The Prize

By ken blackwood

Published on Oct 6, 2004



LEGAL STUFF: If you are under age, don't read this. If it's illegal to be caught with this material where you live, don't read this. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions of tg, ff, mm, mf, group, oral, anal, cum swapping, sex toys, incest, adult/youth, mind control, voyeurism, smoking, drinking and light water sports. If this offends you, do not read this. This story is fictitious and any similarities to real events or people and strictly coincidental. So if you read this and think it's you or someone you know, it isn't. This story, or any portion of it, may not be sold or distributed without permission from the author. Copyright(c)2004. The author may be contacted at email address: ************************************************

This story is divided into chapters (0 - XXX). To find a particular place in the story from where you left off, use the FIND function of your web browser and search for the word 'CHAPTER'. If you are using Internet Explorer, select EDIT and then FIND.

*** Continued from Part 4 ***


The next two days were incredibly hectic getting everything ready for the party. Mandy and I used our dinosaur cock trick every night and I don't think I orgasmed as much in my life as I did last night. We feel asleep and shared a dream and this time saw Little Willie playing a concert and we had the same experience with the music. Mandy and wrote down the music and words to 18 new tunes.

We finished our last of the party errands and were sitting in the kitchen having a cup of coffee and a cigarette. I took a drag and Mandy said, "Lets see if Karen and the others want to hear the material we wrote. Lets play a joke on them if they do. Read my mind." I started to laugh as Mandy called all of them in their minds and Karen said, "Yeah we want to hear it. Meet us at the studio in our vacation house in 10 minutes."

We finished our cigarette and cup of coffee and then displaced to Karen's house. We walked into the studio just as they displaced in. Jamie handed me a folk guitar and said, "I'm dying to hear them." Mandy winked at me and we played the most awful sounding song you can imagine. No one said a word and then Karen said, "Don't get mad at us, but that really is horrible." Mandy looked so disappointed and said, "We tried." We could tell they were upset and Mandy said, "Maybe one of the others will be better. Listen to this one."

We played one of the real ones and they all smiled. We finished it and I said, "We had you fooled! You were afraid to tell us we sucked." Karen said, "You son of a bitch. That was great." Mandy said, "We have 17 more. Ready?" We played them all and then taught them the music. I said, "The first tune isn't taken yet if you still want it?" The all threw crumpled paper at me. Karen said, "We released all the new CDs and released all of the tunes as singles in different markets spread across 96 planets. You all have at least nine number one hits. How about a seven band big promo concert event after we release this in two weeks?"

I said, "Sounds great." Mandy said, "Only if we can play our first song on TV." They threw crumpled paper at her too and we all laughed. I said, "We'll see you on Sunday" and we displaced back home as everyone was laughing. We got back to the kitchen and I said, "How much you want to bet that they learn that first song as a joke." We laughed and Mandy nodded her head.

Jody came into the kitchen and said, "Can we dock our new boat by yours until our pier is installed?" I said, "Sure. There's room for five boats on it. You have the boat here?" Jody said, "It's at the Marina. We'll get it now." Mandy said, "Want some company?" Jody said, "Yeah sure, lets displace there. Everyone is already there."

We displaced to the Marina and we saw their boat and it was almost the same as ours. Jody said, "Same boat, but they changed the design a little. Check out the bathrooms. You can actually move in them now." We all laughed as they were so tiny and hers were just a little better. We looked at the cabins and the master cabin was a little different also. I said, "Very nice."

They were fueling it up and the manager waved to us. Melissa started up the engine and drove us out of the Marina, as I said, "Go up and down the coastline and make sure everything is working before you head out to sea with it. We had a few glitches, but they fixed them all really quick." Melissa took it down the shoreline and we helped them check everything out. The only thing that was wrong was that the fish finder wasn't connected. I said, "You paid for it. Pull in and make them fix it." We did.

Melissa pulled back into the marina and they fixed it while we waited. They even gave us wine in the showroom, which was now completely restored following the tidal wave. The manager came out and said, "We put in a new unit and will send this one back to the factory. It looks like it's working now. Good luck." We went to our dock and they let us off and Jody said, "We're spending the night on the boat. We'll see you on Sunday." I said, "Tie up on the other side, so they don't hit each other in a storm. We don't have any of the bumpers installed." We got off the boat and waved as they headed out to sea.

Mandy and I decide to goof off for the next few days again. We started by lying on the beach in the sun and just relaxing and swimming as we got hot. We were more than hot as we fucked on a blanket on the beach. Mandy wanted me to do her in the ass on all fours with a dinosaur cock. She squealed as I fucked her and was begging for more. Then we changed positions and she did me the same way. I almost passed out from the sensations. She wrapped her arm under me and finger fucked my pussy at the same time using what she called a dinosaur finger. I was in a different world as she jerked into my ass and shot her cum. We kissed for hours and ate each other out. We even made bumps on our tongues and drove each other totally off the deep end.

We put ourselves back to our normal combined selves and went in for a swim to cool off. We went out about a half mile and swam by the reefs with the Mermaids for a while and found Jody's old boat. We laughed underwater when we read the name on it. The Mermaids warned us about a man-a-war swimming around us and this one was huge. It also didn't want to talk to us, so we swam away rather than hurt it if it came after us. Mandy said into my mind, "That fish has one ugly attitude." We swam down the coastline a little and then back to our beach. The Mermaids said goodbye and we got out.

We went back to our blanket and I made us two drinks and Mandy lit a cigarette. She said to me, "Jen, we can have fun anywhere, anytime, and it doesn't matter if we're by ourselves or with a whole group of people." I said, "Mandy I'm really bored. Lets go find something to do." She tickled me until I started pissing in the sand. I was laughing so hard I tried to say I was only kidding and I couldn't even get out the words. Finally she kissed me and I said, "I was kidding!" She licked my pussy after I just peed and I melted inside. Mandy lifted her head and said, "I know you were. I was reading your mind." I put my hand on her head and gently pushed her back to my pussy. She handed me the cigarette and I took a drag as she licked my pussy again. I spread my legs as wide as I could and Mandy sucked my entire slit into her mouth and tongue fucked me. I sprayed my juices on her mouth for over a minute.

Mandy lifted her head and smiled at me. I took a final drag of the cigarette and so did she, as she pulled my hand to help me up. She said, "The suns going down. Lets pick up our stuff." We brought everything in the house and made some coffee in the kitchen. We sat and had a cup and a cigarette, as the entire gang of all of the kids came in. Megan said, "Mom, we're having a barbeque at the pool tonight. Want to join us?" Mandy said, "Sure?" I said, "Make sure everyone knows they can't use the gills in the pool. The water is chlorinated and it could kill you." Megan said, "I didn't know that. I'll let them know. Ask everyone else if they want to come out."

Julie and Kathy were sitting in the den with Kate and Judy playing team Chess. I said, "Barbeque at the pool? The kids wanted us to go." Julie said, "As soon as we whip their ass." We sat down and studied the board and Mandy and I both saw the winning move. Julie read our minds and I said, "You're cheating!" She laughed so hard and said, "I can't win at this fucking game no matter what I do." I called out the move of her piece to checkmate and Mandy said, "You were one move away from winning." Kate said, "I saw that four moves ago and couldn't stop it." The game curator said, "Would you like to play again?" Julie said, "No fucking way. Turn yourself off!" We all laughed and went outside to the pool. Megan had turned on the lights and they were all cooking burgers and hot dogs on a grill. Alicia yelled out, "How many of each?" Mandy gave her a count and Cary made us our favorite drink as usual.

We sat down and I said to Megan, "You go into the office at all yet?" She said, "We went in today and everything's fine. Flow did a great job with Grace while we were out. You know we all have an advisory panel meeting tomorrow morning at 11 to go over the list of new ventures. It's a long list. You two are chairing this meeting. Remember, we started a rotation." Mandy said, "Yeah we know. We need to figure out which ones of these all of you want to keep to ourselves to work on. Some are pretty cool. There's a new one to replace CD technology that I thought everyone would want to be involved with. The group is calling it DAVE, for Digital Audio and Video Enrichment. So instead of releasing a CD we'll be releasing a DAVE." Mandy was giggling and Megan said, "Change the fucking name!" We all laughed and I said, "That's exactly what I said. Leave it as a CD and have a compatibility mode for the old ones or it will cost us too much to convert what we have internally. We'll call it CD enriched format or something." Megan said, "Lets all work on that one together. I know Chris and Roberta are dying to do that one also." I said, "Speak of the devil. We looked for you for the barbeque. Want a burger?"

Roberta and Chris yelled over their orders and Chris said, "We were at the office and did a business case for some of the things on the list for tomorrow. There's a few that are real loosers in there. I want to get involved with the CD one. That sounds cool." I said, "We're going to keep that one for us and all do that one together. We all have so many good ideas about what a new CD format should contain. I think there are about four others that we may want to take also. We'll see them tomorrow." Roberta said, "Action figure toys for dogs?" We all laughed and she said, "It's on the list along with sex aids for pets." Mandy was hysterical and said, "Who put that one on?" Chris smiled and said, "Grace." We all lost it when I said, "Let her run the project. Can you see her trying out a dildo on a dog?" Chris said, "She doesn't want it. She just thinks it will sell and she's probably right." Mandy said, "We need to add Dinosaur cock to the list." They were all laughing and Mandy said, "You have no idea what this is and it will flip you out when you try it. Read my mind."

Mandy showed them all what we do to our cock and finger and they all laughed. I said, "Try it tonight and then tell us it's not a winner." Rose was still laughing as Alicia brought over the burgers and hot dogs on a tray. She said, "What's so funny?" Megan said, "Dinosaur cock is a new project. Read mom's mind." Mandy showed her in her mind and this time included us fucking and how we both went crazy. Alicia said, "I want to work on that one. Hey Cary, we have something new to try tonight!" We all smiled.

We ate the burgers and hot dogs with our drinks and joked about things on the list. Some were so funny. Julie and Kathy were still trying to figure out how to play Chess and I said, "Knowledge lessons for the action figure games, basic through expert. Easy to do and real profitable." Chris smiled and said, "Sure is." Mandy said, "Android golf instructor download." We all nodded and Chris started to take notes and said, "We make more progress just us sitting around bull shitting than that whole committee does in weeks." Mandy said, "But it kept them off the streets at night." Rose was laughing and said, "Advanced sex lessons. It goes with the dinosaur." We all smiled and kept listing things that were easy to do and real profitable.

Chris said, "These will make our revenue targets for next year, now we can pick the ones we want to play with that may be grand slams again." Rose said, "Is it always this easy?" I said, "It's very easy when you're having fun. That's why we don't take it too serious. The advisory panel and board takes it serious, but only when we do the financial analysis."

We finished our food and I went over to Julie and said, "Cheer up. We're making a knowledge transfer computer for all the action figure games including Chess." She smiled and said, "I get so stupid when I play that game. So does Kathy. It gets me so pissed off." I said, "Lighten up. It's easy when you just think a few moves ahead. Jump in the water with us." Mandy pushed me in the pool and then Julie pushed her in. Kathy pushed in Julie and then everyone dove in. Megan told everyone about not using gills and they all nodded. Mandy jumped up and dunked me and I swam under her legs and rubbed her pussy. I came up behind her and said into her ear, "I bet that felt good." She was laughing as she turned around and put her arms over my shoulders and said, "It sure did. Lets lean against each other by the waterfall." We swam over to the other end of the pool and stood on a four foot deep ledge that runs around the pool and leaned back into the waterfall. Mandy said into my mind, "Lets get rid of the cloths. Nobody here cares about it." We took off our bathing suits and tossed them on the cement patio and held each other under the waterfall.

Julie and Kathy swam over to us and were naked also. They pressed themselves into us and we all kissed each other. Julie held her breast to my nipples and then to Mandy's, as we each licked her nipple. Kathy smiled and did the same thing to both of us. They both licked my nipples as Mandy watched, and then they moved over to do Mandy's as I watched. Mandy pulled me over to her and my body pressed Julie's face against Mandy's breast as Mandy kissed me.

Mandy put her face right up against mine with our noses touching and said, "I think the adults need some quite time in bed." I kissed her again and then I kissed Julie and Kathy. Mandy kissed them also and we got out and walked inside and upstairs to our bedroom. We all dried off and the four of us made love.

Mandy and I had Julie and Kathy lay down facing each other, and we coupled while licking their pussies. We made our tongues into snakes with bumps and they went wild. Julie sprayed my mouth like a geyser. Mandy and I moved up on them a little and we sucked their cocks while finger fucking their pussies, with bumps. We stayed interlocked and slid on each other the whole time, as Julie and Kathy were going wild. Mandy and I shared our thoughts together and merged minds, as I sucked Julie into shooting into my mouth. I swallowed all of her cum as Kathy shot into Mandy's mouth. We went back to licking their pussies again, as Julie and Kathy kissed the entire time.

Mandy and I made our cocks bigger with dinosaur bumps. We slid on each other and we so into it as we kept licking Julie and Kathy. My pussy was orgasming and I was spasming and jerking as we kept going and then my cock pulsated inside of Mandy. I jerked forward and shot a blast of cum into her and then I squirt over and over again, as Mandy's cock pulsated inside of me. I felt her cum shoot out and then my pussy being filled with warm cum. Julie and Kathy had another orgasm and asked us to stop. They moved by our faces and kissed us both and Julie said, "What did you do to us to make us so sensitive."

Mandy said, "Dinosaur cock. We put bumps on our cocks, fingers, and tongue. Read my mind." Mandy showed them in her mind, as we slid into each other and were so into it. Julie lay behind Mandy and Kathy lay behind me and they both lubed up our asses, and then pushed their dinosaur cocks into us. I went wild as Kathy pushed into me. Mandy was kissing me so hard when Julie went into her. They fucked us with our rhythm and I was on fire. My pussy wouldn't stop orgasming. Mandy was moaning softly into my mouth as we kissed, and I read her mind to see she was on fire also. We merged minds and I went into her body as energy. We were so into each other we lost all sense of what was going on. Our bodies were on total overload. We went into my body as energy and Julie and Kathy's energy joined us. We were all sharing the feelings and all us were orgasming nonstop. We all shot our loads at the same time and my pussy was throbbing.

Julie and Kathy moved their energy back to their bodies and they pulled their cocks out of us and lay next to us coupled. They brought their energy back into me and we traveled from person to person sharing the feelings. Mandy and I saw that Julie and Kathy were in love as much as we are, and we shared our feelings with them also. The four of us fucked like this for hours until we were so tired we couldn't move. We all lay perfectly still and Mandy said, "Reach for a cigarette honey." I reached to the nightstand and lit one and then lay back down with Mandy. We stayed interlocked as I took a drag. Mandy took a drag also, as we watched Julie and Kathy barely moving and moaning into each other's ears. We shared the cigarette and then put our faces together on the pillow and fell asleep.

Mandy and I shared a dream and Julie and Kathy came into our dream also. We were talking to them and we were at another concert. It was Chris's band on stage and we sat in the audience watching and they started to play a new song. Mandy and I knew it and were singing along and I said to Julie, "We're writing the songs for them." Our dream went through a whole concert and we remembered all of it. Julie and Kathy told us they were leaving for another dream and we smiled and went into another dream also.

We woke up at 7 AM and Mandy immediately got a note pad and started to write down the words and chords to the music. I did five of them also. Julie opened her eyes and saw us writing and said, "That was real in that dream wasn't it? We were there with you." I said, "You saw how we write music." We finished writing and lay back down in bed together. Mandy cuddled up to me and said, "We have to get up anyway to make those charts for the meeting today. Lets go dinosaur cock." We both laughed as Mandy dragged me out of bed and into the bathroom. We heard Julie and Kathy laughing in bed.

We showered and everything, dressed for the office, and went downstairs. Chris was up with Roberta and they had already made us something to eat. Chris said, "We beat you to it. All you have to do is review the list. We decide to really do it right so we went to the work planet last night and spend four days there." Mandy put her arms around Chris and said, "My baby is so good." Chris was laughing and yelled, "Mom!"

We ate and had some coffee with a cigarette and then went into the study with Chris and Roberta. They really did do exactly what we were going to do. I said, "This is great. You Okay with us announcing the new titles for you two also?" They both nodded their heads and I said, "If you don't want it, say so." Chris said, "No, we want it." Mandy smiled and put together a slide for a presentation.

Megan and Rose walked in the study and I said, "Chris and Roberta already did the work. All we need to do is review it. It looks great. Mandy is doing the org chart change now also." Megan said, "I loved some of those ideas we came up with yesterday. Be nice when you present this. We don't want to discourage the other stuff from happening." I said, "We won't. We'll just keep it off the radar screen from the board, which is what's suppose to happen."

We spent a few hours going through everything and making one or two changes and then Chris sent it to the network and the printer in her office at work. Mandy said, "We have a little over an hour. Jen, how about we make a stop in town first. We haven't taken out our new Ferrari Airmobile in two months. Let's displace to the castle. You drive there and I'll drive home."

We displaced to the castle and went to the garage. I fired up the new Ferrari airmobile and this was so neat. It had Ferrari 12 in it, and the AirMobile engine, which was very tiny. I drove it like a normal car for a minute and then hit the air button and we took off. I hit about 170 going into two turns and Mandy was smiling. We slowed down to go into town and I went back to the normal engine and we made our stop.

We went into the pet store to talk to the owner about what we could offer pets. I took notes and we laughed at some of the ideas but we knew they could make billions. We thanked the owner and Mandy drove us to the office. She was nuts in this car. We went from 1 to 300 in about 5 seconds. We parked at the office and Mandy said, "I still love driving this thing. Wow, what a rush!"

We started the Advisory Panel meeting and about 30 people were in the boardroom and another 20 on a conference call speaker. I said, "To start things off, we are going to make a few changes. All of them good. Mandy, why don't you start with the org chart." Mandy displayed and slide and said, "For all of those remote, sign on to the remote link to see the presentation. Effective today, Chris has been named Chief Technology Officer for the entire corporation and Roberta has been named Chief Information Officer of the entire corporation. They both have been doing these roles for a long time, and we thought it was time to make it official. All business CIOs will report into Roberta and all CTOs and Senior Research Scientists will report into Chris. They will also still continue with they current roles and Chris will still be the CEO of the consulting arm. This will give us a more centralized focus on technology and allow us to share information and research easier between business units. Megan, you want to add anything?" Megan smiled and said, "You're doing great. Keep going."

I said, "That change was necessary because of how we want this group to evolve. We were chartered with brainstorming the ideas that change the face of the world. These are the new high risk ventures that require board approval. We still do that, but we do so many other things and now we are going to segregate those. We rewrote the list for this meeting into the new format, but before we get started, let me make a point. Grace, not to put you on the spot, but how many of the items on that original list do think were new venture material for the board?" Grace said, "I think I counted 6."

I said, "You were generous. We counted 5. That's 5 out of 188 items. The reason I picked on Grace is that she submitted 3 of the 5 on the list. She also submitted a one page write up as to her thinking behind it, and we used that to come up with over 30 items to add to the list of 5. We did that at a barbeque last night. Some of our new attendees earned themselves permanent spot on this panel by each contributing at least 2 items to this list. Rose, Cary, Amanda, Tracey, and Alice. So what am I leading too? What everyone was doing was great for business and we need it, but it's not for new ventures. If we have a budget for it, and it's an improvement to an existing operation or product, then we can do it now. Why wait? Mark, you had 14 ideas on the list and all of them are outstanding. Lets do them now! Just do it as part of the your normal business unit. We have thousands of projects going all of the time. So we separated the list into 3 lists. They are new ventures for board approval, new products, and improvements to products or operations. Items on the last two lists we can use this forum to brainstorm, but you don't need approval to do it. If the business unit CEO agrees, then just make it happen. This group will focus on the ones that are radial changes, new ventures, high risk, or very high reward."

Mandy said, "So to get started with the list, you all should have a copy of the revise list in front of you and remotely, it should be on the presentation screen. The first topic we all agree with is the new CD enriched format, but we're killing the name DAVE, and calling it CD enriched format. We also are doing this to make sure it will be upward and downward compatible. We have a fortune tied up in that technology." Karen said, "Hallelujah. I hated DAVE." Everyone giggled and I said, "We haven't decide who will run the project, but our bets on Chris right now. She knows more about it than anyone and also has some great ideas."

I said, "You're not allowed to laugh at the next few on the list." Everyone was giggling and I said, "Two years ago if someone told us to make Pet TVs we would have laughed them out of the office. Now look at the market. We are going to put together a business case for a new pet market for everything, but it's also predicated on Cary's idea that we come up with a way to teach dogs and cats to read. We have a completely captive audience on the Pet Network and its ratings are higher than any other station. The problem is that it's all dogs and cats." Mandy put up a slide and said, "These are some of things we think pets will convince their owners to buy for them. Grace all three of yours are on here. Sharp ideas." Everyone clapped for her.

We went down through the whole list and I said, "One more left and no laughing at this one either." The place was cracking up and I said, "We didn't know what to call it, so right now it's dinosaur penis and vagina, which has nothing to do with Dinosaurs. It has to do with the bumps on the skin, a serious sexual stimulant. This could be a big selling recreational drug in the SexMed family."

We answered questions from everyone on the topics on the list and Mandy said, "Okay, lets vote. Only those with permanent positions on the panel, which is 32 now, can vote. All votes will be presented with the ideas to the board." Mandy went through each one and we only had two people that voted no on one item. I said, "Can you explain your no vote. If it's a good reason we want to know about it." They gave us too damn good reasons and we scratched those ideas. I said, "I think this went well. We have 28 ideas of which I believe 12 can be combined into one project, and the others make up probably four other projects. Thanks everyone and we'll chat on-line until the next quarterly meeting. I believe the next chair is Julie and Kathy."

Everyone was leaving and I said into Chris's mind, "Come back to the vacation house with us. We have a surprise for you." She smiled and said, "I like surprises."

We all displaced back to the vacation house and Mandy dragged Chris and Roberta into the studio and pulled out our stack of songs. Mandy said, "These are for you. Listen to them."

We played them just like we heard them in our dream and Chris and Roberta were dancing to the beat. We played all eighteen and Chris said, "Mom, when did you and Jen learn to play funky like that? That was great and I love the music." Roberta said, "If you two ever want be in Always and Forever, you just passed the audition." We all smiled and I said, "We'll teach you the melodies. We only wrote down the words and chords." Chris said, "Let me get everyone here now." Chris called everyone in their minds and they all displaced to our studio in minutes. Roberta said, "Mandy and Jen wrote us some tunes and they're fantastic. We want to learn them."

We spent the next 3 hours teaching them the basics of each tune and then they did the rest. We went into the kitchen, as they were practicing and writing the arrangements. I said, "How in the hell did we see all of those songs in a vision? You know that every one of them is a hit." Mandy said, "I have no clue. Maybe it's the dinosaur cock."


We made some lunch and joked around for a while. I smiled and said, "Guess what we forgot? We left the Ferrari at the office." Mandy said, "No problem. Lets go take it for a ride and check out the new AirMobile highway project. They opened the section on the throughway last month."

We displaced back to the office and went to the parking garage and Mandy was driving now. I said, "I get to drive back." She smiled and drove us outside and through a few small roads that lead to the highway. We pulled out as a normal car and then she went into air mode and into the left lane. We saw a sign for AirMobile express and Mandy followed a light path like an airport runway that took us to a marked lane over the grass medium. The sign said, "Raise to 4 feet and maintain height. Pass at 9 feet minimum. Do not tailgate."

Mandy smiled, raised us to 4 feet exactly, and floored it. I watched the speedometer run up to 780 miles and hour and Mandy was smiling from ear to ear. We saw a car in our lane and she went up to 10 feet just in time to pass and then back down again. I said, "Definitely cool." We drove for about 40 minutes and Mandy said, "No shit. That's a sign to LA." I said, "We're going almost double the speed that the commercial jets use to fly. What'd you expect?" She started to laughed and slowed down to about 200, then 100, and then back into the normal highway, and back to a normal engine again on the ground. I said, "My turn." She was still giggling and pulled over in rest area so we could change positions.

I made the cross over to head north and floored it. This car was faster as a normal car than our race Ferraris. I went into air mode and entered the express lanes. I passed two cars as I was accelerating and Mandy was grinning. I hit 800 and pushed it a little faster. Mandy said, "We're going so fast we're knocking things down with our wake. We're going past the sound barrier." I looked into the review mirror saw us knock down two signs. I said, "Tell Jim they need to rethink how to put up street signs." I slowed down so we wouldn't miss our exit and then I went into normal driving mode again. I drove it home and was so addicted to the car. Mandy was laughing at me when I said, "Lets take it to the vacation home." She said, "Where could we possibly drive it there? The only thing we use is the Jeep because the roads are so awful. We'll come back and drive it again soon."

I parked it in the garage and got out and kissed the hood. Mandy said, "Love. Definitely Love. I wonder if it matches you for an eleven."

We displaced back to the vacation house and went into the studio to listen to Chris's band. They sounded great with the new tunes. Mandy was remembering how they sounded in our dream and was making suggestions on the arrangements and they did it. Chris gave us the thumbs up and we went back to the kitchen. The whole crew was there and Megan said, "That went really well today. Everyone called to compliment both of you. Chris's new material sounds great." Julie laughed and said, "Chris is playing it, but guess who wrote all of it?" Megan said, "Since when can you two write funky stuff like that? It sounds terrific." I said, "A side effect of dinosaur cock." Kathy was cracking up and said, "You all have to try it. As stupid as it sounds, it's amazing."

We all listened to them play from the kitchen and Mandy said, "They're really into it. They cranked the volume a few notches." Melissa said, "I love the way they used brass on all the tunes. What a unique sound." I said, "You didn't tell us how the boat was." She smiled and said, "Wonderful. We slept on it last night and had a blast. We came up with a few ideas for a dinosaur cock and twat commercials. You're going to love it. We'll show you later." Mandy put her head down on my shoulder and said, "I can only imagine." Jody was smiling and said, "They're funny as hell."

We spent the rest of the day and Saturday goofing off as a group. We took out all of the horses and rode for hours up the beach. We swam in an area we never were before and had a crab and lobster cookout on the beach. Kate used her net trick again and it worked great. We got back Saturday evening just as it was getting dark and put the horses back in the stable. Mandy put her arm around me and said, "Tomorrow's the party." Megan said, "We're all really excited about it. This is so great." Chris said, "The teleporters are all in. Lets walk through the front door and I'll show them too you."

We all walked towards the front of the house and Chris said, "Next to the garden on the left. See them?" I said, "That blends in so much I didn't even notice it." Chris said, "Twenty of them are in there." We went in through the front door which we almost never do and Mandy said, "I still get impressed by this foyer. I love it. We're putting a few tables out here with the name cards and table numbers on them." Roberta grinned saying, "If we teach the mutts to read, they could do the place cards. Wouldn't it be a piss having dogs seat people in restaurants." Chris put her arm around Roberta and said, "You definitely had too many drinks at dinner."

We turned on the lights and went into the kitchen as I put my arms around Mandy and whispered into her ear, "I feel the dinosaur urge coming on." She smiled and whispered back, "Honey, we're going to fuck until we both pass out." I smiled at her as she took my hand and led me upstairs to our bedroom. Everyone yelled goodnight and we smiled and waved.

We stood by the bed and undressed as Mandy lit a cigarette. She put her arm on my shoulder as I bent over to takeoff my panties. I stood up and took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Tara left us a pack of her famous dope cigarettes again. Want one?" Mandy smiled and said; "The last time we had one of those we were dancing naked on a table in a bar. Remember?" I said, "What harm can we do here? We're home." I took a drag of her cigarette and I walked over to the dresser and picked up Tara's pack. Mandy put her cigarette out as I opened the pack and lit one. I took a deep drag and held it in and handed it to Mandy. She took two deep tokes and held in the smoke and we both felt it already. We lay on the bed and I took another deep drag and held in the smoke. I started to giggle as Mandy took another drag. We were both high as a kite in 5 minutes.

I looked at Mandy and said, "Your eyes are so fucked up." She giggled at me and said, "So are yours!" We finished the cigarette and Mandy lit another one. We were laughing and I took a deep drag. Mandy put her lips over mine and sucked in the smoke as I blew it out. Then she gave me the sexiest kiss and I melted inside. We finished the dope cigarette and Mandy said, "We need to have a fitting for our dresses for tomorrows party. Jen, let me give you a mouth fitting first." We both giggled as Mandy put her mouth completely over my cock and sucked me hard. She was really going at it and I was fucking into her mouth. She stopped and said, "That fit Okay?" I was so hot and she giggled and said, "My turn!" She pulled my head to her crotch and I sucked her cock hard like a maniac. Mandy pulled my legs apart and lay down next to me as we got into a 69 position. She said into my mind, "Honey, mouth fitting time again."

We sucked each other until we both were bucking into each other's face and were both finger fucking each other's pussy. I had one arm around Mandy's ass pulling her pussy and cock closer to my face, as I sucked her cock into my throat. We were moaning into each other's mind as I felt my cock pulsate into Mandy's mouth and my pussy twinge. I lunged forward into her mouth and she sucked me like a vacuum cleaner as I shot a load of cum into her throat.

I felt Mandy's cock swell and then twitch as the first blast of cum shot out into my throat. I pulled her closer to me and her cock was deep in my throat as it squirt again and again, just like my cock was buried inside of Mandy's throat. We both moaned and swallowed and Mandy said into my mind, "Dinosaur pussy this time baby. Lets try it a little different." We both sat up and kissed and kissed some more, licking each other's tongues. We made our pussy's have bumps and then changed into combined couples and interlocked. My cock was on fire this time, and my pussy felt normal as we moved in and out of each other. I said, "Do them both." We made the bumps on our cocks and we both went wild. We fucked each other so hard we almost fell off the bed as we rolled over. We heard our skin slapping against each other and the sensations were unbelievable. Within ten minutes we both blasted off into each other, and just kept going.

At 4 in the morning we were slowing sliding into each again after having two more of Tara's dope cigarettes. We both were laughing again and Mandy said, "My pussy and cock are so fucking hot we aren't stopping no matter what. Jen, if you fall asleep, I'm fucking you in your sleep tonight." We both laughed and I said, "Don't you dare stop either." We slid our bodies on each other and caressed, as we made love. We kept going until 7 in the morning and we were both like zombies. I moaned, "I can't move. Mandy honey, we need some sleep before the party. Close your eyes with me." Mandy's body was still moving slightly into me when she closed her eyes. We both were out cold in seconds.

At 2 in the afternoon, Megan came into wake us up and I said, "What time is it?" Megan said, "Two. We thought you should get up for the party." Mandy opened her eyes and said, "Oh shit, did we oversleep. Come on honey. Rush time." We rushed through our bathroom routine and make up, and then put on our formal gowns and jewelry. We went downstairs and made some breakfast as everyone laughed at us. I said, "Tara's dope cigarettes. Every time we smoke them we get so out of control."

We were having some coffee and a cigarette as the caterer arrived and a number of the other people we hired. Eva showed them all where to set up as Mandy commented, "Androids are wonderful." Ruffles and Snuffy were in the kitchen and I said, "You two are not allowed to use the teleporters that are on the front yard. They are for the guests coming from the hotel for the party tonight. You'll get lost. Understand?" Ruffles smiled at us and we both laughed. He said, "Rup. Ree Row Rall Rabout Rit." I said, "If we could teach you both to read, would you like that?" Snuffy was getting excited and running around saying, "Read. Ruffy read?" Mandy said, "That answers that question, doesn't it?" I said, "Multi-Trillion dollar market."

Everyone got dressed and came into the kitchen to model their cloths for us. They all looked gorgeous. Rose was such a knock out, and so was Megan. They looked incredible together. I gave Eva and Eve instructions for pictures again and I said, "The new memory in these holds over 9,000 pictures. If you run out come see me." They were already taking pictures of everyone. Cary and Alicia posed and then everyone did. We also took a few family pictures.

All of the family arrived and we all posed for a few pictures. Eva was getting good at it. Chris said, "That software program I downloaded really worked. She's like an expert now. So is Eve." Melissa and Jody and their group came over and they went though the photo routine also with Janice and Karen too.

The guests were arriving by the dozens and the help all showed them to the their place cards and tables, as drinks were served and a group of musicians played on the open floor walking around. I said, "Mandy, where did you find those violin and Mandolin players? This I so much like Venice." She said, "Venice." We all laughed as we walked in to have a drink and mingle.

The place filled up quick and waiters were serving all types of exotic food. The musicians played to us for a few minutes and Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Remind you of our adventures in Venice?" We kissed and Megan said, "I don't want to know about Venice." I said, "It was the night before we raced vintage cars and then took a biker babe vacation when we met Kate and Judy. It was harmless fun."

We all joked around and talked to so many people and the families. Then the MC we hired went up to the stage and said, "Can everyone please be seated." He introduced all of the newly weds and a dinner band played while they all danced. Then he introduced us and the other parents and we all danced with them. He said, "I do believe we have a very exclusive group with us. Would all of the Guardians please come join everyone on the dance floor."

We all danced for about half hour and then the dinner was served and it was outrageous. We went nuts with the caterer for this one. We had two comedians during dinner and the place was in tears laughing. Tara found them both on vacation world and hired them for us. We laughed our asses off. We had the traditional toasts to each couple and then Mandy and I gave a short speech about all of the couples. It was cute and funny. Mandy said, "Despite all of the rumors we really didn't buy them a planet." Everyone was laughing and I said, "All of them are incredibly bright, have terrific personalities and are fun to be around. We did what we could to help ensure that all of them will have a way to achieve their own level of greatness in what they do, and be secure for the rest of their lives. Please raise your glasses in one last toast. Now the party really begins." Everyone drank and the lights got dim and the MC announced, "Faces on the far stage!"

Ellen's band went on and the place rocked. They were by far the best southern rock band ever. We waved to them and went to the table as everyone was standing and dancing to their show. Megan said, "How many bands did you get to play? I held up 5 fingers and she shook her head and started to dance with Rose.

We all drank and danced and had a blast as all five bands went on, one after the other for about 30 minute shows. The last band ended and we had a dinner band come out and everyone was screaming for all of us to play. Megan said, "You two are not allowed to play. Sit right here." Megan went on the stage with everyone from Destiny, Little Willie, Chicks, Always and Forever, Lovers and Friends, and Passion. She said into the mic, we are going to do a short tribute to my parents. Very few people know this but they write most of our material you hear on the radio and see on TV. As a matter of fact, they wrote all of the songs for each of our new CDs. We are going to do one for them."

Everyone stood and clapped as Destiny played a song first and it sounded great. The crowd in the ballroom was cheering so loud it was deafening as each band played one of the new tunes. Little Willie went last and they played the music with such passion. Karen said into the mic after the music stopped, "We all decided to do one more tune, and this one is our gift to them."

They all sang it with such feeling and so many harmony parts. It was a slow song and it was so moving. It was about us. Mandy and I hugged, stood and danced, and were both crying on each other's shoulder as we listened to the words. Rose sang out the chorus in her loud voice over the background singing, "Each would die for you, I saw them cry for you, I knew their love was true, everything they do, they do it for you." We cried like little kids as we listened and hugged each other. The whole place was standing and we saw tears on so many faces. They finished the song with the chorus and then a very soft chorus. We were hysterically crying. They all ran off the stage and hugged us and Mandy and I were so emotional we couldn't even talk. We hugged each one of them for over a minute, as the dinner band started to play.

We finally got back our composure and Mandy said, "That was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for us. I still can't talk." I smiled and hugged her as Karen said, "Looks like we have ourselves one hell of a hit record." Everyone laughed and we did too. Mandy and I wiped the tears off each other's faces and I said, "Where's a drink when you need one?" Cary made us both my favorite drink using her mind and I said, "Thanks."

The party started to get really routy after about midnight and Tara ended up dancing on a table again. We were all laughing. Some people left, but the ones that stayed had a blast with us. Ellen and her group Faces, were all trashed and dancing and singing with Tara. Eve and Adam were even worse. We watched the androids taking pictures of everything and laughed as Eva took a few pictures of some people having sex under a table.

At about 3 in the morning everyone convinced us to get up on the stage and play a song. We were all smashed but did it anyway. Julie was so drunk Kathy had to hold her up when she put on the bass guitar. We played one of our new tunes and it still sounded pretty good, or at least we thought we did. We were so bombed none of us could tell. Julie said, "Was that suppose to be it the key of A?" I said, "No, C." She was giggling and said, "That's why it sounded so fucking weird." Mandy and I just laughed.

There was still about 200 of us left it the ballroom at 6:30 in the morning, so we decided to serve breakfast. We used our minds to make a great buffet and coffee. Mandy said into my ear, "After everyone leaves, we are going to do another special dress fitting again. Baby, I'm so horny." I gave her a sloppy kiss and we made ourselves a plate of breakfast and sat to eat it with some coffee. Eva was still taking pictures and we posed for her again. Chris said, "They're on the second memory stick. Do you have any idea how many pictures they took? It will take us a week just to look at all of them." I said, "Good leisure activity for our next boat trip adventure." Chris said, "I'm going to write some software to scan the images, index them into groups by people, and then allow each of us to look at them that way on the web. The band shots have to be priceless."

We joked around and everyone was getting tired. The group started thinning out and then everyone left after they finished eating breakfast. We did say goodbye to everyone. Mandy and I went upstairs to bed and basically attacked each other. We made love for about an hour and then passed out cold.


I woke up to the bed shaking at about 2 in the afternoon and opened one eye. I felt Mandy leaning against me and saw her masturbating. She was rubbing her clit with one hand and jerking off her cock with the other. I read her mind and saw her fantasizing about having me suck her cock. I kept reading her mind for a while as she was really getting so into it. I moved a little and then sat up quickly, putting my mouth over her stiff cock. Mandy went wild with emotion and was holding me now with her hand and moaning, "Oh honey, you read me mind. God, does this make me hot."

She rubbed her clit more and was orgasming from her pussy as I sucked her cock. She exploded in my mouth in seconds. Her cock spasmed and jerked, as a huge stream of cum shot onto my tongue. I looked Mandy in the eyes as she shot into my mouth and she was moaning, "Swallow it. Swallow all of it." I sucked all of the cum out of her cock and swallowed. Then I licked her shaft from top to bottom and on the sides, before I sucked it into my mouth again. Mandy was begging me to kiss her. I lifted my head off of her cock and we kissed passionately.

She broke the kiss holding me tight and said, "Baby, how long were you watching me?" I said, "A few minutes and I got so turned on. I kind of acted out your fantasy." Mandy smiled and kissed me again. She was giving me quick kisses and said, "That was so fucking hot." She sat up and put a cigarette in her lips, and lit it. Mandy took a deep drag and lay down next to me on her side. She blew out the smoke and I took a drag of the cigarette, holding in the smoke. We were softly caressing each other as Chris walked into our room and said, "Someone solved one of the one million dollar puzzles. It was the one in the Entrepreneur game."

Mandy said, "No way. That was the most difficult out of all of them. Who solved it?" Chris held up a piece of paper and read us the information and said, "It was done by Joyce and Brandy Claridge from a little town in New York State." I said, "What do they do for a living?" Chris said, "We don't have any more details. Want to met them?" Mandy said, "Definitely. Lets set something up this afternoon. We can bring them here. Come on Jen, we need to get dressed baby. Sex can wait until later." Chris was laughing and said; "Now that's a first!" Mandy and I looked at each other and we both walked back to the bed. Chris dragged us both into the bathroom laughing.

We showered, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. I said, "How does the ballroom look?" Chris said, "Spotless. Eve and Eva did it all. I also have all of the pictures. They are such a piss. You're gonna die when you see a few of them. I'm going to bring Joyce and Brandy Claridge here as soon as you finish your breakfast." We ate and talked about last night. I said, "When did all of you learn that song about us? Chris that was so touching." Roberta walked into the room and said, "When you two went up to bed, we all met in the studio. We all helped with the words." Mandy got up and hugged them both again and Chris said, "Sit down and eat! We have guests coming over."

We both giggled and finished our breakfast. Roberta poured us both some more coffee and we each lit a cigarette. Chris said, "I'll be back with them in a few minutes." She displaced and we had our coffee and I said, "I really had fun last night." Mandy said, "Me too. We need to make this a regular thing here."

Chris displaced back into the kitchen and said, "This is Joyce and Brandy Claridge." I said, "I'm Jen and this is Mandy. Please have a seat. Coffee?" Roberta poured them some coffee and Mandy said, "What's the answer to the puzzle?" Joyce smiled and said, "Do everything you can to win, but never cheat on love or you will always loose." I smiled and said, "How did you solve it?" They went into this long winded explanation of how they were the Entrepreneur game champions for the entire eastern region and started to analyze the markings on the board, and then realized they were clues. I said, "How did you know to ask the game curator?" Brandy said, "Strictly by accident. I was talking to myself, and Larry the Lawyer answered me."

We all laughed and I said, "Feel like a game of Entrepreneur? We've never lost at it either." Brandy said, "Sure, finally we'll get to play with someone who can keep up with us." We went into the den and they were looking around. I said, "You want a tour first? This house was based on an old English castle." Brandy said, "We'd love it."

We showed them the whole place and talked about what they do. They are both small scale entrepreneurs. Brandy said, "We absolutely love it when you come out with something new. We come up with some small complementary products and make some money until the fad dies out." Mandy said, "Every thought of doing it big time with real money behind you?" Joyce said, "How much is real money?" I said, "Depends on the business case but we could easily put up 12 to 13 zeros in a number if it makes sense." Brandy said, "That is definitely real money. You borrow it for stuff like this?" Mandy smiled and said, "No. We sometimes lend it, but mostly just do it for the fun. We take a stake in the action and help make it happen. Lets play first and then we'll talk."

They fell in love with the outside view of the cliffs, boat, and beach. I said, "We can play outside on the veranda if you like it out here." Joyce said, "That would be great. It's like paradise. I love the pool also and the view of the golf course. What a gorgeous home." I said, "Thanks, this is our vacation place. Our other home is in Oregon."

We walked in to get the game and Megan, Rose, and the whole crew, were getting up and came in for breakfast. I introduced everyone and Mandy said, "We kind of had a real late party here last night with about 1,800 people to celebrate all of their weddings. Joyce and Brandy solved the puzzle we put in the Entrepreneur game and they are going to play against us." They all started to laugh and Megan said, "Good luck. No one has ever beat them at anything except Crime Solvers." Brandy laughed and said, "We suck at that one also, but we love to play it." Mandy said into my mind, "Sound familiar?"

We went out on the veranda and took out the game. Mandy turned it one and Larry the Lawyer set up the game. We played teams as usual and they were really good at the game. Mandy and I were having fun as we finally met out match. Everyone was sitting outside watching the game and the negotiations, as we were slightly ahead. Cary made everyone my favorite drinks and we played for over 4 hours. They made one move that made Mandy smile as she said into my mind, "We won now. Six real estate transactions and the game is ours."

It wasn't quite that simple but an hour later we did win. Brandy said, "I knew we gave it away when we foreclosed on that property and let you buy it from the bank for back taxes. This was the best game we ever had. No one can keep up with us like that." Mandy said, "You gave us the best game we ever had also. You know you could have had us about 2 hours ago when we made a mistake on converting those tenements. We should have knocked them down and built parking garages." They thought about and it and both saw their mistakes also.

I said, "So what's you next real life idea?" Joyce laughed and said, "What's your next announcement that will change the world again?" I said, "Chris, can you get us the advisory panel list?" Chris went in and brought out a hand held computer, as I lit a cigarette. She pulled up the list and I said, "These are the possibilities." They all laughed at a few of them and Brandy said, "If it seems funny and weird, it will probably sell." We explained some of the ideas and they gave us a list of about 15 things that they would look at for each one as add on markets. They were so incredibly bright and quick." Megan said, "How much money would you make on a run of those products by yourself, the way you're doing it now?"

Joyce said, "We operate on a shoe string budget. We would probably both make about three hundred thousand." Megan said, "How'd you like to make a guaranteed 500 thousand each, plus benefits, and the opportunity to make a hundred times that based on product sales. Plus we would get you involved in creating secondary markets for every one of our ideas, where it makes sense." They both looked at each other and Brandy said, "When do we start?" I said, "Welcome to SolarNational? You just did, if you're Okay with the deal." They both smiled and toasted us with their drinks.

We stayed outside and Roberta used her powers to make us a great dinner and we all ate and talked. We talked about how the company was organized and Megan said, "I see you two working with every division from a corporate level and also tied into the advisory panel. We plan on having your ideas hitting the market 30 days behind the big items and then we also put some advertising dollars into the secondary markets. Who knows, we may hit a few big ones there also."

We talked about some of the things in the cue right now and they were rattling off ideas that were all great. Alicia, Cary, and Chris were smiling and taking notes. They also talked about the pet market and we all laughed. I said, "When we release a computer that teaches dogs to read, what would you release?" They went on for about 15 minutes and Chris was scribbling she wrote so fast. I said, "How would you re-write the fairy tales for dogs?" Brandy said, "Just change the main characters. Alice in Wonderland becomes a female dog. Everything else stays the same. At most it will take two days of a writer to pull that off plus some artwork. These are big profit items."

Megan was now really smiling and handed them the one million dollar check and said, "We'll have the employment contracts ready tomorrow. Our office is in Oregon, but you can live wherever you want. We can put teleporters in your home if you want to stay in New York." Joyce said, "Can we see your home there and maybe look around in that area?" I said, "Sure. You're welcome to stay the night and we can take you there in the morning." Brandy said, "We can't stay tonight because we left our daughter with the android and we've never left her alone overnight like this. How about we met you at 9 AM Pacific Time?" Kate said, "We'll come get you and bring you to the castle." They looked at us funny and Mandy said, "That's what everyone calls our house by the office."

Kate and Judy stood up and said, "We'll take you back. Just think of where it is and hold our hands." They displaced to New York to take Joyce and Brandy home.

Kate and Judy came back in a few minutes and Megan said, "They are going to make us so much money." Kate said, "I love their ideas and they are so quick on their feet." Mandy said, "That's why we put the puzzles in the games. I definitely think this was worth a million dollars." We all nodded our heads.

Mandy and I went up to our bedroom and I set the alarm clock and then I put my arms around her. She gave me little kiss on my cheek and then planted one sloppy wet one on me. We explored each other's mouth with our tongues, as Mandy unzipped my pants and hers. Mandy lit a cigarette, as we were getting undressed. I took a drag and handed it back to her, as she lay on the bed on her back. I knelt next to her and took a drag of the cigarette, holding in the smoke and then handing it back to her as I lowered my face to suck her cock. Mandy moaned softly and held my head softly as I got her as hard as a rock. I moved around and sat straddling her, sliding her shaft into my pussy and said, "Bare back riding time and you're the horse." Mandy smiled and then moaned softly again as I pushed all the way down on her cock and then I made her cock bigger inside of me. I raised and lowered my pussy on her shaft and watched the expression on Mandy's face turn to pure lust. I leaned forward and took her cigarette and put it in my lips, inhaling twice and holding in the smoke as she took the cigarette from my lips and took a final drag. I put my mouth over hers and sucked in the smoke as she exhaled and Mandy went wild on me. She was pumping her cock up into my pussy like a jackhammer.

I used my pussy muscles to squeeze and milk her cock as she fucked me with such a passion. I leaned forward and kissed her and then she sucked one of my nipples as we moved in rhythm. We shared our thoughts and made love like this for over a half hour. I squeezed her cock again inside of me and she jerked forward as she gasped out, "Oh! Ohhh! OOOOOHHHH!!" Her cock pulsated and I felt a huge stream of cum blast out. I moved back and forth on her as her cock kept squirting and I leaned forward and kissed her with my mouth wide open.

Mandy finished shooting her cum into me and I stayed still for a minute. We kissed again and then she said, "My turn to ride bareback honey." I got off and lay down in the bed next to her, as Mandy knelt next to me. She put her mouth over my cock and licked it from top to bottom, and then sucked my shaft into her mouth. I was rock hard in seconds as Mandy sat straddling me, the same way I had sat on her. We fucked for over and hour until I blasted my cum into her. Mandy was leaning forward on me as we kissed and she said, "Combined couples honey. Let we get off and I'll stay right here." We changed into couples and Mandy and I interlocked. She went from sitting on me to lying between my legs as we slid on each other's body and made passionate love. I wrapped my legs around her and rolled us on our side, and we were in a different world.

We made love until we both blasted off two more times and then feel asleep, still interlocked, with our faces touching.

The alarm went off and we both moved a little. I moaned as Mandy reached to turn it off and she smiled at me saying, "We have a whole hour to make love baby, and I want you so bad." We both started to slide our bodies on each other slowly, making our cocks go in and out of each other's pussy. Mandy was rubbing her breasts against mine and I was so hot. I kissed her so hard and said into her mind, "I'm going to cum already. Hold me." Mandy held me tight as I blasted off. My pussy went into a huge orgasm, and my cock squirted out a flood of cum into her. Mandy kept moving into me and I kissed her again and started moving also. We fucked for an hour and we both blasted off twice. We separated and I rolled onto my side and lit a cigarette. Mandy reached around me from behind and took a drag of the cigarette. Then she pushed me out of bed with her feet on my ass, while she was laughing. I was sitting on the floor and Mandy was hysterical as she pulled me up to my feet and then we went into the bathroom.

We showered, cleaned up, dressed, put on makeup, and went downstairs. Chris and Roberta were already eating breakfast and we sat to join them. We ate, had some coffee and a cigarette, and watched a little of the news on TV as Kate and Judy came into the kitchen. We all watched a story about the game championships and Chris said, "This is getting to be really big everywhere. There are local and regional tournaments for a lot of the action figure games. We should figure out a way to make money on that also." Kate said, "Ask Joyce and Brandy, we'll see them in about 20 minutes at the castle."

The rest of the crew came into the kitchen and everyone was talking about the game tournaments. Julie said, "Lets have a grand prize event where the national winners get to play the inventors of each game." We all sort of said, "Are you sure?" Kathy said, "Julie, you ready to loose on national TV?" Julie said, "Scrap that idea."

We all displaced to the castle and Kathy and Judy went to get Brandy and Joyce. I put on a fresh pot of coffee and we all sat in the kitchen. I wrote on a piece of paper in front of Mandy, "U-N-Me 4-R-E". She laughed and said, "Yeah, why not. Lets take it for a ride again. Jim's still pissed about the road signs."

Kate and Judy displaced back with Brandy and Joyce. We poured them both a cup of coffee and we did the tour again, inside and out. When they went down to the dock and looked up at the castle, Joyce said, "Holy shit. It really is a castle. What's that room way over on the top left?" Mandy said, "We call it the stone porch. Come on, we'll take the elevator." We walked over to the basement entrance to the elevator and went up to the top floor. We walked to the doorway and stone walk way to the porch that was on top of the back wall of the castle. Brandy said, "Don't look down. Wow, what a view." We walked into the stone porch room and sat in the chairs finishing our coffee. Mandy said, "We built this because we loved the view of the lake and the mountains. It's almost like a photograph sitting here."

Brandy said, "This is so unbelievable. I love it." I said, "You are welcome to move in here for as long as you like until you decide where you want to live. We have plenty of extra rooms including everything you'd need for your daughter and android if you want to bring it also. Plus we have a whole garage full of cars that we hardly ever use. The only one off limits is the one we're taking out today. It's our new toy. The Ferrari 712 AirMobile, a 7 liter 12 cylinder, with the new micro fusion engines." Joyce said, "I have to see it. I've read so much about that car."

We all went to the garage and Brandy said, "Wow! Bentley, Rolls, 2 Mercedes, 2 Lamborghinis, 6 vintage Ferraris, 2 Porsches, 2 Hummers, a Lola T70, is that a real Porsche 917K, Ferrari 512M, and Ford GT-40?" I said, "Real and race winners from the 1960s at Lemans and also by us in several vintage events. We do it a couple of times a year. Those are slow compared to the new toy, but still a blast to drive." Mandy said, "If you take out the race cars just make sure you watch the dip in the road just at the end of the driveway, they all bottom out." Brandy said, "What are those Indy cars?" Mandy said, "We bought them a few years ago and only raced them once. Well probably send them to auction this year. They're just taking up space."

Megan said, "I have the employee agreements ready at the office. Shall we?" I said, "We're taking the new toy. You are welcome to displace there with Megan or drive any of these you want." Brandy smiled and said, "The 917K. I love that car." Mandy said, "Just let us go first and say out of our wake. This car knocks down street signs when we go fast."

Mandy gave them directions of how to get to the office and we took off in the Ferrari. Mandy drove and she floored it up the driveway and them pulled out onto the road and ran through gears. We took a banked turn at about 190 and we both were smiling. She said into my mind, "Nothing handles like this anywhere." We pulled into our parking space and waited for Brandy and Joyce. We could hear the Porsche screaming up the road and I said, "They had fun." Mandy was smiling as we saw them pull into the indoor lot next to us. Brandy said, "How did you get in a second seat?" I said, "It's removable for when we race. Four bolts." Mandy said into my mind, "They're worse than we are with toys. This is going to be fun."

Brandy and Joyce signed their agreements, and we gave them each an office by ours. Megan called a meeting for lunch with all of the business CEOs and we made the rounds introducing them to everyone. Karen said, "I thought you two were cloned. It's rare we see two racecars in the garage. Another set of lunatics. I love it." Mandy and I gave them a video presentation of all of the major facilities and then the planetary commerce. They had their mouths hanging open when they realized just how many people could buy the products and what that meant to their bonus calculation. They both smiled as Mandy said, "Now you see why we said a hundred times that much in a bonus."

We helped them put their ideas together into a presentation that was funny and right on target. Melissa sat with us and did some market projections based on what they had sold before in several markets. We were very conservative by cutting it by two thirds and the numbers were still staggering. We finished it up as Megan buzzed us and said, "Five minutes."

We brought everything to the boardroom and set it up, as everyone came into the room. Megan said, "Flow will bring in lunch in few minutes for everyone. The reason I called the meeting is for you to all meet Joyce and Brandy and let them tell you a little about some of their ideas. They specialize in entrepreneurial ventures in secondary markets and are the brains behind a lot of the products that came out on our coat tails for each major idea we launched. I brought them into the company as Senior Vice Presidents to work with each one of you. They will develop ideas for secondary markets for every major initiative we have. Then we'll launch the secondary markets 30 days after each major release. No sense in letting other people make money that we could be making. Each one of you will get full revenue credit for all products, just as if the idea was developed through your organization. Joyce and Brandy do not have a separate line of business, so they aren't competing. It's part of a corporate program I'm calling secondary markets." Brandy, Joyce, why don't you tell everyone about yourselves as soon as Flow brings in the lunch.

We all helped Flow pass out the sandwiches and drinks, as Joyce started talking about what they did and the type of ideas they worked. Brandy said, "We love it every time you announced something. It was like the cash register ringing for us." Everyone laughed and I said, "They have a short presentation that covers some of the ideas they talked to us about yesterday. I think you'll find it interesting."

Brandy gave the presentation and everyone was smiling at some of the ideas. Then they showed immediate products for new items to be released within 30, 60, and 90 days, and some longer term ones. When they showed the increase in revenue everyone clapped. Joyce explained a lot about the revenue projections, cost of manufacturing, advertising, and cost of sales. Alicia said, "They are high, which is good. That means that if we hit the revenue numbers, profit will be significantly higher." Karen was laughing and said, "Can you put up the third slide again?"

Joyce put it up and Karen said, "I love the picture, but do you think people will buy cartoons and pictures of things to put on their androids and car tires?" Brandy was laughing also and said, "You bet. Remember, the rubber now binds with itself so this will be permanently in the tires, and allow people to customize their androids with tattoos, name information, or anything they want. People will love to personalize their stuff, and all they have to do is take it out of the package and push it on. The material does the rest. We could even sell the plain material in colors for those that are creative. How much you want to bet that we sell over 10,000 packages in the first two days it's officially advertised." Karen said, "A quarter, but I will make you pay it if you loose." Everyone smiled as they shook hands on it.

Joyce said to Brandy, "We have some work to do. There's a whole quarter at stake here." Karen smiled and said, "I hope I loose every one of these bets. Especially the ones about the CDs."

Mandy and I drove the Ferrari on another two hour trip to California and stopped for a dinner on the ocean in LA, and then drove back to the castle. We knocked down every sign that was just put back up.


Brandy and Joyce moved into the castle with their 9 year old daughter Lisa and worked 20 hours a day. They were worse than we ever were with work. In the first week they had the "patches", as they called them, ready for market. Melissa did a few commercials for late nights and nonprime time, and also some print advertising. In two days they sold 195,000 units and Karen gave them each a quarter. Melissa decided to run a few commercials in prime time and the units sold like crazy. It was like a fad, where everyone had to have a patch on their androids or tires of something. Joyce said, "See? I told you it would be a fad, and then it will die out in about 4 months." We even had fast food chains giving away the patches in collections that we sold them.

They worked their asses off to get 20 products to market in about 5 weeks. Every business unit saw some revenue from it and Melissa found the same thing. She started it slow and then went primetime after it caught on, and the results were the same. Brandy was a master at creating fads. They didn't last long, but we're making money on each one.

Mandy and I spend a few weeks at the castle and really got to know Brandy and Joyce pretty good. They were a piss, and also had a great imagination in bed. They had the androids doing things we didn't think were possible. Megan gave them an early bonus after 45 days based on their contract, and they each got 27 million. I said to Joyce, "Happy you joined now?" She said, "I will be after we order one of those new Ferraris."

Two of our new projects were making headway. The CD project was designed, and we got a working version of a computer to teach dogs to read. It gives them the reading level of about ninth grade, and expands their vocabulary. Allison had a blast doing the software and experimented on all of our dogs making them crazy. Our two dogs turned into jerks again thinking they were great because they could finally read. Mandy reminded them of the large microwave we were building that had enough room in it for two dogs and a cat. Ruffles lost the attitude completely and we laughed.

We let Brandy and Joyce see the dogs being taught to read and then the results. They were already working on 45 products some we knew would be long selling items. The best idea they came up with is the format of a book for pets which made it easy for them to turn pages. Every page in a book had a large tab that stuck out in a different part of the book. The pets moved their paw around the book in a circle clockwise to turned the pages forward, or counter clockwise to turn backwards.

All of the bands played two gigs and the new material is unbelievable. All six bands are dominating all of the record charts everywhere. We have slots 1 through 20 in every market. Karen said, "This really sucks. Little Willie sold more of one of our tunes than we ever have, and we're still ranked 9." I said, "Think of it this way, there's 8 others generating even more revenue than you did and they all work for us." Karen smiled and said, "Oh yeah."

Karen made the plans for the concert we talked about a few months ago with all six bands playing together. She actually included 9 bands in an all day event we are doing in Austin, next to the theme park. She finally convinced her kids to revive the Dregs and play with us. Karen started promoting it as the "Music for Life" concert, and it was sold out the same day it was announced; all 975,000 tickets for the outdoor event. The show starts tomorrow at 11 in the morning and runs until midnight. We close it out when we go on at 10:30.

We saw on the news today that people were camping out at the site for the past two days to get good seats in the fields. Brandy and Joyce came up with so many neat product ideas to sell there. Karen had the promotions department working 24 hours a day to get everything ready. We have portable stores and places to eat set up all over the site and the merchandise is really selling. All Megan keeps saying is, "They're unbelievable."

Megan asked us if we minded if the bands all did the song they wrote about us as the final song of the night and Mandy said, "If we get to sing harmony." Megan laughed and said, "Sure."

Chris and Roberta have a daily statistics report on our company intranet that they call a dashboard report. It gives us all a look at how we did with everything, along with some outside factors that get influenced by our business. On today's dashboard it showed that there have been over 465 million marriages on 96 planets as a direct result of our Soul Mate web site and over 630 million enhanced relationships. We couldn't read the revenue numbers as they were too big and got truncated. Chris said, "We're working on it. We are probably going to be showing numbers in millions or billions only and put an M or B after the number. Maybe a T for trillions also, if we need it." We all smiled as we noticed that the action figure game revenue numbers and the android sales numbers also got truncated.

Joyce and Brandy were incredibly happy and found their dream home. It was Melissa and Jody's house that they were thinking of selling. They struck a deal and Joyce and Brandy moved in yesterday. They also ordered their new Ferrari AirMobile. We all helped them celebrate last night.

Mandy and I spent today mostly goofing off on the beach at the vacation house. We took a checklist that we asked Chris to assemble with us that had every project idea were ever ran through the advisory panel. Four cigarettes and two drinks later we finished going through the 412 page list and realized that we had done over 90 percent of the things we had listed. Mandy took a drag of her cigarette as she lay on her stomach and propped herself up with her elbows saying to me, "This is so fucking ridicules. No wonder we keep getting burned out." I was lying back on my elbows looking at Mandy and said, "No kidding. Lets finish the last couple we have in the queue and then I want to chill out for a while. Who gives a fuck if we come up with a better light bulb." Mandy smiled and said, "You're the one that talked about a new source of light. What'd you call it? Daylight bulbs?" Mandy giggled and took a drag of her cigarette, blowing the smoke out into the ocean breeze and said, "How about we just do the ones that we want to do. Fuck everything else. By the way, your pussy is starring me in the face, and I am so hot baby." I smiled and moved one of legs over Mandy's head to be on her other side, spreading my pussy wide right into front of her face. She smiled, put her head down to my crotch, and licked me.

I moaned softly as Mandy licked and sucked my slit, as we heard the sounds of the waves breaking on the beach. She put one of her arms around my ass and pulled herself closer to me and I felt her tongue slip all the way into me. She was tongue snaking my cunt and I half closed my eyes enjoying the sensations. Mandy lifted her head slightly and handed me her cigarette, and then moved up higher on me to suck my cock. I took a drag of the cigarette and was watching her bob her head up and down on my shaft. Mandy said into my mind, "Shoot into my mouth honey. I want to taste it and swallow your cum."

I took another drag of the cigarette, blowing the smoke out into the breeze, as Mandy sucked my shaft with a vengeance. I was moaning softly as she deep throated me and I felt her throat muscles squeezing the tip of my cock. I was on fire and felt the cum churning in me. Mandy kept going and moved her mouth to just cover the mushroom tip of my cock, and used her hand to rub my shaft. She was moving really fast for a while and then I started to cum. I jerked up into her as I felt my cock spasm and pulsate, spitting a stream of cum into her mouth. I moaned out as Mandy made an "mmmm" sound, and I squirted warm white goo onto her tongue. Mandy sucked and rubbed me until I finished shooting my load and then she crawled up on top of me. She smiled with her lips closed and put her mouth over mine. She put my head back to lie on the sand softly and kissed me with her mouth wide open. The cum ran into my mouth and we swished it around and swallowed for over 5 minutes. I put my arms around her and rolled us on our sides, as we held each other so tight. Mandy said into my ear, "Lets take a drip in the water honey."

We got up and ran to the ocean, walking through the waves breaking on the shore, and then were over our heads. We made our gills and swam underwater into about 20 feet of clear blue green water. This time we got into a 69 position and floated as we licked and sucked each other's pussy and cock. I gave Mandy the best underwater blowjob and she was moaning into my mind. She shot her cum into my mouth twice as I rubbed her G-spot. Then we coupled and made love for over an hour, floating just above the bottom. We both blasted off into each other and Mandy said into my mind, "Lets get out. We have to go to Austin soon."

We got out of the ocean, gathered all of our things on the beach, and headed back into the house. I put the 412 page list on the kitchen table next to Julie and Kathy who were sitting down and Kathy said, "Did I make my point?" I said, "Sure did. I can't believe all of the things that we accomplished. No wonder we get so burned out."

Kate and Judy came into the kitchen and Kate said, "Nice outfit." We all laughed as we were naked and Kate said, "Get dressed. Everyone is already in Austin waiting for us." Mandy and I went upstairs and took a quick shower, dressed, and put on some makeup. We went back downstairs and Kate said, "Where's you change of cloths?" Mandy pointed to her mind and everyone smiled. Kate displaced us to the outdoor event and we were inside an area that was marked for band personnel only, right in front of the stage. Mandy said, "Wow! Lets walk around and see everything. I can't believe how much Dean did for this event."

We spend the rest of the day seeing everything and also going through a carnival that was set up on the grounds. There had to be over 1,000 portable shops and areas for food. There was some of everything. I pointed to a tee shirt someone was wearing that read, "I survived the concert for life." Mandy laughed and said, "Joyce and Brandy are amazing." The place was mobbed with people and there were huge scoreboards like monitors set up so people from the back could see the show. They also had a huge stacks of speakers on platforms every 600 feet or so, so everyone could hear it, loud."

Karen, Kathy, Gerri, and Jamie saw us and walked over. Karen said, "So, what do you think?" Kate said, "I think I want to play some rock and roll. This is better than the Woodstock thing we did." Karen said, "Thank Dean. He is so organized. You should have seen it this morning. They had hundreds of small trucks come in and cook breakfast for everyone. You think it's crowed now. Not even half of the people with tickets are here. This is going to be one incredible show. There are those digital boards up to a half mile away with speakers so people can watch and listen, even though they can only see the stage with binoculars. Isn't technology wonderful? We're all doing a sound check in about 20 minutes."

We walked back to the stage area and Dean came over to give us all a hug. Mandy said, "You did great! We love it!" He smiled and said, "Austin is better than ever." I said, "And so are the other 90 cities that you were helping. Dean, you're doing a terrific job." We all walked to the back stage area and Megan and the others were there. Tracey said, "This is unbelievable. I've never seen so many people in one place." We heard the PA systems pop loud and then the MC said, "For all of you that showed up early, you get a special treat. Each band is going to do one song so we can set the sound levels and video. First on stage is the Dregs."

They all waved to us as they walked on stage. We watched them get ready and then start a song. The sound was much louder than in a concert. I could feel the bass guitar and kick drum vibrating my chest. The Dregs ended the song and the screaming from the crowd was almost as loud. We all laughed, as each band went on and did the sound check. When Faces played their song the crowd went nuts. Ellen and the group now live in Austin and the place loves them. Paul is by far the best drummer that we have ever heard. Plus they are about the best Southern Rock band ever. We came on last and Mandy yelled into the mic, "How does it sound so far?" The screaming back to us was so deafening we all laughed and covered our ears. We played one of our new blues rock tunes and the sound was great the way they set everything up. The entire place was a natural amphitheater. We could see people standing all over and dancing. They also had video monitors on the stage next to the speaker monitors so we could see all of the audience, as far as a half mile back. We ended the song and the cheering was deafening as we waved to the crowd and walked off stage. Jody yelled to us, "Can you imagine what this is going to like tomorrow?" We all shook our heads no.

All of the bands went back into the area in front of the stage and it was set up with portable tents for us, air mattresses, and folding chairs. There was even a series of trailers behind the stage for us to use that had showers, bathrooms, and a place to change. They really did a great job. The sun was setting and one of the workers said, "Dinner for all of you will be here in about 10 minutes." Cary made everyone their favorite drink and we all laughed. Alicia yelled over, "She likes doing this."

Mandy and I sat on some of the folding chairs as Julie and Kathy opened up some of the folding tables, as dinner was being brought in. They gave us so much prime rib, steak, and filet migon; we could have feed 300 people. All of the bands sat around the tables we were so routy, as usual. Tara and Eve popped in to say hello and joined us for a while. I said, "It is so loud out here when we play. You have no idea." They were both laughing and Eve said, "I know. We saw the sound check. We're all coming for the show."

A crowd was starting to gather around the entrance to our little area asking for autographs and we all went to sign things. I think I must have signed at least 30 women's breasts, about 15 shoulders, 9 backs, and 4 asses, besides the normal stuff. Mandy was laughing the whole time. We signed one woman's breast together. She did the left one and I did the right. Mandy drew a heart over one of her nipples as she said into my mind, "Jen, I am getting so horny doing this. We are making love tonight and I don't care who in the fuck sees us." This was all new to Rose, Cary, Amanda, Tracey, and Alice. They absolutely loved it.

We signed for about two hours while posing for pictures and then went back to our drinks. There were a few bonfires going and it looked so amazing seeing the hundreds of thousands of people all having fun waiting to see the concert. Mandy put her arm on my shoulder and said, "You think the two us can fit inside that little open tent?" I said, "Only if we're really close together. Like fucking all night." Mandy smiled and said, "That's exactly what I had in mind."

I lit a cigarette and the tip glowed bright red as I took a deep drag. I handed Mandy the cigarette and she took a drag and held in the smoke saying, "I think we can slide under the tent one at a time, pull a blanket over us, make our cloths disappear, and fuck all night." She took another drag of the cigarette and looked me in the eyes. I said, "Our heads are going to stick out. You slid in feet first, and I'll slid in the other way with a blanket." Julie and Kathy were listening to us and laughing. I said, "This is modern science at work here." Kathy was laughing and said, "Just make the tent bigger." Mandy and I looked at each other and she said, "This is a perfect example of why we suck at Crime Solvers." She made the tent a little bigger and put in an air mattress. Julie said, "Just like we did on that one", and pointed. I took a drag of the cigarette as Mandy and I sat cuddling with each other, as it was getting cold outside. We sat and joked around a while and then Mandy kissed me and said, "Time for bed honey."

We slid into our bigger V shaped tent, pulled a blanket over us, and made our cloths disappear. Mandy made us a pillow, and I made us combined couples. We interlocked on our sides and fucked for hours. No rolling over much as we had no room at all, just slowly sliding our bodies on each other and orgasming almost nonstop. We kissed sharing each other's thoughts as our minds merged. We felt each other's pussy orgasm, and shoot cum from our cocks. Each time one would orgasm, the other would. We must have blasted off six times together. We fell asleep interlocked with our faces touching and had a great dream about being on the boat. I think we must have both been laughing on our sleep as we wrote a new skit for the concert also.

Mandy woke me up by pushing her cock into me all the way and moving her tongue in my mouth. I squinted my eyes to see the sun out and I heard lots of noise from people. We slid our bodies on each other under the blanket and both blasted off again in about a half hour. I said into Mandy's ear, "Lets just stay like this. It feels so good." We kissed over and over again, as Mandy moved slowly into me again. Before we knew it we were fucking again and totally into it. We kissed the whole time and then finally both jerked in massive orgasms. Mandy gasped and I moaned so loud, as we both blasted off. My cock pulsated and shot a river into Mandy's pussy, as her cock was spasming inside of me. We held each other as tight as we could.

We both saw some feet walking by our heads and we looked up into the sun. Megan said, "I think we should be getting up. Breakfast is being served." We both smiled and Mandy put cloths on us. We slid out of the tent and I was dripping cum all inside of my pants. Mandy laughed as she read my mind and said, "Me too. Lets take a shower." We walked to the trailers and went into one. We got cleaned up, showered, and made us some fresh cloths. We also did each other's makeup with our minds. We walked back to Megan and Rose and sat at the tables having some breakfast and coffee.

We laughed at Julie and Kathy doing the exact same thing we just did. When they stood up we read their minds and they had cum and pussy juice all over their legs and cloths. Kathy said, "Okay, so we did it too. Where's the showers?"

Everyone was up and eating breakfast, and a worker came by to take the tents away. He was talking to himself and mumbling about not remembering some of them being larger than others. Kathy said to us, "A miracle of modern science." Megan said, "15 minutes `till show time. Look at how packed the place is." We stood up and looked out and all you could see were people jam packed on the fields and up on the hills. People were even sitting on the hills along the side of the stage area. We looked at the portable stores and everything was mobbed.

Karen came up to us and said, "I'm making the opening announcements in a few minutes. This is such an incredible site. Wait until you see it on stage." Mandy and I lit a cigarette and had some coffee as Karen walked to the stage area and was talking to the MC. Then both walked on the stage and we heard the loud pop from the PA system speakers, as Karen moved to one of the mics. She said, "I want to welcome everyone to the Concert of Life in Austin Texas." The roar for the crowd was almost deafening. We all looked at each other with our eyes wide open as Karen said, "As part of our program to help revitalize communities, this concert is being used to help not only Austin, but a portion of the proceeds are also going to help the thousands of people in Japan that were hit by that last earthquake. We hope you enjoy the show, and it's a good one. Let me introduce to you one of Austin's very own, who organized this event. Please welcome Dean Cooper."

The cheers we so loud we all covered our ears, as Dean gave a short speech and then told everyone where the facilities were located for food, water, bathrooms, and first aid. Dean said, "I doubt that those watching this on TV can see what I'm seeing right now. This is wall to wall people, some of whom have been here for two days. They all care about each other, this community, and they all love rock and roll. So let the music start! Please welcome the Dregs!" We all had our ears covered with our hands from the crowd screaming and the fireworks went off on stage. This was impressive, and the Dregs kicked ass.

Amanda was dancing next to us and yelling, "That's my parents. Holy shit!" We all laughed. Karen and Kathy came back to sit by us a Karen said, "Damn, they sound good." We stood and watched the crowd as almost everyone was standing crammed together. Some people were dancing and some were sitting on other people's shoulders. More than half the audience had their shirts off and a bunch were naked. Mandy gave Karen the thumbs up and we all smiled as we watched the show.

The Dregs played great and finished the show to cheering that we were starting to get use to, or our ears were going deaf. Dean was doing the MC role and said, "Now for one our favorite bands that happens to also be one of us. You all see them all the time in the local stores. They're good ole' home Texas folk. Please welcome Faces." This time all of us had to cover our ears. Karen had her mouth hanging open surprised from the sound. They had a different type of fireworks and Ellen pointed to Paul. He did a drum intro of about 20 seconds that was unbelievable and then they did one of their hit songs. The place went wild.

We all stood and danced to his stuff, as we all loved it. Ellen played better than we ever we heard them, and the new material we gave her went over fantastic. Karen yelled into our ears, "How in the fuck did you write that stuff? It's so different from you normal material, but it's great!" Mandy yelled back, "We have no clue. It just happens."

Faces played a 90 minute show and then did two encores. The crowd went wild over them. We stood the whole time. Dean came back on and was talking about the local talent and said, "We have a short intermission from the music, with one our own comedians. Please welcome Mark Davis." We all were congratulating Ellen and the band as they came back by us and I said, "You sounded better than ever before. None of us could sit still watching the show. It was great!" Ellen hugged us both and said, "We love the material and we are so into it. Thanks."

We all watched the comedian's act for about 15 minutes and he was a piss. Then Dean introduced the other bands. For each one the build up got bigger and louder. Mandy said to me, "What are they going to do for us? Set off an atom bomb?" There were three more intermissions with other talent and then it was getting dark. They brought us so much food to eat and beer we were stuffed. Lovers and Friends, Passion, Always and Forever, and Destiny had already gone on and were fantastic. Chicks was just ending their show and we all watched and loved it. The crowd was getting more routy as the night went on. Karen said, "We're next", as they went to the backstage area.

The dark night sky was so clear we were looking up at the stars. Dean said, "Now for a favorite, and I mean favorite. I love this band. Little Willie!" They shot off real fireworks in the sky and everyone watched the display for about a minute. Dean gave Karen the cue and they started to play one of the new tunes as the firework display continued for about a minute, and the crowd went ballistic. We were definitely impressed as Mandy said into our minds, "A- bomb for us next."

Little Willie was great as usual, and the stage show was funny as hell. People screamed after every song they did and were all dancing or standing. We all gave Karen the thumbs up and she smiled and winked at us.

They ended their show and did an encore and people were still screaming for more as we were waiting in the backstage area. Dean said, "Now the Grand finale. They don't need any introduction at all. Our all time favorite, Changes!" We watched as they had the most elaborate fireworks show you could image. It was the Grand Finale. We got our cue from Dean and started the show with the song "No Way!" We didn't need to tell anyone what to sing, it just happened and it was deafening. We had never heard a crowd like this, ever. We all just took it in and smiled. We went into one of skits next and the crowd was howling in laughter. Mandy started singing the solo part of My Friend the Lion as we all came in, and everyone in audience sang along. Then we got into some of the new hits and rocked the place. I think we played better that show than ever before. We were all so into it. Mandy chased me around the stage and we ran though the front of the audience where we could fit through. She pinched my ass and then I made her pinch it again three times, as we sang lead in a song. The whole concert was incredible. We did one of our acapella beginnings to a song and the crowd was as quite as can be. We all looked at each other so surprised. When we came in with the loud music, the cheers almost drowned out the band.

