The Prize

By ken blackwood

Published on Jul 10, 2004


LEGAL STUFF: If you are under age, don't read this. If it's illegal to be caught with this material where you live, don't read this. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions of tg, ff, mm, mf, group, oral, anal, cum swapping, sex toys, incest, adult/youth, mind control, voyeurism, smoking, drinking and light water sports. If this offends you, do not read this. This story is fictitious and any similarities to real events or people and strictly coincidental. So if you read this and think it's you or someone you know, it isn't. This story, or any portion of it, may not be sold or distributed without permission from the author. Copyright(c)2004. The author may be contacted at email address:

This story is divided into chapters (0 - XX). To find a particular place in the story from where you left off, use the FIND function of your web browser and search for the word 'CHAPTER'. If you are using Internet Explorer, select EDIT and then FIND.


I woke up yesterday morning in a hospital room wearing the typical green grown. There were two doctors and a nurse talking, and I had no clue how I got here or why I was here. One of the doctors leaned toward me and said, "Good morning. How are you feeling today?"

I was real groggy and said, "Okay I guess. Where am I?" The doctor said, "I'm Doctor Graft and you're in Johnston Memorial Hospital. One of our ER nurses found you unconscious outside the ER door last night. Other than a very large bump on your head, you should be fine. Can you give us your name?"

I thought for a minute and I had no clue who I was. I was looking in the mirror across the room and saw myself, and it didn't even register. I was gorgeous, maybe 26 years old, light brown hair and big green eyes, and my boobs were huge. I smiled to see my teeth and moved one of my arms to check to make sure it was me, and it definitely was me in the mirror. I said, "I can't remember anything. I don't even recognize myself in the mirror. Did I have any ID with me?"

The nurse put a gym bag on the bed and opened it. I looked inside and found a bunch of office cloths, some smelly workout cloths, and a small change purse that had six hundred dollar bills in it and a few twenties. Nothing else. The other Doctor said, "I'm Doctor Langley, and we already looked through your things. I wanted to run some tests this morning, and we'll have someone call the police to see if you match any missing person's report. It may be a little soon, as I think it takes 24 hours for their system to know about any report that's been filed. Have some breakfast and we'll be back in a few hours. The nurse will help you up to use the bathroom."

The nurse had me sit up and I felt fine. She held my arm, as I got up and walked me to the bathroom. This was so embarrassing. I didn't even remember how to take a pee. I said, "I can't even remember how to go. What could have possibly happened to me?" The nurse walked me into the bathroom and helped me sit down. I peed and she handed me some toilet paper to wipe myself. She helped me back to the bed and I stopped to look at myself in the full length mirror. The nurse said, "Look familiar yet?"

I pulled off the hospital gown and stood naked looking at myself. I was absolutely gorgeous and my boobs were huge. There wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere, and it just didn't register. It was like I was looking at someone else. I put back on the gown and walked back to the bed. The nurse said, "Press the white buzzer if you need anything." She left and closed the door behind her.

I ate the breakfast they left for me on the hospital tray. I absolutely hated the hospital gown, so I untied it. I lay back in the bed under the covers and pulled the gown off. That felt so much better.

I was trying so hard to remember anything and had my hand over the top of my clit. My fingers touched it softly and it felt so good. I rubbed myself a little and then a little more. I put my other hand on my breast and squeezed softly and rubbed my nipple. Oh did this feel great. I kept rubbing my clit and I had these pictures of people in my head. There was a woman, named Kathy, that was naked with me and a guy, but I couldn't see his face. Kathy was kissing me and I could almost feel her lips touching mine.

I rubbed my clit faster and pinched my nipple, as I saw in my head Kathy sucking my nipples and then the two of us licking each other's pussy. We both knelt in front of the guy that was there and we sucked his cock. I could almost feel his shaft going into my mouth and his cum shooting onto my tongue. I rubbed my clit harder, as I saw inside my head Kathy kissing me again while we swallowed the cum that was in my mouth.

My hand was rubbing my clit at the speed of light and I jerked and spasmed in an orgasm. I relaxed and put two of my fingers into my pussy and felt it twinging. Oh did this ever feel good. I pulled my fingers out and put them in my mouth and sucked my juices off of them. I rolled on my side and fell back to sleep.

Doctor Langley woke me up and said, "Good news. It appears as though your name is Jean Edwards and there is someone here who is worried sick about you. I explained that you may not recognize her and that you seem to have amnesia. Would you like me to bring her in?" I said, "Yeah, sure."

The doctor opened the door to my room and said, "Come on in." It was Kathy, the woman that I saw in my mind as I masturbated. She was beautiful and ran over to the bed. She gave me a big hug and had tears in her eyes smiling at me. I said, "Kathy right?" She nodded her head yes and hugged me again.

The doctor said, "We're going to run a few tests, and Kathy can come with us. The nurse will bring you down in few minutes." Kathy hugged me again and then smiled at me. She has running her hand through my hair and said, "Jen, we have been worried sick. Do you remember anything at all about us?" I said, "A little bit, but it's mostly just empty nothing. You look so beautiful. I don't even recognize myself in the mirror."

Kathy got real close to my face and said softly, "Maybe you'll remember this." She gave me the wettest, sloppiest kiss with her tongue out. I was really getting into it and I had goose bumps down my back. She put her arms around me, as I kissed her back and sucked her tongue. We kissed for over 10 minutes exploring each other's mouth with our tongues. Then we hugged again. I smiled at her and said, "I remember that." Kathy had a tear in her eye again and I wiped it for her. She smiled so pretty and said, "There is so much I have to tell you. Lets have the doctor do the tests and get you out of here, Doctor Jen Edwards."

I looked at her funny and she said, "You heard me right." I said, "Doctor of what?" Kathy said, "PhD, Same as me. Bio-medical plus we both finished med school but decided not to practice. We are both doing DNA and gene research." I started to remember bits and pieces and I said, "DNA blue print mapping and modeling for Tridyne labs. The Curtis project for the DOD. Who is John and isn't my name Jean?"

Kathy smiled at me and said, "He works with us and we have been best friends with him and his wife Dawn for 5 years. Don't try to remember everything at once. Let them do the tests first. Everyone calls you Jen, but your real name is Jean. God, I'm so glad you're okay."

Kathy kissed me again and this time it was so passionate. I sat up on the bed and my gown fell off as I put my arms around her. We kissed and kissed. I held her tight and she was breathing so hard. She whispered into my ear, "Jen, you're getting me so hot honey, we need to stop. I'm dripping wet." We both laughed, as the nurse came in.

The nurse wheeled me down to have some tests done and Kathy said, "I need to make some calls and let everyone know you're okay. I'll be with you in a few minutes." The nurse wheeled me into an x-ray room and they took pictures of my head, and then into an MRI room where I had to lay in a tunnel type of tube. I was wheeled into a waiting room and Kathy walked up to me and took hold of my hand. The nurse sat me up in the stretched and Kathy said, "Your mother and John are coming to the house this afternoon. They can help you remember."

Doctor Langley came into the waiting room and said, "Everything checks out. Your memory should return over the next few days. You had a pretty serious blow to the head, about 12 stitches worth if I remember right, but the concussion is gone. There is no swelling and no clots. I'm going to discharge you. If you have any problems at all, dizziness, breathing, vision, get back here stat. Any questions?"

I shook my head no and he put his hand on my shoulder and said, "You'll remember. Just give it some time. You have a friend here who really cares about you." Kathy smiled and wheeled me back to my room walking with the nurse. She said, "I have some cloths for you in the car. I'll be right back and don't go anywhere!" The nurse laughed at her and wheeled me back into my room. The nurse said to me, "You have a great friend."

Kathy came back into the room and gave me a bunch of cloths and helped me get dressed. My head still hurt a little when I moved in certain ways and Kathy had to help me put my shirt on. It was a Harley Davidson Motor Cycle tee shirt and Kathy said, "It's one of mine, but it looks good on you; especially with those blue Jeans."

She put a little makeup on me and said, "Jen, your hair is a disaster, we'll shower later." Kathy kissed me again and I loved it.

I was discharged and Kathy drove us home in a new Corvette. She said, "Recognize the car? It's yours." I really didn't and said, "Not at all. Kathy, how old am I?" She smiled and said, "31 and I'm 30."

Kathy took out a cigarette and put it in her lips, and gave me the pack. I took one and lit it, and then reached over and lit hers for her also. I took a deep drag of the cigarette and I was remembering certain things now, as I watched Kathy blow out the smoke toward the open window.

Kathy put the cigarette in her lips, as she downshifted from sixth into third gear and floored the gas pedal. She passed a line of cars in about 3 seconds. She took a drag of the cigarette and put it in her fingers on the shifter and said, "This thing flies. Wow do I love driving this car." I smiled at her and was remembering how nuts she was driving my car.

We pulled into a garage of a very modern house and Kathy said, "We're home." I saw two other cars in the garage and she said, "That's our Jeep and Mercedes." We walked into the house and some of it looked real familiar; other things just didn't register. Kathy gave me the tour of the whole house and it seemed so strange. I knew it was my house, but I just couldn't remember most of it.

We sat in the kitchen and Kathy made us some coffee and lit a cigarette. She took a drag and said while blowing out the smoke, "When your mother and John get here we'll tell you everything. They are bringing lots of photos also. We have about two hours. You feel good enough for a shower? I want to wash that blood out of your hair."

I reached for Kathy's hand and put her cigarette in my lips and took a drag and handed it back. She smiled at me and said, "Jen, you are never going to believe us when we tell you everything. Just remember when you are saying to us - Kathy you're full of shit, that I told you this. Trust me, it's all true. Come on, let's wash you up."

I took another drag of Kathy's cigarette and handed it back to her as we walked upstairs to the master bedroom. I got undressed and so did Kathy, and we went into the bathroom together. She turned on the shower and we let it run until it got fairly warm and then we both stepped under the water.

Kathy washed me everywhere and was so careful with my hair around the lump. Then she held me close and said, "Wash me too." I washed her the same way, and she loved it. She held her head back and rinsed the shampoo out of her hair and then held me so tight. She kissed me again and I got tingles all over. Her breasts were touching mine and she started to rub my nipples. I did the same to her and she moaned into my ear, "Lets get dried off and lay down."

We got out of the shower and dried each other off. Kathy took my hand and lay me down on the bed and we kissed again. We had our arms around each other and were caressing each other. Kathy held my breasts and I held hers as she licked and sucked my nipples. Oh, did this feel good. She put her warm lips over my nipple, wet it with saliva, and then sucked gently flicking her tongue over it. I did the same thing to her and she moaned so loud, "Sweetheart, that feels so good. Please, don't stop." I felt a tingling in between my legs and then Kathy put a finger into my pussy. She moved it around and I kissed her so hard.

We kissed, caressed, licked, and sucked each other's breasts until we were so turned on. I rubbed her clit and she rubbed mine, while we had our legs on each other, lying on our sides. Kathy rubbed me faster and I moaned, "I'm cumming. Oh, faster! Faster! Oh! OHHH! OH! Ooooo, that feels so good." I rubbed Kathy as fast as I could and she jerked and bucked her pussy against my hand and kissed me again.

Kathy got up and lay on her side in a 69 position with me. She put her hands on my pussy lips to open me up wider and her tongue into my pussy, licking me slowly. She pushed in so deep and wiggled her tongue and then licked me from the bottom to the top. My entire body was on fire. I did the same thing to her and she reached her arms around my ass and pulled my pussy into her face. She sucked my entire slit in her mouth. I went wild doing the same thing to her. We both jerked uncontrollably into each other's face and kept going. I sprayed my juices into her mouth 3 times, and she orgasmed four times. We licked each other for almost an hour and then lay next to each other again and kissed. We tasted each other's tongue kissing.

Kathy held me so close and whispered into my ear, "I love you more than you could ever imagine. Don't say anything yet. Wait until later today." I kissed her again and I felt it also. I said, "I know I feel the same way."

Kathy had a tear running down her face and kissed me so softly. We hugged again and she said, "Lets get dressed."

We got up and Kathy lit us both a cigarette. She had to help me with my shirt again. This time she licked my nipples before pulling it over my head. I was dripping wet again and kissed her. She smiled and said, "Lets go down stairs."


We went back to the kitchen to have another cup of coffee and finish our cigarettes. The door bell rang and two people came in. I didn't recognize either of them. Kathy introduced them as my mother, Peg, and one of our best friends, John. I apologized for not knowing them and we all went into the den to talk.

My mother had a stack of photo albums and John had a loose leaf note book, two video tapes, and a lab note book. Kathy said, "I guess I should start. This is going to sound so unbelievable, but trust me, it's all true. Jen, I'm Kathy Edwards. Your wife. Twelve months ago you were a man. We had an accident in the lab and you almost died. You accidentally were injected with a series of drugs that we were testing for General Curtis's DOD project. You were about to inject a monkey, and the animal bit you and you stuck yourself. The drug was supposed to alter the money's gene's but as you know the genes and DNA mapping of a monkey and a human, are not even close. You were unconscious for over a week in a government hospital, as your entire body changed. You became a complete, 100 percent, woman, along with all the hormones. Jen, we were so much in love. We were, and still are, both bi- sexual. Honey, I love you just like I always have, and I think you already know that."

I was in complete shock. I listened to all of them talk and show me pictures. My mother said, "We don't mean to seem insensitive, but we already went through the biggest shock of our lives after the accident happened. We all really like you as a woman. You were such a lunatic as a man." John was laughing and said, "Kathy, you still have that empty bottle?"

Kathy walked into another room and came back with an empty bottle of Jack Daniels. She handed it too me, as John said, "This ring any bells?" I was thinking and I was remembering part of it. I said, "Did we go drinking at a pub that had a folk singer and it was all wood planks inside?" Kathy nodded her head, as John smiled, and I said, "Did I get really trashed and try to bite a woman's ass?"

John and Kathy were laughing and John said, "You did bite her ass. We were all drunk as hell and had to carry you out. You drank more than half of that bottle. They gave it to us as a memento. That was the day before the accident. You injected yourself because you were still half blasted and were tickling the fucking monkey."

I remembered it and was turning every possible shade of red and purple, as they all laughed. Kathy lit up a cigarette and handed it to me and lit one for herself. I said, "You taught me how to act and dress like a woman?" She said, "That was easy. Your hormones took over. Within two weeks after the accident you were more feminine that I am."

John said, "The government has kept this very secret. We all have a top- secret clearance and they are real serious about it. When General Curtis found out you were in a normal hospital they all panicked, until we told them that you had amnesia."

Kathy said, "That's why all your background and credentials are correct. Your name always was Jean, which can be a man or woman's name. You wanted us to call you Jen and we all liked it. All of the records were magically changed to indicate your were always a female. The only thing they couldn't change were our photos. If anyone finds out about these, we will all be in serious trouble. They also left our marriage license alone, as it would cause too many problems if they changed it. So honey, we are legally married lesbians." Kathy gave me a kiss and my mother looked the other way. John laughed at her.

We spent another hour talking and then they showed me two video tapes. The first was all edited clips. First it showed me as a man, and then the accident. Then we watched a time-lapse 30 minute film of my body changing in the hospital, which was followed by doctors giving me a physical exam.

The second videotape was all clips starting from when I was a kid and went through college. It showed me and Kathy playing in a rock band when I was in college. Then it had my college graduation, my doctorial, medical degree, and our wedding. Kathy was crying and put her head on my shoulder. I held her as I watched it. She said to me so softly, "Jen, I love you." I held her tight.

I was really built as a guy. They measured my height on the tape at 5'9, and I looked almost the same, maybe an inch shorter. As a man I was all muscle. My chest had to be a 46 or 48, and my waist was probably a 30. Then there were short movies of me as a woman with John, his wife Dawn, and Kathy on a camping trip in the mountains. I remembered a big part of it and was smiling. Kathy smiled at me and said, "You remember it don't you?" I nodded my head and she was so happy, as John said, "That trip we will never forget." Kathy and I both blushed and my mother said, "Jen, I don't want to know about it." Kathy laughed.

John stopped the tape and pressed fast forward. He said, "We wanted to make sure no one saw this, so we put it at the end of the tape. This is highly classified."

We saw a series of diagrams and overlays of my old face and body, and how it mapped to the new me. It also went into details of the chromosome changes, the DNA mapping, changes at the cellular level, sex organ changes, and an analysis of the drugs. There was also a genealogical exam on the tape and a detailed report of the findings. Kathy said to me, "They were so puzzled. We all were baffled."

John and Kathy showed me my lab notebook and I remember all of it. It even had my scribbled notes in the margin about a dinner party I remembered going to now. We finished going through it and I said, "How in the hell did I get this huge bump on my head and end up in the hospital?"

Kathy lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, and another, holding in the smoke. She exhaled and I took a drag of her cigarette, as she said, "We both went back to work after dinner and stayed really late to work on a presentation of the new drugs. I needed to finish up and you changed at the lab and jogged to the gym, which is open almost all night. I think you left at 1:30 in the morning. You told me to pick you up at the gym on the way home, and when I got there the night manager said you never showed up."

Kathy took another drag of her cigarette and said, "I called the police when you didn't come home by 4 this morning. John came over and we back tracked where you jogged and about a mile back was the hospital, so we stopped in there. We have no idea how you hit your head."

I was remembering bits and pieces of it and said, "I think I do now. I tripped. It was so dark out I couldn't see anything and I fell over some homeless guy sleeping on the sidewalk. He must have dragged me over to the ER room door where the nurse found me."

Kathy hugged me and I said, "Do we still have any of that left over veal from dinner last night before we went back to the lab?" She kissed me so hard and said, "Welcome back baby."

We talked to my mother for a while and I asked about all the relatives I could remember. I couldn't remember my father at all and I asked about him. My mother said, "He died when you were three years old. It's just been us two for a quite a while."

Kathy said, "I think Jen could use some rest and some more ice of the lump. You want to stay for dinner?" My mom and John hugged and kissed me, and then they both left.

Kathy sat on my lap and said, "You don't need any ice. I just wanted us to be alone. How about we have that left over veal, drink some wine, and go make love. We'll go to the lab tomorrow and let everyone know you're okay." Kathy and I kissed in the most passionate kiss. I said, "I remember all of it. I love you so much."

We went into the kitchen and we heated up dinner and had a glass of wine. We talked about the details of that camping trip and I remembered all of it. It was really hot. John fucked me, Kathy, and his wife Dawn, and we had sex as a foursome all night. Kathy and I sucked John's cock together and swallowed his cum. That's what I remembered this morning when I was rubbing my clit. I told Kathy about it and she laughed so hard.

Kathy said to me, "Do you remember what you told me the first time we made love after the accident?" I smiled and said, "That I was sure now that I was really a lesbian hiding inside a mans body and that this was better than anything I ever did before?" Kathy smiled and kissed me with a mouthful of food. We both laughed about it.

We finished dinner and went to sit in the den on the couch, with the bottle of wine. Kathy lit a cigarette and turned on the stereo to some soft music. She leaned back against me and I felt tingly all over. I put my arms around her and held one of her breasts and she leaned her head back and kissed me. She turned to face me more and said, "Doctor Edwards, can you please kiss Doctor Edwards and tell her how much you love her?"

We kissed and held each other and I must have said I love you twenty times. I remember everything now, as Kathy was taking off my cloths and hers, and tossing them. We both laughed when my panties landed on the dog, Ruffles, and he was trying to get them off his head. Kathy said, "You remember why we named him Ruffles?" I said, "Because his skin is so wrinkled he looks like a Ruffles potato chip."

Kathy knelt on the floor lay between my legs and she licked my pussy and sucked me until I was flowing like a river. I held her head to me and moaned so load, "Oh honey that feels so good. Don't stop. Oh, I going to cum any second. Lick it just like that again. Oh God, does that feel good. Oh! OH! OOOH! OOOOH! Suck it all in! Swallow! OOOOOHHHHHH! Mmmmmmmmm. I love the way that felt. Come kiss me."

Kathy lay on top of me and we kissed. I tasted my juices in her mouth and I sucked in her saliva and swallowed it. She kissed me softly and said, "Lets just go bed. I want to eat you alive and fuck our brains out." Kathy carried the wine and cigarettes, and I took the glasses to the bedroom.

We lay in the bed and I ate her pussy for over an hour. She came so many times I could feel her muscles twinging on my tongue as I swallowed over and over again. Kathy was begging me to kiss her and I moved up to lie next to her. We kissed, as she sucked my tongue and swallowed. I go so turned on. I sucked her nipples and she reached into the nightstand and took out our favorite double ended dildo and smiled at me saying, "You ready to get fucked?"

We started by sitting facing each other with our legs wide apart. Out pussies were almost touching and one of my legs was over top of hers, and one of hers was over top of mine. We both put our dildo that we call Doctor Curtis inside our pussies and pushed ourselves together. Our clits touched and it was like a bolt of lightening went through us. We went wild on each other, grinding pussies on each other and fucking. We had our arms around each other and kissed, holding each other up. We went wild for almost a half hour and then we both had a huge orgasm. Kathy screamed, "Oh my God! Yes! YYYYEEESSSS! OH! Oh my God I'm juicing again! Jen, Kiss me! Kiss me! OHHHH! OOOH! Ooooo honey, kiss me."

Kathy and I were lip locked as she pushed her tongue almost down my throat. We were rubbing our pussies together and I jerked and bucked on her uncontrollably. She kissed me so hard and held me. They we stopped moving and just kissed each other softly. Kathy hugged me and whispered in my ear, "Lets get in our favorite position after I eat you alive."

We both moved and lay on our sides in a 69 position. Kathy and I ate each other's pussies until we both had three more orgasms. She sprayed her juices into my mouth so much, I had trouble swallowing fast enough and it was dripping down my cheek. I moved to lie next to her and we kissed with such passion and held each other. God, how could have ever forgotten her?

Kathy reached for her pack of cigarettes and lit one up. She took a deep drag and then held it to my lips. I took a drag and held in the smoke, as she smiled at me saying, "I think we need to keep going for at least another couple of hours. How `bout you honey?" I said, "Kathy, I could do this all night, every night. You know that."

Kathy took Doctor Curtis and put it inside my pussy, and closed my legs a little. She put the cigarette in her lips and sat straddling me with the dildo in her pussy. She took a deep drag of the cigarette and leaned forward and kissed me. I felt the dildo moving in my cunt, and it felt so good, as Kathy slowly moved her pussy on mine. Our pussy lips were touching each other and she said, "I know you love this and so do I. I'm going to keep going until we can't move."

Kathy took another drag of her cigarette and then held it to my lips again. I took a deep drag, and then another, and held in the smoke, slowly blowing out a thin stream into the air. Kathy took another drag and then put the cigarette out. She leaned forward and kissed me, wrapping her arms and legs around me. She rolled us on out side and we fucked like lunatics. She was right. After 3 hours neither one of us could move. We lay laughing at each other after we both must have had 10 orgasms.

I lit us a cigarette and we lay on the pillow talking about everything. My memory was back to 100 percent and I was so glad. Kathy told me it was the sex that did it. I agreed and she kissed me so softly.

We fell asleep holding each other, with our legs over each other. I had the best dreams that I ever had.


Kathy woke me up at 6 AM by kissing me softly. I felt her tongue gently moving in my mouth and loved it. I pretended to be sleeping still and then she really kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed for the longest time. She said, "We have an hour to kill baby before we have to get up. How about a morning cocktail?" I smiled at her and she lay on top of me in a 69 position. We ate each other senseless. I must have swallowed 20 times, and I heard Kathy's tongue slurping in my muff the entire time.

Kathy got off of me and we kissed and cuddled until the alarm went off. She turned off the alarm and took my hand, as we went into the bathroom. Kathy put her arms around me and we kissed again with such passion standing next to the shower stall. I reached in and turned on the water and Kathy licked my nipples. It felt really good and she knew it. She laughed and pulled me into the shower. We both peed in the running water and washed each other. My head was still soar and Kathy parted my hair with her hands and counted the stitches. I had 11. It must have been a huge cut.

We dried off and got dressed for work. We both put on makeup and then went into the kitchen for breakfast. I love to cook breakfast and she gets so pissed at me sometimes because she wants to do it. It's always been that way, even before the accident. I started cooking and she begged me to let her help today and I said yes. "Kathy was jumping up and down and smiling." It's such a piss because most people hate to do this. We both love to cook.

We sat down and ate and had a cup of coffee, and a cigarette while listening to the news on the radio. We both heard something on the news and looked at each and said at the same time, "Oh fuck." Every time there is some escalating threat of war, the General turns up the pressure on our research. It sucks. General Curtis calls my research group the intelligent juvenal delinquents. He's actually pretty close to the truth.

Kathy tossed me the keys to the Mercedes and we left for the 10 mile drive to work. This place is way overboard with security, it's insane. The entire research facility is underground. We have to go through three security checks before we even can get into the elevators and then another one when we get out of the elevators. All with armed guards, most about 19 years old. The group in the lab jokes with them all the time, and the security police are so serious. We were taking bets as to who will get shot first.

Kathy and I lit a cigarette before we went into the complex, as it takes so long to get through security into a place where you can smoke. We only go three times during the day. We pulled into the security check to park the car and always wave into the cameras. These guys hate that. Then we went through the typical process and metal detectors to get to the elevators, and eventually to the lab.

We walked into the lab and everyone yelled, "Surprise!" Kathy and I blushed so bad. She was laughing and said, "Whose idea was this?" John said, "Me. We have exactly 18 minutes until the guards see that we blocked the cameras again."

I noticed they had all the lab coats hanging over the cameras and Jill, one of the associates said, "Hi Boss. Welcome back. Have some cake."

We all had some cake and a few people were asking how I felt and the best question was from Nancy, another PhD researcher, who said, "Which was worse? Waking up thinking you were a man to find out you were a woman, or waking up thinking you were a woman, to find out you use to be a man?"

Everyone was waiting for an answer and I winked at Kathy and said, "How in fuck would I know something like that?" Kathy and John were trying not to laugh as a few people said, "Oh no, he doesn't remember?" Kathy lost it laughing and said, "He's being a shit head again. So which one was worse?"

I said, "Shell shock both times. Take your pick." Kathy kissed me and everyone gave a fake sigh. We were all mostly nuts, and loved it. One of the few security guards that spoke to us stuck his head in the door and said, "Hand me a piece of cake and get cleaned up. The asshole General is here."

We handed him some cake and we cleaned everything up. We had just finished and I was pretending to be having a team meeting when the grumpy general walked in. We were actually discussing the chemical compounds in food preservatives, and he had no idea. Everyone tried not to laugh. One of the staff, Robert, is incredibly brilliant, but is more of a wiseass than anyone. He asked the General if he agreed with his last comment which had to do with the compounds used to preserve Jelly, and the General nodded his head yes. I almost lost it. I could see tears filling Kathy's eyes, as she was biting her lip.

The general likes to bark. Everyone word is louder than then last. He said to me. "Doctor Edwards! Report your progress!"

I gave him a detailed report on where we were and we were actually way ahead of schedule. He barked back "Good! Now get back to work!" and walked out. As soon as he went into the elevator everyone was laughing hysterically, and Robert's first remark was, "I know he likes me a lot. I could tell by his smile." I thought Jill was going to piss in her pants. Then I did have a real team meeting.

We were all on a government DOD sponsored project that was researching drugs that effected human DNA, chromosomes, and general body chemistry without killing anyone, or having lasting effects. The idea that someone in congress came up with was quite simple. What if the enemy decided that they just didn't want to fight? Maybe go home and hang curtains, cook dinner, go shopping, or something else. Our job was to find a way of altering body chemistry on a temporary basis, radically changing the person's mood, as we like to call it.

The first few experiments with lab monkeys, rats, and cats, were a disaster. We managed to turn a cat into something that was more aggressive than a lion. Then we had our first break through and actually made a 400 pound Gorilla into a lab pet. We named him Clara, but the effects were permanent. He's actually in the local zoo now and is the calmest thing on earth. We all thought that was a great solution, but the general told us "No!" We all realized that this could put him, and lot of other lunatics out of a job.

Our next breakthrough came at my expense, which was the accident. To be honest with you, I'm much happier now as a woman than I was as a man. Kathy always tells me the only thing I was missing before was hormones and boobs. I already had the long hair.

We managed to isolate parts of the effects of the drugs that I was injected with, and so far the results look pretty good. We have successfully taken a monkey, so doped up on and wired on adrenalin that it was bending the bars in it's cage, and turned it into a Clara type happy go lucky pet, and had it last about a week. We only used a microscopic amount of the drug. The General wants the drug to be manufactured into a bomb that can be dropped on enemy forces. We actually like the idea, as it stops most of the killing. Besides we all make a shit load of money here and goof off a lot.

Most of the staff treats me as a woman, except John. He and I have been friends for years. We are both bi-sexual and had sex before the accident a number of times. He still pats me on my ass and jokes with me like I still had a dick; except of course when we are in bed, like on our last camping trip. Then I'm one beautiful babe, which I know I am anyway. It doesn't really matter, as I like him just the way he is.

I hired two new staff members last month and when one of them learned about the accident, he totally flipped out thinking it could happen to him also, and quit. The other was real cool with it and told me we should duplicate the drug and open a clinic to treat the sexually confused. If we wouldn't get shot or end up in some military prison for treason, it's actually not a bad idea. We all talked about it a coupled of times.

We were all working on our special projects within the overall plan, and Kathy came over to me at noon and said, "Lunch time sweetheart. Lets hit the underground jail." We call the cafeteria the underground jail. It's the only place where you can eat or smoke, but has armed guards inside and out, and a security search. It is so ridicules.

John and Dawn joined us. We all left our lab coats in my glass walled office and Kathy took her cigarettes and a lighter, as we went to the underground jail. We all joked with the security guards and they are so serious. One asked us what we were researching and we really are not supposed to tell anyone. I said, "We were making happy pills." It was the one time we saw any of them smile. Kathy smacked my ass and said, "If someone heard you we all get in so much trouble."

We sat at a table and Kathy lit me and her a cigarette. I took a drag and said, "Anyone get anywhere this morning?" John actually did and was explaining to us what he did and I told him to set up for another animal test using his results this afternoon. I took a drag of my cigarette and Kathy put her arm over my shoulder and leaned sideways against me. I watched her slowly blow the smoke out of her nose and she smiled at me and whispered into my ear, "Jen honey, this is getting you hot isn't it?"

I nodded my head yes and she gave me a quick kiss and leaned against me harder. John and Dawn were both giggling and shaking their heads, as Dawn lit a cigarette also. John said, "You feel okay for the white water rafting trip we planned for this weekend still?" I said, "Sure. Kathy, when do I get the stitches out? Did they tell you at the hospital?" Kathy smiled at me and said, "Some doctor you are, they dissolve when it's healed. You don't have to worry about it honey."

We finished our cigarettes and then had some of the worst tasting food on the planet. We tell each other it's good for the diet, because it's impossible to eat more than a small portion. We had some mud coffee and another cigarette, as we talked about the trip.

The afternoon flew by, as we all had roles in the experiment. Kathy and I will not do any of the injections any more, and anyone who does always wears protective arm wear and gloves. We all take extreme precautions. This is one of the few rules I have in the lab. Everyone understands it and agrees with it.

John's experiment looked really good and now all we had to do was monitor the results. The monkey went from absolutely crazy to playing with a small ball we left in the cage. I had two of the associates staying tonight to record everything, and two others checking over the weekend. We also had a time- lapse camera running where it takes 10 seconds of film, every 15 minutes. If the General didn't lock up the security tapes from the room cameras four times a day, we could use those. None of us could figure out what he hoped to find on those tapes, except maybe one of us picking our nose in front of the camera to get someone pissed off.

It was quitting time and we all had to go through the same procedures to leave. If anyone ever found that lab notebook John smuggled out, we would all be in jail for a very long time. He brought it back in, and I told him I didn't even want to how he did it.

Kathy and I got into the Benz and we told John and Dawn we'd see then early in the morning for the trip, and we left. I lit us both a cigarette and Kathy took a deep drag, and another, holding in the smoke. I did the same thing and then we both exhaled. She said, "How about a nice dinner out tonight Doctor Edwards?" I said, "I'd love to Doctor Edwards." Kathy smiled and picked up the cell phone. She opened it and said, "Baby, can you press memory button 7?"

I pressed it and handed it back to her. Kathy made us reservations at a great place we love to eat at and we went straight there. It's an Italian restaurant where the manager knows us, as we eat there so much. He knew us before the accident and all he said afterwards was, "It could have been worse. You could have ended up as an ugly woman." Kathy and I both cracked up.

When we got there they parked our car and we got our usual table in the back corner, away from everyone. It was a circular booth that's about as private as you can get in a public place. We both love it because of the atmosphere also. The lights are dim and they always have a dinner band playing real soft music. A waiter took our drink order and said, "Usual tonight?" Kathy looked at me and ordered the two dished we both love, and had them split it onto two plates. She snuggled over to me and I lit her a cigarette. She put her hand on my leg under the table and I was getting hot. She smiled at me and kissed me so wet and sloppy. I kissed her back and she said, "You're getting my motor running."

I lit a cigarette also, as the waiter brought us a bottle of wine and poured us two glasses. Kathy toasted me and said, "Here's to remembering." We clicked glasses and drank our wine. Then she put her face right next to mine and so our lips were inches apart and starred into my eyes. I starred into her eyes also and we kissed. We were definitely in lust with each other.

We both took a drag of our cigarettes and Kathy moved her hand up higher on my leg and moved my skirt up. I was doing the same thing to her and she was getting so flushed. I moved my hand up even higher and put my fingers inside of her panties on her pussy. Kathy's eyes almost bugged out of her head and I said, "Is there a problem?" She looked at me and kissed me so hard and moved her hand up to my pussy also. We were both rubbing each other's clit under the tablecloth.

Kathy was breathing heavy and I kissed her again. She said, "Jen honey, I want to go home and make love, as soon as we finish eating. That feels so good baby." The waiter brought our dinner and we both kept our hands on each other's clit. I rubbed her so fast after the waiter left and she did the same to me, we both had an orgasm while we kissed. Kathy smiled at me and said, "The seats are soaked."

We finished eating and I lit us a cigarette to share. We had some more wine, as the dinner band started to play. Kathy said to me, "You know we haven't been white water rafting since before the accident. We may have to rethink what we do, because you don't have the strength that you did before." I said, "We also have to rebalance the raft on where we sit. I only weigh 130 pounds. The place we rent the stuff from can help us. They have an expert there that sets everyone up." We were both getting a little nervous about the trip as this was really fast rapids, especially this time of year.

I took a drag of my cigarette and blew out the smoke, as Kathy held my arm. She said, "You want to dance or fuck?" I smiled and said, "Fuck." She said, "Me too. Lets get out of here."

We paid the check and drove the few miles home. Kathy was all over me, and I was the same way with her, as we went up to bed. We undressed each other and lay down in bed and kissed and caressed each other for a long time. We both loved to just be close to each other sometimes.

I held one of my breasts up to Kathy's mouth and she licked it and sucked it so good. Then I did it with the other one also. Kathy was getting hot and said, "Show me how you can lick your own nipples baby. I love to watch you." I held each breast up to my mouth as I lowered my head, and sucked each nipple into my mouth and flicked my tongue over it. Kathy was getting so turned on watching me, and then she did it also. I dove into her breasts and sucked each nipple, licking my way between them. She moaned so loud as I touched her pussy with my other hand. Kathy found my wet spot also and I was on fire.

Kathy had four fingers in my pussy and was wiggling them and I was going crazy. I held her so tight and said, "Put your whole hand in me. Please, do it." Kathy pushed her thumb around by her fingers and pushed hard. Her entire hand was inside of me up past her wrist and I had an instant orgasm. I said, "Fuck me. Fuck me with your hand." Kathy fist fucked me and I was going crazy. I held her so tight and kissed her over and over again. She said, "Do me at the same time. Please Jen, make me feel like you are right now."

I reached my hand to her pussy and slowly slipped my whole hand in her. We fist fucked each other for a long time. I had at least four full blown orgasms, and she had five. We were so out of control. We lay on our sides in a 69 position and ate each other senseless. I swallow more of her juices than ever before. She was flowing like the river we were going to tomorrow. Kathy reached for the nightstand and took out our friend Doctor Curtis, the two ended dildo, and said, "Come here baby. We are going to make love all night. We can sleep in the car tomorrow."

I moved to be next to Kathy and this time she put Doctor Curtis in her pussy and said, "Sit on me sweetheart." I sat straddling her and rocked my pussy on hers. This felt so unbelievable. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms and legs around her. She wrapped her arms around me and we rolled onto our side. We fucked each other until we were so exhausted neither one of us could move. We rolled over so I was on my back and Kathy fucked me like a guy. We both screamed in orgasms. We rolled over 6 times in every possible position, and ended up back on our sides.

We stayed perfectly still and just kissed with Doctor Curtis still inside of us. Oh did this feel good. The bed was soaking wet underneath us and we both giggled about it. I said, "Lets roll over one more time to where we started. I want to be on top again."

We rolled over again and we both had an instant orgasm. Kathy screamed, "Oh my God. Oh my God! Again! Again! OOOOHHHHHHH! OOOOOOHHHHH! Kiss me! Kiss me! Jen, please kiss me sweetheart."

We kissed and I moaned into her mouth, as I came again second time and was grinding my pussy into hers. I didn't want this to stop, ever. Kathy was holding me so tight and rolled us on to our other side and she fucked her pussy into me like a wild woman, making the dildo move in both of us. We kissed so hard my lips hurt. Kathy slowed down and so did I, and we both stopped again. We were really exhausted now. I moved and pulled out Doctor Curtis and Kathy turned around and lay with me in a 69 position. I dove into her muff and she sucked my entire slit into her mouth.

I could see the alarm clock from where I was and we licked and sucked each other's pussy for over an hour. I drank Kathy's juices and she was still flowing, as she moved to lay next to me again. She had her mouthful of my thick pussy cum and was sort of smiling. I lay my head back and opened my mouth, and Kathy spit a mouthful of my juices into my mouth. She kissed me and we swished it around with our tongues and then swallowed it. Oh shit, was I on fire again.

Kathy reached to the nightstand and lit a cigarette and put her face next to mine on the pillow and said, "I love doing that. It gets we so hot honey. This weekend, you and I have to suck off John and share his cum. God does that turn me on, and I know what it does to you too." Kathy took a drag of the cigarette and put it in my lips. I took a deep drag and she kissed me softly, as I was blowing the smoke out through my nose. She licked my lips and then took another drag of the cigarette.

Kathy and I shared the cigarette and then fell asleep in each other's arms.

The alarm clock woke us up at 6 in the morning and we both opened up one eye looking at each other. I turned off the alarm and she said, "Don't even think about getting up yet." Kathy kissed me so sexy and then we wrapped our legs around each other and rubbed each other's clit. We both came like a tidal wave again and of course had to lick each other to swallow all of it.

We got up to go to the bathroom and my bladder was so full it hurt. Kathy was laughing at me as I sat on the toilet. She knelled in front of my as I started to pee and put her face right up to my pussy. Kathy started to lick my pussy while I peed. I was so turned on. I leaned back on the toilet and she had my pussy in her mouth as I finished going. It ran off her tongue and into the water. Kathy licked me again a few times and then kissed me. I got up and she sat down to peed. She held my head on her pussy and she let loose. I had warm pee running over my tongue as I licked her. We kissed again, as we turned on the shower and got in.

As I was washing her hair I said, "What made you do that?" She said, "I don't know. I just wanted to try it. What did you think?" She rinsed and washed me and I said, "It got me so hot watching you lick me when I peed." She said, "Same here", and then kissed me with shampoo all over me. I rinsed off and we washed each other all over.


We got dressed in our cloths for the trip and packed backpacks with everything we needed. We went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Kathy started cooking and this time I let her. She was in shock. I said, "It's the flannel shirt. Does it to me every time."

She gave me the sexiest kiss and said, "Scramble the eggs. I always fuck it up." We made breakfast together and then ate. I feed the Ruffles and we put enough food and water out for the weekend. Luckily we have a small hinged door that the dog goes out all the time by himself to the backyard. We both played with Ruffles and then he puckered out and went back to sleep. We had some coffee and a cigarette and waited for John and Dawn.

Kathy and I were so tired, but such sex maniacs. We were always like this. I was sitting on a kitchen chair and she was sitting on my lap straddling me with her arms over my shoulders kissing me, when Dawn and John came into the house. They looked at us and Dawn was laughing and said, "You didn't sleep last night did you?"

Kathy said, "About an hour. We'll sack out in the car. We even have a pillow and a blanket here to take with us." John was smiling and said, "Some things never change."

I said, "John, the last time we all went rafting, was before the accident. I only weigh 130 pounds now and don't have the strength I use to. Lets ask the experts there about loading the raft so we don't get in any trouble." Dawn said, "We're one step ahead of you. We called last night and they told which areas not to even try this weekend. The water is high and fast. Plus we're using that new helicopter service. We leave most of our stuff in the car and fly back up river in the chopper. You can take a lot more cloths if you want to."

We both went into the bedroom and took about three changes of cloths and a typical overnight bag. We went out to Johns SUV and loaded up the back. Kathy and I cuddled together on a pillow under a blanket in the back seat and were asleep before we even pulled out of the driveway.

We woke up about 10 minutes before we got to the river. We both felt great and were watching the local wildlife scatter as we drove by. Kathy lit a cigarette and put it in my lips. I took a drag and handed it back. Dawn said, "Welcome back to the living. You were out of it for over four hours." I gave Kathy a real sexy soft kiss and I could tell she was getting hot. She said, "Oh God Jen. Don't do this too me now." I kissed her again the same way and she was so flushed. I knew she was steaming inside. I took a drag of her cigarette and she said, "Damn you. Feel this." Kathy put my hand on her blue Jens between her legs. They were wet and I laughed.

She smiled at me and took a drag of the cigarette. She whispered into my ear, "Just wait until later. I'm going to make you go crazy, lick all your juices, and then kiss you with a mouthful. Just like last night baby. Just like last night" Kathy put her hand between my legs and I was wet also. That gets me so hot. She laughed at me.

We got to the river at the place where we rent the rafts. The water was really running fast. It's usually very calm up in this area.

The helicopter idea was great. We only needed our safety gear in the raft. We all wore life jackets and helmets. They told us which turn to take in the river and gave us a map to follow, and showed us where to be in three hours for a ride back. They also put a transponder on the raft so they could track us if we made a wrong turn. We got a lesson for the difference in weight and were off.

The river was incredibly fast and we were having a blast. We came to one section where we had to stop and look at it first. It was so down hill and looked like an expert ski trail with all the moguls, expect they were rushing white water. The noise of the water was incredible. John was screaming at us on which path we should take. We could only nod our heads yes or no. He pushed us off and it was like a roller coaster. We all lost our stomach on almost every mogul. My arms were killing me, as I wasn't use to this much force in the water and also my huge arm muscles went away almost overnight in the accident. I could tell Kathy was struggling also, and so was Dawn.

We managed to get to the bottom of the downhill section and John steered us over to edge and we all got out for a breather. We were all exhausted. John's arms were shaking. We all almost collapsed on the dirt by the river edge and Kathy said, "Holy Shit! Look at what we just went down?" We all loved up the river and it was amazing. We had never done anything like this before. We all looked at each other and John said, "Can you image what the other branch of the river is like? This was almost empty when we were here last time."

Kathy crawled over to me and lit a cigarette. I said, "You look so cute with your bicycle helmet on. Tough peddling in this stuff isn't it? " We all laughed and were so exhausted. Kathy put the cigarette in my lips and I took a drag. She kissed me and said, "I love your hat also sweetheart, very fashionable bright yellow."

We finished our smoke and then got back in the raft to go down to the next steep falls. This one was even worse. John was screaming at us on which course to take and ended up using hand signals. We all watched him to give us cues of which way to turn as we went down. I lost my stomach 12 times until the river flattened out again. It took us over an hour to get down that one section and it was probably about 2 miles long. The river was complete flat and Kathy and I put our arms down in the raft and John steered us over to the edge. He jumped out and held the raft as we each got out and then we all pulled it on shore.

Kathy put her face next to mine and kissed me so hard. She said, "I didn't think we get down that one in one piece. My arms feel like overcooked Linguini." We all smiled and nodded our heads. I took a cigarette from Kathy's pack and lit it. I took a deep drag and blew out the smoke into the wind and Kathy said, "Put it in my lips. I can't raise my arms yet."

We shared the cigarette and I held it for her. She really was too tired to move. We decided to sit for a while. Kathy moved to sit between my legs and leaned back against me. I put my arms around her and cupped one of her breasts. She moaned softly, as I rubbed her nipple and she said, softly, "Jen honey, that feels so good. Just hold me like this for a while."

Kathy was moaning softly and lit another cigarette. John and Dawn we out cold, sound asleep. Kathy and I shared her cigarette, as I rubbed her breasts and she loved it. She unbuttoned her shirt and had me put my hands inside. She kept moaning, "I'll do you tonight. This is great. I promise I'll do this to you tonight." I just kept rubbing her and kissing her neck. Kathy held the cigarette to my lips as I took a drag and she flipped the butt in the water.

We woke up the two sleeping beauties and all got back into the raft. We went quite a ways and came to the last section. It was nightmare, but we had to go down it now. Kathy screamed to me, "Are we Crazy?" John yelled back, "No other way out but down." We did it the same way as before and watched John to see how we turn. I lost my stomach so many times I lost count. We all were getting cramps in our arms and just kept pushing ourselves. We made it down and all looked back at what we just did. It was amazing. John steered us to the shore where there was a large clearing and the water was calm. We all crawled out of the raft and then dragged it on shore on our knees.

Kathy and I lay down with our heads against the side of the raft and I said, "I think my boobs are going to fall off." She laughed so hard and rolled over and kissed me. John and Dawn we sound asleep again. I pushed the transponder button to pick us up now, and we just waited. Kathy lit us a cigarette and we were so tired we really could barely move. I said, "This is our gym workout for the week." Kathy had the cigarette hanging from her lips and said, "Can you raise your hands and take it. Mine won't move again." Kathy took a deep drag and I raised my arm to take the cigarette from her lips. She laughed when my hand was shaking so bad I could hardly hold the cigarette between my fingers.

We just relaxed and shared the cigarette with our faces touching so we didn't have to move much. We heard the chopper coming and I was the only one that could stand up so I stood and waved. They saw us and landed about 100 feet away in the clearing. Two guys jumped out and came running over to us. I helped Kathy up and then we woke up John and Dawn and we both helped them up. The guys grabbed the raft and we walked over to the chopper. They helped us get in and they shut the door. They handed each of us a set a headphones to put on and the pilot said, "You must be out of your minds. I've never seen anyone go down the north branch in this type of water, especially three women with one man. Congratulations, you didn't drown."

We all looked at each other and John took out the map. We missed the very first turn and went down the steepest and fastest part of the river. We all had our eyes bugged out. No wonder our arms hurt so much.

In 15 minutes we were landing by the cars. We all got out of the chopper and the manager came running over to us. The pilot turned off the engines and the noise went away. The manage said, "Come on inside. I have a present for anyone as crazy as you four."

He gave us each a plaque for successful navigating the north branch in severe conditions. He said, "I've only given away six of these before. I wouldn't try what you just did."

John said, "Want to go down again?" Dawn smacked his ass hard and everyone laughed. Kathy said, "There any hotels around here?" the manager gave us a few names and said, "Use the phone if you like." Kathy called all three and asked, "How big of a bathtub do you have in your rooms?" We all were laughing at her and then she called back the first one and booked two adjoining rooms. I said, "How big?" She smiled and said, "Big enough."

John drove to the hotel and he couldn't lift his arms to put them on top of the steering wheel. We couldn't believe what we just did.

We got to the motel and it was one of those real small ones in the woods. We didn't care at this point. We unloaded our stuff and all flopped on the bed in our room. There was a menu by the bed, so Kathy and I read it over. She was reading out loud. We all decide on the biggest steak they had, as we were all staved. I called and ordered it delivered to the room.

Kathy lit a cigarette and whispered into my ear, "My arms feel good enough for us to rub each off in little while. Honey, I want to make love so bad. I brought Doctor Curtis with us in the overnight bag." I smiled at her, as she put the cigarette in my lips and I took a deep drag. I reached for the TV remote on the nightstand and channel surfed. We stopped on the local weather and there were all types of advisories about the river. We couldn't believe it. They had 8 inches of rain here yesterday and it is supposed to rain again tomorrow. Kathy put an arm on my shoulder as she took a drag of the cigarette and said, "If it wasn't for bad luck, we won't have any luck at all." I said, "That wasn't bad luck. Bad luck would have had us all drown, or get stranded in one of those downhill raging water slides. This was kind of cool. We just went down the toughest river in the Unites States, in the worst conditions possible. How many people can say they did that?"

I took a drag of the cigarette, and another, and held in the smoke, as Kathy said, "Your right. We are definitely not going to do this again though, because I think we used up all the good luck we had on that last run. I couldn't move my arms at all. They were crapped and frozen in one position. We just happen to run the way the ore was facing. If I had to paddle, it would have been all over." Kathy took a drag of the cigarette, as there was a knock at the door. It was our dinners. I paid for it, while the delivery boy put them on the table in the room.

We woke up John and Dawn and they looked at us like we were from Mars. I said, "Food old man." John smiled and said, "I think I'm dead." Dawn slowly moved a little and then they both got up holding each other and struggle to sit in the chairs. Kathy and I weren't even that bad. John and Dawn do this all the time.

We ate dinner and talked about the ride down the river. John said, "I have never seen anything like that last stretch we went down. We do this a lot, and that was like going over Niagara falls. Did you see how steep it was when we looked back up at it. Holy shit!"

Dawn kept getting muscle cramps every time she raised her fork, so we all rubbed her arms for her. John and Dawn were a mess.

We finished our dinner and Kathy took out a bottle of wine we packed in the backpacks and we each poured a glass. John and Dawn were so tired they went into the other room to sleep. Kathy lit a cigarette and we drank our wine. I said, "How about we try out that bathtub?" Kathy took the cigarettes and I took the wine and we went into the bathroom. It had one of those real large, old fashion, white painted, steel bathtubs. I put in the plunger and Kathy turned on the water.

We took off our cloths and I took a drag of Kathy's cigarette while she undid her shirt. We held each other for few minutes and waited for the tub to fill up. Kathy kissed me and said, "Now I get to return the favor from this afternoon honey. Lay between my legs and lean back against me."

I helped Kathy get in the tub and I sat between her legs leaning back. The warm water felt great. I sat all the way back against Kathy and she put her arms around me and held my breasts. She slowly caressed them and then rolled my nipples between her thumb and middle finger. Oh, did this feel good. I leaned my head back on Kathy's shoulder and she kissed my neck and said, "Just relax honey. I'm going to make you feel good all over."

I was in heaven. The tingling feeling was going all over my body as she rubbed my nipples and kissed my neck. Kathy took her left hand off my breast and put it under water and rubbed my clit. I was in another world and moaning softly, "Kathy honey, that feels so good baby. Keep going. Mmmmmmm."

I turned my head slightly and Kathy gave me a wet sloppy kiss. I sucked her tongue and she sucked mine. She whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, I know how good it feels. Just relax baby", as she rubbed my clit faster. I was breathing so hard and moving my pussy on her hand. I reached my hand up and rubbed my other nipple and Kathy kissed my neck and said, "Pinch your nipple honey. That really turns me on watching you."

I was moaning and pinching my nipple and Kathy was making me cum. I moaned so loud, "Oh Kathy, that's it honey. I'm cumming. OH! OOOH! OOOOHH! OOOOHHHH! Ooooo! Mmmmmm." I turned around and kissed her wrapping my arms around her back. She pulled me closer to her and we hugged, as I was breathing heavy in her ear. Kathy whispered into my ear, "Do me again."

We scooted around in the tub and she sat between my legs. I rubbed her nipples the way she likes it and then I rubbed her clit also. I did it real slow to start and she was moaning loudly and moving her pussy against my hand. She had her head back against my shoulder, and I was kissing her neck they way she did it to me. I built up speed with my hand on her clit and Kathy was moving the water in the tub in waves, as she moved her pussy on my hand. She was moaning loud, "Oh yeah. Jen honey, keep going. Oh, that's it. Just a little more baby. OH! I cumming! OH! OOOHH! OOOOHHH! OOH! Rub Faster! Faster! OOOOOOHHH! Mmmmmm."

Kathy turned around and kissed me the same way I kissed her before. She was on fire like I was, and still am. We turned on our sides together and kissed in the tub. Our breasts were touching and the electric current was flowing between them. We both felt it and moaned together. Kathy kissed me with her mouth as wide open as it would go and I did the same to her. She said, "Lets get out and got to bed honey. I need you now."

We got out and I pulled the drain plug. We dried each other off and went into the bedroom. Kathy took out Doctor Curtis from the overnight bag and put her arms around me. I put my arms around her and we lay down in the bed. We made love together for over three hours. Then we used our dildo friend and fucked each other senseless. We were totally exhausted and Kathy said, "Jen, light a cigarette. We need to rest for few minutes."

I lit a cigarette and took drag and then put it in Kathy's lips. She took a drag and blew out the smoke, as we lay facing each other on our sides. We both took another drag of the cigarette and I said, "How about we go in the other room and do a little mouth number on John?"

Kathy was smiling and said, "He's so tired, it's probably dead." I said, "We'll see." We both took one last drag of the cigarette and put it out. We got up and I turned on the bathroom light so we could see into their room. We walked over to the bed and pulled the covers down. John and Dawn were both out cold. John had his underpants still on, so we pulled them down and he didn't even move. Kathy and I knelt on the bed on both sides of John, and held his cock in our hands. I rubbed him slowly and he started to get hard in his sleep. Kathy sucked him first and them I bent over and sucked him, as she licked my ear. We alternated for over ten minutes, as John was moaning in his sleep. Kathy whispered into my ear, "Hold his cock in your mouth while I make him cum." I sucked him into my mouth and then only covered the tip with my mouth and Kathy rubbed his shaft. John jerked and shook as he shot his load of warm cum into my mouth. I loved the taste, as it hit the roof of my mouth. Kathy rubbed him faster and he shot squirt after squirt of warm goo on my tongue, as his cock pulsated. I sucked the last of it in my mouth and then I raised my head and Kathy kissed me. We swished the cum in our mouths and then swallowed all of it. We kissed again and then pulled John's underwear back up, got off the bed, and covered him. We left the room and turned off the bathroom light.

Kathy kissed me so hard when we got into our bed again. She said, "Can you believe that we did that and he didn't wake up. Kiss me again, I love the taste on your tongue." We kissed again and Kathy sucked my tongue. We wrapped our legs around each other and kissed a few more times and fell asleep.

The phone in the room woke us up and Kathy answered it. She said, "Thank you. We'll leave now." She sat up and said, "Get up honey. We have to get out of here. The river is flooding big time. Go wake up the dead in the other room."

I went to the other room and woke up John and Dawn and told they we had to get out now, as the river was flooding. We were all packed and out of the room in 10 minutes. It was absolutely pouring out. John drove really slow and we got over the bridge just in time. The water was over 4 inches deep over the bridge and the river wasn't supposed to crest until another 4 hours from now. The current was so strong it was moving the SUV into the other lane as we drove. We had on a local radio station and they were evaluating people, as the report said they were expecting the river to be 23 feet over flood stage. This was serious shit. The main road went up onto the cliffs and we were safe now. We drove for a while and then stopped to watch the river where we rafted through the last section. It looked the same now as it did yesterday. We almost shit in our pants.

I said, "John, your arms feel any better?" He said, "My whole body aches everywhere. Even my dick feels like someone was sucking it all night." Kathy buried her face in my boobs trying to not laugh. She looked up at me smiling with a devilish grin, and kissed me. She said, "Ssshhh".


We drove for two hours in the torrential rain and went about 40 miles. John was exhausted so we changed driving. Dawn took over for a while, then I did, and then Kathy. I took us 7 hours to get home and it was still raining at our house. Kathy backed the SUV up to our garage so we could unload it without getting soaked. We asked John and Dawn to come in and they wanted some hot coffee. They helped us carry the things inside and we all sat in the kitchen. I noticed the message light was flashing on the phone, so I put it on speaker and retrieved the messages.

We heard "Hello Doctor Edwards. This is General Curtis. There has been an accident in your lab. Please come to the complex as soon as you get this message." I checked the time of the message and it was today, about 30 minutes ago. We all took our Jeep and John followed us there.

Kathy and I couldn't figure what could have possibly gone wrong on the way there. We took every possible precaution and the last experiment was for the most part over. We got to the complex and they rushed us all of us through security this time.

We left the elevator and there was a team of people there and the General. He said "It's Doctor Robert Winham. Do you know what he was working on?" I said, "He's wasn't even suppose to be here this weekend. What happened?" They walked us into the lab, as a group was taking Robert to a government hospital. They found him lying on the floor unconscious, with a syringe stuck in his arm. We took the syringe and immediately tried to figure out what was in it, as there was no label.

I said, "The time lapse camera for the test. Check to see if it's still on." Kathy checked and it was. "I said, "What time did this happen? Does anyone have a guess?" One of the Army guys said, "Between 3 and 4 this afternoon. He signed in at 3, and was found at 4." I hated to do this to our experiment but I said, "Kathy, stop the camera and lets view that part of the tape. Sorry John, well repeat the test again."

We all watched the time lapse and we saw Robert come in and pick up a vial from the storage cabinet. We freeze framed it and enlarged and saw the shelf and row number. Kathy looked it up and said, "You're not going to like this. It's the untested batch that Robert was working on. Look at notebook L7, lot B334 formulation." John checked out the formulation and we watched the rest of the time lapse. I yelled, General. Get over here by yourself please."

We let him watch the tape and he was fuming mad. He placed one of the soldiers under arrest and said he was sorry. That was a first. We all watched the soldier stab Robert with the Syringe. John said, "It gets worse. That formation was a modified combination of what you took in your accident and the batch we haven't even tested yet. Robert was using it as a comparison for something, I just forget what."

I called Robert's wife and told her about the accident and the general spoke to her. She was on her way down to the lab. The General sent someone up to meet her and I said, "I have never complained once about the absolute lunacy of the security you put us through, but this is the last stray. The shoemakers are eating the fucking shoes. If you want us to continue with the project, we do it our way, or no way at all, and we are really close. We just stopped an experiment that I think has the answers. Damn does this pisses me off! What in the fuck do you teach these guys?"

Kathy stopped me and the General said, "You're the first person who has even stood up me. Lets talk about your way, but first lets see what we can do for your friend." I was fuming and Kathy said, "Jen honey, we all agree with you but Robert and his wife come first right now. Let's give John time to isolate what's in that formulation and see what may happen to his body chemistry. He's the best at that. Honey, call Jill in also. She was working with Robert. She may know more."

I called Jill and asked her to come in immediately. She was on her way.

Robert's wife, Amanda, came into the lab and was in tears. She hugged me and Kathy and she asked what happened, I said, "One of the General's lunatic killer robots, stabbed Robert in the arm with a syringe."

The General screamed at me, "That's enough!" I said, "No it's not enough! We had bets as to who would get shot or stabbed first here. Robert won, or should I say he lost. You think I'm kidding? Ask anyone here. These fucking weirdoes are psychopaths. Every one of them is an accident waiting to happen. We'd be safer working outside on the front lawn."

The General was running towards me and Kathy said, "What are you going to do? Hit a woman? We're not soldiers, we're scientists, and damn good ones. Just let us try and help our friend."

The General stormed out and I said, "Anyone remember the name of the congressman or Senator that was in here last month? He's the one behind the project." John gave me his card that also had his home phone number on it. I went into my office with Kathy and I called him. I told him everything and he was really pissed off. He was on his way over here now.

Now we all went to work, as one of the soldiers took Amada to the hospital to where Robert was taken. Jill showed up and was really pissed, as they detained her in security again. We told her the whole story and she knew a lot about what Robert was doing. She even had the separate drugs that were mixed and the analysis of what they would do. Jill said, "Robert thought he was really close to an answer and he told me he was going to stop in on Sunday to try to finish it. We were going to review the results together on Monday morning."

Kathy said, "Thanks Jill, you saved us about 15 hours of work. Help us find all the stats on those batches so we can all look at them." We looked at everything and it was kind of on interesting problem, but we didn't like the answer. The four of the drugs that were added in the formulation have the effect of canceling each other out. The left over is the same thing that happened to me. I said, "Nothing we can do except go to the hospital. You can all go if you want. I need to wait for the congressman or senator, or whatever he is."

Kathy said, "I'll stay with Jen, you guys go to the hospital. Amanda is going to need someone there with her. I know what she's going through."

The Senator showed up and we told him absolutely everything, including that we were all done if it wasn't fixed right now. He pulled the project back from the general, and suspended the security details. He said, "Don't leave. This I too important. I'll run the damn thing if I have too. I'll call you tomorrow. Which hospital is it anyway?" I told him and he got even more pissed off and said, "We are stopping this right now." He picked up the phone and called the white house. We only heard dribs and drabs, as he was in my office with door closed, but we did here him say, "We have a runaway freight train called General Curtis that thinks he's in Nazi Germany. The only problem is that he thinks he's Hitler." "Yes sir Mr. President. Will do. Thank you."

He came back out and said, "Move this project anywhere you want it. Just keep me informed where and when. I'll get you an account tomorrow to charge everything to. Sorry about some of the fuck ups we have in the military. That's why this is so important. Hey, you guys see the news about the river? Over 10,00 people are being evacuated."

John said, "We white rafted it yesterday. The north branch section." The Senator said, "You guys must be really nuts. Lets get to the hospital."

We all left to go to the hospital. Kathy got in the car and said, "I have never seen you so pissed off. You're so cute when you're mad. Give me a kiss." Kathy kissed me and I drove to the hospital. She lit a cigarette and we shared it on the way there. When we got to the gate, they wouldn't let us in. The Senator was right behind us and he had a shit fit. We loved every minute of it. Kathy and I laughed, as he had to call the white house again. Kathy said, "The damage is already done to Robert. We both know what the result is going to be. Why don't we talk to Amanda alone and break it to her gently. Who knows, she may like it better, like we do?"

We both smiled at each other and we were finally able to drive through the arm guarded gate. I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it back to Kathy. She took a final drag and put it out, as we pulled up to the main entrance and parked.

We walked in with the Senator, John, and Dawn, and we had another security area we had to go through and another problem. The Senator looked like he was going to explode any second. The General saw the senator and said, "Let him pass." We tried to go in and they stopped us. The Senator went Ballistic on the General and called the White house from his cell phone. He handed the phone to the General and we heard him begging the President not to court marshal him. We loved every second of it. We watched him remove all the security at the hospital, as we went with the Senator. He was funny and said, "I loved doing that to that prick." Kathy said, "We liked listening to it, you were good."

We found Amanda and we looked through a window at Robert. The changes already started. Amanda was hysterically crying and we sat her down in a lounge. The Senator came in and sat with us and he just listened to what we told her. The Senator had no idea about my accident. It was apparently covered up, as they call it. He listened to us and asked questions. He asked me if it was painful, and I told him the truth. I was out cold for over a week and woke up a woman.

Kathy took a walk with Amanda and had her arm around her. I heard some of what she said, and she was doing the right thing by being very honest about what happens. She told her about the psychological problems that come with this. I got over it quickly, but it was probably because I was bi-sexual to start with, at least that's what the shrink told us. I do remember that the first week was awful. The worst part was figuring out how to go to the bathroom the first time.

