The Prize

By ken blackwood

Published on Aug 14, 2004



LEGAL STUFF: If you are under age, don't read this. If it's illegal to be caught with this material where you live, don't read this. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions of tg, ff, mm, mf, group, oral, anal, cum swapping, sex toys, incest, adult/youth, mind control, voyeurism, smoking, drinking and light water sports. If this offends you, do not read this. This story is fictitious and any similarities to real events or people and strictly coincidental. So if you read this and think it's you or someone you know, it isn't. This story, or any portion of it, may not be sold or distributed without permission from the author. Copyright(c)2004. The author may be contacted at email address:

This story is divided into chapters (0 - XX). To find a particular place in the story from where you left off, use the FIND function of your web browser and search for the word 'CHAPTER'. If you are using Internet Explorer, select EDIT and then FIND.

*** Continued from Part 2 ***


We woke up at 9 the next morning and were lying on our sides facing each other. I said into Mandy's mind, "I really think we need to make love again. After sharing our dreams I don't want to get out of bed. Come on honey, just a little more." Mandy smiled at me and said into my mind, "I know. I don't want to get up either. Lets make love and dream up things we can do together for the rest of our lives. That should keep us in bed for a really long time."

We lay in bed together for about and hour, mostly laughing at each other. Kathy and Julie came into our room and Julie said, "You know we have a concert tonight. No need to rush, we'll just displace there. I was thinking about a special skit though. Everyone knows we have powers now, so, lets use them to put on one hell of a show. What do you say?" Mandy looked at me and we were all saying things in our minds. Julie was laughing and said, "Cool beginning. Okay, what's next?"

Julie and Kathy followed us into the bathroom, as we sat on our twin toilets. They both laughed at us and then talked to us as we brushed our teeth and took a shower. We had the whole show re-choreographed in about a half hour. Julie made some notes on piece of paper so we would all remember it. We dressed and I said, "How about a quick trip with me to visit my planet?" Julie said, "We're doing the same thing. We'll meet back here no later than 5. See ya."

Mandy and I got a quick bite to eat and displaced to my planet. It had matured so much in a week. It was now early 1900s, we judged it to be about earth's 1930s time frame, based on the type of transportation and the level of technology. We walked around and people all welcomed us as "God." We saw a hospital and went in. Everyone greeted us. This was a lot different than the bowing that happened before. People all knew who we were and the bowing and worshiping had stopped. Mandy said into my mind, "This is so much better. Lets help the people that are sick."

We did exactly that, and also showed some of the doctors what we were doing and why. We healed about 60 patients with our powers that really needed it, and then told the doctors what they needed to do to treat the others. We even had our pictures taken by a photographer from a newspaper.

The mayor of the city we were in met with us and was so nice. We asked to see their laws, and they were the same ones we left with them centuries ago. Not a single thing changed. Mandy and I both smiled at each other. I said, "You have done very well. We couldn't be happier. Are there any problems that we could help you with?" The mayor said, "You just did. You told the doctors how to treat the disease that has been killing people all over the world. Thank you."

Mandy and I displaced to 20 other locations and it was the same wherever we went. We also got an update on the technology by talking with a university professor. She was such a hair brain, but brilliant. Mandy said into my mind, "Lets go to the lake location where we put our sign before."

We displaced to the lake that Mandy put a sign in the ground and we saw some very nice homes. Our sign was gone and there were a series of small wood frame houses right next to the lake. We sat on a grass hill between a few trees and looked at the scenery. Mandy lit a cigarette and I took a drag. She said, "You see what I do in that house?" I read Mandy's thoughts, as we both looked at a small cedar wood house. We watched two kids about 13 or 14, lying in bed together. Mandy said into my mind, "They're masturbating with each other. This is fucking hot. Watch them."

We focused our minds and watched two Combined girls, rubbing their cocks, and each other's clits, while lying in bed. We heard the first one say, "Christy, rub me faster. Oh that feels so good." Then other say, "Okay sis. But if Mom finds us she'll yell at us again. She'll say, Rebecca, you're not supposed to be having sex with your sister. How many times do I have to tell you!"

We smiled at each other and watched Christy rub Rebecca to a massive orgasm and blast off. Then Christy moved her mouth over Rebecca's cock and suck in all the cum as she shot it out. Christy swallowed and them lay on her back. Rebecca leaned over and kissed her sister and then crawled up on top of her. She sat on Christy's cock, straddling her, and fucked her like a wild woman. I took another drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, as Mandy said to me, "I`m getting so wet baby. This is fucking hot. Lets go back home and fuck for a while."

Mandy took a drag of the cigarette as we watched the kids fucking in their bed. We held hands and displaced back to the castle. It was 3:30, so we had some time. Mandy literally dragged me by my arm to the bedroom and took off my cloths. We tuned into Combined and did exactly what the kids had done. She rubbed my clit and jerked my off until I came in her mouth, and then I sat on her and fucked her. We did this three more times, changing each other's role. Mandy was so into it. She said, "This was one of my fantasies that we really watched happen. I am so fucked up. Kiss me again sweetheart and lets get dressed."

We dressed for the gig tonight and went downstairs to the kitchen. We both had a sandwich, as Julie and Kathy got back home. I said, "So how was it?" Julie said, "Early 1400s is my guess. Kind of cool though. They have a castle almost like this one. You ready to leave and do our sound checks?"

We all held hands and displaced to the arena in Boston. Chris and Allison saw us and Chris said, "We just finished our sound check so you're on now. Travel is so easy now. I love this." We all smiled as we walked up to the stage. We got ready and the sound engineer gave us a cue. We played about a verse of one song, and then did something with heavy vocals. He said, "Sounds good."

Mandy saw the MC and had him come over to talk to us and he said, "Whatever you want. I saw you in my head from the wedding. This will be fist time I ever announced a band of Gods." We all laughed and Mandy said, "This is what we want you to say", as she wrote it down for him. He read it and laughed, and then nodded his head.

We went backstage and all had some pizza and beer as usual. There was a new opening act playing first and they were so nervous. We tied to calm them down but it made it worse. One of the guys was talking 500 miles an hour to the point we couldn't even understand him. Julie was laughing so hard she couldn't speak. She kept saying in our minds, "Let's be invisible and watch them. This should be funny."

The MC came back stage and said, "Five minutes", as he pointed to the new group. They were actually shaking. We got up and walked to where no one could see us and made ourselves invisible to everyone, and walked out to the stage and then down to the audience. We all sat in an isle up front and watched as the MC announced the band. They were stage struck and absolutely froze solid when the lights went on. I felt so bad for them. I said into our minds, "Lets not let this happen to them. Each of us take one person's mind and make them relax. Left to right across the stage, same order as we're sitting."

I concentrated on one person, and they were like a statue. It took about 20 seconds until we got all of them to move while the audience was laughing hysterically. This was a disaster. They started the first song and forgot the words, and the guitar player forgot the chords. The audience went from laughing to booing. Julie said into our minds, "That's not nice at all. Should we fix it?" Mandy said into our minds, "Some things are just better of let alone. I think this is one of them. This band was just not ready to play in a large gig like this. At least this part wasn't on TV. Let's go tell Chris they need to get ready to go on early."

We walked back stage and made ourselves visible again. Chris said "I feel so bad for them. They're horrible." The MC came running backstage and said, "What should I do?" Mandy said, "At the end of this song, tell them to get off the stage. It's just getting worse. Then apologize to the audience, and introduce Always and Forever."

The MC went back on the stage and the booing was as loud as the cheers that we get. He motioned to the band to get off the stage and they did. They ran right past us and out the stage door. Chris, Allison, Roberta, Kyle, Jasmine, and Desiree took the stage. The MC said, "I am very sorry for that, but the rest of the show should make up for it. Please welcome one of the top rock bands in the world, and maybe the universe, Always and Forever."

The crowd was screaming and cheering already. I said into our minds, "Oh Ken? You out there?" He answered back, "What's up gorgeous?" I said, "Your new super group just got super booed and we had to get them off the stage after 3 songs. This was not cool." He said back, "I knew this would happen, but they wanted to go on anyway. This is the group from the other planet. Nobody would listen when I said they weren't ready. Maybe they'll listen now. Hey, good luck with the show. Make us some money. Have the MC apologize." Mandy said back, "He did."

We had another beer and lit up a cigarette as we listened to the crowd screaming and cheering after every tune. Mandy said, "This is how it's suppose to be." We waited as Chris's band did an encore and then we went onto the stage with the lights very dim. We made ourselves invisible to everyone and the MC said, "Now we have Changes." Everyone was screaming standing up and the MC said, "They really have gone through some changes. You all know who they are, so there's no need for me to say anything. They told me that tonight will be the best magic show that you have ever seen, whatever that means. So here they are. Please give them a warm welcome. Changes!"

The crowd screamed and cheered, and the fireworks went off. We stood there talking to each other in our minds and didn't do a thing. Everyone saw an empty stage. The cheering went to a slight taking sound and then Kathy lifted up a drumstick and started to move it around it in the air. Then she moved two and the buzz from the audience got louder. I put on my guitar and so did Mandy, as Julie picked up the bass. We could see what it looked like on a TV monitor on the stage that showed what they were showing on TV, and this looked so cool. We all got ready and Kathy gave us a very loud snare roll to start the first song. We came in together and made ourselves visible on the first note.

We watched the faces in the audience as they were mesmerized, and then everyone stood and cheered, as we played one of our hit records. We ended the song and the crowd went crazy. Mandy said, "Thank you very much. Did you like our magic act?" The crowd screamed and Mandy was smiling and said, "They whole night is going to be like that." Mandy kept talking and I walked up behind her and pinched her ass. The audience laughed as Mandy tied to grab me and I turned invisible again. We started the next song and I turn visible again about five rows into the audience. The crowd loved it.

The next song was one of number one hits called "Walking on Air", which was also the chorus. Each time we sang the chorus we raised ourselves about a foot off the stage and walked across it on air. I took off my guitar and held it up and played it with my mind for a solo and we goofed on each after every song. We were having a blast. We also played really good.

Half way through the show we did our new hit song that was about our planet. We did it with only Mandy playing an acoustic guitar with four vocal parts as we all stood at the front of the stage, while I projected an image of the people on the planet behind us on the large screen. We all moved to our instruments, during the chorus and then came in with the loud electric music. It gave me chills down my spine. I think it did the same to everyone else, as we got a standing ovation as we finished the song. Mandy smiled and walked over to me. She gave me a quick kiss and then pinched my nipple. I tried to grab her and she displaced to the back of the lower seating area and said into her headset mic, "You're getting really slow Jen. God!" The crowd loved it.

In the next song we turned upside down for about 10 seconds, drums included and then we made a light show that was out of this world. We made the lights look like the multi-colored rays of light we see when we displace. We told jokes and then played a few real good rockers. Everyone was standing and dancing in the isles.

We played our final song and the cheering was deafening as we finished. We all took a bow, took off our instruments, and then turned invisible again, but stayed on stage. We were laughing our asses off, as the crowd was wilder than we ever saw it before. They started a chant for more, "We want more! We want more! We want more! We want more!" I said into our minds, "Start the song on four and make ourselves visible at the same time. 1, 2, 3, 4." When we hit the first chord and became visible, we couldn't even hear our singing over the crowd. We laughed to ourselves as we played the last song. We finished the song and this time we did walk off the stage after waving to the crowd and thanking them. We were just about off the stage and we had a guest appearance displace to the center of the stage. Godda and Tara. Godda said in a microphone. "Now that was music." Her and Tara hugged us as we walked off the stage together.

We got backstage and I said, "You watched it?" Godda said, "We were in the audience. You displaced right next to me and didn't even see me. You guys were incredible. I loved the magic act. What a piss. The people were so fascinated by it. This was the best show I have ever seen. We have to run to help Traff with something, nothing major, but we said we'd do it tonight. See ya." They both gave us a kiss and displaced home.

We all lit a cigarette, as the kids were hugging us and we were hugging them. I said to Chris, "So was your mom a cool magician?" She laughed and said, "Absolutely. Mom, you were great."

The camera crews and reporters starting coming backstage and we were all interviewed. This time it was different. First they wanted to know how God liked it. Mandy said, "She loved it. She was in the audience for the whole show." They asked a question about business and Mandy said, "We'll answer all of those on our TV show. Right now we are doing our hobby, and that's what we want to talk about. Music." We had about a half hour of questions about music. One reporter said, "Who was that first band. They were awful." I said out loud and echoed it into Ken's mind, "I think Ken may have something to say about them. We've never seen them before. It was such a shame, as I was told that they were really good. I think this was just a bad case of stage fright. They'll get over it. This was their first big appearance." Ken said back to us, "Thank you!"

Everyone was leaving as we had a few beers and a cigarette. I said, "Early show. It's only 10. Want to eat at that place on the water?" Everyone, including Chris's group screamed, "Yes!" into my mind. I covered my ears and they all laughed.


Mandy looked in a phone book and found the address of the restaurant and said into all of the minds in our group, "Anyone near to one of our computers?" Jamie answered and said, "What do you need Mandy?" Mandy said, "The displacement coordinates for this address, 2345 Water Street in Boston." Jamie said back, "2 point 54 point 122 point 125 point 65 point 12 point 789 point 983. Got it?" I said back to her, "Thanks."

We all displaced to that location and were outside on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. We walked inside and Mandy said to the manager, "Can we get a table for ten outside by the water?" The manager looked at us and then looked again. He said, "You're her. I mean you're them. I mean you're the chosen ones. You're them. You're Mandy and Jen, and of course. Right away." He ran quickly away from us and we all smiled. Mandy said into our minds, "Star struck. I fucking hate that."

We were all seated in minutes and a young waiter walked over to the table. He said, "We just finished watching you're concert on TV. It was awesome. How did you do all those tricks?" I said into everyone's mind, "on the count of three, vanish. 1,2,3." We all became invisible and the waiter went nuts looking under the table and then behind the bar. I said, "on three again. 1, 2, 3", and we all reappeared. He said, "I don't want to know. How about a drink on the house?" We all smiled and ordered. He said, "You can pick your own lobster if you want. The tank is just up those stairs."

We all went up to the tanks and picked a lobster, as they took them out for us. We each made a small mark on our own lobster so we could tell them apart. Mandy named hers Wentworth, because he looked like he had on glasses. She named mine Measles, because of the speckles. We went back down to sit and I lit up a cigarette, as our drinks were being delivered. Mandy and I made a toast to each other and drank our drinks. She said in to my mind, "Filler up with high test. Gin and Tonic." I concentrated and made it look like it was being poured into the glasses. Then added some ice and a lime slice to both glasses. We both laughed and took a sip. Mandy said, "Much better sweetheart. The octane is definitely up there on this one."

We were all doing the same thing with the drinks and were all half smashed when the food was delivered. We shuffled around plates, as Mandy was saying, "Wentworth, where are you hiding? Hey, here's measles sweetheart." We all got our correct plate and had a great dinner. We played the usual games using the claws as the nipple monster, as Chris said, "My Mom and Jen are such nut cases."

We finished eating and a dinner band starting to play. Mandy put her head on my shoulder and said, "Sweetheart, they're playing our song. I love this style of music. Let's dance." We got up and danced to the slow music. Mandy hand one arm around me, and I had one arm around her, as we held hands close to our breasts. We danced and smiled at each other, talking in our minds. Kathy and Julie danced next to us and were smiling the same way we were and kissing. The four of us danced for over an hour to the band playing slow music. We loved it. Chris and the rest of Always and Forever, were completely drunk.

Julie and Kathy moved over as close to us as they could get, and the four of use put our arms over the next person's shoulders to form a circle with our faces almost touching. Mandy and I kissed, and then Julie kissed, and so did Kathy. We all kissed each other, as Julie said into our minds, "How about you two let us two lesbian she male perverts fuck the shit out of you all night?" We all laughed and Mandy said into my mind, "You game?" I said into all of our minds, "Let the games begin."

We walked over to Chris and the group, and we made them hold hands sitting down, as they were too drunk to even standup. Mandy displaced all of us back to the castle. We helped Always and Forever up the stairs to Chris's room and we went into our bedroom.

Mandy lit a cigarette and then put her arms around me. She said into my mind, "Sweetheart, we are going to get really turned on. Did you see what was in Julie's mind?" I smiled at Mandy and nodded. I took a drag of her cigarette and we undressed each other slowly. Mandy put the cigarette in her lips and inhaled twice, as I softly touched her breasts. She said, "Mmmmm, that feels good honey. Pinch them a little also."

We finished our cigarette as Julie and Kathy pressed their naked skin against ours. They both started to caresses us all over and Julie said, "Combined time." We all changed into Combined, as Kathy played movie director and told us what to do. We all had a hard on. Mandy lay on her back and I sat straddling her, with her cock in my pussy. Julie moved Mandy's legs apart under me and she knelt between them. She wet her fingers with spit and put it on my ass. Then she pushed her cock into Mandy's pussy, and then pulled it out and pushed it into my ass. Mandy and I both moaned so loud. The Kathy sat on my cock with her legs wrapped around me and Julie. Her back was to Mandy's face.

We started to fuck and it was unreal. Julie alternated fucking my ass and Mandy's pussy. I rubbed Kathy's cock against my stomach, and Mandy fingered Kathy's ass, which was right above her own breasts. We were all moaning and groaning out loud and in our minds. We fucked for over a half hour like this and then all shot our cum at the same time. Kathy was first and shot all over my stomach and breasts. Julie pulled out of my ass and shot into Mandy's pussy. Mandy shot her load into my pussy like a fire hose and I did the same to Kathy. Kathy and I both blasted off.

Mandy licked the cum out of my pussy, and Julie licked it out of Kathy's. We all kissed and shared it, and then did it all over again. This time Julie was on the bottom, Kathy sat on her, Mandy was sitting on Kathy's cock, and I knelt between Julie's legs and fucked Kathy and Julie from behind. We went another half hour and all had orgasms again. We did it two more times so that each of us had a chance to be in all four of the positions.

Afterwards, Mandy and I lay facing each other and took a cigarette break. Then we made love all night lying next to Julie and Kathy. At 9 in the morning, Mandy and I were fucking with Oscar, rubbing our pussies together. Julie and Kathy stayed as Combined and Julie spooned me while Kathy spooned Mandy. They fucked both of us in the ass and then in the pussy along with Oscar, as we kissed.

Mandy and I shared our thoughts the whole time and could each feel what the other felt. Mandy was telling Julie to fuck me faster, as it felt so good for both of us. Julie said, "I'm going to come Jen. Suck me into your mouth." Julie pulled out of me and I lay back a little, still keeping Oscar in me and fucking Mandy. Julie knelt by my face and I sucked her cock as she shot a warm blast of cum into my mouth. Her shaft pulsated 8 more times, as squirts of warm cum shot out and I kept it all in my mouth. Kathy was shooting into Mandy's mouth, as Mandy said into our minds, "Kiss me sweetheart. Share it with me." The two of us pressed our lips together and then opened our mouths, swishing the cum with our tongues. We swallowed and kept on kissing, as we fucked with Oscar.

Julie and Kathy turned back to normal and lay in a 69 position next to us, as we made love for another hour. At 11 we all got up and went downstairs for breakfast.

Over the next week, Mandy and I slept with Julie and Kathy every night, doing one fantasy after another. I loved it when I got gang banged. On the fifth night, things started getting a little weird. Julie was paying way too much attention to me, and Mandy and I both noticed it. She wanted to make love to me all the time, and we had to stop her.

On the seventh night at 6 AM Ruffles and Snuffy were having an argument over one of their toys and we all laughed. Mandy and Kathy went downstairs to break it up and Julie lay next to me in bed. She lay almost on top of me and said into my mind only, "Jen, I know how you feel about Mandy, but I'm starting to really get hooked on you. Don't say anything back. If you ever want to be with me, now, next week, next month, or in a thousand years, I'm yours honey." Julie kissed me so softly and put head on my shoulder. I blocked my mind and said into Mandy's mind only, "We have a problem. Julie is getting really serious about me. Make an excuse to get us downstairs." Mandy said back to just me, "I could tell it was going to happen. Lets talk to Godda and Tara and see what they say." Mandy called all of us in her mind and Julie said to me, "Just lick my pussy one more time. Please?"

Mandy said into my mind, "You're going to make it worse." I said back. I just going to make it wet. Want to watch?" Mandy was laughing into my mind and said, "Yeah. Let me see you lick her and make her go nuts."

I lay between Julie's legs and licked and sucked her pussy. Within two minutes she orgasmed into my mouth as Mandy said into my mind, "She definitely got wet. Now you get to come down here and do it to me." Julie gave me the softest kiss and we went downstairs.

Mandy and Kathy were both scolding the dogs and the dogs were talking back. I said to the dogs, "You want to take a quick visit to hell before I cook you both in the oven for dinner?" Ruffles and Snuffy each said, "Ri Rorry." Mandy said, "Very effective."

We made some breakfast with our minds and then Mandy and I went upstairs to shower and dress. Mandy called Tara and Godda, and said, "We need to talk to you for a few minutes. Can we meet at the work planet?" Tara said, "We're here now. See you in a few."

Mandy and I displaced to the work planet and we sat down with Tara and Godda. I said, "Block your thoughts. We have a little problem and need your advice. Julie is falling in love with me, and this will fuck up everything." Tara said, "We have a way to sort of stop it. It doesn't make the feelings go away, but it does hide them under more powerful feelings. We can't teach you how to do it, you'll have to watch us from inside our minds, and then you'll be able to do it also. We are going to release more of the chemical reaction in Julie and Kathy's brain that causes people to fall instantly in love with each other. We can do it right now. Lets displace back to your place and be invisible to them."

We all displaced to our kitchen and watched the inside of Tara's mind. She did it to Julie and then Kathy. Julie fell madly in love with Kathy all over again. Kathy was all over Julie also, as they hugged and kissed. We watched them caress each other, as they went upstairs to their bedroom. We became visible to everyone again and I said, "How long does it last?" Tara said, "At least a few hundred years." Mandy and I smiled at each other and she said, "Thanks. Problem solved."

I said, "Both of our planets have matured to about where earth was about 8 years ago. Then they just stopped. There hasn't been anything except small improvements." Tara said, "This is the end of the evolutionary process. From here on it's incremental." Mandy said, "We want to open the communication up between the two planets and we were thinking about offering some of the drugs to then; Miracle, Vitamin, oncology, virus protection, and Forever. What do you think?"

Godda said, "Do it. I think it's a great idea. Neither one of those planets has had a single war. They only have two prisons on each planet. That's about the safest place in the entire universe. Come back to the work planet with us. Chris and the others are working on some things. She can program a displacement computer to go between the two worlds."


We all displaced to the work planet and went into the knowledge transfer room. Chris and Roberta were working on something and I said, "What are you two up to now?" Chris said, "Watch this. We gave the computer a personality and a human look. It really does look real."

Chris selected a few options on one of the menus and then we watched a woman appear standing next to the computer. She looked as real as everyone in the room, but was only a three dimensional hologram. Chris waved her hand through the image and laughed. The computer generated woman said, "Where would you like to travel today? We are having a special discount on travel to Vacation World, and the following places on Earth; Las Vegas, New York City, Tokyo, and London. Please say or think your destination."

I said, "I love it Chris. How would you like to have the first installations of these on our planets. We only want the people to be able to travel between the two planets." Roberta said, "Cool. Let me get Allison and Kyle. They were part of the design on this also and would want to be part of the implementation."

Tara looked at us and said, "Amazing. I can't believe what all of them can do." Allison and Kyle displaced right in front of us and they were already asking Mandy and me questions about where the locations were on the planets for the units. Mandy and I each made out a list and then we all displaced to each of the locations to make sure we had the coordinates right. Chris said, "Mom, this city is almost a carbon copy of New York City, except it's so clean."

Allison said, "We should be ready to put them in by this afternoon. I'm not sure of the time difference between the worlds. Just let me know when you want to get started." Mandy said, "We're going to the planets now to talk to the leaders. See you in little while."

Mandy and I first displaced to her planet to the city with the main government. We read the minds of several people to see what had happened since we were here last and found out who was the new leader of the planet. We displaced into the building of where the leader's office is located and everyone recognized us, as we walked down the halls. We got to the president's office and spoke to her admin and were brought into a room that looked just like our boardroom. The President introduced herself to us as, "Hi. I'm Doctor Laurie Manning and I know you are God. Please have a seat. How can I help you?"

Mandy said, "Laurie, we are the creators of this planet and one other one that is in the same orbit as yours on the opposite side of the sun. We came here today to help you to achieve what we consider to be the final plateau in life's evolutionary process. We first want for you to meet the leader of the other plant also. Will you join us? Then we will come back here so she can also see the how travel works between worlds. It will only take about a half hour." Laurie said, "Sure. How do we get there?"

I said, "Just stand with us holding our hands. We will be there in under a second." She got up from her seat and moved to stand between me and Mandy. We each held one of her hands and displaced to the other planet to the capital city building. I read a few peoples minds and said, "Now we have to introduce ourselves to the new leader here also. Hold our hands." We displaced into the building near the leaders office and were greeted again, just like on the last planet. This time the President saw us and she welcomed us with a smile and a hand shake. We introduced Laurie and she said, "I am the President of the planet we call Trath, that is exactly behind the sun in the same orbit as your home." The President of this planet said, "I am Janx Marty, the leader of this planet that we call Firma. I very pleased to meet you."

I said, "We came today to offer your worlds several very special gifts. Janx, can you join us for a few hours?" She said, "Sure." We all held hands and displaced back to the planet they renamed Trath to Laurie's office. We spent about three hours explaining to them all about the drugs and the transportation system we were going to install for them in all of the cities. I summed it up and said, "We are giving the people the ability to live forever, never get sick, be healed when they would otherwise die, experiment sexually, have endless energy and natural resources, and travel between your two worlds. Do you both want these gifts?" Laurie and Janx looked at each other and smiled. Janx said, "We would love to have all of this gifts. What do we have to do?" I said, "We need to meet with the ones that you have at each of your worlds that you trust implicitly and who can produce the drugs, and also someone that will understand our energy system. Can you arrange that? We'll have the members of our group come here and show you everything. There are some problems with time which makes this very difficult. In different parts of the universe, time is not the same. Where we are, one of our days can be thirty of your years." They both said, "We'll arrange it for tomorrow."

I said, "Have the people that you want to be part of this meet in each of your offices at 9 AM your time. We'll take care of the rest." Mandy said, "I have the time conversion calculator in my pocket. Let me see what that gives us." Mandy entered the times and said into my mind, "We have a few minutes at home or about 3 hours on the work planet." I said, "Make that a week from today." Mandy did the calculations and she gave me the times in my mind. I spoke to the group and said, "Kathy, can you, Julie and Max do us a big favor?" They all replied "Sure." I said, "Can you change your time plane to be that of our planets, get all of the drug notebooks for the production drugs and meet us at the work planet in about an hour of our time?" Kathy said, "We'll be there."

Mandy did the same thing with Chris and company about the energy and transportation. We took Janx back home to Firma, and then displaced to the work planet.

Everyone met us in a few minutes and we laid out a plan for everything we wanted to do. Mandy said, "We have about 2 days here to do it. You think that's enough time?" Everyone agreed so we got to work.

Mandy and I spoke to the leaders in their minds together and they we in shock as we let them speak to each other also. We made the plans for about a week of time that they would need to be with us, and also other people that they should have involve. We were both amazed that both worlds had almost the exact same infrastructure and organizations. The government was actually part of a large company on each planet. We made plans to meet at Laurie's home, which also had a small auditorium in it. Mandy said into my mind, "Sound familiar?"

We all worked for two days and only slept for a few hours. Everything was set and I displaced to Firma to gather the people there, and then displaced to Trath with a group of 12. Mandy did the displacement to Laurie's home and we all spend about 20 minutes doing introductions. We had to explain about Max, as they had never seen a man before, as everyone on both planets was equipped with both sex organs. Mandy said, "We are the creators of your worlds and it's Guardians. We are human beings also and a lot like you are. We just had a few more options installed. Please call us by our real names. I'm Mandy. This is Jen, Chris, Allison, Max, Kyle, Roberta, Kathy, Julie, Godda and Tara. Tara was the first one of us. Tara how old are you?" Tara said, "I lost count. Somewhere over three hundred million years." All of them had their mouth hanging open in disbelief.

I said, "We are giving you the gift that will allow you to age without growing older. Just like us. I thought to start this out, Kathy and I will give each of you an injection of the drugs that will last forever. That way you will not have to worry about taking any of the drugs we are going to tell you about. The only bad part about all of it is that you all get five shots."

Kathy took out the case with the syringes in it and we started to give the injections to 22 people. It took about a half hour and then we started the presentation of what they were really getting. Kathy, Julie, Mandy, Max, and I gave a detailed description of the drugs and how they worked. I ended the presentation by saying, "We have a few very special neural computers here that are programmed to download the knowledge we just covered, and other things you will see over the next two days, directly into your minds. You will thoroughly understand everything we covered, as well as how to manufacture the drugs. Lets do this section now." Chris had everyone set up with a small knowledge transfer computer and showed them how to use it.

We took a 30 minute break while they had all of the information downloaded into their minds. Mandy and I lit cigarettes and we just relaxed. Julie and Kathy were really into each other again, as Mandy took a drag of her cigarette and said into my mind, "It's that magical chemical reaction again. Isn't nature wonderful?" We both smiled at each other, as I took a drag of my cigarette and blew out the smoke.

The knowledge transfer finished and we answered questions for about an hour. Max said, "I'll help you get started in the manufacturing after we go through the other topics."

Allison gave a presentation about interstellar travel using displacement though space in the forth dimension. Everyone was lost, so we stopped and used the knowledge computer. It took about 20 minutes and then they had so many questions. Mandy said, "We could let you travel anywhere, but because of the time plane that these worlds are on, you could be gone for years, when all you did was go for a single week to another planet. We're working on a solution to it, but we're not there yet. As soon as it works, we'll open up the travel to lots of wonderful places. You all came here using the same displacement technology. We can make it happen through our minds. We have taken that ability and placed it into neural computers." Chris added, "We really are getting close to an answer. We know why the time planes exist, and how to change them. We just don't know what will happen if we make everything the same plane yet. I have a few more tests to do before we try it somewhere."

Chris gave the energy presentation and they all understood this one when she said, "How soon do you think you are going to run out of food, land, oil, gas, and water, when everyone lives forever?" We used the knowledge system again to cover these topics and then answered questions for about 2 hours.

We all took a break and Laurie gave us a tour of the mansion. It was really nice and most of it was done in brick. She gave everyone from the planet Firma samples of special things on this planet, some of which we introduced. We laughed when she gave everyone a strawberry cigarette. They invented the same thing here as they had on Tara's planet.

We all went into a very large dining room and the food was a pigow. It was a whole one that was roasted and placed on a huge serving cart. The dinner was terrific and so was the wine. The grapes are definitely better here than anywhere else. Laurie let everyone watch some of the television on this planet and it was so different. We didn't get most of the jokes a comedian was telling, but the locals all loved it. We did pick up on some slang. Baby stick is a cock, juice melons are boobs, and love box is a pussy. It took us a while to catch on to that one. Now some of the jokes were making sense. We watched some of their local news and it was mostly good things. Laurie said, "We did have someone break one of the laws about 4 months ago and it made all of the headlines." Mandy said into my mind, "They would have freaked out it they ever saw earth ten years ago." I said into Mandy's mind, "Earth's better than it was, but no where near what they have here. I wonder how this happened all by itself. It had to be the love knowledge we gave them along with the reuse of the memory."

Tara spoke to everyone about sex and what was acceptable on the planets. They didn't know how to answer it. Laurie said, "Anything that feels good is acceptable. We don't hide anything, but we don't flaunt it either. Sex in pubic is okay, but most people don't do it that way. Most people prefer privacy when they are being intimate. We do have a lot of group marriages. These are kind of interesting. There is one group of six that I know personally where everyone is considered the other's partners. They even sleep in one huge bed."

Janx said, "We are pretty much the same way. The biggest headline about sex was 15 years ago when we allowed sisters to have sex. We found out that it actually produces smarter children." Laurie said, "We did that too about the same time. Parents have two children who also have children. They are usually very compatible as they are raised together."

I said, "Laurie, what is your doctorate in?" She said, "Microbiology and medicine. I really do understand what you were saying about the drugs. Before I took on this role I ran a large Pharmaceutical company." Janx said, "How about you take care of all the drugs on Trath and we will take care of the energy manufacturing on Firma. That's what my PhD is in. We'll work out something that splits the profits. Sound okay to you?" They hugged and Mandy said into my mind, "This is unreal. They're doing it all on their own. We wanted to split it anyway."

Laurie gave us all a list of rooms and asked us to make our sleeping arrangements. We thanked her and we were in the room next to her and Janx. They were going to sleep together tonight. Mandy said into my mind, "Things are definitely looking up for a good relationship between the two worlds." I said, "How about we help it along a little? Read my mind." Mandy was smiling and said into my mind, "Oh shit is that hot. Lets see how things progress first."

We all had some more wine and I lit a peach flavored cigarette. Mandy took a drag of it and held in the smoke. She smiled and whispered into my ear, "Watch Janx. She's flirting with Laurie. I love it." We watched the two of them really hit it off together, as we all had about 5 glasses of wine. Most of our crew was already going up to bed and we hung around with Janx and Laurie. We talked about so many things on the planet. Cars were much bigger here, almost the same as SUVs. Homes were designed for children to sleep together. The schools all had sports teams in every possible sport. Sports were huge on this planet. Almost every city on the globe had at least 2 professional sports teams. They had a version of golf, baseball, rugby, tennis, motor racing, track and field, gymnastics, billiards, chess, skiing, and swimming. We couldn't think of one sport that they didn't have on the professional level. They even had professional gambling championships. Both planets were close to being the same. Firma, my planet, didn't have as many sports teams, but it did have music. Lots of music. Janx and Laurie were already talking about a cultural exchange program.

Mandy said, "We play music also. Jen, Kathy, Julie and I are in a group called `Changes'. It is a big hit on several planets. If we can ever figure out how to fix the time plane problem, we could give a concert here also. It's pretty cool stuff. We do a whole show that has a lot of magic in it like this. Mandy said in my mind, "on the count of 3, vanish. 1, 2, now." We made ourselves invisible and they were so mesmerized. We walked to be behind them and then made ourselves visible again. I said, "Looking for us." Laurie laughed and said, "How? How is it possible?"

I said, "We really weren't invisible. You just couldn't see us. It has to do with the mind. Your mind interprets what your eyes see to mean it must be real. If we change what your brain thinks is real, you believe it automatically. Mandy, do your angel bit. Watch this."

Mandy smiled at me and lay on the floor. She simulated death and then rose up in a hologram as an angel. Janx was freaking out, so we had to stop it. Mandy got up and said, "It wasn't real. We just made your mind believe it was happening." Janx said, "Are there really ghosts?"

I said, "The way the life cycle works is that the energy that is contained in each of us is reused in a new birth. We call that the soul. The process isn't always 100 percent perfect. Sometimes the energy, or soul, gets lost or confused and never makes itself into a new life form. That energy can manifest itself as what some people call a ghost. It's very rare, but it does happen. Mostly when a lot of people die at the same time and there are too many souls to be reclaimed."

Laurie said, "How about a place after life. What is there?" Mandy said, "Sorry to break this to you, but this is nothing. This is it. Your energy is reclaimed and born into a new person. All your personal memory is gone, but your leaned memory is still very much there. That's why many of you have the knowledge of who we are, and the knowledge of what love means. We spoke to the first humans on this planet and have visited here through every generation."

Janx said, "What was it like when this planet was formed?" I said, "I'll show you the whole thing in your minds." I projected Mandy designing the life cycle and they heard us all talking about what it would be like. They I showed them the explosion that caused life and us watching it. I showed them everything we saw and our first trip to the planet. I also showed them about 15 more trips to some of the areas. I said, "The other planet was almost the same."


Laurie said, "Do Gods like to have sex also?" I said, "I can guarantee that we are all much worse than any of you are by a factor of about 10." Janx and Laurie laughed as Mandy leaned on my shoulder and then gave me a big kiss. Mandy said, "I'll show you in my mind some of the things we like to do." Mandy projected images of love that looked like a porno movie. She had about twenty different things and then the last stuff we did with Julie and Kathy. Janx said, "I got a hard on and my love box is wet. Laurie said, "Same here. You two busy tonight?"

Mandy gave me a kiss and said into my mind, "Turn into a Combined before you undress. No need to explain that also." I said back to her mind, "I already turned myself into one. Look at my hardon." Mandy looked at it in my dress and turned herself into a Combined also.

We all lit a cigarette and had another glass of wine, as we talked mostly about sex. I said, "We have a sex computer that teaches. I'll see if we can get you one of those also. It really is amazing. It has over 400 million years of sexual experience in it. Everything you could possibly image."

We finished our wine and cigarettes and went with Janx and Laurie to their room. Mandy and I undressed each other and then undressed them as well. We kissed each of them softly and sexy, and then we did the same thing we did with Julie and Kathy. We started with Janx on the bottom, and Laurie straddling her with Janx's cock in Laurie's pussy. I sat on Laurie's cock in my pussy wrapping my legs around her and Mandy, who was kneeling behind Janx. I put Laurie's hand on my cock and had her rub it for me, while Mandy fucked Janx's cunt and then Laurie's ass. The four of us fucked like rabbits for almost an hour and then we all came at the same time. Laurie and I both blasted off. I shot my cum all over her hand and breasts, and she came in my pussy like a fire hose, as Mandy fucked her pussy.

We had Laurie and Janx lay on their sides and I made an Oscar from my mind. We put one end into Janx's pussy and then the other into Laurie's. We showed them how to rub their pussies together, as we each got behind one of them and spooned then, sliding our cocks into their asses. We fucked like this for another hour also. Mandy and I pulled out and lay in a 69 position next to them and sucked the cum into our mouths, and swallowed. Then we ate each other's pussy for hours.

I made another Oscar in our minds and we got into our favorite position and fucked, rubbing our pussies together. Janx and Laurie had passed out from too many orgasms about an hour ago and we kept on making love. We stopped at about 4 AM and had a cigarette. Mandy said into my mind pointing to Janx and Laurie, "Amateurs. They probably never did anything close to this before." We both tried so hard not to laugh so we wouldn't wake them up as we shared the cigarette.

We put the cigarette out and lay together with our legs and arms wrapped around each other and went to sleep.

We woke up to Julie and Kathy calling us in our minds at about 7 in the morning. Julie said, "You guys didn't corrupt them did you?" I answered back, "They were already corrupt. We just taught them some new tricks. They passed out last night from cumming too much. We'll get them up for breakfast." We could hear everyone laughing in our minds. Margi said to us, "I wish I was there. Mandy, you and Jen and so fucked up." Mandy said back, "Thanks Mom. I needed a compliment to wake me up." Everyone was laughing about it and we started to laugh also. Janx opened her eyes and heard us laughing and so did Laurie. I said, "I'm sorry, but everyone is talking to us in our minds. They all thought you too were hot last night."

Janx said, "That was incredible. How could you keep going all night that night?" I said, "We've had plenty of practice." Laurie started to laugh also and said, "I can't believe I passed out from cumming so much. No one will ever believe me." I said, "Next time, bring a jar of juice upstairs with you. Drink a lot of it when you start to feel lightheaded. It'll stop it."

We got up, showered, dressed, and went to eat breakfast with Janx and Laurie. We started the planning process as soon as we finished. We worked until 9 that night, and had completed everything. I said, "Chris, can you set up two of the units tonight for displacement. We'll put one here and one at Janx's house. That way they can communicate and go back and forth without us."

Chris said, "Be back in a jiffy. We have a couple ready to go." Her and Roberta went to the work planet to get the units. They were back in 15 minutes and we set one up in Laurie's home in her study and set it to only go to one place, which is Janx's house. We all used the computer to go to Janx's house and set the other one up there. I said, "We are going to leave now, and we'll be back soon to check on how you're making out. If either of you need us, concentrate on contacting us in your mind. We'll hear you and talk to you in your mind. Chris, Allison, Roberta, and Kyle, are going to set up the displacement units through the night. They'll be turned off, except these two. We'll turn them on when you tell us that you're ready."

We got ready to leave and Janx and Laurie gave each of us a big kiss and a hug. We waved and displaced back to the castle. We went into the kitchen and Mandy poured us some wine, as we sat in the chairs and lit cigarettes. We looked at the clock and we had only been gone 10 minutes. Before we finished taking a sip of wine, Chris and the other's showed up after working all night to install the displacement units. She looked at the time and said, "We have to fix that time plane problem. We're going to go to the work planet and take another look at it. We'll see ya later."

Mandy and I went into the den and lay back on the couch together, as Mandy turned on the TV remote. She channel surfed and stopped at the news. We saw the headlines and Mandy said, "This should be good. They're going to televise it. Let's watch." The headline report was that the first murder had been committed since God's law was enacted and the person was convicted. They are being sentenced in 10 minutes. We watched and it and the judge was Janie. She asked the man again if he did the crime he was charged with. He said, "No!" and the computer told the truth. We each read the man's mind and the computer was right. The computer said, "Rob Reynolds is not telling the truth. He committed this crime and 46 others. Shall I continue or administer punishment." Janie said, "Continue." The computer listed every crime, mostly murders. Janie said, "That will be enough. I'd like to administer punishment now." She said, "Hell for 100 years." We watched the man collapse on the floor screaming and the TV camera showed a close-up as he was placed on a stretcher and carried out screaming at the top of his lungs. Mandy said, "Very effective. Bet this doesn't happen again for a while."

We heard Chris calling everyone from her mind saying, "I need all of you at the work planet as soon as you can get here." We dispatched there right away and so did everyone else. I said, "What do you need Chris?" She said, "You won't believe what we found. Have a seat everyone. Tara, was time always this out of sync with the planes the way they are now?" Tara said, "It all started after a planet exploded about 250 million years ago, or at least that's when we noticed it. Why?"

Chris said, "Everyone go into the design room. Let me show you something." Chris displayed a computer model of what looked like a bed sheet or a piece of material. She said, "Think of this sheet as a time plane. One time plan. Then about 250 million years ago, this happened." She simulated the sheet being ripped by an explosion and at the same time pulled to one side. She said, "See all of those tears, we'll they are actually all connected and look in real life like this. Watch." She displayed a three dimensional graph that looked like a spider web. She said, "See that hole that looks like a worm, well look at it as I magnify it." Chris made it larger and showed the edges, and it was growing in size. She said, "Now watch what will happen in about 500 years." We all watched the fabric completely rip apart.

We all had our mouths hanging open and Chris said, "Doomsday, unless we stop the tear and repair it. Allison and I think we may have found a way to repair it. Tara do you recognize this code here?" Chris displayed it on the wall and Tara said, "Oh yeah, that's to stabilize time when your travel back and forth. That's what Jen used to make the time planes meet when he turned back time on earth." Chris said, "There's also some notations in here that it can repair a rip typically caused by a black hole. This rip in the time fabric is going to be affecting the worlds we just left in about 100 of our years. I vote we try the repair on the space in that galaxy first. Anyone think otherwise?", "Okay. There are three main areas in the universe that this has to be corrected. That is one of them, so lets do it. I'm going to plot the time planes and then we can see what is happening when we run this correction."

Chris showed the time plane that was affected as a piece of fabric in three dimensions. She executed the programs and we watched the affected area be corrected. She said, "Something happened. I'm going to displace to the planet and stay there 20 minutes. That should be 5 minute here, with the changes. If I'm late, it's because this worked." Chris displaced there, and we all waited. After two minutes I said, "I looks like it worked."

I lit a cigarette and Mandy took it out of my hand and took a drag. She inhaled twice and then blew the smoke out slowly, handing the cigarette back to me. We all waited and it seemed like hours. After 5 minutes Chris said into our minds, "I'm here with Janx and Laurie. I've been here for 20 minutes. The displacement only took seconds, now that we fixed the time distortion. How much time has gone by there?" Tara said, "You're right on the mark. Come on back and lets fix all of it."

Chris displaced back and said, "Mom, you a Jen made such an impression of Janx and Laurie. They're calling you the love Gods." Everyone laughed and Mandy and I kind of blushed. Chris sat back at the computer and said, "We all want the vacation planet to be off a little, and this planet also. Lets see if we can repair the tear, and still have a wave in time. Watch the model." Chris was making it look like a ruffled bed sheet by this planet and the vacation planet, almost like a big mountain around each of these planets. She ran a simulator and the times were almost the same as they are now, on each of the worlds. She said, "Here goes", and selected the execute command.

It felt kind of strange for a few seconds and then back to normal again. Chris modeled the time planes and there were no holes, only two deviations. She said, "I think I earned my pay this week. What do you guys think?" We all stood and applauded Chris, as she blushed.

I said, "Now we can open up travel from world to world for any planet that has matured through the evolutionary process. This is great Chris." Tara hugged her and then hugged her again. Chris was now laughing.

Mandy said, "Now we can try our settlement idea. Anyone want to stay around and see if it works?" Everyone said into Mandy's mind really loud, "Yes!" and she covered her ears. That's always good for a few laughs.

Mandy and I moved over to the computer and she said to everyone, "We know that we will always have an overcrowding problem since we introduced the Forever drug, along with the other disease prevention drugs. What we originally proposed was do was to establish two worlds specifically engineered to form without any human life. We just copy the life cycle formulas to another area, and create a new life cycle that is about 1 percent of the one we have used before. This is the one that Jen and I worked on. Watch the simulation."

I selected the simulation option and we watched the simulations around the room on the white boards. I took about 10 minutes and everyone was talking about a few of things. I said, "No need for moneys, or a few of the other animals that are only used for the evolutionary process. We left in some of the aesthetically pleasing life, but removed others that now served no purpose. We selected a planet that is a barren rock and orbiting this star", as I showed the solar system. I continued, "The orbital time will be about twice as long as it is on earth, but the temperatures will be about the same. This sun is much larger and has much more energy. Everyone okay with launching this as an experiment? If it fails, we just create another world over it."

Everyone yelled into my mind, "Yes!" and I covered my ears. Mandy said, "Got you back." We all laughed again and Mandy setup the machines to create the capsule and launch it.

We all watched the massive explosion on the planet's surface and then saw the accelerated life cycle begin. We guessed that in 30 days of earth time the planet would be ready for habitation by settlers from other worlds. I said, "Who is going to manage this planet? Mandy and I have our hands full with the stuff on earth and the changes we just made for the two worlds we created."

Tara said, "I'll take it. This could be fun. Lets make a list of the things we need to do to make it work, and not create our own version of the 1800s wild west from earth."

We worked for about 3 days on the list of things we needed to do. We ate while we worked and only took breaks for sleeping a little, and one giant sex orgy. That of course was Tara and Godda's idea. Mandy and I made love to Kathy and Julie again and Julie said into our minds, "We know what you did with the chemical reaction for us and we really wanted to thank you for it. It doesn't change how we both feel about you. Jen, I could fuck you for forever, same with you Mandy. I can tell you both that it won't change a thing between me and Kathy. Now lick my pussy again and make me cum in your mouth. Mmmmm, that felt so good." Mandy and I really outdid ourselves this time as Combined. We both fucked Julie in the pussy at the same time, and then did the same to Kathy, four times. We had them both nuts. Julie was alternating eating Mandy and my pussy for almost an hour, as Mandy lay on top of me and we were kissing. Kathy ate out Julie at the same time. Mandy and I were so into having Julie lick us, we both were moaning into her mind to swallow all of our juices and then we both orgasmed again when she swallowed.

We ended our three day work and sex session and Tara said, "See you tomorrow for the announcement on each of the planets." We all displaced to our homes.


Julie, Kathy, Mandy, and me, slept together that night. We definitely improved upon our foursome approach to sex. Julie did have one hell of an imagination. Mandy and I made love afterwards and were so into each other. Julie and Kathy had to drag us out of bed, as we had to be at the office to met Tara and Godda.

We sat on our twin toilets and laughed at each other, as we guessed wrong again. Mandy said, "We have a new shower song today. You remember it?" I said, "Yeah. Lets see how it sounds in harmony." We showered and sang the song. Julie and Kathy came running back into the bathroom listening to us sing. Kathy said, "That is by the far the best you have ever written. When did you write it?" I said, "When we were kind of half asleep a few days ago, in our minds. We can record it if you want."

We dried off, dressed, put on makeup, and went downstairs for breakfast. Kathy had already made us something in her mind and I said, "What is it?" She said, "Try it. It's what they were eating for breakfast on Julie's planet. It tastes really good." We all liked it until Kathy told us what it was. It was eggs served over a hash meat, that were all the parts of the pigow that no one eats. Mandy and I looked at each other with scrunched up noses and she said, "Yuck."

We decided to drive to work today and took the Ferrari. I let Mandy drive to the office and she was a lunatic as usual. We got into our office and watched Tara and Godda displace into Mandy's office just as we walked in. Mandy said, "We're broadcasting the show from the boardroom this morning. How many people do you think with take us up on the offer? A quarter says 2 million." I said, "5 million." Tara said, "1 million or less." Godda said, "Between 3 and 4 million."

We all walked into the boardroom and the TV crew was star stuck with Godda and Tara. They both were laughing. They sat next to us and the director gave us our cue to start, counting down from 5. Mandy said, "Hello everyone. Today we have some great new announcements. To start with we did have a pretty serious problem that we fixed, and I'll let Jen tell you what it was."

I said, "About 250 million years ago an uninhabited planet exploded. The explosion caused a rip in the time planes, which has been getting worse. Doctors Chris Edwards and Allison Davidson discovered it, and also discovered a way to repair it. Without getting very technical, the rip would have caused the end of everything as we know it, within the next 500 years. We would have been one huge black hole. The repair not only fixed the rip, but also fixed the problem that many planets were too far off of our time plane to have people visit them. You could leave for a 1 day trip and return a hundred years later. Now all of the planets operate on the same time plane, except for the vacation planet. Chris figured out a way to keep that one offset enough so that people could enjoy a long vacation, and still only loose a day or two of life from where they came from."

Mandy said, "Now that the time differential problem is solved, we are starting a new program, and it's open for anyone that wants to participate. Godda, why don't you and Tara explain it." Godda said, "Many people want to be explorers and pioneers. Magellan, Columbus, Armstrong, just to name a few. We are giving you that opportunity if you want to take it."

Tara said, "We have created two planets that are just like earth, except there are no people. There are crystal clear rivers and streams, green fields and forests, and snow that is as white as it gets. There are animals, fish, and birds, but no human beings, and this is by our design. For anyone that wants to be an early pioneer, an explorer, and a settler, these worlds are for you."

Mandy said, "This is how it will work. The planets will not be ready for human habitation for about another 20 days. If you want to resettle to one of these worlds, just contact your local earth governance representative. They will get all of your information. We will help you sell your homes and relocate you to the new worlds for free. The first ones there will be involved in planning and construction. There is nothing there yet; no technology, no drugs, no food manufacturing. All of this must be developed. We will provide supplies from earth and several other planets to help you along, but you will be the ones to make it happen."

I continued, "There will be a governance board set up with God's laws, that will be there to assist any way they can. We don't want people to move to this world that don't want to contribute to its' success. We want people who thrive on self achievement. I could picture myself exploring the backside of a mountain for the first time, or sailing down a river into a lake knowing that no one has ever been there before. We know this isn't for everyone. But for those that have the adventurer spirit and want to be a big part of a new world, it is the opportunity of a lifetime."

Tara continued, "We have set up a plan that will have each of these two worlds being economically prosperous within a five year period. They will each need leadership, just like each of the other planets has. We want the senior team to be devoted to making each world a success, and have a stake in it. Just as we all have a very large stake on the outcome of the worlds we created."

Godda continued, "These are images of the two planets. I'll project them into the camera." Godda projected the most wonderful images that we saw from the planets. She really does love nature. We saw waterfalls, lakes, a river, mountain ranges, green fields, and forests."

I said, "The planets also will have longer seasons that we do here on earth. Each one will be about twice as long, as the orbit around their sun is longer. The climate will be almost identical."

Mandy said, "All we ask is that you think it over and let one of the representatives know if you are interested. You don't have to make a firm commitment at this time."

I said, "The other announcement is that we can now allow people to travel to any of the other planets that have reached their life cycle maturity in the evolutionary process. There are hundreds. Mandy and I will be preparing a list of the worlds and all they have to offer within the next several weeks. We expect to be able to allow tourism to these planets within the next two months. Now for our call in questions."

We answered telephone call in questions for the rest of the hour show. Some were kind of cute. One caller said, "If we went to the new planets would we have to build pyramids or stupid stuff like that?" Mandy was laughing so I said, "Not unless you want to. Maybe you could create a tourist attraction or something."

The last question was for Mandy, "We saw your concert on TV recently and wondered it the vanishing act was real." Mandy said, "We're out of time today so we'll show you. Watch closely." Mandy said into our minds, "Invisible on three. 1, 2, now." We made ourselves invisible to everyone on earth, as we waved goodbye. The camera cut off, and we reappeared. The Director said, "Now I know it was real. The travel between planets is a great idea."

As soon as we finished the show Kon called us in our minds. I said back to him, "Hi Kon, what can we do for you?" He said to all of us, "We all want to go to one of the new planets. I think we really want the adventure of doing it all over again." Mandy said back to him, "That's great! We'll talk to you more about when we have all the specifics worked out. Say hello to everyone from us." We heard back into our minds every one of them scream "Hello Mandy and Jen!" We covered our ears and both laughed at each other.

Mandy said, "Ready for our call to the x-Presidents?" I said, "Lets do it." We talked to both of them in our minds and Mandy said, "How would one or both of you like to run one of these planets. It's everything from the corporations to the governance body. Plus, you'll get to plan for the cities, the entire geography of where everything is located, and you'll get your choice of a home anywhere on the planet, that we'll have built for you." They both said yes and I said, "You remember Kon and his group of people from the previous race on earth, well they want to relocate and help also. This could be part of your top team if you want them."

We took our world traveling announcement on the road. Mandy and I did it on our planets and four others. Everyone had a hand in doing it somewhere. We also allowed intergalactic telephone communication at the same time. Chris made it seem so simple. We used Chris's neural computer telephone that worked on thought to be programmed across worlds. We added a world code to the phone numbers, a language translator feature, and moved all of the controls to the master computer on the work planet. People could call anywhere to make reservations or speak to their family or long distance friends. We shared the revenues between the planets and taxes were finally stopped on the really bad problem world of Tara's. That world was now just like earth and we are opening it up for tourism and trade also.

When we visited Laurie and Janx they were all over us. We had sex with them eight times in two days. Godda joined us the last time and they really experienced heavenly love. She can do things with her tongue that we all thought were impossible. Mandy and I both think that she uses her powers to make her tongue longer. She licked my pussy and I felt like I was being fucked by a 12 inch cock that was 2 inches thick. Mandy thought it was more like 13 inches. In either case, it was definitely not the size of a tongue.

Both planets, Firma and Trath, are now producing power with cold nuclear fusion power. They have an abundance of natural resources, have all automobiles converted to the fuel Chris and Allison developed, and are producing and selling the drugs to the people. It has already paid for all government programs for the next 50 years and they also have eliminated all taxes. The most popular drugs are the Forever pill and the new SexMed- Uncombine, which takes away the baby stick, as they call it. Melissa helped with the advertising for this one and all of us laughed for hours watching the first set of commercials.

Mandy and I looked at the calendar and realized that we were so involved with everything, we lost track of time. She said to me, "We forgot our birthdays again, and everyone else's also. Honey, I'm forty five now. This is so weird." I told Tara about our little lapse of realization of time and she said, "It happens to all of us. Wait until you find out that you're a couple of hundred years off. Part of it happens from being on the work planet. We just loose all sense of time when we get back."

We all lost our bet of people wanting to relocate to the new worlds. It was 17 million from earth and over 40 million from all of the other planets. We decide to make two more planets using the same shortened life cycle.

We finally made good on our promise to have Laurie and Janx come to earth and they are arriving today. It's 5 AM and Mandy and I are lying in bed. We are both wide awake after being so exhausted we passed out at 9 last night. Mandy sat up a reached for a cigarette on the nightstand, put it in her lips, and lit it with a lighter. She took a deep drag and blew smoke out the smoke through her nose, as she inhaled on it again, and then lay back down facing me on her side. She took another drag and blew out the smoke, handing the cigarette to me. I put the cigarette in my lips and took two inhales and held in the smoke, as Mandy was softly touching one of my nipples. She moved her mouth over my nipple and touched it with her open warm lips. Mandy used her saliva to coat it and then flicked her tongue over the end. I moaned softly and took another drag of the cigarette, as Mandy said while licking my nipple, "Sweetheart, we need a vacation. How about a couple weeks on the vacation planet. Lets see about playing there in the band. That would be fun."

I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy took it out of my lips with her fingers and took a drag also. She blew the smoke out over my breasts and licked my nipple again. I was melting inside and she knew it as she smiled at me and said, "Does it feel good yet? Come on Jen, tell me how it feels. Come on, are you wet yet?" I had my eyes half closed and put my hand over the back of Mandy's head and pulled her head to my breast again. She laughed and said, "I thought so", as she licked me again and sucked my nipple in her mouth. She lifted up her head taking a drag of the cigarette, gave me a drag also, and then put it out in the ashtray. She said, "Now we make love baby."

I rolled on my side to face her, and touched Mandy's face with my hand stroking her softly. She put her arm over me and I slowly put my open lips on hers. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she responded by darting her tongue on mine. We passed our saliva into each other's mouth and sucked on each other's tongue, as we both caressed each other's breasts. I moved my hand down to rub Mandy's clit and she moaned into my mind as we connected again. I made her feel the way she likes it, as she put her hand on my clit also. I was on fire and we both moaned into each other's mouth as we kissed.

Mandy said into my mind, "Finger me with your thumb and put your other fingers in my ass. I'll do it to you also." I moved from her clit and pushed my thumb into Mandy's pussy. Then I reached under her to find her butt hole with my fingers, stretching my hand. I used my middle finger and pushed it into her ass. Mandy moaned loud, as I wiggled it around and then she did the same thing to me. We made each other so hot we couldn't control ourselves. After about 20 minutes we rubbed each other's clit until we both had an orgasm and kissed the entire time.

I moved into a 69 position with Mandy on our sides and I used my hands to spread her pussy as wide as I could. I put my tongue into her and licked from the bottom to the top. Then I said into Mandy's mind, "Here comes my version of Godda." I made my tongue as big as a cock when it was inside of Mandy and licked all the way in until I hit bottom. She went wild and was bucking her pussy into my face and was moaning, "Fuck me! Fuck me! Harder! Oh Jen that's it. Oh! OH! OOOHHHH! OOOOOHHHH! I'm CUMMING! Oh shit, swallow it! Swallow it baby. Mmmmmm." I swallowed and kept doing it to her.

Mandy said into my mind, "You're getting it honey. Here goes." I felt Mandy's tongue grow into my pussy and lick inside of me where no one has been before. I went absolutely wild on her. I held Mandy's face to my pussy, as I pushed my cunt into her face harder. She was moving her face back and forth, fucking me with her tongue and I came like Niagara falls. We both put our tongues back to the normal size and sucked all the thick pussy cum from each other's love box. I must have swallowed six times.

We kissed each other's pussy and made Mmmmmm sounds. Mandy laughed into my mind and said, "We are so fucked up. Honey, that was outrageous. At least me know now what Godda does to us. Move up here and kiss me and lets have cigarette." I moved to be next to Mandy again and rolled on my side leaning on her breasts. I reached for the nightstand and put a cigarette in my lips, as Mandy flicked the lighter. I moved the cigarette into the flame and took a deep drag, and then another one, as I held in the smoke and then slowly blew it out of my nose. I put the cigarette in Mandy's lips and said, "How about we use Oscar for a while?" Mandy took a second inhale and blew out the smoke saying, "It's on the nightstand. Put it in us honey. I'm so fucking hot."

I reached over a grabbed Oscar and put one end in me and the other in Mandy, as she rolled on her side to face me. We moved into our favorite position and rubbed our pussies together, as Oscar went all the way in. We slowly rubbed our pussies together using Oscar, as Mandy held the cigarette to my lips and I took two deep drags and held in the smoke. She took another drag and said, "We have to do that again with our tongues. Every time I think about it I get so wet. Rub on me harder baby. Oh yeah, that's it, just like that."

We each took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy put it out. We wrapped our arms around each other and fucked our pussies together using Oscar. Oscar found our G-spots and we came like a river every few minutes for over a half hour. Mandy said into my mind, "We're going to suck and swallow our cum and then it's tongue time again."

Mandy sat up and moved into a 69 position with me on our sides, and we sucked and swallowed each other's cum. I loved the taste. Then I made my tongue big again and Mandy went wild fucking my face. She did the same thing to her tongue and the two of us were fucking each other's face. I put my hands around her ass and pulled her pussy to my mouth and made my tongue go in as far as possible. I had plenty of room at the bottom to lick my way around. Mandy orgasmed four times within a few minutes. She did the same thing to me and I almost passed from cumming so much. I moved my tongue to find her G- spot and Mandy really went wild. This time she started to pass out so we both stopped. I sucked up her pussy cum into my mouth and moved to kiss her. She opened her lips and I dripped it all on her tongue as we kissed and swallowed. We were both so light headed we couldn't get out of bed.

Mandy glanced over at the clock and said, "We have to get up and remotely displace Janx and Laurie here today. Remember?" I said, "I remember. I was just think that maybe we could do it one more time. How about in the shower, or a bathtub adventure?"

Mandy laughed and said, "Bathtub adventure. Lets go." We lay in the stone tub in a 69 position and peed on each other's tongue. We licked each other to a climax again and then did about 10 minutes with our tongues long again. That was unreal. We stood up and turned on the shower head above the tub, and washed off.


Mandy and I dried each other off and got dressed. We put on our makeup and went downstairs for breakfast. Ruffles was asking us for "Rheerios" so Mandy dumped a box on the floor and Snuffy said, "Roh Roy Ruffles, Rheerios." We still crack up every time the dogs talk to us. We made some breakfast the old fashioned way today, and sat to eat. The dogs and cat were all thanking us for the Cheerios on the floor and Mandy said into my mind, "They make me feel like such a jerk. The littlest thing makes them so happy. Why in the fuck did we give them the ability to talk?"

Kathy and Julie came into the room and Ruffles yelled, "Ruh Roh", and the dogs took off. Kathy said, "They conned you too? I just gave them a whole box of Cheerios this morning and so did Chris before I got up. Jen, we should have listened to you and cooked the fucking dogs years ago." Mandy was hysterically laughing and said, "And I felt sorry for them, those little shits."

We finished our breakfast and had some coffee and a cigarette watching the news on the TV in the kitchen. There was a lot on about intergalactic trade and speculation of what was coming next. Mandy said, "So what is coming next? We decide yet?" Julie said, "Don't you ever get tired?" I said, "We're hitting the vacation planet in two days. How about you come with us a we play a gig there?" Kathy said, "We're in. Julie call your mom, she's doing some of the bookings for it already."

Julie was talking to her mother via her mind and I called Janx and said, "Ready to come to earth? Just think to me and I'll hear it." Janx said, "I'm ready." I said back, "I going to displace you here. Just breath normal." I brought her into the kitchen with us and Mandy brought Laurie here also at the same time.

We all hugged and Julie said into our minds, "We are on at vacation world. Headlining the largest club for two nights. You gotta love it."

I said, "First we show you around. I thought we could start with a quick trip to our office. You don't have cars like we have here. Mandy, you take the Ferrari with Laurie and I'll take Janx in the Porsche. This is what driving is all about. It's like having your own private amusement park." We walked out to the garage and Janx said, "Why so many cars? Look at how small those two are." Mandy laughed and said, "That's the Porsche and this one is the Ferrari. These are very rare cars on earth. Let's take a cruise honey. Follow me if you can catch me."

We all got in the cars and Janx was so nervous. I said, "Put on your seat belt and just relax. This is fun." Mandy and I backed the cars out and she took off up the driveway and I was right on her ass. The Porsche is definitely faster. I stayed inches from her rear bumper the whole way as she hit 170 on the straight away by the lake. We pulled into our parking spaces at the office and Janx was pale white. So was Laurie. Mandy and I laughed and hugged, as we helped them out of the car. I said, "That was fun." Janx said, "Holy fuck! You two are out of your minds." We all laughed, as we walked into the building.

We introduced them to Grace and they recognized many of the people. Ken cracked a few jokes as usual when we explained the operations. Janx said, "You do all of this from this one office?" Mandy said, "Try over 15,000 offices, all larger than this. This is only the executive headquarters where we work along with the top management team. We chose to be here because we all love it in this place. It's the nature." Laurie said, "We drove by it so fast, all I saw was my dress when I looked at the floor of the car."

I said, "We'll go back really slow and let you see all of it." Ken popped his head in again and said, "I have a new act here that is outrageous. You have 10 minutes to see them perform a song?" Mandy said, "Let's go to the auditorium and hear what they sound like."

We walked to the auditorium and Julie and Kathy were already there waiting for Ken. We sat in the front and he brought out the band. Ken said, "I know what your going to say, but just listen. They really did have stage fright. This is the result of long hours of work. Hit it guys." We all listened and they really did sound good. We loved the material. We all stood and clapped and waved goodbye to the bad. Mandy said, "Thanks Ken. You did good."

Laurie said, "The music is that important here?" Mandy said, "What you just heard will make us probably 100 million dollars. Earth is much more populated and people have a lot of money to spend on culture, arts or luxury items. Like those cars. The Porsche was a special order that cost us 1.4 million. The Ferrari was also a special order than was over 500 thousand dollars. People here like their toys, including us."

We took them to see Max, Margi, Alice and most of the others. Janx kept saying, "Everyone has such huge offices here. It is all like this?" I said, "In the headquarters it is. We really do need the room for meetings a lot of the time." Mandy said, "Lets take a scenic way back and drive slow. I'll talk into everyone's mind so you can hear me also Janx."

I followed Mandy and she drove very slow and so did I. We gave them a tour of the local small town and then around the lake. We stopped so they could see our castle and then drove back to the garage. We got out of the cars and they wanted to see the house and grounds so we did the tour outside first using the horses. Mandy's horse said, "Cute Momma" and I thought Mandy was going to smack him. I said, "We taught the horses, dogs, and cats to talk. I seemed like a good idea at the time, but now we know it was a big mistake."

We rode around the grounds and down by the cliffs so they could see the mountains and the lake. We went back through the gardens and then put the horses back in the stable. We checked their feed and water and went into the house. We walked into the main entrance foyer and they just stood in amazement. I said, "The main entrance is impressive. Look at the ballroom to your right. Just open those double doors to the far right. We had over 1,700 people in here for Chris's wedding."

Mandy took them through all the rooms and then upstairs to the bedrooms, hot tub room, indoor pool, stone porch, and the turret rooms. We took the elevator to the lower level and showed them the theater and game rooms, and them went up a level to the studios, labs, studies, library, and living areas, and then back to the kitchen. I said, "This is where we started from when we displaced you here. Lets go out back on the veranda and we'll take you out on the boat. Sweetheart, can you grab some wine and glasses?" Mandy smiled at me and took three bottles of a chilled white wine.

We went out on the veranda and they looked around, as Ruffles ran up to us and said, "Ruffel's Ro Ron Roat Roday? Mandy said, "Not today Ruffles, we have company." He said, "Rokay." Janx and Laurie both looked at us and Laurie said, "Unbelievable."

We walked onto the boat and Mandy brought them to the bridge. I untie the ropes and pushed us off, as Mandy fired up the engine. I went up to the bridge and Mandy had already poured me a glass of wine and lit me a cigarette. I steered the boat out of the inlet as Mandy showed them around. The fish finder was going nuts and I said into Mandy's mind, "We just had a catfish bigger than anything we have every caught swim right under the boat, want me to follow it?" She said back, "Hell yeah. Lets give them a thrill and land a big one."

I turned in the direction of the fish and followed it on the fish finder. I said in Mandy's mind, "You'll never guess where it's heading. Right to our favorite spot." Mandy said back to me laughing in her mind, "This could be very interesting. Want to practice that tongue routine later?" I said back, "After we fish, or before?" She said, "After. If we do it before, we'll never fish at all."

Mandy was walking up to the bridge with Laurie and Janx. Laurie said, "This boat is so nice. We don't have anything like this. Ours are so plain." Janx said, "Us too. We could learn so much here." Mandy looked at the fish finder and said, "Holy Shit! Look at the size of that catfish. We are definitely catching that one." Janx said, "We only have small catfish. Maybe 50 pounds is the largest." I said, "Try 1,500 pounds at least for this one." I got to the cove and dropped anchor. Mandy went to get the wire fishing lines ready and baited two of them. She said, "Our guests get to land these. Have a seat ladies. We'll show you how everything works." Laurie and Janx sat in the fishing chairs and holding the wire reels that were anchored. I said, "400 feet is where the fish finder has them."

Mandy and I sat right behind them on two deck chairs and both lit cigarettes sipping the wine. Janx said, "My lines moving, what does that mean?" I said, "Don't put your fingers on it and just wait." Laurie said, "Mine's doing the same thing." Mandy said in my mind, "I'm going to be so pissed if they land a 2,000 pounder."

We all had some of our wine and a cigarette as we watched the reels moving very slightly. Laurie's went slack and I said, "Push that button a little to make it taught again." She did and then the fish took off. The reel was spinning and she screamed, "What do I do?" I said, "Nothing yet, just let the catfish run for a while. Hey Mandy, this one is huge." Mandy smiled at me and said into my mind, "Shut up!" We both laughed and helped Laurie. Janx's fish also took off and was pulling her reel. The two of them were like little kids. We loved it.

We worked both fish for almost an hour and had them up to 80 feet of water. One jumped out behind the boat and it was huge. Mandy said, "Mother fucker! Look at that fish." Janx and Laurie had their mouths hanging open. We had to let the fish run some more so we gave it a another 100 feet of lack, slowly. I pulled up the anchor and the two fish pulled the boat about a mile out and then a mile back to where we were. They tired out and we reeled them in. I dropped the anchor again.

Mandy worked the wench and I worked the hooks with my mind. We hoisted them up and they were both huge. They both flopped back a forth hanging from the wench and the boat was listing slightly from the movement and the weight. Mandy said, "Lets just wait until they stop moving to make sure the wench will hold." We waited about 10 minutes and they both hung down limp. I said, "You both get to take home one great trophy fish. They taste great. We'll pack them in ice and displace them back to your planets later.

Janx and Laurie were like little kids having caught those fish. I said, "Anyone for some more wine?" Mandy said, "And some sex?" They both kissed each of us and Janx said, "Yes to both." Mandy said into my mind, "The rear of the boat is a mess from the fish, lets go to the front. Grab some blankets and pillows."

I went into the cabins and grabbed a few blankets and two pillows, and went up to the front deck of the boat. It was beautiful outside, maybe 72 degrees with a very slight breeze. I laid out the blankets on the wood deck and Mandy took the pillows. She said into my mind, "Combine honey, and lets undress." We undressed each other as Janx and Laurie watched us. then we undressed them. They loved it as we both licked and sucked their nipples.

Mandy and I lay them down on the blanket next to each other and we lay between their legs. Mandy said into my mind, "Start off easy and make Janx go crazy, then we'll do the tongue trick." Mandy smiled at me and we both licked pussy. I spread Janx's pussy lips apart with my hands and she was moaning already. So was Laurie. Mandy and I licked them and rubbed their clits and they both had an orgasm within minutes. We kept right on going, sucking up their juices, and licking more. Mandy said into my mind, "It's tongue time honey. Now we make them crazy. Hit Janx's G-spot."

Mandy and I licked them and we read each other's thoughts and made our tongues long and wide. I reached bottom on Janx and she was almost incoherent. I wiggle the tip of my tongue and fucked her pussy with my face. Then I found the G-spot. She orgasmed so hard she raised her butt off of the deck by almost 6 inches along with my face. Mandy was having the same affect on Laurie. We kept going on the two of them for almost an hour until they were both not making any sense when they tried to speak. Mandy said into my mind, "They will definitely remember this day. Now lets you and we fuck sweetheart."

I lay down and Mandy sat on my cock straddling me. She leaned forward a little and rocked, as I pulled her to me and we kissed. We watched Janx roll over on top of Laurie and the two of them make passionate love together. I wrapped my legs and arms around Mandy and we rolled on our sides fucking. I rubbed her cock while I fucked her, and she was moaning, "Make me blast off honey. Make me blast off. Oh, that feels so good."

We fucked for over an hour and them I started to cum into Mandy. I rubbed her cock faster and she shot her cum onto my stomach and had a huge orgasm from her pussy. She kissed me so hard and said into my mind, "I love you so much. Jen darling, hold me tighter." We both convulsed in orgasms for a few minutes and then Mandy smiled at me. She wiped the cum from her stomach and mine with a finger and put it in my mouth. She did it again and put it in her mouth and then we kissed again.

I rubbed her cock again and she was getting hard. She lit a cigarette and took a drag, and then put it in my lips. I left the cigarette hanging in my lips as I sat on Mandy's cock, they way she sat on mine. She was all the way in my pussy and I took a deep drag of the cigarette holding in the smoke. I took another drag and then blew the smoke out slowly into the wind, as I fucked Mandy moving up and down on her cock. I put the cigarette in her lips and then arch my back to lift myself up higher on her shaft and then drop all the way down on her. Mandy was moaning already and I smiled at her. She took a drag of the cigarette and reached over to put it out. Then she put her hand around my cock and rubbed me. That felt so good, as I was getting my pussy fucked. Mandy wrapped her arms and legs around me and we rolled over on our side again. She was rubbing my cock with one hand and then pinching my nipple with the other. I moaned, "I'm cumming from my pussy already, "Oh! Oh! OOOOHHH! Pinch my nipple harder. Oh, that's it don't stop."

We fucked for almost another hour next to Janx and Laurie. I had cum 5 times from my pussy and I was about to explode from my cock. Mandy said, "I cumming baby, any second in your pussy. Blast off with me." Mandy rubbed my cock at the speed of light and I started to pulsate and blast out my cum, just as Mandy shot her load into my pussy and I orgasmed again. I blasted off big time and jerked into her so hard. She held me tight and kissed me with such passion. I was moaning into her mouth and into her mind, as my pussy was throbbing and so was my cock. The last squirt was done and I felt weak at the knees. Mandy broke our kiss and smiled at me. She said, "Wow! You really got off that time. Sweetheart, I think we need to lick each other and suck out the cum, and then do the tongue thing again. You up for it?" I said into her mind, "Of course. Lay next to me."

Mandy moved into a 69 position with me and we sucked the cum out from each other's pussy and then I made my tongue grow and so did she. We went wild on each other. I fucked her pussy with my tongue and she fucked mine. I hit bottom licking and then found her G-spot. She flooded my mouth and then she found mine. We both put our tongues back to normal and sucked the thick pussy cum into our mouths and swallowed. Mandy moved back to where she was and kissed me so softly. She said, "I'm light headed. We have to stop for a few minutes." I tried to sit up and fell back and Mandy laughed and said, "See?"

We looked at Janx and Laurie who were sound asleep cuddling. Mandy reached for the bottle of wine and took a big swig from the bottle and I did the same. She lit us a cigarette and we both lay back on the pillow looking up towards the high rock cliffs in the cove. I said, "We caught five really old and large catfish. Lets clone one of the large ones with our minds to keep the lake stocked. Connect with me." I search the lake with my mind for a large catfish and found one. I concentrate and cloned it five times." Mandy said, "We're learning we can do more things everyday. I was thinking about the new planets. We could make most of the infrastructure with our minds for them. Roads, first buildings, stuff like that." I said, "It will take the fun out of it for everyone that wants to really be a pioneer. Let them build it and learn. Then we'll come in and improve it." Mandy kissed me and said, "For someone who is slow, you are really smart." We both started to laugh, and I took a drag of the cigarette.

Mandy was playing with one of my nipples and I was getting tingly all over again. I said, "If you keep doing that we're going to end up fucking again and you know it. We wanted to show Janx and Laurie some of the large cities today. We'll spend it all on the boat instead." Mandy kissed me and said, "I'll save it until later honey. I want it again." I said, "So do I", and she rubbed my nipples again and laughed."

We got up and dressed and turned back to normal, and then woke up Laurie and Janx. They were all smiles and we went to the bridge. They dressed and joined us after we got moving. Janx said, "I don't get it. How can you keep going like that. We both passed out again." I said, "We only stopped because we wanted to show you some of the cities today, or we would still be at it. How'd you like our licking session?" Janx kissed me so sexy and then she kissed Mandy. She said, "You two are definitely Gods. No mortal could ever do that. Godda did it to us last time and I flipped. It was unreal." Mandy laughed and said, "It was her trick to start with. She is one sexy bitch." Everyone smiled as we took the boat back to the dock.