We finished our show and the crowd was going crazy. We waited about a minute and can back for an encore and played our current number one tune on Earth, which was a blues rocker. Everyone was cheering and jumping around in the audience. We all were laughing and watching it as we played. We ended the tune and the cheers got be deafening again. Mandy said into the mic, "You want to hear one more?" We all covered our ears as the answer back was louder than all of the bands put together. Mandy said, "We'd like to invite all of the bands back up here with us for this tune. They wrote a song about us a little while ago and it really touched us very much. They wanted to play it tonight and we convinced them to let us play it with them."

Everyone came on stage we let them play the instruments. Mandy yelled to everyone, "Do two extra verses. Jen and I wrote them for you. Rose you sing the last chorus. We'll finish with three of them. We'll do the first two." Megan said into the microphone, "They do everything for us and other people all of the time, and never ask for anything back in return. We wrote them a song to tell them how we feel about them and we sang at our wedding. My Mom just told me that that wrote two extra verses about us, so we get to hear it for the first time tonight, just like you do. This is it."

Alicia started the tune and everyone came in. Mandy and I sang harmony sharing a mic together and it sound so good during the first verse. When Rose sang the loud solo in the chorus over the background harmonies, we both got a little tear in our eyes again, but we sang it like it as our last performance. In one spot it gets quite, and the crowd was as quite as could be. The harmony parts were almost magical, as another tear rolled down Mandy's face. When the music built up loud and Rose sang the chorus loud, everyone in the audience cheered and that's when a tear rolled down my face.

Mandy and I started our verses and they all listened to every word. We had something about all of them in one of the lines. We walked over to Megan, Alicia, Kelly, and Margi, and sang in a verse about them, they all had a tear in their eyes. The chorus started and Mandy and I belted out the vocal lines loud like Rose sings, but in harmony, and they all looked at us. When we sang, "If you only knew, how much me love to do everything for you", Megan started to cry. I put my arm over her shoulder as Mandy put her arm over Kelly and we sang the last verse to everyone and had something about all of them in it.

Mandy and I sang lead in the final chorus two times and then Rose did the last one. We ended the song and everyone on stage was teary eyed and ran over to us and hugged us, as the crowd cheered louder than they did all night. It was the most magical moment Mandy and I ever had on stage.

We all stood and waved to the crowd for a few minutes as we saw the TV cameras focusing on us. Kate said into the mic, "We love it here in Austin, and you were all great. Dean was fantastic and we'll be back. Goodnight everyone and thank you all so much from all of us." Everyone hugged us again and we all walked off stage as the crowd was still standing and cheering. As soon as we got off stage Mandy wrapped her arms around me and we kissed and kissed again, and then we held each other tight. She said into my mind, "This was the best!" I said back into her mind, "I know. It's never been like this."

Dean came back on stage and talked to the audience and told them to be careful on their way home, and that they were all welcome to stay the night if they chose to. He then came down to hug all of us and said, "That last song was the most moving thing I ever heard. You played so good tonight. The show was amazing." I said, "Thanks. You did a great job with this event. People will remember it and talk about it for years. I know we will." Dean smiled at us and then congratulated everyone.

We all were getting ready to displaced back to the vacation house when Kate said, "This calls for a celebration. What a show!!"


We brought all of the bands back to our house and the Guardians all joined us. Tara and Eve made some orgy finger food and we all went into the living room. Eve made a toast and said, "To the best show I have ever seen. That last song will probably be remembered forever. It was the most moving thing I've ever heard and all of you sang it with such passion. Now let the party begin!"

We all raised our glasses and drank, and within minutes it became one huge food orgy. Mandy and I were so into each other for a while, and then we got totally out of control. Rose and Cary ate whipped cream and cherries from our pussies, as Rose and Alicia fucked them from behind. Kelly, Margi, Alice, and Tracey got into the act with us also and Megan said, "This will definitely be one night we will remember forever." We all laughed and had what Mandy calls a fuck fest of sex in a pile of people.

At about 4 in the morning we all paired up again and Mandy and I were so into each other. Everyone went up to the bedrooms and we had Kathy and Julie come into our room. We made love next to them all night, and the four of us caressed each other also. Mandy and I must have blasted off into each other 8 times. I think Julie and Kathy came even more than us. When Mandy and I sucked Julie's nipples as her and Kathy were interlocked, Julie blasted off twice in a matter of minutes.

The four of us fell asleep under the covers at about 10 in the morning. Mandy and I were interlocked, and so were Kathy and Julie. Mandy woke me up and it was dark outside. She said, "I need to pee honey." Julie and Kathy were still asleep and we noticed it was 9 at night. We went into the bathroom together and I kissed Mandy. She smiled at me and lay me down in the shower area with her and we pissed as we licked each other's pussy. We licked each other to orgasm and then turned on the shower. We dried off and went right back to bed. We fucked for over three hours and then feel back to sleep exhausted.

Mandy and I woke up a 4 in the morning and were wide awake. She lit a cigarette and took a drag and then I took a drag of it also. I held in smoke and we moved a little. Mandy pushed into me more and I moaned, as Julie said, "We're awake too. Want to play?" We all giggled and fucked next to other for a while until we all blasted off. Kathy moved to kneel over Mandy and my faces and we watched the cum drip from her pussy. We both pulled her down on our faces and we ate her until she moaned in orgasm. Then we did the same thing to Julie as Julie sucked Kathy's cock. Mandy and I moved to a 69 position and Kathy licked my pussy, while Mandy sucked my cock, and Julie licked Mandy's pussy, while I sucked her cock.

The four of us played in bed until about 6:30 in the morning and then we paired up again. Mandy and I fucked like wild rabbits, as Julie was laughing at how much the bed was shaking. Kathy said, "If you do this on the boat, we'll all get seasick." Mandy and I started laughing and then moaned again as we both had another orgasm.

We all lit cigarettes leaning against the headboard at about 10 in the morning and talked about the show. We all agreed that it was the best that any of the bands ever performed and we all loved every minute of it. I took a drag of the cigarette as Karen, Kathy, Gerri, and Jamie stuck their heads into our room. Mandy said, "Come on in. We're just getting up."

Karen said, "We're going home. We just wanted to tell you that we felt this was the best show we ever saw and played in. It was just incredible. Mandy, you and Jen added to that song and it was the most amazing piece of music we have ever done. People are calling and begging for it to be released. You okay with us releasing it from the live tape?" I said, "Sure. How were the ratings on the television coverage?" Karen said, "I just talked to the office and we broke the record set by the Pet Network." We all laughed and she said, "When we release the reading for pets, we won't stand a chance." They all waved and displaced home.

I picked up the TV remote from the nightstand and turned it on. I found the news and there was a bit about the show from Austin and it showed a clip of the last tune. It really sounded great. The commentator said, "Based on the unprecedented success of this venue, I'm sure you can expect more of them. The money raised for the earthquake relief fund alone, set new records. This video was taken today, and as you can see there are still a lot of people that just don't want to leave the site. This was a rock concert that will go down in history." We all looked at each other and Julie said, "No shit. I knew it was good, but this is unbelievable."

We finished our cigarettes as we watched some of the news from Earth about the earthquake in Japan. There was so much damage. Kathy said, "And this isn't the big one they were expecting. Imagine one 100 times more powerful and you have what is being predicted in the next 150 years. Same thing for California." I turned off the TV and said, "On that word, how about a shower? We can make the bathroom shake." Mandy kissed me and said, "You are so weird sometimes, but I still love you."

We all went into the bathroom and turned on the showers. Mandy and I got out to brush our teeth, as Julie and Kathy went to their bathroom. We dressed and went downstairs. It was just the family left and they were all having breakfast. We got a standing ovation and I said, "What was that for?" Chris said, "You have to see the tape of your show and the last song. It is out of this world. After you eat, I'll put it on for you."

We ate and Chris said to everyone, "I know you don't want to hear this today, but we're ready to start teaching pets to read. Want to wait a few days or announce it today?" Megan said, "Lets do the press release. We don't need a press conference for this. No wait a minute. Lets announce it on the Pet network! We'll have the pets read the announcement."

We all were laughing and Mandy said, "Brilliant. They will bug their owners and we will sell millions." Megan was writing the press release with everyone's help and we were all laughing. She called Snuffy to the kitchen and gave her the sheet of paper and Snuffy read it to us. Mandy smiled and said, "Is this ever going to piss people off. I love it. Now they get to deal with what we have gone through for over forty years." We all smiled when Julie said, "Share the pain."

Chris called Melissa in her mind to do a quick film and she and Jody were there in seconds with a digital video camera. They filmed Snuffy reading the release, Ruffles, and then Felix. We all laughed at it and Melissa said, "I'm going to film my mutts also and then edit it together. We'll show it today. Get ready for an avalanche of orders for the books." Chris said, "Before you leave you have to see the video of you guys on stage. It is amazing. I was going to show it after breakfast."

Mandy and I poured some coffee and we all went into the den, as Chris loaded the CD. She said, "It's in surround sound. Wait until you hear the crowd." The CD started and we watched and heard the crowd and it was just like we all remembered. We watched the fireworks and our act and it was better than we ever played before. Everything was perfect. Chris brought us in more coffee as we watched the whole show and then the final encore. We didn't think there was a dry eye in the entire audience. The camera showed the crowd after the show and we were so stunned. They were more touched by the song that we were as we played it. Chris said, "See what I mean? People will be talking about this concert for years. The word Austin will replace Woodstock. Karen had a crew there filming from when they started to set it up and they are turning it into a documentary movie that will also show the entire concert. It's going to be a 24 hour mini series and also sold on CDs and DVDs." Mandy and I read each other's mind and we both yelled, "No Way!" Chris was laughing and said, "They are so nuts."

Rose said, "You two sang that chorus incredible in that last song. Why don't you use your full voice on stage all the time?" I said, "We have a few times to add emotion. It just seemed to fit in that song." Melissa and Jody were almost in shock. Jody said, "Damn we were good. Hey Melissa, we need to go make the dogs nuts." We all smiled as Melissa and Jody displaced back to their house.

Mandy and I went back into the kitchen to get some fresh coffee and we heard Melissa in our minds laughing and say, "Our fucking dogs stutter when they read. They need speech lessons now." Megan said back to then, "Evelyn Woods reading dynamics for Dogs. What a piss. Save the tape we can use it latter." We heard Melissa and Jody hysterically laughing.

Megan talked into Joyce and Brandy's mind and told them what we were doing today and they had about 10 new things they wanted to release soon now also. Mandy said to me, "This will never end. You know that. As soon as we come up with something, we fall into something else. I can see us having a school for pets soon." Megan said, "You read my mind."

Everyone sat in the kitchen again and Chris started a list of what we needed for Pet World. She said, "Pet World. It's where you send your pets to be educated, trained, and get rid of them for a few weeks. We advertise it on the Pet Network as the vacation." I couldn't stop laughing and then Mandy started to laugh also. Mandy yelled, "Hey Ruffles. Would you and Snuffy like to take a vacation with hundreds of other dogs for a few weeks?" The dogs ran into the kitchen and were running in circles saying, "Ryes! Ryes!" Chris said, "See?"

Mandy and I listened and just laughed. At one point we both had tears in our eyes from laughing. They had a whole program outlined for the dogs and cats. When Alicia started talking about art and dance lessons that's when I really lost it. Mandy was laughing so hard no sounds were coming out. We got up and walked outside on the veranda and then really laughed. I said, "Are they serious?" Mandy was still laughing and said, "How much you want to bet that it makes billions in the first few weeks?" I said, "Okay, lets go listen again."

We walked back in and sat down and listened. When they were done I said, "A few questions. First, I think we're pushing this too far, but maybe I'm wrong. Where will it be? Who will watch the dogs? How big is it? How to they get there? Food? Payment? Cleaning?.." I listed about 30 things and Chris wrote them all down. They talked about each one and decided that we would use androids to run it and the site would be put on a planet that is underdeveloped so the dogs can be with nature the whole time, in a controlled area. They also figured it would take three months to build it. The only problem they saw was how to manage the dogs if some of them got violent with other dogs. I said, "Love lesson is the first stop for all of them."

Chris said, "You want to run this?" Mandy and I almost fell off our chairs laughing again and we both shook our heads no. I said, "Chris, we just think it's silly. Maybe it will make us money, but so will a lot of other things. If you want to do it, then go ahead. My suggestion is that you give this project to some people that are not in the main stream of the company and let them learn how to run a complex project like this." Megan was laughing also and said, "You're right. Who do we have that could benefit from running a complex project?" They talked about 10 people and I said, "Use two or three of them and make them work as a team. This will be good experience. Even if the idea fails, we get a few good project managers out of it."

Megan picked up the phone and called the office to talk to Flow. She said, "Hi Flow. Can you set a meeting tomorrow for me at 9?" She listed the names and I said, "Smart move. Now we work on the fun stuff like the CD project." Chris said, "You have a few hours to see our initial designs?" I said, "Sure. If it's better than dog shit." Everyone laughed when they realized what I said.

We all went into the study and Roberta turned on a computer system and projected a hologram screen. We looked at the design notes and they were impressive. Chris walked us through all of it and I said, "It still has one big glitch. It has to be upward and downward compatible. It will cost us way too much money if we have to retool the company. Lets think about it like this. We have Orange Book format, Red Book, and a few more. Just leave them alone. Put all of the other intelligence somewhere else on the disk and use a sector at the end of each disk that isn't used now. Let the new hardware read that sector and decide what type of CD it is. If it's an error, then it's obviously one of the older formats. If it's not an error, then the first thing would be to tell it what format the data is stored. All of the new intelligence would be stored outside of the old formats. This way you can take a new disk and play it in an old payer, and an old disk and play it in a new player. It just means we need to write some extra software on our end. Everything else you have I think is right on the money. This will replace WORMs, CDs, RWCDs, DVDs, and also double as a new high speed recording media." Everyone critiqued it and had the same comments. Mandy though we should add several extra control blocks to hold information that we don't even know about yet. She said, "You want to go through this again in 10 years? Lets design in enough space in the initial header that we can add codes to do things in the future."

Margi said, "Like what type things?" Mandy said, "Your guess is as good as mine. Three dimensional holograms that are displayed from the CD. Things that could control interaction with the CD. Maybe actual code that is run from the CD while it is played. I'm guessing." Chris said, "Good guesses. We'll add it."

Chris said, "If we still support the old formats, why would people want to upgrade?" I said, "We release some of the new things in the new format only. I think Austin may be a perfect example. We combine music with video, film, narration, and other stuff. Perfect for the new format and will make people buy the new players. If we release it on the old format we should charge considerably more for it. I also think we should develop the ultimate home entertainment system based on this technology, and that will also drive sales. This technology makes two channel stereo completely obsolete. Once people sit and listen to the sound, or watch a movie the way we are encoding it, they will never want to go back to the other technology."

Mandy put her hand on my shoulder and said, "How about we stop talking shop for now. Anyone for a crab leg dinner? I saw hundreds of the king crabs by our dock." We all got up and Kate and Judy came in to the house. I said, "Crabs?" She said, "No Jen, not since I was in college." We all laughed and I said, "Crab dinner? As in help us catch and cook them?"

Judy and Kate were still laughing and went with us to the dock. Kate made her net again and Mandy and I used it with a long handle in the area she saw them. Everyone else moved the sand on the bottom with their minds to uncover the crabs. We caught 16 King Crabs and used our powers to hold the net and tie it. We went up to the veranda and used Mandy's trick of the big pot except we put it over the barbeque pit and boiled some water. Kathy took care of the cooking part, as Julie made some of our favorite butter and garlic dipping sauce. The kids set a table outside and Kathy said, "Crab is served." She lifted the net with her mind and took out each crab, sliced the legs off, and put them on a serving plate.

We started to eat and Tracey said, "Do you have those things to break the shells?" Kelly said, "Use your mind." Tracey said, "I don't get it. I used my mind to ask if we have the things to break shells." We were all laughing and Kelly said, "No. Use your mind to break the shells." Tracey smiled and blushed. Kelly kissed her and said, "She is as much of an air head as I am sometimes."


The next five months were really interesting, to say the least.

The Pet School idea was implemented and it is making more money than we ever imagined. Every dog must know how to talk and read before we let them attend. This drove the sales through the roof of pet computers for lessons and pet TVs. Joyce and Brandy are walking on air as they made a killing in the pet book market. We have paid them each almost a billion dollars in bonus money. Everyone still laughs about the Pet School, but the numbers are real. It also drove up Vacation World tourism as we put together a package deal for people to drop off their pets and then spend two weeks on Vacation World. Eve still thinks we made a mistake with Pet School and we're not sure yet. I can honestly say that our pets are better behaved now than ever. Chris said it was because the other dogs told them how good they have it. Now the group that did Pet School is working on another phase of the project to allow pets to send each other mail, which includes a Pet Computer terminal that allows them to type one letter at a time. We all still laugh at it every time the topic comes up.

The CD enriched format was released two months ago along with my idea of the home entertainment center. It was slowly catching on which is what we thought would happen. It just got a huge push with the release of the movie "Austin" about the concert. Watching it on the new format and entertainment system is like you are sitting right in front of the stage. It also has an interactive section that allows you to change the viewing angle so you can watch it as if you were performing on stage. It's unreal. None of the sound is compressed, so loud is really loud. We also added an option on the units to compress the sound, if it bothers people.

The last song from the concert that we all named, "We do it for you", was released as a single with all of the band names on it. It was number one on every chart, on every planet, for 18 weeks, and has broken every sales record to date. Even we never expected that.

We have been performing two times a month mostly with the same bands we always are with, our kids, Ellen's band, or Karen's. We are all trying to capture the feeling again we had that night in Austin, and it's just not there. Mandy keeps saying, "It's definitely the crowd" and we think she's right. We wrote some more new material and this time gave a whole CD worth to Ellen's group.

Mandy and I have pretty much just been relaxing and goofing off. We had to stop Megan and Alicia every once in a while as they are doing the same things that we did. They work way too many hours and try to solve everything themselves. Rose and Cary are the exact same way and we honestly can't separate Megan from Rose and Alicia from Cary and more. They even think alike.

Joyce and Brandy started their own vintage car collection and they challenged us to the vintage races this weekend in Monterey. Winner takes 50 cents. We're running the Ferrari 512M and Porsche 917K, and I think they have two similar cars. They won't tell us. We leave tonight and are displacing all of the cars and us to the track. Joyce and Brandy don't understand the mind power stuff, and they really don't care about it. They just want to make money, raise their daughter, and have fun. We can't fault them at all for that. Julie and Kathy are also going and they're driving the Lola T70 and Ford GT-40. They made a side bet on us.

Mandy and I were lying on the beach and just talking about the races tomorrow. We were reading each other's mind and following the track layout in our memories from last time we raced there and how to drive on each part of the track. She kept saying to me, "Jen, you have to break early in this turn. Watch again. Early Apex. Early!" I lit a cigarette and Mandy said, "We'll win." I said, "If they drive like they play Entrepreneur it's not going to be easy. I think we may have met our match with these two. Just like Eve and Adam with golf. They are as good as we are. We just can't make any mistakes and have to help each other around the track. You want to drive the Porsche or the Ferrari?" Mandy said, "Ferrari."

I said, "How about the AirMobile race? We all set for it?" Mandy was smiling and said, "Jen, with that car and the way we drive, I don't see how we can loose. We each drive one leg of the race and it's timed. The only real racing is when we catch up to people and pass them. Connecticut to Miami for leg one. Miami to Phoenix for leg 2 and then on to San Diego, but we have to change drivers half way on the last leg. All of the racing is on the new AirMobile super highway system that's closed to the public for the race. With our car, we should make the first leg to Miami in a little over 2 hours. Then we get a breather and change drivers."

Julie came down to the beach and said, "We should get ready so we get there in time for some hot laps."

I said, "Good thinking." I helped Mandy up and we carried our stuff into the house. We changed and all displaced to the castle. Mandy and I made a six car carrier, and a large RV in the driveway. Then we used our minds to put each car onto the carrier and made sure they were secure. I said, "Lets go pick up Joyce and Brandy." We all got into the RV and drove it to their house and parked in the street. Mandy went to get them and I walked to the garage. They opened the garage doors and I said, "Look twins. I bet they are no more than two serial numbers away from ours." They smiled and I said, "I'm going to load them into the carrier with ours using my mind. Don't panic. I do this all the time."

They both covered their eyes as I lifted the Ferrari and put it in the carrier and then did the Porsche. We secured them tight and I said, "Now the tricky part. Julie, take this hand held and displace to the site and find a deserted area where we can display everything to. Julie was gone and she talked to us in our minds and gave us the coordinates. We all got in the RV and displaced there. I started the RV and we drove about two miles to the racetrack. Joyce said, "Very cool way to travel."

We pulled into the pit area and a course marshal asked us our names and everything. We gave him the information and he said, "Welcome back Mandy. You and Jen ready to beat the pants off everyone again? Hey, I see you brought a few others to embarrass tomorrow also. If you get the cars unloaded, you still have time for a pit inspection and some hot laps today." We smiled and I said, "Thanks Bob. We'll see you later."

Joyce said, "How much did you win by last time?" I said, "Four laps." Julie was laughing and said, "We race with the others for third place. We know we can't catch them." We parked the rig and unloaded the cars. We made it look like we were pushing them, but I did it all with my mind. We all got on our race gear, that Mandy just made in her mind, and drove the cars to the pit area inspection. All of the cars got a clean bill of heath and then we fueled them up, and drove to the staging area. I said, "Have you two driven here before?" Joyce said, "Never." I said, "Follow us on the first two laps and watch our line. This course is tricky with real tight turn."

We were all strapped into the cars with our racing gear and helmets on. The official waved us onto the track with about 4 other cars. I was in front and just took it slow to warm up the car and the tires. I was weaving back and forth and then I felt the tires starting to stick so I picked it up a little. We did the next lap under yellow but going a little faster. Mandy was right on my ass and waving to me in the mirror. I said into her mind, "I see you." She said back, "Step on it if we get the green." We turned the last corner and got the green flag. I floored it running through the gears and the car took off with Mandy just behind me. We really pushed the cars hard and Mandy said, "This is the early one, now!" I did what she said and I was so much faster than last time we raced here. She was laughing into my mind, as we came up to pass the four other cars. We passed them like they were standing still and I hit 220 on the back straight and left Mandy about a hundred yards back. She caught me in the turn and almost passed me. We caught up to Joyce and both of us went by her and Brandy on the high side and dove back down to Apex a turn. I said to Mandy, "Slow down and lets show they the track and how to drive it." Mandy said into Joyce and Brandy's mind, "Follow me closely and we will show you how to be fast on this track. Just talk back into my mind. We can hear you."

I speed up a little and they stayed with us and we showed them the right line around the track as I called out shift points to everyone. The next lap we speed up more and they still stayed with us. Mandy said, "Okay guys, all out again." I floored it and went through the gears fast and all of them were on my ass in seconds. I caught up to the other four cars and blew by them again on the high side. Julie said into our minds, "We're right behind you guys. Keep going all out."

We ran all out for five laps and it was so close racing. Julie passed Joyce and Brandy and yelled into our minds, "Oh Yeah! This GT-40 flies." We got the checkered flag and all took a cool down lap and went into the pits.

We parked the cars and all climbed out, as we took off our helmets and fire facemask. Everyone was smiling and Julie said, "Cool. I finally figured out how to be fast on this track." The race marshal, Bob, walked over to us and said, "I love the cars. That Lola is the sexiest thing every built. That was better than any of the professional qualifying today. You all broke the fastest time lap. Jen, when you and Mandy were passing everyone you were two seconds faster than the six of you together. Eight seconds faster than the leader in the IMSA-GTU class. All of them are talking about who you are and hoping that you're not racing against them. Why don't you guys drive professionally?" Mandy said, "It's a hobby. We don't want to make it like work." Bob smiled and said, "In that case, enjoy the party tonight."

Mandy said, "Want to give racing lessons tonight to a bunch of pro drivers that still don't know how to early apex a turn?" We all laughed and Julie said, "This stuff really sinks in when you race on skis. It's the same principal." Brandy said, "You guys race skiing also? That's one of our favorites." I said, "Just get out your quarters."

We all laughed as we pretended to roll the cars to the side pit coral area. We were actually using pour power to move them. A group of workers took over and moved the cars into the show area, as we walked back to the RV. We all took off our race outfits and headed out to the party which was just getting started. We lined up for the beer and all took a mug of draft and sat at one the tables. A couple of the professional drivers came over and one said, "Can we join you?" He introduced himself as Howard and his friend Tom. Mandy introduced us and he said, "We know who you are. How in the hell did you turn in those times at this circuit with old vintage race cars?" Mandy was laughing and said, "What do you do in turn three?" They explained it and Mandy said, "Early apex turn 3 and 8. It cuts off at least 3 seconds. It looks scary as hell when you go into it, but trust me, early brake and then accelerate through the turn." Tom said, "Okay that's 3 seconds, how about the other 4." I said, "Just be smooth and push the car to the absolute limit. I run the car to the point it's on the verge of coming unglued when I go through a turn. I stay smooth, so it doesn't, but I'm right at the edge. Howard said, "Holy fuck. Can you do us a favor in the morning? There's a hot lap period at 7:30. Can you two drive our cars for a few laps? I want to see what kind of times you can post. I have to know if it's me or if it's the car." I said, "What kind of car?" Tom said, "Ferrari Prototype" and Howard said, "Porsche GT Prototype."

Mandy said, "Can we see them?" We all walked over to the pit area and looked at the cars. Mandy and I smiled and I said, "We have one of these at home. We set the Porsche camber minus 3 degrees. You should check the specs before you go out. I don't know about the Ferrari. That Porsche should be able to beat my time by 5 seconds. It's a hell of a lot faster than the 917 in the turns. We drive them all the time." Mandy was looking at the Ferrari and said, "Jen, I'm in love. We have to get one of these." The drivers were laughing and I said, "We bought the Ferrari 712 AirMobile and it will beat any of these hands down. That car is insane. I would love to take that on this track. We had it over 800 miles an hour on the highway airmobile bypass lanes. The wake from it tore down the street signs. We're racing it in two days at the SolarNational sponsored first cross country AirMobile race."

They were are all laughing and Mandy, "I want to take this out. This looks like a blast to drive." One of the mechanics yelled over minus 1 degree and I said, "Set it minus 3 and if I don't turn in faster times, you can reset it where it was." Mandy said, "We keep the Ferraris at minus 1.5 I think, but we also have adjustable sway bars and loosen the rear a touch to make the front push less." The mechanics were listening and one said, "Lets check it out." We all walked back to get drunk at the party.

Julie, Kathy, Joyce, and Brandy got a head start on us and were already getting routy. We laughed and chugged our beer and then got a refill. Someone brought around burgers and hot dogs and we all took one. The drivers told us they were heading back to work with the mechanics and asked us to please drive the cars tomorrow at 7:30. Mandy said, "We wouldn't miss it."

We met about 30 other people including the ones we lapped on the track today, and we all had a few beers and joked around. Everyone was asking us how we went so fast and Julie said, "You'll never get a straight answer. They win every race. I race for third place so I don't get pissed off." Everyone was laughing and Joyce said, "You going to drive the prototypes at 7:30?" I said, "Yeah, a few laps. My guess is that it's not the cars, but we'll find out."

We had fun and then at about 11 we went into the RV and made three beds. I set an alarm clock for 6:30 and everyone was yelling at me. I said, "I can't drive half asleep." Mandy said, "Set it 6 baby. That gives us some time to play before we get up." I moved it and Julie laughed. We all got into a bed and Mandy and I became combined couples and made love. We slid into each other and pushed our cocks into each other's pussy. I was on fire and we made slow passionate love to each other, as we caressed each other. We shared our thoughts and merged our minds, as we both were so engrossed in each other. We blasted off two times and then really went wild on each other. My cock pulsated and spasmed inside of Mandy at the same time my pussy orgasmed. Our minds were merged and she shot her cum at the same time into me. I felt her cock jerking and warm cum hitting inside of me, as I squeezed her cock with my pussy muscles. Mandy had her arms around me and kissed me so hard. We stayed like that for about 5 minutes and then feel sound asleep.

The alarm woke us up at 6, and we turned it off and moved slowing on each other. I slid into Mandy and we got into a rhythm. We fucked like crazy wild rabbits again for about 20 minutes and then we both blasted off. We lay still and Mandy said into my ear, "Honey, your bunny tail was bobbing up and down so much on that one we were rocking the RV." We both started to laugh and Mandy covered my mouth so I wouldn't wake up everyone.

We slipped into the bathroom and each of us took a two minute shower while the other sat on the toilet. We cleaned up, dressed and went outside the RV. I made us some breakfast and coffee and we sat at a table eating it. I lit a cigarette as we were drinking our coffee and Mandy said, "We should walk over to the pits." We both had a cigarette and coffee wearing our race suits. We waited for the drivers to come out and they waved to us and walked over. We put out our cigarettes and walked into the pits. Howard said, "Take them out. I have to see these times." We fired up the cars and drove to the staging area and waited for the marshal to let us on the track. I was in front of Mandy and we took the first lap slow like before to warm up the cars and the tires and then a second lap also. I said into Mandy's mind, "How does it feel?" She said, "Its like a dream the way this sticks to the road. Lets see what it's like at speed."

We got the green flag and we were leading the pack. I floored it and ran through the gears with Mandy right on my tail. This car moves really fast, and I could tell I was much faster than in the 917. Mandy was saying to me, "Move over baby. I coming high." I moved down a little and she tried to pass and said, "No way. This thing is out of stream. I need to draft you." We ran really quick laps and caught up to the pack and lapped six cars. Mandy drafted me and passed on a turn and I said into her mind, "Nice pass. Now move over slow poke." I blew by her on the high side and we caught a few more cars in traffic. We both went right around them and had one fast lap. I said, "Lets bring it in. I'm sure it's not the cars." Mandy said, "Lets see the times first. Then we'll know."

We slowed into the pit lane and went into the pits. We stopped, got out, took off our helmets and masks, and I said, "So how were the times?" The driver said, "Too good. You beat everyone by over 9 seconds. So did Mandy." Mandy said, "This handles like a dream, but it runs out of horsepower way to soon. Something's wrong in the timing. At 7,600 it chokes. Red line isn't until 8,400." I said, "This car handles great. Just like ours at home. Early Apex 3 and 8 and just push it harder. The car will stick as long as you're smooth. You saw me do it." They got in the cars and headed out on the track.

The course marshal came up to us and said, "I figured that had to be you two out there. What driving! None of these guys can do that. They think it's the car that makes it happen." I said, "That car handles great. I could of pushed it faster but I didn't want to risk some damage if I bumped a wall." Mandy's car had some mechanical problems, but it's still fast. It chokes at high RPMs at the top of the power band." Bob was laughing and said, "I love it. You guys are on at 11." We walked over to the mechanics and saw the lap times. They were only slightly better than before. Mandy shrugged her shoulders and said, "We tried."

We walked back into our RV and Julie and Kathy were sitting up and so was Joyce and Brandy. They all said, "So how did you do?" I said, "We did great. The drivers did horrible when they got back in the cars. I want to see what the lap ties are before they quit. We beat every car out there by 9 seconds." Mandy said, "They have radios. Lets talk they through the course. We both know what gears and RPMs we were in at every spot out there." We waved goodbye and walked back to the pits. We looked at the times and I said, "Can I talk to Howard on the radio?" They gave me a headset and I sat up on the booth so I could see most of the track and I said, "Hi Howard, it's Jen. I`m going to talk you through the course they way I drove it. If you want me too." He said, "Start talking." I said, "I'm going to be saying gears and RPM numbers and brake when you should nail them, or gas, the same way. Ready 3rd 6,600, brake, gas, gas! Gas! Up shift 6,800 5th, Brake 3rd 4,400, gas hard 8,000, 4th 8,000 5th 8,000. Brake, 3rd 4,600." I did the entire track about 4 laps and he got the hang of it and was 7 seconds faster. I said, "The times are much better." He said, "How did you remember gears and RPMs on every shift?" I said, "I was just rerunning it in my head as you drove it. Good luck." He said, "Thanks a bunch. Good luck today also."

I walked over to Mandy and she was still talking Tom through the track and she kept saying, "Too late. Anticipate and nail the gas to pull yourself through the turn. Try it again on 9. Shift 3rd 4th until 7,600.." Mandy smiled at me and I gave her the thumbs up on Howard and she shook her head no for Tom. I read her mind and I said, "Give him a second advance notice on everything." Mandy looked at me and started doing that. He got noticeably quicker and then starting to finally get it. He turned in a time the same as Howard. Mandy said, "Great time. Good luck today." She took off the headset and we walked back to the RV.

I lit a cigarette and Julie gave us both a cup of coffee as we sat at a table outside of the RV. Julie said, "Well?" I said, "We got both of them 7 seconds faster, but they're still 2 seconds off our time." Julie was laughing and said, "They don't have the guts to push it to the edge like you two do. That's the difference." Joyce and Brandy were listening and Brandy said, "I think we are definitely out classed here." I said, "You kept up with us on the practice laps. Do what you did before and have some fun. Just don't get killed out there by doing something stupid." Brandy said, "We won't be stupid."

Mandy said, "We're going to watch the other races. We have to be in our cars at 10:45 for our event. There are four ahead of us. They have the grid level posted and it's me, Mandy, Julie, Joyce, Brandy, and Kathy. It's based on our qualifying times. There are 25 others in the field behind us, so watch the amateur traffic. Especially passing on the inside on a turn. My guess is that we'll be lapping cars within the third lap."

Brandy said, "How bad are some of the drivers?" Mandy laughed and said, "Some are terrible, but they usually stay out of everyone's way." Lets go get a seat to watch. We walked back through the pits to the grandstands and both drivers ran up to us to thank us. Howard said, "You only have me by a second now and I know where I'm loosing the time. Thanks Jen." Tom said, "Well were close. This should be a good race. Mandy, thanks for putting up with my stupidity." We waved and went into the grandstands.

We watched the first four races of vintage cars. The first was so funny as they were so old. The second was a little better but still slow. The third was cabin cars like ours but not as fast, and the forth was Indy cars and even those guys were really slow on the track.

We all went to our cars and strapped in. I depressed the clutch and pushed the starter button. The engine fired up and I blipped the throttle to get it to idle. I shifted it into first to drive to the staging area and onto the track. A Marshal had us line up in starting position and then gave us the signal for warm up laps, as a pace car lead us around. We were staged in positions with Mandy just to my outside and we were both swerving to heat up the tires and the car. I said into Mandy's mind, "This thing feels like a Sherman Tank after the drive this morning." She said back, "You aren't kidding."

We had our two warm up laps and the pace car pulled off. I was picking up speed with Mandy as we hit that last corner and the green came out and we both floored it down the front straight running through the gears and then hard on the brakes into the first turn. Mandy cut in behind me and I said to her, "Pull away with me. Draft me." I was going as fast as I could in the car and she was right on my bumper maybe 6 inches off of me. Mandy said into my mind, "Wow. You are flying." I said, "We'll catch the back of the group by the next lap. Just hang with me." I saw Julie about 200 yards behind us and said to Julie, "It must be hard pedaling that fast." We all were laughing and I said, "We can't laugh out here or we'll get hurt. Forget I said that. Just pedal faster."

I caught the back of the pack with Mandy right on my ass and I said to her, "High side, now!" We moved high on the track and passed ten cars. I told Mandy exactly how I was passing and she stuck to me like glue. We even passed two cars on the inside of a turn. She said, "Jen, that was close. These guys don't know how to drive. They didn't even see us." I said, "I know. They almost hit me. Idiots. We'll pass them high from now on."

We were having a blast and passed all of the other 25 cars and then we both passed Joyce and Brandy. I said into their minds, "We are about to pass you on the outside. Don't panic." They both waved us with one hand and we flipped out lights on and off as we passed. We could see Julie and Kathy gain ground on us and Mandy said, "They're catching up every time we hit traffic. Nail it baby."

We hit some more traffic and these guys were dangerous. We had to wait to go high on them and Julie almost caught up to us. Mandy and I made the pass and then nailed it again. Julie and Kathy got lucky and went right around them and were on our ass. Mandy said, "Two laps to go. All out now honey, even between us." I said, "Okay. Just be careful."

I pushed the car to the absolute edge of where it could go and almost lost it on a turn against a wall. I pulled away from Mandy and then she caught me in the turns. She passed me low on turn four and then I passed her on the back straight. We changed leads 6 times in two laps. Julie was breathing down our neck and drafting whoever was second, and Kathy was drafting her. On the last turn Mandy passed me low and then we raced to the finish down the back straight with Julie and Kathy. I couldn't tell who won. We crossed the fish line three abreast with me, Mandy, Julie, and Kathy was just behind Mandy. It felt like we all tied, it was that close. We took our cool down lap and waved to the crowd. The race Marshall pointed to me, Mandy and Julie to drive to the winner's area and we drove slowly down the front straight and stopped at the finish line. We all got out of the cars, took off our helmets and masks, and we all said at the same time, "Who won?"

Bob came over and said, "Photo finish. Jen you won by less than an inch, Mandy you came in second and Julie you came in third by 3 inches. What a race. You guys flew around that track. Julie you just set a new track record with one of your laps. You were 2 seconds quicker than Jen and we're giving you a special trophy for that. Great driving, all of you!" Julie was jumping up and down and we hugged each other as we went to the winner's platform. We got our trophies and the workers wheeled our cars back to the show area of the pit coral.

We walked to the pits and Howard and Tom both yelled, "One hell of a race. Julie, you were so fast it was insane. How'd you keep that car on the track?" Julie yelled, "Sheer luck. It was drifting out on every turn on that lap."

We went back to the RV and took off our race cloths and put down the trophies. We all lit cigarettes and I made us all a cold rum drink. I said, "I do believe two people owe us some quarters." Brandy laughed and they both paid us. Joyce said, "How in the world did you lap us? I thought we were flying." I said, "You really can push these cars a lot faster. It just takes know how and guts. The GT-40 is by far the fastest car we have and Julie proved it today. She drove great and pushed it to its limit. She was 2 seconds faster than me and I pushed the Porsche until it almost hit a wall." Mandy said, "You were definitely too close on that one. My heart stopped for a second." I said, "But you stayed with me and I know that Ferrari breaks away at the same time. We both missed it by less than an two inches." Mandy put her arms around me and gave me a kiss and she said, "This was fun. Lets go root for the guys we trained this morning."

We walked through the pits as the cars were being staged. We waved and gave them the thumbs up, as we went into the grandstands. Mandy said, "They're starting one and two. I guessed we helped."

We watched the race get started and the warm up laps. The pace car pulled off and they were off. Howard and Tom were doing exactly what Mandy and I did. Tom drafted Howard and they were flying and opened up a huge lead on everyone else. We were standing and yelling at the cars like morons. They started to lap slower cars and it started to get interesting. They made it through the traffic and then one of the slower cars lost control and there was a crash on the track. The yellow flag came out for a full course caution and so did the pace car. Howard and Tom just lost their huge lead as the group all bunched up again behind the pace car as they cleaned up the mess on the track.

They restarted the race and Howard and Tom pulled away again to open up a lead. Mandy and I were screaming for them to shift, brake, gas, you name it. We were into it. They were on the last lap and had lapped every car in the field and had changed lead between them 3 times. They raced to the finish line and we had no idea who won. It had to be closer than our race. We were right on the start finish line and we couldn't tell. They did their cool down lap and stopped at the start finish line. Bob pointed to Howard with a one finger and Tom with a two. They both shrugged their shoulders and walked to the podium with the third place driver that they lapped.

We congratulated them as they walked into the pits and Howard yelled, "Met our race car instructors. The best on the planet." We blushed and they shook our hands. Tom said, "Do us a favor and stay amateurs for a while. We need to eat." We all laughed and went to the car coral to get the cars and put them on the carrier. We drove each one by the carrier and made it look like we were putting them on the right way, when we actually used our powers. We anchored them in and then got into the RV and drove down the road.

We pulled over in a deserted area and Julie got out with the computer and displaced back. She gave us the coordinates of the road in front of the house and I displaced everything there. We unloaded Joyce's and Brandy's cars and said goodbye and then went to do ours. We put all of the cars in the garage, trophies in the house, and I made the RV and trailer disappear.

We all displaced back to the vacation house.


Mandy said, "We need to relax on the beach for a while honey. We have one more crazy day of racing and this one should be a blast." We all went to the beach and joined Kate and Judy, and all of the kids. Megan said, "So you win as usual?" Julie told them everything and they all laughed when Julie went on about how we gave two of professional drivers instructions. Mandy said, "They were driving the course wrong. Anyone can just tool around the track. We showed them how to do it the fast way." Everyone was laughing at us and Mandy blushed and put her head on my shoulder.

We spent the day playing Crime Solvers on the beach and swimming. We had fun, but lost every game except one. Everyone told us they let us win one and Mandy and I were laughing as she said, "You are so full of shit! We finally solved one and now you want to make us feel bad." She put her head on my shoulder again and I said, "Mandy, we suck at this game. They let us win. Wasn't it obvious when no one asked any real questions?" She picked her head up smiling and said, "Oh yeah", as everyone else was trying not to laugh.

We did our crab dinner thing again and sat on the veranda over looking the cliffs. We were all having a few drinks when Julie and Kathy went inside to get the rules for the race tomorrow. They were reading them to everyone and Kate said, "Holy Shit. You mean you can actually got faster than the speed of sound?" Mandy said, "Yup, and it knocks down road signs." We all laughed and Kathy said, "You have to be in Greenwich Connecticut at 7 in the morning, New York time. You may want to go there tonight with the car. Lets see if we can get you a room near by."

We all went inside to the study and Chris booted up a computer. She went to a few web sites and said, "The only place close is a small motel. That Okay?" I said, "Yeah, for one night, who cares." Chris got us the reservation and we went upstairs to pack a small bag. Julie said, "We'll displace to see you at each of the legs of the race. Have fun!" We displaced to the castle and got out the Ferrari 712 AirMobile. We drove it normal to the gas station and got some fuel, and then drove to a side road. Mandy said, "I'll displace there with the hand held, and give you coordinates. See you in a few."

Mandy got out of the car and then displaced to the motel. She said into my mind, "What a dump", and gave me the coordinates. I displaced the car with me in it and Mandy walked over and said, "Nice place, isn't it?" We both were hysterically laughing. I called Chris in our minds and said, "Any other hotels or motels around. This one is permanently air conditioned by the holes in the building." We could hear everyone laughing and Chris said, "Let me check." Roberta said to us, "Drive 1 mile north on the road you're on. There's another place there which is actually across the street from where you meet in the morning."

I fired up the car and we drove the mile and found another dump, but at least it was still standing. We both laughed as I parked the car and we went into the motel lobby. We got the super deluxe suite, which was a small room with a double bed, TV, and a private bathroom. Both of us were trying not to laugh as I signed for the room. Mandy said, "Can we get a wake up call for 6 AM?" The manager said, "No phones. Set the alarm." Mandy lost it and started to laugh as we walked out. She said, "Indoor camping."

We went into the room and it was horrible, but who cares. Mandy turned on the TV and they did have satellite. We watched ESPN for a while and saw us winning the vintage races and Howard winning the IMSA event. They also had a special about the race tomorrow and Mandy said, "I didn't think it would even be noticed." We watched them give the history of the Cannonball Run as the race across America and then how it was made illegal years ago. The commentator said, "This will be the first time in almost a hundred years that a race is being held on public roads. We think it's great and the best way to see what these AirMobiles can really do. SolarNational is sponsoring this event and our money is on Doctors Jen and Mandy Edwards driving the Ferrari 712 AirMobile. Besides having one of the top cars in the field of 100, they are by far the most skilled drivers. I think one of these cars will break the sound barrier." Mandy and I looked at each other and I said, "We do that all the time." She said, "This is going to be a piss. Set the alarm honey, and lets go to bed."

We undressed and I set the alarm. Mandy lit a cigarette and we lay in the bed against the headboard that was loose. Mandy was laughing as she made it squeak. She said the bed's smaller than the RV and this is a suite. What are the other rooms like?" I said, "Camping." Mandy smiled and took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to me. I took a drag, and another, holding in the smoke. I blew the smoke out slowly through my nose as Mandy reached between my legs and touched my pussy. She slowly rubbed my clit and I took another drag of the cigarette and then held it to Mandy's lips, as she took a drag. We both blew out the smoke and she moved her mouth over my breast and licked my nipple really slowly, circling the areola, then flicking her tongue over the tip fast. I moaned softly as Mandy sucked my nipple and then gripped it with her teeth and gently massaged it using her tongue. I took a drag of the cigarette putting it out, and reached over to Mandy's crotch rubbing her cock to get it hard.

Mandy was now finger fucking my pussy and she whispered into my ear, "Couples baby. I want you inside of me so bad." We changed to combined couples, as Mandy lay on top of me. She rubbed my cock to get it hard and she pushed her cock into my soaking wet pussy, as my shaft slid into her also. I wrapped my legs and arms around her, and she wrapped her arms around me, as we rolled on our side, and almost rolled off the bed. We both giggled and then fucked. We slid our bodies on each other, making my cock move in and out of Mandy's cunt, as her shaft was going in and out of my pussy. We shared our thoughts and made passionate love for hours. I squeezed her cock with my pussy muscles after we both came three times, and Mandy screamed in an orgasm. I had to cover her mouth and we both laughed again. Then she did it to me and had her hand over my mouth. We fell asleep interlock and giggling at each other.

Mandy woke me up by moving and I looked at the clock. I said, "We need to get up now!" Mandy opened her eyes and said, "No phones, and no alarm clocks that work. Two minute shower honey." We ran to the bathroom and did the RV routine, except this place had no hot water either. We both froze and were laughing about it. We dressed in shorts and tee shirts, and put our race gear over it. We took the rest of it to the car and drove across the street and got there at exactly 7 to a parking lot full of AirMobiles.

We got out of the car and went into the warehouse. Someone greeted us and said, "Glad you could make it. Just sign in over there and you'll get you starting time." Mandy and I stood in line and signed in. The woman behind the table looked up at us and was so star struck. We both smiled at her and she was blushing every shade of red. Mandy said into my mind, "What should we do?" I said, "Hi, I'm Jen and this is Mandy. What do we do next?" The woman said, "I'm sorry. I see you on TV all the time and I was kind of stunned." Mandy said, "We're just like you are and are here to win a race today." She started laughing and gave us our number and starting time. She said, "The cars will be lining up in about 10 minutes. One leaves every minute. The course is clearly marked. It's all open highway down to Miami beach with a start finish line marked also. There is an entrance ramp straight down the street on the left to the highway. Good luck!" I smiled and said, "Thanks."

Mandy said into my mind, "She was melting talking to you." We both giggled as we went outside. We put the numbers on our car using our mind and then lined it up in order in the large parking lot. Mandy said, "Chris was explaining how we are doing this. All of the timing signals are run to the master computer and coded to the specific car. It's really cool. Anyone can get on a web site to see how any car is doing in the race and also their position with GPS." I said, "So we won't get lost then." Mandy said, "Jen, I'll be so embarrassed if we get lost."

We got our racing gear on and strapped into the car, as we waited our turn. We watched the other cars go in front of us and they took off really fast. I said into Mandy's mind, "Why burn rubber for a few feet? That's stupid. This is a long race." She said, "It's impressive. They're amateurs." We moved into position and the race marshal said, "Good luck. Go anytime you're ready."

I waited a few seconds and pulled through the sensor and then ran through the gears to warm up the engine. I pulled on the highway and nailed it. I went into the air express lanes and accelerated up to 800 and passed 7 of the cars in front of us by lifting up on the steering wheel to 20 feet and then going back down as Mandy yelled, "Yoooooeee!" We saw the first car to leave and we came up on them so fast. I pulled up and flew over them and went back down. I said into Mandy's mind, "Now it's just like one of our Sunday drives." She was laughing as I pushed the car to it's absolute limit and we hit 876 miles and hour. Curves in the road came up really quick so we had to pay attention to everything. We saw signs for the race that said, "Stay left in one mile." That one mile was only a few seconds and we almost missed it.

Mandy and I were talking in our minds and she said, "Next leg I hope they start us last so we get to pass more people. That was a blast." We saw a car in the distance in front of us so I lifted up and we blew by them. Mandy called Chris in her mind and said, "Public traffic on the road. Get our position and report it. We just missed them." Roberta answered back, "That was a cop. What an idiot. We'll get him off the road."

We were having a blast and also noticed than our wake knocked down a few signs again. We both were laughing as we passed the signs for North Carolina. Mandy said, "2,000 miles in a little over 2 hours. Not too shabby."

We drove for about another hour and we talking about sex. Chris said into our minds, "You guys are all over the news. You are at least an hour ahead of the second place car. You hit 884 miles and hour." I said back, "876" Chris said, "Your speedometer is wrong. We have you on satellite. How does it feel?" I said, "The car handles like a dream. It's just like one of Sunday drives lately." They all were laughing at us.

We were approaching Miami in 2 hours and followed the race signs. Mandy said, "Wow. We get to go over the water. How cool is this?" The road ended and we were airborne over a small inlet and then picked up the road again on the other side. I said back, "Holy shit! That was white knuckle time." Mandy was laughing and as we went through the start finish line and then slowed down. We followed the signs to the regular road and I drove the Ferrari like I drove the Porsche on the track. Mandy was laughing the whole time as we pulled into a hotel parking lot.

I stopped the car and we got out, as Julie and Kathy walked over to us. We took off our helmets and face masks and I said, "That was a blast." Mandy was smiling and said, "I get to do it next!" She gave me a big kiss and hug and we walked up to a race marshal. I said, "How did we do?" She said, "You have to be kidding. No one is even close. The fastest competitor is still 40 minutes away. Have some breakfast. Great driving! We saw a video they took of you passing, and it was unreal. You should watch it. It's in the lobby on a computer."

We all went into the hotel lobby and ordered breakfast. They showed us the video and it was awesome. A helicopter shot it and we looked like a blur moving up over cars and then down. We also heard the sonic boom from our speed. Mandy was smiling and said, "No shit!"

We were so hyped up on adrenalin. We had some breakfast and coffee watching the TV in the lobby about the race. There was a bad accident somewhere in Florida with two of the cars crashing and they showed the medivac choppers taking people away. I said, "That's real easy to do if you don't pay attention. We are moving really fast. It's like a video game." They also rerouted one section of the course around the accident so it wouldn't get delayed and the drivers all still had the same distance to go. Mandy said, "I wonder what caused it?" I said, "I guarantee it's because someone was going 200 and someone else was going 500 and didn't pull up in time to pass them. You saw how fast we came up on people. We're use to the spilt second reaction time from the other racing. Most people aren't."

We saw a few more cars come into the hotel lot and people getting their times. They all came into the lobby and one of them said, "How long have you been here?" Mandy said, "About 40 minutes." He said back, "When you passed me, I felt the wake and then heard the sonic boom. You were going faster than a fighter jet." Mandy said, "They clocked us at 884. Watch the video someone took of us passing." They sat and watched and one guys said, "Hey that's us. Holy shit, no wonder we felt the wake and we were going over 650." I said, "There was a bad crash in Florida. We were just watching it." They all sat and joined us for breakfast and watched the news about the race.

Julie said, "I'll get your starting time." Julie walked out as we all talked about how cool it was driving like this. One of the women drivers named Martha said, "I was so petrified to push it any faster. We almost missed a turn after we saw the one mile sign and came up to it in seconds." Mandy said, "Jen pushed the Ferrari to the limit and it was pegged to the floor the whole way. We do this almost every week, so you get use to it. We still have a problem that our wake tears down road signs." They were all laughing at us.

Julie came back and said, "You leave in 10 minutes. Your first." Mandy said, "That's not fair. I wanted to pass people." Everyone was laughing again and I said, "Pretend to be sick and we'll go last." She smiled and said, "We'll go now. This just sucks." They all yelled, "Good luck!" Julie and Kathy were laughing and yelled "See you in Phoenix!"

Mandy and I went out to the car and got our instructions for the second leg of the race. We had one turn to make and they said, "There are three signs spaced out a mile apart. The turn is gentle to your left and you shouldn't have to slow down too much." We got in and strapped ourselves into the car. Mandy fired it up and smiled as she pulled up to the starter. He yelled to us, "Go anytime your ready and Good Luck!"

Mandy blipped the throttle and took off. She ran through the gears like we do on the track and then went air mode and onto the expressway. She lifted to 6 feet and floored it until she had it pegged also. I said, "Wow! A lot different sitting in this seat!" Mandy was laughing but really paying attention to road. I said "Three and a half hours?" She said, "Maybe faster."

After she got use to the speed we started to talk again and we came up to the first sign for the turn. I said, "Slow down just a little and stay to the left." She slowed to 600 and we stayed to the left and it was more than a gentle turn at that speed. We really felt the G-forces and Mandy nailed it coming out of the turn and screamed, "Yooooee!" She was back up to somewhere over 870 and we talked again. We passed by states like they were towns.

After about two hours we saw a sign for Arizona and she said, "Holy shit did we get here fast!" I said, "I'll watch for signs, you watch the road." About 10 minutes later I said, "To your left, start finish area. Left now!" Mandy turn slightly and the G-force to the side was incredible as we crossed the start finish line and then went over the desert following the signs and a road and that lead us to a hotel parking lot again. Mandy drove in as a normal car and we parked. Julie and Kathy were waiting as we got out and I said, "How did we do?" They were both laughing and Kathy said, "You had a wind behind you the whole way and averaged almost 1,000 miles and hour." Mandy said, "No shit. That's why it felt so much faster than on the way to Miami."

We went to one of the race Marshals to let him know we were here and he said, "One hell of a drive. Go watch it on the news. That's all that's on everywhere." We went into the hotel lobby and the whole gang was there waiting for us. They had on the TV and it showed us in the Ferrari screaming through a few places with a radar gun displaying 1,094 miles an hour. Mandy stood up and did a little dance and gave me a high five and then we kissed. She said, "I was faster this time baby." We both laughed.

Kathy gave as complete recap of all of the things that happened in the race while we were so far ahead of everyone. She said, "Nine cars withdrew due to mechanical problems. Six more were in serious crashes and 10 were in minor ones but they can't continue. That brought the field down to 75 cars remaining. So far you are just under 2 hours ahead of the next place car, which is the new Air Corvette. I'm surprised they can't catch up."

We all had some coffee and Mandy and I lit cigarettes. She took a deep drag and held in the smoke and said to me, "You want to drive first or last in the final segment?" I said, "It's up to you. You still feel alert enough, or you want a rest?" She said, "I'll drive last. I could use the rest." We sat back with our feet up on a table and relaxed for quite a while and then one of the cars pulled in that was behind us. We recognized them and they came into the hotel lobby.

Mandy yelled, "We've been waiting for you guys. What took so long?" They were laughing and walked over to us. The woman said, "How long?" Kathy looked at her watch and said, "About 75 minutes." The drivers looked at each other and the woman said, "How fast were you going?" Julie said, "Watch. They're showing it again on the TV." They showed the same clip from before and the male driver said, "Holy shit! How?" Kathy said, "Wind. I guess the spoilers on the Ferrari work like a sail with a tail wind." They looked so surprised and the woman said, "We hit 800 and thought that was moving." Mandy said, "Have a seat and have some coffee." Julie said, "I'll go check to see when your starting time is for the last leg."

We were talking to the couple and they were a piss. I knew we saw them before and they were at the vintage races yesterday running two Indy cars. I said, "How did you do in the race yesterday?" Jan, the woman, said, "Same as you. We took first and second, but not nearly the speed you two and Julie ran that track. Someone said you ran in the IMSA cars in the morning too. How come you didn't race them?" Mandy said, "We were being race instructors for two of the drivers. We helped them set up the cars and pushed them in some hot laps, and then talked the drivers through the track. Howard and Tom in the Porsche GT and Ferrari Prototype." Julie came back in and said, "You have 10 minutes. They were just about to come in and get you." Mandy said, "Lets do it. See everyone in San Diego in about an hour." They all were laughing at us as we went back to the car.

I sat in the drivers seat this time, fired up the engine, and drove to the starter. He said, "It's all straight. There will be three signs a mile apart for the driver change station. The exit is on your right and it's part of the normal highway. Good luck and start whenever you're ready." This time I peeled out and ran through the gears as Mandy was laughing. We hit the highway and I engaged the air system and nailed it. We were flying again. I said into Mandy's mind, "Drivers change should be in less than a half hour at this speed. Watch for the signs." We were talking again about sex tonight and laughing a little as we passed the first sign. I slowed a little and the second sign came up fast and I really slowed down. We just barely got off at the third sign going about 200 and I still had to hit the brakes hard. We went though a sensor timing station, and then changed places. The race marshal said, "Stay on the normal highway in the left lane and watch for the express way entrance. It's about a half mile up."

Mandy nailed it as we went through the second set of sensors and she was moving. She moved into the express lane and hit the air system and nailed it as she screamed again. We both laughed and started talking about what we were going to do to each other tonight. I was really getting wet. We started to pay attention to the road again after about 20 minutes and saw a sign for the race that said, "Five miles to Finish Line." Mandy still had the car pegged to the floor and we were loosing speed. She said, "Problem honey. Were losing speed but only two miles to go. Down to 500 and one mile to go. We'll make it. We crossed the finish line at 300 miles and hour and then had to go back to normal driving as the air system quit on us. I said, "We only lost maybe 2 minutes of time. Lets not worry about it." Mandy said, "At least it died after we finished the race." She drove us to the hotel parking lot and we got out of the car. Everyone was waiting for us and Kathy said, "What happened at the end?" I said, "The car quit on us. Forward Air system failed. We coasted for the last 5 miles. Mandy drove great!" She hugged me and we kissed and she said, "We drove great Jen. That was some race." Then she said into my mind, "Let's get a room here for after the party. I loved your fantasy." We both smiled at each other.

We checked with the race marshal and he said, "Great driving! You won, no one can even come close to catching you now. The real race now is for second and third place. There's still a lot of prize money for that." I said into Mandy's mind, "What's the prize money?" She answered back, "I have no clue. Lets ask Kathy."

We all went into the hotel lobby and Mandy asked Kathy about the prize money and she was laughing and said, "10 million dollars! You didn't know?" We were both laughing and I said, "I had no idea. Who do you want to donate it too?" Mandy said, "The family's of the drivers that got hurt seriously. Chris, can you find out exactly what happened and who they are?" Chris said, "We'll be right back." We ordered lunch for everyone and a few drinks, as Kathy turned on the TV to see the race. There was another accident and it looked bad, at the driver changing station. I said, "I had trouble stopping in time and I have real quick reflexes. My guess is that someone over shot the exit which is what we almost did." Mandy said, "We took that exit onto the highway at over 200. Jen slammed on the brakes and they barely stopped us in time, plus we used the reverse air system to slow us down. Not all of the cars have that."

Mandy and I cuddled as we watched it on TV and she said, "Unfortunately this is part of racing. If wasn't this dangerous we won't get the rush out of it we all do." Kathy said, "But you can use your powers to stop in an emergency." I said, "Not at these speeds. You don't have time to react like that. On the regular race track, yeah, we could maybe do something, if we saw it coming. At 1,000 miles an hour it's all a blur; even the signs. This is like racing jet fighter planes 6 feet off the ground."

Chris and Roberta came back and handed us a piece of paper and Chris said, "Not good news." Mandy and I read it and 9 people were very seriously hurt and one person died. All of the names and family information was there along with what happened in the race. We saw one name on it and I said, "That's the couple we were talking with at each of the breaks. What happened to them?" Roberta said, "They ran through the driver change exit and crashed. They both are hurt really bad and in the hospital, but they'll live." Mandy said, "Lets do a quick house call. Can you give us the coordinates?" Roberta checked on a hand held computer and called them out. We displaced to the hospital and turned invisible to everyone. We checked the ER records and then found them in intensive care. Mandy and I healed them completely, and then displaced back.

I said, "All better now. Lets do the others too." Chris said, "We'll do the others. You two relax." Everyone took one of the names and they displaced. They were all back in minutes smiling. I said, "Any problems?" Everyone shook their heads and Mandy said, "Lets give each of them 250,000 and the rest to the family of the person that died. That's horrible."

We watched the TV and they had a breaking headline about the injured drivers that they had all miraculously recovered from serious trauma. They were calling it the SolarNational miracle again and we all smiled. They interviewed the ones that we just healed twenty minutes ago and they were coming to San Diego to the party after the race. We all clapped at the TV. A few cars pulled into the lot and they came into the lobby and saw us.

One driver said, "You should have seen the mess at the drivers changing station. I hope the others are Okay. It looked horrible. Everyone had trouble stopping in time." I said, "Us too. We almost crashed there. I took the exit at over 200 and slammed on the brakes just in time. Plus our car died 5 miles before the finish line and we coasted across. We still were going 300 but it almost dropped to the ground before we got to the pavement. Another mile of race and we would have been out also. How did you finish?" He smiled and said, "It looks like second, but there are two others that are real close."

I said, "This time zone stuff is great. Want lunch again?" We all laughed as Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Lets stick to vintage racing, nine ball, swimming, boat trips, and skiing for a while. This is way to dangerous. We were so lucky today." I said, "We're good at it, and we are lucky. Mandy, we won the very first AirMobile race and get another entry in the history books for our names. We don't have to do it again. We already did it. As for boating, I remember a little incident with a volcano that could have been a lot worse than this race." Everyone laughed at us and Mandy hugged me and we kissed in such passion. We both said, "I love you" at least ten times into each other's mind.

A lot of the other cars were now pulling into the hotel lot and the hotel was setting up for the party. I said, "You still want to stay for the night?" Mandy kissed me and said, "Absolutely." We went over to the front desk and I asked for a suite for the night and the manager said, "For you, it's on the house. What a race." We smiled and thanked him, as we got a room key.


All the racers finally arrived, along with family, friends, tons of press and of course ESPN as everyone moved to a small ballroom. We also had a SolarNational contingent there that handles all of the sporting events that we sponsor. Mandy and I thought that was a perfect time to say a few things and we talked with Megan and Alicia about it, and they were all in favor of it.

They started with the winner's presentations and we were called up along with the second and third place winners. We all thanked the Race Marshals and I said, "Can we say something to everyone?" Mandy and I walked to the podium with the mic on it and I said, "We just can't pass a microphone or a camera with our saying something." Everyone laughed and I said, "What we want to say isn't really funny, it's serious. Today we drove in a race that pushed us, the cars, and our ability to safely handle this technology to the limit. We learned more about what we need to do to make super highway driving safe in one day, than we would have in another thirty years. Unfortunately, it came at a grave price. Every racer knows that the risk is great, and you can get hurt or die, but no one thinks it can happen to them. Today we lost Doctor Jim Hathaway, who crashed. We also had nine people very seriously injured. They were all healed, and I guess you can blame us for that part of it. We just couldn't bare to let them suffer. What we leaned today is that signs need to be bigger, repeated more often, sturdier, and farther apart. I had less than 8 seconds to exit and then come to a complete stop from 1,070 miles and hour. We hit the exit at 200 and I slammed on the brakes and skidded to a stop, just barely avoiding a crash. We were traveling at 1 mile every 7.5 seconds. Mandy and I race cars all the time and we have incredibly fast reflexes. That wasn't safe. We also almost hit a car in the rear as we accelerated past one. At that speed we could barely react fast enough and again, almost crashed. At the end of the race our car died, and we coasted through the finish line on air. If the course had been one mile longer, we would have crashed on the rocks below the highway going over 300. I think we've all seen a plane crash film where a plane hits the ground. That's what we would have looked like. Mandy and I have already spoken to Megan and Alicia and SolarNational is making several improvements immediately in this transportation system. This will include collision avoidance systems in the cars so you get a warning that you are approaching someone that you can't see yet. All of the Super Air highways will have run off areas, completely redone road signage, gentler exit ramps, and allow a car to set down without crashing in the case of mechanical failure."

Mandy stepped forward and said, "We really believe in racing, and also want to see this as an annual event. We just want to make it safer for everyone. The best way to describe what we did out there today, its drive a fighter jet 6 feet off the ground at over 1,000 miles and hour for 6 hours. We believe that this type of punishment to the cars will make them better and safer, as the manufactures will also learn from what happened here. We had our foot to the floor almost the entire time. That has to be a first. I want to end our short speech with what we plan on doing first with our check, and the future. Jen and I are donating $250,000 to each of the drivers that was injured today, that we helped heal. The balance is being donated to the family of Doctor Jim Hathaway. We know the money will not replace him, but it may help in a time of need. We also have set up a fund of twenty million dollars to help take care of any injuries in future AirMobile races. We don't want people to stop this race. Like we said before, we just want to make it safer. Thank you."

The crowd all stood and gave us a long round of applause. A number of reporters starting asking questions and I said, "Check with our host before we continue." The gave us the nod and I said, "Ask away." Mandy grabbed the other winners to the podium and everyone laughed as she said, "You get to do this too. You won money today also." We all answered questions about the race, what it is was like at that speed, what we saw, and didn't see. I said, "It was a blur. Everything outside of what is directly in front of you or behind you is a blur."

One reporter asked, "What did you talk about in the car?" All the other drivers answered and Mandy winked at me and said, "Sex. We were really bored without anyone to pass." Everyone laughed and the questions kept going. Some were really funny. Someone said, "Is there any truth to the rumor that you two were race instructors for two of winning IMSA drives yesterday." Mandy answered it and said, "Yes. We helped them get faster on that circuit and shaved off about 7 seconds a lap by showing them how we drive it. Shift points, gears, braking, stuff like that." A reporter asked me, "What do you like better, regular racing or Air racing?" I said, "Mandy and I like both and but they are completely different. I think we pushed the car today to its absolute limit, and we also pushed ourselves to our limit. We do that every time we get in a racecar which is what makes it challenging and fun. I like the neck to neck racing competition a little better, but this was fun too."

The host finally stopped the questions and we sat down and started to drink, as they interviewed Megan and Alicia about the Super Air Highway improvement program. Some of the injured drivers all came up to us and thanked us for healing them and the check. I said, "It'll cover the cost of a new car for next year." They all laughed and we bought them a drink. The couple that we healed was there and they ran over to us and hugged us. Jan said, "I had a funny feeling you were in the room with us when I started to feel all of bones being mended." Mandy said, "All 89 of them?" Jan said, "I was that bad?" We both nodded our heads and I said, "Not to mention the punctured spleen, liver, lung, kidney, stomach, and possible broken neck. But other than that you were in great shape." She said, "Holy shit." Mandy said, "The miracle drug may have saved you, but you were a mess. We didn't want to waste any time, or wait. So we did it. Your race partner was even worse. Did this happen at the drivers change area?" Jan said, "This is Tom, why husband and race partner." Tom said, "We couldn't stop either and did exactly what you did. We changed driving positions and then we got hit by a car behind us that couldn't stop in time either. Neither us was strapped into the car yet. We were still stopped. I think we were both ejected from the car in the crash. I just don't remember." Mandy handed them a drink and said, "Here, you need this more than us right now." They smiled and sat with us for a while and talked. They said some interesting things and Mandy said, "Give us your phone number and we'll give you a call in the next few weeks. We may have an interesting business proposition for you."

Julie and Kathy grabbed us to talk to someone and we excused ourselves. Kathy said, "This is Enzo Ferrari the forth. He wants to know all about the car." We sat and talked for hours about what worked and what didn't and our design thoughts, as he took notes. Mandy and I made him notes about the suspension and what we felt at that speed. He said, "How about a free car for helping us?" Mandy smiled and said, "I love that new prototype you made for the IMSA races." He smiled and said in a very Italian accent, "How about I send you one in Red and one in Yellow." Mandy said, "I'm in love." He laughed and said, "Thanks. We'll ship the cars to the company for you." Mandy talked about those cars to me for the next 20 minutes. She also told me she was driving the yellow one. I said, "Does this mean that we're driving IMSA?" She said, "I guess so. But only as a hobby." We both started laughing.

We started drinking again and mingling with everyone. A few of the drivers asked if that was the King of Ferrari himself, and I said, "The one and only. Mandy got us two new prototype cars being delivered for IMSA." A woman said, "How much?" Mandy said, "Free. But we would have paid for them. You just can't buy them."

I put my arms around Mandy and I said into her mind, "I am so raced out. How about we go to bed and then spend the next week on the beach, or the boat?" She smiled at me and took my hand as we walked out of the room and to the elevator to go our room.

I lit a cigarette as we walked into our room, and both sat on the bed. Mandy put her arm over my shoulder and we both were exhausted. The phone rang next to the bed. Mandy looked at me and then answered it, as I took a drag of the cigarette. She was listening and then said, "Are you sure?" She listened for a while longer and said, "Meet me here in the hotel tomorrow for breakfast at 9.", "See you then. Bye." Mandy hung up the phone and looked puzzled and said, "That woman claims to be my child."

I said, "Is it possible?" Mandy said, "I'm not sure." I was getting pissed and said, "What do mean you're not sure? You either screwed around or you didn't." Mandy was fumbling for words and I got so pissed. She started to cry and I just wouldn't listen. I displaced to the castle, took out one of the old Ferraris and started to drive on the old two lane highway that ran to the coast.

I was flying through the turns and was so pissed off. Mandy was crying into my mind and I just wouldn't listen and kept on driving. She yelled at me that it was possible because we both gave sperm to a sperm bank years ago to help infertile women get pregnant. I slowed down and was talking back to her and we both were crying. Mandy was reading my mind as we talked and we were both crying and sort of laughing, as I was doing about 140 now and slowing. I downshifted into 4th for a curve and Mandy screamed into my mind, "Brake, swerve."

There were two AirMobiles coming straight at me in my lane at night, racing against each other. I swerved off the road onto the grass and hit the brakes as my headlights showed me the huge tree I was about to hit. I hit it hard, head on. Every part of my body was in excruciating pain. I remember Mandy screaming into my mind, "Jen don't you fucking die on me. Hang in there, and I love you." I tried to move and passed out from the pain.

I remember bits and pieces of someone cutting me out of the car and Mandy screaming hysterically, as someone else was shaking their head saying, "Not much we can do. This is real bad."

I woke up for a few seconds in a hospital emergency room and I couldn't see. Every part of my body felt like it was on fire, burning with unbearable pain. I heard Mandy in my mind saying, "Jen, please respond to our healing. Please, baby. I need you so much." I tried to respond back to her but I couldn't. My mind felt so messed up. I could feel them mending the bones on one of my legs and the torn muscles, and then I felt like my mind was floating outside of my body. I realized that I was energy and looking down at my mangled body on a gurney that was covered in blood stained sheets in the ER. I felt like I was going to puke.

I tried to move my energy back into my body and it won't go, so I went into Mandy's body and I said into her mind, "It's me honey. I'm so sorry for being a jerk. My energy left my body and I can't get back. Heal my mind first. I think I'm dying."

Mandy was hysterically crying along with all of the kids beside her. All of them worked on healing me and Mandy worked on my face, head, and brain. I saw the damage and I felt so sick. Mandy said, "Try now honey, you body is still alive." I moved out of her and back into my body. The pain was unbearable and I passed out.

Mandy woke me up as energy inside of my mind. She was telling everyone what to heal next and I said to her, "How can you stand the pain?" She said, "I can stand anything to get you back. Help me." She kept me conscious and I helped her to heal me. It took over an hour.

Mandy moved her energy back into her body and I opened my eyes. She was crying hysterically and leaned over and kissed and hugged me. I was crying and said, "Am I back in one piece again?" She nodded her head and all of the kids were hugging me. Mandy said, "Move your arms and legs. Lets make sure we fixed all of it." I moved around and I got sharp shooting pains and I said, "My back!" Megan healed part of my spine and said, "You broke almost every bone, and damaged every muscle and organ in your body. Mom, you were clinically dead for over 20 minutes." I said, "Death isn't all that it's cracked up to be. That fucking hurt!" Mandy was still crying and smiled as she kissed me again and then said, "It sure as hell did."

I sat up and said, "How much blood did I loose? I feel really light headed." Chris said, "Most of it. We had to give you 4 pints." Kelly said, "I'm really pissed at you. That was my favorite old car that you trashed." Everyone was laughing with tears in their eyes still and I said, "Real funny."

Chris said, "The two people racing that caused the accident were police. What do want to do about it?" I said, "I was part to blame. I was being a jerk and." Mandy interrupted me and said, "Jen, you were in your own lane, and they were in your lane also, coming at you going over 250 miles and hour. There was nothing you could have done. They caused it!" By reacting like you did and getting off the road, it saved your life. A stationary tree is a lot more forgiving than a car traveling at you going 250 miles and hour. I say we let a judge decide." I said, "Okay. Just tell the judge the whole truth."

One of the doctors walked over and said, "Welcome back. What I witnessed here was a miracle. Jen, I wouldn't have given you a million to one odds that you would have survived. Take this pill to help get your blood supply back to normal and get rid of the light headedness." I took the pill and he said, "Mandy, help Jen up and let her walk around a little. Make sure there aren't any other areas that you missed."

Mandy helped me off the gurney and held me up as we walked. She was reading my mind and said, "Left big toe", as she healed it. I was starting to feel back to normal again and Mandy was rubbing my back and crying again. I said, "I'm back honey." I hugged her and then kissed, as we both cried."

Mandy said into everyone's mind, "Jen's okay. She's with me and walking around. This was a real close call." Mandy said, "Is there a shower we can use? Jen is covered in dried blood."

The doctor smiled and said, "Follow me." He led us to a bathroom and I looked at my reflection in the full-length mirror. I was covered from head to toe with wet and dried blood. I said, "Was any part of me not injured?" Mandy smiled and said, "Your teeth, tongue, one ear, and your sex organs. That's it." I said, "Good work doctor. Your patient survived."

She was laughing and turned on the water in the small shower. I stepped in as Mandy undressed and washed me all over. I was a mess. We watched the bottom of the shower floor turn bright red as soon as the water ran over my head. Mandy help wash me all over. I got out of the shower and she dried me off, and them herself. I put on the hospital gown and she got dressed, as I helped her. We went back to the ER and I said, "Let me see my cloths from the accident. Megan held up a clear plastic bag that had cut up cloths in it and it was completely soaked in blood. I said, "Thanks. How about the car, that was one of only 33 ever made?" Megan showed me the view of it in my mind and I said, "I was in that? Holy shit!" Mandy said, "They actually straighten part of it to get you out. The car was squashed and wrapped around you. The only thing that saved you was your quick thinking to hit the tree on the passenger side." I said, "Guess all that race training finally came in handy."

Mandy made me a tee shirt, shorts, and flip flops, and then we all walked out of the ER. The whole crew was there in the waiting area and I got hugs from everyone. Mandy and I started to cry again and hugged. She said into my mind, "You still want to go back to the hotel, or just go home?" I said into her mind, "Lets go back to the hotel. I want to be sure everything is working." She laughed in my mind and said, "We're going to bed. Goodnight." We displaced back to the hotel into our room. I looked at the clock and said, "We have a few hours." We were undressing and Mandy said, "You remember when we donated that sperm?" I said, "Sure." She said, "Then you also remember what we did and what we wrote on the label?" I was laughing and said, "Yeah. M&J's magic elixir." Mandy said, "It could be your daughter, or mine, or both. We mixed it all together." We both laughed and I said, "I am so sorry. I put you through hell for acting like an absolute asshole." Mandy gave me a kiss and then we sat in the bed leaning against the headboard as she lit a cigarette. I looked at the alarm clock and said, "Not bad. I died and came back all in under 4 hours." She pinched my nipples and said, "Don't you ever do that again or I'll kill you myself!"

We both laughed while I took a deep drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, as Mandy touched my clit and rubbed it. I was getting wet and said, "It's definitely working." She smiled and took a drag of the cigarette and then handed it to me. Mandy used her other hand to rub my cock and it was as hard as rock. I moaned, "Mmmmmmm, that's working too." She lowered her head of one on my nipples and sucked and licked it, and then moved to the other one. I was so hot. I took a drag of the cigarette and half closed my eyes as Mandy was making me feel so good. She lifted her head from my breast and said smiling, "It's all working, isn't it?" I moaned softly, "You bet."

Mandy giggled and moved to lay between my legs as she kept rubbing my cock. I took a final drag of the cigarette and put it out, as Mandy pulled me down further into the bed and knelt between my legs. She spread my pussy lips with her fingers and licked me and I moaned so loud, "Ohhh! That feels good. Let me do you also." Mandy moved into a 69 position with me and we ate each other with such passion. We both orgasmed within minutes and then gave each other a great blow fuck job, as Mandy calls it. When my cock pulsated and spit cum into Mandy's mouth, she swallowed all of it saying into my mind, "I guess that works too baby. Tastes better now." We both were laughing into each other's mind until she moaned and blasted her cum into my mouth. I swallowed and then left some of the cum in my mouth to swallow it slowly.