The Senator asked me a ton of questions about my accident and why nobody notified the Senate committee and I said, "You have to ask Hitler on that one. We call the lunch room the underground jail." He laughed at it and them I told him what it was like. He was fuming mad again and called someone else on his cell phone.

Amanda came back in with Kathy and they sat down. Kathy gave me a hug and said "Amanda is going to be strong. She wants to talk to us together for few minutes." We talked about what I went through and then about our relationship. I said, "Kathy and I have never been happier, and the sex is great."

Amanda was blushing and smiled. She said, "I've never been intimate with a woman before. I don't even know what to do." Kathy winked at me and said, "We'll teach you before Robert gets out. The sex is great and much better than before. Amanda, we did it for 9 hours the other night until we couldn't even move. We both had so many orgasms we lost count. Trust me on this. Just hope that Robert comes out of it the way the Jen did and you guys will be fine."

The Senator made arrangements for all of us to stay here if we wanted to, and was having beds moved in the vacant rooms. I called everyone on the staff and told them what happened and we suspended the project for a week until Robert was out of danger. Everyone was coming to the hospital.

Kathy said to the Senator, "Is there anyplace we can smoke around here?" The senator said, "I don't care. Now that Hitler's gone, do what ever you want. Amanda, you didn't hear this from me, but contact an attorney. Tell him the whole story and you will be set for life. You too Jen. This will be settled so fast it will make your head spin. Nobody wants the government's dirty laundry to get aired on the nightly news."

The next day was miserable, as we all watched Robert transform slowly into Roberta. Kathy took Amanda with her and went home to pack for us and Amanda. We took turns leaving to get food for everyone. The Senator gave us a government account to charge everything on. He also had secret service detail assigned to the hospital and our lab in case the General returned.

Kathy called my mom who is an attorney and made me talk to her. My mother screamed at me for not doing something about this, and I told her about the Senator. She said, "Is his first name Author?" I said, "Yeah. Why?" She said, "Give me his number. Your father and I use to be really close to him. We went to law school together." I gave her the number and she told me she'd call me back on my cell.

The next day my mother called and had an attorney on the line with her and he told us about a possible deal. It was amazing. He said to us, "You can ask for almost anything. They want this swept under the rug forever." Kathy and I talked about it and I said, "We definitely want as much money as you can get, but we also want all rights to the drugs we developed, the lab notes, books, documents, test results, and all intellectual property rights. Can you try for that?"

My mother was laughing and said, "Leave it to a PhD to turn a simple solution into a master problem. Jen, we'll call you and Kathy back. Sit tight."

It seemed like eternity watching Robert, waiting for him to wake up. The entire project team stayed at the hospital. The Senator cornered me and Kathy in an empty room and said, "I had no idea you were Meg and John's son before the accident. I knew your dad really well, and when he died I owed him a favor big time. You're going to get everything, just don't let on that you know that. Call me after the settlement is complete." He shook my hand and hugged me and Kathy.

We were in our tenth day in the hospital. My mother called my cell and told us the deal. We couldn't believe it. Everyone on the project was getting $450,000 for the inhuman treatment. I got an additional 6.5 million and Roberta got an addition 7.5 million. Kathy and Amanda got an additional 4 million for loss of consort. Kathy and I had all the rights to all of the drugs, and the project was officially cancelled. We told everyone and they were excited, but still worried about Roberta. Amanda was a basket case, but thanked us so much. My mom brought down all the papers, and we all signed them. The money was being wired into each of our accounts.

The transformation of Robert was complete. He woke up on the eleventh day. The Senator arranged for doctors to do a complete exam on him and he was a completely normal female, with the same problem that I have. I have absolutely no hair from my neck down; no arm pit hair, no hair on my legs or arms, and no pubic hair. Kathy shaves hers anyway and loves it that way, and so do I. But we all knew that something was missing in the drug. I stopped the time-lapse camera and took the tape, since it was now ours.

Robert's mental state was a lot different than mine. He was a basket case. He didn't even want to talk to anyone. He did talk to me and I sat with him for two hours and told him what to expect. He turned into a really good looking woman. I gave him a mirror and said, "Would you fuck that? Damn right you would. So will your wife." He finally smiled at me and said, "You are so nuts. Jen, that's why we all love you. Go ask Amanda to come in here. Thanks."

I told Amanda that Roberta wanted to see her and she was so excited. Amanda ran into the room and we watched them hug and kiss. Kathy whispered to me, "Feel like giving sex lessons tonight?" I smiled and said, "I have a great idea to make this a little more exciting." Kathy gave me that grin again and then smiled.


Amanda was so happy when she came back to join us. She said, "I need to go home for a while, and then I want you to teach me everything. I told Roberta that we need lessons and he, oh sorry, she, this is going to take me a long time to get use to not saying him and he, now where was I? Oh, I remember, we need lessons, and Roberta thought it was a great idea and would you show me tonight, and then I can teach Roberta."

I said, "Amanda, we would love to teach you. We need to do a little shopping first. How about you come over to our place about 8?" Amanda nodded her head yes so excited, as Kathy waved to Amanda while she was running out the door. Kathy whispered into my ear, "What's with the shopping?" I said, "I think you'll like it."

All the staff was going back home and I told them we start again on Monday in the lab. They were all so relived.

We drove in the Corvette today and Kathy wanted to drive. We have a blast with this sports car. I gave her the keys and she fired it up. She said, "Ready?" She revved up the engine, popped the clutch, and burned out in the first three gears smiling from ear to ear. She is so nuts with this thing.

She said, "Where to?" I gave her directions but didn't tell her where we were going. We pulled into an adult bookstore and she started to laugh. I said, "Remember that kit of toys we saw before. Let's get one for us and one for Amanda. We have all day to play with it before she comes over."

Kathy smiled at me as we got out of the car and went into the store. They had so many sex toys. I asked a gray haired man sitting behind a counter, "Do you have that entire kit? We saw it advertised about a month ago. It was called Oscar Herby something." The man walked down an isle and said, "These sell faster than anything I've ever had. It's called Oscar, Herby's little brother. Herby was the original kit from last year and we couldn't keep them in stock. From what I've been told, you are going to love it."

I picked up two and he laughed at us. I said, "New friend also." We paid for it, and it was expensive. I left and Kathy kept telling me to step on it. I did and she gets such a rush going fast. We got some junk food at a drive through and then we went home to eat.

We sat in the kitchen eating and Kathy was reading the book that came inside of it. She said, "You have got to see this. My God, look at that position, and that one. Read this, 3 ways to find your G-spot. Lets read this in bed and try it."

We both had a cigarette drinking our root beer, and then took our new Oscar kit into the bedroom. We undressed and then spend the next hour trying each of the toys. The double headed dildo that has one for your pussy and one for your ass, was definitely our favorite. There were two in each kit and we went wild for about 10 minutes. It had a double ended dildo that looked sort of like our one we named Doctor Curtis. It was a silly thing to do, but we both wanted to fuck the guy, not sexually, and thought this was a perfect name for it. Kathy took out the new one and it felt so different. It also had the name Oscar on it and she said, "It already has a name. Lets try it and follow the book."

I read the book and Kathy was looking at it upside down on the bed. Every time we got to a diagram she kept saying, "There are anagrams in these diagrams. I'm going to write them down. Go back to first one." She wrote them down and I read everything out loud. I finished and main chapters and she said, "You ready to try this?"

We tried the first position with Oscar. I put it in my pussy and then put the other end in Kathy as we lay almost on our sides facing each other, each with a leg over the other. We pushed ourselves together until our pussies met and we went wild. Oscar was moving inside of us as we were grinding our pussies on each other. We kissed and moaned so much. I came three times in less than 20 minutes. So did Kathy. She was breathing into my ear saying, "Honey, we are sleeping like this tonight. Oh my God this is unreal."

We changed positions as the book showed us and it was similar to what we did with Doctor Curtis. With Oscar it was ten times better. We found our G-spots and we both screamed at the top of our lungs when we had an orgasm. Then it wouldn't stop. My pussy was throbbing and flowing like the river. Kathy held me so tight with her legs wrapped around me and we both jerked and bucked into each other for over a half hour until we felt dizzy. We had to stop.

We lay in a 69 position on our sides and tried the methods in the book. I must have swallowed 30 times drinking the juices from Kathy's pussy. We both were so out of control with each other. I never felt anything like it when she licked and sucked me. We moaned and slurped. Oh, was I on fire. We ate each other for a long time and then we both were tired of holding up each other's asses, pulling our pussies into each other's mouth.

We lay together exhausted and kissed. Kathy and I were both almost giddy laughing at each other. She smiled and said, "Holy Shit! We should have bought this last month."

There were a few things we didn't try yet. Kathy used her hand inside of my pussy and was trying to find my G-spot. It took her about a minute and I exploded juices on her arm as she rubbed it. She kept rubbing and I kept cumming, over and over again. I was oblivious to everything as Kathy kissed me bring me back to reality. She stopped and I said, "Don't stop. You have no idea how that felt." She said, "I'm about to find out."

Kathy put my hand in her pussy and I followed the instructions and I found her G-spot in about 2 minutes. She jumped up almost 6 inches and bucked and jerked into my hand, as she orgasmed. I kept rubbing and I knew exactly what she was feeling. She was going wild and moaning incoherently. I kept going for about 20 minutes and then stopped. Kathy was begging me to keep going and I said, "Only if we do each other at the same time." She kissed me and we got into a position where we had one arm around each other, kissing and the other in each other's slit. We went absolutely wild for over an hour. We had to stop before we passed out.

We both kissed and rolled over together, as we wrapped out legs around each other. Kathy took Oscar and put him inside of us and we were grinding our pussies together, just like the first position. This felt like nothing I ever felt before. Kathy said into my ear, "Jen Sweetheart, I think we should stay in bed all weekend and practice everything in this book." We both laughed.

Then we tried our position that we used to do all the time. We sat facing each other, with our legs over one another. We put Oscar inside of us and pushed ourselves together. It hit our G-spots and we flipped. We howled like the dog. We both had to stop, but it was so addicting. I said, "Lets take a breather, I need something to drink."

Our legs were shaking to the point we had trouble walking. We held each other up walking to the kitchen laughing about it. I poured us a glass of wine and Kathy took a pack of cigarettes, as we went back into the bedroom. We both lit a cigarette and she said, "I want to figure out those anagrams. Help me with it. First lets find them all."

We spent and hour searching the book and found one like that wasn't a puzzle that was upside down in a diagram. It said, "Have fun, Mandy and Julie." Kathy had all the order unscrambled and was now putting them in an order that made sense. She wrote it out on the pad and it read, "We hid a few clues in our book. The song will tell you where to look. Find all 5 and the prize is yours. Shoot us an email, when you know what to write. Have fun, Mandy and Julie."

We spent another hour playing detective. Kathy was so good with puzzles. She should be, her IQ is over 200. She busts my chops all the time, as mine is 189. She figured out that Mandy and Julie were two members of the band Sage. We got on the web and downloaded a bunch of music until we found one of their songs named `I have a clue for you'. It was a big hit and we both remember singing along with it on the radio. We listened to it and I wrote down the words. We found all of the 5 clues so easy. Well not so easy, Kathy is just brilliant. The best part was finding the email address. It was in a small insignia on a stamp on the back of the book. We read it with a magnifying glass.

Kathy wrote the email. It said, "Mandy and Julie, We followed your clues and know what to write. It's all about love and nothing else matters. Your new friends, Jen and Kathy Edwards." She hit send and said, "Oh Shit! I forgot to turn off our automatic signatures. Oh well, they now know we have the alphabet soup after our names in titles and junk, and our address, phone numbers, pagers, cell, Oh crap. I wonder what the prize is?"

I hugged her and we were still so dehydrated from cumming so much. We had another glass of wine and went into the kitchen to make some dinner. We made the greatest chicken dish with mushrooms, brown rice, and asparagus. Tonight we fed each other. It was like we were little kids. We both got so into it. We had another glass of wine and Kathy lit me a cigarette and one for herself. I took a deep drag and the phone rang. Kathy answered it and I heard, "Yes this is Kathy Edwards.", "Yes, Doctor Kathy Edwards.". "They did?", "Yeah we'd love to. When?", "Tomorrow? Wow. Can you send us directions?", "Oh I'm so excited! Thanks so much. Bye."

Kathy hung up the phone and said, "We were the first to solve the riddle. We won. We have a 1 to 2 hour drive into Oregon tomorrow to spend the day with Mandy and Julie at their, ready for this, Castle. That was Grace on the phone, her admin. Mandy is also the CEO for JPSS Corporation. That's like one of the largest companies in the world. They own most of the entertainment industry. This is so neat. I love their music. Lets print out the directions."

We took our wine and cigarettes into the bedroom and turned the computer back on. Sure enough we got directions, a map and a bunch of other stuff. Kathy printed it all. We put it in a folder for tomorrow and lay in bed. She was so excited about this. She lay on top of me and kissed me over and over again saying, "We're going to a castle. Can you believe it?"

We heard the doorbell ring and neither of us had on cloths. Kathy said, "What the hell", and both went to answer it. It was Amanda. She looked at us and turned so red. I said, "Come one in. We kind of started without you." Amanda smiled and came in the house. Kathy was so excited about the contest and wouldn't shut up. I had to kiss her to get her to stop. Amanda watched every move we made.

Kathy said, "Amanda, have you every tried any of the sex toys? You know dildos and stuff like that?" Amanda blushed and said, "No. I never have." I said, "Let me ask you something really personal. Do you have an orgasm when you have sex?" Amanda was really flushed and said, "Occasionally, but most of the time no."

Kathy said, "What if we showed you how you and Roberta could have ten or fifteen orgasms in a row, and still want more?" Amanda smiled and said, "I'm all ears."

Kathy had Amanda take off her cloths and sit with us on the bed. She explained the Oscar kit and told her we bought her one, and she showed her all the diagrams in the book. Amanda was getting really hot. Kathy was smiling and winking at me. I took a drag of my cigarette and handed it to Kathy and moved behind Amanda. I sat with me legs apart and moved as close to her as I could. My breasts were touching her back, and felt so warm. I whispered into her ear, "Lean back on me Amanda. Just relax and enjoy it."

Kathy took a drag of my cigarette and put it out, as I reached my arms around Amanda. I cupped one of her breasts and held it softly, caressing it. I use my other hand to massage the other one and then I started to rub her nipples. Amanda put her head back on my shoulder and moaned, "That feels so good. Mmmmmmm." Kathy was getting hot watching us and she knelt in front of Amanda and gave her the softest kiss. I watched her move her tongue in and around Amanda's mouth and I was getting hot now also.

Kathy put her hands on Amanda's breasts along with mine. She kissed Amanda and then kissed me. I gave her the sloppiest wettest kiss. I moved one of my hands down to Amanda's clit and I rubbed it softly and she moaned again, as Kathy was sucking and licking her nipples. Kathy and I made Amanda feel so good. She was moving her pussy into my hand and moaning, "Faster. Go faster please." Kathy kissed her again and then me. She said to Amanda, "We'll do everything tonight honey. Just be patient with us."

Kathy held one of her breasts in her hand and put it up to Amanda's lips and Amanda licked it and then sucked. I was so hot watching Kathy, I really rubbed Amanda hard and fast. She started to really get into sucking and licking Kathy. She moved to Kathy's other breast and then back to the first one. Kathy was moaning and I noticed that Amanda's hand was touching Kathy's pussy. She had her fingers on Kathy's clit and was rubbing her also. I was on fire. I moved to let Amanda lay down and I went to lie between her legs. I licked and sucked her clit and she orgasmed in my mouth in about 30 seconds. Then I licked and sucked her pussy from the bottom to the top. Amanda was moaning loud, "Jen, that feels so good. Don't stop. Oh, please don't stop yet. Just like that. Oh yeah."

Kathy stopped sucking Amanda's nipples and sat on her face facing me. I watched Kathy's eyes close half way and I knew Amanda was licking her. Kathy leaned forward and had her mouth half open, moving her pussy on Amanda's tongue. I moved away and Kathy lowered herself into a 69 position with Amanda. They both moaned into each other's pussy.

I took out the smaller vibrator from our new kit and put some lube on it and some on my fingers. I lay next to Kathy and I licked Amanda also. Then I put my fingers in Amanda's ass with the lube. She moaned so loud as Kathy said, "Be gentle with her." I put the vibrator into her ass and slowly worked it in, after I turned it on. I got past her ass ring and she went wild, as I fucked her with it.

Kathy got off of Amanda and said, "You get on honey. Kiss her first." I kissed Amanda and she was so into it. She smeared her tongue all over my face and in my mouth. Then I got on her in a 69 position like Kathy was in and she ate my pussy, and I ate hers, as Kathy fucked Amanda's ass with the vibrator.

Amanda orgasmed again in my mouth and we stopped. Amanda said, "Oh my God. Keep going. Please." Kathy and I kissed each other and then Amanda, and Kathy said, "Now the fun stuff."

First we showed Amanda the two headed dildo that also goes in your ass. She went wild on it for about 15 minutes, while Kathy and I caressed each other and kissed. We stopped Amanda and then showed her Oscar. Kathy and I got in a position with it first and then stopped and one of us did it with Amanda. I hated when we stopped.

Kathy had Amanda sit on me with Oscar in my pussy. Amanda wrapped her legs and arms around me and rolled us on our side. I orgasmed nonstop, so did Amanda. Kathy lit a cigarette and was lying with her head right next to mine. She gave me a drag of her cigarette and said, "My turn Jen honey. Then you and I are going to fuck all night."

Kathy showed Amanda three other positions while I finished her cigarette. I was so hot watching her have sex with Amanda. If I was a guy, I would have blown my load 3 times by now, and be almost dead.

Kathy got up with Amanda and Kathy almost attacked me. We got into the position we liked on our sides and used Oscar. We rubbed our pussies together and it was like magic. I felt the flow of electricity through me and I know she felt it also. We kissed and hugged and fucked like rabbits in heat. Amanda kissed us both and caressed us all over. It was so erotic. Kathy and I moved our heads back from each other, and Amanda squatted so her pussy was on my mouth. I sucked her like a vacuum cleaner and licked her slit. She came in my mouth and then squatted over Kathy's mouth. Watching Kathy suck Amanda's pussy was making me crazy. I orgasmed nonstop.

We stopped and got into a 3 way 69 chain on the bed. I loved the way Amanda licked me. She was new to this, but boy did she learn fast. We changed positions twice so we all could do each other. Then Kathy and I teamed up on Amanda again. We drove her absolutely crazy to the point she begged us to stop, as she was dizzy. We all laughed and sat up in the bed and had a cigarette.

Amanda was smiling and said, "If you had told me about this three weeks ago, I wouldn't have believed you and would have told you were crazy. This was unreal. I have never had sex like this in my life. Roberta, will never, ever, want to be Robert again." I said, "I told you so."

Kathy was leaning back against me, as I leaned back against the headboard. I took a drag of the cigarette and put my arm around her and cupped her breast, and rubbed her nipple. She put her head back on my shoulder and moaned softly, "Jen honey, I going crazy on you in about 5 minutes if you don't stop that."

We all took a drag of our cigarettes and I kept going. Amanda was laughing and said, "I'm going to go to the hospital. Roberta will love this. Where's the Oscar kit you got me?" I said, "In the kitchen. Have fun."

Amanda got dressed and kissed us goodbye, as I kept rubbing Kathy's nipple. She had her eyes half closed again and moaned, "Jen, I am so fucking wet. Lets fuck and then I want to eat you so bad."

We fucked with Oscar in every position we could think of and then did it without anything. We were out of our mind we 69'd each other. I kept as much of Kathy's juices in my mouth as I could hold and then we kissed and swished it around and swallowed. She did the same thing to me in next few minutes. We just kept going until we were more exhausted than we were from the white water rafting trip.

We lay together, holding each other, and starring into each other's eyes. We kissed with more passion than I came ever remember us having. We wrapped our legs around each other and fell asleep with our faces touching.

We woke up to Ruffles licking our faces, when then sun was coming up. We both opened one eye and looked at him and started to laugh. We played with the stupid dog for few minutes and then pushed him out of the way and made love just like last night. Kathy put her arms around me and rolled on top of me. She kissed me so softly and then went wild again, as Ruffles howled. We laughed and orgasmed together.

We licked each other and I said, "Lets shower. We have an appointment today. Remember?" Kathy said, "Oh, the contest! Oh yeah. Lets get up and go out to eat, and then well take the." I kissed her to shut her up. She was talking 500 miles a minute. We started to make love again and neither of us could stop ourselves. Ruffles fixed that. He pissed on the bed. I swear the dog does that on purpose. He looks right at us, lifts his leg, and goes. Kathy thinks he's smiling at us when he runs away.

We got up, ripped the wet sheets of the bed, and went into take a shower. We both said, "Stupid fucking dog", as we brushed our teeth.

We were all set to go and decided on a quick fast food junk meal for breakfast to eat on the road. This was not exactly our favorite, but we knew were going to be late. I tossed the keys to the Jeep to Kathy and she said, "You really do want to get there fast. Just don't unplug that radar detector again. I can't get another ticket. I just got my license back last month. Remember?"


Kathy drove like a racecar driver. She always does on the highway. It gets me so nervous as she drafts the car in front and then swings out to pass. She smiles every time she floors the gas pedal. I knew I should have bought the 6 cylinder model instead of the high output V8 in this car.

We made it into Oregon and were by a lake in 1 hour. I think Kathy averaged about 120 the whole way. I was reading the directions and Kathy stopped. She said, "You have to see this. Holy Shit!" We both starred across the lake at a castle that looked like it was right out of the middle ages and it was huge. It also had two boats docked by it at the lake. One was like a small cruise ship. Kathy said, "That must be it. My God is that big. Look at it."

We followed the road around the lake and sure enough it was the place. Kathy pulled into a driveway and we drove about a half mile. We passed a stable and then came up to a fountain in the road and saw the front the castle. It was larger than we even imagined. We parked by a drawbridge in a circular area that was all stone, and walked over to the front door. I pushed the doorbell and we waited.

Two of the most drop dead gorgeous women answered the door. They smiled at us and one said, "Hi. I'm Julie and this is Mandy. You must be Jen and Kathy, right?" We were both smiled and I said, "You are both absolutely gorgeous. You don't look anything like the pictures we've seen of either of you." Mandy blushed and said, "You are both really hot too. Come on in."

Something just clicked between the four of us and it was like we were old friends in a matter of minutes. We went through the most outrageous entrance foyer I've ever seen. It was about 100 feet long, 60 feet wide and the ceiling went all the up to the top of the third floor. Kathy and I both tilted our heads back to look up and Julie said, "Cool isn't it? We love the chandelier."

They offered us some wine and of course we said yes, and went out through a hallway and french doors to the back veranda over looking the boats. Mandy introduced us to the other members of the band Sage. We met Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen. We also met someone named Jess that was really upset. Mandy said, "She had her heart broken and now she's crying on our shoulders again for the fourth time. Have a drink Jess."

They all sat with us at a glass table and everyone lit up cigarettes, so we did also. Kathy said, "So what is the prize. We were so puzzled, that's why we came."

Julie looked at Mandy and said, "It can be anything you want it be. A check for some money, or a chance at changing your lives to do whatever you want to do." Mandy stopped her and said, "We put together that puzzle for a couple of reasons. We like to work with people who relate to us. By buying the Oscar kit, you are one step in the right direction. We also like to make money. We wanted to met someone who was very intelligent, who understood the value of love, and hopefully wants to make a lot of money also. So let me tell you about us, and you can tell me everything about yourselves and what you really want out of life."

Mandy spoke for almost and hour about JPSS and everything they were into. It was amazing. We thought it was just an internet entertainment company and they did everything from Day care to films, biotech, hospitals, manufacturing, and retail. Mandy ended by saying, "Julie, Jody, and I were part of the original team that founded the company when it was all internet based and just about music. Now music is roughly 35 percent of the business, but we still play at least once a month, because that is what we love to do. It's our passion. What's your passion?"

Kathy said, "Can you tell us more about the Biotech businesses?" Julie put a phone on speaker and called someone and said, "Hey Max. We have some guests here with us. Can you give them and ten minute overview of the biotech area? We know you have a flight to catch, so we won't keep you too long." Max said, "Who are the guests?"

Kathy introduced us and he said, "Kathy? You probably don't remember me, but I was on your doctoral review board. Where is Jean, that husband of yours. He had the most amazing paper I've ever read." Kathy said, "It's a long story. Call us at home and we'll fill you in." Kathy gave him our number and Max told us about the operation. It was so exciting. Kathy said, "Call me Monday. We have a lot to talk about. Thanks."

I said to Kathy, "Do we tell them?" She smiled and nodded her head. I said, "Do you have a VCR we can use? I have some tapes in the car that I think you'll want to see this." We all went inside and then I went to the car and took out our laptop and a case with the tapes I left in the car from when John came to house, and also the new tapes from the hospital. I went back inside to the den and said, "Max asked about Kathy's husband Jean. I know this will sound so far fetched, but I assure you it's true. I am her husband Jean. I shortened my name to Jen. This is a result of an accident in the lab, with a drug that we own the rights to. You interested in hearing more?"

They all had their mouths open and Kathy said, "It's really true. Show them the tapes honey."

We started with me as a kid, just short clips; college, our wedding, and then at the lab. I stopped the tape and Kathy told them about my Jack Daniels evening and they were all hysterical when she said, "He bit a woman on the ass." I said, "I was still smashed and went into work the next day. I tried to inject a monkey and was tickling him and laughing. I stuck myself. This is what happened next."

I showed the tapes and Kathy narrated. They were all mesmerized by the tape and the scientific data that was collected. I ended by saying, "I was the first. That was over a year ago. We had another accident a little over 3 weeks ago. This was the result."

Kathy narrated the tape of Robert getting stabbed in the lab and then the time lapse in the hospital. We told them everything, including about the General and the settlement. Kathy said, "That's actually how we found Oscar. We bought two kits. One for us and one for Amanda and Roberta. We read the book and I was reading it upside down. I found the anagrams and we figured it out." Jody said, "How long did it take you solve it?"

Kathy said, "About 3 hours. It took a long time to get the music, because we have such a slow DSL connection. We were running T3s but the company stopped paying for them. We need such high speed stuff, because everything we do is automated in the lab and there are billions of bytes of data that we need access to instantly."

Jody started picking our brains about internet networks and Kathy said, "That's kid play. We're into the real cool stuff."

I said, "We put together a business plan to start a company to offer sex change alternatives. What you say if I could give you a pill that let you change sexes for a day or two, and if you liked it, make it permanent, or at least until you decided to change back. Think that would sell?"

Mandy and Julie looked at each and Mandy said, "No Shit. This is a multi- billion dollar game. Lets see the plan."

I plugged in the laptop and Kathy and I walked them all through it. They all laughed and Mandy said, "You are both brilliant, but the plan sucks. Lets rewrite it. First we need to record a tune in the studio that we were supposed to do yesterday. It's needed for a film sound track. You want to watch?"

We all went to their recording studio and Kathy and I sat on the couches and watched. We lit a cigarette to share and she leaned back against me. I was getting hot and had my arm around her. I touched her breast and she said, "Oh Jen, don't make me crazy here honey. Oh shit, that feels good."

Mandy walked over to us and kissed us both so softly and said, "You definitely fit right in." We watched and listened to them play the song live on a stage and they were fantastic. Then they went into a studio and we watched the recording session. Jody and Janice mastered it and they came out and listened sitting next to us. We loved the song. Kathy said, "I love the chorus. This is one on your best ever."

They all smothered her in kisses. We laughed for over 10 minutes. Mandy said, "Lets build a real presentation. You two need to go anywhere tonight or tomorrow?" I said, "No, not really. Why?

Julie said, "Stay here. We are having a senior management meeting here tomorrow and a board meeting. You can present the idea. Lets see how everyone reacts and if they are interested in doing it. We all love it, but we need a few more votes to make to happen."

We agreed and fixed our plan. They had some many ideas we didn't even think of. Jody said, "Can you imagine how pissed of someone will be when they wake up as an ugly woman or man? We need to offer plastic surgery also. Jen, you were one hunk of a guy, and you're gorgeous as a woman. Not everyone looks like you two do, or as good as Roberta. Think about this as a cheap temporary change to see if you like it, and then a permanent one, that offers options. Real expensive options."

They also added additional testing time and approval time. Plus testing for different races, age groups and female to male changes. They put my plan in phases and them made me give the whole presentation like it was all my idea. Kathy and I split into two parts because it sounded better. We had it down and then we all talked about so many things and drank wine. We were having a blast.

Someone ordered dinner for everyone as Mandy said, "Kids are home. Lets go have some fun with them." We played with their kids, who couldn't have been over 8 or 9 years old. They were adorable. Mandy said, "Julie and I are married, Melissa is married to Karen, and Jody is married to Janice. These are our kids. Say hi Christiana. We all got married under the same sex laws. Our kids are from artificial insemination from two really great friends who also make terrific fathers. They live next door."

We met their stupid dog and cat, and we laughed so hard. Kathy told them about Ruffles and they all cracked when she went into detail about he pisses on us in the bed when he gets jealous. Julie took us into their indoor swimming pool area and we watched the dog push the cat in the water and then smile. The cat was trying to get out by climbing up a waterfall and doing belly flops back into the pool. I laughed so hard I almost peed in my panties. Kathy stopped breathing. Julie said, "Now those are stupid pets."

We all ate and had a great time. Somehow the conversation came up about cars and Kathy said, "Jen and I bought that new monster Corvette; the twin turbo Lotus engine with 750 horsepower. That thing flies and I love driving it." Jody and her started to talk like gear heads and Mandy said, "We'll loose them for the night. Watch them go to the garage." Sure enough they were going to the garage and we all went with them. Jody was letting Kathy drive their collection of racecars around the property. Kathy was in heaven.

We were trying to get them both back in the house and Kathy said, "Just one more time in the Ferrari. That was so cool." Jody and her took it our together, as we went inside. They showed up an hour later and we heard about how they hit 175 on the interstate. Then Jody announced that Kathy had already given then all the data she needed to have the network redesigned for the increase in sales. Mandy said, "I guess you guys get a nice sign on bonus if this all works out tomorrow. Let me tell you what the deal would be."

We listened and couldn't believe the numbers. They really did have too much money. The bonus and stock plan were out of this world. Mandy said, "Jen, you'll run the operation, but you'll both be on the senior management team. Come sit on the Veranda with Julie and me for a while. We love it out there. Grab some wine and my cigarettes sweetheart."

We walked outside, as everyone else said goodnight. Julie brought out some wine and we all sat at a table on two love seats overlooking the lake. With the outside lights on this was so beautiful. We could see four snow covered mountain peaks in the distance. Kathy put her hand on my leg and I felt the electricity flow between us. She smiled at me as she felt it too. We kissed, as Julie and Mandy were doing the same thing. We got so hot watching them.

They were cuddling up next to each other, and so were we. Julie lit us all a cigarette and we talked about so many things. Kathy and I really liked them. They were as nutty as we were. Mandy said, "Everyone one of us has a passion for doing something they love. That is what drives us and what helps to make money. We are also hopeless romantics, and incredibly crazy. What's the craziest thing you did in the last 3 months?"

Kathy smiled and said, "Did you read about the floods 3 to 4 weeks ago?" Julie said, "Yeah, that was unbelievable. We watched it on TV. We saw some lunatics white water rafting down the north branch of the river that someone video taped. It was incredible." Kathy said, "We were those lunatics along with John and Dawn who work in the lab."

Mandy and Julie looked at each other and both said together, "No Shit!" They wanted to know everything about the trip. When we told them about giving John a blowjob without him waking up, they both laughed so hard, Julie almost fell off her seat.

Then the conversation turned to sex. We were all getting horny. Kathy said, "Your book was great, but you left out a position that we really love." Mandy took our hands and walked up upstairs to their bedroom. Julie said, "Teach us."

We all undressed and started to kiss each other. Kathy and I were so into both of them. Mandy and Julie were outrageous. They took out a new Oscar kit from their closet and said, "Now let's see the positions."

Kathy and I sat facing each other with our legs spread open. One of my legs was over one of hers, and one of hers was over mine. We both put Oscar inside of our pussies and then moved together until our pussies were touching. We held each other kissing, as we fucked. I was so hot and so was Kathy. We were moaning into each other's mouths and then into each other's ears.

Mandy and Julie knelt next to us and were kissing us both and holding us. They were so into watching us make love, we kept going to for over a half hour. I orgasmed six times and so did Kathy. We stopped and kissed and then I helped Mandy get into position, as Kathy did the same for Julie. We put their Oscar into position and helped them move close together. Mandy and Julie fucked each other senseless. Julie was screaming, "Oh my God, this feels so different. Oh Mandy, how did we miss this? I'm going to cum already! OH! OOOH! OOOOOHHHH! OOHH! Mmmmmm. Keep going baby."

They kissed and held each other making love. Kathy and I caressed both of them. We licked and sucked their nipples and then kissed each of them so softly. Julie stuck her tongue almost all the way down my throat. Wow does she have an incredible tongue.

Kathy and I took our Oscar and lay in bed together. We put Oscar in her pussy, and then I sat on her. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and rolled on our side. We fucked for hours, right next to Mandy and Julie doing the same thing.

Then we ate each other. Kathy and I lay in a 69 position and played our game of spiting each other's juice in the other's mouth. We did it about three times as we licked and sucked each other into one orgasm after the other. Then we crawled over and both spit into Mandy and Julie's mouth. They went wild. We ended up in a four way 69 chain in the bed and we changed positions three times. Each of us licked each one of the others. It was unreal.

We all kissed each other and then paired up again to sleep. Kathy and I had our legs wrapped around each other, and so did Mandy and Julie. We laughed at each other and Julie said, "Hey, that wasn't in the book." I said, "It should have been."

We were sharing a cigarette and Julie said, "Hope you don't mind getting waken up by five guys at 6 AM all wanting a blowjob." Kathy and I laughed, as I took a drag of the cigarette and Kathy said, "No, that's cool. Can we suck them off twice?" Julie whispered to Mandy, "They are worse than we are. I don't believe it."

Kathy took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to Mandy. We said goodnight and fell asleep.

Kathy and I couldn't sleep. We woke up and fucked for another hour. I was so into it and so was she. We kissed the whole time and finally fell asleep with Oscar in our pussies, slowly moving on each other. Every fifteen of so minutes, one of us would move and wake the other up, as Oscar moved inside of us. It was so incredibly erotic. I orgasmed all night long. So did Kathy.


At 6 AM we were all woken up by five guys. Mandy and Julie introduced them and we didn't even pay attention. We still had Oscar inside of us and Mandy saw it. She laughed so hard. We moved our pussies and started cumming again. Kathy and I grabbed two of the guys cocks that were standing by the bed and we had them kneel over our heads. We each sucked one the cocks into our mouths, watching each other.

Kathy and I were so out of control. We rubbed our pussies together using Oscar and sucked the cocks for breakfast. Kathy was rubbing the shaft of the guy I was sucking, and I was doing the same thing for her. They both shot their loads within 5 minutes. The guy jerked into my mouth and I felt him blast his cum onto the roof of my mouth, as his cock pulsated. Kathy keep rubbing his shaft and squirt after squirt of warm goo shot onto my tongue. I rubbed the shaft of the cock in Kathy's mouth and it was jerking also. I loved the taste and sucked all of the cum into my mouth.

Kathy and I both pushed the guys back and kissed. We swapped the cum from one mouth to the other, as we rubbed our pussies faster on each other. We swallowed and then kissed. I sucked Kathy's tongue, and then she sucked mine. The other guys that Mandy and Julie did were now in front of us; all three of them. We alternated sucking them and rubbing their cocks. They didn't last long either. Kathy said to me, "Take them all in your mouth. I get so turned on watching you do that. Hold it all in and then spit it in my mouth. Treat me like your slut honey."

We rubbed all the guys and I sucked one really hard. He shot in my mouth and I held all the cum in. I sucked him harder and he pulled away. The second one came in my mouth, less than 30 seconds later. Kathy rubbed his shaft until he jerked and moaned, squirting his white goo onto my tongue. The third was only seconds behind. I sucked him all the way in my mouth, as I swished the cum around his cock. He blasted a shot down my throat and then Kathy pulled him back so I could hold it in. She rubbed his shaft so fast, he jerked a few more times and squirt onto my tongue. Kathy pushed him back and said, "Show me Jen. Open up and Show me. Oh God is that hot. Now kiss me baby."

Kathy kissed me with her mouth wide open and we played with the cum and rubbed our pussies together. We both orgasmed again as we swallowed. Mandy and Julie knelt next to our faces and Mandy kissed me, and Julie kissed Kathy. They both had a mouthful of cum. We loved it and ended up in a four way 69 chain again until the alarm clock went off at 9.

We all kissed and then Kathy and I really kissed and held each. Mandy and Julie did the same thing. They took our hands and walked us into the bathroom. We all showered together in their large stone tub and pissed with the water running over our heads. They laughed at us, and we did the same thing to them.

We were drying off and Kathy said, "Those guys looked like Zombies. Were they hypnotized?" Mandy said, "Don't tell anyone, but yeah they were. Post hypnotic suggestion. They are our alarm clock once a week. They make the rounds to the bedrooms."

We loved it. Kathy was asking Mandy about which technique she used and Mandy said, "How'd you know about that?" Kathy said, "We use to do it in college as a joke to people. It really works."

I said, "We only have our cloths from yesterday. Is that okay for the meeting?" Julie said, "Today is very casual. Take some of our shorts and tee shirts. We never wear a bra. We have extra flip flops too."

We got dressed and used their toothbrushes and makeup also. Kathy said, "We came so well prepared."

We all went down to the kitchen for breakfast and the kids were all feeding the dog and cat cheerios. We laughed so hard at the stupid dog. He really was a moron. Julie said, "After they feed the cat and dog, then we give them their real breakfast."

They had a nanny who was loosing her mind. We all laughed at her, but the kids were having a blast. Mandy made us some breakfast and also some for the kids. We all ate and had some coffee. I lit a cigarette, as the others came down stairs. Jody said, "Okay, which one of you hogged Julio today? He couldn't even get it up."

Mandy and Julie were laughing and pointed to us. We both blushed and Jody said, "Janice and I are going to have to move our bedroom to get closer to the starting line. The guys we get just can't make it to the finish line down the hall."

Mandy told them about our different position with Oscar and they all had their eyes wide open now. We sat on the floor and demonstrated with our cloths on. They all watched every move. It was wild.

Mandy said, "The guests should start arriving in about a half hour. We will all be in the theater on the lower level. Take your lap top and we'll go down stairs."

This house so unbelievable. They had a full auditorium and amusement arcade room as part of the lower level. We hooked up the laptop to a projection system and tested it. Mandy said, "You can sit anywhere when we get started, and I'll introduce you. Oh, also show those tapes. They are very convincing. The Video and DVD players are on the stage." I went to get the tapes and came back to the room, as a caterer was setting up food and coffee. We all had another cup and a cigarette.

Mandy and Julie greeted everyone as they arrived. We counted 78 senior managers in the company. Mandy took the podium and got it started. There was no doubt that she was the boss. You could hear a pin drop when she spoke. After some company business she said, "I wanted you all to hear about a new venture and I have two guests here with me. This is very unusual and could be worth billions. We heard it yesterday and are really excited about it. Please welcome Doctor Jen Edwards and Doctor Kathy Edwards."

We went up to the podium and each had a microphone. Kathy started it off and said, "Max, are you here?" Max stood up and waved. She said, "You asked about my husband Jean. We'll this is my husband Jean. She shortened her name to Jen after the accident." I said, "Hi Max. Remember the theory of cellular division that I hypothecated into a formula that changed.." I went on for about a minute and Max said, "How can you possible be Jean. Jean is a man?"

Kathy said, "Were glad you asked that question." She put in the first video tape and showed the 10 minute clips of me before the accident, including our wedding. Then we watched the lab accident and I narrated that part and the transformation after it. Kathy narrated the exams and camera shots as I progressed. We showed the second accident of Roberta and I asked, "How many of you ever wanted to change sexes for a few hours or a day, just to see what it was like? Come on raise your hands." Almost everyone raised their hand, as Kathy said to Mandy, "She's good at this isn't she?" They both laughed.

I said, "What if you could take a pill and have it happen to you overnight? What would you pay for that pill? Better yet, what would you pay to have it be permanent after you decided you liked it? Or maybe change your mind and switch back after a year or two. Anyone think there is a market for that type of drug?"

We got a standing ovation and I was so surprised. We gave then slide presentation and Max asked the first question. He said, "Did you really figure out how to alter DNA, cellular structures and the body's chemistry, just like you theorized?" I said, "In short. Yes. My theories were only 80 percent right, but enough that I found the answers. There are a number of things we don't understand yet. Like why the cells repair themselves. I had a 9 inch scar on my shoulder before the accident from a motorcycle accident. It's gone now. Also I had a torn ACL in my left knee that I was scheduled for surgery on the following week. It was repaired in my accident also. Roberta's ruptured neck disc problem went away also. X-rays are now normal. We have no clue what is causing this, or where to start looking yet. It just happens. Just like I have no hair at all below my neck. These are things we need to understand in the second phase of the development process.

We answered questions for over an hour. Some were kind of cute about sex. When asked which was better, I said, "In sex there's no comparison. Being a woman is 10 times better." Mandy came back to the podium and said, "Any more questions?", "Good. Show of hands. Anyone think we should not do this." No one raised their hands and she said, "30 minute break. Can I have the board meet me in the conference room off my study please."

Mandy said, "We'll call you in a few minutes. You were great."

Kathy and I hugged and kissed. We got a round of applause and blushed. We sat and lit a cigarette. I took a deep drag and blew out the smoke. Kathy was exhaling and said, "We need to call the crew if this is a yes. This is amazing."

We finished our cigarettes and the admins asked us to come into the boardroom. They all welcomed us again and Mandy said, "Please welcome our new division President and Executive Vice President. We just need to find a company name for it. You are both officially part of the top management team of JPSS and the comp package is better than we discussed before. You and Kathy get one vote on the board, and you can both attend the meetings. Max will be working with you to help you get everything started. Use all of his resources as you need. He is getting a cut for helping you so there is a lot of incentive. We did have a few questions about the FDA, locations, and some other things. Why don't we meet for few minutes after everyone leaves today. I know you will want to call your staff and give them the good news. Thanks."

The board left and we call everyone from the conference room. I also called my mother and told her. She was so excited. Then I asked her, "Does Arthur, the senator, have any pull with the FDA?" She laughed and said, "I'll call now and get back to you on your cell."

We waited and my mom called back. She said, "He sure does. He chairs the funding committee. He said after this, we're even on his debt." I said, "Why did he owe us this favor?"

My mom said, "Don't be mad at him, because this really wasn't his fault. He was driving the car when your father was killed. They were all having a good time and got hit head on by a car that went out of control and jumped into their lane. Author walked away without a scratch on him. The other four in the car died. This has haunted him for 27 years."

We thanked my mom, as Kathy and I were kind of stunned. We wanted to tell Author not to do anything for us, but we just left it alone. Kathy said, "He has to do this for himself. Not for us."

We had another cigarette and talked about where to put the lab and clinics. Then went back into the theater. Mandy was watching someone else speak and she walked over to us. She whispered in my ear, "How did you make out?" I whispered back, "The senator who chairs the FDA funding committee owes my mom a big favor. She already talked to him." Mandy kissed my ear and said, "Last night was outrageous. This is going to be blast." Then she kissed Kathy on the ear and whispered something. They both were smiling. Mandy walked back to her seat and Kathy whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, she is so hot. She wants you and me to make love to her and Julie all night. I said yes." I smiled at Kathy also.

The Management meeting ended and everyone was leaving. They all shook our hands and welcomed us to the family. It really was amazing how well they all worked together, and had fun together. Mandy got us some wine, and had us wait in the kitchen for her and Julie as they said goodbye to the few stragglers. The kids came into the kitchen and they were such a piss. We heard, "My moms going to smack you. I know she is.", "Oh yeah? She hasn't hit me yet!" "Well that's because she doesn't know that you pissed in the dogs food. You'll see what happens when I tell on you."

Little Allison went running up to Julie grabbing her leg and said, "Mom! Jasmine sat on the dogs food and peed in it. Christiana and I saw her do it. You need to hit her. She needs to be punished!"

Julie and Mandy laughed so hard I thought they were going to fall over. Allison said, "Well, are you going to hit her or not?"

Julie was laughing so hard she couldn't breath and shook her head no. Allison yelled, "Oh Shit!" Julie smacked her ass, and we all laughed. Mandy had to leave the room and dragged us with her as we all had tears in our eyes. She said, "It's like this everyday. God help us."

They shipped the kids into the playroom, that looked like a warehouse for Toys-R-us. We went out back with the wine and sat on the veranda. Julie was still laughing and said, "Can you believe that? She never hears it from us."

Mandy had some of the help heat us up some dinner and we ate outside. It was great. We started talking about the castle and Kathy said, "It must be nice to pay 200 million for a place to live." Mandy said, "Try 1.6 million, plus the 5 million we put into it to double the size."

Kathy said, "No way. We live 120 miles south of here and we paid a million even for a 4 bedroom normal size house." Julie said, "Mandy's mom is Margi, our attorney on the board. Her and Alice know so many people in banks. This house was a bank foreclosure. A matter of fact, there's one across the lake that is for sale now. Here we'll show you. Take your wine."

We got onto the smaller of the large boats and went out the inlet and into the large lake. This was so nice. Kathy and I held hands, as the wind blew our hair and we felt the water mist spray on us. Julie said, "Left honey, its on the hill right there." Mandy steered the boat to a dock and we looked at the house. It was huge and our style, ultra modern. There was a realtor's sign out front and Mandy said, "There's only one realtor in this area. He's such a great guy. His name is Gus and he's about 75 years old. I'm dying to find out how much they're asking for the place."

Mandy called the realtor and talked for a few minutes like they were old friends. Then she asked about the house and nodded her head. We heard, "Yeah sure. 10 minutes. We're here at the dock. See you then."

Mandy said, "We're getting a tour. You all need to help tie the boat to the dock. I'll steer it close." We sat on the boat all having a cigarette and drinking our wine, as Gus the realtor showed up. He said, "I knew you would call me about this place. Lets go on in."

We took the tour. The house was tremendous and beautiful. It had 10 bedrooms, and the back of the house was all glass. Mandy said, "So Gus, without all the bullshit of offers and everything, what would they take as the bottom line low number?"

Gus took out a sheet and used a calculator. He said, "My guess is 1.3 million. That covers all the costs." I said to Kathy, "You okay with moving the research facility here?" She said, "Can we see the town too? Gus, I love the house and we may want to make an offer on it."

Mandy and Julie were our tour guides. Everyone knew them in the town and it was such a cool small town. They took us into their favorite antique shop and Kathy and I fell in love with the cutest old style rocking chairs. Julie dragged us out of the store laughing. We got back on the boat and took the long way to the castle so Mandy could point out other things in the area, including the corporate headquarters building.

We docked back at their house and went back on the Veranda. Kathy said, "Lets do it. Call your mom to do the closing." Mandy said, "My Mom knows the President of the bank. Let her negotiate, also the closing is free." Kathy looked at me and I said, "Free is good. Call her."

Mandy called and told her all about the property and that we were interested. We heard, "Sure. They're staying the night. Call us back."

We all had more wine and I was getting a buzz. So was Kathy, as two of the kids came running outside. Allison said, "Mommy, I'm sorry. Kiss me goodnight." Julie and Mandy kissed her and then they both kissed Christiana. The kids were running back inside and we heard, "I told you she'd kiss me first. You're such a looser Christiana. I'm such a better liar than you are."

We all laughed so hard. Julie said, "I'm going to kill her."


We all had more wine as it was getting dark outside and then we moved into the den. The phone rang and Mandy answered it. She listened and said, "Great. I'll put on Jen." She handed me the phone and I listened and said, "How did you do that, if the house sold last year for 7.8 million?" I listened and nodded my head and said, "I'll get you the account numbers in the morning. That's terrific. Thanks."

Mandy took the phone and said, "Thanks Mom. See you tomorrow." I said to Kathy, "We just bought it for a million even. The same price as the dump we have now. That's unbelievable. Margi is doing the closing for us. We just need to sign a power of attorney in the morning. She said to come to the office."

Kathy was so excited. She hugged and kissed me, and then hugged Mandy and Julie and, before we realized it we were all kissing and getting really serious. All of us. Mandy kissed me so sexy and soft and said, "Julie and I are so hot for you two. Let go make love together."

We went up to Mandy and Julie's bedroom. This night was something we will remember forever. We all took off our cloths and then Julie lit us all a cigarette. She said, "You two sit on the bed against the headboard. We have some surprises for you. Just play along, it's a lot of fun. We'll only be a few minutes."

Kathy and I sat caressing each other and kissing, each having a cigarette. I took a deep drag and held in the smoke, as Kathy did the same thing. We both exhaled, as we heard all types of rustling noises from the bathroom. Kathy whispered, "What could they be doing?" I took a drag of my cigarette and whispered, "My guess is a fantasy for us. This was so much fun when we did this two moths ago." Kathy whispered, "I hope it's a camping one."

We kissed and them really kissed. We both took a drag of our cigarettes and then Kathy put them out in the ashtray. We lay back against each other and were rubbing each other's nipples. I was so turned on.

We heard the bathroom door opened and Mandy and Julie walked in wearing Girl Scout uniforms with their hair in pigtails. Kathy squeezed me so hard and took a deep sigh. She said softly, "Jen, they are so gorgeous. Oh my God, I'm so wet. They look like they're fifteen. Touch me pussy, rub it honey, and I'll rub yours."

The two of them pretended they were Girl Scouts lost in the woods on their camping trip and found our house. We played along and all were getting so hot. They played hard to get and Kathy was an animal. She was begging them to let her take off their shirts to look inside. Mandy said, "That wouldn't be very nice. I'm only 14 years old. My mother would be very upset with you, Doctor Edwards."

We all couldn't take it any more. Julie slowly unbuttoned Mandy's shirt and felt her breasts while we watched. The two of them put on a show for us while we rubbed each other's clit. Kathy and I had three orgasms watching, we were so turned on. Finally Mandy and Julie lay down by us and they both went wild on us. The four of us were in a pile together, licking, sucking, hugging and kissing. I lost count of how many times I had an orgasm.

Kathy and I 69'd each other and spit our juices into Julie and Mandy's mouth. They went wild on us again. Then we all took a cigarette break. Kathy whispered into my ear, "Time for us to do our fantasy game honey. Let use their cloths."

I said, "Just relax. We'll be right back." We picked up all the cloths off the floor and went into the bathroom. We found two bras' in the bathroom and put them on, and then the uniforms. We did our hair almost the same way and washed off our makeup. We both finished our cigarette, looking in the mirror at each other. We were getting so hot. I said, "We look like little kids. I love it." We put our smokes and walked out.

They looked at us and we knew they were ready to juice already. Kathy and I played it up so much. We pretended we were out camping and we went into the woods to be alone. She said, "Jen. I stole some of my mother's cigarettes. You want to smoke one with me? She doesn't think that at 14, I'm old enough yet." I said, "Yeah Kathy. Lets find a soft grass area to sit on."

We sat on the other end of the bed so they could watch us. Kathy took out a cigarette and lit it like it was her very first time. Then I took it and sucked on it, and inhaled. She said, "Jen, can you do this?" She arched her back and pushed her tits out. I said, "Yeah, but we have on bras. It hurts too much with these on." Jen took a drag of the cigarette and then put it in my lips and I took a drag. She reached into my shirt and touched my nipple gently so Mandy could see it and said, "That Bra is way too small of you. Let me move it a little."

Jen unbuttoned my blouse at the top and lifted the bra off my boobs. It really did feel good, as she softly touched them and said, "Do you think this is wrong? I can't help myself. Jen, have you ever thought about me like this?" I took a drag of the cigarette and held it to Kathy's lips as she took a drag and rubbed my nipples. I said, "I wanted to kiss you in the cabin last night when we played our little game. I was thinking about you touching me just like this all night. It feels so good, it can't be bad."

I kissed Kathy and then gave her a wet, sloppy kiss. We watched Mandy and Julie have a huge orgasm together. I started to undress Kathy and she had the cigarette in her lips and looked like such a teenage slut. Oh, was I getting wet. She undressed me also and we only had a few things on, but our nipples and pussy were out. I took the cigarette out of Kathy's lips and put it in mine and she said, "I want to kiss you between the legs Jen. Can I try that too?"

Kathy didn't wait for an answer and knelt between my legs and ate my pussy so good, as I had the cigarette hanging from my lips. I watched Mandy and Julie have another orgasm and then they crawled over to us. Julie took the cigarette out of my lips and took a drag. She put it out and then the two of them pulled us both into the bed and all went crazy on each other.

We fucked all night. We did it with Oscar in our pussies and in our asses. We paired up and Kathy and I were on overload. We fucked each other for four hours nonstop. We kissed so much our lips hurt. We lay in a 69 position and drank each other's cum, and shared it with each other. We were lying on our sides kissing, when Julie and Mandy spit in our mouths all their pussy cunt juices. It started all over again. Mandy and I did it together for over 2 hours and we both felt something special. It was really weird, and neither of us knew what to do. She starred into my eyes and whispered into my ear, "I feel it too. Sssshhh."

The four of us did everything imaginable to each other until the sun came out. They Kathy and I got into our favorite position, and so did Mandy and Julie. We made love as couples again, while we touched each other. This was unreal.

At 8 AM Mandy said, "We have to get to the office. We have a meeting, and you have a closing." We all sat back against the headboard and Kathy lit us all cigarettes. We looked at each other and laughed. We all looked like we stuck our fingers in an electrical outlet. My hair was sticking straight up, hard as a rock, from all of the juices that we on it. Everyone else's was the same. Kathy called Julie Doctor Frankenstein, because of the castle, and they had this whole skit worked out where Mandy was Nurse Igor.

They tied to revive us using Oscar like the Frankenstein Monster. We laughed so hard and then made love again. We were so out of control. They raced to shower and get to the office and told us to meet them there as soon as we got up.

We got up, showered, and went to the office. It was a great office complex and building. Mandy saw us and pulled us into the executive suite. She closed the door and kissed us both so passionately. She said, "This is the very first time Julie and I have even been late for work. God, was that hot last night. Go do your closing and stop back before you leave." She kissed us both again so softly and we were both so wet. I kissed Kathy and then Mandy started on us again. She laughed and held both us saying, "Please get out before we fuck in my office. I'm so horny again."

We went into Margi's office and she had all the paperwork. I called my mom to get the account numbers and we did the closing right there. We were done in an hour and the house was ours. It was amazing.

We stopped to say goodbye to Mandy and Julie and they were in a meeting. They both waved to us and Mandy said, "Call me tonight. Promise?" We nodded and headed to the realtor to get the keys. We check out the house and made love on the empty living room floor, and then headed back to the old house. Kathy held me so close the whole trip home while I drove. She lifted up the center console and sat on it, with her arms around my waist. I loved it.


The next six months were amazing. Besides talking to Mandy and Julie at least three times a day and seeing them a lot also, we set up the lab and office in Oregon. We had the entire team relocate at company expense, and hired a bunch of new staff. Max and I spent a lot of time moving his staff around and we reorganized everything to make it work better for both of us.

We made breakthroughs in our research almost everyday. Everyone was so relaxed and the atmosphere was so friendly, we all loved it. Roberta was definitely over the edge on being a woman. She wore a bikini into work one day and we all laughed. She said, "I need to work on my tan. I'm doing my think time at the lake today. Amanda say's I'm too pale."

We all watched her go to the lake and meditate, which she always did. She walked back in the building a half hour later, and worked like a lunatic on a cad-cam terminal. We watched her solve one of the last complex problems we had. We all had our mouths open as she said, "I just needed to relax a little. It was easy once I organized my mind a little better. God Jen, stop looking at my nipples."

John, Dawn, Kathy, me, and Max separated all of research efforts into 17 projects; each one with the possibility to make billions. They were my ideas and everyone worked so hard to make it happen. I promised them all a share of what we made. Mandy approved all of it and thought it was a great incentive.

Mandy and Julie were so great to be around. We slept with them on regular basis, and went to one of their concerts. Their band was fantastic. We also made lover to all of them in the hotel. Now that was interesting. We got tangled in a pile of bodies in one bed; all eight of us.

The board wanted to see our progress and I just kept saying, "We are way ahead of schedule. Trust me on this. At the next management conference you will be very happy." I didn't let on that we already had one drug in phase III clinical trials, and another in Phase II, thanks to the Senator's pull. He saved us about 5 years of work.

Max and I used a team of his physicians to do the clinical trials and we followed ever rule. We also documented every case for publicity and had people sign a waver. The management conference was approaching next week and Max helped me and Kathy put together a presentation that was going to knock everyone's socks off, as he put it. We couldn't have agreed more.

Two days before the conference we got the FDA's approval on the first drug. We all went out and got so drunk, none of us could even stand up. The entire research team slept in the bar that night.

The management conference was tomorrow and I called Mandy on her cell and said, "Can Kathy and I see you and Julie alone this afternoon at your house. We want to show you something that I think will make you real happy." She said, "Yeah sure. Come one over. We're at the house now."

We packed up for the conference and assumed we would spend the night as usual. I took the laptop with our presentation and also a backup copy. We drove over in our shorts and tee shirts, no bra of course, and flip flops. We went into castle and the kids all love to play with us now. Julie got so pissed when Kathy showed Alison how to take apart a clock in the den. We had no idea it was a priceless antique. We put it back together, as Mandy laughed hysterically.

We found them both out back and I put down my bags and said, "This is going to take a while. Be prepared to be shocked."

I said, "For starters, we got our first FDA drug approved yesterday. It's not the sex change drug, but it may be even better." Mandy said, "How? It's not possible!" I said, "It's amazing what a Senator can do that controls the funding for the FDA. We followed all the protocols and all of the CFR rules. No short cuts, except on bureaucracy."

I pulled out a bottle and said, "I'm calling it a vitamin, and you'll understand why in little while. It's perfectly safe. Julie, you still have that huge scare on your foot? They didn't do the plastic surgery yet did they, or is that next week?" Julie showed us scar she got from steeping on a knife on the boat and needed 37 stitches. I said, "Take one of these. It's perfectly safe." I handed her a pill and she swallowed it and I said, "It takes a while to work, so watch the show."

Kathy and I took them through the whole presentation. It was over 4 hours and they were in shock. I said, "Julie, check your foot." She looked and the scare was gone. Mandy checked it again and then checked the scar Julie had on her back. It was gone also. I said, "How do you feel?" Julie said, "I feel great. I have so much energy; I was dead tired when we started. Let me see part of the presentation again. Jen, this is wild."

We went through parts of the presentation again and they told us what not to say at the management meeting. Mandy said, "People will sell us out for some of this stuff. Just cover the first 6 projects and the SexMed pill. I love than name. As you get closer to making each one happen, then we'll announce then. Jen, this is unreal. I'm going to ask the board to award you both a special bonus. A huge one, and for your team also, after the meeting. Now both of you give us a kiss. You have no idea how hot you two make us."

Kathy and I kissed each other teasing them, and then they attacked us. We loved it. We went down to the dock and got on the bigger boat this time. We followed Mandy into the master cabin. This boat sleeps 36, and it's like a mini cruise ship. They have a crew for this boat, and they were working on the deck. Mandy said into an intercom, "Take us around the lake for a few hours."

We all undressed and made love. The rocking waves of the lake made this incredible. Kathy and I had Oscar in us. She was sitting on me and we were grinding our pussies together. Each time the boat went over a wake, it made me dip a little and then come back up. We had orgasm after orgasm. Julie said, "We found out about this last week. It's great isn't it?"

We kissed and caressed and made passionate love, next to Mandy and Julie. They were the same way with each other today. After Kathy and I were in a 69 position, we kissed Mandy and Julie with our mouths full. They swallowed all of it, as we went back to do it again. They did the same thing and then kissed us with a mouthful. This gets us all so turned on, we got into a 4 way 69 chain and ate each other until the boat got back to the dock.

Well sat on the bed having a cigarette and Mandy said, "We have to go tell Grace what to do for tomorrow. We have you sleeping in the room next to ours for the conference." I said, "Where's Jess?" Julie laughed and said, "This time she moved in with someone, instead of them moving in here with her. Lets see how long this one lasts. She is such a doll and keeps getting her heart broken."

We all got dressed in our shorts and tee shirts and went back to the house. Kathy and I picked up our bags and brought them upstairs to the room that was Jess's. Kathy kissed me and said, "I am so proud of you." I kissed her back and said, "Without you this won't have been possible. You did half of it also." We kissed and got carried away as usual. After an hour of licking each other's pussy again, we went downstairs.

Mandy looked at Kathy and said smiling, "I don't believe it. Wipe you mouth. You guys are as bad as the kids." We all laughed, as Kathy still had some of my juices on her. We must have missed that when we got cleaned up.

We had a great night. Dinner, dancing with a dinner band they hired and then some wine outside under the lights. Mandy said, "You guys stay in your room tonight. If you sleep with us, I know we all will be up all night, and I can't. I'm on stage tomorrow, and so are you. We'll make love after you wow everyone. I promise. Isn't that right Julie?" Julie smiled at us and said, "I'm not on stage tomorrow."

Mandy yelled, "That's not fair. Damn it Julie!" Julie kissed Mandy and said, "I'm only kidding Sweetheart, I'll be with you all night. I promise. How about if we go to bed now?" They kissed us both goodnight and went upstairs.

Kathy and I walked around the grounds and I said, "We need to get a boat also. We have that huge dock and nothing tied up to it. We could get something like the smaller one they have; it sleeps twelve." Kathy stopped and kissed me and said, "I'll make you a deal. You get the boat, if I get a Ferrari." I said, "Deal." We kissed holding each other, and went upstairs to our room.

Kathy and I were so romantic that night. I lit the candles that were in the room and we place them in the bathroom, around the stone bathtub. Kathy had a bottle of wine and we poured two glasses and turned on the bath water. I lit a cigarette, as we undressed and waited for the tub to fill. Kathy poured in some bubble bath and we played with the suds, sitting one the ledge. I took a drag of the cigarette, and another, and held in the smoke. I blew out the smoke, as Kathy took a drag of the cigarette and then kissed me so sexy. She sat facing me on the bathtub ledge and put her arms over my shoulders. I took the cigarette back and she kissed me so sexy and held me close.

Kathy took a final drag of the cigarette and so did I. We got into the tub and I sat between Kathy's legs, leaning back on her. The warm water in the candle lit room felt so good. Kathy reached around me and held my breasts with her hands and kissed my neck. I tilted my head back on her shoulder and moaned softly and she whispered into my ear, "Jen honey, just relax and let me make you feel good."

Kathy rubbed my nipples and massaged my breasts. It felt great. Then she moved one of her hands down to rub my clit. I was in heaven. I moved one of my hands to rub my other breast and nipple, as I turned my head to kiss Kathy. She gave me a sloppy soft kiss and said, "Just lean back and relax honey."

Kathy rubbed my clit and my nipples while whispering so many nice things in my ear. She rubbed me faster and I moaned softly, "Oh, you're making me cum honey. Oh, just a little more. OH! OHHH! OOOOHHH! YES! YYYYEEEESSSS! Oh, God that's it! Ooooo. Mmmmmmmm. Rub softer now. Yeah, that's it. It feels so good. Don't stop yet."