Mandy tied the ropes as I brought it close. Janx and Laurie got off and I said, "Move back a little so we can take care of the fish. Watch this." Mandy made two huge plastic containers in her mind and put them on the dock, and I filled the bottom with ice. Mandy and I shared our thoughts and I lifted each fish as she unhooked them. We lay one in each container, and I filled it to the top with ice. Mandy put on the lids. I said, "Who on your planet should we displace the containers to, so they can clean it and cook it. We'll give you a couple of recipes that taste great." Janx said, "Can you read my mind and contact the person that I show you?" I said, "Sure. Lets do it." I read her mind and made it a three way call with our minds. I displaced the container to her and we made sure she got it." Mandy did the same thing with Laurie.

I said, "How about a famous hot dog for dinner in the largest city in the universe. It's call New York City and it's just about rush hour there. You are going to see over 8 million people trying to leave a city that is a few miles wide on an island. Ready?" We all held hands and I displaced us to the top of the Empire State building. I said, "From here you can see how big it is. We are over a quarter of a mile high. This isn't the highest building, but it has a great view." Mandy was pointing out everything and they were so interested. I said, "How about we let them sample it the way New Yorkers see it. Lets take a taxi to Times Square."

We took the elevator down and got a cab. The streets were mobbed as usual, but the traditional New York cursing cab drivers were all gone now. Janx said, "I've never seen so many people in one place." Laurie nodded her head and I said, "You haven't seen Tokyo yet. It's worse. So is Singapore." Mandy said, "All of these people commute into the city everyday to work through three tunnels and a couple of bridges. It's a mess. They refuse to use the teleportation system we set up. They all seem to love being in crowds, so we just left it alone."

We got to Times Square and I gave the driver a big tip. He thanked us and we went to Nathan's for a foot long hot dog. I said, "From what we can tell, this is something unique to Earth. It's called a hot dog." We ordered 4 and everyone gobbled them down. Laurie said, "Lets get another." I said, "Nope. Next we get a Philly Cheese Steak." Mandy started to laugh and displaced us to the place where we each ate four of them. I said, "We are about 130 miles from New York in another large city. There are actually a number of them near here also." Mandy ordered the cheese steaks loaded up the way we liked them, along with soft drinks. We all ate and they wanted more again, and they were so curious about the drink. I said, "Ask us about it later so I remember to get you the information on it. They are a lot of different flavors. We call it Soda." I said, "Vienersnitzal time in the German section of Chicago." Mandy said, "The Blues clubs are our favorite place to listen to real old blues tunes. This place is about a mile away."

I displaced us to the top of the Sears Tower so we could see the city and the lake. Janx and Laurie looked around and Janx said, "How many of these types of Cities are there?" Mandy said, "Thousands. These are some of the largest, but there are so many that are just a little bit smaller, all over the world. Plus we have 12 underground cities that are ultra modern." I displaced us to the restaurant and we got the veal sandwiches.

We did this for seven more stops until we were all stuffed. They loved Tokyo where we had sushi and Mexico City where we had a burrito. We made a few more stops for desert and we got them a whole cheesecake with cherry topping to take with them from our favorite bakery in LA. We displaced back to the castle and Laurie said, "We're both exhausted. How do you keep going like this?" Mandy said, "I guess we're just use to it. I'm not tired at all." I said, "Want to see something funny before you leave? Follow me. Hey Ruffles, you and Snuffy want to push Felix in the water?" They all ran to the indoor pool and waited for us. I turned on the waterfall and said, "Watch this."

Ruffles and Snuffy were chasing Felix and then Felix was chasing them. Ruffles snuck up behind Felix and pushed her in the water, and she swam to the waterfall and tried to get out. Ruffles and Snuffy were laughing, as we watched the cat fall backwards into the pool over 8 times in a belly flop. Janx and Laurie were hysterical. I said, "You ready for us to displace you back home?" Janx said, "Send us both to Laurie's." I handed Janx the recipes I took from the kitchen for Catfish and Mandy sent them both back as we waved.

Mandy put her arms around me and said, "That was fun today. Let's see if Julie and Kathy have the details about our vacation." We connected and Mandy said, "Julie, you home?" She answered back, "Be home in about a half hour. We're at Kathy's planet. We saw the fish they caught in their minds. Those were huge. I hope there's some left in the lake." I said back, "There are still plenty. I cloned one of them five times." We heard Kathy laughing in our minds.

We went downstairs and poured ourselves some wine and went into the den to turn on the TV for a while. I channel surfed and there was such garbage on. Neither one of us can get into the reality game shows. I found something interesting on the Discovery channel and we watched how they analyzed the images Godda and Tara displayed about how the universe and planets were formed. One scientist estimated the force of the blast to be over 100 million times more powerful than the largest weapon we ever created. The explosion for a planet was about 200 hundred times more powerful than any weapon we ever built. They put the explosion on a spectrometer and we immediately saw something we didn't even think of before. Mandy said, "Lets look at the formulas behind how it happens. My guess is if we eliminate the one element, the planet would be habitable in under a week. We just don't know if it's really needed or not. The magnesium gives it the white light, but the gasses have to clear before breathing life can start." I said, "This process was designed to take millions of years. We are shortening parts of it to weeks. We should take it slow on some of this stuff. We have no idea what will happen if we change something that needs to be there."


Julie and Kathy displaced back home and we heard all about their planets and how they are doing. Julie mothers the people of her world more than Mandy did. Kathy had a rock sample kit with her and had mineral samples from one of the areas on her planet. She said, "I'm not sure, but I think it's a cave filled with perfect diamonds. My guess is that it has something to do with the way we speed up the process and the force of the second explosion we used to make a change. Mandy did that also. You should check the planets for minerals. We found mine exactly where the tube exploded. You feel like checking yours? It will take about 10 minutes."

We all displaced to the work planet and got the exact coordinates of where the blast occurred on Mandy's planet. We displaced there and Kathy was right. We were in a forest that was totally hidden for anything. There were diamonds, some larger than doorknobs everywhere. There was an entire pit of them. We gathered a bag full and displaced back home to fully analyze them. We all went into the lab and Kathy did the tests. In 10 minutes we knew we had perfect uncut diamonds. I said, "What would this do the economy of the universe, as most of it's based on precisions stones and metals." Mandy said, "I'm not sure. I know that our planets really value these a lot." Mandy said into everyone's minds, "Tara, Godda, can you hear me?" Tara said, "What's up Mandy?" Mandy said into our minds, "What would happen to the overall universe economy if there was lets say 50 tons of perfect uncut diamonds on several of the new planets, and we found them."

Tara said, "I have no idea. I know that it would probably devalue the existing stones if they were all sold on the open market at one time. We should probably put some of them into circulation as we are running low, now that more people are using the vacation planet." Mandy said, "We have that many in each of the new planets that we used a second explosion to cause a change. They are located at the exact coordinates from the blast. Displace here to the castle and we'll show you."

Tara and Godda were there in under a minute and we showed them the stones. Then we took them to the planet Trath to see the pit full, and diamonds everywhere. Tara said, "We should take half of these and put them in circulation. The rest leave here and split it between this world and Firma. Let them have the riches. Kathy said, "We have the same thing on at least one other planet, maybe more. Maybe we should start a vault to back up the universe currency, like they use to do on earth with Gold."

Tara said, "Lets displace half of this to the work planet and Mandy and Jen can spilt the rest between the two worlds. Kathy, we'll do the same thing with your planet."

Mandy displaced all of the stones out of the pit and it made a pile about 20 feet high. We all looked at it and Tara said, "There are a lot of diamonds here. Lets leave about a quarter of these here. Even that may be too much." I'm going to displace it and lets see if it's enough. We watched as Tara sent most of it to the work planet. There was still a lot of diamonds. Tara said, "Spilt between two worlds it's more than enough."

Mandy made a camouflage tarp to go over it so no one would see it from the air. She said to me, "Lets give them a surprise to go with the fish they caught." Mandy and I connected and spoke to Laurie and Janx in their minds. I said, "You two descent enough to have us displace you here to see a special surprise for your planets?" We heard them both laughing and Janx said, "Yeah, go ahead." Mandy displaced them both to us and I said, "Each planet gets half. We have no idea how much it's worth, but I'm sure you can figure it out. They are all perfect uncut diamonds." They both had their mouths hanging open and Mandy said, "Use it to help people and put the money into circulation." Laurie said, "Janx, let's use the person on your staff that did the other economic changes we made. She was excellent and I really trust her." Janx said, "Jen, can you let me talk to her in my mind?" I said, "Just show me her in your mind and talk away."

Mandy and I connected all of them together with our minds and we displaced the diamonds to a vault. Then we displace Laurie and Janx back to bed again, and ourselves back to the castle.

We were in the kitchen and Mandy put her arms around me saying, "Enough of this stuff. We are supposed to be on a vacation. How about you show me that tongue trick again?" Mandy pulled off her pants and shirt, and jumped up on the counter next to the sinks. She lit a cigarette and leaned back against the wall, and then put her bare feet on the counter also, spreading her pussy as wide as she could. She took a drag of the cigarette and said, "How about you show me your tongue trick again sweetheart?"

I took off my cloths and bent over leaning on my elbows, on the counter. I put my arms under Mandy's legs and said smiling, "I bet you a quarter that I can make you howl like a dog in under 3 minutes." Mandy said, "Make me howl." She took another drag of her cigarette as I put my face into her pussy. I moved my hands around Mandy's legs and pulled her pussy lips apart farther and then pushed my tongue in and licked. Mandy howled and I started to laugh, and then I really licked her and sucked. I was making her wet and squirm, I pushed my tongue in all the way and wiggled it a little and then licked her some more, as I moved one hand to rub her clit.

I watched her with my eyes open, and Mandy took a last drag of her cigarette and tossed it into the sink. She put one hand on her left breast squeezing it gently and the other was rubbing one of her nipples. I pushed my tongue in again and I started to make it bigger in my mind, as I wiggled it. Mandy was moaning and moving her pussy on my mouth and then I made it as big as it was before and licked, as it bottomed out. I fucked her pussy with my tongue and found her G-spot. Mandy was moaning, "Oh! OH! I cumming honey! Suck it all! OOOOOHHHHH! OOOOOHHH! Oh, I'm cumming now. Swallow it for me."

I kept on using my tongue on her G-spot and swallowed. Then I fucked her with it again and Mandy went wild, wrapping her legs around my back and neck. She held my head to her pussy with her hands and I made my tongue swell to be wider and she howled in a high pitched squeal. I sucked out her cum juices again and said into Mandy's mind, "Time for a good fuckin also honey."

I picked Mandy up with my mind and placed her on the floor. I tuned into a Combined and lay on top of her, pushing my cock into her pussy. As soon as I was all the way in, I made my cock expand in my mind. I made it 2 inches longer and then 3, and then a half inch wider. I fucked Mandy and she was almost incoherent. I made myself a half inch wider again and she was screaming, "Jen, Oh baby. This is so huge. Fuck me! Fuck me!" I fucked Mandy for almost an hour and then I said into our minds, "I'm going to cum." Mandy pushed me off of her and rolled me on my side. She knelt over my enormous cock and sucked it into her mouth. It just barely fit and only half of it went in. Mandy rubbed my clit at incredible speed and sucked my cock. She rubbed my shaft with her other hand and I started to cum. My pussy tingled and then spasmed, and my cock pulsated and spit the first load of cum into Mandy's mouth. She kept rubbing me and I squirted 9 more times into her mouth, as I blasted off. Mandy swallowed all of it and then gave me the sloppiest kiss.

She lay on the floor next to me and was smiling from ear to ear. She said into my mind, "I fucking howled, didn't I? Holy shit. Wait until I do it to you." We both laughed and Mandy reached up on the table to get a cigarette. She lit it and we lay on our sides on the kitchen floor sharing a cigarette. Mandy put her hand on my breast and was massaging it and playing with my nipple. I said, "Feels good. Keep going." She said to me, "Sweetheart, you have no idea what that felt like. Get ready for the orgasm of the century." Mandy and I each took a drag of the cigarette and she put it out in the ashtray.

Mandy lay between my legs and licked me. She spread my pussy lips apart and did it so slowly, as she kissed my bud. I loved how she made me feel doing it like this. I rubbed my breasts and Mandy wiggled her tongue inside of me. Then she made it grow. I went wild and held her head to my pussy and was begging her to lick me and fuck me. She licked all the way at the bottom and then found my G-spot as she widened her tongue. I came like an explosion and moaned so loud, "Swallow it! Suck my cunt! OOOOOOHHHH! OH Mandy, Swallow it honey! Oh shit, is that good."

Mandy drove me wild for about a half hour and them turned into a Combined and fucked me hard. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and she said into my mind, "Now the good part honey. I'm growing inside of you." When Mandy made her cock longer and wider I thought I was going to scream. I did, and it came out in a high pitch squeal. I bucked my pussy into her, as she hammered into me for almost an hour. I never came that much in my life. Mandy was getting tired and I pulled her off of me and we got into a 69 position on our sides. She tongue fucked me again and I swallowed about 8 inches of her monster cock and made it shoot into my mouth, as I gave her pussy another orgasm at the same time. She blasted off and I came four more times from her tongue. We both swallowed each other's cum and lay on the floor exhausted.

Mandy lifted up her head and said, "Sweetheart, you fucking howled also. I love it." We both laughed and sat up together. I said, "Cool trick, isn't it?" She threw her arms around me and said, "This is more than a cool trick. This is outrageous."

Mandy lit a cigarette and took a big drag, as we sat on the floor. She put the cigarette in my lips and I inhaled twice holding in the smoke. I blew it out into the air and Mandy said, "Try this on for size honey." She put her finger in my pussy and I felt it getting longer and wider. I closed my eyes and started to fuck my pussy on her finger and she said into my mind, "Later honey. Just testing the equipment."

She laughed, as I pulled her hand back and put in my pussy again. Mandy took the cigarette from my hand and took a drag and then fingered me with a finger that was as big as the cock that just fucked me. I came twice in minutes, and then she stopped. Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and I took a drag. I said, "That was definitely the right size." She put her arms around me and kissed me so sexy, as Julie and Kathy walked into the kitchen.

Julie said, "You two fuck more in the kitchen, than you cook. Ready for a little R&R?" Julie and Kathy starred at us and Kathy said, "Julie, both of their cunts are dripping wet and still throbbing. You can see it. What were you two up too?" Mandy said, "Take off your cloths and sit down next to us. We'll show you."

Julie and Kathy took off their cloths and sat down. We moved them so that they were almost on top of each other with their legs spread, and their pussies real close together. Mandy said into my mind, "Think we can get our faces in there at the same time?" I answered back, "It will be fun trying. Tongue trick first?" Mandy smiled and we lay with our faces touching. My mouth covered Julie's pussy, and Mandy's covered Kathy's. We each licked them real slowly and wiggled the tip of our tongues in their wet hole. I rubbed Julie's clit and Mandy rubbed Kathy's, as we licked and sucked them to get them going.

They were both moaning, as Julie had one hand on my head, and Kathy was stroking Mandy's hair. Mandy said into my mind, "Now honey. Make them crazy and then suck in their cum and kiss me." We both made our tongues grow and I licked Julie at the bottom wiggling the tip of my tongue, and then fucked her with it. She went wild. I found her G-spot and she flooded my mouth. I sucked it all of the cum juices and turned my head to kiss Mandy. She turned her head to me and we kissed and swallowed. Then we went back to do it all over again.

By the forth time Kathy was bouncing off the floor and said, "OOOOHHHH! They're doing it to us again! I cumming again! OOOOHHHHH! OOOOOOHHHHH! Suck my cunt! Suck it! Oh, Mandy that feels so good. Mmmmmm. Tongue fuck me again." We did it to them seven times and then stopped. Mandy and I moved into a 69 position on the floor again and did it to each other, while Julie and Kathy lay breathing heavy and kissing.

Mandy and I organsmed three times in less than 10 minutes, and then we stopped and sat up. Julie sat up and said, "What in the fuck was that?" Kathy still couldn't speak, as I said, "We made our tongues bigger when we were inside of you. Feels great, doesn't it? Check this out." I put my finger in Julie and made it the size of a cock and fucked her with it. She went wild and then I stopped. She was begging for more and we all laughed. Kathy put her mouth to Julie's cunt and she figured it out really quickly. Julie was bouncing and bucking into Kathy's mouth, as she organsmed again and again. Then they moved into a 69 position and we heard muffled moaning. Mandy and I held each other watching, as Mandy lit a cigarette.

Mandy and I sat on the floor sharing a cigarette, too tired to move. I took a deep drag and blew out the smoke, as Chris, Roberta, Allison, and Kyle walked into the room. We heard Chris say to Allison, "Our moms are doing it again in the kitchen. Allison, this sounds serious. I could swear I just heard your mom howl like a dog." We all started to laugh as Julie was really making a sound like a howl. She was so out of it right now, she didn't even hear us, and neither did Kathy.

Chris was still laughing and said, "I made a really interesting discovery. I was going to call everyone to the work planet after we have something to eat. Think they'd mind if I cook around them?" Mandy said, "Go for it. They won't even notice. Trust me."

Chris gave up and made some food with her mind and they all sat at the table to eat. We joined them, as Julie and Kathy were making noises. Chris said, "What are they doing to each other?" I said, "Hold my finger." I put my finger in Chris's hand and then made it grow to be the size of a cock. She said, "No way. With their tongues?" I nodded and they all laughed. We pigged out again and waited for Julie and Kathy to return to earth. They sat up and had no idea that the others had even come back.

Chris said, "Get dressed, I'm going to call everyone together. I won't take more than a few minutes on the work planet. It's important." Chris called everyone to meet in their minds for a new discovery and everyone was there in a few minutes.

Chris said, "Come into the design room. You won't believe what we found." We all sat in the room and Chris was playing with the computer. She said, "Allison and I have been reading the source code that was used to make all of this happen. Tara, do you remember writing any of this?" Tara said, "It was the energy life form inside of me that wrote it. I just remember it coming out of my mind, but I couldn't tell you what it means."

Chris said, "It's really well commented. Let me read you something. Look at this section displayed on the wall. This code is used to limit life duration. It randomly manipulates the genes shown under the bit mask. To turn off life limitations, use the switch field. Blah, blah, blah. here is shows every known weird disease and why they happen. It also shows when they will happen, as date plus 100, plus 10,000, plus 14,000, and so on. This is HIV and AIDs. These are all of the diseases that have not happened yet. What we have here is a list of the causes for every possible non-viral disease such as muscular dystrophy, Parkinson's, Sickle Cell Anemia, and hundreds more. We also have the cure. We have the formulas right here. We also have a subroutine that will cure everyone for us. Listen to this comment. Run function YXDDs234-45 to produce a vapor on a selected planet to disable all life terminating diseases introduced by this function. This vapor requires 134,567 clicks to be effective for the entire atmosphere. I did the translation, and it's about 5 minutes."

Chris paused and said, "We can wipe out the diseases overnight if we want to, or synthesize drugs to do it. The code goes on to say why this is here. The creator knew people would become smarter and devise cures for each disease. That's why they are spread out over time. If they were all introduced early, the life cycle of evolution would stop. As each disease is cured, a new one appears. Kind of like a built in time bomb. The reason is to stop over population, and that is also why some of the recent ones are all spread by having sex."

Tara said, "Lets vote. I say release the vapor on each world." Kathy said, "It may knock people out. We don't know what will happen. We should try it on a test planet. Use it on one of our new planets." Everyone voted to test it first. I said, "Can we go to the new planets yet?"

Tara said, "One of them is ready. How about Godda and I displace there and we talk to you in our minds so you can hear and see what is happening." We all agreed and they displaced to the planet. Tara was talking to us and Chris selected the planet and executed the subroutine. It made a small capsule again and we launched it, with a small explosive. Tara said, "Watch through our minds. This looks so cool. It exploded way up in the atmosphere."

Tara kept talking to us and we watched the sky go from clear blue to red, pink, orange and then slowly back to blue again. They displaced back and Tara said, "I guess I'm all cured. Lets do it to each world." Mandy said, "Lets tell people what we are doing so they don't panic. Also, they may all want to watch it."

Tara said, "Good idea. Lets plan it for each world." We put together a plan and spaced it out over 3 months. We launched the ones for the underdeveloped planets now. It took about ten minutes in total.

Chris said, "There's more and I'm not making this up. Here read it yourself. It is a warning that says, Carefully guard against those that can unlock the secrets to using the powers of the mind. A group of brilliant loving humans from a planet yet to be developed will come to help the Guardians, and they will become the true Guardians of Life. Others will try to following by steeling the drugs that unlocked the key. Destroy the drugs forever or hide them beyond where mortals can reach. As the creator, I have devised a means where valuable information may be kept secret. Inside the planet S345889-P at coordinates 1478.467. is a vault. Use it."

We all just looked at each other and Tara said, "Which planet is that?" Chris said, "We're on it now. The coordinates are about 2 miles below where we are sitting." We all were stunned. I said, "I'm gong to displace a chair there and then bring it back. Lets see if it's solid or not first." I stood up and displaced my chair to the coordinates and then brought it back. I looked fine so I displaced myself and the vault was huge. I tried to hear everyone and couldn't so I displaced back. I said, "I couldn't hear any of you in there. It's like ear plugs. The place is enormous. Tara, send the diamonds there and then we'll go see it together."

Tara displaced the diamonds and then we all displaced to the vault. It had a light source that we couldn't figure out. It was like all the walls and floors glowed a soft white light. It also had an air source, but there were no holes at all in any of the walls. The diamonds took up almost no room at all. The vault had to be over a mile long and a mile wide.

I said, "Chris, are all of our notes and drugs that we used to unlock our minds in the safe at home?" She said, "All but a few in the lab." I said, "Lets go send all of it to the vault now." Godda said, "Good idea. We'll see you on the vacation planet. Have fun."

We all displaced back to our homes. We took everything from the safe that had to do with drugs and from the lab, and sent them to the vault. I said, "Chris, whatever made you look through that source code?" She said, "We just wanted to see what it was written in and how it works. It's so cool. It's a very primitive object oriented language. There are things in there you can't imagine. We only looked at about the first 70 million lines or so, there is another 90 million we haven't seen yet. There is a knowledge transfer system that allows you to learn about the source code. We all took it, which is how we found this stuff. We looked at the things that we thought would be important first. We also went through the system administration tasks and things we will need to do in about another 5,000 or so years. This computer system is more advanced than we could have ever imagined. The interface to the machine that makes the capsules is neural and optical. It really does think."

Mandy said, "Chris, you are all still coming with us to Vacation World right?" Chris hugged Mandy and said, "Mom, we are definitely coming with you, and playing at the same club as you are." I don't know if Ken told you, but he made a deal and released all of our CDs on three planets. They are all big hits. Your last song that is still in the charts here, is now the biggest seller ever on Vacation World. The gig should be mobbed."

Mandy put her arms around me said, "How did the creator of the source code know that we would be the Guardians of Life?" I said, "Coincidence maybe, or destiny? Maybe Chris will find the answer to that in the other millions of lines of code that she hasn't looked at yet. Lets get some sleep. I'm exhausted. Remember, we registered for the skiing event tomorrow. It's a downhill." Mandy smiled at me and we kissed, and then walked upstairs.


We got undressed and lay in bed kissing. Within 20 seconds we both fell asleep. Julie and Kathy woke us up at 8 in the morning and neither of us had moved the entire night. I said, "We really needed that sleep. You feel any better?" Mandy kissed me and said, "Ready to make love before we leave? Guys, give us a few minutes." Julie and Kathy pulled us out of bed and dragged us into the bathroom. We all laughed, as they made us both sit on the toilets.

We showered, dressed, packed, and went downstairs for breakfast. Chris made everyone breakfast the old fashion way, and it tasted great as we pigged out. We had some coffee and a cigarette and started betting on the ski races today. I said, "No cheating by using your powers. Everyone agree?" We all nodded our heads and Chris said, "How about I just make myself heavier or lighter. That count?" We all laughed and Mandy said, "Who cares about weight. Just no making yourself fly down the mountain."

Chris and Allison were calculating what their optimal body weight should be for the least wind resistance and speed. We just smiled at them.

We all displaced to Vacation World and got our hotel rooms. This place always impressed us. We checked the time and we had to get moving to get to the ski area. We all used the teleportation system instead of displacing. It was the exact same thing anyway.

Tara was waiting for us and said, "Okay amateur champions, now you get to ski against the pros. A quarter bet for the fastest time and no using your powers. Everyone in?" We all nodded our heads as we were getting on our ski suits and boots. I said, "Do we have time for a practice run?" Tara said, "You need to hurry before they close the lift, or just displace yourself to the top." We all displaced ourselves to the top of the mountain and Tara showed us the course. This was lightening fast, plus we just had our skis waxed and sharpened at home last week. There was one section that had a twenty foot cliff that you had to fly over. It was insane. We all ran the course and it was too fast in one spot, so we all had to slow down, even Tara.

We got to the bottom and skied over to where they were already giving out the numbers. I got number 23 and said to Tara, "How many people are skiing in this event?" She said, "There aren't too many crazy enough to do this except us and about 20 more. These are the best of the best. It's got to be the fastest and longest downhill trail anywhere. Plus those jumps are absolutely incredible. This is being televised on this planet. See that man over there wearing number 1? He won it last year by over a second."

We all got our instructions from the race event marshals and went up the gondola lift. We were looking at the course out the windows and trying to figure out how to take that cliff jump without killing ourselves. Chris said, "Look down at it now from the back. Take a sideways line. You'll ride up that bank and sling shot yourself into the next turn." Mandy said, "Chris, stick to science. You'll die doing that." Chris said, "A quarter that I beat your time the first time using my approach to that turn." Mandy said, "Your on. Just don't get killed."

We all got our starting positions and Chris was number 9, the first one of our group. There where people everywhere watching and we even had several television monitors to watch each competitor's run. Each run was really spaced out time wise, and they made a big deal before each skier got into the starting gate. We watched Chris and she was fast. She was flying when she came to the cliff and instead of scrubbing speed like we did before, she tucked and flew the cliff sideways. She landed on a banked area of snow and did what she said she was going to do - slingshot into the next turn. Chris's time was better than anyone by 4 seconds. The crowd went ballistic when they announced her time. We saw cameras showing thousands of people standing by the finish line and on the slopes cheering. They showed Chris waving to everyone and she said into our minds, "Told you so. Try it. It's really not that bad. Just stay in the tuck and go sideways. The snow bank throws you around all by itself."

We watched the next four people fall on the course; one was pretty serious. Then the number 1 racer from last year went. He took the same line as Chris and was a few thousandths of a second behind her. Mandy said to me, "Okay, I'm convinced. Let's do it." Mandy was next and she flew out of the gates. She was ahead of Chris's run by almost a second and then she took the jump sideways like Chris did. She stayed in the tuck the whole time and was slingshot into the next section of the course. We watched Mandy cross the finish line and have trouble shopping. She beat Chris by 2 seconds with a 1.57.005. The crowd went as nuts as they do in one of our concerts.

I was next and rocked back and forth in the starting gate. I got a good start and knew I was fast. I cut each gate as close to the sticks as I could and stayed in the tuck the entire time. I took the jump sideways and this was so cool. It did all the turning for you. I took the bottom section as fast as I could go and finished with a 1.57.004. A thousandths of a second ahead of Mandy. She was waiting for me and yelled over the cheering crowd, "Great run! I saw how you shaved off some time. Lets watch the others!"

We watched Julie, Kathy, Allison, Tara, and Godda. Tara had the lead, beating me by a thousandth of a second with a 1.57.003. We were all within a few thousandths of a second of each other. We all accused Tara of using her powers and she got so pissed. We apologized and told her we would be her slaves tonight. Now she was happy again.

We all had four runs and the lead changed after the first run, four times; Tara, Mandy, me, and then Chris. We had one more run to go and the time to beat was Chris's 1.56.998, which Tara said was a course record. Everyone that was still in the competition was within a half second of the lead. They were all really good skiers. Six of the original entrants were injured during falls and couldn't continue.

Chris had her final run and tied her own score. The man who won last year finished 2 one hundredths of a second behind Chris. I was next and I gave it everything, relaxed and smooth. I knew it was fast, I just didn't know if it was fast enough. I changed the line on the jump a little and got more speed off the banked snow. I did the rest of the course in the tuck position and had trouble stopping at the end. The crowd was going wild when I took off my helmet and goggles, as I watched the time on the board of 1.56.996. I was in the lead again. Mandy said into my mind while she was in the starting gate, "Great run honey, but not good enough." I said back, "Beat me. Stay higher in the jump. That's what I did."

Mandy was flying. She stayed higher in the jump and was going way too fast for the last gate. She barely made the turn, but lost some speed. She still beat me with a 1.56.995. I put my arms around her and gave her a kiss. I yelled over the crowd, "Looks like you got first again. You were flying."

We watched the others make their runs. Julie was way ahead of us in time half way down the course and then started to fall. She caught herself and used her powers to stop. She waved to the marshals that she was out and skied down to be with us. I said, "That would have been a really fast run. You beat us both by over a second halfway down." She said, "I caught an edge. I was going way too fast."

We watched Tara finished with a 1.56.996 tying my time. Chris disqualified herself, as she used her powers to stop when she was going to fall. Kathy had a third place locked up and we watched Allison fly down the slope. She was over a half second ahead of us half way. She kept it all together and finished with a 1.55.993. I full second ahead of us. The crowd went crazy and we all hugged her before she even took off her helmet.

Before we got our medals we each paid Allison a quarter. She kissed each quarter and put it in her pocket. Allison got first place, Mandy finished second, Tara and I tied for third, Kathy finished fifth, Chris and Julie tied for sixth, and last years winner finished eighth. We were all interviewed afterwards for almost a half hour. People on this planet really took ski racing serious.

We displaced back to our room and got the party started. It didn't stop for two weeks. We played our two gigs with a huge success, and then kept right on partying. Chris and the others left after our second gig to go back to the work planet. It always bothers her when she leaves something unfinished. She wanted to finish going through the source code with Allison, Kyle, and Roberta.

We entered as many competitive sports events as we could. Mandy finished first in the golf tournament, Julie took first place in 9 ball, Tara won the diving competition, I won the 3 card draw poker championship, Kathy caught the biggest fish, and Godda bowled a 298, 299 and a 297 to win the bowling championship for the forth straight time. They still don't believe I didn't use my powers to win at poker. I was just real lucky and pretty good at bluffing.

Mandy and I made love at least 4 times a day. Mandy's tongue was so sore yesterday she couldn't even talk and had a hard time swallowing. We laughed about it all day and I mumbled when I talked just to bust her chops. She said into my mind, "You didn't seem to mind it when I was straining it at the time and you organsmed for over an hour straight." I said back into her mind, "You're just out of shape. We need to work on more tongue exercises."

Ken made arrangements to share television programming with a number of the other planets and we watched some of our shows here on Vacation World. The time displacement to this world makes it kind of weird, as they run shows a couple of times before a new one comes out. We had been having some of group do segments for our show to add some variety. The first was two, one hour spots done by Melissa on commercials and advertising around the universe. We missed it when it aired on earth, so we watched it here. We all laughed for the entire hour that each of the shows was on. We thought Melissa was bad until we saw the commercials from a few of the other planets. Mandy almost wet her pants.

Ken's doing a similar show on music around the universe and we can't wait to see it when we get back.

On our last day on Vacation World we made love all day as a group of six, on one of the beaches. We fucked, swam in the ocean, and then did it over and over again. We even made love standing up as the waves broke over our backs. I turned into a Combined and Mandy got on my cock with her legs and arms wrapped around me, as we stood up and let the waves hit us. I kept making my cock bigger each time we got wet. Mandy went crazy for about a half hour and then we switched places.

The vacation finally was over and we had to get back to our real life. We said our goodbyes and displaced back to the castle.

Mandy and I still had on our Vacation World outfits, which were great. Mine was bright red with my breasts sticking out through holes in the front and a big hole cut for my pussy and also one for my ass to be exposed. Mandy's was the same in blight blue. Kathy and Julie's were lime green. We all left our bags by the stairs and went into the kitchen. Mandy put her arms around me and we kissed so sexy. She said to me, "Jen, we need to take more vacations. That was so hot. Speaking of which, how about I lick that gorgeous pussy of yours right now."

Julie was sitting on Kathy's lap and was fingering her with a special size finger, as Mandy sat on a chair and I stood in front of her. I put one leg over her shoulder and pushed my pussy to her mouth. I put my hands behind her head to hold myself up, as she licked my pussy slowly. I was on fire already and held her head closer to me. Mandy said into my mind, "Get ready honey, here comes the tongue." She made her tongue bigger and wiggled it all the way inside of me. I was bucking my cunt into her face, as she was fucking me with her tongue. I moaned, "Sweetheart, keep going. Oh, that feels so good. Faster! Faster! OOOHHHHH! I'm going to juice on you. OOOOHHHHHHH! Swallow it."

Mandy sucked me while she licked for over 10 minutes and we listened to Kathy howl with Julie finger fucking her pussy. I came like a river flowing. Mandy said into my mind, "That's enough for now honey. We can do each other after we eat." Mandy had a mouthful of cum as I lifted my leg off of her. She stood and kissed me with her mouth open and we swallowed it together. My cunt was on fire. Julie was now licking her finger that had been inside of Kathy and then putting it in Kathy's mouth also. Mandy and I watched them and we were both so wet. I put a finger in Mandy's cunt and it sloshed when I pushed it in. She smiled at me and said, "You did that to me."

Chris and the others walked into the kitchen and Chris said, "No shit! Our mom's are doing it again in the kitchen. Don't you guys ever go to bed anymore?" We all laughed, as they saw we still had on our Vacation World outfits. They sat with us and we talked about the vacation for hours, while we all had some wine and then ate dinner.

Allison said, "We read through the major areas in the rest of the source code. You're going to love some of the things we found. We now understand precognition and how to make it happen in our minds. It's really weird. You get a vision, but you can still change it. We are actually looking at what time will be like before it happens, kind of a blue print for what will take place. If you do nothing, the vision you saw will happen. We'll teach everyone how to turn it on and off. Oh, and by the way, we are all going to be around for a very, very, long time. We also know who was going to use our drugs to trigger their powers and cause a problem. That all changed when we put everything in the vault. We can do what-if analysis with our minds and see the results before it actually happens."

Ruffles, Snuffy, and Felix walked into the kitchen and Ruffles said, "Re R Rungry. Ra Ritter Ridn't reed rus." I said to Mandy, "you get that last line?" She said in my mind, "He's bull shitting us. She said the sitter didn't feed us. Watch this." Mandy said, "Ruffles, what do you want to eat?" Ruffles smiled and said, "Rheerios. Rwe rall rwant Rheerios." Mandy went to the cabinet and there was one box left. She said into our minds, "There were five boxes in here we went left two days ago. Ruffles is such a liar."

Mandy said, "Ruffles, didn't you guys eat any Cheerios while we were gone?" Ruffles said, "Ro re ridn't. Re ridn't reat ranything." Mandy said into our minds, "She is such a good liar. Fuck it. I'll give them the box." Mandy took out the box and dumped it on the floor. The dogs and cat went nuts eating the Cheerios as we all shook our heads and Mandy said in our minds, "Why in the fuck did we teach them to talk?"

We all moved our chairs back from the table a little so the pets could vacuum up everything. The floor was spotless in a matter of minutes. Snuffy said, "Rank ryou", and the pets all left the room.

Chris said, "We can reverse the process with them, if you really want to." Mandy took a drag of her cigarette and said, "That will just frustrate them. Plus we'll have to deal with Ruffles pissing on the beds again. This may be the lesser of the two evils." Kathy said, "Jen should have cooked them years ago." Everyone smiled, as I said to Kathy, "You were the one who went crazy when I jokingly suggested that. Remember?" She said into our minds, "Fuck you Doctor Edwards" and everyone gave her a fake smile.

I was leaning back in the chair and took a drag of Mandy's cigarette, as she was leaning on my shoulder, and softly touching my breast. I inhaled and Mandy put her mouth up to mine and sucked the smoke into her. She blew the smoke out of her nose and then kissed me. She licked my ear and whispered to me, "Touch yourself honey. Let me watch you get yourself off."

Mandy rubbed my nipple softly and then took my hand and put it on my clit. She rubbed my clit with my fingers as we kissed. Chris was sitting on Roberta's lap next to me and said in our minds, "Jen, you are so hot. I'm getting wet watching you." Mandy licked my ear again, as I rubbed my clit. I made myself into a Combined. My cock showed through the hole in the Vacation World outfit I had on, and I used my other hand to rub my cock. Mandy was kissing me and licking my ear. She took another drag of her cigarette and kissed me. I sucked the smoke in and blew it out, as she half closed her eyes and kissed me again.

I rubbed my clit and my cock, as Mandy was watching and was getting so hot. I said into her mind, "Watch this honey." I made my cock grow in my mind. I made it 6 inches longer and then another 6 inches longer. I was up to my breasts and I bent my head over and made it a little longer so I could suck it myself. Mandy went wild rubbing my nipples and kissing my ear. She whispered into my ear, "Suck yourself off. Blast off honey."

I made my finger in my pussy longer and hit my G-spot and fucked my cock with my mouth, while rubbing my shaft up near my breasts. Everyone was getting so wet watching me and I knew it. It made me get really into it. I kept going for about five minutes and I blasted off. My cock pulsated spitting cum into my mouth and my pussy was throbbing in orgasm. I sucked in the cum from my cock and it tasted so good. I loved the way it felt when a cock spasmed in my mouth. I held all of the cum in, as Mandy moved her mouth right next to mine, as squirt after squirt of warm white goo shot on my tongue and the roof of my mouth.

I moved my mouth off of my cock and kept fingering my G-spot. Some of the cum dripped out of my lips and Mandy licked it up and then kissed me. I pushed all the cum into her mouth and we swished it around and swallowed it. She sucked my long cock for a few minutes and then she pushed my mouth back on it. I pushed my mouth down as far as I could to make my cock enter my throat and then fucked myself using my mouth. I came into my mouth again in less than 5 minutes and blasted off a second time. This time I opened my mouth to show Mandy my cock squirting on my tongue, and then swallowed all of it. She kissed me so hard while she was rubbing her own clit.

We kissed and I turned back to normal, but kept fingering my pussy. I said into Mandy's mind, "Watch this honey." I spread my legs wide and put them up on the table. I bent over as far as I could and then made my back more flexible in my mind. I put my arms under my legs and pulled them up to my face and put my mouth over my pussy. I licked myself into a frenzy using my tongue to hit rock bottom. Mandy was kissing my ear and fingering herself. I made my pussy cum in minutes and then sat up and kissed Mandy with a passion, as we swished my pussy cum in our mouths.

Everyone applauded me and I blushed. Julie said, "I have to try that. Wow!" Mandy smiled and said, "Watch me sweetheart." Mandy put her legs on the table over one of mine and bent down just like I did, and sucked her pussy. I kissed her neck and ear and was whispering into her ear, "Lick your pussy just like you lick mine. Tongue fuck yourself honey and tell me in my mind how it feels." Mandy was going wild on herself and telling me in my mind exactly how it felt. I came again rubbing my clit listening to her, as she had multiple orgasms, one right after the other. She sat up and kissed me with a mouthful of her thick pussy cum. We played with it in our mouths for over 10 minutes. Mandy put her hand in her mouth and pulled out strands of thick salvia mixed with cum, and then put it in my mouth. I swallowed, as we kissed.

Mandy lit up a cigarette as we both had a hand in each other's cunt. She took a deep drag and then put the cigarette in my lips. I took a drag and held in the smoke, as we watched everyone licking themselves. Chris was sucking her own cock, and Roberta was fingering Chris's ass. Mandy said to me, "We know why dogs lick themselves now." I said, "Why's that?" She said, "Because they can." Kathy heard us and started to laugh. She said, "You got that right."

We all stopped after about 20 minutes and had some more wine. Chris said, "Jen, this one deserves the noble prize. How did you know we could do this?" I said, "Just guessing. We started with our tongues, and then we realized that we could change any part of our body, within reason." Chris said, "Tongue? Oh wow." Chris and Roberta got into a 69 position on the floor and were going wild on each other. We all watched and laughed.

Julie and Kathy went up to bed with Mandy and me, and we played games like this all night. Mandy stretched her hand so that she could finger my pussy and my ass at the same time with two huge fingers. Julie watched Mandy doing me, while she was sucking her own cock and Kathy was fucking Julie's pussy.

At 8 in the morning Mandy said, "I think we just redefined what perverted means." We all laughed and turned back to normal. Mandy and I made love the old fashioned and then fucked using Oscar rubbing our pussies together. Kathy and Julie watched us and then did the same thing. I wanted Mandy so much. We shared our minds and felt everything about each other for over two hours. She told me it was a religious experience. I agreed with her as we had merged our minds to become almost one.


We all got up and showered, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. Chris made everyone breakfast with her mind and them showed us how to turn on and off precognition. It was so simple. She said, "Make that tingling feeling on the right side and back of your brain. Now just think about a time in the future. Start with an hour from now." We all did it and saw ourselves taking out the horses. We all turned it off and Mandy said, "This is so weird. We were all talking about going riding today."

We had some coffee and a cigarette. I took a deep drag and blew out the smoke, as Chris said, "We're going to our planets today for a visit. We'll see you later on. Have fun." Mandy looked into my eyes, as she said to me, "How about we ride the horses over to the old camp grounds for the day." Kathy heard Mandy and smiled saying, "Sounds like fun."

We all put on a windbreakers as it was late September and the colored leaves were falling from the trees in the slight breeze. It was really beautiful here this time of year. Mandy put her arm around me and we kissed before we walked outside. Kathy and Julie smiled at us and then did the same thing. We walked to the stables and saddled up the horses. Mandy's horse was already calling me a sexy momma and we all laughed, as we trotted them out into the open field. Mandy told the horse that he was going to become glue soon if he didn't shut up, and then said to me, "Tonight, we cook all of them. We'll have a horse, dog, and cat goulash." The horse finally shut up.

We rode the horses pretty hard around the lake. My horse was saying, "Drink", so we stopped by the water's edge and let them have a drink of water and rest. Julie said, "These horses are so out of shape. We only rode 7 miles and they're winded. They definitely need a different diet. We all sat on a log and had a cigarette, while the horses drank some water. We gave them a few minutes and then started out again. We took it easy on them and made it to the old camp grounds in about 20 minutes. We rode to the came sites and stopped when we saw a group of campers. We got off the horses and walked them around the lake and they wanted to drink again. Mandy said, "They are definitely ready for the glue factory. I should have never feed them the way I did and let them have a stable that felt like Miami beach all year round. Time for a reality check when we get back home. You hear that?" The horses all looked at Mandy with such sad eyes and she said, "I hate when they look at me like that. Now I feel like such a shit. Stupid fucking animals."

We walked the horses for a while and came up to a campsite. We stopped and talked to a group of people, three women and two men. One of the men said, "You live around here or are you camping also?" I said, "We're part of the locals. Where're you from?" A woman said, "San Francisco. We came for the week. It's gorgeous here. Want some coffee?"

Mandy said, "Sure", as we tired the horses to a tree and one of the horses said, "We're sorry." We all laughed and walked over to where they were making the coffee. Mandy said into our minds, "We look like real hicks with our jeans, boots, and hats. Keep the cowboy hats on. They don't recognize us. Lets just talk like we are locals that live around here."

We walked over and sat down. Mandy said, "Hi, I'm Mandy, this is Jen, Kathy, and Julie. We live about 10 miles from here around the lake." A woman said, "I'm Joan, this is Karen, Trisha, Rob, and Joe. We got here last night and love it. Is there a place to rent boats around here? We really wanted to go fishing."

I said, "Just follow the lake to your left about 2 miles. There's a Marina that rents boats. Ask for Chuck and tell them Mandy and Jen sent you. He'll get you a decent boat." We told them about the town and the other things to do. Karen said, "We heard that the Chairperson and President of the Earth Corporation lives up here in some huge castle. We would love to see it from the lake. Have you ever been there?" Mandy said into our minds, "Should we tell them?" I said into our minds, "Let's find out more about them first."

I said, "We've been there. What do you folks do in San Francisco?" Karen said, "I was a doctor, and now I'm not doing anything. No one gets sick. Joan was a lawyer and there are no more laws for what she practiced so we are both looking for something else now. Trisha is an artist and cartoonist. Rob and Joe are both astrophysicists and work for the Earth Corporation. We were actually kind of hoping to maybe see the Chairman to see if we could get a job. I doubt she would see us, but we thought we would try. Plus we really wanted to get out of the city and get away. It's so beautiful here."

Mandy said, "We moved here from the city also a long time ago and love it. The summers on the lake and the winters with the snow are fantastic. What type of doctor are you Karen?"

Karen said, "Internal Medicine and Surgeon." I said, "Why not switch to pediatrics, OBGYN, or a number of other areas that need doctors desperately?" She said, "I can't find any hospital willing to help me make the change. I've been trying." I said, "I may be able to help with that one. Do you care if you move, or do you want to stay in San Francisco." Karen said, "I'll go anywhere."

I said into our minds, "Max you hear me?" He answered, "Hi Jen, what's cooking?" I answered, "We are with someone who is a doctor and needs a job. You still need staff in any of the hospitals?" He said, "Sure do." I said, "I'll call you from my cell and let you talk to her. She doesn't know who we are yet." I took out my cell phone and called Max. I talked to him like we hadn't spoke and I said to Karen, "Interested in speaking to someone who needs doctors?" I handed her the phone and she spoke to Max for about 10 minutes and was smiling. She hung up the phone and said, "He said I had to meet the boss first and you would know what he was talking about."

We all started to laugh and Mandy said, "You should sit down." We all took off our hats and fixed our hair, and they immediately recognized us. I said, "Meet the boss." Mandy said, "Karen, are you a good doctor?" She said, "Yeah, I was a great doctor." Mandy said, "Then I know Max would love to have you join the company. I'll call him later. Where did he talk about you working?" Karen said, "Here." We all smiled and we knew what project he had in mind. Mandy reached to shake her hand and said, "Welcome to working for the best company in the universe."

I said, "Joan what type of law did you practice?" She said, "Mostly corporate. I did a lot of work in the music publishing area and also helped with A&R and bookings. Since copyright laws weren't on God's list, I got canned." Mandy said, "I'll introduce you to the head of our Music department. I know he's looking for top staff. Maybe you two will hit it off. You may know him. Ken Blackwood." Joan said, "Oh my God. Little Willie? I love his stuff, and he's so gorgeous." I smiled and said, "He's a great guy, but don't tell him that. Just be yourself. He hates people that get star struck. I'll call him."

I pulled the same routine with our minds and then called Ken on the cell. He answered as usual, "Hi gorgeous. Miss me already?" I said, "Oh course darling. Got a new trick for you that you and Kathy will absolutely love. I'll tell you later." I told him about Joan again for her benefit and handed Joan the phone. They spoke for about 20 minutes and she was getting so excited. She handed the phone back to me and I said into Ken's mind, "I'm pretending to be listening to you talk. We can make parts of our bodies bigger using our minds. You can make your tongue long enough to drive Kathy into the next county when you lick her, and make your cock long enough to suck it yourself. Try it on her." He said into my mind, "I going to jump on her right now. See ya." I hung up the phone and said, "How did it go?"

Joan said, "I'm suppose to meet with Ken, Jody, Janice, Karen, and Adel tomorrow. I guess that's good. Mandy said, "They are all the senior executives for the Entertainment Company. Ken is the CEO for that company. Julie ran it before Ken did. Trisha, ever think about using your art talent for advertising?" Trisha said, "That's what I do now. Why?" Mandy said, "You may want to take to Melissa, she is the CEO of the largest marketing and advertising company in the world that we own. I know she is always looking for creative people."

Julie said, "Joe, what projects are you and Rob working on?" Joe said, "We both were on the teleportation project that Chris and Allison were running. Now we are doing research for the space defense system. Chris and Allison are so brilliant. We read the papers they wrote and it's amazing. My PhD paper was like child's play compared to their work." Julie said, "Allison is my daughter, and Chris is Mandy's daughter. You guys ever met them?" Joe said, "No. We just do the work."

Mandy smiled at me and I said, "You have a car here?" Joe said, "Yeah." I gave them directions and said, "We'll take you fishing, as long as you don't get offended by watching people be intimate with each other." They all smiled at each other and I said, "Give us about 20 minute to get the horses back in our stable. Just park by the front entrance."

We waved as we got on the horses and Mandy said, "You better run your fucking ass off or it's barbeque pit time tonight." The horses galloped the whole way back. They even jumped a log so they wouldn't slow down. We were home in 10 minutes. We put them in the stable and Mandy turned the temperature in the stable down to 65. She also called the horse trainer we hired to change their food. Mandy said to the horses, "That was much better. I don't ever want to see you begging for water after a few miles. That's embarrassing. You live like kings." My horse said, "Sorry." We walked into the house and we heard Mandy's horse say, "Sexy Momma." Wow, did she get pissed. We need to cool her off for a while. We laughed so hard, as Mandy put her hands on her head and said, "Fuck me! I deserve it for teaching them to talk."

I put my arms around her and said, "Honey, your horse does have good taste. You are a sexy momma." Mandy smiled and I gave her a big kiss. Chris was in the kitchen and I said, "Chris, stick around a while. We met some people that are coming over. Two of the people work for you and Allison and they wanted to met you." Chris said, "Cool. Who are they?" I said, "I only know the first names. Joe and Rob. They worked on the teleportation project and now the space defense one. They both are PhDs." Chris said, "Doctor Joe Banks and Doctor Robert Downing. I read their research and it was really good. We were going to ask them to come up this week and present. This is great." Chris was calling Allison to come downstairs and she had Allison bring down the research papers she was talking about.

We all poured a glass of wine, just as the doorbell rang. Kathy went to answer it and the group came into the house. She brought them into the kitchen and I handed each person a glass of wine, as Mandy did the introductions. Chris said, "We read your paper and love it. We were going to call you to come up here this week. You have time to talk about it now?" Mandy said, "We're going fishing. Chris, you want to come with us and talk on the boat?"

Chris said, "Sure. A quarter bet for the biggest fish." We all said, "You're on." The new friends looked at us like we were nuts. Joan was looking around and I said, "You want a tour?" They all did, so Mandy and I gave them the ten cent tour. We started upstairs and ended up on the lower level, and went out to the veranda and to the boat. Joe ran back to get their fishing gear and ran back to the boat. Ruffles came running up to the dock and said, "Re Ro Rhis Rime?" Mandy laughed and said, "Come on. Get on the boat. Just don't jump overboard or you're swimming back home this time."

Mandy said, "This is Ruffles, Snuffy, and Felix. Don't be alarmed, but we taught them to talk. Introduce yourselves." Ruffles, Snuffy and Felix all introduced themselves. The group loved it. Kathy untied the ropes and Mandy and I steered us out of the inlet as we were watching the fish finder. I lit a cigarette and put my arms around Mandy as she steered the boat. We heard blips on the fish finder and just drove around until we found a couple schools of wide mouth bass. I dropped the anchor and we went on the rear deck and I said, "Wide mouth bass. Lots of them from 30 feet down to 75."

Mandy, me, Julie, and Kathy took Joan, Karen, and Trisha to the front deck to fish, so Chris and the others could talk about the project. We all were pulling in so many wide mouth bass and rainbow trout. Julie had a tape measure and scale, and so far I was winning with 29 inches and 15 pounds. Roberta came up front and asked about the largest fish and ran back yelling, "You aren't winning yet." It looked so funny we all started to laugh. We filled up half of a plastic chest with fish. Then Kathy landed a big one. It was pulling her pole and we knew immediately it was over 3 feet. She tired the fish out and then reeled it in. It was a pike, 42 inches and 28 pounds. We called Kathy the winner and everyone paid her a quarter.

We all went to the rear deck to sit and watched the pets all go in for a swim off the lower platform by the water. I made several bottles of chilled wine in my mind and had them appear in the cabin, along with a tray of sandwiches. I said, "Joan, can you help me with the food and drinks?" She got up and went into the first cabin with me and she carried half of it out on deck, as Mandy got glasses for everyone. We listened to Chris and Allison grill Joe and Rob about the research. Chris smiled at me and said, "They seemed to have solved the long range detection and weapon deployment problem. They developed a light partial beam weapon that should be able to travel several times the speed of light. We just need to test it. Mom, there's nothing past the work planet so I was thinking that would be a good place to set up a test to fire it into empty space. I'll check with Tara first. Say hello to the new Vice Presidents of the NASA Defense Company."

We all stood and applauded and Mandy said, "We need to confirm it with a board meeting, but you should get approved. Have some wine and food." We all pigged out and Mandy said into our minds, "I wonder who's with who? Let's ask." Mandy said to Joan, "Are any of you couples?" Joan said, "Karen, Trisha, and me are kind of involved with each other, so are Joe and Rob. We all use the SexMed drugs a lot, so it's become more of a group than couples." She whispered to us, "I think Joe and Rob are going to change permanently to opposites. They were going to take the pills yesterday, but chickened out." I said, "You can always change back. Permanent just means you stay that way until you take another permanent pill. Just make sure they take the hormones to go with it." Joe and Rob were listening and Joe said, "Now I remember, you invented the drug. It really isn't permanent if I don't like it?" I nodded my head and said, "Just until you take another permanent pill to go back to the way you were." Joe said, "Can we use a cabin to take them now?" I said, "Sure, use the first one when you walk downstairs."

We all lit cigarettes and Mandy kissed me with her arms around me. She said, "We have a group date in our cabin. Want to join us?" Julie smiled at us and said into our minds, "We have to tell them about our powers or it will spook them out." We all got up and I said, "You saw us in your minds a while back and heard Godda tell everyone about our abilities. She kind of made an understatement. We can do almost anything with our minds. It can be a lot of fun. You'll see."

Chris said, "We're going to stay on deck and wait for Joe and Rob. Have fun!" Mandy said into our minds, "The spider and her partner are eying up her pray." We looked at each other and laughed. Mandy was absolutely right. Mandy opened the main cabin door and Joan said, "Wow! I love the view out of windows." Kathy said, "The view inside will be much better", as we took off our cloths.

We were naked and then helped Joan, Karen, and Trisha undress, as the four of us caressed their bodies very gently. Mandy and I kissed Joan and then Karen, while Kathy and Julie were all over Trisha. We lay in the bed and I said into Mandy's mind, "Combined." She laughed back into my mind and said, "Why not", and we changed as Joan and Karen watched. Joan and Karen were kissing each other, as Mandy and I positioned their legs over one another and then lay between their legs, with their cunts only a foot or so apart.

I kissed Karen's pussy and Mandy did the same thing to Joan. We licked them until they were both moaning and Mandy said into my mind, "Tongue honey." We both made our tongues long and wide as we slowly wiggled them into each of their holes. We shared our thoughts and both hit bottom, driving Joan and Karen crazy. They were lip locked and moaning into each other's mouth, as we fucked their pussies with our tongues. We both found their G-spots and Karen flooded my mouth with pussy cum bucking into my face. Joan did the same thing to Mandy, as we made our tongues normal again, sucked up the cum, and then kissed each other. We did this six times, each time making them have a huge orgasm.

Joan and Karen were breathing heavy and kissing, as Mandy and I sat on the bed. She made her cock long enough to suck it herself, as I pushed my cock into her pussy and lay on top of her. Mandy's cock was in between our breasts and I sucked the tip, as she rubbed the shaft. Then she sucked her own cock while I licked the shaft. Joan and Karen moved their heads right next to us and were watching getting so hot.

Mandy sucked her cock into her throat as I made my cock larger and fucked her pussy hard. I rubbed her shaft and then I deep throated her cock. Mandy and I kissed and she said into my mind, "My pussy's cumming honey. Keep fucking me while I suck myself off." I fucked Mandy hard, as she sucked her cock and rubbed the shaft. I moved my mouth to lick right next to her mouth, and she started to buck. I saw her cock pulsate and felt her shoot the first blast of cum into her mouth, through her mind. I licked a few drips of cum from around her mouth and then licked Mandy's lips. She held most of the cum in her mouth and sucked her cock for a minute after the squirting stopped, as I kept fucking her. She tilted her head back and opened her mouth as I put my open lips on hers. We kissed, swishing the cum around in our mouths and swallowed.

Mandy made her cock go back to normal size and we changed positions. I lay on my back with my legs spread wide open and knees bent, as Mandy pushed her cock into my pussy and fucked me. Mandy kissed me and said into my mind, "Make your cock grow honey. I love watching you suck yourself." I made my cock bigger and it fit right between our breasts. I tilted my head down and sucked on the tip and then about 4 inches, as Mandy rubbed my shaft. She made her cock bigger inside of my cunt, and I came like a river. I moaned so loud while sucking my own cock. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Honey, this turns me on like you can't image." We kissed and then Mandy sucked my cock while she hammered my cunt and my G-spot. I was bucking my pussy into her and then sucked my cock again. I was getting ready to cum and Mandy shared my thoughts. She rubbed my shaft as I sucked my cock and then I blasted off. I jerked up almost off the bed as the first blast of cum went into my mouth. I opened my lips a little and some dripped out. Mandy moaned into my mind and licked it up as she kept fucking me. My cock pulsated again and squirt after squirt of warm cum hit the roof of my mouth and my tongue as Mandy rubbed my shaft at the speed of light. She kept saying into my mind, "This is so hot baby. Suck it all in and show it too me."

I sucked my cock dry and then tilted my head back opening my mouth. Mandy looked at the white goo on my tongue and kissed me so hard with her mouth open. She rolled me over on top of her as we kept fucking, and the cum dripped into her mouth. We kissed and swallowed. Joan and Karen were rubbing each other's clit's watching us go crazy on each other.

Mandy still had her cock in my pussy, as Joan knelt next to me and sucked my nipple and caressed my breasts. I made my cock go back to normal size again, as Karen knelt over Mandy and licked her nipples also. Mandy said into my mind, "Honey, can we change their bodies also? I going to make Karen into a Combined and see what happens." Mandy concentrated and Karen had a 6 inch cock appear over her pussy. She did it to Joan also and then said, "Joan, sit on my sweethearts cock and let her fuck your pussy." Joan straddled my cock wrapping her legs around me, as I sat on Mandy's cock. I said, "Karen, kneel down behind me and fuck Mandy's pussy and my ass."

I made my cock completely fill Joan's pussy, and then Mandy made Joan's cock bigger to fill hers also. I rubbed Joan's cock with my hand and made her cock bigger so we both could suck on it. Joan went crazy giving herself a blowjob, as I rubbed her shaft, and she fucked on my cock. Mandy and I read their thoughts together and got so turned on. We both spasmed, shooting our cum and kept right on going. Joan said, "That feels so good and warm. Oooooo. Don't stop."

We fucked for hours. We changed positions four times and each of us came like a fire hose from our cocks and pussy. Mandy and I experimented a few times and let Joan and Karen suck their own cocks and pussy. They both begged us to let them stay that flexible, so we did. Mandy and I laughed into each other's mind, as we watched Joan and Karen lay on the bed right next to each other rolled into a ball, sucking their own cunts. We gave then a longer tongue and they both organsmed non-stop until we put the tongues back to normal.

We stopped to have a cigarette and watched Trisha, Julie, and Kathy doing the same things that we were doing. Kathy and Julie were both fucking Trisha together, and then they gave Trisha two cocks to fuck Julie's pussy and ass at the same time. Joan said to us, "Wow. What does that feel like?" Mandy took a drag of her cigarette and handed it to me saying, "We'll show you." Mandy gave Joan two cocks and herself two pussies. Joan fucked Mandy and went crazy, as we watched. I took a drag of the cigarette and Karen said, "Me too?" I smiled and we did it also, lying right next to Mandy and Joan.

We turned everyone back to normal, and Mandy and I had some private time to make love. We were so into caressing each other and loved each other the old fashioned way for almost an hour. So did Karen, Joan, and Trisha.

It was almost 6, so I said, "How about we head back to the castle. We can cook some of the fish we caught on the open pit barbeque." We all got dressed and Mandy put her arms around me and looked into my eyes. She said into my mind, "I love you so much honey. Kiss me and hold me for a few minutes." We kissed and held each other, and then went up to the bridge. I started the engines and raised the anchor, as Mandy steered the boat back home. Ruffles and Snuffy came into the bridge with us and Ruffles said, "Ranks. Re roved rathching rou", and smiled. Mandy said, "Fucking perverted dogs." Ruffles and Snuffy laughed.


We got back to the castle and Kathy unloaded our catch of fish using her mind. Julie started a fire in the open pit for a barbeque and Mandy and I cleaned the fish using our minds to do the dirty work. We put each fish on a wooden scourer and then made it rotate over the fire. Our guests were definitely impressed by our magic culinary abilities.

Mandy and I went inside and carried out plates, glasses, wine, and silverware, and we set a table on the veranda. Julie and Kathy were discussing what side dish to make with the fish and couldn't make up their minds, so they made two.

We ate, drank way too much wine, and laughed with our new friends. After the eighth bottle of wine Joan said, "We never expected you to be so normal." Mandy was so smashed, she stood up wobbling, unzipping her jeans and said, "I'm not fucking normal, see I'm now Combined" and made a cock appear. Then she went through all of the combinations, as we all laughed. Mandy sat on my lap and said, "You're not normal either honey. We are too of a kind. Who else on this planet can eat their own pussy?" Joan said, "Me! Thank you very much", and kissed both of us.

Mandy was really getting hot on my lap and we kissed for about 10 minutes while we shared a cigarette. She said into my mind, "Sweetheart, how about we go to bed and fuck all night?" I smiled at her and she slurred out, "Everyone can sleep here tonight. Just take any bedroom you want expect ours. Me and my honey have some serious love making to do tonight."

Mandy and I staggered to the outside entrance of the elevator and went up to our room leaving a trail of cloths. We stood kissing naked by the bed and Mandy whispered into my ear, "Eat my cunt baby, while I suck my own cock. I want you to watch me shoot cum in my mouth."

Mandy lay on the bed in a tuck position and made herself into Combined. I lay between her legs and put my lips over her pussy, spreading the lips with my hands. I licked her slowly and she moaned into my mind, "Oh that feels so good. Do it again." I licked her again, as she made her cock grow to about 18 inches so she could suck the end while she was bent over. Mandy had one arm around her legs to keep them up and the other hand rubbing her cock, while she sucked it. I had my eyes open watching her and she was getting so turned on knowing that I was getting hot also.

I licked her pussy and rubbed her clit with my fingers, and then sucked her whole pussy into my mouth. Mandy was dripping wet, so I made my tongue longer and wiggled it to the bottom. She went wild bucking into my face and rubbing her cock at lightening speed and fucking her face with it. I used my tongue to hit her G-spot and Mandy's pussy was throbbing and cumming in spurts into my mouth. I sucked it all in my mouth, swallowed, and then did it again.

Mandy was moaning loud and talking to me in my mind saying, "Fuck my pussy with your tongue and watch me shoot into my mouth. Honey, I going to blast off any second. Watch me. Oh, here it's starting. Watch baby, OOOOOOHHHH!" I licked Mandy and watched her move her mouth and hold it wide open over her cock, as she rubbed the shaft to make squirt after squirt of while goo shoot into her mouth. She closed her mouth on her cock and said into my mind, "G- spot honey. Make me shoot again. Oh, this feels so good."

I licked Mandy's G-spot and within two minutes she was basting off again. She sucked all of her cum into her mouth and said into my mind, "One more time honey. It's all still in my mouth waiting for you. This time I'm going to make my pussy cum like it does from my cock. Suck it all in and kiss me."

I watched her as we shared our thoughts. I made her cum in about 15 minutes again and her pussy filled with white thick goo. I sucked it all in and it tasted like pussy cum, except it was thicker. Mandy's cock was pulsating and shooting into her mouth again, and I moved to lay on top of her. She moved her mouth off of her cock and turned back to normal. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and rolled me onto my back staring into my eyes. She said into my mind, "Open up honey. I have a mouthful of desert for us." I opened my mouth and Mandy saw the thick white cum on my tongue. She went wild putting her lips over mine and opening her mouth wide, holding me so tight. All of her cum flowed into my mouth and we swished it around. We moaned into each other's mouth for about 5 minutes, as we swallowed all of it. Mandy said into my mind, "My turn to do the same thing to you honey. I want to watch you suck your cock just like I did."

I smiled at her and she gave we that devilish grin as I lay on my back in a tuck position. I made myself Combined and rubbed my cock to get it hard. I made it grow and sucked the tip, as Mandy licked my pussy. This felt so good. Mandy was licking me, just I did her and teasing the piss out of me. She made my pussy cum four times and then hit my G-spot. I rubbed my cock as fast as I could, and blasted a load of cum into my mouth. Mandy watched it squirt into my open mouth and said into my mind, "Show me baby. Don't swallow it yet."

I close my mouth around my cock again and Mandy really made me crazy on my G- spot. I blasted off two more times shooting cum into my mouth and the last time I made my pussy cum white and thick. Mandy was orgasming as she licked it into her mouth. She lay on top of me and I rolled us over this time. Mandy showed me the cum in her mouth and I was as nuts as she was. I put my lips on hers hard, and then opened my mouth letting it all drip into her mouth. We kissed and swallowed together for over 10 minutes.

I made myself normal again, and reached for a cigarette and put it in Mandy's lips. I struck the lighter and she took two deep drags and held in the smoke. I put my mouth over hers and sucked out the smoke as she exhaled and Mandy smiled saying into my mind, "Honey, you really want to me to cum again, don't you." She took another drag of the cigarette and I did it again. I put my fingers in Mandy's cunt and it was still throbbing and soaking wet. I rubbed them around as she held the cigarette to my lips. I took a deep drag, and then another. Mandy put her lips to mine and I blew the smoke out as she sucked it in. She had an orgasm and I felt her pussy throbbing, as it spit out more juices. I kissed Mandy and said into her mind, "I can still taste the cum in our mouths. It's getting me so hot again."

We turned on our sides, facing each other, sharing the cigarette. Mandy and I starred into each other's eyes and I said, "How about some old fashion love making for a while and then we'll use Oscar. Honey, I want to rub my pussy on yours while we kiss each other all night."

Mandy and I kissed, both took a final drag of the cigarette, and then wrapped our arms and legs around each other kissing, and caressing. We licked and sucked each other's nipples for over a half hour and then lay in a 69 position on our sides, eating each other's pussy. We moved to lay in or favorite position using Oscar, and did it all night. I can't remember how many times I orgasmed, but it had to be over 25. The alarm went off at 7 AM and we didn't want to move. We were rubbing our pussies together and kissed again so passionately. I whispered into Mandy's ear, "Lets do it in the bathtub. I have to pee." Mandy smiled at me and said, "Me too."

We got out of bed and had a bathtub adventure. We peed onto each other's tongue and then licked each other to a huge orgasm. We showered and sang a new shower song this morning that we wrote on Vacation World. Julie and Kathy came into our bathroom and Julie said, "Move over, we're showering with you and singing that song. We love it." Julie and Kathy stood in the huge stone tub with us and turned on the other showerhead at the other end, and we all sang the new tune.

When the song was over Kathy said, "I sucked my cock for over and hour last night while Julie licked my pussy. That is so hot." We both laughed and Mandy said, "We're both guilty also your honor."

We all got out of the showered and Mandy and I couldn't find our toothbrush. We found them on the floor and Kathy said, "It's the fucking dogs. They were using ours last week. Ruffles told us he wants his teeth to look whiter. Just wash them off in real hot water." Mandy and I laughed and washed the toothbrushes in hot water. She said, "Stupid fucking dogs. Now they're listening to Melissa's commercials that she made for the product that makes teeth whiter for pets."

We dressed for work and put on our makeup. Mandy did my eyes today and kept kissing me. We got carried away again and we rubbed each other's clits until we both had an orgasm. Then we had to redo our makeup.

We went downstairs for breakfast and everyone was in the kitchen. Joan said, "None of us have business cloths with us. Is there a store near here we can stop at before we go to the office?" Mandy said, "Stand up." Joan stood up and me both made her an outfit in our mind. Then we did Karen and Trisha. I said, "Joe, you and Rob want to stay women, or turn back?" Joe said, "Stay just like we are. Call me Joanne, and Rob, Robin." We made them sexier cloths for the office also. Chris and Allison made us all breakfast the old fashioned way.

We ate, had coffee, and a cigarette, before leaving for the office. I said to Mandy, "Fast or slow today?" She said, "Bentley. Elegance today." We all let for the office.

Ken fell in love with Joan's abilities. So did Jody, Janice, and Adel. Max hired Karen to run a new project, and Melissa was out of her mind when she met Trisha. Trisha was second in command at Melissa's biggest competitor in North America, and the creative talent behind most of the crazy adds.

We called a special board meeting and everyone approved all five of the new Vice Presidents.

Over the next eight months Mandy and I worked our asses off. We still made time for plenty of love, but we did more in that period than in any other time in our lives. We stopped being the ones who solved every problem, and instead had other people solve them. We had our share of them including two judges that decided to rewrite the laws to suit themselves. We had the sentencing for the two judges on television when they got what they dished out. Melissa said the ratings were better than the super bowl.

It was really amazing that the one day of riding horses to meet some new friends, has had such an impact on all of us. Trisha is almost a partner to Melissa in the marketing and advertising company. The two of them have doubled the size of the company to over 160 billion a year in revenue. They both just got a one time bonus that was huge, and Trisha was made a voting board member. Joanne and Robin have successful tested the first long range laser guided weapon into deep space and used it for real last week. They destroyed a meteor that was on a collision course with one of the inhabited planets. Chris was gloating about it for two days. All she kept saying was, "We saved their ass."

Joan has now taken over as head of A&R for the America's market, and Karen has completed her first project for Max, way ahead of schedule. Karen is now working on new means to attach cloned limbs without surgery using the drugs she developed in the first project.

We are having our annual shareholders meeting today and it's going to be the best one we ever held. Mandy and I are making over 25 major announcements and it is being broadcast around the world, and to nine other planets. Godda and Tara told us both to take a long vacation after this meeting. We told them we would take a few weeks to goof off with them.

Mandy and I were eating breakfast and reviewing our speeches, as Julie and Kathy came into the kitchen. Julie said, "This is the first time I have even seen you two up early for anything. What's wrong?" We both smiled and I said, "We're still writing our speeches for this morning." Kathy smiled and said, "You two can adlib anything. Just wing it. It will sound more natural anyway." Mandy looked at me and said into my mind, "You know she's right. Lets just make some notes and talk from them. Just like on stage honey, just no pinching my nipples until after the TV cameras are off." I smiled and said into Mandy's mind, "How about just a little pinch when nobody's looking?" Mandy leaned over to me and I rubbed her nipple and she said, "That's it until we're done with the meeting. Then we can fuck our brains out for the next three weeks." Kathy was laughing at us as usual.

Mandy and I took our notes and made them into cue cards and took some coffee into the ballroom. There were already a few hundred people there along with the TV crews. Margi and Alice were there waiting for us at the head table. Mandy said, "Mom, why didn't you come in the kitchen with us?" Margi said, "We did. You were so engrossed in writing your speeches you didn't even see us. We didn't want to disturb you so we came in here." Mandy put her arm around me and said, "Tara was right. We need a vacation bad", and then went and hugged Margi.

We sat and had a cigarette finishing our coffee as the place was filling up. Grace had twenty people at the main entrance to the castle checking invitations, which were all based on how many shares of stock you own. The top eighteen hundred shareholders were invited to see the presentations in person, and anyone can watch it on television.

We waited until a few minutes after 9 and then Mandy and I walked up to our seats at the podium. The TV director gave us our cue and Mandy stood up and said, "Welcome everyone to the annual shareholders meeting for the Earth Corporation. For those of you watching this on television, we have here with us the top 1,800 shareholders, based on number of outstanding shares of stock they each held, as of last month. I know that a lot of people were disappointed that they could not attend this year because of the limited space. Next year I assure you we will have this at a much large venue. Jen and I will be making over 25 major announcements today, that we are so excited about. To start, I want to tell you about our financial health. To put it in terms of our products, our company is running full steam ahead on the miracle drug. We set a new record this year for revenue and profit."

Everyone stood and applauded and Mandy said, "That's why we are making the first announcement. A 17 percent dividend based on par value of the stock for all owners of record as of yesterday. This is one of the largest dividends to ever be issued from a major corporation and will be paid quarterly over the next year. The second announcement is that everyone who gets a dividend will also get something else in the envelope that is delivered to their home. Everyone will get one additional share of stock. Everyone on this planet will now own at least two shares of stock in this corporation. Who could have imaged five years ago when every country was in debt, that we would be profitable enough to not have any taxes, and also give everyone on of the planet a check. I think we finally fixed the problems with government. The government works for all of us now, not the other way around."

Everyone stood again and cheered and applauded. Mandy said, "Jen is going to tell you about some of the next major announcements." I stood up and said, "I can honestly say that I feel safe and secure knowing that there are no threats being made against us, and that even the dangers from unknown places in universe can't harm us. The reason that I can say this is that last week we used the long range space defense system in real life. We put it to the test, and it worked. We destroyed a meteor that was on a collision course with one of the inhabited planets. It would have been the start of an ice age, or even worse. We destroyed it two years before it would have hit. This system was developed by several of our key staff and I would like them all to stand up and be acknowledged. Chris, can you make the introductions? Please welcome Doctor Christiana Edwards."

Everyone clapped as Chris asked everyone to stand and then introduced the team. She spent about a minute explaining the unbelievable scientific breakthrough that they made and then said, "This technology is now in place and watching over us. If it senses any threat it immediately notifies a human task force to verify that it is indeed a threat. The weapon system can take down an object as small as a lunch box, from over 600 million light years away. It uses the same technology as the teleportation system to move particle laser beams through a fourth dimension. The team doesn't know about what I'm going to say next, as I saved this as a surprise. The Nobel Prize committee has announced that all of us are getting the Nobel prize for peace this year. I have a letter here for each of you. Congratulations everyone."

Everyone stood and applauded loud and long. I stood up again and said, "We're just getting started. We really were busy this year." Everyone was laughing and I said, "Margi was really busy and played an instrumental role in the next announcement. And all of you thought she was just working on her tan on the Vacation Planet." We all laughed and Margi blushed and I continued, "Margi coordinated interplanetary commerce which we are calling solarnational business, kind of like international business. As part of the initial efforts, we have opened trade relations with twenty planets, much like ours. I'm sure some of you have already tried some of the products that have been brought to earth, and almost all of our products and services are being sold in the solarnational market. In the last 3 months, revenue from solarnational business accounted for more than 12 percent of our total revenue dollars. Next year we anticipate it to be over 40 percent."

I got an ovation and I said, "There's still more. Mandy, Margi, and I were even more busy after we got this cooking, and I'll let Mandy tell you the rest of it." I said into Mandy's mind, "How about a nipple pinch right now?" She smiled at me and said in to my mind, "Later baby."

Mandy said, "We are also opening up the solarnational market to any company that wants to trade goods and services from earth. It is an entirely new untapped market of billions of consumers. We also have assisted the other planets in establishing corporations and governance operations much like ours. A few needed extra help, and we invested in them, just like any corporation would make investments to provide a return on their capital. These investments proved to be very lucrative. I'm proud to announce that Earth Corporation now owns the controlling interest of 51 percent of higher, in 9 companies that manage eleven planets. All are as profitable as we are now, and the leaders from these worlds are here for me to introduce them to you. They will also be on the board as advisors, and we will obviously be on their board. We are all witnessing the dawn of a new age of intergalactic governance and commerce. Please welcome the leaders of these planets."

They all stood up and everyone stood and applauded for at least 10 minutes. Mandy said into my mind, "Sounds like an encore from our last show." Mandy introduced each one and they each said a few words. Janx said, "We owe everything to Mandy and Jen. They have shown us how to make it all work and lead us to discover all of the things you have here on earth. We plan to offer all of our products and services to the people of earth, some are quite interesting and different. We welcome all products and services from all of your corporations." Everyone stood the entire time the other leaders spoke.

Mandy turned it back to me and I said, "Just offering products and services is not enough in today's solarnational markets. People need to know what's available, how to get it, what is costs, and so on. The next announcements are all along those lines. The Internet has been extended through a new displacement wireless technology that will now span planets. Chris and Allison get the credit for this one also. It was an absolutely brilliant piece of engineering work. You can chat with someone on the planet Traff, use a payment system that converts currency to place an order, and also use one for transportation shippers, including the mail system, to send goods solarnational now also. Air mail actually really means air mail now." Everyone laughed and I said, "A planet code has been added to all shipments off world, which opens up the market to all of the commercial shippers also. We expect this to be a major new market for them also."

I continued, "That's only one media. How about brick and mortar retail? We all love to shop at the malls and are often driven to make purchases by what we see on commercials or advertisements. Our marketing genius, who I know you all will recognize when she stands up here, is going to tell you all about our new solarnational marketing ventures. Please welcome Melissa."