Mandy moved to kiss me and we kissed for a long time, as we hugged and rolled around, caressing each other. We changed into combined couples and made love more passionate than ever before. We must have told each other "I love you" a hundred times as we both blasted off into each other three times. Mandy and I kissed for at least an hour straight while we made love. She reached over and set the alarm as we were still interlocked and I turned a little to put my back on the bed. Mandy handed me a cigarette and I put it in my lips. I lit it and took a drag, holding in the smoke. I took another drag, blowing the smoke out through my nose and handed it to Mandy. She took a drag and said, "I really wasn't kidding about the taste. You taste sweeter. I have no idea why, but you'll get to taste in a few minutes honey." I was smiling and said, "That was screwed up too?" Mandy said, "Not really, just some plumbing problems caused by trauma. It's all working now through."

We shared the cigarette and then Mandy separated us as I moved to a 69 position. I sucked out my cum from her pussy and it did taste sweeter. We both laughed about it and then went back to combined couples and interlocked again. We fell asleep with our faces touching, holding each other, and slowly moving.

The alarm went off and Mandy pushed into me, as she reached to turn it off. I had an instant orgasm, and so did she. We fucked like lunatics for about 20 minutes until we both blasted off into each other, kissing the whole time and sharing our thoughts. Mandy hugged me so tight and said, "I love you so much honey." I said the same thing back to her, as we got out of bed and went into the bathroom.


We showered, cleaned up, and got dressed in shorts, tee shirts, and flip- flops. Mandy said, "Lets go to the restaurant and meet what could be one or both of our daughters." We went down the elevator to the lobby and walked into the restaurant. There was a woman about 18 or 19 years old that walked over to us and there was no denying it. She looked like Alicia's twin sister. A combination of me and Mandy. We introduced ourselves and she said, "I'm Patty. How about we have some breakfast?"

We all sat and ordered food and she said, "I just wanted to meet you. I don't want anything. From the tests that were done, it was really confusing. The DNA matched parts of both of you and I know that's impossible, so it may not be you at all." I said in our minds, "Alicia, can you join us for one minute." She said back, "Be right there." Mandy said, "Alicia will be here in a minute. I want you to look at her closely." Alicia walked over to the table and did a double take. She said, "Mom, who is this?" I said, "This is Patty, and we think she is your sister." Alicia sat with us as we explained exactly what we did with the sperm bank, and Patty said, "My mother couldn't conceive, and had artificial insemination. She saved the records and just told me about it a few days ago."

Alicia said into our minds, "Does she have any of the powers?" I said, "Patty, we want to know if you inherited any of the mind powers that we have. Have you tried to move things with your mind?" She laughed and said, "I use to do things like that when I was really little and everyone yelled at me so I stopped." I said, "Lift up the vase in the center of the table with your mind." We all watched as she did it. Mandy said, "You are definitely our kid. Welcome to the family." We all laughed about it and Mandy and I got up and hugged and kissed her. Then we talked for about an hour. She was so much like Alicia it was uncanny. She also was part of the SolarNational advanced study program for kids and got her PhD when she was 11 in civil engineering. She also was born as a Combined. I said, "You feel like meeting your other sisters and their partners?" Patty was smiling and said, "Sure!" I said, "We are also going to show you all about the powers you have, and what you can do. It's not bad at all. It's the most important gift in the universe."

Alicia said, "It'll tell everyone and have them met us at the vacation house. We already shipped the Ferrari to the shop in Oregon, and Enzo shipped the new prototype cars to the company garage. You have to see them. They are gorgeous." Alicia hugged me and said, "You scared the shit out of us last night. You feel okay now?" I nodded and said, "Back from the dead and in one piece again. Kind of like the energizer bunny." Alicia laughed and said, "Mom, you are still so fucked up in the head." Patty was taking it all in and Mandy laughed saying, "We're not you typical family. You may decide to never come back after today."

We finished our breakfast and talked about Patty and her birth mother. She said, "My mother's partner died 12 years ago in an accident and she raised me by herself. Now she found someone new and is getting married again. She used your Soul Mates web site." We finished eating and had some coffee, and a cigarette. Patty lit one up also and said, "Why did you two donate sperm. I don't understand." Mandy said, "To help people that couldn't have children on their own. A lot of what we do is to help other people. We'll explain all of it in the next few days if you want to stay with us and learn about it."

We went to check out of the room and a reporter ran over to us and said, "Jen, it's all over the news that you were in an accident last night and almost died. You look great. Is it true?" Mandy said, "Yeah, it's true. She did die in the ER and we brought her back. Jen swerved to miss hitting two people head on that were racing in her lane coming at her at over 250 miles an hour. She hit a tree. It took eight of us using all of our healing powers for over an hour to put her back together. Now she's as good as new." I smiled and said, "I don't remember much of it, except I do remember Mandy yelling at me to not die. I feel great now." Patty said, "That's what Alicia was talking about?" Mandy nodded her head and said, "Hold our hands and we are going to displace to the vacation house. You can do this also with your mind."

We displaced to the vacation house and all of the kids and partners were there, along with Julie, Kathy, Kate and Judy. Chris said, "Wow! Alicia, Patty looks just like you. Twins." We all laughed and I said, "First lets show Patty around the place." We gave her a tour of everything and the dogs were so confused. Snuffy said to me, "Randroid?" We all laughed and I said, "Sister." We went out to sit on the veranda and talked for hours. Patty could do almost everything with her mind once we showed her how to do it.

Mandy told Eve and Tara about Patty in their minds, and Tara and Eve displaced over and both hugged me. Eve said into my mind, "You were being a jerk Jen!" I said back into her mind, "I know. Too hyped up about the race. Don't tell Patty about it." They both hugged Patty and Eve said, "Looks like we have a new member of our exclusive group. Did you explain it all to her yet?" Mandy said, "Not all of it. We didn't want to scare her off yet." Patty said, "There's more?" I said, "Bet you never thought you'd be getting into anything like this when you met us for breakfast?" Tara said, "Lets go to the work planet and show here everything and I'll explain it."

We all displaced to the work planet into the design room. Tara started by showing her how the universe started and Eve as energy. She spent about 3 hours showing glimpses of here everything. I said, "Patty, do you have someone special to you right now?" She said, "Nope. Single and a workaholic. The only thing I have time for is music also." We all laughed and Mandy said, "Inherited traits."

Tara explained about the Guardians and what we do, and asked Patty if she wanted to be part of it. Patty nodded her head and Tara made her give her promises, as she echoed it into everyone's mind so all saw what was happening. Karen said to us, "Wow is she a dead ringer for Alicia. Is she into music also?" Mandy said back, "Looks that way. We'll let you know later."

I said, "Now you get the knowledge of the universe transferred into your mind. It takes a while and you'll sleep through it, but the time plane is such that it will only be a few hours on earth." Mandy said, "Jen, you should get an update on the knowledge. We did a lot of repair work in there last night." Patty said, "How bad was it?" Mandy explained it all and showed Patty in her mind what I looked like all mangled on the gurney. Patty said, "My God, you survived?" I said, "The Timex is still ticking. It was the most painful experience that I have ever had through. Death really sucks."

I hooked Patty up to a computer and Mandy hooked me up. Patty fell asleep and my transfer only took about 10 minutes. I said. "Okay, I feel full again." Eve was laughing and said, "You are so fucked up." We left to go back to the vacation house for a while and watched the court case of the two police officers that forced me off the road. The judge went ballistic on them because they didn't stop at the accident that they caused and didn't even call it in. They got 20 years in hell. Mandy was cheering at the TV and we all laughed.

Alicia and Cary went to the work planet to get Patty and displaced back with her. We talked for a long time and showed her everything. She loved swimming under water and had sex with Alicia and Cary. Mandy said into my mind and Chris's, "We need to match her up with someone. Lets use the employee database again." Chris said, "Roberta and I were thinking the same thing." We all got out of the water and went into the house. Alicia said, "Tell me about your music?" Patty was talking a mile a minute about it and we all smiled, as Alicia took her hand and walked her to the studio. We watched her play with the kids on the live stage and she was really good. Her voice was exactly like Kelly's also. Kelly, Tracy and Patty sang a few lines and we honestly couldn't tell one from the other. They all said, "We have a new band member. The question is which band; Chicks, Passion, Friends and Lovers, or Destiny?"

Mandy said, "Patty, can we meet your birth mother?" She said, "Sure. I'll displace us there." Mandy and I went with her to a small home and she said, "Mom, meet my other Moms." She smiled at us and shook our hands as I said, "I think what we have to tell you is going to be somewhat of a shock. How about you come with us to our vacation home? We'll be there in a few seconds." She looked at us funny, and Patty displaced her back with us to the kitchen. She introduced herself as Patricia, as Alicia walked in with Cary and Cary said, "It really is true. Wow do they look alike." I said, "More than that. What can I get you to drink. You may need it." She laughed and I made all of us my favorite drink. The whole crew came in as we explained all of it. Patty demonstrated her powers and also read her birth mother's mind. She was convinced.

I said, "These gifts were inherited from us, and we have already accepted Patty into the Guardians of Life. She will be able to do all of the things that we can do, like displace you here, 120 million light years away in a blink of an eye. She has the power to heal someone, read thoughts, and create planets and life. She also now has the responsibility that goes with it. We have opened our hearts to her and our homes, and will share with her in everything that we have. We want you to understand that we don't want to replace your role as her mother. We only want to help her. Patty, you can call us mom, or Mandy and Jen. Either one is okay with us. Just don't call us Doctor or Hey you. That's reserved for the press." Everyone laughed and Patty said, "Okay Mom." Patricia said, "I could never do any of things for her that you can. I'm making a small salary and barely getting by."

Mandy said, "We'll fix that. Patricia, we have more money that we know what to do with. You won't have to worry about anything anymore either. Megan, can you get me my checkbook from the study?" Megan said, "You left it on the counter in here." She floated it over to Mandy and we all laughed. Megan said, "Flashy, isn't it?" Mandy said, "Don't argue with us over this check. Cash it and do whatever you want with it. Patty will also have more money than she could possibly spend in a lifetime." Mandy wrote out a check for five hundred million dollars and handed it to Patricia. She fainted.

Patty was reviving her and said, "It's real. I was in the vault. Now you can enjoy yourself with Jamie and not worry about me." Patricia said, "This is way too much money. You're crazy to do this." I said, "We have so much money this won't even make a dent in it. Cash it and enjoy it." Chris took Patty upstairs to her room, and then into the lab with Roberta and we sat and talked with Patricia. She told us what she did for a living and what she really liked to do. I said, "With the money you can do whatever you enjoy doing. Mandy and I work because we like it. If you want to try being an artist, than go do it. We'll even help if we can."

Mandy and I gave her a tour of the house and she fell in love with the entrance foyer and the ballroom. When we got to the veranda she said, "I love the view. What a house! Where is your other home?" I said, "Oregon, near our office. Everyone calls it the castle." Patricia said, "Is that the castle that's overlooking the lake?" I said, "You've seen it?" She said, "We went camping on the other side of that lake years ago and all fell in love with it. It's huge! We thought it was a hotel." Mandy said, "A lot of time it is a hotel, we have so many house guests. You're welcome anytime."

We went back into the house and finished the tour and then went into the lab. Patty said, "Chris and Roberta are so awesome. We have a meeting in an hour with her!" She handed me the bio and I said, "Fits you to a tee. Good luck." We all read it and I said, "Music, civil engineering, and about 10 other similarities, and all elevens." I handed it to Patricia and said, "Get ready for a wedding soon." She read it and said," "She is so gorgeous. She works in the same area also." Mandy said, "Chris is the family match maker."

We displaced with Patricia to the castle and gave her a tour there also. She was in love with it. We went into the garage as the last stop and someone had brought the new Ferraris over to the house and Mandy was in heat. She sat in both cars and said, "IMSA baby! Next race!" I laughed and Patricia said, "You do have a lot of toys." Mandy showed here every car and explained the significance of it. She said, "There is one missing that Jen trashed last night, but she pulled through it." I said, "Lets call the broker and see if he can buy us another one. I'm sure someone will be willing to sell."

We went to the kitchen and Mandy called the broker and placed the order. She said on the phone, "I don't care. We want it. Unless the price is totally outlandish, buy it and have it shipped to the restoration place we used last time." I said, "This is Eve and Eva two of our androids. They are named the same in both houses so didn't get confused. If you ever want to just stop in for a while or stay for a few weeks, they will let you in. Eve, and Eva, this is Patricia. You also met the idiot pets. They go back and forth between the houses using the teleporters we put in for them." Patricia said, "This is like a dream. I never knew people actually lived like this." Mandy said, "You can too if you want. You have enough money. Just enjoy life for a while." Let us take you back to your house.

We displaced to her house and Patricia said, "This is Jamie. We're getting married in two weeks." We all shook her hand and Patricia said, "Jamie, sit down. You will not believe what I'm going to tell you." We sat with her and laughed as Jamie fainted when Patricia showed her the check. I said, "If you're looking for a place to go to unwind or relax after the wedding, or before, feel free to use the castle or be our guests at our vacation home. We have plenty of rooms. Let me give you our phone numbers also." Mandy wrote down everything and I said, "It's been a pleasure." We hugged them both and displaced back to the vacation home.

Mandy made us our favorite drink and we sat in the kitchen and lit a cigarette. I said, "I really do feel better than I have in years. The healing must have rejuvenated all of my cells. Want me to do it to you too?" Mandy said, "What, smash me into a tree or heal me?" We laughed and I said, "The tree part." I started to heal her all over and she said, "It tingles", as I did it over every inch of her body for the next 45 minutes. I finished and Mandy said, "It really does make you feel better. Wow!"

I lit a cigarette as Chris came into the kitchen and introduced Patty's new friend, Debbie. Patty and Debbie were starring into each other's eyes and were so hooked on each other. I said, "Sit down and talk to us for a while." Debbie was talking about what she does at work and things she likes and Patty said, "We worked almost next to other last year and just never met. We both work for Jim running projects." We talked for a while and Patty explained how we just met this morning. She said to Debbie, "I have three Moms. This is great!" We all laughed and they were so into each other. Patty said, "I have to get my cloths and stuff from the other house." Mandy said, "Come with me a minute. I'll show you how to cheat." I listened in to their minds and Mandy showed her how to remotely displace things and also make her own stuff in her mind. Chris was asking Debbie about her music and she said, "I love your band and Destiny, and Chicks, and all of them. The new material is so kick ass." Chris smiled and said, "Thank my parents for that. They wrote all of it."

Patty and Mandy came back into the kitchen and I said, "Debbie also plays music. You two sing together yet?" Patty took her to the studio and we listened, as they sang one of the destiny songs. Mandy and I smiled and I said, "That is music made in heaven. Listen to the blend." Kelly and the others all heard them and came running in. Patty said, "Meet Debbie" and then she introduced everyone. Debbie said, "I know who they are and I love your music." All of Destiny got up and played with them, and the singing was out of this world. Debbie also plays one hell of a guitar and Patty is outrageous on keyboards. Mandy smile at me and said, "Lets have a big dinner for everyone on the veranda."

I said, "Crab or pigow? Debbie you're the guest. Which one?" Debbie said, "Crab legs are my favorite." I said, "When you finish up you can help us net them at the pier." Mandy was talking to Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy in their minds and then said to me, "Everyone's in for the Crabs in about a half hour." We sat and listened to them play a few songs and it sounded really terrific and they all know it. Mandy said, "You want to try a new tune?" She picked up a folk guitar and said to me, "Lets give them the new one." We both sang it and Kelly said, "That is such a good tune. How do you keep doing this?" I said, "Beats us. Music is on the shelf behind you."

The eight of them arranged the song in a few minutes to try it and then all sang part of it. Kelly and Tracey sang lead in the first verse, Patty and Debbie sang the lead in the second, and Megan and Rose sang the third. They all sang harmony. Alicia and Cary sang harmony in all of the verses. We listened to the first time they played it and Mandy was smiling from ear to ear. She kept saying into my mind, "They sound unbelievable." The kids knew it also, as they kept looking at each other during the song. They finished it and we stood and clapped. Megan said, "Patty, you and Debbie have a home here in this band if you want it. That sounded great!" They were jumping up and down and hugging. I said, "How about we catch some Crabs for dinner."

They were all telling Patty how they made the nets and Debbie was lost. Patty said, "I'll explain later. It's something I inherited." We laughed and went out back with them. Kate and Judy were outside already with Julie and Kathy and we did the introductions. Julie said, "My God, is she a twin of Alicia or what." Kathy said, "Jen, you fell Okay. You were really a mess." I said, "I feel great and I know I was a serious mess. My energy came out of my body and I couldn't get back in. Last step as you die, I guess." We went to the pier and spotted tons of King Crabs. Mandy and I moved the sand with our mind as they all caught them with a net. We spotted Melissa and Jody coming back with their boat and I said, "Lets catch more. They'll want to join us."

We had two huge nets full of King Crabs and Mandy and I tied them and lifted them with our minds. We put a handle on each and moved it to the barbecue pit. Kathy and Julie took over from there. Debbie was mesmerized as she watched and I said to Patty, "Explain it to her." I said into her mind, "We have the power to give anyone these powers. If you are serious about her, and want this to be a lifelong commitment, we can make it happen. Just don't tell her that part yet." Patty said back into our minds, "I am so much in love with her, but I guess I should wait and make sure it's real." Megan said back to her, "Fuck waiting. If she feels the same way than do it. We all did." Patty smiled as she sat with Debbie and started to explain what she saw. Debbie said, "This is too cool. Show me that again." Patty turned invisible and then visible again. We all smiled.

Ruffles and Snuffy came out back with us and Snuffy was reading a page of notes we left on a table. I said, "Snooping?" The dogs both laughed and ran inside. Mandy said, "Why did we teach them to read? This is worse than the talking." Kathy said, "Set the table", as Melissa and Jody walked up the beach with Janice and Karen. I said, "Want Crab legs with us?" Jody said, "Sure. You in one piece again?" I said, "Looks that way." They all hugged me and Jody said, "You were a jerk!" I said, "I know and I already got the lecture. Just keep this to ourselves." I introduced them to Patty and Debbie. Janice said, "Patty, you and Alicia could pass a twins. Hey, what a great skit for a band." Everyone was smiling and I said, "They are also musicians. Good musicians. They work for Jim." Julie said, "Finally, we have one of us in operations. It's about time!" Patty was laughing and said, "What do you mean?"

Mandy said, "Jim's okay as a manager, but we like people who can think on their feet, are bright, and are willing to be adventuresome. That's how you make progress and discoveries. Operations is always lagging. Like the Super Air Highway system; it was a great idea, but we missed so many things. Patty said, "We know. I had a list of things last year like you guys had in your speech last night. I was told it's too expensive. I'll show you the presentation later. That's the same project that Debbie and I worked on. I had design and she had the construction infrastructure parts. We never met, because they didn't want the two groups to work together. Talk about stupid."

I said, "That gets fixed today." Debbie said, "Jim will be so pissed at us. Please don't tell them that we told you about this." Megan said, "Debbie, we run the place. Jim works for us. We tell him what he's allowed to get pissed over. I don't like what I'm hearing here at all. He should have never kept this to himself, especially when public safety is an issue. Mom, we should make operations a permanent part of the advisory panel so they get a head start on the changes need to support any new discoveries." I said, "Your right. Patty and Debbie, consider yourself advisory panel members."

I said into Mandy, Megan, and Alicia's mind, "Did you see the personnel records for Debbie and Patty? I read them when Chris was doing the matching thing. Jim is paying them next to nothing. What gives with him? We want the best minds and they both came through the advanced education program. They should be making at least 4 times what he's paying them. Plus they aren't on any of the stock or bonus plans." Megan said back into our minds, "Lets talk and I'll fix it tomorrow. I just don't get it with him. I want to see Patty's presentation after dinner."

Kathy and Julie asked us to help and we all helped with the food. There was so much, and our favorite dipping sauce. Patty as helping Debbie break the crab shells using her mind and Rose was hysterically laughing. Megan said, "Ring any bells?" We all were telling jokes and goofing around and had a great diner, as Cary made everyone one of our favorite drinks. Patty made a toast to us that was so touching and ended with, "To top off one of the most wonderful days in my life, I met Debbie and I am so in love with you." We all toasted and they kissed and kissed, and then Debbie said, "Patty, I feel the same way." They kissed again and we all smiled. Mandy said, "They fit right in."

We all stuffed ourselves and Mandy told everyone about the new Ferraris at the castle. Jody said, "Don't tell me you're driving IMSA?" Mandy nodded and they all laughed. Debbie said, "I'd love to drive one of those cars, they're the ultimate in handling. Did you see the spec sheets?" Patty was rattling off the numbers and we all laughed. I said, "You two ever race, or just tune them?" Debbie said, "I drove a few times but couldn't afford to buy anything decent." Patty said, "We had an old TVR that I ran a few times, but it just isn't fast enough. There is only so many horses you can squeeze out of a 302." The two of them were talking about engine modifications and everyone smiled. Kathy said, "Don't you just love engineers."

We all had another drink and lit up cigarettes, as we listened to some of Jody and Melissa's new ideas about commercials. They were hilarious.


I said, "Patty, can we see your presentation you talked about before?" She said, "Sure. You have access to the network from here?" Chris said, "We have everything here. This is technology central." We all went into the study and sat at the conference table as Chris set up one of the computers to project on a wall. We all listened to Patty start her presentation and watched the slides. She had a simulation of travel at different speeds and what the driver would see. It went from 150 to 1,100 miles and hour and showed exactly what would happen, distances needed, signs, size, everything we talked about. Debbie said, "I have one also that addressed the other issues you spoke about. Want to see it?"

Debbie loaded her presentation and said, "I gave this a little over two years ago." Her first slide had to do with solid areas for landings due to mechanical breakdowns and then run off areas. She had a chart from the design area of deficiencies and Patty said, "That's what was left, after Jim ripped apart our ideas. No wonder he didn't want us talking. You saw the same things." Debbie continued and had all of the specs, building plans, cost estimates, and staff requirements to do all of it. She also had the mechanical design for the signage to sustain the air wake. Megan said, "Problem solved. We start implementing this tomorrow. You two get to run it together reporting directly to Alicia. I'm also going to adjust your pay and benefits, and we'll go over all of that tomorrow." Alicia said, "My pleasure. I want to be there when we talk to Jim. I have exactly three words for him. You're fucking fired!"

We all looked around the room and I said, "I agree, but we should hear his side, whatever it is. Maybe he had some reason for doing this that we don't know about. Let him talk and hang himself if that's where it leads. We all should be there for this. Let me start by asking him about the speech that we gave and see how he reacts." Megan said, "I agree, but you all have to promise that you won't fire him. Just point to Alicia and she gets to do it. I think it's appropriate as he lied to her. I remember Alicia asking him if this was as safe as he could make it, and the fucker said yes it was."

Megan said, "Lets all go to the office at 9 and do the inquisition. I hate this shit. Some people are such assholes." I said, "Megan, check the bonus and stock payouts. My guess is that his actions had something to do with it. We have access to it here don't we?" Chris said, "I can get into it. She accessed the internal systems and went through a bunch of screens and said, "Debbie, what was the estimated budget?" Chris jotted it down and then had a spreadsheet up and typed in a few numbers. She said, "Instead of 22 million he got 34 million. Big difference, when we only budgeted for 6 million to start with. He must have cut costs on everything. We really should go through all of this with a fine tooth comb."

Alicia said, "Patty and Debbie, why don't you work this with me and lets figure out how fucked up everything else is. This isn't good. We'll start tomorrow. I know you two are probably dying to go try out that bedroom." We all laughed and they blushed. I said, "We are all the same way, and most of the time worse." Rose said, "You have no idea."

We all went into the kitchen and Patty was all over Debbie. I said, "Go upstairs. No one cares. Just be up in the morning." They waved goodnight and went up to bed. Megan said, "I like them a whole lot. Lets see where this goes and maybe restructure operations to take advantage of their skills." Mandy said, "I agree. One of us has to be on the inside in every department to stop this type of crap and they are both brilliant."

Megan said to us, "So are all of your parts working?" I blushed and Mandy said, "We tested them all and a few were improved." Melissa said, "Come on, Jen was a 10 start with." I blushed more and Mandy said, "Now she tastes like a ten too. I swear it, the taste of her cum changed and is sweeter and so addicting." Everyone was laughing and I must have been purple. Mandy said, "Jen, you never blush like this! Come on baby, we're going to retest everything again."

We got up and went upstairs as Mandy was busting my chops calling me "sweet thing." We got into our room and I put my arms around her and I said, "I never really thanked you for last night. You did everything for me and I was such a jerk. Mandy, I love you and should have never doubted you." We kissed and really got into it. We took off our cloths as we caressed each other and lay in bed. Mandy rubbed her breasts against mine and kissed me over and over again. We held each other close and I felt her hard on against mine. We pushed ourselves together more and were getting so hot. Mandy moved into a 69 position with me and we sucked each other's cocks, while fingering each other's pussy. We both made our fingers bigger and were making each other crazy. Mandy hit my G-spot and rubbed my cock fast as she sucked it. I did the same thing to her as she was moaning into my mind, "Shoot into me honey. I want to swallow all of it."

I let loose. My pussy twinged and spasmed in orgasm as I sprayed my juices and my cock pulsated in Mandy's mouth, just as hers jerked into my mouth. I tasted her cum and it was so sweet and I sucked it all down and shared my thoughts with her so she could taste it. She did the same thing back to me as she swallowed all of my cum. We sat up and kissed and I said, "Healing makes it happen." We both licked our lips and laughed. Mandy reached for the nightstand and lit a cigarette as she said, "This is dangerous. We could end up sucking each other off all night. Jen, I love how you taste now." I said, "You tasted yourself when I shared my thoughts. It's the same." Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and I took a deep drag. I handed it back and lay down next to her on my side. She rolled on her side also and our hardons were against each other. Mandy handed me the cigarette and reached down and held both of our cocks in her hand, squeezing them together. It felt great. I took a drag of the cigarette and then held it to her lips and she took a drag also. We both took another drag and then I put it out.

I reached between our legs also and I made two fingers really long and fucked both of pussies as they were next to each other. Mandy kept squeezing and rubbing our cocks and we kissed. I said, "Which one of us going to move to a 69 position when we're ready to cum?" She half smiled at me and kissed me again and then said, "Me." We masturbated with each other and kissed. It felt so good, and we were both getting off. I felt my cum starting and Mandy moved to a 69 position with me on our sides. We sucked each other's cock again and we both shot into each other's mouth within a minute. I loved how she tasted and swallowed all of it and wanted more. We both moved to lick each other's pussy and our cum tasted different there also. I sucked her dry and she did the same thing to me. Then we tongue snaked each other and sprayed our juices in each other's mouth. Mandy sat up and kissed me with a mouthful of my juices and I still had some of hers in my mouth. We locked lips for over ten minutes.

Mandy turned us into Combined couples and we slid into each other and fucked. My bunny tail was seriously hopping and so was hers so a while. We kissed and blasted off into each other four times and were both sweating so much the bed was soaked. We were completely out of breath and lying on our sides. Mandy's face was over mine and we were both breathing into each other's ear. Mandy picked up her head and moved it next to mine and kissed me with such passion. I sucked her tongue into my mouth and then she sucked mine, as we lay interlocked sharing our thoughts and minds. She said into my mind, "Lets sleep and dream together."

We were out cold in seconds and in a dream. We were back in that big white house and saw Patty and Debbie in the far bedroom, and their kids now along with everyone else's. Then we were back in a concert again watching the kids perform. We heard the songs from Destiny just like before and sang along as we knew them. We also watched the others play and sang along. Mandy said in our dream, "Lets wake up and write these down and then make love again."

We woke up at 4 in the morning, turned on a light and wrote down the songs. All 36 of them. Mandy put them on the dresser and then turned off the light. I move into a 69 position and sucked her pussy dry and she went wild on me too. We moved and slid into each other interlocked again, and my bunny tail was working overtime. So was hers as we fucked like lunatics. We both blasted off twice and then fell back to sleep.

Mandy woke me up and I was having a nightmare about the accident when I was trapped in the car. She held me close and said, "Lets dream nice things. I know you were really scared and so was I, but you're okay now. Sleep honey." We fell back to sleep and had a great dream. Mandy even had us driving the Ferraris in a race. She won and I came in second. She said, "It's my dream, you get to win in yours." I think we both were laughing in our sleep and started to make love again. We fucked while we were asleep and both of us came so much. We both woke up as we blasted off, moaning into each other's ear. I looked at the clock and said, "We have to get up baby. Show time in the office in an hour." Mandy kissed me and said, "What a night. Jen, we were closer than we have ever been in a dream. I don't understand it. I was in your nightmare and it was horrible. I can't believe how much you suffered in that car. God, it makes me so sad when I think about it, that you hung in there for me." Mandy had tears in her eyes again and I said, "Don't cry honey. Don't cry. I made it, and you're the one who made it happen. Come on lets take a shower."

I wiped her eyes and we did our office morning routine. We went downstairs for breakfast and Patty and Debbie were feeding each other and so in love. We both smiled and I made us some breakfast. I said, "I figure you slept about 3 hours?" Patty laughed and said, "About that." We were eating and everyone came downstairs for breakfast. I turned on CNN and we watched the news. There was a segment about people protesting being "connected" and we all said, "What's that all about?" Chris was laughing and said, "More fruit cakes. We'll have someone find out."

We all had some coffee and a cigarette. Mandy said, "Remember what I said about the taste? It seems to be caused by the healing process. Jen did it to me and it is completely different. Try it. This may be the start of a new oral sex pill." Chris and Roberta were laughing and Roberta said, "What does it taste like?" Mandy said, "Okay, time for a quick demo. You ready honey? We'll jerk each other off into a cup and let them taste it." They were all laughing and Megan said, "I don't believe it. Do it if you think it's that different."

We did. Julie held the cup and Mandy and I jerked each other off and shot into the cup in about five minutes as everyone watched and then applauded. We used a spoon and passed it around. Everyone said the same thing, "Sweet and different." Patty and Debbie said, "How can we taste like that?" I said, "Healing powers. We'll show you later." Mandy and I got the cup back and she tilted it back into her mouth and kissed me, as we swallowed all of it. Debbie said, "My God is that hot. I'm so wet." Patty kissed her and they were getting into it. I said, "Wait until later. We have work to do today." They were hopelessly in love.

Megan said, "Lets do it. To the office." I held Patty's hand and Mandy held Debbie's as we displaced. Patty said, "I can find it now. Cool." We went into Alicia's office and she called Jim in as we all sat at the conference table. She said, "Jim, have a seat. We want to talk to you."

I started it off by saying, "We made a speech two nights ago about safety on the Super Highways. Did you see it?" He said, "Yeah. It was right on target." I said, "Then how come you didn't do these things before when they were presented to you?" Jim looked around and saw Patty and Debbie, and didn't answer. Alicia said, "Let me tell you why you didn't do anything, and please stop me if I'm wrong. You did this to cut cost way below the budgeted level and sacrificed quality. You cost a human life. All of this so you would get 7 times the size of bonus we all planned on. Plus you lied to my face when I specifically asked if we could do anything to make it safer. That about sum it up?" Jim said, "I guess that's about right." Alicia said, "Jim, you are so fucking fired. Get your things and get out. You cost a person their life to make your bonus numbers. You're done here." Alicia buzzed Flow and said, "Send up security to escort Jim off premises. His employment has been terminated."

A security guard and a HR rep were in Alicia's office in less than 30 seconds and they walked Jim out. Alicia said, "Patty, move into Jim's office when he's out and Debbie, you take the vacant one next to his. I want us to figure out what he did, the costs, and then fix all of the fuck ups." I said, "Alicia you handled that excellent. I was personally thinking of smacking him or turning him into an ugly toad. You are so much more controlled than we are."

Patty was laughing and Megan said, "You have no idea. Some of the stories from before we were born would curl your hair. Mom even broke her hand smashing it on the conference table one day." Mandy put her head on my shoulder and said, "I'll never live that down. I was so pissed off. That was the day of the lawsuits before Gods laws, or should I say our laws." Debbie looked puzzled and I said, "We did the whole thing. When Patty is ready to tell you all of it, we'll explain it." Patty said, "I'm ready. Debbie and I decided to get married last night."

I said, "We'll go through it all. Alicia, it may make more sense for all of us to help with the Jim problem and do it on the work planet. We can work for days and not miss anything here. Debbie should be part of it so it should be after her knowledge transfer." Debbie looked even more puzzled and I said, "You will receive more knowledge than you thought possible. Patty, you ready to do this now?" Mandy said, "Debbie, we have incredible power in our minds. We can create anything, planets, life, and change anything that exists. We are part of the Guardians of life. It does come with responsibly, and I need you to answer these questions honestly and we will hold you to your promise." Mandy told everyone in their mind what we were doing and echoed all of it through my eyes, as I asked the questions and Debbie said, "I promise." I said, "Lets take her to the work planet and set up the knowledge transfer. Alicia, we'll be done by noon and then we could move everything we need to the work planet and go through all of it." Chris said into our minds, "Roberta and I will help."

We displaced to the work planet and Tara was there waiting for us. She said, "Debbie, welcome to the most exclusive club in the universe. Tara gave her the history of life and everything that she did with Patty, and then she put her on a knowledge transfer computer. We all displaced back to earth and I said, "Three hours?" Chris said into our minds, "Jen, you are brilliant, but when are you going to learn to tell time?" We all laughed and I said back, "I give up. How long?" Chris said, "1 hour 50 minutes. We have an extra Mickey Mouse stop watch if you'd like it?" We all laughed and I said back, "Real cute Chris." We heard Roberta still laughing in our minds.

We helped Patty set up her office and then Megan came and said, "Jim paid you so little, I'm embarrassed. Why didn't you say anything?" Patty said, "I did, and was told to be grateful that I had a job." Megan said, "You and Debbie are on the management plan immediately. We are doing to restructure, so lets see how it shakes out, but your base salary will be at a minimum 275,000. There is a bonus plan that is out of this world, and a stock plan. I am so pissed at that asshole. I wonder how many other people he did this too. I'm going to have an audit of the HR records. I don't understand why they didn't see this either." I said, "You might find something you aren't planning on. Like someone knew about it all along and kept it quite for whatever reason. Just be prepared. It may make sense to do that part on the work planet also. How many personnel files are we talking about?" Megan said, "Thousands." I said, "It may be easier to write some software to check all of them. Match level and grade to pay and background. Join us in a little while and lets hammer out a plan. Chris and Roberta will be with us also." I said into Chris's mind, "I found my old wrist sun dial and I'm set now. Have Allison and Kyle join us. We have other issues we need your help with." She said back, "That's why you can't tell time in the dark. See ya."

We all talked about some of the projects in operations and then displaced to the work planet, as Debbie was waking up. Patty went to help her up and smiled at her. Debbie said, "Wow. My brain is full." Mandy was laughing and said to me, "Did you tell her to say that?" I smiled and shook my head no. I said, "Now you know all of the things that we do. Scary isn't it." She said, "Wow. We can change time too?" I said, "Lets fix the business problems and then you guys can lean how to do everything. Megan thinks there is a personnel and HR issue, lets start with that."

Megan said, "Patty and Debbie, I'm using you as an example because it's real. We are fixing your pay immediately." Megan explained all of what she thinks is happening and I said, "Allison, can you and Kyle write some software to read all of the personnel files and match it to the grids that Megan has here. Lets see if there are any patterns, and who in HR is involved, and what departments." Allison said, "Yeah, this is easy. What are the other problems, we may be able to help there too."

Alicia explained this one and Chris said, "Allison, between us four we consulted on every single operations project for the last 30 years. Lets use our notes to just look back a few years and see what we find." Allison booted a computer and accessed their notes and we all read the list of projects. Chris made print outs for everyone and Patty said, "We know all of these. I know the design side, and Debbie knows the implementation. I can tell you that the same thing happened to me on each one of these. Our ideas were cut short, and we only did what was absolutely necessary. Some things I think were cut back way too far."

The six of them listed each project and then pulled up the plans that Patty did and Debbie did. They compare it to the plans that Chris and the others received to reviewed and they were completely different. I said, "I think we have some long homework to do. Which ones of these are immediately critical." Chris said, "All of them. Boy, does this suck. You should have turned him into a frog. Firing was way too easy." I said, "How about we spilt them up, does that make sense?" Chris said, "Probably not, we each know a separate part of each one. This is just going to be a long couple of days here. Kyle, why don't you write that software so they can tackle the other problem, which may be even worse." She said, "Okay. Megan, sit here with me and lets make sure I understand the rules."

We watched Kyle hammer out the code in no time and have something running in about 30 minutes. She said, "Select a different tab to sort it differently. I did department, project, HR rep, job grade, salary, level, and out of bounds high and low. The red and blue lines are ones that are out of bounds on each direction. Blue we pay too little, and red we pay too much."

Mandy and I sat with Megan and I said, "Hit the red first. I have a funny feeling about this." It showed 6 names and Jim was on top of the list followed by two managers of his and three people from HR. I said, "See what I mean? Now do the blue list." It listed about a hundred people all in Jim's department. Megan said, "That fuck! Look at how low some of these are. Oh, shit am I embarrassed." Mandy said, "Lets figure out what each person should be making and do the increases here, right now. We can even update the systems. We'll deal with the managers and HR when we get back. Chris can you lock certain people out of the systems from here, so that no one can override you?" She said, "Sure." Megan gave her the red list of names.

We spent six hours going through every employee's records and making the changes and then writing notes in the file so one of us could talk to them about it. One person got a 100,000 raise. It was unbelievable. We added up the difference and came up with 4 million in salaries. Megan kept a running total to see what the budget should have been and Jim's bonus. She said, "Fraud is one of God's laws and so is stealing and willfully endangering the lives of others. Lets hope Jim is a convincing lair to the court computer."

I said, "How are you guys making out?" Chris said, "We are almost done, but you're not going to like it." I made us all some sandwiches and coffee and sat watching Chris finish the numbers with Patty and Debbie. Chris displayed a spread sheet for us on the design walls and they walked us through it. Patty said, "The highway system was 4 million under budget because he asked for too little to start with. It was 8 million under the estimate we made two years ago. Maybe it could be less now using androids for some of the construction, but we didn't figure that in." Debbie said, "The teleportation system terminals were all scaled back using substandard concrete. This could be a major problem. We're only guessing at the costs up here." They went on for 15 major projects and Megan said, "Print all of this out. I'm going to file a police report and get that son of a bitch. We need to figure out how we announce it first. This could kill our stock."

Mandy said, "Don't announce anything, just fix it and introduce it as a safety upgrade. Use our speech and announce more safety plans to get good publicity for each of the ideas. The stock price is more important than prosecuting Jim. My guess is that he already knows that. I think the frog idea is very appropriate. We keep him as a pet in a tank at the office. All in favor?" We heard about 40 voices say, "Do it", in our heads. We all laughed and Megan said, "Motion carried."

Mandy said, "Megan, you do the tank, and we'll do the fog. Give us about 10 minutes to meet you I your office with the cute little rascal." We looked up his address and then did a remote viewing. We found him with his managers that were in red. I said, "Make that 3 frogs." Mandy and I displaced to his home and I said, "Hi Jim, remember us? We have a very special surprise for all of you and I'm sure you will love it." Mandy turned then all into frogs and I put them into a tall glass and we displaced to the office. Megan looked at the glass and laughed and dumped them into a tank with a bunch of dead files. She said, "Jim, Bob, and Dave, I hope you are really happy here. It's you new home. Forever!"

We put the tank in the reception area and decorated it really nice with lots of stones and water inside. We also put on a lid so they couldn't get out and I asked the receptionist to feed the frogs every day. She said, "They are so ugly!" I said, "We are planning to use them to test some new drugs that are way to unstable to use on people yet. These frogs are so yucky no one will care. Talk to them. They seem to like it when you call them names. Watch. Hi jerky. Hi Mr. Weasel." Mandy was laughing hysterically and so was Megan. We could also hear about 40 people laughing in our heads as the frogs were going crazy, jumping up to get out. I waved goodbye to them and knocked on the glass to send them jumping more. I said, "They like that also. Knock on the glass really loud."

We displaced back to the work planet and Alicia was still laughing. She said, "Add the HR staff to the tank also." I said, "We'll decide that after we find out how much they were involved in this. Lets total up how much they stole from us."

We looked through the red list again and Megan said, "No shit. This guy is making 350,000 a year. This is frog tank time." I said, "Him, we may be able to prosecute. Lets see how much he knows first and then we'll decide. How about the others?" Megan said, "All the same pay. Unfucking believable. They should have been making no more than 84,000. This one, Wanda, is supposedly the manager. Lets start there." I said into everyone's mind, "Anyone know a Wanda from our HR department?" Max said back, "The ultimate bad attitude. She works only with operations. Guess you'll have to ask the frogs." Everyone was laughing again and I said, "Thanks Max, real helpful. Have any hallucinogenic drugs I can feed the frogs?" I heard everyone laughing this time as Max said, "I'll do the feeding at least once a week. They'll really like it."

Megan, Mandy, and I displaced back to her office and Megan buzzed Flow and said, "Can you get Wanda from HR in my office. Thanks." Flow buzzed back and said, "She doesn't want to come to your office. You want her number?" Megan wrote it down and called her on speaker and said, "Wanda, this is Megan, the CEO and your boss. Get your ass in my office now or your fired!" Wanda was there in few minutes and sat down. Megan was pissed off and said, "I didn't say you could sit. This is serious. Who in the fuck increased your salary to 350,000 a year, and the salaries of the two people that work for you? This is theft, and I said stand up!"

Mandy said into my mind, "She is worse that I was. Wow!" Wanda said, "I did it. Jim Okayed it as long as I let him pay people below acceptable ranges." Megan said, "So he paid you off so he could steel from us. How nice. Jim was fired today. So are you." Megan buzzed Flow and said, "Get security in my office ASAP, three guards please." She said, "Wanda now you can sit at the table over there", as she pointed to the far side of the room. The security guards came running in and Megan said, "Wanda has been terminated and will be escorted out of the building after we're finished. Also can you please bring these two individuals up here? They are part of this also. Thanks guys."

We waited about two minutes and both of the two were delivered by the guards as they were yelling at them. Megan said, "Thanks guys, can you wait outside. Thanks." Megan said, "We were talking about how you stole from me along with Wanda. The way I calculate it you each stole about 275,000 dollars this year, and that's all I know about so far. What do you have to say for yourself?" One of them said, "You asshole. You can't report us or we'll go public with all of the crap that Jim did in operations. He skimmed on everything." Megan buzzed Flow and said, "You can send away the guards. We won't need them after all. Thanks Flow."

Megan looked at me and I said, "No one talks to us like that. Do you have any idea what we can do to you?" I displaced them to the hell planet and we waited about 40 seconds and brought them back. I said, "That was nothing. I could squash you like a fly. Lets start with all of you apologizing and begging Megan for us not to send you back to cook." They did it and Mandy said, "That wasn't very convincing." She displaced them back to the Hell planet for about 20 seconds and brought them back again. They were smoldering. The one guy stood up and said, "Fuck you!" I said, "Wrong answer!" Mandy turned them into frogs. We heard everyone applauding in our heads. Mandy made another glass and used her mind to put each frog in the glass. She said, "You fucked with the wrong people. Now you get to join your buddy Jim and all his friends. I hope you like your new home, special diet, and view of the reception area." Mandy made them each a little uglier and we all went "yuck." Megan buzzed Flow and said, "Flow can you go to the garage for me and get the parking space number for Jim please?"

We waited until Flow left and then went down to the lobby with the glass. I said, "We have three more frogs to join the group. They will love it here. Mandy dumped them into the tank and we heard everyone clapping in our head. I knocked on the glass loud and the receptionist said, "They really do like that Doctor Edwards. Look at how high they jump." We tried so hard not to laugh as went back up to Megan's office. Chris said into our minds, "I removed all of their cars, personal effects, and put in the system they were fired for theft." I said back, "Thanks Chris." Flow said, "Jim was number 6, and 7 is also empty. What happened to those people from HR in your office?" Megan said, "They were let go for steeling. They're gone and the problem is solved. They were paying themselves a fortune." Flow said, "Idiots. Hey, I like the Frogs in the lobby. Good idea." We all smiled.

We displaced back to the work planet and everyone was still laughing at Flow's comment. Megan said, "Patty, parking space 6, Debbie you have 7. How are we doing?" The showed us a project plan for all of it and I said, "I like the break down of sub projects, but there is a lot here. How many project managers do we have that can run these?" Patty said, "I have six that work for me and Debbie has six also. That leaves us four short. We have any in the hiring queue?" We heard in our minds Max said, "I have one" and then Kate say, "I have two." I said into everyone's mind, "Since everyone is listening, do you all understand how serious this is? We have to make this look like an enhancement and do it as quickly as we can. Any and all suggestions are welcome." We had a lot of suggestions and I said, "Kate, that's great, why don't you and Judy take that one. Patty and Debbie can fill you in on the details. Max, if you feel confident with it, than do it. It's a little bit different from your plants, but you may be able to add some of our technology to it in the process."

I said, "Lets talk organization. Anyone jump in. We need to fill the holes now. Kate you already have the mail, so just figure out how to replace the work that Jim was doing. Megan, any thoughts about the others." Megan said into all of our minds, "I'm naming Patty and Debbie Vice Presidents of Operations. I think we figured out a plan to split some it temporarily until we finish repairing all the projects, then we'll reorganize the right way. Everyone okay with that?" We all heard back about 40 voices saying "Yes! Go with it. Do it." Megan said, "I'll make the announcements today. I'm only going to say that Jim left. Nothing more." Chris said, "Good thinking."

I said, "How are we with android production? Could we produce a few thousand for us to use in construction?" Chris said, "We should be able to squeeze them in. They are still in such high demand and adding another plant will take too long. Plus we could skip most of the customization. We could make them all look the same." I said, "Patty, can you and Debbie do a project plan assuming that the workers all work around the clock. If we use androids, time doesn't matter. We can drive them 24 by 7. Just figure in shift differentials for supervisors. What do you need help with that Mandy and I can do?"

We helped with everything; project planning, costing, schedules, you name it. We all took a 3 hour nap and kept right on going. I made us some food and we redid all the plans that could use androids. It cut the cost by seventy five percent, and we finish the jobs in less than 30 percent of the time. I said, "Not bad. We look like heroes and fix our fuck ups. Plus when we're done, we recycle the androids to the factory. We're only borrowing them."

Megan said, "Mom, how you can solve something like this is just beyond me. The way you both look at this series of problems and dissected them is like black magic. Lets do it. Chris, see if we can schedule the production of the androids to meet the project schedules and we'll start it. I need to go back and make an announcement. Chris, what time is it at the office?" She said, "You can't tell time either. This must be hereditary. It's noon. You can sleep for a while before you go back. We're going to also."

Mandy and I went into one of the bedrooms and so did Patty and Debbie. Chris waved to us as her and Roberta went into a room also. Mandy and I undressed and lay down. We both started to laugh thinking about the frogs. She said, "I'm going to make sure I bring them dead flies every time we come to the office." We caressed each other, cuddled, and fell sound asleep.

Mandy woke me up and we made passionate love, as we were both half asleep. We slid on each other in the dark room and both blasted off twice. She told me that I tasted great and wanted to eat me when we woke up. We both laughed as we fell back to sleep.

Mandy woke me up again we really did eat each other. We sucked each other off twice and sucked the cum out of each other's pussy. We kissed for over a half hour afterward and then got up and dressed.


We woke up everyone and went back to the office. We all stayed in Megan's office as she wrote the announcement letter and then read it to us. I said, "That sounds very positive. I say go with it. How about everyone else, you agree?" Mandy said, "I'd change one line, like this" and she wrote it for Megan.

Megan said, "Lets do it." She buzzed Flow and said, "Can you come in a for a second?" She handed the announcement to Flow and said, "Can you put this out as a press release immediately? This by the way this is Patty and Debbie. Patty will be in Jim's old office, and Debbie will be in the office next to her. Flow, I sorry I didn't do the introductions before, but we were kind of busy." She said, "Megan, I'm so use to it. Don't worry about anything. I'll take care of the announcement. How about interviews if they call?" Megan said, "Only CNN." Flow smiled and said, "No problem."

Flow sent out the press release and company announcement and we watched the news. I said, "Watch this. In ten minutes it will be on. I guarantee it." We watched and the reporter was handed a piece of paper and said, "We just received this announcement from SolarNational. They have restructured part of their operations division to address some of the safety concerns talked about over the weekend and already have a plan in place to enhance the systems including the Super Air Highway structures and the teleportation stations. Now this is definitely a take action company with true leadership. I love their style." We all laughed and I said, "We turned a disaster into a nice commercial. Great job."

Joyce and Brandy popped their heads into the office and Megan said, "Come on in." Joyce was smiling and said, "We made a fortune on that Race over the weekend. How does 980 million in sales in three days grab you? The best part is that it was all junk; stickers, tee-shirts, hats, totally useless crap!" We all laughed and they waved and smiled as they walked out. Mandy said, "Those two could make money selling dog shit. I am so convinced. Did you see the tee-shirts? They're horrible, and still selling like crazy."

Patty and Debbie were so tired. I said, "Someone didn't sleep when they were suppose too, did they?" They both had their eyes half closed and giggled. I said, "Go back to the work planet and get a full 8 hours sleep. It's only a few minutes here." They both displaced back to the work planet and Megan said, "You know they are going to fuck for 8 hours and then pass out." I said, "So they'll be back in 20 minutes instead." Mandy was giggling and said, "Lets go play with our frogs. I want to feed them." Mandy took an empty envelop off of Megan's desk and said, "This should be about right", as she filled it with dead flies. Everyone was laughing and we got up and walked down to the lobby.

Mandy bent over to the tank and lifted the top off a little. She said, "Hi everyone. We're so glad to see you again. I brought you all some delicious lunch." Mandy dumped in the flies and said, "I bet that's so delicious. Have a great day, and keep hopping." She said into my mind, "One more slight change. I think they should be sexless also so we don't have any little frogs to deal with. Yup that did it, no frog pussies or cocks anymore, just ugly." The frogs were all jumping and banging against the side of the tank and I said, "That was nasty." Mandy smiled and said, "Yup. Sure was, wasn't it? Tomorrow we give them Vodka instead of water. That should be good for a few laughs." We heard everyone laughing our mind again and Tara said back, "Why not have Chris change a court computer so the frogs can be sent to hell for a hundred years?" I answered her, "Because one of us would have to take care of them." We heard everyone saying, "Not me, yuck, no way, this is better."

Patty and Debbie got back to the office refreshed and we started the projects. By the end of the day all of the people were assigned, and everyone had a copy of the master plan for each area. Chris, Roberta, Allison, Kyle, Megan, Rose, Alicia, and Cary all congratulated Patty and Debbie on what they already did. The two were walking on cloud nine.

We took Patty and Debbie to the castle with us, and gave them both the tour. They were worse than us when they went into the garage. Mandy and I took out the new Ferraris for a spin, and Patty and Debbie drove every single car, including the new ones. They really know how to race also.

We went back inside the house and I said, "Debbie, have you told your parents about the wedding?" Debbie said, "Nope. Want to surprise them with us? They live about a hour from here." I said, "You should call them first. Plus you need to decide if you want a big wedding, small, big party, or whatever, and when you want to get married." Patty and Debbie were reading each other's mind and Patty said, "Small, this weekend. Nothing fancy. Can we have the ceremony at the vacation house? It is so beautiful on the veranda." Mandy smiled and said, "Sure." Debbie picked up the phone and called home. She told her parents and she held the phone away from her ear as we all heard the screaming. She smiled and put the phone back to her ear and said, "We'll stop by in a few minutes. We're pretty close. See ya."

Debbie said, "I should warn you, my parents are really weird. They're really nice people, but strange isn't the word for it. They're both artists." Patty said, "My birth mother wants to be an artist. She's been painting for years, but never had the guts to try doing it for a living. I think she finally is now." Patty said, "You do the driving." We all held hands and Debbie displaced us outside of her parents home.

We walked up a long winding driveway in a forest like setting to a very modern glass ranch house, that was very nice. Debbie open the front door and said, "Guess who!" Her parents walked to the entrance foyer and were all smiles. Debbie said, "These are my parents, Emily and Joy. They're both combined like I am. This is Patty, and we are so much in love, and these are Patty's natural parents Mandy and Jen. Patty's birth mother is Patricia, and we'll introduce you to her tomorrow." They looked puzzled and Patty said, "Artificial insemination." We all sat in a living room and the artwork on the walls was fantastic. Mandy said, "Did you paint all of these?" Joy said, "And about 4,000 more. We kept the ones that we really liked. Feel free to look around."

Mandy and I looked at the paintings and it was really good. I said, "Where do you sell your paintings?" Joy said, "There are 6 galleries that exhibit them regularly. We actually have a new show that opens tomorrow in Seattle." Mandy said, "How much do they go for?" Emily said, "Most are under 10,000." I said, "We'd like to go to the show. I love your work." Joy said, "Give me you full names and I'll get you an invitation. These shows are not open to the general public." Mandy said, "Doctors Mandy and Jen Edwards." They looked at us and Emily said, "Oh my God!"

Patty was laughing and said, "They're really normal people. Well, sort of normal, except we all have a sort of gift, but we all look normal, most of the time. It's really hard to explain, but they are like you guys also." Debbie was laughing and said, "They have the powers and gifts from God, and they gave them to me also. Moms, I can do anything with my mind now. Other than that, they are just like anyone else, except incredibly brilliant."

Emily and Joy sat leaning back on the couch and Joy said, "Debbie, your screwing with us aren't you?" Mandy and I laughed and Debbie said, "Watch?" She made herself invisible and then reappeared in front of her parents. They she lifted the table with her mind and set it back down. Emily said, "Okay, we're convinced. Wow!" I said, "Can we get the invitation. We really do like your work and would like to buy some of it." Joy was laughing and wrote it out and handed it to Mandy.

Debbie started talking about the wedding and they were so excited. Mandy said, "We could have Tara, Adam, Eve, or any of the group, perform the ceremony if you like. Or just have someone local, or one of us. It's up to you." Debbie said, "Can you both do it?" I said, "We'd be honored." They started talking about a guest list and Mandy said, "I know you want small, but our ballroom sits 1,800. We can make this as big as you want. We're paying for it, so don't worry about anything." Joy said, "We can't let you do that. This will cost a fortune." I said, "We have a fortune. We want to do it. Come with us for a few minutes. We take you to our vacation house that they talked about and you'll understand." We displaced all of us to the front entrance of vacation house. The outside lights were all on and we walked up to the front door and walked in.

Joy and Emily looked at the foyer and Joy said, "Holy shit." Mandy said, "This is one area where we thought some of your work would look great, plus in the ballroom. Follow me." Mandy walked about 50 feet over to the to the double doors and swung them open. She turned on the chandeliers and we walked inside. Emily and Joy were fascinated by the ceilings and I said, "Lots of empty wall space in here also. This is where we had one hell of a kick ass party for the others when they got married. I think we had about 1,700 or so guests. We had them all for the weekend and used our resort hotels for them to stay in. We'll give you the ten cent tour. You can't see the view at night, but you'll get the idea anyway." We gave them the tour and then out to the veranda, as we could hear the waves breaking on the beach. The whole gang was there and Debbie introduced everyone. Kate said, "Are you Joy Simon the artist?" Joy said, "The one and only." Judy said, "We have three of your paintings in our room here. We love them."

They asked about our other home so we displaced them there also and gave the tour. Debbie and Patty were so in love with the cars. Emily said, "Figures, they're engineers." We displaced back to their home and I said, "However many people you want to have at the wedding and party, is Okay with us. Just make sure Debbie and Patty are alright with it." Debbie said, "Small, under 200", as Patty was nodding her head. They started with a guest list and Patty called her birth mother and told her about the wedding. She also screamed over the phone and everyone laughed as we heard it. We displaced to see here for a few minutes also so she could meet Debbie. They started on a guest list also.

We all displaced back to the vacation home and Mandy called the resort hotel and told the manager to reserve five hundred rooms for the weekend. I said, "Why so many?" Mandy said, "My guess is that we'll need more."

Everyone was still on the veranda so we all went outside and Cary made us each a drink. Melissa and Jody stopped over and Jody said, "I love the frogs. What a great idea. We went and fed them also, plus we put some Vodka in the water. You should see them jump sideways now." Melissa was giggling and I said, "Any dinner leftover?" Megan pointed to the serving platters full of Pigow and some side dishes. We all made a plate and ate. I said to Roberta, "Where's Chris?" She said, "Inside scheduling the production of the androids for all the projects."

Debbie said, "Do you have this much fun and goof around all the time?" Mandy said, "Yup. We rarely take anything too serious. You saw us in our serious mode today." I said, "Mandy is excellent at making frogs. She's mastered it to where the person still has all of their full memories, so they really know they're an ugly frog. They can't speak, but they can hear and understand every word you say." Julie was laughing and said, "She usually changes the person right back again, so they know what we can do. I think this one is for keeps." Mandy said, "You got that right. I'll let them out of the tank in a few months and dump them into a pond. They have no sex organs, so they can't spread their disease. They pissed me off." Debbie asked, "What was that all about when you said these were your laws?"

We told Debbie and Patty the whole story and they were hysterically laughing. Mandy said, "I swear it's just like a Broadway show. We just used different actors to play each part. We took it on the road and have done it now 104 times, and have four left to do. We'll get you two in one of those also. Want to be God or the First one?" Debbie said, "I can believe you pulled this off. What a fucking piss." I said, "People wanted to believe in God, so we gave them God. We'll show you how it looked in the minds of people on earth." Mandy and I made the projections into Patty and Debbie's mind of Tara and Godda, as we did the script. Debbie said, "Wow! No wonder everyone flipped. Great choreography." We all laughed, and Megan said, "Spoken like a true musician." Mandy said, "Speaking of which, Jen and I wrote some new tunes for all of you. We'll give you the music next time you want to rehearse." Rose said to Debbie, "Get use to this. They even work in their sleep."

Patty told everyone about the wedding on Saturday and they all stood, clapped, and then hugged them both. Debbie gave Patty the wettest, sloppiest kiss, and we all watched. I said, "Did any of you tell them about our nontraditional parties?" Megan was laughing and said, "You sure they're ready to hear this?" Rose explained fruit and food orgies and they laughed so hard. Alicia said, "All of the Guardians are far worse than any of you could possibly become in the next 500 years. You have no idea. Eve, Tara, Godda, and our parents are the ultimate sex Gods." They were laughing again and Mandy put her arm on Patty's shoulder and said, "We are not that bad, just more experienced. They're all jealous."

We finished eating, and had a few drinks and a cigarette. Chris came out and said, "All set. We'll have a full android work force just in time based on the schedules. This project could be used as a model for ones in the future. Disposable and recyclable labor." I said, "I'm done talking shop for today. Mandy, what would happen if we lit one of Tara's dope cigarettes in the Frog tank?"

Everyone was laughing and Chris said, "I'm going to find out. Watch in my mind." Chris got a pack and displaced to the office. We watched in her mind as she lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, holding in the smoke. Then she rested the cigarette inside the tank on a rock, and put the top back on. The tank was getting smoky and we all were hysterical watching the frogs get stoned, jump sideways, jump into the glass, fall down, and roll over each other. Chris was laughing and knocking on the glass before she displaced back. She had tears in her eyes when she got back and said, "I'm sure those assholes are regretting the day they ever met us."

We all went inside to go to bed and went upstairs. Patty and Debbie stopped at our room and Patty said, "Can you teach us what you know about sex?" I said, "Welcome to our private sex lesson lounge. Lucky thing you both got here just in time for the tonight's lecture and demonstration. Take any seat on the bed." Mandy was laughing and put her arm around me and kissed me. She said, "Come here, both of you." We all hugged standing together, and kissed each other, as we slowly undressed each person. Mandy and licked and sucked Patty's nipples, and then we did Debbie's. We let them both do ours and I was so hot watching Mandy get off on it. We had them lay down together facing each other on their sides, as Mandy and I lay between their legs, coupled and interlocked, and licked their pussies. We tongue snaked them and drove them crazy and then explained what we did, and kept going. I make Patty's G-spot go nuts for about 20 minutes, while Mandy did the same thing to Debbie, as they kissed. We showed them how be combined couples and had them interlock, as Mandy and I moved behind each one of them and fucked their asses.

Mandy also showed them in their minds our dinosaur cock and they went wild orgasming and blasted off at the same time. We separated them and made Patty's cock grow bigger so they both could suck it, and then did the same thing to Debbie, as we ate each other out and sucked each other's cock. Then Mandy coupled with Patty and I coupled with Debbie and we all merged our minds as energy and moved from body to body, sharing the feelings. Debbie and I blasted off together. I felt her cock pulsate inside of me and she blasted a force of cum into my pussy as she gasped and jerked. I shot my load into her as Mandy and Patty came also. Mandy and I moved to couple, and so did Patty and Debbie, right next to us.

Mandy and I were so into each other now. We fucked like lunatics as we merged our minds again and went into Patty and then Debbie so they could feel our feelings. We showed them everything, as we both came four times in each other. Mandy was holding me so tight with her legs and arms wrapped around me, as we kissed. I moved slightly and she moaned softly and whispered into my ear, "We need a break honey. I'm exhausted, but it feels so good." I moved my shoulders back from her and reached for the nightstand to get a cigarette, as Patty was moaning and having an orgasm at the same times as Debbie. I lit the cigarette and took a deep drag, and another, holding in the smoke. Mandy leaned her breasts onto mine and took a drag of the cigarette and said, "I want to keep going all night again."

We heard Patty and Debbie giggling and Debbie say, "Wow! I don't ever want to get out of bed. Can you toss me a cigarette and a lighter?" Mandy lit a cigarette and handed it to her and said, "How was the first lesson?" they both laughed and then the laughing turned to moaning as they moved on each other and so did we. Mandy slid into me a little and I was so hot again. I said into Patty and Debbie's mind, "We can keep going all night. Use your mind to make yourself hard and you can even control how much cum you shoot out. We like to make our cocks bigger also." They were both moaning as they made their cocks bigger and Mandy slid into me all the way again and I moaned as I took a drag of the cigarette. Mandy took a drag and said as she blew out the smoke, "The best part is eating each other out in the morning. We love it. I could swallow Jen's cum for hours. We sleep interlocked on our sides all the time. It feels so great when you wake up together. Oh baby, I'm cumming again just thinking about it. Ohhh! Oooohhh! OOOOOHHHHH! Mmmm." Mandy's cock pulsated in me and I felt the white goo shoot into me again, as we kissed. I took a drag of the cigarette, and put it out. We rolled back on our sides again and fucked, next to Debbie and Patty doing the same thing.

Mandy and I fell asleep after we both blasted off again and shared a dream. We were talking to each other in our dream while on the beach and them swimming. We dreamed we were making love underwater and we both moved into each other and fucked in our sleep. Mandy woke me up just as we both blasted off into each other. She kissed me so hard, and then we fell back to sleep.

We woke up to the bed moving when the sun was out and watched Patty and Debbie in a 69 position going wild on each other. Mandy smiled and said, "They're playing our song." We separate and changed back into normal combined, and got into a 69 position. I sucked so much of my cum out of Mandy, I had to swallow 8 times. She was doing the same thing to me as we made our pussies orgasm again, and then gave each other a great blow fuck job, using our enlarged fingers in our pussies. I was bobbing my head up and down on Mandy's cock when she jerked forward and I felt her cock enlarge, spitting a river of cum into my mouth. I stopped moving and used my hand to rub her shaft as she shot so much cum into my mouth. I was shooting into Mandy's mouth at the same time and I said into our minds, "Share it with me."

We both sat up and kissed as we swished the cum in our mouths and swallowed. Debbie and Patty watched us and Patty said, "Shit was that hot." I said, "Bathtub Adventure?" Mandy smiled as we got up. I said, "I'm not sure how adventuresome you want to be. You're welcome to watch and try this with us if you want." They went with us into the bathroom. Mandy and I lay on one side of the shower area in a 69 position, and peed on each other tongues and then really went wild licking each other. Patty and Debbie were lying down doing it also and we got so turned on watching them. We both had two orgasms from our pussies.

I turned on the water and we all took a shower together. Debbie said, "Do we have a test in this class?" Mandy smiled and said, "You just passed the final exam in the shower." We all dried off, brushed our teeth while I was Melvin the Fly again and Mandy couldn't stop laughing, and then got dressed. We also showed Patty and Debbie how to make complete outfits and do their makeup using their minds.


The rest of the week was interesting. We truly tortured the frogs. Mandy gave them the power to talk for five minutes and they yelled at us again and threaten us. She said, "You stupid fucking jerks. Now I will keep you like this forever." She took the tank and let the frogs out into a marsh behind the building. Everyone applauded her in our minds.

Mandy and I went to the art gallery and bought 18 of Emily and Joy's paintings. Their artwork is incredible.

Mandy was right about the wedding. The guest list grew to about 830 in two days. We sent out all of the invitations and upped the reservations at the hotel. We were asked to drive in the IMSA race on this Sunday and Patty and Debbie wanted to go with us and be our pit crew. Actually the whole gang wants to do it, so we said yes because the next weekend we're all playing in a concert. Patty and Debbie are officially part of Destiny now and they sound outrageous.

The projects are all in full swing. We figured out a way to shorten some of the time on the Super Highway project by doing more sections at one time. Chris added 14,000 more androids to the team. In three days they already finished a section covering Florida. It was on all of the news networks as the entire area is lit up at night so work can continue around the clock. Debbie divided up the crews so one only has the signage. Patty and Chris used the satellite GPS technology to mark all spots for each sign using our coordinate technology and then we used software so the androids can locate the coordinates. They really outdid themselves on this one. We figured the entire Earth system should be completed in 70 days and them we replicate what we did to each of the other planets, which hadn't even been started yet. This gave us incredible good press. We also started the teleportation station fixes and decide to resign some areas and modernize them at the same time. It cost us next to nothing using the androids. We all decided that Jim was definitely an asshole. He could have done it the same way we did and have made a 400 million dollar bonus, or more, without cheating. Megan told us that the bonus was now going to be given to Patty and Debbie. We all agreed.

It's Friday night now and Mandy and I are lying in bed giggling, thinking about how Patty and Debbie are complete basket cases about the wedding. Debbie's parents are driving them crazy and so is Patricia. The kids almost want to tell everyone the wedding is cancelled, and then do it anyway with just us there. The guest list kept growing again today and we just laughed. The ceremony starts at 10 in the morning, and then the reception party follows. We're doing the ceremony on the lower veranda overlooking the beach and it really is pretty. Patty told us if either of their parents did one more thing, we were all going swimming and having us marry them underwater using telepathy. We actually liked the idea.

I was lying on my back and took a drag of a cigarette, as Mandy was sort of lying on my side and facing me. She was smiling and still giggling as she said, "Emily and Joy are such scatter brains. I know what Debbie meant now. They must have driven her nuts as a kid. It's the same thing with Patricia and Jamie. How much you want to bet that the four of them hit it off? They are so much alike it's like being in a padded room in a mental institution." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and rubbed her breasts against mine saying, "That feels so good baby." She took another drag and handed it back to me as she put her head down on my shoulder. We shared out thoughts and started laughing when Mandy showed me what was going to happen at the wedding when Debbie's parent got on her case again. I took a drag of the cigarette and put it out.

Mandy moved on top of me and was lying with her legs between mine. We both had hardons and she moved so that our cocks were on top of each other. I spread my legs wide and Mandy made an "mmmm" sound and said, "Honey, I think we need to fuck like lunatics tonight." She had her arms around my neck and I changed us into combined couples. We both moved ever so slightly and interlocked. Her shaft slid all the way into my pussy and my cock went into her. I made our cocks bigger and Mandy whispered, "Oh yeah, just like that." I wrapped my legs and arms around her, and we rolled on our sides, as we slid our bodies in and out of each other.

We fucked for hours. My pussy was soaking with cum, and so was Mandy's. We could both hear the sloshing as we moved. Mandy was breathing heavy into my ear and moaned, "Ohh! OOOHHHH! Oh, baby, I'm cumming again! Hold me! Oooohhh! OOOOOOHHHHHH!" We kissed and held each other so tight, as I felt Mandy's cock pulsate and spit cum into me again. I kept moving and I started to cum again also. I moaned into her mouth as we kissed and Mandy made a long "mmmmmmm" sound as my cock jerked inside of her and my pussy sprayed juices out again.

We lay completely exhausted, holding each other, and Mandy lifted her head up. She was dripping sweat and I licked it off her chin. She smiled and said, "Salty, isn't it?" She wiped the sweat off my cheeks and then she reached for a cigarette and lit it. She took a deep drag and then held it to my lips and I took a drag also. Mandy blew out the smoke and said, "The bed is fucking soaked. Did we pee or is that sweat and cum?" I giggled and said, "That's sweat and cum. It's been dripping out of us for about two hours. It was your idea to make us cum as much as we could." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette smiling and said, "Holy shit. It feels like motor oil on the bed. It's our slip and slide." Mandy moved our assess in it, as we slid a few inches and both laughed. I used my legs still wrapped around her to pull her cock into me deep again and we both moaned softly as I did it. I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy starred into my eyes and said, "Jen, we are so fucked up. Why can't we be like normal people and just make love, say goodnight and fall asleep. No, we have to fuck our brains out all night, every night. I am so addicted to you. I can't stop myself."

I took a drag from the cigarette and said, "Okay, Goodnight." Mandy was laughing and pushed into me again and I moaned, "I thought you wanted to sleep like normal people." She slid into me again a few times and we started all over again. She took a drag of the cigarette and gave me a final drag, before she put it out. Then we went wild on each other one more time. We both came in a few minutes and literally passed out in each other's arms, still interlocked.

The alarm went off and Mandy reached to turn it off. She said, "We have an extra half hour honey." We separated and I moved into a 69 position. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers and watched the cum drip out. It made me so hot I dove into her with my mouth wide open and sucked out all of the cum and swallowed, as Mandy was doing the same thing to me. We both orgasmed again from our pussies, and then we gave each other another blowjob. I bobbed my head up and down on Mandy's cock as she shot into my mouth for over a minute. I finished swallowing and then my cock let loose in her mouth. Mandy put her arms around my ass and pulled me closer, forcing my shaft into her throat as I shot out my thick white goo. She made "mmmmmmmm" sounds as she swallowed and sucked every drop out. Then she crawled over to me and gave me a wet kiss with her mouth wide open. We broke the kiss and Mandy said, "I do believe we're performing a marriage this morning Reverend Edwards." We both giggled and got out of bed as I said, "Reverend?"

We did our quick shower routine today and got ready looking very nice. We went down stairs for breakfast and Chris said, "Some people are already arriving from the hotel. Look at the lower terrace." We looked and I said, "They're an hour early. Let's see if the caterer can serve coffee." Roberta was laughing and said, "We already asked. They're setting it up now."

Mandy and I made some breakfast in our minds and poured some coffee. I told Eve and Eva about the camera routine again and Chris said, "We already have the software. This time it will be easy." Megan and Rose came downstairs and said, "Patty and Debbie look gorgeous. I'm going to bring them up some coffee. Moms, they want you both to walk them down the isle and then do the service. They are so pissed at Debbie's parents and Patricia." We all laughed and I said, "Tell them it's fine with us. Also tell them the underwater ceremony is still an option if they want it." Rose was laughing and said, "This should be a funny reception. Their families are so retarded." I said, "Are the parents here yet?" Chris said, "Not yet. They'll probably come in through the kitchen doors when they get here."

Mandy and I ate our breakfast and had some coffee with a cigarette. I said, "You want to give them the envelope after the ceremony, or before?" Mandy said, "During. Read my mind." I read her mind and said, "I don't agree. That will really piss of Debbie's parents. Lets do it before and let them decide if they want to tell anyone about it. I really feel strongly about this. Lets do it as soon as they come downstairs." Mandy smiled and said, "Your right."

All of the kids came into the kitchen to eat and we joked around a little. I said, "How do the flowers look?" Megan said, "Everything looks great and they are so much in love." Rose put her arm on Megan's shoulder and Megan said, "just like us", and kissed Rose softly. She said, "We're all going outside. They should be down in a minute." I said, "Megan, tell you other sisters and Jennifer that we are giving them the same thing you got before the ceremony. Patty is our daughter too." Megan ran back and hugged us and said, "We know that. We'd be pissed if you didn't give it to her."

They all went outside and Patty and Debbie came downstairs. They looked great. Mandy and I stood smiling and hugged them. I said, "Beautiful. Sit with us, as we have something to give you." I said, "Mandy and I believe in sharing what we have with our family. We have always been like this. Patty you are our daughter, and Debbie you are now part of this fucked up family also." They both laughed and I said, "So we are giving you the same thing we gave to each of the others for their wedding. We own lots of things, and have more money that we could possible ever need. The one thing that we keep very much to us is MJIC corporation, which Mandy and I started to insure the banks and the money supply for each planet's economy. We personally own all of the backup to money supply. Now you will be a partner in this company also. Here open it and read it before the others come in. You can tell them about it and that's up to you. Megan and the other's told everyone, and well leave that up to you." Mandy handed them the card and Patty opened it and they both read it. They were both in tears and hugged us over and over again. I said, "I didn't want you to cry. This is happy. Look at the check you got."

They hugged us tighter and they thanked us over and over again. I said, "It's yours, just like everything else in the houses, cars, you name it." Mandy said, "Except the two new Ferraris. Those are definitely ours!" We all laughed as Patty and Debbie wiped the tears from each other. I said, "I'd put that check in your room somewhere, as it is signed and very real. Or if you like, we can set up an account for you with it." They were both crying again and I said, "You are not allowed to cry today, or at least not until the ceremony is over." Patty said, "You have done more for me and Debbie in the last week, that anyone ever has. Moms, I love you both. Set up the account please. I'm afraid I might loose it. It's so much money." Mandy said, "As a 10 percent owner of the MJIC corporation you get 10 percent of the profits. We make trillions of dollars every month in profit on the insurance premiums. That's completely outside of anything from SolarNational or the bands. Neither of you will ever have to worry about money for the rest of your lives. This is about security and making sure that you and your children will always have whatever you need."

They were starting to giggle and smile and I said, "See. It is a happy thing." We both hugged them and I said, "You sure you want us to walk you down the isle and not Patricia, Emily and Joy?" Patty said, "We sure do!" Mandy said, "Did you tell them that yet?" Debbie said, "We told them and they understand." I said, "I'm going to ask them to stand by you in the ceremony. They did raise you." They both agreed and I said, "Ready to get hitched?"

We said in our minds to Megan, "We're bring them down now. Any wars break out yet?" Megan laughed back and said, "Temporary truce." I said, "Have Emily, Joy, Patricia and Jamie sit in the front." Megan said back, "Good thinking."

I said, "Lets do it." Patty took my arm and Debbie took Mandy's arm, as they held their flowers, and we walked them down to the lower terrace. We saw the crowd as they looked up at us on the upper veranda and watched us as we took the long walked and then down the circle stairs four abreast to the base of the terrace. We walked them up the isle as everyone watched, and a song played that they picked out. We left them holding hands on the alter and Mandy and I walked to the other side to face them.

Mandy said, "Emily and Joy, can you please stand over here, and Patricia and Jamie, can you please stand on the other side?" Mandy started and said, "This has been a very interesting week. Jen and I learned we had a biological daughter that we didn't know we had, we learned that she was part of our company, that she was getting married, and that she wanted us to perform the ceremony. Patty, we are honored to perform the service, and are so proud to call you our daughter, and your sisters all feel the same way. As part of this service, Patty has requested to change her last name to ours. We are also honored by this, and understand what she is feeling. This in no way reflects on the love she or Debbie feels for the four people standing up here that raised them. This is a new chapter in their life, and I guarantee it's going to be really exciting for them."

I said, "Patty Anderson Edwards and Debbie Simon, we are here to join you both in matrimony. To us this is a very special day as you have also have entered into a very select group of individuals with a tremendous responsibility to the human race. We know that you are honest, and know the true meaning of love."

I walked forward and put my hand on Debbie's forehead and said, "Do you Debbie Simon promise to take Patty as your partner in marriage to love her always and forever, until the end of time in the universe?" Debbie smiled and said, "I do."

