.?" I just look at him. "No! NO! Don't even think about it! Tell me you are not planning on sacrificing yourself to save Justin."

"If that's what I have to do..."

"J.C.," Toby says, turning me to face him,"Listen to me. You cannot go into this thinking that you're going to die. No matter how noble your intentions are, if you do that, you will die, Justin will probably still die, and the rest of us will probably go down with you." He looks over at lance, "Lance, did you actually see them kill J.C.?"

"Well, no, but there was blood."

"Then we have to assume that you don't die. No matter what goes on, no matter how bad it looks, we have to go into this with the belief that we will save Justin and all of us will make it out. Is that clear?" he says, looking us each in the eye. There's a look in his eyes. It's like he's desperate for us to understand. I guess I do. If we expect to die, we'll do something stupid and die. Okay then, Okay Then! We will save Justin! We will make it through this! I will see Justin laugh at one of Joey's stupid jokes again. I will stand beside him as we take our final bow of the evening at our next concert. Yes!

"Yes." I whisper.

"Yes." the other guys say.

"Alright then. Besides, It's not like you wouldn't just come after us anyway,"

"I would." I say. There's a pause.

"Me too." says Joey.

"So would I." says Chris. Lance just nods his head.

"Well then, from now on let's stick together. If we have to split up then at the very least lets stay in pairs. Chris, you stay with J.C., Joey, you stay with Lance. And I mean Stay Together. That starts now, in the bathroom, in the kitchen. Do not let the other person out of your sight. Now let's go get something to eat and see if they'll let us take a bath before we go." Toby says as he turns and starts down the hall.

"Yeah," says Joey as we follow Toby,"That sounds good, but," he continues with a devilish grin,"Can I be your partner in the bath?"

"Oh God," Chris groans. Tension breaker. Justin will laugh when I tell him about that one. I just have to keep remembering that. Justin laughing, that's a good memory...

The Price and the Prize, Chapter 5; part 2

"...Well then, from now on let's stick together. If we have to split up then at the very least lets stay in pairs. Chris, you stay with J.C., Joey, you stay with Lance. And I mean Stay Together. That starts now, in the bathroom, in the kitchen. Do not let the other person out of your sight. Now let's go get something to eat and see if they'll let us take a bath before we go." Toby says as he turns and starts down the hall.

"Yeah," says Joey as we follow Toby,"That sounds good, but," he continues with a devilish grin,"Can I be your partner in the bath?"

"Oh God," Chris groans. Tension breaker. Justin will laugh when I tell him about that one. I just have to keep remembering that. Justin laughing, that's a good memory.

It's 9:00 a.m., and we're fed, scrubbed and just coming into Arlington, Virginia. Everybody's really tense. Go figure.

And yet I am not troubled,

For in my path is hope,

To catch me if I stumble...Damn, that's crapy. I guess I'm too nervous to write anything good right now.

We tried lighting that majik candle Toby made, the one that's lead us to Justin before, but it won't work. The flame just sticks straight up, and flickers from time to time. Toby says the Daemon's probably on to that by now. We're passing by a small park. It's nice, a few trees, some picnic tables.

"Pull in here Chris," Lance says,"I really need to stretch some, and use the bathroom."

"I don't see a toilet." Chris says, as he pulls the van into the parking lot and stops near a table.

"There's a Gas station across the street," Lance says,"I'm hoping they have one And if they don't," He says with a grin,"There's plenty of trees and bushes." On go the hats and shades. It is good to get out of the van. I stretch and walk over to the picnic table. Toby climbs up and sit cross-legged on the table it's self.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna try something," he says,"I'll be out of it for awhile so don't worry if I don't seem to notice you."

"Okay," says Chris,"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to try a different way to find him."

"Umm, should I stick around then?" Lance asks, looking towards the gas station.

"No, you go ahead. It'll take me a few minutes to get started anyway." Toby settles into, what do they call that, the lotus position? Something like that. Anyway, he closes his eyes and sits there. Joey and Lance head across the street and Toby just sits there. Chris and I just sit there watching him just sit there. Nothing happens. After awhile of nothing happening Lance and Joey come back. And we just sit there. I don't want to say anything because I don't want to disturb Toby who's still just sitting there. All of a sudden his eyes pop open and he looks really surprised.

"He knows we're here," he says,"We better move." We get up and pile back in the van.

"Did you find him?" I ask. Toby shakes his head.

"No, But I did get a taste of him." Chris pulls out onto the street and were on our way to nowhere once again. This is truly starting to get to me. We have to find Justin soon.

"Then you can find him, right?" I ask.

"I...think so." he says.

"Then do it." I say. Toby opens his mouth then shuts it and shakes his head, but it looks like he's concentrating. God I wish I could do more. I feel so useless. I'm so damn frustrated. And I'm scared. Between Lances dream and the fear of I won't even think it. We will find him. We will save him. I look over at Toby sitting in the seat beside me with his eyes closed. I know it's not his fault. He's doing all that he can. I just sit back and try to wait patiently, watching out the window just in case.

I can't stand this. It's been nearly an hour and nothing. Why can't we find him? I mean, I know the daemon doesn't want us to find him, but still... Toby's done nothing but sit still, eyes closed giving contradictory directions from time to time. We aren't going in circles, but it's pretty damn close. I can't stand this!

"I can't!," Toby says, dropping his head into his hands and rubbing his eyes,"I can't find him." His voice is a little shaky. I don't want to hear that!

"Don't say that!" I say. He doesn't even look up,"You have to find him!" I realize I'm gripping the armrest hard enough to turn my knuckles white and let go. Everyone else is silent. Toby just shakes his head.