Kathy rubbed me again and then I had another orgasm. I jerked my pussy up into her hand and turned around and kissed he so hard, as she held me. Then we changed positions and Kathy sat between my legs. I made sure she enjoyed every second of it. From the way I rubbed and pinched her nipples to the pushing and rubbing on her clit. I knew every detail of what made her go wild, and I did it all. Kathy screamed in an orgasm bucking her pussy under the water, and then had two more within a minute of each other.

She turned around facing me and said, "Sweetheart, that was beautiful." She kissed me and we held each other so close. We stood up kissing and stepped out of the tub. We dried each other off, and went into the bed. We had the most sensual love making we've had in a while. No Oscars, or anything else. Just slow, soft, and us. We kissed every part of each other's body and then licked it and sucked it. I came like a river when Kathy licked my pussy. Then she held my head to her pussy, as I made her flow the same way. We fell asleep with our legs wrapped around each other, kissing.

We woke up to Mandy and Julie kissing us softly saying, "Wake up. It's show time." Kathy and I looked at each other and smiled and got out of bed. Mandy gave me the most sensual kiss, as Julie did the same thing to Kathy. Kathy and I went into the bathroom and she said, "Sweetheart, that was the best last night. I really liked that so much. We need more time to be like that with each other."

We took a shower and then dressed. Today we had to dress nice and wear make up. We both looked hot, but still conservative. We went downstairs and had some breakfast with the kids. They loved how we played with them. We had some coffee and then went back to sit for a while and have a cigarette. Kathy took a deep drag and blew out the smoke into the wind and I couldn't help starring at her. She knew it and smiled. She said, "I feel the same way today. Last night was amazing." She moved close to me and said, "When you licked me with your tongue all the way out, I thought I was going to pass out. I felt such an electrical charge between us. I couldn't believe it." I said, "Me too."

Mandy waved us to come inside and we went into the theater on the lower level. It was packed. We took a seat next to Max, as Mandy walked up to the podium. Everyone was quite and she said, "Welcome to the three day management summit. The first day and half is all business, and then it's all play. You all know what we do here. For the new comers, what is said in here, or seen here, stays here. No exceptions. There are only a few rules about the house. Other than that, you're on your own. Lets start with the 6 month numbers."

Mandy went through every profit center and the company was incredibly profitable except one division and ours, which was listed as a new venture under development. She finished with, after lunch we are going to examine the one division that was listed in red. We all need to decide if we made a mistake, or what we need to do to turn it around. Next I'm going to turn the floor over to Jen and Kathy. I'm not going to say too much about this, other than they knocked my socks off yesterday with this. They made incredible progress. Jen it's you show."

We got up and Max said, "Good luck. Call out if you need me."

I started the presentation and said, "How many of you remember when I told everyone about side effects of changing sex? Anyone remember that? Well it turns out that those side effects were actually pretty interesting things. One of which I believe will be considered one of the most significant discoveries since electricity. I'm going to show you the results of a Phase III clinical trial, and I assure you there are no tricks with what you are going to see."

I took out a quarter and did my disappearing coin trick. I walked over to Mandy and pulled it out of her hair and everyone laughed. I said, "That's the only magic here today. As you can see on the first slide it has one word, Vitamin. To be honest, we don't know what to call it. It doesn't fit in any of the categories. What are going to see next is very graphic. It blood and guts bothers you look away, but I really would like you to see it. The first picture is of a boy. Age 15. He was in a fire and was burned over 60 percent of his body. He is fully heeled, but is disfigured beyond the help of plastic surgery." I showed the slide and people were shocked, some looked away.

I said, "This is the result after three days", and showed the picture of him totally healed and looking normal. I said, "Another bad photo. This is a man after a motorcycle accident. He was on our treatment program when it happened. The photo is of a compound fractured leg. Notice the bone protrusion and massive torn skin. The next picture was taken two days later after surgery. Notice there is no cut, no scar and no cast. Also the bone is fully healed."

I went on showing ten pictures including Glaucoma, Cancer, and AIDS. Then I said, "This picture is of Fat Louie. He was in our trial program and he weighed in at 659 pounds, we think. The scale broke." Everyone laughed and then I changed the slide and said, "This is after three days. Notice that he lost about 25 percent of his body fat, without surgery, diet, or exercise. This pill is a vitamin, because we don't know what to call it. It would be prescribed each day, just like a vitamin, and works by reconstructing cells which is one of the side effects from our other tests. The drug is in minute doses so the effects won't last more than a week, unless the use is continued. It is not a narcotic, and not additive. We could have made a single dose last a year, or ten years. But that would have put us out of business. We want to sell lots of these little pills. We even put a small amount of something in each pill so that if someone ingested more than four at once, it causes vomiting. I'd like to announce that the FDA gave us approval on this drug, three days ago."

Everyone stood and clapped and cheered. I continued the presentation with the other 6 projects Mandy wanted me to cover. Everyone was amazed. I said, "Julie, show us your foot. Everyone remember her scar?" Julie showed her foot and the scar was still gone. I said, "She took on pill yesterday. The scar is fully hidden. That will be permanent, as the cells on the surface have been repaired. Cells that are being attacked by a disease will not be repaired permanently. Once the disease starts again, the cells are re-damaged. Hence, the vitamin idea."

Everyone stood and clapped again and I blushed. Kathy ran over and kissed me and hugged me. I said, "There's more. Max and I reorganized our areas. This is the new chart. All of the drugs are going out under the Pharma' brand name, because everyone already knows it, and selling it will be that much easier. I took all the R&D from Max, and we are renaming my area Pharma Research and Development'. The sales, marketing, and manufacturing will stay with Max. This should increase our profits significantly. Which is the next slide. Everyone ready for some really big numbers?" I showed the slides and everyone had their mouths hanging open. Mandy smiled and laughed. I said, "That's a conservative estimate based on annual sales. Max, what does it cost us to make one of the pills?" Max yelled out "Six pills for a penny." I said, "We plan on selling them for $1.00 each before the store markup. Taken one every other day, that's about twenty five dollars a month. I think every family should be able to afford that, don't you? Plus the insurance companies will love it. Look at the time it reduces in hospital stays, treatments, and other medication."

I got another standing ovation and everyone walked up to congratulate me and Kathy. We both had tears in our eyes. Mandy said, in the mic, "Let's take a 20 minute break. Can I see the board in my office for a few minutes? Jen and Kathy, you just had your first platinum, as we call it in the music business."

Kathy and I hugged, and hugged some more. Then we went to get something to drink and have a cigarette. I was so relieved. I hated giving presentations. I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke. So did Kathy, as we looked at each other and both had a tear in our eyes. Max shook our hands and then hugged us both.

Mandy came back out and said to us, "Come with me, both of you." We walked into the conference room and everyone stood and clapped again. We both blushed and Mandy said, "This is the largest bonus we every gave out before the revenue came in. Jen and Kathy, you each are getting a one time special bonus of 50 million dollars. There is also another 25 million for you to distribute to your staff as you see fit. You are also both official voting board members. You can also choose to execute your stock options if you choose at this time, with part of the checks if you'd like. This was one hell of a job. Thanks."

Kathy and I looked at each other and I said, "Let it all roll on the stock." Mandy said, "You can't let it all roll, you'll probably get back about 20 million each."

We hugged and couldn't believe it. Mandy hugged us both and so did Julie. So did everyone on the board. Mandy said, "I hate to break this up, but now we have a very unpleasant part of the day. Lets go do some damage control."

The next part of the day was serious damage control of a line of business that was in trouble. Everyone pitched in to try and help with ideas, but half way through the process everyone realized it was the manager, not the ideas. We had a very unpleasant board meeting to remove someone. Mandy ended the meeting by saying, "I've been doing this job for almost 8 years now, and I still hate myself every time this happens. How about we brighten things up and do some of the good things again."

We were in the theater until 10 at night going through one great business idea after another. This group was incredibly bright. Each had their own passion, and did it so well. The section on music really intrigued us. Julie was brilliant, actually they all were. We didn't find one person who we didn't consider a peer and a friend.

Everyone was getting tired and Mandy announced, "The shows over for tonight. Tomorrow we start at 10 and run until 3. Have a good evening everyone."


We had a great time at the management conference. We sent out a press release on the new drug on Tuesday afternoon from the conference. On Wednesday, Kathy, me, and Mandy, were interviewed by four different magazines and a whole crew of TV news reporters. I was also interviewed by the AMA and several other medical associations and journals. We definitely got everyone's attention.

At the end of the conference Mandy and Julie pulled Kathy and me aside and said, "Stick around for a little bit. Julie and I want to talk to you. Have some wine and relax."

We really spaced out on the veranda. Kathy and I chugged a glass of wine and then poured another. She lit us both cigarettes and we sat on a love seat together with our feet up on a table, leaning back. She leaned on me and said, "This is so cool. We made a shit load of money, made some terrific friends, and I am so horny. Kiss me honey."

Kathy and I kissed and touched each other gently. I took a drag of my cigarette and blew out the smoke into the wind coming off the lake, as Kathy's hair was blowing. She smiled at me as my hair was blowing also, as I said, "How about we ask the boss to stay at our place for dinner and desert tonight?" Kathy kissed me again and said, "I think they're going to like that."

We both took a drag of our cigarettes, as Mandy and Julie came outside. They looked beat and flopped down in the other love seat. I said, "How about you two come have dinner with us and stay over tonight?" Julie said, "We'd love to, but we have the kids, and they have friends staying over." Kathy said, "Let them camp out in our place. It's no big deal. They're over there all the time anyway. Jen and I want to cook a big dinner, so this'll be good."

Mandy smiled and said, "You sure you know what you're getting into with our kids?" I said, "Trust me. It's fine. Lets get them rounded up."

We tracked the kids down and they were so excited about camping out inside of our house. We even let them bring sleeping bags. There was Christina and Allison who belong to Mandy and Julie, and two of their friends Janie and Beth, who were both two years older.

We drove the 4 miles to our house and the kids were like maniacs. We all laughed, as they were running all over the house. Julie said, "At least your house is so open inside, we can see them. At our place every room has walls for them to hide behind."

Our house was completely open in the main floor, except for the kitchen and the row of ten bedrooms across the front to the house. It was like a football field size space, on different levels, making up each room. We loved it. Julie was getting pissed as the kids were racing through the kitchen and I said, "Relax. They're just having fun."

Julie gabbed Allison as she fly by and said, "Young lady. We need to have a talk. Let we read you something." Julie picked up a lab report Kathy left on the table and said, "This says right here, children are not allowed to run around in the kitchen. See it?"

Allison said, "No it doesn't Mommy. It says Lab report number 45678J Cellular test subject Robert Danes for Clinical trial batch 34 Phase II results and adverse events. That has nothing to do with children running around."

We all had our mouths hanging open as she read every word on the report. I said, "Allison. Your nine years old?" She nodded her head and I said, "How did you learn to read like that?" She said, "When we were little kids Aunt Jess taught us to read. She taught us math too." I said, "Can Christiana and the others read like this also?" Allison said, "Yeah, pretty much, except Robert. He's slow. When he read my favorite book he didn't understand 3 of the words."

I said, "What's you favorite book?" She said, "Treasure Island. I loved that story and I read it all by myself in two days. It took Robert three days. Chris come here you slob! You shirt is out again!" Alison jumped down and raced around the kitchen and Julie just had her mouth hanging open. So did Mandy. I said, "What grade are they in?"

Mandy said, "Forth and the teacher calls every day to bitch about them getting in trouble. I can't believe it. I never knew they could read like this. They let us read to them all the time and we would have never guessed this in a million years." Kathy called the kids back in the kitchen and we quizzed them a little. Kathy was a math genius and said, "Christiana and Alison, tell me about the math stuff you like to do. Here, write it out for me."

Kathy gave them both a pencil and piece of paper. Their hand writing was lousy but the equations they wrote were anything but. Kathy really quizzed them and the best answer was Christiana when she said, "This is how we figured out how much water was in the swimming pool. Robert was going to let it all out as a joke, and we thought it would take way to long to refill it. So we figured out how many gallons there were and how fast it came out of the hoses. Allison, wasn't it 189,000 gallons?" Mandy said, "189,500 to be exact. I remember from the blue prints. Christiana, how come you never told us about the things you like to do? You know you can tell us absolutely anything."

Christiana thought for a minute and said, "We just didn't think it was important. The teacher yells at us all the time for reading in the classroom so we just goof off. I hate reading the Cat in the Hat. We did that when we were little kids."

We all were trying not to laugh and I said, "Can your friends read like this also?" She said, "No way. They're even slower than Robert." Allison ran over and gave her a high five. We all laughed so hard and let them go back to playing in the other room.

I said, "You know they are all probably at high school or higher level. Let me talk to the school and get them tested. That's why they're in trouble all the time. They're bored to death. Kathy and I were both the same way. At this age they are like sponges, and also are experimenting with everything. Just let them go and have fun. They're kids. Either of you have any plans for the morning? Good, you're going with us to the school."

Kathy and I cooked up a storm and we all had some wine. Mandy and Julie helped with everything, as they like to cook as much as we did. We all did argue about how much ginger to put on the butterfly lamb we made. I won when I said, "Kathy, the boss is always right." Mandy said, "Oh do I hate when people do that. Use your recipe." Then she kissed me and Kathy so sexy. We both were flushed and wet, as her and Julie laughed about it.

We made the kids a separate dish that had less spices on it and called them into eat in the kitchen. Allison said, "Just like gourmet night everyone. We had to behave at the table." We tried not to laugh as we served them their food and then we ate in the dining room.

The food was great and Mandy admitted my recipe was better and said, "I should have known. You two probably gave it an injection of something first. Is this a male or female." I turned her piece of meat over and looked on the bottom. It had a hole and I said, "Female. Check it out." We all drank and had a great time. Kathy and I loved to be around them.

The kids all headed upstairs and we put them in the last bedroom on the other side of the house. They had their choice of beds or sleeping bags and we gave them the satellite TV remote. They were all set for camping out, and we went downstairs.

We drank a little too much as usual and got really sexy with each other. Kathy and I were kissing and so were Julie and Mandy. Then we changed. I kissed Mandy and Kathy kissed Julie. We walked up to our bedroom holding hands. Kathy lit a cigarette and said, "It's fantasy time girls. Have a seat on edge of the round bed. Jen and I will be right back."

Kathy and I went into our walk-in dressing area and closets. She took out a two outfits we bought as gags for a party and I said, "Honey, they'll shit a brick. You still have the whip?"

Kathy dug through the closet as I held her cigarette. I took a drag and gave it back to her, as we got into the skimpiest black leather outfits. They covered nothing, but were kind of sexy. Kathy also had a mask that we were going to use for Julie. We had two other outfits almost the same and we walked out into the bedroom. Kathy cracked the whip and said, "Ok bitch. Put these on know!" She tossed Julie the cloths and took a drag of her cigarette. She ran the whip over my nipples and kissed me saying, "You need someone to give you pain don't you sweetheart? Mistress Kathy is just that person. Kneel down and beg to lick Mandy's pussy. Beg!" Kathy cracked the whip and I begged.

Mandy was really getting into it, as Kathy cracked the whip over her head and said, "Stand here and let this pussy licker, eat your filthy cunt. Make her beg you to eat it. Beg! I said Beg!" Kathy cracked the whip and I begged, "Please Mandy, may I lick your filthy cunt for you?" Mandy put my face into her pussy and I ate her, and licked and sucked. She was moaning in seconds holding my head to her pussy. Kathy put a cigarette in Mandy's lips and lit it. She cracked the whip and said, "You Bitch. Get over her. Put that mask on now!"

Julie walked over and put the mask on. Kathy pushed Julie on her knees and lit a cigarette. She said, "Beg to eat Mistress Kathy's pussy. Beg! I said Beg!" Julie was really into it and begged ,"Please mistress Kathy can I lick you soft pussy and swallow your juices. Please let me do it."

Kathy took a drag of her cigarette and held Julie's head to her pussy, while Julie used her tongue with the skills of a surgeon. Julie and Kathy were moaning loud and Mandy said, "Jen, Make me lick your pussy. Please make do it." I stood up and kissed her. I took the cigarette from her mouth and put it in mine and took a drag. I blew out the smoke and said, "Knee bitch. Lick this cunt until it sprays all over you mouth. I put one leg on Mandy's shoulder and pushed my pussy into her mouth, as I held her head to me. She went wild and licked me so good.

Julie was doing the same thing to Kathy and we watched each other. I got so hot watching her eat out Julie. I was flowing like a river, as Mandy sucked and licked me. I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, and then took another drag. I blew it out slowly through my nose, as I jerked and bucked my pussy cumming like a tidal wave. Mandy licked it all in her mouth. She moved my leg and stood and kissed me. We swallowed my juices and I went wild. Mandy ripped off our costumes, took one of the Oscars by the side of the bed and we lay down and fucked.

We were on our sides with my legs wrapped around her as we moved our pussies together and were cumming over and over again. She kissed me so hard and then we watched Julie and Kathy do the same thing. Mandy whispered in my ear, `Jen, I love this so much honey. Watch them love each other also. I'm so hot for you baby."

Mandy and I kissed and so did Kathy and Julie. Were touching each other on our sides and fucked for over four hours. Then we changed. Kathy and I lay in a 69 position on our sides and we licked each other so sensually. I think I must have had over 8 orgasms. The last one made me so dizzy I fell over onto Kathy and moved down to kiss and lick my face. We kissed as she lay on top of moaning, "Stay there sweetheart. Let me do all the work this time."

Kathy put Oscar in my pussy and sat on me straddling me. She slowly was rocking and grinding her pussy on mine and it felt so good. She lit up a cigarette and took a drag, as she leaned forward and put the cigarette in my lips. I took a drag and she took the cigarette back. She leaned forward again and said, "That was outrageous. I really got carried away." I smiled and started to cum again and moaned, "Oh! OH! OHHH! OHHHH Kathy! Ohhhh, it was really outrageous. Mmmmmmm." Kathy smiled as she took a drag of the cigarette and then put it in my lips again.

Mandy and Julie moved over by us and Mandy lay next to me and kissed me so sexy. Julie sat on Mandy using Oscar just like us and she kissed Kathy the whole time, as Mandy and I kissed. I felt so close to her, almost the same as with Kathy. I know Kathy was falling for Julie also. We just let it happen and loved it.

We kissed while we were fucking for over an hour. Each time Mandy had an orgasm she kissed me so hard, and I did the same thing. Kathy was lip locked with Julie the same way. Kathy leaned all the way forward on me, and Julie did the same thing to Mandy. All of our faces were only inches apart. Kathy kissed me and we fucked like maniacs. Julie did the same thing to Mandy. We were so out of control.

We gave the Oscars a rest and all lay on the pillows. Kathy and I were kissing and holding each other and so were Julie and Mandy. We all kept kissing each other. We were so addicted to the sex. Finally, Kathy and I wrapped our legs around each other and fell asleep with our faces touching.

Kathy woke us all up really early and said softly, "Ssshhh. Did any of you open the door?" We all heard the kids and we walked slowly to the door and looked out. Mandy said, "Lets lay on the balcony and look over the edge. They can't see us there."

We all lay down. Kathy was touching my side and Mandy was on the other. Julie was against Mandy. We watched the most unbelievable thing. We heard Allison say, "That's not how they did it Janie. She yelled lick my dirty cunt you bitch and had a cigarette in her mouth, just like this." Allison took a cigarette from the pack we left on the table and lit it up. She took a drag and blew it out and put the cigarette in Janie's lips. She said, "Now do it right!"

Janie took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Lick my cunt you bitch!" She made Christiana get on her knees and Christiana licked her cunt just like we did. We were all so turned on watching the kids, as Julie said softly, "I have to stop this." Mandy whispered, "Don't! It'll make it worse. Remember how we were? They'll just do it outside." Watch our kids honey.

Christiana was licking Janie and then Allison lit another cigarette and made Beth lick her pussy. Mandy had her hand in my pussy rubbing it, along with Kathy's hand. I had my hands in Kathy's pussy and Mandy's, next to Julie's hand. We all lay as quite as we could moaning softly, watching the show, rubbing each other off.

The kids got into a 69 position, just like we did last night and I started to orgasm. Kathy kissed me so hard so I'd be quite. Then I had to do it to her also. Mandy and Julie were kissing each other and moaning. The kids didn't notice as they were doing a bunch of moaning also. We heard Allison say, "My flower feels so strange. Don't stop Janie. Oh its twinging and getting so wet! Oh that feels so good! Lick it again! Again! Oh! OOOOHHH!"

Julie smiled at us and said softly, "I bet that was the first time. Holy shit! Lets go back in the bedroom and make some noise in a few minutes. We don't want them to think we caught them."

We went into the bedroom and all lit a cigarette. We sat on bed and laughed so hard. Kathy said, "Kind of looks like me when I was about 9." We all kissed her all over as she laughed.

I said, "Lets take a shower and make some noise. Hit the radio honey." We played some rock stuff pretty loud as we took a shower. Then one of the Sage songs came on and Mandy and Julie sang it to us. It was really cute. We kissed them all over in the shower. They loved it."

We made as much noise as we could getting dressed and then checked to see if they were still there, as we walked down stairs. They were in the kitchen eating cereal. Mandy said, "You all sleep good?" Allison said, "We slept great last night. How about you guys?" Mandy said, "us too", as Julie whispered to us, I bet they didn't sleep a wink. Look at how red their eyes are." We tried not to laugh as we all had some cereal. I made us all coffee, while Kathy feed Ruffles. Allison said, "He's not hungry. We already gave him a box of Cheerios. He likes that so much better than that yucky dog food."

We finished eating and Julie lit us all cigarettes. Allison made a face and waved the smoke away from her, as Julie whispered into my ear, "She should be a fucking actress." I tried so hard not to laugh and couldn't stop. The kids looked at me and Julie said, "Aunt Jen is very ticklish. Aren't you Aunt Jen?" Kathy put her arms around me and took me in the other room. I told her what Julie said and she lost it also.

The kids got dressed and we went straight to their school. This was interesting. We asked to see the principal and at first he wouldn't see us. Kathy said, "Tell him Doctor Kathy Edwards and Doctor Jen Edwards, Professors at UCLA would like to see him for a minute." We really did have the credentials and lectured there, so she wasn't lying completely. He invited us into his office and I explained that we were friends of Mandy and Julie and said, "Their kids are bored stiff and getting into trouble. I want you to test them. I think they're at the high school level. Start with an IQ test."

He argued with us for almost 10 minutes and Kathy really screamed at him and called him a pompous asshole who teaches because he can't do anything else. He called the kids to his office and said, "We'll see who's the asshole."

They all came in and Robert said, "What did we do wrong now Aunt Mandy?" Kathy said, "Nothing sweetheart. We just wanted to ask you a few questions. Allison what's that book in your book bag? Can you hand it to me." Allison handed Kathy a book on cellular biology. The same book we used in college. Kathy said, "Why are reading this? Allison said, "We all wanted to read it after we saw Aunt Jen on TV about the new drugs she and you developed. It was really neat."

Kathy said, "Can you read some of it to us. Pick any page." Allison turned to her bookmark and started to read about cellular regeneration. The principal had his mouth open. We had every child read the following paragraph. Robert got one word wrong and all the kids said, "See. He's slow." The word he missed was over 15 letters long. Kathy handed the book to the principal and said, How about you read them the next paragraph. He argued and the kids were really razzing him. He finally read it and made about 6 mistakes. The kids called him real slow. We all laughed and Kathy said, "Did we make our point yet, or should be start with calculus next."

He gave all the kid the standard adult IQ test. We convinced Julie and Mandy to take it along with the kids, so they did. Julie said, "Don't you ever tell a sole what we score on this."

They all finished at pretty much the same time and the principal said, "Keep going. You have another half hour." Allison said, "Then we need more questions. We did all of these. They were easy."

He took out a key to a cabinet, opened it, and took out a grading sheet. We watched him grad each test and then look up the number to get the IQ. Robert was slow. His IQ was the same as mine. 189. The others were all over 200. Chris and Allison's were off the chart. Julie and Mandy were around the same as me. Julie was a 188 and Mandy was a 190.

We all laughed at the results. I said, "I'm the slow one. Look at your scores. I only scored a 189 on my test in school. Kathy, the brains over here had a 212."

The principal said, "Give me about a half hour with the kids. You can walk around the grounds if you want." We heard him say, "Allison. What do you want to be when you grow up?" as we walked outside.

I lit a cigarette and said, "Mandy, you beat me by a point. Here's a quarter." Mandy was jumping up and down and put the quarter in her pocket. We had this thing about betting a quarter on all types of stupid things. She never wins. Kathy cracked up.

We walked around the school twice and then went back in. The principal sent the kids back to class and said, "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. They are brilliant. I called the advanced education department and they'll send someone over here tomorrow to get the kids in the right curriculum. My guess it will be about 2 hours in the regular class for art, music, and stuff like that so they keep their friends, and then advanced studies in another classroom. I already told the teacher. She'll stop yelling at them."

We thanked him and left.


The next six months were so much fun and we accomplished so much in business. Kathy got her Ferrari and I got my boat.

Our Vitamin was an amazing success. I did 15 talk show interviews, including CNN. Kathy ran one of the new development teams that had a major breakthrough on the oncology application of the base formula, combined with something she was working on also. She said to me, "We finally solved the riddle. We know why people get sick." The FDA rushed this drug through testing and certification on their own.

The SexMed drug was in the final phase of clinical trials and the results were amazing, but there were some serious side effects. We leaned the hard way in the Phase I trial that silicon implants explode when inside the body during the transformation process. So do penis implants. I set up a program to get patients for the tests that paid everyone $20,000 and had a guaranteed 1 million dollar payment to anyone that was permanently injured. We had to pay it twice. Once for a breast implant that required reconstruction, and once for a penis implant, that was a disaster. Thank God we had the vitamin to help them both heel the right way.

Kathy and I had become as close to Mandy and Julie, as we are to each other. It really is weird, but we both like it. Lately when we all sleep together, Mandy and I go into a separate bedroom for a while to be alone. Kathy and Julie like it that way also. Mandy told me she loved me and I told her the same thing. Then we both mumbled into the pillow at the same time. I said, "I still have feelings for Kathy too", and Mandy said, "I still like Julie too." We laughed at each other and then made love again. The four of us talked about it and all felt the same way. It was strange, but lots of fun.

We all thought that Melissa, Karen, Jody, and Janice were having the exact same type of relationship. We asked them and they all blushed and nodded.

The kids were incredibly bright, and the calls from the school stopped. Now Mandy and Julie were getting calls about special college programs. She said to me "I don't know which is worse." We also caught the kids having another sex experience. This one was really hot. We all got off on it. I think they saw us because Allison winked at me the next morning and said, "Aunt Jen, you guys look like you were up all night. We were sound asleep."

The four of us did so many things together. We went white water rafting on a much easier river and they loved it. We camped out under the stars and it was so romantic. Mandy and I had the most tender sensual night I can remember. We fell more in love that night, than any time before. Kathy and Julie were the same way. We all went deep sea fishing for two days and all had such a blast, as I caught a Marlin. We had it mounted and hung it in the castle. Julie loved it. She said, "It fits the d‚cor of the game room."

Sage gave their farewell concert and we went. Mandy and Julie cried on stage and the crowd screamed their names for over an hour after we were backstage with them. They hugged us and I said, "You sure you want to call it quits with the music? You love it! Listen to the crowd. Why quit? You only play one concert a month." They all decided to take off six months and then decide. We know they'll be back. They're all so talented.

We had our next 6 month management summit meeting in three days, and it was snowing out now. Mandy was bugging me about when the SexMed drug was going to be approved and I called her the instant I got word. She said, "Lets try it tonight. All of us. Oh Jen, I'm so excited about this. Come over here as soon as you can. I want to surprise the gang. This could be really hot."

Kathy was listening to the call on speaker phone and laughed. She said, "Don't tell them we already tried it. Pretend it's the first time."

Kathy and I drove over in the snow. We went into the house and took off our coats. Mandy and Julie had a huge fire going in the stone open pit fireplace in the great room. It was nice and warm in there. Julie poured everyone some wine and I showed them the pills. I said, "These are the temporary ones. They are all yellow. The red ones are permanent. Once we take it, we'll each fall asleep in about 30 seconds, and then wake up in about 90 minutes or so. You have to sleep naked, so you don't ripe any of your cloths. Then we have about 4 hours of fun and we fall back to sleep just like before. We wake up and it's back to normal. How about a cigarette first?"

Kathy lit everyone a cigarette as we had our wine. I said, "Neither of you has any silicon implants do you?" Mandy said, "It's all real. Why?" I said, "You'll see in the presentation. It's the one problem we have with the drug. Don't worry if you don't have any. It won't harm you at all."

I took a drag of the cigarette and Kathy gave me a kiss. She said, "Sweetheart. Sleep naked with me so we wake up that way also." I kissed her again and Mandy and Julie were cuddling up also. They had two pillows and two blankets by the fireplace. We all finished our cigarettes and I said, "Pop the pill and lets nod out." I gave everyone a pill and we all swallowed it. We were out cold in 30 seconds.

It fells like you just closed your eyes when you wake up. Mandy said, "Did it happen yet?" We all laughed, as I said, "Look between your legs and listen to how low our voices are now." We heard Mandy's low voice say, "No Shit. I have a fucking dick. So do you Julie. Oh let me see it." We all laughed as we examined each other. Kathy and I knew what each other would look like, but Mandy and Julie didn't. They were both such hunks as guys. I said, "We are all going to still act a little feminine. That's because of our hormones and they wouldn't adjust in the short time we are men with this pill. All the plumbing works though."

Mandy stood up and said in low voice, "How do you make this thing get hard?" Kathy and I crawled over to her and I said, "Just relax." Kathy and I sucked her cock into our mouths, alternating deep throating her. Mandy was moaning, "I never knew that it felt this good. Do that again." We did and Kathy said, "You're going shoot your cum if keep that up. Save it for now."

We did the same thing to Julie and she was moaning also. Mandy kissed her and we got so turned on watching two men kiss. They sucked both us for a minute and then Mandy said, "Lets pay the crew a visit. Pretend we are the new hired help. Try to look like you are a zombie, like we are hypnotized. The kids are all next door with Ken, so it's just us here in the house."

We went into Melissa and Karen`s room first. Mandy played the part perfect. We guessed she's had so many hypnotized guys she knew exactly what they would do. This was amazing. I forgot what it was like being a guy, because it's been quite a while, and I also have the female hormones in my system. Melissa sucked my cock so good while Kathy fucked her pussy from behind. Then Kathy moved to fuck Melissa ass, and I fucked her pussy. Mandy and Julie were doing the same thing to Karen. We fucked them as hard as we could because we know how we like it.

I felt myself cumming and I pulled out and put my cock into Melissa's mouth. Kathy pulled put and her cock in my mouth. I sucked her cock, as Melissa was watching me and getting so hot. I blasted my cum into her throat, as she sucked me harder, and Kathy came on my tongue. I felt Kathy's cock pulsate and squirt warm cum on the roof of my mouth and I loved it. Kathy pulled out of my mouth and I kissed her and we shared the cum. They we both kissed Melissa and shared the cum with her. We all swallowed. Julie was screaming as she shot her load into Mandy's mouth and then collapsed on the bed. Mandy did the same thing as she shot into Karen's mouth. Julie crawled over to Mandy and they kissed and swallowed. They both stood up and took our hands and said, "Next room."

We got into the hallway and Mandy said, "I felt like my whole body gave way when I shot my cum out. Then I had no urge to do anything. That sucks. Is it always like this as a guy?" I said, "Most of the time."

Julie said, "Lets have some wine and a cigarette. Then we'll find Jody and Janice."

We went back downstairs and sat by the fireplace. We all had some wine and a cigarette. We cuddled, by that's all. Mandy said, "I don't get it. I'm usually just warming up. It's like my sex drive is gone after the first warm up round." I said, "That's the way it is for most guys. You should try to make it last as long as possible before you cum."

Kathy and I lay down next to Mandy's soft cock and we took turns sucking it to get her hard again. She kept laughing and saying, "It's not working. Jen, you gave me a defective pill."

After about 10 minutes she stopped laughing and started moaning as we got her hard again. We did the same thing for Julie, and they did it to us. We went up to Jody's room and pulled the same routine. This time we took turns fucking them in their pussy along with Oscar. Now this felt great. Kathy was the first to cum and she shot her load into Jody's mouth. I came into Janice's. Mandy shot in my mouth and I swallowed it all. She loved every second of it. Julie shot into Kathy's mouth, and Kathy swallowed all of it also. We walked out like we were in a daze and went back downstairs.

Julie said, "That was better. Light me a smoke honey." I sounded so funny listening to our deep voices the way we talked. We all started to laugh. Mandy said, "This is going to be a fucking multi-billion dollar drug in the first few weeks. You watch." We all had some more wine and a cigarette. Kathy was rubbing my cock and I rubbed hers. We were starting to get hard again and so were Mandy and Julie. I said, "Want to try a little ass fucking?" Just use some spit.

Kathy fucked my ass for a while and then I did hers. Then we switched. I fucked Mandy's ass and then she did mine. We all jerked off onto Kathy's nipples and then licked it off and played with it. Then we all sucked her cock until she shot her load and she went wild.

We all lay spent on the floor and fell asleep. We woke up like we just closed our eyes and were back to normal. Mandy said, "Thank God it's all back again. What an experience. Wow!" Mandy moved over and kissed me so sexy and said, "How about you and me fuck our brains out next to my wife and yours?" Kathy and Julie laughed and then kissed each other. We all went up to Mandy's room.

We did fuck our brains out and orgasmed so many times. Mandy kept saying, "This is so much better. Do me again Jen. Oh Sweetheart that feels so good. Oh! OHH! OHHHH! Mmmmmmm." After about three hours, we changed and Kathy and I went wild on each other. So did Mandy and Julie. We all laughed after we orgasmed about 4 more times.

I lit us all cigarettes and Mandy poured us some wine that we brought upstairs. She said, "Here's to two incredible geniuses for the best recreational medicine ever invented." We all drank and took a drag of our cigarettes.

Kathy and I made love next to Mandy and Julie almost all night. We were so into each other. Each time it gets better after we do it as four. Mandy told me the same thing about her and Julie. She also told me very seriously that she really was in love with me, much more than the way she felt about Julie. I told her the same thing and I really meant it also.

Kathy and I went home and we had to prepare our presentation for the meeting. I made a ton of calls about getting production ready for the new drugs. Max loved every minute of it. Kathy had all types quotes from articles in the presentation and pictures for the studies. We decided we would spilt the presentation and each do a part. We ate and feed the dog. He was begging for Cheerios and we both cursed out Allison and fed the jerk a whole box. We were so tired we finished the presentation and went to bed.

Kathy and I made love for about a half hour and passed out in each other's arms. The alarm woke us up at 7. We got dressed and I took a special change of cloths for our magic act today, our laptop and we were off for the five minute ride. Mandy and Julie were both waiting for us at the front door. No one was there yet and Mandy gave me the wettest, sloppiest, kiss. Julie did the same thing to Kathy. Mandy said, "We had such wet dreams about you two. God did we miss you last night." Mandy saw my change of cloths and said, "You're not going to. Are you?" Kathy said, "Today is a full blow magic show. Just like you do on stage. You're going to love it. Trust me. We may need a ten minute break at one part. I'll signal you if we do."

They brought us into have breakfast and the kids were running around, but not nearly as bad as before the new schooling. I said, "How's school now?" they couldn't stop talking about it. All of them loved it. Allison and Christina showed us a molecular model they worked on. We were really impressed. Kathy and I didn't do that until our senior year of our undergrad.

Robert was also incredible, but in music. Now he was calling everyone else slow. We all laughed.

Everyone was arriving and Kathy told Max what our plan was, and he loved it. We put a bunch of his slides in our presentation and Kathy gave him the timing.

Mandy called the meeting to order by simply walking up to the podium. She gave a great welcome speech and started out by showing the revenues and profits. My division and Max's were on top, followed by the music area Julie runs. There weren't any loosers this time and everyone stood and applauded. Mandy went through a run down of our stock price. Kathy and I did some quick math in our heads and we both said to each other, "That can't be right." We figured it again and it was right. We made a fortune.

Mandy introduced us first and said, "I think today is going to a day we all remember forever. You'll see why in the next couple of hours."

I started the presentation and talked about the sales so far, and where they are really growing by leaps and bounds. Then I went back to the project slides and talked about the research and where we were. I flipped a slide and said, "Kathy ran this project all by herself with a staff and she made all the discoveries. This will go down in history books the kids will be learning about in the next few years. Kathy figured out very simply, why we get sick. She is going to tell you more about it." I walked out of the room and Mandy winked at me. I took a pill and was out cold.

Kathy said, "How many of you know about Oncology?", "Cancer?", "HIV, Aids?", "Scary stuff. I lost my parents to cancer when I was only 10. Didn't see it coming. They only lasted 6 months each, after being diagnosed. No one knew why, how to treat it correctly, or how to tell if was going to happen to someone else. What we found out is, why we get sick, and how to stop it. Everyone has been treating the symptoms. We are treating the cause."

Kathy said, "Some of these pictures are pretty intense, so look away if it bothers you. This is a 21 year old male that has been diagnosed with incurable cancer. It's in his spine, and legs. The hair loss is from chemotherapy and radiation. Now, this is a picture of him a month later in our phase II trial. He is fully cured. Not in remission. Cured!" Everyone stood and applauded.

Kathy gave examples of every major disease and the results were the same. The last slide she started to cry, which had a young child with AIDS. The results were 100 percent for all patients in the study group. The child was back to normal. She said, "Combining the drug that kills the cause of the disease, with the drug that repairs the cells was the answer. We got full approval from the FDA for this new drug this week, and we start distributing as soon as next week. We are also testing a vaccine that may be ready by mid next year."

Everyone stood and applauded and some had tears in their eyes. Kathy said, "Max is going to tell you about the distribution and marketing piece now, before Jen comes back on for the surprise magic show."

I woke up and put on my black suit and tie. I looked like a male model. I walked back into the room and went over to Mandy and she whispered into my ear, "You are such a hunk." Kathy gave Max the signal and he said, "Now Jen is going to tell you about SexMed."

I walked to the podium and said, "Hello everyone. You probably are thinking, who is that handsome guy talking to you at a management meeting, and he doesn't even work here. Well I do work here. I'm Jen. SexMed is done, and I just took one. Cute isn't it? I kind of like my chin better this way, what do you think?"

Everyone was laughing and applauding. I gave the presentation that we called recreational medication. Mandy laughed so hard. The study photos were all great except when I told them about the one problem. I said, "If you have any silicon at all implanted in you, never, and I mean never, take this drug. It could and most likely will, kill you. They should have never allowed for implants in the first place. Everyone knew it was a problem, but people still got them. The next slides are horrible. Don't look if you have a weak stomach. I showed the results of the two problems and then the fixes. I said, "This drug has a very strong warning about that, but it is the only side effect we know of at this time, other than ripping your cloths if you wear something that's too small for the new you." Everyone laughed and I said, "Kathy, can you pass out a sample for everyone to see. Please don't take these pills. I wanted everyone to feel the consistency, as they use a different manufacturing process. They almost feel like jelly. I wanted people to be able to cut the pills easily if they wanted a smaller dosage so it would last less time. Also, you can take two or three at once, to increase the time it will last. I took a half a pill before I started this presentation. The time it lasts depends on your body weight. For me, a full pill lasts about 5 hours. The time you are asleep doesn't change much. That's between 60 and 90 minutes. Also depending on your overall size."

I know you all probably have a ton of questions about it, so I thought that the four people in here that have tired it could answer them; that's me, Mandy, Julie, and Kathy. Ask away."

We got so many funny questions. Mandy had the best answer to if she liked it better as a man, "It sucks after you have an orgasm. All you want to do is fall asleep." Everyone laughed and nodded their heads. Then I finished the presentation and told them about the permanent drug for the sexually disoriented and confused, and the temporary one that I took. I joked when I put up a slide about projected sales. It had a big smiley face on it and said, "Your guess is as good as mine." I said, "We think a lot of people will try it, and then some will want to make it permanent. The cost of the permanent pill is 100 times that of the temporary prescription. We can only guess at this point. The drug has been fully approved and we start advertising next week. Wait until you see the commercials. They are a riot."

I got a standing ovation and I said, "I have to lay back down in few minutes before the drug knocks me out again. Max will finish the last slides I had to skip. See you all in an hour or so." Kathy walked me back to a bed and helped me take off the suit. She kissed me and said, "We have time for a quickie?" I smiled and she sucked my cock hard and went wild on it. It shot my load in her throat in under 3 minutes. She swallowed all of it, kissed me, and then I was out cold.

Max finished the part of my presentation that I skipped. He said, "Jen didn't mention one of the best ideas that we came up with. We have a limited use drug being approved for plastic surgery. It allows for noninvasive repair. Think of it as a plastic surgeon working with modeling clay. A localized injection is given and the artist can mold the features, without any cutting. In severe cases, surgery will still be required, but with the use of the other drugs, healing time is down to about 3 days. Take a look at this short video. That's Pinocchio, or at least what we called her." Everyone laughed, as Max said, "Her nose is about 3 times larger than it should be. Now watch the surgeons mold it and then remove the excess skin and cartridge. Now this slide is the same woman after a 3 day recovery. No scars, no bruises, and a perfect nose."

Everyone clapped and Max continued, "I converted the top two floors of our San Francisco medical facility to be used for permanent sex change procedures. It still only takes an hour and half to work, thanks to the new reagent Kathy discovered, but the effects are the same. We will offer psychological counseling, physical and mental monitoring, and also sociological counseling to help each person adapt to the their new self. We are also offering these new plastic surgery procedures in cases where the patient doesn't like what they see in the mirror." Max got another round of applause, as Mandy announced the next speaker.

I woke up to my cloths laid out for me on the bed and a note from Kathy that said, "It's so much better when we are both females. Please don't change back for good."

I was smiling, as I got dressed. I lit a cigarette and did my hair, as I had it pulled back in a ponytail as a man. I finished my smoke and went back into the room during someone else's presentation and I got a standing ovation. I said, "I'm back to me again" and sat down with Kathy. She hugged me.


The afternoon session ended abruptly at about 5 when Grace handed Mandy a note and they went outside to talk. Mandy waited for the speaker to stop and said, "I hate to have to do this to everyone because I thought this was one of the best conferences we have had, but the Weather Service has issued a severe blizzard warning for this entire area. We are expecting more than 48 inches of snow over the next 4 days and winds over 80 miles an hour. Its already snowing now and flights are being cancelled. Grace has arranged for a group of busses to be here in a half hour to take all of you traveling by air to the Seattle airport. Everyone else, I'm asking that you leave as soon as you can because the roads will be impassable in a couple of hours. We'll pick this up at the next management meeting. Thanks for coming everyone. Oh, I forgot the bonuses. Everyone will get theirs deposited as soon as we can get back to the office."

Everyone clapped for Mandy she walked over to me and Kathy. She said softly, "You two aren't going anywhere." We both laughed. I said, "We need to put out some food for Ruffles." Mandy said, "Go get him and bring him over here. Take the Hummer."

We walked to the garage and Allison was yelling, "Mom, Jane and Beth are staying here with us in the blizzard. It'll be so cool. Jasmine, Robert, Chad and Kyle, are all staying at one of their friends house." Julie said, "That's fine."

We went to get the dog and packed a suitcase for a couple of days. We got back to the castle and the roads already had 3 inches of snow on them, and everyone had left. We pulled into the garage and Ruffles immediately took off with Snuffy and chased Felix through the house. Mandy was laughing, as we walked in taking off our coats.

Julie made us some hot chocolate and we all had some by the open pit stone fireplace, as we watched it snow through the bay windows. Mandy sat next to me and said, "I love the lousy weather. It gives us a chance to do nothing and chill out." I said, "Where's Melissa, Karen, Jody, and Janice?" Julie said, "Since their kids are staying at the neighbors they took the other Hummer and went skiing for the next couple of days. It's just us and the kids." Mandy kissed me so sexy, and Julie kissed Kathy. We all lay on the rug next to the fireplace kissing each other and caressing, with our cloths on.

Mandy whispered into my ear, "Jen, I have been thinking about you all the time. I want us to make love. Please go with me upstairs." Julie and Kathy were getting into it and I said, "How about we go upstairs?"

They both smiled at me and Mandy squeezed my hand. We all went upstairs to Mandy and Julie's room. We took off our cloths watching each other, and lay in the bed. Mandy crawled on top of me and we made passionate love, next to Julie and Kathy doing the same thing.

I held each of my breasts to Mandy's lips, and she sucked and licked them, flicking her tongue over each nipple. Then she did the same thing to me. I licked each one of her nipples so softly and then sucked hard and used my teeth to drive her crazy. Mandy was moaning softly into my ear, as we touched each other's clit making us tingle all over. We kissed as sloppy as we could and then got into a 69 position on our sides. We licked and sucked each other's pussy until we both orgasmed three times. Each time we both swallowed all of the other's juices.

Mandy and I moved to lay facing each other and kissed again, watching Kathy and Julie 69ing each other also. I was getting so turned on. Mandy smiled at me and pulled me with her to help them. I licked Kathy with Julie, and Mandy licked Julie with Kathy. We alternated and kissed each other. Kathy orgasmed into Julie's mouth and then Julie kissed me with a mouthful. I was so hot again.

Mandy and I left them alone to keep going and we lit a cigarette to share. She sat between my legs leaning back on me, against the headboard. I cupped one of her breasts and was rubbing it and she said, "Honey, that feels so good, don't you dare stop", as she took a drag of the cigarette, and then handed it back to me. I took a drag and gave it back to her, as I put my other hand on her clit and rubbed it. Mandy was breathing heavy and was moaning softly, "Make me cum again. Please Sweetheart, make me wet all over you."

Mandy turned her head slightly and kissed me, as I rubbed her clit fast and pushed on her the way she likes it. She was breathy so hard and then jerked and I felt her pussy spasm. I held her so tight and she turned and kissed me so softly and then licked my lips. She lay between my spread legs and licked me from the bottom to the top of my slit, with her tongue out as far as it would go. Wow, did this feel good. I orgasmed into her mouth in a few minutes and screamed, "More. Lick more! OH! OHHHHH! OOOOHHH! Oh, honey that feels so GOOD! OH! AGAIN! Swallow! Oh, mmmmm."

Mandy knelt in front of me and kissed me, as I reached for Oscar on the nightstand. The two of us fucked for over 4 hours, watching Julie and Kathy do the same thing.

We all took a break and were against the headboard and having a cigarette. Mandy took a drag and then put the cigarette in my lips. She was going to say something and then changed her mind. Then she did it again. Julie said, "I know what you're trying to say. It's okay Mandy, we feel the same way. We have been friends and lovers since we were kids. That will never change. Some days we love each other a lot, and some days less. I love Kathy more than anything in the world, and I know you feel that way about Jen. It's okay to say it. Lets just make sure that they feel the same way." Mandy looked me in the eyes and I said, "I feel the same way Mandy. I love you. Kathy, I feel something for you, and always will. I'm not sure how we let this happen, but it has, and I need to know you're alright with it also."

Kathy said, "I'm definitely all right with it" and leaned over and kissed me. The she kissed Mandy and Julie. Then Mandy kissed me with such passion. She took my hand and said, "Sweetheart, its time for a very special bubble bath."

We went into the bathroom and I took a drag of the cigarette. Mandy put it in her lips and took a drag. She blew out the smoke and then kissed me wrapping her arms around me. I did the same to her. I was so wet. We turned on the water in the stone tub and Mandy put some of her bubble bath in it. We sat holding each other and looked out the window. The snow was so heavy we couldn't even see the trees about 50 feet away. We got into the tub and Mandy sat between my legs leaning back on me and I cupped her breasts with my hands. She took a drag of the cigarette, and then held it to my lips as I took one also, before she put it out.

She was moaning softly and I said, "Tell my why you don't want to play anymore in the band." Mandy had her head on my shoulder laying back and said softly, "I hate the way I get mobbed and everyone noticing me after we have a hit, or just do a big show. It started all over again after the last big concert we did. It's horrible for the kids and we are starting to hate it. I want people to look at me because I built one of the largest companies in the world. Not because I'm a bimbo in a rock band. Pinch them again Jen. That felt so good honey."

I said, "What's it like on stage in a really big gig?" Mandy said, "Lots of fun. That I'm going to miss." I said, "That's the one thing I also wanted to try. Kathy and I had a shot at doing it in music a couple of years ago and we didn't do it because we decided we really wanted to help people through our research. I didn't want to get known as a rock and roll star."

Mandy was moaning and said, "What do you and Kathy play?" She turned and kissed me and I said, "I play guitar and keyboards. Kind of like you. Kathy is one hell of a loud drummer."

I rubbed Mandy's clit and she was so into it. She was moaning and holding onto me with one hand over her head. She was starting to cum and I kept rubbing her clit with one hand and caressing her breasts with the other. She moaned, "Oh Jen, that's it. OH! OHHHH! Yes baby! YYYYEEESSS! Oh, I want you so bad. Mmmmmm." Mandy turned around and we kissed so passionately. Then she smiled at me and said, "Your turn."

We moved around in the tub and I lay back leaning against her. She whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, just relax and let me make you feel as good as you made me feel." Mandy was kissing my neck and licking my ear while she rubbed my breast with one hand and my clit with the other. This felt so good. I had my head leaning back on her and I was moaning, "Don't stop honey. That feels so good. Just a little more."

Mandy kept rubbing me and they she rubbed my clit really fast. I sprayed juice like a fire hose and moaned out, "Yes. That's it. Oooooooh, keep going. Oh Mandy I'm cumming baby! Oh! OOOOOOOH! Oooooo! Mmmmm. I love you so much. Kiss me and hold me."

I turned around and we kissed and kissed. We were so into each other. We washed each other and Mandy started smiling. I said, "What's so funny?" She said, "What if you get to see what it's like on stage, and I get the rush of doing it, but know one knows who we are. Want to make it a part time hobby?" I smiled and said, "Sure. How are we going to pull that off?"

Mandy said, "SexMed. We play as guys." We both laughed and Mandy said, "Lets get out and drag Julie and Kathy to the studio to see if it will work." We got out of the tub, dried each other off, and went into the bedroom. Julie and Kathy were sitting up against the headboard having a cigarette talking. Mandy said, "I had an idea. Lets go to the studio for a little while and just listen to me before you say no."

They smiled and we all got one some cloths. Went to the studio and Mandy explained the game plan. Julie and Kathy laughed their asses off. Mandy said, "Lets here you guys play first, to see if we can pull it off. Come on, get on the stage with us. Kathy said, "How about that old rock song we did that we all liked. The one by the Kinks. Lets just jam for a minute or two."

I picked up the guitar and I hadn't played in over a year. I played a few chords and warmed up my hands. Mandy turned on the amps and she played a Hammond Organ. Julie picked up the bass and Kathy sat on drums.

I told them the key and they both knew it. Kathy counted off and we played. It sounded surprisingly good. Mandy wanted to hear me solo so I cranked it and let it whale. I had this habit of closing my eyes when I played a solo and I opened them when I was done to see Mandy inches from my face yelling, "Holy Shit! Where'd you learn to play like that?" I smiled and we kept going. Mandy did an organ thing and then she picked up a guitar, and I sat on the organ.

Mandy motioned for me to sing, so I did. I sounded so weird. The last time I sang was when I was still guy. They all sang the harmony and it blended perfectly. Mandy stopped us and said, "This is too cool. Lets sit down a minute."

Julie said, "Kathy, how can you play that hard? I felt the kick drum in me chest, and it's not miked." Mandy answered her, "Because she's a fucking good drummer, and Jen is outrageous on guitar. Julie, we have 12 tunes that we wrote that we didn't use because they weren't our style. What if we are a kick ass rock and roll band and do those songs as guys. We'll make it a hobby, instead of a job. We'll still get paid for it. We have a signed contract from when we were going to change the name of the band as subcontractors to keep our names off of it. Remember? I think it was called `The Brass Ring'. All we need to do is get Jen and Kathy to sign one, and they we sign as if it were a normal new act we brought in the company. We'll do it as sub-contractors so know one will know it's us in the band."

We all smiled at Mandy and she said, "Lets learn a few tunes and give it a try. We should take a small dose of a pill, as our signing voices will change when we change sexes. Lets give ourselves about 3 hours. That sound okay?"

I went to the theater where I left the case of sample pills and took out 2 pills and cut them in half. Mandy said, "Lets lay down in bed and then play some music."

We all took the half pill and passed out, and then went back down to the studio. We learned four songs. Singing it took some time, as they weren't use to their new vocal rang, which was lower. We had to lower the keys of the songs a few steps. The songs that Mandy and Julie wrote were unbelievable. Just like the other ones that they turned out over the years. They are so incredibly talented.

We stood on stage and Kathy said, "We have enough time to do them all one time and then we pass out again. Lets do it. We played all four, one after the other. This was real rock and roll and I loved it. We finished and Mandy kissed me, as Kathy said, "We better run to a bed." We did just that. We all lay down and were laughing about the plan, and passed out.

We woke up with the dogs and cat in our room. Kathy said, "Come here Ruffles. You want a treat? Here boy." She gave the dog a SexMed pill. We all cracked up. Ruffles passed out on the floor and we couldn't stop laughing. Kathy said, "Wait until that stupid asshole tries to lift his leg on me again. I am going to point and laugh."

Mandy said, "What you think? Should we learn some more tunes, record, and get a gig as a front act for one of groups? I thought it sounded solid." Julie said, "It really did sound good. You guys game?" I said, "Yeah why not. How about you Kathy?" She smiled and started playing the drums on the bed. Julie said, "I think that's a yes."

Mandy went to the studio and brought up a folk guitar and some music. She and Julie played the other songs for us. We had a few ideas and they made the changes. Mandy said, "You may have a future in producing." She put the guitar down, as Ruffles was waking up.

Kathy said, "Here girl. Come up her Ruffles." She examined the dog and laughed so hard. She pushed the dog on the floor and Snuffles walked over smelling Ruffles ass. Ruffles started howling and Julie said, "We may have little Ruffles if you give him a permanent pill."

It was 3 AM and I said, "Anyone tired?" Everyone shook their heads no and I said, "I think SexMed actually refreshes you in terms of sleep. It's 3 AM and I feel great." Julie said, "How about we take a double dose and then learn all the tunes. Then we can fuck all night."

We all laughed and I took out eight pills. We each swallowed two and were out cold. We spent the next day leaning all the tunes and recording them. It sounded fantastic. Julie posted the songs to the web site for download and release. She released two to radio stations for the play list from a new group, `The Brass Ring'. We had 4 glasses of wine and laughed so hard our sides hurt. They we headed back up to bed and passed out again.

We woke up and Mandy said, "We should check on the kids. Plus we need to make something to eat. I'm starved." Mandy rolled on top of me and gave me a sloppy kiss and held me. I put my arms around her and whispered into her ear, "How about we eat, and the come up here and eat each other?" She smiled and said, "You read minds also. Very talented."

We found the kids. They were fine and feeding the dogs and cat Cheerios. They also ate all the cold cuts, so we had to cook. Mandy tried to open the rear door from the kitchen to the veranda and the snow was over the top of the doorframe. She said, "No Shit. Lets check the front of the house. We have a covering by the front door."

We opened the front door and looked out. The snow was over our heads on the walkway and it was still coming down really hard. Julie turned on the TV in the den and we watched the weather alert. This was forecasted to be the worst blizzard in over 100 years and we already had 54 inches of snow on the ground. Mandy said, "Were in for the duration. We won't be able to get out until the roads are done and the snow removal company can plow us out. I'll call them and see when they think it will be."

Mandy called and spoke to someone. She laughed and said, "Okay. Thanks." Mandy said, "Maybe next week if we're lucky. It's like this throughout the entire Northwest; from San Francisco all the way up and over past the Rockies." I said, "We have enough food? If not we can always cook Ruffles." They laughed so hard and Mandy said, "Thanks, but we're fine. Jen, you have such a screwed up brain, but I love it." She kissed me so passionately.

We made something to eat and all had some wine. The kids wanted to go in for a swim in the indoor pool, so we went with them. Julie said, "We have to wear bathing suits with the guests. I don't know their parents." They had two extra bikinis so we put them on and went into the pool. Allison yelled, "Mom, since when did you start wearing a bathing suit? You getting bashful or something?"

The kids were all skinny-dipping so we took off our suits also. Mandy said to Julie, "Good call on that one ace", as we went into the heated pool. It felt great and we all leaned against each other in the shallow end. Christiana swam up to us and said, "You guys are going to have sex. I can tell." Mandy said, "And how can tell that honey?" Christiana said, "Because your nipples are hard and sticking out like mine do sometimes when my flower tingles."

We all laughed, as she swam away. Mandy put her arms around me and gave me a wet kiss. She said, "No sense in hiding it", and then really kissed me, as we exploded each other's mouth with our tongues. My flower was tingling also, and my nipples were definitely hard. Mandy sucked one of them while the kids weren't looking and I closed my eyes. It felt so good. The kids got out of the pool and Allison ran over to us and said, "I saw that. Bye."

We all blushed and then laughed again. Mandy kissed me and said, "You and I need to go to bed." We all got out of the pool and went upstairs.


Julie lit us all cigarettes and all lay together on the bed. I took a deep drag, and another, and held in the smoke. Mandy was softly rubbing my neck and it felt great. I blew out the smoke and she said, "Come with me honey. We'll be back later."

Mandy took Oscar with us as we walked out of the bedroom and into the next bedroom. She took a drag of her cigarette and put her arms around me as we starred into each other's eyes. She was so gorgeous. We kissed and then lay on the bed. We made the most passionate love I have ever done in my life. We each kissed and caressed each part of the other's body. We also told each other exactly what we liked and about it. Mandy told me she liked my big toe. We both laughed and I used it to rub her clit. Then she told me she loved my big toe.

We sucked and licked each other's breasts and nipples for hours. Then we ate each other's pussy until I came so much I was dizzy. So was Mandy. We took a smoke break and looked out the top floor windows towards the lake. We couldn't even see to the ground. I took a drag of the cigarette, and another, as I held in the smoke. Mandy kissed me softly, as I blew the smoke out of my nose. She licked my lips and then took a drag of the cigarette. I licked her nipples as we stood by the window and she moaned so loud holding my head to her breasts. She said, "Lets make love using Oscar."

We took a final drag of the cigarette and then got in bed. We started like Kathy and I did sometimes where we spread our legs apart facing each other, one leg over the other. We put Oscar in our pussies and moved together until our pussies touched. Then we moved our pussies on each other and went wild. Mandy kissed me and I kissed her for almost a half hour. Then we hugged each other and fucked. As much as I cared for Kathy, this was a love that I had never felt before. Mandy told me the same thing. We couldn't stop touching each other.

We lay on our sides and put Oscar in our pussies, with our legs over each other again. We rubbed out pussies together again, and it was like lightening flowed between us. We fucked each other's brains out. I must have said "I love you" 50 times. Mandy was even worse. We took a break after a few hours and had a cigarette in bed. Mandy whispered in my ear, "Jen, I have never felt like this in my life. I don't want us to ever be apart. Hold me and tell you love me again." I hugged Mandy and I whispered in her ear, "I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. Mandy, I don't ever want for us to be apart."

We kissed and kissed. My pussy was tingling and throbbing, and running like a facet. Mandy licked my juices off of my legs and I got so turned on. We both took a drag of the cigarette and she said, "Its 5 Am. You realize that we have been making love for over 9 hours. Lets make it an even 12." We both laughed and finished the cigarette. Then we really did make it an even 12. Mandy put Oscar in her pussy and closed her legs a little. I sat on her, wrapped my legs around her and we rolled on our sides. We fucked like rabbits and came so much the bed was soaked. Oscar found our G-spots and we were both so out of control. We spent the last hour licked and sucking each other's pussies, and then spitting the juices in each other's mouth. Mandy gets so turned on when I do that to her, she absolutely attacks me. I love every second of it.

We stopped again and took another smoke break and looked outside. It was unbelievable. We still couldn't see 20 feet. We walked into the room with Julie and Kathy and they were sound asleep. We got into the bed and finished our smoke, softly touching each other. Mandy said, "Lets wake them up by having ourselves a nice breakfast."

I lay between Kathy's legs and Mandy lay between Julie's. We licked them real softly and then faster and harder. They both woke up moaning and we looked at each other smiling. We kept going and made them both cum in our mouths. Then we kissed and swallowed all of the juices.

Mandy and I lay back on the pillows, as Kathy and Julie did the same thing to us. It felt great. It was 9 AM and the phone was ringing. Julie answered it and we heard, "Hi Grace.", "Okay we'll get the messages this morning.", "yeah were going to be stuck inside for a while", "no kidding. I'll let everyone know. Bye."

Julie said, "It's a state of emergency. Sixty five inches of snow and still coming down. Grace has the recording on that the office is closed and we got 8 messages for news interviews; 3 about SexMed, 3 about the Kathy's oncology drug and 2 about the new plastic surgery drug. We should do these this morning while the press is still interested."

I said, "I'll take the SexMed ones. Kathy you do the oncology ones, and I'll ask Max to do the plastic surgery ones. Julie, can you hand me the phone?" I called Max and he was snowed in also. I said, "How about talking to some reporters about the new plastic surgery drugs? We'll get you the phone numbers in a few minutes."

Julie got all the messages and wrote them down. She said, "Make that 9 messages now. One more about SexMed." We called Max and gave him the numbers, and then we took a shower together.

We dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast. Julie cooked while Mandy got up the kids. They looked like they were up all night. I said, "Sleep good?" Allison said, "We slept so sound last night. Thanks for asking." Julie laughed so hard she dropped the spatula on the floor and mumbled, "What a great liar."

We all ate, as the kids yawned. Mandy said, "Maybe you should go back to bed for a while after you eat. You must have been dreaming a lot last night." They all agreed it was the dreams. We tried so hard not to laugh. The kids went back to bed and we laughed. Mandy said, "A quarter says they were making their nipples hard and tickling the flowers." Julie answered, "That's a loosing bet. You know they were. Where are the pets?"

We called Ruffles, Snuffy and Felix all over the house. Julie checked their escape door by the pool and they were outside under the snow, stuck. We all had to push the door open as hard as we could, and then dragged them in one by one. We put them by the fireplace in the kitchen and lit a fire. They were almost frost bitten. A few more hours and they would have been popsicles.

I made the interview calls and was on the phone for over two hours, as Kathy did the same thing from another line. Mandy listen to every word I said and was giving me notes to plug other things. We both tried hard not to laugh when she gave me a note that said, "I heard a great song on the radio today by new band just signed, The Brass Ring."

The last interview was the worst. Mandy kept putting her nipples on my face. I had so much trouble concentrating. It went off good, but I was so wet when we finished. She laughed so hard and said, "Who was that anyway?" I said, "No one special. Just CNN." She tuned white and said, "Why didn't you stop me?" I said, "They thought it was cute that we were snowed in together. I just left out the part about the boobs in my face."

Lets go watch it. It's on a tape delay. We went into the den and Kathy and Julie came in also. We saw the very serious looking reporter ask the questions and my statements written on the screen and we heard my voice over the telephone. Some of the jokes I told were really funny. The reporters in the studio were all laughing. I used Mandy's answer to how it was a guy. They all laughed in the studio. Then I gave then the whole game plan and they were all excited when I told them. Then the show commented on all our new drugs for over an hour. The commentator ended with, "These discoveries will change the way of life as we know it. Even our daily lives will be changing in the next few weeks or months."