Melissa told about intergalactic marketing and commercials. It was so funny. She even showed a commercial clip from one of the planets. The place was roaring with laughter and then she got a standing ovation when she told about how much revenue it generated. Mandy spoke about the entertainment implications and introduced Ken. He told jokes for a few minutes about intergalactic stuff on Vacation World and was also a piss. Then he made some statements about revenue potential and what we were already doing off world, and got a standing ovation.

The whole meeting was like this and lasted for 3 hours. We heard from every sub company; drugs, manufacturing, retail, earth operations, and so on. The last item on the agenda was a vote and Mandy stood and said, "I think we did a pretty good job this year and hopefully earned our pay." Everyone stood applauding and people were calling for all of us to stand. We all did and they clapped for us for over 10 minutes.

Mandy and I blushed and she said, "The last item on the agenda is a vote where all of you can participate, just like last time. The questions were sent out two weeks ago and I ask that you vote Yes or No. The first question is; should the company issue additional stock to be used to invest and assist in other planets and corporations? And the second one is, should the stock be allowed to be traded on other stock exchanges outside of earth?" I hope all of you will support us in this very unusual request. The board feels strongly that creating an intergalactic commerce and governance model will mitigate the risk that any one planet can have on revenue, and also allow the stock to be purchased locally through exchanges on each planet creating a broader ownership base. We believe that people on other worlds will want to invest in what we have here. We think it's the right thing to do. Please cast your votes now, while we take a 10 minute intermission to wait for the results."

We had a huge electronic board on the wall and watched as the votes were tallying electronically. We already knew both questions passed, as there were billions of Yes responses and only a few thousand No responses. Mandy and I walked to our kitchen and both put our arms around each other and kissed. She pinched my nipples and said into my mind, "I've been thinking about this the whole time I was talking." We both laughed and lit a cigarette. Margi brought Janx and Laurie into the kitchen with us and they lit up cigarettes also. Margi said, "This is really something. I didn't realize how much we did until we saw it all at once. Mandy, this is where you and Jen belong for life. You both know it. Just don't get yourself burned out again. Promise me you'll take a long vacation after this meeting." I said, "We promise."

Mandy sat on my lap and I pinched her nipples and everyone laughed. I said, "I wanted to do that all day." We finished our cigarettes and went back inside to the podium again. Mandy called the meeting to order and said, "Based on the numbers on the board, it looks like the motions both carried. Thank you all very much. Now we'll open it up for questions for the next half hour. Please signal one of ushers who will give you a microphone."

We all answered some really good questions. One was, "You didn't go into the new planets that people are moving to be pioneers. How are they going?" I took that one and said, "They are going great. With all the news coverage of them we skipped over it. All four planets have the infrastructure established, a working government, and some industry. The plans are to have them fully functional on their own with the next 18 months, and then they will become part of the Earth Corporation, just like the eleven other worlds that are represented here today."

The question and answer period was over and Mandy said, "All of us appreciate all of your support. We wanted to close this session with a request. With the involvement of the company into business and governance across the universe, we think that the name of the company should change to better reflect what we do. We are starting a contest to come up with a name. Make a suggestion and send it to the local area representatives and make sure to include your name and contact information. The deadline will be one week from today. If the board selects the name you suggested, you get one million dollars, and remember there are never any taxes. I think that should be a good incentive to get us a name for the future. Don't you? Again, thank you everyone."

The entire audience gave us all a standing ovation again. Mandy and I blushed as usual and I said into her mind, "I guess a nipple pinch right now would be totally out of the question." She smiled at me and said into my mind, "Only if we want to keep our jobs another year. Oh fuck it. Give me a kiss honey. Right now." Mandy put her arms around me and gave me a great kiss. Everyone clapped louder, as we both waved. Kathy and Julie were hysterically laughing.

We all mingled with the shareholders and shook hands, as people were leaving. The television director came over to us and said, "I love doing your telecasts. Each one is such a surprise and so interesting. You did an excellent job. Who would have ever imagined life could be this good five years ago."

We waited until everyone left and then Mandy and I went upstairs to our room and made love for the rest of the day with Janx and Laurie. We displaced Janx and Laurie back to their home and we stayed in bed until the next morning, doing everything imaginable sexually. We were so out of control.


It was 7 AM and Mandy and I were lying in bed on our sides facing each other. She lit up a cigarette and took a deep drag holding in the smoke. I took the cigarette from her fingers and took a drag also and said, "How about we become tourists for a while?" Mandy said, "Everyone recognizes us everywhere." I said, "Not like this they won't." I made my hair different and red, and my eyes blue instead of green." Mandy said, "Shit, your sexy like that. Sit up honey. I want to see all of it."

Mandy looked me over and said, "I could swallowed you whole. Jen, I know it's you, but I doubt anyone will recognize you. Now do me." I loved Mandy's eyes, so this was hard to change. I made her eyes baby blue also and gave her black hair in a different style. She looked hot and I said, "Look in the mirror. We definitely look like hot and sleazy tourists from Oregon. A bunch of hicks wouldn't you say?" Mandy started laughing and said, "Come here and fuck me so I can used to the new you."

We really got into to each other. We both turned into Combined and fucked each other and ourselves senseless for over 4 hours. Mandy figured out how we can each fuck our own pussy by making our cocks soft at the bottom and then hard at the top. We make them longer and bend them, putting the end into our cunts. We tried this a few weeks ago and got so turned on watching each other get laid. We told Chris about it and she is working with Max on a pill that will allow normal people to be able to make their cocks longer and also flexible. We expect this to be a multi-billion dollar revenue drug again, especially on Traff and Firma.

Mandy and I finally got out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was already gone. Ruffles looked at us and said, "Rwho R Ryou?" We both laughed and I said, "It's us. The same ones that wanted to cook you." Ruffles ran to play with Snuffy, as Mandy laughed.

Mandy made us some breakfast with her mind and some coffee on the stove. I said, "Where should we start?" She said, "Let me do the navigating for a few days and then you can do it." We ate our breakfast and poured some coffee. Mandy put a cigarette in her lips and was lighting it. I said, "Sweetheart, you look like a biker babe. I love it!" She laughed and said, "You look like such a sleazy sex pot too. I'm getting wet again." We couldn't keep our hands off of each other.

We shared the cigarette and finished our coffee. I said, "What type of cloths do we need for our first trip?" Mandy said, "The navigator gets to dress the other one also." We went to our safe and took out some cash and then Mandy dressed us both with very sheer lace tops, jeans, and nice soft leather shoes. She said, "Ready?" I nodded my head and she displaced us. I recognized it as Venice Italy within a few minutes. We took a gondola boat and watched the scenery, as we sat back against each other and kissed. She said into my mind, "So how did I do?" I said back into her mind, "This is wonderful", as we kissed again.

We asked the person steering the small boat where there is a nice place to stay and he took us over there. We got out and Mandy made us each a suitcase and we walked into the hotel. Mandy said, "Reservation for Smith. Honeymoon suite for two." The clerk said, "I don't have your reservation, but the suite is open. Let me have your information." Mandy made up everything and then had the computer approve it. We paid for it in advance with cash anyway.

We had a bellhop take our bags upstairs and we made them feel heavy so he would think we had cloths in them. I tipped him and Mandy and I lay on the bed and laughed. She said, "This is great. Lets check out the local restaurants, gambling, and all the other things. Oh, look at this. They have entertainment on the water at night. Honey, they're calling our names for that one." I said, "I can hear them saying, we have your table ready Mrs. Smith."

We kissed and rolled around on the bed. We took off our cloths and caressed each other softly all over. Mandy licked her lips and put them slowly on one of my nipples using her saliva to make it wet. She flicked her tongue over my nipple and I melted, as she sucked it slowly using her tongue to massage the tip. I held Mandy's head to my breast and she said into my mind, "Sweetheart, I bet that feels really good right about now." I moaned softly and Mandy used her fingers to rub my other nipple. It felt great.

I reached over to Mandy's breasts and kneaded her nipples in my fingers. She was moaning now also. Mandy kissed me so softly and whispered into my ear, "Rub my clit baby." I rubbed her clit and she rubbed mine, as we kissed, exploring each other's mouth with our tongues. Mandy and I put our breasts pressing against each other with our faces together, and rubbed each other's clit. I said into Mandy's mind, "I cumming honey. Press harder. Oh, that's it. Mmmmm, I am so wet now."

I rubbed Mandy's clit faster and harder and she jerked forward into my hand as she orgasmed. We kissed and caressed each other like this for another half hour and then we moved into a 69 position on our sides. I spread Mandy's pussy lips with my hands and licked her from bottom to top and then put my tongue in and wiggled it. She was doing the exact same thing to me and said into my mind, "Sweetheart, I'm so hot. Fuck me with your tongue." I made my tongue get longer slowly, as I licked her and wiggled. Then I bottomed out wiggling my tongue and started to fuck her with it. Mandy was bucking her pussy into my face, as I was doing the same thing to her. It felt like Mandy had a 2 foot cock inside of me, as I was pushing my cunt onto her tongue. We found each other's G-spot and we both orgasmed like a waterfall. Mandy said in my mind, "Make your pussy cum thick white this time honey."

We kept going and in 10 minutes we both orgasmed again. I had a mouthful of thick white goo, just like it came out of her cock, except it tasted sweet like Mandy's pussy. I swallowed all of it, as she was swallowing my cum. We kept going until our tongues were tired after we each orgasmed 6 times. We both loved swallowing each other's cum, when we made it thick white. It was so sweet tasting.

We lay on our sides facing each other and Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a deep drag and then put it in my lips. I inhaled twice and held in the smoke, as Mandy said, "Lets go exploring outside. Remember, we're tourists. I saw a tour schedule in the lobby. Lets call and see when it is."

Mandy reached over to pick up the phone. She called the front desk and said, "When do the tours leave?" She hung up and said, "The last one for today leaves in 10 minutes. Let's do the sexy thing today." Mandy made us cloths in her mind and I really looked hot, so did she." We kissed again and she said, "Stay still honey and look at me." I held perfectly still and she put on my makeup with her mind. Then I did it to her also. We both looked in the mirror and said at the same time to each other, "Good job." We smiled at each other holding hands, as we walked to the elevator.

We took the tour on a boat with about 30 other tourists from all over the world. We sat next to a couple from New York who were so obnoxious. We couldn't stop laughing. The tour was kind of interesting and showed us all the hot spots. We got back just after dark. Mandy and I took a boat taxi to one of the restaurants we passed and we pulled the reservation game again, except this time I added our name to the list in the managers writing. We had a great table secluded in a corner, but we could still watch the entertainment.

The waiter came up to our table and spoke to us in Italian and our built-in translator took over. I answered in Italian, "Thank you for the compliment. We feel sexy also. I thought everyone spoke English here." The waiter was so embarrassed. He said, "I had no idea you spoke Italian. I'm so sorry. We do this to everyone who comes here from America." I said, "How did you know we were from America." He said, "Your cloths. They give it away every time."

He told us about the specials of the night in Italian and Mandy ordered for us in Italian also. She was speaking a mile a minute and the waiter was answering her back. Then they both started to talk really loud. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Mandy stopped and said in English, "Bob, please don't give away our secret. We'll only be here through tonight."

He smiled and said, "I promise. It's a great disguise. If I hadn't worked for you feeding your lunatics dogs for so long when I was a kid, I won't have recognized you." Mandy said, "We'll tell your mom we saw you." Bob said, "Please, don't do that. She thinks I'm still in college in Milan. I graduated two years early and I'm working here to pay the rent and also playing in a rock band." Mandy and I laughed and Mandy said, "If you think your good enough to make some money at it call our new A&R execute. Here give me your order pad and a pen." Mandy gave him Joan's name and number. Mandy said, "Make sure to tell her that Jen and I said to call. Now get us the crab dinners." He laughed and said, "It's on the house. I'll get you some great wine we have here."

Mandy said to me, "Can you believe it. The whole tourist thing was a joke. He spotted us as soon as we walked in. We haven't seen him in 5 years." I lit a cigarette for both of us, as Bob brought the wine. It was really good. Mandy and I toasted everything under the sun and some other things too. We finished three bottles of wine when we finished eating our crab dinners. We were both trashed. Bob got us a water taxi and helped us into the boat as we went back to the hotel. Mandy and I were so out of it. All I remember was laughing so hard I wet my pants in the boat and Mandy trying to lick it up.

We got back to the hotel and staggered into the elevator and up to our room. Mandy put her arms around me and said, "I think it's time to get naked." We both were giggling and undressed. Mandy flopped on the bed and lifted her legs over her head. She rolled back until her knees were over her shoulders and put her face into her pussy. I could hear her slurping her juices and she said, "Sweetheart, get over here and do this with me. I taste so fucking good today." We both were still giggling and I lay next to her and got into the same position with my knees over my shoulders and my face in my pussy. We ate ourselves out as we talked to each other in our minds. We were so drunk.

I was cumming into my mouth and Mandy moved to lick my ass, which was sticking straight up towards the ceiling. She made her tongue longer and fucked my butt hole with it, as I made my tongue longer and licked my pussy hitting my G-spot. I flowed like a river into my mouth.

Mandy unrolled me and we both giggled again. She lay on top of me in a 69 position and we ate each other senseless. Mandy fucked my pussy for over 2 hours with her tongue and fingers. I did the same thing to her, and also tongue fucked her ass. She went wild with that.

We were lying on our sides still feeling drunk, and giggling a little. Mandy lit a cigarette and put it in my lips. I took a deep drag and held in the smoke and Mandy took the cigarette out of my lips with her fingers. She took two drags of the cigarette and blew out the smoke into the air, while putting her other hand into my pussy. Mandy said into my mind, "I want to fuck you so bad honey." Mandy turned into a Combined and asked me to do it in my mind. I changed also, as she held the cigarette to my lips and I inhaled twice. We shared the cigarette and caressed each other. I was rubbing Mandy's cock and she was rubbing mine.

Mandy rolled on top of me and put her wet lips on mine and I pushed my tongue into her mouth. I said into Mandy's mind, "You still taste like ass, but I love it." She laughed and said into my mind, "I am going to fuck the shit out of your cunt honey. Hold on for the ride of your life."

Mandy put her cock into my pussy and made it large to completely fill me up, as she fucked into me, moving in and out. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and rolled us onto our side, as she hammered into me. We kissed, sharing our thoughts as Mandy said into my mind, "I know that feels so good honey. It's making my pussy cum also. Lets suck your cock together." I was bucking my cunt into Mandy's cock and I made my cock grow until it was close to our mouths. I moved my hand and rubbed the shaft, as Mandy sucked it into her mouth. I was in heaven. She took at least 9 inches into her throat and then lifted her head up and pushed my head down on it. I sucked my cock the same way and was really getting into it. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, I love watching you do this. I'm so hot right now. Eat your cum for me."

Mandy hammered her cock into my cunt and it was rubbing against my G-spot. I was flowing like a river again, as I sprayed pussy cum on her cock. Mandy licked the shaft of my cock as I rubbed myself and sucked. Mandy and I shared our thoughts and she knew I was about to blast off. She said into my mind, "Do it now. Do it honey, while I watched you. Swallowed it for me."

Mandy rubbed my cock also as I started to jerk and spasm. My cock pulsated and shot the first stream of while goo into my mouth. I open my mouth a little so Mandy could see the cum squirting out of my cock. She put her mouth right next to mine on my cock to lick up the cum that I just dripped out. I closed my mouth again and sucked in ten more squirts of cum into my mouth, and then swallowed. I was on fire. I opened my mouth so Mandy could see I swallowed all of it and she fucked my cunt faster and harder than she ever has before. I was cumming nonstop. Mandy sucked my cock and rubbed my shaft and I shot another load of cum into her mouth in less than 10 minutes, just as Mandy shot her cum into my pussy. I blasted off big time.

Mandy and I changed positions and did the exact same thing, as I fucked her pussy. I made my cock wide enough to feel her stretching. She went wild on me as I fucked her for almost an hour while she sucked her own cock. She swallowed her cum three times for me and I was so into watching her do it. I could taste it in my mouth as we shared our minds.

We lay on our sides, exhausted. Most of the booze had worn off and we looked at each other and laughed. Mandy said, "You have cum all over your face baby. Let me lick it off." Mandy licked my face and I did the same thing to her. We lit a cigarette and shared it as we talked about what animals we were. We both turned back to normal again and softly caressed each other.

Mandy took a deep drag of the cigarette, and then another one, holding in the smoke. I put my lips up to hers and sucked the smoke into my lungs as she exhaled. I blew it out and Mandy said into my mind, "I'm going to cum again. You know that." I took a drag of the cigarette and let Mandy suck out the smoke and she orgasmed. We both laughed about it and finished the cigarette. We spent the next hour kissing and caressing each other, and then got into a 69 position. We drove each other wild again for a few hours.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, with our legs wrapped around each other. Our faces were touching, as we shared a dream together.

We woke up at 10 in the morning Mandy said, "What in the fuck was in that wine?" I said, "Alcohol. About twice as much as the wine we are use to drinking." She said, "We need some of this stuff at home. Wow! We were totally out of our minds last night. Could you really taste ass on my tongue?" We both laughed and I said, "Yup, and I licked it." Mandy rolled on top of me and said, "Lets order breakfast and then we'll go to our next fantasy vacation spot."

I picked up the phone with Mandy still lying on me and I ordered breakfast in the room. She was licking my nipples and I had a tuff time getting out the last few words. I ordered, "Mmmmm coffee and oooooo grapefruit juice." Mandy was laughing at me as she sucked my nipple into her mouth.


We ate breakfast, showered, and dressed in our cloths from yesterday. We carried two empty suitcases down to the lobby and checked out. The manager said, "Leaving so soon?" I said, "Yeah, it just didn't work out for us, but the hotel was great." Mandy was trying not to laugh and dragged me into the bathroom. She bust out hysterically and said, "Okay, you're the navigator this time." I changed our cloths to blue jeans, tee-shirts, sneakers, and then displaced us.

It was still dark here because of the time zones on earth and Mandy said, "Where are we?" I said, "You'll see. First. Ferrari, Lola, Ford, or Porsche?" Mandy said, "Ferrari." I made the rest of our stuff in my mind. An RV with a trailer that had two racecars on it; a red Ferrari 512M and a light blue Porsche 917K with the Gulf orange strips on it. I said, "We have to drive into the camping area for the track. We're at the Vintage races in Watkins Glen, New York. Remember the article we read about it last week? Honey, we're qualifying this morning, and racing this afternoon."

Mandy and I got into the RV and I drove it into the campgrounds. We parked and I said, "We have about a half hour before the sun comes up. Lets unload the cars." I unhooked the cars as Mandy sat in them and slowly eased them down the ramps. We used our powers to move each one without starting the engines. Mandy used her mind to put fuel in each car and fresh oil. The sun was coming out and we fired up both cars. They sounded outrageous. Mandy said, "A quarter bet on this one?" I said, "Of course."

We walked through the camping area to the track and signed up for the race event. We had numbers 16 and 17 and had to place the numbers on the cars and take them to the infield pit area for inspection. Mandy painted the numbers on the cars using her mind, as I made us the safety gear; fire system in the car, nomex suits, helmets, and the like. We were having a blast.

We started the cars and drove to the infield pit area. A race marshal inspected the cars and said to us, "These look brand new. Fantastic restoration." We tried not to laugh. We pulled the cars into a staging area and waited for our turn to qualify. We ran in groups and had about 30 minutes to get a lap time that put us into the race field.

They waved our group onto the track and Mandy and I were talking to each other in our minds. I said, "Take the first lap slow and find the lines warming up the tires. Remember, if you get in trouble use your powers to stop it." She said, "I know baby. Just like Vacation World, except these cars are so much cooler." We took the first lap slow and let people pass us as we talked about the race line and warmed up the tires. We watched the flag man and he gave us a second lap under yellow so we went a little faster and hit the right lines in the track.

On the third lap we got a green and Mandy was right behind me as we accelerated past the eight cars in front of us and blasted our may through the course. We were having a blast. I hit over 230 miles an hour with Mandy on my ass on the back straight. I let her pass me going into a turn and then I followed her by inches. The Porsche was definitely faster in the turns. I passed Mandy in all out racing and she said, "That's so unfair, I have this thing pegged." I said, "Get your quarter ready. You picked the car."

We passed every car on the track at least two times before we got the checked flag to end the qualifying event. We pulled into the pits and both got out of the cars and took off our helmets. Mandy hugged me and said, "That was a blast. These cars are outrageous." One of the course Marshals walked over to us and said, "That was some driving out there. You two are 8 seconds ahead of anyone us on the track so far. The only ones that have a chance against you are the Ford GT-40 and Lola T-70 in the next group."

Mandy and I sat on the cars having a cigarette, and watched the next group. The GT-40 and Lola were almost as fast as we were. I used my mind to check everything on the cars and top up the fuel. I found a loose wheel and tightened it. Mandy said, "You would have been out within two laps. Good catch." I said, "These cars were known for loosing wheels when they raced. Kind of adds to the butterflies every time you hit 200." We walked around and met some of the other drivers. We recognized about 9 of them and they didn't recognize us. We met the two men that dove the GT-40 and Lola and they were talking about our cars in the first qualifying. We talked with them for a while and never told them that we were in those cars. Mandy said into my mind, "If we're in disguise, might as well go all the way."

The race marshals started announcing the starting grids for each race. We were in the last race which is for the fastest closed cabin cars, and I was starting first. Mandy was second, the GT-40 third and the Lola forth. Mandy and I went to sit in the stands by the pits and watched the other races. The first was very old cars and it was so neat watching these things swerve all over the place with skinny tires. The next racers slowly got up to more recent cars. The race were we in were for any closed cabin production race car from 1960 to 1985. Our two cars were the fastest ever produced in that group.

They called us to the staging area and we stood next to our cars. They guys we were talking to before looked at us and one said, "You drove those cars?" Mandy said, "Yup, and we're going to be driving them across the finish line ahead of you guys also." The other driver said, "How about a small bet?" Mandy said, "A quarter each to the winner." They agreed and we each got on our safety gear and strapped into the cars.

A course marshal signaled us to drive on the track for the parade lap. I was behind the pace car and was swerving in and out to heat up the tires. Mandy was doing the same thing behind me. She said into my mind, "Fast baby. Lets lap them both." We made it around the track and I saw the green flag, as the pace car pulled off and I nailed the gas shifting through the gears. The engine noise was almost deafening. Mandy was right on my ass as I hit over 190 before I hit the brakes hard to late apex the first turn. Mandy and I were talking to each other in our minds, and helping each other get faster.

By the forth lap, we had lapped 9 of the slower cars and were slowly catching the Lola. I said into Mandy's mind, "Full bore on the back straight. Now!" I floored the gas as I shifted as quickly as I could and the engine noise made my ears ring. Mandy stayed with me as we caught up to the Lola. I said to her, "After the next turn, go low and nail it. Follow my draft."

We stayed on the ass of the Lola until the next turn. I took a low line and Mandy drafted me to pass him also. We were flying through the other traffic and lapped a few cars again. I could see the GT-40 in the distance and Mandy said, "Back straight is open. All out and let's catch him. Early apex the turn going in to get more speed." I hit 235 on the back straight and Mandy had a hard time keeping up with me. She screamed in our minds, "Holy shit is this fast!"

We caught the GT-40 on the next lap and I was riding his ass. Mandy said, "On the back straight. You go high and I go low around him. He can't catch us. My car handles better in the turns so I can easily make it from a low line. Get ready, Now!" We spilt up and both easily passed him and then got back together going into the turn. Mandy yelled, "Wow! What a rush." I said back "Now it's just between us honey. Two laps to go. See if you can catch me. I going to really turn it on now."

I pulled ahead of Mandy by a few car lengths and she caught me again. On the back straight I opened it up to about a hundred feet between us and she caught me in the turns. These cars were about as equal as they get. At the last turn before the start finish line on the straightaway, I let Mandy get low in the turn behind me and we both came out of the turn at the same time. We both nailed the gas running through the gears racing side by side. I said to her, "This is as close as it gets." She was saying, "Come on you piece of shit. Move! Move!" We crossed under the checkered flag and couldn't tell which one of us won. It was that close.

We both slowed down and Mandy said, "Honey, what a rush that was. Who won?" I said, "I couldn't tell." We slowed the cars down and waved to the crowds around the track as we did a parade lap and pulled back to the start finished and stopped the cars by the race Marshal. The GT-40 pulled up behind us also. We all got out of the cars and the crowd was cheering for us. We took our helmets and nomex masks off and Mandy gave me a big hug and a kiss. The guy from the GT-40 gave us two quarters. He said, "One hell of a race. Great driving. He shook our hands, as we walked up to the winner's stage to get our trophies. They showed a photo of the finish and I won by what looked like a half inch. Mandy hugged me and said, "This was a blast. Then she gave me a quarter."

We started up the cars and drove them through the pits and back to the trailer. We went into the RV and changed into our normal cloths and Mandy said, "Lets watch the open wheel Indy car event next. That is so cool." We went and sat in the stands where you can see a lot of the track and watched the last two races. There was a horrible accident in the last race right in front of us. A driver was trapped in the car upside down and we used our powers to put of the fire and release his safety harness so he could get out. He walked away without a scratch, as we looked at each other thinking that could have been us in that spot also.

The races ended and there was a big party in the camping area. Mandy and I call these race events the Budweiser gang, as there are more kegs of Bud Beer than anything else. This one was no different. We drank beer, eat hamburgers and hot dogs, and listened to a country music band playing. We talked to people from all over that came here to race today and it was great, as no one recognized us. At 1 in the morning people were either leaving the camp site or going to sleep, so we went to the RV. We waited until no one was around we used our powers to put the cars on the trailer. Mandy started the RV and we drove off the campsite to a deserted field.

I said, "Bye, Bye cars" and made the whole trailer disappear. Mandy laughed, as she was lighting a cigarette. She took a deep drag and said, "Now lets get naked in that skinny bed. Honey, I am so horny." We took off our cloths lay facing each other in the bed. It was tiny. My ass hit the rear wall and Mandy's was almost off the edge of the bed. She said to me,. "When you cooked up the RV in your head, why didn't you make a bigger one?" I said, "This is the only size I knew about. I'll just be cozy tonight." I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy moved closer to me. We finished the cigarette and we had our arms around each other, and kissing. Mandy made an Oscar in her mind and we put it in our pussies and made love, rubbing our pussies together and fucking on Oscar. We did it for hours, as we kissed each other softly and licked and sucked each other's nipples. Mandy and I were so into making each other feel our love tonight.

We fell asleep in this position at about 4 AM and woke up every 20 minutes or so, as one of us would move and send a rush of sensations into the other's pussy because of Oscar. We made love on and off all night. At 8 AM we both sat up kissing and Mandy said, "My turn for the next adventure. Lets hit the bathroom and clean up a little." The RV had a real small bathroom, but we managed to get cleaned up a little bit. Mandy said, "First the cloths." She had us both wearing tight jeans, a Harley Davidson tee-shirt, a neckerchief, sun glasses, black boots, and a black short leather jacket. She also made our hair a little frizzed out. I said, "Sleazy. I love it." Mandy smiled and said, "Yup."


We walked out of the RV and Mandy made the RV go away, and then displaced us. We were on the side of a back road and she said, "Front, back, or side by side?" I said, "Surprise me." Mandy made two Harley motorcycles in her mind and a duffle bag on the sissy bar on each one with sleeping gear. She said, "We ride side by side." I said, "Where too?" Mandy said, "Remember the other article we read at the same time about the vintage car race? We'll we're here for the motor cycle gang reunion." I laughed my ass off and said, "What if no one remembers us, as they shouldn't?" Mandy said, "I'll fix that with a few suggestions. It's cool. Lets go into town."

We started up the bikes and rode the Harley hogs into town. There were hundreds of other bikers there and everyone was waving to us and a few others that were arriving. Mandy said into my mind, "Lets have some fun." We parked the bikes and got off, as a few people came over to us and started talking. Mandy and I shared our thoughts and she read their minds. She gave them some memories and one said, "Mandy, we haven't seen you and Jen in ages. The two hottest bikers babes on the east coast." They hugged us and Mandy said into my mind, "We're in."

The entire crew was in a local bar and we walked in. The place was a riot. I thought our parties were crazy. People were naked all over the place. Two woman were lying on a pool table and two guys were pouring a pitcher of beer into her open mouths. Then they said, "Whose next?" We got smashed, smoked grass, and listened to ZZ-Top tunes on a jute box. Then they started a pool tournament. I said into Mandy's mind, "If we play we can't hustle them or we will get killed." She said back, "Chill out honey. Lets just have some fun."

It was 8 ball and I knew Mandy and I would clean them out. We waited until a few people were winning over and over again and then Mandy said, "Can me and my lover challenge you as a team?" Mandy put a cigarette in her lips and lit it, leaving it dangle from her lips as she took a drag. She took the cigarette out with her fingers and one of the men said, "You're on sugar. Looser has to ate out the winners. Two out of three games. Deal?" Mandy said into my mind, "Want to get our pussies licked?" I said, "Why not."

The men introduced themselves as Butch and Roger. We won the lag so they had to break. Mandy said, "All shots are called or it's a scratch. Agree?" They agreed and broke the rack. Two balls went in and they had to come out and be spotted. I went first for us and purposely miscued it, and missed my shot. Mandy said into my mind, "Nice touch." Butch got in three balls and then missed. Mandy said, "You guys like eating cunt juice?" They were getting so hot. Mandy ran five balls and missed on purpose. Roger went and he got all of them except for the eight ball. I went and sank two balls, and then missed on purpose to leave them no shot. Butch scratched so one of their balls came out. Mandy took her turn and won the rack. She put her foot on the edge of the pool table and rubbed her pussy for them to see and said, "It's getting really wet guys." We laughed into our minds together.

We lost the second rack on purpose but made it look really close. The guys all rubbed their cocks for us and we laughed. The third rack was not even a contest. We had to break and I pulled one of the break shots where two balls leave the rack and then roll off the cushions back into it again. I cursed as I made it look like I miscued it. Mandy smiled at me and said into my mind, "I can't believe the acting job on that one." Butch had to break the rack again or call a safety and he broke the rack. Mandy ran all 8 balls in a row, one easy shot after the other. We hugged each other and grabbed the two guys by their hands as Mandy and I took off our pants and sat on two chairs next to each other.

We had the guys kneel in front of us and lick our pussies, as a crowd gathered around and was cheering them on. Mandy and I kissed each other as we were getting licked and the crowd cheered for us also. They licked us for almost a half hour until we both had an orgasm into their mouths. They stood up and I said into Mandy's mind, "Lets do them also." I pulled Butch to me and unzipped his pants, and Mandy did the same to Roger. We gave them an expert blowjob, as we fingered their ass and to make them both really cum. It took less than 10 minutes and they were both shooting into our mouths. Butch's cock pulsated and he blasted a load of warm cum on my tongue. I rubbed his shaft and sucked him dry holding all of the cum in my mouth. Mandy did the same thing. We looked at each other and opened our mouths so everyone could see the white goo, and then we kissed swallowing it together. Mandy said into my mind, "This gets me so hot honey." I said back, "Me too."

We broke our kiss and got a standing ovation and free beer. I lit up a cigarette and Mandy and I put our jeans back on. We kissed again and two women sat with us and said, "You feel like being challenged again by the real pool pros? I'm Kate and this I Judy. We can whip your asses, so you can lick our pussies. You two would make such nice love slaves. Isn't that right Judy?" Judy put her hand on my face and Mandy said into my mind, "They're cute. Lets play baby." I kissed Judy's hand and licked her fingers. Then Mandy and I both gave her a real wet french kiss and I said, "We'll play. We like our pussies licked for a long time. I hope you two have enough stamina to keep up with us."

Kate said, "9 ball teams okay with you two? 4 out of 7 racks. Call every shot." Mandy said, "Sounds good to me. Lag for break." We all lagged and Mandy won the option. She was unbeatable in this game and she knew it. She chose to break and said into my mind, "Lets make this quick. Play for real this time."

Mandy positioned the cue ball and called a shot from the break. The nine ball. They laughed and called her a jerk. Kate said, "Guess you really like sucking cunts. Go for it." Mandy took the shot that I've seen her make hundreds of times and she sank it. They had their mouths hanging open. Mandy said, "Kate, my pussy is still wet from before and I would love for you both to suck it and swallow all of my cum. I think we are up by one and now its you're break."

Judy broke the rack and it was my turn. She left me in great position. I ran three balls and then called a combination sinking the nine. We were up to two. I put my hand in Mandy's pants and fingered her, and then licked my fingers in front of Judy's face. I said, "She tastes so good. You'll love it."

There was a crowd watching us and laughing as we played. Butch and Roger realized we were playing with them and they got us each another beer. It was Kate's turn to break and she left the table wide open for Mandy, who ran all nine balls in a row. Mandy smiled at me. She put her hand into my pussy and fingered me so good. I was flowing on her hand. She pulled it out and sucked her fingers slowly in Kate's face and said, "Want to sample it. I really love it. You only have to loose one more time." Kate was getting flushed and her nipples were hard. Mandy put her fingers up to Kate's mouth and she licked them also. I was so wet.

It was Judy's break and she broke it so I had no shot. I said into Mandy's mind, "I'm going to try that masae' shot". I called the one ball and hit the cue ball so it jumped over the nine ball in its' path and I sunk the one. Mandy smiled at me and said, "Show off." I ran the table.

Judy and Kate looked at us like they just got fucked. Mandy and I put our arms around them and walked to the back of the bar where there were some tables and chairs. I said, "Mandy, do you remember someone saying love slave? I thought they said love slave, didn't you hear that also?" Kate said, "You heard it right. You two are unreal in 9 ball." Mandy said, "How about we all take off our cloths and get comfortable with each other. I think you two are going to like this a lot. Jen and I fuck much better than we play pool."

We cleared and area and kissed and caressed each other. Mandy said in to my mind, "Let's give them some tongue magic while they lick us." I got into a 69 position with Kate, and Mandy did the same thing with Judy. They licked and sucked us and made us feel pretty good, but no fireworks. Kate was rubbing my clit and I used my tongue to drive her wild. I hit bottom in her cunt and wiggled it around and then hit her G-spot. She went wild bucking into my face and came so much I had trouble swallowing it. Judy was humping Mandy's face also. Mandy said into my mind, "I need you to lick me honey. After we make them cum one more time." Judy and Kate rubbed our clits until we orgasmed and they each had about 10 blockbuster spasms thanks to our tongues.

Mandy and I sat up and moved to a 69 position. Judy and Kate did the same thing. Mandy and I tongued each other into paradise within about two minutes, and swallowed so much of each other's cum. Judy lay next to my face and licked Mandy's cum with me. Kate did the same thing with Mandy licking my pussy. We all kissed and shared the pussy cum in our mouths. We stood up naked and dressed and got a round of applause. Kate said, "What did you do to us with your tongues? That was unreal." I said, "Just what we do to each other every night of the week, and that was only the warm up lap."

We all got dressed and sat down at a table. Butch brought over a pitcher of beer and said, "You definitely deserve this one." We all laughed and I poured all of us a glass. Mandy said, "What do you two do when your not riding cycles?" Kate smiled and said, "We play in a band and we got conned into playing here tonight. We haven't been part of the motor cycle thing in years." I said, "What's the name the band?' Judy said, "Promise you won't tell anyone you saw us here?" We nodded and she said, "Main Street." Mandy and I laughed our asses off. I said to Mandy, "Should we tell them?" Mandy said, "Can you two keep a big secret?" Kate said, "Sure." We all walked outside of the bar and Mandy said, "We are not who we look like. This is a disguise. Jen let's show them the real us."

We turned back into us and they had their mouths open. I said, "We play in a band also as a as you probably know, and about forty other things also. We just needed to get away without being recognized and do what we like to do. That was the real us inside." We changed back into our disguises and Judy said, "Now that was cool."

I said, "Why didn't you call Ken, Jody, or Joan and have this be some special televised event. Everyone knows that rock and roll goes with beer and motorcycles. It would have been a huge show." Kate said, "We wanted to get away also. Besides the band, we also run a company that is doing really good thanks to some of the things you two have done. Now we're getting ready to launch a new solarnational shipping company and needed a few days of craziness to get back to normal."

We all sat down by the motorcycles and talked. Mandy lit us all cigarettes and she held me close and we talked about everything. We told them that we were madly in love and have been for years and that we are married, which most people knew. They were married also. Judy said, "How about playing a few songs with us tonight? Nobody will know it's really you. They don't know that we are Main Street either. We got the gig as the Pagans." We all laughed again and I said, "What tunes are you playing. Kate laughed and said, "About 8 of yours, 7 of ours and 6 of Always and Forever, your daughters group, and 8 of the Brass Ring. What ever happen to them anyway? They were great."

I said, "Can you keep a second big secret?" Mandy and I turned into Jake and Roger. I said in my male voice, "Meet half of the brass ring." We turned back and they were hysterical. Mandy said, "We got so tired of people asking us for autographs we played in disguise. Julie from Sage was in it also and Kathy." Kate said, "I guess you know all the material then."

I said, "We just fake it most of the time anyway. We never play a song the same way twice. It gets too boring." Someone brought us out a pitcher of beer and we drank, smoked cigarettes, and talked for hours.

I said, "Where is your gear?" Kate said, "There is a stage set up at the other end of town. Lets ride there." We all got on our bikes and went down to the stage. Judy said, "John, this is Mandy and Jen. Thee Mandy and Jen, in disguise. They are going to play with us tonight also. They wanted to escape just like us. Where's Ted?" John said, "Ted is really sick. He's been puking for over 5 hours. I think it was the Tequila." I said, "Can I see him. I really am a Doctor."

Ted was lying on a sleeping bag and he was really sick. Mandy and I used our powers to heel him. It was his appendics. I said, "You are going to feel real lousy for about the next 10 hours or so until the poison gets out of your system. Your appendics was ruptured, but we fixed it. Get to your doctor over the next couple of days. He'll give you a new drug to dissolve the rest, but the poison is almost all gone so you aren't in any danger."

Kate said, "You really do have the powers from God." I said, "We sure do. But we didn't use them to beat your ass at pool." She laughed and said, "Was that how you did what you did with your tongue?" Mandy smiled and nodded her head saying, "There are still lots of things we can teach you to do that don't require any mind powers at all."

I said, "What instrument does Ted play?" Judy said, "He's our guitar player." I said, "No problem. Mandy, you up for a whole show?" Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Honey, I am always up for you" and gave me the sexiest kiss.

We looked at the gear and Mandy and I made more additions using our mind; a few guitars and amps, a Hammond B3 organ and a better sound system with wireless mics. Kate said, "No shit. Do you know how to set the board?" I said, "In our sleep."

We goofed around on the front of the stage and John brought us all some food to eat and some more beer. We weren't drunk, but we weren't feeling any pain either. The entire crew was now around the stage and there had to be several hundred people. Plus people from the town were coming out to watch. John turned on some lights over the stage and I said, "Low budget." John smiled and sat at the drums. We all went on stage and Kate introduced us as the Pagans. We started with one of our Brass Ring tunes. John gave us the cue and Mandy and I played the music like we had just recorded it yesterday. John sang it and it sounded pretty cool. We all did the harmony parts.

We played a few of the Changes songs and they sounded just like they always do. Mandy and I did our vocal harmonies and guitar gags. She pinched my nipples and I pinched her ass. Kate and Judy loved it. Mandy and I alternated on organ for a few songs and then we sang overlapping harmony parts to the Main Street tunes. Judy keep looking at us and smiling as we sang.

Mandy and I walked through the audience while we did one of our rockers. I played a solo that was like lightening standing over some guys face. The crowd loved it. We finished the show with our song that was number one in the charts now. Mandy and I sang it and we read peoples mind in the audience. They all knew it was us. We changed into our real looks on stage and finished the song. Mandy said into the mic after the song, "I hope you can forgive us for deceiving you. We just wanted to get away and be ourselves for a while without people hounding us. You saw us for how we really are, and not what you see on TV." The crowd stood and clapped and screamed for more. I said, "One more tune." I said, "Do you all know walking on air?" John started it and we played it. Half way through Mandy and I walked on air on the stage and we made Judy and Kate walk on air also. They looked at us so surprised and I said into their minds, "Just chill out. You won't get hurt. Enjoy it."

They were both dancing about a foot off the stage, as we finished the song. We put everyone back down and the place went wild with screams. We took off our instruments and the leader of the reunion, who was Butch, went to the mic and said, "You are both welcome here anytime. You're just not allowed to play pool anymore." He hugged us both and then we went with Kate and Judy to get more beer.

I said to Kate, "You two sounded better than Mandy and me when you sang one of our tunes. That was great." Mandy said to me, "You hitting on them?" I said, "Absolutely." She gave me the biggest wet kiss and hug and said into my mind, "Sweetheart, this is so wonderful. We can be ourselves and goof off again. Lets teach them how to really enjoy themselves tonight." I smiled at Mandy and she said, "Then we will realty enjoy ourselves."

The party kept going for hours and was so routy. We loved it. These guys all knew how to have a good time. They even had a hundred person gang bang. One of the original women in the motorcycle club had a reputation for doing 90 guys in one night and she wanted to break her own record. We watched and got so wet, as one guy after the other fucked her. She was so hot she was begging for anyone to fuck her ass and mouth at the same time. Mandy was rubbing my nipples gently as we watched. They Kate and Judy rubbed my nipples also as Mandy put her hand inside my jeans and rubbed my clit. I was on fire.

I kissed Mandy and then Judy, and then Kate, as we walked to where they had their sleeping bags. Mandy took our bags off of our bike and we lay them out in the field and took off our cloths. The three of them made we go crazy. Mandy showed them how to lick pussy the right way using me as a model. I came six times as she gave them lessons. Mandy said to Kate and Judy, "Have you ever tried a SexMed Combined?" They both said no and Mandy said, "Try this. You'll like it." She gave then a cock and we both turned into Combined.

Mandy said into my mind, "I made them flexible too honey. Wait until they realize they can suck their own pussy." Mandy gave them fucking lessons on me also, and I was going out of my mind. My pussy was so wet it was like a lake. Mandy was getting off watching me and then she sucked in all my juices into her mouth and kissed me with them. Mandy sucked my cock hard and sat straddling me. She had Judy sit on her cock and Kate knelt behind her and fuck my pussy. We went for hours and blasted off together several times.

Then we showed Kate and Judy that they can suck their own pussy and cock, thanks to Mandy's flexibility changes. The two of them went nuts licking their own pussy, and sucking their cocks. Mandy and I lay together and made love. I fucked her with my cock and she made hers long enough that we could both suck it. I shot my load into Mandy's pussy two times. She basted off both times by shooting in her mouth the first time, and then mine. We changed positions and she fucked my ass and fingered my pussy, while I sucked my cock. I exploded in minutes onto my own tongue. I was so out of control.

We lay on our sides in a 69 position using our extended tongues and making our pussies cum thick white goo. Mandy and I did each other like this until the sun was coming out. I must have swallowed two quarts of cum. Mandy lifted up her head and we sat up kissing. She said, "Baby, I'm so full. I can't swallow any more, but I still want to make love too you." Mandy had me sit on her cock. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and we rolled on our side. She hammered my pussy for almost an hour. Mandy said, "I cumming honey." She bucked into me and shot her cum into my pussy and I had an instant orgasm again. We kissed and lay together telling each other how much love we felt for the other. I moved over and lifted my legs over my head and put my knees over my shoulders. I sucked the cum out of my pussy and then put my legs down. I opened my mouth to show Mandy and she attacked me, sucking the cum out. We swallowed it together.

We lay on our sides and I lit a cigarette. I took a deep drag and handed it to Mandy. She inhaled twice and blew the smoke out into the gentle breeze. We watched Judy and Kate still fucking, sucking, kissing, and licking each other, as we shared the cigarette. They were like kids in a candy shop that were allowed to taste everything for the first time. Kate was on all fours and Judy was fucking her in the ass from behind. Kate looked at us with her eyes glazed over and we smiled.

Mandy and I finished our cigarette and we both moved over to kiss Kate while she was getting pounded in the ass. She was almost incoherent. Judy shot into Kate's ass and then they both collapsed into each other's arms.

Mandy said, "Time to change you two back to normal." Judy said, "No way! I love it like this." Kate said, "Your not changing anything here Mandy. This shit is staying the way it is." We laughed and Mandy said, "If you ever change your minds, call me. This wasn't from a drug it was from me. It's permanent until Jen or I put you back."

Judy kissed Kate and said, "That's okay with us. We had the best sex last night we've ever had in our lives." I said, "We like it that way too. How would you guys like to play with us in a concert at Vacation World? We're going to be booked there in about a week. It's great, plus you can stay two weeks and only two days go by here on earth." Judy said, "Shit yeah we'll do it." I said, "We'll talk to Adel and set it up."

We all got dressed and watched the woman from last night still getting fucked. She was up to 432 and was trying to find more guys that could get it up. We all laughed and headed over to where the breakfast was being made.

We had some outdoor cooked bacon and eggs and it was great. We all had some coffee and a cigarette and were joking around when we heard in our minds Chris say, "We have an emergency. I need everyone to get to the work planet as soon as possible. Please hurry."

Mandy said, "We just got an emergency message in our minds. We have to leave right now. Tell Butch and Roger they can keep our bikes. We'll talk to you later. We displaced to the work planet.


Chris was there with Allison, Roberta, Kyle, Joanne, and Robin. Everyone showed up within a minute. Chris said, "We have a serious problem. The deep space tracking system detected a real fleet of space ships approaching one of the planets at the several times the speed of light. They refused to respond to us and fired a weapon at our tracking station. It didn't do any damage, but they are serious. I'm going to order the weapon systems to return fire unless anyone has any other ideas."

Tara said, "Let see the craft. Can we get a visual?" Chris displayed a long range computer generated image and Tara said, "These are the ones I was afraid of. Fire the weapon." Chris gave the order to fire and we all watched, as the laser made contact but didn't stop the ships. They were damaged but not enough. Chris, Joanne and Robin looked through the computer code and Chris said, "We need more power. I'll be right back." Chris displaced and was back in seconds. She gave a pill to Joanne and one to Robin and said "Swallow it now, we'll need your help also. It's going to take all of us concentrating to increase the power. We don't have time to make the engineering changes right now. I gave Robin and Joanne a pill to wake up their mind so they can help also. Hopefully we have enough of us to make this happen."

I said, "Call Kon and his group here also." Tara said, "I'll do it." Within a minute they were all here with us. Chris said, "When I fire this weapon it produces a thin laser particle beam. We need to concentrate on increasing the strength of that beam. Do it when I say. Chris gave the command to fire and said, "NOW!"

We all concentrated and watched the computer simulation of the weapon destroying 62 space craft. We all stopped and caught our breath, and Chris checked the long range scanners across the entire universe. She said, "One more time. They were coming from both directions."

Chris gave the order to fire and we all concentrated again for over a minute as we watched 72 more space craft being destroyed. Chris checked everything again and said, "I thing that was all of them. We did it!"

Kon said, "What was that all about?" Chris said, "We just stopped a war that would have wiped out most of our planets, or at least postponed it. You guys did great. Thank you so much." Tara displaced Kon and his group back to where they were and then said, "Joanne and Robin, since you now know about the powers of the mind, how would you like to be part of this exclusive group? Does everyone agree?" We all said, "Yes!" Tara smiled and said, "I think you two are going to be learning a lot in next few weeks."

Mandy said, "We went from biker babes to saving the universe in one day. No wonder we needed a vacation." Adel was there and I said, "Can you book us and Main Street to play at Vacation World next week? Julie, that okay with you and Kathy?" They said, "Hell yeah. We need a vacation too after this. Why Main Street?" Mandy said, "Cool group and great people. We were with them last night."

Ken said, "Did you sit in with them at some biker rally?" I said, "Yeah. I was cool?" He said, "We got calls from over 30 people telling us to look at the group that played there. They said the band Pagans sound like Changes and Main Street." We laughed and Mandy said, "That's because it was Main Street minus Ted who got sick, so we sat in. It was just a goof at a biker rally. Great people though."

Ken said, "I knew it was too good to be true. Finding another band like you guys and Main Street would be a gold mine." My mom came over to us and she said, "Jen, you were at a biker rally? I can't believe it." I said, "Mom, I loved it. We've been riding cycles for years. This was part of our vacation." Mandy was laughing and said, "Meg, she was worse than all of us. Jen is a born biker babe." I blushed and Mandy kissed me.

Mandy said, "Before we all leave, lets sit down for a minute. Chris, how long did it take for your systems to pick up the space crafts?" Chris said, "I think it took about 10 minutes."

Mandy said, "Use whatever you need, and anyone in the entire company. Increase the power of the long range scanning and the weapons. We need more time to react. It's a good thing we all came when we heard your call. This could have been a disaster. How long do you think it will take to increase the weapon's power?"

Chris said, "I'm guessing but maybe two months. I don't want to disable anything, we'll add new units along side of the ones that are already there, so we won't get caught with our pants down. I'm also going to add a shield around the units so divert any attacks on them. We may be experimenting using some of the diamonds to give us a hotter laser to start with. That may solve some of the problems."

Mandy said, "From now on if we have an emergency like this, who ever calls us, say the weapons system, so we all know what it is. Anything we need to know about before we go back to being biker babes?" Everyone laughed and Ken said, "Get the fuck out of here and go on vacation!"

Julie and Kathy came over to us and said, "Want some company for awhile?" I displaced us all back to the biker field and we changed Julie and Kathy's cloths to fit in. I saw Kate and said, "We're back." She said, "You were only gone for two minutes." I said, "A lot can happen in two minutes. Kate, this is Julie and Kathy." Kate introduced herself and Judy and I said, "How's Ted feeling?" Kate said, "He feels a little better. What drug were you talking about last night?"

I said, "Kathy, do we have any of the drug that was code name Xyy671. I don't remember the market name of it." She said, "Yeah, appendics or gal bladder problem?" I said, "Appendics." She said, "I'll be right back." Kathy displaced and returned in less than two minutes. She had a syringe and we walked over to Ted. Kathy said, "I'm a doctor also. Lets take a look. I have some medicine that should make you feel much better in a minutes."

Kathy examined this appendics area and found the same thing I did. She said, "He still has a slight temperature. This will get ride of the problem. Roll up your sleeve." Kathy prepped him and gave the injection. Within five minutes Ted was feeling himself again. Kathy said, "No booze for at least 12 hours. It will take that long for the poison to work its way out of your system. But I personally am very open to booze. Lead the way team." Ted laughed and lay back down, as we went to find the keg of beer.

I said, "Nothing like beer for breakfast", as we all took a mug from the keg and toasted to us. Butch came over and said, "I see you invited your other biker friends. That's cool with us. We know who you all are, and like I said before, you are welcome to party with us anytime. Just no hustling at pool." Julie started to laugh and said, "Don't tell me, Mandy and you cleaned their clocks last night." Kate said, "Only a few of us stupid enough to bet. But it was a very nice loss." Judy kissed Kate and they hugged.

We watched the woman from last night still getting fucked and Butch said, "She's up to 448. We're out of guys." Kathy laughed and said, "How about a few she males?" Butch said, "If there's a cock, it still counts."

We all walked over to the woman and she was in a different world. A guy just finished cumming in her again and her pussy was overflowing with white goo. We all turned into Combined and Kate went first. She fucked the shit out of the woman and came in her pussy. Judy was right behind here and fucked her for about 10 minutes until she came.

Mandy said, "You go next baby. Make your cock big and wake her up while I suck her nipples." I pushed my cock into her and made it bigger to fill her up completely. She started to orgasm, as I moved in and out. Mandy sucked her nipples and the woman was moaning, "Fuck me. Fuck me faster. Oh god does that feel good. OOOOHHH!"

Mandy smiled at me as I hammered her for about 20 minutes and then came into her pussy. Mandy pushed into her as soon as I pulled out. I kissed her and sucked her nipples, as Mandy made her orgasm three times in ten minutes. Mandy said, "Kiss me honey." I kissed Mandy as she shot her cum, and then pulled out. We watched Julie fuck her and then Kathy. That was the end of the line. The woman was begging for more so Mandy said, "Lets eat 454 cocks worth of cum. Sit with me baby."

Mandy and I knelt between her legs and we pulled her legs up in the air and held then there. Mandy sucked in a mouthful of cum and then I did also. We kissed and swallowed. Julie and Kathy did the same thing as we held her legs up. And then Kate and Judy did it also. Mandy and I licked her pussy for a few minutes and each sucked in another mouthful of cum. We both kissed the woman and pushed it into her mouth. She swallowed and had another orgasm. Julie used her tongue to lick her pussy and made the woman go crazy again. We all laughed when Julie finished and said, "She's all cleaned up and ready for the next 454 now." Butch watched us and said; "Now I know that you are totally insane and worse than any us could ever be."

I said, "Lets take a ride on the bikes. Mandy you want front or back honey?" She said "Back." I said, "Julie, you and Kathy can use the other bike we have here." We all got on the bikes. Mandy was sitting behind me holding on, Julie was behind Kathy, and Judy was behind Kate. We had a blast and rode for over an hour. Mandy rubbed my nipples the whole time. We stopped and switched so I could rub her nipples and she was loving it also. We stopped in a park with a lake and it was beautiful. Julie said, "Lets eat by the lake. What do you want?" Kathy said, "How about we make everyone our crab dish. That is so orgasmic." Judy laughed, as Julie made six plates in her mind and Kathy made the wine and glasses. We had a great lunch by the lake sitting on an area of green moss.

Kate and Judy told us more about their company and what they have planned for the solarnational market. Julie said, "Any interest in having us fund it and being part of a bigger company?" Kate said, "Depends on the dollars I guess, but we can talk." Mandy said, "We put up all the capital, infrastructure, float the cash, and take 51 percent. You get the rest and worry about paying yourselves. Or, we do the whole thing and make you officers in our company. The second way, you'll end up making a lot more money and take less risk. We can talk about it more after we play together in Vacation World." Kate said, "They both sound good. Can you pass me the wine and tell me what the fuck you did with your cocks to that woman to make her go so nuts?"

Mandy smiled and said, "The best way to show you is for you to experience it yourself. There's no one here, drop you pants and sit down Indian style. Kate did it and Mandy said, "Rub your cock to get it hard." Kate rubbed and she was moaning softly as she got hard. Mandy made her cock grow slowly as she rubbed it. It was getting up past her breasts and Mandy said, "Show us how you can suck it and swallow your cum." Kate rubbed her cock and sucked her own cock into her mouth. She was in another world and within a few minutes blasted her cum into her mouth. She swallowed and Mandy made her cock go back to normal size again.

Kate lay on Judy and said, "Wow!" I said, "We did it with our mind. That's what was inside of that woman. Not quite that big, but close." Judy said, "Can I try it too?" I said, "Kate, You ready for another round also?" She nodded, as Judy took off her pants. I made their cocks grow to the size of Kate`s before and they sucked themselves and then each other. Mandy was rubbing my nipples and said into our minds, "This is getting me hot. I'm so wet." We heard Kathy in our minds say, "Me too. I'm dripping. Look at her face. She's in paradise somewhere." We all read their thoughts and they were both fantasizing about having the four of us fuck them. That's all it took. We were naked and fucking them, as they sucked their own cocks. Mandy and I fucked Kate. I got the pussy and she got the ass. Julie and Kathy did Judy. We fucked her for over and hour, as she came into her mouth 4 times. All of them were blast offs. Mandy and I sucked her pussy and ass for a few minutes, and sucked out all of our cum. We shared it with Kate and she swallowed it.

We finished and Kate and Judy lay exhausted on the green moss smiling. Kate said, "I know how she felt now. Holy shit was that incredible." We got dressed and rode back to the field we slept in. We parked the bikes and it was starting to drizzle. I said, "Do you have roadies for the equipment?" Kate said, "Ted and John moved it all in the truck we rented behind the stage." I said, "Go open it up. We'll put everything inside."

We walked over by the truck and we used our minds to pack the truck in a few minutes. Ted was feeling much better and sat in the truck. John said, "Put your bikes in the truck and ride back with us." I said to Kate, "Put your bikes in and we'll get you home a lot faster."

They put in their bikes and I said, "Think about where you live and just breath normally." We all displaced to her living room. Kate said, "What the fuck?" I said, "It's called displacement. It's the same technology that we used for teleportation. We can do it with our minds."


Kate said, "Welcome to my humble abode. It's not much, but it's home for now. Want a drink?" Mandy saw a business plan on the table and said, "Is this you business plan?" Judy said, "It's still rough, but yeah that's it." Mandy said, "Want to go through it with us now? We can do it at our place and have you back here in a few seconds. Where are we anyway?" Kate said, "You're in Indiana, and sure lets go do it now."

Kate took the plan and Mandy displaced all of us to our entrance foyer. Kate and Judy looked up at the four story ceiling and then at the walls. Mandy said, "Welcome to our castle. We'll give you the tour. We're in Oregon. Come outside and we'll start with the grounds."

We walked around the grounds and talked about the business and showed them everything. They feel in love with our boat. When they looked up at the castle from the dock they were both amazed. Kate said, "It really is a castle." I said, "Designed after one in Scotland." We started with the lower level and worked our way up to the indoor pool, turret rooms and stone porch. Then we went down to the study. Kathy grabbed a bottle of wine and glasses and we all listened to Kate present her plan. It was pretty good. We all took notes and when she was done we started to ask questions. There were definitely a few holes in it, but the idea was solid.

We started to make suggestions and they loved it. Kate said, "That's a great idea, but we can't afford it. Mandy said, "If we do the deal, you can afford anything. Jen and I are worth 14 trillion dollars. That's not including the company. The company is more than 40,000 times that size now and still growing. We will never take on a new business and cut corners. It just doesn't make any sense. That's why most new ideas fail. It's from lack of capital and unfinished plans. If we do this with you, the plan with be rock solid, and so will the money."

We talked about the other ideas they had but they killed them because of costs. Two were definite winners. Mandy said, "How is your company structured now? Who is the CEO?" Kate said, "I'm the CEO and President and Judy is the EVP and COO. We have 1,800 employees and four other employees on our board. Judy and I own 90 percent of the stock. The other 10 percent is divided between four employee board members."

Mandy said, "How would you like to pull off all three of those ideas at once. You and Judy would run this as a wholly owned company and you would still have a say in everything. This will be your show. We would give you the cash, technology, and guidance to make this as big as you possibly can. Plus the pay is great. Want do you pay yourselves now?" Kate said, "We only take out about 150 a year." I said, "How about 550 a year, plus bonus and stock. The bonus is unlimited and based on your revenue numbers." Mandy added, "Plus we would buy out what you have now as a start. Any interest?"

Kate said, "Can we talk about it in private for a minute?" I said, "Sure, Why don't you use the den. Next door on the left." Mandy said, "I want to do this. This gets us into the shipping market and will allow us to offer it for all of our call center and internet based sales. Kate and Judy don't know it yet, but they are going to be very rich."

They came back in and Kate said, "We're in. We just need to work out the details of what our company is worth." Mandy said, "What is you revenue, operating income, debt and assets?" Kate gave her the numbers and Mandy said, "It's worth between 6 and 7 million. Lets say 7. Is that acceptable?" Kate said, "Yeah, that's exactly what we had it at." Mandy said, "We can give you cash, or we can give you stock in our company, or a combination. It doesn't matter. Before you answer, I want to ask the board for approval to give you each a one million dollar sign on bonus. That will make you decision about the stock part easier, if you really want the stock. I personally would take the stock, or at least part of it in stock. You don't have to answer me now. What we have to do is build a killer presentation to show to the board, and I going to show you what we had in mind. Kate, if I'm right on this, you and Judy are going to be very wealthy in a very short time. Jen honey, take out our laptop and lets show Kate our presentation about shipping that we haven't shown anyone yet except Julie and Kathy. Kate, we'll use this as a base, just trust me on this. You are going to give the presentation like it's all your idea."

I showed them the presentation and they had their mouths hanging open. I said, "We now sell over 30 percent of all goods on the open market and expect that to jump to almost 50 percent in two years. Over half of those sales are from the internet and call centers. We want to offer our own shipping on every item sold. We will be cheaper than Fed-x, UPS, and any of the others, and support solarnational business. There will be no trucks either. It will all be done through displacement technology. It the person lives next door, or 700 million light years away, it will still only cost $12 maximum for a package, and delivery is immediate. Think this is a money maker?"

Kate said, "Holly shit. You already solved the puzzle. Why do you need us?" Mandy said, "We like you, we trust you, and we need someone who can pull it off and wants to make a shit load of money. You have a small business already established in the market, and it adds instant credibility when we make the formal announcement. I want to hit this market like a tornado and knock down everything in our path. Then buy up the leftovers for peanuts and merge them under your division. If we do this right, we will be the biggest shipper in about 18 months."

Kate and Judy were dazed and Mandy said, "Join us in Vacation World. We'll work on it there, have some fun, play some music and have lots of sex. Plus the best thing about it is that we can do all of that and only miss a few days here on earth. What type of sports do you two like?" Kate said, "Skiing, golf, and car racing. We also like to gamble at craps sometimes." Mandy said, "They fit right in. We drove in the vintage races at Watkins Glen two days ago. Jen took first place and I came in second. She beat me by a half inch."

Kate said, "What cars were you in?" I said, "I drove a Porsche 917K and Mandy had a Ferrari 512M." Kate said, "That's out of our league. We run Triumphs and TVRs." Mandy said, "We'll get you into the cars. If you can drive you`ll win. We have a tradition where we bet on every event. Only a quarter, but we treasure those quarters more than the billions in the bank. It's a feeling of self accomplishment. You want to join us?"

Kate said, "Sure. We need to pack some cloths." Mandy said, "I'll displace you back to your house and then I'll displace you back here. We'll call you in your mind before we bring you back. Is two hours enough time?" Kate said, "One hour and we'll be ready."

I displaced them back to their home. Mandy lit a cigarette and said, "I feel they are the right ones to do this. How about all of you? Sweetheart, what do you think?" I put my arms around Mandy and said, "They're the right ones. We can fix any problems, we just need to watch it closely until we see it maturing." Julie said, "I agree." Kathy said, "Me too. I think they can pull it off with our help."

Mandy said, "I'm so screwed up with time zones. What time is it here?" Julie said, "10 AM. How about we take them out on the boat fishing today and just get to know them better." We all agreed.

Mandy said into our minds, "Chris, can you here me?" Chris answered to all of us, "Hi Mom. How's the vacation?" Mandy said, "Great. How are you making out?" Chris said, "We solved the problems, tested it, and are in manufacturing now. Everything should be done in another four days on earth time. Joanne and Robin are great and brilliant. They're teaching me and Allison things now." I said to Chris, "We have a new project for you guys when you get done. We'll see you after our vacation."

Chris and the other's displaced to us in 10 seconds and Chris said, "What project? We're so bored waiting for the manufacturing to be complete were losing our minds." I said, "Think of a computer we can put at every place where we ship merchandise, that can dial up any location on any planet from coordinates, and send the package there through displacement. Then also think about a thousand local offices on each planet where they have the same technology for shipping anything from small packages to 18 wheeler Mac trucks. Shipping it anywhere from next door to across the universe. The major centers would allow for people to record shipments and track them also. Think about it, maybe you'll come up with a better approach."

Chris smiled and said, "We'll own the entire shipping market including the solarnational market within 18 months. I love it. Who's going to run it?" Mandy said, "Two people we met that have some great ideas and a company that we're going to buy. We're helping them with the business plan and presentation this week on vacation world. You'll like them. They're just like us, and musicians also. They play in Main Street." Chris said, "Cool. I like their music too. Let us think about it and we'll tell you what we come up with. This is a good one."

They all displaced back to the work planet. I said, "A quarter says they solve it within a week and tell us about 15 things we didn't even think about." Mandy said, "That`s a sucker's bet."

We all went into the kitchen and Kathy made us some coffee. We sat at the table and lit cigarettes. I took a deep drag and Mandy said, "We can even offer the shipping technology from stores. Send the merchandise directly to their home and not have to carry it or deliver it. Just add a service change to the bill if they want that. We could put the machines next to all cash registers."

Chris said, "Mom, didn't mean to ease drop, but we already listed that one. I want to ask you a question. Would you ever want to ship something really big, like a building, or a jet plane?" Mandy said, "I'm not sure. Why?" Chris said, "What if we used the same technology to send manufactured goods to the distributors as well. It could be tons of crates that are stacked in railroad cars. It will only effect a little of the cost, but we wanted to be sure to cover all the bases." Mandy said, "Thanks honey. Those are all great ideas."

I said, "They have it all solved in a few days. They are really bright." Mandy looked at the time and called Judy and Kate in their minds. She smiled and displaced them here to the kitchen. I said, "You two okay with a day on our boat fishing before we got to Vacation World?" Kate said, "We'd love to. That boat is gorgeous."

Ruffles came into the kitchen and said, "Rood, Rheerios." Kate looked at the dog funny, as Mandy dumped a box of Cheerios on the floor. Snuffy and Felix came charging into the kitchen and they were all eating off the floor. I said, "We taught the dogs, cat, and horses to talk. Don't even ask. It was a stupid mistake."

We went out on the veranda and walked down to the boat. Kate and Judy wanted to untie the ropes so we let them. Mandy fired up the engines and I steered us out of the inlet. I said, "We need gas. I'll head to the marina first." Kate and Judy came up the bridge and watched the fish finder show a big catfish. Mandy said, "That's small for this lake. When we get gas, ask Chuck how big the Catfish were that we all caught."

Mandy stood behind me with her arms around me, as I steered the boat. The wind in our faces felt great. We went to the marina and got filled up with fuel. Kate said, "How big were the catfish that Mandy caught?" Chuck said, "The last two totaled over 3,100 pounds together. One I think one was about 1,650 and 14 feet long. They grow big here at the bottom. Kind of like a bottom feeding lake sand shark."

Kate said, "Is he putting me on?" I said, "Nope. It took us over 3 hours to reel one of them in and it dragged our boat over 2 miles." We drove out into the lake and found schools of bass. Mandy said, "A quarter for the largest fish. There are mostly small bass here." The six of us fished for about two hours and caught about 20 fish. So far, Kathy had the biggest fish at 28 inches and 14 pounds. Mandy had another bite and was so excited. She said, "This one's bigger, I can tell. Check it out honey." We watched it jump out of the water and I said, "It's close. Reel it in and I'll get the net."

Mandy reeled in the fish and I got it in a net and we measured it. She won by a quarter of an inch. We all gave her our quarters and she was dancing with me like music was playing. Kate definitely thought we were nuts now. We had all the fish on ice and went out to sit on back deck and have some wine. Kathy made up some sandwiches and carried out a tray. We ate as I started the engines and took us to the cove, our favorite spot. I dropped anchor and Julie winked at me. Mandy started to laugh and said, "Okay, so this is our favorite spot to have sex, alright?" Julie said, "I didn't say a thing."

We finished our sandwiches and had some more wine. Mandy and I lit a cigarette to share, and so did Kate and Judy. Kathy brought some blankets up and laid them on the deck along with a few pillows. Mandy and I undressed and lay down together on one of the pillows. Kate and Judy lay next to us naked, and Julie and Kathy were on the other side of us. I said, "I love it our here. It's so peaceful. Nothing but water, rock cliffs, and fish." Just as I finished saying fish, and huge catfish jumped out of the water and splashed across the rear deck just missing us. Mandy said, "This is where the really big fish are, but we keep it our secret."

Mandy kissed me and we started to caress each other. I rubbed her breasts softly and then put one hand on her clit, as she massaged my nipples. We licked tongues and then we sucked each other's nipples gently. Mandy and I were moaning into each other's ear. I rubbed her clit and she kissed me ear and whispered, "That feels so good baby." Mandy reached for my clit and rubbed slowly pressing down. I was on fire. We made ourselves absolutely crazy and we both had an orgasm in minutes, and then kept on going. I put my thumb into Mandy's pussy and a finger in her ass. I made them both bigger and Mandy moaned into my ear again. I fucked her with my fingers for a few minutes and then took them out. I moved to lay in a 69 position with Mandy and we licked and sucked each other's pussy. We both had an orgasm like Niagara Falls from using our tongues.

Kate and Judy leaned over on us and Kate licked and sucked my nipples, as Judy was licking Mandy's nipples. Kate put her cock next to my face and I sucked it, alternating between her cock and Mandy's pussy. Mandy was doing the same thing with my pussy and Judy's cock. Mandy said into my mind, "Sit on my cock and let me fuck you."

We both turned into Combined and I sat straddling Mandy's cock. Kate fucked Mandy's pussy from behind me, and Judy sat on my cock, wrapping her legs around me and Kate. I rubbed Judy's cock to make her blast off. Mandy and I both made our cocks wider and longer, as Judy was bouncing on my cock. I moved back and forth on Mandy's cock until she jerked and shot her load inside of me, and I shot my load inside of Judy.

We all lay on top of each other and I said into Mandy's mind, "I want to get gang fucked like that woman last night honey. Do you think I'm totally nuts? It will just be the six of us here. I can't stop thinking about it from last night and I'm so hot." Mandy smiled at me and said, "How would all of you like to have a gang fuck with Jen? She wants to out do what that woman did last night."

Everyone laughed and Julie said, "Cool. Mandy, you go first and last while we watch." Mandy kissed me and said, "Lay down honey. I'm number 1." I lay down and bent my knees, spreading my pussy wide open. Mandy rubbed her cock to get it hard and knelt down between my legs, pushing her cock into my pussy. She moved in and out making her cock bigger and rubbing my cock, as everyone sat around me, touching me all over. My whole body was on fire. I sucked Julie's nipples, and then Kathy's, and then Kate's cunt, as Mandy fucked me so good. She lasted about 20 minutes and then blasted her cum into my pussy, as I shot my cum from my cock out in the air and it landed on my stomach. Kathy licked it off of me, as Julie knelt between my legs and fucked the shit out of my cunt.

Julie was making me so crazy by calling me a dirty biker babe that loved cock, and hammering into me. Mandy was kissing me and saying into my ear, "Fuck her good honey. This is making me so hot." Kathy was sucking my cock hard again, and Kate and Judy were rubbing and sucking my nipples. Julie lasted about 20 minutes and exploded into my pussy.

Kathy, Kate, and Joan fucked me and then they all went around a second time, and then a third. My pussy was so full of cum it was dripping out and it was throbbing non-stop. Mandy sucked my cock off four times and swallowed all of it while I watched her. I was so hot. I licked her cunt while she sat on my face the entire second round. After Judy came in me for the third time, Mandy started fucking me for the forth time. She lay on top of me and I wrapped my arms and legs around her. She kissed me and whispered into my ear, "I was the first and now the last honey." Mandy and I made passionate love with her fucking my pussy full of cum. Julie was fucking Mandy's pussy from behind, as we made love and Mandy was moaning into my ear, "baby, I'm cumming already. Here's your last shot, as I blast off. OOOOOHHHH! OOOOOHHHH! Oh! Oh! Oh! Ooooo, baby, Julie just came in me too. Kiss me."

Mandy and I lay still and kissed and then she said into my ear again. "Suck all the cum out of your pussy and let me watch. It gets me so hot watching you lick yourself." Mandy rolled off of me and I lifted my legs over my head and put my pussy over my open mouth. The cum was dripping into my mouth and I swallowed, as Mandy watched every second of it. I lowered my pussy to my lips and I sucked out all of the cum licking my cunt. I made my tongue bigger and fucked myself until I came like a river. I swallowed for over 10 minutes, as Mandy licked my ass moaning. She lifted my pussy off my face and put her mouth on my slit, and fucked me again with her tongue, while I sucked my cock. I was so out of control. I said into her mind, "Fuck me again with your cock. Please honey. I want it again."

Mandy lay on me and we fucked again, and again, and again, and then I fucked her twice. Julie drove the boat back to the dock after the sunset, while Kate and Judy licked Mandy and me into paradise. I would still be on the boat, if they hadn't pulled me off.

We all dressed and went into the kitchen. My pussy was throbbing and spitting juice out down my leg. Everyone was calling me the queen of the biker babes. I said, "That is so addictive. I couldn't stop." Mandy laughed and kissed me so hard. She said, "Honey, we didn't want you to stop. You were so hot."


Mandy said, "Lets have some dinner and we'll stay here tonight. We'll go to Vacation World tomorrow morning. Kate, you and Judy can take any of the bedrooms from the center of the castle down to the left end wing. They're all empty."

We eat, talked for a while, and then went to bed. Mandy and I made passionate, romantic love. She really got off watching me get gang fucked, and then had an orgasm watching me suck the cum out of my pussy. She fantasized it was happening again while we made love. I sucked her cum out of my pussy and she had an orgasm again, watching me while licking my ass. We both decided we were going to stay as Combined for a while to see if we liked it enough to become permanent. Julie and Kathy already made that decision and they haven't changed back in weeks.

The next morning we went to Vacation world and it was great. We spent the first week goofing off and having sex almost 24 hours a day. We all took turns getting gang banged. Kathy was by far the worst out of all of us. She was begging us to keep going, after we each fucked her four times. The second week we worked on the shipping presentation and also played two gigs. Main Street was a really good rock band and the crowd loved them. Ken had just released their CD over here and it was doing great. We helped them with a little magic at the end of their show and the audience went wild when we wade them turn transparent and fade out in the last number.

The third week Tara and Godda joined us and we entered into competitive events. Kate was an incredible competitor. We all won at least one event. Kate definitely out drove all of us in an open wheel Indy car style race. She got a blow out and didn't finish, but she was leading the race by over a lap. We also spent a lot of time with Chris and the others finishing the presentation. Mandy and I had sex more in these three weeks than any three weeks up to this point. We made love at least 5 times a day. So did everyone. We also spent some private time putting together a presentation for the next board meeting on some changes we wanted to make.

We stayed the last few days on the beach, and even slept there. We stayed on vacation until the last possible minute. Mandy and I made love on the sand, as the tide came in and washed us out about a hundred feet while she was sitting on my cock. We laughed about it as we body surfed to get back to the beach.

Julie said, "We have about a half hour to get back home, change, and get to the board meeting. Move it Boss!" We all laughed and displaced back to the castle. Chris was in the kitchen and said, "I was just about to come get you guys. Get dressed!" We all laughed and went upstairs to dress. Mandy and I were so sun tan, our teeth looked like they were painted with dayglow white paint when we smiled. Mandy called us sexy biker babes.

We all displaced to Mandy's office and sat down having a cigarette, as we reviewed the agenda and the presentations on the laptop. Mandy made a quick call to the mail room and said, "You get my message?", "Great bring it up now and leave it in the boardroom on the back table. Thanks Jim."

I said to Kate and Judy, "Grace will tell you when you can come in. It will probably be in about 15 minutes to a half hour or so. Just relax. This is a killer presentation and everyone will love it. Chris the demo stuff ready?" Chris said, "We're way ahead of you. It was installed and tested yesterday." We all took a final drag of our cigarettes and went into the boardroom.

Everyone was there and Ken said, "Holy Shit! You two look like you've been cooked to about medium-rare. I know, you started a new cannibal planet." Mandy crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it at him, and nailed him in the forehead. Ken laughed so hard he almost fell off his chair and then smiled saying, "Welcome back Boss."

Mandy and I sat at the head of the boardroom table and she said, "Let's start with name change. Melissa, how did it go? Any good ones?" Melissa turned on a laptop that projected on the screen and said, "We had over 3 million entries containing about 100,000 names. We posted the list on the web site and allowed people to vote. This list is the top 10, plus 2 we liked and added at the bottom. What do you think?" We all read the list and I said, "First one. What a piss we didn't even see it." Ken said, "How could we have missed the obvious like that?" Everyone agreed and I said, "Who was the first one that sent that name in?"

Melissa said, "Dean Copper from Brownsville Texas." Mandy said, "I love this. SolarNational Corporation, SolarNational Pharma, SolarNational Manufacturing. See if we can get him on the phone. Let's give him the good news." We had Grace make the call and she patched it into the boardroom. I said, "Dean, congratulations. We are using the company name you entered and we have a check here for you for a million dollars. Would you like us to bring you here?" He said, "Come on Mary. I know you are fucking with me again. I think it's a great name. I'll be over in a little while." We all laughed and he heard the noise in the background. Mandy said, "It really is us. I'll let you hear us in your mind as well as on the phone. Can you hear me now Dean?" he said, "I don't believe it. I'm so sorry for what I said."

We all laughed again and Mandy said, "You dressed?" He said, "Yeah." Mandy displaced him to our boardroom and Mandy said, "We have a check waiting for you. Thanks." We all shook his hand as he looked like he just saw a ghost. Mandy buzzed Grace and said, "Can you bring in the check?" Mandy handed him the check and Grace took a picture of him with us, as he held up the check. He thanked us again and then Mandy displaced him back to his home.

