The Princedom

By Me

Published on Apr 2, 2013



This story is 100% fiction.


It's not that bad being born to be a king or a second hand man. You get servants, wealth, and most importantly power, well that's what my Father used to say. He , my great grandfather, and so on have all been born to be the second in command to the king or to be the king.

The rule of the King and loyalty of the second last a lifetime, except if the board of royals want him to give up power and give it to the second in command. The board of royals which has 350 people elected by the people and they stay for 10 years, and half is up for election every 5 years. They don't have nearly as much power as one would think. They usually take care of the anything that has to do with the people. They can take away a kings power through two ways. One, if they treaty is broken. Two, if 325 or more members of the royal board vote to impeach him after he looses a major trial against his ruling.

However only one king has gotten his power taken away and his name was King Jeramy Marci . No one knows why he was impeached, but it somehow became a holiday to represent unity of the government and the people. Whats even more ironic is that, the people supported King Jeramy Marci not the royal board.

There are two families; the Marci , and the Frank which is mine. The Frank started out as the king and the Marci were second in command. The Frank and Marci families became close but also more secret. A Frank married a Mendler, and there wasn't any children on the Frank side yet. The Mendler family wanted more power so they gave one of their children away in return the get more power. This lasted until the child grew up and wanted the Marci family to have all the power. There was a huge feud, and both families grew to try over powering the other. Until they agreed on a truce and signed a treaty.

Every generation they would switch roles of monarchy, but both would still be considered royals. To make this equal every 5th generation the king of the ruling family would marry a member of the second in command's family. This is what the equal power treaty is based off of and if it is not kept the treaty is broken. Don't worry there is no incest involved in this since both families were quite large and it was every 5 generations.

This has gone on for hundreds of years according to the Chordamea history, which is the place where we rule. If you haven't heard of it don't be surprised. Chordamea is a moderate sized island that is below the UK in the English Channel , but we aren't apart of the UK. Our country isn't in any text book and isn't even on the map. Most people that pass think that it's just another part of the UK, and when I was a child I did also. Until I started school and "royal training" with the two Marci sons.

The country is extremely advanced in all aspects. We are a first world country and still growing. Our population is of about 9.5 million, and we are extremely rich due to our oil in other countries, and our gold and diamond supply that is under our country. The Marci and Frank have both fought hard to expand our influence and have succeeded. However over the years both families have gotten smaller due to greed.

Right now the Marci are in power so my older brother Jacob is the second in command since my father died of cancer 10yrs ago. My mother passed giving birth to me, so Jacob who is 25 has raised me since I was 7.

He has been doing a great job of being second. He pretty much does all the behind scenes work . which involves protecting the king(sort of a spy), dealing with foreign issues, on top of that he has to formulate corrections to issues in the country. The King who was my fathers best friend, is the face of government to the people and makes final decisions.

Don't get me wrong King Charles Marci is a busy hard working man, and is well loved and respected. He has been in power for 18 years and my brother took over as second at the age of 15 which is the youngest ever, so he is also well respected.

For right now there is a lot of pressure on my brother though. In our government women have the power to be queens only when asked to be a Marcis' or Franks' wife, but my generation marks another 5th and like I said our families have gotten smaller.

I have no cousins and Jacob and I are the only two Franks left. Jacob is second for King charles so I will be taking over as King. The Marci only have their two sons Noel who is 20 and will be my second. Then there is Liam my best friend who is my age which is 17.

I should probably tell you about myself I am 17, my name is Toby, and I am in line for the king. I have light brown hair and green eyes. I am about 5'10, I weigh 160, and pretty ripped. Jacob and I could be opposites he has blond hair and blue eyes and is 6'8 and is extremely buff. I look like father while he looks like my mother. My da used to tell me that he was just like her. Strong, and a great problem solver and that he would make a great king...well before he passed it was expected that he would. Now he is trying to figure out who I am going to marry.

The Marci's besides King Charles and Queen Marissa; are Noel and Liam. Jacob had a plan that if the king and queen try to have another child maybe it could be a daughter and I could marry her later in life,when I'm like 34 and her 16. It was a stupid Idea , so his other plan is to break the treaty, which is worst then the first one. Our whole government is built off this treaty and the royal board will take over the government if we don't find a solution. Good thing is we have years until King Marci passes, and years to find a solution.

