The Prisoner and His Guard

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Feb 25, 2017


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The Prisoner and His Guard Part II

The time was fast approaching for Sam and me to acknowledge that we had been together for ten years. In all that time the longest vacation we had taken was a three-day holiday weekend. We agreed to take a two week vacation to celebrate our tenth "anniversary." The question was where to go. I prevailed upon my other half to consider a holiday in New York. We had saved enough for us to go first class. That included theaters and five star restaurants and hotels.

Actually, I had an ulterior motive. My twin sons would be seventeen years old now. I didn't dare try to see them, but I wanted to do a stake out in front of my old house, with the hope of spotting them coming or going. When I told Sam what I had in mind, he reluctantly agreed to make New York our destination. He pointed out that seeing the boys would probably make my estrangement from them more difficult to bear. I was willing to risk it.

It occurred to me that Ben Holliman would be out of jail by now. On a lark, I googled him. Son of a bitch was back working with his old firm. I guess they couldn't hire him outright because of his record, but he was listed as a consultant. I was furious for a moment. Then I thought, "What the hell. He was punished enough." I wondered if he was back with his family.

Sam and I opted to take a bus to New York. A car is a definite liability in The Big Apple. The only time we would need one, would be on our stake out, and we could rent one for a few hours.

We didn't want to miss out on the shows we wanted to see, which meant not using the last minute discount booth. Instead we bought tickets on line. We were also able to book a room in a discounted hotel, which was convenient to midtown Manhattan, and close to an Avis car rental location. Just because we had the money for better, we didn't want to blow it. While in New York, we did eat at very fine restaurants, but we avoided the most expensive. When we got home after the trip, our vacation account still had a hefty balance, and we were well on our way to having enough saved for our next vacation.

We arrived in New York on a Friday evening, and took a cab straight to the hotel. We had both worked a half day, and we were pretty tired so we spent the evening holed up in our room. We left a 5 AM wake up call, and picked up our pre-arranged rental car as soon as we were dressed.

We arrived at my old home town in the suburbs at 8 AM. We found a diner, and ate a quick breakfast. We were staked out in front of my ex-wife's house by 9 AM. Shortly after we arrived, Sam Holliman, the son of a bitch, came out of his house with his wife close behind. They walked across the lawn and knocked on the door. My ex-wife came out the front door just as her garage door opened. I could see a man in a late model BMW pull out of the garage. I couldn't get a good look at his face, but my stomach did flip flops. The three of them got into the car and drove off. I wondered if they were going out for brunch together. Suddenly I was very angry at my wife for consorting with the enemy, and with Ben for so easily resuming his old life. When I calmed down, I didn't envy them at all. I wouldn't change my current life for my old one for all the money in the world.

After they all left, Sam and I sat silently in the car. Neither of us was inclined to talk. About twenty minutes later, the garage door opened again. Two young men came out of the garage, wheeling bikes. One of them hit the code pad, and the door started down. They didn't put their helmets on until the door was closed all the way, so Sam and I got a good look. I was even able to take a picture although I feared it would be indistinct. We figured that they were about 6'3" tall. They had straight sandy blond hair, which they wore to halfway down their ears. I couldn't tell the color of their eyes, but I knew they were blue. They were stunningly handsome, and to prove my point, Sam muttered, "Wow."

They got on their bikes and started out for somewhere. Sam was at the wheel, and I begged him to follow them for a bit. He didn't think it was a good idea.

"They're on bikes," I said. "They can't be going very far."

Sam muttered something under his breath, but he started up the car. After about a half mile, they turned onto a business street, and secured their bikes on a rack in front of a gym. "No wonder they're hunks," Sam said. "They're going to work out."

As soon as they entered the building, Sam headed the car back to Manhattan and the car rental facility. I cried all the way back to the hotel. Poor Sam wanted to comfort me, but he just didn't know how.

When we got back to the hotel after our stakeout, we showered and shaved. It was Saturday and we had tickets to a matinee of a hit Broadway musical. We dressed nicely, and had lunch at one of the hundreds of luncheonettes that are present all over Manhattan. After lunch we headed to the theater. When we were in our seats, waiting for the curtain to rise, I said to Sam, "It's Saturday. Do you want to check out one of the gay bars we found in the gay yellow pages tonight?"

"Sure," he answered, "If you aren't too tired."

"Hey man," I smiled at Sam. "I'm not old yet. I'm good to go."

From the moment I had been arrested, my life had become surrealistic. In fact, it was downright weird. But what happened at the bar that evening, certainly took the cake. It was pretty bizarre.

It was Saturday night, so naturally the place was very busy. That having been said, it was not very noisy. We had done our research, and we knew that this place attracted a more mature crowd. We picked up our drinks, but there were no seats at the bar, and no empty tables, so we leaned against a wall, and kept our eyes open for a vacancy.