Ken said, "He is probably thinking it was all a dream right about now. Just hope he doesn't throw out the check." Mandy buzzed Grace and said, "Call Dean back and tell him to deposit the check. That will wake him up. Also send in John and Bill now."

John and Bill came in and sat at the other end of the table, as we all laughed about Dean a little and I said, "We have two presentations. The first is about a new business venture that Mandy, me, Julie, Kathy, Chris, and few of the others have already seen. It gets us into a new huge market in shipping. We have two people hear as quests to present it. If you all agree as we do, we want to buy their company and use it to start this business in a big way. Bill and John are here because the technology will affect the world's mail system. Mandy, you want to add anything?" Mandy said, "These two are great people, they are just as crazy as us, smart as hell, competitive, and love to make money. One has a MBA from Harvard and the other a PhD. Ken, you know them. They also have the same hobby as we do. They play in Main Street." Ken smiled and said, "Kate and Judy?" We nodded our heads, as Mandy buzzed Grace and said, "Can you send in Kate and Judy from my office Grace? Thanks."

Kate and Judy came in as Chris hooked up the lap top. Mandy made the introductions and Kate got started with her presentation. She was a great public speaker and made eye contact with everyone. She started to get into the meat of the presentation and showed some numbers. Mandy said, "Kate, let me interrupt you for a minute. It shows our average sale in retail at $11. Abby, do you agree with that?" Abby said, "That's about right." Mandy said, "The average shipping and handling cost from the call center sales and internet is also $11. What does that tell you about how much this market is worth?"

Everyone had their mouth hanging open as they finally realized it would double the revenue. Kate said, "Surprising, isn't it? What if we did the following? Shipped directly from manufacturing or warehouse location direct without labor involved. Shipped from any cashier in any retail store directly, without labor. Had hubs around all of the major cities where any item, of any size can be shipped for under $15. What if we automated the current mail system to not have sorting, trucks, or any of the other manual processes. What if we did all of this and took over the solarnational market in 18 months?"

Kate turned the slide and it had one huge number on it. She said, "This is what would happen." She went on to explain all the details and everyone listened to every word. Then she said, "We also have a demonstration. Chris was nice enough, and smart enough with her team to build a prototype. Chris you want to give the next part?" Chris said, "Hell no. You're doing great." We all laughed and Chris set up another laptop and it was showing a video feed on one of the other screens.

Kate said, "Joanne, can you hear me?" She answered, "Sure can Kate", as we watched Joanne on the other screen. Kate said, "This is a cash register. What you are going to see is someone checking out and have their order sent home. Right here to be specific. Go ahead Joanne." We watched a cashier check out someone with two bags of stuff and then slide the bags over a black mat, and the bags materialized on the conference table. Kate said, "Now lets use the call center order scenario."

We watched 8 demos including a flow diagram of how the mail service would work now, how solarnational shipping would work, and internet sales, which was really cool. Chris ordered something and it appeared on the conference table with her receipt in less than five seconds after she hit enter. Kate said, "Any questions?" Melissa said, "When can you start?" Kate smiled and said, "We can start today."

Mandy said, "Why don't you both go back to my office and I'll buzz you in a few minutes."

They left and we all lit up cigarettes. I took a deep drag and said, "We all think this is a gold mine. Anyone have any doubts? Bill, John, what do you think about the affect on the mail?" John said, "This is fantastic. We can keep the price the same and make a fortune. We'll have to re-employee a lot of people, but I'm sure we'll find jobs for them." I said, "Anyone else have any doubts about it?"

Mandy said, "John, Bill, thanks for coming. We'll let you know how it works out." They left and Mandy said, "I think this is a home run. Ken, how much money will we pay Kate and Judy from the band?" Ken said, "I was going to give them their first big check today. I have one for 4 million and change for each of them." Mandy said, "The timing couldn't be better."

I want to make them an offer so that they will never want to leave. This is huge and I know they can pull it off. To start with we buy their company for 7 million, of which 5 million is in stock and we take on 1,800 employees. We offer each of them a base salary of 800, and if they hit their targets in the first 90 days they get bumped to an even mil. Kate becomes CEO of Solarnational Shipping. Oooo, I like that name." Everyone chuckled and Mandy said, "We help her put together her own board, and I think John or Bill should be part of it and report in to her after this is up and running. I also want Kate and Judy on this board and to have one vote to start with. Their stock and bonus program will be the same as everyone else. I also want to give them a sign on bonus of 500 each to make this easier for them to decide. Anyone disagree with it?"

Mandy waited and said, "Good. Let's make it official." We all voted and Mandy buzzed Kate to come in. They came back in and Mandy said, "Welcome to SolarNational Corporation. It's our new name and Kate you are now the CEO and President of Solarnational Shipping and Judy you are the Vice Chairman and COO. The comp is 800 each as a base salary and it will go up to a mil if you hit your targets in the first 90 days. The stock and bonus plan is the same as everyone in here. It's really good, and we'll get you the details. We are prepared to offer you 7 million for your company of which 2 million is cash and 5 million in stock. Plus a 1 million dollar sign on bonus to be split between you. Ken also has a check for each of you for 4 million from the band, so cash shouldn't be a problem. You still interested?"

Kate hugged Mandy and then me and so did Judy. Kate said, "Yes! Yes! Yes! We're interested!" Mandy said, "Lets take 5 minutes." We got some fresh coffee and Kate and Judy were so excited.

Mandy said, "Now the hard part is to make it all happen. Alice can you take care of the contracts and purchase of the business? Mom, start thinking about SolarNational Shipping in terms on the relationships of commerce with all the other worlds. This may be bigger than we thought. Melissa, I know you're going to have fun with this one." Melissa was already smiling and laughing, thinking about ideas.

Mandy said, "Kate, we're going to select a board for your company. Lets us meet after the meeting to talk about it. There is one more item that I wanted to cover before we go through the numbers. Grace has been with us for a very long time, and we couldn't operate without her. She is incredibly devoted and I want to share some of our success with her. She really deserves. It. I'm going to increase her salary to 200, get her on the mid level management stock and bonus plan, and also give her a one time bonus of $500,000. Her twenty year anniversary is today, and I think that would be a really nice gift. Anyone object?" Ken said, "I do. The bonus should be higher. She is worth her weight in gold. Make it 750."

Mandy said, "Anyone else? Good. Bob, can you prepare the check for $750,000 and I want us all here to present it to her. Why don't you go now and I'll cover your report on the numbers."

We went through the numbers and they were staggering. Revenue was over 20 percent ahead of what we projected and profitability was much higher also. Bob came back in and Mandy said, "We should issue a press release with these numbers. Be prepared for the stock to sky rocket. Do the transaction for Kate and Judy first."

Mandy said, "One more thing we were considering before we call Grace in. This is an idea that Jen and I kicked around and we want your thoughts on it. Chris, Allison, Kyle, Roberta, Desiree, Jasmin, Joanne and Robin are all brilliant. We all know that. Chris, stop blushing."

Mandy and smiled at her and continued, "We have a SWAT team that can solve almost any problem and also a group of about 150 younger people that have been brought into work for us through that study program for the gifted. All of them received their PhD degrees before they were 16. Jen and I want to form a separate subsidiary called SolarNational Consulting offering Business and Technology Services. It will be a combination of think tank, advanced research arm and offer consulting services to solve business and technology problems. We all will use it, just like now, but we were thinking that this may be a way to offer some of this talent to the other worlds and corporations that are willing to pay for it. Not a ton of money, but it may lead us into other business. I think Chris should run it. What do you think the corporation of Geo planet would pay to have someone figure out how to fix their sick economy? Or make a recommendation that they fold under our umbrella? Any thoughts?"

Everyone loved the idea. I said, "Chris, what do all of you think about it?" They all nodded their heads and Chris said, "It's cool. This could be a lot of fun." Mandy said, "The board also approved a special bonus for Robin and Joanne for their incredible work in the space defense program. You guys each get 4 mill. Lets do the vote now." We all voted and made it official. Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen all decide to give the kids a portion of their stock like we did to Chris and Allison a while back, and we all voted to pass that also.

Mandy buzzed Grace and she came in. Mandy got up and walked over to Grace and then held her arm and made her sit in Mandy's seat and said, "Grace we couldn't get by without you. Today is your twenty year anniversary with us and we wanted to do something special."

Mandy took out the cake from the table in the corner and opened it and Grace said, "How sweet." Mandy said, "That's the desert. Here's the main course." Mandy handed Grace a piece of paper and said, "This is your new salary, you are now in the management bonus and stock plan, and this check is a one time bonus from the board. You are great and we don't want you to ever leave. Grace we all love you and want you to enjoy in the success we've had." Grace's eyes we bulged out as she saw the check, and jumped up and hugged Mandy. She started to cry and hugged me also. Everyone hugged her and she was so happy. I cut the cake and we all had a piece with Grace. She was as happy as I've ever seen her.

Max said to us, "Next weeks Pharma board meeting will have Karen's presentation. You ready for two new block buster drugs? Karen's new drug clones missing body parts; hands, fingers, toes, feet, organs, you get the picture. The other is a surprise that will be big." Mandy and I smiled and Max did too.

Kate, Judy, Mandy, and I spent the rest of the day working out all of the details for her company acquisition, new organization, and then we asked them to stay with us at the castle until they decide on a house, as they will be working here in Oregon. Kate and Judy were walking on air, so we all sang our song by that name, and laughed.


We went back to the castle into our study at about 9 at night, after spending a long day getting through everything we needed to about the company acquisition. Mandy said, "Lets displace to your company headquarters tomorrow and we'll all make the announcement together. I think that will help people get excited. You'll give the presentation and then announce the key employee's. How big is your auditorium?" Kate said, "For company wide meetings we use the distribution hub. It's huge. I'm hungry, anyone else?"

I said, "I passed being hungry about three hours ago. How about you sweetheart? Want to eat some food or maybe some cum?" Mandy smiled at me and said, "Food first, cum for desert my biker babe queen." Judy was laughing hysterically and I lit a cigarette, as we finished up our plans. I took a deep drag and held in the smoke, as Mandy held my hand to her lips and took a drag of the cigarette. She inhaled twice and said, "Lets go eat some dinner."

We all went into the kitchen and Julie and Kathy were just getting ready to make something to eat. Julie said, "Lobster and Filet?" I said, "Make four more of them." Julie made the dinners in her mind, and Mandy made a few bottles of the white wine we had in Venice. I said, "Tastes wonderful, but it's deadly."

We ate and drank the wine, and more wine, and more wine, and more wine, until we were all sloshed. Julie was drooling on my lap as she was trying to talk to us and I couldn't stop laughing. Mandy said, "Julie, make your tongue smaller." Julie smiled and said, "I forgots it's supposed to be small when it's in my mouth. No wait, it's always in my mouth, but when my mouth is supposed to be closed and it's not. It's only biggest when it's in a wet pussy. Right?" Kathy was agreeing with her, and Mandy and I laughed so hard, as Julie made almost no sense. We all had another glass of wine.

At midnight we all helped each other to the hallway to get the elevator. We knew we couldn't walk up the stairs. Then we had to help each other off the elevator to our rooms. We gave up and all slept in our bed. I can't remember too much about it other than I think Mandy, Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy all fucked me at the same time. I had two cocks in my pussy, one in my ass, one in my mouth, and one in my hand jerking it off. We did this to each other all night.

We finally fell asleep at 4 AM and then the alarm woke us up at noon. I woke up with Mandy in my arms and the two of us kissing each other. Neither of us remembered much about anything and ran to our twin toilets. This wine does get to you.

Mandy and I showered, dressed, put on makeup, and went downstairs for breakfast. Chris had already made enough for an army so we helped ourselves. She said, "We're all set for the demo in Indiana. This time we are going to use the real deal. I'll show you when we give the presentation. Robin got it working last night. She is so brilliant."

We ate as everyone came downstairs and fixed a plate. Julie looked so out of it. She said, "I'm not going anywhere but to bed. That wine was lethal. What in the fuck is in it?" Mandy said, "Alcohol. Just a lot more of it than we're use to."

We all had some coffee and Mandy turned on CNN and we watched the news about us mostly. Mandy said, "Wait until we announce this tomorrow. The stock will go crazy. You guys are set now with the stock. Any time you want to exercise your options you can. The price is always the same. If you want to make a lot of money, buy the stock discounted though our officer's plan before we announce our next big deal. It's like trading dollar bills for hundred dollar bills. Since there is no SEC any more, we can play the game as much as we want. We'll probably buy a ton at the close of the market today again, and then sell within two days. Always do it at the close of the market because the brokers watch what we do and they know something big is going to happen."

We finished our coffee and cigarettes and displaced to Kate's office. It was a nice company layout. We met her admin and then got a tour of the place. Judy explained everything and said, "This is the logistics department and how we make our money. We all know this is a big key to making this new program work. These people, and the software they wrote, are worth their weight in gold."

We ended up the in a shipping hub and it was huge. The main area had folding Chairs set up for about 2,000 people. We heard an announcement for all employees to go to the shipping hub for a company wide meeting and Kate said, "That's our cue."

Kate waited about 15 minutes and the place was packed and she said into a microphone at a podium on a stage, "Hello everyone. We called you all here today for a special announcement. It's great news. First let me say that no one will loose their job with this announcement. Judy and I have sold the company, and we are all now part of SolarNational Corporation which was known as the Earth Corporation. We are officially SolarNational Shipping, a new venture that will be the largest shipping company within 18 months. I have a complete presentation to show you that will knock your socks off. Before I do that, let me introduce some very key people. This is Doctor Mandy Edwards, Chairman of Solarnational, Doctor Jen Edwards Vice Chairman, and Doctor Christiana Edwards CEO of Solarnational Consulting. They are all incredibly nice people, and very talented."

Mandy stood and said into the microphone, "Kate came to us with a plan and we helped her massage it to make what I consider a sure winner. She's going to share it with you now and I want to stress that no one will be without a job. If your position is eliminated, we will get you training, or whatever it takes to keep you with our company. Remember, we have offices in every part of the globe, and also on other planets. Some of you want to travel, and we welcome that. Also, all of you will become part of our employee benefits program which is by far the best that any company has every offered. You will all be getting a booklet that describes it with the next few weeks, and also a visit from some of our HR staff to go over everything in detail. It really is good. So let me turn it back over to Kate, and then we'll be here to answer questions all day when she's finished."

We started the laptop and Kate gave the same presentation except slanted more towards what her employees were involved in. When she got to the big number slide she asked the audience for guesses. She knew everyone's name. No one came close and they all looked so surprised. Kate was a natural leader.

When it was demo time Chris got up and said, "Hi everyone, we thought you might like to see the real deal in action. We finished the prototype last night and this is a picture of what we call the shipping magnet. You can see it in my hand. It's about 2 inches square. It's thin with a magnet on one side and a peel and stick on the other. This is actually a way for the software and systems to locate where to send something and works similar to the teleportation system that I'm sure some of you have already used. Inside of each one of these is a totally unique number that will identify this unit to an owner. If you want your packages shipped to another location at your plant or store, you just move the identifier or get a second one. We don't care where it is, as it will be same price to ship no matter how far it goes. The first time someone wants to ship with the new technology, the call center will set them up with one of these and ship it to them with their first order. The units are under a penny to manufacture. Our computerized GPS system will track the units and also identify where they are being shipped the first time. Companies will be able to ship to our hubs and then route to a recipient, or ship direct and we won't even see it happen. Watch how this works. Robin, can you hear me?"

Robin's face was displayed on an overhead projector and she said, "Sure can Chris. Put the unit on a table." Chris put the unit on the table and a stack of packages appeared in seconds. Everyone stood and clapped, as Chris show them six other demos of how it will work. She then said, "Everyone will have a unit for shipping and we plan to maintain a shippers Yellow Pages. We'll charge a nominal fee for it to companies, and it will be accessed directly online. Like sending a fax. It goes directly to the other party, but we still charge for the shipping."

Chris sat down and Kate stood back up and the entire audience stood and applauded for her. Kate said, "Thanks, but now is the hard part. We have to make it all work, and I'm going to need all of your help. Lets start with the organization changes."

Kate went on for about an hour and the employees loved it. She named the key staff and they each got a standing ovation. Mandy squeezed my hand and said into my mind, "This is a home run honey. These people will do anything for her."

Kate opened it up for questions and we all answered some of them. I said, "Yeah, we all really do play in a rock band as a hobby. Keeps us off the streets at night." Everyone laughed and then I answered some really good questions about our other lines of business. Everyone was so interested in travel to other worlds and working there. Mandy said, "The door is always open. We are expanding into the solarnational market, which is why we changed our name. Talk to the HR folks when they get here. They'd love to hear about what you want to do."

Kate ended the conference and said, "Thank you all for making this possible." They cheered for her for about 5 minutes and then we went back to her office with her key staff. We spent the next five hours laying out the plans and they were all so into it. When Chris presented what the real plans were, including all of the things we planned in the drug field, they all had their mouths open and we laughed.

Kate said, "I couldn't tell everyone this. You are all going to have stock in the company and options to buy more at a discount. Buy it, before we make any of these announcements. We're going to have a teleportation unit installed here so we can go back a forth between the sites more easily. Judy and I will be living in Oregon, but will be here as much as we need to be. All of you will be in our offices over there at least a few times a week. It takes less time to get there than walking down the hallway here." Chris said, "The units are being installed tomorrow."

Mandy and I went back to Kate and Judy's house, and Chris went back to the castle. Kate said, "We need to get all of cloths to Oregon." I said, "Watch." Mandy and I concentrated together and displaced all of their personal things into their room at the castle. Judy said, "Jen, we could use you for the shipping hub. Want another part time job?" I smiled and said, "Cute Judy, real cute." Mandy was laughing as we displaced back to the castle.

They checked their room and Mandy and I mixed up a few things in the wrong closet. Judy said, "Forget the job offer sugar, you suck." Mandy and I lost it laughing and fell back on their bed. Judy was a piss. I said, "Where does your band practice and record?" Judy said, "We really do it only as a hobby. We haven't practiced in 3 months. We get together to play the gigs and take a week to learn the new material and record. Ted lives in New York and John lives in Michigan. We have a practice and recording session scheduled in 2 months."

I said, "Almost as bad as we are about it. It seems the less we care about it, the more people like our music and the more money we make. It's so weird. We made a ton of money as the Brass Ring when we hardly ever played. We were the mystique. The band nobody knew about."

Mandy was running her fingers through my hair and massaging my scalp. It felt so good, as I just lay limp on the bed and let her give me goose bumps down my spine. Mandy started to rub my shoulders and neck and I moaned softly, "That feels so good honey." Mandy was smiling and sat on my ass rubbing my back. She gave me a full body massage and I couldn't even move. She kissed my neck and said, "Your turn to make me relax now honey."

I did the same thing to Mandy and she was moaning, "Rub my neck more baby. That feels great right there." I gave her a full massage, as Judy and Kate were putting things away in the dressers. Judy looked at us and said, "Kate, they are so sexy. I'm so wet again." I took off Mandy's cloths and she was half asleep, just like I get when she massages me. I took off my cloths also and sat on her ass again and massaged her naked. I reached under her and cupped her breasts and massaged them, and then the inside of her legs. Mandy moaned, "Make we wet honey. Rub my pussy too." Kate looked at us, as I rubbed Mandy's pussy from the rear and she moaned, "That feels so nice. Mmmmmm."

Mandy rolled over on her back and had a hard on. I sat on it and her cock slid all the way into my wet pussy. Mandy moaned again, "Mmmmm. That feels even nicer" as I moved up and down and back and forth on her cock. I wrapped my arms and legs around Mandy and rolled us on our side. She made her cock huge inside of me and fucked my pussy with such passion. I orgasmed in a few minutes and Mandy rubbed my cock to get it hard and I made it longer so she could suck it. We both sucked it and she went wild watching me, while I rubbed my shaft and Mandy fucked my cunt. I was stroking myself as Mandy hammered my pussy and pinched my nipples. We kissed and then we both sucked the tip of my cock into our mouths. We made love for over a half hour like this right next to Judy and Kate doing almost the exact same thing.

I felt my cum stirring in my cock as Mandy shared my mind and knew I was going to cum. She pushed my head onto my cock and I sucked it, as I shot the first load of cum into my mouth. Mandy moaned so loud when I came, and then she jerked and shot her cum into my pussy. I felt squirt after squirt of her cum go into me, as I sucked warm squirts of cum from my own cock into my mouth. I swallowed all of it and Mandy kissed me so hard. We changed positions and I fucked her this time.

We made love in Kate's room for three hours. We did each other and then we did it with Kate and Judy. Kate sucked all 18 inches of my enlarged cock into her throat and made me cum. Mandy said into my mind, "Holy shit. Sword swallowing. The girl has a lot of talents we didn't know about." I smiled and Mandy said into my mind, "Make love to me honey. I want us to eat each other out." We ate each other in a 69 position until the sun came up. We each licked each other with our longer tongues, and then sucked the other's cock. We made each other blast off five times. I swallowed Mandy's cum and she swallowed mine. We were both so addicted to it.


We spent the next 6 days with Kate and Judy, going over everything and helping them accelerate the plans. We also had sex at least 2 times a day, and all night. We also spent about 9 hours on the phone with Max and convinced him to be the first Ginny pig for the shipping systems. Most of the initial hardware and software was installed yesterday and we have our SolarNational Pharma board meeting this morning. Kate and Judy are going because of the shipping implications.

Last night, Julie and Kathy slept with all of us in our room. We played some interesting games last night and had a contest as to who was the sexiest couple while making love. Mandy and I won. We voted for Kate and Judy. They are so hot. I woke up this morning to Mandy sitting on my cock and rocking slowly on me. She leaned forward and kissed me to wake me up and whispered into my ear, "Board meeting honey. Just please let me love you for a little while first." Mandy and I made love as everyone watched us. Julie said, "They are definitely sexy. Holy shit am I ever wet." I came into Mandy and then she rolled off of me and rolled her legs back over her shoulders next to my face and licked the cum out of her pussy. She kept her pussy up in the air so I could suck some of it out also, and then she moved it back to her mouth and finished draining the cum into her mouth. We kissed and everyone clapped for us as we got out of bed. Mandy and I both blushed as we went into the bathroom.

We finished dressing and went downstairs for breakfast. Chris and Roberta had made everyone breakfast and Chris said, "This meeting should be really interesting. Wait until you see the drug stuff. It's outrageous. Try a pigow sausage. It's really different." We ate eggs, bacon, potatoes, toast, and all tried the sausage. It tasted so good. Chris said, "You guys are such pigs. How can you eat so much?" Mandy answered her with her mouthful and said, "Practice."

We all had coffee and a cigarette, as Mandy turned on the headline news. We listened to the news and were in shock. I said, "Those idiots! I guess we get to buy a company for pennies on the dollar again, if we want it. They were one of our only competitors in the drug market against our Pharma-Body- balance diet and nutrition meds. Who in their right mind would sell drugs like these without thoroughly testing them. They killed 40 people. That's law number 14; reckless endangerment that causes harm to another person. When is the trial?"

We watched and Mandy said, "This afternoon. Looks like our buddy Janie is the Judge on this one. She'll fry the idiots. I'm going to call her." Mandy picked up the phone and they gabbed for about 10 minutes and then Mandy said, "How are you going to try the case of the merged drug company, Merk-Nov- Scher?" Mandy was nodding her head and smiled at us and said, "I couldn't agree you with more. If you need some help with anything, just call me in my mind, you know how. Take care."

We displaced to the office and went into my office waiting for the meeting to start. Mandy called our stock broker to make some very large buys of our stock after the market closes tonight. She was laughing and said, "Just don't tell anyone yet. You know our deal. Buy dribs and drabs for us during the day and as much as you can for yourself without being conspicuous."

We went into the boardroom and now we sat on the side of the table as Max sat at the head, as he was the CEO of this company. Everyone came in and Melissa sat down. I said, "Wrong company honey. We're doing heavy drugs today." She started to laugh and said, "I'm the special guest. You're going to like this one." Melissa got up to get some fresh coffee and bent over to whisper into my ear. Mandy moved closer and Melissa licked my ear and said, "How about you two sexy creatures come sleep with us tonight. We haven't done it together in so long. Bring Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy too." She smiled at us, winked, and then went to sit back down. Mandy smiled at me and grabbed my hand under the table.

Max called the meeting to order and said, "I wanted to start with some incredible statistics. We were faced with making some big investments in marketing and I want to make sure we were hitting the right market segments. We used a sampling method that had about 10 times the number of random samples we normally use and these are the results. Chris, can you turn on the laptop? Thanks. As you can all see, we really did change the world, a lot more than we thought. In North America, over 48 percent of the population is now Combined. 30 percent is female, and 22 percent is male. Over 93 percent of all people in this geographic area have used SexMed, and over 96 percent are on the Forever drug. The numbers in Europe are even more staggering. Over 58 percent are Combined, either permanent, or use the drug on a regular basis. This slide shows the results of things people wish we had a drug to make happen. We're going to talk about four of the five today. I thought we should start with a few commercials that are scheduled to start airing tomorrow, after the announcements. Melissa, you ready?"

Melissa stood at the back of the room and said, "Max, can you dim the lights? This first few commercials are for a new drug called Pharma-Flexible. The first one is a little long, but that's what we wanted to get everyone's attention. Be prepared for this one."

We watched Melissa start the commercial on the laptop as it projected on a large high resolution plasma screen. This was hot. It started with a dimly lit bedroom and a gorgeous naked Combined woman laying in bed rubbing her clit with one hand and her cock with the other. She was moaning and making Ooo and Ah noises and went crazy on herself as she got into it. Her body spasmed, as she bent over all the way and sucked her cock into her mouth. The camera showed her cock pulsate and we knew she shot cum into her mouth, as she moaned. She swallowed and then bent forward move and licked and sucked her pussy. She rolled onto her back with her legs over her shoulders, licking herself and moaning more. Another naked Combined woman lay on the bed with her and kissed her neck. She unrolled her form licking herself and the two started to make love. The second woman said, "It is so sexy that you started without honey." The screen moves to the background as we see them making love and the Announcer says, "Pharma-Flexible can make your body more flexible than when you were a child. It's totally safe and a great way to fly solo, or in pairs. Now available at your local Pharmacy or through your physician's office."

Mandy grabbed my hand under the table and we touched each other. We both had a hard on. Melissa said, "Anyone not wet or that doesn't have a hard on?" She looked around and said, "Guess the commercial worked." Here's a few more quick ones. These were funny. One had two people tired up and they escape thanks to Pharma-Flexible and then they made love in the most contorted way possible. The announce says, "Different strokes, for different folks. Pharma- Flexible." We watched a bunch of really funny ones and then Melissa said, "A new drug, Pharma-Combined couple."

She started the commercial and this one was squiggly cartoon figures. It was two Combined women and they were trying to figure out how to fuck. It was hilarious. Then one moves the other's cock and pussy to reverse them, and moves hers a little also. They lay down together and interlock pussy to cock, and fuck until the bed catches on fire. Squiggly writing on the bottom reads, Pharma-Combined for couples, putting everything in a better place.

Then we watched another really hot one like the first, except it had the Combined Couple drug. This one was about as hot as it gets. Mandy had her hand on my cock and was squeezing it under the table. She said into my mind, "We have got to try that."

Melissa said, "Now its back to the scientific. I think these are going to outsell everything we've done so far. Any comments?" Mandy said, "You are having way too much fun." Everyone laughed and Melissa blushed.

Now we heard the details of every new drug. The Prostheses drug that Karen developed was another miracle cure. It replaced lost limbs from accidents, and organs. It could actually grow a replacement heart and lungs for a patient in 10 minutes while they were on a heart lung machine. Karen also developed and new set of cosmetic drugs called Pharma-Eyes and Pharma-Lips. These change the shape of your eyes and lips; full, rounder, slanted, thinner. Melissa said, "The commercials for these are geared more toward the cosmetology area, and so is the magazine advertising.

John and Roberta developed the new SexMed Combined drugs and they explained everything in detail.

Max said, "Lets take 10 and then the fun begins."

Mandy and I lit a cigarette and I poured us some fresh coffee. Melissa said, "You have got to try the Combined Couple. It is so incredibly hot. You coming tonight?" Mandy smiled and I said, "Yeah. We'll see you later." Melissa waved to us as she left they boardroom. I took a drag of my cigarette and Mandy said into my mind, "That commercial was better than any porno we ever rented." I said back into her mind, "That magical world of recreational medicine." Mandy smiled as we watched Max put up a slide on the laptop.

Max said, "This is the flow of production drugs; manufacturing plant, warehouse, shipping to the distributor's warehouse, and then shipping to the retailers, physicians, or hospitals. We have already placed the SolarNational Shipping hardware units at the manufacturer and distributors yesterday. Chuck, you on the line?" We heard over the speakers, "I'm here." Max said, "Tell us how it's going." Chuck said, "Great! We shipped everything in the warehouses in all plants to the distributors in under 4 hours. The new drugs are already at the distributors and they're out of space. We have about 2 million square feet of space now that is completely empty and we're starting to convert it to more manufacturing facilities starting tomorrow."

Max said, "The distributors equipment is being installed today and each retailer, hospital and physician will be equipped with the receiving station within the next two days. All of the budgeted shipping dollars are now going directly into SolarNational Shipping's revenue stream. Kate, you guys just made your first 5 million today. The trucking companies aren't real happy with us, when we cancelled their contracts yesterday, and will be more unhappy when we cancel the other contracts next week. Just replacing this workflow so far, with our shipping units, has made us over 5 percent more profitable. It will be 20 percent by the time it's all done. On top of that, physicians will be able to dispense meds, if they choose. We are charging an extra dollar for the drugs for immediate shipping from the call center. Kate, you and I will split it. A doctor can see a patient, call in the script to the call center, and have it appear on a nurse's desk for the patient, or the physician can inventory it in their location. We are guaranteeing one hour maximum delivery time, or the script is free, assuming it is in stock. We're going to be offering the same service to the pharmacies to use our just-in- time inventory method. We charge more, but it saves them money because they don't have to inventory the drugs. We make much more in the long run if we charge a dollar more for each script, and a bulk shipping charge for the whole pallet of stuff."

Kate said, "We are going to be offering the same shipping system to retailers, so they can deliver drugs to homes without using a driver. The patient calls in for the script and then they are placed on a 3 way call with one of the call center agents who sets up the account. The customer pays the retailer a small amount for home delivery and the retailer pays us each month. We also lease them the equipment. We have over 2,000 signed up so far, and we've only been at it for two days. Wait until the advertising kicks in. They will almost be forced into doing it. Mandy, my staff is working around the clock. I've never seen them so excited about anything before."

Max said, "For those that don't want to receive drugs this way, they can elect to arrange for their own shipping to their stores from the distributors. Wait until they see the prices. Now that will be a piss to watch the expression on their faces."

Max said, "Everyone please read these. They are the press releases to be sent out with the other 15 or so tomorrow. We'll be front page headlines everywhere for a week. Lastly, there are two items to vote on. Did everyone get the notice?" We all nodded our heads and Max said, "Anyone opposed to John being named Vice Chairman of Pharma and Roberta being named Executive Vice President taking John's role? Both will receive the appropriate compensation package as was described." "Good. Let's make it official." We voted and then congratulated John and Roberta. Max said, "The meeting is adjourned."

Mandy said, "Before you leave, did everyone see the news this morning about Merk-Nov-Scher killing people with an untested drug?" Max said, "No, I didn't have time to turn on the news this morning. He turned on CNN in the boardroom and it was the top story. We all sat and watched it." Max buzzed Grace and had her order us some lunch.

Mandy called everyone on the corporate board to an emergency meeting and they all joined us in the boardroom. Mandy said, "A quick question. Should we offer to buy Merk-Nov-Scher at lets say 3 cents on the dollar? Lets go around the room?" It was undecided and everyone had reasons to do it or not do it.

Ken said, "Do we really want to buy this reputation we're watching on TV? That could really hurt our drug business. We've never had an accident. Let's just hire the people that they let go and buy their facilities at a low cost." Melissa said, "I'm going to run a series of commercials that SolarNational is the company that can be trusted. We'll write it and film it today. Let's take advantage of this screw up while people are upset. We can even state that we're disgusted by their lack of safety precautions and don't want to own a company that operates that way. That could drive the stock down and force them under. Max you should be on the commercial as the concerned CEO of Solarnational Pharma."

Mandy said, "Okay. We do nothing and watch it explode. Lets hope they close their doors and let some good people go. Max, be real compassionate and caring on the film. Go to it Melissa, have some fun. Jim, have the recruiters in HR start calling into the company. Lets see what they find out and what good people will jump ship before it sinks. "

Melissa smiled at us and said "See you later." Mandy gave me that half smirk and said into my mind, "We're going to have some fun later honey."

Grace had a caterer bring in lunch and we all watched the news and then Janie with the trial. We were betting quarters on who was going to be found guilty. Grace got a quarter from everyone when she said, "The CEO is behind it. He knew the drug was bad. You watch. He looks like a sleazy jerk." We all laughed and then had to pay her. He got 100 years in hell. So did 57 others who knew it was unsafe and either lied about it, or just disregarded it. Janie also fixed the problem of the company, as she used the computer to prescribe punishment for corporation also for acting reckless. Their corporate charter was revoked and the stock proclaimed worthless. Mandy said, "We get our pick now. Anyone who knows anybody there, now's the time to make the call."

Max said to Jim, "Lets get a team of recruiters to go outside of the company's headquarters and just hand out business cards. Have them bring several thousand. I'm going to call a few folks that I know there that are pretty good. Everyone should do the same. We could use the staff in almost every area. We can select from the best they had. Some of the people may be willing to take a lesser position, now that the company is history."

We left with Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy to go into my office. Julie said, "We have some interplanetary travel to do. We'll see you at the castle around dinner before we go to Melissa's". Kate and Judy said, "We have to get to Indiana to check on progress, we'll see you later also.

Mandy said, "It's just you and we honey. You want to go home and fuck, or go home and fuck?" I laughed and said, "The first one." We displaced back to our bedroom in the castle.


Mandy and I undressed and she said, "Okay, how did the Combined couple look?" I said, "Your pussy should be about an inch lower and slightly more rounded, with your cock just over the top of it, right next to your clit. My pussy should be raised about two inches, made more rounded, and my cock just on the edge below it. Lets do it." We did it and Mandy said, "Cool. Come on baby. Experimentation time."

We lay down kissing and caressing each other, as we both rubbed each other's cock to get them hard. Then I lay on top of Mandy with her legs spread open and knees bent up. My cock went into her pussy, and hers went into mine. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and we both orgasmed as soon as our stomachs met. It felt so incredible. We made our cocks bigger and I fucked into Mandy and she fucked into me in a rhythm while we kissed. We fucked for hours, our cum blasting off into each other 5 times. Then we got into a 69 position and sucked out the cum in each other's pussy.

Mandy moved to kiss me and said, "Suck your pussy honey. I love watching you do that." I rolled my legs over my head and sucked my pussy into my mouth. Mandy kissed my neck and licked my ear moaning, "Oh yeah, I love watching you do it. Lick it baby. Lick it good. Mmmmm, that looks so hot." Mandy rolled her legs over her head next to me and we both sucked ourselves. I rolled my legs down and licked her ass. Mandy had another orgasm and we both laughed, as she put her legs down. I said, "I don't think I was ever this turned on." Mandy kissed me and said, "Me too honey. This is definitely the best yet."

We shared a cigarette and kissed, as we recuperated. Mandy took a deep drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke. She said, "This drug is going to make billions, especially on our planets where everyone is already Combined." I took a drag of the cigarette and was blowing out the smoke slowly. We both turned ourselves back to our normal Combined selves and Mandy said, "I want to suck you honey. Just lay still for me." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to me. She lay across my stomach and sucked my cock, as I took another drag of the cigarette. I was rock hard and Mandy was fucking my shaft with her mouth. I put one hand over her head and gently stroked it as she suck my cock and rubbed the shaft. I felt my cum starting and I let loose my first blast into her mouth. Mandy sucked it all in and swallowed and my cock pulsated again with squirt after squirt of cum hitting her tongue. Mandy moaned, "Mmmmmm", as she swallowed the rest of it and then moved back to lay next to me. We kissed and she smiled saying, "I love sucking your cum honey."

We were lying facing each other and playing with each other's nipples when we heard Chris in our minds saying, "The aliens tried to attack us again, but the weapon worked. I have some interesting information about them. Can everyone come to the work planet for a little while?" We dressed in seconds and displaced there.

Everyone was there in under a minute. Tara walked up to us and licked the side of Mandy's face and said, "Jen, your cum tastes so good baby. I know what you two were doing." We smiled as Chris said, "They came back and our systems worked like a charm. We recorded everything. This is what it looked like."

Chris played the digital recording and we saw thousands of explosions from all over in a matter of a minute. It looked a grand finale at a fireworks display. Chris said, "4,865 space craft all destroyed in under 45 seconds. They didn't even know what hit them. We used our long range heat sensors and located the exact locations they came from. Now this is a shocker. They all came from four unique coordinates, around the edges of the universe. I knew I saw those coordinates before and Allison realized they were in the source code we looked at. This is the source code. It says the security field has four gateways at coordinates, and then it lists them, and so on, and then is says to shut the gateways, use System Admin security option 24.4.5. We set a displacement coordinate to the exact gateway and send a scanner and remote viewer through the gateway and recorded this. Get ready."

Chris played what it recorded and she said, "Five new Galaxies just as it went through. We followed the heat trail of the spacecraft and this is the planet it came from. Watch the pictures as we got closer and then went beneath the atmosphere." We all watched a planet that looked like earth except the cities were all dark gray and looked to me made out of steel. We saw life and it was not like us at all. Tara shouted, "That's them! Tall gray thin beings with big eyes."

Chris said, "Think of our universe as just a small room in a very large house. The boundaries are not the end; they're just the walls of a security defense system. The gateways, or doors, were left wide open. We can eliminate the security completely, which I don't think is a good idea, close the doors, or leave them open. I say we close the doors and open one at a time to launch probes to study what's out there, and then close them again. What does everyone else think we should do?" We all said, "Close the doors!" Chris selected a few options, and said, "Done."

Melissa walked over to us and said, "How about we go to your house for a while first. We wanted to talk about a few things." I said, "Sure. Come on back now with us."

We all displaced back. Julie, Kathy, Mandy and I displaced to the kitchen and Melissa, Janice, Jody, and Karen were in the entrance hallway. They walked into the kitchen and sat down with us. Kathy poured everyone some wine, and we all lit cigarettes. I said, "What's up Melissa?" She said, "We wanted to talk to all of you about two things. First, I guess you all know that Jody and I have been partners now for over 6 years and so have Karen and Janice. We want to make it official. I know you guys went through a lot when you got divorced and remarried. What do we do now that the laws have changed?" I said, "Just file a cancellation to the contract of your marriage, split everything, and you're done. If you need help splitting things, you ask to see a judge. I think it takes about an hour to do the whole thing and then you can get remarried."

They all smiled and Melissa said, "We are getting divorced tomorrow and re- married. The next question is how would you four like to have four more damn good musicians in the band Changes. We really miss playing. Mandy, you were so right to keep it as a hobby. We are dying to play again." We smiled and Mandy said, "You know any of our material?" Jody said, "We know it all." I said, "Lets go play a little in the studio and see how it sounds."

We took our wine and cigarettes and went to the studio. We figured out who would play what in a few tunes and then played one of the fast rockers. Mandy and I smiled at each other as we listened to the sound. The harmony was as thick as it can get and the music was solid. Melissa was as good as me or Mandy on guitar. Janice played one hell of a keyboard and Jody also played drums. Wow, did it sound great. We spent the next half hour playing a few more tunes. Mandy said, "Lets sit down and talk."

We went back into the kitchen and I said, "You know it's going to take us about a week to get the show down. We could do it on Vacation World, so we don't loose and time here. Are you all really ready to do this? I think it sounds terrific. How about everyone else?" Mandy said, "Sounds real good. How about you Julie, and Kathy, you both agree?" Kathy said, "If I don't have to play drums all night, anything works for me." Julie laughed and said, "I think it sounded pretty cool, especially the singing. We could do some wild vocal stuff, if we wanted to."

Melissa said, "Tomorrow's Friday. How about we get a rehearsal studio on Vacation World for a week or so? We could leave on Saturday. Everyone okay with that?" We all nodded our heads and Melissa said, "I know you'll think we're crazy, but we haven't been there yet. Every time we want to go, something always comes up."

Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Honey, we are definitely sleeping on the beach again before we leave." We kissed and Kate and Judy walked into the kitchen. Melissa said, "Now that everyone's here, come to our place for dinner."

We all displaced to Melissa's house, which is my old house that Kathy and I sold to them. Mandy said, "Everything go okay in Indiana?" Judy said, "Great! You won't believe how much we got done. We're already a month ahead of plan." We sat at the dining room table and Kate told us all about where they were now and everyone was so surprised when Kate said, "As close as I can figure it, we have an effective run rate right now of about two million a day. That should triple by the end of the week."

Jody poured us all wine and Janice brought out a whole pigow on a huge serving platter. We all ate the pigow, like pigs. She cooked it over a slow roasting pit fire and this was so good. Melissa said, "It still tastes better when you cook it yourself, instead of in your mind."

We had a lot more wine and were joking around. A small puppy came up to my feet, barked, and then said in a high pitched voice, "Routside." We all laughed and Jody said, "Our newest addition. Meet Maximus and Minimus where ever she is. We put them on the knowledge computer and they can talk too. I'd better let him outside. He's not big enough to open the door flap by himself yet."

Jody walked with the dog to the back door and the other one came flying around the corner to go outside also. These dogs were so uncoordinated. They were tripping over each other and their own feet. Mandy and I were laughing, as she lit us both a cigarette.

We had our wine and laughed at the dogs running back inside again. They both ran into a wall and fell over. Mandy said, "Stupid dogs are just like Ruffles." Minimus looked at Maximus and said, "Rwe rupid rike Ruffles", and they ran to the kitchen. Everyone laughed and Jody said, "Why did we teach them to talk?"

I took a drag of my cigarette, as Julie called her mom, Adel, and told her about the changes in the band. She asked her to arrange to book us a studio on Vacation World, and a gig. Julie was nodding her head on the phone and said, "Cool. We stayed there before. That would be great. Thanks mom." Julie said, "All set for Saturday. Kate, the equipment is all being shipped by SolarNational Shipping starting tomorrow. This is cool."

Mandy was leaning on me and Melissa said, "Bring your wine and lets go into the play room." We all took our wine and cigarettes. Melissa took a few bottles and we followed her into the old kids play room that was now a room with a huge 24 foot square cushion on the floor, with tables around the outside of it. Jody said, "We had to do something with the room when the kids left home."

Mandy and I put our wine on one of the tables along with our cigarettes and we took off our cloths and lay on the cushion. Everyone else was doing the same thing and Melissa and Jody lay next to us and kissed us both. Everyone in the room was Combined. Mandy said into my mind, "Interesting. Lets give them the big tongue thing baby." Mandy and I positioned them to lay kissing with their pussies real close to each other, with one leg of Melissa over one of Jody's. Mandy and I lay next to each other and I licked Melissa's pussy and Mandy licked Jody's. We got them going good and rubbed their clits and then made our tongues grow. I bottomed out in Melissa and she was moaning so loud, "Oh my God. Jen, what are doing baby. It feels so good. Don't stop." Jody was bouncing into Mandy's mouth and moaning even louder. We made them both cum like a river and then sucked up the cum and kissed each other. We did it four times and Melissa was going out of her mind begging us to do it again.

Mandy and I moved them a little and we both knelt with our cocks hard sticking straight out. I slid into Jody's pussy and Mandy slid her cock into Melissa's. We both made them much bigger and fucked them. Jody was going crazy bucking into me and moaning, "It's so huge it feels like two cocks. Oh honey, keep going. Harder! Fuck my cunt harder!" Mandy and I fucked them for about ten minutes and then we stopped and kissed each other. Jody and Melissa were attacking us wanting more. We fucked them for another ten minutes and then stopped again.

Mandy and I had Melissa and Jody so crazy. We teased them for a few minutes and then switched. I fucked Melissa and Mandy fucked Jody. We hammered their pussies and then both of us shot our cum into them. Melissa and Jody kissed us so sexy and Jody said, "How did you do that to us. It was incredible." I said, "Just use your mind. We can make anything bigger or smaller. Tongues, fingers, cocks, pussies, anything. Try it on each other. Plus you can make yourself flexible too. Watch this." I lay down and make my cock really long and sucked on it while Mandy fucked my pussy. They watched us and got so turned on. I started to cum again and I shot my cum into my mouth and swallowed it and Mandy shot into my pussy. She pulled out of me and lay next to me, as I raised my legs over my head and sucked her cum out of my me. Melissa was moaning, as Jody was rubbing her clit. Mandy said, "Try it. It's great."

We watched them experimenting just like we did originally, and also watched Julie and Kathy teaching Janice and Karen the same way, as Kate and Judy were making love to them also. Mandy and I crawled over next to Melissa and Jody's face and I said, "You have to try this also. Watch us turn into Combined Couples. Mandy and I made the change as we read each other's mind. This time my cock was on the top.

I lay next to them and spread my legs. Mandy lay on top of me and our cocks went into each other's pussy, as we fucked. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and rolled us on our sides and we kissed, as we made our cocks get larger. Mandy and I fucked like that for hours and we both came four times from our cocks, blasting off each time. We finally figured out how to control being able to cum again from our minds, and we were both convinced we could do it all day and night.

We were still going at it, but real slowly. It just felt too good to stop. Mandy reached over to the table off the cushion taking a cigarette and putting it in her lips. She lit it and lay on her side with me, as she took a deep drag. We shared the cigarette, as we moved our cocks into each other's cum filled cunts which were both throbbing. I took a drag of the cigarette and said to Mandy, "Don't you dare pull out of me. You hear me sweetheart? You're not going anywhere." Mandy smiled and took a drag of the cigarette. She moved her cock in and out of me, as mine went in and out of her. We both moaned and hugged each other, as our pussies both spasmed in another orgasm.

Melissa and Jody crawled over to us and Melissa took a drag from Mandy's cigarette and then put it out. Jody lay behind me and was spooning me and Melissa was doing the same thing to Mandy as we fucked. Jody spit on her hand to lubed my ass and then I felt her slide her cock into me from behind. I watched Melissa do the same thing and saw the expression on Mandy's face. I knew that Melissa was inside of her also. Mandy and I kissed and fucked, as I felt Jody's cock growing larger. I was going out of my mind and went faster. Mandy was hammering into me in rhythm and we were bucking into each other.

Jody and Melissa fucked our asses for almost an hour, as Mandy and I kept on going. Mandy and I blasted off together and within seconds, Melissa and Jody shot their loads into our asses. We all lay exhausted and not moving. Mandy and I were still kissing and she moved slightly on me. I had another orgasm and moved also. She had an orgasm and we started to move on each other again. We fucked for three hours straight, along side of Melissa and Jody, as they also figured out how to become Combined couples. We took a cigarette break and watched Julie and Kathy, as they turned Kate and Judy into Combined Couples and then watched Kate go completely wild on Judy. Mandy smiled at me and whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, this is so hot I can't believe it."

We were lying perfectly still, coupled together on our sides facing each other. Mandy turned her head to face the ceiling and took a drag of the cigarette. She inhaled and then held the cigarette to the corner of my lips. I sucked in, inhaling twice, and blew out the smoke slowly through my nose. We shared our thoughts and Mandy said into my mind, "Your pussy is throbbing so hard, it's going to make my cock cum again from just lying here inside of you." Mandy held the cigarette to my lips and I took another drag and answered her in her mind, "Yours is also. It feels like you have your hand around my shaft and are squeezing it a couple of times each second. Baby, I'm going to blast off again any minute."

Mandy took another drag of the cigarette and then we looked into each other's eyes and shared our thoughts. Mandy moved slightly on me and we both felt the feelings in our minds. We fucked like lunatics for about 30 seconds and both blasted off again. Mandy kissed me so hard and I held her so close as my cock pulsated and shot a load of warm cum into her pussy again. I felt it squirting over and over again, as she was shooting into me and her cock was pulsating inside of my pussy. Mandy said into my mind, "Mmmmm, that felt so good. Don't move yet."

We both took another drag of the cigarette and then Mandy reached to the edge of the cushion and put the cigarette out in an ashtray. She blew out the smoke and put her arm back around me again pulling me as close to her as I could get. We kissed and danced our tongues in each other's mouth, as we got so turned on again. My pussy was cumming non-stop.

We were so exhausted we finally had to stop. I said into Mandy's mind, "Lets turn ourselves back. I want to lick you so bad. I want to taste your pussy cum mixed with mine." Mandy smiled and said back into my mind, "Sweetheart, I want to make you crazy while I lick the insides of your pussy."

We turned back to normal Combined and lay on our sides. I licked Mandy's pussy and sucked out the cum, as she licked mine. We each had a mouthful and I crawled by her face. We kissed, swallowing together. We went back to a 69 position again, licking and sucking each other's pussy and cock until we were so tired we couldn't even move. I moved to lie next to Mandy and we fell asleep with or faces touching and our legs and arms wrapped around each other.

Julie woke us up at 8 AM by kissing us both so sexy. She said, "Time to get up. You were so sexy last night, I got goose bumps watching you couple with each other." Mandy smiled at me and put her warm lips on mind as we kissed for over 5 minutes. Julie said, "Hey! Knock it off! We have the announcements today. You can't call in sick!" We both laughed and got up.

Melissa and Jody started to make love again and Julie ran over to them and did the same thing to them. Everyone was laughing. We all showered and dressed, and then used one of the make up desks that Melissa had custom made. These are neat. She had them built into the wall. Mandy and I decide we had to have these put in the castle also. We made ourselves look totally business today, and then went to the kitchen. I made us some breakfast in my mind, as Jody put the dogs outside. Melissa made us some coffee and we all looked great, but were totally exhausted. Jody brought the dogs in and they were jumping all over us. Mandy got up and took out a box of Cheerios from a cabinet and dumped it on the floor. Maximus and Minimus were fighting over the food and eating it a mile a minute. I said, "Works every time."


We finished our coffee while having a cigarette, laughing at the dogs call each other stupid. Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen displaced to the court house to file divorce papers and get remarried, while we displaced to the office.

Mandy and I had a ton of calls to return so we went into our offices to work and then met at noon in the auditorium for the press conference announcements. Melissa and Jody were there already and I said, "Well?" Jody said, "We did it. We'll talk to you later."

Mandy and I stood at the podium and the board members all gathered around us as the press filled the room including all major TV stations. Three of them we owned. We waited for everyone to be seated and Mandy said, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. We have a number of announcements that we thought were important enough to release them this way and allow you to ask questions. First let me start with our revenue. This chart has the numbers. They're staggering and 20 percent ahead of our projections for both income and profitability. I'm sure our shareholders will like that."

Everyone stood and applauded and I said, "Now for some really interesting things. We are announcing five new drugs today for distribution. Two are cosmetic, two are for sexual enhancements that are incredible, and one that I consider a truly miracle drug. It reforms lost limbs and organs. It can re- grow a persons heart and lungs in minutes, while they are on life support and has hundreds of other applications. All of the drugs have been thoroughly tested, and are all safe. You should start seeing some of the advertising for these sometime today."

Mandy said, "We are also announcing the formation of a company and division, called SolarNational Shipping. It uses a new technology that is similar to teleportation to distribute and deliver mail, packages and almost anything. The company has been operational for 10 days so far and already has a run rate of over 3 million dollars per day. This is the basis for all of our solarnational commerce market. The internet has been expanded to allow for the purchase of goods and services, and now delivery is literally instantaneous. All of our goods and services will be shipped using this means and it is fast, reliable and very cheap. This includes a change that will be made to the mail services. All of your mail will be sent to your mail box using this technology. Company's can use it to ship anything, as we will be providing the hardware and software to anyone who wants it, on a leased basis. All of you will see this change your lives for the better, over the next few months. We will even have this in retail stores to directly send your purchase to your home if you want, right after you check out. We envision this company to have revenues and profits, equal to the sum of all of our retail, drug, and entertainment lines of business within 18 months. The best part is that it is under our company umbrella and everyone that owns stock will be able to benefit."

I said, "Believe it or not, there is more. We were pretty busy again." Everyone was laughing and I said, "We have formed a new company named SolarNational Consulting Services, and Doctor Christiana Edwards is the CEO. We are making available the same group of incredibly brilliant people that we use internally as advisors, to act on a consulting basis to other corporations and worlds. This is the group that we use to solve the really tough problems which they are good at. The group will be comprised of approximate 200 individuals, who all have PhD degrees in different areas of expertise, and the slowest one in the bunch has an IQ somewhere over 180. We want these people to focus on real problems, that are complex, difficult to solve, and where they can add value to the human condition. Speaking of which, the Space Defense system that they developed was utilized again and this time it protected us from what could have been a catastrophe. The system destroyed over 4,800 spacecraft that entered our universe with the intention of waging war and the entire process took only 45 seconds to destroy all of the crafts. This team also discovered where the alien race was coming from, how they got here, and closed the door on any future visits. This was a tough problem and they solved it. This is the level of expertise this team brings to the table."

Mandy stepped up to the mic and said, "There are about 10 other announcements that are still important, but we could be here all day. Grace has a formal press release that she will distribute to everyone before you leave today. We are open to answer any of your questions for the next hour."

We answered question after question for over an hour and a number of them about the alien space crafts. Chris said, "We hooked up another computer to show you the digital footage of what happened in space. Watch on the screen." Chris showed the entire event and then the gateways, the scanner tracing the heat sources, and then the pictures of the alien planet and people. She said, "We closed the gateways so they will get a real big surprise when they try to come back and smash into them at light speed. It should look like one of those automobile car crash test commercials except in really fast motion."

Everyone laughed and we answered more questions about the shipping company and mail. Kate answered them and she was such a polished speaker. She showed everyone the two inch flat unit that will receive packages and explained how it worked. The TV camera took close ups of everything. Kate said, "This is called an SSA, which stands for SolarNational Shipping Address. It's free with your first shipping order and will be distributed with the mail delivery when the local offices are ready in your geography. There will also be a yellow pages directory online for all SSAs assigned in the entire universe and it will be accessible through the internet."

Mandy said, "I know we could be here all night answering questions, but to quote Jen, believe it or not, we are still pretty busy." Everyone laughed again and Mandy said, "If you can get your unanswered questions to Grace via email, we will respond to them early next week. Thank you all for coming today."

We left the auditorium and went back to up the boardroom. I lit a cigarette, as Mandy turned on CNN and we watched the news about us, and the stock prices. I said to Kate, "Congratulations. You and Judy just made about 50 million each."

Mandy said, "What did we make?" I said, "I have no clue. Call the broker." Mandy picked up the phone and talked for a few minutes. She said, "That's good. Now how did we do?" Her eyes got big and she said, "Thanks." She looked at me with her big eyes and smiled. I said, "That good?" Mandy nodded her head smiling and said into my mind, "You won't believe it. We just swapped 400 million one dollar bills for 400 million 10 dollar bills. It all happened while we were answering questions. We still have another 400 million we bought last night that he hasn't sold yet. He thinks the price is going to go up another 7 points or more." I smiled and nodded my head, as Mandy passed me an open bag of potato chips she was munching on.

Kate and Judy were like little kids watching the news about their project. We loved it. Judy was saying, "Kate, that lip stick looks way too red on TV. Next time we need to soften it a little. Plus my blouse was too loose." Ken threw a crumpled up a piece of paper at Judy and she ducked. She threw it back and hit him. Mandy was hysterical.

I said, "Hey Ken, Changes is now 8 people. Melissa, Karen, Jody, and Janice are going to play with us. We're rehearsing on Vacation World over the weekend. Plus they are taking a honeymoon. Melissa and Jody tied the knot and so did Janice and Karen." Melissa and Jody blushed, as Mandy said, "We can't wait to watch all of them have wild sex in front of everyone." Ken said, "Any room for me in your suitcase?"

Julie said, "We can actually leave now if you want. We have the rooms reserved. I can hear that beach calling my name, Julie, Julie, come swim in my warm water and make love on my sand." Mandy said, "It's calling our names also. Lets get out of here."

Kate said, "Judy and I are going to work this weekend. We're reviewing the mail system plans and starting to implement one area this Saturday and Sunday as a prototype while it's shut down. Once we come live, it will be a 24 by 7 operation and then we'll fix any problems before we start rolling it out next week. You guys have fun, we'll join you next time." We said our goodbyes and displaced home and took our bags, and then to Melissa's house.

We all displaced to the vacation World, and Melissa and Jody were amazed at everything. Janice said, "Does everyone wear these things, with the cut out holes?" I said, "Everyone. We have about 6 each in our bags. Makes sex real easy in public. Look, over there on the couch on the lobby by the front desk." We all watched two Combined people having sex as we walked up to the front desk to register.

Amanda, the hotel manager, said, "Mandy and Jen, welcome back. You playing here this trip?" Mandy said, "Sure are. We'll get you tickets." Amanda said, "We have the old club downstairs all set for you guys to use as a rehearsal room. It's sound proof so you can play whenever you want. Here are the keys to it." I took the keys and said, "Thanks Amanda. Say hello to our new band members, great friends, and newly weds. This is Melissa and Jody, and Janice and Karen." Amanda gave each of them a wet sloppy kiss and said, "Welcome to the greatest place in the universe."

We went up to our connecting rooms and Melissa said, "Lets play some music first and see how much work we need. Then we'll know how much we can goof around the next few days." We all changed into our Vacation World outfits and went to the lower level that was locked. I opened it up and all our gear was already set up, including a full recording studio. I said, "Lets go through a few sets and do it like a show, a song at a time."

We started with the opening skit and rewrote one for all eight of us. Melissa had such a sense of humor. It was such a piss. She had Jody staying invisible a little longer and playing drums while Kathy sat and looked puzzled about the drums playing themselves. We did the first 10 songs with no problem at all, and also the gags between the tunes. We all got a chance to play all the instruments and it was so much more fun. I got a chance to play sax while Mandy played the trumpet in one tune. We had a blast, as we let Melissa and Janice sing the lead.

We worked on a slow song Mandy and I wrote a while back about our planets and turned it into 8 part acapella harmony, before the music came in. This sounded incredible. I got goose bumps down my spine when we played it. In eight hours we had the entire show and all the music sounding better than it ever did. Jody said, "We're cool. Lets record it all over the next few days. When do we play?" Mandy said, "A week from tomorrow, at the biggest club here. The place is better than Austin Texas." Julie said, "That beach is definitely calling our names for this week. It's only 4 in the afternoon here. Want to get something to eat and drink? I vote for that great place on the water where we had those huge Lobsters."

Mandy smiled and said, "I'm convinced. Melissa, any interest in splitting a 20 pound lobster with Jody?" They looked at us like we were crazy and I said, "The fish and shellfish here are huge. Mandy caught a 25 foot fish when we went fishing here. It was like a small whale. They have special equipment you can use on boats to catch the really big ones." Melissa said, "You guys go out wearing those outfits?" Mandy said, "Come on, we'll get you some. Everyone wears them and you'll get use to it."

We went up to the cloths shop in the hotel and all the cloths were like this. They all bought 6 outfits and went to their rooms to put one on and came back down, as we waited. Mandy smiled at me and said, "Melissa looks so fucking hot. So does Jody. Want to lick them on their honeymoon night?" I smiled and nodded my head. Mandy held my hand as we all walked outside. We showed them around by the hotel and it was like a Las Vegas on the beach. Mandy said, "Hold hands and we'll take you to the restaurant."

We displaced to the beach outside the restaurant and then walked up to the restaurant and went on a pier over the ocean. I said, "Hi Toni. Have any more of those 20 pounders?" He said, "Hi Jen, we have about 15 of them. You guys playing this trip?" I said, "Sure are. We'll get you some tickets. How about a seat over the water." He walked us to our seats and Jody said, "You two bribe everyone in this place?" Mandy said, "Only at the places we like. The food here is great."

A waiter came over and Mandy started asking him about his painting hobby and Jody said, "You two are unbelievable." The waiter said, "You can select your own lobsters, crabs, or fish in the tank room." We all went into the tank room and Mandy and I found our perfect lobster. She named him Herman. He was 22 pounds and we were going to spit it with Julie and Kathy. Melissa picked one out also that they were going to spilt and it was 23 pounds. These things were huge.

We went back to sit outside at out table under a canopy, and had some great rum based drinks. Last time we ate here we got so smashed we could barely walk out of the place. The drinks are all served in hollowed out coconuts and each drink is about the same as three regular ones. Tara was so drunk she was dancing on one of the tables and singing some of our tunes while Godda was passed out under the table.

Julie made a toast to the newly weds and we all drank our coconuts through straws. We finished the drink after the toast and the waiter brought over another round without us even asking. This time Mandy made a toast and she said, "Before we leave this place tonight, I bet that Melissa and Jody end up making love in the chair right next to me. Honey, wouldn't that be hot?" We all drank again and we were all feeling it already. We did four more toasts and I said, "Jody you have great nipples. Cheers." Mandy laughed at me and pinched my nipples as we finished the second coconut. The waiter brought another round and we getting out of control.

Melissa said, "Hey Mandy, is this what you were talking about?" Melissa reached over and rubbed Jody's cock that was sticking out of the hole in her outfit and got it real hard. Melissa stood up and then sat on it facing Jody and was fucking her right next to Mandy. Mandy laughed and said to me, "I am so wet baby. Let me sit on you too." Mandy and I kissed and then I got up and sat in her seat and she sat on my cock, right next to Melissa and Jody. We were both fucking at the table and Mandy was so into it. She had her arms over my shoulders and her eyes half closed, as she moved her pussy on my cock. She still had a cigarette in her fingers and she put it in her lips to take a drag. I took it out of her lips, as she blew out the smoke, and I took a drag. Mandy put her arms around my neck and pulled herself closer to me and we kissed and as we made love. I put the cigarette out and we watched Melissa fucking Jody right next to us, and touching our legs. Both of them were watching us and getting hot also. Jody reached over and touched Mandy's nipple and Melissa reached to touch mine. Mandy and I were getting so into it. We both touched their nipples also as the four of us fucked sitting in the chairs.

Julie and Kathy were kissing, and Janice was rubbing Karen's clit and cock under the table. Mandy was really making me hot and I was ready to cum. She was reading my thoughts and said into my mind, "Let me suck your cum baby." Mandy got off of me and sat on the chair next to me, leaning over and sucking my cock. She rubbed my clit at the same time and I melted as she took my entire cock in her mouth. Mandy pressed and rubbed my clit at the speed of light and I was about to blast off. She deep throated me and I shot my fist wad of white goo into her throat, as my pussy organsmed also. Mandy made a humming noise and swallowed, and then swallowed again, as I squirt my cum into her throat. She lifted up her face and kissed me, and then pushed my head down on her cock. I sucked her all the way into my throat and rubbed her clit. Then I moved my mouth to cover the mushroom head on her cock, and rubbed her shaft fast. Mandy was moaning and holding my head with her hands. I rubbed her clit and shaft as fast as I could and read her thoughts. She was in another world and just about to blast off. I deep throated her just as she shot her cum into my mouth, and her pussy spasmed. Mandy moaned loud as she held my head to her and I sucked all the cum in my mouth swallowing it. I lifted up my head and Mandy kissed me so softly. She said, "Dinner is here baby." We all laughed as the waiter served us and didn't say a word.

Melissa sat up with a mouthful of cum and showed all of us. She spit it in her drink and then chugged it. We all applauded and drank some more out of our coconuts. Jody kissed her so hard.

The Lobster was over 3 feet long and the chef split it for us, as the shell is over a quarter inch thick. We had a bowl of spicy butter sauce for dunking and we were all in heaven eating this. We had special forks that we use to pick out the meat, and then another fork to hold the meat and dunk it in the sauce. The waiter brought us more drinks and we were getting so smashed.

Mandy and I were feeding each other. She put some of the butter sauce on my nipples and licked it off, and then I did the same thing to her. Julie was slurring her words and said, "Doctor Mandy Edwards, we can't take you anywhere. You are such a messy eater. Look at all of the drips on Jen's boobs. Now clean her up this instant young lady!" We laughed so hard, as Julie dropped her fork full of lobster on her lap and it was coated with butter sauce. Kathy put her head under the table and was licking it up and Julie moaned, "Now that's the correct way to eat lobster. Lick a little more honey. Oh yeah."

We managed to finish the entire lobster tail and were now working on the claws. Mandy picked one up and was playing nipple monster with Jody. The claw was larger than our heads. We finished our drinks and the waiter brought more. We were so stuffed and so drunk.

The waiter brought us our complimentary desert and it was our favorite. We tried so hard to eat it. Mandy said, "I really am going to burst if I swallow one more bite of cheesecake."


We finished our drinks and Mandy told the waiter, "Please no more or we'll be sleeping here." He laughed and gave us the check. I signed for it and we gave him a great tip. Kathy was the only one sober enough to displace us back so she drove while we all hung on. Even she was confused. It took three stops to find the hotel. We managed to get into the elevator and all leaned against the walls to keep from falling over. Mandy and I got the giggles and couldn't stop. Everything seemed so funny.

We held each other up as we got into our room and then plopped on the bed. Mandy said, "Honey, your cloths stink of lobster." I said, "That's because you dunked sauce all over me and dripped it. Now lick it up." Mandy was giggling and sucked my nipple. She said, "The cloths have to go. They really stink." We took our cloths off and threw them on the floor. Mandy said, "Can you think straight enough to make us couples or what ever it's called?" I was so dizzy and said, "Lay still and I'll do it, just stop moving your pussy around." Mandy was laughing and I made her a Combined couple and then did me. I had to redo me three times as I kind of messed up. Mandy was laughing so hard she was crying.

I laid down and said, "Is my pussy on straight now?" Mandy could barely talk from laughing and said, "At least it's in the right spot now. Lets do it anyway honey. I'm so horny." The room was spinning, as Mandy lay on top of me. She pushed her cock into my pussy and mine slipped into hers. I wrapped my legs and arms around her and I rolled us on our side. Mandy started to laugh again and said, "I feel like I just fell 50 feet. Just fuck baby. No more sudden moves." We made love like we were in a fog. We both blasted off, and then passed out, or at least that's all I can remember.

Melissa and Jody woke us up at 8 in the morning, and they were laughing hysterically. Jody said, "I thought we were drunk. Look at yourselves." I looked at Mandy and she looked at me and we couldn't stop laughing. I said, "No wonder it felt so weird last night." Mandy was still laughing and pointing at my pussy which was sideways. We fixed ourselves to be normal Combined and Mandy kissed me while we were still laughing. I said, "It's a good thing we didn't get up to go to the bathroom during the night."

We went into the bathroom and there was pee all over the floor. Mandy looked at me and said, "I guess we did. I don't remember a thing after we blasted off. Do you?" I said, "Nope. Just black space." We wiped up the pee with a towel and climbed into the shower. Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Those drinks are lethal. We were so fucked up. I can't believe we had our pussies crooked. What a piss." We showered, cleaned up, and put on fresh outfits.

We all went into the common room for breakfast and Julie was laughing hysterically and Kathy was blushing. Julie said, "We were so smashed last night Kathy had got her ass and pussy confused when we made ourselves couples." Melissa said, "These two were wearing their pussies on a 45 degree angle." Mandy and I started to laugh again as we sat down to eat. I said, "It took us three tries to get it that close. You should have seen the first two."

I said to Mandy, "How about a beach day? I'd love to lay one the beach with your honey and make love on the sand where the waves break. I'm way to spacey still to do much of anything else. I think I'm still drunk." Mandy kissed me so sexy and said, "I am too. Lets just goof off on the beach today."

Mandy said, "Any one for skiing tomorrow?" Melissa said, "You can ski here. It's so warm." Mandy said, "We'll displace there through the teleportation system. It's like the North Pole on earth, except the mountains are higher than anything you've ever seen. This is where the downhill race was held that Allison won. It's the fastest course on any planet. We'll take you there tomorrow after we recover from last night. Anyway, you'll love the beach here. It's so clean, the sand is real fine and almost pink, and the water is blue green, clear and warm. Plus you can do anything you want, anywhere. We slept on the beach a few nights on our last visit. It was great. Maybe we could go gambling tonight. They have some real cool games here that we don't have on earth."

We finished our breakfast and took a blanket, towels, and our cigarettes, and went on the elevator to the ground floor and went out directly onto the beach. It was as gorgeous, as I remembered it with a nice sea breeze, and not too hot. We walked down closer to the water and saw a few groups of people and couples all making love. Melissa said, "This is so wild."

We all lay on the blankets and had some philosophical discussions about life in general, and the way we have changed things. Melissa said, "Mandy, when Janice and I met you in that coffee shop in Chicago twenty seven or so years ago, did you ever image that we would end up like this. We were thrilled to just be able to play music. Now we're creating worlds, and are part of the Guardians of the human race. Kind of amazing, isn't it?"

Mandy said, "I've never really thought about it like that. I just do what feels right and take it one day at a time. We have always felt that we were so lucky about everything. The bands, the company when we started it, then the fifteen other companies we started, the way Julie and I met Jen and Kathy. We always thought it was dumb luck, but it wasn't. It was Tara and Godda making sure we were the ones. They told us. We couldn't have failed at anything if we really tried. Once we made it, then it was all us. Tara said that they stopped helping us when they knew we could make it ourselves. Having kids from Gary and Ken was no accident either. They kind of helped that along also. They knew that all of our kids would be brilliant. Tara called it genetic engineering to ensure that we carry on their work. So to answer your question Melissa, I didn't even think we had a chance at getting a record contact until Dave and Joanne started Just Music. Tara gave Joanne the idea for it with a suggestion, just like we do sometimes. I guess that's why I'm a little humble about all of this most of the time."

Jody, Melissa, and Mandy started talking about all of the screwed up things they did when they were first in the band, and I laughed so hard. Mandy was getting embarrassed, as some of it was so funny. Mandy said, "Do you really think we could have pulled off some of that stuff if someone wasn't helping us. We had things just fall into our lap. Granted we knew what to do with them, but it was handed to us on a silver spoon. Jody, what are Rusty and Bobby doing now? You ever hear from them?"

Jody said, "I heard from Rusty about 9 months ago. They cleaned up their act and are playing small clubs with a local band in Texas. They were in jail a second time, but you knew that. I think they will always be total fuck ups. Dad won't even talk to them any more. Same thing from Ellen. She's playing in Texas also, and she won't give them the right time of day."

We all lit a cigarette and Mandy said, "Honey, enough of this memory lane stuff. We have the next million years for that. I want to hold you in my arms and feel you against my body." Mandy and I took off our cloths and lay together, holding each other, lying in the sun. Everyone did the same thing as us. It was so romantic being out here with Mandy. We both loved it.

We cuddled and kissed, and then really got into it. We made love on the blanket with everyone around us. After about and hour, Mandy and I moved to lie on the hard wet sand where the waves were foaming up. We kissed and had the water run all over us. We caressed each other and rode in the waves, each time we got pulled out.

We spent the entire day until the sun went down on the beach just goofing around and making love. I buried Mandy's legs in the sand and then she did mine. She sat on my face after she buried me and I got so turned on. She told me it was the bondage thing.

We all went back to the room at dusk, cleaned up, and then went back on the beach for a `dinner on the beach party' sponsored by the hotel. We all cooked our own pigow steaks on scours over a huge fire pit in the sand. I think Melissa and Jody fell more in love that day and night that they ever had been. We didn't see them once without kissing. Janice and Karen disappeared back to the room and we knew what they were doing. Mandy and I had a chance to finally take a much needed break and just do nothing. It was wonderful.

I was sitting on the sand, leaning back against a large driftwood log and sharing a cigarette with Mandy who was sitting between my legs and leaning back on me. I had my hands around her and was cupping her breast and gently rubbing her nipple with one hand, and softly stroking her cock with the other. It was dark except for the fire on the beach and the cigarette glowed red, as Mandy took a drag. I said, "You still feel like playing snow bunny tomorrow?" She smiled and said, "Why? What did you have in mind?" I said, "I was thinking about maybe going to the island we wanted to see last time. Maybe do some scuba diving with an underwater camera. I'd like to take a picture of one of those 40 foot fish that swim on the reefs." Mandy turned her head back to me and said, "Jen honey, you are such a romantic, just like I am. Of course I'll do that with you. We can ski anytime." Mandy and I kissed and I melted. I read her mind as we kissed and I rubbed her cock faster, as she was getting turned on. Mandy slid to my side a little and I leaned forward and sucked on her cock, as I rubbed the shaft. Mandy was saying into my mind, "This feels so good baby. Let me watch you swallow my cum. This gets me so hot."

I sucked Mandy's cock and rubbed her shaft, as she was rubbing my nipple with one hand and holding my head on her cock with the other. I used my tongue on her cock also, and she was ready to explode. I rubbed my hand faster and Mandy held me tight and jerked. Her cock spasmed and pulsated, as the first blast of warm white goo shot into my mouth. I held it in on my tongue, as Mandy squirted 8 more times. I lifted up my head with my lips closed and Mandy was begging me in my mind to kiss her. I kept my lips closed and smiled as she kissed me a tried to open them. She was smiling now and said, "Honey, I'm so hot. Share it with me." I opened my mouth and we kissed, letting the cum drip out down my chin on Mandy's face as we kissed and swallowed. Mandy went wild kissing me and then we licked up the drips on each other's face.

We looked up and saw Julie and Kathy holding hands in front of us, and Melissa and Jody kissing right next to us, sitting on the log. Kathy said, "You two are so sexy. My pussy got so wet, and look at how hard I am from watching that." We both smiled, as Kathy bent down and licked the side of my face saying, "You missed some." Melissa said, "I think we're going to pass on the skiing tomorrow." I said, "We had a different plan also. How about we all go to an island, scuba dive, and take underwater pictures of 40 foot fish?" Kathy said, "We're definitely in for that." Melissa said, "Us too. That sounds cool."

Mandy whispered into my ear, "It's too cold out here for us tonight baby. Lets go to bed. I want to love you all night long." Julie said, "You read our minds." We all went into the hotel and to our rooms.

Mandy and I took a quick shower to get rid of the sand and then lay in bed together. I lit a cigarette taking a deep drag and Mandy took the cigarette out of my lips with her fingers and took a drag also. We were lying against each other and Mandy said into my mind, "Read my mind honey. Tell me if you think this will work."

I read Mandy's mind and she was racing through fish anatomy and studying how gills work. Then she showed me how they would be on our necks and how the water would flow and oxygen would enter our lungs. I said, "Let's try it. If it doesn't work, we'll use our powers to flush our lungs. So much for the scuba gear." Mandy smiled and said, "Lets swim with the fish and communicate with them. Now these will be great pictures."

I rolled over on top of Mandy and she said, "Sweetheart, this has been the best vacation we've had in a long time. I love just goofing off with you all day and making love." I took two drags of the cigarette holding in the smoke, and then slowly blew it out through my nose. Mandy was licking my lips and giggling. She said, "Make fishy lips. We're going to need to practice it for tomorrow." I made fishy lips and she did also, kissing me. We both laughed, and she took a drag of the cigarette. Mandy said, "Combined couples baby. That is the hottest thing we have ever done. I love how it feels for both of us."

We both took a final drag of the cigarette and I changed us in seconds. We finally got the hang of it, or at least when we weren't drunk. We interlocked, with Mandy wrapping her legs and arms around me this time, and we made love for hours sharing our thoughts. We blasted off together four times, and the feelings were intensified as we each felt what the other felt at the same time.

We were getting tired so Mandy let me off of her, and I changed us back to normal Combined. We lay in a 69 position on our sides and drove each other crazy with our tongues. I wiggled my tongue at least 14 inches into Mandy's pussy and she was saying in my mind, "That's going somewhere it never has before. Jen honey, don't stop. Oh wow, I cumming already." Mandy and I experimented and almost flooded the bed. We both found a new way of triggering our G-spots, but was really far inside of us. We licked and sucked our pussy cum for a long time and then gave each other a great blowjob. I loved how it felt when Mandy's cock pulsated in my mouth and her cum shot onto my tongue. We both swallowed, and then lay next to each other, caressing and kissing. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

Jody woke us up at 9 in the morning and said, "Breakfast is ready." Mandy grabbed Jody and pulled her in bed with us and we all were laughing. Jody said, "Mandy, you haven't changed in 25 years. Come on, get up! You're having way too much fun and too much sex!" We all laughed and got out of bed. Mandy and I went into the bathroom and got cleaned up and then went into the common room for breakfast.