Mandy stepped forward also and put her hand on Patty's forehead and said, "Do you Patty Anderson Edwards promise to take Debbie as your partner in marriage to love her always and forever, until the end of time in the universe?" Patty smiled and said, "I sure do!"

Mandy and I read each other's mind and said together, "We now pronounce you married as Patty and Debbie Edwards under our eyes and the witnesses here today." I said, "I think you can kiss now." They threw the flower bouquets into the crowd and really kissed and Mandy said, "I expect a lot more than just kissing. We want more grandkids."

Everyone was clapping for them and I said, "Drinks on the upper veranda." Mandy and I held hands and noticed Emily and Joy crying and so were Patricia and Jamie. We each grabbed one of their hands and Mandy said, "Now we party." We all walked up the isle and stairs to the veranda and then everyone came up and started congratulating them. Tara and Eve came over and Tara said, "I like your version better. Very nice touch." She hugged Patty and Debbie and said, "You two are priceless. Congrats and welcome to the club." They both laughed and hugged her, Godda, Eve and Adam.

The music started except this time we had a Mariachi band going through the crowd as drinks and food were served. Patricia said, "Where did you find them?" I said, "Mexico. They're the real deal." Mandy said, "We do a lot of traveling and every time we go someplace that we like the music we get the names and contact information. We saw them in Mexico City last year and listened through about 15 Margaret's." Jamie was laughing and said, "I just can't get use to not having to worry about money. We wanted to give some of what you gave us to the kids." Mandy said, "We already gave them something that will last forever. That money is for you. Enjoy it." Patricia said, "Do you mind if I ask how much?" I said into Patty and Debbie's mind, "Patricia wants to know how much money we gave you. Can I tell here?" They both yelled back "Yes!"

I smiled at them and said, "We gave them the same as we did all of kids. They got a 10 percent holding in a company that Mandy and I owned called MJIC that insures the banks and money supply on all of the planets, and a check for 3 trillion dollars. Plus they get 10 percent of the non-reinvested profits each month that will be somewhere over 10 trillion a year." Patricia said, "Your kidding right?"

Mandy shook her head no and said, "This is very real. I told you we had tons of money. Jen, Patty asked us to deposit the check. Show it to her." I pulled it out of my purse and their eyes bugged out." Mandy said, "Patty and Debbie and their kids, and their kids, will never have to worry about money. We made sure of that." I said, "That's on top of the other money they will make with SolarNational. Megan made them both VPs now, and the bonus they are going to make is unreal. This wasn't a gift; they really earned it. The work they did this past week will net them over 400 million easy in bonus money and saved us trillions. We haven't told them that yet, so don't spoil the surprise. They also are now playing with the band Destiny. You're invited by the way to a concert next weekend. They are both in it." Patricia and Jamie stood there with their mouths hanging open. I said, "It's only money. What good is it if you can't share it with family and enjoy it?"

Mandy said into my mind, "They're like mannequins. Oh well." We walked to talk to Emily and Joy and we had the same conversation. I asked Patty again and they both laughed and screamed back, "Yes! And Yes!" We had the exact same reaction from Debbie's parents. I said to Mandy, "Lets just drink." She put her arm over my shoulder and we danced to the mariachi band and were joined by Kathy and Julie, and Kate and Judy. We all chugged a drink and then made another with our minds and toasted Patty and Debbie. They were laughing at us and then toasted us back and chugged a drink. They came and danced with us along with Tara, Godda, Eve, Adam, Melissa, and Jody. We were having a blast.

The caterer said to us, "We are now ready inside for you." I gave Megan the nod and she announced into the microphone we had outside, "Everyone, please follow the newly weds and parents into the ballroom. There is plenty to drink and eat inside. At the table going in you'll see a place card with your name and it will list your table number. It you get lost just ask anyone of us." Mandy and I escorted Patty and Debbie inside through the hallway entrance, and through the foyer and into the ballroom. I said, "You don't need a card." They both smiled and I said, "Mandy, what table are we sitting at?" They dragged us to the head table and I said, "Oh yeah." I walked over to the dinner band and said, "You did great last time and everyone loved it. This is our last time through this for a while, I hope." I walked back over to Mandy and we held hands as everyone came inside. All the kids joined us at the head table and Megan was busting Debbie's chops asking her if she could tell the difference between Patty and Alicia. Cary said, "Patty, maybe you and I will hit it off if Debbie gets confused tonight." Mandy said, "Only our kids would do this. Oh help us."

Everyone was sitting and they were serving drinks. We were all getting in on the "tell them apart" game they were playing. It was amazing. Down to the last measurement they were identical. Patty said, "I guess I could fill in for you at work and no one would notice until I opened my mouth." Alicia stood and hugged her and said, "You are the same as me and as smart as me. Don't believe anyone that tells you different." We all clapped for her and Patty blushed. Everyone had drinks and Alicia stood up, as we clicked our glasses.

Alicia said, "In this family we are all big in making speeches, but I'll make this short. Patty and Debbie are brilliant, warm, caring human beings, that are madly in love with each other. I have the pleasure of being a big sister, and an almost twin, in case you haven't noticed, as well as having both of our new Vice Presidents of SolarNational working with me. I can't say enough good things about them. This is from all if us. Everyone please raise your glasses. Here is too a wonderful, happy life together, and I know you will be together forever." Every said "here, here", as we drank a toast. Alicia said, "Now, I do believe the band is playing your song. Please welcome for the first time dancing in marriage in our ballroom, Doctors Patty and Debbie Edwards." Everyone stood and clapped as the band played. Patty and Debbie went out of the dance floor and were so into each other dancing.

The band asked all of us to join then on the dance floor along with the Emily, Joy, Patricia, and Jamie. We went out and danced and the other parents didn't. Mandy said into my mind, "What the fuck?" I said back, "Well make it fun for them. Don't worry." We cut in and Mandy danced with Debbie and I danced with Patty, and then we switched. Then all of the kids got up to danced with them also. The band played a few slow songs and we all stayed dancing as Julie and Kathy, Karen and Kathy, Gerri and Jamie, Kate and Judy, and the rest of the group all joined us. Karen put her arm around them and said, "These two are the new Golden voices of Destiny. No one is allowed to piss them off. Got it!" They both hugged Karen and Kathy and were smiling from ear to ear. Max and Mary came out to dance also and they were so complementary to Patty and Debbie, they both blushed.

Mandy said into Patty and Debbie's mind, "Don't any of the guests from your families like to dance or is it the music?" Debbie answered back, "They are all blobs. They sit and bitch. We just ignore them." I said in their minds, "We'll make it fun with or without them." They were laughing back at us. Mandy and I walked over to the band and I said, "Play something fast, maybe that will get the other families moving."

They started playing something that was a funk rock sound and Chris, Roberta, Allison and Kyle started dancing like they do on stage with Patty and Debbie. We joined them and then the dance floor was full. They were all standing around and watching of us dance. Mandy was laughing in our minds, "They just don't know how." There was about 80 of us dancing and about 500 watching. It was a piss. Chris and Roberta can really shake it and Patty and Debbie were doing the exact same steps with them in unison. Then we did it too, along with Julie and Kathy. The band ended the song and played more of the same and we all had a blast dancing. The band played a slow song again and Patty and Debbie were like glue to each other hugging and kissing as they danced. So were we, as everyone sat down. Mandy laughed and said, "I guess we were the show. Wow are they strange."

We all sat down as the Band announced dinner was being served. We went all out with the food again, and it was great. We were all telling jokes at the table and Kelly was telling them about our boat trip that almost ended in a disaster. I said, "Yeah, we got lucky, but the first island was like paradise. There has to be more like that we can go too. Kathy was at the next table and they were all facing us and part to the conversation. She said, "We found four more islands. Want to do another island hopping week after the projects are underway and looking solid?" Everyone screamed, "Yeah!" I said, "We'll have a full boat. This should be fun." A violin and mandolin player were going from table to table and they played for us for a while. Mandy asked them in Italian how the weather was in Venice when they left today. One of them answered in Italian, "Not nearly as nice as it is here. We'll play for you anytime." Patty said, "How come I understood that?" I said, "We all have a built in translator in our brains. We can understand and speak any language. Try it. Speak to me in Japanese." Patty and Debbie both talked to me in Japanese and I answered them in Chinese. Debbie said, "Chinese. Cool." I said, "Debbie, what type of music do your parents like to listen too?" She said, "Country mostly."

I signaled the band leader and he walked over. I said, "Do you know any country music. Apparently, that's what the other family likes." He said, "Yeah, no problem."

We all finished our dinner and then they wheeled out the cake onto the floor. Patty and Debbie went to look at it. They were so excited, as Eva was taking pictures of everything. The band leader did the typical cut the cake song and they each cut a slice and feed each other. Then they got so sensual licking it off. They licked each other's lips and Mandy said, "This is getting hot." The caterer cut the cake and they served it to the tables.

The band started a country song and it was like someone woke up the dead. Everyone got up and danced. We all laughed hysterically. Debbie said, "I'll be damned. Lets get up and boogie to this." We all got up and danced as the kids had blast. The country music was almost the same as our old rock and roll stuff we did and we loved it.

We were dancing next to the band and the guitar player hand me and guitar so I played a chicken picking solo and then Mandy did one, and so did Melissa. All of Debbie's family was almost worshiping us now. Mandy said into my mind. "Uh oh, we really woke them up." They talked us into playing a song so we played one of our really old rock tunes that we use to do country style sometimes. Kathy sat on the drums and she kicked ass in this type of music. We played it and everyone danced and Patty and Debbie danced right in front of us as we all sang and played. Even Emily and Joy were dancing. Mandy showed off by playing a guitar lead while reaching around me, and then I gave her the guitar and did it also except I stood next to her and had the guitar neck in front of me. We used to do this on stage all the time. We ended the song and the place was roaring. The band played more country and no one sat back down. We must have danced for two hours straight.

Mandy grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the table and said, "I need a drink and a cigarette." I made us two drinks in my mind and Mandy lit a cigarette as we sat for a minute." We shared the cigarette watching everyone have fun. Mandy said into my mind, "They are having a great time. That's what this is all about." We finished our cigarette and were sipping our drink when the song ended and we heard Megan say into the mic, "Everyone please stay on the dance floor. Can my parents please come up here?" We walked up front and Patty said into the mic, "We wanted to dedicate this song to you. Dance in front and you have to sing the last two verses."

Mandy looked at me smiling and said, "I'm going to cry again." All the kids and all of the other band members here went on stage and the shared microphones. Patty sang the first line of "We do it for you." Mandy and I danced slow to the music and both of us were getting teary eyed. Debbie sang a new line they added and Mandy started to cry. When they did the first Chorus with Rose really signing loud I said into Mandy's mind, "Don't cry honey. This is happy, remember?" We both looked at each other choking up as we danced. We danced and held each other, smiling the whole time. Then it was our turn so we walked to the stage and Mandy and I sang the verse and we read each other's mind and changed two lines to be about Patty and Debbie. They started to cry. We really sang the chorus loud and smiled at each other. We did the same as in Austin, and did the ending the same way. The kids all hugged us and Patty and Debbie were crying hugging us, and we started to cry again. Everyone in the ballroom was applauding. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house.

Patty said, "We dedicated that song to our Moms because they really do everything for other people. Let me read you the card that they gave to us before the ceremony. Patty read it choking up and finished with, ".So here's some spending money. By the way there really are 12 zeros on the check. Have fun and love always." Everyone clapped and someone yelled out, "So how much was it? Is it real?" Patty was laughing and I handed her the check from my purse. She held it up and said there is a 3 in front of the twelve zeros and it's very real. It's drawn on the banking reserve system." Patty and Debbie hugged us both again and we started to cry. Patty put the check back in my purse and said smiling, "I know I'll loose it because I'll keep looking at it."

The band went back to dinner music and Patty and Debbie made the rounds to all the quests and so did we. Patricia and Jamie hit if off with Emily and Joy when they found out they were artists and liked country music. We met everyone we didn't know and talked for a while at each table. Someone said, "How could you give kids that much money?" Mandy said, "They are very responsible and we wanted to give it to them. Even if they are careless, it's really hard to blow that much money. How many cars, houses, and boats can you buy? Plus the ten percent interest in the company guarantees them around 10 trillion a year in income. Now that is really hard to blow." He said, "I see your point." Mandy was laughing at me and saying into my mind, "He has no clue what you're talking about. His language translator stopped at eighth grade."

We stopped at every table and then went back to sit down. We had another drink and I lit a cigarette. Mandy put her arms over my shoulder facing me and said, "Sears Point racing tomorrow baby. Hot laps at 7:30. We're registered and ready to win. Tomorrow we only help each other." I said, "You still want the yellow car?" She said, "Yup. That's my color."

I took a drag of the cigarette as Patty and Debbie sat down next to us. I said, "Well, how was it?" Debbie said, "Everyone thinks you gave us too much money." Mandy said, "So what. They're jealous. It's yours. We want you to have it. Period!" They both laughed and Patty said, "They are all jealous; of this home, the life style, success, your humor and wit, money, and most of all your happiness. Most of them are miserable." I said, "Did any of them give you anything?" They shook their heads and Mandy said, "That tells you something. It's not the amount, it's the thought that counts. You'll learn just like we have, money doesn't matter. We just use it to keep score. All of our bets are for a quarter." Megan leaned over and said, "It's very embarrassing to have to pay someone a quarter if you loose a bet." They laughed and nodded their heads.

People were starting to leave and Emily and Joy came over and gave something to Patty and Debbie. Emily said, "It's not the same as you got early, but we hope you use it." Mandy said into their minds, "It's the thought that counts." They both hugged Emily and Joy and thanked them. Patricia and Jamie also gave them something and they hugged her also. I said, "Patricia, the offer still stands. Feel free to use the castle if you want to get away for a while. We're all going there tonight because we're racing tomorrow at Sears Point in.." Patricia cut me off and said, "I know where it is. We go there all the time. What are you running?" We told her and she said, "We'll see you there. I have to see this." I said, "We're doing hot laps qualifying at 7:30. Patty and Debbie are going to be part of the of crew."

Everyone was leaving and few people gave them something and they really made them feel good about it. Tara and the others were such a piss. She said into their minds, "You'll get our present at the next party we have in a few weeks. Don't miss it!" Karen gift wrapped the record contracts and they went crazy opening them. We all laughed. The other kids gave them a photo album of all of them growing up with us. It was really nice and Patty loved it. They also had stories in it about the nannies, Kids' World and a bunch of other stuff. It was priceless and so funny.

By 6 o'clock everyone had left and we were all sitting in the ballroom still. I said, "How about we let the androids clean everything up and we go to the castle. We'll set everything up for tomorrow and then displace at 6:15 in the morning. You all don't have to go if you don't want to." They all wanted to go and Julie said, "I won't miss this for the world to see you two beat all of those stuck up pro drivers."

Mandy said, "I need to ship the check and the deposit instructions before we forget." I wrote out the note for a new account and Patty and Debbie signed the check, and Mandy shipped it with our shipping system. She said, "You will get your checks, ATM card, and all the info here by Monday."


We all changed and displaced to the castle. We went to the garage and Debbie and Patty were talking about camber and caster settings and the right specs. Mandy said, "This handles best with minus 1.5 camber in front and slightly loosen the rear sway bar." We watched as they set up both cars in minutes, including the rear sway bar adjustment and then they showed us how to change it in the car while we were driving. I made a car carrier for three cars and we put on the two Ferraris and the Porsche GT. Mandy said, "Hey Julie, surprise! You're driving also. We registered you." She smiled and said, "Okay." I also made an RV and all of our race gear. We were all set and went into the house.

Mandy said, "Patty and Debbie, it's your wedding night. How about you two go to bed and we'll send Eve upstairs with dinner for you?" They were already kissing and waved to us as they walked upstairs. I said, "We'll wake you up at 5:30. Have fun!" We all talked about what would be good for them for dinner and made up a special cart with a desert tray of whipped cream, and finger foods. I said to Eve, "Take this cart up by the elevator and into the suite for Patty and Debbie. Knock first before you go in."

All of us sat in the kitchen and I said, "I just want a sandwich. Anyone else want one?" We used our minds and made a triple-decker sandwich and cut it into pieces on a serving plate, with a glass of our favorite wine. We went into the den and played Crime Solvers while we ate, and Mandy and I lost horribly. We weren't even close on a few of them. I said, "How can we such so bad at this game? We had no clue what the answer was." Mandy lit a cigarette and put her arm over my shoulder and said, "In real life we do pretty good, but in this game we're pathetic. How about we go upstairs and drive the course in our heads for a while?" Julie said, "Stay here and let we do it with you."

Julie and Kathy sat on the couch next to us and we all leaned back and shared our thoughts. Mandy said to me in our minds, "You lead and let me see the tach." We all saw and heard it exactly as I did the last time we drove the track. I started by pulling out of the pits and went through every part of the track with my shift points, braking, and the line I took. I did three laps and Mandy said in our minds, "Lets go back to turn 7. Watch me." We saw from her eyes how she approached it and I said, "Too slow. Brake really late and then accelerate through the turn. Do it again." We watched her do it again and then drive the rest of the track. We all lifted up our heads and I said, "This should be fun tomorrow." Julie said, "cool," and Kathy said, "We have to get me one of these cars also. I'm dying to run in one these." I said, "We'll register you for the next one we do. Just order the car you want."

Mandy took my hand and pulled up off the couch with her and she said, "We're going to drive in bed. Remember, early tomorrow." Megan said, "Yeah, right!" They were laughing at us as usual as we went up to our bedroom. We walked into our room and we started to undress as Mandy lit a cigarette. She kicked off her flip-flops and they landed on the dresser and she said, "Excellent foot wedge shot. Think I can make the putt?" She took off her ring and rolled it on the dresser and it stopped on her flip-flop and said, "Birdie." I smiled and took a drag of her cigarette as I took of my shorts. I took another drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, as Mandy stood real close to me, kissed me, and held my cock in her hand. She took a drag of the cigarette and rubbed my cock hard, as I held hers in my hand and rubbed her hard also. I said, "You're shifting my gears." She said, "We're both going to be running in sixth gear in about 2 minutes. First we need a warm up lap."

We both took a final drag of the cigarette and I put it out. We held each other's hard shafts, as we lay in the bed on our sides. Mandy kissed me with her mouth open and then we both put our arms around each other, as our breasts touched. I was on fire and melting inside. Mandy said into my mind, "Baby, I'm hot too. I want to suck you off in my mouth."

Mandy got up and moved around to lie in a 69 position with me. I moved her legs by my head and sucked her cock into my mouth. She deep throated me and was bobbing up and down so fast. I moaned with her cock in my mouth and she said into my mind, "I know that feels good honey. Shoot into me. I can already taste it." I bobbed my head as fast as she was and Mandy was moaning now also. In less than 5 minutes we both let loose a stream of cum. I felt her cock jerk and get bigger as it filled my mouth and then a rush of warm cum hit my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I swallowed and sucked, moving my face up and down, as my cock exploded into her mouth. Mandy squirt a few more times as she moaned and I made "mmmm" sounds as I was cumming and swallowing. We both swallowed and sat up together. I pulled Mandy over to lay on her back, got on top of her, and kissed her so hard. I changed us into combined couples and Mandy said into my mind, "Oh honey, lets fuck. I'm hot enough to set the bed on fire."

I pushed my cock into her pussy, and she slid straight into my soaking wet cunt, as we together. Mandy wrapped her arms and legs around me and I held her so tight around her shoulders. We slid our bodies in and out and then rolled on our sides, sliding on each other like snakes. My pussy was on fire and Mandy said into my mind, "Jen, you're as hot as I am baby. Fuck me hard." We hammered into each other and heard our skin slapping together as we shared our thoughts. We were both making noises and were so out of control. We rolled over around the bed ten times as we fucked for three hours. We both blasted off three times and the last time we both tried to shoot as much as we could with our minds. Mandy came in me for over a minute and it was running down my legs. We lay exhausted and sweating, in each other's arms. Mandy lifted her head a little and smiled at me and said while breathing heard, "Holy shit. I flooded the bed." We both giggled and I wiped the sweat from her forehead that was dripping into her eyes. I said, "You flooded me too, and it feels great."

Mandy looked at us interlocked and there was cum all over us below the waist. We both smiled and I said, "Lets just go to sleep. We can clean each other up in the morning." Mandy reached for a cigarette and lit it, taking a deep drag. She held it to my lips and I took a drag also and she said, "Drive the course with me one more time. Let me show you how I do it." We were still interlocked and I took a drag of the cigarette as we shared our thoughts and she showed me how she was driving it. She did a lap and I said, "Either you, me, or Julie will win." She took a drag of the cigarette and we moved into each other further, as the cum made a noise when our skin touched and separated. Mandy giggled and said, "Glue, baby I'm stuck on you. Great name for a song." We giggled again and shared the cigarette. Mandy put it out and we kissed and fell asleep sharing a dream.

Mandy drove the course all night in our dream. I was laughing at her and changing the dials in the car and she was laughing at me. I said to her in our dream, I bet you forget your line on the first lap, after all of this." She was so pissed and told me to go into another dream. So I did with me winning and she was laughing at me.

We woke up at 4:30 before the alarm went off and Mandy said, "What fucked up dreams. We must have been laughing so loud in our sleep, and we really are stuck together." I pulled back and we felt our skin stretch and then come apart. Then I moved forward again and Mandy smiled and moaned softly, "How can you do this to me again? Jen, I am so in love with you and can't stop once we get started." We fucked for about a half hour and both blasted off again. Mandy dragged me out of bed into the bathroom as we were both laughing again.

We did the quick routine today and then went in to wake up Patty and Debbie. They were already up sharing a cigarette in bed. I said, "Sleep at all?" They both smiled and shook their heads no. I said, "You can sleep after the qualifying hot laps in the RV. Want some breakfast?" They both nodded their heads yes and we went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone.

We all ate and were ready to leave at about 6. Kathy took the hand held computer and displaced to the track and the said into our minds, "Here at the coordinates." She gave them to me and I displaced everything. Kathy walked over and got in the RV and said, "Half mile up the road. The only way to travel." I drove us there and into the pit area. We were told which pits were ours and we parked and unloaded the cars using our powers. Mandy made three extra sets of tires and wheels and said, "We shouldn't need them in this race, but lets do the magic now so now one sees it." Kathy and Julie did all of the rest of it including all of the tools and jacks. Patty and Debbie were laughing and Debbie said, "This is amazing."

We had the cars all set in the pits and a race marshals came by and said, "Hey! We saw your names on the event list and think this is great. I have a bet that one of you will win this. The cars ready for inspection?" Mandy said, "All set." He waved over the track inspectors and they went though the cars. They all passed as usual. He gave us our numbers and we waited for them to leave and we painted them on the cars with our minds. Julie was so artistic and wrote SolarNational on the cars also. Debbie said, "Wow an Artist. You should be living with my parents." They all cracked up.

They announced, "Early qualifying session in 5 minutes. All cars to the staging area." Mandy, Julie and me put on our race suits and got into the cars. We all fired them up and drove to the staging area. I said into our minds, "Julie, get ready to pedal really fast, the first part is uphill." Everyone was laughing as the race marshal waved us onto the track. We were all swerving back and forth to heat up the tires and Julie said, "My legs are so tired. When does it go downhill?" We joked around for two warm up laps then it was all serious driving.

Mandy was in front and we got the green and she nailed it and ran through the gears. I was right on her ass with Julie was on mine. She ran the course perfect and the three of us drafted each other the whole way. On the second lap I said, "High side on the straight. I think I can take you." I sling shot out of the draft and went flying around Mandy and Julie stayed on my ass. Mandy said, "Hey, that's not fair." We all laughed and drafted each other again. We passed nine other cars like they were standing still and the Julie and Mandy sling shot passed me and I was in third. We ran for the full 45 minute qualifying session changing leads every other lap. We got the checked flag and did a cool down lap and I said into our minds, "This car handles like a dream. I still like yellow better though." Mandy said, "No fucking way are you driving this car Jen. I had an orgasm on the first turn in it."

We were all laughing as we drove back to the pits. We parked the cars, climbed out, and took off our helmets and fire facemasks. Mandy said, "How did we do?" Kathy pointed to the large board in the infield of the track and we all qualified 10 seconds ahead of anyone else and we were now starting; Mandy as 1, me as 2, and Julie as 3 with only a hundredth of a second between us." Kathy said, "I think you guys had way too much fun out there. I want to drive so bad." We all hugged her and Julie said, "Next time, we'll get you a car too." I said, "Lets watch the next two heats and see if we need to go back out again. If know one beats us, lets just leave it and conserve the tires." Patty said, "You did great. Now we're taking a nap." Debbie and Patty looked like zombies and went into the RV as we all smiled. The other kids followed them in also.

We took off our race gear and sat on folding chairs behind the pits. Kathy got us all some coffee and I lit a cigarette, as we watched the next qualifying event. Howard and Tom stopped over and Howard said, "You really are driving in this event, aren't you?" I said, "Yeah. This is the only place to run our new toys." Tom said, "Can you talk us through this course like you did on the last one?" Mandy said, "Nope. You'll have to follow us on the first few laps." Julie was laughing and I said, "Sorry guys, but this one were racing against you." Howard smiled as they left and we read his mind to hear him cursing us out. We all laughed. I said, "Mandy, did you know that we were dumb bitches?" She said, "Lets beat them by four fucking laps!"

We all had more coffee and another cigarette as we watched all of the qualifying and no one was even close. The IMSA guys came to check our cars again and he said, "Sorry about this, but two of the teams filed a request to re-inspect your cars. They don't think their legal the way you drove this course." Mandy said, "Inspect away. They're fresh out of the box, brand new from Ferrari, and the first time driven on a racetrack. The Porsche is last year's GT and hasn't been modified either." They did a complete recheck and we passed. I said, "Who complained?" He pointed to the pits of Tom and Howard. Mandy said, "They're pissed off that we won't help them like we did last time. Too fucking bad. Let them learn to drive on their own." The race marshal was laughing and said, "Yup", as he walked away.

I said, "Remember that there are slower cars on the track with us in this event running a different class at the same time. You have to be real careful when you come up to them, as we may be going 100 miles and hour faster on the straight." Mandy said, "I hope they know what their doing." I said, "I doubt it. Assume they are total morons and leave yourself room."

We watched the slower class qualifying and Julie and Mandy both said, "Oh shit." I said, "See what I mean? Our race is based on laps, and the checker flag ends it for everyone. Drivers in this class finish based on who's leading at the time. Some of these cars can't do more than 140. That's why there are so many accidents in these races. Just stay alert, give them room, and pass high when we can." We watched and also saw two drivers get into trouble and hit wall. Mandy said, "Oh Shit do they suck." I said, "Remember the cars, and we'll stay away from them." Julie said, "It's all of them. Look at the line they're taking out of the final turn." We all watched and I said, "This will be interesting."

We made ourselves some lunch and watched the fiasco on the track until qualifying was over. They had 10 caution flags. We heard an announcement of thirty minutes until race time so Kathy went into the RV to wake everyone up. I said to Mandy, "You have the lead. Do you want me to pass you and lead us through the slow field for a while, or are you Okay with it?" She said, "Pass me on the first lap high on the back straight. Let me see how you do it." Julie said, "I'll stay behind you and Mandy and watch also. This is scary at how bad these drivers are."

We all had a drink of juice, hit the bathroom in the RV, and then got back into our race gear, as the kids all were up. I said, "If you see an accident on the track tell us in our minds exactly where it is by turn number and if it's blocking the track, high, middle, or low." They refueled the cars and we strapped in and put on our facemasks and helmets. I pressed the starter button to fire up the engine and followed Mandy out onto the track in the starting grid. I was beside her on the outside and said into her mind, "Looks great being in the front with no traffic. Smile, the TV camera is on you." Mandy waved to the camera and so did I, as the pace car pulled out on the track and stopped in front of us. The starter signaled for us to move and follow the pace car and we started swerving to heat up the tires again. I said to Julie in our minds, "Don't fell so bad, imagine how hard those idiots had to pedal to qualify last." She was giggling and we heard Kathy laughing in our minds also.

We did the two warm up laps and then got the green. Mandy nailed it and I was right on her ass, and Julie was on mine. We took the first 5 turns fast, and then I passed her high on the straight and we were already so far in the lead. I went as fast as I could and they stayed right with me as we came up to a bunch of the slower cars on the second lap. I said into our minds, "High side and draft me. Now!" We blew by them and one of the lost control and almost crashed. Julie said, "Oh shit." I lead us through all of the slow traffic and it was spacing out a little. We also passed four of the cars in our class already. Mandy said, "Let me go inside on the next turn, and you follow me." I slowed early and Mandy cut inside of me and now I was on her ass, with Julie on mine.

The three of us changed leads on purpose for the first seventy-five laps, and we had lapped every car in the field at least twice. I loved blowing by Tom and Howard the second time. I was in the lead and we were screaming down the back straight and we heard in our heads, "Accident, Turn 8. Track is blocked." I slowed as we approached turn 8 and I said, "Stick with me high. Just do it!" I nailed the gas as the wreck rolled down the banked track and we went by without a problem. We made it around and lapped nine more cars, including Tom and Howard again, before the caution came out. I slowed behind the pace car and Mandy said, "How did you know to do that high?" I said, "The wheels were all facing down the embankment and it was slowly moving. If we went low we would have hit it." Julie said, "It feels like we are going so slow." I said, "This is just a little slower than some of the cars out here. We're still doing about 90 to 100. We probably hit about 240 to 250 on the pass."

We were under caution and I started to sing one of our songs and Mandy and Julie were laughing at me. Then all of the kids sang it with me in our minds and Mandy and Julie joined in. I said, "Songs over. We're going green. Follow me." The pace car pulled off and I got the green flag and nailed it as I ran though the gears. Mandy was right one my ass and Julie was with us too. I said, "Ten laps to go. Let's go all out against each other. Just be safe!"

We raced all out and changed leads 10 times in 8 laps. We sling shot from drafting and it was like extra turbo boost. Julie was in the lead now and I was in second, with Mandy on my ass, and I passed her inside with Mandy on a turn and Julie said, "That so unfair." We all laughed as we passed a ton of cars again. We got the white flag and we all pushed the cars to the limit. Mandy passed on the inside and Julie couldn't get through and then I passed Mandy again. Julie passed us both on the high side and we both said, "Wow!" We changed leads until the last turn and then all nailed it down to the finish line three abreast. I had no idea who won as we got the checkered flag and took a cool down lap. I said, "Great driving. Wow! Julie, that was one hell of pass." She said, "I left skid marks on my seat from that one." We all were laughing and stopped at the start finish line. We all got out of the cars and took off our helmets and masks. The race marshal pointed to Julie as 1, Mandy as 2, and me as 3. We all smiled and walked over to the winner's podium as the place was mobbed and the fans were all screaming. All of the kids and Kathy ran over to us and hugged us, and walked with us.

We stood on the platform and got our trophies and checks, and Julie had the honor of spraying us with Champaign this time. The race official said into a microphone, "We also had a new record lap time. Doctor Jen Edwards also gets this special plaque, which lists her new record as more than 4 seconds ahead of the previous record set 5 years ago. These drivers drove one of the most exciting races I have ever watched all the way to the last micro second, which is what separated all of them for a photo finish. Welcome to IMSA racing, and one hell of great start." The crowd was all cheering and we walked back to the pits as the kids were all over us and we were laughing.

We were interviewed and Julie was really loving it. She said, "Some of the drivers here are horrible. It's scary out there, almost as bad as the freeway in LA." Everyone laughed, as Julie looked right at Howard and Tom when she said it. Mandy said, "Some of the drivers requested a re-inspection of our cars before the race, and they all passed. They just had a hard time swallowing the fact that we can really drive these cars and are faster on the track than they are." A reporter said, "You were the only crew that didn't stop to refuel. How come?" I said, "Because our pit crew over here, calculated that with the 10 lap caution, we had enough to make it and still have about a quart left over in each car. It's cutting it close, but we made it and still had some left." The camera focused on the kids and they all waved and the reporter said, "Talk about a highly paid pit crew? In case your wondering who they are. We have some of the top executives from SolarNational in the pits. I love it. Great driving and good luck everyone!"

We signed autographs for a while and the kids did also once people realized that we were also the same ones in the rock bands. Patricia and Jamie came into the pits and hugged us and said, "We watched the race and couldn't believe it was you. It was so exciting. Where did you learn to drive like that?" I said, "LA Freeway in rush hour." Everyone was laughing and Mandy said, "We've been racing for years mostly vintage stuff. This was our first IMSA event." Patty ran up and said, "You have to see the cars. Porsche 917K, Ferrari 512K, Ford GT-40, Lola T-70,.." Debbie put her hand over Patty's mouth and we all laughed again. I said, "How did you get here?" Patricia said, "We used the teleporter." I said, "Want to come back with us. It's different." She said, "We can't. We're late now. We're meeting Emily and Joy at their art studio. See ya." Patty said, "They really are getting into the art thing. Good for them."

We moved the cars to the carrier using our powers but made it look like we were pushing them. Everyone was giggling as we loaded the cars on the carrier. I hooked them in and we all got into the RV with our things. The place was still mobbed so I drove down a dirt road until we were out of site and Julie displaced to the castle with the computer. She gave us the coordinates and I displaced everything to the end of our driveway. Julie got back in and we drove to the garage.

We unloaded everything, and then I made the RV and carrier disappear. Mandy put her arm on my shoulder and said, "Jen, you were so slow today. Third place?" I held up my plaque and said, "Eat your heart out." She smiled and kissed, and then we all went inside the house. Julie and Kathy ran into the den and said, "It's on a one hour delay on ESPN. Lets watch the last part of the race."

Cary made us all one of my favorite drinks and we sat in the den and watched. I lit a cigarette and took a drag, just as the accident happened. The announcers were all saying that we were going to hit it and them when we went high they went crazy screaming that we would crash. It looked like we were suicidal. I said, "From inside the car it wasn't that bad. Trust me. The wreck was moving down the embankment. If we went low we would have crashed." They showed us flying around other cars and some of the passes were so cool. Julie was standing and yelling at the TV when it showed her pass both of us at once. Then we all yelled when we passed Tom and Howard for the sixth time. They showed the finish it was amazing. The photo on the screen had a laser line so they could tell who one. Mandy said, "Julie, Jen won. Look at the photo. I came in third and you came in second." I said, "Julie deserved it anyway with that pass. That was incredible." The announcers were all talking about how the race officials assigned the places wrong. We laughed and then watched us being interviewed. Julie was a piss watching Howard and Tom's face as they watched us being interviewed. She said to the TV, "Eat shit and die you piece of crap!"

We turned off the TV and went into the kitchen as the phone rang. Eva answered it and said to us, "Doctor Edwards, would care to speak to a representative from Ferrari?" Mandy picked up the phone and we heard, "Thanks", "Yeah, the cars were great. We love them." Mandy was smiling and said, "We could do that, but we'll need 6 more. We were going to buy a few more of the Porsches for the rest of us to compete", "Oh that would be great!" "Thanks so much and you Too. Take care." Mandy hung up and said, "We get 6 more of these rocket sleds if we don't drive the Porsche in IMSA anymore. Kathy you got a car, and Julie so do you. I think Patty and Debbie are dying to try this also, so there a two extras." Megan was laughing and said, "Not me. No way am I doing this." I said, "Anyone else want to drive? We can ask for a few more." They all shook their heads no and I said, "Six was the magic number." Patty and Debbie were screaming, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I said, "How about we stay here tonight again? I was thinking about a pigow cooked on the open pit out back." Kathy said, "Anything, after you got us two Prototype Ferraris." Mandy put her arm over my shoulder and we walked out back and sat on the veranda with everyone. I said, "Eva, have you seen the dogs?" She said, "They are swimming in the indoor pool with the cat. Shall I get them for you?" Mandy said, "No! Let them swim." Everyone was giggling and Patty said, "The cat swims? I have to see this."

We all went up to the indoor pool and watched as the dogs and cat were chasing each other and then pushed the cat in the water. It was still the same routine after all of these years. The cat still can't get out and flops back into the pool from the waterfall. Mandy said, "They are so fucking retarded." Patty and Debbie were laughing as they watched it. Megan said, "They did this ever since I can remember." Mandy said, "Snuffy use to push in Felix when I was a kid. The pets are almost as old as we are. We gave them the forever drug when we invented it. Another stupid mistake."

We went back outside and all had another drink as the pigow was cooking. I said, "That was a tiring race. All that weaving in and out of traffic was hard. It really was like the LA freeway." Mandy moved to massage my neck and scalp and I said, "That feels so good. Lets have Eve and Eva do both of us while dinner is cooking." Mandy asked them to massage both us and then walked over and started to massage us in the chairs. Megan said, "Ten minutes and they are both out cold." Mandy said softly, "Five." I'm not sure how long it was, but we both were out cold. Kathy woke us up to eat and I felt so relaxed. Mandy kissed me and said, "My neck feels like Jello."

We ate dinner, and all goofed around drinking and then eating finger foods. Debbie and Patty got their first taste of a roman food orgy and both were worse than us. They ate Mandy and my pussy with food in it for over two hours, while they fucked. We all fell asleep in the den, covered with food.


The next three months were great.

Patty and Debbie are so much like all of us it's hard to believe that they have only been living with us for three months. At work they are brilliant and have finished most of the botched jobs that Jim did. Megan gave them the bonus and they both went wild. They treated all of us to a weekend in Venice and it was so much fun. They have also become a key part of the band destiny. They've played in 6 concerts with them now, released several new singles, and have all four of the top hits in almost every chart. Their voices as a band are all phenomenal. Megan said, "It's about fucking time we we're at the top of the charts." Everyone crumpled up paper and threw it at her.

We had a little incident at the office at night last week, where six frogs got into the building and a security guard caught them. One of them bit him, so he flushed them all down the toilet. Tara and Eve laughed for over ten minutes when we told them.

Eve and Adam signed us up to play golf with them in two weeks in the ultimate high stakes tournament. It's 3 million to enter and the total purse is 700 million. It's being held on earth in Nevada. They also allow wagers of any size on any team. Adam is thinking big and Mandy called the place running the tournament and asked, "What if you can't pay us?" She negotiated some deal already that we own it, if we break their bank. Now she really wants to play.

Patty and Debbie have also been racing with us. We ran an IMSA race last week and finished first through sixth. The other racers all pray we don't show up. We only race every other week, and stagger it with the band schedules. Patty finished third and was walking on air, literally. I had a flat and had to pit, but still caught up to finish sixth at the finish line, right on their ass. Kathy won that race in another photo finish. Ferrari wants to use us in their commercials and Mandy said, "If we can use you in ours." They're still thinking about it.

Patricia and Jamie started to paint seriously, and have sold quite a few paintings now. They're working with Emily and Joy, Debbie's parents, and exhibiting together. They look great and the paintings are really good. We bought a few and didn't tell them, because they wanted to give them to us.

Julie and Kathy, and Kate and Judy, have been increasing worried about their kids. Kate and Judy's only daughter Katherine, and Julie and Kathy's daughters Adel and Blair, have always kept to themselves. The only time we ever see them lately is when they play in the band. They sleep together as a threesome and just disappear for weeks on end. We sat down with them and Kate said, "Are we doing something wrong? How come you three never want to be with us?" Katherine said, "Mom, we love you, but we all love each other and just like being together all of the time. We have different hobbies, and lately have been mountain climbing. We love all of you. And to answer your other question, no, we don't want to find someone and get married." Chris said, "How about if we make it so that all of you add up elevens in pairs? Might as well fully enjoy it." Adel said, "Cool. How can you do it?" Chris and Roberta took them into the lab and we all watched. She took the photos as part of the web site and got a reading of their energy levels. Roberta and Chris did some calculations and gave each one a hand full of pills and some were cut in half. Chris said, "Every level is a five and a half. Unique, and they will only match each other." They swallowed the pills and we waited and watched as they went wild on each other. They fucked as a threesome in the lab for hours, and we got so hot we all made love on the floor next to them. Katherine said, "My God Chris, why did you wait to do this?" We all laughed and haven't seen them now in three weeks, except at a concert. Julie said to us, "We love them, but boy are they flakes." Judy said, "You can say that again."

Tara had a "welcome to our club" party and Patty and Debbie now understand what sex maniacs they all are. Tara and Eve's gift to them was to let each of them create their own planet and life, while they were in the form of energy. They are so incredible proud, and visit the planets at least once a week. We also scheduled another "Gods Laws" show on one of the planets that was really out of control that we hadn't gotten to yet. Patty and Debbie are playing the lead roles and are so nervous. Megan said, "Every one of us has done it at least once. Now it's you turn. Suffer like the rest of us did!" Mandy and I laughed.

We all agreed to do another talk show that had a group on that was protesting "being connected." It was the most ridicules thing we ever did. It was a group of paranoid people afraid that everyone was watching them through their computers and recording everything that they did. Mandy said, "Why in the fuck would anyone want to watch you? You're ugly, stupid, and have absolutely no redeeming qualities that I can see. No one gives a shit what you do. If you don't want to be connected, throw out the fucking computers. We don't care! Read my lips! We don't care!" The talk show host laughed so hard she almost wet her pants. Mandy made front page of the papers and the headline read, "She's back!"

Mandy and I played another nine-ball tournament last Wednesday night. We won of course, and this one was really big stakes. The entry fee was 50 million and we couldn't believe the idiots that put up that much money. They all sucked. We won over a billion dollars and donated all of it. We set up an art program for children where Emily, Joy, Patricia, and Jamie are running it. They love it.

We played a concert last night with all of the bands and we had a blast as usual. Karen's talking about another Austin deal, and we can't wait.

We made plans for another boat trip and we leave today as soon as we finish up some last minute things. Kathy located some islands using GPS and found six that looked like a good adventure. We charted out a course and the weather for this week is supposed to be terrific, which it usually is on Vacation World. We get two weeks of monsoon rain every six months, and then its paradise.

Mandy and I were sitting in the study with Megan, Chris, and Alicia going through some numbers. Chris said, "We checked these twice. They really are right. It cost us less money in operations than last year, even with the new projects. We are running about 20 percent more efficient since Patty and Debbie implemented the plans that we gave to Jim two years ago. The toilet head never did anything." Mandy was laughing and said, "Toilet head? I wonder if they survived the trip into the sewer." We all were giggling and Megan said, "If we implement Debbie and Patty's plan with the androids, instead of recycling them, then we save another 10 percent. How long will it take to roll this out into the other planets? Alicia, we need them to look at that too when we get back. This is really good. We're under budget across the board and revenues are setting another record. I still can't believe that it now only costs fifty cents to make an android." Chris said, "Volume. It's all about volume and automated production. That's an average of 10 grand profit on every one sold now. Look at the games. It's the customization that costs the money. The game figures only cost us a penny each now." Megan said, "Lets go play pirate for a week. I'm beat."

We all went into the kitchen and Julie said, "Emergency over?" I said, "No emergency, we were rechecking the numbers because they didn't look right. They're right, and they're really good. Patty, you and Debbie made such a difference in operations. You both did great. We'll show you all of the numbers next week sometime. How'd you like to take what you did on earth and start thinking Solarnational?" Alicia said, "All of it. Automating and updating every planets infrastructure, transportation systems, labor force, and whatever else we find that we can better and improve upon." Patty said, "Cool. Well look at it. You guys ready to play Christopher Columbus?"

We all smiled and walked outside to the pier, and onto the boat. I said, "You sure Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen can't make it?" Julie said, "We asked again about an hour ago and they can't. They have some closings on property to do this week and they really wanted to go. They just can't change it." Megan said, "The new slum lords of Vacation World." We all laughed and I said, "How many do they have now?" Megan said, "I think this will make it 650 apartment properties just here. At least 6,000 on earth, and God knows how many on the other planets. I have to say that the return on the money is great. They're using androids for everything." Mandy said, "They're trying to catch up to us again. Maybe they even passed us. Who cares. Lets play pirate." Mandy untied the boat as Kathy started the engines and we were off. Julie said, "This first stop is a long way out. We'll stop to sleep before it gets dark."

We all went up to the bridge and I said, "Patty you and Debbie get to drive for a while. Just follow the course heading." They were having fun and I said, "We'll be on the deck if you need us." We all went on the front deck and spread out blankets. Mandy and I made our bikini bottoms again like last time and baked in the sun lying down. It felt great. She lit a cigarette and took a drag, and then handed it to me. I took two deep drags holding in the smoke, and handed it back. We felt the ocean mist spray on us from the boat cutting through the swells, along with a slight breeze and we both looked at each other and said, "Work sucks." Mandy lay on her side facing me and said, "Jen, every time we do something like this and realize how much we like it, we go through this. Maybe if we did it everyday, it would be boring and seem like work too." I said, "Never. Between the bands, racing, golf, nine-ball, and boating, we'll never get bored. Plus we know that we'll never run out of money either. Lets not do anything about it now. Lets just enjoy ourselves and then think about it again when we get back." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and blew the smoke out into the breeze. She leaned over and kissed me saying, "I want to do this forever. I don't need to think about it." We both giggled and I took a drag of the cigarette.

We spend the whole day relaxing on the deck and vegging out. Megan and Rose drove for a while, and then Alicia and Cary took over. Kelly, Tracey, Margi, and Alice were vegging out with us. Kate and Judy were fishing with the rest of the troops off the back of the boat. Alicia came down and said, "Your turn to drive for a while." Mandy and I got up and went to the bridge. We checked the heading again and set the auto-pilot. We sat in the chairs with our feet up on the side rail of the bridge. Mandy made us two of our favorite drinks, and I lit us a cigarette and we just enjoyed every minute of it. She put her arm on my shoulder and said, "Looking at your nipples is making me so horny." I pinched them to make them hard and Mandy said, "Damn it Jen, you're making it worse." I lifted one breast with my hands and sucked my own nipple. I know how this drives Mandy nuts and she was drooling over it with her face inches from mine. It was really feeling good and I moved my face and let Mandy suck my nipple. I held her head to my breasts and half closed my eyes as the tingling went through my whole body. She flicked her tongue over it fast and I moaned softly.

I took a drag of the cigarette as Mandy lifted her head up and then used her hands to massage both my breasts. I was so hot. She said, "Give me a drag of the butt honey." I held the cigarette to her lips and she took a drag, holding in the smoke. She blew the smoke out as she massaged my breasts. We teased each other for three hours on the bridge, to the point we were ready to fuck standing up if we had too. Julie came up to relive us and we went to the very front of the front deck, took off our bikini bottoms, and coupled. We fucked like lunatics while being sprayed with the ocean mist and loved it. Patty and Debbie lay next to us and did it also. We got so hot watching them in a 69 position we moved into one also and sucked each other senseless. I swallowed Mandy's cum from her cock three times, and wanted more. Mandy sucked me off three times also. She shared my cum with Patty the last time and I was so hot watching her, I almost came again. Then Debbie shared Patty's cum with me. Mandy did cum again watching us. We all went to the back of the boat and Julie said, "We're stopping here for the night. By the way, you four were so sexy on the front deck, Kathy and I couldn't stop caressing each other. We loved the show." Debbie smiled and Mandy kissed me.

We set up tables and chairs on the back deck, as Kate and Judy cooked the fish they caught along with some rice. They brought it out and it looked outrageous. Margi and Alice decided we needed some more ambiance and they made white tablecloths, candles in glass lanterns, champaign, and some soft music playing. We all sat and ate and it was so romantic looking at the ocean for miles in all directions. Mandy put her hand in my crotch and was rubbing my pussy. I was dripping on the chair and then I did it to her also. We both had one hand in each other's pussy, and were feeding each other with the other hand from both plates. Everyone was getting carried away.

Mandy and I shared a cigarette as she was fingering me and making me drip. I made my finger bigger like hers was and she gasped, and them kissed me so hard. She said into my ear, "Lets dance honey. I love this soft music." We stood up with a hand inside of each other's bikini that had our bulging hardons, wrapped our other arm around each other, and danced with our bare breasts touching. I was on fire and we both had such hardons now they were sticking out of the top of our bikini bottoms. Margi and Alice danced next to us the same way and Margi said, "Moms, you look so sexy." They both gave us a wet kiss and then we danced again.

We were so into each other, we kissed, danced, and fingered each other so gently. My knees went weak as I orgasmed and Mandy held me up. I whispered into Mandy's ear, "Lets go to bed honey." Mandy kissed me again and then smiled as we walked to our cabin. We took off our bikini bottoms, kissed, and lay in bed as we changed into combined couples. Our cocks slid into each other's pussy like they were in warm butter. We moved on each other slowly and kissed the entire time. Mandy wrapped her legs around me and I spread my legs as much as I could to push hers farther apart. We both moaned in passion as we held each other as close as we could and fucked. We heard the water slapping against the bow of the boat and felt the sea breeze coming through the open portals on our bare skin, as we worked ourselves into one orgasm after the other. Mandy and I blasted off big time. I think my cock shot a quart into her and it felt like it was spurting for over two minutes. Mandy held me so tight as she shot into me at the same time, and we both kept on going. We made love for hours, and then fell sleep under an open window, enjoying the breeze, still interlocked.

We shared our thoughts and a dream again. We were back at the big white house and were watching it the landscaping being finished. Mandy said to me in the dream, "It's time we build it now. The castle will become our home close to the office for when any of us needs it and a winter vacation place. This is what we were destined to do." I said back to her, "Lets start after our boat trip." We saw all of the blue prints and the place was monstrous huge. I said, "I like the elevator through the cliff down to the dock. Nice touch." Mandy said back to me smiling, "I didn't do that. It must have been you." I said to her, "No wonder I liked it." We both must have been laughing in our sleep again. Then we made love in our dream as our bodies were making love in the bed. We both woke up for a few seconds as we orgasmed, and then fell back to sleep again.

We woke up as the sun came out and was shining into our eyes through the windows. We both smelled the salt air and I said, "Swim?" Mandy grabbed my hand as we walked up to the rear deck and dove into the water. We swam under water for about a half hour and then got out. We dried off and made our bikini bottoms again, as we made a bathroom stop and then went into the galley. Kate and Judy were making breakfast and Judy said, "We slept great. We keep having this crazy dream of you two building this outrageous house for all of us. It's weird." Mandy smiled and said, "It's real." She drew the plans on a couple of napkins and Kate said, "No shit." We smiled and I said, "We've been having that dream for a few years now. We just were talking about starting the new house after the trip."

We ate our breakfast and talked about the house with Kate and Judy. Julie and Kathy came into join us and they recognized the plans as Kathy said, "We thought it was just a dream. You really going to build it?" We nodded our heads. Everyone was getting up and coming in for breakfast, or taking a swim.

Megan and Rose were drying off in the galley as everyone was there now. They all had the same dream as us and we talked about it. I said, "This is for all of you and all of our kids, and their kids, and so on. We'll keep both houses now, and the castle will be a winter vacation place and also just for convenience to the office. How would all of you like to help us with the design after we buy the land?" Everyone was more excited about it than we were.

Kathy said, "I'll get us started. We have about a three hour trip today. Everyone onboard?" Kathy went to start the engines and we were moving again, as we had more coffee and a cigarette. Julie took a cup up to Kathy, as the kids were all going crazy over the house idea. I said, "It's at least 3 months away from being built. We have plenty of time." They were still all taking about ideas and Mandy nodded her head, as we knew all of the ideas were already in the plan.

We all went on the back deck and Kathy and Julie came down with Crime Solvers. Kathy said, "Auto-pilot for two hours. Want a quick game?" We all played the game and we lost as usual, but this time not nearly as bad. We actually guessed three of them right. Kathy programmed the game curator to come to us and say, "It's about fucking time. I thought you two were brain dead." Everyone cracked up as Kathy said, "He's been waiting to say that for 6 months now." Megan and Rose went up to pilot the boat and we all sat around and joked.

About 45 minuets later Rose yelled to us, "Land at 10 o'clock. It's huge! I thought this was an island?" We all went to the front deck and looked at the landmass that looked more like a continent. Chris said, "What the fuck? All of our systems show this as a small island about 5 miles across. Something is really weird here." Chris was talking to Tara in her mind and we heard Tara say, "How could we have all missed that? I don't get it. All of our charts and instruments have that as a small island, with six others a few hundred miles apart. Let me know what you find out. This intrigues me." Chris ran the GPS system from the hand held and it still only showed up as an island. She showed it to us and we all shrugged our shoulders.

Megan brought the boat close to a shore and stopped as we saw reefs. We anchored, got dressed, and displaced to the shore. Chris said, "I want to find out exactly how big this is and what's causing our systems to not work here. Roberta, you head west and I'll head east. Lets displace 10 miles at a time on the coastline and call in the coordinates to Alicia. Alicia you write them down. Roberta and I should end up meeting somewhere on the other side of this place and then displace back here." Alicia made a pad and pen and we waited as they displaced every 5 seconds and called out numbers. Chris called out one and said, "Put a star next to it." This went on for over a half hour and we have six stars also. Finally Chris said, "I can see Roberta about a mile ahead of me. We're coming back." They displaced back and then we all displaced to the work planet. Chris mapped the island to find out it was 1,200 miles long and 600 miles wide. She said, "There is something giving off a signal in that area, that blocks out GPS and other systems. It does work at ground level though." She downloaded all of the information from her and Roberta's hand held computers and looked at the readings from each coordinate. Roberta said, "Right there", as she pointed to a map on a hologram screen. Chris wrote down the coordinates and said, "Something at that spot blocks everything. Lets find out what it is."

We all displaced to the spot Roberta found and we were on top of a large grass covered hill. Robert started moving the dirt with her mind and so was Chris. They moved an area about three feet down and forty feet across to expose what looked like a solid metallic floor. Roberta said, "Lets displace to that mountain and do this remotely. I want to see how big it is." We all displaced and everyone took an area of the hill and did the same thing. The outside perimeter of the metal was the entire hill, about a half mile in diameter. We cleared the rest of the dirt off of it we all had our mouths hanging open. Chris said, "Space craft of some sort."

Eve said into our minds, "Wow! This must be from one of the worlds that blew itself up. We had no idea they had this technology. Lets dig it up completely and go inside. We're all coming to you." In less than five minutes most the Guardians were there.

We did an excavation with our minds and the craft was huge. It also appeared to have crashed. One side on the bottom was completely destroyed. Chris found a way to get in and we opened the entrance using our minds. We all walked up the entrance ramp and saw the entire ship illuminated inside. We found a floor plan on a wall and all made our way through the hallways and steps to the bridge. Everything inside was still working. The bridge was like something out of an old science fiction movie. Gauges, switches, colored lights, and all types of things that we had no clue what they were. There also were skeletons everywhere. Chris dusted off a manual on one of tables and Eve said, "I recognize the language. That planet exploded over 250 million years ago."

Chris and Roberta read as fast as they could and switched a number of things off. She used the hand held computer and the GPS worked now. She said, "The ultimate war machine; complete camouflage to any type of sensor. It detects it and scrambles the signal, whatever it is. Some of the stuff in here is pretty neat. I want to disarm all of the warheads. There are over a thousand and ready to launch. This ship could blow this entire planet to small pieces of dust." Roberta was reading the manual and Chris was typing in commands in the foreign language that we all understood. It took about 10 minutes and we saw a flashing red bar on a console and Chris said, "What fucking assholes. It takes two people to turn it off, and only one to turn it on. No wonder they're gone." Roberta and her entered the commands together and the system shut down.

Roberta was telling us about some of the technology and said, "A light source that will run forever. A different version of our fission engine that is about ten times more powerful. Sensors that can detect when they are being scanned. A climate controlled environment that runs off of your mind. If you want it cooler, it gets cooler around you only. A means to counteract gravity using reverse magnetic polarity. Medical scanning that is one step ahead of what we do now. A neural computer similar to Mandy's new one and a few more things. All of this technology and they blew themselves up. What idiots. Lets listen to the log from the bridge."

Roberta entered a few commands and we watched and listened to the last half hour recorded from the bridge. It was scary. The captain crashed the ship on purpose as they were defecting from the army that was attaching another planet. These were the ones that refused to fight. There was fighting on the bridge as soldiers from another ship displaced onto this one and they all died on impact. Eve said, "Holy fuck! I bet they destroyed the other planet that we couldn't figure out what went wrong. Adam, how did we miss this?" Adam said, "Easy, we weren't looking for it. We just assumed it was all from natural causes."

We all toured the ship and it was amazing. It was like a small city in the sky. Chris was in the engineering section and said into our minds, "Flight was still propulsion based. They didn't have displacement technology for flight like we do. That's why you didn't see them Eve. It would have taken them too long to get to your planets." Chris and Roberta dismantled the nuclear weapons using their minds and then we toured the damaged section. There had to be thousands of skeletons and they were everywhere. We went into what was the ship's cafeteria and the equipment was still working. We pressed three buttons to make a pigow sandwich and it was fresh and hot. We all tasted it and it was great. Mandy said, "That technology we need and can release it everywhere. Instant food."

We went into the infirmary and the medical equipment was definitely more than we had. We used it to do a full body scan of Eve and it was amazing. A computer said to us in the old language, "The patient is in perfect health. There is no medical attention required." Patty and Debbie headed into a room and yelled, "We found the library." We all walked in and they were displaying lists of reference books. Debbie said, "Cooking for idiots. At least they had a sense of humor." Patty was laughing and said, "Lets read this one. Sex as a recreational activity."

Chris said, "We'll have a team here starting tomorrow and assign people to each area. There is some cool stuff here that we can really use. Allison, let's you, me, Robert, and Kyle, make a list of who we want involved. Patty, you and Debbie join us on this one." We toured the rest of the ship and some things were really cool. Debbie was reading something and yelled, "Don't anyone stick their hands in a toilet. It automatically disintegrates the contents." I said, "An interesting way to deal with sewage." Mandy said, "You recognize the metals used in this? Everything is so light. Move the doors, they're like feathers."

We walked out of the ship and looked at the outside again. Roberta said, "Those are the engine propulsion outlets. This thing must have been deafening when they started the engines." We all displaced to an adjacent hilltop and sat in the grass. Mandy lit a cigarette and we all talked about the team to do the work. Allison was taking notes when Megan yelled, "Holy shit! Look at that!" She pointed up in the air and we saw a huge bird that had to be 12 feet long. It swooped around us and Mandy said, "I don't fucking believe it. A Pterodactyl. A real one! Damn did we come close to what they looked like." Everyone was in shock and Megan said, "What other surprises are in store here?" I said, "Use your powers to defend yourself if you need too. Try to communicate first." Tara said, "The life cycle anomaly on earth must have happened at the same time on this planet. That's when that explosion created the rip in the time fabric."

We all watched the huge bird flap it's wings and head off into the distance and we finished the list. Karen said, "Jurassic Park." We all laughed and Alicia said, "We all know how that old movie ended." Eve said, "We're going to explore this place in the morning. It'll be dark in about an hour. Where's your boat?" Chris gave her the coordinates and the ones for the beach. Eve said, "We'll meet you at 9 in the morning on the beach." Everyone displaced and I said, "Boat time", as we all displaced back to the boat.


Kate and Judy displaced back to the beach along with Julie and Kathy to catch some crabs Kate said into our minds, "Prehistoric crabs. They're huge. We could even finish one of them." We all remotely viewed them on the beach as they made a ten foot long pot of water and were cooking a crab in it. I said, "I hope his friends don't get too pissed off." Everyone was laughing and Kate said, "We didn't even think about that." They cut up the crab on the beach using their minds and displaced back to the boat with huge crab legs. Kathy and Julie were laughing and made a pot of our favorite sauce to go with it. Each leg had to be four feet long. We lay the legs on the table and used our minds to break the shell that was over a half inch thick in spots. We took a fork full of meat and dunked it. It tasted great and was so much sweeter than the other crabs. We totally pigged out.

Patty said, "If there are lots of large animals, having the people work here may not be such a good idea. They can't defend themselves like we can using our minds." Chris said, "We'll put a steel fence around the entire ship and teleporters inside of it. That should be safe." We all agreed and started drinking as it got dark with the boat lights on. Mandy said, "What are we going to do if we find real dinosaurs?" We joked about it before, but this is real." I said, "Lets communicate first and if they leave us alone, we'll do nothing. We didn't kill the sharks did we? Maybe we should turn that camouflage back on again before we leave so no one else stumbles on this." Alicia said, "Lets see what we find first."

We all lit cigarettes and sat talking and joking around and we heard all types of strange noises from the land. Mandy said, "I think we got the roars wrong. They are much louder and a little higher pitch." Kathy said, "I'm going to move us out to sea about a mile. I don't want any surprises while we're sleeping." We all smiled as Kathy moved the boat out about a mile and dropped anchor again.

Debbie said, "desert time", as she made a tray full of finger fruits, foods, and whipped cream. We cleaned up the tables and the left over crab, and had a wonderful desert orgy on the rear deck of the boat. Patty and Debbie are definitely more creative that we are. They made a banana split on my pussy and eat it together while everyone laughed and I ate whipped cream and blueberries from Mandy's pussy. We ended up in one big pile of bodies. Mandy and I licked chocolate syrup off of Kathy's cock and she went wild as we sucked her off together. Mandy and I licked each other clean and went into our cabin.

She lit a cigarette and we held each other in bed sitting against the wall looking out the windows and listening to the water splash against the bow of the boat. I took a drag of the cigarette as we shared our thoughts and Mandy said, "What a discovery this is if there really are dinosaurs here. So many scientists will want to study this." I blew out the smoke as she had her hand on my cock and I said, "There is no way to set up a safe environment for people to study dinosaurs, unless they are like big Teddy bears. I say we just record the knowledge and leave them alone, and also that feels really good." Mandy smiled and rubbed my cock hard as I took another drag of the cigarette. I handed her the cigarette and she took a drag as I rubbed her cock hard also. I said, "This has really put me in the mood for dinosaur cock." We both giggled as I took a drag of the cigarette. Mandy took a final drag and put it out as she changed us into combined couples with dinosaur cocks and pussies. We slid into each other to interlock, and we both went wild.

Kate said into our minds, "You two are making more noises than the beasts on the island." We heard everyone laughing in our heads and Mandy said back, "We got in the mood for dinosaur cocks and pussies. We're making the mating call of a brontosauruses." We heard everyone laughing again and Kate said back, "You two are so fucked up." Mandy said into my mind, "Don't listen to them honey. Now where were we? Oh yeah, we were about to fuck the shit of each other again." We did just that, and more. Mandy put her hand over my mouth twice as I screamed when I blasted off. I did the same thing to her and then we both laughed. We held each other close looking out the window at the lights on the boat, still interlocked, and moving slowly. Our bodies were so hypersensitive, every time one of us moved slightly we both moaned so loud. I got rid of the dinosaur cock and pussy and Mandy said, "Good thinking. Now everyone can get some sleep." We heard Judy say in our minds, "Hallelujah!" and then everyone laughing again. We made love again then feel asleep in each other's arms.

Mandy and I woke up every hour or so and slowly slid into each other again. It only took minutes before we both orgasmed blasting off. My pussy and cock were so sensitive, I could feel them both throbbing. When the sun came out we moved into a 69 position and sucked what must have been a pint of cum from each other's pussy. Then we gave each other a great blow fuck job. When my cock was pulsating, Mandy said into my mind, "Share it with me after I cum." I shot into her and just before I finished, Mandy blasted her cum into my mouth. I held it all in and we sat up and kissed, and kissed more, swallowing all of it together. She smiled and leaned on me making me lay back in the bed. Mandy rubbed her breasts on mine as she had her head just over mine and kissed me again. We wrapped our arms around each other, as we sucked each other's tongue.

We lay together for a few minutes and Mandy was sliding and rubbing her whole body over mine and I was so hot again. We kissed again and I said, "I want you inside of me so bad." We coupled again and made love slowly and gently, as we kissed. Within twenty minutes we both moaned into each other's mouth while kissing, as we blasted off again. We were breathing hard and Mandy said, "Lets take a quick swim." We went up on deck and dove into the water and swam around. We saw a huge shark and it was swimming directly at us. Mandy communicated and it stopped and communicated back. We told it that we were the creators of life and it swam up to us and touched us gently with its tail as it moved by. We both held on to its fin and swam around for a while with a whole family of sharks over 60 feet long. We told them that we can breathe in the water and on land, and we had to return to the others. They brought us back to the boat and Mandy and I petted the first one we found on the head and communicated that we love them all. Then we got out. Mandy said into everyone's mind, "Very large sharks in the water but they communicated with us. Most are over 60 feet long. Be careful if you swim."

We dried off, put on our bikini bottoms again and went into the galley, as we smelled bacon cooking. Rose said, "Sixty feet? I think I'll just take a shower today." Megan kissed her and said, "You got that right." I said, "They're just like the other ones we swim with all the time. They're just bigger." We had some eggs and bacon, and everyone came into the galley. Kate said, "Bigger than the boat?" I said, "Longer, but not as wide. More teeth." Everyone smiled and Kate said, "I'm next in the shower."

We all finished eating, had coffee, and a cigarette as it was close to 9. Chris gave Eve our new boat coordinates and we all displaced to the beach. Debbie said to Eve, "The noises from the place at night are amazing. Louder than you can possibly imagine. They even drowned out you know who", as she pointed to us. Everyone was laughing and Mandy said with a smile, "That's not fair. We got carried away last night. It was the whole dinosaur thing." Adam was hysterical and hugged us both. About half the group was there and Eve said, "Lets displace to the boat. I have an idea to make this safer." We all went to the boat and she said, "Two people have to stay here at all times. The rest of us will lay down and go as pure energy to different areas and look around. Lets map it out. We all got different grids and Eve said, "Lets try to do each grid in fifteen minutes tops. This is the rotation. Kate you and Judy stay here first until Julie and Kathy get back."

We all lay down and raised our minds out of our bodies. We displaced to the grids. Mandy and I made a game of it and zoomed around the trees and forest until we saw something absolutely incredible. Mandy said into everyone's minds, "Good thing that brontosauruses mating call we did last night didn't work because we found a real one right here." Everyone came to us instantly as energy and watched it eat leaves from a tree and then feed some to its baby. They all went back and we got calls from everyone with every conceivable type of extinct life form. Mandy and I communicated to the brontosauruses and it communicated back. It was completely harmless. We told everyone and they had the same experience. Kate and Judy joined us as Julie and Kathy went back and they were amazed. Julie said, "It's like a big cow with a long neck." Adam called everyone that he found a T-Rex and we all went to see that. She communicated and the animal was even more gentle toward us than the others. Kind of like the sharks. Eve said to all of the animals in their minds, "You are seeing us, the creators of life, as pure energy. Our bodies are small and fragile. If we come to you as our real selves, please be careful. We don't want to harm any of you by defending ourselves. This is what we look like." She showed them all an image of each of us and they all communicate back to us. We all displaced back to the boat.

Eve said, "Want to walk with real dinosaurs for a while?" We all displaced to one grid point after another. Mandy and I rode on the back of a turtle that was over 8 feet high. We also got a ride on a brontosauruses. We had such a hard time hanging on as the skin was so slippery. We did see a 90 foot snake and we all got grossed out, but petted it anyway, as it communicated to us. Mandy told all of the dinosaurs about a metal object in the land and some of them told us they knew about it. Mandy said, "We will bring people here that look like us, but are much more fragile than we are, to work on it and get it back where it belongs. They will not harm you." We all petted a T-rex and it was amazing. We displaced to the crash site and we put a super heavy-duty triple reinforced steel fence around the entire structure. Chris and Allison went to get several teleportation stations and they set them up inside of the craft entrance, while Roberta programmed them to operate from two other ones that Kyle put in one of the labs on earth.

I said into everyone's mind, "I vote that when we're finished, we turn the camouflage back on for this continent. Lets just leave the animals alone. We know where it is now and have all the coordinates." Everyone agreed. Mandy said into everyone's mind, "I can't believe how close we came on every animal with the history of life. We only saw one that was a little different and that was mostly the texture of the skin and hair. It's softer and smoother."

We all displaced back to the boat and Eve said, "We're going to photograph everything. This place is a paradise. Adam wants a picture of me riding the T- rex." Chris said, "Cool. We're starting the work on the spacecraft today. We'll let you know what else we find."

They all displaced from the boat and we displaced to the lab on Earth. The research team all joined us in a conference room and we explained the whole thing and them told them they couldn't tell anyone about it. Chris said, "The dinosaurs are very real, but will stay away from the craft. If you get into trouble, use the teleporter. It's right at the entrance inside the craft. Don't, and I repeat don't, hurt a single animal. They will get very pissed off, and they are really huge with big teeth. Also don't leave the steel fenced area. It's not safe. I want us to take apart as much of as we can and bring it back here. We'll have a shipping system set up. Bonny, I want you to be in charge of inventory of everything. I want every piece down to the last screw accounted for so we can figure out everything. Some of technology is really interesting and they have a library of reference manuals for it. Jake, you're our metals expert. We have no clue what this thing is made out of or even if we can take it apart of cut it. I want a complete test of all of the properties."

Chris gave out all of the assignments and then we went five at a time through the teleporter to the craft. Several of the dinosaurs were now in the grass fields outside of the craft and watching us. Mandy communicated, "Hi. We have the other people with us we told you about. They will not hurt you. The fence barricade is to keep them away from you. We don't want you to get hurt." They communicated back and Mandy said, "That was easy." We gave everyone a quick tour of the craft and they went to work. We went to the craft's library and started to read about the things we wanted to learn first. Chris said, "I have an idea that make this simple. This is neural based just like ours. There has to be a download feature. Lets find it." Allison, Roberta, Kyle, Chris and Mandy went through all they could find. After about a hour Mandy said, "I've got it. But it's not nearly as sophisticated as what we have." Chris and Roberta were studying it and Chris said, "Easy. I'll be right back." She displaced and was back in a minute with a hand held computer and a kit for making a cable.

We watched as Roberta and her figured out the pin connections and then made an optical cable. Chris said, "It will probably take a few hours to download. Their communication and buss technology sucks." Allison made a sticky pad and wrote a note, "Do not touch!" and put it on the equipment. She said, "Okay, we can leave for a while."

We displaced to the coordinates we originally marked with the stars and it was gorgeous. The first place was a lake and waterfall that was full of dinosaurs drinking and bathing. We swam with a few of them and even with a 30 foot crock. A mastodon was spraying water with its trunk on us and we all loved it. We couldn't get over how big some of the hippo's were. It seems that we only had the small skeletons to use as a model. We walked over to the trees that a group of animals were eating the fruit from and they handed us some. Chris tasted it and said, "Type of apple except larger. It's good." We all took a bite and then displaced to the next place on our list.

Mandy said, "Hot springs heaven." We all panicked and Chris took the temperature of the ground, the streams, the lakes, and everything. She said, "We're safe for now anyway." We all took a bath in one of the hot springs and it felt great. Cary made us all one of our favorite drinks and we all sat up to our breasts and lit cigarettes like in a resort. Julie said, "Welcome to club Jurassic." We all smiled and relaxed in the hot springs.

We displaced to two more places on the list and they were just as nice. Then we went back to the craft. Chris said, "All set. Lets learn everything in about an hour." We displaced to the work planet and Chris created a new category for knowledge and loaded this into it in seconds. She sat with Roberta first and it took about 5 minutes to download into her mind. She sat up and said, "You will not believe some of the things in here." We all got the download and she was right. I said, "Chocolate fruit? We have to try to plant it." Mandy said, "We know how everything works in that ship and could build one from scratch if we wanted to. Want to call off the team, or let them take it apart?" Chris said, "Let them dismantle it, and we'll use them to build the pieces that we want to use. We'll go help with it to cut the time. The camouflage sensor was so simple. Why didn't we think of that." I said, "Because we didn't need too. We're not trying to blow someone up."

We went back to the craft and each of us took one area and helped the people by giving them hints of how it all comes apart. They were shipping back sections that they miniaturized with a computer. Chris said, "We can easily dismantle the hull of the craft. I say we just take a sample of the metal, and scrap the rest. We know how to make it now." We all agreed and Chris had the metals team cut a section of it out and send it back. By dusk the team was finished taking out all of the major sections and computers we wanted. We sent the team back and then sent the teleporters back to the work planet. We all walked away from the craft and shrank it to the size of a golf ball. Chris made one of the sensor camouflage computers in her mind and put it with the golf ball. Then we moved all of the dirt back to fill in the pit. We made the fences go away, and told Eve and everyone what we did. I said to everyone's mind, "Use the knowledge transfer category Jurassic Craft to load all of the knowledge in your mind. It takes about 5 minutes. Eve, feel like growing natural chocolate flavored fruit? That's in there too." We heard her laughing at the category and she said back to us, "Yup. We'll download it later today."

Chris and Roberta put grass all over the pit and it now looked like we were never there. The sun was setting so we displaced back to the boat. Mandy said, "How about good old fashion hamburgers and chips tonight?" Megan said, "You don't feel like cooking one of those big crabs again either. Burgers and chips are cool."

We spent the next three days living in absolute paradise with the dinosaurs. We made friends with two apes and they were funnier than the chimps. They also were 14 feet tall. We did what Eve did, and displaced home to get the digital cameras. We spent the last day taking pictures of everything. Patty and Debbie rode a mastodon and we got about 20 pictures of it. We all agreed that this was the best trip we ever took. When we left we were all kind of sad to say goodbye to this place. The apes actually gently hugged us.

We partied the whole way on the boat trip back. We had to stop to sleep early because everyone was too drunk to drive the boat, or even care. Everyone was making dinosaur noises that night and none of us sleep a wink. After we got back, we all crashed and slept for about 16 hours.

Chris and her crew went to work on the new technologies. Allison had a prototype version of the "SolarNational Instant Kitchen" machine in three days. Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen were so pissed they missed the whole trip. We gave them all of the coordinates and they displaced there.


Patty and Debbie started looking at other planets and in three days that already had a plan for one of them. Everything gets upgraded and the costs go down. We wished we could clone them.

Mandy and I took a trip to visit Eve and told her about our plans for a house and where we saw it. Her and Adam laughed and then took us to the location. It was on Eden but was in the same time zone as our office. She said, "This where we wanted to build a place this year also. We love it by the ocean. It's between 65 and 80 all year round, and I don't think we've ever had a hurricane or severe storm here. Think you can convince the owners of the land to sell?" I said, "Mandy will convince them. I can guarantee it. Your forgetting that she is their God." Eve was laughing and said, "Oh yeah."

Eve took us to look up the landowners on record and we paid them a visit. Mandy started the conversation and then said, "The reason we are here is that we would like to purchase your property by the ocean. I noticed that you have a small home on it. How can we convince you to sell it to us?" A man and his wife owned it and he said, "For one million dollars you can have all of it." Mandy said, "Wow, that's a lot. It's nice and we like it, but that's expensive. How about 500 thousand?" They were talking about it and the man said, "Sure. Well do it." Mandy and I shook their hands and I said, "We can be back in an hour with the money. Universal currency okay?" They were smiling and nodding their heads, and we were trying not to jump out of our skin. We expected to pay five million just for the land.

We displaced home to the vault and were both screaming about it. Mandy was doing a little dance and said, "I am so good at this. They think they took us for a lot of money and I know what the property is worth. Lets pay them before they change their minds." We counted out five hundred thousand and went back to Eden. We stopped at the land first and I said, "This is so nice. Ninety-six acres in the most beautiful area we've ever seen anywhere." We went back to the couple and they had the deed all signed and we gave then the cash. I said, "You can count it", and he said, "We trust you." I said, "Is there anything in that small house that you need?" He said, "No. It's been empty for years. Good luck with it!" We shook hands and left. Mandy was smiling and said, "Now we do the real plans. Eve gave us the name of the best architect on this planet. Lets pay her a visit after we print out the plans from our minds."

We displaced home and used our minds to print the images of the plans on one of the printers. We went through every possible floor and layout, elevation, and even the grounds. It had everything that we saw in our dreams. It was 50 pages and we displaced to Eden again to the architects office. Mandy and I walked into the office and a receptionist was star struck with us. I said, "Can Ms. Lou Ann Walker see us for a few minutes?" The receptionist was fumbling for the phone and Mandy and I smiled. She said, "You have a visitor that I think you're going to want to see." We were escorted to her office and she did a double take when she saw us. We shook hands and she said, "Please sit down. What can I do for you."