Part 1

"Hey Toby, do you know what today is?!" Asked Liam.

"No Liam I don't!"

"Well you should! It's King Jeramy day, we should go in to town."

"Liam! You are a prince, and you want to go into town with citizens that celebrate your ancestors death? Doesn't sound that smart."

"Right! But it does sound better than this!" He said.

He then pointed to the ballroom, which had classical music playing. As I looked inside, the royal board was here with their families. Jacob and Noel were talking and seemed to be in a serious conversation. The king and queen were greeting people and seemed to be having a grand time.

"Hmmm, okay lets do it!"

"Okay first things first we need to go change." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the west wing of the castle where his room was.

Both families built a large castle that was more than enough to fit both large families and then some. Our castle is large and is separated by wings. The west wing holds the Marci family, the east holds the Franks, north Wing is for government and work , south is for entertainment and everything else. Since both families are small now we have more than enough room.

Liam's room looks like a mirror image of mine except for his style is a little more different. He has a large room with a king sized bed, 3 large walk in closets, a big jet bath tub, and shower that could fit 10 people in it. He also has another part of his room that has a toilet and sink in it. We both had a secret place in our closets for our crowns which for the most part have to earned.

We receive one at birth, one when we become an adult which is determined through acts made from the royal board. The King of course gets one when being crowded a king, and the second gets one as well.

We have to wear them at all times except when sleeping, even in battle your suppose to wear them. Apparently they represent not only our power, but our ancestors as well. Since we were sneaking out Liam put our crowns away and we changed to go out for the night. I had on some regular black aldo shoes that I used for less informal occasions, like my room...and a black shirt that had a watch on it and these grey pants. It was October so I grabbed a scarf and a jacket and looked around Liam's room while he changed.

His room differed from mine because he has canvases all over, and there were mini sculptures . His room was filled with pictures of the things that he had drawn. Most of the pictures were of the garden or animals. Liam is a full blown tree hugger. He is vegetarian, and does what ever he can to make sure we use everything organic.

"Okay ready?!" He asked.

"Wow man you look, great!"

Liam is 5'10 also , about 165. He has jet black hair and hazel eyes. He has a really nice body and a badass look to him. Right now he was wearing a black shirt, tan pants, and a leather jacket and a black beanie with a tan scarf. He looked like one of those high school jocks that are in the movies except better, because he wasn't playing a part in a movie, it's just how he is.

"Thanks! Now let's go party!" He said winking.

We went to the secret tunnel that leads outside the castle. Not even the guards know about this tunnel. Liam texted his friend and said to meet us outside the castle. I've snuck out the castle before but never at night, and for more than an hour or so.

"So Liam what if your parents ask for us? Or our brothers?"

"Toby relax, I texted them and told them that I wasn't feeling good so we will be in and out of the ball."

"Pretty smart, but you do realize that they might want us to go talk to people..."

"I got that covered too, just don't worry we are already here."

We got out of the tunnel and ended up right outside the castle. There were two girls a Mini Cooper and they looked pretty hot. They were twins and both had brown hair and light brown eyes. They were looked moderate height, had nice boobs, and good lips.

"Damn you got us twins? I fucking love you man!" I said to Liam smacking him on the ass and getting in to the car and him following.

"Hello ladies"

"Hello prince Toby!" They said giggling.

"My name is Rachel, and this is my sister Kiana."

"Yeah we are from America, Liam told us about you guys." Rachel said driving off.

"Yeah I did, and Rachel and Kiana are both new here so we are going to show them our kingdom." He said winking at me.

"Oh, yes ladies our kingdom is quite large, powerful, and very appealing is it not?"

"It is! We found this club that is about three miles from here are you guys down to go?" Kiana said missing the undertones.

"Yeah sure, I can't wait to drink! I haven't been snockered In ages!" Liam said.

"Well get ready for a good unforgettable night!"Rachel said hinting to Liam.

We got at the pub, and we all got pretty snockered fast. The twins were a lot of fun, and it was clear that Rachel and Liam hit it off well, and Kiana was just all over the place. Eventually she just broke off from us and started dancing with random people. I was getting another drink when Liam grabbed me and told me to follow him.