Mandy and I ate our breakfast and Janice said, "We like the island idea better than skiing too. Count us in." I told all of them about Mandy's idea and we decide to go try it in 5 feet of water off the beach after breakfast. Jody turned on the TV and we watched the news as we drank our coffee and had a cigarette. Some of it was funny. It was a mix of things on this planet, and about 5 others, including earth. They had a story of one of our judges sentencing a dog to be educated after it bit someone, and now the owner doesn't want the dog anymore as it talks back to him. They also had a few things about SolarNational and we saw the stock price. Mandy said, "Holy shit. We need to do a split again when we get back."

We all went to the beach and walked into the water just up to our necks. Mandy said, "Read me mind and wait until I see if it works before you try it. If I get in trouble, pull me up." Mandy sat on the bottom and we read her mind. She said, "I'm getting more oxygen from the water, than I was from the air. Try it." We all sat on the bottom and gave ourselves gills. I was so weird breathing underwater. Mandy said into our minds, "Blow the water out through your gills and then make them go away, as soon as you stick your head out of the water." Mandy did it first and then we all followed. Melissa said, "Now that was cool."

We went back to the room and Mandy was reading my mind, as I was remote viewing our closet at home trying to find the new camera. Mandy said, "That's it. In the black case." I displaced it to the table in the room and we opened the case. I said, "I wanted to try this underwater since we got it. It holds 600 digital photos and is water tight."

Julie called the front desk and asked about going to the island. She hung up and said, "Boat leaves in 15 minutes. Shall we?" We went out the side entrance of the hotel and walked on a long ramp that lead to a dock on a small inlet. We all got on the boat with about 10 other people and enjoyed the hour cruise to the island. They announced on the boat that return boats leave every hour from where we were being dropped off. Mandy asked the captain about the reef and the large fish. He said to us, "There are lots of sharks there also. Be real careful. You'll see the reef as we pass over it, and you can see how it wraps around to be only about 200 feet off the shore line in one spot." We all watched as he went over it and we saw a few huge fish, and also followed the reef through the crystal clear water over to where it was close to shore.

I said into everyone's mind, "Remember to not panic and use your powers if you run into an unfriendly fish that wants us for a snack." Mandy smiled and said back into our minds, "I want to try to communicate with them. Lets see if our built in translator works."

The boat docked and we got off, and walked down the ramp over to the beach. We waited until no one was looking and Mandy displaced us to the beach about 5 miles away where the reef was real close to shore. She said, "Lets go in the water and make our gills and then swim out."

We walked into the water and it was warm and so clear. We got over our heads and made our gills. We all swam around a little and then swam over to the reef. The water was about 15 feet deep here and we saw so many huge fish. I got a picture of one swimming up to Mandy. She said into my mind, "read me mind everyone." Mandy tried to communicate with the fish and we all heard what sounded like sonar blips and the translator turned it into English for us. Mandy spoke back and she was telling the fish that we were friends. Mandy held onto a fin on the fish and fish swam around, as Mandy was laughing in her mind. I took a few pictures and she was saying, "Jen, come try this." I held on also and we were pulled so fast through the water.

Jody and Melissa found a huge snail shell that was big enough for a few people to walk into. They swam into it and then out, as I took a few pictures of them. We spent the next hour exploring all the local fish and marine life, and taking some really cool pictures. Mandy got a picture of me with my arm around a 25 foot fish.

We were slowly swimming further out to sea, down the reef, when all of a sudden all of the fish that were playing with us took off like they were spooked. We looked around and Mandy pointed and said into our mind, "Great White shark. Lets' try to communicate with it also. Get ready to help me with your powers if it attacks."

Mandy was reading the mind of the shark and communicating. It was amazing. The shark was much smarter than any of the other fish. Mandy said, "We are the part of a group that created life and are the Guardians of it. We mean you no harm." The shark didn't believe her and Mandy said, "I'll show you in your mind." Mandy showed the shark how the world began, and the how the water was formed. She also showed the shark how the first shark evolved. The shark called her God in their language and Mandy said, "We are the creators."

I couldn't believe it, as Mandy swam over to the 30 foot Great White and was petting the back of the sharks face. We heard the shark send out a message to all of the other's and they all swam over. In 2 minutes there had to be 200 great white sharks. Some of them 40 feet long. Mandy spoke to all of them in their minds, and showed them the creation of life. Then she transferred the knowledge of love to them. We all swam over to her and all touched the sharks. Their leader said in a sonar type of language, that was translated for us, "You come from the shadows above. Your kind always means us harm. How can you be the creators?"

I said into our minds, "The shadows above are the bottom of boats." Mandy said, "We can live above with the others, or under water with you. As you can see we are breathing oxygen from the water, just as you are. All life shares the planet, the water and the air. We mean you no harm and only want to enjoy your company for the short time we can stay here." The sharks all swam around us and were playing. Mandy told them of the light from my camera so they won't be afraid and I took so many incredible pictures. Them Melissa took some pictures of me and Mandy with the 50 foot monster shark. We were holding onto his dorsal fin as he swam around in a circle.

Mandy and I were holding each other, as the sharks swam around and Mandy said into my mind, "Combined couples honey. Lets make love under water." I changed us and we interlocked in the water. Mandy told the sharks that we were mating and they swam around us. Julie and Kathy did it also, and so did Melissa and Jody, as Janice and Karen took pictures. Mandy and I fucked and kissed under water using our fishy lips. We both laughed in our minds and had two orgasms. The sharks sensed our love and swam close to us. One stopped right under us and let us float down on top of her. It was so unbelievable. We made love floating and just touching the sharks back. Janice took tons of pictures. Melissa held the camera while her and Jody were going at it and she took pictures of Janice and Karen also.

Mandy asked one of the sharks if we could hold onto their dorsal fins to get back to the shoreline. They all swam with us and we were back in minutes. Mandy patted several on the head and we said goodbye. They swam away and we swam into shore. Just before we surfaced we got ride of the gills and then walked to the beach. I said, "That was incredible. Mandy, you out did yourself this time. I would have never guessed how they communicate."

We all sat down on a log by our cloths. Mandy took out a cigarette and lit it, as we looked at the pictures on the camera viewfinder. The shots were amazing. I said, "That one gets framed in the boardroom. Mandy smiled and said, "Yup. No one will ever believe it. Baby, we tamed the wildest of the wild today." We looked at almost 425 pictures that we took in the six hours we were under water.


We put on out outfits again and displaced back to the beach by the dock. We looked at a map and decide to walk around, as the town was right around the corner from the dock. We went into the town to find one outdoor caf‚ and restaurant after another, all advertising their special rum drinks. We couldn't resist. We found one that had nice outdoor seating in the shade and sat at a table for eight. Jody said, "Eight of the special rum drinks."

I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. I held in the smoke as we watched all the people walk on the brick streets in this island town. Melissa said, "It's kind of like the San Antonio river walk, except with an ocean." Mandy smiled at me as we both remembered being in San Antonio. The waitress brought our drinks in foot tall glasses, as Mandy took a drag of my cigarette. Jody said, "No shit. We're going to get blasted. Look at the size of these things." We started with the toasts again and I made the first to Mandy, "You are so crazy it's contagious. How in the fuck did you expect us to stop that shark from eating you whole if your idea didn't work?" Melissa said, "Here, here" and we all drank the rum coconut flavored drink. Mandy said, "I was ready to turn him into a gold fish as soon as I saw him start to attack." Everyone laughed and drank again. Melissa toast me as the sexiest woman to ever fuck on the back of a shark, which was good for a few laughs also.

We looked through the photos again on the view finder as we were getting smashed. This drink was stronger than what we had the other night. Julie said, "My mom just called me in my mind and the club wants us to play tomorrow also. How about we go back to the hotel and play a set like it was the show. That way we know we have the whole thing down pat. We can invite people in to listen if you want an audience." Julie took a big sip of her drink and said, "Wow, is this stuff strong. My toes are tingling." Jody said, "Paging doctor Julie, that's because you're sitting on them." Julie smiled and said, "Oh yeah."

We finished our drink and had a solid buzz, as we walked around to a few of the shops. Melissa stopped us at a TV in a window of a store and said, "Look familiar?" We watched the commercial for Pharma-Flexible and so did about twenty other people. They all went inside to buy it. Mandy said, "Oh what a marvelous sound. I can hear the cash registers ringing in my head." We walked back to the beach waiting until no one was looking and then I displaced us all back to our room. We put the camera and a few bags we bought down, and I got the keys to the downstairs club.

We went down to the lobby and Mandy asked the front desk to announced a free show in the club at 10 this evening, and they also put up a sign. We went downstairs to rehearse.

We played everyone song and then Jody and Janice set the recording gear up and we recorded every tune playing it live. Jody said, "We'll displace the disks back to your studio and I'll do the mix. We're definitely ready. Let's see how the crowd likes us."

We stopped at 8:30 and went upstairs for dinner. Tonight we ordered eight different dishes and had the chef put a portion of each of our plates so we could each taste everything. The food here was fantastic.

We had a cigarette and then went back downstairs at about 10 minutes to 10. The place was mobbed and we had trouble getting to the stage. Jody turned on the PA system and Mandy said, "Welcome to our rehearsal concert. Some of you may recognize us as Changes, and we are playing tomorrow night at the new Trump club. We've added some band members that use to play with us in another group years ago called Sage, and we wanted an audience to tell us if you like the way it sounds. So let us know what you think."

The manager came in and Mandy asked him to work the lights and we all went on stage as the lights got so dim you couldn't see more than a few feet. We made ourselves invisible to everyone and started the show as the lights got brighter. This looked so cool with Jody and Kathy using the drum sticks. Jody did a role and stayed invisible, as we all materialized and started the first tune. Jody them materialized and the crowd all stood cheering as we played our song that was currently number one on Vacation World. The singing and music were better than they ever were, plus we added a blues harp, horns and other things to the act. We finished the first song and the crowd went crazy. Mandy and I started to laugh looking at each other and Melissa gave us the thumbs up.

I said into the mic, "I guess it sounds okay. What do you think Mandy?" Mandy walked over to me and said, "You suck on guitar." We stared one of our gags where she bets me I can't play something really fast. I did it and then Melissa picks up a guitar and blows us both away and we both pay her a quarter, as Jody plays the drums and starts the next tune.

We all walked on air in that song, and also each of us went into the audience to play during the show. Janice was such a piss. She pinched Karen's nipples and then vanished, and then did it to each of us. It wasn't rehearsed, but neither were a lot of the gags. We had a blast. We did our slow tune with 8 part acapella harmony to start the song, and you could hear a pin drop between words of the song. When the music came in loud all at once, we all got goose bumps down our spines when we did the back ground harmony to Mandy singing lead. This song was better now than it ever was. The crowd went wild.

We played a double show with 34 songs. We were getting tired and Julie said into the mic, "We're going to do one more tune, and we really hope you liked the show. So tell us. How was it?" We all put our hands to our ears and the small crowd of about 1,000 screamed so loud my ears hurt. Mandy laughed and said, "We're ready." We did a sing along in the verses for the last tune. It's a real fast rocker and no one sat the entire time. The crowd sang back louder than the PA system. We ended the song with some outrageous solos by each of us and then stopped on a dime. The cheering was deafening, as we thanked everyone for coming.

We turned off the gear and walked off the stage, as we spotted Tara and Godda sitting at a table with a few of the others. We walked over and I said, "We didn't know you were here." Tara said, "We got here this afternoon and saw the sign. This sounds better than before. The music and show is amazing." I said, "Want to see something amazing? Come on up to our room for a few minutes."

They walked with us to our room and I took out the camera. I said, "Tara, did you know that we can breath underwater by making our own gills?" Godda said, "How?" Mandy said, "Look into my mind." Mandy showed them how we did it medically and I took out the camera. I said, "We went swimming underwater today for a little over 6 hours and took pictures. You are going to flip when you see these."

We showed them the first hundred and I said, "Mandy figured out that our translators work for fish. They can communicate, and so can sharks. Look at these." They all looked at the pictures and Traff said, "That shark has to be 50 feet long and you're petting it. What did you tell it?" Melissa said, "Mandy told them that we were part of the group that created life on this world. She showed them the creation in their minds and then she transferred the love lesson to them. Look at the other photos. They're wild. The sharks swam around us and played with us while we made love underwater. Then they gave us a ride back to the shore. There were probably 250 to 300 of them with us."

Tara said, "Mandy, you and Jen are making love on a shark's back. This is so incredible. What if they attacked you?" Mandy said, "Then they would have instantly become tiny Goldfish with sharp teeth." Tara was laughing and said, "I figured you had a plan."

They looked at the images displayed on the camera view finder screen and had their mouths hanging open. Tara said, "Come join us for a few drinks in the club." We all went down to the lobby and to the real club in the hotel. Everyone knew Tara and they immediately cleared an area and set up a table for all 16 of us.

We started with the rum drinks again and making toasts. Mandy toasted Tara as making excellent fish. Eight drinks later we were totally smashed. Tara was dancing and singing on the table and then we all stood up and joined her. Godda laughed so hard she started to pee and Traff knelt in front of her and licked it off her pussy. We were all so out of control. We closed the place down at 4 in the morning and the bellhops used their carts to get us to our room. I remember Mandy sitting behind me like on a motorcycle and trying to lean into the turns. She almost flipped our cart over and we laughed about it.

Somehow we managed to get into bed and the room was spinning a mile a minute. Mandy fixed that by having us sleeping on the floor sitting up, and leaning against the bed. We both passed out within seconds of leaning back on the pillows.

We woke up at 11 and Mandy said, "Sweetheart, how did we get on the floor?" I said, "This was your idea to stop the room from spinning." She said, "Oh yeah. We were so trashed last night. How do you feel?" I said, "I'm fine. How about you?" Mandy smiled and said, "I feel like having wonderful sex with you, right after we hit the bathroom."

We both got up and peed for about 5 minutes and then lay down in the bed. We caressed each other and it felt so good, with Mandy's warm touch. Mandy was melting when I sucked her nipples, as she arched her back and then kissed my ear and whispered into it, "Honey, I want you so bad." She licked and sucked my nipples, and then lay between my legs and licked my pussy until I came like a river. I did the same thing to her and then we turned ourselves into Combined couples again and make love. Making love like this was the most amazing feeling. All of our senses are on overload at the same time and it gets amplified when we share our thoughts.

Mandy lay on her back and I lay on top of her. This time we did it with me on top for hours. Mandy had her legs spread and knees bent, with her arms around my back. We were breathing heavy into each other's ear, and kissing. Mandy wrapped her legs around me and rolled me over so I was on my back. Mandy spread her legs so they were on either side of me and she said into my ear, "Let's fuck like snow bunnies baby." Mandy moved up and down on my cock and hers went in and out of me at the same time. We made our cocks a little bit larger than when we started and both had one orgasm after another. I wrapped my arms around Mandy and she rolled us on our side with her legs around me. We made love for three hours.

We stopped for a smoke break, lying on our sides facing each other. I lit a cigarette and took a drag, when Jody came into the room with Melissa. They climbed into bed with us and lay on either side of us. Melissa was smiling and said, "Feel like a little back door action also?" Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and kissed me as we both moved the covers to expose our ass. Melissa spit on her hand and lubed my ass, as Jody did the same to Mandy. We both took a final drag of the cigarette, as Melissa pushed her cock into my ass, and Jody pushed hers into Mandy's ass. Mandy and I were fucking again in perfect rhythm to Jody and Melissa's strokes into us. I was on fire and lip locked to Mandy. We shared our thoughts and she was on overload as much as I was. She kept saying into my mind, "I love you honey. I love you. Cum inside of me again, when I cum."

We blasted off together at the same time Jody and Melissa shot their loads in our asses. I almost passed out from the intense orgasm. We all lay still recovering and Mandy said into my mind, "I was as light headed as you were. Wow!" We smiled at each other and I said, "Feel like swimming underwater right off the beach for a while?"

Mandy said, "Yeah, I do. That was so much fun. How about you two. Feel like taking your cocks out of our asses and going swimming?" Something about that just sounded so funny, we all started to laugh. Melissa pulled her semi-hard shaft out of my ass and it felt so good when she pulled out. I really wanted her to put it back in. Mandy was reading my mind and she laughed saying, "Me too. Feels good on the way out, doesn't it?"

We went to the bathroom again and Mandy and I lay down and sucked the cum out of pussies, and then we had a pee adventure in the tub, and a shower. We put on our next clean outfit and went out to the common room. Janice had ordered us all breakfast and we sat to eat at almost 2 PM. Julie and Kathy were just getting up and I said, "We're going underwater swimming off the shore here for a while. Want to join us?" Julie said, "Sure. We just have to be back by 8 to do a sound check at the club. I think we go on at 11."

We were staved and ate the breakfast like pigs. We had some coffee and a cigarette as we watched a little of the news. It was a rerun, and we all laughed. Kathy said, "That's the problem with being out of sync with the time of the other planets. On the other hand, our hits stay in the charts here five times as long."

We grabbed some towels and went to the beach. We took off our outfits and lay them on the towels and walked out into the water. We swam out about a hundred feet and then submerged and made our gills. The water here was a little cloudy because of the sand so we swam out about 500 feet and it was crystal clear. We all swam to the bottom and played with a few small fish. We spotted a large fish and it swam away and then we explored the areas in about 40 feet of water. Mandy said into my mind, "Lets go over to that shipwreck", as she pointed. We all swam over and it was an old wooden ship. Mandy and I stood at the ships wheel pretending we were steering it and Julie was laughing in our minds, as Kathy said, "No wonder it sunk. You two were driving."

We swam back towards shore and found a huge school of fish. They weren't big but there were hundreds of them. We could see where the shoreline was now and were in about 20 feet of water. The school of fish took off and we knew it was a shark. We all looked around and sure enough it was some of the sharks from yesterday. They were communicating with us. We swam with them for over an hour as they took us into a cave and then back out to the ocean again. Mandy asked them about shipwrecks on the bottom of the ocean and they lead us to one about a half mile out. It was very large ocean liner than looked almost new. Julie said into our minds, "I'll remember the name. Lets see what's inside."

We swam with the sharks inside the ship. There were treasures on this beyond belief. We swam into the vault which was open, and found diamonds, pearls, gold, silver, and other precious gems. Mandy thanked the sharks and they told us they had to leave to feed. We petted them goodbye and swam towards shore again. We were in about 10 feet of water and Mandy said into my mind, "Lets make love again honey. I love the way it feels in the water." We became Combined couples again and floated about 7 feet under water making love. Everyone else was doing the same thing. Mandy and I sank to the bottom and made love, and so did everyone else. Julie and Kathy were right next to us, and Melissa and Jody were a foot over us. Janice and Karen were next to our feet. Mandy and I were floating on our sides and we looked up to see the bottom of a boat go by and people looking into the water at us. Mandy said into all of our minds, "I think we need to get out of here." Kathy said, "Let's give them something to talk about. Watch this." Kathy pushed off the bottom and jumped out of the water like a fish with her feet together, and then swam with us down the shore line. I said into our minds, "They will be talking about mermaids for the next hundred years because of you."

We all laughed in our minds and swam to the beach. We got rid of our gills and walked up the beach. Julie said, "I want to find out about that boat, the Emperor. There had to be over a billion dollars of gems in that vault." I said, "The sharks were cool. They got into it when you asked about the shipwreck. You could tell they were afraid to go inside it until we went in first. So much for their fearsome reputation." Mandy said, "No kidding. Did you hear what the big one said to us when we went inside, "Its dark in there. I'm staying right here."

We dried off and put on our outfits again and walked back towards the hotel. There was a commotion on the dock so we walked over and heard people being interviewed about seeing mermaids jump out of the water. I said, "Kathy, now we have to go to the island to swim. People will be looking for us in the water everywhere." Mandy said, "Not unless we tell them it was just us goofing around and we're not mermaids. Lets do it now."

We walked up on the dock and Mandy said, "We hope we didn't scare you folks out on the boat. We were just having some fun and we hate to disappoint you, but we aren't mermaids. That was Kathy that jumped out of the water like a fish." Kathy made her hair look like it was when she jumped out of the water and everyone was so disappointed. Kathy said, "Maybe if I grow some fins we can do it again for you." They all laughed and the news story was over. We went inside to our room.

Julie said, "We have enough time to grab a quick bite to eat at the club if we get dressed and leave within 20 minutes." Mandy and I made a mad dash for the bathroom to get ready. Our hair was a disaster and Mandy said, "Lets go el natural tonight, frizzes and all. Who knows maybe someone will call it the new sexy look craze." We looked at each other scrunching our noses and Mandy said, "Fuck it. We just won't eat. Hop in the shower with me honey." I said, "We get pizza before we play anyway. Tonight we'll actually eat it." Mandy said, "Yuck. You don't even want to taste it. It's cardboard with sauce on it."

We washed each other and were out in no time. We combed our hair and put on makeup. I said, "Lets just air dry the hair. We look good no matter what we do." Mandy put her arms around me smiling and said, "How about we wear our outfits on stage. That will be a shocker." I said, "I don't think the corporate world is ready for that yet. We can do it, but we'll be retired for sure next week." Mandy laughed and said, "Maybe that's not so bad after all. I really liked this week."

We wore our normal cloths for the gig and so did everyone else. We displaced to the club and they were just about ready for our sound check. We went on stage and the MC greeted us and said, "We are so glad you could make it today also. The band we booked had to cancel. You're playing after a new group called Train Wreck." We all laughed and he said, "I know. I just hope they sound half way decent."

We all got on our instruments and we did half of a song and Mandy said, "Cut. The levels are horrible. Jody can you go set them and then come back down." We played again and Jody worked the board. It sounded good and then we did some singing only. We listened into Jody's mind as she was yelling at the sound engineer and said, "Don't touch anything unless we tell you too! Understand?"


We all laughed as Jody came back to the stage and said, "This guy is awful. Lets hear it on stage once." We started a song and played it half way through. Jody screamed into the mic, "I told you not to touch a fucking thing! Are you fucking deaf! Now move that fader on Mandy's mic back to where I had it! Who do you work for?" The engineer said into the stage monitor system, "I work for the club. Your engineer isn't here yet."

Mandy said, "We're sorry about this. Jody thought you were new to our operation. Just leave the boards alone. We'll take care of it. We just need you to work the lights. I'll explain it."

We got off the stage and Mandy went to the engineer's booth. She explained it all and apologized. We went back stage and I had a piece of pizza. It was flavored cardboard. Everyone laughed when I couldn't swallow it and had to spit it out. I said, "It's the new diet pizza. You can chew it all night and never gain a pound."

We all had a beer and lit cigarettes as a sound engineer from the company showed up. She said, "You don't recognize me, do you Mandy. I was Jeff, up until two weeks ago. Now I'm Justine. Barbara and I decide to get married and we both like it better as Combined women. We're here on our honeymoon and I was asked to fill in. Guess I'm your engineer tonight. Can you do a quick half song again. I want to mark the levels on the board."

We went back on stage and played a song and Justine tweaked a few things and we all nodded. She said, "Just a vocal line or two. Let me set the blend." We did the intro with 8 part harmony to the acapella beginning of a song. She said into the monitor system, "Thick as a brick. Sounds great. That's all I need. Do you know where the other band is?" We all shrugged our shoulders and Justine and Barbara went out to talk to the MC.

We went backstage again and finished our beer and had another cigarette. The other band played half of a song and were horrible. Justine just left the mix alone. I said, "What did we get ourselves into tonight?" Mandy said, "Lets watch some of it being invisible. It should be really funny. My guess is that we'll go on early."

Train Wreck came back stage and introduced themselves. They had body piecing and tattoos everywhere. Mandy said into our minds, "That style went out years ago." The lead singer said, "We do hard core stuff. We'll loosen the crowd up for you."

The MC came back stage and said, "The people are coming in now. Train Wreck, you guys are on in about 10 minutes. Wait for my cue. Go on stage when the lights dim." The MC was laughing to himself and said, "Train Wreck. Oh shit."

Train Wreck went on stage, as we made ourselves invisible to everyone and walked out to the club floor by the stage and watched. The MC said, "Tonight we do have a slight change to the program. Unfortunately Little Wing can't be with us tonight, but the band Changes has agreed to fill it." The crowd went wild cheering and then the MC said, "We have an opening act who are new to Vacation World. Please welcome Train Wreck." You could hear laughing and then they started to play.

They were so horrible, the laughing got louder. Everyone thought it was a comedy act. Nothing was in time, and the vocals were so off key. So was the bass. We laughed with everyone else. When they finished the first song the laughing was slowly being replace by boos. By the end of the second song they were throwing food at the stage. We went back stage to get ready. We turned visible and laughed so hard. They really sucked so bad it was funny.

The MC came running back stage and said, "What should I do?" We couldn't stop laughing and Mandy said, "Get the hook. Pull the fucking plug. Train Wreck just got derailed." The MC now was laughing and had to go do something. He walked on stage and took a mic after their forth song and said, "Thank you Train Wreck. Now for the main event."

Train Wreck walked past us back stage and we waited for the lights to dim. We made ourselves invisible and went on stage. The fireworks started and the stage lights went on and we did out shtick. Four drum sticks dancing in air, three guitars, and a Sax, things floating on stage and then the drum roll. We all turned visible and the song started with Jody still dancing the sticks. She turns visible and picks up the blues harp and blows one hell of a solo. Kathy changed the beat and we went straight into our number one hit here. The place was all standing up and cheering and we played great. The sound Justine got out of this system was fantastic.

We ended the first song and did our guitar gags except Julie, Kathy, Jody, and Janice were all singing softly in harmony old songs from the 1940s in the background. Mandy and I tried not to laugh when they did Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy and Julie said into our minds, "Got ya." It was a great into, because the next tune starts like a big band tune with the horns. The audience didn't sit down at all.

We all walked into the audience in the first 6 songs. I walked over them and people had no clue how I did it. I pinched Mandy's nipple and she really pinched my ass and started to laugh. The audience was hysterical. Janice did her disappearing act except this time she displaced to the back of the club and said to us on her cordless mic, "You guys are getting so slow."

We had the audience sing along and it was deafening as usual. Then we did one of the older tunes that we really liked how it sounded last night. I got to play one hell of a lead guitar part. Melissa and I traded off on it and then played it in harmony. Mandy got to play the Hammond B3 organ, and she loved it.

We calmed it down a little and Melissa said, "We were here vacationing and got a call to play at this new club. We think it's great and you are a terrific audience. We want to bring it down a little and do a song that Mandy and Jen wrote a while back and that we all love. Mandy put on the folk guitar and played a chord so we could all get our notes. Kathy counted it out and we sang the 8 part harmony acapella a song. It was a thick as a brick, as Justine put it. You could hear a pin drop as we paused between words in one part. Kathy gave us our cue and we all came in loud with the music and background harmony while Mandy sang lead. Wow was this dramatic. We all had goose bumps again and everyone in the audience stood and cheered while we played. We played the song as normal and then end it quickly and went into the chorus again acapella. Then we did it again with music and really ended it. The place went wild. Mandy walked over and hugged me and we both had a tear in our eyes, as the applause got louder.

We played a double show and didn't want to stop. We were having a blast. We even did an old blues tune. People were screaming for it and we even heard `Sage' screamed out at least 10 times. We were on our 32nd song and really tired. Mandy said, "We usually play 16 songs for a night. We love to play, and tonight we wanted to make it up to you for the first band being kind of hard to listen too." Everyone was laughing and Mandy said, "Hey they tried, you have to give them credit for it. This is our 32nd song for the night and really is going to be our last song of the night. We love all of you and the way you treated us. Hit it Jody."

Jody did a funk beat, and few double bass drum rolls and then a snare roll to the intro of the last tune. We all played every instrument, and alternated in the last song. I played guitar with my arms around Mandy, them I did it with Melissa, and then Janice. I played Julie's bass, and then did a trumpet solo, while Kathy played the Sax. We ended the night with an 8 part harmony chorus with no music and then a real loud ending that stopped on a dime. Everyone stood and cheered for us, as we bowed and thanked the audience. They were throwing flowers at us and Mandy said to me, "I would rather have the food. I'm starved." We turned invisible slowly looking transparent and walked off the stage. The place went wild again and we just laughed. We made ourselves visible backstage. The MC said into the mic, "Changes will be back here in two days again. Please come back and also tell your friends. They are by far the best rock show on any of the planets. Don't you agree?" We could hear the cheers.

Melissa said, "I Guess 8 is now the magic number. Lets get out of here and eat something. Mandy said, "I'll drive." Justine and Barbara came running backstage and said, "We'll go with you. We all held hands and Mandy displaced us to a small restaurant we ate at last time we were here. We got a table outside and ordered two drinks each and dinner.

Justine said, "Little Wing was playing in an area on the planet Traff, and they had an earthquake. The arena collapsed but the bands are all fine. The place is a mess and they are still pulling lots of people out alive. The sound engineer that was supposed to be here was at the show also. Mandy, your friend Judy from Texas is in that band, they changed their name four months ago. The band that played before them got out without a problem also."

Mandy and I had our mouths hanging open. Julie said, "Oh shit!" Mandy said, "I going to tune in Ken." Mandy said into our minds, "Ken, can you hear me?" He answered, "Hi Mandy, I thought you'd be calling about now. I didn't want to tell you until after the show. Judy is fine. There are over 128,000 dead and they are still counting. This was a 9.3 earthquake. The planet is in real trouble and the tidal waves are expected to do even more damage in about 3 hours when they hit. We're all on the Work Planet. You should all get here after you eat dinner. By the way, the show was outrageous. We all displaced in and watched most of it. Tell Jeff, I mean Justine, to go have some sex and thanks. One other thing, who in the fuck is Train Wreck? We didn't hire them, did you?" Mandy said, "NO! We thought it was another off world band that you hired. We'll be there as soon as we eat."

Our drinks arrived and I made the first toast. I said, "Here's to 3 newlywed couples, and two other couples that still feel like they are newlyweds." Mandy kissed me and we all drank. The restaurant had a wide screen TV that was on and we watched another one of Melissa's commercials about 4 months old for SexMed X-long and wide. Melissa said, "I still think this was the best one ever. This was so hot we had trouble filming it. Watch that cock grow to double it's size." Justine said, "It really works. We tried the Combined couples last night mixed with the X-long pills, and that is the best combination so far." Mandy said, "You got that right."

Mandy and I held hands under the table and she moved our hands over to her lap and we were rubbing her cock to make it hard. Mandy smiled at me and gave me the wettest, sloppiest, kiss. Then she moved our hands to my lap and I was already hard. I smiled at her and she opened our hands and rubbed my clit through my pants. We kissed again and Julie said, "Hey you two, knock that off! We have company here." Everyone laughed and Justine made a toast this time. We were all feeling good when the diners were brought out by the waitress.

Barbara talked us all into singing the acapella song at the table after we finished eating. Justine stood and played conductor and we only sang when she pointed to each of us to sing and stop. It sounded so cool. She said, "I wanted to do that to you guys during the show. Sounds neat doesn't it?"

We all finished our second drink having a cigarette. I said to Justine, "Where are you two staying?" Barbara said, "Elbow beach Resort." Mandy said, "Stand up and we'll send you back there now. Just breath normal." Mandy displaced them back to their hotel, as they were waving to us.

We each got another drink to go and I paid the check. Then I said, "Work Planet?" We all stood and Melissa did the driving this time.

Chris looked at us when we displaced and said, "Vacation looks good on you two. Let me have a sip." Chris took a sip of Mandy's drink and said, "You suck. That's my favorite place." We all laughed and then walked over to the others who looked really concerned. Chris said into our minds, "This isn't a party. A lot of people died and there is nothing we can do about it. There were at least 1,000 people from Earth that were there visiting when it happened. We don't know what happen to them yet either."

Tara hugged us and said, "Watch the digital images of what happened. It's awful." We all watched the show ending at the arena and the bands leaving to get into a limo and drive off. Then the reporter's camera was shaking and we saw buildings falling all over and then the arena collapse. Fires were starting and there were explosions, as we watched people running around panicked. We then saw feeds from the news agency on the planet and what we saw was only a small part of it. Volcano's were erupting, and a major fault line was separating. They talked about the tidal waves and I said, "Chris, have you modeled what will happen when the wave hits?"

Chris said, "Everything within 30 miles of the coast is going to be underwater. That's fourteen major cities." I said, "Tara, Traff, can we all use our powers together to displace entire populations. What if we moved an entire city inland 30 miles, ground included?"

Everyone became quite and Chris and Allison were talking about it and displayed a map of the planet with geography details. Chris said, "Lets try it, using relative coordinates. There is enough desert to put all of the cities right next to each other. Traff why don't you address the people through their minds and let them know what we are doing."

Traff and Tara addressed the people of the planet and we all listened in. Then Chris said, "One city at a time. Let me and Allison do the driving on this one using the coordinate map. We just need everyone to concentrate with us."

We all concentrated and saw in Chris's mind what they were doing. This was so ingenious. It took about a minute and Chris said, "Remote viewing. Lets check it out." The area where the city started was now a huge hole with a wall of dirt between the hole and the ocean. The city was now sitting on top of a two hundred foot high land mass that we extracted with it, and was on top of the desert.

We did all fourteen the same way and Chris and Allison pieced them together like a puzzle over the desert. Then we all concentrated to help them fill in all the gaps and we made roads to connect them.

We remotely viewed the coasts, and Chris said into our minds, "The tidal wave will cover the wall of dirt and fill the holes creating an new sea. The shoreline should be about 5 miles from the edge of the cities. Lets hope we calculated this right."

We all watched using remote viewing and saw the tidal waves starting. The oceans were being sucked dry at the beaches, and one beach looked to be 20 miles wide. We watched the wave forming and it was tremendous. Chris said into our mind, "Oh Shit! That's way over 300 feet. Lets hope that it doesn't reach the new cities."

We watched the wave race over the beach and hit the dirt wall like an airplane crashing into the ground. The force exploded the wall of dirt into the air and the wave crested and broke into the hole. We watched the rapid force of the water race through the empty hole and fill it up, splashing out on the other side and running about a half mile from the new cities. The water reseeded a little and then calmed down, leaving the new shore line about two miles from where we thought it would be.

Chris smiled and said, "We got lucky. We'll go to the planet and use our powers to reconnect all of the utilities and transportation systems. Everything is in the same place as it was, buried underground. We moved it when moved each city. Traff, you should be there to reassure the people. They are probably scared shitless. Why not address them again now."

Tara and Traff addressed the people of the planet and Tara ended by saying said, "We are going to be on your world working with all of you to help put everything back to as normal as we can." Tara and Traff hugged Chris and Allison. Tara said, "I said it before and I'll say it again. They are amazing, and Jen, that was one terrific idea you came up with. Thank you honey. Now you guys get out of here and finish your vacation. You need it, and it looks good on you by the way."

Mandy and I took another sip of our drinks and so did Julie and Kathy. Melissa and Jody chugged theirs along with Janice and Karen. We all waved goodbye, held hands, and Mandy drove this time to displace us back into our hotel lobby on Vacation World. Mandy and I chugged our drink and we all went into the club.

The manager recognized us from last night and said, "We have your favorite table available." They moved people, put in a table for us, and we all sat down and got served one of the drinks we were having last night. We clicked glasses and took a sip. Mandy said, "Remember what we did tonight because we may need it on earth if we ever get the big one everyone has been talking about hitting California."

We started on the toasts again and Julie said, "This is to you Jen. Your idea saved about 20 million people tonight. Nice going." We all drank, and drank, and drank, and we were totally smashed again. The place was so routy with people naked and having sex, we were getting so hot. Mandy said, "I want to fuck you baby. Now! So get naked!" We both were giggling and took off our cloths. We turned ourselves into Combined couples and had Julie check to see if we did it right. She was laughing as Mandy sat on me and we interlocked. Mandy was fucking me, and I was fucking her while we sat in a chair at the club. She had her arms over my shoulder and cigarette in her fingers in one hand and a drink in the other, as we moved on each other.

Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and then held it to my lips for me to take a drag. She kissed me before I could blow out the smoke and said into my mind, "Honey, this feels so good. Cum inside of me and lets keep going." I blew the smoke out of my nose and Mandy licked my lips. We both took a sip of our drinks and kept on fucking.

Melissa was sitting on the table right next to me with her legs spread wide open and Jody was eating her pussy. Mandy and I watched and were so turned on. Then Melissa and Jody lay on the table together and tongued themselves into one orgasm after the other, as we kept fucking. Mandy said into my ear, "Baby, I'm going to cum in you any second. I can feel your going to blast off any second too. Hold me and kiss me."

We held each other tight and kissed, as we both blasted off. I jerked forward into Mandy as my cock shot it's first load of cum into her, and she squirted into my pussy at the same time. My pussy was throbbing and squeezing her cock, milking it, and her pussy was doing the same thing to my cock. We both pulsated inside each other and kissed, and then kept right on going. I didn't get soft, and neither did Mandy. We used our minds to make ourselves stay hard and we loved how it felt.

We watched Julie and Kathy sitting on a chair across from us, doing the same thing. After they blasted off, Julie got up and sat on the table, and Kathy sucked her pussy. I whispered into Mandy's ear, "Honey, I want to lick you after we cum again." Mandy moved my head and kissed me again. We were lip locked until we both blasted off again, moaning into each other's mouth. Mandy got up and we changed back to our normal Combined selves and Mandy sat on the table. I leaned forward and sucked the cum out of her pussy and then licked her using my tongue to drive her wild. I hit bottom and wiggled the tip, and triggered Mandy's G-spot. She orgasmed non-stop into my mouth as she held my head to her pussy.

We changed position with me sitting on the table, and Mandy licking and sucking my pussy. All I could see and hear was Mandy licking me. It was like a fog, I was so into it. Mandy licked me with the extended tongue until I was shaking all over, and cumming in buckets. She swallowed over and over again and then licked me more. She finally stopped and I had my eyes closed. Mandy pulled me on her lap, and I sat on her cock, which slid straight into my dripping wet cunt. Mandy rubbed my cock and I made it really wide and long so I could suck it. We both sucked it, as we made love.

In a half hour we both shot our cum again, and I shot into my own mouth. Mandy was licking my lips and getting so turned on watching me. We shared our thoughts and I knew she wanted to share the cum with me, so I open my mouth and let some drip out. She licked it all up and then kissed me with our mouths open.

It was 4 AM and the place was emptying out so we all went upstairs. This time all 8 of us went into Melissa's room and made love as a group. We were a pile of arms, legs, mouths, pussies and cocks. I had no idea who I was touching or who was touching me. I know that Janice fucked my ass, Karen sucked the cum out of it, and Mandy tongue fucked my pussy for hours, but other than that it was a blur. We all feel asleep in one huge pile of bodies.

I woke up at 11 AM with Mandy lying on top of me. She said into my mind, "Combined couples baby", as she kissed me. We both changed and interlocked in the pile of bodies on the bed. We made love with our sides up against Melissa and Jody on one side, and Julie and Kathy on the other, and Karen and Janice were lying across the bed touching our feet.

We woke everyone up with our moaning, and they all started to make love again. Mandy and I rolled over on top of Melissa and Jody, and then on top of Julie and Kathy. We all were laughing about it. Mandy and I were lying on our sides and I said into our minds, "How about we enhance our boobs a little?" Mandy smiled and I made our breasts larger about 4 sizes. She reached for her breast and held it up to her mouth and sucked the nipple. Them she held mine up to my mouth and I sucked my nipple and flicked my tongue over it. Mandy got so turned on, she said into my mind, "They're staying just like this baby. Don't you dare make them smaller again." We sucked each other's nipples and went wild fucking for about another half hour.

We finally got out of bed at noon and everyone complimented us on our new boob job. We both blushed. Then each of them did the same thing. We looked like a tribe of Amazon queens.


The next two days on Vacation World were great. We swam with the sharks again and they got to know us to the point they would swim up to us as soon as we went into the water. They were even getting along with the dolphins now. Mandy said to me, "The love lesson worked."

We went back to the Shipwreck and used our powers to displace all of the treasures to the vault on the work planet, after we leaned that the ship and it's cargo was given up for lost 30 years ago. The sharks finally understood our powers and really respected us now. It was amazing.

Max had released a new drug two months ago and we didn't think it had any chance at all, but went along with it anyway based on his market surveys. It's called Pharma-Husky. Its cosmetic and makes you look like you are twenty to thirty pounds over weight, but is totally safe. It actually creates body tissue and muscle. It has been selling a little and we ran into a group of about 20 people in the hotel that are all taking it and told us that it's so sexy. Mandy said into our minds while we were talking with them, "I'm going to fucking puke." We all tried real hard not to laugh.

Last night we went to a casino and won a ton of money again, without using our powers. Mandy is so lucky at craps it's unreal. She rolled 23 sevens in a row and then rolled a six and rolled fifteen times before she got another six without crapping out. We played the big money table and were each betting over 750 thousand on each number, on each roll. They kept the table open, so Mandy and I kept playing and having a blast. We settled up last night with the casino owners after they ran out of cash to pay us. We now own a very nice casino on vacation world. We put our winnings back into the company and kept all the employees to run it. The owners are staying on as managers with a very large salary. We also told them to close a table as soon as they drop by more cash than was allotted for the time period. We had Chris make us up a chart after she figured the odds.

This morning we checked out and moved to our new hotel and casino, the Elbow Beach resort. We have the eight bedroom penthouse suite, always. Julie laughed at us and said, "What in the fuck are you two going to do with a casino? We have so much money, who cares about this stuff." Mandy said, "We now have a very nice permanent place to stay here, somewhere to goof around whenever we want, even if it's only for one night on earth, it's right on the ocean, and we can use it to let friends or people that work for us stay here free if we want." Kathy said, "See, we should have played craps too."

Today we are going to explore part of vacation world that Tara told us was completely undeveloped. She wants us all to go in together to do something really wild there. We have about 6 ideas and wanted to look at the terrain. Chris gave us a set of 20 coordinates and we were planning our trip over breakfast. I lit a cigarette and Mandy was rubbing my neck as I looked at the maps. Then she moved her hands lower and squeezed my breasts and it felt great. She whispered into my ear, "Honey, your boobs look great." I smiled as she kissed my neck.

We all stood up and displaced to the first coordinate. We were on top of a ridge overlooking a tropical forest, next to a waterfall that had to be 1,500 feet high. The view was breathtaking. We looked around in all directions and we could see for miles. Mandy said, "This is where we build the hotels. All glass and every room has a view."

We displaced to the bottom of the falls and it was a white water river. I made us a raft for eight, paddles, and safety gear. We all got in the raft and went down the rapids about a mile and then pulled over to the shore. We got out and I said, "This is where we planned the golf courses. Check out the map." We all looked at the map and Julie said, "The stables will be over there also. That's a great idea."

We displaced to another set of coordinates about 4 miles away and we were on another ridge that was surrounding a very large lake. Mandy said, "Docks, fishing, and swimming. The lake is supposed to be over 2,000 feet deep. It's a crater caused by a meteorite." We stopped at almost all of the coordinates and then we got to the one for the housing developments. We planned all fairly large estates, over four thousand of them. According to all of the market surveys people wanted to buy large vacation homes here, but there really aren't any. The last stop was the beach and we displaced there.

This was so nice, and totally untouched. Julie said, "According to the map we should be able to see the first resort hotel on the mountain from here. Having the two that are teleportation connected is brilliant. We can offer the country or the ocean, and they are only 15 miles apart. Plus we can program in this address in all of the teleportation stations around the planet. Is the casino in the beach hotel?" Kathy said, "No, from our notes, it's an attached building that sits in the area behind it where we keep the natural tropical gardens just the way they are."

I said, "I think we should do this. What does everyone else say?" Everyone agreed. We displaced down to the beach and walked around a little. The water was much calmer on this part of the planet. Mandy said, "How about an underwater swim?"

We all took of our outfits and walked into the water. It was warm and felt great. We got over our heads, made our gills, and swam under water. The water was crystal clear. We swam out about 1,000 feet and came to a large coral reef and saw so many unusual fish. We also had a group of sharks and they swam up to us and communicated. Word spread faster underwater than on land. They knew who we were and gave us a tour. We swam for miles by sandbars, reefs, and through an old wooden shipwreck that had to be 400 hundred years old. Saw several whales and they were huge. We thought one had to be over 80 feet long. The sharks took us out a few miles riding on their fins and showed us a shiny object on the bottom about 200 feet down. We went down and the pressure in our ears was starting to hurt, so we used our powers to equalize it.

We swam around the object and Mandy said into our minds, "It's a space craft. Just like the ones we shot down. Lets displace it to the beach." We all swam a few hundred feet away and then displaced it out of the water to the beach. The sharks were afraid and Mandy calmed them down. They gave us a ride back to the shore.

Before we got out we all made love underwater again. Mandy and I really like this. We floated just over the bottom sand interlocked, fucking each other in an embrace. We all did it and floated in circles, up a little and then down. We got out of the water and got rid of the gills, as we walked to the beach.

The spacecraft was large, but not as big as one of the ones we saw on the digital footage. It was completely sealed and we found where the door was located. We used our powers to open it and the doorway turned into a ramp. We walked inside and looked around. There were bodies of four gray beings in seats and technology that was beyond what we understood. I said into everyone's mind, "Chris, can you hear me?" She answered and I said, "Any interest in seeing the inside of one of those space craft we shot down? There is stuff in here I can't even describe." She said, "I have your coordinates. We'll be there in a few minutes."

We put our cloths back on and Mandy lit a cigarette. I took a drag of it, and Mandy said, "This thing is cool. Lets just hope those beings are dead the way we understand dead." Kathy said, "I'm going to check on their vital signs. I didn't even think about that." We watched Kathy check each one and come back out. She said, "Nothing, but that may not mean much. Maybe they don't have any to begin with."

Chris along with everyone showed up on the beach. I said, "It was on the bottom of the ocean about 5 miles out. We displaced it here so we could see inside of it." We all went inside of the ship and Chris's group were like little kids guessing what things were used for. She said, "Cold fusion, but much different. It looks like its triggered from their bodies or minds. Look at the hand imprint area on the captains chair."

Chris said, "Our translators understand the language. There is a set of manuals in here and a ship's log." They were all reading and Chris pushed a button and a computer displayed a hologram screen. She selected several options and the lights went on and the engines flashed. She said, "I shut off the engines. They were still set on. There is so much information in here. I'm going to read it and then transfer my knowledge to the knowledge transfer computer. I wonder if we can still tap into the minds of the occupants sitting over there? Let me try it." Chris read the minds of the gray beings and we watched in her mind. She made a set of steel bands and clamped then on each of their hands and feet. She said, "They aren't dead. They're in suspended animation. Watch the flight recorder." Chris selected an option from the computer system and we watched a video type display of the ship in flight with the gray beings at the controls. We saw a problem occur and then they purposely set the craft down in the water and suspended their lives using a part of the ship.

Chris said, "The problem is only minor. It just a connection." Allison repaired the circuit connectors and then Chris selected an option on the computer to run a full system test. We watched every part of the ship become activated and a message display on the computer generated image. Chris said, "It's ready to fly." She kept reading for about 20 minutes while were looked at everything.

Chris said, "Have a seat on the floor. This is like flying for dummies. Hold on." Chris selected an option from the computer and put her hand on the arm of the chair she was sitting in. The ramp closed and the craft lifted up about 20 feet off the ground. Chris drove it with her mind. We went a few miles and then set it back down." She said, "There is a lot we can learn from this and from those four things we have in the steel bands. How about we displace the whole craft back to earth to work on it at the lab in the castle?"

Mandy said, "Are you sure you want this on earth Chris? People will start asking questions. We can't hide something this large." Chris said, "Lets go outside on the beach. I have an idea." We all went out on the beach and Chris said, "Read me mind and concentrate with me if I ask you too." We all read Chris's mind and she did it all herself. She shrank the space ship to be about 10 feet long. She said, "Garage size now. I'm going to park it at home."

We all laughed at her, as they displaced back to the castle with the miniature ship. Tara said, "She is unbelievable. I give her 3 days and they'll have they whole thing figured out." Mandy said, "The eight of them will have it completely disassembled, reassembled, changed, and working better than the original in 2 days. The third day will be to interrogate the four aliens." Tara said, "You're probably right."

I said, "We definitely want to build the resort here like we discussed. This place is great and your ideas are right on target. We could use some of the technology to make this one outrageous vacation retreat, without interfering with the natural elements." Tara hugged me and said, "I like how you think Jen." Mandy said into my mind, "You're blushing deep red."

We displaced back to our hotel penthouse suite. Mandy and I flopped down on the bed and lit a cigarette. She was lying on her back and took a deep drag, and then another, holding in the smoke, as she turned her head toward me and blew the smoke out slowly through her nose. I took the cigarette out of Mandy's fingers and inhaled a deep drag and said, "I really like swimming underwater with the sharks. When we make love underwater it's great." I blew out the smoke and Mandy took another drag. She said, "When we float and do it, I get such goose bumps all over. It's like nothing else exists except us." Mandy leaned over and kissed me. I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "I bet it's the same way in space without gravity. We'd be floating, we just couldn't breath." Mandy smiled and said, "Chris will solve that too if we give her long enough."

Mandy rolled over and was lying against my side and said, "How about we order something delivered to our room tonight for just us and we feed each other. Then you can do anything you want to me honey. I'll be your slave." I smiled at her and picked up the phone. She said, "Lets do finger foods." I ordered 6 appetizer finger foods. Mandy kissed me again and then said, "Lets check and see how Kate and Judy are making out. It should be Sunday night at home."

Mandy and I shared our thoughts and she said, "Kate, can you hear me?" Kate answered and Mandy said, "How did it go today?" Kate said, "You won't believe it. We made so much progress. We have one entire region of the country converted already. We did the hubs and offices first and then the letter carriers distributed all of the units. We're back home already and it's only 2 in the afternoon. Want some company?" Mandy looked at me and said, "In a little while. Jen and I have something to finish first. I will be about an hour of earth time. We'll call you back. Did you see Chris's project in the garage?" Kate said, "It's covered with a tarp. What is it?" I said to Kate, "Just don't touch it. We'll fill you in later."

I said to Mandy, "I think we should make Kate and Judy part of our little private club. They are true leaders and think the same way we do. Lets talk to the others when we get back. What do you think?" Mandy said, "Lets see how they do on their plan and if they can stick with it. I think they're on the right track and I really like them also." I took drag of the cigarette and Mandy held my fingers to her lips and she took a drag also. I put the cigarette out and turned on the TV to see a little bit of the news.

It was all about the earthquakes on Traff and how the Guardians saved the planet. They had video of the new geography and cities. It looked just like what we saw in our minds. Then they had a clip on about our new shipping company and how it was going to change commerce in the universe. Mandy loved it. She was talking back to the TV saying, "Yeah. You tell it like it is. Good story!" I was laughing and she smiled saying, "I get so carried away with this shit. Turn off the news baby."

I turned off the TV and our food order was here. We took off our cloths, set the food tray on the bed, and feed each other. Mandy put her nacho dip on my nipples and licked it off with each bite. I did the same thing to her with my guacamole dip.

We finished eating and then licked and sucked each other's nipples clean. I was on fire. We moved the tray on the floor and I said, "Okay slave, I want to watch you get yourself off." Mandy smiled at me lying on bed next to me, while I sat back leaning on my elbow. Mandy bent her knees up in the air, and moved her legs wide apart. She looked into my eyes while she put one hand in her pussy and rubbed her clit and the other on her cock and rubbed it until it was hard. I moved right next to Mandy and licked her nipples softly as she was rubbing her clit and cock. I watched the expressions on her face and I was getting so turned on. We shared our minds and I saw her fantasy of us making love underwater. I rubbed my clit also, so Mandy could see me doing it. She moaned and I leaned over and kissed her, as we both masturbated.

Mandy was moaning, "Watch me make myself cum honey. My pussy is dripping for you right now. Watch my cock shoot it's cum. I lay on Mandy's side rubbing my pussy and I was so wet, as she had an orgasm, and then jerked forward. I bent down and sucked her cock into my mouth as she shot her load of cum out. I sucked and rubbed her shaft with my tongue as her cock pulsated and spit warm cum into my mouth 8 more times. I held all the cum in my mouth and then dripped it into Mandy's wide open mouth. We kissed and she held me so tight, as I rubbed my cock for her now also. Mandy lay on her side watching me and she was getting really into also. I stroked my shaft and made it longer on each stroke, as I rubbed my clit. It was almost to where I could suck it, and then I bent my head over and sucked in the mushroom head. Mandy kissed me neck and licked my ear whispering, "Oh Jen, this gets me so hot baby. Suck it in your mouth for me."

I made my cock a little longer and sucked it while rubbing the shaft and fingering myself to find my G-spot. My pussy was exploding and I was moaning while my cock was in my mouth. Mandy licked my nipples and watched my lips move up and down, and then I felt my cum starting. Mandy was breathing heavy into my ear as I blasted off. I jerked up into my mouth, as the first squirt of cum hit the back of my throat. I moved my tongue around on my cock and it felt so good, as squirt after squirt hit my tongue and my pussy was throbbing. Mandy was licking around my lips and begging me to kiss her. I sucked all of my cum into my mouth and held it there. I leaned over Mandy and she put her head back with her mouth wide open. I put my lips over hers about 4 inches away and opened my mouth. The cum dripped out slowly into her mouth. She raised her head to lick it out faster and then pulled my head down to hers and we kissed it into her mouth. Mandy went wild on me as we swallowed.

I moved to a 69 position with her on our sides, and we tongue fucked each other's pussy until we were both cumming out of our cunts like the waterfall on Vacation World. Then we sucked each other's cock. Mandy and I were still sharing our thoughts and she was begging me to cum again and again. She wanted me to drown her mouth in my cum. I really tried. I used all of minds power to make myself cum as much as I could and I shot 24 times from my cock when I orgasmed, right after Mandy came in my mouth and I swallowed it. Mandy was saying in our minds, "Oh Jen, wow, you did it for me. Mmmmm, this is so hot baby. I love you so much. Watch me swallow again. Oh yeah, and again. You're filling up my mouth again baby."

I lay exhausted next to Mandy after she swallowed, and then lay touching my side. She lit up a cigarette and took a drag, and then put it in my lips. I took a long drag and inhaled, and then another, as I blew the smoke out of my nose. Mandy said, "I guess we found something else we can do tonight. You had to have shot at least a half a cup full into my mouth." We both smiled and she said, "And I loved swallowing every drop of it. Look baby, mouths empty." Mandy opened her mouth to show me and we smiled again.

Mandy moved over a little and lay on her back. She sat up half way and then pulled her legs up over her shoulders next to my face, and licked her own pussy. She showed me how long her tongue was and then pushed it all the way in and wiggled it. My cunt was still dripping juices and throbbing, and I was on fire again. I took a drag of the cigarette and reached over to touch Mandy's pussy as she licked it. Then I moved my hand to hold her cock while she tongue fucked herself. She was really getting into it. Mandy put her legs down and kissed me again and took a drag of the cigarette. She said, "Lets make love as a couple again, and then we can call Kate back.

We finished the cigarette and then changed into Combined Couples. This time I was on top and Mandy was on the bottom. We interlocked and I wrapped my arms and legs around Mandy, as I rolled us over. We fucked for almost an hour; kissing and hugged each other as we made love. We both blasted off at the same time and tried to cum as much as we could. I counted how many times her cock pulsated inside of me and it was 26 times. We moaned in ecstasy together for almost 2 minutes while we orgasmed, and then it happened a second time to both of us. Neither of us expected it, and I shot another 18 times, and Mandy squirted out 16 more times. We lay on our sides in a 69 position and literally drank the cum from our pussies. When we finished, we had both had three more orgasms from our pussies, and sat up together. Mandy looked at me and said, "Wow!" We both laughed and kissed.


Mandy lit a cigarette and called Kate in her mind and we were displacing her and Judy to our room. They were there in seconds.

Kate looked at us and said, "I should have known. You two wanted to fuck." We smile and I said, "Wait until we show you want we did here, but first tell us all about the business."

Kate and Judy got undressed and lay in bed with us, and we talked for hours. We showed them the tape of the sharks and they thought we were nuts until we told them how we found the spacecraft and the treasure we put in the vault. She knew about the planet Traff and what we did. She said, "It's all over the news. It's the best commercial you could have ever done for the company. SolarNational saves 40 million lives on Planet Traff. That was the news headline today. I would have loved to have been part of it. I can't image being able to help that many people all at once." Kate told us everything that they did and they already passed the three month plan numbers. They have every industry already half implemented. Max's operation went live today, full bore. Judy set up a group to work with Margi and the other worlds and Chris's group is almost finished with the programming to check world codes. They also came up with an ingenious way to not have to use stamps, except for those that don't want to use the new system. But it will still save us billions of dollars.

Mandy said, "We have a surprise for you both. I wanted to make sure you could hit the three month numbers and you did way ahead of schedule. The board has to vote on this but you both will get your salaries bumped to 1 mill, the bonus doubled, and a lot more stock. Plus there will be a one time board voted bonus. But that's not that important part. After a while, the money just doesn't matter that much. We still use it to keep score and Jen and I are almost crazy about making money, but it's not the end all to anything. What is important is helping people, caring, and love. Did you mean what you said before about being part of the group to help people like we did?" Kate said, "Absolutely. Judy feels the same way."

Mandy said, "This isn't a one year gig, it's a life time commitment and that's a very long time. I was going to hold off on this, but Jen thought you were ready and now I do also. How would you like to be part of that group that helps people. It's more than just helping. It's creating life, nurturing it along, being a parent to millions, and having power beyond your wildest imagination. Want to be part of this very select club?"

Judy said, "I would love to. I would make the commitment." Kate said, "Me too. I would be an honor to be considered for this." Mandy said, "We all need to agree to it, so let me ask."

Mandy spoke to everyone in our minds and said, "I want to ask everyone's permission to add two new members to our group. They have shown Jen and me that they are made of the same fortitude and compassion that we all are. It's Kate and Judy. They are two months ahead of their three month plan already and are doing so many things that Jen and I think can help other worlds. I know they wont let any of us down."

Tara said, "I think it's a great idea. Anyone object to it?" Everyone said, "Lets do it. Get them to the work planet and transfer the knowledge." Tara said, "We'll meet you therein a few minutes."

Mandy and I were both smiling and I said, "Congratulations. You are officially members of the most exclusive club in the universe, the guardians of human life. Get dressed, we all have to go somewhere now for you to receive the knowledge that we all have."

We all dressed and displaced to the work planet. Tara was there and she hugged Kate and Judy hugged them and said, "We welcome you with open arms. Time to get educated with the real knowledge of life. This takes about a week of time here, which is about an hour on earth. Time on this world moves very slowly, which is why we use this as a work place and call it our work planet. Follow me, we'll show you around." Tara gave them the tour of the place and Chris was in the computer room. Mandy said, "What's cooking Chris?" Chris said, "It's too soon to tell you yet. I need to prove my theories. It'll be a few hours. I think it's a great idea to include Kate and Judy. They are so bright and such nice people."

We went into the knowledge transfer room and Tara explained how it worked. We set them up and they fell asleep while the knowledge was being transferred into their minds. Tara said, "We have about a weeks time here. Allison shortened the process a little." I smiled and Tara said, "It is amazing what they can do."

We went into the main computer room and sat with Chris. She said, "Watch this on the walls." We saw the life cycle that was used for a very old planet and then she froze it. She said, "Look at the one spot on the left side while I accelerate it." We watched a gene mutation happening and then a gray figured person evolve and then be erased. Chris said, "Some where in the life cycle in one of the original worlds, that gene mutation became predominate and took over the entire life cycle. That's what's flying the spacecraft. They are human, or at least were. I x-rayed their bodies and they appear to have a human skeleton, but the sex organs are inside, not outside. I have no clue how they work. We've only found a few technologies in the craft that we don't have. We'll have those analyzed soon also. I'm dying to find our more about the people. I wonder if our love lesson would have any effect on them. I'm going to try it." Chris and Roberta left with four mini knowledge transfer computers.

I said to Tara, "What is the time difference between here and Vacation World? I get so confused now that Chris fixed most of it." Tara said, "If you go back you can stay for, lets see, 23 hours, before they wake up, or 25 minutes on earth." I said, "We're going back to the castle to see what Chris is getting us into. We'll be back."

Mandy and I displaced back home and sure enough Chris and her team had the space craft disassembled in the garage, with all the cars parked outside. They had one of the aliens awake and were talking to it. Chris said, "We gave her the love knowledge transfer and they had no idea what love was. It's not part of their culture. They are a race that only conquers worlds. They were sent here to learn as much as they could about the people on Vacation World before they launched an invasion, which we stopped. Apparently, we shot down all of the their space craft, and destroyed almost their entire army. This is one of three that are left. That gauge over there on the bench picks up a signal from the ones that are left, and displays the location as coordinates real similar to the way we track coordinates. There is one on earth in a lake around here somewhere, and one on a planet that we didn't even know existed. Our language translator works if you want to talk to her. She means us no harm now. We have to do the same thing to the others." I said, "Do they have mind power like us?"

Chris said, "No. They do it all through computers. She has no idea who even developed the computers."

I spoke to her and the translator changed it. I said, "What was your job on the space craft?" She said, "Medical officer and biologist." I said, "How does you species reproduce?" She said, "Our organs are inside. We only expose them when we mate, which is only four times for females like myself." I said, "How old are you, and how long do you live?" She said, "I am 30 of our years. We live to be about 60. Our year is the same measure of time as 11 of your lunar months."

Chris said, "This is what puzzles us. This metal is so flimsy, yet it is strong enough to hold together the craft. It also repels heat. Watch this. Roberta, put the torch on this again." Roberta lit a torch and put it on the metal for about a minute. Chris picked it up with her fingers and handed it to me. It was cold. She said, "That should have burned a hole through your hand. It has to be something in the molecular structure that either retains cold, or repels heat. We'll solve it."

We displaced back to the work planet as Kate and Judy were waking up. I made them a dinner and we all sat down to eat. They had so many questions and we answered them as they ate. I said, "Do you know how to use your mind now?" Kate picked up a fork and put it on my plate using her mind. She smiled and said, "I've got that part down."

We finished eating and Mandy said to Tara, "We'll let them practice and teach them everything." We displaced back to our hotel on Vacation World.

We started with the simple things working with Kate and Judy, and within and hour they had mind control pretty much mastered. They both loved the invisible trick. We taught them how to displace, how to displace things, and how to remote view. We went back in time and watched Lincoln's Gettysburg address being invisible, and then showed them clairvoyance. The hardest part was teaching them how to turn the powers on and off, but they got it. Julie and Kathy were hysterical when we showed Kate about changing the size of body parts. Kate turned Judy into a 60 DDD bust size and sucked her huge nipples.

It was now almost 9 in the morning here, so we ordered breakfast for everyone. Melissa was busting Kate's chops about some of the new commercials she wants to do and we couldn't stop laughing. Somehow having packages delivered to the wrong address and thrown away, just doesn't seem to be the right message we want to send.

We all ate breakfast and then went swimming in the ocean. Kate and Judy were dying to swim underwater and meet the sharks. It took about 15 minutes and at least 50 of our buddies were swimming with us. Then we made love underwater; all of us, while the sharks swam around us. We all turned into Combined couples and floated for three hours interlocked as couples. Mandy and I lost all sense of where we were, and who we were with. It is the most amazing feeling. The sharks lead us to another shipwreck that was a small fishing boat and we remembered the name to report it. Then they lead us back to the shore.

We got out of the water and Judy and Kate couldn't stop talking about it. We just listened agreed with all of it. I said, "Once we communicate with the animals or fish, they all want to be friendly. We haven't found a single one that was a problem yet."

We all lay on the blankets we brought to the beach and Mandy lit us a cigarette. Kate and Judy lay next to us and Judy said, "How big can we make ourselves? I mean, can my arm reach 30 feet, or can I become 20 feet tall?" I said, "Try it."

We watched Judy turn into a giant and then a midget, then back to normal. She reached her arm really fast over to pinch someone's ass about 40 feet away and then made it small again. We all cracked up as the woman was looked all over trying to figure out what just happened. Judy said, "This is so cool, as she made herself invisible to everyone except us and then made her cock grow to be even with her mouth and started to suck it. Kate turned herself invisible to everyone also and went wild on her right next to us. She was fucking Judy with her enlarged cock, and we watched getting turned on.

We all decide to join in and had a beach blanket fuck fest, as Mandy called it. Ten of us, in an overlapping pile of sex. After about an hour we all were exhausted again and lay down together, and made ourselves visible again to everyone. We started teaching Kate and Judy about creating life and told them that they would each have their own planet. They were so excited.

We spent the next five days on Vacation World totally goofing off and really enjoying ourselves. Kate and Judy became like part of the family.

We all displaced home to the castle and then went straight to the office for Monday morning's schedule. Kate said, "I can't believe it only took one day there to do all that we did. What a weekend retreat that place is." I said, "We own that hotel were stayed in. You can use it anytime. We kept the entire penthouse suite for just us. Plus we showed you the plans for the resort we are building. It will be all of ours. We're going to fund it with the company. It's a great investment."

Ken was waiting for us in the office and said, "I need a half hour of your time. I think I have the deal of a lifetime lined up." Mandy said, "We're all yours." Ken smiled and said, "I wish." He gave us a presentation that was incredible and said, "I already made all the arrangements and each company has accepted the terms of the acquisition if we decide to do it. All it costs us is stock and we get to control most of the network television, cable, satellite, radio, music, and movies in 12 worlds. It's a monopoly. We control it all and own a controlling interest." I said, "Lets have a special board meeting and do it. Mandy, you agree?" She said, "This I top stuff. Ken, you definitely out did all of us on this one. You know that you have to run it." Ken said, "No problem."

Mandy and I made the calls to schedule a special board meeting for this afternoon. Max said, "Already? Holy shit, I thought you two were on vacation." I said, "We were. But Ken wasn't." Kate came in while we were calling and said, "We just hit our sixth month mark. The team is working 4 times the speed we planned. One team finished the music distribution network yesterday and another is ready to officially open for commercial business from 180 hubs around the world. It's incredible. They never worked this hard before, ever." Mandy said, "You're a good leader. They respect you and will do anything for you. That's how we knew you would succeed in this. Lets also vote on bonuses for the teams. Kate, prepare a revenue chart of savings by business and projections of net income. Talk to Bob to work up the figures. Also have Jim give you the mail system numbers. These have to be staggering. I'm going to announce that he reports to you now also. Finally, the mail system will be profitable."

I said, "Kate, I'll help you with the numbers. Lets go to Bob's office." We spent the morning and worked through lunch with Kate, Judy, and Bob putting together the numbers. We added the numbers and re-added them three times because we couldn't believe it, especially the ones from the mail system. Kate had several charts to present and we knew everyone would be in shock.

We went into Mandy's office and I said, "Did you eat?" She said, "No. I'm still listening to voice mail messages and reading email from the weekend. Doesn't anybody go home anymore?" I had Grace get us some lunch and I said, "You have to see these before Kate presents."

Kate walked Mandy through the numbers and all she kept saying was, "No shit. Are you sure that's right?" We nodded our heads at least 10 times. Mandy did some quick math on a calculator and said, "Kate, your bonus is based on profitability. Did you calculate it?" Kate said, "No, why?" Mandy showed her the calculator and Kate almost fainted. Mandy said, "And this much money is for you to divide between the key staff, and this much is for the employees to share, as you see fit." Kate said, "No shit. Are you sure that's right?" Mandy and I laughed.

We ate lunch with Judy and Kate in Mandy's office and talked about floating while making love. Kate said, "You need a drug to do that and we will make trillions." Mandy and I looked at each other and she said, "Gills?" We both scrunched our noses and said, "Na."

We finished our lunch and had a cigarette, while Kate closed the laptop and unplugged it. We all went into the boardroom and waited for the board members to arrive. Ken hooked up his laptop and Mandy said, "Two items on the agenda. You're on first." Ken said, "It better be good after this one." Mandy said, "Equal." Ken said, "A surprise. Good, I like surprises."

Mandy started the meeting and said, "We have two items on the agenda, both I thought were important enough to get us together early. First one is a new deal ken cooked up, and it's a definite winner. Ken, the floor's yours."

Ken gave his presentation and when he got to the financials everyone had their mouths open. He said, "We own most of it. We control almost everything on television, cable, satellite, radio, and the making of the movies shown on 12 planets. We have the deciding vote on all matters before the board, and we can control how everything is done. We also get a huge amount of revenue and it only costs us stock, which we have in the treasury."

Ken answered questions for about 10 minutes and Mandy said, "Anyone object to this becoming Ken's new project?", "Good. Lets make it official."

We voted and Ken was smiling from ear to ear. Mandy said, "The next item is an update that I still can't believe. Kate, the floors yours."

Kate started her presentation and said, "I only have three slides. We are 4 and half months ahead of schedule and 16 months ahead of revenue and profit plan. These are the numbers right now. Bob validated these, so they are correct. The fist slide shows how the numbers would have looked, if the SolarNational Shipping had not been started. The run rates and profitability are actually 10 percent ahead of where they should be, and the cost centers are the same as they were. The second slide shows how it actually is right now. Notice that revenue is the same for all lines of business, except mine, which is the same size as all of manufacturing and retail put together, right now. Also the cost numbers for each line of business went down significantly, and the pure cost centers, like the global mail systems, now show a huge profit and the costs are one half of where they were. The net effect is that we are 46 percent more profitable, and revenue is now up by 48 percent. The last slide is a projection to the end of the year. These numbers are our best guess. Revenue will be almost 4 times what was projected in total, profitability will be about 54 percent higher, and we will not have to layoff even one employee."

You could hear a pin drop and then everyone starting saying, "That can't be right. Bob, did you check those? It's got to be a mistake." Bob said, "They are all correct. We added everything three times because we didn't believe it either, but it does make sense. Max, how much more efficient is your operation now that it's automated to just-in-time inventory using these systems? How much extra space do you have now where we can differ new capital projects for construction? How much will our sales go up when people can ship directly to their homes immediately? What will happen when we start Solarnational marketing using the internet with this? We didn't even count that. This is just what Kate and Judy did so far."

Everyone pretty much said the same thing, "Holy shit." Mandy said, "I thought you'd want to see this, and I want to make a few things official now that were approved prior. Kate and Judy both have votes on the board. Jim, will report into Kate's organization for the entire mail systems, Kate's and Judy's salary is adjusted to what we discussed, and the bonus is paid on the milestones. Does anyone disagree with any of this?" "Good. Let's make it official."

We voted and Kate was smiling. She should be, knowing that the check just for her was a little over 950 million dollars. Mandy said, "Kate, you just set a new record as the largest bonus we have ever paid. I hope we do it again in six months. You and Judy did a great job. Make sure to divide the bonus amounts from the first pool with your key staff, and the second pool for your employees. I want everyone smiling the same way you are right now."

Everyone stood and applauded. Ken said to Mandy, "That was better, not equal." We smiled at him.


That night all of us had a gourmet dinner in the dining room to celebrate Kate and Judy's accomplishments. Julie and Kathy were the cooks tonight and we all helped, as we made dinner the old fashion way. We did however make our drinks using our minds and got that rum drink down cold that we had on Vacation World. After the seventh toast, we were feeling no pain at all. Kate was hugging all of us and was so funny. She thanked us for beating them at pool on the motorcycle weekend where we met.

We all talked about the four hundred fifty something gang bang and I was getting so wet. Mandy reached under the table and rubbed my cock and then slipped her hand under my dress into my pussy and I was dripping. She smiled at me and said into my mind, "I am just as hot honey." We had a few more drinks and were totally out of our minds, as we staggered upstairs to bed.

Everyone went to their own rooms and Mandy and I undressed. We were standing by the bed and she lowered her lips to my nipple and sucked it gently. Then she kissed me and said, "Sweetheart, I love the way your breasts are now. I could suck and lick them for hours." I smiled saying, "We have plenty of time."

Mandy and I lay in bed and she licked and sucked my nipples for over an hour, and it made me tingle all over. She flicked her tongue over them and then pinched each nipple, before sucking them each one into her mouth again. Mandy knelt over my head and her breasts were dangling in my face, so I returned the pleasure for her also. We were both moaning, and made each other crazy with lust. We lay in a 69 position on our sides and I spread Mandy's pussy lips apart with my fingers, as I licked her from bottom to top and then sucked all of the juices into my mouth. She was as wet as I was, and begged my to tongue fuck her. I did it real slow at first, and then let my tongue slowly get larger, until it hit bottom as I wiggled it. Mandy was doing the same thing to me and we both orgasmed, bucking into each other's face.

I used my finger to find her G-spot and then sucked her hard cock into my mouth. In less than 5 minutes, Mandy's cock spasmed and pulsated, shooting warm white goo onto the roof of my mouth and tongue. I swallowed and rubbed her shaft, along with her G-spot, as Mandy blasted off into my mouth. Her cock squirted 9 more times as I swallowed all of it, and kept on sucking her. I had my cock in Mandy's throat and felt her massaging it with her muscles and tongue. I instinctively fucked into her face.

Mandy rubbed my G-spot with her fingers and I humped her mouth driving my shaft into her throat further. Mandy made me so hot, I couldn't have stopped if the house caught on fire. I jerked and spasmed, as I blasted off into her throat. She sucked me hard while swallowing, as I squirt again, and again. Mandy swallowed after I finished shooting my load, and then moved to kiss me. We held each other and rolled around, as we shared our thoughts. We both became Combined couples interlocking our cocks and pussies. We fucked each other for over 2 hours, each of us shooting cum into the other's pussy three times. We turned ourselves back to our normal Combined selves, wrapped our arms and legs around each other, and feel asleep.

I felt someone licking my nipple and was half asleep. I squinted one eye and noticed Mandy was still sleeping. We had our arms partly around each other, and my hand was still on her pussy. I moved it inside of her cunt and she moaned softly and rolled on top of me. Mandy woke we up and I said, "Julie, decided to join us?" Kathy answered from behind Mandy and said, "We both did. How about we give you two a good old fashioned pussy licking? Just stay like that."

Mandy and I kissed, spreading our legs wide open. Julie and Kathy lay between our legs and They ate us both into paradise. My pussy was throbbing, and I shared my thoughts with Mandy, and felt hers doing the same thing. We rubbed each other's cock and then made then grow big until they were up near our faces. Mandy and I sucked each other's shaft, and then our own, as Julie licked me and Kathy licked Mandy. Mandy said into my ear, "Shoot in our own mouth baby. I makes me so hot watching you."

I put my cock into my mouth and rubbed the shaft, as Mandy was doing the same thing. We were both moaning from the tongue work Julie and Kathy were doing, and we didn't last long. My cock pulsated and shot a huge stream of cum. I opened my mouth so Mandy could see it hit my tongue and she kissed me over the tip of the mushroom head, catching some of the squirts as they came out. We both swallowed and then she sucked herself also, rubbing her shaft. Mandy held her mouth slightly open as she rubbed her shaft, and I watched her cum shoot from her cock onto her tongue and I went wild. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and covered the head of her cock and her open mouth. I sucked in the squirts of the cum, swallowing and then lowering my head down over her cock to suck out the rest of the cum still in her shaft.

Julie and Kathy were merciless in eating us, making us completely crazy. My pussy was throbbing and flowing like a river. They were Combined coupling, as they licked and sucked our pussies, and kept going for almost two hours. Mandy and I were almost incoherent when they finally stopped. We rolled together on our sides kissing each other and I put my fingers into Mandy's pussy, and she touched mine also. We both had another orgasm from each other's touch. I know my eyes rolled behind my head.

Julie lit a cigarette and put it in my lips. I took a deep drag and Mandy took it out of my lips with her fingers and took a drag also. Mandy said to Julie and Kathy, "Have fun?" Kathy laughed and said, "Not as much as you did. Mandy, your pussy was throbbing and grabbing my tongue." Mandy smiled at me, as Julie said, "Jen's pussy lips were squeezing me. How did you do that?" Mandy said, "You mean like this? Watch."

Mandy made her pussy lips flinch and so did I. She said, "We figured out which muscles control all of it. Then you can make it happen with your mind. Read my mind." We showed them how we did all of it. Kathy and Julie got up and Kathy said, "See ya. We have some experimenting to do." Mandy and I shared our cigarette while caressing each other. Each time one of us touched the other's pussy, we both orgasmed, as we shared each other's thoughts. We finished the cigarette and turned back into Combined couples. I lay on top of Mandy and we both orgasmed from our pussies non-stop as we made love. Mandy wrapped her arms and legs around me and rolled us on our sides.

This was by far the most exciting erotic sex we have ever had. My pussy throbbed on her cock and she came inside of me within minutes, as I shot into her at the same time. We bucked into each other, moaning, and then kissing as we kept going. My entire body felt like it was having one continuous orgasm. We were so out of control, we fucked until the sun came out, rolling over at least 6 times, from side to side, and then top and bottom. We lay together perfectly still and were having orgasms, which made both of our cocks hard again. We each flinched the muscles in our pussies and moaned, as we each moved slightly and it felt so fucking good. Mandy was squealing, and I think I howled, as we both moved our cocks into each other again slowly, and kissed.