Mandy said, "Eve told us you were the best architect and general contractor on Eden. We want you to build us a home here. We already purchased the land and have a rough idea of the layout. I'll warn you up front, it's really large." She said, "Let's see it." Mandy handed her the stack of blue print type drawings and she said, "How big is it?" I said, "We didn't add it up, but I'm assuming it's over 175,000. It's about twice the size of our other houses and they are somewhere around 90,000." She said, "How big is the lot?" Mandy said,"96 acres." We definitely got her attention. She brought us into the boardroom and laid out our plans taping them together so she could see the actual layout. She said, "What a home! You know this is going to cost a fortune." I said, "Just tell us how much. We want to work with someone that is the best and we want to make sure we cover everything that we wanted in the house. Would it help if we showed you our taste and our other homes?" She said, "Sure. How long will it take to get there?" Mandy said, "2 seconds. Hold my hand."

We displaced to the outside of the vacation house and I said, "This is our vacation home. We're on vacation world and part of our resort area." We gave her the entire tour and she said, "I've never seen a house this big. I love the cliffs and dock, and beach. This is gorgeous. The ballroom is incredible." I said, "We will add one of those also on that house. We didn't figure it into the square footage here, or on that plan either. Ready for one more stop?" She held my hand and we displaced outside of the castle in the front. Mandy said, "We're on Earth. Welcome to our castle." Lou Ann went nuts with the foyer and loved the house. She said, "This is your main house now?" I said, "We spilt our time, but actually spend more time in the vacation home lately. We're going to keep this and use it for winter vacations. Our pets go back and forth all the time with the teleporters we installed." She was laughing as we gave her the whole tour. She saw the garage and said, "Oh my God! Oh I'm so sorry. I mean.." Mandy was laughing and said, "Don't worry about it. Actually, please call me Mandy and this is Jen. We use the same slang as you do." She wanted to see the cars and we showed them to her.

We all displaced to the property that we bought, and Lou Ann said, "I can see why you bought it. This was 25 or 26 million easy probably." Mandy said, "500 thousand. We were expecting to pay a lot more." We walked by the cliffs and I said, "We want an elevator shaft cut though the cliffs to the pier that will be built below. We thought that the veranda would be great overlooking the ocean from this side." She said, "You really thought this out pretty well. Lets go back to the office."

We displaced back to the boardroom and she said, "Nice way to travel. How can I get in touch with you?" Mandy said, "Just talk into our mind and do it like this." She showed her and then said, "That way we know to listen. We'll talk back the same way. Try it." We did it and she said into our minds, "This is definitely cool." We said back, "Sure is."

Lou Ann said, "Give me a few days to figure it out and add the ballroom. Where was that lot anyway?" Mandy gave her the address and she said, "Eve was talking about that area too. Oh, how big was the ballroom and the lab?" Mandy gave her the figures and Lou Ann said, "Wow!" We shook her hand and I said, "Just call us when you have something."

We displaced back to the vacation house and Mandy said, "She'll be calling us in hours. You'll see. This is bigger than anything ever built as a private home on that planet and it will make the news. Plus she knows Eve."

We made some tuna sandwiches for lunch and ate outside on the veranda. Megan said into our minds, "Well? Did you buy the land?" I said back, "We sure did!" Within two minutes all of the kids were on the veranda along with Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy. Even Kate and Julie's kids showed up. We finished our sandwich and I said, "We spent this morning with an architect and should have some rough plans in a few days. What to see the land?" They all held our hands as we displaced to the lot. Mandy explained how it will all be situated and everyone loved the view, area, and how it felt there. I said, "We are on Eden and it's the same time zone as both houses. This is where Eve is planning to build a home also. We have 96 acres. That's our beach, cliffs, and it goes all the way out to the road past the lake and last section of palm trees." Megan as talking a mile a minute and I said, "Slow down. This will take a while to build. We haven't seen the plans yet." Everyone was like that and we just laughed. Chris and Roberta were even worse with Jennifer and Amanda. They all looked at the ocean and it was gorgeous. The water was light blue green and the sand on the beach was almost pink like Bermuda. Mandy said, "It's between 65 and 80 degrees here all year round. Today is typical."

We displaced back to our veranda and everyone sat with us. Mandy said, "We still need to decide on a lot of things. We'll show you the plans when we get them. We still can't decide on the overall outside style. I like Victorian, which I think is cool. Kind of like Karen and Kathy's style of the house here." Everyone was talking about something different and we just laughed. I said, "Early log cabin." They all shut up and Mandy said, "I like that." They were all yelling at us and laughing.

We all had a drink and I said, "Doesn't anyone have to be back at work?" Megan said, "This is way more important. Our profits are so fucking high I can't even write it on a slide this time. I have to figure out what comes after trillion trillion." Julie said, "Tough problem to have." Mandy was covering her eyes laughing and shaking her head. We heard Lou Ann call us and Mandy held up her hand and was talking back to her. She said, "Everyone fell like a trip to see the architect, but you have to let me and Jen decide on the stuff. We want your opinion, but we have to decide. Agreed?" They all agreed so we displaced everyone to the architect's office. She came out to greet us and Mandy made the introductions and said, "This is part of the reason for the large house. They all wanted to meet you and voice their opinions."

We went into the boardroom and Lou Ann had a computer simulation of the home for us to see, with lots of different outside styles. She said, "With ballroom and lab, this is over 350,000 square feet. It's huge, which really doesn't come across on the computer." She used some software that actually let us walk through the house and we made changes in a lot of areas. She took notes and made the changes to the design in the computer so we could see it again. The entrance foyer was outrageous and we loved it. She also made some suggestions to the rear of the house and had multiple levels of the veranda and terraces. I said, "As long as they are large enough to have a party for lets say a thousand people on each level." She made some notes and Mandy said, "Make that fifteen hundred. That's what we can fit at the vacation house and the castle."

We looked at so many designs of the exterior and we finally narrowed it down to three. They were all old styles with the Victorian having the lead so far. Lou Ann said, "What if we combine two or three of these. She set some software options and was clicking on the screen. We saw about nine variations and one we all loved. I said, "The columns look outrageous with the porch. This is old southern plantation Earth in the 1800s." Everyone liked it, and that was a small miracle. She said, "Feel like continuing? We could get most of the stuff done in a few hours." We didn't even have time to answer as the kids all said, "Kept going."

We designed a model bathroom for all of the suites and Lou Ann said, "Same size as you have now I assume, which are huge." We did the same thing for the walk in dressing rooms and closets, and things that were repeated in multiple rooms. We also did the kitchen and they saw what it would look like as we walked in and sat down at a breakfast area. We went though so many things and finally Lou Ann said, "Let me finish this up with the staff and we should be able to walk you through a full home tomorrow around 6. Then all you need to decide on is closets and stuff like that. Also, how big a garage do you want here? I had it as 10 cars." Mandy said, "Twenty or Twenty five." Patty said, "Yes!", and everyone chuckled. Mandy said, "You also need to factor in the stables which would be like the ones we have at the other houses. Let me know if you need to look at any of it again." Lou Ann said, "Let me go back with you and do a quick run through your vacation house again."

We all displaced back and we showed her the stables and she said, "Want it bigger. You have all of the stalls filled." Mandy said, "Yeah, double the size." Lou Ann went though the whole house and took notes and measurements. She asked a lot of questions that made us realize we were off on a few things and Mandy kept saying, "Yeah, bigger." We displaced her back to her office and everyone was so excited. I said to Patty, "Eden gets the highway system next." She said, "You got it."

We all talked about colors, floors, drapes, and so much junk. Mandy said into my mind, "They all love it, and we hate this part of it." We listened to everyone and acted interested. I said, "Write down all of your ideas because the architect will hire a decorator like we did for this house. They did a great job, and we didn't have to worry about it." They started a list and Mandy whispered to me, "This is our cue to escape." I said, "We're going into the den to watch some TV."

We went into the den and they brought the lists. Mandy and I laughed so hard and then realized we couldn't escape. We talked about everything they wanted. They actually did come up with some really cool ideas. We also needed to add a room on the house for a kids only recroom. Megan said, "Wishful thinking?" I said, "Planning. We may do it again and beat you to it." Chris was hysterically laughing and said, "Never. They are so full of shit. This is to get you to have some grandkids." Megan and Rose looked at each other and Rose said, "We're thinking about it." Mandy and I just smiled. Kathy said, "We may do it again also. You never know."

I said, "How about we try some Chinese food from the resort tonight? They ship it to your house." Mandy said, "So does that great Chinese restaurant in LA. Lets order from there." We made a list and Mandy called the restaurant in LA and gave them our shipping address and her AMEX card. She said, "Solarnational marketing of take out food. New idea." I said, "Our Instant Kitchen may kill that market, and that will be a huge money maker. We all know that."

Melissa and Jody came back over and I said, "Chinese?" They gave us their order along with Karen and Janice, and Mandy called the place back. I said, "So how did you like our hidden continent?" They couldn't stop talking about it. Melissa said, "I got a ride on a real pterodactyl. That was so cool. They are so harmless to us. It's amazing. Even the 60 foot sharks that we swam with and the 120 foot whales. They knew us as soon as we got there." I said, "Eve put all of our images in their minds. We made friends with two apes." Janice said, "We met them and they talked about you. We loved it. This being a slumlord is horrible. We're with realtors, brokers, and rental managers non- stop. I hate it. Plus we have to get each operation up and running with the androids." I said, "Hire someone to do it. You have enough properties now. Start a corporation and sit back and watch it make money." Jody said, "We talked about it and are probably going to do just that."

Megan said, "We went to see the property for our new house today and met with the architect." Mandy said, "We are finally going to build it. We've been talking about for three years, and we did it today. Jen and I bought the property. You ready for this? We only paid 500 thousand for 96 acres of land on the ocean. The architect thought we should have paid 25 million. It's on Eden, where Eve is looking to build their new home and it's the same time zone as here and the office." Melissa said, "Can we see it?" I said, "Sure, as long as you don't put up a low rent apartment building on our block." They all laughed and Jody said, "I should be pissed at that remark, but you are right. We went overboard on this."

I displaced us all there and Melissa and Jody went crazy with the view. Janice said, "This is real nice." Megan said, "The rough of the house is 350,000 square feet. It really is huge." Jody said, "What are you nuts? That's big enough for an army?" Mandy said, "I'm planning on an army of kids and grandkids and great grandkids. Then we'll expand it." Melissa was laughing and said, "This really is a good idea. Is there any other land up here for sale? For a house only, no slum stuff." I said, "This wasn't for sale. We made an offer and the owner accepted it. You have to remember, they see Mandy and me as God here." Jody was laughing and said, "You two get to negotiate our deal. Please?" I said, "It will cost you two back rubs if we get the land." Melissa said, "Deal!" Megan said, "High stakes finance here. You have to love it."

We displaced back to the house and our Chinese food was already there in our shipping area. We took it out on the veranda to eat. Mandy said, "Remember Jade Isle in LA?" Melissa said, "Yeah, great Polynesian food." Mandy turned the bag around and Melissa said, "No way." We all screamed, "No Way!" Jody just shook her head saying, "mentally challenged", as we took the food out. I said to Melissa, "Find the parcel of land that you like and then we can look up who owns it. Eve can tell you all about it."

Melissa was talking to Eve in our minds and she said, "I definitely want to get something there also. It's so beautiful." Eve said back, "Let me send you the land parcel map and then you can try to bargain like Mandy and Jen did." Melissa said," We're with Mandy now, send it to their vacation house." Eve said to us, "So what did you think of Lou Ann?" I said back, "Top notch so far. We'll get a computer model of it tomorrow to look at in more detail." Eve said, "Good. She is the best here. She called me and was so excited about doing this for you guys. The God thing really impressed people here. You have no idea." Mandy was laughing and said, "I told you so. By the way, which lot is yours?" Eve said, "The one right next to you, south on the coast. Same size. I think we have 96 acres." I said, "Exactly the same size." Eve said back, "Let me see her computer model. I want to see what she does with your ideas." Mandy said, "You got it."

We all ate the food and I made Polynesian drinks for everyone to go with it. They were definitely impressed when I recited the drink menu of 24 different rum drinks. Debbie and Patty were hooked on my Mai-Mai with pineapples. I made them three. We all finished the food and were stuffed. Eve's parcel map came over with a listing of owners. Melissa and Jody picked the lot immediately and it was the one to our north. We checked the owners and Mandy said, "What dumb luck. This is going to cost you five back massages." She was smiling and showed me the names. I said, "Feel like closing on it now?" Melissa said, "Lets go!" I said, "You have to stay here or you are going to pay way to much. Trust us on this one."

Mandy and I displaced back to the person that sold us our land and knocked on the door. He opened it and I said, "Hi again. We wanted to ask you about the land that's adjacent to the lot we bought. Any interest in selling that one also. Same price?" He smiled and said, "For you, sure." Mandy said, "We'll be back in under and hour. Thank you very much. We won't forget you." He smiled from ear to ear. We displaced back and I said, "Get 500 hundred thousand in universe currency and the lot's yours now." Melissa said, "Be back in a few." Jody and her were back in twenty minutes with a case." I said, "You counted it?" She said, "Absolutely." We displaced back to the owner again and gave him and his wife the cash, and he gave us the title. We thanked him again and left his house.

We displaced back home again and handed the title to Melissa and I said, "My back is really sore. Mandy and I think we need a serious back rub." Melissa and Jody were laughing and they took our hands and walked us to our bedroom. Jody said, "All I want to know is how?" Mandy said, "We're God. We told him that we would never forget this and he was happy to do it."

Mandy and I took off or cloths and lay on the bed next to each other on our stomachs. Melissa and Jody undressed and sat on our asses and gave us a complete massage. It felt great. Mandy and I were looking at each other with our faces sideways on the bed and we had our eyes half closed. I watched Jody massaging her neck and Mandy was so relaxed. Melissa was doing wonders on me too. When she massaged my scalp I feel sound asleep.

Melissa woke me up by kissing my ear and said, "Jen, you slept through three of our massages. You have two left." I could hear Mandy laughing and saying, "No Way! A deal is a deal." Jody was laughing and rubbing Mandy's shoulders and she said, "Now the full body massage. I like this." Jody lay on Mandy and moved her whole body over her and Mandy looked at me and said, "This does feel good." Melissa did it to me also and it felt terrific.

After about 20 minutes they rolled us on our back and they both gave us a blow fuck job. Mandy and I watched each other get sucked and finger fucked we got so hot. We both blasted off. I shot my cum into Melissa mouth and Mandy shot into Jody's. Then they kissed and shared it. Mandy and I rolled over onto each other and became Combined Couples and fucked. We were so hot, we slid right into each other's wet pussy. Melissa and Jody did it right to us also.

The four of us were going at it for over two hours, as we all blasted off twice. Melissa and Jody separated, and Mandy and I did two. She knelt over Melissa and I knelt over Jody and we gave them the blow fuck job this time. Jody shot so much cum in mouth I had trouble holding it all in. Mandy and I kissed and played with the cum for over ten minutes. We spit it on Melissa's stomach and then licked it off, and then we did the same thing on Jody's nipples. Mandy and I kissed and swallowed as Melissa and Jody were fucking again like wild rabbits. We got them so hot they were totally into each other. We coupled next to them also and this time we did it slowly and slid into each other.

We all went for hours and we were getting exhausted. Mandy and I got up and pulled down the covers on our side of the bed, and then we lifted Melissa and Jody with our mind a few inches and pulled their side down also. We put them back down and they never even knew we did it. Mandy used her mind to pull the covers over all of us. We hugged and interlocked again, and slowly made love. Mandy and I blasted off one more time, and then we fell sound asleep in each other's arms.

We woke up and the sun was out and noticed that Melissa and Jody were already dressed. Melissa leaned over the bed and kissed us both and so did Jody. Mandy said half asleep, "We'll let you see the designs later. See ya." They waved to us and we were still interlocked. Mandy kissed me and moved into me slowly, and I moved into her. We slid into each other for almost an hour and then we both had a huge orgasm. We kissed and held each other so tight as our cocks jerked and spit cum into each other pussies, and our pussies were both spraying juice.

We lay against each other and kissed again. Mandy reached for a cigarette and lit one up. She took a deep drag and then put the cigarette in my lips. I took a drag and held in the smoke as Mandy said, "We should have charged them ten back rubs." We both giggled and we heard in our minds Jody say, "We heard that." We laughed and I said, "Melissa, since we have your attention. Check out the new Instant Kitchen prototype. Ask Allison about it." Melissa said, "That's why we had to come in early. I'm meeting with her and some of her staff in 10 minutes. What is it?" Mandy said, "The most outrageous instant food you ever had. We got that technology from the space craft." Jody said, "What space craft?" Mandy and I realized they weren't there and I said, "We have a long story to tell you. We forgot you missed it being a slum lord." They laughed and I said, "We'll be at the office in a hour or so and we'll fill you in."

Mandy and I got up and did our routine for work. We went down and had breakfast and everyone else was already gone. We had some coffee and a cigarette, and then displaced to the office. We went into Melissa's office and Allison was making food for anyone that wanted it as samples. Melissa said, "I love this. It's a trillion dollar product in no time. It replaces all cooking for quick meals."

I said, "This is just the first of a ton of new stuff." Mandy and I told Melissa, Jody, Karen, and Janice the whole story for the whole morning. I said, "That's why GPS won't find the continent and why I gave you the coordinates. We buried a sensor scrambler in the ground where the ship originally was located. Go to the work planet and download the knowledge from the category named Jurassic Craft. It has everything in it and will only take you five minutes. Some of the stuff is really neat." Melissa said, "We'll be right back." They were back in about 20 seconds and I said, "Now you understand about all of the new products?"

They were making a list and talking about how to position them, the marketing, commercials, and what to charge. Mandy said, "We just did 50 years of R&D in one afternoon thanks to a boat trip."

We got all of the kids into Melissa's office and I said, "We want to talk for a few minutes about what products to release and when, from the technology we have from the space craft. This is Melissa's list. I can think of 8 more off the top of my head." We talked all afternoon and the list grew incredibly long. I said, "Which is better. We sell a home diagnostic and health system to the public, or do we sell it to the doctors and hospitals. There are a lot more people to buy it than doctors and hospitals, but we could hurt our drug business." We all decided to sell it to doctors and hospitals first and see how they like it. The toilets that vaporize waste was also one the top things on the list also. We decide that we do it using the handle that's in place now, so people don't loose body parts. We all had a good laugh over that one, but it will save us billions in sewage treatment plants and also make trillions on the sale of the product. Every home on every planet needs at least one.

We stayed in Melissa's office talking until 6 and had no idea what time it was. Lou Ann called us and said, "Model's ready if you are." I said, "You want to see the automated model of our house? Lou Ann just called us." Mandy said, "We'll be right there. She called Eve, Julie and Kathy, and Kate and Judy, and we all displaced to the architect's office. Lou Ann came to the lobby and I said, "The crowds get larger every visit." Eve and her hugged and I said, "This is Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen. They just bought the lot next to ours on the north side."

We all went into the boardroom and they had the same setup except projected on a wall. The house looked outrageous, and was now done to scale. We started with a view of the grounds and exterior. Lou Ann said, "The outside dimensions of the front view of the main house are 1,350 feet across by 250 feet deep. The ballroom is part of the east wing that jets out at an angle and blends into the design, with the lab attached to the rear of the ballroom. The studio is on the west wing behind the garages." Lou Ann rotated the view, and then gave us a bird's eye view so we could decide on the elevations of the front of the house. We picked one we liked and the house adjusted to the changes. She showed us the outside stairs to the main entrance and had gardens in the stairs and said, "The stairs are 120 feet across and we used gardens to add some character. I think it looks great with those wide white columns."

We saw the back terrace design and really liked it. We also had her add the pier on the ocean and she made some notes. Then we walked into the house. Each room expanded as we entered and you could view around 360 degrees. Lou Ann said, "Since you are spending a lot, I figured a few more dollars wouldn't matter much. So we made all ceilings 10 feet high in the closed in rooms. That gives the vaulted rooms a 21 foot ceiling minimum and really opens up the three story foyer."

We walked into every room and looked at everything. We even went into the closets. We made a bunch of changes and finished at two in the morning. Lou Ann said, "I can have this done sometime today and get you estimates and schedules. I said, "I love the design software. This is better than a video game." She said, "We wrote it here. It's the only one like it, as far as we know." Eve picked up on it and said, "Want to make some money on it? What if we sell it on other planets and you get a piece of the action for every sale." I said into Chris's mind, "This goes into the home modifications and construction market we talked about." Chris said into our minds, "This is slick. If we license it from her we can put it on the hand held units also. Maybe we work a deal where we get the source code and upgrade it to all of the new computers and she gets the new source code back and we sell it." Eve said to us, "Let me work it with her. That sounds like a winner."

We all displaced home. Mandy and I were so tired; we hit the bed, kissed, and conked out. We woke up at 7 in the morning in the exact same position we fell asleep. Mandy said, "My God was I tired. I smiled touching her hardon and said, "Not too tired now I see." Mandy smiled at me and grabbed my hardon and rolled herself over on me. She said, "Neither are you, and my pussy is so wet from dreaming about us last night. Jen, I am so excited about this new house." Mandy and I kissed and caressed each other softly. She whispered into my ear, "Lets have a cigarette and then fuck out brains out." Mandy sat up and then straddled me, putting my cock into her pussy. She leaned forward, reaching for the nightstand and put a cigarette into her lips, and I lit it for her. She took two deep drags, holding in the smoke, and then sat back on me hard, as my cock went all the want into her wet cunt. Mandy moved her ass around on me and put the cigarette into my lips and I took two drags also and blew the smoke out slowly. She leaned forward as I was fucking her and took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Sorry baby, but I couldn't wait. My pussy was calling your name so loud for the last 30 minutes." Mandy was talking like Melvin the Fly and said, "Jen come in here. Its wet and warm and I want your submarine to go into my cave exploring." We laughed so hard as she put the cigarette in my lips.

We finished the cigarette as I had Mandy tell me more about what her pussy was saying. We laughed for over 5 minutes. Then Mandy got up, turned us into combined couples, and lay between legs as we interlocked. We fucked for three hours non-stop in such passion, kissing every other minute. We stopped, lay exhausted, and then I moved us into a 69 position on our sides. We ate cum for about 5 minutes and then gave each other a blow fuck job. We both came at the same time and after I swallowed Mandy's cum I went back to licking her pussy. She was moaning softly and I started to talk like Melvin the fly coming from her pussy and I said, "It was so flooded in here. That submarine was moving back and forth so much it made me sick and it rained so hard. The submarine shot gobs of white stuff all over and it got so foggy in here. It's a mess and I need someone to clean it up." Mandy was laughing and then I tongue snaked her and she went wild orgasming in about a minute. I kissed her pussy very softly and sat up, as she started to laugh again. She said, "Jen, you're fucking sicker than I am. Kiss me captain Neemo."

We both giggled and I kissed her with a mouth open sloppy kiss. Mandy lit a cigarette and said, "We should get up baby. We have a meeting at 2 in the office." I just lay there and Mandy was giggling again as she slid out from under me. She took my hand and dragged me off the bed. We did our morning work routine, even though it was 1 in the afternoon, and went downstairs to make some breakfast.

We ate and displaced to the office. We went into the boardroom and got there just in time, as everyone else was coming in. Megan said, "We started making the list of how we could use the technologies for new products and I want us to come up with the top ten and do them now. These could make our numbers for the next three years." We spent the next four hours going through all of the scenarios of products, possible sales volumes, costs, and profit. We all were laughing at the end when Megan said, "Shit, we could all retire for a few years. No one would even know." Mandy said, "Grandkids?" Rose and Megan looked at each and smiled.

Just as the meeting was ending Lou Ann called us in our minds and we did the same routine as last night and everyone displaced to her office. Eve and Adam were there and Eve said, "Don't forget you two are in the golf tournament with us tomorrow morning in Nevada. We'll meet at the castle at 8." Mandy was smiling and said, "We may end up owning that resort by tomorrow evening." Megan said, "I can't believe they are letting you four play as a team. Don't they check anyone's handicap?" Eve said, "They never asked, and it's a scratch match for 36 holes. I guess they figure that if you're stupid enough to put up 20 million per player, you must be pretty good."

Lou Ann came out to meet all of us again and we went back to the boardroom. She said, "Let me give you a quick tour of the changes first." We saw the house again it looked fantastic. She made a few other minor changes that she pointed out and we all loved it. They she handed us a worksheet that had everything on it, and also a roll of blueprints. She said, "The software generates all of this based on our parameters. The blue prints also show the excavations, and the ground grading to make the front of the house appear to be on a small hill and the rear bottom floor exposed to the lower veranda." She walked us through everything and said, "I made some assumptions based on how you decorated your other homes and some of these we may have to change." We looked through all of it and she said, "Now the grand total for sticker shock." We turned to the last page and the numbers were actually lower than we expected. She said, "This may be off by 10 percent in either direction depending on what you want to add, but our best guess right now is about 270 million." I said, "How soon can you start?" She said, "I need a deposit and we could start tomorrow." Mandy said, "We'll make this easy on you and we really trust you. The work you've done has been terrific so far. I'll write a check for the full amount and that way we can settle up when it's finished. You won't have to float the cash for the construction or decorating. Any big expenses outside of what we planned and we'll get you a check to cover that also."

Lou Ann was smiling as Mandy wrote the check. I said, "The schedules have this complete in 4 months. You really think that's reasonable? Remember, they may have to blast through the cliffs for that elevator shaft." Lou Ann said, "That's our best guess right now. The blasting will only take a day or two tops, and it won't hold up the other work. The longest part will be the two hundred foot tunnel through the cliff to the base of the elevator. But again, that will happen at the same time as the construction of the foundation."

Eve said, "Lou Ann and I discussed her software and I think we have a great deal set up. We get to license it and resell it anywhere. She gets 10 percent of the profits. We re-engineer it to run on the new computers and she gets the source code back and we retain a perpetual license to it. We also use her firm as the alpha test site for all of it." Chris was smiling and said, "Lou Ann, you're going to love our ideas. What would you say if you could push another button on that screen and have the house built for you at the same time?" She smiled and said, "That I'll believe when I see it." Lou Ann gave Chris and Roberta a full copy of everything for the software before we left.


Mandy and I stayed up with the Chris and Roberta for a while they read the software manuals. Chris said, "By the time you get back from your tournament, we'll have a version of it running on our computers. Then we'll start making the changes using our new programming language." Mandy and I smiled, said goodnight, and went up to bed.

We both had some weird cravings and started with a bathtub adventure. Mandy and I lay in the shower area and peed on each other's tongue, as we licked each other to orgasm. Then we took turns fucking each other's ass in the shower. Mandy bent over leaning on the wall and I pushed my lubed up cock into her ass while I reached around her and finger fucked her pussy. We both were so nut's that night. We each shot our loads in the other's butt hole, finished our shower and then went to bed.

We shared a cigarette in bed and read each other's mind for a while. Mandy said, "Jen, what's wrong with us today? We're both so sick." We laughed about it and then tongue snaked each other's ass in a 69 position while we finger fucked each other. We gave each other a blow fuck job, and then changed into Combined Couples and fucked really slow for about an hour until we blasted off big time. When my cock pulsated inside of Mandy I screamed at the top of my lungs into her mouth as we kissed. I completely lost control, as she did too. Julie came running into our room thinking we died, and sat there laughing on bed with Kathy, as we didn't even notice them. Mandy said, "Don't just sit there, fuck our asses. Julie, we want it so bad tonight."

They climbed in bed with us and fucked our asses for about a hour, as we went nuts again. We all howled this time, as Mandy and I squeezed their cocks with our ass muscles when they shot into us. Julie and Kathy were giggling as they left the room and we smiled and fell asleep.

Mandy and I woke up to the alarm going off and this time I had to drag her out of bed. I said, "Big time Golf. Lets pay for the new house today." She started to laugh as I pulled her off the bed and onto the floor. We rolled around and kissed on the floor and Mandy wanted to go back to bed. She played dead as I used my powers to float here into the bathroom and she said, "Hey! That's not fair. You're cheating."

We showered and cleaned up, dressed, and went downstairs. We got our golf gear, displaced to the castle, and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. Mandy did the food thing, and I turned on the TV to ESPN and said, "Lets see if the tournament is being covered today." We checked the listings and I said, "Last nine holes are on TV. Cool." We watched the news and ate our breakfast and then had some coffee and a cigarette. Mandy made us both one of her favorite golf cocktails, OJ and wine, and we drank it. She said, "We're ready now."

We watched some more of the news as Eve and Adam displaced to the kitchen. Mandy went to get the cash for us and we all displaced to the golf course. We signed in as a foursome for the tournament, paid our fee, got our tee times, and our caddies. We went to the driving range and it was all good golfers as we watched them hit the ball. We were jerking around and Mandy and I duffed a few shots on purpose. Eve was hysterically laughing. Then we bet quarters to hit the 100 yard sign. We all tied as we each hit it 3 out of 5 shots. A group was now watching us as we hit 4 irons to the 225 flag. We all were so close we couldn't tell who won. Eve said, "Over the 310 sign. Most in 3 shots." We all uncorked drives that cleared it easily on each shot. Mandy said, "Wow! Low scores today. The ball really flies here. Must be because it's so dry."

We went to the putting and chipping green, and all were sinking long putts. Adam said, "These roll better than any course we've played. Lets chip for quarters." We all were chipping from twenty yards and we so close to the cup. We all sank two and Eve lost by one inch and had to pay us. She was laughing and said, "If that's as bad as it gets we're in good shape."

We had a half hour until tee time and we all went to make a bet on us, big time. The manager was sweating when they accepted it. Our caddies gave us one shocked look and I said, "We never loose. Go make a smart bet." They all did as Eve got us all a glass of rocket fuel for the match.

We got the rules and they were a little complicated. The first nine holes we played two person team scrambles and carded both scores. The next nine was alternating shot two person team. The third nine was a two person best ball, and the last was just scratch golf, with all four scores carded. The caddies had our scorecards and we walked up to the first tee. We were in the second to the last group to go out and the course was mobbed with spectators. We planned our tee shot positions as this was a scramble. I teed off first and cracked a long drive right down the middle. Mandy said, "Home run time. You already have a good ball for us to play." She swung for the fences and her shot flew past mine on a fly by over fifty yards and rolled up to the green. She was screaming and jumping up and down and the caddies just smiled. I said, "You hit that 380 yards. Great shot." Mandy gave me and kiss and we watched Adam and Eve do the same thing. Adam hit the fringe on the green with her drive and the caddies were screaming, "Go in! Go in!" The crowd was cheering as we walked to the balls. Eve and I picked ours up and we all were putting for eagle on the first hole, a par four.

We both had reasonable putts. Mandy and I read her line, as we were farthest away. She lined it up and the ball rolled so smooth, took the break, and dropped in. She screamed and tossed the putter to the caddie, as we hugged. Adam putted and lipped it out. She spotted the ball and Eve putted from Adams original spot and made it. We all hugged and the caddies put down two twos on the scorecard, as we walked to the second hole.

The next six holes we played incredible. Every one of us played great and got lucky. The seventh hole was a long 245 yard par three from the championship tees. Mandy hit first and was over the green on the fringe. She said, "Ease off a little. The ball really carries here." I was hitting a 5 wood also and switched to a 3 iron. She smiled and said, "Good idea." I look at the slope on the green and said, "I playing it to roll on the green and not check up. Right to left?" Mandy looked and nodded her head. I hit it exactly where I wanted and we all watched it fly. The ball had spin and bounced forward and slowed up as it rolled across the green and the caddies and the crowd were all yelling, "Go in! Go in!" It did. I threw the three-iron in the air and Eve caught it as I hugged Mandy and we did our little dance. Eve was up next and she hit the green real close. Adam also was in about 4 feet of the cup. We walked up to the green and Eve's ball was only 6 inches from the hole. She tapped it in.

We each birdied the ninth and the caddies totaled our scorecard and gave it to the officials. They posted our round and we looked at all of the scores. We were 8 strokes ahead already. Eve said, "I love paying golf like this", as we all got another glass of rocket fuel, downed it and walked to the tenth tee box.

We played the back nine flawlessly. Alternating shot was a blast, as we had to plan our first shot for our partner's next shot. Mandy said, "Leave me 60 yards into this green", so I hit a three wood. She eagled it with a lob wedge and said, "I rarely never miss from that distance." Adam and Eve were playing as good as us. Adam drove a par four green and eve sank 50 foot putt with about a 6 foot break. We all screamed when that one went in. The crowd was now following us around the course. We posted our scores after the first 18 and we were 19 strokes ahead as a four person team. We all got a quick lunch, some more rocket fuel, and walked back to the first tee box. The crowd following us was now huge. The tournament official asked to wait and tee off last, as the group behind us was really bad and had no chance of winning

Mandy said, "We play our own game now. But only record the lowest scores of each pair." She drove the green this time like Adam did and the roar form the crowd was deafening. We all laughed. I hit next and my drive rolled up to the green also and I thought it might have gone in. We couldn't see it. We heard a roar from the crowd around the green and Mandy was laughing and said, "I bet it fell in the hole. Good shot." Eve and Adam uncorked drives also and everyone rolled up to the green. We walked up to the green and my ball was in the hole. I went nuts dancing and jumping as Mandy was laughing. Everyone had a putt under 4 feet and they all made it. The caddies were now laughing as they wrote down the scores.

We finished the front nine again, and each of us had 2 eagles, but on different holes. Our score was ridiculously low. They posted our round again and we were now ahead by 34 strokes. We noticed the TV crews following us also about 5 holes ago, and as we went to get more rocket fuel the ESPN announcers walked over to us and said, "Just like nine-ball. I don't believe your round. Keep it up and good luck!" We thanked him and all walked to the tenth tee box.

We each played the best we ever have and also were so lucky. I had a bad shot on the fourteenth and it hit a rock in the desert area and bounced back onto the green. Mandy was laughing so hard she almost wet her pants. I said, "Use the 8. The 7 is too much club." Mandy hit the eight and it went into the hole. She had her second eagle on the back nine and the roar from the crowd around us was like a rock concert. Outside of the fairway and green, you couldn't see any grass. It was all people.

We knew we won and now were just having fun. The eighteenth is very long par five with water in front of the green. Mandy said, "Lets go for it. Even if we get wet we still win." We all hit a driver this time and really swung out of our shoes. I was furthest from the flag at 248 yards and it was my shot. Mandy said to my caddie, "No matter what club she asks for give her the three- iron." We all laughed and I said, "7 iron" and he handed me the 3. I took a practice swing and addressed the ball. I hit it perfect and we all watched it fly. I hit the green and it checked up and rolled towards the pin. I had maybe a five foot putt, as we heard the crowd screaming behind the green and then all around us. Everyone gave me a high five and Eve hit next. Both her and Adam hit the green and then we walked up to Mandy's ball. She only had 178 to the hole after a really long drive. She took a 7 iron and made such a smooth swing. We watched it in the air and I said, "You're going to like that." The crowd was already cheering as we watched the ball bounce just in front of the flag, hit the flag and stop just on the edge of the cup. She said, "Your right. I love it."

We all walked up to the green and waved to the crowd. The caddied pulled the flag and Mandy tapped in her put that was only one inch away. She kissed the ball and tossed it to the crowd. Then she helped me line up my putt which had a big break to it. Adam and eve both had about 6 foot putts but straight up hill. Eve went fist and sunk it and the roar was deafening. I said, "Just like on stage." Adam lipped out her putt and there was silence until she tapped it in and they went wild again. Mandy was joking with me again and saying, "Be the ball and send it home. It wants to go home to the cup to see it's mommy. Send it home." I couldn't stop laughing and the ESPN guys were hysterical. It was finally quite and I hit the putt. It broke about 3 feet and it rolled slowly, just barely reaching the cup and it fell in the hole. I yelled to the ball, "Your home, now stay there!" Mandy was laughing and put her arm over my shoulder as we all walked off the green. The caddies totaled our scores and we won by 41 strokes.

We walked up the prize area and the tournament director said into a microphone, "What a round of golf!" Everyone was clapping and he said, "That pile of money is yours for the tournament, and that huge pile of money is yours for the bet. Mandy your group didn't break our bank after all, but it was damn close." Everyone was laughing as he said, "I have to hand it to them. Golf is such a mental game, and confidence is not the word for what they have. They each bet five billion dollars, which was our limit. They probably would have bet more if we let them. Today the four of you played the best I have ever seen anyone play this game. Good luck and don't spend it in all one place." The crowd was all screaming and cheering as they asked to say something. Mandy said, "I guess we can afford to buy our new house now", as Eve was laughing. Mandy said, "We had a blast playing here, and the course and tournament were terrific. Everyone has been great to us and we'll definitely be back again. Our partners, Eve and Adam, are by far the best golfers we have ever played with and I thing they out played Jen and me out there today. They are also some of the nicest people and are great friends." The crowd cheered and I tossed my ball into the crowd and so did Eve and Adam.

We all said in our minds, "How do we get all of this money out of here with displacing it?" Someone came out and said, "Would you like us to pack it in these cases for you. You can watch the whole operation. We can also slit it evenly if you like." Mandy said, "Split it in two please." We all had a drink and watched them pack the money. I said, "Why in the world did they give 10 to 1 odds on us. We each won 50 billion dollars on that bet. That was so stupid." Eve said, "I can guarantee they won't do it again. We'll have to play on Eden next year." We all laughed and drank our wine. They loaded the money on two hand carts and we went over to the teleporters and shipped it all of the castle, and then our clubs and us.

Eve said, "This was a blast. Keep me posted on the house." We hugged and kissed them, and they displaced home with their share of the money and we displaced our share into our vault here. We got cleaned up and from golf and displaced back to the vacation house.

Chris and Roberta were in the study and we walked in and Chris said, "We want to give you a demo but first you have to eat dinner trying the final prototype of the Instant Kitchen. We really added to it and everyone has one for a week to try it. The menu is on the counter next to it. The last code you enter is for well done, medium-well, Pittsburgh, you'll see it on the cover." We went into the kitchen and looked at the menu and it was amazing what they added. Mandy said, "Lets make a bunch of stuff and try some of all of it. Look at all these soups. Holy shit!" We spend 20 minutes making 50 different things and tasted a few bites of each. We both loved some of the soups, especially the corn, potato, and clam chowder. The Pittsburgh style filet mignon and lobster tails were also awesome. Roberta came into the kitchen and laughed at us with all of the plates everywhere. I said, "We're playing. Try some, it's all great." She said, "We did the same thing. I was so full I could hardly move."

Mandy and I grabbed the crab cakes and went into the study and Chris said, "Congrats. We watched you win on TV. Don't you ever loose?" Mandy had a mouthful of crab and smiled shaking her head no. Chris said, "It think you'll like this. We used our new house as a model and also digitized this house using a simple camera also for a test. This is all rewritten in the new programming language and we did it so fast. Lets start with the new house."

Chris projected the screen on a white wall and the house looked like a photograph. I said, "How?" Roberta smiled and said, "We sampled everything and replaced the animation using actual portions of photos. Just watch. It gets better." Chris pushed an option on the hologram screen and the photo turned into a video and we could move the viewing angel from anywhere. We got a real good idea of exactly what it would look like now and it was awesome. Chris set it so it was like walking through the house and it opened the front door showing a hand open it, and we went inside. She stopped it a few times and showed us an entire room and then changed some of the decorations, even paintings. She moved a wall to make a little indent for a table. We got the whole house tour and it was incredible. Then Roberta said, "The fun part. We also photographed the lot." She selected and option and it showed and animation of how the house sits on the lot and the grades. She pushed another option and we saw the foundation and specs, even the survey notations. Robert selected an option and it displayed the detailed blueprints and materials list for everything and broke the construction into phases.

Chris said, "Now the best part. Ready? Alaika-zam, Prest-o, Change-o." She waved her hand like a magic wand and selected an option. It displayed a screen that had android workers need, days need for each phase in construction, and a calendar to schedule the job. She said, "Watch when I schedule it." She scheduled the job to start tomorrow and it told her to position the teleportation units at the site and gave coordinates, and told us exact details of every step of the job. It had our home being ready in under a month. I said, "The times are off." Roberta said, "Nope. Round the clock labor with no breaks. We could actually do this for our new house with Lou Ann supervising it. The androids are already programmed for home construction and they don't make mistakes, get tired, take breaks, or care what the weather is like out. Let me show you a home remodeling. This is kind of cool. We talked about changing the studio. Look what we did. I loaded the picture of this house in."

Roberta select a new project and it brought up this house the same was as the other but said on the bottom, "Existing dwelling", and gave our address and coordinates. We did the tour and it was exact. Roberta said, "Check this out." She pressed a button and it gave the square feet of every room and a total with tons of other information. We went into the studio and Chris said, "We talked about moving a wall and a few things. This is how we did it." Roberta did the design change, and then showed it to us, made a few changes and then ran through the whole process. It also scheduled the work to begin and told us it would take 2 days to complete. We all laughed as Mandy said, "The best estimate we got was 3 weeks and we couldn't use anything in there the whole time. That's why we killed the idea."

Chris said, "This is phase 1 of the software. Phase 2, is we do the construction modular with computers, and ship the completed components to the site. It will be much more efficient, cheaper, and faster. We already programmed a lot of it in. Watch the estimates when I reset a system parameter. She changed it and our house now gets finished in 2 weeks and the studio is completed in 8 hours. She said, "These numbers are just for construction, paint, floor covering and stuff. Decorating, and landscaping are not included yet."

Mandy said, "This will modernize construction of homes. Lets show Lou Ann and let her use as much of it as we can. We'll still pay her the full price, and any overages if the system makes a mistake. That would be a great first house to have built with this." Mandy called Lou Ann in her mind and said, "Feel like seeing something that will knock your socks off?" She said, "Sure? Where?" Mandy displaced her to our study and said, "Here." Lou Ann was laughing and said, "Great Golf game. Eve is walking on air." I said, "Have a seat and be prepared for shock. Chris and Roberta converted and rewrote your software, and expanded it."

They ran here through the entire demo and in a lot more detail. Lou Ann was in shock and just kept saying, "Amazing." When Roberta explained electrical plans and how they balanced circuit loads Lou Ann said, "None of that was in the software." Chris said, "I know. We added all of it, so you don't need anyone for heating, air conditioning, electrical, fire protection, gas warning systems, intercoms, phones, cable, satellite, computer wiring, vacuum systems, plumbing, water systems, or security systems. Plus all of the building codes are a system file so when you enter the location of an existing house or a lot, it loads the correct ones, and also allows you to upgrade the specs to the most stringent. We're running from the most stringent now."

They did the rest of the demo and when Chris went through the scheduling, Lou Ann was stunned. We also did the remodeling and she flipped. I said, "What we want to do, if your game, is to use this version to build our house. We'll still pay you your fee that we agreed to and also cover any overages caused by the software. We need you to manage it and prove it works." Lou Ann said, "Absolutely! What a goldmine this is. I never imagined doing all of that." Chris said, "Let's set up the teleporters on the lot now and walk you through how to use everything. We'll also give you a bunch of copies of everything. Roberta, why don't you take care of the teleporters at the operations center on earth. We'll use the androids from there for this project. Make sure we have a dedicated android task manager and access to the materials for this project." Roberta said, "Chris, I designed the fucking thing. I know what I'm doing." Chris smiled and kissed Roberta with a super wet sloppy kiss and said, "I'm sorry. I get so carried away. See ya in a few."

We all smiled and displaced with Chris and Lou Ann to the lot. Chris said, "Let me check the coordinates with this hand held and set the spot for the teleporters. We all walked as Chris was showing locations and said, "This is where the system said was optimal to put it." Roberta said into our minds, "Sending you the units. They will be about 10 feet to your south." The units appeared and Chris used her mind to move them into the positions she marked and also put one for shipping or receiving large things. She said, "We're also using the computerized system that shrinks or expands things to make transport easier. I'll explain that to you later when we connect your system to the android task manager." Mandy and I looked over the cliff at the ocean and held hands. This place was so perfect.

Chris said, "Okay, lets go to your office." We displaced to Lou Ann's office and she brought in eight other architects. Roberta displaced to us also and we gave the entire demo. They were more in shock than Lou Ann was. Chris said, "Now we're going to link this specific project to an android task manager. Watch the options I select." Roberta gave her the specific android id number and she typed it in and said, "Watch what happens." The hologram displayed of the specific android and Chris pressed another button and said, "This just downloaded the entire plan to him and linked this interactively. Any changes will automatically be taken care of." Chris said to the computer, "Android 87346701AFC what is you name?" The computer said, "I am Bob." Chris said, "Did you receive the plans and did all of the tasks and materials register correctly?" The computer showed a hologram of Bob and said, "Everything is correct. Should I begin the project now?" Chris said, "In a few minutes. The next voice you hear will be Lou Ann our project Manager. She will be in contact with you and you will report all progress to her as well as log it into the system." Chris pointed to Lou Ann and she said, "Hello Bob, you can begin now. Please tell us what you're doing as you do it."

We listened as Bob worked so much faster than a person and was racing through items he already was having sent to the site and the workers. He said, "The lighting is now connected as ordered, even though it is not required for this project. Androids do not need light to operate." Within ten minutes Bob said, "The laser land survey is completed and maps to the plan. The excavation is now beginning for the foundation and the demolition for the elevator shaft and tunnel are beginning as well. Would you like to view the area?" Lou Ann said, "Yes please."

We saw the area through a camera we had delivered to the site, which we always use on android projects, just in case. Chris moved the angles and we saw hundreds of workers. Lou Ann and then all of us were laughing as we watched it. I said, "It kind of makes home construction really easy and all about who the architect is now." They all smiled and knew now how much money this was worth. We saw some of the demolition and Bob reported, "The rocks are being removed from the demolition. Would you like them stored for landscaping purposes?" Mandy nodded and Lou Ann said, "Yes Bob. Store them." We watched each android carry boulders that had to be 5 tons each. Everyone was in shock and Lou Ann said, "That just save five days. They've only been at this for a half hour. Holy shit!"

We watched the lights on the sight go on and watched at least 50 more workers coming through the teleporters and they were mixing concrete. Mandy said, "Chris, we specify steel reinforced?" Chris said, "Yup. Same specs everywhere as the pier. Tidal Wave proof. We already proved that." Lou Ann said, "That pier withstood the tidal wave?" I said, "All three of them. Not even a crack, anywhere." All of the architects were taking a note. I said, "We have access to this also so we can check on it. Chris can you set up a separate teleporter here so Lou Ann and the others have direct access to the site?" Roberta said, "I'll go set it up. Be right back."

She was back in 5 minutes and had a unit with here. She said, "They are linked together. No need to dial a location. Where do you want it?" Lou Ann said, "My office." Roberta put it down and said, "The other unit is well behind the construction area so you won't get in the way of anything. Lets try it." She went trough it and we displaced. The site was amazing at how much they did. The others followed Lou Ann and they were in shock. She said, "They have half of the foundation already set. This is unreal. I said, "And the best part is that they don't make mistakes. Every action is accurate to a millionth of a centimeter. You'll see the concrete is as straight as possible. They do it all with laser technology." Lou Ann walked over to eyeball the foundation line and said, "I've never seen it this accurate. Wow."

We watched a lot of new material being sent atop the site and then Iit being expand to real size again. Lou Ann said, "What the fuck?" Chris said, "We forget to tell you about that. We devised a way to ship large things easier by shrinking them, and then we use the same technology to expand them again. We developed it for the action figure games. Now we're using it everywhere." We watched as all of the framing materials were being sent to the site and moved into place by hundreds of workers. Chris had a hand held on the system and said, "Bob, please report the progress." We all heard, "We are exactly 1 hour and 19 minutes ahead of schedule at this time. The demolition of the existing home structure, cliff, and excavation of the cliff were much faster than estimated. Shall I update the estimating metrics for future projects?" Chris said, "Yes, and please keep a running total of variances in estimates." Lou Ann said, "This is so far advanced from what we gave you. Wow!"

Chris said, "We just built the back end." Lou Ann said, "If I'm not charging you for the materials, I can't take this much money for this job." I said, "Tell us what you think is fair when it's done. Plus there is all of your time, and then rest of the people too." Lou Ann said, "Deal. This is too cool. I'm going to be watching this all night. It's unbelievable." They teleported back and we displaced with them.

Chris showed them a few more things about the systems and they were smiling. She said, "Ultimately, you would have your own fleet of androids and a task manager, and the supplies. Watch the result of when we use our approach of modularization of components." Roberta selected the options and they couldn't believe the schedule changes and the reduction in costs. Chris said, "Want to be our first Ginny pig on the next big project you do? The idea is that the components are pre-made in a warehouse by workers and shipped intact to the house and just put in place. All of the construction starts on day one. The same way doors and windows are shipped. We are doing it for almost the whole house, except every piece fits perfectly. No changes needed, thanks to the android technology. The new super highway system will be put in Eden soon. This is how it's done. Patty and Debbie run that area."

Lou Ann said, "Who invented all of this stuff?" Chris smiled and said, "We're all guilty as changed. The computer technology is mostly Mandy. We all have done bits and pieces of it. Jen and Mandy are the probably the best project managers ever. They're also are the ones who come up with most of the ideas."

Mandy and I lit a cigarette and so did Lou Ann. She said, "This is so incredible. I have to play with this system." Chris said, "Just make sure you start a new project, or the androids will take all that you are doing as changes to this one." We all smiled as Lou Ann said, "Watch your house turn out looking the like the hospital we are suppose to build."

We displaced back to the vacation house as Chris and Roberta were showing her how to do everything.


Mandy and I went on the veranda and used the hand held to watch the site being built. I said into Roberta's mind, "You have to move the teleporters for Lou Ann. There's an error message and everything stopped. They need that space for the garage." We heard back laughing and Chris said out loud to Lou Ann and into our minds, "At least we know the error logic all works. They won't do a thing if something doesn't watch the plan. Those units weren't on the plan. Lou Ann, let me show you how to re-start everything in an error condition." It was like watching a movie on pause, and then it all started again. Mandy was laughing and said, "This is too much. Want to use the new toy in the kitchen? I'm hungry again."

We went inside and made a pigow sandwich and crab cakes again. We took it outside and split it, as I made us our favorite drinks. We watched the work on the house and Mandy said, "No shit, a framed wall is going up already." I said, "I'll bet it's done early, just like all the other android projects. Our estimates are still too high on some of the stuff." We watched all the materials and large rigs being shipped for the construction of the pier and tunnel. I said, "The same crew will do all of the excavating, and concrete work. It makes sense, but as people we never get it right on projects so we can't do it that way. They will even have the swimming pool, driveway, verandas, and terraces done before the house is finished."

Mandy said, "Change the station for a while." I selected the satellite TV option and said, "Now this was a great idea." We watched the news on the computer and they had segment about the golf tournament and how much we won. Mandy said, "Now we'll never get those odds again. Too bad." I said, "Next one I'll show up on crutches and limp. They'll adjust the odds." She was laughing with a crab cake in her mouth and said, "We're so fucked up."

We asked Bob for a status again and they were another 2 hours ahead of schedule and I said, "Told you." We turned it off and went inside. All the kids we there and dying to find out about the house so we showed them. Then Chris and Roberta came back and did a full demo. Jennifer and Amanda came back home and I said, "So how was Firma?" Jennifer said, "Shitty compared to your boat trip. I can't believe we missed it, for that crap. What's everyone watching?" Chris said, "You missed more than dinosaurs. Have a seat and we'll show you our new house."

We stayed up until 3 in the morning watching the house being built and the androids were 12 hours ahead of schedule in the first 10 hours of work. Chris said, "I can't believe we're still that far off. This is good, but we have to get better at it before we sell it." I said, "Why? We're more accurate now than anyone else is anyway. Construction projects always run late and are over budget. We have the exact opposite problem. Lets see what the end results look like."

Chris said, "Lou Ann caught two things we messed up on, and she did all the changes herself. We had the wrong chairs in the auditorium and also the wrong material on the roof. She picked a roofing material that was better for the climate and the salt air. She also upgraded the windows to a new model that just came out. It was so neat watching everything change on the fly." Mandy said, "Chris, you know how many people would love to watch their house being built? This could be offered with it." Roberta was smiling and said, "We already thought about it and have a version of the software that only lets them watch, and not change anything. It's the same software, just an installation option that we set."

I said, "Before we come out with this I want to short sell all of the housing construction company stocks in each market and buy stock in the architectural firms that use our product." Mandy said, "Jen, we have so much fucking money. We'll do it, but who cares!" Mandy took my hand and said, "You need to go to be with me. Lets go." The kids were laughing at us as usual as we walked upstairs to bed.

I was reading Mandy's mind and I said into her mind, "I love it when you are so horny." She laughed at me as we walked into the bedroom. Mandy took of my cloths and almost attached me as she wiggled out her cloths too. She was an animal and I loved it. She said, "No warm up laps tonight honey. Here comes the green flag." She changed us into combined couples, lay between my legs, and worked our cocks into each other. Mandy pushed into me all the way, and my cock went into her too. We both gasped, as I wrapped my arms and legs around her, and she bobbed her little bunny tail up and down, as we made love. She kissed me and held me so tight. I was so hot inside. I rolled us on our sides and I moved in rhythm to her, as we slid our bodies together. We were both so out of control, like running a race on full throttle. We sucked each other's nipples hard, and squeezed each other's breasts as we fucked. Mandy stuck her tongue out kissing me before our mouths even met. She had her arms around my neck and held me so tight, as she rolled us over to our other side. We were sweating already and my bunny tail was now bobbing up and down.

We fucked nonstop until 6 AM and kissed each other so hard. We both blasted off four times and the last time Mandy jerked forward so hard inside of me, she pushed us both into the headboard and we smacked our heads on it. We both laughed afterwards, but we so into cumming, neither of us cared. My cock pulsated into her pussy and she whispered into my ear, "Baby, I love how that feels. Shoot your warm goo in me again." She held my ass to push me into her further as I orgasmed. She was an animal tonight and I loved every second of it.

We both were panting and Mandy rolled us over so she was on top of me. I still had my legs around her and I moved them to be around her ass, and I pulled us closer again. She pushed into me with all her weight and smiled as I moaned. She said, "Baby, you liked it rough tonight and so did I. Lets take a break and do it real slow and soft before we get some sleep." I used my mind to wiggle the tip of my cock inside of Mandy and she had an instant orgasm. I took the unlit cigarette out of her lips and I lit it, taking a deep drag. She wiggled her cock inside of my cunt and I exploded in an orgasm again, as she took the cigarette from my fingers. We both were smiling and she lay forward on me and kissed me so softly. I rolled us slowly on our sides and I said, "I love you so much. Now do that again." Mandy giggled and wiggled her cock and I orgasmed again. She took a drag of the cigarette and held it to my lips, and I took two deep drags holding in the smoke. I blew it our slowly through my nose and Mandy said, "Again?" I nodded and she did it. I went wild in an orgasm again as she chuckled, and then I did it to her also. She bucked forward and was shaking in an orgasm, as I chuckled. We both giggled as we kissed and shared the cigarette.

We made love slow, sliding into each other with our whole bodies, using the sweat as a lubricant on our skin. We kissed the whole time as we both started to blast off. My cock pulsated as I felt Mandy's do the same thing, and my pussy contracted spraying juices on her cock. I shot a stream of cum into her and she spit warm cum into me at the same time as we hugged and kissed. We fell asleep at 7 in the morning, total exhausted.

Mandy woke me up at 3 in the afternoon by kissing me softly. I felt her tongue slid in between my lips and her warm lips meet mine. She was moving her lips around on mine and pushed her tongue further into my mouth. I opened my mouth wide and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, as we moved on each other. We were both hard inside of each other and we got into our rhythm again, still kissing. I said into Mandy's mind, "I love waking up like this." She said back, "Me too. Make love to me baby. I want you so much right now."

We made love for about a half hour until we both orgasmed and blasted off into each other. I moved to a 69 position and Mandy dove into my wet cunt, as I looked at all of the cum dripping from hers. I pulled her pussy lips apart and sucked like a vacuum cleaner, swallowing about ten times. Mandy was still sucking on me and orgasmed again. I licked her a few more times and she shook from head to toe and I shared her thoughts to feel the orgasm she was having. We sat up together and both laughed as we have cum all over our faces. We licked each other clean and then went into the bathroom.

We did our morning routine at 4 in the afternoon, and went downstairs in shorts, tee shirts, and flip-flops. We used the Instant Kitchen to make breakfast and it was really good. We ate and had some coffee and were having a cigarette when we heard Chris and Roberta in the study so we went in. Chris said, "We decide to work through last night. We had some empty warehouse space we used the modularization approach and look at the results."

We looked at the house and it was completely framed. Chris said, "Bob, please give us a status, and also report on total estimate variance." Bob said, "We are 65 percent complete with the project based on milestones and the original schedule. We are 140 hours ahead of schedule and a new target completion is in 65 hours and 28 minutes." Mandy and I had our mouths hanging open and we watched hundreds of androids carrying pre-built sections of walls to nail, bolt, or screwing them in place. Chris said, "Everything is in them. Electrical, plumbing, duct work, wiring. All they do is connect it with plugs. Some sections even bolt together which is faster and stronger. Lou Ann has been up with us too. She just laid down in the den ten minuets ago."

I said, "Lets go see it in person." Chris said, "Wear work boots and long pants. They haven't cleaned up yet." Mandy and I displace to the site and waved to the camera. Roberta said into our minds, "We see you." We walked around and looked at everything and it was amazing. We walked over to the cliffs and saw the elevator almost complete. The shaft was already complete in the house. I said to Mandy, "This is really big. Four football fields long, for just the main part of the house. I love how those two wide staircases look inside as they wind up to the second level."

The sub-flooring was done so we walked into the house structure and we were both smiling. The concrete was hard everywhere and we walked in the garage area and also onto one of the terraces. We went to the beach and looked up at the house. Mandy was laughing and said, "Holy Shit is that big. Jen, look at the pier and the tunnel." We looked at the tunnel and it was completed in concrete and they were putting down bricks on the floor. Mandy said into Chris's mind, "We forgot something. We need stairs to get to the beach." Chris said back, "It's in the plan, but not scheduled until they finish the pier. It's the same crew and the equipment has to go over that area when they are done to get out." The place was really taking shape and we were getting excited about it. We walked around the entire property and then displaced back home.

Chris and Roberta were sound asleep in the study lying on the couch and Lou Ann was out cold in the den. I said, "You and I both know that she is definitely the right person to run this as a business. Lets talk to her about it when she wakes up." Mandy said, "Lets get Megan and Alicia in on this too." Mandy call Megan in her mind and said to us, "You rang?" Mandy explained what we were thinking and she said, "I think that's a great idea. Let me find Alicia and we'll come home to talk about it."

They were home in a few minutes and I held my finger to my lips and said "Sssshhh", as we went outside on the Veranda. I said, "They all just crashed. Chris and Roberta are in the study and Lou Ann is the den." Look at the site. I showed them the hand held camera view hologram the site and Megan said, "No shit. It's almost done." I said, "Bob, report on budget estimate variances." The computer said, "Rounded numbers and estimates through completion. Initial budget was 270 million. Costs for raw materials 4 million. Android labor costs 8 thousand. Miscellaneous fees 500 dollars. Variance to plan, 264 million favorable."

Megan smiled and I said, "Lou Ann can make us a fortune with this. We'll take over the housing construction business overnight. We were thinking about offering to buy her firm and making them all part of SolarNational as a full company division. I'm not sure she's interested, but she will definitely make a ton of money if she does it." Alicia said, "I love this idea. We can leverage everything that Patty and Debbie already set up, and drive those cost down even further. Plus we use the operations area to spring board launching this into each planet." We all watched the site more and saw the outside sheets of the house being assembled, along with the roof. We also saw a group spraying concrete for the pool and the cement patio around it. Mandy was watching how they were hand forming the waterfall and using rocks to embed in the concrete. She said, "No mason on earth would do that by hand. The quality of android work is incredible."

Lou Ann came out back and said, "Sorry I dosed off. We were up.." I said, "I know. The work is outrageous. We talked to Chris and went to the site. Have a seat. We want to talk to you. Want a drink or some coffee?" Lou Ann said, "Coffee please." Megan said, "Lets try the instant Kitchen for coffee. We haven't done that yet." Lou Ann looked at us funny and I said, "New Product. We'll show you later." Megan brought out a tray of cups and she said, "It's great. I tried it." We all had a cup and Mandy said, "Lou Ann, do you own the company now?" She said, "Lock, stock, and barrel." I said, "Any interest in a business deal that will make you very wealthy, very quickly." She smiled and said, "Keep going."

Megan said, "How much do know about SolarNational?" She said, "Eve has told me everything. You guys are the largest corporation in the universe." I said, "How would you like to be CEO of our new building and construction company. We would buy your company complete, and you could use it as a base to grow from." Megan said, "Starting salary would be one million a year base pay, plus a bonus plan that can make you a thousand times that much, plus stock. Plus you'll get a seat on the board, as the CEO of a full company." Lou Ann was in shock. She said, "My company is small. I only have 25 employees." I said, "You'll have thousands in a few months if we do this right and hundreds of thousands of android workers to do all the building."

Alicia said, "We have all of the components to make this happen except two. Someone with your knowledge and leadership, and your software. We all think you are the right one to lead this. We're running the building of the house out of one of our operations areas. We will have thousands of these locations with 6 months on every planet. Patty and Debbie are rolling them out now. We can leverage that to get this in full swing quickly and at really low cost. Guess how much it cost to build our house."

She said, "200 mil." I said to the computer, "Bob, please tell us the budget variances again." We listened and Lou Ann said, "No way! How?" Mandy said, "We get everything at the best prices possible and some we manufacture ourselves. We have reciprocal deals with some companies were we sell each other goods at cost that we both need for manufacturing. We also have all of the androids that we recycle for internal work, the scheduling and task management software, the shipping and teleportation systems, and we'll you saw it all." I said, "If you thought it cost 200 million, so will everyone else. That's 196 million profit on a house like this. I think we should keep the price high so we don't create a housing problem with old home resales, and that means all profit, and all bonus dollars for you and your management team."

Megan said, "What would you be looking for a buy out of your firm?" Lou Ann said, "We do about 50 million a year now in new business and we make 10 million in profit, that we reinvest almost all of it." Megan said, "Thirty million sound about right?" Lou Ann smiled and said, "I'm in. When do we start?" Megan said, "We already did. Lets go to our office tomorrow and make it official." Lou Ann said, "This is the neatest thing I have ever done in my life. Chris and I were glued to the computer last night." We all smiled and I said, "Are you up to working with Mandy and me for a few hours to put together a plan?" She said, "Sure." I said, "We're going to the castle for awhile. Want to join us?" Megan said, "You bet." We all displaced to the castle with Lou Ann.

We went into the study and Mandy sat at the computer and opened our building construction plan we started but didn't finish. I said, "We kind of cheated. We did this last year but realized we didn't have the right person to run it. A lot of this has to be updated."

We spent about an hour going through the plan and changing it. I said, "The whole business model is that you hire architects that can run projects. They use the software and androids to build developments, custom homes, or office complexes. You met Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen who run our marketing and sales operations. They will sell more of this than you can imagine. Especially when we bundle in other SolarNational things. What if every home came equipped with an Instant Kitchen, private teleporters, shipping systems, computers, telephones, android housekeeper, which only cost us a dollar, and maybe even more? Maybe we even throw in a 20 percent discount on all SolarNational purchases for the next 6 months. Plus we guarantee delivery of the home in days, instead of waiting a year. We make it so attractive with such high quality that we take over the market." Lou Ann said, "I fucking love this. Lets do it!"

We had her give us the presentation and she was smooth. Megan said, "Tomorrow you'll give it to the board. I'm sure it'll be approved. Now lets check on Bob again." We all smiled as Lou Ann got back into the system and we saw the house. We all had our mouths open. The front was finished and it looked outrageous. I said, "Bob, what is the remaining time to completion now?" We heard the computer say, "22 hours and 16 minutes. We do need intervention on one item. Shall I display it?" Lou Ann said, "Display it please." We all read a spec and Lou Ann said, "Use the heavier gauge. This software is really smart. I wouldn't have caught that. When we upped some of circuits for the studio, we didn't change the spec. This caught it when they did the wiring." I said, "That's the androids. Tell them once and it's there forever. They miss nothing." Mandy said, "Wait until you see the finished quality of the work they do. It's incredible. Everything is so controlled you can't spot even the slightest imperfections. My guess is that the sheet rock inside will be as flat as possible, instead of a wavy line like most new construction and we won't be able to detect any seams or nail holes."

I said to Lou Ann, "Why don't you go home and get some sleep, or your welcome to stay here. It's up to you." She said, "You mind if I crash here?" Mandy said, "That's what this place is for." We all went into the kitchen and there was an Instant Kitchen machine here also and I said, "This is the Instant Kitchen. We announce it next week. Check out the menu and order something." Lou Ann was reading and she said, "All of it comes out of here? Where does the food go in?" I said, "It's not a stove or an oven. What do you like to eat?" She said, "Lobster and Filet Mignon." I said, "Enter 113 and press the how you like the filet cooked." She did and in 4 seconds it dinged and the food was ready. She opened the door and I said, "Free food forever. Think that will sell? Taste it and tell me what you think." She ate some and said, "This tastes great. What is it?" I said, "Exactly what you ordered. It's all real."

Mandy said, "Lou Ann you are reacting exactly the way we thought people would react. We're not sure how to sell this. Do we change a fortune because the food is free, or do we sell trillions of them for 300 dollars each and put the cattle farmers out of business. We all have one of these in our homes now to try it. It's the prototype and we all love it." She said, "Sell trillions. What a great gift to mankind. If things get bad we can all go back to hunting again." Mandy said, "Good point. We're doing nothing more than putting the professional hunters out of business."

Mandy said, "Well stay here with Lou Ann." Megan said, "I'll set up the meeting for 9, and tell the others about it also." They displaced back to the vacation house as we made ourselves something in the Instant Kitchen and sat and ate with Lou Ann. Mandy said, "Try one of these", and she made some crab cakes again. I smiled as they both were hooked on them.

We talked to Lou Ann for a while about her personal life and she has no one. She said, "I had someone, but they packed up and left when I decide to become Combined, and they didn't like it. Oh well." I said, "When things settle down with the new venture we'll get you into our Soul Mate system. It really works. You are more than welcome to stay here if you want also. We can have a teleporter put in you home or office on Eden also. It's up to you." She said, "Let me think about it. Being here may make more sense. I'll need the teleporter anyway to go back and forth." I said, "We'll have someone take care of all of it tomorrow. We should also talk tomorrow about your board of directors. How many of your team are ready for that type of responsibility." Lou Ann said, "Three are rock solid. The others are Okay, but not leaders. They are however great project managers." I said, "You need them and we need to hire more."

Lou Ann was really tired and Mandy stood behind her and massaged her shoulders and neck. Lou Ann was smiling and said, "Keep that up and I do anything. That feels great." Mandy said, "Just relax. You're way too tense." I lit a cigarette and took and drag. Lou Ann took it out of my fingers and took a drag and handed it back. She said, "You need to bottle that massage. Damn am I horny." Mandy said into my mind, "Want to play for a while?" I nodded my head and Mandy really started to massage her sensually. She did her back and then reached around and massaged her neck and breasts. Lou Ann was moaning softly with her eyes closed and I moved closer to her. I leaned over and gave her a big wet sloppy kiss and she went wild on me. She wrapped her arms around me and sucked my tongue. Mandy put her face next to ours and kissed Lou Ann and then me and then put our faces together to kiss again. She said, into Lou Ann's ear, "Lets go upstairs and get to know each other better."

We went into our bedroom, and Mandy undressed Lou Ann, as I set the alarm. Then we let her undress us. Mandy sucked one of Lou Ann's nipples, and I sucked the other one gently. I flicked my tongue over it and she was holding my head and Mandy's to her breasts. We lay her down in the bed and Mandy and I knelt over her. I sucked her cock into my mouth and Mandy licked her pussy. Then we changed, and changed again. I snake tongued her and she was going crazy as Mandy sucked her cock. Mandy said into my mind, "She has never done this before with two people and she's going out of her mind with lust. Lets give her a night to remember."

I fingered her ass in rhythm to my tongue fucking and Mandy deep throated her and was bobbing her head up and down. Lou Ann was moaning loud, "I'm cumming. Oh God I'm cumming! Ohhh! OOOOHHHH! OOOOOHHHHH! Yes! YYYYEEESSSS! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhh!" Lou Ann was bucking and shooting into Mandy's mouth and also spraying her pussy juice into my mouth. I sucked and licked her and finger fucked her ass with an enlarged finger. She was almost comatose. Mandy said into my mind, "Share it with me baby, by her face. Lets make her nuts." We lay on either side of Lou Ann and put our face over hers. We showed her the cum and then kissed and swished it around. She was rubbing her cock and pussy watching and then we both kissed her and let her swallow it also. She was moaning into our mouths wanting more. Mandy changed us into combine couples and said to Lou Ann, "Fuck my ass baby. Then we'll do it will you too."

Mandy and I interlocked and rolled on our side. Lou Ass moved behind Mandy and pushed into her and the three of us got into a rhythm. Mandy was on fire and we shared our minds and merged them. She said to me, "Let her do you too honey. I get so hot watching it." We fucked for about 20 minutes and then I asked Lou Ann do we also. She was on fire and fucked the shit out of me as Mandy and I got our rhythm. Mandy was so hot watching me get it in the ass, and I was loving it too. Mandy and I felt our cum starting and we blasted off together. My pussy twitched and contracted, as my cock pulsated and it felt great when Lou Ann fucked my ass and started to shoot at the same time. Mandy jerked and bucked into me and kissed me hard as we came together. Lou Ann was holding onto me and breathing so hard. She pulled out of me and I separated from Mandy and I said, "You ever couple before?" Mandy read her mind and said into mine, "She hasn't. You do it first." I held Lou Ann in my arms and said, "I'm going to make a temporary change to our plumbing. It all will go back to normal when we're done." I made us into Combined couples and I lay on top of her. Mandy used her mind to make Lou Ann's cock hard again, and we interlocked. Mandy helped to wrap her legs around me and arms and I rolled us on our side. Mandy lubed up Lou Ann's ass and she held her and pushed in slowly. Lou Ann was almost unconscious from the pleasure. She moved in and out of me as I moved into her. Then I made my cock bigger and a dinosaur cock. Mandy said into my mind, "She's going to pass out." I fucked her like Mandy and I do it and Lou Ann was making unintelligible noises. She was in total lust and fucked back on us like a wild rabbit in heat. She was screaming, "More! More! More!" Mandy made her cock bigger also and we hammed into her. Lou Ann screamed and blasted off into me and we kept on going as she held us so tight. Mandy pulled out of her and moved by me. I pulled out and Mandy took my place and I moved behind Lou Ann and pushed into her ass. We both drilled her for another half hour until we came again and Lou Ann blasted off one more time and then she did pass out.

Mandy and I giggled and she said, "She's out cold honey. Sex overload." Slide her over and cover her, and let's make love. Mandy and I fucked for 2 more hours and then feel asleep together. We woke up about 5 AM and started to fuck again slowly. Lou Ann rolled over on me and was half asleep. She said, "I want to play too." Mandy said into my mind, "Three way 69. Lets make her really crazy." We slid her down on the bed and I licked Lou Ann, she licked Mandy and Mandy licked me. I gave her a blow fuck job to start and she went wild. We all came once and then changed positions. Mandy did her and drove her nuts. She sucked her cock, and fucked her pussy and ass at the same time using her mind to extend and bend her fingers. I was laughing in her mind with her. Lou Ann sucked me and rubbed my clit like a pro and I blasted off into her mouth. We all shot our cum at the same time and sat up and shared it. Mandy had it all in her mouth and she spit it on Lou Ann's breast, and then I sucked it up and spit it on Mandy's breast. We had Lou Ann suck it up and we both kissed her as she swallowed all of it. She was walking on air and just kept giggling as we lay down in bed having a cigarette. I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Did you enjoy it?" She said, "Enjoy it? Wow! Wow! Double Wow! I have never done anything like this, or felt anything like this. How did you do that with your tongue and then when we fucked, my insides went nuts."

Mandy was giggly now and said, "Like this?" She leaned over and put her tongue into Lou Ann's pussy and then made her tongue grow and wiggled it. Lou Ann moaned, "Oh yeah. Just like that." Mandy sat back up and said, "We can make any part of body bigger, smaller, or change it any way we want. Jen made what we call dinosaur cock when he coupled with you. Its little bumps and it makes you go crazy. We do it to each other all the time. I did this to my finger when it was in side of you." Mandy put her hand up and made her finger grow to look like a cock and Lou Ann said, "No shit."

I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "If you could give yourself a blow job, would you?" Lou Ann laughed and said, "I guess I would." I made the change to her and said, "You can now. Just keep bending over. You can suck you pussy also." Lou Ann put out her cigarette and bent over. Mandy showed her how and Lou Ann was moaning as soon as she licked and sucked her own pussy. Then she sucked her cock and was going crazy. We uncoiled her and I said, "Just this once, will show you're a trick." I made her cock grow to be next to her mouth and she sucked it and rubbed it until it shot into her mouth. She swallowed it and I made it go back to normal size. Lou Ann said, "If I had your powers, I'd never get out of bed."

Mandy and I laughed and she said, "Sometimes we don't." The alarm went off and we all got out of bed. Mandy said, "Should we?" I said, "Lou Ann, we were more than just a little kinky. You can watch or join us. It's up to you." We went in the shower area and Mandy kissed her and said, "We lick each other's pee and make ourselves cum again. Want to make it a threesome?" Lou Ann lay down with us. She licked me, and I licked Mandy and Mandy licked Lou Ann. We all peed and licked. Lou Ann orgasmed at least four times before we got up. Mandy and I kissed and tasted the pee and then we each kissed Lou Ann. We all took a shower together and I said, "Ready for the meeting?" She said, "My pussy is throbbing and it wants to be fucked all day. I need to use that site Soul Mates." I said, "We have a better way. Just trust us for a few weeks."

We dressed and went down stairs. I said, "We'll make breakfast." Mandy made us all a full breakfast in our minds and Lou Ann said, "This is amazing."


We displaced to the office and went into my office. I set up the computer in the boardroom and came back in and sat with Lou Ann and Mandy. I said, "Lets check on the site." We used my hand held and I said, "Bob, how long until the project is completed." We heard the computer say, "2 hours estimated until completion." We all ran into the boardroom and set up the full system and viewed the site. We looked at all of the camera angles and almost everything was done. They finished the sprinkler system and were now putting down sod. The driveway was fully finished in gorgeous paving blocks and then paved to the street. The house looked spectacular. I said, "We have twenty minutes. Lets go."

We displaced to the site and went into the house. They were finishing the carpet and a few of the bathrooms, other than that it was done. All the rooms were painted exactly as we specified and the ornate woodwork was incredible. The entrance foyer was more spectacular than we even imagined. We walked through the house to see the back view and the veranda. There were a few things left to finish, but small. An android was testing the elevator and setting up everything, as another was checking every light outlet, socket, bulb, and fixture to make sure it worked. We watched another crew checking all of the plumbing and bathrooms. I said, "We have to get back" and we displaced back to the boardroom.

I said, "Lou Ann give the pitch as we rehearsed it and then do the design for our house. We'll show it to them when you're done. This is amazing." I said into Chris's mind, "You coming to the board meeting?" She said back, "Yeah me and Roberta. How's it going with Lou Ann." I said, "Great and the house will be done just after her presentation. I wanted her to demo the whole thing, so answer any questions on it if she gets in trouble about the androids." Chris said back, "Trust me. She'll be fine. She really understands all of it." I said to Lou Ann, "Chris will be here. If you can't answer something just look to her or us to jump in if you need help." She smiled and said, "Thanks."

Megan came in and said, "How's the house?" I said, "Part of the demo is a tour. It'll be done after the presentation." Megan smiled as everyone else was coming into the room. Chris put her arm on Lou Ann's back and said, "I'm here if you need help." Kate and Judy waved and Megan said, "I called this special board of directors meeting today to talk about a new business venture. Today we are going to hear from Lou Ann Walker, the President of an Architectural firm on Eden. It is also the most highly recommended firm on Eden, and also recommended by Eve. The business we are talking about is something we looked at two years ago and scrapped the idea because none of us knew enough about it to make it work. That's building and construction. Since then we have made great strides in our operations area in that respect, and also added androids to the equation. Let me start by saying that I want us to buy Lou Ann's company, and make it a starting point for this division. Everything you see on the slides I can personally vouch for and at the end you will get a demo and tour that will knock your socks off. We will without a doubt, take over this market. Lou Ann you ready?"