"Okay , what's up lad? The party's inside!"

"Shhhh hey, do you trust me Toby?"

"Yeah! Then follow me." He said walking in to a forest.

"Okay why is there a blanket laying down?"

"For this!" Rachel said stepping out of the shadows naked.

She had pretty big boobs like a C cup and her ass was pretty small. She stepped towards me and started to kiss me and undress me. I broke the kiss and looked over to see Liam was unbuckling his trousers .

She started then pulled down my trousers and started to stroke my willy. I looked at Liam and he was looking at my dick and he was getting hard. My cock grew to its full 10in and Rachel had a surprised look on her face.

"This is the biggest dick I've ever seen..."

"Whoa Toby I didn't know you had a willy like that either!" Liam said in amazement.

I looked down at his dick and it was 8in but extremely thick. It looked like an over sized beer can. Rachel noticed this too and then she started stroking us both.

"Ooooo ya!" Liam moaned.

"Liam, you are one crazy bloke."

"Why, do you say that?" He winked.

Rachel then started going faster. She tried to fit Liam's cock into her mouth, but it was too thick to get more than an inch or two in. She tried mine and same thing; so she stuck to wanking us. My cock was so hard that I had to stop myself from cumming a couple times. Liam's moans were somehow making me hotter l, and he kept looking at my cock.

Rachel pulled us closer, our faces were about 10in apart. I noticed my cock was on something, and it was Liam's leg. She started wanking us with our cocks together. Liam was oozing precum was I . She started going faster her hands in a blur , and Liam started shaking.

"Oh yeah....I'm going to cum!" He moaned grabbing on to me for support.

"Ah! Me too!" I yelled as I started to go weak in the knees.

Our cocks we so hard that they were pressed against our stomachs. I moved in closer to lean on Liam for support, and we were so close I felt his breath on and our pecks touched. I noticed Liam was rubbing his dick against mine. Rachel on wanked, he added the motion. This for some reason turned me on more. I felt My foreskin rub against Liam's uncut cock and it sent me over the edge. I started to rub my cock against his fast and he looked at me with lust.

"Ah! I'm cumming!" I yelled as the first spurt of cum exploded from my cock hitting Liam in the mouth.

"Shiiit! Me too!"

As I continued to fire shot after shot on to our chest, his started to, hitting both of us in the face. It seemed like we would cum for forever until we stopped.

"That has to be the best orgasm I've ever had!" I yelled.

"I would have to say me too!" Liam staring at me.

"My job is here is done." Rachel said getting up and leaving.

"What does she mean?" I asked raising a brow.

"I think she means she isn't going to clean all this cum up..."

"Wait what? We have a towel."

"Towels is the boring way!" Liam said grabbing me and starting to lick our cum off my chest.

"Whoa Liam! What are you doing?!"

"I'm being a Mate!" He said going down to my cock.

"Ah, you don't have to do this Mate."

He took his time , cleaning my chest and pelvis area. I shaved so I was completely hairless, but he was licking places that didn't even have any cum. Then he made it to my dick and licked the cum of the base going to the top. My cock stated to grow again as he made it to the he stopped.

"Did you hear something?"

"No, but it could be Rachel coming back?"

"Uh, I don't think so." He said standing putting on his trousers.

"Maybe we should go back? "

Before he could answer some one grabbed me from behind and Liam had a surprised look on his face. The guy who grabbed me wasn't trying to hurt me, more like scare me. So I pushed off of him and turned around, and it was Noel.

"What the fuck are guys doing?!" He yelled.

"We were um, going out to have some fun." Liam mumbled.

"You two have to be the most stupidest people I've met to leave on this day unprotected! Seriously, sick? Come on Liam! And Toby I'm your second I've been watching you since I was three. I know where you are at all times, what all you facial expressions mean or if your lying! Now I don't know what you were doing out here, but lets go back to the castle!" He yelled pushing us towards the car.

The drive back to the castle was extremely awkward. Liam and I both smelt of cum, and Noel was staring at us both. I kept thinking about Liam sucking my cock and it started to get hard again. I don't know what happened, but something in me changed. All I know is I want Liam to finish what he started.

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