We were both about to shoot in each other's pussy again and Mandy said into my mind, "69 honey. I want to eat all of it from last night." We separated and lay on a 69 position. I sucked my cum out of Mandy and she sucked me. We both orgasmed again on the first lick. I swallowed probably 20 times, as white goo ran out of her pussy into my mouth. After about 20 minutes, I moved to kiss Mandy with a mouthful. She had the same idea and we swallowed it all together.

Mandy lit us a cigarette. She took a deep drag and she said, "Great minds think alike." I said, "Was it just my imagination, or was that the most outrageous sex we ever had?" Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and said while smiling and blowing out the smoke, "It was definitely hot. The first time under water was a 10.5, and this had to be an 11." I took a deep drag of the cigarette, held it in, and took another drag. Mandy put her mouth over mine and sucked in the smoke as I exhaled. She smiled and said, "I still get so fucking turned on when we do that." I said, "You tired?" Mandy shook her head no and I wasn't either. I said, "You fell like some real breakfast?"

I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy took a drag also. She said, "I'm starting with desert. She lay between my legs, spread them wide, and licked my pussy again. I orgasmed again in seconds as Mandy licked and sucked me into a different world. She stopped after about 5 minutes and I just lay there motionless. Mandy smiled and said, "Shower honey." I didn't budge and pulled her on top of me. We turned back into our Combined couples again and interlocked our pussies and cocks. We fucked until 9 AM and then got up to shower.

We both had a bunch of stuff to do, mostly on the phone today, so we decided to work from home. We dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Julie and Kathy were just coming down to the kitchen also and they were smiling from ear to ear. I said, "So was the experiment a success?" Julie said, "Was it ever. Wow, does that feel good. We couldn't stop."

We all giggled as we ate scrambled eggs, pigow hash, and toast. Chris came into the kitchen and said, "Want to met our new alien buddies?" Chris introduced them with names we couldn't even repeat, as they had so many consonants. She said, "I'm taking them to the work planet and displacing them back home through the gateway. I'm also sending the love lesson and a few other things so we don't have to worry about things in the future." Chris, Allison, Roberta, and Kyle displaced with the aliens to the work planet.

We all had some coffee and Mandy lit us a cigarette to share. I couldn't stop staring at her nipples, pussy, and cock, as we put on our Vacation World outfits. Mandy smiled at me and said, "I'm just as hot honey", and then sat on my lap. She took a drag of the cigarette and then held it up to my lips with her fingers. I took two drags and inhaled, as Mandy watched my cock get hard. She smiled again and I put my hand on her cock that was also hard. I rubbed it slowly and squeezed, and she moaned softly leaning against me with her arm over my shoulder.

Julie and Kathy were watching us and touching each other also over their cloths. I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke and asked Mandy in her mind to sit on the table facing me. She smiled again and took a drag of the cigarette as she moved to sit on the kitchen table facing me with her legs spread wide open. I put my mouth over her pussy, licked her a few times, and then swallowed all of her wetness I licked into my mouth. Mandy moaned again and put her hand over the back of my head, as I licked her again faster, and then her clit. I made my tongue larger and wiggled it into Mandy, as she took a drag of her cigarette and was breathing heavy.

Mandy said into my mind, "I'm almost there honey, just a little more. Oh that feels so good. Mmmmm, wiggle your tongue again. Oh yeah, mmmmmm." Mandy started to buck into my face and she held my head as she spasmed into my mouth. I sucked all of her juices while Mandy moaned so loud. I moved my mouth to her cock and sucked in the mushroom head and rubbed the shaft. I put my other hand on Mandy's pussy and rubbed her clit, and then insert a finger into her pussy. I made my finger bigger and hit her G-spot. Mandy went wild pushing her cock into my face.

I let Mandy fuck my face while I rubbed her G-spot, and she flowed like a river onto my fingers. Mandy was moaning, "Suck it honey. Oh, I'm going to blast off any second. Mmmmm, deep throat me. Oh! OH! OOOOOOHHHHHH! OOOOOOOOHHHHHH! Yes, YYYYEEESSS!" Mandy's cock pulsated and blasted a stream of cum into my throat, as I swallowed. She squirted again 10 times and I sucked it all down into my stomach, with her cock in my throat.

I lifted my head up and Mandy pulled my face to hers as she kissed me with her mouth wide open and tongue stickling out. Mandy slid off the table, moved my chair back a little, and knelt on the floor in front of me. She sucked my cock into her throat and pushed two fingers into my pussy at the same time. She hit my G-spot in seconds and I was flying again and rocking my pelvis into her face. Mandy lifted her head to just cover the tip of my cock and rubbed the shaft with her hand. I put my hand on Mandy's neck, as she turned me on again. I only lasted about 5 minutes and blasted off into her mouth. I squirted 9 times as Mandy held all of my white warm cum in her mouth.

Mandy sucked all of it into her mouth and then lifted her head. She held it back and opened her mouth to show it to me. Then she stood up, bent over to my face, and we kissed with our mouths wide open. We swished my cum in our mouths with our tongues, until we both swallowed all of it.

Mandy sat on my lap again, lit a cigarette, and put it in my lips, as we watched Julie and Kathy in a 69 position on the floor licking each other's pussy and cock. I took a deep drag and handed the cigarette to Mandy. She hugged me and then kissed me so sexy and softly. I was melting again. We kissed and shared the cigarette, watching Kathy and Julie go wild on each other.

Kate and Judy displaced into the kitchen and watched Julie and Kathy for a few seconds before saying anything. Judy them walked over to us and said, "Join us in the other room for a minute." We walked into the study and I said, "What's up?" Judy said, "We found something else we can do, but we're not sure what to do with it. Just read my mind and watch."

We read Judy's mind and she tapped into the clairvoyant capabilities and then started to will things to happen. She stopped and I said, "You're telling us that really works?" Kate said, "In about 2 minutes the door bell should ring. Lets see if it does." We all sat and waited, and then the doorbell rang. Kate went to answer it and came back with a bag. She put it on the conference table and said, "It should be eggs, bacon, peppers, sausage, and potatoes. Let's see if it's right." Kate opened the sandwich and it was exactly as Judy made it happen.

Mandy and I looked at each other and she said, "Bob needs a vacation. Lets plan one for him and get him to come out of his shell. Read my mind." Mandy had Bob call us at home to tell Mandy he was taking a vacation for a few days and then she gave him the wildest adventure on Vacation World. We all were laughing at some of the things she had him do. She also had him try some of the SexMed drugs that he was afraid to try before.

I lit a cigarette as Kate was still laughing and the phone rang. Mandy answered it and said, "Hello.", "Oh hi Bob. What can I do for you." "Sure, no problem. Have a great time. We'll see you in a few days." We all laughed and I said, "We could do some real damage with this. We have to be careful. Lets see if it works on us also. I won't look into your minds. Make me do something simple."

I took a drag of the cigarette and they all concentrated. I didn't feel any different. I was starring at the sandwich that Kate had ordered and was getting so hungry. I leaned over to the conference table and took a piece of it off, and eat it. Mandy laughed and said, "You hate those sandwiches. Remember?" I swallowed the mouthful and made yuck face. They all laughed and I said, "I just had this urge to eat the sandwich. Was that the suggestion?" Kate said, "Yup. Try something on me, but tell me about it. I want to try and stop myself from doing it."

We all concentrated and Judy dreamt that Kate was rubbing her clit in front of us. We ended the vision and Judy said, "You are going to rub your clit in front of us." Kate said, "I can't believe I have this incredible urge to do it." She took the cigarette from my fingers and took a drag and handed it back, and she was shaking. She looked us and said, "Fuck it. I can't fight the feeling." We watched Kate rub her clit and get off, as we all smiled.


Over the next 5 months Mandy and I stepped right back into the groove of being workaholics. We had a great Christmas at the castle again and way too much snow as usual. This year, we had over 100 people over to help celebrate. Tara had tears in her eyes when we gave her one of our gifts. It was an engraved wall plaque that talked about how courageous she was and that we all owned her everything for her leadership.

We were just having fun, lots of sex, and had accomplished so many things. Ken pulled off the acquisitions with our help and has created an entertainment empire. He has also now branched out into all forms of entertainment and even included sporting teams, events, casinos, amusement parks, and nightclubs. He convinced the board members to buy out the casino Mandy and I owned, and the company has now purchased 45 other ones. We actually didn't want to sell it and he talked us into it.

Kate's shipping company is now fully operational and the money is just rolling in. We started to offer equipment to send mail and packages from the home for anyone on a lease basis. The revenues are 100 times what we expected. Kate's figures from last month showed that over 90 percent of all shipping's being done through our company. There is still one large struggling company left and they refused to negotiate with us when we offered to buy all or a portion of their company. They even blocked us in the stock market by passing a poison pill. Kate's remark was, "Fuck them. They'll wish they took our offer in 2 months. I will never give them a dime now." They called back yesterday and Kate refused to take their call and asked Grace to tell them never to call back. We all laughed.

Shopping in general has really taken an upswing. All of our stores and over 60 percent of all other stores now offer to send goods directly home from the checkout register. The stores only charge one dollar, and we get half of it, plus the lease on the equipment. The total revenue from it is mind boggling. Internet based Solarnational commerce has also taken off like crazy. The shipping played a big role in that too. The new craze is food deliveries are being shipped from restaurants and the existing home delivery fast food and pizza places. We didn't even think about this market when we planned it.

The biggest problem we all have has been dealing with the time plane difference between Vacation World and everywhere else. Standard telephone conversations aren't possible, due to the time difference. One person sounds incredibly slow and the other like gibberish. We can communicate together because of the speed our minds can operate, and using our telepathic phone is an option, but we haven't made it available off world yet. Too many people just like to hear themselves talk, so we slowed down the rollout of it.

We were trying to decide if fixing the last time displacement flaw is worth loosing the ability to spend weeks on Vacation World without loosing much time on earth. Our new resort is scheduled to open in 2 days and two weeks ago Mandy and I finally caved in and agreed with everyone else that we should fix the time problem. Chris corrected it in less than a minute and then we had to announce it on every world. Surprisingly, it had the exact opposite effect Mandy and I thought it would have. Travel increased instead of decreased. Neither one of us understands that one.

The band has played 2 gigs each month and as Melissa keeps telling us; Mandy and I are having way too much fun. We really do love playing, and the music has never sounded better. We changed our show a little and now do a few funny skits between songs, almost like a play. One of the newspapers published a review of our show and called it, "Better than Broadway." Mandy framed it and it's now hanging in her office.

Mandy and I have been to Trath and Firma, our planets, at least once a month to visit with Laurie and Janx. They are so much in love with each other. The worlds have united under one government under our SolarNational umbrella and the economy is about as good as it gets. Many of the people have made an incredible amount of money by offering goods through solarnational commerce. They do make the best quality in lots of different areas, and can charge top price. They also have no taxes at all, and we distributed shares of our stock to the entire population. Our stock is also traded on both worlds in their stock exchanges, but the actual buy and sell is driven from the exchange on earth.

We have a board meeting today to discuss the opening of the resort, and then Mandy and I are actually taking a whole month off along with most of the others, all in our new resort. We all decided that we needed a break and the company can survive without us for a little while. We have a bet going as to who gets called first with some critical issue. Mandy and I bet on Ken because he has so many things going on. He even bet on himself. We're also playing a show at the Grand Opening night of the resort in the mega size entertainment center. It's already sold out for both shows.

Mandy and I went to the office early today to prepare for the board meeting. We ate breakfast in her office as we did the numbers and laughed about it. The company has grown by a factor of 5 in the past 6 months. So have our holdings, cash bonuses, net worth, and everything else. Mandy joked that we had enough money to buy our own planet, and Tara said, "Why bother. We'll just make one." That's when it kind of all sank in. We have everything we could have ever wanted.

Mandy and I had a cigarette and put together one last slide with our notes of new venture ideas. We laughed about a few of them and I typed them up anyway. We packed up the laptop and went into the boardroom, as everyone was coming in. I had our "SolarNational is on Vacation" slide on the screen as everyone walked in. Everyone had a few wise cracks and Mandy said, "We have three items to discuss. Let's start with the numbers. Bob already reviewed these and checked them twice. You won't believe them either."

Mandy put up the first slide and everyone had their mouths hanging open. Mandy said, "Five times the revenue of the company, ten times the profit, and in every single division. Our projections were so far of it's laughable. This isn't just one company doing well; it's everywhere. Solarnational commerce has really kicked in. For all of you with a calculator that goes up that high, figure out your bonuses and stock options, and I guarantee you will do it three times just like Jen and I just did. We have a press release ready to go."

We heard Ken in the back of the room saying, "No way. It can't be that much. This calculator has got to be wrong." Everyone started to laugh, as it was that much. Then we heard Ken say, "Maybe I can finally afford to buy that new station wagon car now." Mandy lost it and started to laugh, so did everyone else. The numbers were absurd.

Mandy said, "This does leave us with a very interesting problem that we have never had. What do we do with all of this extra money. Fifteen to twenty percent should go to shareholder dividends, and the rest I think we should think about other expansion and new ventures, which brings us to Jen's slide."

I flipped the screen and said, "No laughing. Some of these ideas may seem really strange, but they may be money makers." I did them one at a time. The first slide read, `Hover cars' and I said, "Chris has isolated and reproduced the energy source from that alien space craft. She had a team assemble a new car, which this is a photo of, using that technology. The car travels about 12 inches off the road, but can be made to ride higher, or fly. It can go from 0 to 200 in less than a second, stops in about the same time, and does not require any fuel. It also has something that compensates for G-forces so you don't feel the speed. It can safely travel about 300 miles an hour on roads. Flying, it will do better than the speed of light if we allow it too."

I showed another slide that had a horse, an old car, a new car, and Chris's car and I said, "Technology has replaced the method of transportation of over the decades. I say we launch this as the next generation of transportation for the average person. We can either license the technology, or build it. Either way, the oil companies are done in ten or fifteen years. Our initial estimates are that we could sell one of these red beauties for a cost of about $11,000, which is less than half of what a cheap cast iron piece of Detroit junk costs now. If we license it to the car companies, they stay in business and we still get the same profit, which will be huge compared to what we are making on the fuel alternative licenses. I think the license scenario is the best approach as we have no upfront costs. Let the car manufacturers spent the money. If they refuse, then we'll do it as a fall back position."

Everyone applauded and I said, "Next idea. We build on the other half of vacation World, the ultimate amusement park for kids." I went on with one idea after the other that were all profitable and then I got to some of the weird ones. I said, "Remember, no laughing. I showed a slide of two Combined people who had their cocks lengthened to be shoulder height. I said, "It's called Pharma-Extra-Extra-Long. We can already produce it." Everyone was giggling and I changed the slide to show a picture of two Combined Mermaids, and I said, "This is real. The two people have gills, their digestive system was changed, the feet are connected and bound by the large fin. They can live their entire lives underwater, and reproduce. We have the technology to make it happen through the use of four different drugs that still needed to be tested. Think we will have any takers for Mermaids?"

The giggled kept going and then I flipped a slide that read `Mr. Potato Head' and had a blank face on it. Everyone was laughing and I said, "Hey! No laughing. This is serious shit." Mandy was hysterical and I said, "You promised you wouldn't laugh", and she tried to stop but just blurted it out. I smiled and said, "I didn't know what to call this so I remembered this game as a kid where we could make faces anyway we wanted. We now have the technology to do absolutely anything to our faces. Move anything around within reason, change the shape or sizes also. It's the ultimate cosmetology kit, Mr. Potato Head."

Mandy laughed again and I changed slides saying, "This is the last one. We can do this but I'm not sure we should, as this really will change society. I'm calling it the Companion. We now have the capability, thanks to some of Chris's team's research, to produce a full life size, human look and feel, neural computer operated, android. This is the prototype. Hot isn't she? And to answer the obvious questions, yes it can be made into any sex, or combination, and can be programmed to have sex anyway imaginable. It will be like talking to a computer, with a more compassionate voice. It also has an on off switch and runs on a rechargeable power cell that's good for about 100 years. It will also have a full knowledge bank for reference. I think it will be good for manual labor and jobs that no one wants that don't require a lot of decision based analysis."

I showed a summary slide and said, "This is the summary which you can all think about, or add to it, and we'll vote on it after our vacations." Everyone clapped and Ken said, "I want two companions just like you" and his wife Kathy smacked him on the leg. We all laughed.

Mandy said, "Last item. Tara is going to talk about the resort." Tara showed us the pictures on a laptop that were taken yesterday and the place was gorgeous. She went through about 40 of them and then said, "We all can thank Adel and Margi for this part; it's already booked solid for the next three months. We're not renting out the penthouse suites in the first hotel on the beach, which are reserved for all of us. All of the other 16 finished hotels are completely booked, and the other four will be ready next week for a final inspection and are booked starting in three weeks. We also kept a number of golf tee times open for us on 8 of the courses. Everything here is only a few seconds away from each other. Teleportation units are located at every facility. We also have a very unusual attraction in the lagoon."

Tara changed the slide and showed my Mermaid slide and said, "They are living here and will be visible to the guests at the resort." Tara changed slides and said, "Bob did some projections of the numbers and this slide shows revenue and profitability. We will have completely recovered our investments in 3 months, as long as we don't let Mandy play at the craps table."

Everyone started to giggle and Mandy said smiling, "That's so unfair. I can't play in our own hotel?" Tara said, "You can play, you just have to give back the money. You have got to be the luckiest person I've ever seen at craps. Hustle pool for a while. That's not our money." We all laughed again and Mandy said, "Kate, you, Jen, Judy and me. Bring back any memories?" Kate blushed and said, "We'll play."

Mandy adjourned the meeting and we all took off to pack and go on our vacation. I left the press releases to get sent out and Grace said, "I know. You two are on vacation. No interviews." I nodded and she said, "And I'm joining you after I finish transcribing the rest of the board minutes. I can't wait."

Mandy and I displaced home, got our bags that were already packed, changed, and displaced to our resort on Vacation World. It was incredible. All of the staff was already working and someone came running out to get our bags. We gave him them our names and he said, "Everyone knows who you are. Go for the tour and come in when you're ready. I'll get the bags to your room." Mandy gave him a tip and he smiled at us and said, "Check out the lagoon over there" as he pointed. We walked over and we saw the Mermaids swimming under water. Mandy waved and they recognized us and waved back. We both communicated with them in our minds and told them that we would be in the water to swim with them tomorrow. If anyone found out that these two were both once sharks, I think it would change their view of the Mermaids.

Mandy and I walked around and it all looked so nice. We went top of the line with everything. Our resort is by far the most expensive, but nothing else even comes close, anywhere. We made sure that every single detail was the best it could be. Many of the homes are under construction now and that part of our plan will be really interesting.

We are all having a home built here on one of the golf courses. We picked out our lot to have the ocean on one side with a combination of rock cliffs, a dock, and a beach, and the golf course on the other. We are having another old style castle built that is slightly different from the one back home. This one is a combination of old English Tudor styling and stone, and it is really large. We wanted to have enough room to host any size party with at least 25 bedrooms and a ballroom. The architect told us it was 4 square feet smaller than our current house, so we extended one outside wall a foot so now it's 1,000 feet larger. Mandy said, "I'm not ready to downsize yet." The construction is scheduled to be complete while we are here on vacation and we already hired someone to decorate it.

Mandy and I held hands walking around the grounds and then into the hotel. It was magnificent. We got our room keys and went into the elevators. It read our minds to the floor number and stopped at the penthouse. We had the corner suite and went inside. It was great. Mandy said, "I always wanted a hotel room like this. Let's hope everyone likes our taste for luxury." Mandy opened up a refrigerator and took out a bottle of chilled white wine. She checked the label and said, "Nice choice. Sweetheart, get out two glasses." I took out the glasses and Mandy opened the bottle, and poured us each a glass. We toasted to us and the resort, and took a sip.

Mandy put her glass down, and then took mine and set it down also. She put her arms around me and gave me the wettest, sloppiest kiss with her tongue out. I put my arms around her and melted, as we explored each other's mouth with our tongues. We kissed for over 10 minutes holding each other and caressing. Mandy and I read each other's thoughts and she said into my mind, "Honey, I want to make love all night, all day, and every minute with you. How about we start right now?"

I smiled as Mandy took my hand walking me into the bedroom with our wine glasses and a pack of cigarettes. Mandy lit a cigarette, as we took off our cloths and then sat on the king size bed against the headboard and sipped our wine. I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, and Mandy took a drag also. She put our wine glasses down and we leaned against each other softly caressing each other's breasts. Mandy held the cigarette to my lips and I inhaled twice while rubbing her nipple to get it rock hard. Mandy smiled at me and said, "That feels so good honey. Don't you dare stop."

Mandy leaned back against me and I put my arms around her and rubbed her nipples. She moaned softly, "Mmmmmm, that's so nice. I'm all tingly." She took another drag of the cigarette and then turned towards me holding the cigarette to my lips again. I sucked on the cigarette twice, inhaling the smoke. I blew it out slowly through my nose as I pinched Mandy's nipples. She leaned back against my beasts and took a final drag of the cigarette and then put it out.

We caressed, licked, and sucked, each other's breasts until we both were on fire. We both sucked our own nipples which made each of us crazy. I love watching Mandy turn herself on. Then we lay in a 69 position on our sides. I spread Mandy's pussy lips with my fingers and licked her dripping wet slit. I said into our minds, "You are really wet baby. I love the way it tastes." Mandy moaned when I said that and she pushed her tongue all the way into me and then made it bigger. She wiggled it all the way at the bottom and I started to orgasm. I moaned into her pussy as I was snaking my tongue into her also, and had my arms around her ass pulling her pussy into my face. We licked each other into paradise for the next two and a half hours, until our pussies were throbbing like the time Julie and Kathy did it to us.

Mandy moved around to kiss me and shared a mouthful of my cum with me, as we changed into Combined couples. She lay on top of me and we interlocked our cocks inside of each other. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and rolled us on our side, as we made both of our cocks bigger and orgasmed immediately. Mandy started to fuck me back and forth and within 5 minutes we both were bucking and jerking, shooting our first load of cum. We kissed the entire time as we shared our thoughts. I felt my cum hit the inside of her pussy walls and she felt hers hit mine. We both orgasmed again from it and our cocks stayed hard.

Mandy and I started to make love at 11 in the morning and didn't stop until 6 pm. We stayed coupled for over 5 hours and shot cum into each other 7 times. We both wanted to keep going, but we promised that we would meet everyone for dinner at 7. We lay in a 69 position and sucked the white goo out of each other, and then kissed. I had it all over my face and so did Mandy. We licked each other's face and then lay down and did it again. I sucked Mandy's pussy so hard she had a massive orgasm again. I sucked that up too as she was begging to me to keep going. I kissed her pussy gently and then sat up and kissed her with a mouthful.

We held each other close and Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a drag and said, "I don't want to go to dinner honey. I want to eat you." We both smiled and I said, "I want to stay her too, but everyone is expecting us. We have 2 days of formal shit to do and then we are on our own for almost a month. We'll survive it. Come on, let's get cleaned up." I took Mandy's hand and she pulled me into her arms and kissed me so hot. I melted again and my juices flowed out of my wet cunt. I also got a hardon again. Mandy saw that and immediately pushed her hardon into me and we interlocked again. We lay on our sides fucking and sharing the cigarette. I was reading Mandy's mind and we both started to giggle. She said, "Jen, we are so fucked up sometimes. We'll do the ass thing later. Lets cum one more time and I promise to get up with you for dinner."

We both took another drag of the cigarette as we fucked our cocks into each other. Our pussies were so hot and wet it was unreal. I was throbbing, so was Mandy. We both shot our loads within 15 minutes and I said, "Leave the cum in us. I want to see it drip down your legs under your skirt." Mandy got so turned on she lay in a 69 position with me and we sucked it all out of each other and swallowed. She kissed me and I said, "You spoiled the fantasy." She smiled and said, "We have all month to do that one. Lets shower honey."

We both walked into the open shower in the bathroom and peed under the water. We kissed a few times and then played with the new shampoo dispensers which were really ingenious. We washed the soap off and got out.

We dressed and put on our makeup. We did each other's eyes tonight, and we looked hot. We both had on open front and back dresses that were getting us both excited. Neither of us wore any underwear.


I said, "Right on time. It's 7 PM. Lets go downstairs." We took our pocketbooks and went to the elevator. It took us down to the lobby and we were escorted by the staff to the ballroom for the private dinner. Everyone was already there and they stood applauding for us. Mandy and I looked at each other not understanding what was going on. Ken stood up and said, "This dinner is for both of you. You are both workaholics, brilliant, and everything you touch turns to gold. I even think Mr. Potato Head will make billions." Everyone laughed and Ken said, "In all seriousness, we all wanted to say thanks, and since money doesn't really mean anything to any of us any more, we did it with this."

One of the staff opened a curtain and it had a forty foot high painting of Mandy and me, in between the stained glass ornate works on a wall. Mandy and I were so surprised. I said, "This is the first time I'm speechless. I don't know what to say other than thank you all very much. You all deserve this more than we do."

Mandy had a tear in her eye and held my hand as she said, "Jen's right, you all deserve it way more than us. We are all like family. Jen and I are just the ones steering the ship right now. You all are the ones who made this company what it is today. I sincerely thank you all very much and this is just amazing. It really does mean a lot for both of us." Mandy and I kissed, and then and hugged everyone. Then we were seated at the head of the table.

Ken toasted us and said, "That was the sincere part, and we all really meant it. Now the fun part. Down the hatch everyone." We downed the wine and a waiter brought two of our favorite rum drinks to everyone. Now I made a toast to everyone, and said, "I want you all to promise me that you will allow us to have your portraits painted around the room with ours. This looks like it is just our show, and it isn't. Everyone agree?" Ken stood and clapped and then everyone did, and we all drank again. Margi and Alice made great toasts, and so did my mom. Grace was bombed by the fifth toast and was so funny. We all told her she needed to get out more often.

By the time dinner was served we are all mostly trashed. We all ate and told jokes. Mandy and I had a great time and also drank 8 of our Rum drinks. We were basically numb. Melissa had a laptop set up to run commercials projected on the wall and we watched about 40 minutes of the funniest stuff we ever saw. She had them made especially for tonight and not for TV. We saw packages being smashed and lost, a stripper pop out of a box shipped to a church by mistake, the extra-extra-long night club, a mister potato head contest with people, the teleportation system send people to hell, an animal pill packaged wrong as a SexMed where the person turns into a jackass permanently, and lots of screw ups with everything. We almost wet our pants when Melissa showed a commercial for a new product called urine-licker, that made pee taste like lemonade or strawberry. She had one for a complementary product called ass- licker that flavored everything as peanut butter or milk chocolate. Jody kept blushing and we knew where Melissa's ideas came from.

We all had one more round of drinks. Mandy stood up with a cigarette hanging from her lips and said, "My biker babe partner and I are going to fornicate for one month straight and then when we get tired, we'll come up for air and do it all over again. Isn't that right sweetheart?" I was so smashed I could hardly talk. I spit out something like, "Yup. One month being fucked." Mandy laughed and held me up, as we got a bellhop to wheel us both in his cart to our room.

Everyone else was getting rides also and it was a piss. The bellhops raced with us in one cart and Julie and Kathy in another to the rooms. Mandy was yelling, "Late apex the turn! Now step on it!" We were so out of it.

We made it to our bed and the whole room was spinning. We sat on the floor up against the bed and pulled the covers onto the floor and a few pillows. We managed to undress each other and were so uncoordinated. I couldn't undo my dress, so Mandy pulled it off over my head. She grabbed an ashtray from the nightstand and put it on the floor next to us, lighting a cigarette. Mandy took a deep drag and handed the cigarette to me. I had trouble finding my mouth and was giggling. Mandy was laughing at both of us and helped me. I said, "We are so retarded when we drink." She giggled and said, "Honey, we are always retarded. It just comes out more with the booze." I blew out the smoke and took another drag, handing the cigarette back to Mandy.

We finished the cigarette and then made love like retards. We were so uncoordinated we couldn't get a rhythm going as we fucked. It still felt good, but I broke the mood when I called us "Jerry's kids." Mandy laughed so hard she started to pee and I liked it up from her pussy and then she asked me if it was lemonade of strawberry. I said, "With you it's always honey." We kissed and then Mandy begged me to piss in her mouth, so I did and she drank it. We kissed for hours with the taste in our mouths as we fucked as Combined couples. Then the booze started to wear off a little and we got crazy.

Mandy and I fucked each other's ass, pussy, and then coupled again. I used my snake tongue on Mandy's ass and I told her she definitely tasted like milk chocolate. She was too busy moaning to laugh about it. I think she told me I was peanut butter, but I was in another world and didn't really hear her. We made love on the floor until the sun came out.

We looked at the mess of the blankets and pillows and both laughed. I said, "How about a swim with our buddies and then we come back in and sleep for a while." Mandy smiled and said, "Lets go."

We hit the toilets, put on bathrobes, and took the elevator to the beach level. We dropped our robes on the beach and walked out in the water with the sun rising over the horizon. We got over our head and made gills and called to our underwater friends. The Mermaids were with us in less than a minute. We communicated and swam with them all over the area. They showed us their new home and I asked them if they liked it better now. They both told me they loved it. We swam into the lagoon and saw people walking around so we made ourselves invisible to everyone outside. We made love floating and then so did the our Mermaid friends, as people watched them in the 20 feet of crystal clear water.

We swam back out into the ocean and this time they both kissed us goodbye. We both returned the kiss on the cheek and then swam up to the beach. We got rid of the gills and walked out of the water. We put on our robes and went back to our room. I said, "Now that was a great way to start the day." Mandy said, "They're so lonely. We need to make them some friends this week." I said, "If you and I were by ourselves, would we be lonely?" Mandy said, "No, but that's different." I said, "Why is it different? They're in love also."

Mandy put her arms around me and said, "I still want to make them some friends. It would be nice." Mandy and I kissed and then got into the shower.

We dressed and walked to the elevator and I said, "We forgot. Today is grand opening day. Lets order some breakfast and get some sleep. We have to be in the lobby at 1 and we play tonight at 10." Mandy said, "Oh shit. Back to bed honey."

We went back into our room to order some breakfast and it was delivered in 5 minutes. We both laughed and Mandy said, "It pays to be the owners." We ate and I set the alarm for 12:30, closed the curtains to make it dark, lay down, and both of us were out cold in seconds.

The alarm went off and it felt like I just closed my eyes. Mandy looked at me and said, "We would have been better off if we just stayed up. I am so tired." We held each other for a few minutes and then dragged each other out of bed. I said, "I'll heat up the coffee we ordered." I put two cups in the microwave in the room and we sat at the table and having our caffeine fix with a cigarette. I said, "What are we doing in the lobby at 1 in the afternoon?" Mandy looked at me and said, "Acting like we own the place I guess. It's Tara's idea. I have no clue what she has in mind."

We looked at each other and started to laugh. I said, "We need some work in the mirror. Come on." I grabbed Mandy's hand and she still had her eyes squinted. We cleaned ourselves up and fixed our hair. I said, "I like the windblown look. Lets leave it like this. It's a little wild looking." Mandy smiled and said, "That's cool."

We finished our coffee and had another cigarette, before we went to the lobby. Tara was waiting and we all gathered around her. She said, "I asked you all to be here at 1 because we are opening up 16 new hotels all at one time. This is insanity, and you all know that. Lets spit up in pairs and each cover a hotel until about 5. We'll talk to each other in our minds. If any hotel has a long line, let everyone know so we can send staff back and forth. If there are any problems with the building, or whatever, let everyone know. The managers are all new to having more than one hotel to deal with. We'll give them the support they need. Remember, each hotel will have over 2,500 people checking in today. We all looked at each other and didn't realize what a madhouse this was going to be.

Tara gave out hotel assignments and we got hotel number 2. We all used the teleporter system to go between hotels. It was so simple. We found the manager of hotel number 2 and she shook our hands and Mandy said, "We're here to help coordinate what's going on between the hotels. If you get swamped with long lines, we'll move people from the other hotels, as needed. She said to us, "Relax and have a drink. I have it all covered. Even if they all arrived at once we should be fine with the automate systems we had installed. All of the guests already have their room assigned, a key has been shipped to them, and we have the credit card information. We probably won't see any of them in here in the lobby unless they want to say hello."

I said, "Are all of the 16 hotels the same?" She said, "Yeah. As a matter of fact, your daughter, Chris was here checking out the systems a few days ago." Mandy said, "Thanks. We're going to check on the other hotels also."

We teleported back to hotel 1 and walked over to Tara. I said, "There aren't going to be any lines. Chris automated the hotel check in process. Everyone is already checked in and has their keys. They can go straight from the teleporter to their rooms." Tara said, "Are you kidding?" I said, "That's from the manager in Hotel 2. Ask this one also." Tara asked the manager and she gave us the same story. I called Chris in her mind and said, "Why didn't you say something?" She was laughing and said, "This is funny. I was waiting for everyone to be upset that no one checked in and start to panic. Most of them are already here." Tara heard her and started to laugh. She called everyone in their minds and told them what was going on. Ken said to Chris, "You are definitely my kid. No one else could pull off a stunt like that. Chris, we would have all been so crazy. Great job."

Mandy and I went back to our room. I set the alarm for 5 PM, and we were both out like a light in minutes. We woke up a few minutes before the alarm went off and she said, "We have to do a sound check. Come on honey we have to get up. You feel any better now?" I smiled at her and said, "I feel like having wild, totally out of control sex with you." Mandy said, "You're better. Lets go."

We changed for the show and put on our makeup, and teleported to the arena. This place is huge. It's a completely indoor arena for concerts and sporting events and holds over 90,000 people. We walked into the back stage area and Chris was there. She said, "We just did our sound check and this place sounds great. Wait until you hear the acoustics. I think we're on second and you're on last. I don't know anything about the opening act."

We all walked out on stage and Melissa said, "This is going to be fun. Look how the seating is arranged. Watch this." Melissa jumped from the stage to the upper deck railing and then back again. I said, "Cool, but you should have walked back down on air like you were on stairs."

The sound engineer said into the stage monitors, "You ready for a sound check?" We waved to her and got ready. We played one of our new tunes for the show tonight which had everything from loud hard rock stuff in it, to 8 part harmony. Chris was right, the sound in here is outrageous. The engineer said into the monitor system, "Sounds real good. Have a great show!" We all waved to her and went back stage.

I said, "How about some food? Anyone hungry besides me?" Melissa put an arm on my shoulder and one on Mandy's and said, "I'm always hungry for you two, but food will have to do for now." All eight of us displaced back to the hotel and went into the main dinning area for diner.

The food was fantastic. We ate while we made some changes to our skit for tonight. Some of it was really funny. Melissa is such a nut case. We each had only one of our favorite drinks, and we were half lit up from it. These drinks are so potent.

We displaced to the backstage area and made some of our props for tonight. Then we all sat on couches and watched TV in the backstage lounge. Mandy was channel surfing and stopped on the news. Jody said, "Oh my God. Those idiots did it again." Mandy said, "That's Rusty and Bobby, Jody's half brothers being arrested. Lets hear what they did this time."

We heard the news commentator reporting, "Rusty Carlson and his half brother Bobby Carlson ran into trouble with the law again. This has to be one of the most stupid crimes we have ever reported. These two were shipping themselves as packages to stores, looting the stores at night, and then shipping the goods to a warehouse, and themselves back home. I guess they didn't read the sign on every single shipping unit which says all shipments are automatically traced and photographed for security and safety. It took SolarNational less than a minute to figure out exactly who stole the goods and where they were now. The two dunderheads get tried and sentence tomorrow and it looks like a very warm vacation in hell is in store for them as they are now three time offenders."

We all laughed, and Jody said, "Those idiots. I need to tell Dad and Joanne. You can all listen in." Jody said into our minds, "Dad, can you and Joanne hear me?" We read Jody's mind and heard him say, "Hi Jody. We're here. What's up?" Jody said, "Did you see the news about Rusty and Bobby?" He said back, "What news?" Jody told them the story and Dad said, "Those stupid jerks. That's after I just helped them out. Jody, we gave them our old house in LA last month so they would have a place to live. How's everyone?"

Jody and Mandy talked to Jody's dad and his wife Joanne for about 20 minutes. Mandy said, "You ever going to leave that island of yours?" Dad said, "No way. We're retired, and we love it here. The kids are growing up great, and we have no interest in going anywhere. Why leave paradise when you don't have too. Hey Mandy, you ever going to really retire? The work you and Jen have done is just unreal. You two have everything you could possibly ever want. Why not just sit back and have fun now?" Mandy smiled at me and said back, "Dad, we are thinking about it again, but Jen and I are still having a lot of fun making things happen in business. We both missed it when we retired the last time."

The MC came backstage and Jody said, "We have to go. Hug the kids for us. Bye." The MC said, "The first act is a no show, and no one has heard from them. If they aren't here in 15 minutes, Always and Forever will open the show." I said, "Who is the opening act?" He said, "Faces."

Mandy and Jody looked at each other and Mandy said into all of our minds, "Ellen, can you hear me?" We all heard back, "Hi Mandy. We're running late. We got stuck in an elevator and we're on our way over to the arena now. Ask the MC if he can hold off the start of the show for about 10 minutes. We'll be there." Mandy said back, "We'll wait. See ya."

Jody went to talk to the MC and explained what happened. He laughed and nodded his head. I talked to Tara in her mind and told her about the elevator. She said, "We lost all power to the elevators in hotel 9 for almost two hours. It's fixed now. Tell the band we'll double their pay for the shows. Also, I forget to tell all of you. The front row on the left side is reserved for the bands, so you can watch the other parts of the show."

I lit a cigarette and listened into Mandy's mind telling Ellen about her half brothers being arrested again. Ellen was laughing. She said, "They are the biggest assholes I know. I can't stand them anymore. I want to watch the sentencing and see them fry." Mandy was sitting next to me and smiled as Ellen said that. Mandy took a drag of my cigarette, as Ellen and her band came backstage. We hugged and kissed all of them.

Ellen said, "I guess a sound check is our of the question now." Mandy said, "We have the best working the booth. Justine, who you knew as Jeff, is doing the show tonight. She wanted to be part of the grand opening. Wait until you hear how good everything sounds in this place. It will take her less than 10 seconds to set the levels and then she'll have it perfect by the end of the first verse of your opening tune."

The MC came backstage and said, "You're on." We all went out to the seats in the front row and watched as the lights dimmed. A spot was on the MC and he said, "Tonight we have three terrific acts for you. The first is a band many of you will remember that was one of the best in Southern Rock. They reformed the band last year and just released a new CD. It's available here in Vacation World now. Please welcome Faces."

The MC walked off the stage as the lights came up a little, and Faces started to play. They were really good. We hadn't heard the new material yet, and it was kick ass southern rock, kind of like Leonard Skinner. The arena was packed and the crowd loved them. Faces put on a good show too. Not like what we do, but it was entertaining. They played 10 tunes and then came back on stage for an encore when the crowd was cheering for more.

Chris's band all went backstage to get ready as Faces ended their show to a standing ovation. The MC came back out and said, "Now some jumping rock and roll, funk to make you move in your seat, a horn section that is right out of Motown, and vocals that are like ear candy. Always and Forever."

Ellen and Faces came out to site by us as Fireworks went off and the band started with a real funky soul type of tune. We couldn't sit still. Chris and the entire band were dancing on stage to the beat in unison. They did some solos and then went right into their number two song in the charts at Vacation World, which was a real funk tune. The crowd was all standing and screaming and dancing by their seats. We did the same thing.

Chris and Allison walked into the crowd during the third tune and the audience all loved it. They were a rock solid band and the show was terrific. They did one hit tune after the other and then took a break to talk to the crowd. They played 16 tunes and then came back for an encore also, as we went backstage to get ready.

Tonight was going to be different. Chris's band left the stage and Mandy and I stayed backstage sitting on a Harley in our biker babe cloths. The fireworks went off and I sat behind Mandy and she fired up the motorcycle and we speed onto the stage and stopped in the front corner, while everyone else was invisible. People saw the instruments appear to be floating in air and the drum sticks twirling, and us of course, on the Harley.

Mandy said into the mic, "Hey Babe. Think we can camp here tonight? I'm so horny." I put my hands inside of Mandy's open jacket and we didn't have anything on underneath. I cupped her breasts and said into the mic, "Me too. I bet that feels pretty good. Why don't we ride around some more. I love the vibrations on my pussy." The audience was mesmerized and giggling. Mandy moaned into the mic and said, "Hold on just like that when we ride around the block again. The neighbors already know we're nuts." People were laughing as we did a one minute skit. Kathy hit a rim shot on the snare and everyone turned visible as we started one of the new rock tunes we wrote called Uptown Biker Babes. It was number 1 in the charts on Earth and 3 here on Vacation World. Mandy and I sang lead and we did it by the Harley. We started the bike again at the end of the song, as Melissa played some outrageous guitar licks and we rode backstage again. We changed outfits using our minds and walked on stage, as the crowd was going crazy screaming and standing.

Mandy and I walked over to put on our guitars, as Melissa and Jody were doing the next skit. Mandy said into my mind, "Jen, that felt so good when you really rubbed my nipples. I almost forgot where we were." I kissed her softly in the dark area of the stage and she said into my mind, "I can't wait until later honey. I really am horny." The audience was laughing loud at the skit and we got our cue to start the tune. The music sounded as good as it ever had and the crowd loved it.

Julie and Kathy did a skit before our new number 1 hit here on vacation World, which was called `When We Were Fourteen'. They came out dressed as kids in Girl Scout uniforms and did two minutes of the sexiest stuff. They pretend to be at a scouting campout and actually had a fire on stage in a fireproof crate. They drink a beer and smoked a cigarette they stole from a camp counselor, and then showed each other how they like to masturbate, before they do it to each other. For three minutes crowd was oooing, laughing, and getting turned on. Mandy and I get wet every time we watch it. Jody gave us the cue on drums and Julie started to sing lead to Kathy while we played. We do an 8 part harmony chorus in this tune and it was really tight.

After the first 9 tunes, we end the skits and Mandy said, "I hope you liked the Broadway part of our show. Now it's time for good old fashioned rock and roll." I walked over to Mandy and pinched her ass and she tried to grab me. I displaced to the back of the arena and yelled into my mic, "You are getting so slow." I walked back while we start the tune, and played guitar by the people in the isles. I climbed over people and stood on the arms of the seats, as I wailed a solo. Then I walked back to the stage, about 6 feet in the air.

The audience was going wild as we played. We loved it. Janice and Karen did the goof routines, and we did our guitar shtick. Tonight, I won the quarter. We alternate every show. We slowed it down for our acapella slow song and you could hear a pin drop. We all still get goose bumps playing this when the music comes back in with Mandy singing lead.

We finished the normal show with 5 more fast tunes, all of them were top hits. The last is an audience sing along. We said good night and left the stage and the roar for an encore was deafening. We let it go for about a minute and then walked back on stage. Melissa said, "Do you want to hear one more?" The screams were deafening. Mandy said, "Anyone out there a blues fan?" The screams got even louder and Mandy yelled to us, "Blues tune we did at the last show."

I put on my Fender Strat guitar and Mandy and Melissa put on a Fender Tele. I started it with some blues licks like Stevie Ray and the whole band came in. Jody plays the most outrageous blues harp. We played and all got solos in it. We ended the tune by starting one of our older hits. We did a verse and chorus of that, and then really ended the show.

We all stood together by the front of the stage waving to the crowd and thanking them, as we turned translucent and then invisible. The audience cheered even louder as we walked off the stage invisible to them.

Chris and the others all ran backstage to be with us and Ellen hugged us and said, "That show as unreal. The music was great buy everything you put together is amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off the stage for 2 seconds." We all lit a cigarette, and Tara and Godda came backstage to hand us each one of our favorite drinks. Tara toasted and said, "To the best three bands in the universe." We all drank and Tara said, "You all ready for the press interviews? This was televised live on 12 planets." Julie said, "Oh no, we did our Girl Scout bit on live TV?" We all laughed as Tara said, "Five minutes and I'll let the press in."

Ken came back stage and said to Mandy and me, "This show was the best you have ever done. It was funny as hell, magical, sexy, and the music was just incredible." He gave us both a big hug.

Mandy and I both took a drag of our cigarettes, as the press came in and we were mobbed by the reporters. A TV crew ran it all live. Mandy and I were asked so many questions about the company's record revenue and profits. A reported asked, "What are going to do with all the extra profit?" Mandy read my mind and said back into my mind, "Go ahead. Say it." I said, "We built this company to where it is now by taking controlled calculated risks, planning each expansion carefully, and not being frivolous with the company's funds. We are going to pay a dividend to all shareholders, and invest in expansion and new ventures as we always have. We have 14 new ideas on the table that we will vote on after our vacation. Several have the potential to make technology leaps and changes in our society again. Mandy and I, along with the rest of management team are really excited about some of the ideas. We'll be glad to provide a full announcement after we have a few weeks to unwind and play a little music. After all, this is our vacation."

The reporter smiled and said, "One terrific vacation. The show was incredible." Mandy said, "Thanks. It's our hobby and it allows us to keep our sanity with everything else that's going on. We're just glad that people like our music and the little skits we put on."

Jody and Ellen were asked about Rusty and Bobby, and Jody said, "They are our half brothers, and they are both jerks. I hope they get what they deserve." Ellen said, "Amen to that."


The press left and it was just us left in the arena, along with Kate, Judy, and a few of the others. Tara said, "The grand opening party is in the ballroom, whenever you guys are ready come join us." Mandy smiled and put her arms around me. She said into my mind, "I really want to party with you honey. I don't give a shit about this stuff." We kissed and I said back in her mind, "You are the Chairman and CEO and I am the Vice Chairman and COO. We have to pretend we care for about an hour. We have to put on one more show tomorrow night, and then we are on our own for a month and we can party all day and night, just the two of us, if that's what you want."

Mandy held me close and we kissed with such passion. She rubbed noses with me and said, "Lets go be nice at the party. How about a little freshening up?" Mandy changed our cloths to some really sexy dresses with heels. I said, "I like this." She put her arm around my waist and we went to the teleporter with the others.

We mingled and shook hands with so many people who all wanted to met us. We were the perfect hosts along with Tara, Godda, Julie, and the others. Laurie and Janx showed up and we hugged and kissed them. Janx put her arm around me and said, "I loved the show. You two were a riot on the motorcycle. That Girl Scout skit was so hot!" We laughed nodding our heads.

Mandy and I had about 3 drinks and started to loosen up. There were a number of real high rollers, as Tara calls them, invited to the party. The casinos were all opening up in less than 15 minutes and she told us that one of the guests brought over 100 million to gamble. Mandy said, "Have the managers watch the tables like a hawk. Remember the rules we talked about. 100 million on a winning streak could kill us. Look what I can do with 20 million at the craps table." Tara said, "Lets go make sure they know what to do." She displaced us to the control room for the casinos.

Tara made all the introductions and Mandy started with the rules. They all listened when she said, "One of the guests will be playing over 100 million. This is big time money. Watch the tables like a hawk. Change the dice at craps every couple of rolls. At Blackjack, we're using 8 decks, but cut 2 decks out after the shuffle and don't deal past four decks down. Counters will not be able to keep track. If someone is using a system that's obvious, have the pit boss distract them and feed them lots of booze on the house."

We all watched the high rollers play, as thousands of other people we also playing the low end stakes tables and games. Someone hit a $40,000 slot jackpot and that was good. We knew we would get tons of press coverage out of it for a small price. We watched one guest loose 80 million dollars in 20 minutes and then buy in for another 80, and loose that also. We also saw a few winners but our take was still much larger than the losses. Tara said, "They have it under control. We should average 15 percent profit per day. Why don't you two relax and enjoy yourselves." We hugged Tara goodnight and displaced back to our room.

Mandy and I stood next to the bed, which was made again for us, and we laughed with our arms around each other. She lit a cigarette and took a drag, as I said, "We will never be able to relax and retire. We both get so into the business, no matter what it is." Mandy unclasped my dress and it slid down to my feet, as I had no underwear on. I had the high heels on and stepped out of the dress. Mandy looked at me and said, "Jen, you are so gorgeous and sexy with those heels on." I unclasped Mandy's dress and it slid off her also. We stood holding each other naked, wearing high heels. I said, "You are so sexy honey, and sleazy, and loving, and I want to make love to you all night."

Mandy took a drag of her cigarette and I took it out of her lips with my fingers and took a drag also. I took a send inhale and held in the smoke, as Mandy put her lips over one of my nipples and licked it slowly. I held her head close to me, as she flicked her tongue and sucked gently. I took a drag of the cigarette and blew the smoke out of my nose, as Mandy was making me tingle all over, and my cunt was dripping wet. I reached down and stroked her hard cock and Mandy was reading my mind. I bent over the bed and with my ass in the air, and Mandy spit on her hand. She pushed her spit wet fingers into my ass, and then rubbed my pussy and moved the wetness to my ass also. She stood behind me and pushed her cock into my ass, and it felt so good.

I moaned out, "Mmmmm, you make feel so good. Go all the way in me and then all the way out. Yeah, oooo, just like that honey." Mandy was fucking my ass and rubbing my clit with her hand. I was on fire. She was kissing my neck and holding me so tight, I wanted her to entire body inside of mine. I rocked my ass back into her forward movements, as she made her cock larger. I wanted more and moaned, "Bigger honey. Bigger." Mandy made herself a little bigger and I felt like I was being stretched. Each time she pulled out of my ass, my pussy tingled and dripped. Mandy was breathing heavy into my ear, and kissing it. She said, "I'm going to shoot already. Oh! OH! OOOOOHHHH! Here is cums! OHHH!"

Mandy bucked into my ass and spasmed. I felt her cock pulsate and warm cum spit into my ass over and over again, as she pushed into me deeper. Mandy held me and stayed perfectly still for a few seconds and then pulled out. She lay on the bed in front of me bending over and I dove into her pussy. I spread her pussy lips apart as wide as I could and snaked my tongue into her as far as it could go. Mandy held my head to her crotch and moaned as I swallowed every drop of her juices while I made her orgasm over and over again.

Mandy pulled me all the way onto the bed and we lay in a 69 position with me on top of her. Mandy was giving me a great blowjob, and then I did the same to her. I alternated between licking her pussy dripping with juices and sucking her cock into my throat. Mandy moaned into my mind, "Fuck my face honey. Buck into me and shoot your cum."

Mandy was sucking my cock and I fucked her face as she fingered my pussy with an enlarged finger. She hit my G-spot and I went wild. I really fucked into her face and she said into my mind, "I love it. Keep going. Oh, sweetheart fuck deeper into my mouth. Go bigger." I made myself a little bigger and Mandy was moaning, as I hammered into her face. I fingered Mandy's cunt and found her G-spot also, while I sucked her cock. She fucked into my face also and we were both so out of control. We did this for over 20 minutes and then we both shot our loads of cum at the same time. I was like a fire hose streaming into Mandy's mouth.

Mandy's cock jerked in my mouth and then squirt warm white goo onto my tongue 12 times. I sucked it all up and swallowed, as I was still cumming. Mandy was moaning into my mind, "Sweetheart, I swallowed all of it. You really came a lot baby. Kiss me." I got off of Mandy and turned around. We lay on our sides kissing passionately, and holding each other.

I reached for the pack of cigarettes, shook one out, and lit it. I put my foot on Mandy's breast and said, "Can you pull it off honey?" Mandy pulled off one shoe and then the other, and then I did hers. She took a drag of our cigarette and said, "You are so hot with those heels on." We both laughed as I said, "So are you. Want to be biker babes this week also? I was getting so turned on during the show when I was rubbing your nipples under the jacket."

Mandy smiled and said, "You? I was flooding my pussy and getting hard. I had trouble talking. Jen, if we weren't on stage I would have ripped your cloths off and we would have had sex right there." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and then put it in my lips. She rolled almost on top of me and starred into my eyes saying, "You and I are going to make our pussies throb and then fuck all night." I starred back into her eyes and melted, as she read my mind and smiled. I took a drag of the cigarette, and another, holding in the smoke. Mandy put her mouth over mine and sucked in the smoke as I blew it out. I took another drag, and then she took one also and put the cigarette out. We both blew out the smoke and lay in a 69 position on our sides.

We licked each other's pussy for over two and half hours. I was throbbing beyond belief and orgasming every time Mandy touched me. She was even worse. I sucked in a mouthful of her thick pussy cum juice and moved around to kiss her. We changed into Combined couples and interlocked our cocks into each other pussy, as we kissed. I orgasmed as soon as our cocks slipped inside each other and I shot my load from my cock into Mandy within seconds. She kissed me and then I kept on going, staying hard. She said into my mind, "That felt so good honey. Cum inside of me all night." Mandy wrapped her arms and legs around me and rolled us on our sides, as we made passionate love.

Mandy and I made love and came inside of each other until 6 in the morning, when we fell asleep laying on our sides, still inside of each other. We woke up every half hour or so, as one of us would move, and send feelings of pleasure through the other. At 11 AM we woke each other up and went at it full tilt again. I blasted off three times in two hours. So did Mandy. My pussy was so full of cum it sloshed every time Mandy made a stroke in and out of me. Hers was dripping my cum out on our legs.

We stayed coupled together on our sides, as Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a deep drag and held in the smoke, and then another drag, blowing the smoke out slowly through her nose. She said to me, "Sweetheart, this was a great night. I felt like we were one person when we slept." I took a drag of the cigarette and touched Mandy's face with my hand as I said, "We were as close as you can get to being one person. We shared our thoughts, our dreams, and we were inside of each other all night. We're still inside of each other. Feel that?" Mandy smiled and said, "Sure did. You feel this?"

Mandy clenched the muscles in her pussy on my cock and it was as hard as a rock again. So was hers inside of me. We started to move slowly and shared the cigarette. I kissed Mandy and said into her mind, "I love you so much. I don't want this night to end." Mandy said back to me, "Me too honey. But we will have tens of thousands of more nights, just like this one."

We moved on each other a little more and I was so turned on. Mandy held the cigarette to my lips and I took a drag and so did she, as we fucked. We finished the cigarette and I rolled Mandy over so I was on top of her and we fucked like lunatics, until we were both dripping wet with sweat. Our pussies never stopped orgasming, and we both shot into each other two more times.

I said, "I really have to pee. Lets get up." Mandy smiled at me and said, "Me too. Bathtub adventure." We ran into the bathroom and lay in the huge shower area in a 69 position on our sides. I dove into Mandy's pussy and sucked out so much of my cum swallowing, as she did the same to me and them we both let loose a huge pee. It covered my tongue, as I licked Mandy's pussy which made her orgasm again. My pussy spasmed and I had an orgasm also. We moved around and kissed each other as we got up and turned on the shower. Neither one of us wanted to let the other one go. We started to laugh when we realized how silly we were, but still held each other in the shower. Mandy said, "Jen, I love you more every day, and I can see in your mind you feel the same way. We are hopeless romantics."

We washed each other, caressing as we went, and then got out and dried off. I couldn't keep my hands off of Mandy and she was the same way with me. We put on shorts and a tee shirt, and ordered breakfast in the room.

I said, "How about we go check out how our new house is doing. We could swim a little too while we're there. We'll have enough time and still get back here for the sound check tonight." Mandy was just starring into my eyes and said, "I'll go anywhere and do anything with you. I don't care if we visit the hell planet, as long as we're together." Mandy gave me the sexiest kiss and I melted all over again. We held each other in an embrace and exploring each other's mouth with our tongues, when room service knocked on the door. We held hands and went to answer it. A woman brought the cart into the room and I gave her a big tip. She smiled at us and said, "Thanks. We loved your show."

We sat at the table and ate like pigs, and then had a cigarette and a cup of coffee. I said, "It's 2:45. We still have time. Lets check out the house." We put on some flip-flops, held hands, and displaced to the site. It looked incredible and also done. There was a work truck by the front of the house and we walked down the cobblestone driveway to the front of the house and noticed even the sod and landscaping was done. I opened the front door and the decorator we hired was there. She said, "I was going to call you tonight. It's all ready. Since you're here I'll give you the tour now and you can tell me what you want to change. Lets start outside."

We walked around the grounds. They were beautiful and perfectly manicured. The pool was near the golf course but you could still see the rock cliffs on the ocean. The gardens ran the whole length of the veranda, and had some of the wildest looking plants and flowers. We checked out the dock and the boat that was already delivered. Mandy said, "Same as home. I love it."

We went into the house and this place was impressive. The entrance foyer was even higher and more elegant that the castle at home. We also spent a ton on artwork as we got carried away. Every room was perfect. Even the studio was fully set up and equipped. Our decorator said, "The phone was just installed today and so was the satellite TV system." We went though every room as Mandy was holding my hand and smiling. The bathrooms were outrageous. We also put in a hot tub in the ten master suites and a wet bar. The game room was exactly what we asked for also. She didn't miss a thing. She said to us, "This is by far the nicest home here. You both have such good taste this was a pleasure doing this job. The one a mile from here is another story. Ugly, and more ugly, but that's what they want."

We laughed and she said, "We didn't see the lower level auditorium, or the ballroom off the main floor." We went to both using the elevator to the lower level and the auditorium was nicer than the one at home, and the ballroom was ostentatious. We really went overboard on this one. We had twelve huge crystal chandeliers hanging from a 40 foot ceiling, and a stage at the front. I said, "You did a great job. Leave us the bill and we'll write you a check." She said, "No need. Your deposit covered all of it and I actually owe you back about a thousand dollars." Mandy said, "Keep it. You did a terrific job."

She gave us the keys to the house and said, "All the papers are on your desk in the study. Good luck with it. I'll let myself out." Mandy put her arms around me, and I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed, and kissed some more. We were both so happy we had tears in our eyes.

I wiped her tears off her face and said, "Last night in the hotel tonight?" Mandy smiled and said, "You bet. We better head back. It's already 5:30. Grab the keys honey." I picked up the keys and Mandy displaced us back to our room in the hotel. We changed and made ourselves look decent, and then displaced to the arena again.

Everyone was there for the sound checks and we were glowing. Chris said, "You guys look great. What's up?" I said, "Our new house is done and we got the keys. Its great. We'll show you tomorrow." Chris yelled, "Hey guys, our vacation retreat is done. Party time." Mandy and I laughed and she was right. We hugged and kissed again. She said into my mind, "That's what it's all about." Julie said, "Can we move in?" Mandy said, "Tomorrow. Jen and I are taking the south wing bedroom suite. Other than that you can have any suite you want. Julie, it's gorgeous and it's fully furnished. Wait until you see what a great job the decorator did."

Ellen and Marsha overheard us and Ellen said, "What did you build here?" Mandy said, "A castle again. This one is English styled and just a hair larger than the one at home. Come with us tomorrow. Plus I want to get a car to drive around the country side in. Jen, can we get a jeep here?" I said, "We can now. Concentrate with me and see my thoughts."

Mandy read my mind as I showed her different colors and she said that one. I made a Jeep wrangler soft top in my mind and put it in the garage. She said in my mind, "The tan interior and AC was nice touch."

We were being paged for sound checks and we all did it again just like last night. The eight of us in the band went to sit at a table and discussed the changes to tonight's act so people who saw us last night wouldn't be bored. The only thing we argued about was the Girl Scout skit. We all loved it and Julie and Kathy didn't want to do it again. They were embarrassed. We finally convinced them by making lots of sexual promises for tomorrow night in the new house and changing the skit a little. I said into Mandy's mind, "You really think we can lick their pussies that long?" She laughed and said back in my mind, "It will definitely be fun trying while we fuck."

We went out to the stage and made a few minor changes for props and then talked to the engineer that works the lights. We gave him a list of changes we needed. He laughed as we explained the show tonight.

We also told the sound engineer who was new. I said, "We've never worked together before. I'm Jen, and this is Mandy." He said, "You don't remember me do you? I'm Paul. I use to play drums in Ellen's band. I had a heart attack and almost died on stage when we played together years ago." Mandy said, "Paul? Oh my God, you look great!" He said, "Wonder drugs do work wonders. I feel terrific and decided to become an engineer full time, and got out of the A&R department. By the way, thank you so much for giving me the chance to stay with music. I really owe you for that." Mandy said, "Why not play drums again. You were the best." Paul said, "Maybe. I've been thinking about it lately. I guess it's always in your blood. Just like with you two."

We told Paul about the show and he was laughing. He said, "I saw you last night and that was fantastic. This one will be even better. Good luck."

We went back stage and Mandy said, "Ellen, Paul is working the sound room and boards, as in the Paul that played drums in your band before." She said, "No shit", and ran out to the sound room with Marsha.

We all sat waiting for the MC and Ellen came back. She whispered into Mandy and my ears, "Paul is going to play with us again. Just don't say anything yet. He's going to sit in on the last tune while his assistant runs the boards." We both gave her the thumbs up.

The MC came backstage and said, "15 minutes." Mandy went to talk to him and explained how we will be opening and he started to laugh also. We had a cigarette and then all went out to our seats to watch. Chris said into our minds, "Who is this guy Paul that Ellen is talking about?" Mandy said back in her mind, "Probably the best drummer that ever lived."

The MC announced Faces and they put on the same show. It was good and the crowd loved it. Just at the end Ellen said into the mic, "We have a special guest that is going to sit in with us. He was the original drummer for Faces and is a rock and roll legend. Please Welcome Paul Baker." The crowd all cheered as he walked on stage and sat at the drums. He played a few rolls and adjusted the set and Ellen yelled out one of their old tunes and he smiled. He started the song and what a difference it made. They really rocked and the audience went crazy. Ellen yelled something and they went right into another song and everyone was standing and dancing in the isles. They ended the song and the screaming was deafening. Ellen looked at us and we yelled "Play More."

Ellen said, "There are two other terrific bands here tonight, so we can only play two more tunes. Southern Sunrise guys. Hit it Paul." They were great. Paul played drums just like Kathy. You just can't sit still when they get a beat going and the whole band played better with him there. Everyone was standing and people were singing along to the older tunes. They all remembered them. So did we. Ellen ended the show to a standing ovation. She walked Paul to the front of the stage and held his arm up to wave to the crowd with hers, and they all thanked the audience and bowed.

Chris's band was still standing next to us and screaming and I said, "You're on." They completely forgot, as they were so into the music. They all ran to the stage door and them got ready.

The MC said, "I love that music." He introduced Always and Forever and the crowd went crazy again. Chris changed the show just like we did and it was really good. They did two skits like us and one was hilarious about using all of the SexMed combinations. They followed it with their tune, "Who am I". We all laughed.

Chris's show was over and they were doing an encore so we went backstage to get ready. The lights were dimmed so we all went out and did our facing the wrong way opening which we haven't done in a few years. We all we ready to play but were facing the back of the stage that had a curtain hanging. The fireworks went off and we just stood there in dead silence. We could here the crowd talking and Mandy said, "When are they going to open the fucking curtains. I can't believe they got stuck again." Melissa yelled at her, "Shut up! People are out there in the audience. They might hear you." They played around with pinching my ass, and talking about having sex later. The audience was hysterically laughing and we came in with an acapella beginning to one of our rock songs that started with "Changes are happening". We all turned around, as Kathy did and drum roll on the snare and we played the song just like on our CD.

The audience loved it. We did a bunch of different skits including me as a hooker. Did I ever look hot in the fish net outfit. Mandy was drooling and saying into my mind, "Wear that tonight honey. Shit am I wet." We played "Nasty at Midnight" after the skit where I sang lead.

The Girl Scout one was a piss. We started it the same except Melissa played a camp counselor who was an S&M voyeur. She surprised Julie and Kathy, and then told them that Mistress Melissa was going to have to punish them for being very, very bad. The audience was howling as she made them lick her high heels. Melissa almost started to laugh but she kept it together as we started the song.

We played extra tunes and did the last 10 songs without any skits and talked to the audience and walked through the crowd. We got 12 standing ovations and then they just didn't sit back down. We rocked the place and had a blast. Mandy pinched my nipples and I changed the gag and chased her begging for more. Jody laughed so hard she almost wet her pants on stage.

Tonight Mandy got the quarter for the guitar gag. She really deserved it, as she played so good tonight. We ended the show with a real fast audience sing along again and the screaming was so loud we couldn't even hear the monitors. We left and came back for an encore and this time invited all the bands to join us and Paul also.

We played a blues tune where everyone got to play. Then we went into a verse of one of our hits and ended it. The noise from the crowd was absolutely deafening as we all thanked the audience. The other bands waved and bowed with us. People were throwing flowers at the stage and I picked one up and put it in Mandy's hair and she put one in mine. We all walked off together.


We walked backstage and I said, "Good show everyone." Melissa put her arm over my shoulder and said, "When you chased Mandy I almost shit in my pants. That was the best." Mandy hugged me and said, "What a piss" and she pinched my nipples real softly and I melted. Mandy smiled and said, "Later honey. I can do it to you all night and you won't have to chase me once."

I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, and another one, holding in the smoke. Mandy took a drag of it also and said, "We are going to our new house at 10 tomorrow morning. All those that want to come, met us in the lobby of hotel number one." Mandy said into my mind, "Kate, can you and Judy hear me?" Kate said, "What's up. Great show by the way. We are still in the crowd." Mandy said, "Our house here is finished. You want to come with us tomorrow and move in there for the vacation. It's like the castle. It's also fully furnished." Judy said, "You bet. What time?" I said, "Met us in the lobby of hotel number 1 at 10 in the morning."

I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy gave me the sexiest kiss. She whispered into my ear, "I can't stop thinking about you in those high heels last night and your hooker outfit tonight. I am so wet." I smiled at her and took another drag of my cigarette. Mandy licked my ear and blew in it, and that's all I needed. We said goodnight to everyone and displaced to our room. Mandy held my hand to her lips and took a drag of the cigarette, as I changed my outfit in my mind to the hooker fishnet and high heels. Mandy smile and said, "No shit is that hot."

I took a drag of the cigarette and started to walk around Mandy and tease her. I made her sit on the bed and slowly undress as I took a drag of the cigarette. Then I put my leg on her shoulder and I said, "Rub my dirty cunt. It's been busy fucking hard cocks all day." Mandy was getting so turned on as she rubbed my pussy. I was dripping wet and I took a drag of my cigarette and pushed my legs over her shoulder farther and said, "Now lick it and taste all of the cum that's been in there all day."

Mandy pulled my pussy to her face with her arms around my ass, and licked me with such passion. I was having trouble standing up from the sensations and I pushed her head back and said, "No. Fuck my cunt, like everyone else did." I took a final drag of my cigarette and put it put. Then I lay on the bed with my legs spread wide apart and pulled apart my pussy lips for her. Mandy lay on me and pushed her cock into my pussy and hammered into me. She was so turned on. We kissed as she fucked me harder and made her cock bigger. I held her tight and said, "Do it harder like everyone else did." Mandy went wild on me and shot her cum into me. I kissed her and rolled over on top of her and smiled saying, "So you liked my fantasy."

Mandy smiled and said, "Jen, you are one hot hooker. Holy shit was I out of control." We laughed and I got rid of the outfit and shoes. Mandy was shaking and said, "You could have told me to jump off a bridge and I would have. Wow, was that hot. Light me a butt honey."

I lit Mandy a cigarette and handed it to her. She took a deep drag, as we lay back on the bed. I was leaning against her and playing with one of her breasts. I said, "You feel like eating each other until we go nuts again?" Mandy smiled and said, "After the hooker routine, I'll do anything." I put my lips on her nipple gently and spit some saliva on it to make it wet. I licked it slowly in a circle and Mandy moaned softly, as she took a drag of her cigarette. She held it to my mouth and I lifted my head and took a drag and then licked her nipple again. We share the cigarette and then lay in a 69 position and ate each other for over 2 hours again. It felt so good, as we shared our thoughts and I could feel how Mandy felt also. I didn't want to stop and neither did she. We kept going using our tongue as a snake and made each other absolutely crazy.

Mandy moved around and changed us into Combined couples, as she lay on top of me. We interlocked, with our cocks entering each other's pussy and I moaned so loud, "Oh baby, I'm cumming already. I bucked into her and shot a load of cum, and then squirted again and again, as Mandy used her pussy muscles to squeeze my cock. She kissed me and held me. I wrapped my legs and arms around her and she fucked me like I was the hooker again. We both had one orgasm after another, and then we both shot our cum again in about 20 minutes. I used my pussy to squeeze her this time and Mandy was almost unconscious with pleasure. She kissed me with her mouth wide open, as I rolled us on our sides.

We made love for over 4 hours until our pussies were sloshing with cum and we were so tired we couldn't move. I reached over and set the alarm and we fell asleep inside of each other again, sharing our thoughts and dreams. I loved how this felt. Mandy and I dreamt of the new house and then she moved and we woke up. We made love again until we both orgasmed and then fell back to sleep. We must have done the same thing 10 times until the alarm went off at 8 in the morning.

I said "This time you get to be the hooker honey." I made a fishnet outfit and high heels on Mandy and I said, "Just stand up." Mandy stood up and the cum dripped out of her pussy, and I went wild licking it up. She held my head to her and told me to swallow all of it. I knelt in front of her and she put her leg over my shoulder and pushed her pussy into my mouth. I vacuumed her out with my mouth and had an orgasm doing it. Mandy put her leg down and lay between my legs on the floor and sucked me the same way. I was on fire.

When we finished we fucked on more time as the two of us were so in tuned with each other. We were starting to think the same way about everything. She'd say something in my mind and I'd finish the sentence. We both blasted off into each other and held each other so tight as we kissed. We got up off the floor and Mandy said, "This is getting scary. We really are sharing one brain sometimes. I seem to be able to know what you are going to think before you do it. I know it's happening to you also. Lets hit the bathroom honey and order some breakfast."

We got cleaned up and dressed, and ordered breakfast. We packed while we waited for breakfast and we started to kiss again. I saw it in Mandy's mind and just did it, not even realizing it was her thoughts, not mine. She said, "I read your mind and you did what I was thinking." I said, "I know. It seemed like I thought it myself."

Breakfast was delivered and we pigged out again. We lit a cigarette and had our coffee as we watched the news on TV. We saw a really interesting show that had people speculating what our new ventures would be that would change society. There were some really good ideas so we wrote them down to give to Chris to see if they were possible. Mandy said, "Free research."

It was 10 AM so we took our bags down to the lobby and checked out. The manager said, "You don't have to check out. The room is always yours. Keep the keys." We smiled and met everyone. Ellen came running to the lobby saying, "Wait for us." Mandy displaced all of us to the front lawn of the new house. Everyone had their mouths hanging open and I said, "Nice isn't it?" Tara said, "This is outrageous. I love it."

Mandy and I carried in our bags and then we gave everyone the tour. We started with the outside and then the beach, cliffs, dock and boat. Chris said, "Mom, you and Jen did real good on this one. This place is paradise." We walked by the pool and showed everyone the golf course, and there were people playing who waved to us and we waved back. We started with the lower level and showed them the auditorium and second game room. Then we walked around through the gardens and went in through the main entrance. Everyone was in awe over the entrance foyer. It was impressive. We went through this level with all 48 rooms including the ballroom and studio. Then we went upstairs. I said, "This suite is ours. Julie we thought you and Kathy would like that one that overlooks the ocean and cliffs."

Julie said, "Oh yeah. This is great." I said, "Chris, I thought you and Roberta would like the eastern suite and Allison and Kyle would take the one right next door. They both have hot tubs also. Kate, the one next to Julie is for you. That leaves us with 23 open bedrooms. Enough for a large party where some people want to stay over. Let me show you the bathrooms, they are all almost the same. We used the stone tub idea from the castle at home, and kind of improved on it. All of them are Jacuzzis."

Ellen said, "This place is amazing. This is ten times the size of what I had in LA." I said, "It's actually 1,000 square feet larger than the castle we have back home. This one is 79,986 square feet. Mandy, we didn't check the garage yet." We walked down to the garage entrance and there was a jeep inside. I hit the remote door opener button and Mandy and I got in the car. I took down the top and started it up. Mandy yelled, "Make yourself at home. We'll be back in a half hour or so."

We drove out the driveway and headed on the country road to the golf course. Mandy said, "Jen, this so nice. I love it here." I smiled as the wind was blowing our hair and said, "Me too." We pulled into the golf course and they recognized us. The manager said, "We have you with two open tee times everyday if you want them at 8 AM and 8:12 AM. The course is playing great and it's real hard." Mandy said, "Well be here tomorrow for the tee times. Thanks."

We drove around the other roads and saw the other homes. Some we really nice. We found the ugly one and it was really ugly, but also large. It looked like a hospital. They we saw Max out front and we both laughed so hard. It was his. We honked and waved. He ran over to the jeep and said, "Your place ready yet?" I said, "We just moved into it, we have a whole crew at the house and just wanted to check out the surrounding homes. Any other ones done?" Max said, "Go four houses up on the right. That's Ken's and I think it's done also. I'll see you later." We waved and drove up the hill to Ken's. We loved what he built. It was an old style Victorian mansion, about the same size as ours. He saw us driving by and ran outside. He said, "You finally decided to stop by my house." We laughed and I said, "This I real nice." he said, "Yours is great also. We just got the keys today. You in yet?" Mandy said, "Same thing. We have the crew over and just wanted to drive around and see what was completed. We have to run."

We headed back and pulled into the garage. I said, "This looks so empty. We have room for 14 more cars." I turned off the car and Mandy and I got out and went into the house. Everyone wanted to know about the other homes and we told them how ugly Max's place was, and how terrific Ken's house looked. Chris said, "I bet Max's house either looks like a research lab or a hospital. Which one?" Mandy smiled and said, "Hospital."

I made about 20 bottles of wine in my mind and loaded the wine chiller. Julie and Kathy were busy filling the refrigerator. Mandy said to Ellen, "So is Paul going to play with you on a permanent basis? You sounded great with him playing the drums." Ellen said, "He sure is. We're telling our drummer after tomorrows gig and Ken has already found him an act that needs a drummer. Paul's son wants to play with us again too. He is so outrageous on guitar, this could a lot of fun again." Mandy smiled at me and said, "We're having fun too. That's what it's all about."

Mandy walked over to me and put her arms around me from behind. She kissed my neck and said, "Want to take that swim we didn't get a chance to do yesterday?" I turned around and said to everyone, "Mandy and I are going to take an underwater swim for a while. Anyone want to join us?" Ellen said, "We can't do what you do, can you make it so we can swim underwater also?"

I said, "Sure. We'll explain it to you on the beach." We all walked out the veranda and down the cobblestone path to the beach. The water was crystal clear with a tint of blue green and it was absolutely gorgeous. We all undressed on the beach and I said into Ellen and Marsha's mind, "We can hear your thoughts so talk to us in your mind underwater. We'll do the same to you. When we get in over our heads Mandy will make gills on your neck. Remember to breath normally through them, and not through your nose or mouth. When we're all done, blow the water out of your gills and Mandy will make them go away. Also we made friends with some of the sharks. They won't hurt you. Just don't act scared." Ellen said back into our minds, "This is so cool." Mandy and I smiled, as we walked into the ocean. We were all over our heads and Mandy and I made our gills and then she did Ellen's and Marsha's. They breathed through them and were talking to us in their minds.

Chris and the others were swimming towards and underwater shipwreck so we all followed. It was an old wooden ship that at one time had sails on it. Marsha was telling us how neat this was and Mandy and I laughing in our minds. Our friends the Mermaids swam up to us and we communicated with them. Mandy said to them, "Some of our friends from land can not talk underwater. They mean you no harm." The Mermaids swam up to Ellen and Marsha and took their hands swimming fast around the shipwreck. We heard Ellen say in her mind, "Wow, this is unbelievable." Tara swam over to the Mermaids and they absolutely worshiped her. They both touched her shoulders and back, as she communicated to them that we wanted to make them some friends to live here with them. They were so excited. Tara said into our minds, "Lets see if we have any more interested in the transition."

A group of sharks swam up to us and they all recognized us. Tara asked them if any of their group would like the Mermaids and live with them. The Mermaids communicated to all of the sharks, as they were once just like them. It took about 5 minutes and they all wanted to make the change. Tara swam over to Mandy and I said into Ellen and Marsha's mind, "You are about to see the evolutionary life cycle being accelerated with a minor change. Watch closely." I read Mandy's mind and her and Tara did what they did before, transforming the sharks completely. It took about 10 minutes and now we had 16 Mermaids. The original two communicated to us that they wanted to be with their friends for a while, and swam off.

Ellen and Marsha were in awe as they watched the transformation. It was pretty cool. Mandy swam over to me and took my hand as we swam further up the coast. We came across another shipwreck that looked like a large cruise ship. Julie and Kathy got the name from the hull, and we all swam inside of it. It had to have been underwater for a long time, as parts of it were so decayed. Tara and Chris found and vault and swam inside. Chris said into our minds, "More for the vault. This is loaded with stones." Tara displaced the treasure to our vault. I told Ellen what just happened and she looked so puzzled.