Mandy gave me the most obnoxious little kisses all over. I couldn't stop laughing. Julie and Kathy started on me also and started to tickle me. I was saved by the unfrozen dog, that finally moved, and ran over and jumped on me. Snuffy was starting to move also. We all agreed that Felix needed to cook longer and wasn't well done enough yet. They he ran in the other room also.

Julie checked for messages and there were 12 more. All interview requests. We did it all again with different stations and gave Max four more also. He loved it. This time we all heckled Kathy on an interview for a local station that we thought was a waste of time. Julie put her pussy in Kathy's face right over the phone. Kathy was stuttering for the first time in her life. We all were hysterical. She hung up the phone and was so pissed. We all laughed even harder. I said, "Lighten up. It was a local shit station." She said, "Yeah, and the person interviewing me was the head of the AMA."

We all turned pale white. Kathy said, "I did fine. I just had trouble with few words every time I licked YOUR WET PUSSY JULIE!" We all laughed again.

We decide to take a few snow shovels from the garage a dig out a small area by the pets escape door so they could go outside to the bathroom. The snow was over our heads. It took all four of us an hour to shovel an area about 8 feet by 8 feet. The dogs ran out as soon as we were done. Kathy said, "That saved us having to wash a sheet and blankets with Ruffles here." Julie asked the dog how he liked it better. Dick or Dick less. We died."

It was time for lunch and the kids were still asleep. Mandy said, "I bet they didn't sleep for even 10 minutes last night." I said, "Neither did we." Julie and Kathy laughed.

We made some food and left a note on the counter for them. We all had some tuna. We watched a little more of the weather and it was getting bad. They showed some of the towns where people were stranded on roads, and even the plows were stuck. They also set up an emergency broadcast channel on the AM radio. I said, "Ruffles might be looking mighty tasty in a week or so if this keeps up." Kathy yelled, "Shut up Jen! You're not cooking my fucking dog no matter how much he pisses on the bed!" We all laughed so hard and Kathy blushed after she realized I was only kidding.

Mandy whispered into my ear, "Kind of touchy about the pooch." I whispered back, "A love affair. She really digs the tongue." Mandy almost wet her pants.

We had some wine and joked around for a while. We did three more interviews each. Max called me up to tell me the orders they already received. It was mind boggling. We spent an hour on the phone figuring out how we could manufacture this much, in such a short time. We added production in another facility, and suspended producing the least profitable drug for about a week. He was getting quotes all day today, to expand both plants.

We all had more wine and a few cigarettes. Kathy added the numbers from the drugs in her head and told us. Mandy almost shit in her pants. We did it again on a calculator and we were off a little. Kathy was 95 million to low.

Then we all went upstairs to bed again. Kathy yelled at Ruffles, "You keep that fucking dick away from the beds, you hear me? They want to cook you, you idiot dog." Mandy couldn't stop laughing.

We were getting giddy from being up all night. Kathy and Julie only slept an hour so they were the same way. We all took off our cloths and leaned back against the headboard. I lit a cigarette and took a drag. Mandy took it from my lips and took a drag, another one, and held in the smoke. She blew it out slowly, kissed me and said, "I need to make it with you again Jen. I am so nuts about us."

Julie and Kathy laughed as Mandy took Oscar and put it in my pussy, closed my legs a little, and sat straddling me. She leaned back and put the cigarette in her lips grinding her pussy on mine. Oh did that feel good. Mandy blew out the smoke and I said, "I'm nuts about you too. That feels good."

Julie and Kathy we sitting with Kathy leaning back against Julie, and Julie rubbing Kathy's nipples.

I took a drag of the cigarette and put it back in Mandy's lips, as the door to the bedroom slowly opened. Mandy was grinding her pussy on mine and moaned, "Sweetheart, this feels so good." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and leaned forward.

Allison, Christiana, Beth, and Janie walked in. We didn't see them until they were right next to the bed. Mandy was so far gone she just slowed done and had her eyes half closed. Julie was still rubbing Kathy's nipples and her clit and Christiana said, "Mommy, you said I could tell or ask you anything. I want to ask you to help us to do what you are doing right now with that thing in your flower."

Mandy stopped moving on me and said, "Christiana, you can't use this. You're a virgin." Allison said, "No were not. We fixed that the first day it snowed." Julie said, "How did you fix it?" Allison said, "We took turns taking a quarter of a SexMed pill and each of us turned into a boy and fucked the others. That's how we fixed it."

I said, "That was very dangerous. You should never take someone else's medication. What if there was something else in that bottle? You could have died." Allison said, "Oh, we checked it really good. We know all about batches and lot numbers. We read it in the booklet." Mandy was trying so hard not to laugh and Julie was ready to kill.

Mandy said, "Christiana, who did you have sex with as a boy?" She said, "All of us, but I didn't like it. After the white goop came out, I fell asleep. We all felt that way." Mandy said, "And what did you do with the white goop?" She said, "We swallowed it, like you do."

Mandy looked at me like, how in the fuck did they know that? Allison walked over to the nightstand and took out a cigarette from my pack and lit it. She took a drag and blew out the smoke. Julie said, "What do you think you're doing?" Allison said, "It's okay to smoke, now that all the drugs you invented made it so it can't hurt anyone. It's been on the news all week." Julie looked at us and we shrugged our shoulders. Christiana and the other girls lit up a cigarette also.

Mandy said, "I guess your ready to read about how to make yourselves feel good. I'm going to give you two cases. In each one is a book. Read the books and then come back and ask us any questions you have. Okay?" Mandy got up off of me, and Oscar, and went into the closet taking out two of the Oscar cases. She handed one to Christiana, and one to Allison.

They walked out of the room and we heard Christiana say, "I told you I could ask my mom anything. You're so fucked up Allison, you said that she'd smack my mouth." We all laughed again. Julie said, "We created a bunch of monsters."

Mandy lit a cigarette, sat back on me again, and started to grind her pussy. She took a drag and handed it to me. I said, "You brought her up to trust you. That's wonderful." Mandy gave me hardest hug and kiss. She kept kissing me over and over again and said, "I hope I brought her up right. Lets see what her questions are before you give me a final verdict." Mandy and I laughed as she was grinding her pussy on mine. We went from laughing to moaning as we both orgasmed, back to laughing again. Julie thought we were certifiably nuts. Kathy didn't care. She just wanted to get laid.

Mandy and I made love next to Kathy and Julie for hours. All we heard was moaning the whole time from one of us. Mandy and I lay on our sides in a 69 position and ate each other senseless. I came like a tidal wave. We both had a mouthful and were going to kiss each other. Mandy pointed to Julie and Kathy, so we kissed them and shared it. They went wild and licked us both into another orgasm. We all needed and break, so Mandy lit us a cigarette to share and I was laying on top of her facing down, with our breasts touching. It felt so close and warm. She was licking my lips and I was licking hers. We both laughed about all of the dried pussy juice on our faces. Mandy held the cigarette for me and I took a drag, as there was a knock at the door. Mandy said, "Come on in."

Christiana, Allison, Janie, and Beth walked in. Christiana said, "There was one thing we didn't see in the book. Don't get mad at us but we saw you the other night when you left your door open. We want to know how you got into the position facing each other. You and Aunt Jen seem to really like that so much." Mandy looked at me and said, "You want to show them?"

Mandy lit a cigarette and we both got up, as Mandy said, "Lets go to your room." Julie and Kathy were laughing so hard. We walked into Christiana's room and took out their Oscars. We started with Janie and Christiana. We got them into position and they did the rest. Mandy and I had our eyes wide open watching her daughter fuck her brains out, and kiss the other girl like we do. Then we helped Allison and Beth. They were even worse. Allison took a drag of Mandy's cigarette and then handed it back. We laughed on the way out.

We went back in our bedroom and Julie and Kathy wanted to hear every detail. I said, "Julie, your daughter is going to be one sexy slut when she gets older. She'll put all of us to shame." Julie was laughing and said, "Oh shit."

We decided to watch some TV and Julie found a mystery movie that was starting in 20 minutes. We all ran downstairs and got wine, snacks, and some other stuff. We all put a quarter in the pot, as we called it. The one who guesses the murderer, gets the pot, or splits it.

This was really good movie. An hour into the it, we all picked who we thought did it. We all had someone different. Mandy won. She went wild jumping the bed and hugging everyone. We all laughed so hard, as she saved the quarters in a special jar for her wining bets.

We all had a cigarette and watched a little of the weather again. It was suppose to stop snowing tomorrow. Julie turned off the TV and Mandy and I lay together with our legs wrapped around each other kissing. Julie and Kathy did the same thing. We all fell asleep.


We woke up with the sun shining through the bedroom windows and the sound of heavy machinery. We all got up to see what was going on and watched a work crew plowing us out with a bulldozer. We made breakfast for us and the kids and watched through the bay windows in the library the men shoveling the snowdrifts that were well over their heads. There was one drift almost over the side of the horse stable. Mandy said, "We have to feed the horses today. They may be out of food and water. It's heated in there, but it is really cold outside."

The phone rang and Julie answered it. It was Melissa and they wanted to know if they could get back in the driveway yet. Julie said, "Give it another two weeks." We all laughed and she said, "I mean, two hours."

The kids wanted to go out and play and we made them wait until the men finished with the plowing. The kids were dressed in coats for over an hour inside waiting. We finally let the go out and it was like we turned loose and wild tribe of midgets. They definitely were in the house too long. So were the dogs and cat. They took off down the driveway running in circles.

We sat and had coffee looking out the back doors that the crew had shoved away. The snow had to be over 6 feet deep, everywhere. We know that the posts on the dock are over our heads, and we couldn't see them. I said," Kathy, who did we hire for the snow plowing? Do you remember?" She said, "Yeah. I'll call them."

Kathy called the snow plowing company and then told me they already finished our driveway. Mandy said, "I know this is somewhat awkward, but would both of you like to move in here with us? Jen, I want to be with you 24 hours a day if I could, and I know Julie feels the same way about Kathy. Please say you'll do it." I said, "Kathy, what do you say?" She smiled at me and said, "Sure. Lets do it."

Julie said, "I'll take Jess's old room with Kathy and you and Mandy take the room we were in last night." Mandy kissed me like she was sucking the tongue right out of my mouth. I did the same to her. We kissed for almost an hour.

We all took the hummer over to my house and they helped us pack some cloths and the work that we brought home. I checked our messages and we had 9. We listened to all of them and wrote down the numbers. One was my mother and also the Senator. I recorded a new message that had us reachable at a new number and gave Mandy's phone number. She smiled and kissed me after I recorded it.

Mandy has us use the library as an office as it had everything we needed when we worked at the house. I called my mom and she was so worried that she didn't hear from us. I had a long talk with her and told her about our relationship and she laughed hysterically. She told me that her and Author, the Senator, had become an item and that he wanted to go back into private law practice again, as a government regulatory expert. That is what my mom was also. After I hung up I called Mandy into the library and said, "The Senator that helped us get everything through so fast is retiring and wants to go into a private practice with my mom. They are both critical to us getting this stuff through the FDA. How about we have a regulatory legal office and offer them positions?"

Mandy said, "Have them come over and let's see what they want and what we can offer. It sounds like a good idea."

I called the Senator and he told me the same thing as my mom said. I asked him to met with us with my mom. He said, "Let me call you right back. Where can I reach you?"

I set it up for tomorrow at 9. My mom called me back and I told her what I had in mind. She said, "Lets talk. That may be a good thing for us." I told Mandy, Julie, and Kathy that we we're on for 9 tomorrow. They all thought it was a good idea. I called Max and he was so excited about it. He wanted to join us also.

I also did two more interviews and Kathy did three. This was getting to be old hat.

We all went outside and the kids were like lunatics. They built an 8 foot high igloo and wanted to sleep outside in it. We killed that idea real quick.

We went into the stables to feed the horses and decided to take them for a short walk around the clear roads. It was absolutely gorgeous. Trees were buried 6 to 10 feet deep in fresh white snow. The horses knew enough to not let us take them in the snow that deep. We let them lead the way. The crew had cleared the brick path down to the lake that goes around the cliffs, and we walked the horses down it. The lake was amazing. It was frozen solid, and the snow on it was over the docks. You really couldn't tell where the water started. We went back up the path, just in case one of the horses stepped in the wrong direction.

We put the horses back after they had their little freedom now also. The kids wanted to stay out so we let them, as Jody, Melissa, Janice, and Karen drove up. We all waved and they drove into the garage.

We went back into the house and all had runny noses. It was really cold outside. We put on some coffee and Melissa walked in first. Mandy said, "So how was skiing?" Janice answered, "The first two days were great. They we got snowed in and were stuck in the motel." They asked about us and Mandy said, "Boy do we have stuff to tell you. Get settled and join us for coffee. Did you check on your kids?" Melissa said, "Yeah, they're fine and are staying another day. God bless those parents."

They went upstairs to unpack and we all lit cigarettes. I took a deep drag and held in the smoke, as Mandy sat on my lap. She put her arm over my shoulder as I blew out the smoke, and then kissed me. She whispered into my ear, "Jen, I can't keep my hands off of you. I want to make love again after dinner tonight. I know I'm a total slut for you, but I can't help it."

Mandy kissed me and I whispered back in her ear, "You can be slut as much as you want. Sweetheart, I love it and want to make love to you all night again." This time I kissed her and she was moaning into my mouth. Mandy put her arms around me and hugged me so tight, as the kids came in the house. Christiana walked up to us and said, "Thanks mom for the other night." She kissed Mandy and me on the cheek, took a drag of my cigarette, and then they went into the playroom. Mandy put her head on my shoulder to hide her laughing. I could feel her moving each time she giggled. She lifted up her head and said, "I must be out of my fucking mind." Julie said, "That is definitely a possibility."

I took a drag of my cigarette and Mandy said, "Are you going to say anything?" I said, "Sure. Which version do you want? The you're out of your mind one, or the you're a good mother one. I have them both rehearsed pretty good." She said, "Lets try the good mother one." I whispered into Mandy's ear, "You listen to her every word, you never get angry, you reason with her, you provide for her, you give her some freedoms, and you don't panic when she experiments. That's a good mother." Mandy kissed me so softly and hugged me. She said, "That was so nice."

The whole crew came down stairs and sat with us in the kitchen having coffee. Mandy said, "Lets start with the kids." She told them everything and they were hysterically laughing. She told them that Kathy gave the dog a SexMed. I thought Melissa was going to fall off her chair. Mandy said, "We changed our sleeping arrangements. Kathy and Julie are sleeping together in Jess's old room and Jen and I are staying in my room. They are moving in with us." Melissa said, "Congrats and a lot of luck. We switched also. Jody and I are in her room, and Janice and Karen and in Karen's room." Julie said, "Do you know how fucked up this whole conversation sounds?"

We all thought about it and started to laugh. Mandy said, "We also are going to be doing something new in the band." Jody interrupted and said, "Mandy, we don't want to play any more. We talked about it. We want to get back to a normal life again." Mandy said, "This has nothing to do with Sage. This has to do with The Brass Ring." Mandy told them what we did and they all wanted to hear it. I said, "A quarter pill and we can play for an hour and half about." Mandy said, "Lets do it. We'll be back in about an hour or so."

We went upstairs, and I cut a pill in quarters. We each swallowed and we were out cold. We dressed again and went downstairs to get the crew and they followed us into the studio. We turned everything on and Mandy said in her low male voice, "This is Brass Ring Ladies." Kathy gave us the double bass drum fast intro and we rocked one song after the other. Mandy and I added some shtick to the guitar act, and so did Julie. We danced together in one tune. The vocals were on the money. I felt like I was back playing in college.

I had a great solo in one tune. Mandy and I both played guitar in one and we traded off. This was really fun. I played keys in another and I loved to do my Santana stuff on the organ. Mandy was definitely right, as a hobby this the best. We ended the new tunes and Julie yelled out, "You really got me." We played the old Kinks song with me singing it and they did the harmonies. I loved to play guitar in this. We finished and put down the instruments. Kathy said in her low male voice, "We have about 10 minutes."

Mandy said, "We'll, how did you like it?" Melissa said, "This was fantastic. You put this together in two days? Holy Shit! Five of those tunes are hits." We all lit a cigarette and I said, "We want this to be a hobby. Have some fun, some laughs, make some more money, and mostly be ourselves when we are not on stage. No one will recognize us this way."

Jody said, "It's a great idea. I love the sound. Kathy is phenomenal, and so are you Jen. That was one hell of a guitar solo in the last tune." I said, "Thanks. We haven't really done this since college. I forgot how much fun it is. We have about 2 minutes to get to bed everyone."

We headed up stairs, undressed, and conked out. We woke up in a little over an hour and felt great. I said to Kathy, "Somehow that hour sleep makes the body think it just had 8 hours. We need to figure that out next. The sleep-a- little pill."

Everyone laughed and Mandy said, "That's actually a great idea. I feel like I just had a full night sleep. " Mandy kissed me and said, "That means I'm ready to rock and roll all night with you."

We went back downstairs. Melissa and Jody had made dinner for everyone and were waiting for us to eat. We all sat in the dining room and Melissa raised her glass in a toast and said, "Mandy and Julie, please don't get mad when I say this. But, here's to us finding the house we talked about." We all drank and Melissa said, "The four of us decided to buy a home together. Large, very modern, and on the lake. That's assuming we can find one." I looked at Kathy and she said, "Tell them." I said, "You've seen our house, any interest in it? I think we may sell it."

Jody said, "We were talking about your house. That's exactly what we want. How much do you want for it?" I said, "I don't know. Let me get you a number tomorrow." Kathy said, "Two million and it's yours without the boat."

Jody said, "Sold. Let's call Margi."

Mandy called her mother and they were laughing on the phone together for a while. She told her about our relationships and they really laughed. Mandy said, "Mom, I never felt like this before. The real reason I called is that Jen and Kathy want to sell their house to Jody, Janice, Melissa, and Karen. Can you handle both sides of the transaction? They already settled on a price.", "Yeah sure I'll put it on speaker. Hold on."

Margi told us it was a conflict of interest to do both sides in a closing with the same attorney and that we needed another lawyer. I said, "My mom is going to be here tomorrow for a meeting. She's an attorney and I'll have her do our part." Margi said, "What's her name?" I said, "Meg Edwards." Margi said, "Tell her I said hello. We go way back. Tell her to call me at the office after the meeting." Mandy said, "She'll be in the office, and we wanted you and Alice there also. Hold on, let me pick this up. Mandy picked up the phone and told her the plan about regulatory law and Margi thought it was great idea.

I said, "Both the boats in dry dock are yours?" Jody said, "Yeah, I was stupid enough to buy them." I said, "I just want to know if I could move my boat over here, or those were Mandy's and Julie's. You guys may want some of the furniture in the house. Take a look at it tomorrow. Just let me know if you're interested in it." Jody said, "How much for all of it?" I looked at Kathy and she was adding in her head. She said, "I think we have about 400,000 into it. Give or take. Personal stuff excluded." Jody said, "That's reasonable. Let us look at it before work tomorrow." I handed Jody the key to the house.

We all had some wine and lit cigarettes. Mandy hung up the phone with her mom and took a drag of my cigarette. She said, "This is cool. You guys get you own place, and we loose the love boat that was anchored outside." Everyone laughed and Jody said, "Okay, Okay. I know I'm going to sell it. The problem is finding someone to buy it. It's too fucking big. The other one was the right size and I want to keep that. It's the same as yours Jen. Right?" I said, "Exactly the same. I love it."

Mandy put her arms around me and said, "We also get all that garage space back too. Wow, this is getting really cool. Now we go do some shopping." I said, "How about Saturday? I was thinking about the new Bentley. I want to keep the Hummer. That goes through anything."

Mandy kissed me softly and said, "I like your taste." I said, "Its the wine." Mandy laughed and said, "Julie, when we sold the house in LA, what did we do with the furniture. I know it's in storage, but I can't remember where." Julie said, "I think it's at the storage place here. We should check. There's stuff in there that Jody may want. All the outdoor stuff is there also. That was expensive. Jody, if you guys want any of that stuff just take it." Melissa said, "Yeah, we loved that outdoor furniture."


Mandy and I made love that entire night. We weren't tired at all. Kathy and Julie were the same way. We realized that we stumbled onto something in this pill and now had to figure it out.

The meeting with my mom and the Senator went great. They both went to law school with Margi and Alice, and it was like old home week. They are both going to be in the legal regulatory area and work for Margi.

Jody, Janice, Melissa, and Karen bought my house and furniture. They moved out and are so happy in a place that they own. Me and Kathy on the other hand are happier than we have ever been. She is so in love with Julie, and I am the same way with Mandy. Julie was right, this was a screwed up set of relationships, but we like it. Kathy and I offered to buy half the house from Mandy, and we did it. We all own the castle now. I told her after the closing she's not allowed to park on the left side of the garage, because that side is mine. She actually wet her pants laughing. Afterwards we had what Mandy calls a bathtub adventure and were so into peeing.

Sales from the drugs were already outpacing production. We had a serious problem of ramping up fast enough, even though we dropped the less profitable drugs. Max found a company we could buy that had a production facility ready to go that was ideal, and it was already FDA certified. We bought it and have been producing four times the output for the past three weeks. We are still having trouble keeping pace with demand and are buying another plant this week. I guess it's a good problem to have.

Our next board meeting was the funniest thing I can ever remember. Everyone took a SexMed before coming to the meeting. It was such a piss, no one could recognize anyone else. We spent an hour laughing and then rescheduled the meeting it for the next day. The rules are now you show up in your normal sex. We all couldn't believe how ugly Max was as a woman and told him he was a perfect candidate for the plastic surgery practice.

Kathy finished the "Relaxer" drug and it is now in trial stages. This is really unique and it all comes from the same research we did. It opens things that are closed due to muscles, swelling, age, or damage. It permanently cures Asthma, and will blow away Viagra, as it is taken one pill per week.

Max's sex clinic idea was completely full in the first day it was announced and now there is a 6 month wait for people to get in. We realized we were loosing sales because of it and Max put together a deal to buy two complete hospitals just for this purpose. We already purchased another clinic, just for the new plastic surgery.

Our Vitamin, Pharma-Daily, is now prescribed in every hospital as part of the standard healing process. It's becoming more common than aspirin or Tylenol. Kathy's oncology vaccine is in final testing and almost ready. This will be a major date in history when it's announced. It will be administered to every child entering school in America. No more cancer forever.

The commentator on the news that predicted there would be a change in everyone's life was right on target. Junk food, fast food, deserts, smoking, and alcohol, are all in. Diet foods, health foods, safe sex, and a ton of government regulations are all out. Nobody cares about what they put in their mouth, because it doesn't matter unless it's poison. Also same sex marriages fizzled, as everyone just popped a SexMed and got married the old fashioned way. The Catholic Church was up in arms. Oh well.

We finally finished the management meeting that was canceled by the blizzard and combined it with the monthly. We are now making more than any other corporation. Mandy gave every employee and special bonus the day we hit number one. Everyone was excited.

Jody released three singles from the Brass Ring band and they were all hits. We waited 2 months to play out and debuted in San Antonio Texas, which is Mandy's favorite place. We were all so excited, and it was a blast. We timed it a little to close for comfort on the effects of the drug, and passed out in our hotel rooms just as we were about to lay down.

We all noticed that Julie has been acting realty strange lately. She screams about nothing, and in general just doesn't seem happy. Kathy was so upset about it, and was crying on my and Mandy's shoulder last night, while Julie was asleep. This is where I'll pick the story up.

Mandy and I were so much in love now it was almost sickening. We did everything together. She also shared so many of her feelings and past experiences with me. We laughed for hours one night talking about how fucked up some of the things we both did in the past. We decided to have dinner in bed tonight and watch a new murder mystery movie, and of course bet a quarter on it. I won, as usual, and we were lying together just softly caressing each other sharing a cigarette.

Mandy was kissing me when there was a knock at our door. I said, "Come in." Christiana walked in, shut the door, and sat on the bed. She said, "Can I lay down with you for a while?"

Christiana was still a young kid, and her breasts were fairly developed. She had her first real bra and was so excited about it. She actually had some real cleavage and was showing it off to everyone. We laughed about it for over an hour the other day.

Mandy smiled at me and said, "Sure honey. What's on you mind?" We were both naked and Christiana slipped off her pajama's, as she got under the covers with us. Mandy gave me a funny look and I shrugged my shoulders. Mandy took a drag of our cigarette and Christiana took the cigarette and put it in her lips. She took a drag and blew it out, and handed it back. I still can't get use to seeing kids smoking.

Christiana cuddled up real close to Mandy with her head almost on Mandy's breast and said, "I just wanted to be close to you for a while." Mandy and I looked at each other and both shrugged our shoulders. I kissed Mandy and she whispered in my ear real soft, "Something's up."

We watched Christiana move her hands slowly up to Mandy's breasts and then slowly move her head. She put her lips on Mandy's nipple and started to lick it and then suck it. Mandy moaned softly and said, "Chris, I'm sure that's such a good idea. I'm not sure either of us is ready for this."

Christiana was really sucking Mandy's nipples and Mandy whispered into my ear, "What should I do? It feels so good. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I had the same crush on my mother." I whispered back real softly, "Do what you think is right. She obviously wants this to happen. I'll hold you and be with you the whole time if you want to keep going. Stop her gently, if that's what you feel."

Mandy was breathing hard and kissed me. She held Chris's head on her breast, as I watched Christiana put her other hand in Mandy's pussy and start to finger her. Mandy moaned, "Oh Chris that feels so good honey." Chris rubbed Mandy's clit and Mandy started to rub Christiana's nipples also. I held Mandy as close as I could and watched. I was so turned on.

Mandy and Christiana rubbed each other's clit and then Christiana kissed Mandy, the same way I kiss her. Mandy responded and they kissed for about two minutes. Christina said, "Mom, I fell so close to you. Is it okay if we lick each other's flower?" Mandy kissed me so softly and said, "Yes honey. It's okay." Christiana got on top of Mandy in a 69 position and they licked and sucked each other. I rubbed Mandy's nipples underneath Christiana's stomach. Mandy was moaning so loud and had an orgasm. I watched Christina swallow all of Mandy's juices and keep licking her, as Mandy brought Christina to an orgasm also. Mandy helped Christiana off of her and rolled on her side to kiss me with such a passion. Then Christiana kissed Mandy, and kissed me the same way.

Christina saw our Oscar on the nightstand and reached for it. She lay down putting it in her flower and said, "Mom, do it with me, the way that you and Aunt Jen do it together. Sit on me and roll me over. Please Mom, I really want you to." Mandy kissed me so hard and then whispered into my ear, "Help me, so I don't hurt her."

Mandy didn't sit all the way down, as I held her. She wrapped her legs around Christiana and they rolled on their sides. They were fucking, just like we do. I couldn't believe it, as Christiana had Oscar all the way inside of her and their pussies were touching. Mandy was having orgasm after orgasm and so was Christina, as they both kept kissing me while I held them close. My pussy was on fire and I was definitely on mental overload. I sat on Mandy's face and she went wild on me, as she rubbed her pussy against her daughter's. I had an orgasm and got off of them, and just held them both as they had the most wonderful mother daughter relationship.

Mandy pulled Oscar out of both of them and kissed Christiana softly. She said, "I think we had enough." Christina was smiling and laughed. So did Mandy, as she lit a cigarette. Christina took a drag and said, "Mom, I need to tell you something. I think that Allison and I did something really bad, and Aunt Julie is going to be really pissed at us. Allison was going to tell her Mom about it. Mom, we seduced Aunt Kathy. She didn't want to do it with us, but we kind of made her. I'm sorry about it and we apologized to her so many times. She made us promise to tell Aunt Julie."

I took a drag of the cigarette, as Mandy smiled at me and hugged Christiana. She said, "It's okay honey. I'm sure Julie will understand. We were your age too and just as wild as you too are. We seemed to have turned out okay."

We shared the cigarette, as Mandy and Christina talked about what just happened, and that it was to be just between the three of us. Christina said, "Oh I won't tell anyone. I know how much trouble we'll all get into. We read a book about this." Mandy and I tried not to laugh and both held Chris.

We heard Julie screaming in the other room and a door slam. Mandy ran into the hallway and stopped Allison from running away, as we heard Julie screaming at Kathy. I got up and Christina was so upset. I said, "Don't get upset. We'll take care of it."

We all went back into Julie's room and she was wicked. She was yelling at Kathy calling her a slut for seducing her daughter. Mandy yelled, "Julie! Sit down, now! This is not like you. My God. You'd think the world was ending." Kathy was crying and I held her in my arms.

Julie was sitting down at the edge of the bed and Mandy said, "Julie, did you listen to what really happened? You're going off the deep end on everything. Christina, tell Aunt Julie what you told us in few minutes ago."

Christina said, "Three days ago when you were on the phone in the study screaming at Daddy and Uncle Gary about something, Allison and I came up here to be with Aunt Kathy. We started to tickle her and she couldn't stop laughing. Then we started to touch her, while we were still tickling her. I touched her nipples and Allison was touching her flower. Aunt Kathy was begging us to stop, but we kept going and thought she really liked it. After about 10 minutes she really did like it and we made her feel so good. Then Allison and I begged her to do the same thing to us, and she did it after we told her that we would tell you about it, if she didn't do it. We are so sorry. It's all our fault, not Aunt Kathy's. She loves you so much, and she was the one that wanted us to tell you about it."

Julie was crying hysterically and Kathy sat with her and held her. Julie was saying, "I'm so sorry Kathy. What's wrong with me? All I do is yell and scream at everyone. I love you so much, and I'm making you miserable."

I asked the kids to leave and told them everything would be all right. I said, "I don't think you're going to get punished if you promise to never do this again." They promised and left the room. Mandy and I sat on the bed and Mandy said, "Julie, we have known each other since we were little kids. We have been through so many things together. I have never seen you act like this. What's bothering you?"

Julie was still crying and said, "I have no idea. I know I need to get some help with his like we went though before. Maybe a psychiatrist again." I said, "When did it start?"

Mandy said, "I started seeing Julie's attitude changing about 2 weeks before you moved in here."

I said to Julie, "Kathy and I have our medical degrees as well, we just didn't do our residency. How about we talk to you about this and use hypnosis. There are two reasons I want us to do it. First is somewhat selfish, but if this is anyway connected to any of the drugs, we have to know about it real quick. We have all taken every one of them and sold millions. Second, is that we all really care about you and want to get you back to being the Julie we all know and love. Lets just relax and have a smoke, and when you stop crying, we'll talk."

Mandy lit us all a cigarette and Julie was calming down. Kathy went into the closet and took out 4 pillows. She set it up so Julie was lying in a reclined position on the bed. Mandy put her arms around me and said softly into my ear, "God help us if it's one of the drugs." I said, "No shit. We'll go from angels to the re-birth of the devil."

We all finished our smoke and I started to talk to Julie to get her to relax. I had in under in about 10 minutes. Kathy and I had Julie talk about everything in her life from about six months before this started to happen. After about two hours, we all knew what is was, and thank God it had nothing to do with the drugs. Julie promised Mandy when they got married that she would love her forever, the same way she felt then. When she fell in love with Kathy, she felt so guilty that she let Mandy down, and couldn't live herself for it. It just got worse when we moved in. We let Julie remember everything she told us and we told her what her problem was, and to remember that also. It was obvious that the only real way to fix this with Julie was to have her make the same commitment to Kathy. We also told her that Kathy loved her very much. Before we woke Julie up, the three of us talked about it and decide that maybe the best thing to do was to fix the marriage problem between the four of us.

We woke Julie up and she remembered all of it. She ran over to Mandy hugging her and cried like a baby saying, "I'm so sorry. I promised you and I broke my promise." We sat Julie back down and she and Kathy hugged so tight. Then we talked about divorce and getting married. Julie was now smiling again and we all felt so relived. She called the kids into the room and apologized to both of them and held them for over 10 minutes. Allison was leaving and said to Christiana, "Thank God she's back to normal. I was going to ask if I could move in with Beth down the street." We all laughed.

Mandy and I went into our room to leave Julie and Kathy alone, as they needed the time together now. We lit a cigarette and were lying in bed together on our sides. Mandy said, "You did really good in there. Why didn't you become a practicing physician?" I smiled and said, "Because I'm too much of a screw up. I don't fit the typical doctor image. Neither does Kathy. Besides, we both love to do research." Mandy kissed me and said, "You're my screw up, and I love you for it." We made love and fell asleep.

The next morning Mandy called grace and told her we would all be out today, and then we called Margi. She laughed at us and then told us what we needed to do to become divorced. A big part was splitting up the properties to be uncontested, then we could fly to Nevada and get it done in one day. We talked to her all day while she went through all our holdings and we decided how to divide things up. We did something real unusual with the castle. Mandy and I are buying out Julie and Kathy, but we agreed to let them, and their children, live here as long as they wanted. Kathy and my properties were almost completely sold, except a few cars and boats. That was easy. The cash and investments were easy also. Mandy's investments took some time to unravel, as they had so much in foreign countries. The only thing we argued about was who owned Ruffles. No one wanted him. We lost, not that it mattered much since he was going to be living here either way.

Margi said, "I'll have the agreements ready to be signed tomorrow. Now lets talk about marriages." I said, "We'll get married in Vegas when we fly there for the divorce. Mandy and Julie will pop a SexMed and we'll have it done in two hours."

Everyone laughed and Margi said, "That's actually a great plan, you won't need any of the other crap now. Lets talk about it in detail for name changes and the like. You may want to decide who is the man in each marriage for those reasons."

Mandy and I decided that she would be Mandy Stevens Edwards, and Kathy decided with Julie to become Davidson. Julie was going back to her maiden name before the wedding. They were as happy as we ever saw them. So were we.

We told the kids and Allison and Christian were whispering in each other's ear. Allison said to us, "Is anything going to change?" We all shook our heads no and she said, "Okay. It's fine with us then. You can get divorced and re-married. We approve." The kids went into the playroom to read and we all laughed so hard.

That night Mandy and I made love all night. We were so out of control. We even did it on the veranda. It was only 46 degrees outside and we froze. We were such idiots and laughed about it while soaking in a hot bathtub to warm up. That's when we decided to add a year round hot tub on the veranda outside of our bedroom. I told Mandy we should both be committed. She told me we were already committed to each other. We made love again, inside this time.

In business, things changed a little from this also. Julie told us she wanted to step down as the Vice Chairman, as she wanted to focus more on some changes in the music industry. We brought it up at the next board meeting before anyone knew about the divorce and marriage plans. I was nominated by Max to take her place and the board approved it, even though I wasn't sure I was the right person to do it. Mandy, Julie, and Kathy convinced me to accept, so I did. Mandy and I are connected at the hip in everything now, and we love it. We promoted Kathy to take my place in the everyday management of Pharma Research and I now had all of it reporting to me, including Max.

We leave tomorrow for our divorce and re-marriage trip, and then all take a honeymoon there for four days. The second night we play our second concert as the Brass Ring, as a headlining act. The only people who knew about us being the Brass Ring were about half of the board members, and our limo driver, who thinks it's a riot. Nobody else has a clue. We loved it. We even did an interview last week on M-TV. We all thought the jig was up when they compared some of our style to Sage. Mandy said in her low male voice, "We all liked their music a lot, and I guess it just shows in some of our arrangements."

We made an announcement to the board of our plans, and they all were so happy for us. We thought it was going to be a lot of explaining, but there was none. The only thing almost everyone said was, "Don't loose too much money in Vegas."


We were all packed and ready for the trip. We took one of the corporate jets to Vegas and had a blast on the way there. We all had way too much wine and the pilot said on the intercom, "Mandy, you promised you weren't going to do this again. You can't open the windows in an airplane. They're sealed shut and if you open the door, we all fall out." Mandy was bombed and put her arms around me and said, "If I do that again, just fuck me until I can't move."

We checked into our hotel, in the two penthouse suites and sobered up a little. Julie was anxious about everything so we left to get the divorce. I took all of fifteen minutes once we got to the place. Then we headed back to the hotel and Julie and I took a half tab of SexMed. We passed out, and then got up to dress and went for the marriage. This took about a half hour once it was started and we got back to hotel just in time to pass out again.

Mandy was lying next to me when I woke up and she made love to me for over three hours. We couldn't stop touching each other.

We noticed a special candlelight dinner service advertised that was brought to the room on the room service menu, so we ordered the whole package. It was $2,000 dollars but we didn't give a shit. She said to me, "This has to be for the high rollers who finally win something." I said, "We never gamble. Lets go to the casino tomorrow after the band show and see what it's all about. We're going to be wide awake after the SexMed anyway."

I called room service and asked them to bring up a book on rules of the games in casino and charge it too our room. They laughed at us and agreed. We also called Margi, Mandy's mom, and my mom to tell them we really did it. They all thought we'd change our minds again. They were so happy for us. Margi also told us that Jody, Melissa, Janice and Karen were doing the same thing next week. We called Julie's mom, Adel, who was watching the kids for us this week. She also knew about the Brass Ring and was really busting our chops. She said, "I have over 80 venues that all want you to play. What should I tell them?" Mandy and I both said together, "Tell them no!"

We called Julie and Kathy's room too and talked to them for a few minutes. They told us to go back to making love and not to call until tomorrow after 1 in the afternoon. We laughed and hung up. We were so glad they were happy also.

Our candlelight dinner was delivered and it really was romantic. The two grand price tag included a violin player that played while we ate and a couple of CDs of dinner music. We loved it. We played the CDs after we finished and slow danced in the suite together. I can honestly say that I had never felt so much love for anyone, or anything in my life, as I felt, and still feel, for Mandy. She told me while we were dancing that we have half a brain that we share. We both laughed the way she said it, and I said, "It think since our IQs are over 180 we probably have more like three quarters of a brain between us." She said, "Except when we made love out in the cold. Then it's about a tenth of a brain. What I meant was, we think the same way about so many things, and feel the same way. Kiss me sweetheart. I love you so much."

We kissed and held each other dancing for quite a while. Then we went to bed and teased each other to death taking off our cloths, until we both wanted to attack each other. The sex was incredible. We knelt on the bed together holding and kissing each other. I kissed my way down to her breasts and she arched her back, as I licked each nipple gently. I sucked her areola into my mouth and flicked my tongue over it and her nipple. Mandy moaned softly and held my head and then pulled my face to hers in a passionate kiss. She licked my breasts the same way and my pussy was dripping.

We took our time and made each other feel as good as we could. We caressed each other for hours and then Mandy lie between my legs and licked my pussy like she never has before. I orgasmed like a tidal wave as she swallowed all of it. Then I did her the same way. Mandy screamed so loud when she orgasmed, we both stopped and laughed. She called the front desk and said she stubbed her toe if anyone called the police. We laughed holding each other and then really got into it with Oscar and his friends. We had a butt plug in each other's ass while we fucked. We both were so out of control.

We stopped after a few more hours and had a cigarette break. Mandy had her head on my shoulder, as we cuddled close. She was purring into my ear and giving me quick kisses on my neck, as I took a drag of the cigarette. I gave her the cigarette and she took a deep drag and said, "I want us to be like this forever. Jen, invent a drug that will never let us drift apart." I said, "We already have it. It's called love. We just have to take the right dosage every day."

Mandy took a drag of the cigarette, and then another, holding in the smoke. She was blowing the smoke out slowly through her nose and I kissed her. She opened her mouth wide and we had the sloppiest, wettest, tongue out kiss. I said, "That's the dosage I was talking about." She laughed and gave me the cigarette. We finished our smoke and made love until the sun was coming up. It was the best night of my life. Mandy told me the same thing.

We lay in bed having a cigarette and Mandy ordered us breakfast in bed from room service. I said, "You mean in the room." She showed me the menu and it was actually served to us in bed. The room service delivery person knocked and then used a key to come in. She served us breakfast in our bed on folding trays. We loved it.

We finished breakfast and then fell asleep for a while in each other's arms. We woke up at 11 and both could barely walk to the bathroom, we had to go so bad. We both stood and peed in the bathtub with the shower running and kissed. We washed each other, dried each other, and then went back to bed.

We were sitting up against the headboard and I channel surfed. Mandy said, "Lets see what's going on in the world today. We missed the news yesterday." I lit a cigarette and Mandy took it out of my lips as I found CNN. We watched, as we shared the cigarette and Mandy said to me, "Call Max. He'll love seeing this."

I called Max and he had turned on CNN in his office. He told me to go back to bed with Mandy and I hung up laughing. We watched a report on our company and the worldwide effect the drugs were having on society. Some of it was really interesting and things we never thought about. Deaths from stabbings and gun shot wounds were significantly down, as the Pharma-Daily vitamin helped stop bleeding, and most people now survived. The one we didn't expect was that SexMed was being used as a tool for criminals in South America. Besides the disguise it provided, it slightly altered a person's fingerprints. Not a lot, but enough for the scanning software the government agencies use to not work. The fingerprints were the same, but they were either smaller, or larger than before. We never would have guessed this would happen.

They showed projected sales for our company and it was twenty times what we projected. Mandy and I had our mouths hanging open, as Kathy called and told us to put on CNN. We laughed and I said, "It's already on." The last segment was about ideas for new drugs. The title of the commentary was "What's left to conquer." We listened to this carefully as they had ideas we never even thought about. Mandy laughed and said, "That was more informative than the 100 grand we spent with that management study company to give us the same thing. The best part is that this was free. See, I told you a drug for love was important." We both smiled, as I turned off the TV and we made love again.

Julie and Kathy came over to our room at 3 in the afternoon and dragged us out of bed so we could take three SexMed pills each for the concert. We had to make sure we had plenty of time. We were all laughing about it when we swallowed the pills and passed out.

We woke up and got dressed. We actually didn't like being guys at all, but the music sounded great, and it was an excellent disguise. The CNN report was right about that.

We walked over to the theater where we were playing and got there just in time for the sound checks. Mandy and Julie knew everyone, but had to pretend they were meeting them for the first time. Julie almost slipped when she said hello to someone. She caught herself and turned it into an introduction. We did our sound check and I loved playing on stage. We all did. We went backstage to get ready for the show.

Mandy got us seats in the front row far side, so we could watch the first two acts and then just walk back stage in time to go on. The show was fantastic and the bands rocked. We didn't want to miss the encore of the last band but had to go backstage before our cue. Mandy and I hugged each other. So did Kathy and Julie, and we all went on stage with the lights almost out. We got our instruments for the opening number, and were in position when the MC gave us the most incredible introduction. Then fireworks went off and Kathy gave us our cue. We rocked and had a blast.

We played one song after another, with some goofing around in between and talking to the audience. Mandy said to the crowd in her male low voice, "So how many of you in here have tried that new SexMed drug? It's great isn't it?" The crowd went wild cheering and we all laughed our asses off on stage. Mandy yelled over to me, "I couldn't help myself. It's a free commercial."

We did the whole show and then an encore with our last hit single. We thanked the crowd and went back stage laughing. Kathy said in her low male voice, "We still have 3 hours before we change back. Lets hit the casino like this for a while."

We walked back to the room and took out some cash and went to the casino. We all had a wristwatch on with an alarm set, just to be sure we didn't forget. We only read a little bit of the rules and Mandy said, "We only understand a few of the games. How about we play roulette, craps and blackjack?" Everyone agreed and we sat at a roulette table. We were mobbed for autographs and could hardly make any bets. The same thing happened at blackjack and craps. It was horrible. We left with a half hour to spare and went to our room. We all sat in a chair at the dinette table and Mandy said, "Now you know why we quit playing with Sage. This part of it really sucks."

We all lit a cigarette and were talking about how much fun it was on stage. Mandy said, "Jen honey, we still have time for a little cum desert. Lets you and me do a little 69 action on the bed." We all took off our cloths. Mandy and I sucked each other's cock, and so did Kathy and Julie. Mandy and I came in each other's mouth at the same time. She jerked forward and I felt her cock go into my throat. I loved how it felt as she squirt warm cum in my mouth and I saved all of it. I felt myself going weak from shooting my load into her mouth. We moved together and kissed and swallowed. We passed out within a minute of finishing.

We all woke up and Julie had wet cum still on her face. Kathy went wild licking it up and we all laughed. We all got dressed and Mandy said, "Lets go enjoy ourselves in the casino this time."

We went back to the casino and it was like we were invisible. We all loved it. We played roulette at the hundred dollar table and there was an older couple that sat next to us. He said to Mandy, "I recognize you from that CNN show last month. I want to thank both of you. That drug saved my son's life. He had terminal cancer."

We all shook hands with him and his wife and talked for a while. They bought us drinks and then told the pit boss that our money was no good here, and to put it all on his tab. We argued about it, but they insisted. Mandy whispered to me, "Now isn't this better than being mobbed by screaming fans?"

We played for a few hours and all won some money. Julie was jumping up and down when she hit a 36 to 1 shot and then kissed Kathy like we did last night. The older couple just laughed. We didn't win a lot, but we had fun.

The real fun started when we played craps. We were all addicted to it within minutes. Mandy rolled twelve 7's in a row and we made almost 400 grand. She was standing up and dancing with me shaking our boobs and asses, as she threw the die. The crowd at the table was hysterically laughing, but bet with us for over an hour. The casino closed the table because we won too much.

We hated black jack, as it was way too boring and everyone at the table got pissed when we talked. Then we found the slots. We played for a little while and lost. I wanted to play the really big one that cost a thousand dollars a pull. It had a progressive jackpot that was really big. Mandy said, "Sweetheart, if you win we end up with one more tax problem to deal with. We don't need the money." I said, "I know. I just wanted to pull the handle. It's 8 feet high. Pull it with me." We all agreed that I could play it once. Mandy and I climbed up on the step stool to pull the handle, and them they were all screaming for me to loose. I did. Mandy took my hand and dragged me away laughing. The crowd watching us thought we were nuts.

We walked around in the shops in the hotel and on the strip outside. There were some really nice things, but way over priced. Julie said, "These shops are to catch the big winners and take their money. Would you pay $45,000 for that ring? I wouldn't."

We walked around for a while and Julie said, "We have a tee time on the desert course at 10 tomorrow. Everyone still want to play?" We all nodded and Mandy said, "For a quarter. Same teams as last time. Jen and me against you and Kathy. Lets play this course from the Ladies tees because of the desert between the breaks in the fairway. I don't want any of us to have to fight scorpions to hit a golf ball if we have a bad shot."

We all agreed and walked back to the hotel.

Mandy and I had a couple bottles of wine delivered to the room and really relaxed together getting kind of buzzed. Then we made passionate love all night again. It was even better tonight. We both had so many orgasms we lost count. I ate Mandy's pussy for over an hour, while she ate mine. She was still flowing when we stopped because our mouths were tired.

We took a cigarette break and we were cuddled up, Mandy took a deep drag and said, "Jen, what do you want to be when we grow up?" I laughed and said, "We are grown up." She said to me, "The rate your team is developing drugs, I figure we'll probably live to be a thousand years old, which makes us just kids. So what's next for us?" I just smiled and kissed her. She didn't know how close to the truth she was. We had isolated what we thought to be the cause of cellular degeneration from aging, but didn't want to say anything yet until we were absolutely sure. Then it was probably years from any type of drug. Which meant that by age forty, she may in fact be right.

We kissed for hours and told each other stories about things we wanted to accomplish in our lives. It was amazing at how many of the things were the same. We had some more wine, finishing the second bottle and then made love. We fell asleep a half hour before the alarm went off. We were really tired and still half bombed. Mandy said, "Perfect for golf. We'll play better."


We all went to the golf course in a limo with our clubs. It really was in a desert, with patches of grass that were heavily watered. Julie and Kathy were also half in the bag and kept asking us if we were fueled up enough to beat them. We all bought a glass of wine before we hit the driving range and practice green. We were all loose and hitting the ball solid.

This club didn't have caddies and you had to take a cart. That was fine with us because it had to be over 110 degrees out and it was only 10 in the morning. We flipped a tee to see who hit first and it was Mandy. Her and Julie are really good golfers and she hit a shot straight down the fairway, almost 280 yards. We all hit in the fairway and were so surprised. Mandy was closest to the green, but I was only a few yards behind her.

Julie's second shot was perfect and only had a two foot putt left for birdie. She was dancing around and hugging Kathy. We all were having a blast. Kathy hit the green and it was my turn. Mandy said, "Sink it. It's easy." I had about a 60 yard shot to the hole and hit a good clean lob wedge. Mandy was yelling, "Get in the hole you stupid ball! Get in the cup!" My ball hit Julie's ball on the green, and mine went into the cup. We all laughed so hard as Mandy took her shot and was within two feet of the cup also.

The whole round was like this. We had more to drink at every other hole from the beer cart that drives through the course. We were almost completely smashed on the 18th green. I know I was swaying when I tied to stand up straight. Mandy held we still so I could putt, and I did the same for her. Kathy and Julie were hysterical when I sunk a 15 footer for birdie and Mandy sunk a 14 footer for eagle. Neither one of us could walk a straight line to the cup to pick up the ball.

We went to the clubhouse to have something to eat and add up the scores. We ordered a sandwiches, 4 mugs of beer, and lit up cigarettes, while Kathy added the score card. She said, "This is a par 72. I had a 73. Jen you had a 71. Julie, you had a 68 and Mandy you had a 67. That means that Julie and I are 3 under par and Jen and Mandy and 6 under par." They gave Mandy and me a quarter and she went wild. She stood up and yelled, "A quarter! I won a quarter!" She danced around and then realized we were in a restaurant. She blushed and put her hands over her face and sat down. We all laughed so hard.

Our order was delivered and the waiter said, "There's no charge. The gentlemen over there are picking up the tab." I said, "Do any of you know them?" Everyone shook their heads no, as we ate. We just ignored it. When we finished eating we all lit a cigarette. The guys that paid our tab came over and one said, "We saw how excited you got over a quarter and just wanted you to have a good lunch."

We laughed so hard. They were very offended and I said, "Have a seat. Let me introduce the CEO of JPSS Corporation, and three of the board members. I'm Doctor Jen Edwards. This is." I went on and they were so embarrassed. We told them the whole story about the bet for a quarter and showed them the scorecards. We bought them a round of drinks and they laughed and one said, "One hell of round of golf." Kathy said, "We should have won. I hit two in the desert. They were such good shots, but they just rolled too far and I didn't want to risk walking out there with the local wildlife. That cost us 4 strokes."

They showed us their scorecards and none of them broke 100. We bought them a second round of drinks and they all laughed at us when Mandy said, "We played this round half smashed. That's the secret to good golf." We talked for a while and had a few cigarettes. These guys were a piss. Two were doctors and knew exactly who we were. We bought them a third round of drinks, and when we left and they gave us their business cards.

We went back to the hotel in the limo and Mandy and I decided to stay in bed until we left tomorrow. She put her arms around me and kissed me so softly. We got undressed and lay in bed kissing softly and touching each other. I said, "Sweetheart, when Christina came into our room and you two made love, what was it like with her being your daughter?" Mandy kissed me and said, "I can't explain it. We felt a closeness you can only feel with your parent or child. The sex was okay, but the closeness and love we felt for each other was unreal. I had the same experience with my mother and to this day we both remember it like it was yesterday. We did it again a few times, but that first time magic was gone. I think that's why I'm so close to my mom, and why Julie is so close to hers also. She had the same experience, although hers was after we were already grown up. It must have been really hot watching it. Come on tell me Jen. I know you got wet as hell. Come on tell me the truth."

Mandy was smiling at me and kissing me and I said, "Yeah. I got more than wet. I was dripping. Watching you with Christina was outrageously hot." Mandy kissed me the way I love it. Then she said, "The next time Christina wants to do something like that, we'll do it together. I want to share everything with you."

We kissed and I wanted Mandy so much. She put her hand on my clit and started to rub me. I felt like a wet noodle, as my whole body just relaxed. Mandy calls it melting, and I definitely melted. I moaned into her mouth as we kissed and I had an orgasm within minutes. I flooded her hand and she put her fingers in my pussy, moved them around, and them put them in my mouth. I sucked each one and Mandy was getting so turned on watching me. I did it to her also and we went wild on each other. We made love all night and through the next morning.

We stopped for a cigarette break with Mandy sitting on me, and Oscar in both of us. She leaned forward, as I lit her cigarette and she took a deep drag, and then another. She held in the smoke and then blew it out slowly, as she put the cigarette in my lips and leaned forward with her hands on my shoulders. I took a drag of the cigarette and took it from my lips with my fingers. Mandy moved forward more and dangled her nipples in my mouth. I licked each one as she sighed and moaned softly. She put my hand with the cigarette up to her lips and took a drag, as I sucked one of her nipples. Mandy moved forward again and kissed me so hard. She said, "Sweetheart, we need another couple of days without any work, just for us to make love and be together like this. I don't want to get out bed and we have to in a few minutes. I love you so much."

Mandy pulled my hand to her mouth and took another drag of the cigarette and I took one also. We blew out the smoke and rubbed our pussies together. We both moaned and then smiled at each other. I said, "How about we plan a real vacation when we get back." Mandy smiled at me and I smiled back. She said, "This could be fun. Lets go some place neither of us has been before. Plus we get to go shopping for all the things we'll need." She got off of me and I didn't want her too. We lay on our sides facing each other and kissed and finished our cigarette. Mandy picked up the phone and ordered us a room service breakfast. She told them to leave it in the room if we didn't answer the door.

We went into the bathroom and lay in the bathtub in a 69 position. We had what Mandy calls a "pee adventure". We both peed on each other's tongue, and then licked each other into orgasm. We kissed and we could both taste the piss and we got so turned on again. We had to stop to get to the airport, as we had to be back to pick up the kids. We showered, dressed and then the makeup and hair routine. Mandy loved to do my eyes. I told her it was just because she liked looking into them. She blushed and said, "Sweetheart, you're right."

We ate our breakfast and called Julie and Kathy's room. They were ready to go so we packed our things and met them in the lobby. We checked out and took a limo to the airport where our corporate jet was waiting. The pilot said, "No windows today right?" We all laughed and told him to have a beer and chill out. He said, "I wish."

We all slept in the plane and didn't wake up until we landed. Mandy and I cuddled the whole time. The pilot congratulated us on our behavior this trip. We loved his sense of humor. Our limo was waiting and we went back to the castle. I still love the view from across the lake. This thing looks like something right out of the Crusades. Each time we see it I expect a find a couple of knights riding horses across the drawbridge. Mandy tells me I'm just a hopeless romantic like she is. She's probably right.

We got home and unpacked. Mandy and I went to pick up the kids in the new Rolls Royce we bought. This was definitely my favorite car and she knew it. She bought it for me for my birthday. We got to Adel's house and the kids were waiting for us looking out a window. They ran up to us and Allison said, "Where's my Mom and Aunt Kathy?" I said, "At home. You'll see them in few minutes." Christiana was all hugs or both of us. So was Allison. We put their things in the trunk and Adel said, "They were great. Tell Julie to call me."

We got back home and Julie and Kathy were waiting at the front door. Allison jumped on Julie and hugged her and then did the same to Kathy. They were incredibly happy together. We sat down with the kids and they wanted to know all about our trip. We left out a lot, but told them about the golf and winning at the casino. They told us what they did, and we know they left out a lot. We all smiled at each other.

Mandy and I decided to cook dinner for everyone and Christina stayed in the kitchen with us. She told us some of the stuff they left out before. We couldn't believe it, but tried not to act shocked or surprised. Mandy and I sat with her while the dinner was cooking and Mandy said, "Chris, you and Allison did it together all the whole time we were away?" Christiana said, "Not the whole time. We had food and watched TV with Aunt Adel until she feel asleep with Aunt Blair, and that's really early. Then Allison and I went to our room and had lots of fun. My flower was so wet Mom. How about I come into your room tonight again and do something with you and Aunt Jen also? I was dreaming about it last night. Can we do that?"

Mandy looked at me and she said, "Can we have a minute to talk about it Chris?" I whispered into Mandy's ear, "You want to do it again?" Mandy whispered back, "I want you to share in it with me sweetheart just like we discussed, and feel what I'm feeling. Lets tell her yes."

Mandy said to Christiana, "Come into our bedroom whenever you're ready. It's okay if you change your mind and don't want to do this. We won't be upset or angry with you at all." Christiana smile and said, "I know that. I'll be in later. Can I have one of your cigarettes?"

Mandy took out three cigarettes. She lit mine, Christiana's, and hers. I still couldn't get use to seeing this. Christiana took a deep drag and blew out the smoke through her nose and said, "Janie wants me to sleep over tomorrow night. Is that okay? I'll go home with her straight from school." Mandy smiled at me and said, "That's fine" and took a drag of her cigarette. Chris took a drag from her cigarette and I said, "Tell me about what you're doing in school now."

She talked for over a half hour about all the things that Allison and her were learning. We couldn't believe it. They loved school, but were well into all college courses. She said, "Mom, the principal wants you to call him. He said it's nothing bad, but about me and Allison getting a degree." Mandy picked up the phone and called the school. It was 5 so we thought we might get someone. We did and the principal was still in. Mandy put him on speaker and she said, "Hi. I have you on speaker so Christina can hear this also." The principal said, "Christina only needs 3 more credits and she qualifies for a BS degree in Biology. We can keep her here in this school to start on a master's program being tutored the same way we have been doing it, or you can choose any of the other schools. What do you want to do?"

I said, "What are you doing with Allison?" He said, "She's staying here." Mandy smiled at me and said, "So is Chris." The principal told us about her studies and she was really brilliant. I said, "Would the school let her and Allison be part of a work study program in the field of their choice for a few hours a week?" He said, "I think we can arrange that. You have any ideas?" I said, "Chris, how would you like to work on inventing a drug that keeps people young?"

Mandy was in absolute heaven when I said that, and Christiana was talking a mile a minute about it. The principal was laughing and said, "Doctor, it looks like you have a couple of assistants. We'll talk more about it later." He hung up and Chris was asking me all the right questions. I stopped her and called in Kathy and told her to bring Julie and Allison.

I told Kathy what the principal told us in technical terms and then leveled with Mandy about the potential discovery of stopping cells from degenerating from aging. I said, "I have no idea if I found the answer or just 20 more questions, but this will give these kids something to work on that is way beyond anything anyone else is doing. Kind of like a P-h-D with two Ds. What do you think?"

They all loved it. Allison and Christina were jumping up and down and hugging. I said to Mandy, "It looks like someone that just won a quarter." She smiled and kissed me. Christiana and Allison grilled me and Kathy for over a half hour. It was amazing at how much they knew. Mandy and Julie were almost in shock. I kept saying to Mandy, "She really understands it."


We all ate our special recipe for Irish corn beef and cabbage in the dining room. We loved it, but the kids weren't so sure. They gave a huge piece to Ruffles and Snuffy. The dogs really liked it and fought over it in the kitchen.

We all lit a cigarette after dinner and Kathy looked at me shaking her head, as she watched Allison light one up and take a deep drag. She said, "We were definitely born twenty years to early." We all laughed and Mandy said, "Not me" as she leaned over and gave me the wettest, sloppiest kiss and then said, "If they pass their masters by helping to invent this new drug, we can do this for the next ten thousand years. We made that possible by being born just the time we were, and meeting each other, and falling in love."

Kathy and I tried to explain what's involved in this new type of drug. Julie smiled and Mandy said, "Look what each of us has accomplished in our life. They have what it takes. We all know it. We may be pleasantly surprised, and very proud. Even if they only get us a little bit closer, it's a giant step in the right direction."

We couldn't argue with that. I watched Allison and Christiana take a drag of their cigarettes and Mandy laughed at me when I shook my head this time. She did it also and we both laughed.

We decided to all sit in the den and watch a murder mystery movie and bet. The kids wanted to play also so we let them. We had popcorn and munchies and then an hour into it we all put in a quarter into the pot and picked who we thought did it. The six of us picked three different people. Mandy and I picked the same person. Julie and Kathy picked the same person, and he kids picked a third. We were so surprised at the ending. The kids won. They carried on worse than Mandy did after we played golf. We all laughed.

I said, "Chris, how did you figure out who did it?" Christiana and Allison explained it in detail about the clues in the movie and what they meant. We all remembered them, but didn't put it all together. Kathy said to Mandy, "What you said before may be right. We just can't reason as fast as they can. They are both brilliant."

Chris and Allison kissed us goodnight and said they were going upstairs to read. We all decide to go to bed also. Mandy and I went into our bedroom and Chris was waiting for us. Mandy closed the door and locked it and Chris said, "Surprise."

I said, "Where's Allison?" Chris said, "In Aunt Julie's room".

Mandy and I tried not to laugh and Mandy said, "Has Allison done with her mother, the same thing you and I did together?" Chris smiled and nodded her head yes. Mandy smiled at us and said, "We are one messed up family but I love it."

Mandy and I undressed and got into bed. Chris wanted to talk more about the drug so we lit up cigarettes and I let her ask questions. It was amazing that she already knew what the next steps should be and quoted severed GCP's about what we need to do to get FDA certification for a phase I trial. I said, "How did you learn that? That wasn't from school."

Chris said, "Nope. We took a book out of the library on it." She took a drag of her cigarette and Mandy was amazed, as we both watched her. She was like a 30 year old midget with a Phd in micro biology.

We all finished our cigarettes and Mandy and I kissed and were really getting into it. Chris kissed Mandy and then me. She said, "I want to be part of your love tonight, and experience it, so I know what it feels like."

We made love and involved Chris in all of it. I was never so hot in my life. Neither was Mandy. I think I felt what Mandy did the last time. The closeness was incredible. We were so gentle and soft with Chris and she licked my pussy like a pro. My God did I cum in buckets. Chris spit my juices in Mandy's mouth and I orgasmed again watching them kiss. She licked Mandy the same way and spit in my mouth. Mandy almost attacked me kissing me to swallow it with me.

We both did it to Chris at the same time. Mandy and I made her feel everything the way we feel it for each other. We licked and sucked her nipples and her pussy. She had one orgasm after the other. We also told her how we were feeling the entire time.

Mandy and I made love with Oscar and then we each did it with Chris. She asked us about anal sex and we showed her that also. We made a three way with two Oscars, and we orgasmed non-stop. Chris wanted to 69 with each of us so we made a 3 way chain. She is definitely a 30 year old midget. I am 100 percent convinced.

We decided to take a break and had a cigarette. Chris got up with the cigarette in her lips and put Oscar in Mandy. She sat on her and said, "Okay Mom. Lets make me really cum now."

She took a drag of the cigarette and started to move her pussy on Mandy's. We both got so hot we couldn't take it. We really made love to her until she was begging us to stop. When we did, she begged us to do it again. We all laughed so hard. At 2 AM we had Chris go back to her own room. She kissed us both the way we kiss each other and said, "Bye. It was great. Thanks Mom and Aunt Jen."

We couldn't believe it, but we so hot we fucked each other senseless.

Mandy and I lay touching, completely exhausted at 5 AM. I said, "I felt everything that you told me you felt before. Mandy. This was beautiful." Mandy starred into my eyes and said, "I want you so bad again sweetheart. It was beautiful, and hot as hell. I want to keep going until we can't move."

I crawled on my side to a 69 position and we ate each other for over an hour. I was out of mind in one continuous orgasm. So was Mandy. We stopped and I crawled to kiss her and we fell asleep in that position within seconds.

We woke up at 11 and both said, "Oh Shit!" We had a board meeting at noon. We took a 2 minute shower, and had a ten minute make me look presentable session. We both laughed so hard at our hair. It was a disaster. We left for work anyway.

We got to the board meeting and Julie and Kathy were already there and looked horrible also. We laughed at each other.

Today's meeting had a short agenda. I took out my notes and Mandy read them and said, "Lets get started. Max, how did we do on the company acquisitions?" Max gave us a great report and we finally were keeping up with the demand. Every group was doing great. Ken, who is president of music productions and is the biological father of Christina and Allison said, "Brass Ring was the winner in revenue this week." We all laughed and he said, "It's really true. Look at the numbers."