"I...," Toby says, looking up, then at me,"I can't do it. I'm sorry." NO! I will not accept that! You can't give up!

"NO!" I shout, grabbing him by the collar and pulling toward me,"You can't give up," I'm shaking him now, roughly,"You cannot give up!!" Surprise and anger flash across his face. The other guys start shout for me to let him go, and Lance is trying to separate us from the seat behind us. The anger wins out on Toby's face.

"LET GO OF ME!" I push him back, into the side of the van. We've stopped. I open the sliding door and jump out. I start to walk. My fists clenched at my side. I feel the anger boiling inside of me. So much frustration. So much fear. I can't loose him. I can't allow this to happen, but there's nothing I can do. Nothing I can do. I've stopped walking. I have to calm down. I can't loose it now. Tears sting my eyes. My breath comes in ragged bursts. I can't handle this. Please God! Are you even listening!? Are you even there!?

"J.C., Come back!" It's Joey. I can't turn around though. I know if I see them I'll loose it. I'll break down crying or...

"I'm sorry J.C.," It's Toby. He's right behind me,"I wish I could do more. I don't know what to do," Shut Up Toby! "Maybe we can get someone to help us. I know a few people I could call."

"Yah," says Chris from close by,"It's not over yet, right Toby?" Toby is silent. Oh God! He's giving up isn't he? When he speaks it's barely a whisper.

"sometimes...sometimes we loose." No. No no no no no!! The anger, the fear, the frustration, explodes. I feel it filling me up like the sea fills a drowning man. Thick and heavy. Deep and cold. The rage I've been fighting all my life is loosed. A hungry lion, it will feed before it rests again. I can't stop it. I can't hold it back any longer. My vision blurs, my senses dull. I'm taken away. It's happened before. Every time the same. Anger, frustration. They are the things that bring it on. I saw a movie once, "Erik the Viking". There was this guy in it. He was what they called a berserker. He was supposed to loose his mind in battle. They made it sound kinda funny. It's not. When the mists roll in and my senses fall, I have no control. I put a boy in the hospital once. It was a school yard fight. I remember him calling me names. That was okay, I could handle it, until my best friend stepped in and the bully pushed him down. The next thing I remember is seeing the bully curled up at my feet crying. I'd broken his arm and fractured his skull. I was the hero of the elementary school. But I didn't do it. Something else did. Something I've feared ever since. I try to keep that part of me locked away. Sometimes it gets out. It doesn't happen often. I can count the times on one hand. I attacked Lance once. I'm so ashamed of that. He made Justin cry. Justin should never cry. I attacked Justin yesterday, or would have if Joey, Chris, and Lance hadn't stopped me. I know now that it was the daemon that pushed me to it. How did it know what to say? I never told Justin that I love him. I never told anyone. It's so confusing to me. How could I explain it to anyone else? I'm not gay. I'm not attracted to men at all, except Justin. I've been with women. I loved being with them. I've even been in love with women. It's not like what I feel for Justin. Nothing can compare.

My senses are clearing. I can feel pain. My right arm is throbbing. I think I tore some stitches. The left side of my face feels like shit. I taste blood as I lick my lips. My stomach aches. There are arms wrapped around me from behind. I'm on my knees. "It's okay," Lance whispers,"It's okay." I look up and see Joey standing beside Toby who's bent over, hands on his knees. Joey looks disgusted as our eyes meet. Damn my temper. I'm sorry Joey. Toby straightens up and I see blood on his face. His left eyes is swelling. His right cheek is bruised. Behind them Chris is sitting in the sliding door of the van rubbing his jaw. I'm sorry Chris.

"How bad did I hurt you?" I ask Lance. He squeezes me a little tighter.

"Not bad." he says. He helps me to my feet. Damn. I must have taken a hell of a punch to the gut. Everybody's looking at me. Toby looks sad. Joey looks pissed. Chris looks sympathetic. Lance looks tired. I open my mouth to apologize.

"Well, well, well," Says a voice in my head. It hurts. The others must hear it too. They're all looking about as shocked as I feel,"My little heroes are having problems I see. That's alright. I applaud you your tenacity, but this must end. My servants will be there shortly. I regret I can't come personally, but I am rather indisposed at the moment. You aren't upset I hope."

"Get in the van!," Joey Shouts. None of us have to be told twice.

"J.C.! You drive best. Can you handle it?" Chris shouts. Adrenaline is a wonderful substance. The pain slides to the back of my mind. Even my the throbbing in my arm is bearable.

"Yah!" I shout back. He tosses the key at me and dives into the van. I catch them in the air and run to the driver's side as the others pile in. I jump in and start the van, revving the engine and peeling out of the parking lot just as two cars speed in from the other side.

"There they are!" shouts Joey from the passenger seat. I hit the road and go. They follow. I weave in and out of traffic trying to pull ahead. They keep getting closer! I fishtail onto a back street. They follow! I take another turn and Justin is there in the middle of the road! Oh God!! I jerk the wheel to the left. We start to spin. Everything's moving! Shouts! Screams!


Everything's fuzzy. I can't see right. Red, everything's red. The door opens. Hands pulling me. I'm out of the car. More shouts. Yelling.

*BoOmM!*BoOmM! A gun? A GUN! Oh my God! Through a red haze, blood in my eyes, I see the van. The guys are stumbling out. Two men are shooting at them! NO! I yell something even I don't understand and thrash around trying to get loose from the hands that hold me. I'm being carried. I can't break free. I have too!


PAIN! Lights! Darkness...I'm slipping away. I can't fight it.

Wherefore the darkness carries us

Wherefore the light doth hide

Shadow and cold do marry us

To fear, our laughing bride...

End Chapter 5

Next: Chapter 6

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