I took a good look at my surroundings. Most of the customers were middle aged men, but here and there I saw a young man. I figured he was either a hooker or some kid looking for a sugar daddy. Neither Sam nor I were facing the entrance so we failed to see two more young men enter the bar. As they approached the bar, they came into Sam's field of vision first.

"Oh my God," I heard him mumble.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's get out of here and go someplace else," he said.

I realized he had seen something that had shocked him, so I turned around and I saw the two young men myself. I nearly passed out. They were my twin sons, and they looked just like the other young hustlers in the place.

They ordered drinks, and the bartender carded them. He served them, so it was obvious that they had phony IDs. They were big guys and could easily pass for 21.

Sam and I work out and have good bodies. We are both handsome and look younger than our years. Still, anyone can see that we are mature men, and hopefully financially sound. I guess Karl and Kevin did not miss those attributes, because they zeroed right in on us, and began to approach us. I panicked. What would I say or do in the unlikely chance they recognized me?

I began to shake, and Sam whispered in my ear, "Stay calm and let me handle this."

"Are you guys looking for some action?" Karl asked.

"We're always up for it," Sam answered, flashing the twins a "come hither" smile.

"Where are you visiting from? You don't have a New York accent," Kevin asked.

"Bingo. We hail from way upstate New York, and we're on vacation. Enough questions! Where's the action you promised us?"

"Business first," Karl said. We get $250 for two hours for one of us, and $400 for the package deal from each of you." Sam smiled.

"I've never done twins before. We'll take the package."

My stomach was twisted into knots. I just learned that my sons were male hookers. It was all I could do to maintain my composure. Sam was well aware of my feelings. He looked at the boys and said, "I think my friend here needs some convincing. Give me a second alone with him, and I'll get him to agree. Don't go off with anyone else. I'm willing to pay the fee even if he isn't."

I thought that Sam had gone mad and betrayed me. But he took me aside, and said, "We'll get them into our hotel room, and I'll flash my badge. After scaring the daylights out of them, you can reveal who you are, tell them how much you love them, and ask them what you can do to steer them away from prostitution."

"Let's do it," I mumbled. "I have nothing to lose and everything to gain." We went back to the twins and Sam told them that it was a go.

"How did you get here?" Sam asked.

"Public transportation," one of them mumbled.

"Okay," I said, "I'll get us a cab."

As soon as we entered our room, Kevin said, "Good, there are two queen-sized beds. We can split up."

"Not on your life," Sam said. "I want both of you together."

"Whatever you want," Karl smiled at Sam. Then he started to take off his muscle shirt.

"Put you shirt back on," Sam ordered menacingly, "and both of you sit down."

There was only one chair in the room, so they sat on one of the beds, looking a little frightened at Sam's harsh tone. He flashed his badge. "I'm a police officer," he said. "I know full well that you are minors, seventeen at most. In fact I know who you are. You're the Scott twins, aren't you?" By now the twins had turned ashen and they were shaking.

"How did you know?" Karl asked. He was hyperventilating, and it was hard to understand him.

"Because this handsome guy here, who you wanted to have sex with, is your father."

The boys were too shocked to speak, so I took advantage of the silence.

"Boys," I sobbed. "I love you. I have always loved you, but your mother prevented me from seeing you by taking out restraining orders. I wanted to be in your lives, but she wouldn't allow it. Please believe me."

Apparently Kevin and Karl were still speechless. Sam put his arm around one of them, and I did the same to the other.

"She told us that you didn't want to see us or have anything to do with us," Kevin said.

"Lies!" I sobbed out. "The one thing I wanted most in the world was to see you and have you in my life."

"I can attest to the fact that your father sends you plenty of support money, and that he has agreed to pay for your college educations. Why are you prostituting yourselves?" Sam asked.

Kevin composed himself enough to speak up. "Mom told us that she couldn't afford to send us to college, and that our dad wouldn't help. We're doing this to get enough money together to at least attend a local community college."

"Bitch!!" I yelled, and then I apologized to my sons for calling their mother a bitch. By now the twins and I were sobbing heavily, and I was trying to hug each one in turn. When we had settled down a little, Sam asked the twins where they had hoped to go to school.

"University of Buffalo," Kevin said. "It's as far away from our mother as we could get, and still go to a state university."

"We live in a small town just outside of Buffalo," Sam said. "You guys could live with us. It's an easy commute to the university, and we'll get you a car to help out."

The two boys looked at each other and fell into each other's arms. They were sobbing and kissing each other, and not in a brotherly way.

I couldn't hold back. "Are you two making it together?" Instead of answering, one of them asked, "Are you two a couple? You said WE live just outside of Buffalo. Do you live together?"

"Yes," I answered proudly, and I took Sam's hand. "I love this man with all my soul." The twins smiled at us for the first time.