We told everyone on the board what we were doing. They were hysterical. The Hobby band has already made over 18 million dollars doing two gigs. Plus we didn't push it at all. Ken said, "It's like I told you a long time ago. You have the magic. No matter how you try to hide it, it's always there. Jen and Kathy have the exact same thing."

Melissa gave the marketing companies reports and this was so funny. She had a list of companies that wanted to do joint advertising and commercials with us using SexMed. We heard everything from turning the Budweiser Frogs from male to female, to changing an entire baseball team to attract more women fans. We all were almost crying while Melissa read the list. Mandy was still laughing and said, "Lets do them. What a piss. Which baseball team?" Melissa said, "The Giants" and we all lost it again.

The rest of the meeting was just like that. It was all good news and a lot of funny stuff. Mandy adjourned it and I said, "Ken, Gary, can we talk to you a minute." Mandy said, I'll be in my office with the whole crew. Come on in when you're done."

I said, "Has Mandy, Julie, Melissa, or any of the them told you about the kids being very bright?" Ken said, "They said they were doing good in school now, but that's it. Why? Is there a problem?"

I said, "Hold on to your seat for this one." I told them about the kids IQs, and about already getting college degrees. Then I went into Chris and Allison's understanding my new research and I was going to have then work on it in a work study program. I said, "Each one of them has special talents. The best thing that we can do for them is help them expand it and learn. I know Robert is a musical genius. Get him involved with projects as a helper. He'll love it, and you may be really surprised at what he can do." They loved the idea and were going to talk to everyone tonight.

Ken said, "Bye the way Jen, you are make a great looking guy, but as a woman you are an eleven. My Kathy drools over you. I have never seen Mandy so in love with anything or anybody since I've know her. You're talented and also very lucky. I never had a chance to say this before, but we really enjoy working with you and being your friends." We all hugged and I went into Mandy's office.

The whole gang was there and Mandy said, "Ask Jen. He'll tell you." I took a drag of her cigarette and Melissa said, "We are supposed to do exactly what you did. Get divorced, and re-married, but we're having second thoughts about it. Did you have any?"

I said, "Not a one. We knew in our hearts this is what we wanted and needed to do. Why the second thoughts?" Jody said, "We all love each other. It's confusing. I sleep with everyone here, so do all of us. I love Melissa, and Janice, and Karen. We all feel the same way."

I said, "Then why change anything? It costs a fortune to do what we did. Mandy, didn't it cost us a hundred grand to transfer assets or something like that?" Mandy said, "A lot more than that by the time we were done. If you don't have to do it, then don't. We had to do it for a number of reasons. But most importantly, it was the way that Jen and I are in love, and Julie and Kathy are in love. Jody, I could spend every minute of every day with Jen and never need to see or talk to anyone else. I can't explain it, but Julie and Kathy are the same way."

Janice said, "Lets just leave it alone for now and see what happens in a few months. We can do this anytime." They all agreed. Mandy said, "You are all scheduled to take off, why not go away someplace and enjoy yourselves for a few days." They all smiled when Melissa said, "Camping."

I said, "Before you leave, Gary will probably take to you about the kids. Did the principal call you yet?" No one had called, so I told them about Chris and Allison. I said, "Call the school and check on their progress. They may be close to graduating also."

Jody put her arm around me and said, "Jen, you are so gorgeous. You sure you don't want to buy my love boat? You would look so cute driving that around the lake." I said, "Can't sell it can you?" She laughed and said, "No. Want to help me sink it to collect the insurance?" I smiled and said, "Good luck. Put it on e-bay as an ocean vessel. Maybe you'll find some idiot with a lot of money?"

Janice smiled and said, "Like Jody?" Everyone laughed, as Jody blushed and said, "I'll sell the fucking thing to someone. It might be for a dollar, but I'll get rid of it. Maybe e-bay isn't such a bad idea."

Mandy and I went home and made love all night again. We were so nuts about each other.


The next 18 months were fantastic. Mandy and I are as happy as can be.

Chris and Allison started working on the lab project under Kathy's direction two days a week in the afternoons, and they bugged us all the time to work at the lab at night. We let them, and they actually made some progress. We were so amazed. They proved that our assumptions were right and duplicated part of the experiment. Kathy and I wrote a paper to the school board about the results of their work and they were awarded their masters degree.

Mandy and I had an extension built on the castle by the same architect that did the last expansion. It was to create a lab for us to work at home along with the kids. I got Allison and Christiana accepted to the doctoral program at UCLA and their project is the completion of the study on this new drug. They are doing most of the work at home, and we now have 9 lab techs working at the castle. We had a separate entrance made outside by the parking lot Mandy had built for the theater. It's actually really nice.

Mandy and Julie are still in shock over the girls getting their masters. They also have watched the girls work in the lab and couldn't believe what they could do. Chris and Allison also tutored one of the PhD candidate assistants. We thought this was priceless and got part of it on video tape, as Allison was saying, "You just don't understand. Look at the problem again and read it carefully. You'll get it. You're just slow."

The girls have really grown and matured. They are both 14 and look they're 17. Chris is 5'2 and a duplicate of Mandy. Allison is 5'1 and looks exactly like Julie. They both have a body that's as close to perfect as it gets.

The other kids are slightly behind Christiana and Allison, which is why the principal didn't call Melissa originally. They all got their undergrad degrees in the winter and are enrolled in master programs. This is still amazing. We told Ken it was the sperm he denoted and even gave him a plaque. Mandy said it was the first time she ever saw him blush.

Jody did sell the boat on e-bay and got a shit load of money. We had a small party when the marina took it to dry dock for transport. They never did get divorced and re-married. None of them can make up their minds about who loves who more. Now they all sleep in one oversized bed.

We developed a new drug called the Pharma SexMed Enhancer. This was one of our original projects that increases hormone levels through the use of synthetic hormones. It lasts just for the duration of the sex change. The Enhancer makes women who turn into men, act like men, and visa versa. We started using it every time we play a gig with the Brass Ring and it really is amazing. I can say that I actually think with my dick. So do all of us. We even gave each other male names for when we change now. I'm Roger, Mandy is Jake, Kathy is Rob, and Julie is Tony. We take the enhancer at the same time as the SexMed and when we wake up, it's like we are characters in a play and get right into our roles. The last time we woke up before a gig I said to Mandy, "Jake, get your fucking ass moving. We're late." She looked at me and said, "Roger, you're such a shit head sometimes. Get your God Damn leg off mine and lets rock and roll." We all know and remember what we are doing, but just can't stop it with the Enhancer. The last concert we all slapped a girl on the ass and told her that her tits looked great. Mandy and I laughed about it for days afterwards.

There were more changes in the everyday life style all over the world from our drugs. Cigarette advertising was back on the air, the Surgeon General position was eliminated, and there was a whole new international slang forming. The term "opposite" now meant you took a SexMed pill. Also the term "normal" meant that the pill wore off. People would commonly say, "I went out last night as my opposite" or "She was so hot, but was only an opposite" or "He's an opposite, lets wait for her normal again." We loved it.

There was also a whole new industry forming. It started with makeup lessons and products for men. They learned what to do, as their opposites. There are also lessons for women on how to act like men. We see infomercials on TV late at night for them all the time.

We think the best commercial that we did as a joint venture was the new one for the Superbowl this year. It had a can of coke dressed as a man. The coke can takes a SexMed and rolls over and spills out. It wakes up as a sexy bottle of 7 up with boobs.

Kathy's Asthma drug, originally call the `Relaxer', is now approved and on the market being sold as two different brand names. One is for Asthma and the other is for erectile dysfunction. It's the exact same drug that's taken once a month. One of the commercials for SexMed now has a plug for it. There are two guys sitting in their boxers looking very disappointed and the line is, "What if you become a man and it just doesn't work? Make sure to take Pharma- sure to always be certain you can perform." We laughed for days when Melissa's division made that commercial. We did it again with a woman and a man, and two women thinking about being men. We even made a commercial with two woman talking about going to bed with two guys that were useless. The board meeting that week was hilarious. Sales were already ridicules and Max was expanding the plants again through another acquisition.

My Mom and Author paid for their entire annual salaries and large bonuses in the first day the drug was on the market. They saved us about 2 years of lost revenue in the bureaucracy. Mandy gave them both a one time special bonus of 5 million dollars. My mom still hasn't stopped thanking us.

Since Julie has focused on the music business, it has tripled in size in just 18 months. We were all amazed and now realize how they built this company. Mandy is getting nervous about some of the retail business and it looks like that's the focus of the ugly part of our next management summit. We talked about it for over two hours in bed last night and neither of us can tell exactly what's wrong. She thinks it's the management structure and I'm not convinced. We said to each other, "Lets ask Christiana." Then we laughed at how funny it sounded.

We were all a little nervous about the annual shareholder meeting this year. Apparently there has been a lot of stock in our company being bought by some radical group that wants to kill the company's drugs, especially the SexMed one. We also found out it is being funded by some of the competition that is going under. We had a special board meeting and passed a poison pill. We had several outside attorneys walk us through the process, which prevents any outside single interest owning more than 12.5 percent of the stock. We also increased our percentage and all invested in our options so the board now has controlling interest in the company. After the meeting Mandy and I got totally drunk and made love all night. I told her she controlled all of my interest.

The Brass Ring played five more gigs and it was the same every time. We loved it as we could disappeared into the woodwork after a gig. We also recorded nine new tunes and one is in the charts again. At almost every board meeting, Ken has some wiseass comment and we all laugh about it.

All of the kids are so in love with The Brass Ring band. We never told them it was us, and don't plan too. They all wanted to see a concert so bad, we told them the band was stopping by the castle when we were at work to use our studio for a practice session. We invited all of their friends for a one hour show starting at 3 in the afternoon, right after school was out.

Ken really helped us pull this off. We took a SexMed at his house, and had a limo drive us next door with him. He watched the kids while we put on the show. It was so funny watching our kids so crazy over us. We signed autographs and then went in the limo, back to his house next door, and passed out. We drove back to the castle from Ken's house in our work cloths and the kids were all talking about the Brass Ring. We asked how they played, and they wouldn't shut up for hours. We tried so hard not to laugh.

Mandy and I sat down with Julie and Kathy, and talked about how Allison and Christiana made love to us. They felt the same about it as we did; we'll just let it happen if they want to do it again. It has four more times, and it was unreal.

The worst part of the last 18 months has been the lawsuits. We were bombarded by hundreds of frivolous lawsuits. Margi calls it the staving lawyer syndrome. At one point Margi had to hire an outside law firm with 25 attorneys assigned to settling the cases. None of them had any merit, but the cost of going to court would have been way too much. We had a board meeting and this is the first time I ever saw Mandy loose her temper. Margi said, "We have 376 open lawsuits", and Mandy slammed her fist on the new board room table so hard, we heard it crack. Mandy kept her fist down and leaned over to me. She whispered in my ear, "Jen honey, that was my hand, not the table. I'm so embarrassed and it hurts like hell."

We packed her hand in a cold wrap and I drove her to the local hospital. It was definitely broken and the doctor set it. He gave her a prescription for our vitamin, which we were already taking, and said, "Be here at noon tomorrow and we'll see if it's healed." I drove Mandy back at noon the next day and her hand was x-rayed again. It was 100 percent healed and the gouge on her knuckle was gone also. She said, "Wow. This stuff really does work!" I said, "What, did you think we were all kidding?"

The next day Ken gave Mandy a set of boxing gloves for the board meetings. She hung them on the wall and then came up with a plan that was so outrageous, but we felt we had nothing to loose. She took out a 4 page full spread in every major newspaper in the country and had a headline on it that read, "The 376 reasons why JPSS, the parent company of Pharma, will not be selling any more medication in the United States. So if you want SexMed, Pharma-Sure, Pharma-Daily, or any of our other wonder drugs, you better move to Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand or someplace where lawyers are not the scum of the earth." Then she went on to list every lawsuit in this month's batch; the person's name, and the idiotic claims that were being made. Some were incredibly funny. Letterman made it into a top ten list and sent it to us. We framed it and hung it in the boardroom.

The next week we were requested to testify before a house committee by the President of the United States. Mandy was incredibly blunt and arrogant. She said, "I don't need the business here. We're done, unless you fix this fucked up mess. End of discussion." We got a letter the next day from the President with a plan, begging us not to leave. We had no intention of leaving, but it worked. The lawsuits have almost completely disappeared and the ones that we have, Margi refuses to settle. She drags the other attorneys through hell until they give up. We have yet to get sued for anything that was a real problem. We all decided if that ever happened we would do everything we could to make it right.

As soon as that problem was resolved, we had another. Mandy was late to the board meeting the next week and walked in talking to herself saying, "Fucking assholes! Damn it! One jerk after another!" Ken tossed her the boxing gloves hung on the wall and said, "We can't afford for you to get hurt again. Put them before you try to kill the table this time. It won't hurt as much." Mandy put her head on my shoulder and said, "How many shades of red am I turning?" I said, "Just one and it's a perfect match with my lipstick." She smiled and said, "Sorry, it was the CNN report I was just watching. I saw on camera, the US government giving away our prescription drugs in Afghanistan. These are the batch and lot numbers that were on the cases. Max, can you find out which distributor just violate out agreement to not sell any item in the middle east? For those of you that are new to the policy, we put it in effect a year before 9-11 for all company products and services, and amended every contract we had. There is no way that I am going to create a breeding ground for terrorists that will soon be able to live for a 100 years or more. This stops right now."

Max found the distributors names and Grace called them both. She had it conferenced into the boardroom and introduced the call to Mandy. Mandy said, "We have a slight problem. I just saw two cases of our drugs that you each distributed, being given away by US soldiers on a CNN report from Afghanistan. That violates our company policy, and the terms of our agreement. Talk to me." They knew nothing about it other than they both sold to the Government GSA and DOD. Mandy had my mom and Author, the x-senator, join us and then had Grace conference in the government contacts. The only information they had at all other than hospital and physician dispensed was a General's name. It was Curtis. Author went ballistic screaming at the government contacts after he appropriately introduced himself. They told him everything they knew.

We hung up the conference call and Author made a call in the corner of the room. He called the President on his private line. We heard, "Hi George, it's Author.", "Yeah. Things are great here at JPSS.", "She calmed down last week and now we have another problem. You remember that General Curtis that you demoted from a 4 star down to 1? Well you should have taken away the uniform. We just found out he's giving away our drugs in Afghanistan. That's a big problem, and Mandy is on the warpath again.", "Yeah sure, I can make golf on Saturday. I'll put her on, hold on." He gave the phone to Mandy and after she said hello she listened for about 5 minutes. Then she said, "When you kick him in the balls, yell my name at him." We could hear the president laughing on the other end of the phone and then Mandy said, "Yeah. We'd love to join you. Actually, how would you like a tour of our place and join us at our next senior management summit. The employees all worship the ground you walk on." Mandy gave us all a big wink and then said, "That would be great. I'll have my admin Grace make all the arrangements. Bye."

Mandy recommended another special one time bonus to Author for file hundred thousand and we all voted yes.

Kathy and I haven't told Mandy and Julie yet, but the kids are getting their doctoral degree. There papers were the best that either of us had ever read, and the best part is that the drug works. We are having them present their findings at the next management conference, and having the doctoral review board in the audience. The kids don't know it and we wanted to make it a surprise for them.

Mandy and I decided to take a day off and fish with Julie and Kathy tomorrow and then have the next management summit. Mandy and I got home from work and we felt great. She said, "Sweetheart, lets have a catered Lobster and Filet dinner and eat by candlelight on the veranda tonight. Maybe we can even get a dinner band to play for us." Kathy heard us and said, "Count us in too. That sounds great." Mandy made the calls and said, "Dinner is served at 7."

We went upstairs to change and heard noises coming from Christiana's room and the door was slightly open. We looked in and saw her and Allison in a 69 position eating each other. We watched and got so hot. Mandy rubbed my nipples and kissed me. She whispered to me, "Sweetheart, I need to fuck you so bad right now. Lets go in our room." We closed Chris's door and went into our room and made love like maniacs for about an hour. I said, "It got me hot too. I keep remembering the first night Chris slept with both of us." Mandy kissed me and started to make love to me again. She remembered it too.

We got out of bed and dressed for our 7 O'clock dinner. The dinner band played slow and soft for us to dance and the four of us did just that. We sat at a table set for four with white tablecloths and candles, with a view of the lake and the mountains. Mandy and I sat next to each other and held hands the whole time. Julie and Kathy did the same thing. We also had a waiter from the catering service who served us. It was so romantic. We kissed the whole evening.

After dinner we all danced for hours. Kathy and Julie were just like us. We felt so good about it also. We danced closer to each other and Julie and Kathy, until we were all touching. Julie kissed me and Mandy, and then Kathy did the same thing. Julie said, "How about we all sleep together tonight. We haven't done that in a while. Mandy kissed me and said, "Are you okay with it?" I said, "Sure. How about you?" Mandy smiled at me, and we went up to bed.

We all had a cigarette and lay naked together on the bed talking about fishing tomorrow on the lake. Mandy kissed me and whispered in my ear, "Sweetheart, I want to make love to you. Just you for now. Maybe we'll do something with them later. Please love me. Please. I really need you."

I rolled on my side and so did Mandy and we made love together. Julie and Kathy did the same thing. Mandy and I were so into each other. We did it with Oscar and without, and sucked each other's pussy so hard we both screamed. We were connected, as Mandy calls it, and were almost in a dream like state starring into each other's eyes. We kept going for four hours and then stopped for a cigarette. Julie and Kathy did the exact same thing.

I lit a cigarette and Mandy and I shared it. She sat between my legs leaning back on me, as I cupped her breasts and rubbed her nipples. She moaned softly taking a drag of the cigarette, and then handed it back. I kissed her neck softly and she turned around and said softly, "Lets lick their pussies and make then both crazy. Now I'm ready for some fun." I whispered into her ear, "I think I need my nipples sucked first." She turned around and smiled from ear to ear. Mandy sucked and licked my nipples for over 20 minutes. That felt so good.

The four of us fucked each other in every possible position for hours. Kathy and I used Oscar and so did Mandy and Julie. They I did it with Julie, and Mandy did it with Kathy. We all got so hot watching each other. Mandy and I made love again until 4 in the morning right next to Julie and Kathy. It was incredibly erotic. Mandy and I fell asleep cuddling together with our faces touching.

Mandy woke me up at 6:30 and said, "Ssshhh." We watched Christiana and Allison having a cigarette and kissing each other in our room. They were also fingering each other. We heard Allison say, "I'm so hot Chris. Lets wake them up now. I want to do this so bad. How about you?" Chris said, "Lets finish our cigarette first. I want you to lick my cunt and suck it like you just did. Then I'll wake them up."

Mandy and I watched and rubbed each other's clit under the covers. We were so hot and couldn't let on that we were awake. I woke up Julie the same way Mandy woke me up and she woke up Kathy. We all watched the two kids get ready to surprise us, as Allison kissed Chris with a mouthful of pussy juice. We were all wet as hell.

We pretended to be sleeping and let them wake us up. It was unreal. Christiana wake us up by licking our pussies and the fingering both of us together. Allison did the same thing to Julie and Kathy. We made love with the kids for over three hours. Christiana was so out of control it was like watching us. Her and Allison ate each other until they almost passed out.

Then they sat up, kissed, and lit a cigarette. Mandy whispered in my ear, "I am so fucking hot watching them. Feel me pussy." I put my fingers in Mandy's pussy and it was dripping wet. She felt mine and it was the same way. She smiled at me and whispered, "Sweetheart, we are so bad, but I love it. Make love to me again. I want to eat you until we can't move either." We did. Mandy and I ate each other's pussy until we literally couldn't move and fell asleep on our sides with our heads on each other's crotch. Julie and Kathy did the exact same thing.

We woke up to the kids gone and Julie and Kathy in the shower. It was noon. Mandy licked my pussy one time and I did hers also. We both moaned and then laughed. I moved to lie next to her and gave her a big kiss. She said, "Was that a night or what?"

We had a cigarette and laughed about it. I said, "I bet the kids left that door open on purpose yesterday so we would see them." Mandy smiled and said, "Probably."


After we showered and dressed, we all ate breakfast. The kids were already working on their presentation for the management committee and Kathy went to check on them. She gave me the thumbs up so I said, "How about a big Cajon catfish dinner tonight?" Mandy put her arms on my shoulders and said, "Only if you and I get to cook it." Julie said, "Sounds good to me. Lets go catch a 200 pounder."

We went out on the boat with enough wine and food to last a week. Mandy and I took off the ropes and Julie fired up the motor to get us on our way. I had the new fish finder that was like cheating. It told you everything about the fish including what it thinks it is, based on the sonar reflection. We drove the boat out to the deepest part of the channel in the lake and went real slow, drinking wine, and watching the fish finder.

Mandy and I sat and had a cigarette. We were leaning back against the inside of the cabin calling out what was on the scope, "Trout 19 inches, Bass 25 inches, Pike 41 inches" Each time Kathy and Julie would yell back, "No!" We finally said, "Catfish 82 inches at 65 feet". They smiled, stopped the engines, and dropped anchor.

We all fished and had a blast. We each caught 3 decent size trout and put them in a cold storage and then were just lounging back on the deck chairs with our fishing rods in holders with bells on them. Mandy and I were getting a little buzzed after our fourth glass of wine and started to kiss and hug. The bell on her line went off and this was big fish. It pulled so hard it bent her deep sea pole almost in half and was tugging to hard to even take the pole out of the holder. We all grabbed it and managed to put it in Mandy's hands, and all held her from being pulled over the side. She let out the line and let the fish run and then we all helped her pull back on it. We fought the fish for over two hours before we got it to the boat. It was huge. Kathy, Julie, and I went to the rear platform of the boat at water level, and used gloves to hold the fishing line. Julie managed to stick a large metal hook in the back of the fish and we hoisted it up on the deck with a rope and wench.

Mandy was so proud it was incredible. We took a picture of her with the fish hanging by the rope and it had to be over 7 feet long. This was the mother of all catfish. We figured it had to weight over 350 pounds, as we had trouble lifting it with the wench.

We went back to drinking heavily and just relaxing. Mandy said to me, "We can't cook this. It'll take all year. Lets see if the caterer can make it for the management meeting. I'll call him from the cell." Mandy called and was slurring her words. I laughed so hard and she kept saying, "Sssshhhh. He might think I've been drinking."

The caterer did agree to pick up the fish from the boat and cook it using our recipe. Mandy sat back down with me and we drank some more. I put my arms around her and said, "How about we use the captain's cabin, captain?" She kissed me so hard, smiled, and then almost dragged me down the stairs to the cabins. We stumbled into the front cabin and jumped on the bed. We loved this boat, as we could see all around the boat from the windows in front cabin. We both undressed and Mandy said, "Suck my nipples sweetheart. Make them tingle."

Mandy arched her back and held her breasts to my mouth, as I licked and sucked each one. I really got into it and she held my head to her breast. I flicked my tongue over her nipples real fast and then sucked again slowly. Mandy was breathing so hard and then pulled my face away from her. She kissed me holding my face in her hands and then moved to lick and suck my nipples the same way. I tingled from head to toe and was on fire.

We lay together caressing and kissing, and rubbed each other's clit. We both went as fast as we could and I moaned into Mandy's ear, "Don't stop now. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! OOOOHHHHH! Oooooooo. Don't stop yet honey." I rubbed Mandy as fast as I could and she jerked and bucked into my hand. I kissed her as she moaned into my mouth. We go into a 69 position on our sides, and liked and sucked each other until we both came three more times. I swallowed her juices as fast as I could the last time, and I couldn't keep up. The blanket was soaked.

We lay next to each other kissing, and I lit a cigarette. Mandy took a deep drag and blew out the smoke, as we looked out the window and could see our castle. She held the cigarette to my lips and I took a drag, and then another one, as I held in the smoke. I blew it out slowly and Mandy was licking my lips. She said, "I love it when we make love in the boat. Kiss me again." Mandy didn't wait for me, as she put her arms around me and we kissed in the sloppiest kiss. I said, "Can you keep a secret?" She kissed me again and said, "Anything."

I said, "The kids are presenting at the conference tomorrow the results of the drug. It works and their presentation is for their doctorial. They don't know about the degree yet, so don't tell them." Mandy stood up and screamed. Julie ran down to the cabin and Mandy screamed it to Julie and I said, "You kept that secret real good." Kathy and I made them both promise not to say a word about the doctorial review board that was there.

Mandy was jumping on the bed and Julie was screaming outside on the deck. I just smiled at her.

We got dressed and went back on deck, as we were pulling up to our dock. The caterer was there with four strong men and they couldn't lift the fish. They went to their truck and got a huge cart with wheels and lay the fish on top of it, and then wheeled it around the path up towards the house. We decide to cook the trout.

We all went inside to check on the kid's presentation. They gave it to us and it was solid. I added a couple of slides and then we saved it to the laptop and a backup. I had them print 6 copies and they were asking me questions about it. Mandy said, "It's for our management meeting book." She lied very convincingly.

I sat with Mandy and we had to do a presentation also, so we wrote it. She laughed so hard at my slides. I said, "Lets make them funny this time. The meeting gets so dull." Then we did the revenue numbers and we both knew we had to address an issue that was getting out of hand. I yelled, "Chris, can you and Allison help us for a few minutes?" They ran back in and Mandy laughed saying, "If all the employees were like that we wouldn't have these problems."

I gave them an assignment using the internet to do some research and they loved it. After an hour they built us a presentation with graphs. They were so bright it was amazing.

Julie got tired of waiting for us to cook, so her and Kathy made the trout. I love the way the fresh fish tastes from this lake. The kids were still doing something with the laptop and then came into join us. We all stuffed ourselves. We also loved Julie's lemon recipe. We finished dinner and were having coffee. I lit a cigarette for Mandy and me, and Allison and Chris took one out also. I lit theirs and they both took a deep drag. Chris said, "I'm so excited about giving the presentation. Are you going to be there in case I get stuck?" I said, "You won't get stuck. You know the material cold. Play off of each other in the presentation. Just like you did when you gave it to us. Just remember tomorrow that Grace will tell you when you should come in. It will probably be around 10 or so. There is one other thing that I wanted you to know. We have a very special guest that will be here tomorrow and he's is going to see your presentation. It's the President of the United States."

They both didn't care. It was amazing. Allison took a drag of the cigarette and was rubbing Chris's back and neck. Mandy was watching her and put her hand on my lap. She looked at me and winked. Chris leaned over to Mandy and whispered something in her ear, and then got up with Allison. They went upstairs.

Mandy leaned to me and whispered, "Chris told me that her and Allison are having a surprise for just us, in our bedroom in an hour." Mandy smiled and then whispered again, "I bet they are taking a SexMed." We both laughed.

We talked to Julie and Kathy about tomorrow's plan with the kids. Julie still couldn't believe it. Then we talked about the division that was in trouble and make a quarter bet on why it was happening. We all picked a different reason. When Mandy told us her reason, we all told her that she was crazy. She said, "I hope I am, but I have a real bad feeling about this one."

I was an hour so we said goodnight and went upstairs. We went into our room and closed the door, and Chris and Alison were in our bed kissing. Except they were opposites, as everyone calls it. They took a SexMed.

We got undressed and kissed, and then kissed again holding each other. We go into bed next to Chris and Allison and they almost attacked us. They were both gorgeous looking guys. They looked just like Mandy and Julie when we play on stage as the Brass Ring. Mandy and I held each other and let them fuck us senseless. Then they both did me at once. I sat on Chris's cock, while Allison did me in the rear. Wow did this make me go crazy. Mandy kissed me and rubbed my clit the whole time. Then we switched and she sat on Chris, while Allison fucked her ass. I held her and kissed her, and rubbed her clit just like she did for me. Mandy had an orgasm just like I did.

She got off of Chris and sucked Chris's cock into her mouth. I sucked Allison's and we both deep throated them. Allison was fucking my face and holding my head. I loved it. She jerked and shot her first load of warm cum into my throat, and then I moved back a little and sucked her cock, as she squirted 8 more times on my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I watched Chris buck and jerk into Mandy's mouth and then watched Chris almost collapse. Allison was now lying next to Chris and they feel asleep with their arms around each other. I kissed Mandy and we both had a mouthful. We swished the cum around in our mouths and then swallowed. I said, "I bet there's more when they wake up."

Mandy kissed me so hard with her arms around me. I reached for Oscar and we fucked on our sides for over and hour rubbing our pussies together. I must have had ten orgasms. Chris and Allison woke up as normals again and we made passionate love to them. Chris said to Mandy, "Mom, I want to eat your cunt, and don't tell me no. Got it?" Mandy was laughing in my ear and whispered, "Demanding little bitch, isn't she?"

We were so turned on we had sex until midnight. Chris was leaning against us and said, "Mom, what you did for us with the Brass Ring was so terrific. We loved the music. How come you're keeping it a secret that it's really you guys as opposites?" Mandy said, "How did you find out?" Allison said, "We looked in the mirror when we took a SexMed. Chris could be your younger identical twin and I look just like my mom also. We knew in seconds." Mandy said, "Please don't tell anyone. I'll explain it all to you both. We just don't want the fame that you get from being on stage. Promise you won't breath a word of it?"

They promised and then Chris and Allison went to their own rooms. We sat up and had a cigarette and Mandy laughed so hard at some of the things they did to us. It was really wild. She sat leaning against my side and said, "Can you believe that she made Allison lick all of my toes?" I said, "Allison loved it. Did you see how she was rubbing her clit and moaning? She has a foot fetish." We both laughed and kissed.

We finished our cigarette and laughed some more. We fell asleep with our faces touching on the pillow.

We woke up to the alarm and had a bathtub adventure this morning. Mandy and I peed on each other's tongues and then licked each other to a screaming orgasm. Then we took a shower. Today's dress was all business and we did the business makeup also.

We went downstairs for breakfast and everyone was already eating. We each made a plate from the food on the stove. Grace was there already and I gave her a note about the girls. She was as excited as Mandy and Julie were about this.

We went into the theater and the place was filling up. We all mingled and had a few laughs. Max knew about what we were doing and he was as excited as a little kid on Christmas. The doctorial review board was there and I introduced him to all six of them. Three were added at our request so there would be no doubt about the validity of the kid's degrees. I also introduced then to Mandy and Julie. Kathy and I knew them all.

The 10 secret service agents came in and then the president of the United States. Everyone stood up. He waved and Mandy escorted him to the head table next to us. The already knew about the kids presentation and wanted to be there for it when we told him what they discovered.

Mandy walked up the podium and everyone took a seat and was quite. I took my seat the head table next to Mandy and Julie. Mandy started, "Welcome. We're back again and this going to be very exciting today. I normally start with the revenues and profits, but we're going to hold off on that this time and jump into and two very special kinds of presentation. Jen you ready?"

I got up and said, "Good morning Mr. President. Welcome to our first magic show of the day." Everyone chuckled and I said, "Anyone know what a normal IQ is? Shout it out! What's average?" People were yelling out, "115, 123, 125."

I said, "All close enough. Lets say it's 120. How about genius? 145, 150, 170, Who said 180? That's pretty close so let's say it's 175. What you are about see here today is one of the most amazing things I have ever been involved with. You are going to watch a presentation from two kids. Christiana and Allison. They are Mandy and Julie's girls and are very special. Three years ago we had them tested in school to see what their IQ was, and I convinced the whole crew to get it done also. Now you can't laugh at this. In fact you can't laugh at any of my presentation today." People were chuckling and I yelled, "Hey! No laughing!" and turned on the first slide as more people laughed including the President.

I said, "As you can see I am the slow one with a 189. - Uh, no laughing! Chris and Allison are all the way at the tippy top of the page. Hey! No laughing! I'm embarrassed Okay?" Mandy and Julie were hysterical and I said, "Mandy has me beat by one, but Julie is really slow. A 188, now that's awful isn't it?." Everyone was laughing and I yelled, "Knock that off! She's on the board." I said, "All of the kids on this slide are doing great, but Chris and Allison are incredible. We put them to work in the lab and they got their Master's degree last year. Today they are presenting to you for their doctorial. Please welcome our guests, Doctors, Marvin, Green, Bloomsburg, Hatter, Appleman, and McGovern. Can you all please stand up so everyone can see you? Thanks. They are the review board from UCLA. By the way, I forgot to mention, Chris and Allison are only fifteen years old. That's not a joke. They are only fifteen years old."

I changed slides and said, "What if Peter Pan was real?" Everyone laughed and I put my hand to my ear and they all yelled back, "No laughing!" Mandy and the President were hysterical. I said, "What if you could take a pill and not get any older? What if you could take a pill and get 10 years younger in body chemistry and cell structure? What I'm going to say here is not science fiction. It's fact. Chris and Allison finished the research that Kathy and I started. Peter Pan is very real. We start Phase I Clinical trial testing next week."

The place roared and applauded as the President stood up. I said, "Save you applause for the geniuses that made it happen, two fifteen year old great kids, who are as smart as they come. They are giving a very technical presentation so please bear with it and hold your questions to the end. Grace can you let them in now?"

They walked in smiling and waved to everyone. They looked just like Mandy and Julie, especially the way they were dressed. I said, "I bet you can't guess who's who? This is Christiana and this is Allison. Take it away."

I sat with Mandy and she had a tear in her eye. She was so proud of them. The presentation was flawless. They alternated every other slide and covered everything in such detail. They even explained something better than last night and introduced things that we didn't know. You could hear a pin drop as they gave detailed explanation of the processes, equations, and cellular breakdowns. Allison said, "We found a cure for the human condition. Everyone is born with it, but it's dormant until you reach a certain age. It's a disease and it causes everyone to slowly age by degenerating the cells. We based all of our research on the initial discovery by Doctors Jen Edwards and Kathy Davison."

They went on for about an hour and then Chris said, "Doctor Edwards will finish the last two slides." I said, "You want to do it? They're yours." Chris smiled and changed the slide. It said, "The Sociological implications of Peter Pan." Everyone laughed and I put my hand to my ear and they all yelled back, "No laughing," Chris and Allison were hysterical. Then they explained about how this will change society; social security, retirement, pensions, the work ethic, professions, and they went on for about 10 minutes. The President took pages of notes and Mandy said to him, "We'll get you the whole report. It's amazing what they covered." Allison said, "Any questions?"

The review board had 3 very good questions and they answered them in such detail. We all were smiling. Then the management staff started firing away. Chris and Allison were giving answers and then telling jokes. They were a piss. Before they were done the review board chair motioned to me and I walked over to him. He said, "We all agree they definitely passed. This was amazing. Can I make the presentation here?" I said, "Sure. Do it with the President. He'll love it. Let me introduce you."

I walked up to the podium and said, "Thank you for being so patient with these very slow children." They all laughed and I said, "Laughing is okay now. Chris and Allison. We didn't tell you exactly why I wanted you to make this presentation. The doctorial review board was here to watch. They asked you questions, and you passed. Doctor Green and the President of the United States would like to present you with something. Can you come on up here please?" Doctor Green and the President shook their hands and Doctor Green said, "We have seen hundreds of these type of presentations. We pass about 15 percent. This was the best research we have even seen presented and it will change the world. I'm very proud to have been on the review committee. Congratulations doctors." Chris and Allison hugged him and the President and started to cry. So did Mandy and Julie. So did I. Grace took about 20 pictures as the President posed with everyone at the podium. It was so emotional for everyone. Even the President had a tear in his eyes.

We all went back to our seats and Mandy introduced the President of the United States again, as we all stood. He walked to the podium and said, "For the very first time in my life, I'm speechless. This company has done more for the human condition, as Chris called it, than anyone else ever in history. I am still in shock with what I just heard." He gave a great speech and then personally thanked everyone in the room and shook their hands. He walked with his arms around Chris and Allison and they were on cloud nine.

Jody spoke into the mic, "We're going to have lunch on the veranda in about 15 minutes. Mandy wanted everyone to try some the Cajon catfish. Her and Jen caught it yesterday on the lake. According to the caterer, it weighed in at 397 pounds and is one of the biggest channel cats ever caught."

Mandy and I hugged the kids and so did Julie and Kathy. We all cried. The kids took the President on a tour of the castle and he loved it. They literally dragged him by the arms.

They came back to join us sitting at the head table with Author and my mom for lunch. He couldn't stop talking about what this would mean to the world. We all knew exactly what he was talking about. Mandy said, "That's why I didn't want us to breed terrorists that lived to be two thousand years old." He said, "Let's all of us talk next week. The implications of this are mind boggling. Now tell me how the hell did you catch a fish that had to be four times the size of you?" We all laughed and told him about our half drunken stooper of fishing. He smiled and said, "Next time I come here, we go out on the boat. Deal?" Mandy said, "Deal!"

The President had to leave and waved to everyone, as we stood and applauded him. We all sat back down and Chris said, "Can Allison and I talk to you and Mom in private in the theater?"

We went back into the theater and Mandy told Grace we needed a few minutes alone. Allison turned on our laptop and Chris said, "We did some more digging about your retail problem from last night. Look what we found. Mom you were right. We saw your notes on the bet in here also." Allison waked us through the slides and Mandy and I were so pissed off. We saw bank account records where Bill, our senior manager, was getting huge payments from the company that tried to buy us. I said, "You want the boxing gloves?" Mandy said, "I'm going to throw up. This absolutely sucks. Girls, thanks. You don't want to be here for this." Chris said, "Yes we do, because we also think we know how you can fix it. Just let us watch and we'll keep quite unless you call on us. Please Mom?" Mandy looked at me and I said, "Okay, but you are going to see a side of me and your mother that you have never seen before."


Grace called everyone back in and Mandy took the podium. The kids sat in the very back. Mandy said, "This is now the ugly part of the week, and I do mean very ugly. Bill, can you please stand up over on the side of the room. As everyone knows, Bill joined our company to head up our retail operations right after we fought off that merger. Since then the retail revenue numbers have been declining fast, and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. We'll Bill, we found out what was wrong. Actually, Chris and Allison found out what was wrong. Girls, show everyone those two slides."

Mandy said, "Bill does this look like your bank account, with deposits from PCG Partners in it. Lots of them. Over 26 million dollars worth of them?" Bill was squirming and said, "Yes, that's my account." Mandy yelled, "Bill, you are so fucking fired! You should also be aware that we are putting you on notice to retain legal counsel. You are going to need it big time, as you violated so many clauses of your officer's agreement. Can someone please throw him the fuck out of here!"

Everyone was in shock and Max and Ken escorted Bill out of the castle. Mandy said, "Can the direct reports of Bill please stand up." They stood and Mandy said, "Where's Abby? Grace is Abby here?"

Chuck, one of the managers yelled out, "Bill fired her two days ago, and laid off a lot of staff." Mandy said, "Did anybody in this room know about it?" We all looked around as everyone was in shock. Mandy said, "This is damage control. Grace get me Abby on the phone. Everyone start calling the people that were let go." Chuck yelled, "Don't call back Jon Michael, I think he was working with Bill to plan this. Everyone else is an ace."

Mandy gave out assignments of who would make calls and we called from our cell phones to the offices to get home numbers. Mandy and I talked to Abby, who we both hired. She was twenty three years old and got her MBA at 19 from Harvard. She was brilliant and Mandy and I had talked about putting her in charge, once she had a little more experience.

Mandy picked up the phone and said, "Hi Abby, it's Mandy. Honey, we are so sorry about what Bill did, and you're definitely not fired. We want you in our company forever. We canned his ass. So how soon can you get over here? I know you live pretty close.", "Oh that's great. Here's Jen. She wants to talk to you also."

I said, "You missed my magic show today. But don't worry, we taped it so you can watch it later. Why in the world did Bill fire you?" I listened and couldn't believe it. I said, "Bring the presentation. We'd love to see it. See you in a few." I hung up and said to Mandy, "She wrote a presentation about how to fix the division and showed it to Bill. He fired her half way through it. My guess is that she's probably right. Oh, here's my quarter." Mandy said, "I don't want it for being right on this one. Lets have Chris and Allison look at the presentation also with us before she presents it."

Mandy said in the mic, "We have Abby coming back with a presentation of how to fix the division. Bill fired her when she was half way through presenting it to him." Shout out names that are returning. Grace can you write these down?" We had all but two coming back. They already took another job. They never called the one that was working with Bill. Margi wrote his name down.

Mandy said to Julie, "How about you give the music division's presentations and run the meeting for a while. Jen and I are going to look at Abby's presentation with the girls, before she gives it to everyone."

Mandy went back to the podium and said, "Julie is going to take over for a while and we will be back with Abby shortly." Julie stood at the podium and we walked out with the girls, and their laptop. I said, "Chris, set up your laptop in the study on that presentation you showed us before. We are all going to watch Abby's and critique it. Speak up if you think it's right or wrong. You too Allison, don't be bashful."

Abby showed up at the castle and we brought her into the study. Mandy said, "We are so sorry about this. Now, lets see the good news. Walk us all through it. Oh, this is my daughter Christiana, and Julie's daughter Allison. They are incredibly smart. Listen to them if they have a suggestion."

Abby gave us the presentation and it was right on target except one slide. Chris said, "You are right that this will be in real trouble, but your timing is off. You have 21 months when it's actually closer to 11 or 12. I'll show you why. We pay the bands from the revenues. As revenues decline, bands will make less and some will leave. That will bring sales down even farther. We will still have the infrastructure costs to go with it, so investments will also decline. We use that money for acquisitions for drug production plants, which will make drugs take longer to get to market along with several other areas of the business. So in summary, our date for being in serious trouble is in 11 or 12 months, not 21."

We all listened and she was so right. We had to fix this now. Abby changed the presentation to what Chris suggested. Allison also made a change in the proposed solution. It was basically right, but there we two things that Abby left out. The kids were brilliant in everything they did. Mandy just shook her head not believing it.

We went back into the theater just as Jody was wrapping up her talk. It must have been good, as everyone was smiling and laughing at her last remarks. They stood and clapped for her. We walked to the front table and Abby connected her laptop to the projector. Mandy went to the podium and said, "Lets take a 15 minute break. I want everyone fresh to listen to this presentation and critique what is being proposed. It is very blunt and I think it has a lot of merit. See everyone in 15."

Mandy and I sat in the chairs and both felt so exhausted. We lit up cigarettes and she whispered to me, "Tonight, I'm going to lick you until I drown in your juices." We smiled at each other and took a drag of our cigarettes. Chris walked over and took my cigarette and took a deep drag. She held in the smoke, took another drag and said, "Thanks Aunt Jen. Give me two cigs for me and Allison. This was so much fun. We love solving puzzles. It was almost as much fun as the anagrams on the book that Mom wrote with Aunt Julie." Mandy blushed and said, "Sssshhhh." Chris and Allison laughed as they both lit up cigarettes.

We all finished our cigarettes and Grace called the group back in. Mandy turned the floor over to Abby and everyone clapped. Abby was a great speaker and captured everyone's attention. She presented the Doomsday slide and people were stunned. Mandy stood up and said, "It's right. We know this part is unfortunately very accurate. That's why we have to fix it and quickly." Abby continued and everyone listened. She opened it up to questions and there were a bunch. She answered all of them perfectly and then drew out a plan on the electronic overhead white board. She had a 4 month implementation plan. Chris whispered to us, "She knows she can do it in under 3 months. She's just being safe. She told me before we came out here and I agreed with her estimates. So did Allison."

Everyone gave Abby a standing ovation and Mandy said into the mic, "Can I see the board members over here for a minute?" Everyone stood real close to us and Mandy said softly, "Anyone object to me giving her Bill's job, position, title, and board seat?" No one said anything so she said, "I'm going to announce it now. We'll make it official later."

Mandy said, "It's time for us to break for today and we have a great dinner planned. Before we do though, I want to ask Abby to stand up again. Abby, we all agree that you're the person to lead this charge. You have an understanding that is better than any of us and we believe in you. Will you accept the position of President of the retail division?" Abby yelled back, "You bet I will!" Everyone clapped and Mandy said, "Your also on the board." She got a standing ovation and we all broke for the day. Abby ran up to me and Mandy. She hugged us both and said, "I want your kids to help me. They're unbelievable." Chris heard her and said, "That's cool. We have some time now for a little while."

We all went out to eat dinner. It was all socializing with the key staff and making them feel good about being here. I sat with Roberta, John, Dawn, and Max for a while and they made me a sign to hang around my neck that said, "I am very slow. Be patient." I wore it and sat with Mandy. She cried laughing so hard. I said, "Six hours of a PhD's time to do this. They are so talented, aren't they?"

The dinner was great. We had tons of drinks and we saw Chris and Allison drinking also. Mandy said to me, "They are so much like me and Julie were when we were kids. I guess we deserve it." Mandy and I were sitting with Julie and Kathy having a good time, when Chris and Allison walked over to us. They both had a cigarette in their fingers and drink in their other hand. Chris took a deep drag of the cigarette and said, "Mom, is it okay if Allison and I play in a band with the other kids; Robert, Jasmin, Chad, and Kyle? Daddy said that we were good enough for him and uncle Gary to produce us. Can we do it? Please? We finished all our drug work until the trials get going."

Mandy smiled and said, "Sure. Use the studio as often as you want. Go tell your Dad to come over here and talk to me if you see him." Julie said the same thing and the kids went to get Ken. He walked over and Mandy said, "They really any good?" Ken said, "I didn't just say that to them so they would play. They really are individually very talented and if they work as a band could really make it if we let them. I had them play a new tune I wrote last week. It's dynamite. Let's hear them. Hey kids! Get over here!"

We all went to the studio and they played the song. Robert was really good on guitar. Chris and Allison sounded just like Mandy and Julie when they sang. It was uncanny. Mandy said, "They have all been taking music lessons since they were old enough to walk. I didn't think they liked it, but I guessed they did." We listened to the tune and we all knew it was a hit if we released it. Ken smiled at us and said, "See what I mean. I didn't arrange a line of it. This was all them."

Ken said, "Okay gang, that was great. You can take off now." The kids all went back outside and we talked about what it would take to get they to play a real show. Ken figured about 4 weeks of constant rehearsal. We all agreed to help them as much as possible, as long as they stayed interested in it. Ken said, "How about a little Brass Ring as normals this time? I want to hear it." We all went on the stage and picked up our instruments. We played the music and the kids ran back into watch. Then we sang and it sounded so weird for the music. We stopped and Chris said, "You need a SexMed Mom. This definitely sounds too much like Sage." Ken almost pissed in his pants laughing, as he walked back outside."

We all smiled and went back outside also. Now the party and drinking really started. It was getting dark and the lights were on. There was a group of thirty or so diving off the boat into the lake as usual. The dogs were chasing the cat around everywhere, and then we watched them jump into the hot tub by our bedroom. Each time the cat got out, one of the dogs would push Felix back into the tub. It was the same as it always is here. The dogs couldn't give a shit who was at the house.

The kids were getting smashed and Melissa said, "Okay. You've all had enough beer. Go solve the problem of world hunger and we'll let you drink all night." They took us serious and were all talking about it. We tried so hard not to laugh, but they actually had some ideas. What a piss.

The busses were leaving for the hotels and most people were leaving, except for those that were staying in the castle, and on the boats. Allison told us their plan to solve world hunger and it was really brilliant. Grace wrote it down and said, "The President may be interested in this." We let them drink for a while longer and they were like lunatics.

Everyone was now inside, or in bed, and were we still outside with the kids along with Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen. Jody came over to me and put her arm around me. She said, "Jen you are so gorgeous tonight." I said, "What are you selling today Jody?" She said, "My speed boat. They want me to get rid of that beautiful WellCraft twin 454 monster. It'll hit about 110 on the lake. You want it?" I shook my head and she said, "Oh fuck! e-bay again." Mandy smiled and said, "Good move."

Mandy put her arms around me and gave we a great sloppy kiss. She said, "I am so worn out. Lets you and me go to bed." We said good night to everyone as we watched the kids do so many stupid things. Melissa said, "We'll stay up with them. Go get some real rest."

Mandy and I went into our room and we were beat. We both undressed and lay on the bed and just laughed at each other. She said, "They was one hell of a funny presentation you gave. Did you see the President's face when you showed Peter Pan? He almost shit it in his pants. He thinks you're insane." I said, "Well, I am. We both know that. Now roll over and kiss me." Mandy and I kissed and hugged. Then we caressed each other all over. We were so tired but it felt so good. I licked her nipples and she licked mine. We were getting way to hot to stop. She said to me, "You want to try to drown me?" I nodded my head smiling and Mandy lay on me in a 69 position. We eat each other for what was probably over two hours. Mandy didn't drown, but I came so many times she had my pussy juice all over her face. Mandy turned around and lay facing me. I went wild licking her face and she smiled saying. I would have drowned if I didn't keep my nose up. Sweetheart, you came like a waterfall."

Mandy kissed me so hard and we wrapped our arms each other. She rolled me on my side and we held each other so tight. We were whispering what we wanted to do each other in each other's ear and then laughed as we were to tired to actually do it. We wrapped our legs around each other and fell asleep.

The alarm went off at 6 AM and Mandy turned it off. She lit up a cigarette and lay next to me, moving her hand through my hair. She said, "I'm not tired any more honey. How about you?" I didn't answer her and reached for Oscar. I put it in my pussy and lay on my back. Mandy sat in me and leaned forward saying, "I didn't think so." She sat back and took a deep drag of the cigarette and then put it in my lips. I took a drag, and then another, holding in the smoke. I blew it out and Mandy said, "Jen, I get so hot every time I sit on you like this. You have the most perfect breasts and I have to hold them and touch them. I am so nuts about you."

Mandy leaned forward and pinched my nipples. I felt so good. I took another drag of the cigarette and moaned softly, as Mandy kept going faster and harder. She took the cigarette and put it in her lips, as she leaned back and was grinding her pussy against mine. She took a drag of the cigarette and then took it out of her mouth, as she blew out the smoke making my pussy feel like it was on fire.

Mandy leaned forward on me and we kissed and fucked. We both had 6 orgasms before we had to get out of bed. Neither one of us wanted to stop. I said, "Lets call in sick today and play hooky." Mandy jumped up and dragged me out of bed onto the floor. Then she lay on top of me and kissed me with such a passion. I just didn't want to get up and rolled her over. I moved to a 69 position and we licked each other for another 15 minutes before Jody walked in on us saying, "Show time in 45 minutes."

We got up and smiled at each other. Mandy took my hand as we walked into the bathroom.

We looked our best again and went outside for breakfast. The place was already mobbed and we had some of the breakfast buffet set up by the caterer. We sat with Melissa and she looked like hell. She said, "Don't even ask. I was up all night with our Einstein's. They get to sleep all day, and I get to look like a zombie. Mandy, they were so funny. I wish I had a video tape. They all took a small part of a SexMed and the guys were such spases. They had no idea how to put on skirt or a bra. We laughed for over an hour. Then they all fucked and I got so wet. Everyone else was sound asleep at the table."

Grace called everyone in after we finished breakfast and todays presentations were more good news after more good news. Kathy gave a summary of our FDA trials in process and everyone was amazed at the number and also some of the things I left out of our presentation yesterday. I didn't mention that we had a drug that reversed part of the process. Kathy said, "Let Jen explain that one."

I talked into the mic at the table and said, "We left out a lot of the presentation yesterday on the sociological effects. There are several reasons for the drug. People may want to look like they age naturally with their partners and they go back again to an earlier age, maybe doing it the second time as an opposite. Someone way not like themselves at a given age and add to it. How many woman like me have changed their hair color and hated it? You all died it back to the same color or a different one, right? We need the old hair color option. Also an individual or even the government way want to make someone age. Do we really want to keep a prisoner in jail for life, when life could be a thousand years? Imagine the costs. Do we want prisoners to be able to take our drugs? I say no. Some of you may differ. That's the reasoning for the drug. Thanks Kathy."

The whole day was great. We all ate in the theater and went straight through to 9 at night. Mandy took the podium and said, "It's been a long day, but I'm so glad we did this. Now it's time for some bonuses and awards. I want to start with a special one. We usually do this at a board meeting, but she deserves this and I wanted everyone to hear how much she deserves it. Julie, the board awarded you a special one time bonus of 27 million dollars for the incredible new business you generated for the division." The place went wild screaming and cheering. Julie really blushed and smiled. She hugged both of us. Mandy called out the names of people and we all shook their hands or hugged, and Grace gave them the checks.

Mandy said, "The busses are leaving in a few minutes. Tomorrow's activities will be a little different this year, and that's why I asked you to bring your whole family. We are having a full day party in the town and they are helping put it on for everyone who lives here also. There are tons of things to do, food, and lots for the kids. The mayor of the town is here with us by the door. Doris, can you raise your hand. Doris is responsible for setting this up. There are 9 of our top bands playing, 2 funny comedians, horses, a petting zoo, shopping, and so many other things. We'll see you all tomorrow around 10 or so. Enjoy it."

Everyone gave Mandy a standing ovation. She hugged me and said, "This time we all deserved it." Ken can walking up to us and said, "You won't believe this, but the miniature Einsteins have already learned 12 songs and they want to play tomorrow. I say we let them and see how they do. This is definitely a friendly crowd."

I called over Doris and said, "We have room to add one more band to the list?" Ken said, "Two bands to the list." She said, "Sure. We'll take care of it. What's their names?" We all laughed, as they didn't have a name yet. Ken said, "Smart ass and the other band is the Brass Ring. Make sure the Brass Ring goes on last and Smart Ass is just ahead of them."

Doris wrote it down and was so excited saying, "I can't believe the Brass Ring is coming here. Wait until I tell everyone. The place will be mobbed. Oh my God they're my favorite." We all laughed and Mandy said, "Ken, one of these days I'm going fucking kill you." He smiled and said, "Don't forget the SexMed and Enhancer."

Ken put his arm around Kathy and said, "I owe you and Kathy a big one. My Kathy has been sick, as you all know, and we got the results of her tests. They weren't good. She took the oncology drug and is fully cured. You and Kathy saved her life."

Ken hugged me and I said, "I'm so glad for her. Now tell her to take the vaccine like everyone else has. Ken, she argued with me for 3 hours about not wanting to take a small shot in her arm, even though she had been having problems for over a year. Would you please tie her up and drag her to the doctor for us? Please?" Ken laughed and said, "If I tie her up, can you come play with us for a while first?" Mandy said, "We both promise."

Mandy and I went to bed and picked up where we left off this morning. She said, "Where did we leave off?" I said, "Lying the floor when Jody stopped us." We got on the floor and ate each other crazy, and then went into bed. We laughed about it as we shared a cigarette. Mandy took a drag and said, "A quarter says Abby fixes the problems in under 3 months." I said, "That's a sucker's bet. We both know she will. I say for a quarter, she uses both Chris and Allison to help her." Mandy said, "We both know she'll do that also."

We lay in bed and talked for hours about so many things. We decided to go back to Vegas and play craps again on our next vacation. Mandy said, "Just in case we need the money." We both laughed at that one.

Tonight we held each other and kissed. All we wanted to do was be close. We slept as close as we could get, with our arms and legs around each other. She was breathing in my ear all night, and I was breathing in hers.


I woke up at 7 AM and kissed Mandy to wake her up by softly putting my tongue in her mouth. She was licking her lips and moaning, having a dream calling my name. I slowly kissed her harder and she held me and rolled me on my side. We kissed sloppy and wet for over a half hour and then made passionate love. I loved it when she lay on top of me and licked my nipples. Every time I wanted her to kiss me, Mandy lifted up her head, smiled, and said, "I'm not done yet. Be patient honey." I orgasmed from her sucking and rubbing my nipples. I didn't think it was possible.

Mandy laughed at me and then we really got into it. We used Oscar and I sat on her this time. We rubbed our pussies by grinding them on each other, as we kissed. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and she wrapped her arms around me. We rolled over 6 times, as we had orgasm after orgasm. We got into a 69 position without Oscar and got so carried. We rolled over twice and the last time actually rolled off the bed onto the floor. We laughed and held each other, as we were in the exact same position we started in last night. I said, "Any bumps or bruises?" Mandy said, "Yeah, right here. Kiss it for me. And right here too. Kiss it honey. Here too, and here. Kiss it and lick it." We ate each other on the floor until 9 AM.

We showered and both sang a one of the new songs Mandy wrote, while we were in the shower. We decided we liked it but only as normals, and now keep a list of songs just for the bathroom. Julie and Kathy think we're crazy. We both agree with them, but still do it anyway.

We got dressed for the town block party, as Doris calls it, and went downstairs for breakfast. Chris and Allison were in the kitchen making breakfast and they lit us cigarettes, and poured us some coffee. Chris said, "Don't forget your change of cloths for the Brass Ring. You are going to play, aren't you?" Mandy said, "That son of a bitch Ken. Yeah, we'll play."

Julie and Kathy walked into the kitchen and Julie said, "Are we really going to play today?" Allison said, "You sure are Mom, and don't say no."

We all ate breakfast and Mandy called Doris. She said, "Hi Doris. Can we use the back room of your store for a dressing area? It'll be just for us?", "Thanks. We'll see you later."

We all took our cloths, some pills, and drove into town. It was 10:30 and it was already filling up. We dropped off our stuff at Doris's backroom and she was still excited. She had the entire park turned into a place for people to sit and watch bands on two stages; one band right after the other.

We decided to walk around a little. Mandy was holding my arm and Chris was holding her arm. Allison said, "Chris lets play our guessing game. What is she." Chris said, "Opposite." Allison said, "Opposite." We all started to do it with everyone we saw. We couldn't believe how many people were obviously opposites. When people didn't take the enhancer is was really noticeable in their walk and mannerisms. As a general rule, construction workers don't walk like women and sexy women in bikinis don't walk bow legged and sit with their legs spread wide apart. We laughed for over an hour while walking around shopping at all of the stands set up on the streets.

Chris dragged us into the petting zoo and after about 20 minutes of walking around a sheep feel in love with Mandy's leg. We were hysterical, as she kept dragging her leg away and the sheep kept trying to hump it. I whispered in Mandy's ear, "He's got good taste." She started to laugh and I said, "Don't fall down or he might be humping something else also." We dragged her out through the gate, as the Sheep was definitely upset.

Chris and Allison went with the other kids. Mandy and I, along with Julie and Kathy, held hands and walked through all the things Doris had set up. She had a section of the street set up for people to learn how to draw and paint, so we tried it. We all drew and painted a scene on the street. We sucked at painting, but loved doing it. Julie said, "Remember how bad we sucked at golf the first time? We just need to give it a second chance. Lets take art lessons together." We got the card of the artist that was running the show.

Mandy saw an outdoor caf‚ set up with huge stands of fresh seafood, and dragged us over, as it was her favorite. We all had a lobster for lunch. We finished eating and were all having a cigarette when we heard and announcement that the opposites contest was starting in 10 minutes and everyone should go to stage number one. We heard this and walked over about 200 feet. Margi and Alice were sitting on a picnic table along with Max and his wife. We joined them and Margi handed us the flyer on the contest rules. We laughed so hard. First we all got to judge the best looking opposite of both sexes. Then they had a contest with 20 people. You had to guess if they were a normal, opposite, or permanent, and had to get everyone right to win.

We had a blast. Some of the people looked so bad. We kept telling Max to hand out cards for the plastic surgery clinic. There was a woman opposite in a bikini that had to weight over 350 pounds. Julie was laughing so hard she stopped breathing.

The contest was tough. We actually couldn't tell what each person was. A few were obvious. Kathy said, "Too much enhancer. Read his lips", as he's talking to the woman next to him. We read his lips saying, "Hey babe. Great tits. Want to fuck? I'm Jim. Who might you be you beautiful thing." The whole contest was like that. A few we had no clue. The impact our drugs had on society were finally starting to sink in. Mandy was laughing at one of the contestants and said to me, "Honey. You did this! You single handily fucked up the whole planet. Quite an accomplishment, don't you think?" Kathy said, "No. He had help. You can blame we too." Max chimed in, "Me too. I made the drugs." Julie said, "Us too. We all funded it. As a matter of fact Mandy, this was your idea."

She really laughed and nodded her head yes. We all turned in our scoring sheets with our names on them in the contest box. One of the MCs from the company came up to us and was joking with us. He knew we were the Brass Ring and whispered into my ear, "How are you going to get ready in this place?" I pointed to Doris's music shop and said, "We'll get ready before the kids go on. We want to see their act."

The MC took the stage and introduced the first comedian. We hadn't seen him before and he was a piss. He made fun of all of our drugs. Mandy said, "See. We even fucked up him." She was right. He did a skit about getting married to an opposite and all looked at each other wanting to tell him to shut up. It was funny, but he had no idea how close he was to the truth about a lot of people.

The second comedian was awful. It was one of those acts that you start to laugh at the performer, instead of with them. This woman was so terrible, people actually laughed at how bad she was. Then she said, "Okay. I fooled you long enough", and told joke after joke. She was priceless.

The bands were getting ready and we all lit a cigarette. Chris walked over to us with the other kids in the band and said, "Where are you going to zone out?" Mandy said, "Doris's shop before you go on. We'll be sitting here watching you." They sat with us as the MC announced the first band.

We watched 6 bands play and they were all great. Mandy kept telling Julie, "You did a great job with the new groups. I love them." We took off to go to Doris's and walked into her shop. She wouldn't leave us alone. Mandy said, "Doris, can we trust you with the best kept secrets of today? You can't tell a sole, and I mean it. Promise me. You really have to promise for this one." Doris promised and Mandy told her we were the Brass Ring. She flipped. We had her watch the back room door so no one would come in as we zoned out on our meds.

We got up and dressed and were as pumped on testosterone as usual. I said to Mandy, "Hey Jake, lets see the babes on stage in the next group." We all walked out and sat at the same seats. Margi, Alice, Max, and his wife all laughed at us. We were definitely thinking with our dicks. The park was packed with people, as all the headliners were now on. The Dregs finished their encore and the MC was getting ready to introduce Christiana's band. He was reading from a card and said, "Please welcome Smart Ass."

The crowd all laughed and Chris said into the mic, "Were are not Smart Ass." She looked at Ken and said, "We know who did that Dad." Ken was laughing and Chris said, "We're Always and Forever. Hit it Chad."

They played fantastic. They all played brass as well; trumpets, trombone, and sax. The way Mandy, or should I say Jake, put it, "This the a totally unique sound. It's Chicago, Eagles, Sage, Blues, ZZ top, and Areosmith in every song. God Damn are they good. Hey Tony, look at her boobs too. Now those are bazookas."

We listened and tried our hardest not to be totally obnoxious opposites, hyped up on synthetic testosterone. We almost succeeded. The crowd loved them also. We walked up to the other stage while the kids did an encore. It was unreal. They wrote a song called "Always and Forever" about living forever. We listened to it and Mandy said as Jake, "Hit record."

The MC introduced us and we rocked and had a blast. Doris watched us and was like a little kid. We played loud hard rock and the place loved it. We did our normal show and then our encore. We left the stage and Doris escorted us to the back entrance to her shop. She gave each of us the wettest kiss and Julie, as Tony, said, "Doris, want to sit on my cock for a while. It has twenty minutes to go until it melts."

Doris almost rapped all of us. She ripped off our cloths and the four of us fucked her in every hole she had for about twenty minutes. We all came in her mouth and then collapsed on the floor.

We woke up and remembered all of it. Mandy said to me, "Sweetheart, we corrupted Doris. Oh shit!" Doris was lying next to us and said, "No you didn't. I was already corrupt." Doris got up and kissed each one of us in a sloppy wet kiss and helped us get dressed. She said, "I won't say a word. I promise. Jake, that was so good. So were you Roger. I loved it."