Lou Ann stood at the front of the room and said, "Thank you for inviting me here. I am so excited about this opportunity. Let me tell you how this got started.." Lou Ann explained about our house and the software, and how we integrated everything together and then said, "This is what the business is all about. 25 trillion in home purchases, just on Eden in the last 8 months. I believe that number is probably close to what it is her on earth. 900 billion in home additions. All of this is done by hand. What if we cut those numbers in half and took all of the business, and made 95 percent profit. Sound interesting?"

Lou Ann went through the whole pitch and everyone was interested. Karen said, "You mean you can design a house, press a button, and it gets built in a week?" I said, "Lou Ann let me answer that. Yes! Yes! and Yes! You're going to see one that was designed and built in a week. It's our new house on Eden. They had 2 hours to go before we started the meeting, so it should be completed. Lou Ann show then the design software and lets talk to Bob the android to check on the house first."

She brought up the site and the camera showed the home and Karen said, "Holy shit! That's your new house? My God!" Lou Ann said, "Bob, how are in the project schedule?" Bob said, "Just finishing, 2 minutes to go. Where would you like us to leave the keys to the home?" Lou Ann said, "On the mat by the front door. Bob, please give us the estimated financials and the final costs." Bob said, "Round numbers. Estimated of 270 million dollars. Final cost 3 million dollars." Lou Ann said, "Please tell us the total length of calendar time it took to complete the project." Bob said, "61 hours and 12 minutes. Shall I update the estimation metrics?" Lou Ann said, "Yes please update all metrics from data on this project."

Everyone had their mouths hanging open and Lou Ann gave the demo from scratch. She was brilliant and scraped part of our house and made them design something on the fly. She spent about and hour and had a home that was 95,000 square feet. She used the system to show the costs and time to build and everyone was in shock. Lou Ann said, "We can't charge this little or we would cause an economic depression with the resales in the housing market. I say we charge a little less, throw in tons of stuff from SolarNational in the home, and walk away with a fortune in profits. How about a free Instant Kitchen." She went on and used the same lines I did. Mandy and I loved it. She said, "The quality of the android contraction is better than any human can do, they work around the clock, in all weather, and are cheap. Combining that with on demand construction, we win. We can also do full home remodeling the same way, and if anyone is interested, I can show you that part later. It works the same way. Except is based off of photos of your home and it does the rest." Anyone care for a tour of Mandy and Jen's new home. You can see the results yourself."

Everyone was smiling and Karen said, "Mandy, do the driving." Mandy displaced all of us outside of the driveway before the circle. The sod was down and the sprinklers were on and the house looked fucking huge. We walked up the 9 stairs in the huge front area and picked up the keys. Megan said, "I love these columns." Lou Ann said, "Real stone. No cheap stuff in here anywhere." I unlocked the door and we all went in. The place was unreal. I said, "We haven't got to a decorator yet. So there's still no furniture." Lou Ann said, "In the version we'll use for customers, that will be included too. Complete move in condition." We toured the house and it was magnificent. Everything was perfect. The ballroom was incredible with a domed ceiling and the biggest chandelier we ever saw. Mandy held my hand as we toured the entire house. We went up the half circle stair way four abreast and Lou Ann said, "38 full suites on the back wall and another 46 bedrooms with a front face. Lets see one." Mandy lead everyone to our suite and it looked great. The bathroom was bigger than we thought too. Lou Ann said, "I forgot to tell you, I increased it by two feet before we finished. I think it looks better. More shower room." She winked at us and Mandy blushed and squeezed my hand hard. We went into every room on the main floor and then down to the lower level also. We saw the auditorium, second game room, and 20 rooms we hadn't decided on yet. We took the elevator to the tunnel and then walked down the four steps to the pier. We walked across the ramp too and the up to the lower terrace, and the to the second level veranda and then back into the house. Lou Ann said, "What do you think? Look like a 3 million dollar house on a 500 thousand dollar 96 acre lot? I think the lot should have been 25 million and the house about 270 million if we built if traditionally. Plus if would have taken close to a year to complete."

Everyone was in shock and I said, "Eve has the lot south of us and is building, and Melissa and Jody have the lot just north of us." Everyone was talking about buying a lot and building and Mandy said, "The lots aren't for sale. Jen and I made offers to people and they took it. They weren't for sale. Remember, everyone here sees me as God. Just like on the planets you have. I can try to get a deal on the land for you if you want. Eve has all of the parcel information."

Megan said, "This place is great. Lets go back to the board room and finished up." Mandy displaced us all back to the room, and Megan said, "Anyone opposed to us doing this business?", "Good. Lou Ann, Welcome to Solarnational." Karen leaned over to us and said, "3 million? That is so unbelievable. Great find. All of it." Megan said, "One more thing very quick. All of you have had the Instant Kitchen in your homes now for a while. Any problems to report?" Everyone was saying, "It's great!" Megan said, "We're going to market it cheap and sell trillions. Target price is $369 dollars. Sell your stock in cattle farms and ranches, or short it. Announcement date is set for Monday. Anyone have anything else?" "Good. Meeting adjourned. Thanks everyone."

Everyone congratulated Lou Ann and welcomed her to the company. Megan said, "The office next to Debbie is vacant. Come on Lou Ann, I'll show you around." Lou Ann was all smiles and so were we. The house was a dream. Chris was screaming, "What a mansion. Holy shit! When's the boat arriving?" We just laughed. I said, "We should get the name of a decorator from Lou Ann or maybe she can make the call."

We went into Lou Ann's office and Megan was relaxing and said as we walked in, "What a dream that house is." I said, "Lou Ann can you hook us up with a decorator?" She said, "I'll arrange all of it. You designed it in the house. Lets use the design and get everything. I'll do it now. Actually, can you set up the teleporters for my office in Eden and here? I need to do this there." Robert and Chris came in and Chris said, "We know. Teleporters. Castle and home, and offices. We'll get it done in few minutes." Mandy said, "Ready?" We displaced to Eden with Lou Ann and she said, "Lets make those calls and get this started. Oh take your check back. Here." She hand us the check and I said, "You're going to need some of it for the decorator." Lou Ann said, "I'll let you know when they send me the bill."

Lou Ann called the decorator and they gabbed for a few minuets and she said, "I need a big favor. This is for God." Mandy and I almost lost it and Lou Ann put her finger to her lips to say be quite. Lou Ann sent her a list of everything for every room electronically and she said, "Today? That's great. Yeah, just send me the bill. Thanks Joan." I said, "I have the key. I'll go open the doors." I displaced to the house and unlocked all the doors and then displaced back. I said, "All open." Lou Ann said, "I need to announce this to the people here. Can you be part of it?" Mandy said, "Sure." Lou Ann buzzed her admin and said, "See if you can get everyone in the board room in 10 minutes for a quick meeting. Tell them it's very important." Lou Ann said to us, "I love the Instant Kitchen. What a great idea. Want some coffee?" We all took a cup and sat in Lou Ann's office having a cigarette and our coffee.

We went into the boardroom and Mandy and I stood at the side and everyone looked at us and I said, "Hello everyone." Lou Ann said, "I have some great news. I sold our company to SolarNational and we are going to part of their company. We are going to be the core of the new building and construction company. It's all based on our software and construction using androids, and everyone here is going to big a big part of it. I don't think the people standing here need any introduction. Their real names and Doctor Mandy Edwards and Doctor Jen Edwards. They hold the office of CEO of SolarNational Holdings. Their daughter Megan is the CEO of SolarNational Corporation. They all have the power of God, and I know, because I have seen it a hundred times in the past two days. They are great people, and will do anything to help. This is the chance of lifetime for all of us to make a significant contribution and also make some serious money. We're taking our business to every planet. We need to hire lots of people and I will be working with all of you on the plan. I have a presentation that I'll share with you tomorrow after the teleporters are installed in the office here. They will take you to my home office on the planet Earth. We also upgraded the software to use the SolarNational technology and it is amazing. The house that we designed that some of you participated in, is complete thanks to this technology and androids. I want all of you to join us for a quick tour. Mandy, I guess your doing the driving."

Mandy displaced us all to the outside of the house and everyone had their mouths hanging open. I said, "This is Mandy and my new home here on Eden. It's 365,000 square feet and it took under 80 hours to build. It also only cost about 3 million dollars. That's all due to our technology, Lou Ann's know how, and our material costs which are very low. That's the basis for our business model. We will take over the new construction market and we need all of you to help and be part of it. When you walk through the house pay attention to the details. You won't find one edge not square, or anything wrong anywhere. The quality is the best there is. That's not because it's our house. It's the same in any house. That's also what we're selling. Lou Ann you can take they through. Mandy and I want to see the garage and grounds."

We walked around the grounds and we loved it. The pool was even full and the waterfall was on. Mandy said, "Lets use the system to design the landscaping and schedule another android project. That was amazing." I said, "When we get home." We went into the garage it was so big. I said, "We can buy a lot of toys for here." Mandy put her arms around me and said, "When we get home, and home is here. Then we'll buy all the toys." We stood in the middle of the empty garage and kissed so passionate. She warped her arms around me, and I wrapped mine around her, as we were so into it. We checked out the lab, and then walked into the house to catch up with Lou Ann. Her employees were checking out everything and Lou Ann was laughing about it. She saw us and said, "They can't figure out how the builders got the ceiling in here round. It's a perfect circle from all angles. We're done. They get the idea." Mandy said, "Everyone get ready, we're leaving." She displaced us all back to Lou Ann's office.

We saw three teleporters and a note on each that said where it took you. The notes read, "castle", "vacation House", and "office on earth." Lou Ann walked with us and I said, "Pick your management team today and get them excited. Let everyone see the whole presentation and the system. We're going to see what we can do on the personnel front. See you tomorrow. Oh, feel free to stay at any of the houses. Ask Eve or Eva, the androids, for an empty suite if no one's there."

We displaced to the office and went into Mandy's office. I sat at the conference table and she said, "I have to get to my mail. Jen, you should read yours too. It's been a week." I got up slowly and we heard Megan screaming at the top of her lungs. Mandy and I ran to her office as she threw an ash tray at the wall and said, "Fucking, sons of bitches. I'll kill!" Alicia was walking in also and I said, "Having a bad hair day?" Megan was ready to breathe fire and said, "Did you read your mail yet?" We all shook our heads and Megan said, "Read it and don't be near any sharp objects. Then come back in here. I'm ready to fucking kill!"

We went into Mandy's office and read her inbox and she said, "Not again! Oh, I'm going to loose my cork today baby. This time they all get fucking fired. Read this. Oh how nice, there's more of them. This one is policy number HR- 1215 and it changes our medical plan. We still have guns anywhere?" We counted twelve policies and I was about as pissed as I get. We went into see Megan and she said, "I've calmed down a little. I promise I won't hit them." She buzzed Flow and said, "Have everyone in HR in the auditorium in 5 minutes. No exceptions. Tell them if they're not there, they lost their job. Thanks Flow and ignore all that bull shit HR sent out. Nothing is changing. I promise you." Flow said back, "Thank God!"

Megan got Rose, Cary, Patty, Debbie, Chris, Roberta, Margi, Alice, Kelly, Amanda, Julie, Kathy, the whole crew and gave them each a copy to read. Everyone was so pissed. She said, "We are about to have our first public execution. I want you all there to stop me if I really loose it. Get the frog tank ready." We all laughed and Megan said, "No make it spiders. I hate them even worse." We walked to the auditorium and all stood at the front. Melissa saw us and said, "What in the fuck is that mail all about?" I said, "Join the punishment brigade." She smiled and got everyone else and they joined us also.

The auditorium filled up and Megan said, "We are going to talk about these 12 pieces of shit that someone in here sent out to change our policies. How dare you! This is not a democracy. From this point on, not one thing gets sent out of any part of HR without one of us seeing it. Period! Lets start with policy number HR-1501 Education programs. Who's idiotic idea was this? Stand up!" Six people stood up and Megan said, "Who wrote it?" "Who approved it?" Four more stood up and Megan said, "All of you go stand in the back of the room. Everyone else move closer to the front. Now HR-1515 Reduced Medical coverage. Who's asshole idea was this? Did you think it was 2005 when we had a medical crisis? That was ages ago." Megan went through the same routine and we had 9 more people in the back of the room. She was getting pissed so I said, "Mandy and I, and now our kids, all pay for the medical programs for everyone. We own the insurance company. It's free and that's how will stay. Period."

Megan went through all 12 policies and we had 45 people in the back of the room. Mandy said, "The rest of you, we are very sorry to have to had put you through this and we will all be working with you to cover the areas that we will need help in. We need to hire almost 20,000 top rate people in the next few months. That's what we need you to be doing. Not playing people police and writing polices that no one wants. Again, sorry you had to hear this, and go back to your work." Megan said, "Everyone standing, sit in the front rows where I can see each of you."

Megan really surprised us and took out a court computer. She grilled every one of them and found out the truth. She sent 12 people back to their work and apologized to them as she found some to blame she looked them in the eye and screamed, "You are fired!" Mandy said into my mind, "Jen, she is so much worse than I ever was. Holy shit. She would have killed the Pope instead of just getting even." I said into her mind, "You want me to stop it?" She said back, "No! This is what we needed. They were out of control again. They will all remember this day for along time." Alicia had security walk each person to get their things and out of the building. It was like a parade.

Megan was finishing up and Mandy and I went to HR. I found one of the surviving managers and I said, "Hi Lois, we need your help." She said, "Megan had ever right to do that. We tried to stop it, but no one in here would listen." Mandy said, "You've known us for a long time. Why didn't you just walk upstairs?" She said, "They threatened to fire me." I said, "You're not going anywhere, except up the ladder. We need someone that thinks like us in here, we'll tell Megan. What we need is this." Mandy and went through the architect thing and Lois smiled and said, "We have over 12,000 applicants in that area now. Some we turned down from the advanced degree program with the new rules. They are all qualified. I just didn't get it at all. The rules were so hard we only had 3 people get in when we should have had at least 8 thousand. I'll get a team on it now." Mandy said, "Big team. Real big team. This is the highest priority. If anyone questions you, call one of us. We're launching a new company and service that will knock everyone's socks off." Lois smiled and said, "I'll get it done."

We went upstairs and I said to Megan, "Promote Lois to run the place. She has been with us a long time and thinks like we do. She's doing the recruiting now for the architects." Megan said, "Lets see how she produces, and then we'll do it. Wow, was I out of control in there." Mandy smiled and said, "Yup. Just like I use to get, but worse. Now we have to publish a very nice reaction to everything immediately." Alicia stuck her head in the office and said, "I already wrote it. Check it out." We all read it and I said, "I'd change two things, but it looks good." We made the changes and Alicia had Flow send it to every employee on every planet. Megan said, "That just cost us about 10 grand." I put my arm over her shoulder and I said, "You need a massage and a drink." She smiled and said, "Mom, I need two drinks. One for each hand." Rose stood behind her and massaged Megan's neck and said, "My baby needs a massage. That was hard, but you did real good." Megan started to smile and Lois from Hr buzzed us and said, "Sorry to bother you but I can have about 2,000 applicants in here for interviews in the next 4 days. Who will be doing the interviews and where?" Megan smiled more and said, "Lois, how would you like to run all of HR for the entire company? Come on up here." We all sat and smiled as Lois came in and Megan said, "Congrats. The jobs yours if you want it." She screamed and thanked all of us. Megan told her the pay and Louis said, "I'll interview them for that much money." I said, "I'll have Lou Ann's team here all week, and we'll use Patty and Debbie's engineers also. Just get the candidates in here. You're doing great!"

Mandy and I went into my office and burned the mail in the inbox that had HR on the top. She laughed so hard. Then we set up the people to handle the interviews using one of our plants that had enough space. We had teleporters put in the lobby to get people there. Lou Ann was talking a mile a minute and I said, "We're going to work with Melissa and Jody on the sales and Marketing."

Mandy and I went into Melissa's office and had an all day session on this. We came up with so many ideas. The one thing we all realized is that it no longer mattered where you live, as the teleports can be used to commute anywhere now. We decide that all homes would come with them, free, and the Instant Kitchen, and every appliance that we make. We broke the lists out into; planned developments, custom homes, apartments and condos, estates, office buildings, and what Melissa called dream homes. Melissa said, "Your new home is our first commercial. The camera recorded all of the work. We'll edit and enhance it. We need a home renovation project also. I want to distribute it to every home improvement store. Let them use the software and sell the whole thing. We'll work out a licensing deal and they get a cut of the profits. Can you image going into a model home and sitting down with agent, and they design your home on the fly, and you watch it being built? Better yet, you go into Lowes or Home Depot with a picture of your home and they do the remodeling while you watch it. This will be the next major evolution in the way people buy homes and how things are built. What else can we throw in for free, not really free, because we charge for it, but they don't know that."

Megan popped her head in and said, "You guys staying all night? It's 8 o'clock." We were so engrossed in the discussion we didn't even notice. Melissa said, "We'll work on what we have so far. This is so cool." We went into my office so I could get my computer and there was a list of land parcels, owners, and people who wanted each one. Mandy and I just laughed. I said, "Tomorrow we're God again. I knew Karen would pick that lot."


Over the next four weeks Lou Ann staffed up to 2,100 architects and project managers. Melissa did her thing, and Megan made one hell of a press announcement. Our home was the poster child along with Melissa's new house next door, and Eve's. Mandy and I bought all the land parcels and we got most of it for the same price. Everyone in the office told us we needed to play God more often.

Lou Ann bought miles of undeveloped acreage and we had two developments of over 4,000 homes finished by the end of the third week, and over 15,000 projects in the works. We were hiring as fast as we could. We used the system to build ten warehouses that were each almost a mile long and we used them for the android modular constructions and task manager centers. Patty and Debbie loved it because they used the same facilities to speed up the operational overhauls.

Mandy and I, and all the kids, and everyone else in our home, moved into the new house. We got four androids again, and also moved some of the cars here, and then went on a shopping spree. We also put in three way teleporters for the pets. They had to push a large button on the floor for each house. We added to our car collection and bought a few vintage beauties, and also a few new ones as well. We also got a new boat for the new house. Everyone thought we were nuts, but we did it anyway. It's 96 feet and has 18 cabins. It was the largest we could get and still pilot it without a crew. Mandy and I love it.

Patty and Debbie were now using a modified version of the housing software to do the operational and road projects. Eden was already half done. We watched the superhighway project with literally hundreds of thousands of androids. It was amazing and they all were recycled into the home building business. Our costs went down even lower and Megan was laughing about the profits. She said, "I can't even write these numbers any more, let alone pronounce them. I'm going to start using scientific notation. I think we're up to 10 to the 32nd power or something like that."

The Instant Kitchen was an instant success. We are backlogged about a two days and it's killing us. We never thought it would sell so well. It's been on the news everyday. Lou Ann launched the Dream Home program with Melissa and the orders are incredible. She dedicates a senior architect to each customer and we are charging a fortune. Someone wanted a home just like ours on another planet and Lou Ann charged them 320 million. They through it was a bargain. It was also done in less than 6 days.

We all played a concert last week on Eden and had a blast. Mandy and I really did some God things and the crowd loved it. She said into my mind, "We are such good actors." After the concert Eve had a talk with us about Lou Ann and said, "I would have made her one of us ten years ago, but her partner was such an asshole none of us could stand him. She has no idea that I have the powers, how about you two ask her to join us and I'll surprise her?" I said, "We think it's a great idea. We'll ask her tomorrow morning."

Mandy and I met Lou Ann for breakfast, which we had planned at out new house, and she couldn't stop talking about the show the whole time we ate. I said, "If you could have the powers that we have, would you want them? There are a lot of responsibilities that go with it." She smiled and said, "Hell yeah I want them." I said, "Then today is your lucky day. You need to make me two promises, and we will hold you too them." I made her promise and I said, "Ready for a special trip?" We displaced with her to the work planet and I called Eve and Adam in their minds. They displaced right next to us and I said, "Lou Ann, we are going to tell you some secrets that you can never repeat. Eve is one of us, and so is Adam. We are part of a group called the Guardians of human life, and you are about to become a full member." Mandy and I explained to her all about life and showed her everything. She had her mouth hanging open when she leaned that Eve was actually the first one. I said, "When you get the knowledge it will all make sense." We sat at a knowledge transfer computer and Mandy said, "You are going to sleep for a while. If we're not here when you wake up just enjoy the place." Lou Ann fell asleep and Eve said, "I'll be here to wake her up. Thanks so much."

We hugged and Mandy said, "How about seeing the dinosaurs on our way back home?" We displaced to where the spacecraft was and some of our buddies were roaming around. We communicated and petted a triceratops that had a cold. It sneezed so much yucky snot, we both looked at each other with our noses crunched up. We sat on the grass and Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a deep drag and I said, "You know, the race of people that created that craft had to have the mind power that we do. How could they let this happen? I just don't get it." Mandy said, "Maybe a few had the power, and just used their knowledge to build computers and stuff like that. They didn't have displacement travel." I said, "Maybe they're still alive somewhere." I took a drag of the cigarette and we heard in our minds, "Your right. A few of us are still alive." Mandy said, "What language is that? We understand it, but don't know it." We heard, "Throg, the language of our planets. We understand you also, but don't know what language you are speaking." I said, "The universe language of English. Who are you and where are you?"

We heard back, "I'm Dedra, and I'm about 60 quirts under where you are sitting?" I said, "What's a quirt?" She said, "The length of my foot. We'll come out to met you." Mandy and I stood up and watched a grassy area open up, and three people walk out. They walked over to us and Debra said into our minds, "We can't believe we are really seeing people again. Is the war finally over?" I said, "A very long time ago. You can speak to us without using your minds." Dedra said, "We can not. We were taken prison and had our vocal chords cut so we could not tell anyone of the atrocities. They didn't know we can communicate this way." I said, "Why didn't you heal yourself?" She said, "I don't understand. We can't heal." Mandy said, "I'll be right back. I'll get an English download to help us communicate. You heal them honey."

Mandy displaced and they all looked surprised and I said, "I'm going to restore your speech for you. Just breath normally." I put my hands on her throat and saw all of the damage with my mind. Someone butchered her and I felt so sorry for her. I healed it all. I moved back and said, "Try to speak. It's all healed now." She made some sounds and then smiled. She was talking up a storm and I said, "Let me heal your friends, also." I healed then both the same way, as Mandy displaced back with hand held computer. Dedra said in her language, "Is that a weapon?" Mandy said back in their minds, "No. It's to teach you our language. This won't hurt. Put your hand on this." Mandy downloaded English to all of them and Dedra said in English, "Wow! What technology! We have so much to learn." I said, "How would you like to take a trip with us for a while. There is someone I want you to meet also. Just hold hands and ours."

I displaced us to the work planet and Eve and Adam said, "Who is this?" I said, "They survived the spacecraft crash and could read our minds. We healed their throats so they can speak. They we living underground by the dinosaurs, thinking the war was still on. This is Dedra." Eve and Adam looked at each other and Eve said to one of the others, "Cross, do you remember me? I'm Eve and this Adam. I told you to call us in our minds if things got out of hand. What happened?" They looked at Eve funny and Eve lay down, came out of her body as energy and said into their minds, "Recognize me now?" Eve went back into her body and they all hugged her and Adam. Dedra started to explain and it was a horrible. She said, "We discovered we could unlock a part of our brains with my experiments with sound that failed. The army was using sound ultra high frequency weapons to create harmonic vibrations that destroyed structures. I was an architect and an engineer, and head of the technology council. My experiment absorbed the sound waves and when a few of my colleagues went into the structure afterwards, we could hear into people's minds and make things out of nothing. We found out we could communicate also. The war was horrible. The army on Throg was using all of the things we invented to wage war. They took our cold fusion engine and used it for space travel. They adapted our computers to run the weapons systems, they even used our machines that made food, by modifying them to create the most dense reactive isotope possible. They invaded seven planets, who fought back."

Cross continued, "We saw the war getting totally out of control and it was too late to do anything about it. Our planet was a nuclear fallout mess, and everyone was forced into underground shelters. Nuclear winter was starting along with an all out doomsday war. Our planet was invaded and we all were captured and tortured. Nine of us escaped and used our powers of suggestion to get a spacecraft captain and crew to defect and take us to an unpopulated planet. We got caught by our own army and the ship crashed, where you found us."

Dedra continued, "Everyone died in the crash except the three of us. My partner was crushed in the wreckage. Cross and Grant are the only couple to survive. We thought that the ships cloaking device would hide us and we would wait out the end. We felt an enormous explosion that somehow effected time, and we knew then that at least one of the planets was gone. We stayed inside the ship for years, and then got to be friendly with the creatures, you called dinosaurs. They let us be, and we built an underground home. It's like a paradise compared to the hell we lived through. When we heard voices not to long ago, we thought maybe it was soldiers. Especially when you took the spacecraft away. When you came back and we heard you talking, we knew you were just people."

Eve asked them exactly what they can do with their minds and we all figured that they had about half of the powers. Dedra said, "In a way, being alone was kind of nice. The only voices we heard in our minds we're our own. Our telepathy has a very limited range." I said, "You want to be able to turn it on and off?" They all nodded and I showed them. They all were doing it in about a minute.

Eve blocked all of our minds and said, "What should we do?" I said back into her mind, "We didn't know. That's why we came here. Do you know them?" Adam said, "They were the ones that developed the technology behind all of the good things on that world, and such wonderful people." Mandy said, "After what they went through, they would be the ultimate preachers of peace. Want to give them all the powers? We could also take them away." Eve said, "Let's give them the choice."

Eve said, "We want to offer you a choice. We can unlock your minds and give you the power and knowledge to be just like us to create life and help humans live in peace. After what you went through, I'm sure that you would do wonderful with it. We could also take away your powers, and you could live normal lives, but you would still retain your ability to live forever." Dedra said, "I want to help people. I want to make sure this never happens to anyone again. Plus, I'm so much of an outcast because of my sexual problem. I'll never find another mate." I said, "What problem?" Dedra said, "I was born with both sexual organs. I am both female and male." I said, "You are not an outcast. You fit right in. More than half of the people are Combined like that." Dedra said, "I still want to do it, but that does sound great for the love life again."

Cross said, "I think Grant and I want to just live and maybe raise a family again. We'd like it if you could help us get started again and tell us where there is civilization." Eve said, "We'll help you all that we can. Dedra, come over here and sit at this computer."

Eve made her promise and I displaced to the vault to get the pills that stop the powers. I gave one to Cross and Grant and they swallowed them. Mandy called Chris in her mind and she displaced to us. Mandy explained the whole thing and Chris said, "We'll get you trained in all of our technology and I'm sure we can find you a good job. We have a company apartment complex just for new employees in training. I'll take you there and get you settled." Cross said, "We need our things from the dinosaur planet." Chris said, "We'll make one extra stop. Hold my hands."

Mandy took a digital camera and took a picture of Lou Ann and one of Dedra. She gave me one of her devilish smiles and loaded them into a computer and opened up the Soul Mates web site. She selected relationship enhancement and used the two photos. We laughed as they matched to be a perfect eleven. Eve and Adam were smiling as Eve said, "Two top notch architects and both are leaders. This is a match made in heaven. They are so much alike. What a coincidence, and I know none of us made this happen. Why don't you guys come back in an hour and a half."

We waved and went to our house for a little while. I told Mandy what I saw when I looked into Dedra's throat, and when I read her mind. Mandy had tears in her eyes and said, "My God, I can't even imagine what that was like."

The kids were all in the kitchen so we went into the basketball court size room and sat at the table to tell them what happened. Mandy told them about the matching to eleven and they all laughed. Megan said, "I'm giving Lou Ann her first bonus check tomorrow. She's going to be real happy. 201 million, worth of happy. Moms, she works harder than anyone us does, with the exception of you two when you get caught up in one of your projects, or when Patty and Debbie get into one of their new projects. She really earned the money. Oh, you'll love the new junk that Brandy and Joyce put out to follow the Instant Kitchen. It's total useless, and is selling like wildfire. I just don't get it." I said, "Neither do we, which is why we hired them." Megan showed it too us and we all laughed. I said, "Cooking gloves? You have got to be kidding." Megan said, "Three million pairs so far in three days." Mandy shook her head and said, "People are such idiots."

I lit a cigarette taking a deep drag, as Chris and Roberta displaced into the kitchen. Chris said, "They are so nice. Did you know that they both have medical degrees?" They designed that body scanning machine. Max is doing back flips right now." Mandy smiled and said, "How much you want to bet they change their minds within a year?" I said, "Suckers bet. They're not thinking straight. They spent how many millions of years living in an underground shelter worried about a war?" I took a drag from the cigarette and blew the smoke out through my nose slowly, as Mandy took a drag of my cigarette also. She took a second drag and handed it back to me and said, "I just can't image what that was like. That really is hell, not our pretend thing on the court computer." Everyone was nodding their heads as I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy said, "We have to get back. We'll see everyone later with the love birds."

We displaced to the work planet and Eve was talking to Lou Ann and explaining how to do certain things and she was trying them. I said, "Enjoy the short nap?" She said, "What a great show you two put on for Eden. I can't believe this whole thing!" Mandy said, "It worked, didn't it?" Lou Ann was laughing and said, "It sure did." Eve said, "Dedra is waking up now too. Lou Ann you definitely need to meet her. She'll explain what happened, but she was once one of the most highly respected architects and engineers on a planet that no longer exists. Mandy and Jen found her and brought her here. I know her from ages ago."

Dedra was waking up and stood up. Lou Ann and her looked at each other and it was definitely love at first site. They were both starring into each other's eyes as they introduced themselves. Eve said to us, "How about you two take them to your place and show them all about the powers." I said, "Lou Ann, have you tried to displace yet?" She shook her head no so Mandy smiled and said, "Hold Dedra's hand, and we'll take you to our house."

We displaced to the outside lower Terrace and I said, "Lets walk down to the beach." They were still holding hands as they walked with us. Mandy found a large piece of drift wood log, and all sat leaning back against it. They were still holding hands and I said, "You have the rest of eternity to get to now each other. Let us teach you how to really enjoy it." Dedra looked up at the house and said, "This is your house?" I nodded my head yes and Lou Ann said, "My software designed it, and we built the entire thing in under a week." They were so into each other, Mandy and I just let them talk for about and half hour. Then I said, "Time for your first lesson."

We taught them everything. It took all day, but we did it. When we went swimming with gills they both we like little kids. When we coupled and showed them how, they were like wild rabbits on the love potent. They didn't want to get out of the water, so we dragged them as they laughed at us. We made love next to them on the beach, and showed them how to become energy and go from body to body. When we went into their bodies, we felt the love they felt for each other, and it was the same as with us. We all went up to the house at about 6 for dinner.

Dedra said, "I have some things in the underground home I need to get. Come with me." We let her displace us there. One of the T-rex came running up to us as the ground shook. Dedra said, "Hi Herby. It's only me again. Have you been fighting with Greta again?" I swear the animal smiled. Dedra said, "Well now I can heal you." She communicated like we showed her and healed his hind foot. She said, "The triceratops we called Greta and Herby here, fight all the time. Nothing serious, but the both hurt each other. Come on into the pit."

We went in and it was lined with all of the walls and lights from the spacecraft. Dedra said, "We used the body temperature control in here, so it stays to where you're personally are comfortable. I still think that was my best discovery. It was purely by accident, but it works." Mandy said, "That sounds so familiar."

Dedra said, "I need to say a final goodbye to someone and leave this memory here." She kissed a photo and picked up an earn as we walked outside. She dumped the ashes out of the earn into the wind and said, "Goodbye Loel. I hope you find peace where ever you are." Mandy and I both had a tear in our eyes, as Dedra kissed and hugged Lou Ann and said, "Time for me to move on with my life, and I am ready to start all over again. Loel, you'd love her, just like I do." They kissed and hugged again, and Mandy held my hand tight, as Lou Ann displaced us back.

We introduced Dedra to the kids and they all loved her, and she told Lou Ann about all of her life and the hell she went through. Lou Ann cried and then they kissed as she held Dedra. The mood changed when Dedra said, "So show me all about how you made this house happen." Lou Ann and Dedra we almost the same when it came to this stuff. The went through the software and she explained the androids, and the projects. Dedra said, "Why not build every house as a `smart house'. You have the technology. Let me show you. I wanted to do this, but we never figured out the things that you already know how to do." They talked for about two hours as we all listened. Chris and Roberta were smiling and Chris said, "Want to make it happen now. Lets retrofit it to this house. It will take less than a half hour and we can watch it happen. Every wall, ceiling and floor already has sensors in it."

We watched the whole thing from Chris and Roberta changing the software, the scheduling a remodeling, to the androids making the changes. The whole thing took an hour. Chris said, "Lets check it out." She turned on a hand held computer and had a hologram screen displayed. She went to a web site and entered the code for this house and said, "Presto! Your house is alive." We were playing with everything from air conditioning, to turning on the dishwasher and water sprinklers. The pets were going crazy as were had a programmed vacuum cleaner chase them down the hallway. Dedra said, "We could never do anything like this. This is truly amazing. I can't believe how fast you wrote the software. It use to take us years."

I said, "That's Mandy's handy work. The new language she developed along with the new neural processors are incredible. Lou Ann, go to the history of life theme park and show Dedra tomorrow. That way she'll really understand what the computers can do." Lou Ann said, "You are going to love it. Dinosaurs that are androids and talk to you. It's a blast." Mandy said, "Dedra did you have any board games on your planet?" Dedra said, "We had a few and explained them. I said, "That sounds just like Chess. Watch an animated version. Midget androids." We took out several of the chess sets and she sat starring. We used Larry the Lawyer as the game curator and she said, "Did we ever have a ton of attorneys on our planet before it got nuked. Slime ball bottom feeders." We all laughed and she watched one of the chess pieces get captured and was asking us how we did it. We explained all of it and she said, "Even with the advanced knowledge, I still don't get it. You are absolute geniuses."

They met Eva and Eve, the androids, and I said, "Have them give you a massage." Kate said, "It is the best software ever written. You'll love it. Even better than the sex software." Kathy said, "Hey! That's my work you're knocking. The sex is great with androids."

Dedra was laughing and said, "You're kidding right?" We all smiled and shook our heads no. She went hysterically laughing as Lou Ann said, "It really is outrageous. You would never know they aren't human. Adult world is mostly androids and is one of the worst outrageous places in the universe. It's actually on the planet you were on, about 11,000 miles away. I'll take you there too. It has every fetish and fantasy you could possibly imagine. Jen and Mandy invented it, along with Kids World." Dedra said, "I'm definitely going to like to here."

We ate, talked, goofed around, drank, and then Mandy and I asked Lou Ann and Dedra if they would like to sleep with us tonight. They took our hands and led us to the bedroom.

We all undressed and did it as a foursome. Mandy said, "Lets made our cum into flavors. Watch in my mind. We are releasing a pill to do this next week." They watched and we started with strawberry.

Mandy and I fucked their asses while they coupled, and then each of us got into one of the positions. When Dedra and I interlocked, Mandy fucked Dedra's ass and Lou Ann did mine. Mandy and Lou Ann were half sitting up as they fucked us, watching Dedra and my cock going in and out of each other. Mandy said into our minds, "Jen, this getting me so hot, I'm going to cum already." She shot two times in Dedra's ass and then knelt by my face as Dedra and I sucked her off. Lou Ann was even worse. She hammered my ass and came four times watching us.

We paired up and Mandy and I were so out of control with each other; so were Lou Ann and Dedra. We made love as couples for four hours. The last hour was spent eating each other out and sampling the flavored cum all mixed together. Mandy said into my mind, "This is better than the food orgy. Oh honey, I love the pineapple. Mmmmmm." We all went back to interlocked Combined couples, and fell asleep next to each other.


We woke up to the bed rocking at about 6 in the morning. Mandy and I smiled at each other, kissed, and made love along with Dedra and Lou Ann. We slid our bodies on each other and held each other kissing, as we both blasted off. My cock spasmed and pulsated into Mandy's pussy, shooting out a stream of cum, as her cock was jerking into me. We kissed so hard and held each other tight, as we drifted back to sleep.

At 9 AM Eve woke us all up with trays of breakfast on the bed. She said, "You'll never guess who changed their minds already. I thought it would take at least a week." Dedra was laughing and said, "They always change their minds about everything. It took then two months to decide between blue and green for the walls in our shelter." We were laughing and Eve said, "Jen, we need some of the pills to restart their powers." I said, "Okay, after we eat. Where are they?" Eve yelled, "Come on in!" They walked in smiling and Mandy said, "Have a seat. What changed your minds?" Cross said, "We had no idea what it was like now. Every planet is a paradise. I thought we were heading back to what we left. We want to help create and manage this. I see Dedra found someone again. I'm so happy for you." Dedra introduced Lou Ann to Cross and Grant. She said, "These are the two that I was stuck with all that time. Medical nerds." We all laughed and I said, "Hey! We're both medical nerds too." Lou Ann said, "No way!"

Eve said, "Jen invented the sex drugs and lots of other ones too. They all have a background in medicine and so many other things too. The members of this group have more knowledge than you can possibly image. Patty and Debbie, some of our newest members, got their first PhD when they were ten years old. Chris got hers when she was twelve or so, inventing the forever drug. Now she's a computer genius, like the rest of them. Mandy invented the new computer and her and Jen ran the android project and so many other projects. You guys have a lot of catching up to do, but it will be fun. This is the best of the best in the entire universe."

I said, "Cross, tell us how you developed that medical scanning computer." We ate and listened to all of the details. They really were very bright. Mandy and I made a few suggestions and their eyes got wide open as they realized how close they were to a machine that can diagnose and perform the treatments. I said, "You understand now where we are going with this now?" Grant said, "Why didn't we see that?" Eve said, "I've must had said this a thousand times. These two see things that to them is obvious, and to us is impossible." Mandy said, "Before we go, how about a quick relationship enhancement?" They looked puzzled and Eve said, "You're going to love this."

They went downstairs, as we all got up and showered and dressed. Dedra said, "Definitely an improvement over bathing in the waterfall." We went downstairs and used the web site to do the relationship enhancement. They needed two pills and Eve gave them each one. They were stuck to each other like glue and Dedra said, "That God, this didn't happen in the shelter. I would have masturbated myself to death."

We were all giggling as we displaced to the work planet. I went to the vault and took out two pills and displaced back to the design room. I said, "Cross, you get one, and Grant, you get one. It takes about 5 minutes to work." They swallowed the pills as Eve told they all about what they were about to do, and made them give their promises. Cross was able to read my mind and I said, "The soup's ready. Time to cook the brain." They looked at us funny and Mandy said, "Medium rare. You won't feel a thing." Eve was shaking her head laughing as she sat them at the knowledge transfer computers. They were asleep in seconds. Eve said, "Adam and I will be here for them. Go have some fun."

We displaced back to the house and Lou Ann said, "How about you come with us to the History of Life theme park on Earth. That one is so awesome." Mandy displaced us there before Lou Ann even finished her sentence. I said to Dedra, "What animal would you like to give us the tour?" Lou Ann and her were talking and laughing as a Monkey walked up to us and said, "I'm Herman the chimpanzee. Watch this", as he did a back flip and then stuck out his tongue making a farting noise. Lou Ann was laughing and said, "How about Herman?"

Herman said, "It will be my pleasure" and took Dedra's hand as we went through the park. We asked Oscar, a pig, to join us also. Dedra was in awe and they had a blast together. Dedra said, "Everything is correct, down to the last detail. This is amazing. I love the pterodactyls." We spent most of the day at the park and then took them to the factories to see how everything was made before we went back home. I said, "Dedra, what type of cars did they have on your planet?"

We walked into the garage and she said, "Nothing like this. Mostly square things that held a lot of people." Mandy showed her an image of a van in her mind and she said, "Exactly like that." Mandy said, "Jen and I are going to take one of the toys out for a ride. You can take any of these out, just be very careful as some are really fast." We got into the Ferrari 712 that we just got back from the factory with an upgraded air system. I drove first and hit the starter as it came to life and I backed it out of the garage. We waved and I took off. Mandy said, "Lets check out the new superhighway." I took the car to the highway entrance and nailed it. This thing was incredible and then I went into air mode as we got onto the air express section. Mandy said, "I like the signs with minimum speeds at each level. Go up to the third level at 50 feet and nail it."

I hit 1,130 miles an hour and it felt safe with the way the highway system was now constructed and organized. We slowed and pulled down two levels and then pulled onto the regular highway. We pulled over and changed so Mandy could drive. She drove us back home and pushed the car to its new limit. We hit 1,280 miles an hour. This was definitely scary as every little air pocket made the car swerve a little. She was at 50 feet when the automatic collision detection system rang a chime and flashed red. She raised it to 65 feet as we passed three cars in less than 2 seconds that were only doing about 250. We both said, "Holy shit! Those fucking assholes can't read." We drove the car home in regular mode, and watched Dedra driving one of the vintage cars with Lou Ann as they came back into the garage.

We all went into the house and Lou Ann said, "Time for our massage." They had Eve and Eva massage them in the den as we watched. Mandy lit a cigarette as Kate's daughter Katherine came in along with Julie's kids Adel and Blair. I said, "To what do we owe the pleasure?" They smiled and Katherine said, "Okay, we had that comment coming. We decided to spend more time at home." Mandy said, "Welcome back."

We turned on the TV and saw so many of Melissa's new commercials that were a riot. Lou Ann and Dedra were hysterically laughing while getting a massage when one about the new homes came on. It had the androids all taking a break after work, drinking a beer, and smoking cigars in the warehouse. One said, "Tony, you have any more houses fall down today?" The other replied, "No Way! I did 17, and all are still standing." Then it shows the androids memory of one that fell in fast motion. At least a hundred androids are running into each other moving walls, as the buyers are constantly changing their minds using the software system. The house is sideways, and falls over like playing cards. Lou Ann must have laughed for 10 minutes. I said, "Melissa and Jody are definitely having way too much fun with this."

We saw an Instant Kitchen commercial where the owner makes a mistake in entering the numbers and a cooked dog comes out, then a cat, and then a cooked dog again. The owner unplugs it, looks at his dog, smiles a devilish grin, and plugs it back in as he says, "Hey Spot, I got you a new bed and pet TV. Want to try it?" I thought Mandy was going to shit as she screamed for Ruffles to watch it.

Dedra said, "Is everyone here slightly crazy, or am I just out of touch with reality?" I said, "We hardly ever take anything serious. In commercials, funny and sexy sells; boring gets ignored. The first commercial for a product is always serious, and then we get silly or sexy. People expect it and love it." Dedra said, "I understand all about what you did to get rid of crime, are there any court cases that I can see? I want to watch the process now." Mandy said, "The court network allows you to select previous court cases to watch them interactively, if nothing is scheduled. Lets check it out." Mandy selected the station and it said, "Court is not in session. Please select any of the cases to review." She scrolled through a list and said, "You'll like this one. It was one of only six murders this year." Mandy selected it and we all watched it. Dedra was laughing and said, "That's it? Five minutes and the person gets toasted in hell? No wonder there's no crime." We smiled and nodded.

All of the rest of the troops came into the den with us and Kathy said, "Alternating shot billiards tournament tonight at our resort in the main ballroom, if you want to play. I registered you both thinking you would." I said, "What's the prize?" Kathy and Julie were smiling and Julie said, "It costs 50 thousand to enter and you win cash plus a prize that we want to keep if you win it. It's a new Ferrari 712, just like yours except in yellow." Mandy said, "Yellow? You can have the red one. Yellow is my color."

I said, "What if it has the old air system, we'll have to send it back to the factory again." Mandy said, "We'll check it first. Julie, I hit 1,280 miles an hour today and it was fucking scary. That collision avoidance system saved our ass. What time does it start?" Kathy said, "In about 2 hours. I'll make some dinner. Oh, hi Adel, I thought we were just looking at one of your life size photos." Adel said, "Okay we deserve it, but we're home to stay for a while." Kathy and Julie went to hug all three kids and Kathy said, "So where were you this time?" They walked with them into the kitchen as we heard Katherine say, "We went to 15 planets in 29 days, and climbed six mountains." Mandy and I just smiled, as Megan said, "They are such fuck ups", and took a drag of her cigarette and then handed it to Rose. Kate and Judy must have come home into the kitchen and we heard Judy scream, "They're home?"

Mandy channel surfed and stopped to see more of Melissa's new commercials and everyone was laughing. These were better than the last batch. Dedra said, "Is that all she does all day is dream up this stuff?" I said, "Melissa and Jody are marketing and sales geniuses. People actually spend more time watching the commercials than some of the shows." I said out loud and echoed it into Karen's mind, "Hey, that's an idea. Why not have a two hour best of SolarNational commercials show. I'll bet the ratings would be better than the pet network. Feature how Melissa and Jody get the ideas and how they film them also. Call it the funnies." Karen said into all of our minds, "Jen, you're brilliant. Thank you and I owe you one again." Dedra said, "Who was that?" Mandy said, "She runs all of the entertainment, TV, radio, film, bands, you name it."

Kathy yelled out, "The dogs are done for dinner." We all lost it laughing after watching the commercials and went into the kitchen. I said, "I bet half of the people that saw that commercial will say almost the same thing. It's a piss." We all went into the kitchen and Kathy said, "I felt like Italian tonight. We have four different kinds of veal and angel hair." We all made ourselves a plate and sat down for dinner, as we listened to Katherine, Adel, and Blair tell us about their last trip. I said, "You three are loony tunes. Why would anyone try to climb up a rock cliff that is 7,000 feet straight up? It's insanity. You should have just used your powers and made stairs or an elevator." Everyone was laughing and Adel said, "It's our hobby, just like driving at lunatic speeds is one of yours. Plus we were the first people to ever make it to the top." Mandy said, "She's got us on that one." I said, "You three want to root us on tonight, but you're not allowed to climb the walls of the ballroom." Everyone was laughing and Katherine said, "We'll go and we promise to not embarrass you." They all made boo-boo face and Mandy and I hugged them. I said, "We were only kidding. I would never have the guts to do some of the things you three did. I hate heights. My knees shake." Mandy was smiling and nodding her head.

We all displaced to the Vacation World resort and went into the ballroom. Tara said, "Mandy, if you and Jen win, this tournament was free and we'll have made a killing on it." I said, "We're keeping the car." Tara said, "That's cool. Just leave the cash. Make some side wagers." Everyone was laughing as we went into the crowded ballroom that had 10 pool tables set up and portable bleachers and chairs set up everywhere. The TV crew was there and we signed in. Julie said, "Good thing I remembered the cash", as she paid our entry fee, and said, "You guys are getting so absent minded." We got our first table assignment and we went to check out the car. Mandy said, "It's has all the upgrades and is in my color. We're winning this one."

I lit a cigarette as we read the tournament rules. Mandy said, "Cool, just like the golf match. We play each other's game with alternating shots until the final match. Eight ball and then nine ball." She took a drag of the cigarette and put her arm over my shoulder and said, "I can really see us driving that car." I took a drag again and held in the smoke as Julie said, "You serious about us getting the red one? The first car to ever win an Airmobile race and it's a Ferrari. We'll take it! Now don't loose!" Julie and Kathy were rubbing our necks as Kathy was saying, "Be the ball. Send it home Jen." We all started to laugh and I said, "You were talking to Eve." They cracked up and Kathy said, "That went on TV also. We died laughing when you sank that putt."

We got up to play our first match and shook hands with a couple. I said, "Interested in a side wager?" The gentleman said, "100 thousand okay?" Julie put the money on a side table and they matched it. We lagged for break and won as usual and the tournament judge said, "Alternating shot eight ball. Call your shots. Best 2 out of 3 racks." Mandy said, "We'll break." She took a shot and hit it perfect. The cue ball hit the corner of the rack and two balls went to the cushion and then came back into the rack and the cue ball was resting against the balls, completely frozen.

The woman broke the rack and Mandy smiled at me. We planned each shot for each other and ran lows and sank the eight ball. The gentleman said, "Care to up the wager to another 100 grand?" Julie put out the money and I said, "It's your break." He took his shot and tried to do what Mandy did and messed it up. Mandy smiled and we planned our shots again. We ran the highs and sank the eight. We shook hands again and the woman said, "You're damn good."

We played nine more matches just like this one and won a little over 7 million dollars. The last two players we played were pretty good but bet way too much money. The last four games were 3 out of 7 racks and we just keep upping the wagers. Tara came over and saw the money and I said, "Take the prize money out of our winnings here so it doesn't look like it's fixed or something when we give the money back." Tara said, "Good thinking. The prize money is 3 million. Holy shit, did you ever win a lot."

We got our call for the final match and we went to the center of the room. It was now just plain nine-ball in teams. Mandy said, "They're playing our song honey." We met our opponents and Mandy and I shook hands with them. A judge formally introduced us and the woman opponent said, "Why do you want the 712. We all saw you win the race with the first Cannonball air race with one." Mandy said, "This one's yellow and it's my color."

They laughed and we lagged for break. We won as usual when we both froze the cue ball against the cushion. The judge racked the balls and Mandy said, "We'll break. Nine in the corner." She looked at the rack and called the judge over and said, "The balls are not touching. Please re-rack." The other couple was laughing at us and I said, "You interested in a one bet wager on this shot? How about 20 million?"

They took out all of their money and only had 10 million. I said, "10 is good." Julie dumped out 10 million as they counted it, and Mandy waited. She took the shot carefully and the ball went straight into the pocket. She yelled out, "Whoooeee", jumped up and then hugged me, as Julie took all the money off the table. Mandy said, "It's your break."

We sat and watched as they were studying the rack to see how Mandy made the shot. The woman went first and called nine in the corner, just like Mandy did. As soon as she hit the cue ball Mandy said, "Your shot. She hit it too high on the rack with no English." It didn't go in and I got ready to take a shot. Someone ran up the couple with a suitcase full of money and the man said, "Thanks. You interested in another wager? Say 50 million on the match?" I smiled as Julie counted our 50 million and we watched the TV camera focus on the money. I called combination 1 to 9 into this corner, banked." I took the shot and easily made it. Mandy said, "Two zip and it's your break again. That yellow car has our name on it. I can tell."

They were laughing again and then tried to sink the nine on the break again and Mandy was trying not to laugh. As soon as the man hit the cue ball she stood and said, "Nope." We watched the balls explode and roll all over the table. Mandy smiled and said, "You have got to make this a little harder for us. One into the nine. Corner pocket." Mandy hit it and it went in. I said, "Three zip. Last rack if you don't beat us."

They were talking and the woman scratched on purpose. I had cue ball in hand and Mandy said, "Do it. We're up by three to zip." Mandy helped me place the ball and said into my mind, "Slight English, you know where to hit it. Read my mind on the shot." I read her mind and knew exactly where to hit it. I called, "Nine in the corner." I took the shot and Mandy said, "Lets hope it's hard enough." We watched the balls break and the nine rolling slowly towards the pocket. Julie was screaming, "Roll! Roll! Roll you mother! Roll!" The nine ball rolled real slow and looked like it was stopping on the lip, but it slowly dropped in. We all screamed and the crowd went crazy. Mandy and I hugged, and Julie ran to take all of the money. We shook hands with our opponents and the man said to us, "Unbelievable. Great playing and I guess that car did have your name on it. Lets hear how it sounds before you leave."

The hotel manager made a presentation and we got the 3 million, and the keys to the car. Julie and Kathy were screaming, "We got the red one! We got the red one!" We watched all of the kids laughing at them as Mandy unlocked the car door, got in, and fired up the engine for everyone to hear it. She feathered the gas and said, "It definitely sounds better in yellow", as she turned it off and got out. All of the players shook our hands and congratulated us, as Tara put her arm around me and said, "Don't you ever loose?" Mandy said, "Not at this game."

We had a quick interview and Mandy got back in the car, started it, and drove it slowly through the doors out of the ballroom. The hotel workers opened up the double glass doors and Mandy drove it outside into the parking lot. The whole gang was around us and I said, "Displacement time." Mandy displaced the car home and then we displaced home also. She got into the car and drove it into the garage and looked at it one more time before we turned out the lights. She said, "I love that car in yellow. Julie and Kathy, enjoy the red one. It's yours." They turned the lights back on and went out to sit in the red one. Everyone was laughing.


Mandy was all smiles as we went into the house. She put her arm over my shoulder and said, "I think we need to go to bed honey." She said into my mind, "Your pussy and cock have my name written all over them too." I smiled at her and lit a cigarette as we walked up to our bedroom and yelled "goodnight" to everyone. I took a drag of the cigarette and said to Mandy, "I loved the malted milk flavor cum. Lets do that one tonight." She squeezed me with her arm and said, "I liked that one too." I handed her the cigarette and she took a drag as we walked into our room.

We undressed and were so into each other. We rubbed each other's cocks, and pussy, and kissed teasing each other. I said into Mandy's ear, "I am so hot." She took a final drag of the cigarette and put it out, as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into the bed. I lay on top of her and she held our cocks together in her hand squeezing them and said, "Fuck me baby, while I fuck you." We kissed again and Mandy turned us into combined couples. I slid my cock into her wet pussy, as her cock slid into my cunt like warm butter. I pushed in all the way as we both moaned. Mandy spread her legs wide open and whispered into my ear, "Make your bunny tail go up and down." I fucked into her moving my ass up and down, as we were both so hot. Mandy wrapped her arms and legs around me and rolled us on our side and she slid her body on mine in rhythm. We were fucking each other and really getting into it.

We went for about two hours and each blasted off three times. I felt my cum stream shoot into Mandy with such force, as we kept moving. Mandy kissed me over and over again and said, "I have to eat you baby." She moved into a 69 position with me and we ate malted milk flavored cum from our pussies, and made each other spray more juices tasting the same. I was so into it when we heard in our minds, "I need everyone to come to the work planet immediately. We have an emergency." Mandy and I jumped out of bed, threw on some cloths, and displaced.

Everyone was there within a minute and Traff said, "We found a comet that is traveling on a collision course with Eden. It's way too big for the space defense system to do anything. We have about 4 days and that's it. This sucker is moving. Everyone try to concentrate with me to change it's course." Chris got on a computer and showed the object on the screen along with the speed and trajectory. We all concentrated and watched the speed change and the trajectory change a little. Then we did it again and slowed it down further and completely changed it's course. Chris said, "One more time and we can send it into deep space where there aren't any planets." We all concentrated and changed the course of the comet to miss everything.

Traff said, "Just another day at the office. Thanks everyone." Cross said, "Does this happen a lot?" Chris said, "More than we'd like. I need to find out why the early warning system didn't pick that up." Mandy and I were standing right in front of Max and Mary, and Mary had her hands on my shoulder and Mandy's. We both turned around and Mary gave me the sexiest tongue out kiss for about 10 seconds, and then kissed Mandy the same way. She said into our minds, "Max loves it when I do this, and I like it too. He won't turn into a woman for me and I'm trying to convince him." She kissed me again and I said, "Turn him into one anyway and kiss him in front of a mirror." Mary and Mandy were laughing as we all displaced back to our homes.

Mandy and I took off our cloths and hopped back into bed. She said, "I hate those fire drills. I think we were about to make love again. That sound about right?" I did say a word. I changed us into combined couples and just smiled as we put our bodies together, and interlocked. Mandy and I fucked for three hours nonstop and blasted off together four times. I was exhausted, sweating, and breathing heavy into Mandy's ear. She was panting and whispered into my ear, "Baby, you are so sexy when you sweat like this. Kiss me again." I kissed Mandy as we tried to catch our breath. She licked my lips and then wiped my sweat off of my forehead and licked it. She said, "Honey, even our sweat tastes like malted milk. It's great." I licked Mandy's cheek and it did taste great. We both started to giggle. Mandy lay back a little a reached to the nightstand and lit a cigarette. She took a deep drag and the tip glowed red in the dim light. She took a second drag and held in the smoke, as she put the cigarette in my lips. I inhaled twice and took the cigarette out with my fingers and we both giggled again, as sweat dripped into both of our mouths and it tasted great. We shared the cigarette and then fell asleep interlocked.

We woke up a 7 in the morning as we were sliding into each other and in our dream. We both blasted off as we held each other. My cock spit cum into her Mandy and her cock was pulsating while my pussy was contracting on it. We drifted back into a dream we were sharing and Mandy said to me, "These are our grandchildren, and the our great grandchildren. We have half of the house filled up now honey. Isn't it wonderful?" I said back to her in our dream, "When are they born?" Mandy held up a newspaper with each of the births being announced, and I said to her, "So soon? This is great." We laughed in our sleep as we played with the kids, and then woke up. I opened our eyes and I said, "So Megan and Rose, Alicia and Cary, Patty and Debbie, Margi and Alice, Kelly and Tracey, and Jennifer and Amanda, all get pregnant at the same time. This is going to be one fucked up bitchy house for a while." Mandy was laughing and said, "Yup."

We got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I said, "Malted milk?" Mandy put her arms around me and we lay in the shower area in a 69 position and licked each other's pussy as we peed. It tasted like malted milk and we couldn't stop laughing until we both started moaning again. We each had an orgasm and then I turned on the shower.

We went downstairs and made an instant breakfast in the Instant Kitchen, as the whole gang was coming downstairs to eat. Megan and Rose were so into each other at breakfast. Mandy said into my mind, "Last night was the night. Look at the glow on all of them." I said back, "All of them?" Mandy looked at me smiling and nodded her head. Chris and Roberta displaced into the room and I said, "You stayed last night?" Roberta said, "We fixed it. It was a software glitch. We never expanded a field when we expanded the coverage to the entire universe. We converted it to the new language so it doesn't happen again and tested it. Now it even picks up stuff before our scanners can even get a clear image of it."

We all ate and had some coffee. Katherine, Adel, and Blair came downstairs and sat with us, as Adel said, "Megan, we want to get more involved in the company again and have some ideas." Megan said, "Hallelujah! The most brilliant of all of us finally wakes up. Lets meet in my office this morning." Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy were smiling. Lou Ann said, "I want Dedra to work with me as an officer in my company. Do I need board approval?" I said, "Nope. It's your company. Lou Ann you're the CEO. I would make Dedra the COO and second in command." Megan said, "I'll have someone do the agreements."

We all displaced to the office and went to meet in Megan's office listening to Katherine, Adel, and Blair present their ideas. They were smart as hell and come up with things in three markets we weren't in. The one that we all liked was Extreme Sports. Adel said, "The AirMobile race fits in that category also. Have a small group at SolarNational that sponsors these events also, and we get dedicated TV coverage on the new Extreme Sports Network. I think that the whole sporting event sponsorship program should be under one person and we could run it like we run the bands. Merchandising, the whole nine yards." I said, "You want to run it?" Adel said, "Blair should run it, and our grandmother should be a big part of it to get it running. Each one of us would focus on different portions of it." Megan said, "Lets do it. Tell me what you need to make it happen." Blair turned on her hand held computer and said, "We put together a plan that has everything in it." She walked us through the plan and it was obvious that they really thought everything out. Megan said, "It's good to have you back getting involved again."

We were just breaking up and Karen popped her head in and said, "We're doing a screening of the most outrageous show we ever did. This was your idea Jen. We edited it at the work planet last night. It's in the auditorium in 5 minutes if you want to sit in. It's called Making The Funnies." We all smiled and I said, "We're coming."

Mandy and I each went into our offices to check our mail and I had a cigarette while responding to a few emails. She dragged me out to go to the auditorium. There were about 50 people in the room sitting up front and we joined them. Melissa said, "Get ready to wet your pants on this one." Karen yelled to the back booth, "Roll it", as we all watched the show. It was hysterical. It started with 5 commercials that we never aired because they so over the edge and each one had a blooper in it. It followed Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen doing a commercial from start to finish and then had one funny part after the other. It had interviews of people in the street about our products and one person said, "Oh yeah, the Instant Kitchen is great for cooking dogs." We all lost it. Everyone in the room laughed for over an hour and a half. The tape ended and Karen said, "We're making some last minute edits and airing it this Wednesday night as a special in prime time, commercial free." We all smiled at the last comment. It's all commercials.

Mandy and I went with Dedra and Lou Ann to announce Dedra's new role to her executive staff and they all questioned it at first, until she gave a speech on what was missing in the process and how we could make it even more profitable. She said into our minds, "Lou Ann and I wrote that last night. What do you think?" Mandy answered, "Home run!"

We went back to our offices and Megan stopped into my office with Mandy. I said, "What's up?" Megan said, "How would you two like to run everything again for a little while? Rose and I are pregnant." I got up and hugged her and said, "It runs by itself. Someone just needs to check on the direction of the ship. We'll do that for you. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if all of your sisters have the same problem." Megan looked surprised and said, "You think so?" Mandy smiled and said, "We're not sure, but they have that same glow that you and Rose have right now." Megan said, "Lets find out." She said into their minds, "Anyone pregnant except me and Rose?" We heard them all say that they were also. Mandy and I were smiling and Mandy said, "This is great!" Megan said, "Lets get together in my office for a few minutes."

We all went into Megan's office and she said, "Who can take over for each one of us while we're out?" Everyone spilt up their responsibilities to the people that worked for them and I said, "Mandy and I will cover the CEO and COO responsibilities. You're all set." We sat around laughing about what it's going to be like in the house in about 14 weeks.

The next 14 weeks was pure hell. Mandy and I took over the roles of Megan and Alicia and we ended up working 12 to 16 hour days again and hated it. Every one of the kid's direct reports were so afraid to make a decision we had to do all of it. Julie and Kathy laughed about it almost every day, and we were ready to kill. There just wasn't enough time in the day for all of the things we wanted to do. Three weeks ago we just said, "fuck it" and only showed up to work part time. Mandy said, "Grace, we're going back to our old way of doing things. You and Flow handle all of it, and see us two times a week. If the idiots can't make up their own minds or make a decision, we'll do it for them, and they are not going to like the results. Tell them that we will gladly do their jobs also, but they loose their bonuses. Lets see how that sits." Grace was laughing and said, "Relax. I'll take care of it."

Megan was the first to go into labor, followed 1 hour later by Rose. They all went into labor at 1 hour increments and Mandy and I were like lunatics. The two of us, helped by Chris, Roberta, Kate, Judy, Kathy, and Julie, delivered all of the babies at home. We had 12 newborn babies born in 12 hours, on the same day. It was a nightmare, but we actually loved all of it. Mandy and I held each of our grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Chris and Roberta got us 6 android nannies, and Julie and Kathy set up three rooms as nurseries.

Megan named her daughter Jen, after me, and Alicia named her daughter Mandy. Mandy and I had to write down the list of names of which baby went to which one of our kids. We actually couldn't remember them. When the babies turned a week old we knew they all had the powers in their mind. Little Jen was moving a rattle in the crib using her mind and laughing at it. Little Mandy was moving it back and laughing also. Every one of the kids was doing some small things. Mandy and I laughed our ass off at Megan when she said, "Oh my God, I hope they aren't as bad as we were. We tortured the nannies."

Things were starting to get back to normal again, or I should say back to our usual way of acting, which we all know isn't normal. Megan and Alicia asked us to keep running the company for a while, as they really wanted to raise the kids. All of the other kids went back to working part time. Mandy and I were back in our old roles. Since Julie and Kathy didn't want to run the advisory panel any more, we gave that job to Chris and Roberta and they loved it. We used Grace to act as our designee and she was tougher than we were. We loved it. She would grill people on things before she brought it to us, with the exception of Kate, Judy, Karen, and the rest of our exclusive club. She trained Flow and Flow now gives us a one-page sheet on each item, so we really don't have to think. She even tells us what she thought we should do, and she hasn't been wrong yet. Mandy said to me, "Let her run it."

Melissa and Jody, and Janice and Karen were now grandmothers also. They finally moved into the house next to ours and it is almost as big.

Despite all of the craziness, Mandy and I have kept up with the band and racing. We also have a Saturday afternoon routine now where we take out the yellow 712 and Julie and Kathy take out the red one, and we run like we are in a race. We pass each other at over 1,250 miles and hour. We decided to stay at 65 feet and pass at 75, because no one drives as fast as we do on the superhighways. We also decided to run this years cannonball again. I really think that Julie and Kathy will beat us. They both drive so incredible now. They took first and second at the last IMSA race, beating us by about a car length.

Mandy and I finally lost a round of golf to Eve and Adam and they almost passed out when we both missed an eagle putt on the 18th. If either of us made it we would have tied. Mandy and I both shot a 64, which is still incredibly low. We paid them each a quarter and they had it framed and mounted in their den.

Lou Ann and Dedra are doing incredible well. At last analysis, we have about 35 percent of the new housing construction in our revenue stream, and almost 95 percent of the new housing construction for homes over 5 million. Dedra said, "I'll take that market any day of the week."

After the kids were 3 weeks old, Megan broke the news to us again. They all were going for seconds. Mandy and I laughed for about a half hour and she started counting bedrooms. She said, "We're okay still. No construction additions until the next generation gets here."

It was a hilarious 14 weeks. The babies were great and so content, but the mothers were a basket case. They were nuttier than we were. Melissa came over the day we found out and laughed as she said, "Us too. What a nightmare."

We all put the bands on hold for a little while, and the company was doing better than ever. Mandy and I had to do a shareholders meeting and we had to bring in a mathematician to explain to us what the numbers were and how to pronounce them. He said, "Just say million, trillion, trillion." Mandy said, "We knew that, but what number is it?" He said, "I have no clue." Mandy made a joke out of it and wrote out the entire number running over from line to line on a slide. The caption was, "We give up. What number is it?" Then I showed the balance sheet in MTT (million, trillion, trillion). We gave Flow a ridicules raise so she would never leave, and settled on working just two days a week. We get involved in some interesting projects, but not the way we use too. We just haven't found anything that really got us interested. We do love to stay home and play with the kids.

When the second batch of kids were born we hired a decorator to really make the kids recroom into an infant playground. It was huge and we bought at least four of every toy possible, plastic houses, you name it. Some of the toys we bought twenty four of as we knew there would be fighting. We also bought four more android nannies, which Megan called the baby police. Little Jen was a terror and such an instigator. I thought Megan and Rose were going to pull out their hair, as they watched her use her powers to lift up a plastic house and put it on top of one of the android nannies. Mandy, me, Chris, Roberta, Julie, Kathy, Kathy, and Judy laughed everyday. Mostly at our kids going berserk trying to be parents.

When all of the kids got to be a year old, we went back to the bands but only playing every other month. Mandy and I wrote all new material for all of the groups and we released new CDs. We planned very large venue concerts and they were all sold out within hours of the announcements. We seem to be more popular now, than we were playing regularly. We can't figure that one out at all.

The air cannonball race was postponed and held two months later due to a changing of the rules. We ran in heats based on car type, and it was so fucking scary. Mandy and I won, and ran neck and neck with Julie and Kathy to the finish line, both going over 1,286 miles an hour. None of us saw the finish line and had to make an emergency stop when we ran out of road. We both pulled up to 150 feet and flew over the trees and then came back to the hotel at the end. We did have a blast and Megan called us all suicidal. Mandy whispered into my ear, "I told you yellow was my color." Even Katherine, Adel, and Blair, who ran the sponsorship for the event this year thought we were totally crazy, and that's coming from people that slept on a rock cliff at 9,500 feet in the freezing cold.

Patty, Debbie, Mandy, me, Julie, and Kathy also ran in the first professional IMSA race on the planet Eden. It's so even now between us, any of us came win, or come in sixth. Patty won this event and I finished second with Mandy sixth this time. We were all within a split second of each other at the finish line and 8 laps ahead of everyone else.

The next two years were totally uneventful for our household. Mandy and I were totally at peace with everything and loved getting up each day and playing with the kids. They all were talking at 13 months and running around. They also could read at 18 months. Little Alicia was doing calculus at 27 months and Chris sat with her and four of the others to help them with it. They were trying to figure out how much water was in the swimming pool. Megan said, "The little darlings are calculating how much cement to put into it to fill it up solid. Rose, why did I let you talk me into this?" Rose was laughing and said, "Look at the bright side. We haven't been into work now in almost 3 years." Megan kissed her and said, "You got that right. Lets go spend the day in bed while they invent new ways to torture us." The rest of our kids all went back to work part-time like us. Megan was just totally burned out, and we knew that feeling.

When the youngest of the kids turned three, we sent them all to Kids' World for two weeks. They were all crying when we dropped them off and it was just like when we dropped off our kids 28 years ago. The kids were talking to all of us at least once a day. We heard, "Grandma, they won't let us go on the roller coaster. Can you P-L-E-A-S-E say that it's okay for us." Mandy and I were laughing and I said back, "They can do anything they want. Try to keep them challenged." The second week they went to the History of Life theme park and we heard all of them telling us in our minds how cool it was. Chris promised them that they could help built one of their own android animals when they got home and we heard cheering so loud in out heads we all covered our ears. When we went to pick them up, the kids couldn't wait to leave to build their own androids. We took them to one of the factories and really let them do it. Chris used one of the action figure computers and shrunk their creations to about a foot high. They all cheated and used their powers and the results we so funny. Little Jen, made a half elephant and half giraffe. Some of the other's creations were really spacey.

We talked to our kids and they wanted us to teach their kids gradually about their powers, so we did. Mandy and I worked with all of them in a classroom type of setting and taught them about it. Then we made them promise not to hurt anyone, or we would take them away until they were older. All of the kids really respected us and started to become very careful about when they used the powers.

When the kids turned seven, Mandy and I had our 100th birthday party and it was a killer. We also celebrated Julie and Kathy's birthday, Kate and Judy's, Janice and Karen's, and Melissa's. Jody was two years younger so we told her she had to wait and she was so pissed off. We actually made the party into a surprise party for Jody and she was definitely surprised. The party lasted two days and we had over 2,400 guests. People were sleeping all over the beach. We also had 9 bands play and then all our bands did a set each. I don't think I've ever been that drunk before in my life and stayed conscious.

That year we also taught the kids to make gills and swim in the ocean with us. They loved it, especially communicating with the fish and mermaids. A few of them saw us making love and little Megan said to us after we got out of the water, "We know what you were doing. We spy on our moms all the time. It feels really good." Mandy and I looked at each other in shock, and told the others. They couldn't stop laughing. Megan and Rose were trying to figure out how they saw them and I said, "Remote viewing. Remember, this was your idea to teach them about the powers. I bet they viewed your rooms at night."

Mandy and I viewed the grandkids rooms that night and they definitely knew what they were doing. We watched ten of them get into a 69 position and suck each other off, and then lick each other's pussy. Another 6 were fucking. We got so hot we did it also and Mandy said, "I bet they're watching us. We have to have a discussion on privacy next."


The company ran by itself for the most part, and revenue and profit kept climbing. We realized that all of us were pretty much interchangeable parts and we started to rotate some of the responsibilities. This month was Debbie and Patty's turn to share the role of CEO. The shareholders only see it as us, and we felt that we shouldn't confuse them with the facts. The only thing Mandy and I don't rotated is the MJIC responsibilities. We had to pay out on a bank that went bust, but it wasn't a lot. We increased our auditing demands after that incident, and most of the banks actually thanked us. We lost several customers but as Mandy put it, "That's one less problem we have to deal with. Plus who would be dumb enough to put their money in an uninsured bank account that can't pass our audit."

The grandkids all just turned twelve and besides having the crazy birthday parties as usual, our kids felt it was time we really educated them about their powers and life. They all have earned four different PhDs and are in the gifted program for SolarNational. All of them are musically talented and about half of them are now bugging us about helping them start a band. Mandy and I started to write a ton of new material for them.

We took all of them to the work planet and Eve was such a piss. She gave them the lecture about the powers and spent over 2 hours telling them about creating life. Little Jen said, "We already know that stuff. Can you show us the really cool things like making your tongue longer and bumps on our cocks." I thought Megan and Alicia were going to piss in their pants. We put them all on the knowledge transfer computers and they got all of it. When we displaced back home Megan said into our minds, "I want this to be as special for them as it was for me when we made love the first time." The grandkids all slept with their parents that night. Megan called us in our minds at 1 in the morning to join them and Mandy said back, "Come in here with us."

Megan and Rose came into our room with Jen, Beth, Carrin, and Debby. We made love to them like we did to our children as Combined couples, and it was the most incredible night I think Mandy and I ever had. We bonded, and felt so close. The grandkids were also about as sexy and sleazy as it gets. After we made love, Beth lit a cigarette and said, "Okay Debby, suck me off and show everyone the cum in your mouth before you suck off Carrin and Jen. I want to see all of it and taste it." Debby smiled and said, "I love to do this. Grandmas, can I do you both first?" She sucked us both off, and Mandy and I were so hot, we shot so much into her mouth. She showed it to everyone and then shared it. Mandy and I interlocked and fucked the whole time, as we watched. I think I shot a pint into her, and she was the same way. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Jen, I am so hot watching this baby. I'm cumming inside of you again."

Megan and Rose were as bad as us and we made love as a foursome, and so did the kids. None of us got a wink of sleep that night as all of our kids and the grandkids came into our room at about 4 in the morning. They decide to have a food orgy breakfast and we all stayed in bed and on the floor in our bedroom all morning. Every one of our grandchildren and great grandchildren made love to us. It was amazing. Little Mandy and Beth, were by far the sexiest of all of them. We couldn't take our eyes off of little Mandy and she had us make her into a fuck sandwich.

Mandy and I made love to each other more passionate after that, than any other time in years. Then we ate each other out for hours. We both loved the strawberry cheesecake flavor we made our body fluids that night. Beth came over and knelt by my face and licked Mandy's pussy, while I sucked her Mandy's cock. Then she gave me the wettest sloppiest kiss and said, "I love both of you so much. This was wonderful."

We all got up and showered around 2 in the afternoon and then we took them for a swim at the beach, and showed them how to float making love. There were 44 of us in the water having sex for about an hour. Kate said into our minds, "This is so incredible." We ended the day with a trip to the dinosaur continent on Vacation World. I said, "These animals are real. You have to communicate with them so they know who you are and will not harm them. It's not like the androids. If you get in trouble, use your powers." We spent a few hours with the real dinosaurs and all of them loved it. Mandy and I took pictures of everything. Lou Ann and Dedra walked around showing all of us things we never knew about at this place. Dedra said, "I had plenty of time to find these things." We swam in a hot springs, and under a waterfall with the animals. The grandkids played in the water and were such a piss. They were all diving off of the back of a brontosaurus. I got pictures of all of it. Everyone was getting hungry so we displaced back home.

Kathy and Julie made us a pigow barbecue on the open pit that was huge. Dinner at this house was now like cooking for a hotel when we all ate together. Our kids also let the grandkids have a few drinks. Cary made everyone our favorite run drinks and Megan made a toast, "All of you now know what it means to create life, love each other, and have a shit load of fun. We all love each and every one of you. Moms, you are the best parents in the world, and our kids all feel the same way." We all drank and Mandy and I downed the glass, as everyone laughed. Mandy stood up and said, "You have all made us very happy. Jen and I have finally found the true meaning of life and the real prize. We knew it a long time ago, and you have proved it to us yesterday and today. It's you, all of you. We want to help each of you be the best that you can be at whatever you choose to do in life, and above all be happy. You are all entering the golden age of being a teenager. I was a lunatic, and so were all of us pretty much. Megan and Alicia were total terrors. Ask anyone. All that I ask is that you not hurt yourselves or anyone else, and not blow up the houses or cars. Anything else is fair game. If I think your heading too far over the edge, we'll stop you." Everyone was laughing as we all drank another toast. I said, "Anyone for a boat trip tomorrow to Ruubba island?" We heard back a scream of "Yes!" and Megan said, "Oh my God, are you crazy? All of them at once?" I smiled and said, "Your parents have to go too, or the trips off."

Julie leaned over on us and said, "Can we sleep with you on the boat?" Mandy said, "That's exactly what we had in mind. You like strawberry cheesecake or malted milk better?" We all smiled as Julie said, "We tried blueberry banana yesterday, and it's outrageous. Kathy lapped my cunt for two hours." I said, "Want to practice sleeping on the boat in our room tonight?" Mandy was laughing as Kathy said, "Oh course darling. We would love to educate you less fortunate individuals on the finer flavors of cum, pussy juice, piss, and sweat." Julie was cracking up and kissed us both, before she sat back up. I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag as Mandy said, "Blueberry banana. Sounds like a good desert tonight." Mandy took a drag from the cigarette, holding in the smoke, and then blowing it our slowly through her nose. Beth walked over to us and took a cigarette out of my pack and lit it up. She leaned over and kissed me softly on the cheek and Mandy and said, "You really are the best grand parents any one could ever have and I love you both so much." She hugged us and then stood a yelled, "Okay Jen, I buttered them up. Now we can go play music in the studio with their guitars." Mandy and I laughed and I said, "Knock yourself out."