"Then I can tell you," Karl said. "When we were little, nobody showed us any love. We began to sleep together by way of comforting each other. You're men; you can figure out what happened." He turned toward me. "That won't make any difference in how you feel about us, will it."

"Of course not. Until I met Sam, I would have sworn that I could never love another man, nor make love to one. How wrong I was. If you two guys love each other that much, then make love with each other whenever you can."

After I said that, both of them enveloped me in a bear hug with lots of sloppy kisses. I thought I would die from so much happiness." Sam just stood by and smiled. Finally, he said. "We have to talk about the future. Have you applied to Buffalo for admittance?"

"Yes, secretly, and we have been accepted." Karl said.

"That's great," I said. "You'll be eighteen in three weeks, and graduating high school in about six weeks. Inform Buffalo that you are coming, and give me the first semester bills. You can skip housing. I'm not obligated to pay any more alimony or child support when you turn eighteen, so I'll have all that money to spend on your education."

"And as your stepfather I intend to chip in also." Sam mumbled. The twins let go of me, and hugged Sam.

Then one of them said to me, "Dad (he called me Dad) "Can we stay here tonight?"

"Sure but won't your mother worry?" "Nah," Kevin said. "We often stay out all night, and she never asks where we were or what we were doing. I don't think she gives a shit." Karl laughed.

"At least you know what we have been up to."

"Yes," I said, "and it stops right here and right now."

"Great," Kevin said. "Most of our customers are sloppy old men. We thought that we had hit a lucky streak, when we saw you two guys in the bar, and you accepted our proposal. Do you know how hot you both are?"

Sam and I became extremely uncomfortable, and Sam said, "Don't even think about it."

"Why not?" Karl asked. "We just met tonight. We don't have any father-son bonds...yet."

"What are you saying?" I asked, afraid to hear the answer. "No way," I said with authority.

"Let's get some sleep and spend the day together tomorrow," Sam said in his usual practical manner.

"That'll be great," they said in unison.

They began to undress and were stripped in no time. I was shocked that they stripped all the way. Wow, were those boys well hung, but not as well as I was.

"Let's see what you've got, Dad. Did we inherit our shlongs from you?"

Sam and I could do nothing, but strip completely. When the boys saw us, they whistled. I wanted to say, "Don't get any ideas," but somehow, something told me to keep quiet. Sam and I climbed into one bed, and the boys into the other. Immediately, I could hear them start to make love. I didn't want to look, so I turned to Sam and began to fondle him. He did the same to me. Both boys climaxed, and not too quietly. Their orgasms were so close together, I reckoned they had just had a session of sixty-nine. I was beside myself with lust, but I couldn't bring myself to make love to Sam with my sons in the same room. They had different ideas.

In the middle of the night, I woke up to that magnificent feeling that someone was sucking my cock. I thought it was Sam, and I was mad at him for doing it with the boys in the next bed. As I was emerging from the twilight zone, I realized that Sam was lying at my side, snoring lightly. It wasn't Sam sucking my cock. When I was fully awake, I realized that one of the twins was down on me, and the other was down on Sam. I wanted to stop them, but it was way too late. The deed was done, and I felt my orgasm starting in my loins. I think Sam felt the same way. We gushed almost simultaneously, and the boys swallowed everything.

Whichever twin it was that got me off, whispered in my ear, "I love you too. You're not only our father, you're our savior."

Somehow both husky men managed to squeeze into bed with us. Sam and I didn't mind the close quarters at all. The next morning was Sunday, and we lingered in bed all morning. The four of us played together. The twins orgasmed several times, but Sam and I only once, and it was a whopper. When my boys fucked me, the lust I felt was unparalleled in all my years. My orgasm overwhelmed me. I was so happy that the twins had not been shy, and had made love to us.

They went home that afternoon because they had school the next day. Sam and I exchanged E Mail addresses with them, so that we could stay in touch. We saw them off at the train station, and we were all misty eyed. Their mother never asked where they had been. Perhaps she hadn't even missed them. As for me, I was never happier in my life, even happier than when I met Sam.

Right after graduation, the twins packed everything they wanted to take with them, and shipped the cartons off to us. Their mother asked what they were doing. At least she showed an interest.

"We're going to live with our father," Karl said gleefully.

"And you can't stop us," Kevin added.

They took a bus to Buffalo, and we met them at the bus terminal. I kept crying and none of them could get me to stop. We got the boys settled in the guest room (now their room), and drove to a nearby Walmart. Sam had heard that they were understaffed and were hiring.

Both boys got summer jobs there. The female manager drooled when she interviewed them, and told them they could work part time once school began.

We were all happy, and we went out for a celebration dinner.

The four of us created a happy home, filled with love, and lots of sex.

When the boys graduated from the university, they both got jobs in Buffalo, so they continued to live with us. I had never known such happiness and contentment, and I owed it all to Sam Holliman for deceiving me, and getting me a jail sentence.

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