We all laughed and went back outside. Ken came over to get us and said, "It's almost over. Mandy, you want to say a few words?" Mandy went on the stage and gave a really nice speech thanking the people of the town for putting up with us. She also thanked Doris for making this all possible. Everyone in the entire park gave Mandy a standing ovation, including us. She blushed and walked over to me and said, "I really want to make love to you honey. I'm starting to really hate being a guy for that act. Lets think of some other way we can hide in public." Julie said, "I second that motion."

We found Chris and Allison. Chris had a cigarette and we all took a drag. Mandy said, "Your band is excellent honey. I want to release the last song you did. That is definitely a hit." Chris and Allison were hugging us and jumping up and down. The other kids were the same way. They all still looked like kids, but when they were on stage we would have sworn they were all over 21.

We sat and talked for a while with the band and Ken came over. He said, "Good, wasn't it? I didn't change a thing. This was all them. I wrote 6 of the songs, and they rearranged them to fit their style. This is the first band I haven't had to change anything. Chris, which pill did you take to pull this off? We need about 500 of them for the other groups."

We loved joking around with Ken and his wife Kathy. She came over by us also and we laughed for about an hour together. I yelled at her about not taking the vaccine and she promised she'd go get the shot on Monday.

The town was emptying out and we headed back to the castle. Chris and Allison were pretending to be on stage dancing while they were in the back seat. We all laughed at the choreography moves they did, without anyone teaching them any of it.

I pulled the car into the garage and we all got out. Mandy put her arms over my shoulder as we walked inside. She smiled at me and said, "Lets have some wine and just chill out a while." Kathy answered Mandy from behind us and said, "I'll open and pour. Lets sit in the den and watch a movie." I smiled at Mandy and she said, "Quarters everyone", as we went upstairs to change first.

We all sat on the floor in the den leaning back against the couch, as Julie channel surfed for a movie on the online movie guide. We ordered a new murder mystery movie, as Chris and Allison came into join us with a hug bucket of popcorn. Chris walked over to me and took a cigarette from our pack. She put it in her open lips and knelt down in front of us. Mandy lit it for her and Chris took a deep drag she said, "Thanks Mom. Can you rub my shoulders?" Mandy looked at me and said, "Come sit in front of us honey."

Chris took another drag of the cigarette and sat leaning back against me and Mandy. Mandy rubbed her right shoulder and neck, and I rubbed her left. Chris was moaning softly, "That feels so good." Allison was laughing at Chris and then asked Julie to do the same thing to her.

The four of us were rubbing Chris and Allison's shoulders and neck, watching the movie. About 10 minutes into the movie, Chris took Mandy's right hand and put it one her breast, and then grabbed my left hand and put it on her other breast. She leaned back even farther on us and said, "Now that feels really good."

Mandy and I rubbed and pinched her nipples watching the movie, as Chris moaned and then started to rub her clit. We were getting so hot. Mandy leaned to me and kissed me softly. She whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, I want to make love to you right now."

We both stopped running Chris and wrapped our arms around each other. We kissed and hugged, as Chris was still rubbing her clit. She turned around knelling in front of us with her hand inside of her shorts rubbing herself, and kissed me and then Mandy. Chris started to undress us both and we took off her cloths. Chris pointed across the room and we saw Julie, Kathy and Allison all naked in a pile. Chris smiled and put a cigarette in Mandy's lips. She lit it for her as Mandy took a drag. I took it out of Mandy's lips and took a drag, as Chris put her whole hand inside of my pussy. Wow, did that feel good. Chris fucked my pussy with her fist, as Mandy watched it and took another drag of the cigarette.

Mandy open her legs up and put one leg over mine. She kissed Chris and held her other hand, putting it on her pussy. Chris pushed all the way into Mandy's pussy, as Mandy held onto me and arched her back.

Chris was fist fucking both of us in rhythm. I took the cigarette from Mandy and took a drag. Mandy and I were both moaning softly as she was breathing into my ear. She said softly, "Sweetheart, this feels so good. I love watching you get turned on. Oh. That's it Chris. Oh, don't stop. Not now. Faster. Faster! Faster! Oh my God I'm there. Keep going! Oh! OOh! Oh! OH! OOOOOHHHH! OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH! Mmmmmm. Do me more baby."

Chris fist fucked us both for almost a half hour, and we each came three times. She slowed down and pulled her hands out of both of our pussies. I reached to Chris and pulled her me, and kissed her. She pushed her tongue into my mouth and danced it around. Then she leaned over and did the same thing to Mandy. I watched Mandy's mouth moving, as she and Chris moved their tongues together.

Julie and Kathy moved to lay in a 69 position with Kathy on top, on the couch right next to our heads. Mandy and I kissed, as we watched and heard Kathy licking and sucking the juices from Julie's pussy. Allison was now kissing Chris in front of us and Mandy whispered in my ear, "Sweetheart, I want to eat you so bad. Lay on top of me."

I lay on top of Mandy and we licked each other slowly. She put her hands on my pussy and spread it apart farther, licking me as deep as she could. Oh God did that feel good. I was moaning into her pussy and used my hands to spread her pussy apart farther also. I pushed my tongue in as deep as I could and then licked from top to bottom. Mandy moaned, "Do it again Jen. Oh, that felt good." I did it again, and again, and again. Mandy was sucking my entire pussy in her mouth and licking me, and I did the same to her. We both heard Kathy and Julie orgasm and it made us go wild. I was licking and sucking her with my face shoved into her pussy and she was doing the same to me. Mandy jerked and bucked into my face, moaning into my pussy, and I swallowed as fast as I could. They I shook uncontrollably in an orgasm and sprayed Mandy's tongue, as I heard her swallowing.

We were so into it and heard Allison say to Chris, "Wow, watch Jen. She's like a vacuum." Mandy sucked me as hard as she could and I exploded in and orgasm screaming into her pussy. We kept going for a long time holding each other around the ass. Mandy lifted her head and said, "Don't swallow sweetheart. Save it for me."

I sucked Mandy's entire slit into my mouth and licked it with my tongue. Her juices filled my mouth and I held it in. I got off of Mandy, and then lay on top of her to kiss. We both had a mouthful and swished our saliva mixed with each other's wetness together with our tongues. We were so into each other and kissed for almost a half hour, caressing each other's breasts and rubbing each other's clit. We both had two more orgasms.

We both sat up against the couch and noticed that our movie was long since over. Mandy reached for a cigarette and lit it. She sucked in hard in an inhale holding in the smoke, and then put the cigarette in my lips. I took a drag, and then another, and blew the smoke out in the air, as we watched Chris and Allison doing exactly what we just did. Julie and Kathy were lying together on the couch and watching also. I handed the cigarette back to Mandy and she turned the movie menu back on and reordered the flick. She said, "Everyone have their quarters?"

I kissed her and we sat leaning against each other watching the movie. Chris and Allison stopped and watched it with us, while we ate popcorn and drank some wine. An hour into the movie we all bet on who we thought was the murderer. We all lost. The person never really died. Chris said, "That wasn't fair. How can it be a murder mystery if no one dies? What a stupid show!"

We were watching the credits and saw our company name on it. Mandy said, "It wasn't a stupid show. We produced it." Chris said, "Oops."

Julie said, "Lets have a snack. I'm staved." We all got up and Mandy looked into the study and noticed a fax had come in. She went it get it and smiled bringing it out to us. She said, "Its from Grace. Thought you may like to see this picture and story. It was run by AP wire and all the major papers picked it up as front page Sunday news." The picture was the President congratulating Chris and Allison getting their doctorates. We were all in it and the article was amazing. It mentioned the drug to cure aging.

We had a snack and went to bed. Mandy and I watched another movie in bed and I won a quarter this time. I really rubbed it in and she was so pissed. I kept telling her she was smarter than me and was just being a jerk. We made love and we both forgot all about it.


So many things happened in the next six months. The kid's band Always and Forever has been a huge success. Their first release stayed at number one in the charts for 12 weeks. We all went with them on their first concert, which was playing in front of a well know group the Dregs. They were great. In the middle of the show, Chris said into the mic, "I want you all to met some people that pushed us to lean to play music when we were really little. We hated them for it, but now think they're the greatest people alive." They introduced all of us and had us all go on stage, along with Ken and Gary, their biological fathers. Chris said, "Incase any of you don't recognize them. This is Sage and Little Willie." The crowd went wild and Jody said, "Reunion tour? We'll play as eight, Jen, you and Kathy are included too." Mandy laughed and held my arm, as we all waved to the crowd.

We've been to two more of their shows. We haven't played again as the Brass Ring and are still trying to come up with a disguise, other than changing sex.

Kathy launched our new Pharma-Shield drug after it finished the clinical trial. This was another one that everyone rushed to market. The drug doesn't really cure anything, but works in a completely opposite way that the other drugs do. It beefs up the body's natural immune system and it's ability to fight off diseases when you get sick. In our trials we purposely exposed patients to contagious diseases and found that most people got over the common cold in under 3 hours. The real surprise was some of the more serious diseases. The worst case of Meningitis lasted about a day when it was treated with the normal drugs also.

Abby turned the retail division around in under 3 months. She called to talk to Chris and Allison several times and they had a four hour meeting in our study. It was amazing how quickly the kids understood things and loved solving puzzles. Abby now has the division on track to where it should have been 4 months ago, and we figure in another 3 months she will have made up for all of the past looses caused by Bill.

We did file a lawsuit against Bill, the previous retail division president that Mandy fired. It goes to court in 3 months. We all can't wait to testify. His lawyer has offered to settle four times and Mandy told Margi to just hang up on him.

We met with the President of the United States and two of his advisors for a two day session at the castle. We went through all the possible implications that the new aging drug would have on society. We even made a list of professions that could be eliminated and a plan for government sponsored training for re-employment. He came up with a list of about 70 things that congress needed to fix though legislation. We had a great third day fishing and the President caught a huge catfish. Not as big as the one Mandy caught, but close.

We've been talking every two weeks to the President and reviewing where our drugs are in the FDA process, and the results of the changes in legislation. He is pushing the drugs through faster than we were ready to handle. He said, "Congress killed two items that I think are really important. You agree?" Mandy said, "Yeah, but what can we do about it?" He said, "I'm going to send you a letter via email that's addressed to me. Just sign it and sent it to me on your company letterhead. Congress is scared shitless you will pull out of the US. Mandy, you were one tough bitch when you testified to that committee."

We read the letter and laughed. Mandy signed it and said, "I'm going to be known as the wicked bitch of the west. Even when I loose my cool, I'm not this bad." Two weeks later the legislation passed. The President called us laughing.

We had our first real lawsuit brought against the company. At a board meeting two months ago, Margi walked in late and whispered into Mandy's ear. Mandy said, "Everyone, lets table this for now. Margi has an emergency we all need to hear about." Margi said, "I received this lawsuit three days ago and thought it was just another jerk trying to make a gazillion dollars off of us. I requested the discovery information and received this package by messenger a half hour ago. I'm afraid this one looks like it may be real. Ignore the amount they are asking for. A court will never allow a settlement this high. I already contacted our insurance carrier and they will honor the claim if it's substantiated. Take a look."

Margi passed out the cover letter that was asking for 2 billon dollars. We all had our mouths hanging open. Then she passed around two photos. Kathy saw them and said, "There is no way our drugs did this. The drugs are good, but they can't make something grow that wasn't there to start with." Ken got the pictures last and said, "Cool; a chick with a dick and a pussy. Jen, this could be a whole new market for us. We have normals, opposites, permanents, and now combined. The ultimate she male." We all laughed and Margi said, "Ken, I knew we had you in here for a reason." He said, "I bet you thought that I was just another pretty face."

Margi said, "I have one of the corporate jets ready to take us to San Francisco. This woman was a patient at our clinic there four weeks ago. Max, can you find out who the team was that treated her, and have them available? Also have someone pull all the records. I asked her lawyer that she met us there to be examined this afternoon. Max, Jen, Kathy, and Mandy, you should go with me."

Julie said, "We have that big presentation in an hour. This is big time stuff. We have nine CEO's coming here today from the top motion picture companies and competing record labels." Mandy said, "You can handle it. Julie, you developed the deal and built the presentations. You don't need me. Call me on the cell if you need help. You'll do great." Julie smiled and we got up to leave as Mandy said, "Let's reschedule the agenda items for the end of the week."

We flew to San Francisco and had a limo take us to the hospital we own. Mandy's cell phone rang as we walked into the hospital and she said, "You did?", "That's great!", "Holy Shit! How much?", "Julie you did super. See you later." Mandy said to us, "She did it all herself. 7.9 billon in guaranteed revenue over 3 years. She formed a partnership with all the majors. We can almost dictate our terms now since we own most of the music and film market now. She had such balls to pull this off. I love it."

Max spoke to the doctors with us and showed them the photos. They spoke for a few minutes and Max said, "She came in like this. Lets go through the motions on this anyway. Maybe Ken wasn't so far off base. It might be good for us to examine and understand how everything is connected."

We went into the office area and the attorney was waiting for us. Margi said, "I'll take care of this, you deal with the woman." We escorted the woman into an examination room and had one of the doctors perform and full exam and then do a body scan, and MRI. We asked the woman about how she urinates and her sexual activity. She blushed and said, "They both work. It's great."

We went into a conference room where Margi was sitting and Mandy said, "So, you thought you could sue us for a lot of money. Well the doctors told us that Mary here came in with this condition." The lawyer said, "Prove it." Mandy said, "We have all the proof we need including a signed statement by Mary relieving us of any liability because our doctors didn't want to treat her, we have her x-rays, MRIs, and a series of photographs."

Mary said, "Darren, stop! This is my bother and he thought he could make a fortune. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to go along with it. I really like what the clinic did for me. I was a man with the same sexual problem. Now I'm a woman, with a penis and a vagina. It's much better than it was."

The attorney stormed out of the room and we all laughed. Mary was embarrassed and we talked to her for over and hour about what it was like. She agreed to help us research her condition in exchange for not reporting her brother under the frivolous lawsuit legislation. Kathy thinks she may have an idea of how to offer this as a drug combined with surgery. We haven't really explored the idea yet.

We had a complete shock eight weeks ago. Our CFO, Dave, had a massive heart attack and died right after one of the board meetings. He was only 41 years old. We were all very upset. None of us really new him very well, but we all went to the wake and funeral. He kept to himself mostly and just did his job. We found out from his wife that he hated taking medication and refused to take any of our drugs. If he had been on the Pharma-Daily vitamin, this wouldn't have happened.

The board voted to give his wife and kids a very large sum of money on top of the triple salary life insurance. Then we talked about why people refuse to take medication that will save their lives. Max had some incredible statistics and made some projections. He said, "Thirty percent of the population will never take our aging drug. They'll get old and die. Forty percent of the people will never take our vitamin, until they need it. The same statistics apply for the oncology vaccine. That will get fixed now that the schools and pediatricians all give it and it's a required vaccine for entrance into grade school in the United States."

We have become a primary target of the Catholic Church. They have been running whole page ads for the last 5 months that tells the world about how awful we are. The latest one has the headline, "Only God should be able to determine your sex, not JPSS or Pharma." Mandy framed it and gave it me in a board meeting with a card that was addressed, "Dear God. You did a great job." We joke about it at every board meeting and Mandy keeps saying, "They'll run out of money pretty soon. Look at how their attendance has fallen off since they started attacking us. Shit, our own priest used SexMed and gave a sermon called what's on the inside is all that counts. Maybe it's time for a counter attack. We could use some more publicity."

Mandy took out a full page ad to run opposite each Church Ad, every week, in every newspaper the Church was in. The first one was, "If God really worked through the Catholic Church, how come the Church didn't have the cure for Cancer and Aids? We think he likes us very much, because we have the cure for those diseases and a lot of other really bad things."

Her next week's ad was, "God told us at our last board meeting that aging was a big mistake, and he was sorry for it. So he gave us a cure for that also. Now we know he likes us best." The Catholic Church stopped running adds. What a surprise.

Mandy ran one more ad that said, "Isn't it nice to know that God works in mysterious ways. He finally told the Church he was very embarrassed by their behavior and made them fire their ad director. He told us this when we showed him the new cure for asthma we developed." Letterman did another top ten on us and we now have two of his plaques hanging in the boardroom. This last one was really a piss. He called it the top ten reasons God takes to Mandy. We still laugh about it. The President called and told us he asked Letterman to send him a copy of the plaque also.

One of the most dramatic changes that has taken place is that the puritanical TV censor laws have been abolished. It's very common now to see full nudity on normal TV and in commercials. Melissa's marketing division has really taken advantage of that and pushed the envelope, as they say. We show a guy with a limp cock that takes a Pharma-sure. The limp cock becomes a giant and his woman partner smiles as they go to bed. We also showed lesbian love making after a man takes SexMed and the Enhancer, lying next to his wife in bed. Sales sky rocketed.

We just finished our 6 month management conference and announced the availability of Pharma-Forever, the aging pill. The President came to the conference to congratulate all of us and of course posed for about 30 pictures. We were the front page headlines of every major newspaper in the world the next day, and our stock hit a record high. We anticipated it and spit the stock again 5 for 1. The accountants are still trying to figure out how much the company is worth now. Mandy said, "I'll bet you a quarter we beat the Catholic Church this year." We all laughed.

Every drug we developed we started with the assumption that the drug would be a one time dose, and least forever, or a least a very long time. We purposely added a drug that Kathy developed to every one of the medications to reduce the lasting effects. Mandy called it the "keep us in business drug." Max had the lab produce a couple hundred pills of each drug, without the compound that reduces the lasting effects. The board members all got a pill, if they wanted it. It was illegal, but we figured that no one would find out. Last night we all took the aging drug. All of the people over 35 also took one to the cell regression drugs that as Julie explains it rolls back time. It doesn't happen in an hour, and actually takes about 3 days to fully work. Most of the board took a dosage last night to get back to around 33 or 34 years old. We couldn't wait to see the results.

We agreed to do a televised interview at the castle, on Christmas eve. Max and a few of the others were going to be here also.

The conference was over yesterday and the six of us are in the castle this morning, sitting in the kitchen having coffee and watching it snow. We have 2 days until Christmas and it's so beautiful here this time of year. Chris and Allison are home after a Christmas concert that was televised and they were great. We all watched it two nights ago and called Chris as soon as it was over. She was so excited she screamed into the cell phone. Mandy promised the kids we'd go cut down a tree today and decorate it. It's a tradition.

Mandy said, "Everyone ready for a old fashioned Christmas? Lets get ready to get us a tree. I saw one in the west meadow that looked great. Not real big, maybe about 6 feet tall." We all had on blue jeans, a sweater, high boots, our brown leather jackets, gloves and ear muffs. The kids carried a bunch of things we needed and we went to the stables, as Ruffles and Snuffy tagged along. Mandy and I saddled up six horses and we got on and rode horses through the snow covered paths. Mandy was talking to her horse and then said, "Can we give the horses and dogs the forever pill?" Kathy laughed and said, "Why in the world would you give Ruffles a forever pill?" Mandy said, "Because Snuffy needs a friend." I said, "When we get back I'll put it in their food." Mandy hugged her horse and said, "Trevor, you're going to be so happy."

We stopped the horses and then slowly rode them through the fairly deep snow on the fields and through the trees. Mandy and I were riding side by side and I said, "You're going to get frost bite. Wipe the snow off your face." She said, "It feels great. I love this weather", and wiped her face. We rode for about 20 minutes and came up the tree Mandy had spotted. She said, "What do you think?" We all liked it and got off the horses.

Chris took out the hatchet she had in the saddle bag and we all took turns giving it a few chops to bring in down. Allison put a sheet down in the snow before it feel, and we all pushed it backwards to fall on the sheet. Chris and Allison took out a saw and cut the end flush. Mandy and I wrapped the sheet around the tree and Julie tied a rope around it. Kathy took the other end of the rope on and tied it to the horn on her saddle. Mandy said, "Done! Lets get it back to the house and set it up." Mandy put her arms around me and gave me a great kiss. She said, "Jen, I love doing this."

We rode the horses across the fields and through the woods in the deep snow back to the paths, and then back to the house. We stopped them by the front door and untied the rope from the saddle, and then put the horses back in the stable. We helped clean them up and Mandy refilled the feed and water. She also turned up the heat in the stable. She treated the horses better than the dogs. We busted her about it all the time. I said, "They are going to think they live in Miami. Don't you think 78 degrees is a little over doing it?" Mandy said, "They like it like this. I can tell."

We unwrapped the tree and trimmed it outside, and then carried it into the main living room area by the large front bay windows and gardens. Getting it in the stand was always a challenge and this year was no different. We fell over with the tree three times before we got it to stand up. We laughed our asses off.

We all took off our heavy cloths and went into the kitchen. Julie made us all hot coffee and we sat having a cigarette. I took a deep inhale and blew the smoke out slowly, as Mandy put her elbow on my shoulder. She said to me, "This time you get to do stick the branch up the angels ass. Last year I almost fell on the tree after we finished decorating it." Chris and Allison were laughing at us, as usual.

We sent the kids in the living room to get out all the lights and decorations out of the closets. They put on some Christmas music on one of the stereos and we were all getting into the Christmas mood. Mandy took a drag of her cigarette and blew the smoke out. She leaned over to me and said, "This year, you and I are going to make love under the Christmas tree." Julie was laughing and said, "I told Kathy the same thing. This could be an interesting Christmas eve, after the party tonight."


We carried our coffee into the front living room and watched the kids work like lunatics. Chris said, "We want to put on the lights this year. You guys take all day and screw it up. Just relax and watch the experts work." We sat and watched them get all the lights on the tree in twenty minutes, while Julie put some water in the tree stand. Now was the fun part. We all loved putting on the ornaments. We probably spent more time talking about each ornament and where we got it, than actually hanging them. The kids loved this part. It took us over two hours.

Now it was my turn to shove the branch up the angles ass. Everyone was laughing at me as I stood on a step stool and almost feel twice. Mandy held me and I pushed the angel down on the branch and said, "Oh that feels so good." I pulled the angle up and pushed it back down again a couple of times. Mandy laughed so hard she pulled over and I fell on the carpet. Thank God I missed the tree. We laughed for over 10 minutes, as we watched the angel slowly fall off the branch. I had to do it again. This time I tired her to the branch with some thread and said, "You've been very bad and Mistress Jen is going to have to punish you. This is called bondage, bitch." Julie almost wet her pants. Mandy almost pulled me over again so I jumped off.

We put the skirt under the tree and plugged the lights into the wall outlet. We stood and admired our great skills. I put my arms around Mandy and said, "I think the angel is smiling. Maybe we should have used two branches." She smiled and said, "Shut up and kiss me." We kissed and then really kissed. Mandy had her mouth wide open and was sucking my tongue and I did the same to her. Julie interrupted us and said, "We have 30 minutes to get ready for the TV crew." Mandy said, "Lets do it just the way we are dressed. This is our house on Christmas eve. Let people see us as were really are for a change."

We went upstairs to clean up a little and put on makeup. Other than that, we were all wearing blue jeans and nice long sleeve blouses. Mandy and I loved the boots we had on. They came up over our calves and we tucked our jeans inside of them .We told each other they made us look like sluts.

We went downstairs just as Max and few others came over. Margi, Mandy's mom was there and so was Meg, my mom. It was all hugs and kisses, as the TV crew showed up. We set up in the front living room in front of the Christmas tree. We had met the commentators a few times but never did a lengthy interview with them like this. One of our TV directors was there and greeted us and said, "This is now one of our broadcasts. It's going out live on a 15 second delay. Watch what you say, as there is not enough time to do anything but bleep out words."

The interview started as we all sat in chairs by the tree with a large fire going in the fireplace. They started by introducing everyone and Mandy said, "It's Saturday, Christmas eve, in our home and I want to dispense with formalities. Please call me Mandy. This is Julie, Jen, Kathy, Max, Magi, and Ken."

The first question was about the tree. Mandy loved it. She called Chris and Allison over in front of the camera and introduced them, had them tell all about our cutting down the tree today and putting it up. Chris even told about the angle and everyone laughed.

Then they got into the serious stuff. First topic was the drugs, the new Forever pill and the effects on society. We all made comments and answered questions for over a half hour. Mandy told about us working with the President and the new legislature that was being enacted. One of the commentators had an official white house press release and read some of it into the camera. We all smiled.

The next topic was entertainment and they asked Julie, "How does it feel to run the largest multi-media entertainment company in the world?" Julie gave a great speech and then had Ken talk for a while. He was also such a terrific speaker. The sense of humor was outrageous. He had everyone laughing as he answered the questions.

They asked Margi about lawsuits and she was a typical lawyer in her responses and Mandy said, "Tell the truth. We have nothing to hide." Margi said, "We have only had one case that we thought may have some merit. I turned out that it had nothing to do with our drugs, but we are helping the woman adjust, and trying to understand what we can do in the future for people with her condition."

They asked about drug distribution, call centers, retail, and our policy on selling any services in certain middle east countries. Mandy was really strong on that and the commentator's both clapped for her. The last question was, "Mandy, how does it fell to have people calling you the person who talks to God?"

We all laughed and Mandy explained the whole ad campaign before about the Catholic Church. She said, "I'd love it if God talked to us on a regular basis. The truth is, the closest we got was watching George Burns in the old movie, `Oh God!'. We all believe and go to church when we can. I just think he must be pretty happy with some of the things we've done, or he would have pulled the plug on us a long time ago."

The commentator opened it up to the television audience with call in questions. They had a special phone set up and a few people screening the calls coming in. We answered ten questions. Some were really good. The last one was, "Do you take the companies drugs yourselves?" Mandy said, "Lets answer together on the count of three. 1, 2, 3" and we all screamed, "YES!"

The interviews ended and then we all got up. Mandy lit a cigarette and so did I. Mandy said to everyone, "You're all welcome to stay for drinks and dinner. We have a whole crowd coming over in about a half hour. You just can't film it." They all thanked us and told us they had to get home to their families.

After they left I said, "Margi, you lost 5 years overnight. Looks good. So did you Ken." He said, "Now I really am just another pretty face. Vodka or Gin martinis?" We all said, "Gin", as he went over to the bar in the other room to make everyone a drink.

I said, "Max, how's the call volume of calls on the physician help lines with the new drugs?" Max said, "Lets check it. I tried to call Charles before we got here but he didn't pick up. I'll just call the normal number and get an agent." Max put the phone on speaker and dialed. He entered a 1 for a physician's question and we waited for about a minute. An agent answered and said, "Hello. Physician services. This is Chuck. How can I help you today?" Max said, "Hi Chuck. This is Max. I'm with some of the board members. How's the volume of calls, I couldn't get through to Charles."

Chuck said, "It's crazy. Charles called everyone in from all three shifts and we're all standing next to cubes with headsets. This is the calmest it's been in three hours. Hold on. I see him now." Charles got on the line and said, "Hi Max. We got the new wing ready for Monday and the 600 trained staff are starting also. This is wildest it's ever been here. We can't keep up with the volume. The calls are coming from all over the world. We even got a call from the doctors of the Royal family in England. I had all the managers including myself answering calls." Max said, "Thanks Charles. Make sure no one stays late today. It's Christmas eve. The calls can wait."

We hung up and Mandy said, "The Royal family? We didn't even think about that." She put her arm around me and said, "No more business. You and I have a date with a Martini." Max's wife was bugging him about talking about business, and we all sat in the game room by the bar and had a drink. Melissa, Jody, Karen, and Janice were already sitting having a drink, and the kids were all playing pool. They all hugged us and then the party really got started.

Author and my mom both looked great from the drug, so did Alice and Margi. It was amazing that most of the people over 40 already looked between 5 and 7 years younger. We made the doses specific to where they wanted to stop, and I figured that by Monday, everyone should be at that point. Ken, his wife Kathy, Gary, and Jamie all looked great. It was amazing what the age difference did for them. They were all gorgeous.

It was still snowing out and the caterer showed up with the food. The dogs drove them crazy as usual, until they gave each one a bone to play with. The guy who runs the catering business said to Mandy, "Now we come prepared." Our paid bartended for the day came in and gave Ken a break. He said, "I was getting to like this job; no stress, great company, just a bunch of bottles, glasses, and beautiful woman getting blasted. How much better can it get?"

He was right about the getting blasted. Melissa was so unbelievable when she gets drunk. She starts to imitate cartoon charters. She does the best Rocky from Rocky and Bulwinkle. Then we all sang Christmas carols like the chipmunks. The kids were hysterical.

I said to Ken, "Where are your kids. I thought they were coming also?" he said, "The Dregs played last night. They called and left a message that they were running late. It was a weird message." His kids walked in seconds after he said that. We all hugged them and Mandy said, "So how was the show?" They told us the wildest story about the concert last night. They stayed in the arena until 3 in the morning, as the FBI had a hostage situation. Someone was holding a group hostage after the show. Chad said, "Turn on the news. It's got to be on still."

Ken pushed the remote for the TV over the bar and we put on CNN. We watched an amazing scene. A group of self proclaimed terrorists were holding 45 people hostage. Ken said, "How'd you get out?" His daughter said, "They didn't know about the people back stage. We just all waited quietly for them to move out of the lower level of the auditorium and walked out the side door. Then the FBI rushed us and the other bands to the airport. We all came back on one of the company jets." Mandy said, "Any of our people in the group still inside?"

No one knew. Mandy called the FBI and Julie's mom, Adel, who is responsible for all of band bookings and venues, walked over to us. She said, "What's that all about?" We told her and she started on the phone also. Mandy said, "Hey Everyone. We have a problem. Two of our staff are in with the hostages. Watch the TV. The FBI is calling me back so I can talk to the families."

We found out that the MC for the show, and the head of sound productions for the entire event were inside still. Mandy said, "I bet there upstairs in the sound booths." She called the FBI back and they already had people inside and told us they would call back. Mandy talked to the families and they were so upset. Mandy said, "We will do anything we can to help you. Call me anytime on my cell. Is there anything you need us to do now?" Mandy wrote some notes and said, "We'll take care of it. Don't worry." She hung up and said, "We need someone to play Santa Clause in LA for a few hours for two families." Ken said, "I'll take care of it", and made a few calls. Mandy gave him the information and Ken said, "It'll be done in an hour or so. They'll call me back."

We all had a few more drinks and were glued to the TV, as the snow was really coming down outside. Ken's cell phone rang and he answered it. We heard, "Thanks. That's a great touch. See ya." Ken said, "Call then back. They're both getting a surprise from Santa under the tree. Bob wrote them a extra Christmas Bonus check."

Mandy called back the families and said, "It's taken care of. Any word?" She listened and said, "Let us know as soon as they get out." Twenty minutes later Mandy's cell rang and she answered it before the first ring even finished. I was the Jeff, the MC. Mandy was smiling and said, "How about Robert, was he with you in the sound booth also?", "That's great. Have a Merry Christmas and stay out of trouble would you?" She laughed and hung up. Mandy said, "They're out. They were hiding under the mixing consoles in the sound room. The FBI had a tough time finding them."

We watched some more of the news and they were interviewing both of our guys. They praised Mandy for telling the FBI where they were and about helping their families. We all gave Mandy a toast and she had a tear in her eyes, as she hugged me. I said, "What you did was terrific. Don't be upset." She kissed me with her arms around me and I wrapped my arms around her. Everyone clapped and Mandy and I blushed. Mandy said, "Dinner and party time. Let's go into the dinning room."

We all ate a great fish dinner. There was some of every possible type of fish. We all got carried away making toasts as usual, and finished about 12 bottles of wine. We were definitely feeling no pain. We had our favorite Tiramisu desert as Chris put on Christmas music on one of the stereos.

Now came the fun part. We all had a ton of money, so we decided this year's gift exchanging had to be under five hundred dollars. It was too easy to buy someone something expensive. This made each of us all think about something the others would enjoy. The rules didn't apply to any of the kids.

Ken handed an envelop to Chris and Allison and said, "Open it." They did and looked at us funny. Ken said, "What is it?" Chris said, "A picture." Ken said, "A picture of what?" Allison said, "Two horses, saddles, two Martin guitars, and a grand piano." Ken said, "Want to see them? They're yours for Christmas."

Chris and Allison went wild kissing Ken and hugging him. They were both smiling and said, "Come on Daddy. Show us." We all went to the studio and found the guitars, as Ken said, "The piano is coming on Monday." Then we walked over to the stables there were two new horses and saddles. The girls saddled them up and took them for a walk around the snow covered paths. Mandy and I hugged Ken, and Mandy said, "Thanks. That was some of the big things that they wanted. We got them the others."

We all went back inside and finished exchanging gifts. The kids all made out like bandits. The adults all gave each other things that we would like. It was real nice this way. We all also gave each other gage gifts. Mandy got a set of boxing gloves, color coded for each day of the week. One was labeled "For political use only." I got a two foot long syringe for giving the drug injections to the board. Margi got a set of rubber stamps with an ink pad. The first one said, "There is no way we are paying you a fucking dime." The second one said, "Get a job and read the first stamp, you fucking idiot." Kathy got a real FDA approval embosser from Max. I said, "Where in the world did you get this?" He laughed and said, "Trust me. You don't want to know."

We all had a great time. Ken decided to sing some Christmas carols and the kids ran to get their new Martin guitars. Ken tuned them up and they sounded great. We let the kids play and we all sang. It was a blast. Max has such a horrible voice. Margi and Alice told us to work on a singing pill.

It was getting late and the snow was really coming down hard. Everyone wanted to get going before the roads were impassable. We said goodnight to everyone and wished them all a Merry Christmas. Chris and Allison were running around like maniacs checking on the horses every few minutes.

Mandy and I, and Julie and Kathy, went back into the front living room next to the tree. It was dark except for the tree lights and I kissed Mandy and held her in my arms, as we both melted. Julie and Kathy were doing the same thing. Mandy whispered in my ear, "Sweetheart, I love you so much. Merry Christmas. How about we lay under the tree for a while? You can be my Christmas present."

We took off our cloths and lay in front of the tree. Julie and Kathy were doing the same thing. We kissed and kissed. I licked Mandy's nipples real softly as she held my head to her breasts. Then I sucked each one and flicked my tongue over it. She was moaning in my ear, "Sweetheart, that's feels so nice. Let me do it to you also." Mandy licked my nipples and sucked them the same way. I was melting inside and felt tingling all over. Mandy knew exactly what I was feeling and she kissed me in the sloppiest wettest kiss. She put her hand on my clit and rubbed it and I put my hand on hers. We kissed and rubbed each other as we moaned into each other's mouth. I had my hand going on her clit at the speed of light, as she did the same thing to me. We both exploded into a huge orgasm in minutes. I jerked and bucked, as I moaned into Mandy's ear, "I want to taste you. Now honey. Now."

We lay on our sides in a 69 position. I pulled Mandy's pussy lips as far apart as I could and put my tongue into the inside of her slit. She went wild as I licked from bottom to top, with my tongue out as far as it would go. Then I sucked and flicked my tongue. Mandy was doing the same thing to me. We ate each other for over a half hour. I had her juices covering my face. We both orgasmed at the exact same time spraying into each other's mouth. I moved to kiss her and we swallowed together. I said, "Merry Christmas honey. Lets go up to bed."

Julie and Kathy leaned over and kissed us both and Julie said, "We didn't give you your present yet. Lets go upstairs." We went up to our room and the four of us made love together. We have never felt so close to each other, as we did that night. Maybe it was Christmas, or something else. We all told each other we loved them. After four hours, we paired up and Mandy and I were inseparable. So were Julie and Kathy. We watched them and got so hot, even when they slept together. Mandy and I rubbed our pussies together and fucked with Oscar all night. We slept every once in a while and then woke back up and kept going where we stopped.

At 5 in the morning, Mandy kissed me and said, "Sweetheart. I want to eat your dripping wet cunt until I can't swallow any more." I said, "Only if I get to call you a bitch and suck yours at the same time." We both laughed and got into a 69 position. We ate each other until we were screaming in one nonstop orgasm. Julie and Kathy woke up and did the same think next to us. They kissed Mandy and me with a mouthful of their juices and we went wild. The four of us were literally in a pile, licking, sucking, touching and kissing each other all over.

Mandy and I moved over at about 8 AM and did it together with Oscar again. I held her as close to me as I could. She did the same thing, as I said, "I love you so much sweetheart. Imagine us doing this for the next thousand years." Mandy went wild on me and we orgasmed over and over again. We took out Oscar and then just rubbed each other. We couldn't stop making love. I wanted her more that minute, than any other time we were together. She was the same with me.

At 9 Am Chris and Allison came into the room and jumped on the bed when we were having a cigarette. They both took a drag of my cigarette and then kissed us all Merry Christmas. Mandy said, "Did you sleep with the horses?" Chris said, "No. I was too hot in there. Who turned up the heat so high? The horses were all sweating. We set it back to 69. We just checked them and they are all so much better. We took Raymond and Martha out already. We love the present Daddy gave us." Mandy said, "Those are the new names?" Allison said, "Yup. They just looked like a Raymond and a Martha. Are you guys getting up? It's Christmas and we made you breakfast."

We all went to the bathroom and then downstairs in our bathrobes. They really did make us breakfast. We ate and had some coffee and a cigarette. Julie said, "Lets do presents. We have to go get them. Meet us by the tree in a few minutes."

We all went upstairs and brought down the bags of gifts. I kissed Mandy and said, "This is great." She said, "I know. Watch their faces."

We all sat next to the tree and we gave Chris and Allison four bags of gifts. Julie and Kathy gave us two and we gave then two also. We watched the kids open one gift after the other. Some were cloths and things that they wanted. The big one for Chris we made her save until last. Mandy said, "We heard you talking about this to Allison. If you don't like it we'll take it back. It was a lot of money." Chris opened it up. It was a very expensive diamond necklace, earrings, and a bracelet. She went wild yelling, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Put it on me mom. Thank you both so much!" She kissed and hugged us and was in heaven. Allison reacted the same way to her big gift.

Now the kids wanted to watch us. We opened the gifts from Julie and Kathy and then we opened the gifts we gave each other. Mandy and I picked it out together. We had rings custom made. The large one was over 14 carrots of perfect diamonds. There was also an emerald stone in one, and a ruby. We each had a pinky ring, regular ring finger ring, and a ring for the other hand. We loved them. Mandy said, "What a surprise. Guess Santa was here last night."

Julie and Kathy were with us when we bought it, and they bought each other similar jewelry. That jeweler loves us. We paid for his new house. Chris said, "There's an envelop under the tree. He mom, it's addressed to you."

Mandy opened it and read a letter out loud, "Dear Mandy, Jen, Julie, and Kathy, You are always to busy doing so much for others, instead of doing for yourselves. The board felt that you deserved a special bonus and met without you so you couldn't veto it. Santa Clause has enclosed a special check for each of you. You all really deserve it! Merry Christmas." Mandy took out the checks and we looked at them. She said, "My God that's way too much money." We all kissed each other and we called Ken. He was laughing and said, "Go buy an island or something. You earned it. Mandy you guys never take out the cash that you give other people. Have some real fun. Merry Christmas."

Each check was for 100 million dollars.

Julie said, "400 million will buy us a really large island. Dave only paid 38 million. Or maybe a trip to Vegas to the craps tables. Now that sounds like fun." We all nodded our heads.

The kids had their mouths hanging open. Chris said, "Mom, how much money do we really have? I thought that you and Jen had a little over 7 or 8 million." We all laughed and Mandy said, "Honey, we lost count, but I know we have over 89 billion with a `B'. Julie and Kathy have almost the same. The money doesn't really mean anything anymore. It's the thought that counts, and this was really amazing that they did this for us." Chris and Allison were in shock. Allison said, "Does that we can get whatever car we want we are old enough to drive?" Mandy said, "Sure, but you still have a few years to go."

The two of them were jumping up and down and smiling. We smiled and went into the kitchen to have some more coffee and lit up cigarettes. Mandy sat in the chair sideways and put her legs on my lap. I rubbed her feet and she was smiling and moaning. She said, "Could I ever go for a dip in the hot tub." I said, "Lets go. That's why we had it built for all year round with the heaters. This could be fun in the snow."

We all went upstairs to the veranda doors off our bedroom. Mandy checked the temperature on the inside gauge and the water was 96. We walked outside in our bathrobes and it was still snowing, but not hard. We brushed a half inch of unmelted snow off the cover and slid it off. Mandy and I got in first, as Julie turned on the jets. Then her and Kathy got in. I said to Chris, "You getting in also? The water is really warm." They took off their cloths, lit a cigarette and then walked outside to get in the hot tub.

Mandy leaned against me and it felt great. The cold air and snow falling on our faces felt so weird while we were in the hot water. Chris to took a drag of her cigarette and said, "My arms are freezing." She put the cigarette in Mandy's lips and the put her arms under the water. Mandy took a drag and then took the cigarette out of her lips and tossed it into the snow. She put her arm back under the water and said, "Shit is that cold when you get out. I need to dunk my head also."

We all dunked our heads and it felt great for about 5 minutes, then we started to get ice sickles forming on our hair. We had to keep dunking our heads under the water. Mandy and I looked at each other after the fourth time we dunked our heads and she said, "Bath tub inside sound any better?" I nodded my head and we got out and froze running into the house through the snow. We heard them all laughing at us as they did the same thing and then stayed outside to cover the tub. We went into the bathroom and ran the water in the stone tub. Chris said, "We're going to take the horses out on the path. We won't go far in the snow. Have fun with the bubbles and warm up."

Mandy lit up a cigarette and so did Julie. The four of us stood by the tub and waited for it to fill up and were shivering. Mandy poured some bubble bath in the water.

The water actually froze on our hair when we got out of the tub and ran inside. Kathy's hair looked like a snow cone. I took a drag of the cigarette and held Mandy in my arms as we both were shaking. The water was almost up to the right level so we all got in. Now this really felt great as we stopped shaking. Mandy smiled and said, "The hot tub was a novelty thing. It sucks in the snow. Now this is so much better." She took a drag of our cigarette and put it in my lips. I sucked in to inhale and blew out a thin stream of smoke. She took the cigarette back and sat in between my legs leaning back on me. Mandy took another drag of the cigarette, as I put my hands on her breasts. She smiled looking at me with her head turned and said, "Now this is definitely better. Don't you dare stop, or Mistress Mandy will have to punish you like you did to the angel."

Julie and Kathy started laughing as they were sitting the same way. Kathy was leaning back against Julie and Julie had her hands just like mine were.

I rubbed Mandy's nipples and then moved one of my hands to rub her clit. She laid her head back against my shoulder moaning softly as I made her cum like and explosion. She moaned so loud, and turned to face me wrapping her arms around me with a really wet kiss.

We changed positions and I lay back against Mandy and she was cupping my breasts with her hands. I turned my head smiling at her and she said, "Just relax honey. You're going to love it." Mandy made we feel so good. She rubbed my nipples and pinched them, and then rubbed clit. I orgasmed in about 10 minutes and then turned to kiss her as we lay in the tub on our sides. We were giving each other quick kisses and telling each other what were going to do to each other in bed tonight. I was on fire.


We stayed in the tub for about an hour until the water got cold and then went to the windows in our room to look outside towards the stables. We saw the girls bringing the horses back and they looked frozen. We got dressed and went down stairs and made some hot chocolate. They came inside and were really frozen. I said, "Why did you stay out so long? It's minus 8 degrees outside." They both had their teeth chattering and couldn't talk. I sat then next to the fireplace in the kitchen with a blanket and Julie started a fire. Mandy poured them hot chocolate. They were finally able to talk and were telling us about how great it was riding the horses in the snow, and that they went where we cut down the tree. We didn't want to yell at them, but this was really stupid. Kathy said, "You know that if were outside about 20 minutes longer, you would have had to go to the hospital. You both were hypothermic and there is no drug that could help you. For two really brilliant people, that was really dumb, with a capital `D'."

They said they were sorry and had no idea how cold it was outside until they were too far from the house to get back quickly. Chris said, "Get the dogs inside. They ran out after us and we couldn't find them." We all put on our coats and looked for the Dogs, calling their names. We looked for hours. We came back in and warmed up and then went right back out again. We did this until it was dark and then by chance we found them both almost frozen to death by the stables.

Mandy and I carried Snuffy, and Julie and Kathy carried Ruffles. We put them carefully next to the fire. They felt very cold and their skin was rock hard. Their paws were caked in ice, so we used slightly warm water to take the ice off. The dogs couldn't move. Chris and Allison were hugging the dogs trying to warm them up and Mandy whispered to me, "I hope the dogs are okay. The kids love them." I whispered back, "Too soon to tell. They were almost dead when we brought them inside."

I said to Kathy, "Lets give the dogs a vitamin. It may help if there was any minor damage from the cold. If the cells are dead, then dogs will be also." She got two pills out of the cabinet and we put one in each of the dog's mouth. We rubbed each dog's throat to get them to swallow. We couldn't tell if it worked or not, and just sat at the table and waited.

The kids were getting upset and I said, "Sit here with us. There's nothing you can do now." We all had some more hot chocolate and a cigarette, as the dogs started to move ever so slightly. At least they weren't dead yet. Ruffles skin stared to droop so we knew that it was completely frozen before. Snuffy was trying to lick his lips but his tongue wasn't working right. It was funny, but that also meant the dog may have some serious problems.

After three hours the dogs still couldn't stand up or move more than a just a little bit. I called a vet's emergency number and told him what happened. He said exactly what I thought he would say, "Bring them down here, but my guess is that I'm going to have to put them to sleep." I got the address and we carried the dogs to the hummer. The kids were a disaster, crying and holding the dogs in the back of the car. I drove and we were at the vet in about a half hour. We carried the dogs inside and the vet put them on an examining table. He did an examine for about 10 minutes and he left the kids inside with the dogs and talked to us in the hallway. He said, "They are both completely frost bitten. I'd have to amputate their paws at a minimum. God only knows what other damage there is."

Kathy said, "What if we tried a direct injection of the compound we used to rebuild cells. I can run to the lab and be back in 15 minutes. Want to give it a try?" The vet said, "Go for it. It can't possibly hurt at this point."

Kathy left and Mandy and Julie told the kids what we were going to try. They also told them the truth. They both were hysterically crying.

Kathy came back in about 15 minutes and brought in several syringes and a box containing vials of drugs. I said, "What are you going to try?" She said, "Localized injections of the initial compound for the vitamin, and Relaxer; 400 milligrams strength. If this works, they should be like superman for a while."

Kathy and I started the injections and it took over an hour. The kids held the dogs the entire time. We finished and the vet said, "Come into my office and relax. You have any idea how long it takes for the drugs to work?" Kathy said, "In our lab tests it took about a half hour."

We all lit a cigarette and the vet said, "If that works, I want some of it." Mandy looked at me like, "We just found a new market for our drugs we didn't know about." I smiled and she was reading my mind also. She said, "Holy Shit, how did we miss that?" I said, "We found it now. Lets see if it works."

We formally introduced ourselves to the vet and he knew all about our drugs. He already took most of them. We were talking when we heard one of the dogs bark and we all ran into the examining room. They were jumping up on the kids, and the kids were smiling and still crying. Mandy said, "No shit. Is there an FDA for animals also?" I had no idea so we asked the vet. He didn't know either and I said, "Feel like finding out? We could use someone with a veterinarian degree to work with us, if we are going to release these drugs for animals."

Mandy said, "Call me on Monday at the office. We're real serious if you're interested. Here's the number."

The kids were rolling around on the floor with the dogs and they were as good as new. The vet examined each of the dogs and all he kept saying was, "This is amazing. That paw was frozen solid inside."

We left with the dogs and the kids were funny. They were scolding the dogs like we did to them. Chris said, "Ruffles you were very bad and could have frozen to death. Your ruffles were all flat." Julie laughed and said, "One more disaster averted."

We got home and we all got on the internet in the study, and started finding out about drugs for animals. Chris and Allison said they would do the research for us and I said, "Before we start, lets just think about what we just saw happen. Julie, what did you see?" Julie said, "We used our drug to repair the cells."

I said, "Mandy, what did you see?" She said, "Same thing. What did I miss?" I said, "Kathy?" She shrugged her shoulders and I said, "We just saw our drugs do a couple of things. Kathy, what happens to cells when they are frozen and deprived of blood and oxygen?" Kathy said, "Oh my God. They die."

I said, "And what did our drugs just do?" Kathy said, "Revive dead cells." I said, "And they unfroze them at the same time. I think there are four things we should look into. First is the use of our drugs for animals. That's a slam dunk. I just have no idea about the market or anything else. The second is cryogenics. People have been instantly frozen all over the world in cryogenic labs because of incurable diseases. The game plan is to someday wake they up when there is a cure for whatever they had wrong with them. We have the cure, and maybe now we have a way of waking them up. The third area is long term space flight. NASA has been trying to figure out for years how to make long term space flight doable. Now it is, if the cryogenics is successful. The fourth thing is how our drugs revived dead cells. This could be a miracle drug."

Everyone looked at me like I had three heads. I smile and said, "You think I'm way off base here?" Mandy said, "No, not all. Holy shit Jen, do you realize what we're talking about? You restored dead cells. This is amazing."

Chris said, "Cool. A real Doctor Frankenstein." We all laughed as she got on the internet with Allison. We all lit a cigarette and were thinking about what we just saw happen. After about 5 minutes Chris said, "It's the FDA CVM, Center for Veterinary Medicine. Aunt Jen, you should check with your mom about it. She knows this stuff." Mandy smiled at me and we knew they would be approved.

I said, "Check out cryogenics for any labs around here." About 5 minutes later Allison gave we a pad with a couple of names and phone numbers on it. She said, "The one in Arizona is the largest."

Mandy said, "What an incredible Christmas. We almost kill the stupid dogs and they lead us to another, God knows how many billions of dollars. This is such dumb luck." Julie and Kathy started to laugh and I smiled shaking my head. I lit a cigarette and Mandy got up and sat on my lap. She said, "You were supposed to be the slow one in the group. There was nothing slow about that." I said, "Slow doesn't mean dumb. It just means that I think about it longer." Mandy said, "Think about this for a while", as she pulled up her shirt and put one of her nipples against my mouth." I licked it once and said, "I think this needs some further study. We better go upstairs to check it out. Goodnight everyone."

Julie and Kathy were laughing at us and the kids didn't even notice us as they were still on the internet. Mandy took a drag of my cigarette and then she handed it back. I took a deep drag as we walked upstairs to our bedroom.

I clicked on the TV remote, as we undressed and then lay down in bed. I took a deep drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, as Mandy took a drag also. She said, "Now weren't we going to think about something you started downstairs?" She clicked off the TV and almost attacked me. I loved it. She started licking my belly button and made her way up to my breasts slowly. Then she licked each nipple and sucked it gently. I was on fire. I held her head to my breasts moaning softly and Mandy said, "I thinking about it real slowly honey. Just relax." I was dripping wet as she sucked my tities.

When Mandy put her hand in my pussy and had an instant orgasm. She smiled and said, "Wow. I guess I need to think about this some more." She teased me for almost a half hour and I had another orgasm. She lay between my legs and spread my pussy with her hands and licked me for almost a half hour. I was going absolutely insane. I begged her to lay with me so I could do her also and she smiled and said, "Nope. You get to do me next honey. Real slow." I moved my hand down and rubbed my clit while Mandy eat me and I came over and over again. I watched her swallow so much and then she kissed me with a mouthful. I was about as hot as I have ever been.

Mandy said, "Now you need to think about this", as she put my hands on her breasts and lay back next to me. I did the same thing to her. I loved it as I had her as crazy as I was. She begged me to lick her steamy wet cunt, and I said, "I'll have to think about it some more." I drove her crazy and then licked her the same way she did me. As soon as I put my tongue on her pussy as she exploded into my mouth and tried to wrap her legs around my head and neck. I said, "No fair. I can't think like that." Mandy was going crazy grabbing the sheets with her hands and bucking and pushing her pussy into my face. Each time I moved back a little and then really sucked and licked her hard. She had orgasm after orgasm. I swallowed to the point I couldn't anymore and kept a mouthful and kissed her. We were out of our minds in lust.

Mandy held me tighter than ever before. We used Oscar and fucked our pussies together so hard we could hear our skin slapping against each other, as we kissed. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and rolled me over at least 10 times as we made love. We didn't stop for a break until 3:30 in the morning. Mandy was lying on top of me and lit a cigarette. She took a drag and looked me in the eyes and said, "Jen honey, I have never been so hot in my life. I wanted to rape you. I was so out of control." She gave me a drag of the cigarette and I said, "I was the same way. Guess we better think about it some more."

She laughed and rolled off of me and we lay on our sides facing each other. I put my hand into her pussy and rubbed it slowly. Mandy moaned and I said, "Give me a drag of the cigarette. My hand is thinking." Mandy laughed and moaned at the same time, as she put her hand with the cigarette to my lips so I could take a drag. We shared the cigarette this way and she said, "I need to put this out so I can think in your pussy also." She put out the cigarette and the lay her hand in my slit and we both drove each other mad. She found my G-spot and I found hers also. We howled together in orgasms for an hour. They we lay on sides in a 69 position and teased each other just enough to make us both want even more.

We stopped at 6 AM and we looked at each other and laughed hysterically. Our hair was so matted down with cum, it looked like we slept outside in the rain. Mandy licked my face and I licked hers, and we started all over again. I said, "Don't we have to be in the office today?" She smiled and said, "Not until 2 for a meeting. We have 8 hours to fuck. So start thinking."

We didn't stop until 11 and got up to go to the bathroom. We had a pee adventure in the bathtub and licked each other into a one more orgasm. We had our arms around each other as we showered. I said to Mandy, "Sweetheart, this was one incredible night." She kissed me with such passion, she lifted me up in the bathtub. She put me down and just said, "Wow!"

We dressed and put on make up. Oh did we have the uglies today. It really looked like we didn't sleep. We both laughed at each other in the mirror. We went downstairs to make breakfast and checked on the dogs. They appeared fine. I said, "I want to check to see if the dogs have any nerve damage in their paws. Hand we that pin on the counter." Mandy handed me the pin and I had Snuffy put his paws up on me. I pricked her paw and she yelped. Then I did the same to Ruffles. He yelped even louder. Mandy comforted the dogs and then I did also. I said, "I can't believe the nerves healed also. Amazing."

Julie and Kathy came into the kitchen and they laugh at us, as we laughed at them. They looked as bad as we did. Mandy said, "We were thinking real slowly last night and never went to sleep." Julie said, "So were we. We watched you two and they did the same thing. I was never so hot in my life."

Mandy smiled and put her arms around me and said, "Sound familiar? Maybe the aging drug improves everyone's sex drive. What a piss that would be." Kathy and I looked at each other and both said, "Oh Shit. Side effect." I said, "Call Max. Lets see if any other ones were reported."

Kathy called Max and put him on speaker. He said, "I just thought it was me. We had a great night, like it was 30 years ago. Let me call to get an early warning put out. It's not bad, this may even improve the sales."

Kathy and I started talking about it and called Max back. I said, "Max, if the cells were renewed, especially around nerves, stimulation would feel more exaggerated. Like when you touch a part of new skin that heals after a cut. It has a lot more sensation in it. I think the sex thing is just from renewed cells. Not a side effect. Don't call it in yet." He said, "Your probably right. Lets see what type of response the doctors are getting before we do anything. I'll have the outbound call center team start making calls to follow up with the physicians that have written the most scripts."

We sat down to eat and we saw Chris and Allison walking in the kitchen, still wearing their heavy cloths. Mandy said, "Riding?" Chris said, "Yeah. It was great. We have some research notes for you before you leave. Allison, grab the folder in the study."

Allison gave it to me and I looked through it. I said, "You did a great job. How would you like to help figure out what saved Ruffles and Snuffy's life? We can do the work in the lab here." The both smiled and Chris said, "Good. Another puzzle." I said, "Well probably start in a day or two. Enjoy the horses, but don't stay out too long in the cold."

We finished breakfast and had some coffee. I said, "Does anyone feel tired?" Everyone shook their heads no and I said, "Call Max back. Ask about lack of sleep also." Kathy called and he said, "You too also? Oh shit."

We headed into the office and everyone was feeling great and looked like dynamite. Margi and Alice appeared to be the same age as us. It was amazing. Ken was absolutely gorgeous. We couldn't take our eyes off of him. He kept saying, "What? You don't like the new me?"

We all listened to our voice mail and made about an hours worth of calls. Mandy said, "I called the vet back and he is definitely interested. Lets see where it goes first before we make him an offer."

Our meeting at 2 was to talk about new business ideas and Mandy started it off with what we found about using our drugs for animals. I said, "You want me to tell them all of it from last night?" She said, "They'll never believe you, but give it a try."

I said, "Last night we brought dead cells in our dogs back to life. The vet was going to put them both to sleep because they were almost frozen solid. At best he would have had to amputate their paws. Kathy used an experimental mixture of drugs and the dogs are fine. It took about 20 minutes to revive them completely. We're not sure exactly what the applications are yet, other than for animals."

Max said, "Operating room, or ER when someone dies. Maybe this will prolong life enough for life savings measures. How about standard supply for paramedics in heavy trauma injuries."

I said, "Kathy, who do you want to assign to this one?" She said, "John. He's the best at those drugs." We started to make a lit of projects and it was getting really long. Each division had about ten new ideas that any one of them could be a huge money maker. Ken had some outrageous high tech ideas and we all knew these were huge if we could pull them off.

It was 5 O'clock and Max said, "Let me check on the results of the calls to physicians and see what types of problems we are experiencing with the new drugs." He called one of his managers and put him on speaker. We heard, "2,145 doctors said the patients reported increased sexual intimacy but know one complained. 3,256 doctors said that patients reported that they required less sleep, but were not tired." Max said, "Thanks Don. Good work."

We all decided to not say anything about it if no one was complaining.

After the meeting Max, Kathy, and I made all the arrangements for the new equipment we needed to be delivered to the castle laboratory for the kids' research. Mandy and I called the vet back and asked him if he wanted to work in our lab part time until we had a better feel if the idea was a winner. He agreed and liked the part time thing, so he could keep his practice open.

The cryogenics research would have to wait until we finished one of the other projects, unless we hired someone. We just had too much to do that all looked really solid.


I said to Mandy, "How about Chinese tonight? We haven't done that in a while. Call the kids and see what they want. I'll check with Julie also." I walked into Julie's office and pretended to be a Chinese restaurant waitress. Her and Kathy laughed and wrote the orders on my note pad when I told them, "Hi no speak Hinguish." They loved it. Mandy and I ordered enough for an army as usual, and included what everyone wanted. I gave Mandy the same waitress routine and she smiled and wrote on my pad, "I really want to think about it again tonight!!!!"

I kissed her and we both got wet. The new sex drive we both had was unreal. My mom stopped into Mandy's office with Arthur. We hardly recognized him. My mom looked the same age as us. They acted younger also. We talked to them about any problems and they were having from the drug and both said everything was great. Mandy winked at me and I had the same feeling. They were sleeping together.

We turned on CNN in Mandy's office and watched the hostage standoff still at the arena. I called to everyone to come in and they couldn't believe it. Seven hostages had already been killed. Our guys were so lucky. Mandy buzzed Adel and asked her to come in.

Mandy said to Adel, "Remember when we had all those security problems years ago. I think we need to revisit it again. This is still going on from the concert the Dregs played at. That could have been Ken, Kathy, Gary, and Jamie's kids in there being shot, or ours. Take a look at what we have in place, and see if we can do anything else. This just makes me sick."

Adel said, "It makes all of us sick. I already looked at it. I was going to give a report at the board meeting. It's going to be expensive. I'll send you a draft in email. Some of the numbers are still real rough." Mandy said, "Thanks. By the way you look great. Any problems from the drug?"

Adel put her arm around Julie and said, "Bet you never thought your mom would look like your twin sister?" Julie blushed and said, "You really do mom." Adel said, "No problems at all, and I feel great."

We turned off the depressing news and left to pick up dinner. The kids had the table set in the kitchen and were waiting. They already had some of the drug formula figured out. They drew blood out of Snuffy and Ruffles, and analyzed it. It was amazing listening to them try to solve it, just like it was a puzzle.

The Chinese food was good for a change. We were all starved. I said, "You feel hungrier than normal?" Kathy said, "Add it to the list. My guess is that it is because we require less sleep and therefore need to burn more calories. Lets see what happens tomorrow."

Julie said, "I loved Ken's ideas today. If we hit on that one, we become the motion picture, music and entertainment king. No one will ever even come close. I'm going to see if Margi can find out about acquisitions of cable stations and a major network. Lets see how high the cost is to get in. Our treasury stock is worth a fortune after the last split. We may be able to do this mostly in stock. Did you see the price today after the Pharma-Forever announcement? We were trading at 324 at the close. That's up over 150 points again. Time for another split."

We were all starting to add in our heads. Each of our net worth just tripled. I said, "Life is good." Everyone stuffed their faces and nodded their heads. Mandy said, "Let's see if we can schedule an emergency board meeting tomorrow and do the split. I want to go 6 for 1 and reduce the price so it's affordable again. Let everyone make money on this. I'll call my mom and Alice when we finish eating. Anymore ribs? Those were really good."

The six of us ate four large orders of ribs and six complete dinners. We all finally felt full and had a cigarette with a glass of wine. Mandy called her mom. Margi already figured we do it again and her and Alice had everything ready.

I said, "Kathy, where are the records from the clinical trial tests for Pharma-Forever?" Kathy said, "You can get them online. I'll show you." We went over to the computer in the study and she signed on and gave me access. I said, "Get a pad, and if Julie and Mandy can come in here also. I have a funny suspicion about something, but I want to see what this says first."

Kathy went to get the others and I started to read through the reports. They all came back in and I said, "Kathy, title your page married, and include columns for sleep, sex, food. Now do the same for Mandy's titled partner, and Julie's titled single. I'm going to read each one of these and each of you write it down if it's for your sheet. Ready?"

I read over 400 results and along with comments of the patients changes in sexual activity, sleep, eating, diet, weight, or any other funny things. We definitely saw a pattern. I said, "Well, if we make love, we want to make more love, which somehow satisfies our bodies need for some of the sleep, which makes us hungry, and we want to eat more. Does that about sum if up?" Kathy said, "And the opposite is true. If we don't make love, we sleep more and eat less. So it's not the drug, it has something to do with our sex drives maybe hormones of some kind we are releasing."

I said, "I bet it's pheromones and we are all releasing them. Wasn't Ken incredibly attractive today? Didn't you just want to walk up to him and kiss him?" Everyone nodded their heads and I said, "Some of that is natural with him, but my guess is that this drug somehow enhances it, in all of us. Kind of like magnified sexual attraction and drive."

We all lit a cigarette and I took a deep drag and held it in. I blew the smoke out slowly through my nose and said, "Let's keep our own records for two weeks. Mandy and I will keep a set, and you and Julie keep one also. Write down the date, hours slept, hours making love, your weight when you get up in the morning, and approximately how much you ate that day."

Kathy made two sheets and we filled then it in from the past two days, and also from today so far. I said, "Let's leave these in the bathrooms, so we don't forget to fill it in. I also want to see how much sleep we get and if we have any problems. I can't believe they missed this in the clinical trials. It's not a major deal, but we may have stumbled across a love potent, and given it to the whole world. You know how much revenue we lost? This could have been bigger than the oncology vaccine." We all laughed because we knew it was true.

Mandy put her arms around me and said, "I'm ready to release some pheromones. You have your sensors working honey?" Mandy out her arms on my shoulders and I couldn't resist, no matter how hard I tried. I knew that I was right now. I said, "I'd like to try one more experiment. We have any SexMed pills left? Not the Enhancer." Kathy went to the cabinet and said, "Yeah, we have a few." I said to Mandy how would you like to a man with me tonight and suck each other off as many times as we can? My guess is that we can keep going for about 4 hours. Want to try it?"