We swam back towards our beach and Mandy said, "Lets make love underwater honey." We made ourselves into Combined couples and interlocked. We did the same to Ellen and Marsha and they followed our lead. All of us were floating and making love. Mandy and I had our arms around each other and she had her legs wrapped around me, as we floated and slowly rolled over. We kissed as we moved in and out of each other, and it felt great. Mandy said into my mind, "Cum in me honey and I'll be your whore tonight just like you did to me last night. Jen, that was so hot. Fuck me honey. Fuck me." We made love and both of us blasted off twice in about an hour and a half.

We separated and swam over to Ellen and Marsha who were cumming again. We waited for them to finish and then we told them we were going to get out. They swam with us to the shore and when we got into 4 feet of water Mandy took away their gills as they stood up. We made our gills go away and walked on the beach with them.

Ellen and Marsha couldn't shut up talking about our swim. Mandy and I just laughed and then turned them back to the way they were, Combined. We picked up our cloths and Mandy lit a cigarette, as we waited for Tara and Godda to walk up the beach to us. Tara said, "Every time we do that, I like it more." Everyone was getting out of the water now and we waited for them. Julie said, "We should check the history on that ship. I'll call the coast guard." Kate walked up to us and gave me and Mandy a big kiss. She said, "This is such a blast." I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it back to Mandy, as we walked up the cobblestone path. Chris said, "Mom, I'm going to displace home and get Ruffles, Snuffy, and Felix. That way the house sitter will only have to feed the horses." Mandy said, "Displace the horses here also. We have the stable. That way we can take them for a ride."

Chris and eight others displaced back to the castle, as we went into the house. Julie said, "Pigow sandwich anyone?" We all nodded our heads as I open a few bottles of wine and started pouring. Everyone toasted Mandy and me on our excellent taste in vacation homes. Chris and company came back in with the pets and Ruffles was running around like a lunatic all over the place followed by Snuffy and Felix. I said, "Hey Ruffles, what are you doing?" He said, "Rexploring." We all laughed. Mandy and I made a hinged short door on the one by the garage and showed the pets how to get outside. Snuffy said, "Rhanks", and they took off outside."

Chris said, "The horses are in the stable and we made some feed and gave them water. We're going to take them out for a run." I poured us some more wine and we all sat in the great room looking out of the bay windows at the view over the cliffs into the ocean one side and over the pool to the golf course on the other end of the room. Kathy kept saying, "This place is great. I love the views."

Kate said, "We got a marine chart. We should be able to easily find our way to the island we went to last time using the boat. My guess is that it will take us about an hour. Oh, I forgot to tell you, Judy and I are playing tomorrow night at the arena with Main Street. We're practicing all day tomorrow." Mandy and I laughed and I said, "You can really practice all day and then perform? We would be dead if we tried that." Kate said, "It's the only way to fit it in, and we don't want to quit the band, so that's what we do."

I said, "Julie, you and Kathy interested in a round of golf with me and Mandy tomorrow at 8 for a quarter?" Julie said, "Of course. We'll beat your ass like last time." Mandy said, "You had such a lucky shot and won by one stroke. How many times is a 5 wood going to hit the pin and go in the hole from 240 yards out for a double eagle? Julie, that was a gift." Kathy put her arms around Julie and said, "It doesn't matter how the ball goes in the hole, as long as it goes in. We still won, and you're just a sore looser. How about double or nothing?" We all laughed and Mandy said, "You're on. We have another foursome spot if anyone else wants to play." Melissa said, "We're in.

We drank some more wine and joked around and then tried out our new pool table. Mandy and I cleaned out everyone in nine ball. She finally beat me after we tied ten straight racks with a real lucky shot and I said, "That was just like Julie's 5 wood shot." Julie and Kathy were hysterical when Mandy said, "That was skill. I knew the ball was going to hop like that." I put my arms around Mandy and said, "As long as it goes in.." She cut me off and said, "Kiss me and shut up."

Chris and the others came back with the horses. She said, "How about an open pit roasted pigow? We bought one at the local market. It's tied on Allison's horse. The shopping here is great." We all went outside and Chris started the open pit fire in the veranda barbecue pit. She made a large rotisserie and then used her mind to place a scourer through the pigow and place it over the fire.

I said, "Time for our favorite drinks." I made one in my mind for Mandy and me and then everyone wanted one, so we made more while we were sitting at the tables on the veranda. Julie was in a crazy mood and was making toasts that were so funny to everyone. She had a few zingers in there also and we all laughed. She toasted Chris as the one who discovered how to make drugs using pizza and a microwave, Kathy as the Dr. Dolittle of modern medicine for saving the dogs lives by accident, Mandy for being the jerk that taught the pets how to talk, and me by saying that I was the biggest pervert of all and the inventor of modern sex. We all laughed and drank. Julie was definitely on a roll. Then she said to me and Mandy, "You made us a promise last night to get us to do the Girl Scout skit and we are not going to forget it. Remember?" Julie winked at both of us and we smiled.

Everyone had three more of my favorite rum drink and we were all getting routy. Chris said, "Foods done!" She lifted the pigow it up with her mind and put the entire thing on a large serving plate and sliced it. We all ate way too much, but it tasted great. Julie made everyone drinks this time and we all had a slightly different version of my drink. Mandy and I were getting so smashed. She was leaning on my shoulder and whispering into my ear while she licked it, "I want to fuck you all night while we eat out Julie and Kathy. I'm so wet thinking about it. Honey, feel my pussy. It's throbbing for you right now." Mandy put my hand into her shorts and I felt her wet pussy and then her cock getting hard. She smiled and starred into my eyes saying, "See. I told you I was wet. Now put your fingers back in me and make me wetter."

Mandy lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, as I fingered her and made my finger the size of a large cock in her cunt. Mandy was moaning and everyone was laughing at us. Julie said, "Jen, you are so fucking hot. Let's finish our drinks and you two and make good on your promise." I took a drag of the cigarette and moved my finger in and out of Mandy as she held my arm in place and moaned softly. She kissed me and said into my mind, "Make it longer and really get me going honey." I did and Mandy orgasmed. Julie laughed and said, "We need to get you two to bed now. Dr. Dolittle would you escort the one who taught the fucking dogs how to talk?" Mandy and I laughed and stood up. I took a drag of the cigarette and so did she before we put it out, and went up to our bedroom.


We went into the bedroom and Mandy and I undressed while Julie and Kathy watched us and then undressed also. Mandy set the alarm clock and Julie lay with Kathy at the far side of the bed with their pussies almost next to each other. We turned into Combined couples, interlocked our cocks inside each other, kissed, and then I licked Julie's pussy and Mandy licked Kathy's pussy, while we fucked on our sides.

Kathy and Julie were howling and having orgasm after orgasm as we kept going. Mandy and I fucked each other for 4 hours and kept licking them until they both begged us to stop. Mandy and I kissed and stayed lip locked as we drifted off into another world making love. We fell asleep every 30 minutes or so together and then woke up fucking again. I have no idea how many times we shot our cum into each other, but my cunt was like a lake of white goo, and it was dripping out on our legs. Mandy was the same way, and I was so turned on by it. I used my fingers to wipe some of it up and we both licked them, and then fucked some more.

The alarm went off at 5:45 and Mandy said, "Now we have a half hour to drink what's in our pussies." Mandy rolled off of me and onto her back, as we changed back to our normal Combined selves. She lifted her legs over her head and said into my mind, "Watch me swallow all of your cum honey." I licked her ass gently and watched Mandy swallow so much of my white thick goo, as it dripped out of her mouth. I kissed her pussy and she moved her legs down a little and sucked her own cock. I licked her pussy while she rubbed her cock and within a minute she jerked and shot cum into her mouth. She opened her mouth up so I could see her cock squirt onto her tongue and then I leaned forward and kissed her as we swallowed all of it.

I lay next to Mandy and lifted my legs over my head and the cum dripped out all over my face and into my mouth. Mandy went wild and licked my face, and then I licked more of it out of my pussy. I must have swallowed a pint of Mandy's cum. She kissed my ass so gently and said, "Suck your cock honey. Let me watch you shoot into your mouth." I sucked and rubbed my cock as Mandy licked my pussy again. It took less than 2 minutes for me to blast off and squirt into my mouth. I let Mandy watch it also and she moved her mouth over using her tongue to catch some of the cum as it squirted. We kissed in a frenzy rolling around it the bed. Julie said, "Are you two done yet? Holy shit! All fucking night. Don't you ever stop?"

Mandy and I laughed and I said, "Nope", as Mandy lit a cigarette. Kathy was laughing and lit a cigarette also. I said, "Ready to loose some money?" Julie was smiling and said, "We'll see about that. Just bring your quarters." Julie and Kathy went into their room to the bathroom and Mandy and I went into ours.

We all met downstairs for breakfast. Melissa, Jody, Karen, and Janice were already eating and they made us some also. I said Mandy, "Remote view with me." I was looking for our golf clubs at the castle and she said, "That's them", and I displaced our bags into the kitchen. I said, "Watch how nuts Julie goes." I made her golf bag and clubs shrink by almost a foot. Everyone was hysterical as Julie walked in. I said, "Julie, did you wash you clubs in hot water by chance?"

She looked at them and laughed so hard. She said, "Okay. I deserved it. Now put them back." I shook my head no and kept eating and she was smacking my back as Mandy was laughing and telling Julie she needs shorter arms and legs to go with the set. We turned them back as she ate breakfast. I said, "There's a 50 cent service change to delivery of your clubs. Want me to put it on your tab for when we win today?" Kathy couldn't stop laughing and said to Julie, "You started it." Melissa said, "We'll go into on the bet too, but no one is allowed to use any of their powers. Agreed?" I said, "Those are always the rules." Melissa said, "Me and Jody will be a team, and Janice and Karen will be a team. Lets play best ball. We only take the best score from each hole for the bet, but we'll all keep a regular score card."

We all agreed and Mandy said, "Championship tees today." We all had some coffee and a cigarette and then carried our bags outside across the back lawn and walked about 200 yards to the clubhouse. Mandy checked us all in and asked the starter, "We have 8 for two foursomes right next to each other. Can we play as eight? We're betting on a best ball round." The starter said, "For you Mandy, anything. Have fun and hit them straight and long. The range is over on your left and the putting green is behind the club house."

We all went to the range and we were crushing the ball. Mandy and I were betting on hitting it over the 290 yard sign on a fly. We both made it with 4 out of 5. Then we were betting on closest to the pin on a 165 yard green. Kathy called it a tie as we both were within 3 feet. We finished our bucket of balls and all went over to the putting green. It was really fast we were sinking everything. Mandy said, "I'll be right back. Chardonnay okay?" I smiled and Mandy went to get us two glasses of wine before we teed off.

Mandy came back out with our wine and a course layout. We drank our golf fuel and looked at each hole deciding how to play it. Julie said, "Hey, that's no fair. No wine allowed." Mandy said, "Since when? Go get a glass if it will help your game. You're going to need it today."

Mandy and I finished our wine and we all walked over to the starter. He said, "Tee's yours. These are your caddies." We flipped a tee to see the hitting order and I was up first. We walked back to the Championship tees and the starter ran out and said, "You don't have to play from there. Use the front tees." Mandy said, "We play from the backs. We know what we're doing."

I teed the ball up and took a practice swing. I addressed the ball and crushed a drive. We watched it fly and then roll to about 315 off the tee, dead center of the fairway. Mandy gave me a high five and she was next. She smashed one also and was about a yard past me. The starter said to us, "Are those legal clubs and balls?" I said, "Yeah, unless they outlawed Calloway and Titalist." He laughed and said, "Great shot." All of us were in the fairway and had good approach shots. We walked to the balls and Melissa and Julie put their second shots in birdie range. It was my shot and I hit a lob edge that hit the flag but it didn't go in. Mandy said, "3 inch putt, we won the hole." She took her shot and she hit Julie's ball on the green and Mandy's went into the cup. She jumped up and down and we hugged each other, as Julie said, "Fucking lucky." We finished the first hole and we were ahead with a 2, Julie made the put for a 3 and so did Melissa, Janice had a 4.

We all played great golf. Mandy and I were both in trouble on the third hole by being in the thick rough and Julie was busting our chops. Mandy hit first and her shot was short of the green. She said, "Go up a club and take a normal swing. This stuff is real heavy." The caddy gave me a 7 iron and we both laughed and I said, "9 please." I took my shot and I hit the flag again. Mandy jumped on me and the caddies were laughing, as Julie said, "No fucking way could you hit that flag again."

At the end of nine holes were we ahead by two strokes on the best ball scorecards and all of us were under par. Mandy and I were individually each 5 under par. I went into the clubhouse and got us another glass of wine and we drank it before we teed off on the tenth tee. It was a long 238 yard par 3 from the back tees. Mandy and I were talking and I said, "3 iron. It's uphill. 4 will fall short." Mandy said, "You have honors hit the three. If it's too much, I'll hit the four."

I got up and the caddies were all laughing at us and betting on us also. I took a practice swing and then addressed the ball. I crushed the three iron flush solid and the ball flew over the pin, bounced and spun back. Mandy said, "You spun back a 3? Nice shot." Mandy took the tee and hit the four iron like a rocket. She hit a little short and ball rolled up to the flag and almost went in. We hugged again and Julie took the tee. She hit a 3 iron also and it was a great shot. Kathy was screaming, "Go in the hole!" It did. She got a hole in one. Julie and Kathy were jumping up and down as Mandy said, "Good aim and another lucky shot. We're even on this round for them now. Julie and Mandy gave each other a high five and the caddies laughed as one paid the other five dollars."

Everyone hit the green except Janice who was in the sand. We all walked to the green and Janice took her sand shot and sunk it for a birdie. Mandy tapped hers in for a birdie and so did I. Melissa made her putt also.

The fifteen hole was a monster 610 yard par 5. Mandy had honors and hit it as hard as she could and the ball went about 330. I did the same thing and was about a yard behind her in the fairway. She said into my mind, "You almost came out of your shoes." We both laughed and then Julie crushed one dead even with us. She smiled and then stuck out her tongue, as the caddies were trying not to laugh. Everyone got off the tee solid and we walked to our balls. They all laid up for a second shot and Mandy, me, and Julie and were going to try to hit the green. I was furthest of the group and I had about 280 yards. I asked the caddie for my driver and Mandy said, "You really need to hit the hell of out of this."

I took a practice swing and then hit the ball solid. We watched it bounce in front of the green and rollup towards the flag. Mandy jumped up and down, hugged me, and stuck her tongue out at Julie. Melissa and the caddies were hysterical. Julie was next and also hit a driver, and reached the green. Since the green was raised, we had no idea where the balls were on it. Mandy said, "I'm going to hit that new 2 wood I got. Lets see if I can get it there on a fly."

Mandy swung for the bleachers and hit the ball solid. It had a slight draw and we all saw it bounce on the green. I put my arms around her and said, "Muscles." She said into my mind, "You like ones in my pussy don't you?" I said back into her mind, "You bet, and I know you like mine too."

We walked up as everyone took their approach shots and Melissa was right on the flag. We got to the green and Melissa had a one inch birdie putt and tapped it in. We identified our balls and Mandy and I had a putt from the same angle. She was a foot closer than me. Julie had a horrible down hill putt and so did Jody, Karen, and Janice. Jody went first and she just tapped the ball and we watched it pick up speed and roll 20 feet past the hole. Mandy smiled at me as we watched Julie's putt do the same thing, and Karen's.

It was my turn and Mandy and I read the green. I said, "I'm going three balls outside to the left. Watch the line." I putted and the ball hit the edge of the hole and went in. Mandy kissed me and said, "Me too. Watch." She used the same line and it went in also. We hugged and both had eagles. Mandy said to Julie, "You're running out of holes to catch us. We're up by three now."

Mandy and I pared the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth. Julie birdied two of them and Kathy birdied the other. We were dead even again and Melissa was only one stroke back, Janice was three.

Kathy had honors on the 18th, which was a shorter par 5. She hit a great drive. Julie was next and hit a ball into the high grass and teed up another as a provisional. I said to Mandy, "I'm going to hit it as hard as I can. If I'm not in play, use your two wood." I crushed a drive and we watched it draw and roll forever. I had maybe 150 into the hole. Mandy hit one as hard as she could also and we were side by side again.

We walked to the balls and Jody had her shot first. She hit a 3 iron and went over the green into the bunker. Melissa put hers on the green. Janice missed it short. Julie lost her tee shot so she had to hit the provision and add two strokes. Kathy took her shot and she hit the green. Mandy and I both had 9 irons in our hands and she hit first. She hit her shot and was yelling, "Sit down! Sit down!" The ball went over the flag, bounced, spun back, and almost went in. She smiled from ear to ear as I addressed the ball for my shot. I hit a knock down shot with a nine. It flew lower with a lot of spin and hit right next to the flag and stopped cold. Mandy yelled, "Wow! Great shot honey." We hugged and one caddie paid the other 5 again.

We all were on the green now. Mandy and I had putts under 3 feet and Kathy's was about 9. Melissa's was about 8 feet.

Kathy took her putt and it lipped the cup and didn't go in. She tapped in for a birdie. Melissa lined hers up with Jody helping her. She hit it and it just barely got to the hole and fell in. Melissa tossed the putter in the air and hugged Jody. She got the eagle and we were tied in a three way now. Mandy and I both had short putts but they were both difficult being on such a steep slope. I hit first and my ball broke about a foot. It lipped out and I tapped it in for birdie. Mandy lined hers up and just tapped it. It rolled down the slope, hit the back of the hole, and bounced out. She said, "Tie", as she tapped it in.

We all hugged each other and I paid the caddies with a big tip. We went into the clubhouse and ordered lunch and drinks and added up the individual scores. Jody did the math and said, "Okay. This is a par 72. Mandy was 7 under par for a 65. Jen was 7 under also for a 65. Together they shot 14 under for a 130 and a best ball score of 63. Julie was 6 under par for a 66 and Kathy was 5 under par for a 67. Together they were 11 under par for a 133 and a best ball score of 63. Melissa was 6 under par with a 66 and I was 4 under par with a 68. Together we shot a 134 and had a best ball score of 63. Karen was 4 under par with a 68 and Janice was 2 under par with a 70. Together they shot a 138 and a best ball score of 65. That was one hell of a round of golf from the back tees."

The starter was right behind us and listened to the scores. He said, "Were those scores net after your handicap?" Mandy said, "We don't use a handicap. That was scratch." He said, "Thank God you guys own the place. Each one of you is at least 5 strokes better than anyone else playing the money tournaments here. And you did it from the back tees too. That's 7,430 yards and this course is rated at 74.9 with a slope of 154. Most good golfers can't break 80 here." Mandy said, "We all had a good day. The competition makes us play better. We always bet a quarter on the round." He started laughing and said, "Big money game." I said, "It's not the amount, it's the embarrassment of loosing and paying the others."

Our lunch was delivered and we all ate and talked about the month ahead. Julie said, "Kathy and I want one more night like last night. Mandy, you and Jen, are incredible. My pussy was still throbbing when we teed off on the 8th hole. Melissa was laughing and said, "I think we need some of that too."

I said, "While we're here, I do want all of us to look at the site for the amusement park that we are considering. Remember, it's geared towards kids and will have kid friendly hotels and be totally separated from the rest of Vacation World. There were two couples sitting next to us and one said, "We couldn't help but over hear you. We think that would be a great idea for the kids. There is no place to take them on vacation except the beaches or a few small theme parks. If you come up with a way to have the kids spend a few days without the parents in a safe place, you just hit a hole in one." Julie stood up and said, "I had one of those today, thank you. 238 yard par 3 with a 3 iron I might add." Mandy said, "Sit down. It was a lucky shot. Just like my eagle on the first hole." We all laughed and the couple said, "What did you shoot?" Jody handed them our scorecards and they all had their mouths hanging open. Mandy said, "If this wasn't best ball scoring Jen and I would have cleaned your clocks today. We were in the groove." Melissa said, "That's why I wanted best ball. It evens it out a little."

We finished our lunch and thanked the couples for their suggestions. Mandy said, "How do you like this resort so far?" One of the women said, "I love it. We're thinking about buying one of the custom homes. Some of them are so gorgeous. I love that English style one over looking the second fairway and the Victorian on the sixth. How much are they?" Mandy said, "You need to talk to the builders. They range anywhere from 7 million up to 100 million. Jen and I own the English style castle overlooking the second fairway and the total cost was about 88 million. Ken owns the Victorian and I think that cost about 96. Speak of the devil, here he is now." We all waved and he came over and said, "Scorecard. Come on give it to me." Jody handed it to him and he said, "No fucking way! You all beat me again. I thought I was doing great with a 72 from the back tees and Gary had a 73. Mandy, you and Jen win a quarter again?" I said, "Nope. The betting was on a best ball score and we tied." Ken said, "Life sucks doesn't it? Oh, Kate's playing tonight at the arena. You all have front row if you want to go. See ya." We all laughed and the woman said, "Friends?" Mandy said, "Yeah, you could say that."

We got up and went outside to get our bags and walked through the field to our yard, past the pool, and then into the house. We all went into the kitchen and sat down. I lit a cigarette and Mandy said, "Lets take the horses to the shopping area and check it out later." Chris came in and said, "We need your help. I got a call from Robin and we have a problem that we don't understand how it happened. Can you all go with me back to the castle for a few minutes?" Mandy said, "Sure." We all stood up and displaced back to the castle.

Robin and Joanne were there and Chris said, "A women used the shipping system and teleported herself to a set of coordinates she dialed in wrong and got lost 6 hours ago. The coordinates aren't in our computer and we don't understand how she could have even gone there. The software stops that stuff. But the shipping record has the coordinates it sent her to. We all tried to remote view what's there and we get nothing, which may mean it's in the earth or other planet somewhere. We are going to send a remote camera there and see what we find." I looked at Chris's notes and said, "These coordinates look real familiar. I can remember us talking about them. Everyone looked at them and Julie said, "It's the vault".

Chris said in her mind to Allison, "Check the coordinates for the vault. That would explain why it's not in the computer. We hid it and used a sub-routine to validate it." Allison said back. It's the Vault." Mandy said to all our minds, "Chris, Go get her and bring her back here. She is probably scared out of her mind."

Chris displaced to the vault and was back in two minutes with a woman who was crying. Chris sat her down and Mandy said, "Are you alright?" She nodded her head and we all introduced ourselves. She told us her name was Daisy. Mandy said, "You are not suppose to use the shipping system to send yourself places. You could have been killed. That's why we have a teleportation system. How did you find those coordinates and where were you trying to go?" Daisy said, "I keyed it in wrong? I was trying to visit my mother and was typing her shipping coordinates. Where did I end up?"

I said, "In a very secret place, several miles underground on a planet 800 million miles away. You would have died if we didn't find you. No one can get out of there without our help."

Mandy said, "We'll make you a deal. If you promise never to play with the shipping system like that again, and never tell anyone about where you were, I will write you a check for one million dollars because we should have never let this happen. Do you think that's fair?" Daisy was smiling and nodded her head. Mandy asked Daisy her last name and went into then study and wrote the check. She handed it to Daisy and said, "You promised. Remember that. Chris will take you back to where you want to go."

Chris smiled and asked her where she wanted to go and then displaced them there. She was back in about 10 seconds and said, "We need to fix that software now before it happens to someone else." Chris displaced to the work planet and we all went back to our house on Vacation World.

Mandy said, "That was a disaster averted. You think a lot of people are shipping themselves?" Chris said into our minds, "We found over 3,000 records of people shipping themselves just in the last 2 days. We're stopping it in about 2 minutes. That is so dangerous, as we don't have any of the controls we built in for teleportation. See ya in a few."

I made all of us a strong version of one of my favorite drinks and we all drank half of it. Mandy put her head on my shoulder and said, "I want to retire and not have to deal with this shit any more." They all looked at her and I said, "We say it to each other almost once a week after each crisis. You'll know when it's real."

Mandy lit a cigarette and we took another sip of the drink, as Chris walked back in with the whole crew. She said, "Fixed. There are going to be some really pissed off people when they try to ship themselves back home again. The terminal will tell them that they must use the teleportation system. We also took our vault out of the code."


We were all chilling out on the beach with another drink. Mandy and I were naked, cuddled up and kissing, lying on a blanket. She lit a cigarette and took a deep drag and said, "This so nice here. Honey, what if...." I cut her off and said, "Don't even think it yet. Lets wait until the vacation is over." Mandy smiled at me and said, "You're thinking the same thing. I can tell." She rolled on top of me and said, "Why not? We have everything we could ever possibly want. We have more money than anyone, more than we could possibly spend in 10 million life times, and we have each other." Mandy was starring into my eyes and gave me then sexiest kiss. I melted all over and she smiled at me again starring into my eyes. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette, holding in the smoke, and then put the cigarette in my lips. I inhaled twice and Mandy put her lips over mine and sucked the smoke into her mouth as I exhaled. She kissed me again and I was so dripping wet and my cock was hard. Mandy's cock was hard against my stomach and she said, "Lets make love homey. I want to be with you so much."

Mandy changed us into Combined couples and she pushed her cock into my pussy, as mine went into hers. We both moaned and she shook her head to get the hair out of her face and smiled at me again. We both took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy lay forward on me. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and we kissed, as Mandy moved her ass up and down, while we fucked. She lifted up her head and we both took a final drag of the cigarette and then we kissed and rolled on our side. We were so into each other. I wanted to be with Mandy more than anything in the world.

We made love for over a half hour and then Melissa and Jody put their pussies in our faces. We both we so hot we licked them just like we did to Julie and Kathy last night. Melissa was moaning so loud and I didn't even pay attention to it. Mandy was talking to me in my mind and I was talking to her, as we shared our feelings. Me got Melissa and Jody off and then moved our faces to kiss again and rolled over so Mandy was on her back. I was lip locked to Mandy as we sucked each other's tongue and made love. We both shot out cum at the same time, jerking and bucking together, blasting off. I squirted 15 times into Mandy and I could feel each one as I shared her thoughts. She felt the inside of me also and it was so incredible.

Mandy said into my mind, "That was so good baby. Please keep going with me." I answered her, "I want to more than anything." We moved a little and our cocks were both hard again, as we moved back and forth. We got into a rhythm and were hammering into each other and moaning loud and Mandy said into my mind, "I want to have another baby with you Jen. I want us to raise two children from both of us, and make love like this always." I kissed Mandy again and said into her mind, "I want it also. I love you more than anything."

We made passionate love and orgasmed over and over again from our pussies and then shot our cum together again. We both blasted off and almost passed out as we kissed the whole time. We lay on our sides holding each other, still interlocked, and looking into each other's eyes. Mandy said to me, "I really meant what I said." I said, "Me too. Lets wait until the vacation is over and plan for a successor for both of us." Mandy kissed me so softly and said, "Just hold me honey."

We held each other and talked in our minds as we moved every so slightly and sent goose bumps down each other's spine. We talked about having children and starting a new family and I wanted it as much as she did. I said into Mandy's mind, "How's Chris going to like having a new baby sister?" She smiled and said back in my mind, "Frankly, I don't give a shit. She'll accept it. She's a grown woman now. I'm sure that her and Roberta are thinking the same things." I smiled at her and she kissed me again.

I reached over on the blanket and put a cigarette in my lips and lit it. I took a deep drag and Mandy took it out of my lips and took a drag also. She said to me, "The sunset is so romantic here. Look at the red reflection in the water. Move into me again, it felt so good. Oh yeah, just like that." I moved back and forth slowly as we started to fuck again. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and put it in my lips, and I took two deep drags and blew the smoke out into the slight ocean breeze. Chris walked up to us and said, "You two never stop. I love it. I'm going to heat up some of last night's pigow. You want any?" I said, "Sure. We'll come inside in a little while."

Mandy and I finished our cigarette and made love again, not hearing or seeing anything around us. We both blasted off as the sun set and then walked into the water to clean all the sand off of us. I said, "I guess everyone went inside." Mandy said, "Jen, this is scary. We didn't see or hear anything. All I saw was you." We kissed again it the water and ran out on the beach to get our stuff and walked into the house.

Chris said, "We kept yours warm. We're all going to see Kate and Judy's show in about a half hour if you want to come." I said, "Yeah sure." Mandy and I sat down and ate with a towel wrapped around each of us. She said, "Tonight when we get back, I want to go for a swim in the pool under the lights." I smiled and said, "Kinky." Mandy blushed, as I was reading her mind. We finished the dinner and went upstairs to change and can down just as everyone was ready to leave. We all displaced to the arena. Tara was there and showed us our seats.

We all walked to the front row and people were telling us how much they liked our show and we thanked all of them. Kate popped her head out from backstage and saw us. She waved and walked over to us. She said, "We are all so horse from practicing today. I'm going to use our powers to fix each person's throat." We laughed and I said, "Be careful you don't make it too tight. Let me do it and you watch in my mind." I did it to her and she said, "Much better. I know how now. Thanks Jen."

Mandy smiled and put her head on my shoulder. She said, "Good work Doctor Edwards." I said, "Thank you Doctor Edwards." The MC came out and announced the first act and we had never heard of them before. Mandy said to me, "Wichita?" I shrugged my shoulders. The lights went on light blue and they were frozen solid. About ten seconds went by and Mandy said into my mind, "They stole our act." I said back, "I don't think so. I think this is may be real stage freight." The audience was all talking and some were laughing. Then the group started to move like they were manikins, real choppy. They did that for about 20 seconds and then colored lights went on and they played like we couldn't believe. This band was outrageous. They played four songs in a row without stopping and then stopped on a dime.

The four people in the background were all singing harmony softly while the lead singer talked to the audience. They did a short skit of kids in school being punished for not using the knowledge transfer computer and it was a riot. They went into a song called, "Cheat your way to a PhD." We laughed and loved the music.

The show was great and we stood and danced and cheered for the last six songs. At the last song the lead singer said, "I see we have some special guests in the audience in the front row. We hope you liked our act. We sure loved yours. Everyone please give a round of applause to Changes. They are here right now and digging the show. Please stand up." We all stood and waved and the crowd went crazy. We waved to the band and they played their last number that was terrific. Ken said into our minds, "They are almost as good as you guys. Scary isn't it?" We all smiled at him and gave him the thumbs up, as he nodded his head.

We gave them a standing ovation and they played one more tune that was a piss. It was called, "Ten ways to drive your mother nuts" and it was an audience sing along. We laughed our asses off and loved it. Everyone in the audience was standing as the band left the stage. The MC came back on and said, "Great act. Next we have a band from another era. Some of you may remember them. I know I do. Please welcome the original hard rock metal band, Led Zeppelin. We all cheered and stood up. Mandy said into my mind, "It's amazing what the Forever drug can do." They started playing "Good Times, Bad Times" and everyone over the age of 55 stood and sang along. Mandy and I loved it. We stood dancing with Ken, Kathy, Gary, and Jamie the whole show. They played all of the old tunes and few new ones. Ken said into our minds, "We signed them last week. Amazing isn't it? They still sound great and look 30 years old again."

The MC came back on stage and said, "Now for the final act. You hear their songs every day on the radio and you know two of the group as members of SolarNational. Please Welcome Main Street." The Fireworks went off and it was impressive. Everyone cheered and they started one of their new tunes. Mandy and I knew all the words and we were jerking around singing it to each other. Kate saw us and smiled as she sang the lead and Judy sang the harmony part. They ended the song and the audience screamed for more and stood. They played 6 straight and then stopped to talk to the audience. Judy was great with talking to people. She invited some people up on stage and had them sing along with one of the songs. It was a piss.

After the 15th song, Kate said, "We are going to do something different tonight. This is not one of our tunes, but one that belongs to our best friends, who happen to be sitting in the front row here tonight. Mandy, Jen, this is for you." Kate started the song and it was the one that Mandy and I wrote for each other that was a hit for a long time last year. They played it better than we ever did and it sounded great. Mandy and I had a tear in our eyes as we listened to it. The four part harmony they did was incredible. We stood and clapped as loud as we could at the end of the song. So did everyone else. They did one more tune that was their current hit here and the crowd loved it. We stood and danced the whole time. Kate said "Good night everyone and thank you for coming." They bowed and waved to the audience and left the stage. The audience was screaming for more and Kate came back on stage by herself and said, "If you want more, you have to scream a little louder and convince my friends sitting in the front row up to play the last song with us."

The audience went wild and we all got up and walked to the stage. Kate said, "Walking on air." Judy handed me a guitar and Julie the bass. We all sang it and walked on air the whole song. We had a blast. Jody was such a ham and we all were laughing, as she walked over the audience and pretended to fall, and then floated laying down back to the stage. Kate ended the song and the crowd was screaming and we all bowed. Kate hugged us all and we went backstage.

I said to Kate, "You were really good." Kate said, "We'll it may have been our last show. I'll tell you later. Lets have some fun." We talked with the group Wichita and I said, "Great act. You are a terrific band, solid musicians, and we loved your material." He said, "Did Ken tell you to say that?" I smiled and said, "Nope. We told him the same thing." Mandy said, "You want to play with us at one of our gigs?" They all yelled, "Yes!" and we laughed.

Ken said, "I knew you would like them. This is real music. Mandy, they have the same magic that you and Jen have and that Little Willie use to have." I said, "That you still have, and you know it." Ken blushed and Mandy said, "He actually blushed. Somebody take a picture." Ken started to laugh and I said, "How's the new house?" He said, "Wonderful. We love it here." I said, "Same. You up for a round of golf the day after tomorrow? We have an 8 AM tee time. You can only loose a quarter." Ken said, "Me and Kathy against you two? You give us a stroke a hole and we're in." Mandy said, "You're on."

Kate came over and said, "Judy and I have something special planned for you two at the house tonight. Ever have a Japanese Geisha massage?" We both smiled.

Kate and Judy gave an interview and then they grabbed our hands and said, "Lets get out of here, or it will be an all night thing." We walked to the back and displaced to our house. I said, "So what's with the band?" Judy said, "Ted and John want to play more and we don't. To us it's a hobby. To them it's a living. We told them to replace us." Mandy laughed and said, "They don't get it. You two are the band. It's your music, your voices, and you run the shows." Kate said, "We know that. Let them find out the hard way."

Mandy said, "Want to play with us. We'll make it an even ten on stage. It'll give us more things to goof around with and change instruments. More of a show than a just a band." Judy said, "Talk to everyone else first before you offer it to us. They may not like it." I said, "Okay. We'll ask them."

Mandy and I lit a cigarette and so did Kate and Judy. I made us four of our favorite rum drinks and we went to sit outside by the pool with the pool lights on and the waterfall running. Kate said, "This is great here. I love it." We all took a drag of our cigarettes and a sip of the drink. I said, "You still want to swim in the pool for a while? We can't use our gills because the water is chlorinated." Mandy said, "Let just swim regular. No underwater stuff here. Lets just walk in up to our waists and have our drinks." We all took off our cloths and walked into the shallow end holding our drinks and a cigarettes. We leaned against a wall and Mandy said, "I could definitely see me and Jen doing this for the rest of our lives."

Kate laughed and said, "Who would run the company?" Mandy said, "Details. Just let me have my fantasy for awhile." I kissed Mandy and she said into my mind, "I really want this to be our vacation home where we can come with the kids and grandkids, and great grandkids. Maybe by then we'll have to put on an addition for all the kids." I smiled and she kissed me again. Kate said, "I detect and little more than fantasy here." I said, "For now it's a fantasy. Who knows in a few months." Mandy said in my mind, "Good answer. Lets keep it to ourselves for now."

I took a drag of the cigarette and a sip of my drink. Mandy put her arm around my shoulder and was leaning her head on mine. Judy said, "You two and are even starting to look alike." Mandy and I starred into each other's eyes she said into my mind, "Lets change into you and then into me." We changed our faces and Kate and Judy were hysterical. We ended up back the way we were and I said, "Mr. Potato Head." Mandy was laughing and said, "That's how we came up with the idea. We can do it all with drugs too. A lot of our ideas have been from just goofing around or accidents."

Kate said, "Let's get out and go inside and we'll give you the massage to kill for." Mandy and I finished our drinks and our cigarettes and we all went inside to our bedroom. Kate said, "We both learned how to do this in Japan. Lets put a blanket on the floor."

Mandy took a comforter out of the closet and laid it on the floor. Kate said you two get naked and lie on your stomachs. We took off our towels and lay on the floor next to each other and the two of them gave us the most erotic incredible massage we ever had. They both walked on our backs to and it felt great. Then they made us roll over and massaged our fonts completely. I was so relaxed and Mandy said into my mind, "My body feels like mush." I said back, "Call me Gumby." She started laughing and Kate said, "Hey, no secrets from the misuse." We told them what we said and Kate was laughing also. Then they took off their cloths and gave us both a full body massage. It wasn't sexy, just so relaxing. Mandy and I were half closing our eyes as we held hands. Kate made us roll over again and they did the body massage to us on our backs and this felt terrific. Mandy said, "Who taught you to do this?" Judy said, "We have a friend who works in Japan now and she went to school for it. It really is an art there."

They made us sit up and hold our knees with our arms and then knelt behind us and massaged our necks and shoulders. Mandy and I leaned against each other to keep from falling over we were so relaxed. They massaged our scalps and we both fell asleep sitting up. Kate woke us up and said, "All done." Mandy said groggy, "What a great massage. I don't want to move." I moved Mandy's arms and she lay flat on her back and laughed. I lay next to her and she said, "I am so relaxed and tired. Lets sleep for a little while."

I got up and pulled the covers down on the bed and then helped Mandy up. She dove for the bed and got under the covers. I got in next to her she cuddled up to me. Kate said, "Good night." We waved and wrapped our arms around each other and we were out cold in seconds.

Mandy woke we up at 4 in the morning by sucking on my nipple and rubbing my clit. She said, "Make love to me honey." We stayed under the covers and made love, still cuddling with each other. It was so sexy. We caressed each other gently and then became Combined couples. I got on top of Mandy and she wrapped her arms and legs around me and I wrapped my arms around her, as we rolled on our sides. We made love slowly and it was unreal as we were still half asleep. We both blasted off and then fell back to sleep.

We woke each other up every half hour or so to do it again and then went right back to sleep, still inside each other. Mandy and I shared a dream and it seemed so real. We both had baby girls and we were so in love with each other. Mandy was talking to me in our dream and I was answering her. Then we woke each other up again and made love. I must have shot out a pint of cum from my cock. I just kept squirting as my cock pulsated. Mandy was kissing my ear and moaning, "Mmmmm", as I shot into her and blasted off. We didn't stop until 10 in the morning.

Mandy looked at me and said, "What a great dream we had. Oh honey, that was such a wonderful night. I feel so relaxed today. Mandy lit a cigarette and then lay back next to me. She took a drag and then put the cigarette in my lips. I took a drag as Mandy ran her fingers over my face and said, "Jen, I can't explain how much I loved what we did last night. That was by far the most we have ever shared together. You were in my mind all night and my dream, or maybe I was in your mind and your dream. It was like we were one person again. I want you to be inside of me like that always."

I said, "Remember when we played around with making our own clairvoyant dreams into reality. What if we make our future the way we want it to be. Mandy, we could work 2 days a week and still get done more than anyone else in this job. So what if the company only grows 15 percent. That's still a shit load of money for everyone. How about we stage our exit and allow people to suggest it to us. Lets make it our decision, but have them all support us through it. Last time I felt so guilty when we were going to retire. I don't want us to be guilty. I want us to be happy and move on with our lives." Mandy kissed me and said, "Lets do it. I want you so much. I really don't care if we work or not."


I laid out our plan and Mandy was getting so excited about it. She said, "You think this will actually work?" I said, "What do we have to loose?" We laid back and Mandy read my mind and we concentrated together using the clairvoyant side of our brains. We both felt the tingling by our ears and she said in my mind, "It feels so weird." We started with suggestions from everyone while we are on vacation and then the grand finale at the board meeting and a shareholders meeting.

Mandy kissed me when it was over and said, "If this works, we both stop the birth control at the end of the month. Oh, do I love you." We smiled at each other and made love again passionately. Then we went wild in a 69 position and got kinky. Mandy pretended to be my whore for the night and I loved it. I even paid her a quarter and we both cracked up.

We got up and showered, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. Mandy said into my mind, "First test to see if it worked." Julie came in for breakfast and so did Kate and Judy. Julie said, "Kate, if you're thinking of leaving your band how about both of you play with us. We are 8 now, and it could be more fun with 10. Hey Melissa, you guys okay with us adding Kate and Judy to the act?" Melissa yelled back, "Yeah sure."

Kate looked at us and Mandy said, "Welcome to Changes." Mandy said into my mind, "Unbelievable." Julie watched us eat and she said, "Mandy, this is none of my business, but why don't you and Jen have a baby and start a new family. You could cut back your hours to make it easier. You two look great with a few days off. You were killing yourselves." Mandy said, "We thought about it, and maybe we will. Depends on how the business goes." Mandy said into my mind, "Totally unbelievable." Kathy said, "It would be great for you two. Julie and I were thinking about it also." Kate said, "Make that six of us thinking about it."

I smiled and Mandy said, "If Jen and I get pregnant we need to reduce some on the stress and pressure. A reduced work schedule may work. We do put in a shit load of hours now. We could also slow down some of the new ventures and developments. We don't have to do everything we come up with in six months. You feel like going with us on the horses to the shopping area after we eat?" Everyone wanted to go.

We all had some coffee and a cigarette and then went out to the stables. Chris brought all 10 horses here to Vacation World so we didn't have to double up. Mandy's horse sneered, "Hot babe." Mandy said, "Damn it! You remember how much trouble you got yourself into with that mouth? Keep it up and you're fucking glue!" We all laughed and the horse said, "Sorry."

We put on the saddles and rode down the path to the field and followed parallel to the road to the shopping center. We tied up the horses to a tree and walked to the shopping center. Chris was definitely right. The shopping was outrageous. Some of it was geared to tourists, but there were some great shops for people who lived here. We spent four hours shopping and shipped everything to the house using our shipping system from the stores. What a great idea the shipping system was. We sat outside at an outdoor caf‚ and all ordered a drink and some wild deserts. Melissa sat next to me and touched my stomach. She said, "I can definitely see you pregnant." Mandy and I laughed and then we pigged out on the deserts and had two drinks.

We rode the horses back and then worked on all of the other people that were part of our plan. We displaced over to see Tara and Godda, and Tara said, "You two need to slow down and live a little. You look great in just a few days. Start another family." I said in Mandy's mind, "We're still batting a thousand."

Mandy and I walked the three miles back to the house so we could talk. We were really getting into the family thing. Mandy said, "I want to make some changes to us to use the life cycle we altered for the new worlds. It's a small genetic change, remember?" I nodded and Mandy said, "Our children will inherit all of our intelligence and learned knowledge we already have, and the gestation period will only be 18 weeks. We could each have two babies in nine months." We both laughed, as we held hands walking up to the front gate on the driveway. We walked to the ocean side of the house and sat on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. It was so nice here. The cliffs were about 60 feet above the water and we watched the waves crashing into the rocks below.

Mandy said, "Ready for our genetic change? Read my mind." We shared our thoughts and Mandy made the minor change. We didn't feel a thing. I said, "I can really feel my sperm getting stronger now. They're all lifting weights in my glands getting ready to parachute out." Mandy smiled and said, "I should never have rented that old Woodie Allen movie last week." We kissed and Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a drag and we started talking about names for the kids. I said, "Alicia, Margi, Megan, and Kelly are all good names. Your mom would love it if we named one Margi and my mom would flip with Megan. How about boy's names?" Mandy said, "They won't be boys. Remember the other change that happens when we made the genetic change?" I said, "Oh yeah, Combined. That makes painting the rooms easier."

Mandy smacked my arm and we jerked around as we shared the cigarette. I said, "You think we could dive over those rocks?" Mandy said, "Hell yeah. We swam through there yesterday. It's twenty feet deep and the rocks are only against the cliffs. Lets take a dip." We took off our cloths and dove off the cliff into the ocean water. We both made gills on ourselves and swam around. The Mermaids swam up to us and we went with them for hours, just swimming up the coastline. They brought us back and we walked out of the water onto the beach and then up the path to the cliffs to get our cloths. Mandy said, "Jen, I am so excited about us."

The rest of the vacation was absolute paradise. Mandy and I played golf with Ken and his wife Kathy. We gave then 18 strokes and still beat them by 3. Ken was a piss and told us to take a year off, as we earned it. Mandy and I both shot a 64 from the back tees. We were really in the groove and had so many lucky shots and putts. We played golf 10 times at the different courses and my highest round was a 69. Mandy didn't shoot over a 68. We played a tournament at a course that we don't own, and we placed first and second. The owner of the course asked us nicely not to come back, as the closest one to us was 7 strokes higher.

We spent time with everyone on the board. We also got Grace and her husband drunk. They were a riot. Mandy and I had everyone trying to convince us that we should work less and raise a family. It was contagious. Others that we didn't even make part of our plan were saying the same things to us. We smiled at each other and Mandy said into our minds, "We need to figure out how this became everyone's mission. We could use what we just did to make some serious social changes." I said, "After we raise a family." Mandy laughed and said, "Your right."

The vacation was over and we had to get back home. Chris and the others displaced the pets back home and then displaced home with us. Mandy and I got changed and then we all went to the office for a board meeting.

We hung out in Mandy's office, having some coffee and a cigarette, joking around, and then went into the boardroom. I connected the laptop to the projector, as everyone was sitting down. I sat down at the head of the table next to Mandy and she said, "I think we spoke to all of you at least a few times on our vacation and Jen and I have decided that it is time for us to start a new family and to slack off a little." Everyone applauded and we blushed.

I said, "Some of our shareholders may not see it that way though. That's why we are suggesting that we select a few new ventures that will bring in high revenue, and not require a lot of attention from us. Everyone wants to see results and they don't care how we achieve them. No one knows how much we work or don't work. They only see the dividends, profits, and no taxes. If we ran this like a normal company and grew 15 percent, people would think something was wrong, and I think we have to slowly decrease our growth pace to bring everyone back down to reality. This is what I think we should do." I flipped to the first slide and it read "Kids World."

I said, "Imagine a place that is bigger than any vacation park or summer camp and has everything you could have ever wanted as a kid. We divide it up into groups starting at age three and running to age 14 or 15. We guarantee a trained and certified child care worker to be with the kids with a ratio of 4 to 1 for the younger ones, and up to 15 to one for the older ones. We have programs that range from 3 days to 3 months. It's a summer camp that is specialized in playing, socializing, and learning. How many people would take their kids to Kids World while they vacationed on Vacation World, with this type of program? I say a whole shit load, and we can sub-contract the development of it just like we did for the resort. Minimal time to market, medium investment, low risk, and minimal management time required. We can run the project just like the resort one. We'll all participate when we are there and Tara will be the focal point. All of you agree?"

Everyone was saying, "Great idea." I flipped the slide it said, "The Airmobile" and had a picture of Chris's prototype car. I said, "We have everything we need right now to license the technology. From Mandy's and my initial conversations, we have every car manufacturers that are begging us to let them build it. I say we do it. Chris's group can supervise the manufacturing development, and we invest almost nothing. The cars will be on the market in 6 to 9 months, and the profits are huge. All of you agree?"

Everyone was nodded their heads so I went on and explained 6 more new deals we should do that we personally didn't have to do much of anything. Then I put up a summary chart that showed investment, projected revenue by quarter and profit. Mandy smiled, as everyone looked shocked. I said, "It's over 2 years and we slowly decrease our six fold revenue gains down to a more reasonable percentage and pay an even higher dividend. I think this will keep everyone happy. This doesn't rule out other good ideas, like the one Ken brought to the board. It's a failsafe plan that generates enough baseline revenue so we can all relax for a while. You all agree?"

Everyone stood up and applauded. Mandy smiled and said, "I guess that means we can vote on it." We did and it was official. Mandy said, "One more thing I wanted to discuss. Ken, can you get a list of all of the old rock groups from the 60s, 70s and 80s? Lets see how many of them want to do it again. The show in Vacation World was outrageous." Ken said, "I'm one step ahead of you. We brought together a number of the older bands for a reunion dinner while we were on vacation, and our A&R department just signed the new Beach Boys, Jan and Dean, The Critters, The Dave Clark Five, The Association, Iron Butterfly, Deep Purple, and Bad Company. Now that would make one hell of a show!"

Everyone applauded Ken and he smiled. Mandy said, "Anything from anyone else?", "Good. Next meeting will be in one month. Jen and I have some family matters to take care of." We all stood up and Mandy said into my mind, "Honey, we're ready tonight. The birth control is off now in both of us and we're ovulating." I smiled and said into her mind, "I have such a headache." Mandy started laughing as we walked out of the room.

We called Grace into Mandy's office and we told her what we were doing, and she was so happy for us. Mandy said, "Go through all of our voice messages and email. If anything is urgent call us, otherwise answer it or forward it to the right person. Send it from our ids, so they won't question it. Just let us know if we have any serious problems or the staff needs help with anything. If anyone calls or us about business just say we're traveling and see if you can help them. You know the routine." Grace said, "I won't let you down. By the way, we had a great time on the vacation. Thanks so much for inviting us." I said, "You're part of the team. You're invited to all of them."

Grace walked out of the office as Mandy sang into my mind, "Walking on air" and we both tried not to laugh. We packed up a few things from each of our offices and displaced back to the castle.

Mandy and I sat in the kitchen and made some breakfast, as we felt so relieved. I said, "It looks like snow. How about we make a fire and cuddle up. I'm cold after being in the tropics for a month." Mandy said, "I'd love to cuddle honey. I'm cold too. Want any more bacon?" I nodded my head and Mandy made another 2 pieces for each of us. We had some coffee and a cigarette, and then went to our bedroom and started a fire there. We drew the drapes closed, got into bed, and made passionate love.

Mandy and I caressed each other for hours and then changed into Combined couples and interlocked our cocks into each other's pussy. We each blasted off six times making love all day. The last time we both shot our cum, we watched inside of our bodies a sperm fertilize one of Mandy's eggs, and one of her sperm fertilized one of my eggs. We kissed each other so hard as it happened and then we both had tears in our eyes. I must have told Mandy I loved her fifty times as we continued to make love. She was the same way with me. We stopped when we were so exhausted we couldn't move.

We lay on our sides facing each other, and stayed interlocked. Mandy put her hand on my face and touched it gently. I held her hand in mine kissing it, and she smiled saying, "We did it." Mandy reached for a cigarette and lit it, talking a deep drag. She put the cigarette in my lips and I took a drag also, as we watched the cinders glow in the fireplace. I said, "Lets put on a fire again." We disconnected and the cum ran out of my pussy all over Mandy's legs. She smiled at me blowing out the smoke, handed me the cigarette, and dove her head down to my pussy to lick it. I orgasmed twice within the two minutes as Mandy sucked my pussy clean. I took a drag of the cigarette as Mandy sat back up and she had cum all over her face. I licked it off slowly and she was melting again. I lay her on her back, spread her legs wide open, and put my mouth over her pussy lips. I vacuumed her dry as she moaned so loud. We kissed again and then got up to put more wood on the fire.

Mandy opened the drapes and we looked out the french doors to see almost a foot of new snow on the veranda, and it was getting dark outside. We both looked at the alarm clock and Mandy laughed. She said, "We were in bed for over 7 hours honey. Lets get some food. We have to eat regularly now." I said, "Don't tell anyone yet until we're sure." Mandy said, "I'm sure, but I'll wait."

We put on bathrobes and went to the kitchen and Chris and Roberta were making some food. We sat down and she said, "You didn't waist any time." We smiled and Chris looked at us and said, "You're both pregnant. I saw it in your minds." I said, "We're not really sure yet. We have to do the test." Chris said, "Come with me. We'll find out right now."

We went into the lab and Chris handed us a swab to use on ourselves and we both did. She poured a fluid into two test tubes and inserted a swab into each one. She held up the tubes to the light and smiled saying to us, "The rabbits died. Check it out yourself." We both looked and saw the small ring and Mandy said, "We're sure now."

We hugged, and then Chris and Roberta both hugged us. Chris said, "Nine months of hell." Mandy said, "Nope. Eighteen weeks of waiting. No pain, and no problems. We made a few changes to ourselves before we did it. We should start showing in about 3 weeks." Chris was laughing and said, "You made the genetic changes to yourself? What a riot. I wouldn't have ever thought of doing that. 18 weeks is not too bad at all. You need to eat regular meals now."

We went back into the kitchen and Chris made us dinner. We sat and talked for a while and Chris said, "We're getting a big snow storm. We went out and stocked up on the essentials already. Kate and Judy are in Indiana and should be back in a few minutes. The teams made so much progress while we were away. We all should leave more often." Mandy said, "You want to make me a grandmother?" Chris blushed and said, "Soon. We're talking about it. Eighteen weeks is a little easier to take than nine long months."

Ruffles came into the kitchen as Chris got up, took out a box of Cheerios, and dumped it on the floor. We all laughed as the dogs and cat ran around like lunatics eating it.


Mandy and I were such paranoid expecting mothers. We used our healing powers everyday on our wombs and watched the fetuses with our minds, as they slowly developed into fully formed infants. By the end of the third month we both looked like blips with legs. I was huge, and so was Mandy. We both waddled when we walked.

We put the band on hold for a while as Kate and Judy were expecting, so were Julie and Kathy, Jody and Melissa, and Janice and Karen. We all did it at once. We were only a few days ahead. I was so funny watching us all trying to sit and eat dinner. The ten of us laughed at each other the whole time. Mandy and I fed each other, as it was easier than sitting upright or bending over.

Grace has been a lifesaver and did so much of the work. She made a stack of things, prioritized them for each of us, and brought them to the house twice a week. It literally took us less than an hour each time she came over. Mandy and I gave her another huge raise and put her on the executive comp plan. She deserved it.

It was the end of February and all of us were in our 18th week. I had trouble doing anything. We tried to have sex and both started to laugh at not being able to move. We got around it before by doing what we could to each other. Now it was just impossible. We kissed and Mandy said, "Even my lips feel pregnant."

We all decided to have the babies at home. We new they were all healthy, and they were all in position and ready. Mandy and I went into labor at almost the exact same time. We each had one labor pain and then used our minds to stop the pain and just let the births happen. We lay on a bed next to each other, and Chris and Allison delivered the babies. I gave birth to a 5 pound 4 oz Combined baby girl we named Megan, and Mandy gave birth to a 5 pound 6 oz combined baby girl we named Margi.

Mandy and I held the babies all day and night after giving birth. I held Megan and then Margi, and we alternated every twenty minutes of so. We let them both feed from both of our breasts, sometimes at the same time. It was wild.

We let them sleep in our room in two basinets and we were so excited about it, we were up before they were ready to feed. We both had our periods for about 5 days as part of the shorted process and then we were ready to go.

Mandy and I were lying in bed and both kids were asleep and she gave we the sexiest kiss and then said, "Jen, how about we do it again. Let's have four children, all close to the same age so they can play together. You ready to do it? I know that if we wait I won't want to go through this again for a while." I rolled over to touch Mandy's side as she lit a cigarette and I said, "We don't ovulate for another 14 days. I'm game but how about we practice for the next two weeks before hand. I am so incredibly horny. I've been thinking about making love to you for weeks."

Mandy took a deep drag of the cigarette and then put the cigarette in my lips and I took a drag. She smiled and said, "Lets fuck right now. I want you inside of me so bad. Jen, I'm dripping. You saw it in my mind too." Mandy and I kissed and caressed each other and then became combined couples. We made passionate love together, kissing and holding each other, and talking to each other in our minds. We both orgasmed several times from our pussies and then we both shot one huge load of cum blasting off. Mandy gasped when she bucked into me, and I know I was making all sorts of weird sounds. We kissed as we squirted cum into each other, and then kept right on going.

Mandy and I made love for three hours and each of us blasted off two more times. We only stopped because the kids woke up crying to eat and get changed. We had such a hard time getting up. Neither of us wanted to move. I got up and brought both kids over to the bed and we laid them on their backs looking up at us. Megan was laughing now as I changed her and so was Margi. Mandy lay next to Margi and I lay next to Megan as we let one of our nipples fall into their mouths. They both suckled us and then fell back to sleep. Mandy lift then up, burped then gently, and put them back in their bassinets. Then when we fucked each other like lunatics for 4 more hours.

By the time Megan and Margi were 2 weeks old, all of the kids had been born. Julie and Kathy delivered nine days after us, and Kate and Judy delivered two days after them. Chris, Roberta, Allison, and Kyle all helped again and then they told us that they were all pregnant also. Mandy was jumping around and yelling, "We're going to be grandmothers! Want to fuck a grandmother honey?" I said, "Only if she looks like you." We both laughed and then heard our two crying again.

Mandy and I made love again, and again, and we watched ourselves getting pregnant again. We both sat up afterwards and looked at each other. She said into my mind, "We must be totally out of our fucking minds." I smiled and said into her minds, "We knew that a long time ago."

Over the next two months we hired five live in nannies, as everyone was going around a second time also. Mandy and I still had the kids sleep in the room with us and fed them our breast milk. We also played with them every chance we got. They both loved to laugh. The nannies let us to keep our sanity, so we could have some time alone.

The second delivery was easy. We knew exactly what to do and did it all ourselves. We even cut the umbilical cords. We put some of our breast milk in bottles for Megan and Margi, while we delivered, and then back to feeding them ourselves. Along with the newcomers; Kelly and Alicia. Now it was getting interesting. Mandy and I figured out how to each breastfeed two at once. We used our powers to hold them in the air against us, without using our arms. We also alternated which child breast feed on Mandy or me. We wanted all four of our children would bond equally with both of us. They really did.

The castle looked like an infant infirmary at the hospital. There were baby things and toys everywhere and all you heard were kids crying, laughing, or baby talk. We had twenty high chairs set up in the kitchen along one wall, and cribs set up four to a room with the nannies now. Mandy and I realized that we needed a few more bedrooms so we hired the architect again that did the ballroom and he laughed for ten minutes straight when he came into the house. We had him add 8 more bedrooms by extending the wing past the studio. He also did the same thing to Melissa's house.

The kids progressed so fast. We realized that they really did know all of our knowledge when Megan was playing with her toys in her crib. She had them floating in the air and was laughing as they flew around in a circle. Mandy and I read her mind and she was actually thinking in English just like we think. She just couldn't talk yet. We decided to leave well enough alone and not speed things up any faster.

By the end of the first year they were all walking and it was a disaster. We laughed about it every day, as we would find at least one of the kids in a cabinet, or under a table. They were into everything. Megan was even floating Ruffles and Snuffy, and then they all would laugh about it, as Ruffles would beg to get back down. Kelly's first word was "Ruff" and Mandy wanted to shoot the dog.

We decided to convert what we called the rec room, into a huge play room for the kids, with a gate on the outside. We filled it with every possible toy for one year olds and a few plastic houses they could climb in. The kids loved it but it scared the nannies to death, as we realized that all of the kids had the same powers and knowledge. Margi was drawing calculus symbols with her crayons and they made sense. Chris thought it was cute and showed her how to complete the equations. Two of the nannies quit after calling the kids little devils that belonged in hell. This was the first time I thought Mandy was going to actually going to hurt someone. She probably would have, if I hadn't taken the nannies outside. We had to hire replacements.

We all started working a little bit more, but mostly from home and Grace had been fantastic. We announced the new airmobile car program and did a press conference from the office auditorium. We had all of the major car manufactures there and the press conference lasted 4 hours. Chris was becoming more like Mandy everyday. She handled about half of it and was absolutely brilliant.

The TV news commentator called this discovery one of the final legs in our journey to modernize transportation. We all made a fortune on the stock again by buying a ton of it before the announcement and then selling some of it. Mandy and I gave each of our children over 4 billion in stock on their first birthday. I said, "That takes care of college." Mandy laughed and said, "In five years they'll be teaching college doctoral programs. You watch. We'll be fucking, and they'll be reinventing the universe." We both laughed and knew she wasn't that far from the truth.

Mandy and I had been making love like lunatics again. We just couldn't stop being with each other. The kids really became our lives, and we worked now about a day a week, and played in the band a day a month. We all were spending more time at our vacation home than in the castle at home, and had that home expanded also.

We were so excited about Kids' World. It took a lot longer to build than we expected, but that was also due to the fact that none of us was being a pushy son of a bitch, like we usually are with projects like this. We took our time and really planned this out well. This is by far the ultimate playground for kids. Chris implemented my Mr. Potato Head idea as a game for kids. They can stand in a room with mirrors and make any change they want to their body using their mind, and it happens. When they walk out, it all goes back to normal.

Alicia and Kelly turned three yesterday and we had another birthday party. We are having a party at least once a month and it's getting to be old hat. Megan and Margi were making fun of Alicia and Kelly for being young kids, like they were so much older. Mandy and I tried so hard not to laugh and then Julie burst out laughing and we all lost it. Kate laughed so hard she was crying as her daughter, Katherine, was tying Ruffles tail to the table leg and then tickling him.

We had the party at our vacation home as we were preparing for the grand opening of Kid's World. We had our annual shareholders meeting last month where we announced the Kid's World opening and three other new venture successes. We cleaned up on the stock again. Mandy said, "It's no fun gambling on the stock when you know you're going to win." I said, "That's the whole idea."

We explained to the kids about Kids' World and they were so excited they couldn't sit still. Not that they sat still very often anyway. We were not only giving the grand opening speech, but our kids were part of one the first one week programs. We had to tell the chaperones about their capabilities and to let them go where ever they wanted, as long as they stayed out of trouble. We made sure they all knew how to swim and how to use their powers to stop anything that would get them hurt. We were more worried about the chaperones getting hurt. I said into their minds, "Call us in our minds if you need us." Megan said into our minds, "Mom, stop worrying about us."

Mandy and I gave the grand opening speech with all of the kids there. I said, "We have over 164 square miles in Kids World. There is something for everyone and I can guarantee that most of the kids won't ever want to leave. They all will learn, play, socialize, and get a chance to do things they only dreamed about. This is a fantasyland, where they can live some of those fantasies. We also have the largest amusement park in the universe with over 12 roller coasters including one than uses the new airmobile technology and I have to tell you; Mandy and I rode it and we want to stay here too." Everyone laughed and I said, "When you drop your children off we expect some of them to be upset for the first hour, which is why we have a special area just for that. We jokingly call it the mommy withdrawal building. They leave from there also, as we expect the same thing to happen when they leave the friends they have made here. We have special counselors that are trained to handle it. You as parents, can enjoy your time here on vacation World, and rest assured that your children are safe and having a great time."

Mandy took the large scissors and we each held one handle to cut the large ribbon that was across the entranceway. Tara said, "We are open for business everyone. Welcome to Kid's World." Everyone clapped and then the stampede of kids started. We all laughed as ours were leading the pack to the mommy withdrawal building. They waved to us as they ran to get in. Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Freedom for a week! I don't believe it." We walked inside and watched all the chaperones carefully identify each child with the parents there, and then we heard the crying start in the withdrawal building. As excited as our kids were, they were all fighting back tears also. When we hugged them they all cried. We waved as we walked out and they waved back to us. Mandy said, "I feel so bad." I said, "They will love it. How much you want to bet that they want to stay another week?" Mandy said, "A quarter." We kissed, walked out of the park, and waited for the others with our arms around each other.

Julie stood next to us and screamed, "I'm alive again. I really have a life. Thank you!" We all laughed and she said, "We play the gig at the arena tomorrow. Any interest in a night out tonight with lots of drinking?" We all said, "Yeah!"

We displaced back to the house and it was so quite. We noticed it immediately. I said, "What happened to the 100 decibels of noise that's usually here?" Mandy said, "It's all on Kids' World". We all smiled.

Jody said, "Lets island hop today. There are six we haven't been too yet. I think we need to get dressed for the occasion first." Jody made us each a Vacation World outfit with all of the holes in the right places and she displaced us to the first island. We found an outdoor caf‚ and sat down as a waitress gave us a 3 page list of drinks. We all order one of the oversized rum ones, and lit cigarettes. Mandy and I were all over each other and were having a blast. We hadn't really been away from the kids for more than a day since they were born. Even with the nannies, the kids loved to play with us and sit with us.

The drinks were delivered and Melissa raised her coconut in a toast and said, "Here's to hoping the chaperones survive our kids." We all drank to that one, and again, and again. Mandy and I couldn't stop kissing and touching each other. The others were all the same way. We finished our drinks and we all looked at Jody and she said, "I know. Melissa and I feel it too. Lets go back and enjoy each other without the little monsters running around."

Jody displaced us all back to the house and we all went into our bedrooms. Mandy and I held each other the whole time we walked up the stairs. We kissed with such passion and hugged. We took off our cloths and lay in bed together in an embrace. Mandy said into my ear, "Sweetheart, I missed doing this with you. Hold me tight." We pressed our warm bodies against each other and I was so much in love with Mandy. I kissed her and then kissed her again, as we explored each other's mouths with our tongues. We were on our sides lying down, and Mandy leaned me onto my back. She lowered her lips to my nipple and licked it gently and then sucked it. She flicked her tongue over it to make it tingle and I completely melted inside. Mandy made me so wet. I held her cock in my hand and rubbed it as she moaned and then I rolled onto my side also. I used my other hand to rub her clit and we both caressed each other into a wild frenzy.

Mandy said into my mind, "We have to fuck now. I'm so hot for you." We changed ourselves into Combined couples and Mandy lay down on her back with her legs spread wide open. I lay in between them slipping my cock into her pussy, as her cock slipped into me. We both orgasmed immediately, and then started to move in and out of each other. Mandy wrapped her arms and legs around me and I put my arms around her, as we rolled on our sides and fucked like wild rabbits. We kissed and then held each other, moaning into each other's ear.

Mandy and I got into a rhythm of moving in and out of each other's pussy. I was on fire and my pussy was throbbing. I clenched my pussy muscles on Mandy's cock and she moaned so loud and then did it to me also. We were breathing heavy and making each other feel as good as we could. I bucked into her and jerked, and my cum exploded out of my cock as I orgasmed from my pussy at the same time. I squirt over and over again into Mandy and then she blasted off into me. We shared our thoughts and kissed as she squirted her warm white goo into my pussy and it felt so good. We both stopped moving for a minute and then started again slowly. Each time I moved a little we both shivered and shook, as our pussy's orgasmed again. Mandy kissed me so hard as she clenched her pussy muscles onto my cock and I hugged her so tight. I started to shot my cum into her again and I hammered my cock into her. I felt Mandy's cock pulsate and she let loose again also. She said into my mind, "Jen honey, I love you so much. Cum again in me."

Mandy and I made love for another 4 hours like this. We milked each other's cocks with our muscles until we were exhausted. We lay breathing heavy on our sides and staring into each other's eyes. Mandy used her hand to move my hair out of my eyes and then she softly caressed the side of my face. I kissed her hand and she leaned forward and kissed me again with her tongue out. We were just lying together interlocked, enjoying each other and sharing our feelings. Mandy reached for a cigarette and lit it up. She took a deep drag and held in the smoke, and then put it in my lips. I took drag and we heard in our minds, "Mom, can you tell the lady here that we are allowed to go on the rides."

We looked at each other and laughed and I said back, "Megan, which rides do you want to go on?" She answered, "We want to go on all of them and they only will let us go on these stupid little ones." Mandy said, "Tell the chaperone we are going to talk to her in her mind, but be nice about it." We heard, "Okay, go ahead."

I said, "Hi, it's Jen, and Mandy is here too. It's okay to let the kids on the rides. It's like we said about their abilities, they won't let themselves get hurt. Just answer us in our mind." The woman said, "As long as you're okay with it. I'd love to take them on the those rides." Mandy said, "Have fun!"

We both smiled and said into all of the kids minds, "Have fun and behave." We heard back a lot of kids voices saying, "Thanks" and then we heard Megan say, "I told you she would let us. Come on Margi, let's go on the big roller coaster." We started to laugh as Mandy took a drag of the cigarette, and then handed it to me. I took a drag and Mandy said into my mind, "Hey Jen, can we go on that ride again? The real big one that we both just had an orgasm on? I said, "What a lucky little girl. The ride is just starting again now. Hold on." I moved my cock into Mandy hard and pulled out, as her cock went into me also. We both moaned and she said, "This is the best ride of all of them honey. Fuck me all night while I fuck you."

We shared the cigarette and then fucked like wild animals for another 3 hours. We were so exhausted we stopped again and then moved into a 69 position. I drank my cum out of Mandy's pussy, while she drank her cum out of me. We both were dehydrated and light headed so we had to get up and have some food and something to drink.

We went into the kitchen and Jody and Melissa were sitting at the table drinking orange juice. Jody said, "You too?" We nodded our heads and they smiled, as they passed the juice and two glasses. We sat and talked and I said, "The kids already called us once." Jody said, "You too? They wanted to go into the haunted dungeon which was for 10 year olds and over." I said, "We had the we want to go on all the rides thing." Melissa said, "They'll have gone on everything by the end of the week. I hope the chaperones survive it." We all smiled and then Mandy made us all some eggs, bacon, and potatoes. The four of us pigged out.

I made us one of my favorite drinks and we all toasted to great sex. We had a cigarette and finished our drink and then went back to bed and made love all night.

The week flew by. We had a blast doing our concert as usual and spent time being adults again together. We did get to all of the islands and we fell in love with the shops on one of them. Mandy and I bought so much stuff and of course had it shipped to the house. Mandy and I made love every chance we could and we so addicted to each other. She was hoping to loose the bet we made and have the kids stay and extra week.

We all went to get the kids at the end of the week and they were begging us to stay for another week. I said to the chaperone, "You okay with keeping them for another week?" She said, "I'd love to. It's like being with 16 year olds. They're a blast to be with. Plus they are so smart." Mandy paid me the quarter and we waved goodbye to them. There were no tears this time as they all stood up and cheered.

At the end of the second week we had to take them home, as the resort was booked solid. This time they all cried.


Mandy and I taught the kids everything and really let them all use their powers. We also taught them how to control them and never harm anyone. Every 3 months we sent the kids to Kids' World for two weeks to attend a different program. There were 290 programs ranging from different sports and music, to astrophysics. Vacation World, Earth, Traff, Firma, and four other planets now use Kids' World as part of the normal education process and the Kids' want to keep going to learn more. Mandy said, "We finally made learning fun."

By the age of 6 all of our kids had acquired the equivalent knowledge of 125 different PhD programs. As Tara put it, "Chris and Alison are amazing. We need to invent a new word to describe the next generation of your children." All of the kids took the standard IQ tests and finished the 40 minute test in under 4 minutes. Every one of them had a perfect score and no one knew how to grade it. Chris thought they were some where over 600.

The business now runs itself for the most part. We have set up incentive programs for all of our managers that allow them to really make some big bucks if they develop an idea and bring it to market. All we do now is approve the plans, watch it work, and be the faces of SolarNational. Tara said that Mandy and I are more widely known throughout the universe than anyone in history. It really doesn't feel any different.

The airmobile is a huge success, but the car companies made a deal with the oil companies to continue producing the traditional cars also. They cut the price of them by two thirds, so they are still selling. The new airmobiles are about as outrageous as it gets. Mandy and I drove two on a race track and we both hit 630 miles an hour on the back straight before we slowed to enter a turn. The only thing limiting you on the track in one of these is your own fear, and I can honestly say that we were both scared shitless. We bought a couple for each of the houses. We found out you can also drive them on water, so we drove across the lake to see what would happen.

We made our genetic changes for birth in 18 weeks into a drug, thanks to Chris's team. There are three and each one produces a different sex; male (blue pill), female (yellow pill), and combined (green pill). This boosted sales again on every planet.

The planets that we formed without people and were inhabited by pioneers from Earth are doing great. They have an economy that is about half of earth now and they are still growing. We kept our deal and anyone who wants to relocate there can still go and we will pay the way. They gain about 1,000 people a week now.

When the kids are all 7 years old we sent them to Kids' World to the music program as we wanted to see how much of what we knew they retained. We got calls from the chaperones all the time and this time Megan said into our minds only an hour after we dropped them off, "Hi Mom. They want you all to come back here for a few minutes if you can." We went back and the Music Director said, "Listen to this." He had Kelly sit at a piano with Alicia and they sight read a piano duet of a Beethoven composition. They played it perfect and I said, "You taught them pretty fast." He said, "They were playing this while they waited for me to get here. Not only that, they all can do it." I said, "Push them as far as they can go for us. Use these also." Mandy and I made 25 smaller versions of electric guitars, basses, drums, organs, and other instruments.

At the end of their two week camp session we attended the graduation concert. They had all formed small groups. Our kids along with Julie's and Kathy's were in a band. They played five of their own tunes and five of ours, and they were terrific. Mandy smiled from ear to ear and said, "We have to call Ken when we get home. He's going to shit." All of us agreed that Kelly was by far the best singer and all around musician. For a 7 year old kid, she sang with the emotion of a 25 year old and played guitar like a combination of Mandy and me.

When the kids turned 9, we introduced them to the truth about their powers and had them all on the work planet to see what we really did there. We had all of them sit at the knowledge computers to update their knowledge with any that was in the computer that they didn't have.

Tara had the design room enlarged before we brought the kids there, and they watched Robin and Joanne design the evolutionary life cycle for a new planet. They were all mesmerized by the process and the simulations. About half way through, Alicia said, "How come you didn't change that line on the last page?" I said, "Show us Alicia." Alicia walked up to the computer and hit a bottom to go back a page and then touched the display and typed in the number 4, replacing a 2. Chris and Allison were studying what she did and Chris said, "Alicia, how did you know to make that a 4?" Alicia said, "It's obvious" as she went into this long explanation of genetic permutations and the randomized nature of certain conditions. Chris said, "She is right. Watch what happens. We just missed it." Chris restarted the simulation and it cut the time by almost sixty percent. Tara hugged Alicia and said, "You are such a smart person. I'm so proud of you."

They watched us launch the birth of a new world and Megan said, "When can we do it." Tara said, "When you're a little older. There's a lot of responsibility that goes with making life. You also have to take care of it." Megan said, "Like our Mommies take care of us?" Tara smiled and said, "Exactly."

While we were at the work planet Chris and Roberta decide to present to the group their summary of what they found outside of the boundaries of our known universe. They showed us digital short movies of over 50 worlds they found using remote displacement through the gateway. The planet of aliens that tried to attack us was now completely under control and harmless. The other 50 planets all could use our help. We voted as a group to lower the security shields and open up our way of life to anyone that wanted it.

Chris smiled and said, "We have our next set of projects." She gave out assignments of the first 6 planets. Our four kids and Chris's kids all wanted to watch what they were going to do. I said, "Let them. They'll learn from it."

We started celebrating all of the birthdays together in one huge party. The kids wanted it that way and we didn't mind at all. They all got something special on their real birthday anyway. When the kids turned ten, we had the stables enlarged and bought them each their own horse. We also got them skis and snow mobiles for the winter at the castle and they all loved it.

On the kids twelfth birthday we had one huge pool party and sleep over at our vacation home. All of the parents got totally lit up on our favorite rum drinks on the veranda and had a blast, while the kids were completely out of control as usual. Mandy lit a cigarette and was leaning on me laughing at about 2 in the morning when the kids were all going into the house. She whispered into my ear, "I know they are fooling around now. Lets take a peak." We were so drunk we could hardly walk and we made our way up the stairs in the house. To hear Megan say, "Our parents are so drunk they will never even hear us. Break out the booze and cigarettes."

We walked into the room across the hall and watched them with their door wide open. I stood slightly in front of Mandy and she had her arms around me, as we watched our kids kissing and touching all of the other 26 or so kids. We saw Alicia making straight whiskey drinks for everyone and lighting cigarettes. Mandy whispered into my ear, "I told you so. Time for our session with them just like we planned tomorrow. Jen, I am so hot. Kiss me." We kissed and then watched kids experimenting, trying to be sexy. Mandy rubbed my nipples and my clit as I melted in her arms watching our kids experience erotic passion. We watched Megan and Roseanne, one of Jody's kids, lay down together and rub each other. I was on fire. Mandy kissed me and walked us both to our bedroom where she attached me. We fucked all night as we heard the kids until about 4 AM, and then we only heard ourselves moaning, as we orgasmed and shot our cum into each other's pussy over and over again.

We fell asleep interlocked at 6 AM, and woke up every half hour our so to make love again. Mandy and I were kept going until about noon, we were on our sides and my pussy was throbbing. We were both clenching the muscles in our pussies to squeeze each other's cock and we both blasted off at the same time. We held each other tight, as we jerked and bucked into each other, shooting our warm cum. We kissed and then starred into each other's eyes, when we both noticed our kids were standing in the doorway and watching.

Mandy smiled and said, "Come on in. How long were you waiting for us?" They were all so flushed and Megan stuttered, "Just a little while." I smiled at Mandy and she said, "Sit down. Talk to us." I lit a cigarette and tossed the pack and lighter to Megan. I said, "Go ahead if you want. We know you did it last night."