All of the grandkids went to the studio and we watched as a few played together on the stage. I said, "Who wants to be in a real band?" They all raised their hands and were yelling. Mandy said, "Get into groups of who you want to play with in a band." They formed 4 groups of 6 each and Mandy said to the first group that was on the stage, "Listen to us as we play these four songs. Then we'll teach them to you." Everyone listened and the kids loved them. Megan said, "Those are all hits. You ready for them to be touring?" Mandy said, "With you guys and us, why not? We only play 4 to 6 times a year."

We taught the first group the material and they sounded great. The parents all worked with them on stage performance and they were all getting into it. We did the same thing with each group and they all sounded good, but so different. Even the style of how they did our songs was totally different. One band with Jennifer and Amanda's kids were so much like the sound of Chris and Roberta. Chris said, "We'll write their material unless you want to write all of us another platinum album." Mandy said, "We'll work on it."

Julie and Kathy were standing behind us and they each put their arms around us from behind. Mandy leaned over to me smiling and said, "I think that means they want to go play with us now upstairs in bed." Julie had her cheeks on my the back of my face and neck and said, "Mandy, you win the prize. Now how about letting Kathy and I make you two go crazy for a while?"

Mandy said, "We'll leave at 9 tomorrow. Goodnight." Kathy smiled at us and said, "I am so horny. Julie, I'm dripping already thinking about this." Julie and Kathy backed off of us and kissed, and Mandy gave we a quick kiss as we walked upstairs. We went into our bedroom, undressed, Julie and Kathy had Mandy and I lay down on our backs next to each other. Julie and her got on top of us in a 69 position, and we licked pussy. Kathy was sucking my pussy and licking it, while I sucked hers. Mandy and I watched each other, and we both got so hot. We all had an orgasm and the blueberry banana was good. We moved and made a four way chain sucking each other's cock in a blow fuck job. Julie fingered my pussy and sucked my cock into her throat, as I did the same thing to Kathy, who did it to Mandy. It took about 20 minutes and we all basted off. My cock pulsated as my pussy contracted and I shot a thick squirt of my cum into Julie's mouth, as she made a "mmmmmm" sound and then bucked into Mandy's face cumming. Julie swallowed as I kept squirting cum into her mouth and then Kathy blasted off into my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could as she bucked into me. We all sucked each other hard again, and then we paired up.

Mandy and I kissed over and over again, as we were so hot. We interlocked and fucked as our bodies were touching Julie and Kathy. They rolled over and kissed us both so sexy and then made love to each other like we were. The four of us fucked for hours. We all came three times and then Mandy said to Julie and Kathy, "Separate and lay there. Jen and I want some desert, and then you can do us the same way." Mandy and I lay between their legs, as they were touching. We alternated licking and sucking their pussies, and swallowing the cum. They both leaned against the pillows and watched us, getting even hotter. We made them orgasm twice. Mandy and I kissed, sharing the cum for the forth time, and then lay next to them the same way. Julie and Kathy drove us crazy as they licked our pussies, sucking out and swallowing the cum. I orgasmed three times. Mandy and I made our cocks bigger and sucked ourselves and rubbed each other's shaft, as Julie and Kathy did us. We both shot into our own mouth twice, and each time we shared the strawberry flavored cum as Julie and Kathy watched us.

We all went back to fucking as couples again. Mandy and I slid on each other's body as we interlocked and kissed the entire time. We blasted off, totally exhausted breathing heavy in each other's ear, and then fell asleep. Mandy and I were sharing our thoughts and then we shared a dream like we do almost every night. She said to me in our dream, "We need to write some material for the new bands. Lets watch one of their concerts." I was smiling at her and we sat in the front row watching us perform and heard all of our new music. We already knew it and sang along, but hadn't even written it yet. Then we watched and heard every band. We loved the material and some was so catchy. Mandy was dancing with me at the concert, and I knew we were fucking in the bed. We both blasted off into each other and Mandy said in the dream, "We just creamed into each other's cunt. Kiss me honey. I'm so fucking hot." We kissed in our dream and in bed, and watched the rest of the concert as we slowly made love to each other in bed. The last song ended and we both blasted off again. As soon as we stopped cumming, we both opened our eyes and noticed the sun was just coming out. Mandy dragged me out of bed on the far side so we wouldn't wake up Julie and Kathy, and we went into the bathroom to write down every song we heard. I took us over and hour and then we went back into bed and fucked ourselves back to sleep.

Mandy and I were moving one each other slowly in a dream again as we watched the all of the kids and grandkids having sex on the boat. We were so hot. I said to Mandy in our dream, "I'm going to shoot a pint of cum into you." We both were moaning in our dream, and then we both exploded, in one huge blasting off orgasm in bed. My cock squirted for over a minute and so did Mandy's, as my pussy twinged for over two minutes. We held each other so tight as we kissed. I whispered into her ear, "Great dream." She whispered back, "Wow was that hot."

Julie and Kathy were sitting up and Kathy said, "You almost made us sea sick on that one. I think you flooded the bed. Turn on the bilge pumps." We were gigging and then they moved the blankets and moved us so they could lick our pussies again. They licked us for over a half hour as we kissed, and they shared our cum. Kathy lifted her head with cum dripping down the side of her mouth and on her chin and said, "That must have been one hell of a dream."

I smiled and said, "That last one was. We were up for a while and wrote some new music. It's in the bathroom." Julie licked Kathy's face and we got so turned on. We kissed each other as they went into the bathroom. Kathy said, "Holy shit! How many tunes did you write?" Mandy and I were adding in our heads and I said, "17 for each band. Whatever that equals." Mandy lit up a cigarette, took a deep drag, and said, "So which one do you like better? Blueberry banana or strawberry cheesecake?" Kathy said, "Strawberry" and Julie nodded her head smiling. I took a drag of the cigarette as Mandy was rubbing my nipple and them sucked it softly. I said, "If you keep going, we'll be in bed all day and we promised the kids to take a trip. Ooo, use your tongue honey." Mandy was smiling as she flicked her tongue over my nipple and I melted. I took another drag of the cigarette and held her head to my breast. She sucked it one last time and then sat up. I said, "I don't think so", and pulled her back down. She laughed and then really sucked my nipple and rubbed the other one. She rubbed my cock and I was so hot again. Mandy lifted up her head off my breast and sat straddling me, with my cock in her pussy. She put the cigarette in her lips and took a drag, as she fucked her pussy on my cock. We shared the cigarette and then I shot my cum into her pussy again, as she squeezed it with her pussy muscles. Mandy smiled and said, "Honey, now you have to get up with me. Let's go." I played dead so she had to drag me out of bed. She was laughing as she dragged onto the floor and then floated me into the bathroom with her. Julie and Kathy were laughing at us as usual as they went to their room.

We showered, cleaned up, dressed for the boat trip, and went downstairs for breakfast. The army was already eating and they made us two plates. Julie and Kathy joined us and we planned out the trip on navigation maps. Kathy said, "We'll stop for the night after seven hours, and then we'll only have 2 hours of the trip in the morning." I said into Chris and Roberta's mind, "We wrote you a platinum album again last night, and one for all the kids too. Just don't say anything yet to any of them." Chris said back, "No way!" Mandy said, "Way! I have the music in our bag for the boat. We'll let everyone here it tonight after we stop."

We finished eating and I yelled, "Ready to leave?" There was a massive scream back and Mandy was laughing and said, "I think that was a yes." We all went to the elevator and it took three trips for all of us to go in it to the tunnel to the dock. The grandkids were lunatics and we all loved it. Kathy and Julie went to the bridge and started the engines, as Mandy and I undid the ropes. We went up to the bridge also and I said, "We okay on gas?" Julie said, "Yeah, we filled up all four tanks three days ago." We all watched as we cruised out to sea.

Megan and Rose were sitting with all the grandkids at the back deck of the boat, and our other kids were up on the front deck. Megan yelled, "We're doing shift work." I yelled back, "Let them catch some fish. We're not going that fast." Rose gave me the thumbs up and they were taking out some of the fishing gear. The grandkids started to clap in rhythm and then a few were dancing to it. Mandy said, "Damn are they good. Look at that." Chris and Roberta were watching from the lower partially enclosed deck and they went out back and danced with them. Chris said into our minds, "They have soul! I love it."

We watched Carrin jumping up and down all excited as she pulled in a fish. Rose made a plastic container with ice in it using her mind, and Carrin put the fish in it. A few more were starting to fish now and Mandy put her arm around me and said, "I love doing things like this." I turned to Mandy and did what our kids always did to us and said, "Mom, are we there yet?" She was laughing so hard and said, "You know that's going to happen in about 3 hours." I smiled and said, "When will we be there Mom? I'm tired." Mandy was laughing and said, "Get on you knees and lick my pussy if you're tired. That will wake you up little girl." Julie was laughing as I knelt down in front of Mandy and pulled down her shorts. I licked her pussy a few times and stood up. She said, "You're not done yet", and pushed me back down. I was laughing as I really sucked her pussy and licked it until she had an orgasm. I stood up and kissed her and she said, "Jen, we are so fucked up."

I lit a cigarette as we felt the sea breeze and salty air. I took a drag and said into Mandy's ear, "I loved licking your pussy." She smiled as we walked over so we could see the kids and some were fishing, a few were lying in the sun, and a few were playing action figure games. Megan and Rose were in the front deck and Alicia and Cary were now in the back deck. They waved to us and Alicia ran up the bridge and said, "Mom, are we there yet? I'm tired." Mandy must have turned eight shades of red blushing as she looked at me smiling. I said, "We just had this discussion and it ended with an orgasm." Alicia was laughing as she went back down to tell Cary.

We spent the rest of the day goofing around and then went down to play games with the grandkids. They even beat us at Crime Solvers. Mandy said to me, "Jen, we suck at this game. I mean really suck." We went up to relive Kathy and Julie and piloted the boat, as they played the kids and won. Mandy said, "I don't want to talk about it" as we both laughed and had one of our favorite drinks." We were sitting in the chairs and Mandy was watching the fish finder. She got up and yelled back to the grandkids, "Huge school of blues at 40 feet." They were already pulling them in and putting the fish in the container. We both sat back in the chairs, with our feet on the console area, and enjoyed the view and sea breeze.

I looked at the time and stopped the engines. We marked our position and checked the depth. Mandy let out the anchor and I said, "Party time." Mandy and I took off our cloths and dove off the bridge into the ocean. We swam towards the back of the boat and waved as we went under and made our gills. The water was light blue green and so clear. We swam around for a while and then got out on the water level ramp. Everyone was now jumping into the water.

Margi and Alice took the job of cleaning the fish using their minds, and they had almost enough for all of us for dinner. They cooked it in the galley, and made other stuff in the Instant Kitchen for everyone.

The grandkids all got out of the water as the sun was setting and we had them eat in the galley. We had an adult dinner outside and joked around. We all had some of my favorite drinks and were having a cigarette, when the grandkids came back outside. Chris said, "Lets hear those songs now." I made a guitar in my mind and said, "We wrote your bands enough material to record a CD. You want to hear them?" They were all sitting on the deck and Mandy and I played and sang one song after the other, as we told them what band it was for. When we got to Chris's band she said, "Wow! Triple platinum!" Her and Roberta were singing them with us looking at the words. Jennifer and Amanda's kids were dancing to the music.

The last set of tunes were for us and I said, "You want to hear those also?" They all screamed and we laughed as we played them. Julie and Kathy sang them with us and these were really top notch. One was called, "The Prize" and it was about our life; having kids, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and giving them everything. It was a tearjerker and they all had tears in their eyes. Mandy said, "I guess the song was good." Each one of them hugged us before we played the next tune and then wanted to hear it again. We played it a second time with Julie and Kathy singing harmony and we knew this one was one of our best ever. The rest were good, and I loved the one we wrote about dreams called, "Dinosaurs and Waterfalls". This was about as catchy as they get. Everyone was singing it along with us by the second chorus. Megan said, "Why can't we write stuff like that?" I said, "Why do we suck at playing Crime Solvers?" All of the kids were nodding their heads and laughing.


We played songs and told stories for a while. All of the grandkids wanted us to tell them the truth about so many things now that they saw the truth in the knowledge that was transferred to them. Mandy said, "You can never tell anyone outside of the Guardians any of this. You all promise?" They did and we told them everything. Mandy said, "Gods laws were our laws. As you get older, you will most likely have to do the same thing that we did to save a planet from extinction. People on Eden see us as Gods, and others will see you the same way some day. We are very different from other people. No one can do any of the things with their minds like we can." They asked about what it was like before Gods Laws and we told them the truth. Julie and Kathy told them about how screwed up it was and the violence. I ended it and said, "It's late. Sleeping arrangements are up to your parents. Our cabin is off limits tonight." Julie and Kathy were smiling and Mandy said, "It's Okay to swim in the morning, but do not jump in if the engines on the boat are running. Everyone understand that?" They all nodded and a few of the kids took out blankets and pillows and were making a bed together on the rear deck.

We went to our cabin with Julie and Kathy, undressed and all lay next to each other leaning against the headboard. Mandy lit a cigarette and so did Kathy. Mandy blew out some smoke and I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke. Julie said, "That song you wrote called The Prize, will be an all time classic. I keep singing it over and over again in my head. The words are amazing." Kathy was humming it and then they both sang the chorus. Mandy and I smiled as I took a drag of the cigarette. I said, "That song was one of the few that we actually took our time and thought about. We saw ourselves writing it in our dream and not just playing it. Every line has a special meaning to us." Kathy said, "How did you come up with the idea of jumping an octave in the chorus. The first time I heard it, I got chills and started to cry." Mandy said, "Us too when we wrote it." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette as I put her hand on my pussy. She smiled at me and rubbed my clit slowly, as I moaned softly.

Julie and Kathy were kissing as I took a drag of the cigarette and the tip glowed red, as the outside boat lights were dimmed. Mandy smiled and turned on the night light from the switch by the bed and she kissed my ear and said, "Romantic and Sexy. Jen, that was a great idea for the nightlight." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette, and I took a final drag and put it out. We slid down in the bed and put our heads on a pillow facing each other, and gently caressed each other. Kathy's ass was against mine and she said, "Feels good Jen. Move your bunny tail." I moved my ass a little and Mandy giggled, as Kathy was breathing hard.

I sucked Mandy's nipples slowly using my tongue to flick over the tip. Then she sucked mine the way I love it. We both rubbed each other's clit and cock, as we slid our warm bodies against each other and kissed. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Lets fuck honey. I want you inside of me." We changed into combined couples as I opened my legs wide lying on my side. Mandy slid into me as my cock went into her pussy also. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and she kissed me so hard, as we pushed ourselves into each other, interlocking and deep. We got into a rhythm and my bunny tail was rubbing against Kathy's ass, as her and Julie got into a rhythm to match us. We all fucked for three hours almost nonstop, moaning loud each time one of us had an orgasm, or shot our cum out. The last time, Mandy and I blasted off together and I know we were loud. I couldn't help it as I squirted cum into her for over a minute. She was the same way. We kissed to muffle the moans and groans. I felt her cock pulsate inside of me and I went wild on her. I sucked her tongue so far into my mouth and then she made it longer. We both giggled.

We lay completely exhausted, breathing heavy, and holding each other close. Our faces were only inches apart as we listened to moans and groans coming from everywhere on the boat. Mandy lit a cigarette and we shared it listening. Julie and Kathy fell asleep and I took a final drag of the cigarette. Mandy put it out and said, "Lets dream together." We fell asleep in seconds and shared our thoughts and a dream. We saw our song, The Prize, create so much emotion and excitement in people. I know we were laughing in our sleep when I said to Mandy, "We just created a new religion that works." We kissed in the dream and made love in a grass field, as we really were making love in the bed. We both opened our eyes for a second, as we both orgasmed and shot our cum into each other. We drifted back into dream again kept seeing the words "The Prize", everywhere. We even drove one of our racecars together on a track for the next race, in a dream. Mandy said to me, "I'm wining this one. I can feel it." We were singing that song as we drove around the track and both laughed again. I said, "The words are contagious." She kissed me and we were back in the grass field making love again. This time I knew we were fucking our brains out in bed, and it felt so good. We both woke up blasting off into each other and then fell sound asleep.

Julie and Kathy woke us up when the sun was shining through the windows and they pulled off the covers, separated us, and licked and sucked our pussies, and cocks for about a half hour. After we orgasmed, we returned the favor. I ate Julie until she was bouncing on the bed and Mandy ate Kathy until she actually asked her to stop. We all had a cigarette and then went out to the rear deck and dove into the water.

We swam for about 20 minutes, got out, made some cloths, and went into the galley. Chris and Roberta came in also and I made the six of us breakfast. They sat with us at the table and Chris said, "We were singing that song, The Prize, all night. Mom, we can't get that out of our head." Mandy smiled saying, "Good! Where's the army?" Roberta said, "They slept outside until about 6 and then went into four cabins." We all smiled.

Slowly, all of the troops came into have breakfast and by 10, everyone had eaten and taken a swim. We went to the bridge and I used the ships intercom and said, "We're leaving. Anyone missing?" We heard back, "All on board." Mandy started the engines and I raised the anchor and checked our position. We set the course, moved the throttle levers, and felt the breeze blowing on us. Kathy and Julie brought us up some coffee and they sat with us. Mandy lit a cigarette and gave me a drag, as I steered the boat and then set the auto-pilot.

We looked towards the rear deck and saw some of our grandkids playing a folk guitar and learning the songs we gave them. Mandy and I just relaxed and enjoyed the cruise along with Julie and Kathy.

Mandy yelled, "Land at 2 o'clock." Everyone went to the front deck and was watching the island get larger as we approached. We passed another private boat docked and went to the beach side of the island. We anchored before the reefs and we all went down to the front deck. Mandy said, "It's mostly natives in this area, and they almost never get tourists. No one wears a top, so loose it before we go. They are very friendly and still live quite primitively. They fish for food, and live in wood structures and huts. We had a blast with them last time we came here. I'll displace us all to the beach." Everyone took off their top and Mandy and I made us some nice bottoms. Then she displaced everyone to the beach and we walked to the village.

The chief of the tribe came out and greeted us and he remembered us. We spoke to him with our built-in translator and everyone understood it. Mandy said into the kid's minds, "We can understand and speak to them in their language." Mandy said to him, "This is my family. I wanted them to met you and see your island. We loved it when we were here last year." The chief called over two women and said in their language, "We welcome you again would love for you to make us food and drinks like you did last time."

The woman gave everyone a tour of the village and the kids were all so interested in everything they made by hand. Mandy, me, Julie, and Kathy went into one of the huts that had six women all laying down and smoking dope. I said, "This island has the best dope of anywhere in the universe. Two hits and you're on your ass. We didn't tell the kids about this part." Kathy was laughing as we sat down with the women and one of them handed Mandy a hand rolled joint to smoke. Mandy took two deep tokes and held in the smoke. She slowly exhaled and handed it to me and I did the same thing. Julie and Kathy were taking a toke on another joint. Mandy and I each had 6 hits and we were flying. I handed the joint back and Mandy lay back and I joined her. One woman said in their language, "My name is Cara. I see you like our pleasure smoke." Mandy was smiling and took another hit and so did I. Cara leaned over almost on top of us and said, "I like woman more than men. Do you mind if I sit close to you?"

Mandy winked at me as I took another toke of the joint. I was so stoned. Cara had slightly darker skin than us, and platinum blonde hair with bright baby blue eyes. She was gorgeous and she moved over to be almost on top of us, as we lay touching one another in the hut. Cara took the joint from my fingers and inhaled again and then held it to Mandy's lips and then to mine. She kissed us both and then put her hand on my breast. She was rubbing one of my nipples so gently as Mandy watched. Mandy said into my mind, "Jen, I am so fucking horny right now. Watching her touch you is making me crazy. I want to fuck so bad." Mandy kissed me and then Cara kissed each of us. We both looked to see Julie and Kathy involved with one of the other native women, just as beautiful.

Cara lit another joint and held it for us as we inhaled, and she rubbed my breasts and then Mandy's. We held the joint to her lips and we were all totally trashed. Cara reached to my bikini bottoms and pulled them down. She said to us in her language a word that roughly translates to, "Jackpot!" Mandy and I laughed as Mandy took of her bottoms also and Cara said, "Two Jackpots." We took off her skirt and she had a huge cunt. We lay in a three way chain licking and sucking each other's pussy, and Cara was sucking our cocks. Mandy said, "Cara, we could make you feel really good. Just lie down here next to us."

Mandy and I drove her crazy. We tongue snaked her pussy hitting her G-spot and finger fucked her ass at the same time with a huge finger. Then we both fucked her at the same time in her pussy. I was in the front, and Mandy went into her pussy from behind her, and also fingered her ass. We made our cocks larger and also into dinosaurs bumps. Cara was having one orgasm after another. Mandy and I shot into her pussy together and then both fucked her in the ass at the same time while I finger fucked her pussy and rubbed her G- spot. We had to stop before she passed out.

Cara lit another joint for us to share and we were beyond just stoned. Mandy and I lay kissing and Cara sucked Mandy's cock until Mandy came in her mouth, and then she sucked mine. We told her not to swallow my cum, and we both kissed as she swallowed it with us. Mandy and I changed into combined couples and Cara watched us change our bodies and then interlock fucking. She said, "You are Gods. I knew it had to be by the way my body felt." We had Cara sit over of heads and Mandy and I took turns licking her pussy, as we fucked.

We watched Julie and Kathy really getting into it with two of the other women, and a teenage boy. He was sucking Kathy's cock and Julie was fucking him in the ass, as the women were licking Julie and Kathy's pussy. Mandy and I got so turned on watching it we both tongue snaked Cara again and she fell backwards when she orgasmed. Mandy and I blasted off together and kissed so hard. We sat up with Cara, who was laughing about it, and had one more joint as Julie and Kathy were now interlocked and fucking. Cara took turns sitting on my cock and then Mandy's, riding us like a horse. We both shot inside of her again in about a half hour.

Cara gave us back our bottoms and said, "Let me show you around to the places the others won't take you." She took our hands and asked Julie and Kathy to come with us. She took us to a place that roughly translates into "The Hookers Hut". It was where men and women go to meet people to have sex. Just sex, no love. We watched two men getting it on, two women, and then a threesome. Julie said, "Adult World's red light district. I love it. Any more things like this?" Cara smiled and took us to three other long huts that were really like the red light district. We all cracked up at the S&M hut. Mandy lit a cigarette and I took a drag. Cara took the cigarette and we told her it wasn't dope, and she shrugged her shoulders and smoked it. She handed it back blowing out the smoke and lit one of her joints, as she walked us to a moss covered area next to a waterfall. There were two women there, softly touching each other and kissing. Cara introduced us and we all sat with them. Cara said, "They have both sex organs and are Gods." Julie said I into our minds, "No shit is this going to be fun."

We had sex again with the two other women and Cara. Mandy and I double teamed one, while Julie and Kathy did the other. Then all four of us did Cara at the same time. Mandy and I fucked her pussy, while Kathy did her ass, and Julie fucked her face. Then the four of us went wild on each other. Cara led us back to the village just as the sun was setting.

We saw all of the kids and grandkids helping to cook crabs and lobsters. I told Megan and Rose what we did in their minds and Megan was laughing as she said into our minds, "We found the dope hut too. Look at our eyes. Beth is so stoned she can't even talk. These people think we are all Gods."

We all helped with the cooking and ate sitting on a moss covered area by the light from a large fire, and listening to the waves break on the beach. Cara kept asking us to have sex with her again and Mandy said, "Maybe later." All of the native people were outside of the huts and eating, and talking. I made over 350 of my favorite drink and everyone loved it. Mandy told Cara it was liquid dope. I couldn't stop laughing and made five more batches.

We watched the kids getting into it with some of natives, and also most of the grandkids with the native children. Beth was sucking off a teenage boy and fucking a girl about 14. Mandy and I were getting so hot watching it. Cara was sitting behind us and rubbing our nipples from behind. My pussy was dripping and I had a huge hardon. Mandy's hardon was sticking out of her bikini bottom and I leaned over, pulled down her bottoms, and sucked it. Mandy held my head to her as I bobbed up and down. Mandy said into my mind, "Honey, I'm so hot. Make me cum and then share it with me." I sucked Mandy's cock and finger fucked her, as Cara was now sucking my cock and fingering my pussy. Mandy watched her do me and she was moaning so loud, "Oh Jen, suck me baby. Make me shoot my cum in your mouth. That's it! Ohhh! Oohhh! OOOOOHHHHH! Yes! YES! YYYYEEESSSS! Oh, here it comes. Oh! Oh! Oh!" Mandy's cock pulsated in my mouth and I felt her cum blast out on top my tongue and hit the rook of my mouth. I held it all in as I was shooting into Cara's mouth. Mandy squirt cum 12 more times into my mouth and then I sucked her cock into my mouth full of her thick white goo. She lifted my head off of her and bent over to kiss me, as she sucked the cum from my mouth and swallowed it with me. Then Cara got up and kissed us both with my cum in her mouth.

Mandy rolled me over and lay on top of me, changing us into combined couples and she fucked me like a wild woman. I wrapped my legs and arms around her and our bunny tails were hopping a mile a minute. Julie and Kathy were both fucking Cara right next to us. Mandy and I were in heat. Our nice dinner by the fire turned into a full fledge native orgy, and we literally fucked almost all night; first by ourselves, and then with most of the kids and grandkids. When Mandy and I watched little Jen fuck a teenage boy in the ass, while he was fucking a native girl, we both basted off. Then the boy gave her a blow fuck job and we came again.

Mandy and I feel asleep at about 5 in the morning, as we could still hear moans and groans louder than the sounds of the surf on the beach. Julie and Kathy woke us up by lubing our asses and pushing their cocks into us, when were still interlocked lying on our sides. We fucked like we were on speed, kissing and holding each other. Mandy and I blasted off big time together, just as Julie shot into my ass, and Kathy was cumming into Mandy's ass.

Julie and Kathy went back to interlocking as combined couples, and slept touching against us. The four of us woke up about 10 to the heat of the sun beating down on our naked bodies. Mandy and I lifted our heads and Cara walked over and gave us each a toke of one of her dope cigarettes. We were still stoned from yesterday and were flying high again.

We stayed on the island for another two days and made friends with everyone. We also had one more unbelievable orgy. Mandy and I each got laid by ten guys in the dope hut, and watched each other the whole time. I was so hot I could have set the place on fire. Two of the guys sucked us off at the end and then sucked all of the cum out of our pussies. We begged them to share it with us and instead they shared it with each other. That really got us off and we interlocked and fucked for hours again, as Cara gave us hits off a dope joint.

The third morning we had to leave and everyone wanted to stay longer. I said, "We'll come back again." Mandy got a huge bag of Cara's dope to take with us and we all displaced to the boat. Megan and Rose were hugging each other and Megan said, "What a week! We loved this place!" Beth walked up to her parents and gave Megan such a sloppy kiss and then gave one just like it to Rose. She said, "We liked it too Moms. I loved doing it with both of you."

I said, "Ten minute swim before we leave, then it's back home." We all went in for a swim around the reefs, and then got out. Mandy and I took roll call, started the engines, raised the anchor, and set the course back home. It was one continuous party the whole way back. The grandkids were playing and singing the songs, everyone was laughing and joking, and the sex didn't stop. We took shifts in the bridge and we had it first. By noon, Mandy and I had three more dope joints and we so out of it again. We both made real bunny tails on our asses, as we fucked. Julie was hysterically laughing, and then did it also with Kathy.

The trip back took nine hours and we had to sober up to dock the boat. Kathy and Julie were even worse than we were. It took us three tries, but we made it. The kids had to tie it up, as we laughed walking through the tunnel to the elevator.

Mandy and I went to bed and sleep like a log for over 12 hours. We didn't even dream. I'm sure our brains weren't working at all that night.


The next morning Mandy and I made the most passionate slow love before we got up to shower. We must have kissed for 20 minutes holding each other.

We went into the office for a few hours and everything was cool, so we came back home again. Julie got all of our band together to learn the new songs and they were already playing when we got back. Mandy and I both were smiling as we did the arrangements and then learned the last song, The Prize, which was by far the most difficult. They all watched us play it and Jody said, "This one's hard. Walk us through the chord changes." Mandy yelled out, "Do this twice, A, E, A, D, D minor, A, E, D flat minor, D, D minor, E, E ninth." Then she stopped and said, "I have no clue what chords these are in the chorus. Jen and I just made them up. Lets transpose it to the keyboards." We spent ten minutes figuring out what we wrote and it sounded so neat. Mandy said, "Jody, play an D blues harp over the chorus with these notes", as she wrote them down. We put together the music in pieces and then put it all together. It was amazing. Kate and Judy were smiling from ear to ear when we did it all the way though the first time. Then Judy said, "Let me start it like this in the first verse", as she played a really neat keyboard melody in single notes. Mandy and I started to sing over it and then we came in with the music. We all stopped and had our mouths hanging open. We spend the next two hours finishing this song and it was by far the most intricate tune we ever did. The guitar parts were also incredible. We ran thought all of the new tunes, and then Jody set us up to record on the new system we just installed last month, and we ran through every tune.

All of the kids and Grandkids were listening to us in the enlarged sound booth we had built for this house. They kept giving us the thumbs up on each tune and we just kept playing. We did The Prize last and they all were watching and listening in amazement. A few had a tear in their eyes and they all clapped and screamed after the recording was over.

Jody set the levels for a trial mix and we all moved to the live room seating area and listened to the entire CD. It really kicked ass, and The Prize was by far the best tune we ever did. We all listened to it three times. The harmony was mesmerizing, when we listened to it.

I said, "Which band wants to be next?" Beth said, "We're ready." Everyone listened to them play the songs in the live room and we made a few suggestions and changes. They did it over again and Jody said, "They are definitely ready. I'll run the deck and boards." We took some time to explain to the grandkids about what you hear while recording and how horrible it sounds. They all laughed and they we laughed when we saw their faces in the first song. They finished the recording session and we labeled it grandkids band number one.

We all took a break to have an early dinner and then I said, "Who's next?" Little Jen said, "I think we need some help, but we can give it a shot." We brought sandwiches into the studio and listened to their songs and a few needed work. We helped them and it started to sound really good. They played an entire show for us and I said, "Still feel like recording it tonight?" They were so excited we let them keep going. The recording actually sounded pretty good, with only two things that needed to be over dubbed.

I said, "Tomorrow, we do the other bands. Chris, you guys want to learn the new material also?" She said, "We already did while you guys were on the trip and recorded it. It sounds awesome. Listen to the CD." She put an unlabeled CD in the player and pressed play. We were all moving to the music in seconds and she and Roberta were laughing. I said, "Did Karen hear this yet?" She said, "Nope. I wanted to surprise her with all of the bands. She'll shit."

Lou Ann and Dedra were in listening to the music at the end of the day Dedra said, "How can you possibly find time to write all of this? It sounds great!" Mandy put her arm over Dedra's shoulder and said, "We write in our sleep. Saves time that way." She thought we were kidding and wouldn't believe us. Kate said, "It's true. They dream this stuff. Talk about creative lunatics." Everyone was laughing and I said, "I think that's our cue to go to bed. See you in the morning. We're going to write some music."

Mandy was smiling at me as we walked upstairs to our bedroom. She lit a cigarette as we undressed, and then lay in the bed against the headboard. I turned on the TV and we watched a few minutes of the headline news and laughed at a few of the things. She said, "I told you about the pet stuff. I knew that some people would eventually hate their dogs if they could talk back and read." I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, as I took another drag and then blew the smoke out through my nose slowly. Mandy was drawing little shapes and figures on my breast with her finger and laughing. I said, "Amusing yourself?" She said, "Jen, I love you so much honey. I was just writing our names on your titty. How about we both get a tattoo like that? Small one, not big. Just our names in a heart, over our breast." I smiled and said, "That's fine with me. Lets finish the CDs first. Plus we need to help them come up with names for the bands."

I was drawing our names on Mandy's titty as she took a drag of the cigarette. I licked her nipple and said, "I made a mistake and need to start over." She was laughing and gave me a drag of the cigarette as I wrote our names again over her nipple and she moaned softly. She pinched my nipple softly, and rubbed it, as I moaned softly also. I said, "Honey, I was so hot on that island when we were in the group thing a few times. I never thought that watching Beth with those kids would get me off like that. You and I exploded into each other." I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy kissed me and said, "Jen, I was as hot as it gets too. Face it we're both totally fucked up. But, we knew that before anyway." We both laughed as Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and then drew on my titty again with her finger.

We acted silly for a little while and then kissed, caressing each other, like there was no tomorrow. I was totally melting inside and so was Mandy. We read each other's minds and shared thoughts as we coupled and slid into each other. We both wiggled the tips of our cocks using our minds, and both of us had such pussy spasms and orgasms. We fucked for hours, and left our bodies as energy going from one body to the other. Mandy was inside of me and said to me, "I love how it feels inside of you when we make love. Make me cum again." I made her cum big time, and then I blasted off also for the forth time.

We fell asleep and shared a dream. Mandy said to me in the dream, "Look at the band names on the concert bill and let's figure out which name is for which band." We sat in the front row and watched the shows and got all of the names as the bands were introduced. Mandy said to me in our dream, "Lets make love here. It's our dream, no one will see us." We made love in the front row of the concert and were actually making move again in bed. We both woke up for a split second as we orgasmed, kissed, and then went back to sleep still interlocked.

Mandy woke me up by moving into me slowly and whispering in my ear, "Jen honey, it's 9 o'clock and I want to love you. Wake up and kiss me." I felt Mandy's warm moist lips touch mine and her tongue slip through my partially open lips. I woke up and opened my lips wider and kissed her so sexy. I pulled us together more as our cocks went in deeper and we both moaned as we kissed. I sucked her tongue and we explored each other's mouth, as we made passionate love. We slid our bodies on each other, and kissed, talking to each other in our minds as we made love. I made my cock tip wiggle inside of Mandy and she blasted off with a huge orgasm and shot into me and then I blasted off too. We never broke the kiss and kept kissing for over a 10 minutes as our cocks sloshed in our cum soaked pussies. I said into Mandy's mind, "Bathtub adventure?" She was laughing at me in our minds and said, "I love to lick your pee and make you cum. Lets go."

We went into the bathroom and lay down in the shower area, and flooded each other's tongue as we licked. We both had a pussy orgasm again. I turned on the shower and we got cleaned up.

We went downstairs for breakfast and the kids were already practicing in the studio. I made us something quick and we took our coffee in to listen. Mandy said, "Damn they're good. Lets run the session now." I said, "Recording session time." We spent the day with Chris and Roberta recording all of the grandkids, great grandkids, and our kid's bands. We had 9 new CDs to be released that just needed a final mix and mastering. Megan and Rose couldn't believe how good Destiny sounded again. I said, "Sometimes it pays to take a short break. We did a few times and it makes you appreciate it more when you come back to it." Mandy said, "Band meeting everyone." All of them sat with us and I said, "Band names. Yell if don't like these. Band number 1 is West Wind. Band number 2 is Wild Fire. Band number 3 is Dangerous Heart. Band number 4 is Calamity Jane. Anybody disagree?" Jane said, "I hate our name." Everyone was yelling "Shut up Jane. It's great! You're the lead singer. We could play off of it!" Jane was laughing and said, "Okay, okay, I'll live with it." I said, "Anyone else?", "Good, lets let Karen hear some good music."

Mandy said into all of our minds, "Hi Karen, want to make a billion dollars?" She said back, "You making a donation into my account today?" I said back to her, "Nope. We're giving you 9 new CDs that will make us that much money. Want to hear them?" She said, "We'll be right there. You home?" I said, "Yup. In the studio." Karen, Kathy, Gerri, and Jamie displaced into our studio in less than a minute. All of the kids were saying hello and Karen said, "You wrote material for all of them? Holy shit, lets hear it."

I said, "First the existing bands new CDs and it's all new material. It does need a final mastering mix. Have a seat." They sat and we played changes first. When the song The Prize came on they went wild. Kathy had a tear in her eyes and so did Jamie. Karen said, "This is by far the best you have ever done. It's a classic. Play it again." We played that tune again and they loved it. We went through all of the existing bands material and CDs and Karen just kept smiling and said, "Two billion. Now lets here the new groups." I said, "West Wind stand up." They stood and waved and I pressed play on the CD. We listened to all of the CDs and didn't finish until 3 in the morning. Kathy and Jamie were hugging all of the kids and telling them how good they were. The kids loved it. Karen hugged Jennifer and Amanda and their kids. Chris said, "We'll send you the files to have then remixed tomorrow."

Mandy said, "Karen, we'll write Little Willie some new tunes also, and when all of it is released, we do another Austin. This time with 12 bands. We keep putting it off and it's been 13 years. I think the time is right now to really do it again big time." Karen smiled and said, "Just keep writing. We'll have an Austin concert." They displaced home, and we all went to bed.

Mandy and I were exhausted and made love for about a half hour and then fell asleep in each other's arms. We shared our dreams and this time watched Little Willie play in concert. We were dancing to the music and I knew we were actually fucking in bed. Mandy and I both shot our cum and orgasmed, and didn't wake up. She moaned to me in our dream, "Baby, that felt so good. Lets kept watching and write the music." We watched the whole concert and were really surprise again at one of the songs. Mandy said to me in our dream, "Why did we give them that one? We wrote it a long time ago and didn't like it. The crowd seems to love it. Dance with me again honey and we'll make love in our sleep." Mandy and I danced in our dream to the music and fucked our brains out in bed. This time we woke up as we both blasted off and jerked into each other so hard. I kissed her so hard and she kissed me back hold in me tight. We kissed again and then got up to write down the music we heard.

We finished and I lit a cigarette as we lay back in bed together. I took a drag and handed it to Mandy. She took a drag also and said, "You know, if we really took a writers cut on all of these tunes, we would have made another fortune." I said, "Why do we need it? Let the kids have all of it. Assign it to them this time, so it's paid." Mandy smiled as she took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Good thinking. How about we have a nice dream of us in that grass field again? Jen, I loved that one." I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "You mean the one where we make love to the point we can't move?" Mandy nodded her head and said, "Yeah! That one!" We finished our cigarette and went back to sleep interlocked again. We had our dream and fucked in our sleep and this time I added some new characters into our dream. I had the scene when Beth was doing it on the island in a threesome. Mandy went wild and we fucked like lunatics in our dream and woke up four times as we both shot cum into each other. My cock was pulsating for over a minute. We ended our dream and then slept with our faces touching on the pillow, still interlocked.

Mandy woke me up at 10 in the morning by drawing our names on my breast again and kissing me softly. I felt her warm lips on mine and started to move into her again. Mandy moved into me more also and whispered into my ear, "Jen, I am so hot for you. Lets make love one more time and then get those tattoos we talked about." We really went wild again for about a half hour. We separated before we orgasmed and got into a 69 position, and gave each other a blow fuck job. I was so hot watching the cum drip out of Mandy's cunt on my finger. She blasted off and shot gobs of white cream into my mouth, as I swallowed all of it. I sucked the cum from her pussy and I shot my load into her mouth and my pussy orgasmed at the same time. Mandy swallowed it and then sucked my pussy also. We both had another orgasm as we licked and sucked each other for at least a half hour.

We got up, showered, dressed, put on make up, and went downstairs for breakfast. Mandy said into Karen's mind, "Karen, where are you?" She said back, "Office. Why?" Mandy said, "Catch" as she displaced all of the papers with music and words to Karen. Karen was laughing in our heads and singing, "It's raining music. Thank you, thank you."

Mandy and I took out the Ferrari 712 and drove it to a tattoo shop in a one of the cities on Eden. We picked out a design and drew how we wanted it for the tattoo artist, and he said, "No problem. It isn't very often I get to tattoo God." We both smiled and let him do his artwork on us. I had tattooed a small heart with "Mandy and Jen" inside of it. Mandy had the same thing except it had "Jen and Mandy" inside of it. We gave the tattoo artist a big tip and then took our 712 for a Superhighway spin. We had a blast for about 3 hours and then drove it home on normal roads.

As we pulled into the garage Karen said into our minds, "Can you play the new tunes for us? We want to learn them today. We're in our new studio at the house on Eden." I said, "The traveling minstrels will be there in a minute." Mandy turned off the car and we closed the garage, and then displaced to Karen's new studio. Mandy and I took two folk guitars and played each song for them. Then we helped each of them learn it and do the arrangements. Jamie was getting so excited about the material and she was bugging Karen already about setting up the dates for Austin. We listened to them play the last tune, and then were getting ready to record all of them.

We displaced back home just in time to meet the army coming in for dinner. Beth ran up to us and said, "This was so awesome. Chris took us to see how all of the CD production was done. Plus we got our own action figures, and watched them design all of our merchandising stuff. This was so neat." Roberta said, "They were cool about it. We were very surprised. Oh by the way, what is Cara's dope?" We smiled and I said, "We'll give you some. The best in the universe and only grown on the island Ruubba on Eden." Chris smiled and said, "Better than Tara's stuff?" We nodded our heads and she said, "We'll take it." Mandy gave them and handful in a plastic bag and said, "Two tokes and your toasted."

All of the new tunes and CDs were released over the next week. Our song, The Prize, became number one in every chart, on every planet, which has never happened before. The radio stations were constantly playing it, and our typical video that we always release with the CDs was on every music network almost every hour. We always film the recording sessions with cameras built into the walls, and send the film along with the mastering. We loved the song, but couldn't believe what a commotion it was causing. All of the kid's bands had at least one song in the top 10 and they were so excited.

Karen made all the arrangements for another Austin event and it was sold out less than 4 hours after it was announced. I said to Mandy, "Nothing like a small opening night for the Grandkid's. Think they can handle it?" Mandy said, "We own that old theater that hasn't been used in years outside of LA. Lets have them each do a trial show. We have some time to finish it."

Mandy and I sat down with all the bands and they helped the four new groups arrange a stage show. Mandy and I laughed for hours watching some of the stuff. The music was tight, and they knew it all cold, so we sprung the trail concert on them. Mandy and I displaced to LA and put signs everywhere announcing a free concert for the first 500 people to show up on Saturday at 10 am to hear the four new bands. We listed their top songs on the posters. Then we went back home and made arrangements for instruments and everything to be there like a real show and Karen said to us, "Good thinking."

Mandy and I were exhausted and had stayed up the entire night before working with the bands. She put her arm over my shoulder and said, "Honey, if I fall asleep on the way upstairs, carry me." We both smiled at each other and dragged ourselves upstairs to bed. We undressed, got under the covers, and cuddled. Mandy made an "mmmmm" sound and then started to rub my cock with her eyes closed. I said, "I thought you were tired." She said real soft, "I am, but I want to sleep with us together. Interlock with me." I rubbed her cock and then turned us into combined couples. We slid into each other with our eyes closed and slowly made love. Mandy put her arms and legs around me and had an instant orgasm, and then I had one too. We were so tired, we both drifted off to sleep, still interlocked with our cocks hard.

We shared a dream and watched the trial show and laughed so hard in our dream. Mandy said, "Better make the mistakes here." She said to me in the dream, "Dance with me and lets fuck. No one can see us. It's our dream." We danced in our dream and fucked in our bed. We both woke up as my cock pulsated and shot a huge stream of cum into Mandy's pussy and her cock was jerking inside of me. We kissed so hard and fucked like lunatics for over an hour until we both blasted off again. Then we drifted off to sleep again. We did this over and over again. We made love in a dream and then woke up really doing it. We had some great fantasies. We did it in the front window of a department store in New York City, and Mandy was laughing so hard in our dream. I said, "They can't see us. It's just like when we are invisible."

We finally woke up for real at 7 in the morning and Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a drag and then put the cigarette in my lips. I inhaled twice and blew the smoke out of my nose, as I took another drag and handed it back to her. Mandy was lying on her side and took a drag and said to me as she slowly blew out the smoke, "Ready for some fun today?" I said, "How about a little 69 action first?" I was giggling as Mandy tickled my side. She held the cigarette for me to take a drag and then put it out, as she moved into a 69 position with me. We sucked so much cum out of each other's pussy and swallowed it. Then we gave each other a blow fuck job. I had Mandy's cock halfway in my mouth and she exploded thick white goo onto my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I rubbed her cock with my hand and she unloaded squirt after squirt of warm cum and I sucked it in and swallowed, as my cock jerked into her mouth and I blasted off. My pussy was twinging on Mandy's finger, as my cock had a mind of it's own and shot out like a fire hose. Mandy rubbed my shaft fast and I just kept on cumming, as she swallowed.

Mandy moved to lie next to me again and we kissed for a while until we remembered the dream and then we both started to laugh. We went into the bathroom laughing, and turned on the shower. We dressed in our jeans and went downstairs for breakfast and everyone was already up and ready to go. We ate and the kids were so nervous. I said, "This is why we are doing a free concert, so you can see what it's like. It's okay to screw up there. The people know that it's a trial run and that's why it's free. Just relax. This is supposed to be fun." Beth said, "For you guys yeah, you're so use to it. We're scared shitless." Mandy said, "You'll get use to it soon too. Just have fun and play the music. It's easy. Just like you played in front of us in the studio."


I remotely viewed the old theater and showed the images in my mind to Mandy and she giggled. There were people sleeping outside in line to get in. I said, "Lets go to the theater whenever you're ready." We took some coffee and displaced everyone to the inside by the doorway. We turned on the lights and walked up to the stage. All of the equipment was there and we had all of the kids on the stage so they could see it. I said, "Not too scary now, is it?" Mandy turned on the mixing boards and PA system and talked into a microphone. She said, "Do a quick sound check. Each band do one quick song, and I'll set the levels. Jen, you signal we when they're right."

Each group played and Mandy set the memory for the board by band and started with West Wind. They were very nervous but it was gone by the end of the song. Then we did Wild Fire, Dangerous Heart, and finally Calamity Jane. Mandy laughed again and said, "The name fits the band." I winked at her and she laughed again. We sat and had a cigarette and finished our coffee and I said, "I'll be the MC and announce you. Just go on stage and get ready and don't start until I give you your cue." They all nodded as all of our kids displaced to the theater now also. They waved and sat in the front row with all of their kids. Mandy and I sat on the end seats so we could walk to the stage. I said, "West Wind, get on stage and get ready. Mandy set the board, and Megan, open the doors. I'll start the show." Mandy set the board memory and we watched all of the faders move into the positions. Megan opened the doors and the people started to walk in. The placed was jam packed in 10 minutes and people were trying to squeeze in the back.

I walked up to the stage and said into a mic, "Welcome to our free show. We have four bands here that have never played in a live concert together and are going to be performing with us in Austin, Texas. You've all heard their material on the radio and they are really good. Please give a warm welcome to the first band, West Wind!" I pointed for them to start and they rocked, as the crowd screamed and cheered. I went to sit with Mandy and she said into my mind, "From here they all look and sound over 16. It's amazing. No one would ever know they are only 12." They did the show they rehearsed and it was terrific. We found a few things that needed fixing and Megan was taking notes. They did the last song and got a standing ovation as I went on stage and said into the mic, "They were great, weren't they?" The crowd was still cheering as Wild Fire came on stage. I gave the introduction and this time told a few jokes. Mandy said into my mind, "Jen, I mean this in the nicest way honey, but can you shut the fuck up and let them play?" I winked at Mandy and gave them their cue, as they started the first tune.

I went back to sit and they sounded better than West Wind. They were so smooth with everything. I was definitely impressed. When they finished Mandy did the next MC role and she was worse than me. She told four jokes and I said the same thing to her in her mind. She smiled and introduced the band, Dangerous Hearts. They sounded good but the show needed some work. They almost knocked each over at one point, but realized what was happening and made it look like it was part of the act.

Mandy announced the last band, Calamity Jane, and as soon as she pointed to the band, the curtain fell down on stage. Everyone was laughing and Mandy said, "It goes with the name. Lets try it again." Megan and Rose dragged the curtain off the stage and Mandy gave them the cue again and this time they really rocked and danced and joked, and had such a great stage show. Jane said into the mic, "I am the calamity. Lets just hope the theater doesn't burn down before we finish." They went into a song called, "Heat up the show" and everyone laughed and then really got into it.

When they were finishing, I walked up on stage with Mandy. Jane thanked the audience and they were all standing and cheering. I called all of the kids on stage and yelled into the mic, "You think they're ready for Austin?" The crowd all screamed and cheered, while standing. I said, "Thank you for coming and we have a free CD of each of the groups for everyone. Pick them up on the way out." The crowd started to leave and everyone picked up 4 CDs from the boxes in the back by the door. Mandy said, "Karen did good on this one. The CDs were a nice touch."

The kids were all so excited and now they couldn't wait to play out again. Megan said to the bands, "Attention K-Mart shoppers. Please sit in the front row. We have some work to do." Everyone was smiling and they sat down as the theater was empty. Cary locked the doors again and Megan stood up and said, "The shows were great, but they do need some work. We made a list and we'll all work with you to fix the problems. West Wind, you go first. Get back on stage." We waved to everyone and displaced back home.

Mandy said, "We knew that curtain was going to fall and it still was really funny. I guess we picked the right name after all. Lets have some food. I'm starved." We went into the kitchen and made two tuna sandwiches in the Instant Kitchen. Kate and Judy walked in and Judy said, "So, how did it go?" I said, "Other than the curtain falling down on Calamity, it went good. They'll be ready by tomorrow. It should be a fun party there tonight." Kate said, "That theater is falling apart. It was old when we played there sixty years ago."

Within ten minutes everyone in our band, along with Lou Ann and Dedra were in the kitchen, all wanting the details of the kid's performance. We told them everything and I said, "Wild Fire is so smooth. You'll love how they come off on stage. I love the style they gave to the music. It's so different." Mandy made us all one of our favorite drinks and I lit a cigarette. We talked about the skits for the Austin show and the order of the songs. Mandy and I told them our idea for the last song, The Prize, and they loved it. We all finished our drink and Mandy made us another using her mind. I said, "Lou Ann, you have a ticket to get in? If not, you can come with us." She said, "Tara has 100 and is already camped out in the front. We're sleeping with them tonight." Mandy said, "Figures" as we all chuckled.

All of the kids and grandkids displaced back to the kitchen and Mandy and I stood up and gave them an ovation. Most of them blushed and Mandy said, "You guys were really good. Now we play the big time. This place is unreal." We listened to them all talk about being on stage the first time and laughed. Beth lit a cigarette and said, "I was the only one who was as cool as a cucumber." Everyone threw something at her and she was laughing as she ran into the hallway. Jane said, "Yeah, real cool. She was also the only one who forgot a line in a song." We heard from the hallway, "I heard that calamity! You brought the house down." We just listened and laughed.

I said, "Tonight we're all are sleeping at the site and there is a huge party. Try not to get too smashed on the beer, as we have to play tomorrow. The music starts at 9, and West Wind is on at 2 to start your four bands off. Same order as today. We go on last at 11. Ready to go party?" We heard back a screaming yell and Mandy said, "Lets do it", as she displaced us all of the site by the back stage area. It was set up just like the last time and was even more packed. The huge scoreboards like TVs were everywhere, as far as we could see in the natural amphitheater. We walked over to the dressing areas for the bands and Karen and Kathy ran over to us and Karen said, "Look", as she pointed. We saw people all wearing dark blue tee shirts that said in white letters, "We found the prize." Kathy said, "Thank Joyce and Brandy for that one. They've sold over 100 million in two weeks. We can't make them fast enough. You guys created your own religion with that song. It's amazing. Come on and I'll show you where we are sleeping this time."

We all followed Kathy and Karen and went into a roped off area right next to where Tara was. She waved and yelled over, "I got one too", as she pointed to the same tee shirt and she was wearing it. We all laughed and Mandy said, "Same trick as last time. We just make the tents a little bigger and put in an air mattress." Everyone was listening and nodded their heads.

We spent the rest of the day and night shopping at the portable stores, eating junk food, and drinking beer. We had a blast. We also talked to Dean, who was there to be the MC again. He looked great and so did his wife. They were doing such great work everywhere and came back to set this up.

At 1 AM Mandy and I were sloshed on the beer and walked to our tent holding each other to keep from falling over. We made the tent bigger and put in an air mattress. Mandy said, "Oh fuck it. Get naked and get in here with me." We took off our cloths, made a sheet and blanket, and climbed into the small tent. Our heads were sticking out the top and our feet out the bottom, as we coupled on our sides under the covers. Mandy made us a pillow and we had all of the comforts of home, as we fucked for three hours under the stars.

We fell asleep interlocked, and were out cold. Mandy woke me up by moving into me slowly and kissing me. I opened one eye to see the sun out and I moved into her slowly also. We kissed and fucked in our tent one more time and both orgasmed in about twenty minutes.

Mandy made cloths for us and we climbed out of the tent, and then shrank it back to size again. I was giggling, as we walked over to the band area and used the trailer changing room and shower. We went back to get some breakfast and sat at some tables having coffee, as everyone was getting up. Dean walked on the stage and said into a mic, "Good morning everyone. Time to get up and rock and roll!" It was so loud. He gave about a fifteen minute speech and then said, "Today we do it again. We made history the first time, and now we rewrite the history books. This year's concert will be better than any of them. Please welcome our lead off band, The Dregs." The music was loud but it was good, and the place was so mobbed it was incredible. People were standing and dancing at 9 in the morning. We moved to the music, finished our breakfast, and drank the coffee. Everyone was so into it.

Time flew by, as we watched four bands play. Each time the introduction got a little more elaborate. The last band announced was Faces, and Ellen and Paul waved to us as they went on. Texas absolutely loves them. The million plus crowd cheered so loud we have to cover our ears. They did their new Southern Rock songs and the place went wild. We were smiling, dancing, and cheering with everyone else. One of the workers came over to our area and said, "West Wind, you're on next. Back stage now." We wished the kids luck and watched them go to the back stage area, as Ellen was ending the show. Damn they were good.

The crowd screamed for 10 minutes as Dean waited and then said, "We have four new bands with us today that all have hit records. The introduction got longer and the fireworks started and he announced West Wind. The kids played great. They were so into the music and so was the crowd. Mandy and I sang along to all of the tunes. Wild Fire and Dangerous Hearts were as good, if not better. All of us were up and dancing to Dangerous Heart, which was so much like Chris's style. Dean announced Calamity Jane and they started with a long Texas Blues guitar intro to one of the songs and the crowd went crazy. They did Texas Blues riffs in all of the material and the entire crowd was standing, as far as you could see. Jane was one hell of a guitar player and had such a raspy blues voice. People stood a screamed for over 10 minutes when they finished their act.

All of the grandkids were walking on air. They were so excited having played and done well. We hugged every one of them. Next were our kids bands and they all played terrific. Each intro was getting longer and more involved. Destiny was on as the last of our kids groups and they got the full fireworks display as it was getting dark out now. Megan, Rose, Alicia, Cary, Kelly, and Tracey were so unbelievable after not having played in a while. We had our mouths hanging open as the audience went wild again. The TV cameras were focusing on Kelly and Rose singing and the sound was perfect. It actually sounded better than on the CD.

Mandy and I got a quick bite to eat while we watched and listened. Destiny ended with a fantastic ending show, and the cheers were getting louder too. Dean introduced Little Willie and the place went nuts. The fireworks were full tilt, and they played all of the new material, as Karen did blues riffs the whole show. They did such a great act tonight and it sounded as good as it did the last time we played here. I said into Karen's mind, "The magic's back." She answered, "Is it ever."

We went to the backstage area to get ready and walked on stage as Little Willie left. It looked just like it did the last time we played here. The introduction we got was the grand finale again and we couldn't believe the fireworks display. We all watched for a minute and then played a real hard rocker Texas style. Mandy played some outrageous Texas blues guitar stuff, as Jody played the blues harp, and it sounded incredible. When we ended the song, the screams were deafening. Mandy said into the mic. "It's great to back in Austin. We love it here. You're all great!" The cheers were so loud we had trouble hearing Kathy give us our cue as we went from one tune to another and then did our skits. We did some funny ones and then went right back to the music they wanted to hear.

I think everyone in the entire audience was standing. Some people were on other's shoulders. We had two tunes left to do and people were all screaming, "The Prize!" Mandy smiled at me and said, "Main Street Caf‚, then we do the ending." Jody sat on drums and we played our newest rocker and the place was jumping. The crowd was singing the chorus with us and it was so loud. We all looked at each other on stage smiling. When we ended this tune everyone was chanting, "The Prize! The Prize!" Mandy held up her hands for quite and I said into the mic, "You want to hear the Prize?" The screaming was deafening and I said, "This one is a little calmer, and we want to make this special to some of the people that are very special to us. Can all our kids and grandkids come up here on stage with us? Come on up here!"

We waited a minute and they all came up. Mandy said into the mic, "In case you don't recognize them this is West Wind, Wild Fire,..." She went through the bands and the screaming was so loud again. I said, "We wrote this song about all of them and what we finally realized about life. Mandy told me, Jen, first we tell everyone what it's not, then we tell them what it is, and then we tell them what we feel about it. We found the Prize and it was inside of us all of the time and we didn't know it."

Judy started it with a keyboard melody and the place was so quite you could hear a pin drop. I came in softly on guitar and Julie played bass to a slow beat. Mandy sang the opening lines getting louder with each one, "It's not a million dollars, or a mansion by the sea, or expensive gifts that people buy, to impress with luxury. It's not a treasure chest, or a boat to sail the sea. We chased the brass ring many times, you always gave it to me. Always trying to be the best, at almost everything. We found the prize, and realized, winning doesn't mean a thing."

We all came in with the music and the crowd went completely wild. Then I sang louder, "It's the love that hides within us, and the warmth that I now know. It's the feeling that I have each day, watching our children grow. I'm proud to stand next to you, and will be here `till the end. I've felt the magic in our hearts with the message we both send."

Then the music got really loud and we both sang loud in harmony, with all of the others singing background harmony, "We hugged each other as we cried, as now we knew the truth. We fell upon life's greatest gift. It was in us since our youth. We felt it when we kissed at night, but were deaf to life's sweet song. We found the prize, and now realize, it's been here all along."

I soled and we played all of the intricate music and then went into the second verse that talked about our kids, and then a chorus.

We played this song like it was our last performance. It was flawless and sounded incredible, even on stage. Everyone was watching every move we made and listening to every note. When we sang the last verse people were standing everywhere and I saw tears on peoples eyes in the front area by the stage. When I sang my part of the verse Mandy said into my mind, "Damn this is good baby. Sing it loud and don't cry until the end." I sang it loud and so did she in the chorus when we did it in harmony. We repeated the chorus three times and then cut the music cold, and sang the chorus just as ten acapella voices, and then ended it with one more with music. We hit the last chord and stopped. Then we sang one line about the kids, going up one step on each word without any music, "We'll teach them how to find the prize too." We all held the last word, "too" for about 10 seconds as Melissa moved her harmony part down from a 9th to a 7th and then a 6th. Mandy raised her hand and dropped it, and we ended the song.

The tears just rolled down my face and down Mandy's also, as we looked at each other. The screaming from the audience was so loud my ears were ringing. We all stood next to our kids on stage and they all had tears in their eyes. We hugged every one of them as the audience screamed and cheered, and then Mandy put her arm around me and we smiled at each other as we cried.

We waved, as people were actually singing our song in the audience. Mandy hugged me and said, "Honey I can't believe it. This was so awesome, and they're all singing it now. Listen to it." We stood on the stage waving and smiling as were heard the entire song being sung by the crowd. Melissa and Jody put their arms around us from behind and cried on our shoulders. Melissa said, "That was so moving. I can't help it. That was so good!" We waved again and watched for a few minutes, and then all walked off stage. We stood in amazement watching the crowd and listening to the singing. Megan wiped her eyes and hugged us both and said, "Damn that was good!" Everyone in the band hugged us and cried. Mandy and I hugged and then cried again when I said to her, "Nice words we wrote. How true it is."

My mom, and Mandy's mom were there and they both ran up to us and hugged us, as they were crying also. We all laughed at each other and wiped the tears. Mandy's mom, Margi, said, "That was the best you ever played. People will remember this night forever."

We listened to the crowd and the singing was getting louder and thousands of people were moving small flashlights to look like sparklers. We all stood and listened and watched the million plus crowd in total amazement. Mandy and I held each other and started singing the song with the crowd. We heard everyone else doing the same thing as a TV camera was filming us, and the crowd. We heard a reporter say, "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Get all of it on tape." We sang the song with the crowd and they ended it just like we did, and we cried again, and then they started it all over again. Mandy laughed and said, "Holy shit!"

I wiped the tears from her eyes and mine and she said, "Lets go home honey. I just want to be with you right now." We listened to the singing again for a few seconds and then displaced home.


Mandy lit a cigarette as we walked upstairs to our bedroom. We held hands and were smiling again as I said, "That was better than the first time. Lets see if it's still on TV." We got undressed and lay in bed against the headboard under the covers, and I turned on the TV from the remote. I found the news and took a drag of the cigarette as we both were in shock. We changed channels sixteen times and they all had a live view of the crowd from Austin Texas on Earth, here on Eden. The commentator said, "We are witnessing the most incredible thing we have ever seen. The one's we all know as God, have created a love for life through a song. Everyone is singing it and talking about finding the prize inside of them. Listen to it!" The commentator stopped talking and the crowd was still singing the song and loud. We changed channels again, and again, and saw more of the crowd. One channel showed a replay of us doing the last song and we watched it. Mandy and I shared the cigarette as we watched it and she said, "Jen, we weren't just good. That was the best we have ever played in our lives. The song almost came to life. Did our power of suggestion cause it?" I shrugged my shoulders and said, "We both were really emotional when we sang it. I tried so hard not to cry until we finished the last line." I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy put her head on my shoulder and said, "Me too baby, me too."

We changed channels again and the stations were interrupting their broadcasts to show the event. One reporter said, "It looks like we were all blessed with a miracle of love. They delivered it to us in a song." The camera showed hundreds of thousands of people all singing and wearing the dark blue tee- shirts, "I found The Prize." Mandy said, "Joyce and Brandy are going to like this bonus." We both giggled and sat up to watch and as we channel surfed again. It was on every network station except the weather network and the pet network. Mandy said into everyone's minds, "Anyone still there? What's it like?" Karen said back, "You won't believe it. You created a modern miracle and it's turning into what religion should have been. Guys, the song was so good you can't image how it affected people. We felt it also." Julie said to us, "Come on back here. You won't believe it. We're all having a few drinks."

Mandy and I got up, made some cloths on us, and displaced back. Julie handed us two of my favorite drinks and we couldn't believe that no one was leaving the concert. We sat and talked and listened, as the singing was getting louder. We all were starting to laugh. Jody stood up and said, "What'd you two do, hypnotize everyone?" Mandy said, "Maybe we did and didn't even realize it. This is so incredible." We started to sing it again with the crowd and a TV cameraman walked over and filmed us. We waved to the camera and sang it to him as he took our footage and then that of the other members of the band. A reporter was next to him and she said, "What do you make of all this?" I said, "It's wonderful. If this helps people to find the love they have for their families, they we scored big time. That is what the song's all about." The reporter said, "These are all of your children and grandchildren?" Mandy said, "And great grandchildren. Eight bands worth of them." The reporter said, "I truly understand the song now. It really is a great song with such a powerful message. Enjoy your night, you earned it."

I lit a cigarette and Mandy refilled our glasses. We sat and watched for a while, sharing the cigarette, and then we decide to go home to bed. Mandy said, "It'll still be here in the morning. Goodnight everyone." Julie said, "It probably will still be here. We're leaving too." Everyone displaced back with us and I said, "Check out the TV in your rooms. Every station has the concert crowd on it."

Mandy and I went back up to bed. We got under the covers and cuddled with our naked warm bodies against each other. I kissed Mandy softly and we teased each other for a little bit. She put her arm around my neck and pulled my face to her lips, and gave we the wettest sloppiest kiss. We caressed each other and rubbed out breasts together. Mandy said, "Look at how our tattoos line up perfectly when our nipples touch. The hearts are identical, yours on the left side and mine on the right." I looked while saying, "cool", and then put my lips over her nipple and sucked it softly. I flicked my tongue over it and Mandy moaned softly as she put her hand over the back of my neck. Mandy put her other hand down to my crotch and rubbed my cock, which was already hard. I reached my hand to her cock and felt the stiff shaft as Mandy whispered into my ear, "Lets fuck honey. I want to make love all night."

We changed into combined couples as I licked her nipple more. The Mandy pulled my mouth off of her breast and kissed me, as we slid our bodies on each other to get interlocked. She held my cock in position to enter her pussy, and then pushed her cock in my wet cunt. I moved into her a little and we bottomed out in each other as our skin slapped together. We kissed as we made love, moving in and out. Mandy lifted her leg up high and then wrapped it over my ass, and I was so turned on as we both made our bunny tails hop. Mandy wrapped her other leg around me, put her arms around my back kissing me hard, and then rolled us onto our other side.

We fucked for hours. We blasted off into each other three times and were working on a forth, sweating and breathing heavy. I said, "I'm going to shoot again honey. Squeeze me." Mandy squeezed her pussy muscles together and I lunged forward into her as my cock pulsated. I felt the first stream of cum shoot out as my pussy twinged and spasmed also. I squeezed my pussy muscles on Mandy's cock and I felt her cock jerk and shoot into me. I made an "mmmmmm" sound as Mandy was breathing so hard into my ear and moaning. She kept moving into me and I felt the cum spitting out of her cock and I also felt her pussy contracting in orgasm on my cock. I held her so tight as she pushed into me all the way and stayed there, as her shaft was still spasming. We kissed and held each other, as the cum was dripping out of our pussies.

We lay exhausted and I reached for a cigarette, put it in my lips, and lit it. I took a deep drag as the tip glowed red, and then took a second drag holding in the smoke. Mandy held the cigarette in her two fingers to her lips and took a drag. She held in the smoke and took another drag, exhaling through her nose. She said, "Share a nice dream with me tonight honey", as she took another drag of the cigarette and handed it to me. We starred into each other's eyes as we read each other's mind. Mandy was giggling and said, "Jen, you are so nuts sometimes." I said, "It's only a fantasy for our dream. Play along with me." I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to Mandy. She took a drag and put it out.

We kissed again and lay with our faces touching, still interlocked, and drifted off to sleep. We shared a dream and Mandy was laughing at me in it. She said, "I just can't get into it with clown makeup on." I squeezed her red round nose and it beeped. I must have really been laughing in my sleep. Mandy did away with the make up and jokes, and were made love in our dream. I knew we were doing it in bed at the same time. We both blasted off and didn't wake up but kissed in the bed in our sleep. Mandy said to me in our dream, "Don't wake up yet. Lets just keep going."

We had one outrageous dream after another all night, and fucked the entire time. We woke up at 9 in the morning as we both were basting off into each other. We kissed so hard and held each other tight, as our cocks spit our cum at the same time, and our pussy's contracted spraying juice. We looked into each other's eyes and smiled. I said, "I loved the scene on Ruubba island. Lets do that one again." Mandy was giggling and said, "I liked that one too", as she kissed me. I said, "My dick is floating inside of you." Mandy was laughing and said, "Nice way to put it Jen. You're not to dry either." I smiled and said, "Want some breakfast?" Mandy separated from me and we moved into a 69 position. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers and the cum poured out. I opened my mouth wide and put it on her pussy lips as fast as I could to catch all the cum and sucked in. Mandy went wild on me as I sucked and licked her pussy. I tongue snaked her and she orgasmed big time. Then she did it to me and I went wild again.

We sat back up against the headboard and Mandy lit a cigarette as we leaned against each other. I took a drag as she pressed the TV remote button. The station showed the crowd from last night and Mandy said, "That's now! The sun is up. Holy shit." We channel surfed and watched some of the news and it was all about the event that will change history in Austin Texas, on planet earth. We listened as I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy said, "What do we do next as an encore?" I started to laugh and said, "You have got to be kidding. You want to go back and play another song? Leave the crowd wanting more. That's what we always say. They're just real persistent." Mandy blew out the smoke and squeezed one of my tities and said, "No! I mean what do we do next. They want something, I think. I actually have no clue what they want. Jen, this is so weird." I took a drag of the cigarette as Julie and Kathy came into our room. Julie said, "You're watching it too. What the fuck is going on?"

I said, "We still have two empty seats left for the show. Hop in." Kathy was laughing as they took off their bathrobes and got in bed with us. We watched and listened to the news commentators as bewildered as we were. Then we really got spooked. The camera went back to the studio and a reporter said, "That was Austin Texas on Earth. This is the scene from Grammar Park on Eden. The camera showed tens of thousands of people in the park wearing the tee shirt "I found the prize" and singing the song. Then they showed the same scene from four other planets. I said into all of minds, "Did any of us cause this? Eve, was this a practical joke of some kind?"

No one knew what I was talking about and Mandy said, "Turn on the cable network news. You won't believe it." We all were talking in our minds about it and no one had a clue. I said into our minds, "Since we seemed to have caused it with our song, what should we do about it?" Eve said back, "Nothing. It's one of the best things that's every happened. People are all experiencing the feelings that you two have for your family. I read a few of their minds. They truly felt love for each other and their family. Read their minds and see if you get the same thing."

Mandy and I made our minds become energy and displaced to Austin. We read at least a hundred people's mind, and it was just like Eve said. We displaced back into our bodies and sat up. Mandy said into our minds, "Eve, you're right. They all feel that way." I said into our minds, "Somehow our emotions can get carried in our voice. I don't understand how we did it, but that's the only explanation. There must be a power to our minds that we don't know about yet." Kathy leaned over and said to me and also into our minds, "Jen, this is not a scientific thing. We know everything about our minds and it had nothing to do with it. This is the power of music."

Mandy rolled over on me said, "Honey, we have been talking about 12 other songs we wanted to finish writing that are all like The Prize. Lets finish them and see what the reaction is. If they take off maybe we could get our own special God network. Think about it. We actually can heal people and it won't be fake."

Mandy was talking like one of the old evangelists and screaming, "You're healed, say hallelujah", as she pushed on each of our foreheads. We were all laughing and she was really getting into it and started a sermon of the God network featuring the good reverend Doctor Edwards. I was about to piss in the bed. Mandy pushed me on my forehead so hard I fell over backwards laughing as she yelled, "Your healed unbeliever." We could hear everyone laughing hysterically in our minds and Mandy said, "Think that's a little over the edge?" All we heard was laughing and Mandy said, "Okay, Okay, I get the message. God, this was a great idea." We were still laughing as Mandy got up and opened the drawer of her dresser and took out two of Cara's dope cigarettes and got in bed with me. She kissed me and said, "Lets get a little wrecked and then share a dream about the songs. Julie, you and Kathy come in the dream with us and tell us how the songs sound. Baby, we have to fuck in bed first. You know that." Mandy gave me the sexiest smile and lit a dope cigarette. She took two deep drags and handed it to me, as she started to rub her cock and mine to get them hard.

I took two drags and passed it to Kathy, while Mandy lit a second dope cigarette. She took two more tokes and passed it to me, and then lay between my legs, made us into combined couples, and pushed us together, as I passed the joint to Kathy again. Julie passed the first joint back to Mandy and we went around with the two of them.

The four of us were totally stoned. Mandy and I moved to our sides fucking slowly, as we passed the joints around, and Julie and Kathy were now fucking right next to us on their sides. We finished the dope cigarettes and put them out, as Mandy and I fucked like lunatics. In twenty minutes the four of us were making the bed bounce in rhythm as we all were moaning and groaning. I kissed Mandy so hard with my mouth open and she was dancing her tongue with mine. She said, "Oh honey, I'm cumming. I'm blasting off. Hold me." We held each other tight as Mandy's cock pulsated inside of me and her pussy contracted on my cock. We kissed and then my cock jerked inside of her and spit a river of cum. I felt Mandy's cock flooding my pussy with warm goo and it felt so good. Kathy and Julie were kissing and both came at the same time. We all lay still, kissing. Mandy said, "Join us in our dream."

Mandy and I closed our eyes and were out in seconds. Julie and Kathy joined us in a minute and we were all naked in our studio lying on the couch, watching our band on the live stage. Mandy and I made our band play a song we almost finished called, "If I grow old." We both loved the first two verses and chorus. Then I started making up the words for the last verse. We all watched ourselves play it and Julie said to us, "Back it up to the third verse again. Listen to my idea." Julie changed two lines and we all loved it. Mandy said to us in our dream, "Rewind time. Lets listen and make love." We made love in our dream and in bed at the same time, as we listened and watched ourselves play the song. We all had a tear in our eyes again and made love slowly. We kissed and started another song.

The four of us went through 12 new songs that we hadn't finished, and they were all like The Prize. Our favorite was a song called, "Once in your life" that was about taking a chance on someone that you fall madly in love with. We also blasted off 3 times together. Kathy and Julie were so into it with us. We all made love one more time as we watched and listened to the whole new set of material. It was incredible. We made love, cried, kissed, and felt so close to each other. We all blasted off at the same time and wake up.

Mandy and I sat up, made a pad and pencil, and started to write down everything. Julie and Kathy were watching us as Kathy said, "Music for life." Julie smiled and said, "A new CD and we re-release The Prize using the Austin concert version on it with crowd singing it also." Mandy and I stopped writing and both smiled, then we went back to writing it all down.

Kathy looked at the clock as we finished writing and she said, "No way. We did all of that and it's only one o'clock?" I said, "We slept for a two and a half hours. That's actually long for our song writing. But we did it a little different this time also." We all got up, showered, cleaned up and dressed, and went downstairs. I brought down all of the music and Kathy made us some breakfast. We ate and had some coffee and Julie called all of our band into the kitchen using her mind.

Everyone was there in a few minutes and Kathy told them the idea. Melissa said, "Lets hear it." We all went into the studio and we played all of the songs and had tears in our eyes in almost every one. Everyone loved the new tunes and were as emotional as us. I said, "You want to learn them and release a new CD to take advantage of this thing that's going on?" No one answered as they just picked up an instrument and Melissa said, "Lets do it. This music is unreal."

It took us a while to learn the material, as it was complicated and the harmony parts were so cool. We spent all day and until 2 in the morning in the studio, learning the material. All of our kids and grandchildren came in at 1 AM to listen to a finished version of all of them. They all had tears in their eyes at the end of every tune. We finished the new show and Megan said, "How did you do that? We all loved it. Every song is like The Prize."

We all took a 4 hour nap together, had some food and coffee, and then recorded the new CD with Chris and Roberta helping us. I called Karen in her mind at 10 in the morning and said, "Feel like listening to the next 30 billion dollar CD?" She didn't answer and displaced to our studio. She said, "You recorded another song like The Prize?" Kathy said, "12 more like the prize. Have a seat. We want to include the Austin live recording of The Prize on this CD with the crowd singing it also. The CD is called Music for Life."

Jody had everything set up and pressed play. We listened to every note and every word, and all got emotional. Karen was wiping her eyes and smiled at every tune. When the song, "If I Grow Old" ended Karen was really crying. She swiped her eyes and said, "Don't stop it, it's so good." When the CD was over she said to us, "I want to release it tomorrow. Jody, send it all for mastering now and I'll have all of the other work done today. This will break every record in the books. This is The Prize." We all wiped our eyes and were smiling. Karen hugged us all and said, "I never thought I could feel this way just listening to music. You have more than just the magic. I just don't know what to call it. Melissa, you and Jody awake enough to get us started with some commercials?" They both had their eyes half open and Jody said, "Yeah, why not." I said, "Tell Joyce and Brandy about this also."

We all went with Melissa and Jody to help with the commercials. They had great ideas and Janice came up with a winner. She said, "We use shots from the Austin concert, showing what people are thinking. We make sure we get the song titles in there." Melissa had a team with us and she gave them the ideas and how she wanted it done. Jody said, "Any chance of getting it to air tomorrow?" Someone said, "If you get us tickets to the next show, we'll have it done by midnight." Mandy said, "Deal. Tell Karen as soon as it's ready."

We all displaced back home. Mandy and I went straight to bed, undressed, cuddled, kissed, and passed out. We woke up the next morning and made love as usual like sex starved lunatics and then lay against each other sharing a cigarette against the headboard. I looked at the alarm clock and said, "Board meeting in two hours. We should get up soon." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to me, as she turned on the TV from the remote. The news showed the Austin concert site and there were still some people there. We guessed it was about a quarter of the original crowd. She channel surfed and stopped on one of the music stations and we watched the commentator make an announcement of our new release Music for Life and they played one of the cuts showing us recording it. I said, "It's damn good." We watched it and when the song was over the show host said, "Our phones are ringing off the wall. We're going to play the entire CD for you. Remember you saw it here first. This is good stuff." Mandy gave me a high five and we got up.