Mandy took my hand and said, "Let's go experiment." We went upstairs with Julie and Kathy, and we took a SexMed. Mandy and I passed out in seconds. We woke up as men in a little over and hour and watched Julie and Kathy making love. We both had instant hardons. I got into a 69 position with Mandy on our sides and we sucked each other's cock. I deep throated her and felt the pubic hair hitting touching my lips, as I sucked her cock into my throat. I moved my face up a little and rubbed her shaft as I sucked it. She was doing the exact same thing to me. We both shot our loads into each other's mouth within 10 minutes. Mandy jerked and pushed forward and her cum blasted down my throat. I sucked her deep into my mouth and felt her pubic hair again on my lips as she squirted over and over again warm cum into my throat. I swallowed and kept sucking, as I shot into her mouth.

I didn't get soft. Neither did Mandy. We kept right on going sucking each other's cock. This time we were at it for a little over and hour and we both shot our loads at the same time. I loved the way her cock pulsated when it squirted warm cum into my mouth. I swished the cum around her cock and swallowed it, as she did the same to me. We both started to get soft and sucked each other's cock harder and faster. We were fully hard again in minutes.

Julie reached over and stroked my cock, and Kathy did the same thing to Kathy's. Mandy and I kissed and she said in her low voice, "Lets fuck as long as we can." Mandy and I lay down on the bed, and Kathy sat on me, and Julie sat on Mandy. They rode our cocks for over two hours. Mandy and I each came two more times.

Mandy and I lay in a 69 position again and sucked each other's cock hard again. This time it took a while for us to cum, but we did. I shot my load into her mouth, seconds after she shot into my mouth. We both held the cum in our mouths and then kissed and swallowed it. We lay down kissing and passed out.

Mandy and I woke up and noticed that Julie and Kathy were in their own room again. I lit us a cigarette and said, "Well?" Mandy kissed me and said, "That's the best time we ever had as guys. How come we could keep going? It felt great." I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to Mandy as I said, "I think it's because we are producing both pheromones and hormones when we have sex. I can't imagine what it would be like with the Enhancer. We would probably be able to shoot cum 10 times in one night."

Mandy and I kissed and then got carried away. It's definitely the pheromones. We didn't stop making love until 7 in the morning and it was just like last night. We couldn't stop touching each other.

Mandy lit a cigarette and had it in her lips taking a deep inhale, and then another. She held in the smoke and handed it to me, as I did the same thing. She blew the smoke out smiling and said, "Nicotine fix. We didn't stop all night. Sweetheart, I am definitely okay with doing this for the next couple of thousand years." She kissed me and then we both took another drag of the cigarette. I said, "Lets go write down the numbers on the charts."

We went into the bathroom and finished our nicotine fix. We weighed ourselves as usual and this time wrote it down along with everything else. Mandy wrote a comment in the column, "Wow! It just keeps getting better", and we both smiled at each other and kissed.

We showered, dressed, and did the usual makeup routine. We went down for breakfast and Chris and Allison were looking through reports they printed off the computer, while Julie and Kathy were eating. Kathy said, "Read the first page of their report. You'll shit." I read it and smiled. It was a combination of the vitamin and Kathy's drug that saved the dog. They really did swallow it when we put it in their mouths. Plus they had a chart they estimated dosage needed for humans. The kids were absolutely amazing. Kathy said, "Chris, can I take that report with me? You guys can print another copy. I want to really understand it."

Allison said, "Make sure you all take the Hummer. The roads have to be a disaster. We had sleet and snow last night. We went out to the stables and we both slipped and fell on the driveway." Kathy said, "I still have the drug lock-up box for this experiment in the Hummer. I'll drop you off at the office, and then run over to the lab and put it back."

We finished breakfast watching the kids do analysis on the laptop at the kitchen table. We all lit a cigarette and had some coffee. I said, "What does your chart look like this morning?" Julie laughed and said, "The same as yesterday. It was great. We did sleep for two hours, but that's it." Mandy said, "So did we, remember?"

We went out to the garage and Kathy drove us in the Hummer. Even in 4 wheel drive and low gear we were slipping all over the road. Mandy said, "Lets turn around and go in later. This is crazy." Kathy looked for a place to turn around and said, "If make it over the crest on the road, there's enough space to turn around."

We crested the road and it was a very gentle hill that made a bend around the lake. Kathy stopped and then we just kept on sliding, not fast, but enough that we couldn't do anything. We saw some car tracks on the side of the road that went off, and then spotted a car turned upside down in the ditch. Mandy yelled, "Stop anyway you can! Look at the car. They need help!"

Kathy turned the wheel and we slid sideways in the road for about 20 feet and stopped. I said, "Use the bags of salt in the back as we walk to the car. Kathy, call 911. We have no idea what we'll find. Make sure to tell them about the ice."

Mandy, Julie, and I walked like snails to keep from sliding and threw road salt down in front of us. Mandy yelled down to the car, "Whose in there? We called for help" We all heard Jamie yell back, "Mandy, help us please. Gary is hurt really bad and we're both pinned in the car. He's loosing a lot of blood from his legs. Tell them to hurry."

I yelled to Kathy to call 911 back and get an extrication unit and paramedics here also. This was not good. Julie went back to the car and took out the towrope we kept in the back and tired it to the bumper. Julie lowered herself into the ditch and looked inside. She said, "Hi guys, we're getting help. Hang in there." Jamie was hysterical and Julie said, "Don't panic. They'll get you out. Just try to calm down. I have to get back up or I'm going slid all the way down into the trench." Julie gave us the sign to pull her up and held on. She stood up on the road, looked at us and then threw up all over the side of the snow. She said, "Oh shit is this bad. Gary's legs are crushed and he's unconscious."

Mandy called Ken and Kathy who were still at home, and also Melissa and the crew at home also. We told them not to try to go anywhere yet, and we would call as soon as we knew anything.

The paramedics showed coming from the other direction. They had trouble getting up the slow hill, but made it. We watched 8 people cut the car apart with gas powered huge jaws, and them take Jamie out first on a stretcher. We heard then radio for a helicopter and then they took out Gary. We all felt sick. They told us to meet them at the hospital and we followed the ambulance that was taking Jamie and Mandy called everyone from our cell phones, telling them everything we knew.

We got to the hospital and the helicopter had just landed. The ER team was running around full speed. Kathy and I knew the head of the ER and waved to him. He motioned for us to come inside and I said, "Paul, how bad is it?" He said, "Jamie has a broken arm and a bunch of bruises. She'll be fine. Gary is probably not going to make it. Both legs are crushed beyond repair which means amputation, and his heart stopped three times on the way here. He'll never survive surgery. We have him sedated and are replacing some of the blood he lost. There's pretty much nothing we can do right now. We have pressurized pads around his legs to slow the bleeding, but it's just not helping."

Kathy said, "How long does he have?" Paul said, "Five minutes, maybe ten. I need to tell Jamie and see what she wants us to do in terms of a DNR." Kathy said, "Once his heart stops, he is clinically dead. That means that experimental drugs can be used, because he's not alive anymore. Right?"

Paul said, "Yeah. What did you have in mind?" Kathy told him about our accident with the dogs and the drugs she had in the car. He said, "We can't help him. Go for it. Jen, talk to Jamie with me. This is going to be tough for both of us. Kathy, go get the drugs stat. We'll help you with anything you need."

Paul told Jamie and she was hysterical. Then I told her about Kathy's idea. She said, "Just do it. Please help him. He's my whole world." We both hugged Jamie and she wasn't even breathing, she was crying so hard. Paul gave her a sedative, as I went out to tell everyone what was going on. They all were crying; Ken and Kathy, Mandy, Melissa, all fifteen of them in the ER waiting room. I saw Kathy running back into the ER doors and I said, "Pray that God still likes us. I'll let you know as soon as I can." I ran in with her.

Kathy was setting up and giving orders to the nurses. Paul said, "Do anything she asks and stat." I said, "Can you get a video camera in here and someone to operate it who has a strong stomach? Lets record this in case it succeeds." He called and everything was there in minutes.

The heart monitor on Paul was showing arrhythmia, and then it stopped in a straight line. Paul pronounced time of death and said, "It's your show. Tell me what to do?"

We worked at a blinding speed. Kathy injected a dosage straight into Gary's heart and we got a heartbeat within a minute. Them we had 6 of us inject dosages locally throughout his entire mangled legs, abdomen, pelvis, spin and neck. We noticed that the bleeding stopped with seconds of the injections, and the heart was also carrying the drug through the blood and making repairs to his hands and face, which were badly cut from the glass in the windshield.

We finished the injections and watched the most amazing thing. We saw the body heal itself. The legs that were crushed and twisted, were reforming before our eyes. Kathy was yelling, "Film this! Here! Over Here! Watched what's happening!"

We also had a small amount of blood being drown from Gary every two minutes, and labeled. Kathy was yelling, "Change arms stat. Get alternating samples and label they!"

In 30 minutes Gary opened his eyes and said, "I thought I was dead. What happened? My legs are gone." I said, "You're in the ER and you were in really bad shape, but it looks like your going to be okay. Just lay back and try to rest. Tell me if you feel this first."

I used a pointed instrument and poked the arch on his foot and he said, "I guess my legs aren't gone. That hurt like hell." We checked all the damaged areas and he had all his nerves back. We also had him try to move every toe and his feet. They all worked. Paul gave him a sedative and said to us, "You just performed a miracle. Lets go tell Jamie."

Jamie was so distraught and we walked into the room she started to cry again and said, "No! No!" Kathy hugged Jamie and said, "We saved him. He'll be fine." Jamie and Kathy cried like little kids together. Then Paul and I started to cry also, as we all hugged Jamie. She wanted to see him, so we wheeled her stretcher to be next to him. She reached over and held his hand and they both fell asleep from the sedative.

I said, "Let me tell the crew outside. Paul, can you run an entire series of tests on Gary. Kathy will fill you in. We need to see everything so we can get this drug to ER's rooms as quickly as we can." Paul said, "After what I witnessed today, you name it, and it's yours."

Kathy and I went into the waiting room and everyone was expecting the worse. I said, "Kathy just performed a miracle. He's going to make it and most likely fully recover, but you won't be able to see him until tomorrow sometime." Everyone was hugging and crying, including us again. Mandy, me, Julie, and Kathy hugged in a group of four. I said, "Kathy is going to have to stay here until probably tomorrow morning sometime until the tests are completed. Kathy, you need anything from me?"

Kathy spoke real softly to all of us, "Jen, I want you and Mandy to make love all night again, and have Julie with you as an opposite all night. Let's do that test also, you know how important that is. I don't think we should wait. Plus, you may all really like it. I'm going to be busy all night. This will also tell us if sex is what is making it happen, if I get sleepy."

Julie kissed Kathy in the sloppiest kiss and said, "Baby, are you sure? I really want to be with you. Lets just wait another day." Kathy kissed Julie again and then said, "We have the next thousand years together. We need these results as soon as we can get them. I'll be fine. Enjoy yourselves."

I said, "I'll be back out in a minute and then we can leave." Kathy and I went into the ER with Paul and explained the tests that were needed. He also had to write report about why he pronounced someone dead, that is alive now. He said, "What in the fuck do I write here?" We all laughed and Kathy said, "Experimental drug injected after death. That will get everyone's attention."

I took the videotapes with me and went back to the waiting room. I put my arm around Mandy and the other around Julie and said to Julie, "Guess you're our man tonight. Did I ever tell you that you have great looking eyes?" Mandy laughed and said softly to us, "She has a great big cock that is going to be shooting cum in us for over 8 hours. Who gives a shit about her eyes."


We went out to the Hummer and drove to the office. The ice on the roads had all melted.

We all had a ton of stuff to do in the office and time flew by. At 3 O'clock I went into Mandy's office and said, "You want to see the tape of a miracle? It's about 45 minutes. Be prepared for the blood. It's got to be really ugly."

She told Grace not to bother us and we watched it on the VCR in her office. We sat in the chairs together and both were amazed. I was there and still couldn't believe it. Mandy was in shock. She called in my mom and Arthur and had me explain everything that happened today. Then I showed them the tape also. Mandy said, "Think the FDA would work with us on this one? How can you clinically trial sometime like this? Terminal trauma patients don't sign up for clinical trials." Arthur asked for a copy of the tape and told us he'd work on it with Meg.

I said, "I skipped lunch, and I'm starved. You hungry?" Mandy said, "My stomach's been growling for the past 2 hours. Lets see what Julie wants to do? Maybe we should get something and bring it to the hospital for Kathy also." We buzzed Julie and she said, "Lets just get some drive through chicken and bring it up to Kathy also. I'll call the kids and see if they want any also."

I called the hospital and spoke to Kathy. She said, "Gary is up and walking around and Paul's calling him the walking dead. Jamie is worse than he is, because we didn't use the drug on her. Yeah, Chicken works for me. I'll see you in a bit."

We left the office and stopped at our favorite fried chicken place. I ordered and the kid at the window said, "Doctor Edwards, you feeding an army tonight?" We all laughed and he had no idea why.

We drove to the hospital and Kathy was waiting for us. We ate the food as she told us all about the tests, and what she found. It was a combination of drugs that made all of the repairs so fast. The ironic thing about all of this is if a terminal trauma patient gets our drug, they basically get to live for at least another hundred years. Part of the drug combinations that repaired Gary's heart was the Pharma-Forever, when mixed with Kathy's drug she injected.

We ate like pigs again, and all laughed about it. I figured that we are each eating about 60 percent more than we did last week. Julie and Kathy went into the restroom together in the waiting room, as Mandy and I smiled about it. Twenty minutes later they came out flushed and Julie said, "I didn't want to stop. Lets go home before I drag her back in there."

Kathy was smiling and waving as we left. The kids were waiting for their chicken and we gave them a tub. They ate a few pieces as we told them about what happened today. They already knew, as Chris said, "We have been talking to Aunt Kathy for over 3 hours today. She gave us lab results and we updated our models. I think we have data now for Max to make the drug, but the problem is testing it."

Mandy looked at me and said, "We're working on it. Just keep going Chris. You guys did really good." Julie whispered into our ears, "I'm talking a SexMed and Enhancer. I'll be in your room. See ya later."

Mandy clicked on the small TV in the kitchen and we watched some on the news. It was all about Pharma-Forever and the price of our stock. This hasn't stopped since last week when we announced it. They were interviewing people and one woman said she was 82 years old and a man in her previous life. She looked like about 25. We just smiled at each other.

Mandy poured us a glass of wine and I lit us cigarettes. We sat and watched the rest of the news and there were four major items about us. The best was about the huge volume of our stock that was being traded, and the reporter speculated about another stock split. Mandy said, "Tomorrow. 7 for 1 if this keeps up."

I took a drag of the cigarette and slowly blew the smoke out of my nose. Mandy leaned toward me and kissed me in quick kisses. She said, "I think we need to do something special for Kathy for this one. I just don't know what yet. Lets think about it." I said, "How about we try to get her nominated for the Nobel prize. She deserves it more than anyone with her drug discoveries." Mandy said, "You both do. Let me make some calls."

We finished our cigarettes and walked upstairs. Julie was out cold on our bed and changing into her opposite. We undressed, and lay down next to her. Mandy started to kiss me and we just couldn't stop. We were so into each other. We rubbed each other's clit and sucked each other's nipples until we both had an orgasm. Then we did it with Oscar.

Julie woke up as Tony, seriously Enhanced. Mandy and I kept rubbing our pussies together using Oscar, and we had Tony fuck me in my pussy from behind long with Oscar. I went wild screaming in orgasms. Tony shot his load of cum into me and just kept on going, never getting soft. We had him do the same thing to Mandy and she had about four orgasms as Tony came in her twice.

I said, "Julie, you still in there?" Tony's voice said, "Barely. This is unreal. Now let me do your pussy again you gorgeous babe."

Mandy and I got fucked all night, and sucked off Tony 5 times. Tony shot cum into us 11 times during the night, and could have kept going, if Julie had used more of the SexMed. The last time we sucked Tony off together. He came like a fire hose, more than any other time that night while watching us kiss each other over the top of his cock. Mandy whispered into my ear, "My God, that was hot."

We made Julie's opposite, Tony, lay down and he was arguing with us. I said, "Julie! If you're still in there, lay the fuck down! Times up!" Tony lay down and passed out. Mandy and I laughed and made love again the old fashioned way. We ate each other until Julie woke back up again. Then she joined us.

We all stopped after 12 hours of sex, at 8 in the morning, and all felt great. Mandy lit us cigarettes and we talked about what Julie had experienced. She kept saying, "I was so out of control. I couldn't stop myself. I remember you asking me if I was still inside, and I wanted to say no. I used way too much of the enhancer, but I could have kept going to all day. What a trip that was. Wow! You two definitely give the best blow job on the planet."

Julie kissed us both and we all laughed. Julie went to her bathroom and to get dressed, as we went into ours. We did our chart and then took a shower, and dressed.

The kids had made us breakfast and were already on the phone with Kathy reading her numbers. Julie came into the room and talked to Kathy for a while. We heard, "Yeah, we'll all come over in about a half hour. See ya." Julie called Jamie at home and said, "Have Ken and Kathy drive you to the hospital. They should be there also. Everything is fine. Just be there in a half hour or so. Gary is coming home."

Julie said to us, "One hundred percent recovered. It's amazing. Jen, Kathy said someone from the FDA is there and wants to talk to you both. It's about limited use of the drug now." Mandy's eyes lit up and so did mine.

We finished our breakfast and had some coffee while we watched a few minutes of the headline news in the kitchen. We heard the commentator say, "Now this is a first. According to an AP wire story, an experimental drug being tested by JPSS Pharma Labs, was used on a patient after he was pronounced dead from massive trauma. The drug brought him back to life including restoring his crushed legs. The doctors are calling it the miracle drug. I'm sure we'll be hearing more about this in the next couple of weeks. This is really exciting."

I said, "Who could have leaked it out to the press already?" Mandy said, "My guess is that it's either the hospital, Arthur, or the FDA. Arthur is on the case remember? Damn, he doesn't waste any time does he?"

We all went to the hospital and Gary looked great. Just like his old self. He was even dancing around to show us his legs. The muscle tissue was larger and stronger than before. We all hugged him and Mandy said, "We really do want to talk to about what you went through when you feel up to it." Gary said, "I'm going into the office. Lets all have lunch together." Jamie was crying hugging him as they sat in the car.

Kathy said, "I'm really tired. That's a good sign. Julie, come here darling." Kathy and Julie kissed for over 5 minutes. Then we went back in the hospital and walked to a conference room. Kathy made the introductions and Paul was there also. There were three people from the FDA and Jonathan spoke. He said, "From what we have just seen on tape, and verified with the hospital staff and doctors. I tend to agree with Paul. This is a miracle drug. As far as were concerned, you can use it now after a patient is already clinically dead. I spoke to my boss and also the President this morning. If we could get 10 or 15 cases fully documented, we'll give you full approval on a waiver. The drugs you are coming up with are way to important to go through the massive red tape and waiting periods. We'll help you any way we can."

We couldn't believe it. I said, "Kathy, this is your baby. You call the shots. Just tell us what you need." Kathy said, "We'll have a plan by tomorrow some time. Give me your phone number and we'll schedule a call." I said, "I have one other question. How hard is it to get drugs approved for animals also? We have talked to veterinarians who could really use some of the things we have for humans, when they treat pets." Jonathan said, "I'll let you know when we speak tomorrow."

We got back to the office and Kathy was really tired. Mandy told her to have sex in Julie's office to wake up. They loved that idea and went in to her office and locked the door. Mandy kissed me and said, "Board meeting at 2. We do the stock spilt."

I called Max and filled him in on everything. I also told him about the FDA animal stuff. He loved it. I decided to take this morning and go over to the lab and just say hello to everyone. They were a riot as usual. Roberta was sunning herself using UV lights in her office working on a new experiment. Things never change.

I came back in time for our lunch with Gary. He really looked great. We all sat in the board room and ate sandwiches while he told us what he went through. Some of it was kind of weird. He said, "I really did see a bright white light and it was like I was in a tunnel. I recognized people on the other side from when I was a kid. Then My Father, who has been dead for 14 years, said to me it's not your time and you have a long way to go. Kiss Jamie and the kids for us. Then I don't remember much of anything until I woke up. The only time it really hurt is when they cut me out of the car. That was really tough and I know I passed out when I saw my legs."

Kathy said, "Does everything feel the same, as it did before?" Gary said, "It feels better. I have more muscle mass in my calves, and my one drooping arch is gone." Kathy said, "When your ready, you can see the whole thing on video tape. You don't have to watch it, but if you want to I'll let you see it." Gary said, "Cool. I'm ready after the board meeting if you have the tape."

We finished eating and then had our board meeting. Based on the price today we did a 10 for 1 split, to get the price back down to around 43 dollars a share. Alice was taking care of all the operational issues involved.

We all went home and Kathy was rejuvenated again. We ate some dinner and talked about what Julie went through last night. Kathy laughed hysterically and then we looked at our charts. I said, "Two of three more days is all we need. I think we already know the answers."

The Girls came in from stables and we fed them also. Kathy told them what a great job they did and they were going to be working with her again on really using the drug. They were jumping up and down smiling. Mandy said, "Just remember, your band has a gig in two weeks that's on television, so you guys need to practice at least two times. Don't forget."

Chris said, "We've been writing some music also. You want to hear it?" We all said yes so Allison got the martin guitars they got for Christmas and they played three songs. Mandy and Julie just smiled. These tunes were all hits and they knew it. They wanted us to sing the last one with them so Chris showed us our parts and we did it. Mandy and I looked at each other so surprised. This sounded fantastic. Chris said, "That's the way we thought it would sound with the band. Thanks. Oh, by the way, the piano was delivered. You have to hear this."

They dragged our hands into the studio and Allison played first. Then Chris. They were accomplished pianists also, but the piano did sound good. We didn't realize it, but Ken got them a Steinway full concert size Grand. We sat and played a little. This was one nice piano. Mandy said, "Call you father and thank him again. He'll like that very much." Chris said, "We already did. We called him at work and we played it for him over the phone."

The girls wanted to stay in the studio to play around, so we went back into the kitchen. Mandy poured us all a glass of wine and Julie lit us all cigarettes. Mandy looked at me and said, "So much has happened so quickly. It's always like this. We go through spurts of absolute craziness, and then its calm again for a long time. If we have a thousand years, lets try and spread this stuff out a little." We all smiled at Mandy and then she put her legs across my lap and kicked off her shoes. I said, "Foot rub and hot bath?" She said, "You're reading my mind again. I thought a candle light bubble bath would be so nice tonight." We both took a drag of our cigarettes and I said, "I want the pink bubble bath this time. The bubbles are bigger." Julie started to laugh and said, "You've been talking to Kathy. She said the same thing to me last week." Mandy said, "I stole her bubble bath last week when we ran out. It's great."

Mandy and I finished our cigarette and went upstairs to our bathroom holding hands. We turned on the water in the tub and put in Kathy's bubble bath and watched the huge bubbles form, and got undressed. We kissed and held each other, as the tub filled up. Mandy was kissing my neck and whispering in my ear, "Sweetheart, I want to love you all night again. I am so hooked on you." We kissed and held each other and then sat in the tub.

We were like little kids playing with the bubbles. We both loved it and laughed at each other. We picked up bubbles in our hands and blew on them to make snow. Mandy built a bubble mound on my breasts and I did the same thing to her on her head. She stood up in the tub to see it in the mirror and went hysterically laughing, as I gave her horns. She said, "Don't let anyone from the church see this." We kissed and caressed, rolling around in the warm water. Then we washed each other.

We got out and I lit us a cigarette to share, as Mandy dried me off. She put her arms around me from behind and cupped my breasts and said, "You have an appointment with the devil. Lets go make a little hell tonight." We both smiled and at each other and got into bed. I took a deep drag of the cigarette, and then another one, as I held in the smoke. Mandy took a drag and inhaled, and then another. She blew out the smoke and said, "Jen, I have never been happier in my life." I said, "Me too. Mandy, we were meant for each other. You know me better than anyone earth and I think that I know you the same way. We've shared the most intimate moments, and still do every night. I want to share eternity with you."

Mandy kissed me and we really made passionate love. I couldn't have stopped if an atom bomb exploded in the front yard. We teased each other into craziness and then laughed about it, as we both orgasmed. Mandy lay on top of me and we ate each other out for hours. She pulled my pussy lips apart with her hands and licked me like I was an ice cream cone. Then she sucked my juices out, as we both made slurping sounds. I did the same thing to her. I had one arm over her ass and pulled her pussy into my mouth, each time she jerked and moaned. We both were shaking uncontrollably having one orgasm after another around midnight. Mandy said, "We have to stop and rest for a minute. Sweetheart, Kiss me and just lay next to me."

I got off of Mandy and lay next to her. I lit a cigarette for us to share and we each took a few drags. Mandy put her hand on my pussy and I was on fire. I took drag of the cigarette and said, "I thought you said rest?" She whispered in my ear, "I am resting. I'm resting my hand in your dripping wet cunt and I'm driving you nuts. Just relax and enjoy it honey."

We each took another drag of the cigarette and I put it out. Mandy found my G- spot and I went wild for about 10 minutes. Then I did it to her also, while she breathed and moaned into my ear. I reached for Oscar and we made love rubbing our pussies together all night, while we kissed and licked each other's nipples. The alarm went off at 8 and we just kept on going. We finally stopped at 8:30 after we sucked each other's pussy and swallowed.

Mandy was lying face down on top of me, with her elbows on the pillow, and her face inches from mine. She said, "Jen, I can not believe how we can make love like this all night and not get tired. I'm ready to do it again." I kissed her and said, "So what's stopping you?"

We did it again. Julie and Kathy dragged us out of bed at 9 and made us take a shower. They wouldn't stop laughing at us. We filled in out chart and it was unreal. So far we needed 80 percent less sleep, but eat 70 percent more food, to stay the same weight. We also had sex on the average of 8 hours a night.

We went downstairs for breakfast and Julie had already made plenty of eggs and bacon for them and the kid, so we helped ourselves. We had some coffee and a cigarette watching the headline news and then headed to the office. Mandy said, "What was that about the Catholic Churches smear campaign they were talking about that's in the newspaper. Stop at the general store, so I can pick up a paper."

Mandy ran in and bought one and opened it in the car. She was so pissed. She showed us the full page ad and we were equally pissed off. It said in large print, "TO: JPSS, Pharma and Mandy. Before you just talked to God. Now you think you are God. When people die they go to heaven or hell, not your lab. Stop the insanity now! Support the Catholic Church."

We got in to the office and had Melissa and Margi join us in the boardroom. We wrote a full page double ad to run in every major newspaper around the world. This was really expensive.

It read, "To: The Pope. Thanks for sharing your opinion with us. Everyone is entitled to one, even if it is way off base. You asked us to stop the insanity, so lets talk about insanity. Insanity is letting an 8 year old boy die after a car accident, because you think he should go to heaven, or maybe hell. Insanity is watching your best friend suffer and pass away, because some stupid church won't allow the drugs be administered to save their life. Insanity is what you did in Salem centuries ago by burning and drowning little helpless girls that some idiot in the church called witches. We all know that the Church is a business. When sales are down, you advertise. Your attendance is off, because people don't need you. Instead of helping them, and giving them support, you are looking for the next set of witches to burn. JPSS is helping people and we are changing society, and you are trying to bring it back to the dark ages. Let me make this perfectly clear. You aren't going to burn us. I went head to head with the US Congress, and I'll do it to you also. Maybe I am a bitch, but if that's what it takes, so be it. If I see even one more slanderous ad about our company, I will not only sue the Catholic Church, I will stop selling any of our drugs to practicing Catholics. If the government wants to close me down because of it, then we'll move to another country. I have had enough! I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit that I am Catholic, and I assure you that that will be fixed today. I still believe in God, I just don't believe in you.

The Church has ridiculed almost every genius in history, so I guess this is just par for the course. JPSS is a strong, solid company, with some of the most brilliant minds alive, and they all have a passion for helping. All we ask is that you stop waging a war on us. We are not your enemy. You are your own worst enemy. Please, don't make me take this to the next level. These adds cost us over 6 million dollars, which is money you took out of our shareholders pockets. These are the same people that go to your churches. None of us at JPSS wants to be remembered as the one who put the Catholic Church out of business."

Mandy read it over seven times and said, "If this doesn't do it, we file a lawsuit. I've fucking had it. What assholes!" Margi said, "This will definitely be a first."

The rest of the day was more normal. I whispered to Mandy during a meeting, "Sorry about the horns last night. I guess our bathroom must be bugged by the Pope's secret service." She laughed so hard she had to get up and leave the room. When she came back in she whispered to me, "Lets really give them something to write about tomorrow. Just remembering it made me wet." We smiled at each other, and continued with the FDA meeting. At the end of the conference call, the head of the FDA said, "The President wants to join us for a minute. Let me conference him in also."

We heard the President and he asked how we were. Then he said, "I can't believe what the Church just ran in the papers. Mandy, you have a response to them?" Mandy said, I think this beats the letter you wrote. I'll be known as the bitch from hell. It's in every paper tomorrow. Ignore the part about the government, but I needed leverage. This will definitely get their attention." The President was laughing and said, "I can only image. I'll call you after I read it."


The next week was incredibly funny. Mandy's ad ran and the press went crazy with it. We were on the news nonstop. First the stop split, then the FDA giving a conditional approval for the drug based on ten cases in two days with the same results, and then the Church stuff. The Pope had requested an audience with Mandy. There was someone interpreting Italian and Mandy said on the call, "Absolutely not. I want a full page printed retraction in every newspaper, and then maybe I'll consider it", and hung up. She laughed and said, "Jen, we've got them nervous now."

The President called and was laughing for over a half hour with us on the phone. He also turned down an audience with the Pope. He said, "Sooner or later they have to get with the program. We're just pushing them faster than they are ready to go."

Yesterday we read the paper and were so surprised. It was a full page retraction. It didn't admit that they were wrong, but it praised our work. Mandy sent a personal note to the Vatican thanking them for their support. She also enclosed a sizable donation to the one of the Church relief funds.

Julie, Ken, Gary, and the entertainment division had their meeting on an acquisition to get us into television, cable, radio, and a few other areas. They tentatively made a deal and we voted on it today and passed it. We named Julie the head of the new enterprise. Ken is taking over for her old position, and Gary is taking Ken's role. The entire deal only cost us stock, plus we picked up a new CFO, that we really needed.

We finished charting ourselves and I wrote a letter that Max sent to all drug distributors two days ago. It said, "It has been brought to our attention that the Pharma-Forever drug can cause increased sexual sensitivity due to the regeneration of cells. This is normal and should not be a cause for concern. Additionally, any increased sexual activity may require higher caloric intake, changing the body's metabolism and requiring less sleep. JPSS has had no patient complaints on these issues. This is only an advisory for physicians to inform their patients when prescribing the medication." Sales have doubled since the letter went out.

Chris and Allison are now working on the drugs for Kathy, and also with the vet on getting them approved through the FDA CVM. The kids love it.

It's Friday evening and we all just got home from the office. The kids made us a homemade pizza and it actually smelled pretty good. They found the recipe on the internet and spent the whole afternoon cooking it. It tasted great, and the six of us finished two whole pies. Chris said, "You guys are going to get fat. You're eating way too much. I told her the truth about the effects of the drugs and her and Allison laughed. Allison said, "You didn't do your homework before you sold this one, did you? It's not a bad side effect to have, if you have to have one." She was right.

Mandy said, "Everyone still interested in skiing? We have to leave pretty soon. It's about a 3 hour drive to the chalet we rented." Chris and Allison were dying to try out the new skis we bought them and they we screaming, "Yeah, Skiing!" We all had a cup of coffee and Chris lit us all cigarettes. She took a deep drag, and another and held in the smoke. She blew it out slowly and said to Allison, "I heard there are gorgeous guys on the skip patrol where we are going. I can't wait." Allison took a drag of her cigarette and got real close to Chris and whispered loud enough that we heard it, "I want to get fucked so bad. How about you rub me off in the car on the trip. I really need to cum." Mandy looked at me and we laughed, as I took a drag of my cigarette. Julie winked at us and said, "Who's driving?" No one wanted to drive so we could sit in the back with the girls. We flipped a coin and Julie lost. She was pissed.

We checked to make sure the pets all had enough food and water, and also the horses. Then loaded up the Hummer, with our skis on the roof. Julie backed the car out and was cursing us out. We all laughed about it. The kids had no idea what we were talking about.

Kathy was the navigator and we were off. Within three minutes Chris and Allison were making out and feeling each other up. Mandy and I watched Chris unbutton Allison's shirt and put her hand on Allison's breasts and into her pants. We were so wet. Mandy turned on her side to face me and whispered into my ear, "We have to do this now I'm on fire."

Mandy and I kissed and then we were doing the same thing the kids were doing. I had her jeans unzipped and my hand on her clit and she did the same to me. Our shirts were open and we kissed and caressed each other, rubbing our clits the whole trip. Each time one of us in the back seat orgasmed and moaned, Julie would say, "Oh Shit! Knock that off!" Just as Julie was pulling up to the Chalet we all orgasmed together. Chris turned to Mandy and said, "Mom, I think we're here now. We should stop playing around." Julie and Kathy laughed so hard.

We started to button up and decided to just unload with our shirts open. Julie and Kathy watched us and they were getting wet. We both knew it.

This was an interesting Chalet. It had a huge open top loft with two king size beds pushed together. The downstairs was completely open with a kitchen, dinning area and living room with a fireplace. It also had a mudroom for the skis and was actually on one of the slopes. There also was an outside hot tub, just like the one we have at home. To get a lift ticket, we had to ski to the lodge. We loved this when we talked to the owner to rent it.

We finished unpacking and Julie opened a bottle of wine and we all had a plastic cup full in the dining area. Mandy said to me, "I am so horny. Lets have a cigarette and make love all night again." Mandy lit up a cigarette and took a deep drag. She held in the smoke and Chris walked behind Mandy, putting her hands on Mandy's shoulders. Chris took a drag of the cigarette and then said, "Mom, you're worse than we are. You're supposed to be our role model for Christ sake." We all laughed, and then Chris bent over and gave Mandy a sloppy wet kiss and then said, "I was only kidding. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Mandy handed me the cigarette and I took a drag. I blew out the smoke and Chris gave me the same wet kiss. She stuck her tongue almost down to my tonsils. The she moved behind me and started to rub my shoulders and them by breast that was exposed with my short open. I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy said, "Sweetheart, I can't wait. I am so wet for you. Lets go right now." Mandy took my hand and everyone followed, as we went upstairs to the loft. It took us 10 seconds to undress and lay in the bed.

Mandy and I picked up right where we left off. Then Chris and Allison started to suck our nipples, and Kathy and Julie licked our pussies. I was on overload, and so was Mandy. The six of us fucked ourselves senseless almost all night. We had Oscar with us and Mandy and I went wild rubbing our pussies together with Oscar in us. Chris licked my clit at the same time. I exploded in a huge orgasm, bucking so hard I almost knocked Chris off the bed. She whispered to me, "Aunt Jen. That was so cool. Now do me the same way."

We all fell asleep about 4 AM. Mandy and I had our arms and legs wrapped around each other and were kissing in our sleep. This was so erotic.

Mandy and I woke up at 7 AM and felt great. We made love again while everyone else slept. We lay in a 69 position for over an hour and I licked and sucked Mandy to the point she was cumming nonstop. I wasn't far behind her either. I loved the way she licked me. She pushed her tongue all the way in from the bottom to the top, and then licked my clit. She sucked my entire slit in her mouth and flicked her tongue over it. I was flowing like a river. We stopped and kissed each other for a while and then lit a cigarette. I said, "Lets make breakfast for everyone. We brought enough food to cook for a week."

We went into the bathroom and then downstairs still naked. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to me, as she scrambled a dozen eggs and I made bacon and potatoes. I said, "Why did we bring all this food?" She said, "Who knows. Cook it", so I made peppers and onions with the eggs also. The smell of the bacon and coffee woke everyone up, so we had company sitting at the table watching us. Julie and Kathy were wide awake and the kids looked like death warmed over. Chris said, "How can you be so awake? We didn't get to sleep until 4." Mandy said, "Now that's your role model." We all lost it, as Chris blushed.

I served breakfast and we looked outside. The sun was shining and it looked great. We could see the mountains and the ski trails. There was a trail map on the counter and it had the chalet marked in red. We looked at where we were and then the mountains, and figured out where we wanted to ski first. Chris and Allison had only been skiing three times before, but were doing good at it. We didn't want to push them though. Mandy and I thought that we would get a chance to take a few of the double black diamonds while we were here, when the kids were busy.

We finished breakfast and were having coffee and a cigarette. We made sure everyone knew how to get back to the Chalet if we got separated. We wrote the trial name and mountain name on a piece of paper, and each person had it to keep in their pocket.

We got dressed and the best part was skiing down to the lodge. Mandy, me, Julie, and Kathy, are all very good skiers. We loved goofing around on the trails also. Chris and Allison are well past the beginner stage, but not quit ready for some of the trails we like to go down, or at least we thought. We all got loosened up skiing down the novice trail to the lodge. Mandy pointed to a small jump between two trees and she put down her goggles and got in the tuck position and I followed. We flew over the jump and it was a blast. Julie and Kathy were right behind us. We all stopped and waited for the kids and they were going to try it also. We watched and kept our fingers crossed. They really went fast and flew in the air at least 20 feet. We all had our mouths open, as they landed and stopped right next to us. Chris yelled, "Wow, was that a blast."

We took off our skis, paid for the lift tickets, and then got on a gondola to go to the top of the mountain. It was beautiful here. We had a trial map and Mandy said to Chris, "Black is very difficult. Stay away from those. Okay?" Chris said, "Lets me see how hard they are. Then I'll decide." God was she stubborn. Just like Mandy sometimes.

We got off the lift and Chris and Allison took off in front of us. We couldn't stop them so we just followed. We all stopped at the top of a very difficult trail. Mandy said to Chris and Allison, "You really want to go down this?" They nodded so Mandy said, "You have to plan your path around the moguls. It's very steep so you need to short hop. Like we showed you before. If you start going to fast and loose control, just fall back on your ass and dig in your edges. Ready? Follow me."

We planned our run and took off. This was really steep, and at one point my arm was touching the slope behind me as I cut a turn. We stopped half way down and waited for the kids. They were right behind us. Allison said, "Wow! Double Wow! Lets keep going."

We planned the next part and Mandy and I went down side by side vadeling in the new snow. We got down to the last steep turn and stopped. Chris and Allison were only seconds behind us. I said, "This part is dangerous. People who are just beginners cross this trail. Go very slow at the bottom. If you loose control, fall down fast on your ass." We let the kids go first and watched them ski for a few seconds. They were getting good. Mandy and I took off and caught up to them and skied across from them on the trail. We slowed down for the other skiers and one just missed Chris by inches. She stopped and said, "Holy shit! Where'd he come from?" I said, "Told you so. I gets weird near the lodge. You have to go really slow."

Everyone else made it. They had to wait for 10 skiers who fell at the beginners trail. We spent the next four hours on different trails. The kids loved it and so did we. Then we took a lunch break at the lodge.

We weren't cold at all but it still felt good inside. We all had some hot chocolate and a sandwich. I said, "Chris, how do you like the new skis?" She said, "Awesome, Tit, Cool, Parabolic." Mandy said, "That means good." Julie and Kathy started to laugh.

A couple sat down at the same table as us and we heard them talking about trying SexMed. The woman said, "I'll be the guy, and you be the girl. It will be so different. You'll understand what I like, and I'll fell what it's like for you." Mandy whispered to me, "Great commercial." Mandy said to the couple, "We didn't mean to ease drop, but would you consider doing what you just said on a TV commercial for us? The money will be pretty good."

We started talking to them and they were 21 and afraid of experimenting. Mandy said, "If you have any questions, you sat at the right table. This is the inventor of the drug, Doctor Jen Edwards, this is Doctor Kathy Davidson, Julie Davidson and I'm Mandy Edwards." The man introduced himself as Jim and his girlfriend Mary. He said, "Your the CEO of JPSS. We see you on TV and in the newspaper all the time. And Doctor Davidson, invented that new drug that restarts people when they die. Wow." I said, "Call me Jen, and this is Kathy. I never heard anyone say it like that. Restart people. Where did you hear that?" Jim said, "Everyone says that. At least around here anyway."

We asked them if they wanted to ski with us for awhile and Jim said, "We only ski the blacks, if you can keep up." We took that as a challenge. Mandy said, "A quarter to race to the mid point on the first trail we go down. Jen and me against you two. Just a quarter, but you have to pay if we win." We went up the gondola again and he picked the trail. The kids skied down first to mark the kid point and tell us who won, and Julie and Kathy used their ski poles as starting gates.

The poles dropped and we flew in tuck position. Mandy and I were about 500 feet ahead of them when we crossed the mid-point and then stopped. We waited for them and Mandy held out her hand. We got two quarters and then smiled as we skied the rest of the way down.

We had a blast all day with Jim and Mary. They loosened up and asked us a bunch of questions about the drug. We were honest. The last run of the day we had to go back to our Chalet. We invited them to stop over for a drink and I said, "It's a novice trail to get there, so be careful. Chris also got killed this morning by someone out of control."

We all skied slow and jerked around. Julie was skiing backwards, and then jumping to go forward again. We went off a 6 foot high cliff in the woods and then we stopped at the Chalet. We took off our skis and coats and went inside. Kathy took out the wine and we all had a plastic cup full, and Chris lit us cigarettes. Allison started a fire in the fireplace. Mandy said, "I really was serious about the commercial. Hang on a minute." She took out cell phone and called Melissa and said, "Hi honey. How much do we pay for actors to do a commercial for us?" "Okay. Thanks.", "Yeah the skiing is great, and no one broke anything yet. See ya." Mandy said, "30 thousand for the filming each, and then residuals each time it runs. They usually take a day to film." Jim said, "We'll do it."

Chris said, "You really should try it. We all have. It's really neat. The first time you can just take a small dose in case you don't like it. Just don't over due it on the Enhancer." Jim had the pills with him and Chris said, "Allison and I will go with you. We wont let anything bad happen." Mandy whispered in my ear, "Oh shit. It's like two flies being welcomed by the spider into its web."

The kids went upstairs with Jim and Mary. We went upstairs to check on them after about 15 minutes and Allison was out cold with Jim and Mary. Chris was in the bathroom. She walked out and smiled at us. Mandy said, "Don't fuck up our commercial." Chris said, "I won't. We're just going to have some fun. It's only for an hour and a half anyway. A quarter says Jim wants to say a woman." Mandy smiled and said, "Your on." Chris said, "You're underestimating Allison and me." We all laughed and went downstairs.

We had a few glasses of wine and another cigarette. Chris was watching the time and said, "I need to get up there. Bye." We decide to watch from the landing. Chris yelled over, "Just keep your heads down." We were like kids and it was a piss. But we were actually going to see someone else experiencing the drug for the first time and were intrigued by it. Besides being horny as hell.

We watched Allison wake up first as an opposite. Then Jim and Mary. He was one good looking woman. We all looked at each other in disbelief. Mary was also a really cute guy. Jim and Mary started to kiss and so did Allison and Chris, right next to them. We watched them have normal sex and then the fun started. Chris made lesbian love to Jim as an opposite. And Allison made gay love to Mary as both opposites. We were so wet watching all of this.

Mary and Allison were sucking each other's cock, and Jim and Chris were licking each other's pussy. Jim, as an opposite, had one orgasm after another. Then Allison fucked Jim and Mary fucked Chris. Mary came in Jim's mouth and so did Allison. Chris made Jim's opposite show her the cum and then share it with everyone. Mandy was rubbing my clit and I was rubbing hers as we watched. Julie and Kathy did the same thing.

Allison and Mary were soft and Chris sucked them hard again. She showed Jim how to do it and he helped her. Then Mary and Allison fucked Jim at the same time. One in the front, and one in the ass. He loved it and screamed in an orgasm. Allison smiled and then fucked Jim's face, as Mary was till fucking his pussy. Chris walked over to us and said softly, "Get that quarter ready." We all thought she may be right. We watched Allison and Mary both shot their cum in Jim's mouth again and she kissed them both sharing it.

Mandy rubbed my clit so fast I came. Julie had her hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream, and Kathy had her hand over Mandy's mouth, as I made her cum also. Chris walked over to us and said, "They're out cold again. Show's over. Jim makes one sexy girl. Isn't he?" We all nodded and Chris smiled as she lit up a cigarette. We all went back downstairs and hit the wine again.

We were drinking for a while and made enough dinner for everyone. Jim, Mary, and Allison walked downstairs and we all clapped for them. They sat down and Mandy said, "So tell us about everything. What did you like and what didn't you like." Mary went first. She said, "I like being a woman much better. It's okay as a guy, but I felt like I wanted to fall asleep after I came." We all laughed and Jim said, "That's what it's like for me all the time. I liked it as a woman much better. It was great. Mary, how about I take another pill and be a woman tonight with you?" She kissed him and said, "That would be great."

Mandy paid Chris the quarter and we put all the food on the table. Julie said, "Help yourself." We all ate and had more wine. Mandy said, "You two are welcome to stay her with us tonight also, if you want. It's kind of hard skiing down the slope in the dark to the lodge." They thought about it and Mary said, "Okay. But there's only one bed." Chris said, "We all share it and it's real cozy. Trust me, you'll like it."

Mandy whispered in my ear again, "Here comes the spider again." I smiled at her, as she played with me feet under the table. Mandy and I shared a cigarette and were kissing playfully. She was telling that she was going to race me down the steepest trail here and beat me this time. Last time I won by about a foot and then we both fell. She also told me that she was going to make me cum for over three hours without stopping. I told her to keep talking.

Mary gave Jim two pills and he went upstairs. She said, "10 hours and an enhancer. About right?" I said, "Sure is."

Mary sat with us and asked us about lesbian sex and we told her everything. She was getting so excited. Chris and Allison then showed her. Mandy laughed in my ear, "I told you. Those two are unbelievable. Watch them take out Oscar in about 3 minutes." We timed it and it was 2 minutes. We both laughed as they were fucking her in the living room. Julie leaned to us and said, "Can you believe them. They are much worse than we ever were."

We had some more wine and another cigarette and then went upstairs. Mary was primed and ready to rock and roll.


Jim was waking up as his opposite and Mary was lying on his side. She kissed him and then they were inseparable. All of us watched for about twenty minutes as they made love. Chris handed Mary one of the Oscars and then they went wild. Chris whispered to us, "He will never want to go back now." I knew from experience that she was right.

Mandy and I cuddled and made love. She kept her word. I came almost nonstop for three hours and so did she, as we ate each other senseless and then fucked with Oscar. We took a cigarette break and watched Chris and Allison doing it with Jim and Mary. We tried not to laugh as Mandy whispered to me, "The spider caught it's prey. Now they are moving in for the kill."

I took a deep drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, and then Mandy took a drag of my cigarette also. She kissed me and blew the smoked out through her nose. Then we licked each other's lips. No matter how many times we do this, I get so hot and she knows it. She put her hand in my pussy and said, "You are dripping wet honey. I think I need some more desert." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to me, and then lay between my legs. She pulled my pussy lips apart with her hands and kissed my wetness. She slowly out her tongue into me and I moaned so loud. My God was I hot. I held her head to my pussy and pushed it into her mouth. Mandy sucked on my entire slit as I moaned, "Just like that." I took a final drag of the cigarette and moved to lay in a 69 position. We ate each other for over an hour again. We both loved this so much.

Mandy put Oscar in her pussy and closed her legs a little. I sat on her and wrapped my arms and legs around her, and rolled us on our side. We made love, having orgasm after orgasm until the sun came up. Everyone else was out cold.

I said, "You feel like a nude hot tub bath outside this morning?" Mandy smiled at me and lit a cigarette, and then we walked downstairs. We found the hot tub controls and the water was 96, so we just turned on the jets, and went outside to get in. This felt great. I took a drag of the cigarette and blew out the smoke in the cold air, as Mandy took the cigarette from me and took a drag also. She said, "This is nice when it's not snowing." We finished our cigarette and then sank all the way in the tub, leaning against each other. We kissed in the hot water and heard a skier stop right next to us. We looked up and it was the ski patrol.

We smiled as they waved and said, "Good morning." One of them said, "We saw you two ski the Avalanche trail yesterday in a tuck position. We're having a NASTAR race today for anyone that wants to enter. Sign up in the lodge before 10. You two have a good chance of wining. Its on the same trail." I said, "Thanks", and they skied down the hill to the lodge.

I said, "You want to enter for kicks?" Mandy said, "Shit yeah. We are both fast as hell on skis. We need to buy helmets in the shop. I know they require them. Lets get out and make breakfast." We ran into the house and it as really cold once we got out of the tub. We also forgot towels like idiots, so we had to run upstairs to get them.

We made at least 10 pounds of breakfast and everyone woke up to the bacon and coffee smell. Mandy kissed me and said, "We are eating like such pigs, but we haven't gained a pound. I love it." Julie and Kathy came downstairs and we told them about the race. They were in also.

Allison and Chris walked down the stairs and Chris smiled saying, "Jim wants to be permanent. They're talking about it upstairs. They don't know how to tell their parents." Mandy gave Chris a second quarter and said, "It was worth watching a pro at work." We all laughed and Chris blushed. She said, "Mom, I just did what I thought that they would really like." Mandy hugged her and said, "I'm only kidding Chris. You are a brilliant, great kid and there's no doubt that you're mine." Chris hugged Mandy and said, "I know all about what you did, and I'm not nearly as bad, or at least that's what grandma told me." Mandy blushed and said, "Remind me to kill my mother at work on Monday."

We were all eating, as Mary and Jim came down stairs and stood and clapped for them. Jim got embarrassed and Mandy said, "Feel like entering a NASTAR race with us today? Same trail as yesterday." Jim said, "Oh Shit. You're in it? We don't have a chance now." We all laughed and Mandy said, "Just stay in the tuck. Both of you kept catching air, that's what slowed you down. You really have to use your legs on the turns. It's not like regular skiing."

Everyone got dressed and got on the skis, and went down to the lodge. We bought a second tight top shirt to use for racing, and are going to leave our jackets in the lodge. We bought our lift tickets, signed up for the event, and then bought helmets. The race starts at 11 so we had plenty of time to goof around. We went up to the trail for the race and were watching them set up the course. Mandy and I were talking about our line and Julie said, "Just like a race car. We have to late apex that turn to scrub some speed and then early apex the next two."

They finished setting up the course so we took a run through it. The course was fast and a blast. We all raced to the finish line and got the feel of it. We went back up 6 times, and we taught Jim and Mary how to ski for speed. They were almost catching up with us. The last run they had the starting gate set up and the timing system working so we all had a run for time. Mandy beat me by 1 one-thousandth of a second. We beat everyone else by half a second and Jim and Mary by one second. We skied down to the lodge to take a break before the race.

We went inside and had some hot chocolate and lit a cigarette. Mandy said, "Jen, you and I were in the grove on that run. That felt good. The only difference was how quickly we got out of the gate. And Jim, stay in the tuck. Keep your back down!" She was smacking his head with her gloves and we all laughed. We sat around and relaxed for about a half hour and then heard an announcement for the race participants to meet at the staging area. Kathy said, "They calling our names."

We left our coats in the lockers and put on the lightweight tight shirts and went to the staging area. The same Ski Patrol that saw is in the hot tub was there to give out the numbers and they recognized us. He said, "Hi, I didn't know who you were with cloths on." Chris said, "Mom. What were you two up too?" We laughed and didn't tell her. I was number 16 and Mandy was 15. We put on our number shirts tied around us and went up the chair lift, just for this slope.

They lined us up in number order and told us that this was an elimination event. You got three runs and the best one was recorded. Then there would be two more rounds for those that made the cut.

We watched the first skiers run and they were slow. Mandy was right in front of me and she flew out the gate. I waited for the lights to go on and got a good start also. I know I was fast and Mandy was waiting for me past the finish line. She pointed to the clock and said, "We tied." We went back up the chair lift and watched Julie, Kathy, Chris, and Allison. Then we saw Jim and Mary. Mandy yelled, "Keep you head down."

The first three runs were over and we waited at the bottom for the results. The Ski Patrol announced the numbers and we made it. All of us. Chris and Allison were so excited they fell over on their skis. Now it was down to 30 skiers. The next three runs were harder, as the course was getting icy, so you really had to use your leg muscles to hold the line. A lot of people fell in one spot, and Mandy and I almost fell on our first run. The second run we grooved it, as Mandy puts it and tied times again.

We all were at the base of the trail waiting for the final cut and surprise, surprise. We all made it again. All eight of us were in the final ten. They gave us a half hour break and we went to the lodge to relax for a bit. The Ski Patrol came over to where we were sitting and introduced themselves, and so did we, skipping the credentials. Jeff, the head of the patrol said, "Mandy and Jen were a full second faster on the last run. Watch how they keep their backs parallel to the ground and their heads down." We all laughed and Mandy hit Jim on the head with her gloves again and said, "Listen to him, if you won't listen to me."

Jeff said, "Now we post all the times so you can see how you stack up. This heat is four final runs. Good luck, and I still think you both look better in the hot tub."

Chris kept bugging us about it, so we told her. Everyone laugh at us, as Mandy kissed me and said, "Just ignore them honey. They're jealous."

We went back up the chair lift and waited for the start. We ran in order of times. Mandy and I were tied, and I let her go first. Julie was next followed by Kathy. Then Chris, Allison, Jim, Mary, and two men we didn't know.

Mandy saw take off and she was flying. I knew from her start. I pushed off the gate and I cut my turns tighter than I did before. I knew this was fast also. Mandy waited for me and said, "Look. Tied again." We kissed and got on the chair lift.

On the next run Mandy beat me by a small amount and then I beat her by a hundred of a second. Our best time was still the tie, and we were in first place by a whole second. When we got up for our final run she said, "This run is for a quarter. You in?" I nodded and she moved into the starting gate. She had a great start and was cutting the turns tight. She really wanted the quarter.

I had another great start and run. It felt faster than the first. Mandy was waiting and said, "Look. I wonder what we do now?" We tied and both beat our best time. I said, "Give each other a quarter?"

We waited for everyone and watched the times. Kathy beat out Julie for third and forth, followed by Chris, Allison, Jim, Mary, and the two men. There was only three tenths of a second difference between our time and Allison's, which was sixth place. The kids really learned this fast. Jim still lifted up his head. If he hadn't he would have won. Jeff, from the ski patrol said, "This has never happened before. I guess you both get a first place award." We had to give our correct names to the announcer and they made up our plaques and announced the winners. There was a pretty big crowd that was watching, and we didn't even notice until now.

They started the awards with sixth place and Allison and Chris were jumping in their ski boots. Julie gave Kathy a quarter as they announced their names, and we hugged each other and then kissed as we got ours. Jeff said softly to himself, "Holy shit." We laughed and walked back to the others.

One of the people watching said, "Are you the same Mandy Stevens Edwards from JPSS?" Mandy said, "The one and only." He was a reporter and wanted our picture for the sports page. We all posed when he found out who everyone was. Then he did a special on the kids. They loved it.

Jeff from the Ski Patrol said, "What was that all about?" The reporter told him and we were so pissed, as so many people get star struck. He was one of those and was like a zombie talking to us now. I said to Jim, you would have easily beat us if you kept your head down. I know it's tough, but that's what wins races. What did you decide?"

He smiled and said, "I am changing permanently." Mandy said, "Feel like making the change into several commercials. It will make you some extra bucks. Plus we will do the whole thing free if you want." He said, "Sure."

Mandy said, "Take a run down to the Chalet with us and I'll give you my card. We have to get going. It's a long drive back." We all took one more trip to the top and skied over to the Chalet. Mandy gave him all of our business cards and we got their full names, address, and phone numbers. We said goodbye and then we packed up to leave.

We loaded the Hummer and then flipped a coin to see who drives back. I lost this time.

The drive back was funny. The crew was into it in the back seat and I stopped to get gas. Mandy was hysterical when I paid a guy to pretend he didn't speak English and ask directions of the four in the back seat. The guy really got into it and opened the back door by Kathy and was speaking incredibly fast broken Spanish, making it up as he went.

We got home in a little over 2 hours and unloaded. The kids ran to check on the horses and the dogs and cat. We went into to have a drink. Mandy said, "Vodka or Gin?" We all said "Gin", so she made us all a Gin martini. We lit cigarettes and were sitting in the kitchen having a drink. Mandy said to me, "We think the same, and race the same. What are the odds of tying each other three times today to the thousandth of a second? Julie, you know that you and Kathy were only 4 thousandths of a second off us. That's incredibly close. Maybe a couple of inches at the finish line." Kathy said, "We skied good and had a great time. Cheers to your Ski Patrol friends in the hot tub."

We all laughed and drank a toast, as the kids came into the kitchen. Chris said, "We're making some micro wave pizza's. Two slices enough for everyone?" We all smiled and Kathy said, "We can always snack later." The kids were dumping everything but the kitchen sink on the pizzas and then put them in the microwave. Allison walked over to me and took a drag of my cigarette. She said, "We really had fun this weekend. Thanks", and gave us all a hug. So did Chris.

The timer went off, and we all ate the pizza. It tasted pretty good for frozen food, or maybe it was that we were just starved. After we eat every crumb on the plate Julie poured us all a glass of wine and we lit up cigarettes.

I took a drag of my cigarette and slowly blew out the smoke, and I started to feel really strange. Mandy looked at me and said, "Something's not right. I feel so weird and my pussy's throbbing. Feel it." I put my hand on her crotch and I felt like I was in a dream. Julie and Kathy walked around by us and started to kiss us both. Julie gave me a sloppy tongue out kiss, and then pushed my head together with Kathy as we kissed the same way. Then she did the same thing to Mandy. Mandy and I kissed, as the kids came over and were doing the same thing with us. I was never so hot in my life. My pussy was throbbing like Mandy's was, and I was soaking my pants. I felt like I was in a fog.

We all went upstairs to our bedroom and made love like maniacs together. Mandy and I used Oscar, except it was in my ass, and her cunt. We formed a six person fuck chain using Oscar and other dildos. We were all so overheated; none of us even knew what we were doing.

Mandy and I ate each other for a while and then we all ate each other. It was one huge pile. We saw Chris and Allison move over to the edge of the bed and take a SexMed. We all watched and couldn't believe what happened. They didn't pass out. They changed in about 2 minutes but not into men. Each one of them screamed for a spilt second and then relaxed, as a cock appeared right over the top of their vagina. I thought I was dreaming or hallucinating. We were so worked up and in a fog we didn't stop.

Chris and Allison moved over to me and fucked me in my pussy and my ass at the same time, while Mandy licked Allison's pussy. Chris whispered into my ear, "Take a SexMed. This is unreal."

Chris put a pill in my mouth and one in Mandy's. We both swallowed. My body felt like it was burning inside and then I couldn't stand the pain and screamed. So did Mandy. The pain was gone and I had a yearning for sex that was unreal. I also had a cock right over my pussy, just like Chris and Allison.

The four of us fucked each other in every conceivable position. I ate Mandy's pussy, while Allison sucked her cock. Mandy shot her cum into Allison's mouth, and orgasmed in her pussy at the same time. We sucked each other for hours. Julie and Kathy took a SexMed also, and the same thing happened to them.

I think I swallowed at least 6 loads of warm cum that were shot into my mouth. Mandy and I lay facing each other and took turns fucking one another. She put her cock in my pussy and banged the shit out of me, and then I did the same to her. We lay in a 69 position sucking each other's cock and then each other's pussy. I kept thinking, this is one hell of a great dream.

At 4 AM we all passed out, right in the middle of making love.

At 5AM we all woke up and just looked at each other. We all looked normal and I said, "What in the fuck just happened to us? Was that a dream? Did you see anything? It was like I was on LSD."

We all lit up cigarettes and talked about it. It wasn't a dream. My pussy was still throbbing and so was everyone else's. Julie said, "Lets figure it out in the morning. I need to keep going."

We made love to each other nonstop until 8 AM. At one point, Mandy and I had Oscar in us and Julie moved us apart so only our pussies were touching. The she sat on my face and Kathy sat on Mandy's. We were completely out of control, and couldn't stop ourselves.

We all sat up and had a cigarette at 8 AM. I said, "What could we have possibly taken to cause this?" We started with dinner and Chris said, "Don't get made at us, but we put 2 enhancers on the pizza. We did it before and everyone loved it. It's such a small dosage."

Kathy said, "When you did it before, did you cook the drugs in the pizza?" Allison said, "Yeah. We used the oven." I said, "Regular, or microwave?" Chris said, "Regular. This is the first time we used the microwave. It was frozen pizza." Julie said, "Did you save the boxes. Maybe it's a combination of ingredients in the pizza."

We all panicked. We got up, put on jeans and a tee shirt, and ran to the kitchen. The boxes were on the counter and Kathy started reading the ingredients. There was nothing unusual. I said, "Everyone into the lab. Blood test time. Kathy, set up everything."

We drew blood from everyone and Kathy started over 15 different analysis tests. The blood was completely normal.

I put two Enhancers on a plate and microwaved them for two minutes. Kathy and I did an analysis of them also. They had melted and reformed to more of a blob, changing from light blue to brown.

Mandy made two pots of coffee and called the office. She told Grace we were at the castle and to cancel all appointments today. The six of us looked at everything we could think of, while we finished the coffee and two packs of cigarettes. We finally figured it out and were shocked.

Kathy said, "The Enhancer changed properties in the microwave. It's now probably one of the most intensive aphrodisiacs there is. We each only had the equivalent of one third of a pill. That's nothing. My guess is that one quarter of what we just took, would have been great."

I said, "The SexMed changes are only speculation at this point. The reformed Enhancer bonds with some of the formulation in SexMed. I think this happened because Allison dried her jeans in the cloths dryer on high, and had the pills in her pocket. They melted also and reformed. I also think that a cloning effect has happened on the cell level, but only for the sex organs. I want to try it in the lab today to be sure. I still don't understand why the sex changes happened while we were awake. If I'm right about this, we just discovered what Ken jokingly called the Combined drug and also the most incredible stimulant. I was so hot last night, my pussy was throbbing." Mandy kissed me and said, "Mine never stopped. Jen, I thought of nothing but making love to you. The house could have exploded, and it won't have mattered."

I called Max and told him to send an immediate advisory warning to the distributors for physicians. It basically said that if you cook the drugs, we have no idea what will happen and it could be fatal. Then we told max about the experience. He laughed his ass off.

We all spent the rest of the day running tests in the lab. We duplicated exactly what happened in the lab tests. Then we did something really stupid and tried it. We each took one twelfth of a reformed Enhancer pill. The effects were spooky. I wanted to fuck anything that moved, but I knew exactly what I was doing. Mandy and I went crazy on each other. It lasted about 3 hours.

Then we tried the reformed SexMed after taking another one of the reformed Enhancers. It was the same as last night, except now we knew what we were doing. This was the most incredible sex I ever had. Mandy and I fucked and sucked each other for three hours and then passed out together making love. As Mandy put it, "It's the best of both worlds."

After we ate dinner, we all did it again and made love like that all night. It was unbelievable.