Mandy and I were still interlocked and she moved her cock into me and squeezed her cunt on my cock. I half closed my eyes and tried so hard not to moan out loud. Mandy smiled at me as Alicia lit up a cigarette and so did Kelly. Mandy said, "There are a lot of things that we waited to tell you until you turned twelve. I think it's time you all know everything about us and about yourselves. We didn't mean to snoop last night, but we saw all of you. We're not mad. What you did was perfectly natural. Just like Jen and I are doing right now under the covers." Mandy smiled at me and I moved into her a little and squeezed my cunt muscles tight. She closed her eyes for a second and then smiled at me again.

I said, "We can show you everything and teach you things you never thought were possible. The first thing is how to love other people." Mandy pulled the covers off of us and they all blushed. I said, "We were making love when you came into the room. I guess you could say we still are. Lets us get ourselves back to normal." We separated and made ourselves normal combined again and Megan said, "What was that?"

Mandy said, "All of you sit down on the bed. How much have you done and tired to do? Be honest with us." They told us that they each have had intercourse, and touched each other. Megan said, "We used our mouths on each other too. That felt really good." Mandy said, "Watch us use our mouths on each other and you'll see how we do it." Mandy moved to a 69 position with me and we lay on our sides. The kids all watched as we sucked out the cum in each other and then used our tongues to drive each other crazy. Then we sucked each other's cock until we blasted off in each other's mouth, and swallowed it.

The kids were all in shock and Mandy said, "You have the power to make any part of your body any size you want it. Watch my finger." Mandy made her one finger the size of a cock and pushed it into me and I moaned softly. She moved it around and then took it out. She made it the right size again and said, "You can make your tongue larger, your breasts, your baby stick. Anything." When we were making love before we do it in what's called Combined couples, which is what happens when normal people take one of our Pharma pills to make the transformation. We do it in our minds. Just like you can do it in your minds. Jen and I want to love each one of you and let you experience what it feels like, and bond with us. Megan, close the door honey."

Mandy and I turned Megan and Margi into Combined couples to mate with us and we changed ourselves. Megan kissed me and she got in between my legs, as Margi did the same thing to Mandy. We each made love to Megan, Margi, Kelly, and Alicia for about a half hour. We stopped each one when we both blasted off. It was the most amazing feeling I ever had. I never felt closer to the kids that at that moment when we both orgasmed. Megan and I sucked each other's nipples and kissed. She and Kelly were so hot. They all touched us as we made ourselves combined couples that matched and Mandy and I interlocked, making love in front of them. The kids sucked and licked our nipples while we went wild on each other. Mandy and I came like a fire hose into each other and then separated and changed ourselves back.

Megan and Alicia lay between my legs and they both licked my pussy, while Kelly and Margi did Mandy's. They used their tongues and made them bigger, as we orgasmed over and over again while we kissed and held each other.

Mandy said, "We should stop now or we'll be in here all day. We have a lot of things to show you." We got up and got dressed in our Vacation World outfits. The kids had them on too now. Mandy said, "First stop is out back on the beach."

I lit up a cigarette and so did Megan, as we walked out to the beach and then sat on a blanket. Mandy said, "Lets start at the beginning." She told them all about how she started the company and then met me and Kathy. She talked for about an hour about how we got to where we were. Megan said, "I know we have a lot of money, but how much?" I said, "Mandy and I gave you stock and some cash and each of you are worth somewhere over 8 billion dollars right now. You probably know from all of the newspapers and magazines that were are the wealthiest couple anywhere. I have no idea how many trillions we are worth, and it doesn't really matter anyway."

They all had their mouths hanging open and I said, "We can do almost anything with our minds. Watch." I turned translucent, then invisible, then back. Then I displaced to stand behind them and then back to sitting again. I said, "You know from your knowledge it's called displacing, the invisibility is not really invisible. It's making other's not see you. You can control anyone's mind. We didn't tell you this before, because you weren't old enough. Now we are trusting you with more power than all others in the universe, except for the group that you all know through Tara. Kelly, you like history. What would you like to see in history?"

Kelly said, "The Titanic leaving port." We all held hands and Mandy and I made us invisible and put us on the deck of the Titanic. I said into everyone's mind, "We're here. You are invisible to everyone, but please keep quite. We can't change anything, or it could be a disaster." We walked around and watched people boarding and then the ship set out to sea. Mandy displaced us all back. Kelly said, "That was so cool."

Mandy said, "You are also very flexible. Bend over until you can kiss your pussy." Megan said, "We can't do that." I said, "Yes you can. Just think about it and it will happen." They all did it and Megan smiled saying, "Wow. Fun tonight." Mandy and I laughed.

Mandy said, "Take off your cloths and leave them here." We all undressed and Mandy said, "Walk with me to the water. You are going to experience the most unbelievable thing. Before we go in, I'm going to talk to you in your mind in a foreign language and I want you to answer me in that language." Mandy spoke a different language to each of them and they answered and then Alicia said, "How can I do that?" I said, "We all have a built in translator in our minds. It also works on other forms of life. We are going to swim underwater with gills, and talk to the Mermaids and sharks. They won't hurt us." We all walked into the water and Mandy explained about breathing. We got over our heads and I changed Megan and Alicia, while Mandy did Kelly and Margi. We swam around for about 20 minutes and then our friends the Mermaids swam up to us. We all communicated with them and they knew these were our children. They had their children swim over to us and we swam around the coastline together.

We also ran into some sharks and they swam with all of us out to a coral reef. Megan and Alicia were getting rides from a dolphin, while Margi and Kelly were playing with a huge sea tortoise. Mandy said into our minds, "Making love underwater is the best. Want to try it?" They all nodded their heads so we changed Alicia and Megan into a Combined couples match and Kelly and Margi also. We did it to ourselves and all floated underwater interlocked for about an hour. We had to separate the kids to get out and they were mad at us. Mandy said into our minds, "It is addicting."

We swam up to the shoreline and then removed their gills, as we got out of the water. Megan screamed, "That was so cool!" The other kids were all giggling as we went back to the blanket. Mandy said, "Lets get dressed. Just stand up and do nothing." Mandy made us all nice outfits and Alicia said, "You mean we can make anything happen with our minds?" I said, "Pretty much. Just don't ever use it to harm someone, unless you have no choice."

Mandy said, "We have the power to heal. We are going to displace to a hospital, except this time I want you all to look into my mind and see how I do it." Mandy displaced us to a waiting room at a hospital. She made us all invisible and we walked through the hospital. We found someone that had just been in an accident and Mandy said into our minds, "Read my mind and watch me." Mandy healed the person and then we had each of the kids do it to someone who was sick or injured. We went back to the waiting room and I said into their minds, "Now we do it without being there. Watch as we remote view the hospital." I showed them how to remote view everything and we saw a woman in pain. I healed her and we kept going. Each one of the kids healed someone else and then we had Megan displace us back to the beach."

Megan said, "Can we make our baby sticks real long like you did to your finger?" I smiled and she said, "I knew it. That's why it felt so good before." Mandy laughed and we spent the whole day teaching them everything. We displaced to the vault and showed them mountains of diamonds and gems and them to the work planet knowledge center again. I said, "Time for the final bit of knowledge." We gave them the last of the lessons on life and sex. They all were smiling afterwards.

We had Kelly displace us back to the beach and Alicia said, "Do any of the other kids have these powers and know about it?" It said everyone you have been brought up with has the same thing. You all knew about some of them, like being able to move objects. But not they way you know about it now. Everyone is being told about it today. Want to see into the future?" We played a little clairvoyance game for a while and then we showed them how to turn their powers on and off.

It was about time for dinner so went into the house. The other kids were all inside talking about their powers and Julie said to us, "I hope this wasn't a big mistake." I said real loud, "Everyone! One more thing we didn't tell you. Anyone that misuses their powers, looses them. We shut them off. We actually have a drug that stops them for good. So please, don't hurt anyone with them unless your life is being threatened. This is a special gift." Julie said, "Thank you."


Mandy said, "We have a late night gig at the arena. How about we let the kids see our act now also." Kate said, "Sure" and everyone else nodded. I said, "None of you have ever seen our band play in a gig. Want to go and sit front row. We're headlining at the arena here on Vacation World tonight. Just remember, no telepathic surprises." They all were yelling and Mandy said, "I guess that's a yes."

I said, "Sound check in 1 hour. How about we have a quick dinner?" Jody made dinner for everyone in her mind and they all watched how she did it. Megan kept saying, "Cool", and then made all of the kids a glass of lemonade. She tasted it and smiled.

We all ate and then we got ready using our minds, as we ran out of time, and displaced everyone to the arena. Tara was waiting for us and said, "So how did it go?" I said, "They all accepted it pretty good. Lets see how they handle it tonight while they watch our show." Tara said, "Godda and I are sitting with them in case they get carried away."

We went on stage with the kids and we let them see it the way we see it when we play. We did a song as a sound check and Megan said, "Damn, you're good." Tara laughed and said, "Sweetie, they are the best there is anywhere. You won't believe the show when you see and hear it. They use their powers to do some magic and people have no clue how they do it. This stays our secret."

We all went backstage and met the MC and the two bands on before us. We knew all of them from playing before and they met our kids. Kelly was star struck with one of the bands. She said, "I love their music. Oh Mom, I need an autograph before we leave." We all laughed, as the band members signed her shirt.

We all went and sat with the kids for the first two bands. The show was great and the kids were going crazy dancing and cheering. We went backstage to get ready and we got our usual fireworks introduction. We did our Harley Motorcycle introduction and we had a blast. The kids loved it as the audience went wild for us. We played better than night than in years. Every note was perfect and we were so excited about it.

We did the Girl Scout skit with Melissa as a counselor and we could tell everyone was laughing and got turned on. With ten in the band we had some really interesting harmony things now. We did our most recent hit and started it all acapella as we walked through the audience. I sang to our kids and they freaked out blushing. We all got back on stage and blasted the music to start a chorus, as everyone in the audience stood and screamed.

We walked on air, did about 10 new gags on stage, and turned translucent and then invisible. Mandy yelled into the mic, "Hey. Where did everyone go? Where did I go?" We all reappeared and she said, "Did you see that? Must be those Rum drinks again."

We had three songs in the charts right now and played them back to back. The kids went crazy when we played them. Somehow it just never sunk in that it was us on the CDs they listened to all the time. Mandy and I did the most outrageous guitar stuff in one of the songs and then Melissa out did us. We all paid her a quarter and then Mandy out did everyone on the keyboard.

We were in our sixteenth song and we were ending the show. The crowd was standing for over an hour now and screaming so loud we could hardly hear on stage after the songs. I said, "We are going to do one more tune tonight. So this is our encore. We wanted to introduce some very special people we have with us tonight." I called up each one of our kids and they stood up and came on stage. Mandy said, "This is our next generation of rockers. Our kids." The audience cheered and the kids blushed.

We all learned one of the songs the kids were playing around with at home and Mandy said, "We are playing your tune, `Don't cry Anymore'. Grab an instrument. They are all ready for you behind the amps and plugged in. Kelly, you ready to sing lead?" She smiled and nodded her head. Mandy and I loved this song. Alicia started it on drums and we let the kids play as we improvised solos over it and did harmony parts. The song was a definite hit and we all knew it. Kelly sounded so incredible singing. Then Mandy and I sang the last verse with her in harmony and she said into our minds, "One more verse. You two sing it while we all do the harmonies."

Mandy and I alternated every other line while the kids did some outrageous stuff. We were definitely impressed. We ended the song to a standing ovation that lasted for 10 minutes. We all stayed on stage and thanked everyone and the kids bowed. They ate it up as people threw flowers at the stage. We all waved and walked off to go backstage.

Megan was jumping up and down and screaming, "We were on stage! This is super cool!" The other bands came up and congratulated us on the show and the one that gave Kelly an autograph now asked for hers. She blushed and signed the shirts. I said, "Thanks. She will remember this forever." The lead singer said, "So will we. They were incredible. You were incredible."

We all sat on the couches backstage and Kathy poured everyone some wine. I lit a cigarette and Mandy passed the pack around. I said to Kelly, "Did you like it enough to be in a real band?" She was talking a mile a minute and Mandy and I laughed. Megan put her hand over Kelly's mouth and said, "We all want to be in a real band now. This was great." I said, "We'll talk about it tomorrow. It's a lot of work, but also a lot of fun if you like it."

I took a drag of my cigarette and handed it to Mandy. She put her arm around my shoulder as she took a drag of the cigarette, and held in the smoke. She whispered into my ear, "Jen honey, I want to help them put together the best band possible. Let's help them write the music also and really give them a jump start." I turned to Mandy and whispered, "I already have some ideas for them. We'll go over it in the studio tomorrow. Tonight I just want to be with you." Mandy kissed me and said, "Me too."

We finished our wine and talked for a while and then I said, "We're heading back home. Who's coming?" The kids all yelled and we displaced all of them back home with us.

Alicia said, "Did you really mean what you said about being in a real band?" I hugged her and said, "I sure did. Lets talk about it tomorrow." We heard four voices say, "Goodnight Mom", as we went up to our room.

Mandy lit a cigarette as we undressed. Mandy was still shaking her body sort of dancing while singing the kids tune. She said, "I love that song." She took a drag of the cigarette and I said, "How about this?" I made a folk guitar in my mind and strummed it once and played a verse of a new song and then the first two lines of the chorus which went, "It feels so good to be bad. I feels so good when I'm with you." Mandy said, "No shit. That'll be playing that in every bar in the universe. What a great drinking song. I could hear Kelly's voice on that one. Play another." I played four tunes that I saved for the kids and Mandy was getting into it. I said, "You're ruining my surprise for tomorrow. I had all of these in my head and hadn't finished them. I think they all could be hits. I wanted for us to help them finish them, do the recording, and get their stage show down."

I took a drag of the cigarette and then gave it back to Mandy. She made the guitar disappear and pulled me into the bed. She smiled at me and then rolled on top of me saying, "Now we get to make our own music." Mandy was reading my mind and said into my mind, "Jen, you get so fucking kinky every time we play a gig. I love it." She slowly leaned forward and kissed with her wet lips parted and pushed her tongue into my mouth. I sucked on it and then pushed my tongue into her mouth as I was rubbing Mandy's cock to get it hard. She slipped her shaft into my pussy and we kissed harder, as she pumped into me. I spread my legs as wide as I could and Mandy hammered into me. She said into my mind, "Do yourself now honey. Have your fantasy while I made love to you."

I made my cock grow larger as I rubbed it until it was near my chin. I lifted my head and sucked the tip while rubbing the shaft. Mandy went wild watching me, bucking into my pussy. She kissed the side of my face as I sucked myself, and she said into my mind, "Let me watch you shoot into your mouth. This gets me so hot honey."

I rubbed my cock and sucked the mushroom head, as Mandy was pushing her cock all the way into me and they pulling out. I said into her mind, "Harder. It feels so good! Harder into me." Mandy fucked me faster and harder while I rubbed my cock and sucked it. It took about 5 minutes and then I felt my cum starting. I opened my mouth wide open over the tip of my cock and kept rubbing. I jerked as Mandy slammed into my pussy. My cock pulsated and white goo shot out into my mouth, as Mandy watched me and moaned. Mandy was making moaning sounds as I squirted 9 more times into my mouth. She put her mouth over mine and we kissed, swishing the cum with our tongues. Mandy moaned into my mouth and I felt her cock pulsate and then she jerked forward into me, blasting a stream of warm cum into my pussy. I felt her shaft contracting and expanding, as it squirt more warm cum into me. Mandy and I kissed and then she said into my mind, "I want to make our pussies throb baby."

We moved into a 69 position on our sides. I spread Mandy's pussy lips with my fingers and licked her slowly. She moaned softly as I licked faster and then licked her clit. I rubbed her clit as I made my tongue longer and snaked into her, wiggling it as I reached bottom. Mandy was bucking into me and then she did it to me also. I had an orgasm and I pulled Mandy's pussy into my mouth by grabbing her ass cheeks. She said into my mind, "You taste so good honey. I'm going to make you do that 50 times tonight. Mmmmm, that feels so good."

We licked each other for hours as we both have one orgasm after another, trigger by using our tongues on each other's G-spot. My pussy was throbbing and running like a river. Mandy moved around to lay next to me and said, "Combined Couples honey. We are definitely ready." We changed ourselves and Mandy lay on top of me. Her cock slid into me, and I slid into her, as we interlocked. Mandy moved up once, and we both had a massive orgasm and then shot cum from our cocks. I wrapped my legs and arms around her and rolled us onto our sides, and we both had on continuous orgasm from our pussies, as we fucked.

Mandy was kissing me over and over again, spitting saliva into my mouth, and then sucking it out. I was on fire. I did it to her also and she fucked me so fast we both shot our cum again. My cock felt like it exploded as I blasted off. Mandy moaned into my ear, "You came so much. It feels so good honey. Don't stop yet." We kept on fucking until we were so exhausted we couldn't move. I squeezed my cunt muscles on Mandy's cock and she shot so much cum in me it was running down our legs. We kissed again and Mandy said, "Light me a cig honey. I need to rest for a minute."

I reached for the nightstand while we were still interlocked and put a cigarette in my lips. I lit it and took a deep drag, blowing out the smoke into the air. I took another drag and Mandy took it from my lips with her fingers. She took a drag and slowly moved as both of our cocks went into each other deeper. I felt her shaft sloshing inside of me, as she took another drag of the cigarette and then put it in my lips. I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Lets keep going and fall asleep like this tonight. I love it when we wake up making love." I blew out the smoke and took another drag, handing the cigarette to Mandy. I pulled back a little and then pushed forward hard. Mandy closed her eyes and moaned with the cigarette in her lips. She took a deep drag and moved back and forward on me, as we started to fuck again. Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and I took two deep drags holding in the smoke. She leaned forward kissing me, and then sucked the smoke out as I exhaled.

We finished the cigarette and then fucked like wild rabbits for another hour. We both blasted off twice and then feel asleep interlocked with our faces touching. Mandy woke me up in about an hour by kissing me. I felt her warm tongue slowing entering my mouth and then she pushed her cock into me deeper. I had an instant orgasm and we fucked again until we shot our cum into each other. My pussy was throbbing beyond belief and I felt so incredible. We fell sleep again and then woke up every hour or so, to do it again.

At 10 AM we woke to the girls all sitting on our bed. Mandy pushed her cock into me deep and I went wild fucking her back as we kissed. We were moaning loud and the girls all hugged us as we made love. Megan whispered into my ear, "Mom, you look so hot right now." They all caressed us both, as Mandy and I blasted off one more time. When we both shot our load at the same time, the bed was bouncing as we jerked so hard into each other. Mandy moaned into my mouth, "I love you so much." She read my thoughts and knew I was addicted to her and said into my mind, "Jen, we are so much alike. Hold me for a little while before we get up."

We kissed and stopped moving. Megan lit a cigarette and handed it to me and Mandy said, "Now this is service." I took a drag and handed it to Mandy and I moved inside of her a little. Mandy smiled and said, "Jen, if you do that again, we'll be staying in bed all day. Damn, does that feel good." She pushed into me again and my eyes closed as I moaned. The kids all laughed and Kelly said, "It's tomorrow. Can we talk about the band?"

I said, "As soon as we get up, shower, and have breakfast. We can spend the whole day on it with you." I took a drag of the cigarette, and Megan said, "We'll make you breakfast and coffee." They left the room and Mandy and I finished the cigarette. She put her face right up to mine and said, "How about a bathtub adventure?"

We got out of bed, changed to our normal Combined selves, and the cum was running down both of our legs. We lay in the wide open shower area and peed on each other's tongue as we licked up the cum. I was so turned on again. We licked each other to another orgasm and then stood up and showered. Mandy and I kissed under the running water and tasted the pee and cum on each other's tongue. She said, "Tangy and salty. Mmmmm." We both smiled as we washed.

We went downstairs for breakfast and the kids made us a full course meal. Julie and Kathy's kids were there also and Megan said, "We are all going to play in the band together." Mandy said, "Cool." We were eating and I said, "Who is going to play which instruments? Have you decided?" Megan said, "Adel and I are going to play guitar most of the time. Alicia will be our primary drummer, with Blair alternating. Kelly is singing lead and playing some of everything. Margi is playing keyboard alternating with Joan, and Brit is playing bass most of the time. We all sing, but you know that."


We finished eating and I said, "Lets go to the studio. I want to start by just listening to you play the song we did last night, Don't Cry Anymore." Mandy and I sat on a couch with our coffee and a cigarette and listened to them play the song from last night. They finished and Mandy said, "We are going to make some suggestions and want you to try them." Mandy and I arranged the tune differently, and also changed the harmony vocals, solos and made the music breath better. It took about a half hour and then we had them play it again. They played the song and smiled at each other as they all knew it sounded fantastic.

Mandy and I clapped when they finished and then I said "Sit over here with us. Megan, bring over two of the Martin folk guitars with you." We all sat and I said, "If you want, we can write you a few hit songs, produce your act to get all of the tunes sounding like what you just played, and get you to play at gigs like we did last night. Is that what you want?" They all screamed, and Mandy smiled saying, "I think that was a yes."

I said, "Just listen to a few of these tunes. They need to be finished, which we will all do today." I played the beer drinking song and they all were shaking and moving to the beat. Megan and Margi were taking notes and the two of them wrote down four vocal lines to finish the chorus and Kelly wrote a third verse. I said, "The music is simple, but real catchy. Lets just try the vocal parts before you play it." Mandy and I played guitar and we had Kelly sing lead, and all of them do different vocal harmonies during the chorus and the last verse. I said, "Do the chorus again, but this time acapella, without any music." Mandy counted out for them and they sang it. We both smiled, as it sounded really good.

It took about 10 minutes and they were playing the song electric. We made a few changes to the drum patterns and then had them do the whole song from start to finish. We clapped for them again and Mandy said into my mind, "That's two in the charts at once."

We kept going all afternoon, as they finished the material and they learned 12 songs. Then we listened to 6 new songs that Megan and Margi wrote. Three of them were really good and we reworked them into sounding like the others. I said, "Alicia, let Blair play the drums on this tune again. You and Kelly do some horn stuff in a minor pentatonic blues scale. You play a great Sax. Let's use it."

By dinnertime they had a whole show of music down and it sounded fantastic. Mandy said, "Stay here a minute. I want to get Ken to hear you." Mandy said into all of our minds, "Ken, can you hear me?" Ken said back, "What's up Mandy?" Mandy said, "You have some time to come hear our newest band. We're in our studio in Vacation World, at our house." Ken didn't answer and just appeared with a new A&R person. Ken said, "This is Tony. He joined us as part of the last merger and was heading up A&R. He's going to be part of the team and we were actually listening to some new demos when you called. What are we listening too?"

I pointed to the stage and I said, "Play the first tune and work your way through the list. Don't worry about the show, just the music for now." Ken and Tony sat down with us and the kids started the first tune. Mandy and I watched Ken's face go from no expression to a huge smile. He said into our minds, "I should have known that your kids would sound like this. Son of a bitch. Is all of the material this good?" I said back into his mind, "Listen to it and you tell us." We listened to every tune and they really did sound good. We all stood and clapped when they finished and Ken said to the kids, "Come sit down with us."

Megan ran over and jumped on Ken's lap and he said, "Megan, you are getting way too old for this." She laughed and said, "Hi Uncle Ken, I haven't done this to you since I was 7." Ken said, "You all know you sound good. I don't have to tell you that. The material is top notch and I assume that your parents either wrote it or helped you write it. The band sounds terrific. How would you like to record a CD and play gigs with your parents band, Changes, as the first or second act?" They all started screaming and Mandy yelled to Ken, "That was a yes!"

The kids all got up and were talking about the show and chorography, and Ken said, "Woh! I'll have a professional work with you on putting together the show. That's the easy part. You fell like recording the CD tonight?" They all screamed again and Ken said to us, "That was a yes?" We nodded.

Tony said to Ken, "Don't we need to work out the contracts, advances, salary, and all of that stuff?" We laughed and Ken said, "Mandy is the same Mandy as the CEO of the company. Jen is the Vice Chairperson and COO. Their kids don't need any money, but they'll get the same deal that all the bands get." We introduced ourselves to Tony and he was so embarrassed. Mandy said, "Didn't recognize us in our frizzy hair, no makeup, tee shirts and shorts?" He smiled and said, "Nope. Good disguise."

Ken picked up the phone and made a few calls. He said, "Justine, will be here in a few minutes to start the recording." I said, "Anyone hungry?" Everyone was nodding their heads so Mandy and I went to the kitchen and made sandwiches. Julie and Kathy came walking in and I said, "You have to hear the kids play. We worked with them all day. Ken's having Justine record them tonight." Julie said, "They're that good?" I said, "You have no idea. Help us carry in the food and listen to the session."

We all carried in the food and we heard four other voices yell, "Hi Mom." Kathy said, "You should have called us. We wanted to hear you play." Adel said, "Stick around. Aunt Jen and Aunt Mandy really taught us a lot and helped with the material. We sound really cool now." We all ate some food as Justine and three other people came into the studio. She hugged all of us and said, "Lets record a hit record."

Justine introduced herself to the kids and the three other people that were also recording engineers. She had the crew set up everything and had them ready to do a trial song in about a half hour.

The kids all had on the headphones and started the first tune. They were looking at each other funny when they played. They ended the first song and Justine said, "Come sit out here and listen to a trial mix. Lets see how it sounded." The kids all came out by us and Megan said, "That sounded awful through the headphones." I said, "You can't go by that. Listen to the playback." Justine was messing around with the levels, some effects, and parametric EQs. She said, "listen up" and started the playback. We heard, "Don't Cry Anymore Take 1", then a pause, and the music. It sounded great. Megan started to smile and they all were dancing to the tune.

Justine played the whole song and Ken nodded his head. Justine said, "Okay gang. Let's play the rest of the tunes." Julie said to us, "Kelly sounds fantastic. What a voice she has. I can't believe how good they are."

We sat and listened while Justine recorded all 16 tunes. They had to overdub multi-track a few things and then Justine said, "Have a seat. It will take me about 20 minutes to get the levels right." The kids came out of the sound room and sat by us, and all lit cigarettes. So did Mandy and me. Ken said, "We have a choreographer working with them tomorrow at 10. Is that Okay?" Megan said, "Sure." Ken said, "What's the name of the band?" The kids all looked at each other and Megan said, "We have a few names and can't decide; Spoiled Rotten, Eye Candy, and Destiny." We all smiled and Megan said, "Vote on it." Everyone voted and Destiny won. Megan said, "I still like Eye Candy. Maybe we can write a song with that as the title."

Ken said into our minds, "They are so much like the four of you it's incredible." Justine said, "Okay. Here's the whole CD. I'll finish up the mix more before we master it." She pressed play and we listened to all sixteen tracks. Everyone was moving and tapping their feet. In the beer drinking song we all sang along to the chorus, even Justine and she said, "I love this one."

Julie and Kathy were in shock by the sound of the kids on the CD. Julie said, "They sound unreal. Have them play with us at the next gig." Ken said, "Already taken care of. I want to release all of these as singles in different markets. Four in each market at a time. These kids are going to make a lot of money, not that they need it." We all laughed and Ken said to them, "You know you are going to become as popular as your parents when these recordings are released. Are you okay with that? People will ask you for autographs all the time."

They all screamed again and Ken just smiled. Tony said, "Are they all this easy?" Ken said, "I wish. We usually spend weeks just recording the first couple of tunes. These kids are just like their parents. The Magic is hereditary." Ken turned to us and said, "You have any show ideas for them?" Mandy smiled and said, "I think we might. We'll talk about it tonight and work with the chorographer."

Justine made copies of the rough mix on CD and then a dump of the disk to take back with her to master the final version. Ken said, "We have to get back to screening the demos. I'll have the Chorographer here at 10." Ken displaced with Tony, Justine and the other three.

The kids all were so excited. Mandy said, "You need a show. Everyone wants to be entertained when they pay a lot of money to see you play. We had a few ideas. Tell me what you think?" Mandy explained about five different ideas we had and they liked two of them. Mandy said, "We'll work with the choreographer tomorrow. Anyone want a glass of wine?"

We all went into the kitchen and I opened a bottle of chardonnay and poured everyone a glass. I raised my glass and said, "A toast to Destiny. We hope you always have fun making music." We all drank a toast and sat at the table. Mandy lit a cigarette and leaned on me whispering into my ear, "I'm ready for another all night love session." Then she licked my ear and kissed it. I melted. Mandy read my mind and smiled at me, as she said into my ear, "I thought so. You're just as horny as I am."

We finished our glass of wine and the kids hugged and kissed us, thanking us for helping them with the band. We all went upstairs to bed.

Mandy and I held each other standing by our bed and she said to me, "Jen, we did a really great thing today as parents. We helped our kids to achieve their dream. Lets hope that we can help them again someday." I said, "I was more nervous watching them play in front of Ken, than I have even been." Mandy smiled and said, "Me too." We kissed and undressed each other. Mandy took my hand and we lay in bed. I was on my back and Mandy lay on her side leaning against me. She put her hand on my breast and held it as she leaned over and licked my nipple, and then put her lips over it and sucked gently. I moaned softly from the tingling feelings when she flicked her tongue over it really fast, and then sucked again. I lifted my other breast with my hand and licked my other nipple. Mandy watched me and got so turned on.

Mandy knelt next to me and leaned into my face with her breasts. I sucked one nipple and then licked my way across to the other and sucked that one also. I flicked my tongue over it fast and Mandy was moaning now also. I keep sucking her nipple and reached to her crotch and rubbed her clit. We shared our thoughts and I fingered Mandy's pussy with my thumb making my thumb huge. She was begging me to make it bigger so I did and she went wild bucking on it. Then I reached under her and put my middle finger in her ass and made that finger bigger. I sucked Mandy's nipples as she was bucking on my hand. Mandy put her hand over my cock and rubbed me. We were both so turned on.

Mandy said into my mind, "I need us to make love now honey. Please, I want it so bad." I kissed Mandy and we turned into Combined couples. She lay down and I lay on top of her sliding my cock into her pussy, as hers slid into me. Mandy kissed me so hard as we fucked and then rolled on our sides. We made our cocks a little bigger than ever before and my G-spot was working over time. I couldn't stop orgasming and neither could Mandy. Every few strokes we made together, one of us would spasm and shake. It was incredible as we both blasted off. When Mandy shot her cum into me, I felt every squirt hitting inside of my pussy. It was like I was super sensitive.

We made our cocks a little smaller, like normal, and made love like lunatics hammering into each other. I could hear our skin slapping against each other. We went for hours and we each shot our loads of cum three times. Mandy kissed me and then whispered into my ear, "Jen, I want to eat your pussy and swallow my cum."

We kissed again and them we moved to a 69 position on our sides. We eat each other sucking out the thick white cum, swallowing it, and then we gave each other a great blowjob while we each fingered the other. Mandy was hitting my G-spot with her finger and I blasted my cum into her mouth like a fire hose. I found her G-spot and she flooded my mouth also.

I moved back to the pillow and shared a mouthful of cum with Mandy. We swished it in our mouths as we swallowed. Mandy reached for the nightstand and lit a cigarette. She took a deep drag and said, "Lets interlock again and fall asleep. I love how that feels when we wake up together."

Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and I took two drags, inhaling, and then blowing the smoke out through my nose. I took another drag and handed the cigarette back to Mandy. I changed us into Combined couples again and we interlocked while Mandy was taking a drag of the cigarette. The cigarette glowed red in the dim light and I could see the expression on her face of pure pleasure. She inhaled and moaned softly as we pushed our cocks into each other. I moved in and out a few times slowly and we kissed again. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and them held it to my lips and I took a drag also. We kissed and blew the smoke out through our noses. Mandy took a final drag of the cigarette and put it out. She put her arms around me and fucked me like a wild rabbit again. We were banging into each other and moaning loudly into each other's ear. Then we slowed to a sexy pace and I melted. I was on fire and wanted to do this all night.

I kissed Mandy softly and then she licked my lips as we made love. We both shot our cum four more times into each other's pussy, falling asleep for a half hour or so after each time. The last time we were both exhausted we were out cold.

We woke up at 6 AM to Julie and Kathy kissing us. Mandy moved a little and we both started to fuck again. Julie kissed my ear and said, "Can we play too?" I moaned, "Do me in the ass." Mandy moaned, "Me too. Oh baby fuck me faster, faster." Mandy and I were going at it while Julie and Kathy wet our asses. Julie pushed her cock into me from behind, while Kathy pushed into Mandy. I was so out of control. I fucked Mandy as fast and hard as I could, while Julie did me in the ass. Kathy was holding onto Mandy's breasts and pumping into her ass while we made love. Mandy was as out of control as I was. She screamed, "Kathy, harder! Harder! Fuck my ass harder and faster."

Julie and Kathy hammered into us and we all shot our cum at almost the same time. Mandy and I blasted off together and then Julie and Kathy squirted into our asses within a few seconds afterward. Mandy and I couldn't even move. We kissed as Julie and Kathy were moving inside of us again. It felt so good when Julie pulled out almost all the way out of my cum drenched ass, and then pushed back in. Kathy was doing the same thing to Mandy and we started to fuck each other again. The four of us kept going like this until 8 AM and then Julie lay on top of me in a 69 position, while Kathy did the same thing with Mandy. We finally stopped at 9 AM.

Julie sat up and lit us cigarettes and then lay across me, Mandy, Kathy. We all laughed as Julie said, "Want to keep going?" I said, "Choreographer in less than an hour." She took a drag of her cigarette and said, "Oh yeah. How about a quickie? My pussy is so wet." Julie moved over and sat on my cock and started to fuck me. Kathy did the same thing to Mandy, as we were sharing a cigarette. I took a drag and handed it to Mandy and she said, "I'm numb down there. It needs a rest." I said, "Me too. It's hard though." Mandy laughed and said, "Mine too. Shit, lets just enjoy it." We shared the cigarette as Julie and Kathy fucked our cocks into their pussies. In about 10 minutes we both shot our cum and then we all went into the bathroom to shower.

Mandy and I kissed under the warm shower water and so did Julie and Kathy. We washed each other and played games with the soap. We were definitely way too tired. I was like we were drunk.

We went downstairs for breakfast just as the kids were going downstairs. Chris and Roberta were waiting for us and Chris said, "Dad told me about the band. I think it's great. Your granddaughter is now playing with four of the other kids and they want to try making a real band also, but I'm not sure they're ready. After you finish with them, listen and see what you think." Mandy hugged Chris and said, "Whatever it takes, we'll help them if that's what they really want to do. Do they know how much work it is? You should tell them what it's really like." Chris said, "I've tried, but all they see is us or you guys on stage, or hear one of our tunes on the radio, and they start playing again."

We all smiled and I said, "Tell Jennifer we'll all listen to them as soon as we're finished. Are they practicing at the castle?" Chris said, "Yeah. That's why we came here last night. They played all night and we were loosing our mind. It sounds good, but, well, you'll hear them." I said, "That doesn't sound like rave reviews." Chris said, "It's the material. It sucks. Musically they are all really talented." Mandy said, "Give them one of your new tunes that you guys haven't recorded yet and see how they play it. We'll listen to them doing that." Chris smiled and said "see you later", as they displaced home to the castle.

We ate breakfast and had some coffee with a cigarette. Georgie, the choreographer, showed up and he was as fruity as the other ones we used. We all couldn't stop laughing and he got so insulted. Mandy explained the ideas of what we wanted to try and he was so bubbly. I thought Megan was going to piss in her blue jeans from laughing.

Mandy and I watched Georgie work with each person to teach them stage moves and how to move in time with the music. Them we worked on their stage presence and talking to the audience. The last part was our ideas of gags on stage. He had them put it all together in the studio and we watched the show starting to take shape. At 4 PM we waved goodbye and I said, "We'll see you later. Keep practicing the show and the music."

We displaced home to the castle and went into the studio. Chris, Robert, Allison, and Kyle were with their kids and two others that belong to Melissa and one from Karen. Mandy ran over to hug Jennifer and said, "So you want to be a rock star?" Jennifer blushed and nodded her head. I said, "Then lets hear the music."

They all went on stage and Chris said into our minds, "I'm not sure about this." Jennifer played the guitar and we watched all of the other's get to their instruments. They counted and started to play. We listened to everything and it was good. It was definitely a different style, but we didn't really liked it. They ended the song and we clapped. Mandy said, "Come sit down with us." Mandy said, "What style do you call that music? It's like a mix between rock, pop and funk."

Jennifer said, "It's the new craze. We could play the songs the normal way, but this is what all of the kids at Kids' World were going crazy over when we were just there last week. I said, "Play the song the normal way and then play it again your way."

They played it the normal way and they sounded great. Mandy and I had our eyes wide open, so did Chris. Then they did it the new fad way and we thought it was okay, but it wasn't what we liked. The kids came back to sit with us and I said, "You sounded fantastic when you did the song the normal way. That's what people are buying and listening to on the radio. Can you take us to where you heard this new craze in music?"

Jennifer said, "The show starts at 6 in Kids' World, so we could go there now. Want me to drive?" We all smiled and she displaced all of us to Kids' World to the concert pavilion. They immediately recognized me and Mandy and we were all escorted to the front row. I said, "We may not be able to stay long and it will look bad if we walk out. Can we sit on the side?" They moved us to the side and Mandy said into my mind, "Quick thinking."

The show started and it was kind of cute for the kids. They had a band come on and played the exact style of music and the kids went wild. We couldn't believe it. Mandy said into my mind, "If they want to play here, they will be a huge success. Just not in the real world unless this catches on." We listened to 6 songs and then displaced back to the castle. Jennifer said, "See what I mean."

Mandy said, "If you want to play in Kid's World, what your doing will be a huge success. If you want to play on tour everywhere else, have songs on the radio, and make tons of money, what your doing is not going to work, or at least not until that style of music catches on. Since we see all of it, and your Grandfather sees even more of it that we do, I don't think it is going to be happening anytime soon. What do you want to do? We'll help you either way." Jennifer said, "Let us talk about it for a minute."

They all went on stage and Jennifer said, "We'll do it your way. We can always change the music to the new style the way we just did, if it catches on." I said, "How many tunes do you know?" Jennifer said, "Fourteen. Want to hear them?" I said, "Sure."

Chris said into our minds, "They all sounded the same. Lets see how they sound when they play them normal."

They started with the song that Chris wrote for them and then played fourteen more. Each one was good enough to be released with minor changes. Chris was so surprised. She ran up on stage and hugged Jennifer and said, "I had no idea these sounded this good." The kids sat with us and Jennifer had her arms around me and Mandy. She said, "So how were they?" Mandy smiled and said, "They were really good honey. They need a little work and we can help you with that. You are going to make your grandfather very happy. Let's fix them and surprise him. You feel awake enough to start the work now?"

They all screamed and we knew that meant yes. Chris and Roberta were laughing as we started with each tune and made changes. Some were minor, but each change really made a big difference in the song. In three songs we changed their arrangements and these we thought were now their best. Chris was eating it up. She just kept smiling, as we made progress. At 11 PM we finished the last of the changes. Mandy said, "Get some sleep and practice these tomorrow morning. We'll get you an audience to listen to your band in the afternoon. What's the name of the band?" Jennifer said, "We haven't thought about it yet. We'll let you know tomorrow."

We hugged them goodbye and displaced back to the vacation house. Our kids were sitting in the kitchen with Julie and Kathy, and drawing diagrams of the stage and how the show would all work together. Julie was explaining how not to draw attention to yourself when you are changing instruments or something else was going on that you wanted the audience to watch.

Kathy said, "When Mandy and Jen rode out on that Harley to open our show, did any of you look at anything except them?" They all shook their heads and Julie said, "See. It works." I said, "Sounds like you made a lot of progress." Kathy said, "They're almost ready. The show is really good."

Mandy said, "Excellent. Tomorrow I want all of you to go with us to the castle in the afternoon and be critics. Be honest, but don't hurt their feelings. Jennifer is in a band and I think they are almost as good as you guys are. We want Ken to hear them also. We all may end up playing gigs together. They're material is excellent." Megan said, "I thought they were doing that new style of music that we hate." I said, "They were and now they're playing normal. If that style catches on they'll change the material to do it. I hate that style also. Too much like noise."


The next day we all slept late. Mandy and I we so tired we actually slept until 10 AM. We woke up and Mandy said, "That hasn't happened since we were pregnant." We giggled at each other and then made love. We stopped at around noon and were sitting in the bed having a cigarette. Mandy said into our minds, "Ken, can you hear me?" He said, "Hi beautiful. What's on your mind?" Mandy said, "We have another act for you to see this afternoon. It's you granddaughter and she kicks ass. We worked with them last night." He laughed into our minds and said, "Chris already told me late last night. She's more excited about this than when she started playing. I'll see you there around 2."

Mandy said into the kids minds and Julie and Kathy, "We don't have to leave until 2. We're sleeping for a while longer. Wake us up at 1:30." We heard Megan say back, "Sleeping? Yeah right. We'll wake you up Mom." We both laughed and went back to making love again. Mandy and I interlocked ourselves and moved up and down on each other this time. It felt different, but really good. Mandy lay on top of me and pushed her herself forward as our breasts touched and then back down a little towards our feet. We did this for about 10 minutes and then we kissed and fucked the normal way. We held each other so tight we could hardly move. I had my legs wrapped around Mandy squeezing her into me. We were lip locked and both used our pussy muscles to squeeze and milk each other's cock. This felt incredible. We relaxed our grip on each other and went back to fucking. We both blasted off in about a half hour.

Mandy and I lay on or sides slowly moving. She reached over my shoulder to get a cigarette and lit it. She took a drag and put the cigarette in my lips, and I took two deep drags and inhaled. We slowly made love again, as we shared the cigarette. Each time I pulled back and pushed forward, Mandy moaned and increased our rhythm. She took a drag of the cigarette and pulled her cock almost out of me. Then slammed it back in. I want wild and was bucking into her as we got into a rhythm. We were going full stream ahead and both basted off again in about 20 minutes. This time I squeezed Mandy as tight as I could as we shot our cum into each other. She was doing the same to me, as we used our pussy muscles to squeeze each other's cock. The feelings were incredible. We kissed and pushed our tongues into each other's mouth. I said, "We should get up."

We separated, changing back to normal Combined, and Mandy lit a cigarette. I turned on the TV and channel surfed. We found the news and watched for a few minutes as we shared the cigarette. Some of the stories were so stupid. There just weren't many bad things to report any more so they did a lot of human interest stories. We got up, showered, and went downstairs for breakfast.

We all ate and then left for the castle at 2. We displaced just outside of the studio and walked in just as Ken was getting there also. He had Tony with him again and I said "Are any of the demos you got any good?" Tony said, "They all sucked. There was maybe one descent one, but the recording is so horrible we can't tell." We all hugged Jennifer and Ken said, "So you want to be a rock star?" She said, "Sure do grandpa. Tell us if we are good enough."

We all sat down on the couches and watched the kids get ready on stage. They played, and this time they did it like a real show. All of them were moving around, they did gags during and in between songs, and they walked to sing to us while they played. The music was excellent. We listened to all of it and Ken and Tony were both smiling. Megan and the others were dancing to the music. They finished the show and we all stood and clapped for them. Jennifer ran over smiling and said, "How'd we do?"

Ken said, "You're definitely in. We all loved it. You feel like recording this afternoon and tonight?" Jennifer said, "Yeah cool." Ken said into our minds, "Justine is busy. Lets see if Jody wants to record her own monster's music?" We all laughed as Ken talked into Jody's mind and she was coming over.

Jody, Melissa, Karen, and Janice came over and Jody said, "Hey Joanie! Why didn't you tell me you started to play normal music again? We would have helped you also. We just hated that garbage you guys were into." Chris was laughing then everyone else started also. Jennifer said, "The other stuff sounds that bad?" We all nodded our heads.

Jody set up the recording session and everyone helped. We had them do a trial song and them went on to record all the tunes. We had mastered a CD at 9 at night. We all listened to it and it was kick ass rock and roll. Jody gave Ken the disks and said, "Have Justine re-master it before we release it or duplicate. She is so good with cleaning it up."

Ken said, "Jennifer, what's the name of your group?" She said, "Chicks. We're the Chicks." Ken said, "How about a couple of band nights. Destiny, Chicks, Always and Forever and Changes. We could promote this is as music across generations. Hey, maybe Margi will MC the show." Ken called Margi and said, "Want to see your daughter, grand daughters, and great grand daughter play on stage and also be the MC for the show?" Margi said, "Mandy, you serious?" I said, "Sure are Mom. They have a one hell of an act." She said, "Sure. Let's do it."

We had the first gig set up in two weeks in LA and the kids bands practiced morning, noon, and night. We all stayed back in the castle and setup it up like a show for them to rehearse to. We also used the old theater we owned so they could play to real audience. We advertised a free concert.

Ken released most of the material as singles into different markets and it was amazing at how it took off. Jennifer and Megan had a quarter bet as to whose songs got to be number one first. They were all yelling at Mandy and me because one of ours was still number one and then Megan's replaced it, as Jennifer's was number 2. We saw the actual numbers and she only lost by hand full of sales. Megan kissed Mandy and me and said, "thanks", as that song was one we wrote for them. Jennifer's song was the one that Chris wrote. The other ones were doing well also. Jennifer got her quarter back when her song took first in the European market and Megan's was second. We told all of them both how proud we were.

Ken was promoting the concert heavily and it was scheduled to air on one of the network television stations because we owned most of them. Margi was so excited about it. Ken and her worked on a soliloquy as an introduction to the show and one for each of the bands. Tara and Godda were part of it also.

We left for the concert at 3 in the afternoon, displacing to the arena. We got there and let all of the kids go on stage and walk around so they wouldn't get nervous with the TV cameras. They all thought it was "cool". The sound crew showed up and we had Destiny take the stage first to do a sound check. I said, "Just play your normal tunes and do some vocal harmonies so they can set the levels." We watched them play with such passion and it sounded great.

Next was `Chicks' and Jennifer was such a ham. All of our kids looked like they were between 16 and 18 and Jennifer really looked sexy. No one would ever guess they were between 12 and 13. Jennifer was acting like a slut and really getting the stage hands excited. The Chicks also sounded solid.

Chris's band did their normal thing and so did we. We all went backstage and the TV director came and spoke to us. He said, "Just follow the cues and play it like we aren't even there." Ken, Kathy, Gary and Jamie came backstage and Ken said, "Everyone gets front row to our left side. Just make sure your ready to go on and get back stage before you are announced. Good luck everyone." They all wished the kids well and Megan said, "So when is Little Willie making a come back?" They all laughed and Ken said, "Believe it or not, we actually talked about it last night. We'll see."

Everyone went to their seat except `Destiny' and Mandy and me. We stayed backstage with them and waited for the cue. We got the signal and walked them to the stage and then we went to our seats. We sat down just as Margi was starting her speech. It was so funny. She had pictures of everyone from being little kids to what we look like now. She said, "Thank God for the Forever drug or I'd have been an old hag standing up her." Tara and Godda materialized next to her and they both said, "You're welcome Margi." The crowd all laughed and they started to give parts of the speech. Tara said, "They should have changed the name of the band Changes to the Parents. All of their kids are playing in the other 3 acts." They made fun of all of us and themselves, and then they got serious for awhile about what we all accomplished and that we managed to become the best in all of our hobbies. Her speech was very flattering, embarrassing, and true. Margi took the mic again and said "Thank God they finally shut up." Tara reappeared and said, "I heard that Margi", and then vanished. Margi said, "The first act has my grand daughters in it and I'm sure you will recognize some of the tunes. Please welcome Destiny."

The crowd cheered as they played the first tune. They were hot tonight and played with such emotion. I would have never guessed the ages of our kids watching them. They all looked like adults from the audience. The audience loved them and they worked the crowd like pros. Megan walked through the isles singing one tune. She stopped and winked at us smiling before going back on stage. When they played the beer drinking tune, they made it into an audience sing along with the chorus, "It feels so good to be bad." The place went wild. Mandy said into my mind, "Next number one single on Vacation World."

The entire show was entertaining, the music was terrific, and the kids were having a blast. They were getting ready to end the show and we went backstage with Jennifer. The audience was still screaming and they got their cue to go out on stage. We walked them to the stage entrance and went back to our seats again with our kids that just finished. I said, "Great show!" They were so excited as they sat next to us. Margi said into the mic, "That was one hell of an act. The next band has my great granddaughter in it. I feel so ancient." Everyone laughed and Margi said, "I know you'll recognize some of their tunes also. Please welcome Chicks." The audience was cheering and they started their act with a little skit. It was so funny. Jennifer was God telling the people in the band what the laws of music are. The place was hysterical. She wrote the laws on a sign using her powers as she spoke and finished with, "Thou shall not commit wrong notes or sing off key." The band members all bowed to her and then they picked up their instruments. Jennifer said into the mic, "God, I was only kidding." The place was hysterical as they started with their current hit. They were terrific. The whole show was entertaining and really funny.

They were in their last song so Chris and the gang went back stage. We went with them. I lit a cigarette and we waited to the kids to come off. We all hugged them. Mandy put her arm around Jennifer and said, "That was great. Not good. Great! I couldn't be prouder." We waited a few minutes and finished our cigarette and then went back to our seats. Margi came on again and said, "Now we are back to the grand daughters again. This one I'm sure you'll all recognize as she invented some of the drugs we are all using and is the CEO of SolarNational Consulting. Please Welcome Always and Forever." They crowd went total wild as the band started playing with only a horn section and then did a tune that was so cool. Then they went right into one of their hits. The audience was all standing and dancing. Chris said into the mic, "That first song was for you grandma." Everyone laughed. They clowned around like usual and their show as about as good as it gets. In some ways it was like ours. The music was all perfect. They did one hit after another and no one was sitting down. They were into their last song and we all went backstage for our cue.

We waited and we heard the crowd going crazy as they ended the show. We got our cue as Chris and the group came off. We gave them the thumbs up, as Mandy and I were on a Harley by the stage entrance. We watched carefully for the start and she revved the bike and shot us onto the stage and stopped right next to the camera. We did our biker babe start with Melissa playing a different part this time. She was a cop. It was a piss and we almost lost it by laughing at one spot. The audience was all laughing and then we played and they stood the whole time. We did all of our skits and a few new ones. We also did the typical gags and were having a blast on stage. Then we played 4 songs back to back that were our current hits.

We played 14 songs tonight and then Mandy said into the mic, "We had a great time here tonight. You're a terrific audience, and I can't tell you how proud we all are to have our children playing in the other bands. We'd like to do one final song tonight and bring them all up on stage. All three bands. Come on guys get up here." They all walked up on stage and Mandy said, "We know they all know this song because we caught them singing it when they through we weren't looking. At our house it's not cool to listen to your parents music I guess."

Everyone was laughing and Mandy said, "We are going to play one of our really old tunes. When we say Noise, you all have to scream back at us the word noise, really loud. Lets try it. Noise!" We listened and Mandy said, "That sucked. Come on, I know you can yell louder than that. Noise!" They really yelled loud and it was deafening. Everyone was holding and instrument or by a vocal mic and Kathy started the rock tune. The whole audience was standing and dancing. When we all yelled "Noise", the audience response was absolutely deafening. Everyone on stage laughed as we played the next part. We did the ending word Noise three times and then ended it with a few solos. We all thanked the audience and they were still standing and screaming, as we walked off the stage.

We got backstage and I said, "Great show everyone." Chris said, "Jen, You and my mom are so outrageous on stage. That was incredible." We lit up cigarettes and hugged the kids. Margi was there hugging and kissing everyone. She yelled, "This was fucking great!" Tara and Godda came backstage and they were hugging everyone also. Ken stood on a chair and whistled loud and we all looked over to him. He yelled, "We set a new ratings record for this concert. Big bucks time. Great work everyone." Megan said to us, "How much is big bucks?" Mandy said, "20 to 30 million each band maybe. I don't know, but we'll find our tomorrow." Megan said, "That's huge." I said, "Remember what you have in the bank. Interest is more than that. Do this because you like it. Not for the money." Megan said, "I don't like it, I love it. Being on stage was such a rush. The people all liked our music. It was such a great feeling." Mandy hugged her saying, "Now you know why we do it."

Ken whistled again and yelled, "Reporters and live camera interviews backstage in two minutes!" We all got cleaned up a little and Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a drag and handed it to me and we gave each other a kiss. She said, "Only 10 minutes of questions and we're done. This should be about the kids tonight." I took a drag of the cigarette and nodded my head.

We walked over to Jennifer and I said, "You were great on stage. You feel okay about the interviews?" She smiled and said, "I'm still ready to rock and roll." Mandy smiled and said into my mind, "She is so much like us."

The reporters came backstage with the TV cameras and we were cornered first. The first question was, "How does it fell to have your kids and granddaughter playing on stage with you." Mandy and I shared our thoughts and said at the same time, "It feels great." I said, "You should really be interviewing them tonight. They all played terrific and they are so excited about the music. We think that Destiny and Chicks will be the next super groups. Just listen to their material. It's top notch and so is the performance."

The commentator said, "I couldn't agree with you more." All the kids were watching us under the bright TV lights and then they turned the lights around and the commentator was interviewing the kids. Mandy and I smiled and watched them all answer questions. All of them made wise cracks at us and we returned them. The reporters were hysterical.

Megan was so humble we knew the audience would love her. Jennifer was energetic and funny. Both groups sang an acapella verse of one of our songs for the camera and it was outrageous. The interviews lasted about a half hour and then the reporters went off live feed and thanked everyone. I said, "Castle or vacation home?" Mandy said, "Vacation." We said goodnight to everyone and displaced to the home on Vacation World.

We went up to our bedroom and Mandy put her arms around me. She smiled and said, "That was so much fun tonight, but I was so nervous when the kids played." I smiled and said, "Me too. I never get nervous and I really had the jitters before Kelly sang the first song." Mandy leaned forward and pressed her open warm lips to mine. We opened our lips wider and licked tongues, and then she pushed her tongue into my mouth. We broke the kiss and Mandy said, "Lets cuddle before we make love." Mandy lit a cigarette, as we undressed. We lay on the pillow holding each other and I took two drags of the cigarette and inhaled holding in the smoke. Mandy took a drag also, as we lightly touched each other's breasts and blew out the smoke into the air. Mandy put her head on the pillow sideways, facing me and said, "Jen, when we were on stage tonight and you touched my ass, I got so hot. I know we only do it for the show, but I wanted you to do it again." I said, "Every time you joke around and pinch my nipples the same thing happens to me." Mandy smiled and pinched my nipple and I melted. She giggled and said, "Like this?" She took a drag of the cigarette and held it to my lips. I took a drag and said, "Yeah, just like that."

We looked into each other's eyes and Mandy said, "We are so fucked up sometimes, but I wouldn't want it any other way." I moved Mandy's hand to my lips and took a drag of the cigarette and she took a final drag and put it out. I said, "How about I touch your ass while we make love tonight." She smiled and changed us both into Combined couples. She moved on top of me, as we made our cocks hard and interlocked. I wrapped my arms and legs around Mandy and rolled us on our sides as we fucked. We kissed and I reached my arm around by her ass. It wouldn't reach so I made it longer and put my finger in her butt hole. Mandy said into my mind, "Fuck my ass baby. Make your finger bigger and fuck my ass hard."

I made my finger grow and Mandy went wild, as I pulled my finger in and out of her ass, and wiggled it around. Mandy moved her hand to ass also and then she finger fucked my butt. We were hammering our cocks into each other in a rhythm and at the same time finger fucking each other's ass. We both made our cocks a little bigger and my G-spot went wild in spasms. My pussy was orgasming nonstop and flowing and so was Mandy's. We moaned into each other's ear, and then kissed so passionately. I squeezed my pussy muscles on her cock and she did the same to me, as we were completed engrossed in our sexual frenzy.

We fucked for hours and shot our cum three times into each other. Each time we blasted off and it was heightened further by the ass fingering we were doing to each other. It felt so good, neither of us wanted to stop or even slow down. We rolled around several times and left our fingers submerged in each other's ass. I loved it when we rolled me over on my back and Mandy had her hand under my ass. I went wild bucking up into her. Mandy got so excited watching me get turned on. She sucked my nipples while we fucked and drove me totally crazy. Then we rolled over so she was on her back and I did the same thing to her. Mandy was jerking and spasming the entire time. She clenched her ass muscles around my finger and then I made my finger pulsate like a cock shooting cum. Mandy went wild again and kissed me so hard. Then she did it to me also. We went for five straight hours and were so exhausted we had to stop.

I pulled my finger out of Mandy's ass and made it normal size again. She grabbed it and put it in her mouth and sucked it. I was so turned on I grabbed her finger and sucked it also. Mandy started laughing and said, "Jen, we are so fucked up baby." She moved her stomach a little and we both moaned as my cock moved into her pussy deeper and hers moved into me. I pulled out and pushed in again and Mandy closed her eyes moaning softly. She whispered into my ear, "This feels so fucking good honey. Lets have a cigarette and them fall asleep like this again."

I pushed all the way into Mandy and we both moaned as I reached over her shoulder. I took a cigarette and put it in my lips and lit it, taking a deep drag. The cigarette glowed red in the dim light and I put it in Mandy's lips, as I pulled out a little and slowly pushed back into her pussy and her cock went deep into me. Mandy took a drag and said, "Sweetheart, we are such total sex maniacs. God do I love you."

Mandy kissed me and then we licked tongues. She held the cigarette to my lips and I took two deep drags french inhaling. I blew the smoke out slowly through my nose and Mandy kissed my cheek and then my ear. She whispered, "I want to keep going all night. I know we're both totally exhausted, but my pussy and cock don't know that and I am so hot." I smiled and slowly pushed into Mandy and then pulled out. She moaned loud and said, "Jen honey, keep going. Please, fuck the shit of me." We both took a drag of the cigarette and I reached over Mandy to put it out, and pushed all the way into her again. Mandy held me tight and we fucked again, and again. We finally fell asleep, too exhausted to move, but still interlocked, at 7:30 AM.

Mandy and I woke up at 9 and made love again for a half hour and then conked out. This time we slept until noon and then picked it up again where we left off. I felt her cock moving into my cum drenched pussy and it was sloshing. I said, "Eat me after you cum honey, and I'll eat you also." We both felt our cum starting. My cock pulsated and shot into her, squirting at least 10 more times, as I felt Mandy shoot her white goo inside of me. We kissed and held each other tight and then I moved into a 69 position with Mandy on our sides. We changed ourselves back into normal Combined and I spread Mandy's pussy lips with my hands. The cum dripped out and I licked it up. Then I put my mouth over her slit and sucked in the thick goo, as I licked. Mandy was bucking into my face and I was bucking into her face, as she did the exact same thing to me. We both must have swallowed a pint of thick white cum mixed with pussy juice.

We finally got up to have a bathtub adventure and use the twin toilets.


The next couple of weeks were great. The kids became famous overnight and had a little trouble adapting at first, but within a few days they got real use to it and now love it. Both bands did a TV show and played four songs each. They also did the talk show circuit and were terrific. Tara said to us, "They're ready for the real purpose now."

We all met on the work planet and Tara ran the meeting. She said, "Today, we are going to officially welcome all of the children into our group." She called each of them by name and had them stand up. She asked each one of them, "Do you promise me that you will act as a guardian of the human race, help create life, nurture it, and care for the people?" Each one answered, "Yes, I will." Tara said, "Now we design a whole bunch of new worlds and you get one of your own. It's a big responsibility but we all know you can handle it."

They all did a design together which was based on our initial design of Firma. It was amazing at how analytical they all were and how incredibly smart. They also added mermaids as a natural evolution of sharks. We all loved it. Chris kept saying to us, "Jennifer, Megan, Kelly, Alicia, and Margi, are light years beyond me and Allison. I'm guessing that their IQ is somewhere over 600 if it goes that high."

We launched their new design on 30 baron planets and watched the massive explosion as life was created. Each one of the kids was so excited and emotionally moved by the experience. Tara said, "Wait three days and you can visit your planet any time you want. Remember, the first several generations of people will be very primitive and not live very long. That is by design. Teach them all you can. Heal them if they are sick, and comfort them when they need it. Each one of you will be mentored by your parents. Ask them questions and listen to their advise. They have all been through this before. Ask any of us questions, at any time, and please don't be afraid to ask for help. Just call us in our minds."

Chris stood up after we were finishing and said, "We have an announcement also. Remember 14 years ago when we found that alien spacecraft and I said that we would study the metals and see what practical applications we could find. Watch the digital video."

We all watched Chris, Allison, Roberta, Joanne, and Robin on the video. They started in a very large airplane hanger and had what looked like to be a giant spacecraft. Chris said in the video, "The entire craft is made from a new metal we are called elastium. It's heat and cold repellent, can be modeled to any shape like crumpling tin foil, and can be made rigid just by introducing an electric current through it. This craft was assembled in one hour using four manufactured parts. It could seat over 2,000 people and travel through wormholes past our old universe using our displacement technology. This can take people to any new planet, anywhere, in a matter of minutes. Watch us take it apart."

We watched them stop the electric current and the craft literally looked like a large canvas. They took out the four small parts for the cold fusion reaction and rolled it up like a big piece of paper. The video jumped to cars being made out of it, an airmobile, and a list of hundreds of other applications starting with boats and ranging to tents.

Chris stopped the tape and said, "We know how to manufacture it, and what you saw we made ourselves. Any interest in using our virgin planet design to create two new worlds off the old universe plane for pioneers again? We have a means to do bulk transportation to it now also." Everyone nodded their heads and Tara said, "Pick two and lets do it."

The kids loved this stuff and were mesmerized by everything that Chris said. Chris selected two planets and we launched the capsules to the planets and watched the explosions.

Tara said, "There's food in the living center and I think it's time we properly indoctrinate the new members with an old fashioned orgy." Everyone was laughing and Megan said to us, "You mean you all do it together?" I said, "Yup. You may like the fruit thing. You'll see."

Megan was laughing and said, "Fruit thing?" Mandy said, "Every eaten grapes, bananas, strawberries, or cherries and cream, from someone's pussy? That's the fruit thing." Alicia and Megan laughed and blushed. We walked with them into the living center and had a Roman style fruit and food orgy. The kids acquired a whole new appreciation for finger foods. Megan licked cherries and whipped cream out of my pussy and Mandy's. Kelly sat on my face with a banana inside of her pussy. I ate it while Mandy sucked her cock. We ended up having sex with all of our kids including Chris and Jennifer. We also had sex with Tara and Godda, which was outrageous as usual. We taught them how to become Combined Couples. We couldn't believe they never tried before. They were inseparable after we showed them that trick.

Mandy and I found a quite area of the living center, lay on a couch, and made love for hours. Ken and his wife Kathy lay next to us and Kathy said, "Oh my God Ken, we have to try that. Please change into a Combined woman for me." Ken changed into a beautiful woman and they became Combined couples. They fucked for hours next to us and Kathy said to me, "He ain't never going back if I have anything to say about it." Mandy and I laughed, and then moaned again as she pushed her cock into me. Ken was really into it also and when we all finished he said, "Maybe I'll stay like this for a while. Kathy, you okay with that?" Kathy smiled at us and said, "Honey, I'm more than okay with it. Let's do it again."

Mandy and I had a fruit snack out of each other's pussy, as we licked each other to orgasm laying next to Kathy and Ken going wild on each other again. Mandy said into my mind, "He's hooked. Lets see what he changes his name to at the board meeting tomorrow. I'm going to bust his chops big time." We laughed and then moaned as we both orgasmed again. Mandy and I sucked each other's cock and we both shot a huge load of cum into the other's mouth at the same time. We showed each other the thick white goo on our tongues with our mouths open, and Kathy and Ken watched us kiss, swish the cum around in our mouths, and then swallowed. They got so hot they moved to a 69 position and did each other the same way. I said into Mandy's mind, "He's hooked." She smiled at me, lit a cigarette, and took a deep drag.

Kelly walked over to us and sat on our laps and kissed us both so sexy. She said, "You two are the best parents in the universe." She took a drag of our cigarette and said, "This is the most incredible party. Moms, I would have never guessed in a gazillion years that you two are like this." I said, "Scary, isn't it?" Kelly laughed and said, "No! It's incredible." She kissed us both again and then left to watch Megan fucking Julie's daughter, Adel, in the ass. We laughed as I took a drag of the cigarette.

Kate and Judy were still making love to their children and we got up and walked over to them. They were so into it, they didn't even notice us. Mandy and I kissed Kate and Judy and left them alone. Kate said into our minds, "Thank you both for everything." We shared our thoughts and said back together, "You earned it. Now enjoy it."

Tara, Godda, Traff, and most of the original group were sitting at a table and drinking Rum drinks. We joined them and Tara made us each a drink in her mind. She said, "We were just saying that we would have never guessed we could become a group like this. Mandy and Jen, this toast is too you. You made it possible."

We both blushed and then drank with them. I said, "So what's the next mountain to climb, or race to run? Where do we take it next?" Tara said, "It's your children that will decide that. They are beyond brilliant. Let them mature and they will know what to do. They all have voting stock, let them be part of the board and remove those that don't have enough stock to count. I know it sounds mean to some people, but we have to make it so they will be able to take over for all of us at some point and let them run the next race and climb the next mountain. Jen, you and Mandy have done more than we did in 50 million years. Take a rest and enjoy life and your kids. Mentor them to all be your successors. Everyone is afraid of what will happen if you two decide to really retire for good. Make everyone want you to become a coach. Kelly, Megan, Alicia, Margi, and Jennifer are the next leaders. It's obvious. They just need more time to mature. You have both done an outstanding job raising them. Chris has been great with Jennifer too."

We all toasted to that and had a second drink. Mandy said, "The board is getting too big anyway. Maybe we need to make some changes to it. We'll think about it tonight. Tara said, "Lets go into the design room and brain storm it. I really do think the kids should be part of it, at least so they can learn." We all went into the design room. I asked Chris to join us and she came in with Roberta, Allison, and Kyle. Mandy said, "Think tank time. We want to make some evolving changes to how we run our board and get Megan, Jennifer, Margi, Alicia, and Kelly involved. Tara thinks they should be our successors and be the leaders after they mature. You agree?" Chris said, "Without a doubt." I said, "Then we need to figure out how to make it happen gracefully, without pissing anyone off"

Chris smiled and said, "Jen, this is a tuff business problem. The other ones were easy. Lets start by listing everyone on the board." Allison started the computer hologram projections and we had all the names on the list. I said, "What if we had an Office of the Chairman advisory panel which wasn't really the official board. Put the heads of the planets on it, operations, finance, legal, and HR. Let Margi run it. They could meet on the same board topics the day before a board meeting and Margi could present their opinions to the voting board and we could have guests for serious topics. Now take the list and write down how much stock each person has in round numbers."

We watched as Allison wrote down the numbers and them we added the kids to the list. Mandy said, "This could work. The kids all get one vote between them. That will teach them to work together. We should also change the voting so that there are less overall votes. Lets consolidate by line of business. It just makes more sense." Chris and Allison put together a new list of the board and Tara said, "I like it. It makes a lot more sense and accomplishes what we want to do. Chris, what do you think?" Chris paused and said, "I like most of it. But, I'd make a few changes. Lets move these people off completely. They add no value. Move these two to the advisory panel and give Grace a bigger role in coordinating all of it. I'd make the advisory panel a big deal and have it internet based for discussions and suggestions. Let employees contribute ideas to it and have that panel screen them and present workable ideas to the board. We could use this to really increase our what I call think-power. This is the workflow I had in mind." Chris drew a flow diagram and we all smiled. She was right.

Mandy said, "Chris, can you send this presentation to our computers so we can load it on a laptop for tomorrows board meeting?" Chris said, "Mom, this is the easy stuff. Of course." Tara was giggling and said to us, "I think we all agree this is the answer. You okay with it Mandy?" Mandy said, "Yeah. I think we needed to do this anyway. Jen and I have been talking about it for the past three years."

Chris sent everything to the computer at home and we went back into the living center. Everyone was lying around naked and not moving much. Megan saw us and dragged us over to sit with them. Tara smiled as we put our arms around her. Chris said into my and Mandy's mind, "I'll tell Jennifer what we are doing. You tell the others." Mandy said into my mind and our kid's minds, "We are making a few changes in the company and you are going to be a part of it. We'll explain later. Just please don't say anything about it to anyone yet. Jennifer is included too. We have to leave to prepare a presentation. Make sure you meet us back at the castle before tomorrow morning. You will be going with us to the office." They all smiled and Megan said, "This is definitely cool. Thanks Moms." We both said "Your Welcome." I said into Mandy's mind, "We have to tell Julie and Kathy about it also before the meeting. They may get pissed off." Mandy said back into my mind, "I hope they don't, but life goes on honey."

We kissed the kids and found Julie and Kathy. Mandy said, "We need to talk to you. You mind leaving with us for the castle. It will only take a little while." Julie said, "Sure. Lets go." We all displaced back to the castle and Chris was already there with the data on the laptop. She said, "It's in a presentation in your folder." We went into the study and Mandy said, "We have been talking about reducing the votes on the board and shrinking it for a while. You were part of our discussions. Tara asked us to make some changes and give some of the kids more exposure to the company. The original group of Guardians all feel that Megan, Jennifer, Alicia, Kelly and Margi are the ones who will eventually be our successors. We agree. How about you?" Julie said, "We agree too. We were talking about this morning."

Mandy said, "This I what we want to announce tomorrow." Mandy brought the presentation and said, "It's still in notes from the our session in the design room." Mandy walked them through the advisory panel and Kathy loved it. She said, "Mandy, we'd both give up our votes to be running part of that advisory panel. That's where the action will be. Plus you and Jen have always had our best interest at heart. We have never voted against each other at anything." Mandy finished the presentation and Julie said, "Take our names off the board. We really don't want to do it anymore. We want to back into something we can work with, not vote on." I said, "Julie, you want to run the advisory panel?" She sat up smiling and said, "You got that right." Mandy smiled and said, "Margi will assist you. You okay with that?" Julie said, "Sure. Oh, I love this."

Mandy said, "You two will still get a vote on the board, because it will represent the advisory panel. Unless, you want Margi to run it." Julie said, "We'll suffer with the voting bullshit." We all smiled and Mandy and I started to change the notes into a presentation. I said, "Keep this to yourself for now." Kathy said, "No shit. We're going back to party. See you in the morning."

Mandy and I finished the presentation and then displaced back to the party. Everyone was out cold on the floor naked. We laughed as we lay down next to Megan and Alicia. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Combined couples baby. I want to fuck all night. Remember the time difference. We can make love for about 24 hours and still be back in time."

Mandy and I changed and made love on the floor. We were both so into each other, we didn't even notice Megan and Alicia making love until they kissed us both and then joined us. We kept going for about 15 hours, sleeping a little bit after we got exhausted. Then we ate plenty of fruit. Mandy told me she loved strawberries and whipped cream out of my pussy and wants to make it a weekly desert for both of us. We laughed as we ate each other out and orgasmed for hours. Mandy jerked me off and I shot my cum onto a banana. She ate it with me and them I jerked her off into a cup full of grapes and we dipped each one as we ate it.

Everyone was leaving and we displaced back to the castle just in time to get ready for the board meeting. We had on our business attire and makeup, and displaced to the office. Grace saw us and ran up and hugged us. She said, "You look great!" Mandy said, "We are making some major changes today if the board approves it. Grace, we are giving you a much bigger role. You ready of it?" She smiled and said, "I'd love it and I won't let you down."

We went into my office and had a cigarette as we check out the presentation one more time. The was one slide we both felt uncomfortable with and Mandy said, "Soften that one word. We don't want to get anyone pissed off. We want this to pass the vote." I made the change as Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and handed it back to me. I took a drag as Mandy kissed me on the cheek and said, "Show time honey."

We went into the boardroom and I plugged our laptop into the projection system. Mandy and I got some fresh coffee and sat at the head of the table as we waited for everyone to arrive. Ken was still a woman and I said, "You look so hot." She said, "It's going to be Karen now. Kathy convinced to stay this way. I feel hot." Kathy smiled from ear to ear, and Mandy and I smiled back at her.

The room was packed as usual and Mandy said, "We have one major item on the agenda for today. Several years ago we briefly talked about reorganizing the board and how the corporate company operated. It's definitely time to make a change. Look at how many people we have in here. This is supposed to be a forum to vote for things we want to make official in the board minutes. We're using it as a think tank and a place to air ideas. We have come up with a plan that I believe we really need to implement. Jen and I are going to walk you through it. Remember, this does not affect any of your operating companies. Max, you will still be CEO of Pharma and run it as you see fit. Same thing for you Karen. Everyone looked puzzled and Karen said, "Meet the new me. I was Ken." Everyone stood and applauded.

I flipped to the first slide and said, "Chairman's advisory panel." I went into a twenty minute speech we prepared about what it is, how important it is, and that we were trying to do it with this meeting. I said, "Every line of business will be part of it. Julie is going to chair it and Grace is going to help coordinate this also. It will have internet based chat and discussion, and have a program to solicit ideas from all of the employees. We want to make this an idea generator and a problem solver. New topics generated from this panel will be presented to the board for actual vote and approval. Mandy and I may also participate in some of the advisory panel discussions too. It's a forum we desperately need."

I flipped the slide and said, "Now for some minor realignment to better focus of lines of business." I explained some minor changes and said, "Grace will now be in charge of all administration. I think it's insane that everyone has to deal with this. She has proven herself and she can run it. She will report into the operations area along with finance, legal, and HR. Margi will run interplanetary communications and will have all of the world leaders reporting into her. This gives us a way to better take advantage of our capabilities by centralizing some of the management functions. We can move things where we need them.

I flipped the slide and said, "Now the Corporate only board changes. All corporate lines of business will get one vote. They may have up to four representatives to sit on the board, but only can vote once. Tara, Godda, and the several of the others all feel that our future is in the kids. They firmly believe that Jennifer, Megan, Alicia, Kelly, and Margi, are the ones who will be our successors. I know that Chris, Allison, Roberta, Kyle, Julie and Kathy agree with them, and we do too. They have suggested that we give them a single vote due to their stock ownership and also mentor them and groom them. A single vote will also teach them how to work together as a team." I flipped the slide and said, "This leaves us with 13 votes. I listed them by the CEO's name of each company. Mandy will not cast a vote unless there is a tie. She will be the tie breaker. Does anyone have an questions?"

There were a few questions from the group that wasn't going to be part of the voting anymore; HR, finance, and operations. Mandy said, "We really value your opinions and this room is not the place for it. If we are not 100 percent sure we want to do something, it should never get to this boardroom. That's a waste of everyone's time. You will all play a big role in the Advisory Panel. That's what it's designed to do. To be the place where the ideas get discussed, changed, tested and then we make it official for the shareholders. We're the largest public company in the universe. Do you really want someone reading our board minutes that has excepts of us arguing about an idea that should have never been discussed in this room? I sure as hell don't. We'll all do it as a team in the Advisory Panel. Even the kids will be involved in that. They are brighter than I can even described. Chris. What phase did you use?" Chris said, "They have an IQ of somewhere over 600."

Everyone laughed and I said, "We all ready to vote?" Mandy said, "Anyone opposed?" There were two and Mandy said, "All those in favor?" She said, "Good. Motion passed. We have a press release prepared that will be sent our today. Meeting adjourned to close the minutes. Now I have one other thing that we can discuss freely as it's not in the board minutes. Tara, you want to tell us what's going on with the complaints."

Tara said, "We are getting thousands of complaints from parents of the kids they sent to Kids' World. It has to do with the music that they all listen to there in the arena. The kids call it "Junk", as a new style. It really is horrible. I suggest that instead of the local arenas booking the bands, Ken's, sorry Karen's, company takes ownership of it and we book top name groups only. This style seems to be a local thing to Vacation World and it really is horrible."

Karen said, "We'll do it. I've heard the Junk' music and I agree, but some kids really like it. I think we should book the gigs at the arena with our rock and pop bands and maybe have a band or two signed and sell the Junk' to the kids if they want to buy it. That way Kids' World won't get a bad reputation. If `Junk' takes off we'll be ready for it. Mandy said, "Sounds like a plan. Lets do it. Now this is what I'm talking about for the Advisory Panel. You want this in our board minutes for anyone to read?" Everyone stood and applauded.

Mandy and I went home that night and almost raped each other. We were so crazy; we tore off each other's cloths in a bedroom fantasy. She wanted me to be the biker babe hooker that played ruff. We had incredible sex, but totally destroyed both of our thousand dollar business suits. Megan came into our room in the morning and saw the cloths. She said, "I'm not even going to ask." Mandy and I laughed and she said, "Was the sex good at least?" We both smiled and nodded our heads, as she left.

*** Continued ***

Next: Chapter 4

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