The next morning we went to the office and met with Max, giving him the exact results. We starting filing papers with the FDA that day. Ken showed us our pictures in the paper in the sports section. The headline read, "JPSS board members set new course record in downhill semi finals." We had no idea we broke the record for that course. Mandy said, "Maybe Jim wasn't that slow after all."


The next six months flew by. So many weird things happened that we could never have predicted. Our drugs made a shamble out of professional sports. The baseball players are on strike again and it looks like the sport may just close its' doors for good. It all started over our Forever pill and the Vitamin. The league felt it was unfair to use the drugs, and the players objected. They all took the medication and the commissionaire locked the players out. The owners sued the league, the players union sued the owners, and the commissionaire's office and league went bankrupt. The only ones who made out were the lawyers.

Football will be really exciting this year. The leagues felt that use of our drugs was unfair because of the healing powers. They voted to not allow any padding next year; not even helmets. Now it's just like European football, which they call Rugby. We love watching that.

LPGA golf is almost dead also. Twenty six men on the PGA tour took permanent SexMed and are now on the LPGA tour. They were winning almost every event and were banned from the LPGA. They sued, and the like baseball, everyone is out of money, except for the lawyers. Margi loves to here these stories.

There have been similar problems with tennis, the PGA, the Olympics, NASCAR racing, Indy car racing, Formula one, basketball, hockey, and even horse racing. The horses can't take our vitamin. We have a collection of articles in our scrape book that are priceless.

The kid's band played three times and they are all enjoying themselves. They kind of treat it like it's a hobby. We started talking about playing again, and may actually do it. Not as opposites, but as normals. Mandy said, "Everyone knows us now as executives of one of the greatest companies ever built. They'll know it's just a hobby."

The FDA approved the ER room drug six months ago, that we call Pharma- Miracle, and it is our fastest selling drug ever. Doctors are using it giving localized injections to heal almost any part of the body. It really is a miracle cure. We got our new Enhancer drug approved through a loop hole in the FDA process, as a new application of the existing drug, the same for the new SexMed. We call then Pharma-Sensual and Pharma SexMed-Combined. We also fixed the new version of SexMed in the manufacturing process. You pass out, but only for 5 minutes.

The FDA CVM approved the vitamin, Forever, the asthma drug, and Pharma- Miracle, for all dogs, cats, horses, parrots and most domesticated pets. It's really weird seeing people planning their lives around a pet that they expect to live to be a thousand years old. We did give it our dogs, horses, and cat with one of our special injections, way before they approved it.

Now we are seeing articles from Green Peace about how JPSS has changed God's natural evolution and we are evil people. Mandy did her thing with them and they ran away and hid. Afterwards she called them amateurs.

Age limits, young and old, have mostly been abolished. Drivers licenses are now awarded when you can pass the test, which is much harder than it use to be. Age has nothing to do with it. Both kids are driving now and we got them the cars they wanted. Chris has a new twin turbo Porsche and Allison has a Lamborghini. We must be nuts. Mandy and I also bought ourselves a new toy. It's a custom made Porsche that the company only accepted 20 orders to produce. We had it delivered last week and it is so outrageous, but it should be for 2 million dollars. It has 1,260 horsepower and will do 235 in street trim. We timed it from 0 to 100, just to make sure we got our money's worth. We did. It did it in 3.2 seconds and we both lost our stomach each time.

The sexual side effects from our Forever drug are now assumed to be commonplace and no one realizes that they are from the drug. Commercials and movies talk about sex being an all night thing routinely. The effect of lack of sleep has also hurt certain industries.

We are all jealous of Melissa's job, which is running the marketing companies. She is definitely having way too much fun. Some of the new commercials are absolutely hilarious, and others are so hot it's incredible. She did use Jim and Mary to be the poster children of SexMed. She made four commercials with them and then used their photos in so many ads. They started with the experimentation discussion and finished with Jim being a permanent woman. Our Pharma-Sensual drug has the most erotic commercials I have ever seen. We all got hot watching it show one sexy group thing. Mandy's `Best of Both Worlds' caption really took hold when we launched Pharma SexMed- Combined. In two months we have sold over eighty thousand scripts. All Ken said was "cool. Lets try it."

Many companies that were paying out life long pensions have cut them to 30 years and are being sued by former employers. Most of these companies have offered a free Forever supply and re-employment. These cases are all still pending in the Supreme court. The IRS changed the retirement age and no longer allows deductions for pensions. This is the only issue we had with all of the work the President did.

Most of the labor unions have been broken by both the government regulations and companies that have refused to negotiate. Seniority is not allowed to be a driving factor in employment status, position, or wages.

Our stock price ran back up to 300 again and we just did another 8 to 1 split. Mandy and I have no idea what we are worth at this point. We do know that it is somewhere over 160 billion, not including any of the stock dividends, which we pay to an off shore company that we own. We are paying about 7 percent of par value per share in dividends, which is really good.

The entertainment acquisitions went through and we now own 2 major television networks, 16 radio stations, 6 motion picture production companies, 2 cable networks, and God knows how many shows, movies, series, and stuff like that. Julie has built an incredible empire that almost rivals the drug area in revenues. Our retail operations that Abby runs, is larger than any single retail company in the world.

We are by far, the largest corporation in the world and congress has been discussing breaking us up. Mandy was called to testify before a committee again and said, "If you touch any of our operations, we leave immediately. You won't get any more of our ridiculously high taxes and no one in the United States gets our drugs. Period!"

They called our bluff, and Mandy shut down everything in the United States. We kept the operations running to support the rest of the world, but not a single service or product went to the US. Since we now owned 9 of the largest drug distributors, this also meant that no other medication was distributed. We also shut down all entertainment, television and radio broadcasts in the US, that we controlled. It was funny turning on the TV and seeing snow on several of the major stations and cable networks. The country was on the verge of a revolution after 4 days. The President was given a new special authority to remove members of Congress that jeopardized the safety or security of the American people. He removed 26 members of congress and we re- opened our doors again to the United States after 8 days. Mandy does have brass balls.

We haven't gotten into computer technology as a business yet, but we're thinking about it real seriously. The paper that Kathy and I wrote on bio computers got a lot of press and Mandy and I have been talking about if it's really possible. I'm not sure, and she thinks we can do it. She wants to buy a small company to use as a research base, and then bet me a quarter on how long it will take to make it happen. We're still looking for a good acquisition.

The company is too large now to have just one management summit meeting like we were having. We split the meetings into 4 main industry areas and have all board members participate in all of them. We made it into a 4 day event, each day with a new business segment. We ran the first one last week, and it was amazing at how many new business ideas came out of it. The staff liked it better also, as they didn't have to sit through things they weren't interested in. Melissa had a team there to brainstorm marketing and sales plans or every new idea that came out. At the end of each day, her team did a quick presentation of the ideas, marketing strategy, and some ballpark sales estimates. It was incredible how creative and fast Melissa was in this field. They actually did a few quick sketch commercials and some were hilarious. Melissa proved what we all kind of new already; funny and sex really sells, boring and scientific doesn't sell anything.

Mandy and I have been using the Sensual' drug a lot and the SexMed- Combined' about once a week. We absolutely love it. Julie and Kathy are addicted to the SexMed-Combined. We think it's a great idea, because they want to play with us all the time now, and Julie's cock is huge, with a capital `H'.

Mandy, me, Julie, and Kathy, decided we needed a few days off so we leave this afternoon for a mini vacation; Las Vegas, San Antonio, and Washington. The kids are independent enough to stay by themselves. Sometimes I think they are better behaved than we are.

Mandy walked into my office, closed the door, and sat on my desk facing me. She lit up a cigarette and said, "Sweetheart, we're suppose to leave in about an hour and I can't wait. Finish up and lets get out of here before we get caught up in something that keeps us here all night." Mandy took a drag of her cigarette and I put my hands on her legs. She smiled at me and I moved her legs apart. She smiled even wider saying, "My panties are in my pocketbook."

I leaned forward and licked her pussy right on my desk. I was licking and sucking and Mandy was holding my head to her. She was almost ready to cum, when Grace buzzed me. Mandy was so pissed off. I moved my head back and said, "Yeah Grace." She said, "Max is on the line. He said it was real important." Mandy whispered into my ear, "Told you we should have left." I said, "Okay, put him through."

I put it on speaker and we talked to Max. He said, "We finally figured out why the SexMed-Combined clones cells. We have it isolated and guess what we have?" Mandy said, "We give up. What do we have?" Max said, "A way to make human clones, or replacement body parts for people in accidents. It's not ready for prime time, but we know it will work. It was Chris and Allison that figured it out. They couldn't get in touch with any of you today, so they called me. They are about as excited as I've ever heard them. Give them a call before you leave, and have a great time." I said, "Thanks Max. Bye."

I put my head back down and licked and sucked Mandy into paradise. She orgasmed into my mouth and then kissed me softly. I called Chris and the kids were like lunatics talking about what they figured out. They loved to solve puzzles and this was one complicate puzzle. Chris said, "Have fun and don't worry about us. We may be staying at Melissa's house for a few days to work on new material for the band." We both said goodbye, and I buzzed Julie and Kathy and said, "Lets get out of here." They both agreed.

We had a company limo take us to the airport and took one of the company jets to Las Vegas first. Mandy had her arms around me in the airplane and said, "We'll get there for a great dinner, and then some fun at the craps table." Kathy poured us all a glass of Chardonnay and we all toasted to a long overdue trip. We talked the whole flight about what were going to do. This was the first flight we didn't get half blasted on in long time. The Pilot congratulated us on finally growing up. Mandy said, "Wait until we go to Texas. We'll make up for it on that flight."

We took a limo the hotel and got there in time for dinner. We had reservations at a 5 star restaurant. We all have formal gowns to wear that we picked out last week, and Mandy and I wore out favorite jewelry that we had made for us at Christmas. She was so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Mandy kissed my ear softly and said, "Jen, I fall more in love with you every day. You are so drop dead gorgeous you make my heart skip beats." We held each other and kissed, and kissed. Then we both had to put on more lipstick, as we smeared it. We laughed in the mirror and called each other a clown.

Kathy and Julie came into our connecting room and they looked great. Mandy said, "Shall we?" and we all went outside to get into our limo to the restaurant.

The food and service was 5 star all the way. We also danced to a dinner band and loved it. We noticed something more and more each time we went out for dinner. There were as many women couples, as they were men and women couples. SexMed really was changing the world.

We all danced to the slow dinner music and held each other so close. Mandy put her face touching mine and said softly, "How about we both think about retiring. We have enough money to last for ten thousand years. Jen, I love being with you like this, and we don't get a chance to do it enough any more. The business is too much." I said, "I couldn't have said it any better. I use to get so excited over every new idea and thing the business did. Now it's just work, and taking away from time that I want to spend with you."

Mandy and I kissed and kept dancing. We both really wanted to call it quits. We talked about it briefly last week, but got called into another crisis before we finished. We had to cancel a dinner we really wanted to go to, and both of us got pissed.

We all went back to the table and ordered coffee and desert. We each lit a cigarette and Mandy said, "Jen and I are thinking about retiring from the business. We don't get to spend enough time together anymore doing the things that we really love to do." Julie started to laugh and so did Kathy. Kathy said, "We were talking about the same thing last night. We thought that maybe we could back to playing in a band again with you two. Want to do it?" We both said, "Yes!"

I said, "We need to figure out who will take over for us, and have a plan to sell some of our stock so that the price doesn't crash. We own a shit load of it. Kathy, you think Max is the right guy for my job?" Everyone agreed and I said, "Kathy, how about John for your job?" We all agreed on that also. I said, "How about Ken to take over Julie's job?" We all agreed again. Then it became difficult. I said, "Mandy, you are one of a kind. Who do you think could take over?" Mandy took a drag of her cigarette holding in the smoke and said, "My Mom. She's the only one besides us that knows the whole business, and she isn't afraid to make a decision. She's the one who helped me avoid having a nervous breakdown when we shut down for 8 days. She kept saying, you're going to win. Hang in there. Plus she's excellent with money and managing people." We all agreed.

Mandy said, "Lets talk to everyone we named when we get back, plus Dave. I want our CFOs point of view on cash flow to see how much of our stock we can sell back to the company. Jen, I can't wait. I want to do this so bad. Now I know how Bob felt when I took over from him when he retired. He wanted out in the worst way. Twelve years as the CEO of the largest company in the world is too much."

I took a drag of my cigarette and said, "I can definitely see myself playing guitar for a living. Cool." Everyone laughed and Mandy kissed me. She said, "Me too."

We left the restaurant and took a limo to the hotel. We went into the hotel safe where we put our cash and took out a lot of money. I said, "We really going to blow all of this?" Mandy said, "We aren't going to loose a dime. Not while I'm rolling the dice."

We went into the casino and found the thousand dollar craps table. It was packed but we fit two of us in. Mandy and I played together, so did Julie and Kathy. We watched the person crap out and then made our bets, as Julie was given the dice to roll.

We are always so fucking lucky at this game. Julie rolled six 7s in a row. We each made over a quarter million dollars. Mandy said, "See, we don't loose in this game." Julie rolled a 6 and we made the inside bets and really racked up the cash. She hit every combination of our inside bets and then hit a 6 again. She was dancing around in circles with Kathy the crowd loved it. She finally crapped out and Mandy got the dice. She really does have the magic touch, in almost everything. She kept rolling for over a half hour dancing and jumping with me, acting like little kids. We had a blast until they closed the table. Mandy and I won over 7 million dollars. Julie and Kathy had about the same amount. We cashed in our chips for a check and deposited it in the safe and then took out 200 grand each to play at another casino.

We played at six other casinos, all with similar results. The only time we lost was at roulette. We just can't win at that game. Plus it's too slow. We went back to our hotel and deposited six more checks in the safe and then decided we wanted to learn to play baccarat. We asked a manager in the casino to explain it to us and he brushed us away until we told him we wanted to play at the highest stakes table they had. Then he kissed our feet.

We bought into the game with a million each. It is so easy. You either bet with or against the house. It was really boring, but did we ever clean up. They closed this table on us after two hours. We cashed in and got some really big checks and deposited them in the safe. The clerk said, "Why didn't you just ask for one check, instead of all those small ones?" We asked him to open the safe again and Mandy showed him the checks. He almost fainted. We laughed and gave him a $5,000 chip I still had in my hand.

We ordered some wine and all went upstairs to our room. We took off the formal wear and Mandy kissed me so sexy. She said, "Now this is was fun. We had a great dinner, dancing, and acted like little kids playing craps. I think we need to make love all night and celebrate." We kissed again in a mouth wide open, sloppy, tongue out, kiss. My pussy was tingling.

She took my hand and we lay on the bed, just as the room service knocked on the door. I said, "Bring it in." A kid walked in and blushed as he saw us. He left the cart and walked out as quickly as he could. We laughed, as I got up to open a bottle of the wine. Julie and Kathy came in naked and sat on our bed with us as we drank a glass of wine. We made toast after toast to each other, retirement, craps, baccarat, sex, and you name it. We finished the bottle and were so smashed. Julie was slurring her words and said, "We decided you both needed some extra love tonight, so we are becoming combined." Julie put a pill in her mouth and one in Kathy's and then they both fell on the bed sideways, out cold.

Mandy kissed me and said, "We are out of our minds, but this is so hot." We kissed and rolled over on our sides, just as Kathy and Julie work up. They smiled at each other and them rubbed each other's cocks to get them hard. Mandy and I were rubbing each other's clit when Julie lay behind me, and Kathy lay behind Mandy. Mandy and I kissed, as they fucked the shit out of our pussies from the rear. Mandy and I rubbed each other's clits and were moaning into each other's ear. When I moaned, "Julie's cock is so huge, I cumming again. Hold me honey", Mandy almost attacked me. She sucked my tongue so hard I thought she would suck it out of my mouth.

Julie and Kathy fucked us in our pussies and then fucked our asses, as we used Oscar. They had it to the point they could go for almost an hour without shooting their cum, and then they could keep on going for another two hours. Julie pulled out of me and put her cock in Mandy's face and Kathy put her cock in mine. Mandy and I sucked them both. Kathy jerked forward holding my head, and I felt her shaft pulsate, as it exploded in warm cum into my mouth. I felt squirt after squirt of warm goo hitting my tongue and I held it all in my mouth, as I sucked on her shaft. Julie pulled her cock out of Mandy's mouth and Kathy moved away also. Mandy and I kissed sharing a mouthful. I was so hot when we swished the cum again in our mouths. We swallowed together while we kept grinding our pussies against each other using Oscar.

Mandy and I watched Kathy and Julie take turns fucking each other, and sucking each other's cock, and pussy. We lay in a 69 position and ate each other for hours until our pussies were almost numb. I came like a tidal wave and so did Mandy. We both drank it all and then kissed again.

Mandy lay on top of me as we kissed, and then we rolled on our sides with our breasts touching each other. Mandy moaned, "Rub your nipples on mine honey. Oh, that feels so good."

We were rubbing our nipples together, as I lifted my head and lit a cigarette. I took a deep drag and then put the cigarette in Mandy's lips. She inhaled, and then took a deep drag, holding in the smoke. She blew it out slowly, as our nipples rubbed against each other and we both moaned again. She smiled at me and I said, "It doesn't get much better than this." Mandy smiled again and we both moaned, as she put the cigarette in my lips.

We finished our cigarette and lay kissing and caressing each other. We rubbed each other's clits, while licking and sucking each other's nipples, until we both orgasmed. We watched Julie and Kathy licking each other's pussies and we rolled over and sucked their cocks at the same time. They went wild and were bucking into our faces. Kathy shot her load of cum into my mouth like a fire hose. Squirt after squirt of warm white goo hit the roof of my mouth. Kathy moaned, "Swallow it Jen. Swallow all of it. Show us you swallowed it."

I swallowed and so did Mandy when Julie shot her load. We both open our mouths wide so they could see they were empty, and they both went wild on each other again. Mandy kissed me and said, "We need to put Oscar to work again honey. We're not done yet for tonight."

We fucked with Oscar until the sun came out. Julie and Kathy passed out two hours ago and were sound asleep right next to us. Mandy said, "Lets wake them up with a good pussy licking."

We crawled over on the bed and we both licked Julie a few times, and then we both licked Kathy. We kept going as each of them moaned in their sleep, until they started to make love to each other. Then we crawled back over on the other side of the bed and ate each other again until we were screaming in orgasms. We all stopped for a cigarette at 8 AM.

Mandy sat straddling my pussy, facing me as I sat back against the headboard. She put a cigarette in her lips and I lit it for her. She took a deep drag, and then another, holding in the smoke. She blew it out, as she put the cigarette in my lips saying, "Lets order some breakfast and then go to San Antonio. I love the river walk there. It's so romantic."

I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "If you keep moving your pussy on mine like that we're not going anywhere." Mandy moved it again and smiled. Oh God, did that feel good again. She smiled and rubbed my clit with her hand, as I took another drag of the cigarette. Julie and Kathy were laughing at us, as I had another orgasm. Mandy lay between my legs and licked my juices up and I came again. I said, "Get up here and sit on my face. Damn it Mandy. I'm so fucking hot again." We ate each other out again, as Julie ordered us breakfast.


We finally stopped, but never ate breakfast, and then packed up to leave. We got our casino checks from the safe, checked out, and then took a limo to the airport. The pilot had two bottles of wine cooled and a plate of caviar, lox, and jumbo shrimp, waiting in the plane. He said, "Mandy, a quarter says the wine is empty and the shrimp is all gone before we land." Mandy handed him a quarter and said, "Give it back if we pass out before we finish it."

We were starved and finished the food in 20 minutes. The wine took some doing, but it was gone also before we started our descent into San Antonio. We only had a slight buzz. We looked out the windows sitting on one of the leather couches and saw Austin, so we knew we were really close. The copilot walked back and checked the wine and food and started to laugh. He yelled, "Hey Ted. You get to keep the quarter." Then he said to us, "Five minutes until we set down."

We watched the ground getting closer through the windows and then felt the landing gear touch the tarmac as we slowed down. The plane taxied to the private jet area and we stopped. The pilot came back and was busting our chops again. Mandy was laughing and said, "We're not drunk. I swear it. We could have finished another whole bottle. We'll see you tomorrow Ted."

We went out of the plane down the steps onto the Tarmac, and then into the terminal, as one of the staff got our bags. Mandy said to me, "This part I'm going to miss. Travel is so easy when you own your own fleet of planes and limos. Commercial airlines really suck."

We found the limo driver and headed to the hotel. Mandy said, "It's a really neat old place that Julie and I stayed in about 16 years ago. The restaurant is terrific and bands play almost all night by the river in outdoor cafes."

We got to the hotel and it was a really neat old place. Mandy went nuts when the same people were still running it. They remembered her also. We checked in and asked then to keep our checks in the safe, and then went up to our connecting rooms. Mandy said, "Texas outfits everyone. Jeans, tee shirt, no bra, and boots. Sleazy and Sexy."

That's exactly what we wore. I had my Harley Davison Motor Cycle tee shirt on and Mandy was staring at my nipples. She said, "Sweetheart, your headlights are on big time, and it's making me so horny." I smiled and kissed her and then said, "So are your high beams."

Julie and Kathy came into our room and we went back down to the lobby and outside to walk around. This was such a neat place. We went into so many small shops and bought tons of things. We also bought large plastic cups of beer on tap from a food stand. Mandy said, "Drive through liquor stores. Only in Texas."

We walked and shopped for hours and then stopped to watch an acoustic band play by the river. They were pretty good and we sat to have a smoke and listen. I said, "I could see us doing this." Mandy said, "Yup. Sure beats the craziness we do everyday now." The band was between songs and heard us talking. One of the women in the group said, "You play also?" Julie said, "Yeah, just not fro a living anymore." Two of the women came over and sat with us and gave us their folk guitars and one said, "Play something. We'd like to hear it."

I said, "How about the new tunes were wrote? You remember them?" Mandy said, "Start playing. We remember." I played by myself and them Mandy came in. We sang the song and the harmony sounded great. We knew these would all be hits if we recorded and released them. We finished and went right into another one. This one I sang lead and the other band was getting into it. The harmony vocals sounded so good and Mandy played a solo over my strumming. We finished it and we handed the guitars back.

The one woman said, "For a group that doesn't play, that was really good. It sounds a little like that old group Sage." Mandy smiled and said, "We are thinking about doing this again full time. Kind of a change in our life style. We all love it."

We talked with them for a while and they were trying to make a living from it. They asked us if we knew anyone at a record company and Mandy said, "Not really. They're all retiring." I tried so hard not to laugh. Then she said, "Send a CD to this address. Got a pencil? They may be interested." She gave them the corporate address and Ken's name. Mandy said, "Just put on the cover letter in real big print that Mandy asked you to send it. Can you remember that? Mandy asked you to send it. They know me." Kathy was giggling and so was Julie.

Then the conversation turned to SexMed and stuff like that. Now Mandy was giggling when I said, "SexMed? What's that? Is it new?" They told us we needed to get out more often and also read the newspapers. When they left I laughed so hard my sides hurt. Mandy spilled her beer on my crotch while laughing, and then tried to lick it up. We were so nuts.

We walked around some more and Mandy said, "I'll bet they don't put my name on it and it gets tossed into one of the baskets with thousands of CDs we get every week." We were getting tired from walking so we headed back to the hotel. It was almost time for dinner.

We all crashed on the bed and checked out the menu for the restaurant downstairs. Julie said, "I remember the T-bone steaks and prime rib here were out of this world. Huge portions."

Julie and Mandy were telling us about when they played in San Antonio with Sage 17 years ago. They were talking about other bands that all lived around here and I said, "Call them." Julie said, "Can't. They all got out of the business about 4 years ago. The last we heard from them they were living in Italy, of all places. Can you picture a Texas accent in Rome?" They told us so many funny stories and then we all started to kiss each other again. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Your head lights are on again." I said, "Look who's talking." Mandy smiled as her nipples were standing at attention through her tee-shirt. I said, "Lets get some dinner before we spend our entire trip here in bed."

Mandy gave me the sloppiest kiss as we stood up. My nipples we definitely hard, and my pussy was drenched. I put Mandy's hand inside of my pants and whispered into her ear, "Look what you did to me." Mandy finger me and then pulled her hand out putting her fingers into my lips. I sucked them and kissed her. Julie dragged us out of the room while we were all laughing.

I snapped my jeans, as we got into the elevator to go downstairs. Mandy had her hand on my shoulder and said, "You really are wet. Did I do that?" We all laughed as I kissed her again. I said, "No. I was thinking about Ruffles and Snuffy." Kathy said, "Kinky."

We went into the restaurant and got a table outside by the river under a canopy. There was a nice breeze and it felt great. We all had a tall mug of draft dark beer and ordered the steaks. I said, "The more I think about it, the more I really want to retire. Mandy, we are such mental cases at work, and then have such a blast when we get away. This is what life's all about. I would love to spend a couple of weeks skiing, and then fishing, and playing in a band, and just enjoying ourselves doing whatever." Everyone raised their glass to mine and Mandy said, "You got that right. Down the hatch."

We all chugged the beer and laughed, as the waitress saw us and had four more waiting when we put down our mugs. We were having a good time and eating. Mandy said, "Julie and I told you about our fucked up fathers. How come you never talk about yours?" I said, "He died in a car accident when I was three." I told them the story about Arthur and they had their mouths open. I said, "That's how we got everything through the FDA in record time. He feels guilty, but it wasn't his fault. Now he and my mom are an item and I think that's great." Kathy said, "I had a fucked up family and to make it worse they went and died on me when I was in school. So it's just the four of us, your two terrific kids, and three great moms."

We all drank to that and chugged another beer. The waitress was a little late on this one and we told her she was slipping. Julie said, "You have to get the new mugs here before we put the empty ones down."

We finished the dinner and it was really good. We decide to skip desert and get something on the river. This time we all took a river taxi and it was so romantic. Mandy and I sat holding hands looking at all the stores and cafes. We went a long way up the river and then got out by the clubs. The sun had set and it was starting to get dark. All the lights were on for the outside cafes and we walked to see who was playing. Julie read the marquee and said, "No Shit! Mandy, look who's playing here. She told us she was going to go back to Texas for a while and just goof around, but I never would have thought. Oh well. Let's see the show and say hello."

I said, "Who's playing?" Mandy said, "Ellen and Marsha. They were great friends. Ellen was part of the original company when we started it and played with Southland and then Faces. She retired five years ago and sold her place in LA. Her and Marsha called about 9 months ago and said they were back in the States and were going to hang around in Texas again. Jen, they are such a piss."

We went inside and got table by the stage and ordered more beer. We heard a loud scream and then someone scream Mandy's name. A woman ran over to us and Mandy and her hugged. She said, "Jen, this is Ellen, and that is Marsha. Ellen said to Mandy, "Jen is gorgeous. I'm so happy for you. And you must be Kathy. Welcome to the club of lunatics. You guys still playing?"

Ellen and Marsha sat down and Mandy told them about the Brass Ring. They laughed so hard. Then Mandy said, "We're retiring very soon and are thinking about playing again. We have a show, just can't do it with the business. It's killing us." Ellen said, "We go on in a few minutes. How about you guys play a few tunes. I'll introduce you. What's the name of the band?" We all laughed and Mandy said, "We'll write it down on napkin and hand it to you. We have to make one up." Ellen said, "You are still the same and I love it. I have to run before we go on."

We spent twenty minutes thinking of a name and decide on `Changes'. Mandy wrote it on a napkin and walked up to the stage as Ellen was walking on. She handed her the napkin and Ellen said, "Cute."

We all lit a cigarette and wrote a set list on another napkin, and had another beer, as Ellen's band played. They were southern rock and sounded really good. Mandy said to me, "Play some blues licks here. Watch how nuts the crowd goes." The place was packed now and Ellen finished the set. She said into the mic, "We have a couple of very special friends of ours here. You may remember them as the band Sage. They're in a new act and they are going to play for us a little. Please Welcome `Changes.'" The place was screaming ever since she said the name Sage and we walked up on stage.

I put on a Strat guitar and checked the tune and did a little Stevie Ray lick. The crowd went wild. Mandy laughed and said, "I told you." Mandy said into the mic, "You guys are great. Bartender, everyone gets a round on us tonight. The more you drink, the better we sound. Hit it Kathy."

Kathy started the tune and we rocked it. We started with one we wrote for the Brass Ring but didn't release it. This was a blues rock song. The whole place was standing and screaming. I couldn't believe it. Mandy yelled into my ear on stage, "This is the life baby. Not running a company." In this song Mandy and I traded off guitar solos and they were all blues based. The crowd went nuts.

We ended it and the screaming got even louder. I must have had a smile on face from ear to ear. Then we did two of new tunes and they really went over good. The harmony was as crisp as it gets. We did two more and then thanked the crowd and told them to drink heavily. They were screaming for us to come back on. Ellen said, "Go on again. Do one more. You guys are great!"

We walked back to the stage and I said into the mic, "Blues, Rock, Pop, or our new hit record? Which one? Come on shout it out! Which one?" There were so many people screaming we couldn't tell what they said. We played the one that we thought was a platinum. The crowd loved it and was singing along with us by the second chorus. We all knew it was hit now. I did some blues guitar work in it and the crowd freaked again. I loved it. We ended the tune and this time didn't go back for another. They screamed for ten minutes. Ellen came over and said, "Mandy, you wrote another platinum." Mandy said, "No I didn't. My Sweetheart did", and she kissed me so sloppy. Ellen said, "Write a few for me again. God, I wish I could do that. I'm on. See you later."

We drank and had a blast. I toasted to `Changes'. We all laughed and chugged the beer. We had so many people come up to us and compliment us. We drank and danced to Ellen's band for two hours. We said goodbye to her on her break and then headed to another club. We found an outdoor caf‚ that had the group from this afternoon playing electric. We sat and watched. They really were good. They saw us and came over on their break. The woman from before said, "We were in the club you guys just smoked those tunes in. You were in Sage?" Mandy said, "Yeah. I told you were use to do this for a living and it's been awhile." The woman said, "They guy's name you gave me. How do you know him?" Mandy was stumbling and I said, "He's the father of her child and he use to be in a band called Little Willie." Mandy had such a relieved look on her face and winked at me. The woman went crazy, "Little Willie! Oh My God! That Ken? Oh my God!" We all laughed and Mandy said, "You guys sound good. Ken's a producer now and works with bands and turns them into top headliners. Like I said, just put my name on it. He'll listen to it. No guarantees, but it will get heard."

The woman said, "I'm Judy. I never introduced myself. Are you guys signed?" We didn't know what to say. Mandy said, "We have an agreement, but we can't talk about it yet. You may be hearing about us in a few months."

Judy went back to play and they really did sound good. Mandy said, "Ken will sign them. They have the look and the sound." We had another beer and then waved to Judy as we left.

We decide to take a river taxi and go back to the room. The ride was so romantic at night. Mandy and I sat cuddling and kissing, as we passed all the clubs and shops. There were couples hugging and kissing all over, about half of them women. Mandy whispered into my ear, "You really want to play in a band again?" I said, "I'll do anything to be with you, and playing in a band is a blast." Mandy kissed me and said, "I feel the same way." Mandy lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. She blew out the smoke in the night breeze and put the cigarette in my lips. I took a drag and said, "If Judy gets her CD to Ken before we get back, it may be real interesting." Mandy laughed and said, "Then we'll tell him. He's good at keeping secrets."

We kissed and hugged the whole way back. Mandy licked my ear, and I just melted inside. She smiled and said, "You just made me do that also. I am so wet." We got out at the hotel and still had a buzz, but weren't trashed. Julie and Kathy were almost trashed. They were still singing our songs when we went into the elevator. They kissed in the elevator and so did we. We went into our room and Mandy said, "How about if we use a SexMed Combined tonight. Feel like getting wild?" Julie heard us and said, "Can we play too?"

I said, "Come on in." Mandy and I kissed and undressed. We lay down and took a pill with the sensual pill also. We passed out and woke up in minutes. I reached for her cock and she grabbed mine. We rubbed each other while we kissed. I licked her nipples and sucked them, and then she licked and sucked mine. My cock was as hard as a rock. So was Mandy's.

We go into a 69 position on our sides and I sucked her cock into my mouth a few times, and then licked her pussy. She was doing the same thing to me. This drove us both crazy. Mandy was really sucking my cock now and I was fucking her face. I did the same thing to her and she started to fuck into my mouth also. I felt myself starting to cum and I jerked forward, as my knees bent and I shot my load into her mouth. Mandy kept sucking me and I felt myself go weak as I shot squirt after squirt of cum into her mouth. I kept sucking her cock harder and faster and she shook, as she blasted her cum into my throat. Mandy was now licking my pussy and went wild on me when I sucked her cock into my throat, as she squirted warm cum inside of me. I swallowed it all and then licked her pussy. We were both so into each other.

Kathy crawled over by my face and sucked Mandy's cock into her mouth, as I kept licking her pussy. Julie walked over by Mandy and lay down. I felt her suck my cock into her mouth while Mandy was licking me. Oh God did that feel good. I was as hard as a rock as Julie deep throated me. Kathy and I were making Mandy crazy, as Julie and Mandy were doing it to me also. I started to rub Mandy's clit, as Kathy was sucking Mandy hard and rubbing her shaft. I wanted her to cum at the same time from both her pussy and her cock. It feels so incredible. I really rubbed her clit fast as I sucked her entire pussy into my mouth. Kathy was rubbing fast and I heard Mandy moan loud, "Oh God, Jen lick me! I'm going come from both at once. OH MY GOD! OOOHHH! OOOOOOHHHHH! Oh! OH! OH! OOOOOHHHHH! Suck IT! Suck it!" Mandy jerked once and then bucked up into me as she screamed. She sprayed her cunt juices into my mouth and shot her cum from her cock into Kathy's mouth. I could see her shaft pulsating with each squirt, as she moaned so loud. I licked and swallowed, and Kathy swallowed.

Mandy dove into my pussy and rubbed my clit with her hand. Oh did it feel good. I kept licking her, as Julie was rubbing my cock fast and sucking on it. I was so close. I felt it and moaned, "It's happen together! Oh Mandy lick me more! OOOOOHHHH! OOOOH! Julie, suck it! Suck it! Uhhhh!" I jerked forward and my knees bent, as I shot my cum into Julie's mouth, and orgasmed at the same time on Mandy's tongue. This feeling is not like anything you can imagine.

Julie was still sucking my cock and I was getting hard again. Kathy was sucking Mandy, and she was like a rock. Julie and Kathy sat us up and Kathy said, "Time for a good fucking Jen." Kathy sat on my cock leaning forward, and Mandy knelt behind Kathy and fucked her in the ass. We did this for over a half hour and then Kathy got up and Julie got on. Mandy and I were actually getting tired. We both slowed down and Kathy pulled us out of Julie. They both knelt in front of us and sucked our cocks again. Mandy and I kissed the whole time, as we both shot cum into Julie and Kathy's mouth, from our cocks.

They sucked us dry, and Mandy and I lay down together kissing. She hugged me so tight and said, "This is the wildest feeling in the world. My God was I insane when I came from my cock and pussy together. I know you went wild also. Jen, lets just lay here for a little bit touch each other." Mandy lit a cigarette and took a drag and then put it in my lips. I sucked in and inhaled twice, holding in the smoke, as I reached for her cock. She was hard again and I rubbed it, as she moaned. Mandy's eyes half closed and I said, "I know that feels good." Mandy said, "Rub my clit baby. My pussy is on fire too." I said, "Fuck me Mandy. Lay on me and fuck me and kiss me all over."

Mandy lay on me and fucked me. She shot in me in minutes and then collapsed forward with her soft cock still inside of my pussy. I took the cigarette from the ash try and took a deep drag. I blew out the smoke and put the cigarette out. Then I rolled Mandy over and fucked her like she just did to me. She had a huge orgasm, as I shot my cum into her. We stayed with me on top of her and just kissed for a long time. We moved to our sides and I took out Oscar and we did it that way also. This was so weird as our cocks rubbed along with our pussies. We figured out how to get both our pussy and cocks off and we went wild. We both orgasmed together, from both our cocks and cunts. I shot my cum all over her stomach and she shot onto mine. We wiped it with our fingers, and put it in each other's mouth. This was so erotic.

Mandy and I lay kissing and we both passed out.

I woke up to Julie licking my pussy and I saw Kathy licking Mandy's. Mandy moaned and kissed me and we started to make love again. Now we were normal and it felt good to hold her in my arms and for us to feel our pussies touching each other. We rubbed ourselves together and caressed, as we kissed. We both orgasmed in minutes. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart. That was so wild last night, but I still like it better with us like this." I said, "So do I. I love how it feels when I move on you like this." Mandy moaned into my ear, and I whispered, "And when I move my pussy on yours like this also." Mandy moaned louder and kissed me so hard.

She reached down and put her hand into my pussy and found my G-spot. I came like a volcano. Then I found hers also. I didn't stop for ten minutes as she shook uncontrollably. She kissed me so hard and said, "I'm actually dizzy for that. Lets sit up a minute."

We sat up against the headboard and I lit a cigarette. I said, "Feel better?" She said, "I never felt bad. I felt too good. I flooded the bed. Look." I looked and it was drenched. We both laughed. I said, "You need some orange juice. You're dehydrated." Julie and Kathy were asleep, so I ordered breakfast for just us.

Mandy took a drag of my cigarette and said, "That was a first. It looks like I peed on the bed. See what you did to me?" She kissed me and I said, "Ready for another round?" She laughed and said, "You are so out of your mind, but I love it."

I got the door before they knocked and wheeled the cart inside. This time a woman brought it up and gave me one long look. I set it up so we could eat on the bed and I had Mandy drink the two juices I ordered for her. Then we fed each other. It was cute and fun.


We were sitting up against the headboard having coffee and a cigarette when Julie woke up. She woke up Kathy and said, "What time is it?" I said, "Ten. We thought we'd let you sleep a while. You were both our cold. Want some breakfast? I'll order you some." Julie nodded her head so I ordered her the same thing we just had.

Kathy sat up and said, "That was really wild. Doesn't it fell so outrageous when you cum from both parts at once?" Mandy said, "Sure does. But we still like it this way better. It's more romantic and closer. I rubbed Mandy's clit and she moaning, "And that too."

Kathy said, "Us too. The SexMed Combined is cool once in a while, but we like it better normal also. What time is the Pilot expecting us?" I said, "Twenty minutes ago, but he works for us, so he'll wait." Mandy said, "That's going to be the hardest part. I'm telling you, it really sucks flying commercial jets. You get these little seats and they have all type of stupid rules. Jen, we fly in a plane that is a living room and an office. This is nothing like the real world."

We got up and went into the bathroom. We peed in the shower, kissing and laughing at each other. I said, "Mrs. Edwards, did you always have a bladder problem like this?" Mandy laughed and said, "Doctor, can you examine it a little closer." I knelt down and licked her pussy, and she went wild. We licked each other to orgasm in the shower. We washed and then got out. Julie said, "Morning swim?" as Kathy laughed at us.

They got cleaned up and we all dressed and went to the airport. The pilot smiled and said, "Rough night?" Mandy said, "Nope, real good night. Didn't want it to end", as she winked at him. He smiled and shook his head.

We all had some coffee and a cigarette as he was taxing to take off. Mandy said, "I really want to go to some of the museums and sites in Washington. I've been there so many times, and never saw any of the sights. It's always been play a concert and leave, or go to a meeting and leave. I said, "I think we can take of that Mrs. Edwards. Would you like your bladder checked again?" Mandy kissed me and said, "Not until we're in the air."

Julie just shook her head and had the coffee. I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy said, "Do they give tours of the Whitehouse?" I said, "Yeah, you want to go on one? I'll call and find out when they are run." I picked up the phone on the table called information and got the white house. I said, "Can you connect me? Thanks." I got a recording and pressed the numbers and then pressed the speaker button. We all heard, "the tours for today will be a 10 AM and 4 PM." I said, "We can make it. Tell Ted to shift into 6th gear."

Mandy buzzed the cockpit and said, "Ted, how quickly can we get to Washington?" He said, "For you, an hour and a half." Mandy said, "Thanks. Jen said to shift into 6th gear. She's been driving the new Porsche too much." Ted said, "If you like fast, we'll have fast."

He taxied to take off and then really gunned it. We felt the G forces like we never did before, then he banked a turn and was accelerating up. Mandy said, "Wow. That's better than the car." Ted said back, "That was 6th gear in this jet."

We were moving. We landed in Washington in an hour and fifteen minutes. Mandy thanked him and he said, "No problem. These are the fun rides." A staff member got took bags to the limo and we headed into the city. We were staying at the Whitehouse Marriott, which is just down the block.

We went into our room, did a quick change and went to the Whitehouse tour. Mandy was so excited. I said, "Why didn't you just call the President. He would have given us the tour. I asked us to come down just last month." Mandy picked up her cell phone and called the private number he left us. We heard, "Hi Mr. President, it's Mandy.", "No, I not being formal today. Listen we are going into the Whitehouse on the tourist tour. I didn't want to bother you if you had a full schedule, but if you are available, maybe you can show us around. We've been dying to see it and finally had some time off, so we came to Washington for the night.", "Yeah Jen is here and so is Julie and Kathy.", "Great. Where is that?", "Okay, we'll see you there. Bye."

Mandy said, "Security entrance B. He said to just ask a guard." We found it and they had our names on a list and we were escorted inside. The President and his wife were waiting for us and it was hugs and kisses. We went into the private resident first and had a drink. He was complaining about his job and we laughed so hard. Mandy said, "Can you keep a secret? We are most likely going to retire. We are trying to work out the details of who takes over, and stock stuff. We are all burned out. This mini vacation is a mental health break."

He laughed and put his arm around Mandy and said, "I know exactly what you mean. Just make sure you really want to retire before you pull the plug. I said it once a week, and then I ran for re-election. I know after this term, I'm done." Mandy said, "Done with just politics, or working at anything." He said, "What did you have in mind?"

Mandy said, "We have people in mind for all the positions. I think my mom, Margi, can take over from me but she really is going to need a strong leader to help her, that's even if she accepts the job. How would you like to come on board with as a consultant or a board member? You don't have to answer me now. Think it over." He said, "I'd love to do something like that. I'm out of office next month and I'm a free agent again. It's so weird now that they changed the elections and time in office. I used to be start in January, finish in January. Now we have this overlapping crap. I hate it! This congress will go down in history as the worst ever. They have fucked up so many things. I just can't stop all of it. Thank God you had the brass balls to do what you did when they tried to break up JPSS. They would have screwed up the economy to no end. Hey, lets take that tour. This is smaller than your castle, but it does have a lot of class."

We walked through the Whitehouse and went into every room. Some were so interesting. The President said, "Nobody gets to see this stuff. We'll go down stairs and see the tourist things in a few minutes." We went a room with nothing but china from every President. Mandy was so mesmerized by the china patterns. She said, "Lincoln, right?" The First Lady said, "Yes. How'd you know that?" Mandy said, "I read a book on these."

We finally got the tourist stuff and the secret service was with us the whole way. Everyone stopped at attention when the President walked by and he paid no attention to it and was joking with us. We loved it. We actually passed the guided tour and everyone was taking pictures of us with the President. Someone yelled out, "It's the CEO from JPSS." He whispered to us, "Sucks doesn't it?" We all laughed.

We finished the tour and it was so interesting. The President was such a great guy. We kissed and hugged and then left through the security gate again. Mandy said, "Great idea to call him. That's much smaller than the castle. I hope he considers working with my mom. He could really make this work for us."

I said, "Lets walk by some of the monuments. They're all lit up at night." Mandy and I walked holding hands, and so did Julie and Kathy. We sat by the statue of Lincoln and saw the memorial. We walked for over two hours and it was dark. Julie said, "Lets get something to eat." I said, "Nice dinner or food court and shopping." Everyone said, "Shopping!"

We went back to the hotel and into the mall connected to it. We ate at the food court and shopped until they closed at 11. We had so many bags we almost could walk. I got four new dresses, so did Mandy. Plus we each bought some real sexy stuff. Mandy was getting me so hot when we tried it on.

We got back to our room and all crashed on the bed. Julie said, "These rooms suck." I said, "Welcome to Washington, $480 a night for this dump. You should see the what the cheap rooms look like." We all were so beat. Mandy clicked on the TV remote and channel surfed. She stopped on CNN and we watched a little of the news. There was another story about us and more people protesting something. Mandy said, "Turn it off. I'm so sick of hearing this crap. We should make a list of anyone who protests us, and stop selling them medication, or anything else." I said, "That's actually not such a bad idea. Lets see what they are protesting."

I switched it back on and they were against our use of animals in testing and also rumors of cloning. I said, "Want to get a list from the next one of these. It will definitely set a precedent. Only the people who are truly opposed to what we do, will protest." Kathy said, "I say do it. We'll have people sign a petition at the next protest rally against JPSS. This list becomes our do not sell to list, plus we publish it. We just have to put that information on the form they sign, but nobody reads it anyway."

Julie said, "How would you control a pharmacy filling a script for someone that is on our list?" We all thought about it and Mandy said, "Nice try anyway."

We turned off the TV and got undressed. Julie said, "We're sleeping in the other room tonight. Enjoy some privacy." Mandy and I lay in bed and kissed and then kissed again. I said, "I love you so much." Mandy held me so tight and kissed me again. We fell asleep.

Mandy woke me up at 4 AM by putting her tongue in my mouth gently and moving it around. She kissed me softly and I woke up kissing her back. We made passionate love. I kissed her breasts and licked her nipples, and then she sucked my nipples so softly. I held each one of my breasts to her mouth and Mandy made me feel so good. I had tingles everywhere. We kissed and caressed each other softly.

I put my hand on her clit and rub her slowly, and she did the same to me. We both pressed our hands on each other's clit and messaged in a slow rolling motion. I was in heaven, and so was Mandy. It took over and hour of caressing, but we both had a huge orgasm and it lasted for over a minute. Then we made love like usual. We went wild on each other.

After we rubbed our pussies together using Oscar, Mandy lay on top of me in a 69 position and we licked and sucked each other until we were numb, while we rubbed the other's clit. We had orgasm after orgasm. I reached my hand into Mandy's pussy and found her G-spot and she did it to me at the same time. We flooded each other's face. We stopped when we were both dizzy.

Mandy lay next to me and we laughed looking at each other. I licked the juice off of her face and she giggled. I said, "Light me a butt honey." Mandy lit me a cigarette and as we both were too dizzy to get out of bed. We sat up against the headboard and noticed it was raining outside. I said, "Good museum morning. It's all inside." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Good day to stay in bed and make love also, but we are in Washington so we might as well see the sights." I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "We can stay in bed. I've already seen this stuff. I thought you wanted to see it?" Mandy kissed me and said, "I do want to see it, but I also want to make love again." I said, "Call Ted and tell him we'll leave at 2 in the afternoon. That will give us enough time."

Mandy called the flight dispatch center we have and left a message. She hung up and smiled saying to me, "Now where did we leave off?" I took a drag of the cigarette and put it out, and we made love again until 9 in the morning. Julie and Kathy came in and Julie said, "Museums or airport?" Mandy said, "Museums and then airport. Lets take a limo so we can keep our bags in the trunk."

We ordered breakfast, took a quick shower, and dressed. Breakfast was waiting for us and Julie and Kathy were in the shower.

We checked out and got out casino checks out the safe and went to the limo. We told him to wait for us and that we would needed to be at the airport by 2. He gave us a tour of the museums and picked the Smithsonian to see this trip. It was really interesting. We got a kick out a of a school tour where the kids were asking so many questions.

We left for the airport and Ted was waiting. We got on the flight and I said, "How fast can you get us back home." He said, "That's music to my ears."

We all felt the G-forces as he banked this one even steeper. It was like an amusement park ride. We all laughed when he leveled the plane out and then slept for a while. We made it to Oregon in 4 hours. He was really moving. Because of the time difference, it was only 3 in the afternoon when we landed. Mandy said, "Lets go talk to Ken, my mom, and Melissa. I want to make Melissa Vice Chairman. Max is not ready for that yet."

We took a limo to the office and had him wait to take us home. We walked into Ken's office and he said, "Miss me already?" Mandy said, "We need to have a conversation, that I need you to keep to yourself for now. Promise?" he said, "You got it. What's up?"

Mandy said, "We want to retire, and want to know if you'll take Julie's position." He had his mouth open and said, "You can't retire. You guys are the company." I said, "Ken, you can do it without us. You know you can. Plus, its not like we are going to just walk out tomorrow. There will be a transition plan. Just say you'll take the job." Ken said, "I'll take it, but you need to coach me on some of the things." We all hugged him and Mandy said, "You've got it."

We went into Margi's office and told her the same thing. She said, "You're not allow to leave. Mandy, wake up! It's me." We all laughed and Mandy said, "Mom, we want you to be the new CEO, and to make it easier, the President is willing to work with you and be your advisor, as well as all of us. Please say you'll take it." Margi thought about it for a few minutes and said, "I'll do it but you are really going to have to help me for a while."

Mandy said, "We have a few other people to talk to, and then I want to announce it at tomorrows board meeting."

We went into Melissa's office and she was so excited for us. She said, "Shit yeah I'll do it. Just don't pack up and move." We went into Max's office and it was the same thing. He didn't think he could handle it and we convinced him that he could. The toughest one was John. He was scared shitless. Kathy promised to help him every step of the way.

We all felt relived and took the limo home. We told the kids and they were so happy that we could spend more time at home and with them. This made our decision final. That night we all just talked about the years of the company. We never even went to bed.


We all showered and changed, and then made breakfast. We ate and talked more about what we would say this morning. Mandy said, "We'll tell the truth."

Mandy and I decided to drive our new toy to the office. We flipped a coin and she got to drive it there. Wow does this thing scream. We went into the boardroom and a lot of people were already there. Julie and Kathy walked in and sat by us. We all poured some coffee and lit a cigarette as we waited. Everyone was there and Mandy dropped the bomb. She said, "Good morning everyone. I want to start the meeting out with an announcement. Jen, me, Julie and Kathy all did a lot of soul searching this week, and made a decision. This wasn't made lightly. We considered everything. We are all retiring. This will be done orderly, and we will make sure the company is not harmed in any way. I've asked Margi, to take over as CEO and she will be assisted by the President of the United States, who has agreed to advise her and be a member of this board. Ken will be taking over for Julie, Max will be moving up into Jen's role, and John will be taking Kathy's position. I know that all of this requires a board approval, and I urge you to vote yes on this. We have thought long and hard, and this is not a whim. I've been CEO now for over 13 years, or maybe 14. This a tough job, and I'm worn out. The company needs someone who is fresh and has the energy to lead, and offers a different view on things sometimes. I truly believe that Margi can do that. But she will need your help and support, just like I did and still do. I know Ken has what it takes. He said it himself. You have the magic. He has the magic also. We all know that. So does Max. He is brilliant, and John is also and growing. As for us? We are going to take it easy, play a little rock and roll again, and spend time with the kids. We can be here as much as it takes to make this happen. We won't let you down. I also want to make it official that the people taking our positions will get the compensation packages that are the same as ours. They deserve it."

You could hear a pin drop and Mandy said, "Is anyone going to vote no?" Everyone starting saying, "Don't leave" to all of us. Mandy said, "We made up our minds. We love it here. We love all of you. We are just burned out. We'll stay and help. Who knows, maybe in 20 years we'll want to do it again, and you may be feeling like we are, right now. Shit, we will probably all be here a thousand years from now. Maybe everyone will get this job a couple of times. Can we vote?"

Mandy read the exact statement into the record and the board voted. They accepted the new appointments and our retirement. Mandy stood and hugged me and we cried. So did everyone in the room.

We all took a few minutes and Mandy said, "There are some things that we need to take care of for our departure. Dave, what's our cash position?" He said, "Strong." Mandy said, "Our contacts require the company to buy back a big portion of stock at the current market rate, and I don't want this to hurt the cash flow." Dave said, "How much?" Margi said, "We owe them each 8 Billion dollars and then they still had have together over 20 percent of the outstanding stock in their names."

Mandy said, "We know that's ridiculous to pay this at once. What I wanted to do is work out some plan that gets us out of a chunk of the stock and doesn't cripple the company, or drive the price of the stock down in the open market. We welcome any suggestions. I think Margi should be the one to take care of that anyway after this meeting. It's her reins now. We are in no hurry for the money. Most of you know we are not exactly hurting for cash."

Everyone laughed as Ken said, "I saw a for sale sign on the castle. You leaving town also?" Mandy crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it at him and he said, "Now that is what I'm going to miss. Margi, you any good at throwing things and hitting tables?" Mandy looked at me and I knew she was going to cry. I walked over to her and held her and walked her out of the room. We cried on each other's shoulder for ten minutes. Julie came to get us and we went back in. Mandy had Margi sit at the head of the table and Mandy sat with me. Margi said, "We'll get through it", and threw a piece of crumple paper at Ken and hit him. Everyone laughed.

From there on it was Margi's call and Mandy helped her. Margi ran the rest of the meeting and it was like she had been doing it for years. She adjourned the meeting and everyone gave Mandy a standing ovation. She cried again on my shoulder, and then on Margi's shoulder.

We stayed to talk to Margi, Ken, Max, and John. Mandy said, "You can do it, see?" and she started to cry again. She got so mad at herself and then went into all of the things that needed to happen. We all went over different things that were in the works and what we needed to transition. Mandy said, "Max, Kathy has been working with the kids on the research. If they want to continue, it should be someone who is good with kids. They are really intimidating to some people." Max said, "Don't worry about it. It will be me. I think they are the future of this place, and we can keep them in the lab at your place if you want it there." Julie said, "No argument there."

Mandy said, "We also want you to give us an artist contract for the band Changes'. We really are going to play again. Oh Ken, if you get a CD from Judy with my name on it, listen to it. They're a good band." Ken said, "I already signed them this morning. Now tell me about Changes'. You got material yet? Recorded?"

Mandy said, "Come to the studio with us from work. We'll let you hear us. It's different. Plus I really need to play now. This was very upsetting, but I knew I had to do it." Ken said, "Sure, let me call Kathy, Gary, and Jamie and have them come over also. The student is now going to review and help the teacher. Mandy, lets see how much I learned."

We all hugged and Margi said, "I want to hear it too." Mandy said, "You don't have to ask. Just get over there."

We left and I got to drive. Mandy was smiling the whole way back home.

We went to the studio with everyone and Mandy explained what we were doing and then we played 14 songs straight through like it was concert. They all had their mouths open and Ken said, "Every fucking one of those is a number one hit. Don't you ever write any loosers?" We all laughed and had a beer together. Mandy said, "So did we pass the audition?"

Ken wanted to record everything tonight and we all said, "Over the weekend." Ken was going crazy planning gigs, and TV shows. We laughed so hard and Margi said, "They're back doing what they really like."

Everyone but Margi left, and we sat in the kitchen having some wine. The kids walked in and Mandy said, "What have you been up to today?" Chris said, "We just finished a small project for Max this morning. It was real simple." Margi said, "What was it?"

Allison said, "We decoded the formulas that caused the doubling of groups of cells. You know, why the SexMed Combined actually works. Max wants it to duplicate body parts. So if someone looses and arm, this could make another one, in theory." Margi looked at us and said, "Wow." I said, "Do both you girls like working on this type of stuff, and what do really want to do?"

They were so excited telling us. Allison said, "We love puzzles. This last one was easy. We really liked helping with the business problems, they're harder. Like Abby's retail business. That was cool. And the Italian factory, and problems in Spain, and the hacking we did to look at that company's illegal bank accounts. That was so cool. Plus we really like to experiment and invent things. The band is fun, and it's a great hobby." Chris said, "Same for me. I thought the most exciting time was when Mom had uncle Dave and Aunt Joanne, fix all those problems with that company, before you bought it. The mafia owes you a big favor for that one. But, I'm like Allison. The band is cool hobby, but I like to invent things also and solve puzzles. "

I said, "Can you guys let us talk for a few minutes. Just stick around in the house. It won't be long." Chris said, "Okay Aunt Jen. We'll be playing piano."

I said, "I have an idea about us getting paid from the company, without anyone getting hurt. Max said that these kids are the future of the company, and I think that both of them, along with the other four from Melissa, Janice, Jody, and Karen, are the future. I also think we could do a lot to help that along. I'm suggesting that Mandy and I each give 4 billion dollars worth of our stock to Chris, and that Julie and Kathy, do the same to Allison. That leaves the five of us in this room as the majority share holders, followed next by the kids, and then Melissa and company. The kids get a seat on the board, and we all keep our seats. We can vote by proxy, if we want. The next 4 billion we put on a 10 year plan, and use the next split to dump part of the stock. Maybe we'll cash in all of it that way, before the company has to pay us a penny. The kids can add so much to the running of this company. Margi, you've seen them. We have used their love for puzzles to solve so many of our problems. That 19 page list of issues, that no one knows about but you, was mostly solved by the kids. It was there ideas that we used to fix things. They aren't always right, but they think it out logically, and at the speed of light. When they called me slow, they really thought that I was slow. What does everyone think about my idea?"

Mandy smiled and said, "You have my vote." Julie said, "I was really hoping to get it all in cash this week so I could shopping, but I guess this is a good fall back plan." Kathy smiled and said, "That was a yes."

Mandy said, "Mom, what do you think?" Margi said, "If we can get it past the SEC, I love it." Mandy said, "Let me call Melissa and the crew and make sure they will support it." Mandy put the phone on speaker and called them. They all loved the idea. We called the girls back in and Mandy said, "How would you two like a seat on the board of directors to help your Grandma? She's taking over from me." They smiled and Chris said, "Cool. Can we go finish our new song now?"

Margi said, "Be prepared for a special meeting of the board, if I get the go ahead from the SEC. I'll target 2. Plus I want to call a news conference for 4. Lets make this a very positive thing in the media. Now pour me some more wine and tell me about this list of unbelievable things that you four hid from everyone."

Mandy said, "We wanted everyone to focus on growing the business and be positive. We cleaned up all the dirty shit, and kept it quite. All those costs are in the other cost of business acquisition expense line including bribes, cleaning up dirty businesses so we could buy them at a discount, and a ton of other things. We'll walk you through the list and you'll understand why we just had enough. You saw the big ones we couldn't hide, like the 8 day shut down. There were so many more that could have been much worse."

We spent two hours talking about everything from bribing the Italian government, to help finance a revolution in Central America to get distribution rights for materials and medication. Margi was in shock and then realized what it really took to make some of these big deals happen. Margi said, "Did the President know about the Central American thing?"

Mandy laughed and said, "It was his idea, and the CIA handled the transfer of money so it couldn't be traced." Margi had her eyes glued wide open.

We all lit up another cigarette and finished the second bottle of wine. Mandy said, "Mom, why don't you promote Alice to your old position?" Margi smiled and said, "That was already on the agenda, plus I think this is a real good time to do that reorganization we outlined two months ago."

We were getting so tired because we stayed up all night without having sex. Five years ago that would have been an oxymoron.

Margi said goodnight to us and we dragged our asses upstairs to bed. Mandy and I undressed and were so tired. We hugged, kissed, and flopped onto the bed. Neither of us wanted to move to even get under the covers. Mandy kept begging me to turn the bed sideways, so she didn't have to roll over. She was definitely operating on a low battery. We dragged each other under the covers, kissed, and were out cold.

I was having the greatest dream and it felt so real. I dreamt that Mandy had taken a combined SexMed and was lying on top of me and fucking my pussy. I could almost feel her cock moving in my pussy. I swear I could feel Mandy's body weight on me. I felt her lips gently sucking my nipples and licking them gently, as we fucked. I was dripping wet in my sleep. I felt Mandy's tongue entering my mouth and I kissed her back, as I started to wake up. I realized it was real. Mandy kissed me so hard and fucked my pussy. I bent my knees up and wrapped my arms and legs around her, as she hammered me. I felt her cock going in and out of me, and I was on fire.

Mandy whispered into my ear, "Surprise baby. I took a SexMed Combined and I was really naughty by starting without you being awake. Just like you did to me three weeks ago."

We fucked for over an hour as Mandy shot her warm cum into me and then kept right on going. I rolled her over onto her back and sat up on her. I slowly rocked my pussy on her cock and said, "Sweetheart, it's time to make you go crazy now."

I reached for Oscar and a bottle of lube. I coated Oscar with it, turned slightly backward, and put one end of Oscar into Mandy's pussy. I leaned forward a little, as Mandy moaned, and put the other end in my ass. We start to fuck and we both went wild. Mandy was screaming into my ear and my mouth. She moaned so loud, "I'm cumming. Oh God, both at once again! Oh baby, keep moving on me! Ohhh! OOOOHHH! OOOOOOOOHHH! Don't stop yet. Oooooo. OOOOOOHHHH! Oh Wow. Uuuuh. Mmmmmm."

We fucked with me on top for over two hours. Mandy shot her cum into me three more times, and orgasmed from her pussy countless times. I got off of her and lay in a 69 position on our sides. I sucked her cock, while she ate my pussy. I deep throated her and she came again, shooting deep into my throat. I swallowed all of it, as Mandy licked me in to one huge orgasm.

We both were exhausted and dizzy. Mandy reached for a bottle of juice on the nightstand and said, "I came prepared this time. Have a drink." We shared the bottle of juice and then I lit a cigarette for us to share. Mandy took a deep drag and said, "I couldn't sleep so I went down stairs. I saw the SexMed Combined pills on the counter and I thought I would surprise you honey. How's my cock?" I smiled and said, "It's great, but I still like it better just as your normal self."

We both a took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy said, "I'm going to pass out any minute. When I wake up we'll have some real love making, not this raw sex. Sound good?" I kissed Mandy and she passed out. I smoked my cigarette and watched her face as she slept. I was so in love with her.

Mandy was just getting over the SexMed. She woke me up move to my side and said, "You're awake. Jen, you spoiled the surprise. I wanted to do to you, exactly what you did to me three weeks ago. I had wet dreams about that night for the next two days." I kissed Mandy and said, "I'll pretend to go back to sleep honey", and I lay down on my side facing her with my eyes closed.

Mandy moved on her side and gently lifted one of my legs, bent my knee, and spread my legs apart. Then she slowly lifted my head off the pillow and slid her leg under my head, where the pillow was. I was lying with my face on the inside of her thigh only inches away from her pussy. Mandy moved into a 69 position with me and licked my pussy so slowly. I was in heaven. I opened my eyes to see her wet slit and I licked her the same way. We both were so soft and gentle with each other. It was so intoxicating.

Mandy lay next to me and gave me the sloppiest kiss, as she rubbed my nipples. We kissed and caressed each other, rubbing our bodies together for almost a half hour. I rubbed her clit, and she rubbed mine, until we both had an orgasm. Then we licked each other's pussy again so slowly. I loved doing this to her, and she was getting so hot. She was begging me to suck her hard and lick faster. I did for a minute and then went back to real slow. Mandy had two orgasms and bucked her pussy into my mouth so hard the last time, she pushed me over on my back. We both laughed, and then I did almost the same thing to her. I said, "You still on for fishing? Now's the time to do it. Julie and Kathy are probably already waiting for us."

We got up and showered and sang our favorite shower song of the week. We were so nutty sometimes it was scary. We dressed and went downstairs to pack some food for the boat. Julie and Kathy showed up within a few minutes. Julie said, "I can't believe you talked me into going fishing at 5 in the morning." Mandy said, "You don't have to go. I want to catch a real big one this time."

Kathy put her arms around Julie and said, "You want to go back to bed?" Julie said, "No. I'll never hear the end of it, if she catches a whale or something." Kathy smiled and said, "We're going. You guys bring shorts also?" I pointed to the cloths and we all went out to the boat in the dark.

*** continued ***

Next: Chapter 2

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