We went to the board meeting and I said, "Maxine, you decided to stay a woman this month again?" She said, "Maybe for good. I'm just not sure yet." Mandy smiled and said, "It looks good on you Max."

The board meeting was the usual boring stuff for about a half hour and then everyone wanted to know about the new CD release. Karen hooked up the computer and projector and let everyone watch the video that went on the CD in the enriched format. We watched and listened to the entire CD and everyone was emotional.

Karen said, "Mandy, I have requests for you two to do over 300 talk shows about the new music. You want to pick a few?" I said, "Just pick the best ones and we'll do them." Karen said, "How about an unplugged? That could be fun." We nodded our heads and Melissa said, "Lets have all of the kids with us if they'll do it." I said, "How about having them film it in our house? The kids are the audience and also participate." Karen smiled and said, "This is getting scary. I'll set it up for next week sometime." Patty put her arms around me and said, "Those new tunes are the best. Debbie and I love them more each time we hear them."

Joyce came back into our offices after the meeting and already had some new ideas. She smiled and tossed us two tee shirts that said, "I am The Prize" and two more that said, "Good dope always makes good music." We both laughed and she said, "Julie told us." I said, "That stays our secret. Cara's magic dope." Joyce said, "It's true? You guys were stoned when you wrote these?" We nodded our heads smiling, as Joyce was laughing.

We finished up a few things at the office and displaced back home. Ruffles and Snuffy were walking past us and Ruffles said, "Rellow. Ree R Roing Roo Ra Rastle." I said, "Have fun." I made Mandy and me our favorite drinks and we sat in the den and turned on the TV. We were both dying to see what they were showing about our new CD. We flipped stations and every music station was now showing our new CD in its entirety. We also made the network news again with this release. Mandy said, "We're starting a new cult. I still like the God network idea. Jen, you're loosing your sense of humor. That would be such a piss. Music for healing and a sermon by the good reverend Doctor Mandy Edwards." I was laughing and she said, "Fuck you! I like it!" We kissed and I said, "Lets go for a swim reverend Edwards. You know we're racing again this weekend." Mandy smiled and said, "We haven't even driven the new Ferrari's yet. We set them up and that's it." I said, "No one can catch us anyway. We could have still run the old ones this year and won. The only competition is Kathy, Julie, Patty, and Debbie."

We turned off the TV, changed out of our business cloths, and went out to the beach with a blanket. I lit a cigarette as we lay back in the sun on the blanket. Mandy and I talked about going back to Ruubba Island as we soaked in the sun on our bare skin. She started on the God network kick again so I rolled over and said just like one of the old southern TV evangelists, "Hallelujah sister. Say amen. I said, say----y A--men. You-----u, are going to hell. I said you-----u are going to hell because you-----u didn't donate your fair share to the lord. Say hallelujah. Raise your hands and say Amen and give all of your money to my TV scam. You're fucking healed bitch. Now say Hallelujah and Amen!" I pushed Mandy on the forehead and she was laughing so hard she started to pee in the sand. I helped her up and we went in for a swim as she was smiling and saying, "I still think it's a good idea." I didn't say a word.

We swam and made love underwater as Mandy and I shared our thoughts. We also made friends with a sea turtle that was over 7 feet long.

The next three days we goofed off and watched our new CD break every possible record. Karen couldn't keep up production fast enough to fill the demand. It was now back ordered in every store, the internet sites, and through the call centers. The Prize was still number one everywhere, but our favorite "Once in Your Life" was in second everywhere. We also filled the next 11 spots on every chart with the other tunes. The kids were pissed as their songs were now after ours in the charts and Mandy said, "Just go yell at your writers to write better material for you." They all laughed and hugged us.

We did three talk shows already and people wanted to know how we wrote the music. I said, "In our sleep. That's how we always write. We hear the music in our dreams and then write it down when we wake up." No one believed me.

One of the show hosts asked us to play a song that we thought was the worst song we ever wrote. We played the one we did as a joke for Little Willie years ago, and Mandy told the whole story as the audience was laughing. Then she said, "With a few minor changes it sounds like this." We played it again and talk show host had her mouth hanging open. I said, "That's the new one for Little Willie." Everyone wanted to know how we came up with the ideas and we both said together, "We have no clue." I said, "We're still trying to figure out how we came up with the ideas for the androids, the History of Life parks, the action figure games, the Soul Mates site, and about 20 other things." The talk show host looked at us funny and then said, "Oh that's right. I completely forgot who you are. I was so focused on the music."

After the last talk show we displaced to the office to check in with Flow and Grace. Flow said, "I did so good today. I told 45 reporters no." We both smiled and I said, "Keep it up. Don't cave in to them." Mandy and I went into her office and sat down reading through a stack of things Flow prepared for us. She gave us her suggestions and they were all right on target. We finished it in about a half hour and were having a cigarette talking about increasing Flow's salary and grade again when Karen stuck her head in and said, "You have a few minutes?" I said, "Come on in." Karen shut the door and I said, "We want to bump up Flow again. She's doing everything perfect. You think 275 is too much?" Karen said, "Do it. She's worth her weight in Gold. Her and Grace run this place most of the time. I'd bump them both up again." Mandy wrote down the numbers and called HR. She said, "Let me call them in here and tell them first." Mandy called in Flow and I said, "You earned your way into the big buck arena. Congratulations." Mandy handed her the numbers and she screamed. We all smiled and asked her to send Grace in also. We bumped up Grace even higher and she smiled and said, "I love you guys. Thanks."

Grace left the office and shut the door, as Karen said, "We have a very unusual request that I thought you should see." She took out the stack of papers she came in with and said, "850,000 signatures on a request for a public access network across the universe. The people that did this are here. Want to see them with me to find out what it's all about?" I said, "850,000 signatures. Yeah, lets hear them out."

Karen buzzed Flow to send in the five people and they came into the office and sat with us at Mandy's conference table. Mandy said, "You've definitely got our attention. What's this all about?" There were two men and three women. One man said, "I'm Doctor John Raider and this was mostly my idea. We wanted to establish a universe wide TV network that is aimed at public access. What we really mean is that a public advocate is the program director. We want it to be all about people's lives, feelings, family, and values. Doctor Edwards, I was the attending physician 15 years ago when you were in a horrible car accident and died. You were as dead as it gets, with almost every organ damaged and hundreds of crushed and broken bones. I witnessed a miracle that day. I saw your partner, Doctor Mandy Edwards, and several others heal you and bring you back to life. I saw your soul leave your body and go into her body. Then I saw it go back into your body when you woke up. People need something to believe in. They need hope and each other. Your songs have given them the hope and feelings they all long for. That really is The Prize. I think everyone should see the powers that you have. The healing that I witnessed completely changed my life. No matter how much you try to avoid the questions, I know that you are Gods, and so are the other 60 or 70 people that are just like you. People need a God to believe in and see the power that is here to help us. You all have done more for humanity than anyone before. We have a wonderful life, almost no crime, and freedoms that we never had before. It did however come at a cost, and that cost was faith. This network, with your help, will restore that faith along with people's love for their families. It will take maybe a few hours of each of your time a month, and can change others lives like you changed mine. I would like all of you to spend two hours a month in any hospital, and just heal the terminally ill or accident victims that our medicine can't. We'll film it and show it during the month. Maybe other things too, if you allow us."

Mandy had been echoing John's conversation into everyone's mind and Eve said, "Do it! He is right on target. That's why everyone is so into the songs. I'll give as much time as we need to make it happen." Everyone was saying the same thing and I said, "We'll do it. But we need to understand a lot more about other programming, costs, and so forth. Who did you have in mind to be the program director?" John said, "One of your own, Dean Cooper. He's really cares about the communities." I said, "Have you asked him yet?" John said, "No."

Mandy said, "Karen, what are your thoughts?" She smiled and said, "As long as we can run commercials to cover the costs, this is fine. That Okay with all of you?" They all nodded their heads and Karen said, "I can take it from here." She buzzed Gerri and said, "What are the channel ranges that are open across the entire universe?" Gerri said, "Anything from 725 and up. The old systems can only receive up to 999." Karen said, "Lucky 777 is the station number. Come on into my office." We shook all of their hands and John said, "Jen, I would never in a billion years have expected you to live that night. That gave me hope and faith."

They left and Karen shut the door. I said, "The good reverend Doctor Mandy Edwards gets her wish." Mandy pushed me on the forehead and yelled, "You're fucking cured!" We both laughed and displaced home.


Mandy and I sat in the kitchen as everyone came home, and they all had comments about the good reverend. Mandy was blushing and laughing as she said, "I know I deserve it. I got kind of carried away." Chris put her arms around Mandy from behind while we were sitting and said, "Mom, this really is a good idea." We were joking around and Karen said into our minds, "You interested in doing a few marriages on TV also?" We were laughing and Mandy said, "Absolutely." We all laughed more and she smacked my leg. Karen said, "How about showing people how we create a planet and life?" I said back, "That's a definite!"

Cary made everyone one of our favorite drinks and Megan made us all dinner. Julie and Kathy were busting Mandy's chops again and we were all laughing. Mandy pushed Kathy off the chair and yelled, "You are so fucking healed!" The kids we laughing so hard they couldn't even talk. I said, "That network needs to film a day in our lives, and no one will ever believe a thing they see after that." Mandy gave me a wet kiss while we swallowed our food and said to me, "Like us having sex in the kitchen?" I said, "And that's only for starters."

We had a cigarette and another drink, as we talked seriously about the new network. We all came up with ideas that were pretty good and Alicia made a list. She said, "We should kick it off with Eve explaining all of it, with us all there and being introduced. Maybe even film the work planet design room and knowledge transfer center for us to learn what each of us has experienced." Mandy called Karen in her mind and said, "The good preacher Mandy O'Malley has list of topics for the new network. Want to stop by and get them?" Karen was laughing as she displaced to us. She sat on my lap and said, "Heal me you sexy bitch."

We all were still laughing about the ideas as Alicia gave the list to Karen, who read them and said, "I like this. Lets advertise it everywhere. God's Network for People and Life." Mandy smiled and I said, "You had to pick that name." Mandy gave me a fake smile and everyone was cracking up again. Karen got off my lap and displaced back home, and Mandy took my hand and said, "Jen and I need to have a private conversation about my new starring role." She walked me up to the bedroom and we were both giggling. Mandy turned back towards the kitchen and yelled, "We leave tomorrow morning at 6 for the races!" We heard a yell back up the stairs and we went up to our room.

Mandy and I undressed and lay on the bed. I said, "So we going to write another Broadway style God show?" Mandy lit a cigarette and lay back next to me saying, "We don't need one. This is the sequel." She handed me the cigarette and I took a drag. I blew out the smoke and said, "If you get too carried away with this it could fuck up everything. People want a God that is compassionate, caring, and humble, not a TV evangelist." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Honey, I was only kidding. We'll put on a good show. I promise to not get carried away." I kissed her softly and she responded as we got into a deep wet kiss licking each other's tongues. Mandy broke the kiss and tapped me on the forehead saying, "You're healed. Now say Amen and let's fuck." We both giggled as she reached between my legs and rubbed my cock to get it hard, as I took a drag of the cigarette. I held the cigarette to Mandy's lips and she took a drag, before I put it out. I reached between her legs and rubbed her cock and it was already hard, and her pussy was soaking wet. Mandy turned us into combined couples and she lay on top of me. I positioned my cock to enter her pussy, and we slid into each other, interlocked. I put my arms around her kissing so passionate, as our bodies were moving on their own. I wrapped my legs around her ass and pulled her closer to me, and then rolled us on our side. We slid our cocks in and out of each other's pussy in a rhythm. I was on fire and so was Mandy.

We kissed and held each other so close, sliding our bodies. I moved my head to suck her nipples, as she cupped her breast and held it to my mouth. Mandy was moaning, as she pushed into me as deep as she could go, and we both made our cocks bigger. I lifted my head from her breast and moaned so loud, "Fuck me honey. Oh, that feels so good." Mandy kissed me again and our bunny tails were hopping into each other. We fucked for almost an hour and then I couldn't hold back any longer. Mandy said into my mind, "We have to cum baby. I can't wait any more. Hold me and kiss me." We kissed as my cock pulsated and jerked in Mandy's wet cunt. I froze for a second as I jerked forward and then my pussy was contracting at the same time. I felt my cum shoot out like a fire hose, just as Mandy's cocky spasmed inside of me. I felt her pussy twitching and spurt after spurt of cum blasting into my pussy. I was still squirting into Mandy as we kissed and held each other so tight.

We lay perfectly still for about 20 seconds, and then we both moved slowly. We started a rhythm and were both so into it again. We fucked for three hours. After we blasted off for the third time, we lay with Mandy on top of me, both of us exhausted and sweating. Our breasts were pushed together and I loved how my nipples felt against hers. Mandy's sweat dripped onto my face and she licked it off as I said, "I want to lick more than your sweat." Mandy got off of me and she moved to a 69 position on our sides. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers, and licked her once from top of bottom, as I watched the cum drip out. I put my mouth over her slit and sucked, while I licked, and swallowed. I was moaning up a storm, as Mandy was doing the same thing to me. Then we tongue snaked each other and I couldn't stop cumming from my pussy. I sprayed her face nonstop. We ended with a blow fuck job, and both shot our cum into each other's mouth. I saved it in my mouth, sat up facing Mandy, and kissed her with my mouth wide open. She went wild sucking the cum out of my mouth as we swallowed together.

We lay down together again, as Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a deep drag and I turned us back into combined couples again. She smiled at me as we slid our bodies back together again and interlocked. I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it back to Mandy. Then I tapped her on the forehead and said, "You're healed." She smiled and said, "Not yet I'm not", and started to move into me slowly. Both of us had hardons again and we started to fuck. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and then held it to my lips, as I took two deep drags. I held in the smoke and Mandy kissed me, as I blew the smoke out of my nose. It took twenty minutes for us to blast off one more time, close our eyes, and pass out.

The alarm woke us up at 5 AM we both sat up like mannequins. Mandy grabbed my hand as we staggered half asleep into the bathroom and into a shower. I started to fall back asleep in the shower and Mandy woke me up real fast by kneeling down in front of me and licking my pussy. She was laughing when I orgasmed into her mouth. She was begging me to pee on her, so I did and she licked me until I was so wet again, I was throbbing. We cleaned up, dressed for the race and went downstairs for breakfast. The troops were all coming into the kitchen as we ate a quick breakfast. Mandy and I had some coffee and went to the garage to do our RV and trailer routine again. We had this down to a science and it took us less than 5 minutes.

Everyone came outside and Julie brought us each more coffee. The troops all displaced to the pit area of the track and Julie displaced to a spot where we could put the RV and rig. She gave us the coordinates and we did our usual routine, picked her up, and were at the track in 10 minutes.

We unloaded the new Ferrari 816 cars, and brought them to the inspection area. One of the inspectors said, "Wow. 8 liter V16. I have to see how these run. Have you had them out yet?" I said, "First time will be in about 15 minutes if they pass the inspection." They all passed.

We suited up in our race gear, filled up the cars with fresh fluids and fuel, and drove them to the staging area for qualifying. We were all talking to each other in our minds and Mandy said, "I bet my yellow one is faster than your red one." Everyone was laughing listening to us as we got the signal to take the track.

We took it real slow the first two laps to heat up the tires and the cars. We got the green flag and Mandy was in front and nailed it. These cars were like monsters. They flew. Mandy was screaming, "whoooie" in our minds and I must have said something like, "No fucking way!" We took the track a lot faster than we ever did before. I hit 287 miles an hour on the back straight as the six of us ran as a group drafting. I pulled out to pass Mandy and slingshot around her and the digital speedo read 301. I nailed it and pushed the car to the absolute limit. This thing was insanely fast for a normal engine car. Mandy stayed right on my ass as we left the others about 10 car lengths behind. We ran full out for two laps and then slowed and let the others catch us. Kathy said into our minds, "We're going to really push it now. Let us pass high." We moved low and let Julie, Kathy, Patty, and Debbie pass us high. They were flying as a group. We watched Julie slingshot around Kathy and then Debbie slingshot around all of them to take the lead. Mandy and I ran all out two more laps and then we got a checkered flag to end the qualifying session. We did a cool off lap and pulled into the pits. We all got out of the cars and I yelled, "How did we do?"

The kids and grandkids were all there and Megan said, "Other than breaking the pervious lap record by 7 seconds, not bad." We looked at the tall score board that listed running order and times and we all laughed. Mandy smacked me with her race gloves and said, "You beat me by a thousandth of a second." I was in first followed by Mandy and then Debbie, Julie, Patty, and Kathy. We all were within a few hundredths of a second of each other. I said, "I'm done qualifying. Let's talk pit strategy. We all need to pit at least once in this race."

We had some more coffee, calculated when each of us should pit, and the watched the others. I said, "The only saving grace about this race is that there are no slower class cars in it. It would be a disaster at these speeds. They run by themselves first." We prepped the cars for the race and then sat and watched the slower class cars race. The place was packed and the people were cheering their favorite drivers. These cars were noticeably slower than us. We figured that we would lap the same car every three laps.

We spent some time talking to the other drivers, that we all knew really well now. There were two rookies this race and everyone was busting their chops. Howard was being a clown as usual, now that he finally learned how to drive fast and was one of the few who actually gave us any real competition. He was starting seventh, behind us, followed by Tom.

We had a bite to eat, suited up again, and got into the cars that were gridded on the track. I strapped in and was joking with Mandy. I made her dash read out, "A message from the God Network - I'm healed" and she lost it. The pace car took us around the track slowly for two laps and then pulled off. I said into our minds, "Get ready to fly and draft me." I got the green and nailed it, as Mandy got in line behind me. We were really moving and after four laps had at least a half lap distance between us and Howard.

Mandy said, "Push it hard for a few laps. Stay with us. Now!" I pushed the car to the limit and we caught up and passed seven of the other cars. I said, "High on the first three, then low. Watch their race line." We ran like the cars were on rails for almost 50 laps. Mandy slingshot past me and said, "See, I am faster." I passed her on the next turn and she said, "Shit! Shit! Shit!" The six of us traded leads at least 10 times.

Megan said into our minds, "Caution. Slow down. The track is blocked by the start finish area." We started to slow and Megan yelled into our minds, "Oh shit! Oh Shit! We may need to heal Howard. This is really bad. Stop by the start finish line. They red flagged the race." We all pulled towards the infield run off area and up to the start finish line. There were two drivers lying in the middle of the track and it wasn't good. We all got out of our cars and ran over as quick as we could, as Megan and some of the kids ran over also. We took off our gear and Mandy and I knelt over Howard and he was a complete mess. He had to have been ejected from the car and they run over. We started healing him as fast as we could.

Julie and Kathy worked on the other driver, as the medics were just getting there with stretchers. Kathy yelled, "Don't move they yet! You'll kill them! We're all doctors." All of the kids came over and were helping heal. I said, "He's almost as bad as I was. Can we save him?" Mandy said, "Just work fast. I fixed his chest cavity, lungs and heart. Megan is working on his face and head. That helmet saved his life. Jen do this legs, they are so mangled."

All of us worked on the two drivers for about 15 minutes and they were going to make it, but still had lots of injuries. We had the medics put them on stretchers for the transport to the hospital. Kathy said, "Start the Miracle drug in the ambulance. This one has a broken vertebrae, number L4. Immobilize his neck before you touch him and use a backboard."

The race marshal came over to us and said, "I now know why everyone always refers to you as Gods. That was a miracle. They were both beyond help. The TV crew filmed all of it. You fell like finishing the race. If you don't, I'm okay with just calling it here. I'm not sure anyone wants to race after seeing that." Mandy said, "We'll drop out if anyone wants to continue. I want to go to the hospital with them." He said, "The race is over. Jen you took first, Mandy you're in second, and Patty my friend, you're in third. Congrats." We'll get the cars loaded up for you. I said, "Thanks Bob. Were going to the hospital."

We walked back to the RV and the pit crews for the two drivers were thanking us. I said, "What hospital are they going too?" One of them told us and Mandy said, "We'll see you there. They still need a lot of work." We all displaced to outside of the hospital and the ambulance was just arriving. Mandy, me, Julie, Kathy and eight others of us went into the ER. I said, "We can heal them now. Please don't ask any questions or interrupt. We saved their lives on the track. Kathy, start with L4 if that's broken. I know L5 is ruptured in Howard." The eight of us spent about 25 minutes and went through every part of their bodies. We also fixed a kidney problem that Howard had. We got both drivers up and they were walking around and talking, and we completely checked they out. I said, "What in the fuck happened?"

Howard said, "I'm not sure. I think one of the rookies rear ended me and I flipped over backwards, was hit again, and somehow came out of the car. I know I got hit again while I was lying on the track. How come I'm not dead?" I said, "We'll explain that later. Just check everything out." Kathy was talking to the other driver and it was the rookie that caused the accident. I said into his mind, "If we weren't there you would have died. Next time be more careful. Learn how to use the brakes before you get out there again. That could have been us you hit and I would have been really pissed at you. Instead of healing, we would have been doing some breaking or sent you on a vacation to hell." I showed him hell and smiled. He said, "It won't happen again."

The doctors were all watching us and one said, "I was told that you could do this, but I never believed it. Are they completely healed?" I said, "Good as new. Actually, Howard, we fixed your kidney problem also, so you won't need that medication any more."

We walked out into the waiting room and the press was there. Mandy said, "They are feeling a little shaky, but will probably love the company. Tell them they would have lost anyway." The reporters were laughing as Howard and the rookie walked out. We waved and walked outside, and then displaced back to the track. We used our usual routine to get the cars back to Eden and went inside the house.

Everyone was hanging out in the kitchen having one of our favorite drinks and Eve said into our minds, "Turn on the news. Any station." Mandy turned on the TV and we switched to the news. We watched a video of the initial accident and it was amazing that either driver was still alive when we got there. Howard was run over 3 times by cars going over 200 miles an hour. Then it showed us on the racetrack healing Howard and the rookie driver, who were both a complete mess. Eve said into our minds, "This is what people want to see. I think that new network will be an incredible success. Lets use this as a way to introduce what can do for humanity. I'll talk to Karen."

We turned off the TV and Patty said, "A few more laps and I would have won that race. I was so fast today. I was braking to keep from hitting you two in the ass." Mandy said, "I know. We thought you were going to pass us two laps earlier. Those new cars are outrageous." We all had another drink and went into the den to sit and just relax. Eve said into everyone's mind, "Tomorrow morning we all meet at the work planet at 9 o'clock. We are being filmed. I'll explain it all when we get there."

We all said something back and I turned on the TV and channel surfed. There were commercials for the new network on every station and they all had a count down in hours until it was coming on the air. I pressed 777 and the screen had a clock counting down that said, "God's network for Life and Humanity." Mandy stood up and did a little dance and started the reverend routine again. We all laughed our asses off as she healed us and this time we played along. Julie said, "We have our next skit for the band. This is a piss. Kathy, fold your arm in half again and turn your head around backwards so Mandy can heal it." Mandy said, "Okay, I'm done. You're all fucking healed." I couldn't stop laughing.

We had some sandwiches, more drinks, and goofed around all night. Kathy was designing a new action figure game based on the God Network and we all cracked up. Chris and Roberta were still working the details for the new network programming on the work planet and Chris said into our minds, "I think we figured out a better way to do the satellite programming for the whole universe. If this works, we'll use it everywhere. It'll save us a lot of money as we won't have to reprogram everything on each planet. We're going to drive all of it from one central system. It'll be ready by the time you guys get here tomorrow morning." I said, "Every time we start a project, no matter what it is, we seem to discover new things. We just seem to trip over them."

Mandy and I were getting a little drunk and she put her elbow on my shoulder as we were sitting on the couch and she whispered into my ear, "How about we go upstairs and discover how much we like to have sex with each other?" I smiled at her and we went upstairs.

Mandy and I made love for almost 5 hours and then passed out in each other's arms. The alarm clock woke us up at 7 AM and we did it one more time before we got up to go to the bathroom.


We met everyone on the work planet at 9 AM. Karen had a whole film crew there and she said, "This the crew that will be working with us." She introduced everyone and said, "We are going to film the introduction of the network. Eve will lead it off. Remember this isn't live, so we can edit anything in or out."

We all went into the design room and sat around the huge table, with about 10 different camera crews all at different locations. Eve stood at the front of the room and said, "Welcome everyone. We thought the best way to start out this new network was to show you how everything got started in the universe, and introduce you to all of us. To begin with, we are the Guardians of Life, and we are on a planet that is in a different time plane. Every thing that you see on the entire day of the show will have been filmed in less than 10 minutes."

Eve started out by explaining how the universe was formed and then showed it for the cameras. She showed her own existence as energy and then how she was born into a human form. She showed the life cycle and then went into Tara's mission to start a new section of the universe. She walked everyone through the computer systems and the changes we made to the human life cycle. She showed so many things that were truly amazing to watch again. She showed all of us starting life on planets and caring for it. She showed Mandy and me playing with Lions and Tigers and we both smiled remembering it. Then she said, "Let me introduce all of the people in the Guardians. On each planet you will recognize different people as they stand. A few, all of you know, because of their prominence."

Eve introduced everyone one at a time as we stood, and also told about what planets we created, and ones we helped manage. When she got to us she said, "These two everyone knows. They manage all of it and are our leaders. They provide us with the inspiration that we sometimes need to do our part and are the two of the brightest and nicest people in the universe." We both blushed. Eve gave everyone compliments as she did the introductions. She introduced our grandchildren as, "The newest members of the group. Who are still learning our ways but have mastered most of the gifts."

When she was done, Mandy stood and said, "Eve didn't introduce herself. Let me do the honors." Mandy said about 10 minutes of complementary things that were all true and ended with, "Eve made this all possible for everyone here, and all of you watching. She is the first God and first human life form. Her and Adam set the stage for the entire real life show you are about to see."

Eve started talking about SolarNational and asked Mandy and me to give everyone an overview of what the company accomplished. We spoke for about two hours and showed short videos from our memories. Some of it was really funny, and other parts were serious. We also named the people that were part of the SolarNational executive team and also those that made significant contributions.

Eve came back on and said, "Let me show you what they can do in an emergency. These were all catastrophic events." Eve showed images from the Earthquakes where we saved millions by moving parts of continents. She showed an invasion from space and how we stopped it, and also how we diverted a comet. We all were glued to every word she said.

Eve said, "For the last part of this introduction, I want to show you briefly what we can do. I think to say that we can do anything would be too unbelievable for most of you, but we can. We can create anything from nothing, change anything, and even defy the laws of physics. We can control the properties of the universe including space and time. Eve asked Dedra, Lou Ann, Megan, and Rose to join her and used them to demonstrate. It seemed amazing even to all of us. Eve said, "Thank you for watching our introduction and we hope you tune in again to see more of how we are helping people from all of the planets."

We all stood up and clapped for Eve and she blushed. Karen said, "We need to film some healings today and then were don't need to do anything with most of you for a while. It'll take about 2 to 3 hours. Divide into pairs, and I'll give you a hospital location. You'll go there with a camera crew and just do your thing to heal as many people as you can while they film it."

Mandy and I got two locations to go too, and the first stop was the new hospital in New York City. The hospital was expecting us and the manager walked with us to the ward of terminal patients that none of the drugs worked on. We all knew that about .01 percent of the patients would develop an immunity to the drugs after a while. There were 46 patients and Mandy and I talked to each person and asked them what they liked to do before they got sick. We also made them feel better about what we going to do. I said, "This is going to tingle a little, but it won't hurt. It may also feel a little warm." We looked inside of each person and saw exactly what the problems were. Mandy and I healed each person in a few minutes. We had each one get up and walk around and then stay to watch the others. Each person hugged us and thanked us.

We were walking down to leave when an emergency came in from an auto accident. Mandy and I went into the ER and one person was really bad. We worked with the doctors as they tried to keep the person alive long enough so we could heal the heart, lungs and main arteries. Then we worked on the major repairs as the doctors used the miracle drug.

We were off to our second stop with was the children's hospital in Philadelphia. Again we were expected and were lead to a terminal patients section. These kids all had diseases that for some reason were immune to the drugs. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Mandy and I talked to the kids and this time spent a lot more time with each one and their parents who were there also. When we cured the first child, we both cried as she got up out of bed and hugged us and then ran to hug her mother. We spent about 4 hours in the hospital healing the children and playing with them. I got all of their names and addresses and I said, "Everyone gets a complete action game set sent to your home." They were all clapping and one child named Bobbie walked over to us and said, "Can I get a guitar? I really want to learn to play, but my Mom can't afford to get me one." The mother ran over and apologized and I said, "No problem." I made a guitar and handed it to him and said to the mother, "The lessons are your problem." She hugged us again and we left.

We displaced back to the work planet, and Karen said, "We have so much incredible footage. I can only image what yours looks like. How would you like to film and unplugged show with all of the kids? You can get some sleep here and we'll do it after you get up. Everyone else should be back in a few minutes." I said, "Wake us up when you're ready."

Mandy and I went into one of the bedrooms and undressed, as I lit a cigarette. We lay in bed together as I took a deep drag and said, "That felt really good today. That first little girl just broke my heart when she got up and walked." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and said, "That's what it's all about. We really helped a lot of people today, and it felt great. Even if this show ends, I want to keep doing this." We shared the cigarette and then I put my hand between Mandy's legs and massaged her clit. She was moaning softly as I moved to kneel over her cock, and put the rock hard shaft into my mouth, as I rubbed her clit faster. I bobbed my head up and down on her cock, as Mandy was moaning softly and put her hand over the back of my neck. I moved my hand from her clit and put a finger into her pussy, as I made it grow to the size of large cock. I found Mandy's G-spot and she went wild bucking up into my face, as I sucked her cock. Mandy was moaning loudly, "I'm going to cum already. Oh Jen honey, suck me and don't stop."

I bobbed my head up and down as I rubbed her G-spot. Mandy's cock pulsated in my mouth, as the first stream of cum shot out onto my tongue and splashed onto the roof of my mouth. I used my other hand to rub her shaft, as her cock spit out spurts of warm white goo onto my tongue. I sucked it all in and swallowed, and then deep throated her, as I kept rubbing her G-spot. I used my throat muscles on Mandy's mushroom head, and she was rubbing the back of my neck as I sucked on her cock. Mandy started to moan again and then said softly, "Baby, I'm cumming again." I rubbed her G-spot faster and lifted my head up to half way cover her shaft in my mouth. I rubbed it with my other hand again, and she exploded cum into my mouth. I kept it all in without swallowing, as I rubbed her cock to make it squirt more and kept sucking her hard shaft.

I changed us into combined couples and lay on top of Mandy. She saw my mouth was full with some cum dripping onto my chin, and Mandy pulled me to her face with her mouth wide open. I opened my mouth and dripped the cum onto her tongue, as we kissed and swished it around. I positioned her cock to my pussy and I held my hardon to her pussy, as I pushed into her, and Mandy's cock slid into me. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and we were in heat. We fucked like lunatics for hours and I blasted off three times. Then we got into a 69 position and made some finger foods to eat out of each other's pussy. After we ate the whipped cream, bananas, and cherries, we gave each other a great blow fuck job. We went back to interlocking again, and fell sound asleep.

We slept for a long time and woke up feeling terrific. We made love again, took a shower, dressed, and went back to the design room. Eve said, "I was just going to wake you up. There's breakfast on the table in the corner." We went over to the conference table and had some breakfast, as all of the kids and grandkids were coming into the room. Melissa yelled over to us, "We filmed a few commercials while you were sleeping. You're going to like these. Watch the screen on this wall." Melissa started a computer and we watched a commercial that had us healing the man in the ER and me saying to the doctors, "Start the Miracle drug!" The commercial is narrated and we hear, "Even they need help sometimes. Pharma Miracle really is a miracle."

Mandy and I stood up and applauded. Then we saw four really cute ones that were done like cartoons. Chris healed a skunk that was squashed in the road and Roberta yells at her, "Chris, why'd you do something stupid like that?" Chris shrugs her shoulders as the skunk walks back into the road and gets splattered again by a garbage truck and the narration says, "Sometimes they just get carried away."

We finished our coffee and had a cigarette, as Karen had a film crew setting up again. Julie said, "I'm playing acoustic bass, you two get folk guitars, Melissa is playing a nylon string classical, and the rest of us are playing percussion, except Jody who has a blues harp. Ready to make some people cry?" I said, "Lets mix up the material. We'll do one of the new songs, and then one that's upbeat."

Karen had us all go into the garden room, which is a huge greenhouse. The ten of us sat on chairs in the center, and all of the kids and grandkids, from all of us, sat around us and were going to sing in the different parts also. The film director gave us a cue and Mandy said, "This is something a little different for us. We hope you like it."

Kathy counted it out for us and we started with one of the new songs, "Once in your life", and then went into an upbeat one. We played, joked around, and all of the kids got into the act. We played about 30 tunes and then we let each band play three songs and we sat on the floor. They all were yelling for us to finish it with The Prize, so that's what we did. Everyone sang along in the chorus and it sounded so cool. Oh course we all had tears in our eyes after the last note, and everyone clapped. We waved to the cameras and the film director gave us the cut sign, as he was choked up too.

Eve was standing on the side and she walked over to us and hugged each one of us. She said, "Now get out of here and go have some fun. I'll help with the editing." We all displaced back home and it was only a half hour later from when we left. I said, "I can never get use to the time plane thing." Mandy walked to the windows in the kitchen and said, "Monsoon time, look at the sky. Get ready for the drenching rain for about five days. Want to stay here this time, or go to the vacation house?" I said, "We haven't stayed here in the rain in years. Lets stay this time and do indoor stuff." Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Indoor stuff, like in our bedroom? I think that qualifies as having fun."

All of our kids and grandkids said, "We're going to the vacation house. See ya." Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy stayed with us. I said, "Lets sit under the covered area of the veranda for a while, before it gets too nasty out. I feel like eating dinner, my body gets so fucked up from the time changes. Mandy smiled at me and put her arm around my waist as we walked out the doors and sat at the glass table under the covered area. Mandy put a cigarette in her lips and cupped her hands to light it, as the wind was whipping. Julie and Kathy sat back in the chairs as we all listened to the pounding surf and watched the boat ride the swells against the rubber bumpers on the pier. Kate leaned forward and said, "I want to watch the new network and see it all. I bet it has a better rating than any other show ever has. Eve and Karen filmed so many other things while you guys were asleep."

I took a drag of the cigarette, as Kate was telling us about it. She said, "You two slept for over 18 hours. Chris gave a great overview of the space defense system and they also filmed a segment on that planet with the genetic deformed humans, the one's that are all gray. I want to see all of it. It starts at 3 today. Eve wants us to go to the dinosaur continent and film something there, and also for all of us to do an underwater thing next week. This is turning out to be fun." Mandy said, "I'd like to do something with the Mermaids and the sharks" as she took a drag of her cigarette, and Julie lit one up also.

The wind was really blowing as our cloths were flapping in a gust, and the temperature dropped about 10 degrees in less than a minute. Mandy said, "We should get inside unless we want to get drenched." We all walked into the house as the sky opened up, and it was raining sideways. I walked over to the Instant Kitchen and made a few crab cakes. Mandy took one and we all went into the Den. Julie took out a few blankets and pillows from a closet, as Mandy and I lay on a couch and I turned on the TV remote. Julie tossed us a blanket and a pillow, as we undressed and lay cuddling under the blanket. I took a bite of the crab cake and Mandy smiled saying, "I could get into a week of being a vegetable."

I channel surfed and we saw so many commercials for the new network. Kate yelled, "Stop there. Great movie." We all watched an old movie. Kate and Judy were on one couch under the blankets and Julie and Kathy were on another, the same way. Mandy and I were caressing each other softly under the covers and getting so hot. She was pinching my nipples softly and whispering in my ear telling me what she was going to do to me. I started laughing when Mandy whispered, "Then I'm going to have you sit on my shoulders facing me, and lick your pussy as I walk around the house." She was laughing also until I held her rock hard cock in my hand and squeezed it softly. We didn't pay any attention to the movie as we started to make love. We both made our cocks long enough so the mushroom head as next to our chins, and we sucked ourselves, as we rubbed one another's shaft. We were talking to each other in our minds and Mandy said, "Rub faster honey, I'm cumming. Watch me shoot into my mouth." Mandy opened her mouth and I watched her cum shoot onto her tongue and then she closed her mouth swallowing, as more spit out and covered her lips. My cock erupted and I did the same thing, as Mandy watched me. She kissed me so hard as we swallowed the rest of the cum together and licked each other's lip and chin.

We heard Julie and Kathy moaning softly and watched their blanket moving up and down. Mandy said, "Lets fuck honey. I want you inside of me." We changed into combined couples and slid our bodies together to interlock. Mandy wrapped her arms and legs around me, as we moved into each other slowly. My cock slid all of the way into Mandy, as her shaft slid into my pussy. We both moved out of each other and them back together again as we kissed. We fucked slowly through one more movie and didn't pay attention to anything. Kate and Judy were doing it also, as we heard soft moaning over the sound of the drenching rain beating against the windows.

Mandy and I shot our cum into each other's pussy three times, and fucked so slowly. Most of the time we were just rocking back and forth, and were so hot. Every few minutes one of us would pull almost all the way out and then slowly push all the way back in, and we would both moan loud and hug each other tight. I whispered into Mandy's ear, "I'm going to cum again. Kiss me." We kissed as my cock pulsated and spasmed, shooting a river of cum into Mandy's pussy as my pussy contracted and twinged in an orgasm. I felt Mandy's cock spasm and shoot into me again also. She was licking my tongue a mile a minute and then kissed me so hard. I felt her pussy squeeze my cock and then she had an orgasm in her pussy also, as her cock was filling me up with warm goo.

We kissed and lay still for a few minutes. I reached for a cigarette and Mandy lit it up. She took a deep drag and hit the remote for station 777 and we saw less than 2 hours left. I took a drag of the cigarette as we channel surfed again and I said, "This old movie for the early 2000s is a piss. Lets watch it." Mandy smiled and said, "Dodgeball?" We stayed interlocked and laughed for almost an hour and a half. Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy were laughing with us and Julie said, "Extreme Dodgeball. A new one for the kids."

The movie ended and our cocks were almost soft inside of each other. Mandy fixed that by moving a few times and we were both rock hard again and started to fuck slowly. I pushed 777 and we saw the count down clock on the screen as we made love again and listened to the rain beat on the windows. Mandy and I didn't last five minutes and both of us exploded cum into each other. We kissed and she said into my mind, "I want to lick you so bad." Mandy separated us, turned us back to just plain combined, sat up and moved to a 69 position with me on the couch lying on top of me. We sucked the cum for each other's pussy and then tongue snaked each other. Mandy went wild when I hit her G-spot with my tongue and she came like a faucet into my mouth. She hit my spot and I was bucking uncontrollably into her face as she fucked me with her tongue over and over again, and wiggled the tip of it. We were breathing heavy and kissing each other's pussy, when we heard the network come on. Mandy moved to be under the blanket with me again in combined couples and we interlocked, as we watched the show.

Eve and Karen did a great job with editing and background music to introduce the show. Eve appeared on the screen and we watched completely mesmerized. Mandy and I separated and so did the others, as we sat up with our eyes glued to the screen. I made us some more crab cakes in my mind and a few drinks and it somehow seemed different than we were there. We watched ourselves being introduced and it just didn't feel like us. Some of the images and videos that we all displayed from our minds were so incredible. There was a commercial break and then it showed the channel schedule for this week and we all had our mouths hanging open. The show picked up with us explaining SolarNational and had a number of videos edited into it. We sat glued to the TV until 1 AM, when Eve said, "That wraps up tonight's show. Goodnight everyone, and we'll see you again tomorrow", as they showed a film clip of Megan healing someone.

We all sat up and looked at each other. Julie said out loud exactly what we were all thinking, "Wow! I'm going to watch it again when it starts at 8 in the morning." We heard everyone talking in our minds and they all had the same reaction.

We went into the kitchen for a late night snack and talked about the show. I said, "I wonder what the ratings were. Maybe we were the only ones that actually watched it." Mandy said, "Even if it tanks, I still want to keep doing the healing." Kate and Judy were nodding their heads and as we all made a hot open face pigow sandwich in the Instant Kitchen. Chris and Roberta displaced back to the kitchen and Chris said, "The show was incredible. What did you think?" I said, "We loved it. How came you came back?" Roberta said, "Monsoon week at the vacation home also." Roberta turned on the outside lights are we watched it pouring on the veranda. Everyone else was displacing back to the house and we all stayed up and talked about the show. They had so many good ideas for more things and Alicia made a list. Chris said, "We should have a segment about the court computers and how they work. Maybe even interview a few of the judges." Mandy smiled and said, "Write down Janie's name. She'll love this." We all talked until 5 in the morning when Julie said, "I'm going to conk out right here at the table."

Mandy and I went back into the den and lay on the couch again under the blanket. Megan said, "Getting a front row seat for tomorrow?" I said, "This way you'll wake us up to see the show. We really want to watch it." Mandy and I closed our eyes and we were out cold.

We woke up to Megan whispering in our ears, "Mom, wake up. It's show time." We both squinted our eyes open and everyone was sitting in the den on the floor, or the couches. Megan handed us each a cup of coffee and we sat up. Mandy kissed me and said, "I have to piss so fucking bad." She went into the bathroom in the den and then I went after her. I sat back down, just as the show was starting. Julie handed us some breakfast sandwiches and we all watched from where it left off. Eve finished the introductions and then gave a demonstration of our powers. This was edited in video from all of our minds. It was impressive and we all looked at each other like, "Was that us?"

Eve showed the disasters we averted and then Chris gave a talk and demonstration about the space defense system. None of us took an eye off the TV except during the commercials. Eve said, "Now we are going to show segments of us healing people. Today's show features Mandy and Jen at two of the hospitals on Earth."

They showed a two hour edited version of the healings and it was so moving as we talked to the kids and cured them. When I gave the little boy a guitar everyone cried. At 4 in the afternoon, we made food for us to eat using our minds, and ate in the den as we watched the show. There was a segment on the earthquake that we helped save millions and then an interview with the genetic mutated people on the gray planet, as we call it. The night ended with our unplugged show and it ran unedited. Following our unplugged version of The Prize, it showed the films of the crowd from Austin singing along for about 20 minutes before a message came on that said, "From all of the Guardians. We hope you enjoyed seeing this, and will resume broadcasting tomorrow."

I said, "We spent the entire day glued to the TV." I said into everyone's mind, "Karen, any info on the ratings?" She said back, "Almost every set, everywhere, is watching it. We couldn't take our eyes off the set all day." I said back, "Same here." Karen said, "We're going to sell a CD of the programs. People have been calling by the thousands asking to buy them."

The next two days were just like this one. Then we all did some more filming. Chris did the segment about the court computers and we interviewed Janie. She loved it. Allison and Kyle did a segment on the learning computers that we use for education of the children. We had a segment about natural resources and what we did to conserve them. We also did a segment about each one of us, and the planets that we created. Mandy and I did a segment on Firma with Janx. Eve also did a thing about how we never use our powers to gain an unfair advantage in sports or games. She showed her and Adam hitting golf balls and then showed what we could do if we used our powers. She hit a drive 620 yards and made it go into the cup. We all laughed. We also spent another session healing people at hospitals.

On the second week we had to make a major change to the programming as over 80 percent of the people were staying home from work to watch the show, on every planet. Eve started the show and said, "Today is Saturday and not a work day. Starting Monday, we are suspending our programming during the core business hours for the workweek. We all know you want to see this, but we can't have our economies fall apart. All of the programming will begin after work hours during the work week and the same as it now on the weekends and holidays."

Mandy and I were asked to do a large wedding ceremony to marry 100 couples. Eve thought it would be great for the show so we had it filmed. It was the hit for Sunday afternoon and was called making `Children of God'.

We all went to visit the group of five people that wanted this network started in the first place. I said, "Did we live up to your expectations?" John said, "A thousand percent, and then some. You gave us back faith and also showed everyone things we never thought were possible. You are better than anyone could have imagined a God could be. The healing at the hospitals made us all cry."


After three weeks the initial craze over the God Network faded, but it still had a ton of people watching it. Joyce and Brandy made a small fortune again on this one with their stupid trinkets and we laughed all the way to the bank.

We noticed that the God Network did change people's attitudes about a lot of things. They all seemed to pay more attention to their families. Now we run a series of programs that we tape regularly. Mandy and I do a weekly one hour talk show with a studio audience that we tape during the day. We have a blast and make it funny. We've had so many wacko people as guests. Mandy keeps saying to me, "Where did the producer find these lunatics this week?" Last week we had a man claiming to be the God of the underworld. Mandy was trying not to laugh and said, "That's very interesting. Can you show us some of your powers? What can you do? Like make it rain, or have fire come out of your nose or something?" They audience was laughing as the man was jumping up and down on the stage, turning red and shaking. We heard a farting noise and realized that he shit in his pants. We laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair. The man ran off stage and the studio audience was in tears. Mandy said, "Where do they find these idiots?"

We had a medical doctor on that swore that our healing and most of our powers were just a trick with cameras. Mandy said, "If we convince you, will you come back on and tell everyone that you were wrong?" He agreed and as soon as he said that, we heard a loud crash from the side of the stage as the scaffolding fell, and a camera man was trapped with a piece of metal going through his stomach. The other camera focused on it and us as we all ran over to help. Mandy used her powers to lift all of the broken mess off of him, and I pull the metal rail from is stomach with my mind. The doctor watched and was moving to stop the bleeding and I said, "No. Don't touch him. Just watch." I removed the cloths around the wound and used my healing powers to completely heal him. I also removed a few Gaul stones. I helped the man up and he said, "My leg!" I looked at it and Mandy healed it. She said, "It was broken. All fixed now. How do you feel?" He said, "I think I'm okay. Thanks!" The studio audience all stood and applauded and I said, "This wasn't part of the script. It was real accident."

We sat back down in the chairs again for the show and I said, "You a believer yet?" He said, "I really thought it was fake. I'm sorry. You saved his life." Mandy said, "Want us to visit any patients of yours that could use our help?" He said, "Sure, if you'll make the trip." The director gave us the cut sign and I read from the teleprompter and was laughing saying, "Stay tuned next week for gay devil worshipers with real tails, a new group against birth that has removed their sex organs, and Bob who claims to have invented a fat free hamburger. See you then. Mandy who writes this stuff?" Everyone was laughing as we went off the air.

We shook the doctors hand and I said, "We have about three hours today. What hospital do you practice at?" He said, "It's in Gorbursh on Eden." I said, "That's about 30 miles from our home. We'll give you a lift, just hold my hand." He held my hand and we displaced to the hospital. He said, "My God! It's all real isn't it? The creation of life, all of it. How did you make your image come into our minds. I thought it must have been some kind of new invention that made it happen." I said, "It's all real." I made our image appear in his mind and said into his mind, "You mean like this? Now lets see the patients and make some people happy today." He smiled and led the way. Karen said into our minds, "Can I send a camera man there with you?" I said back, "Okay. We'll wait right here."

Mandy and I stopped and he said, "It's up the hall." Mandy said, "Someone asked in our minds if they could film this so we said yes and they're sending a cameraman here to be with us." The same person we healed arrived and I said, "See you're felling better. Stay off on the ground for a while." He said, "Around you two, I feel completely safe."

He started filming as we walked into a terminal ward and it was the same story. The drugs just don't work on everyone. Mandy and I talked to each person after the doctor introduced us. There was a woman who was very old and I said, "Why didn't you take the Forever drug?" She said, "Because I'm in so much pain, I just want it to end." I said, "If we make the pain and the disease go away, any interest in living forever?" She started to cry and Mandy and I healed her. We also took 50 years off of her looks by reversing the aging process. I said, "All fixed. You can take the forever drug now, and we gave you a head start on it. The only disease you have now is aging." She got up and looked in the mirror and was dancing around the room. The doctor was in tears. We healed 35 patients and found one real interesting. Mandy and I looked into her body and she said to me in my mind, "She's faking it." I read the patient's mind and said, "Nope. It's in her mind. She thinks she's sick. That's why the medicine didn't work on her." We talked to her and she was so unhappy about something and we got her to tell us everything. It was the end of a long relationship that didn't work out. After we spoke I said, "Still feel pains in your neck and back?" She said, "No, there gone. What did you do?" I said, "Nothing. You did it. I think we have the answer for you and it's on a web site. There's no charge for it." I wrote down the soul mates site and gave her a security code to get in. I said, "Start looking and I guarantee the pain won't come back."

We walked out and the doctor said, "I don't get it." Mandy said, "We read her mind. The problem was psychosomatic. She had a relationship problem and this was the result. We got her talking about it and the problem went away. The script was for the Soul-Mates web site." He smiled and shook his head. I said, "Need a lift home?" He said, "Actually I do." Mandy said, "Think of where you live." He did and we displaced there. He said, "How can you do that just by reading my mind?" I said, "Every place is unique. The image is matched to trillions of images in our minds and in a master computer that we can communicate with, and we don't even know it's happening. Most of the time we get coordinates and then displace there through the forth dimension. If we can't find it, then we have to use a computer to look it up."

He gave us a tour of the house and showed us his classic car collection. I said, "Nice Ferrari Dino from earth. 1972?" He said, "Yeah, you know about cars?" I said, "Come with us for a few minutes." We displaced to our home and walked into the garage. He went nuts. I said, "We have two more collections at the other houses also. These are our favorite toys. We race the new 816s, but everything else we drive on the street. You can take one out if you want." He was drooling over the old Ford GT-40 and Mandy said, "The doors are open, just press the starter button. We'll join in the 512M. Just follow us. You know how to race?" He smiled and Mandy said, "Just don't rear end us." We got into the 512M and I sat in the tiny passenger seat. We fired up the cars and he followed us on the back roads as we heated up the cars and then we really ran hard. Mandy pulled on the superhighway doing 225 and he stayed with us, as we pushed the car to the limits. They we signaled for an overpass U turn and waved him on, as he passed us and nailed it. We stayed with him the whole way back. We pulled into the garage and he got out and said, "Wow! My cars won't do anything like these!"

We smiled and I said, "We have some other cool ones on Earth. Old Ferraris, a Lola T70, Porsche 917K, and a few odd ball ones too. You drive pretty well. We race in IMSA and the vintage events. You should consider entering." He was smiling from ear to ear, and said, "I'm definitely hooked now. Wow!" We displaced him back to his home and we went inside. Mandy said, "He probably forgot all about the healing now and has a hardon 16 inches long over the cars." I said, "Yup. Just like us, and my hardon wants a warm pussy to keep it company." Mandy gave me a sexy kiss and said, "So does mine honey."

Julie and Kathy were in the kitchen and Julie said, "Who was driving the GT- 40?" I said, "A doctor from the hospital that was on our show. He knows how to drive." Kathy said, "Real competition?" I said, "If he enters the races, yeah." We told them about the show and what's on next week. They laughed and said, "Who in fuck plans these things. This is a riot." I said, "You two want to do the show with us? It's a piss." Kathy said, "No thank you. We are now enjoying our partial retirement again. Oh, you interested in a high roller nine ball tournament on the planet Jaspin next Friday night?" Mandy said, "Of course. You don't need to ask." Julie smiled and said, "We signed you up and figured you say that. We made a pigow the old fashioned way for dinner on the pit. Lets go our back and check it."

We all went on the veranda and I made us all a drink. Mandy lit a cigarette as we sat and watched the sun setting. She leaned over to me and kissed me and said, "After dinner, how about we get ripped on Cara's dope and fuck our brains out?" Kathy said, "Count us in." I said, "Where is everyone?" Julie said, "They did the dinosaur continent thing today and are still there. I can only imaging the film footage from that. That's why we made so much, we though they would be back hours ago." I said into Megan's mind, "Everything Okay in dinosaur land?" She answered to all of us, "We had some major trouble and are coming back home. I'll see you in a few minutes." Mandy said, "Uh oh. Wander what went wrong?"

I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it back to Mandy as the whole crew displaced back and then walked outside. Megan said, "Taking a camera crew there was such a big mistake. It took us three hours to heal one of the crew after they picked up and crushed a dinosaur egg and the animal went crazy on them." I said, "How bad?" Megan "She was almost in four pieces. It took all of us to save her." Eve calmed the animal down but the damage is done. The animals don't want us to ever come back unless we are by ourselves. They asked about the four of you and we told them that you would come back soon also." Mandy said, "Did they film all of it?" Megan said, "I guess. It was a mess. I had my hands inside of her trying to piece together arteries to figure out what part matched which part. We sent her to a hospital for a complete exam to make sure we didn't miss anything. There wasn't one single organ, muscle, or bone that wasn't damaged. It was so gross."

Rose said, "We did save her life, and the animals saw our powers. That's why they want only us to come back. Hey, our buddy Herman the gorilla has two kids now. They are two months old and about 4 feet high already."

Everyone was telling us about the animals and it was like they were part of the family. Kathy and Julie served dinner and Cary made everyone a few real strong drinks. Cary stood up to make a toast and said, "I think I speak for almost everyone. We hate doing this show!" We all laughed and toasted. Beth said, "I still like it." Everyone yelled, "Shut up Beth!" Beth was laughing and said, "Maybe we did get too carried away."

I called Eve in her mind and said, "You have a few minutes?" She said, "I'll be right there. You home?" I said, "Out back on the veranda." Eve and Adam showed up and I said, "We all hate doing the show. It's getting to be too much." Eve smiled and said, "I know. We hate it too. How about we give it back to the group that started it now, and let them run it. We'll only get involved if they need us." We all clapped and Adam said, "Thank God!" We all smiled again. Eve said, "I'll make the arrangements and the announcements on the air. See ya." They displaced back home and we finished our dinner.

Eve said into our minds, "I'm with the original group and they love the idea of taking it over. I'm going to make the announcement on the air tonight at 8." We finished our dinner and all went into the den to watch Eve's announcement. There were a few commercials and then Eve came on and said, "Doing this program, which is something we all really wanted to do, has been much harder on us than we ever imagined. It has taken away time that we really need for focusing on the real problems. Today, we realized we made a mistake. I lead a group to a continent that is not on any of the maps and that's because it's still inhabited by dinosaurs. We thought it would be a good thing to film the animals that are as friendly to us as kittens. We were wrong. One of the animals attached one of the camera crew and it took 60 of us working for three hours to save her life. We should have never put her in that danger. We were thinking about the show, and not about our true duty, which is protecting human life. We have made a decision today to turn this network over to the group that asked us to start it. They will be running it and we will help when and where we can. We just can't be involved to the level that we have and we can't risk any other lives just for the sake of a TV show. I hope you all can understand our decision. We love all of you, and always will be there for you. Let me introduce the group that will be running the network." Eve introduced all of them and said, "The programming will continue as many of the shows have been taped. After they air, then the new programming will begin as the new group sees fit. Bless all of you."

Mandy said, "That was very nice. Jen, I still want us to do the healing when we can. I love helping people like that." I said, "I'm game." Everyone was answering also. Cary said, "That's the part we all like. The other stuff is bullshit." Everyone was smiling and nodding their heads.

We all went back outside and had a few drinks under the stars. I said, "We should let them film the healing. It makes people feel good when they see it." Mandy nodded her head as she lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. She handed me the cigarette and I took a drag, and then another one, as I held in the smoke. I blew it out slowly through my nose as Mandy put her elbow on my shoulder and said, "How about we escape to our bedroom?" Kathy was next to me and said, "Can we come and play too?" The four of us got up and went upstairs. I said, "Goodnight" and the kids all laughed at us as usual.

We went into our bedroom and all got undressed. Mandy took out a hand full of dope cigarettes and we turned down the covers and lay in the bed against the headboard. Mandy moved to kneel by my cock and lit one of the dope cigarettes. She took two deep tokes and held in the smoke and handed it to me. I inhaled as Mandy put her mouth over my cock and it felt so good. I took another drag and handed it to Julie who was kneeling in front of Kathy. I was rock hard as Mandy sucked my cock.

Julie held in the toke and put the joint in Kathy's lips. Kathy took two hits and then passed it to Mandy again. I watched Julie suck on Kathy's cock as Mandy put the joint in my lips and she rubbed my cock with her breasts up pressing against mine. I took a drag and passed it to Julie and then kissed Mandy while rubbing her cock. She stood up in bed and put her cock in my mouth and fucked my face. I deep throated her as she took a drag of the joint again. She pulled out of my mouth and gave me a hit of the joint, and then I pulled her cock back into my mouth.

Mandy lay down and turned us into combined couples and we interlocked, with her between my legs and on top of me. Kathy handed Mandy the joint and we both took a final drag and put it out, and then I lit another. We shared it like the last one and we are all stoned. Julie and Kathy knelt next to us while we interlocked, and they fucked our faces. I got so hot watching Mandy suck on Julie's cock and then finger fuck her. We were humping each other like lunatics, as Mandy was moaning watching me do it to Kathy also. We got Kathy and Julie off and they both shot cum in our mouths. Mandy and I kissed and swished it around in our mouths and played with it, before we swallowed.

Kathy and Julie watched us and then fucked like wild rabbits. I said into Mandy's mind, "Pull out of me, and see if you can go into my ass like this." She kissed me and pulled out. I held my cock at an angle to her pussy as she pushed into my ass. I made my cock a little longer and bent it a little, and I was in her pussy. Mandy fucked my ass and I was going wild. She kissed me and then whispered into my ear, "I'm going to shoot in your ass baby. Here is cums. Ohhhh, OOOOHHHHH!" I felt Mandy's cock spasm in my ass and it was getting so wet and warm. My cock started to jerk and I shot out a stream of cum into her pussy, as Mandy made a "mmmmmm" sound. She kept moving in me and I said, "Do it in my ass again honey." We slid on each other as she was in my ass and I was on fire. I reached down and rubbed my clit as we fucked and my pussy orgasmed as I shot again into Mandy. She hugged me so tight as she blasted off again inside of my ass. She pulled out and went into my pussy and I had an immediate orgasm. Mandy kissed me and rolled us over as we fucked slowly and kissed.

Mandy reached for the night stand and lit another joint and took two deep drags and then held it to my lips. I held it for Julie and Kathy and then Mandy again. We all shared the dope again and then really went wild on each other. Mandy and I changed our combined couples setup and this time I moved to the top and went into her ass as she made her cock bend a little and go into my pussy. She was begging me to hammer her hard, and I did and she loved it as she held me tight and rubbed her clit. We blasted off together and Mandy almost passed out from the sensations along with the dope. She whispered into my ear, "Go back into my pussy baby. I'm so light headed. Lets do it slowly." I rolled us on our side and we slid our bodies into each other slowly and passionately.

We fucked for over two more hours next to Kathy and Julie. We were all exhausted and breathing heavy, but still interlocked. They rolled over almost on top of us and Kathy smiled and said, "How about we do your asses, and then you do ours?" We all laughed and I said, "If we don't pass out first." Kathy got behind me and Julie lay behind Mandy, and they pushed into our asses that were still full with cum. Kathy whispered into my ear, "Some one was very bad already. Mandy shot her cum inside of your ass Jen and my cock is in it right now." Mandy got so turned on when Kathy said that, she kissed me and got us into a fast rhythm. Julie was hammering her and we heard the skin slapping, as Mandy was moaning and kissing me. I was moaning too, and I have no clue what I was saying. I was on fire. We all came at almost the exact same time. Mandy and I blasted off seconds after Julie and Kathy were shooting cum into our asses.

Kathy kissed my ear and whispered, "Now you get to roll over the other direction and do me." Mandy kissed me so hard and said, "Oh Jen, I'm so hot baby. Lets do their asses and then fuck all night." Kathy and Julie turned into Combined couples and we changed ourselves to normal combined. Mandy moved over behind Julie and I rolled over to be behind Kathy. I pushed my cock into Kathy's ass and I felt it dripping wet and I whispered into her ear, "Someone has been very, very bad and needs to be punished by mistress Jen. Your ass is soaking wet with cum and I'm about to stick my hard cock into it again and fuck you until you can't take it any longer." Julie and Mandy heard me and we going crazy moving in and out in rhythm. I hammered into Kathy and she loved it as my skin was slapping against her ass. She was moaning, "Pull all the way out and then go in deep. Oh Jen, that's it. Oh Yeah, that feels so good."

Mandy and I starred into each other's eyes as we fucked their asses and then we both shot our cum at the same time. We almost collapsed as Julie and Kathy had one huge orgasm. I pulled out of Kathy and rolled over and Mandy crawled over by me. She turned us into combined couples again and we slid our bodies together. We kissed for almost 30 minutes nonstop as we moved into each other slowly. We were so over heated we couldn't stop no matter what. We went really slow and lasted almost an hour and a half. I had to cum so bad I moaned, "I can't hold out any longer honey. I'm cumming." Mandy pushed into me harder a few times and she jerked forward as we both blasted off together. We cock and pussy were so sensitive. I felt like I was shooting out a gallon of cum as I spurted into Mandy and my pussy felt every little movement from Mandy. I kissed her so hard holding her tight and she was holding me the same way, as we both orgasmed again. My cock shot a second time and I almost passed out. Mandy kissed me and whispered into my ear, "We need to sleep for a while. Jen, that was so good honey. I love you so much."

We shared our thoughts and were in a dream together in seconds. We both were planting the garden out back that we talked about and then we lay down in the grass and made love in our dream, as we were making love in the bed. We both orgasmed in our dream but we didn't wake up. Mandy said to me in my dream, "Lets walk on the beach for a while." We dreamt about a long walk and talking about how much we love each other every day. We were skipping stones on pool of water on the beach and then we walked back to our house. We stopped at the grass field we always dream about and made love again. This time we woke up as we blasted off into each other. We kissed so hard and then fell right back to sleep.


We slept until 8 the next morning and woke up in each other's arms, kissing and making love again. Mandy said into my mind, "Honey, lets just goof off the rest of lives. We really did find the prize and lets share it. I want to heal people and do for others. Let someone else run SolarNational." I kissed her and said back, "Mandy, I love you with all of my heart and will do anything for you. Lets retire for good." We kissed as we made love and both of us were passionate and caring. We both orgasmed from our pussies, and then we blasted off together. We kissed and held each other so tight as Mandy's cum shot into the pussy, and my cock unloaded into her slit. I felt my shaft spasming and Mandy kissed me harder as we rolled our heads from side to side.

We both lay still, as we noticed Julie and Kathy weren't in bed with us. Mandy said, "I really do want to retire for good. Honey, we don't have to do this job. Lets have someone else take over." I smiled and said, "That's okay with me."

We got up, showered, and dressed and went downstairs. Megan was there with Rose, Alicia, and Cary. I said, "How would you like the CEO job back? We really do want to retire for good. Same thing for your Alicia, want to be second in command again?" Megan and Rose looked at each other and I said, "You can do it like we have doing it. Part time. Let Flow and Grace do all of the work." Alicia and Cary were thinking about it and then they all huddled. Megan said, "We'll do it as a team, the four of us." Mandy and I smiled and I said, "That's wonderful. We'll make the announcement at today's board meeting. It's at 10 o'clock."

We all had breakfast and then coffee as Mandy lit a cigarette and turned on the TV news. Eve's announcement from last night was all over the news and the reporters were commenting. One said, "I guess being a God really does have responsibilities way beyond what we can imagine. I'm just happy they were able to find the time to do the things that they did. I loved watching all of them. Lets see what the new group has in store for us. It may be just as uplifting."

We all finished our coffee and Mandy said, "Megan, you guys are sure about this, right?" Megan said, "We're sure and we're ready again. It takes a while to get unburned out." Mandy said, "Tell us about it."

We all displaced to the office and went into the boardroom. Everyone came in to the meeting and Mandy said, "We want to start this meeting with an announcement. Megan, Rose, Alicia, and Cary want to come back and we want to officially retire, this time for good. They want to run the company as a team, and we think it's a unique approach that will work. That's how Jen and I have done it for the past 12 years. Does anyone object to it, before we vote?" Karen said, "You sure, you're really ready to retire?" I said, "From this part of our life, yes. Not from the healing, helping people, the music, or even getting involved in a project now and then. Plus we're not going anywhere. If they need us, they can walk down to the hallway to our bedroom."

We voted and it passed. Mandy said, "Megan, you guys now run the meeting. Now we are just board members with a lot of stock." Everyone smiled and Megan read the agenda and ran the meeting. The God Network made more money in 6 weeks than all of the other stations combined, in 6 months. Our new CD also made more money that all of the other releases so far this year. Megan said, "What number is this? It has 39 zeros?" Everyone laughed and I said, "It doesn't matter. It's huge and positive."

Megan ended the meeting and said, "Any other business?" Kate said, "Judy and I want to plan our retirement also." Karen said, "So do Kathy, Gerri, Jamie, and me. I think this may be a good time to get the kids involved in all of it. Let them run the next race, I'm tired." Mandy smiled and said, "So are we. Who did you have in mind for taking over." Kate said, "Chris's group can take over everything from the technology side, and Patty and Debbie's group can manage the operations portion." Karen said, "I still think what I told all of you 16 years ago is the answer. Kelly and Margi are a shoe in for our part of the business. Alicia said, "Lets talk to them and make sure they want to do it, and then work out a transition plan. Anyone object?" Megan said, "Good, we'll talk to them after the meeting and let everyone know their answers. Chris, you and Roberta Okay with the technology portion?" Chris smiled and said, "Of course. We built the thing and are supporting it now."

Megan adjourned the meeting and we went into her office and she called Patty, Debbie, Margi, Alice, Kelly and Tracey into her office using her mind. They all displaced in to be with us and Megan said, "We need to ask you a question and you can say no if you don't want to do it." Megan explained about the retirements and first asked Patty and Debbie. They jumped and hugged and Patty said, "We're ready." Then she asked Kelly, Tracey, Margi, and Alice about the entertainment business. They were all dancing in a circle and Megan said, "You four can figure out who gets each job." We walked into to tell Karen and she was dancing also saying, "Thank you. I knew there was real God." We all cracked up and went into tell Kate and Judy. They just smiled at each other.

We told Grace and Flow and they were so happy. Then I said, "There is another nice pay raise and pert bump coming for both of you that the board approved today. We are putting you both on the executive comp plan. Megan will give you the numbers." They were both walking on air.

We displaced home as the kids went to work with the people they were replacing to work out a transition plan. Beth said, "What was all the commotion about this morning?" I said, "The changing of the guard. We are retiring from SolarNational, and Megan, Rose, Alicia, and Cary, are taking over for us. A few others are retiring also, and your parents are steeping up to run part of it. In about ten years, they will ask you to do the same thing. These jobs are hard and we have been doing it for way too long. We want to spent time with all of you, make music, and help people. We want to heal people more often, and do the things that we like to do." Beth hugged us and smiled as she said, "Ten years? Yeah, I can wait." We both giggled.

Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Now that we are finally retired, how about we go play a round of golf?" I smiled and said, "For a quarter."

The next two weeks we helped the kids to transition all of the jobs including ours. Flow and Grace made it so easy for them we couldn't believe it. Joyce and Brandy wanted to bring their daughter into the company to work with them and everyone thought it was a great idea. She was just like them and so quick with business. Mandy and I call them the junk entrepreneurs. They both laugh as we all cash the huge checks.

Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy have become so close to me and Mandy over the last two weeks. We haven't been to an office and just goofed off every day. Mandy and I also expanded our MJIC operations staff and now have a full time president to run all of it. It's Rose and Cary's mother and we also gave her a piece of the action. In the first week with us, she made more money that she did all last year.

We absolutely love retirement. We also decided to dedicate 3 hours a week to going to different hospitals in pairs and be filmed healing people.

The new God Network changed its name to the Children of God Network and the programming so far is top notch. They also have a time set up to air healings every day that we all have filmed. That one segment has the highest ratings out of everything on TV. One of the most interesting things the new group did was to follow criminals after they were released from the court imposed hell punishments, and discuss with them the rehabilitation program. It was amazingly effective.

Mandy and I are writing music a lot, playing in the band more, and just having fun. Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen also want to retire now, and we are working out their transition.

Eve brought us all together at her house next door for an early retirement party, as she called it. She gave a toast to start the festivities by saying, "Adam and I have retired about 40,000 times. I seems to last a few hundred or thousand years and then you get the ambition to do it all over again. Just please never retire from the Guardians. We all love you and really need you." We all toasted and then had the most outrageous food orgy and fuck fest we ever had for two days. Mandy and I lay next to each other and got gang banged. We were on fire watching each other have sex. After four hours, we couldn't take it any longer and fucked each other so much we almost passed out.

After the party everyone was exhausted, and we displaced back to our house. Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy, slept in our bed with us where we stayed for three days. We literally did everything together, and with each other. I loved it when Mandy and Kathy made me into a Jen Sandwich, and Julie, Kate, and Judy took turns fucking my face. We let everyone be the object of attention over the three day period.

After our three day sleep over, we all displaced to Ruubba Island and spent two days with Cara in the dope hut. None of us remembers anything except small bits and pieces after the first two hours. Kate said to us, "We must have had a good time. My pussy is stretched to be the size of the Holland Tunnel."

After our celebrations were over, we went back to healing again on all of the planets. Mandy and I have never been happier and felt more personal satisfaction. We all were sitting around after dinner and having a cigarette in the kitchen, and Mandy smiled at me and said, "Honey, you need some special attention today after the way you were with the people we healed." Mandy knelt down in front of me and pulled my skirt up and spread my legs, as she smiled and said, "No panties. Jen, you and I are so fucked up." I smiled at her as she spread my legs apart and then used her fingers to pull apart my pussy lips, as she licked from bottom to top. I held her head to me softly as I half closed my eyes and loved the feeling. Mandy went from licking to tongue snaking me, as I moaned softly. She used her hand to rub my cock and I was as hard as a rock.

Julie and Kathy moved their chairs to sit close to me, and both were kissing me and rubbing my nipples, as Mandy now moved to suck my cock into her mouth. She was finger fucking me, and bobbing her head up and down on my shaft, as Kathy whispered into my ear, "This is so sexy. Jen, shoot your cum into Mandy's mouth and let us watch you." That's all it took and my cock was pulsating in Mandy's mouth. I shot a load of white goo out as she fingered fucked me, and my pussy contracted and twinged. Mandy made an "mmmmmm" sound as I squirt more cum into her mouth, and Julie was now pinching my nipples. I moaned out, "Ohhh! OOOOOOHHHH! Show me the cum honey. Show me and kiss me." Mandy milked my cock and then sucked it deep into her mouth. She lifted her head and opened her mouth in front of my face to show me the white thick goo on her tongue. Then kissed me with her mouth wide open. I pulled her onto me and we kissed for over 10 minutes as we swished the cum in our mouths and swallowed. Julie and Kathy rubbed my nipples and Mandy's, as we kissed over and over again. We broke our kiss to watch Kate and Judy making love in a chair across the table.

We all sat around bull shitting and then we heard a voice in our heads that said each of our names followed by, "It's time for you to know the whole truth. Meet me in the place you call the work planet in your design room. Make sure all of you are there." The voice repeated again and was in an old language, but we understood it. Mandy said to everyone, "You hear that also?" We heard everyone saying, "Yes!" We all displaced to the work planet.

Everyone was sitting in the design room in about 3 minutes. We were talking about whom it could be and then a figure displaced into the center of the room. It was woman, who looked to be about 45 years old with a touch of gray in her brown hair. She was gorgeous with such magical light green eyes, and wore a white robe like dress to the floor. She smiled at each of us as she looked around the room. Mandy and I were sharing our thoughts and Mandy was just about to ask her who she was when the woman looked at us smiling and said, "You'll find our soon." She looked around the room and said, "Chris, you know who I am. Say it. Go ahead." Chris looked at her and said, "Are you God?" The woman said, "Yes. I am God." She walked around the room and said, "And so are all of you and should not be afraid to say it loud and be proud of it", as she looked at each of us.

She spoke in English now and said, "My real name is Lea. I'm a lot like all of you, but a lot older. I really was the very first one. I kind of like the mature look that I think you call the British look here, so I changed myself about a million or so years ago." We all were smiling and she said, "I thought it was time you all knew the whole truth, and I wanted to wait until you discovered what it truly means to be a God. You found it, and are the most brilliant people anywhere. Jen, do you think that the universe just ends past the last planets?"

I said, "No. I think we can make it continue to forever if we want." Lea said, "Good. Do you think there is more than one universe?" I smiled and said, "We just had this debate a few weeks ago. I say that there could be multiple dimensions, and each containing a universe of it's own." Lea said, "Why do you think that?" I said, "Because the first digit of every coordinate in our universe is a 4. Where are 0,1,2 and 3 located, or 5, 6, 7, and so on?"

Lea smiled and said, "You're absolutely correct. This is universe 4. Right now there are only 4, but we could make more of them, and someday we will. I am as old as time, and I think that is somewhere over 18 trillion years old, in earth years. I am the leader of our group that coincidentally we also call the Guardians. It actually wasn't a coincidence, as you'll soon learn. There are about 250 of us. All of our minds have a special door that can only be opened through a phrase that I'm about to say in an ancient tongue. Eve, Adam, Athena, and Tass. When I say these words, you will remember a flood of memories that will fill you minds like a river running into them. Memories of me, and many years together. You all wanted to be the pioneers to start a new universe, much like you did with Tara. You all wanted to do it as pure energy and since you weren't exactly kids, we thought it was a good idea. The rest of you will gain the knowledge of the ancient language and all of the history of life. I put this knowledge into each one of you, and was waiting for the right time to unlock that special door." Lea walked over to look at me and said loudly two sentences that we didn't understand and I felt a rush of thinks going through my mind. I looked and Mandy and we were so surprised.

Eve got up and ran over to Lea and hugged her and so did Adam. Eve was crying and said, "This is my mother." Lea had a tear in her eyes and said, "Adam, your parents are waiting for you too. It's been a long time."

Lea hugged Eve again and said, "Jen, Mandy, you retired from running SolarNational and your children are running it. They will do wonderful things with it. Your destiny is with us. All of us in the other group want the two of you to lead us. You have accomplished so much, that we never could. You have peace everywhere, with your God Show. We have wars, and dictators, and crime. We had almost given up, until we saw what you did. You have technology way beyond what anyone has developed, and the androids are amazing. We all displaced to this universe to get one. So will you two help us merge our groups into one group, and will you lead us to create a series of universes like this one?", "You don't have to move."

We were smiling and everyone was yelling, "Say Yes!" Mandy and I said together, "Yes!" Lea hugged us both and said, "Thank God!" Everyone was laughing and I said, "So when do we meet the other groups?" Lea said, "You know in your mind all of the places now, and how to get there. Read my mind and follow me. All of you!" We all displaced to a planet in another universe into a ballroom filled with tables and food. Lea yelled, "They said Yes!" We got a standing ovation and smiled and waved.

The people there knew all of our names and everything about us. Eve and Lea introduced us to everyone. It was like Eve and Adam never left. Everyone was asking Chris and Roberta questions about technology and she was laughing at some of them. She smiled saying, "We'll show you all of it. Don't do it that way or you'll toast a whole planet."

Some of the people were great. They were so funny and all had more money than they knew what to do with. We were actually in Lea's house and she said, "About the same size as your new place, but we don't have the automobiles in these universes that you do. We want those first. I am so hooked on those sport cars."

Eve's sister, Era, who stayed behind with Lea was a piss. She gave us the inside scoop on everyone and we laughed for hours. Then she said, "I love to fuck too you know. All of us do. We're having a food party in a little while. Don't you go anywhere, gorgeous. Both of you!" Mandy and I laughed and shared a cigarette.

Lea was passing out some dope cigarettes and said to us, "These are the best." Mandy lit it and took two drags and smiled at me saying, "Holy shit!" I took two tokes and felt like I was flying. In 5 minutes almost everyone in the ballroom was stoned and half drunk. Lea announced into a microphone, "Let the welcome home and initiation party begin."

We spent two days having sex, in every conceivable position, with and without food. I have never been so stoned in my entire life. Era made love to us and then she did it with Kathy and Julie too. Lea showed us a new trick. She said, "You can make it with yourself on the inside at the same time. Watch my mind and make a very small clone of your sex organs inside of you. Now put the cock inside the pussy and it's instant pleasure. I sometimes keep it like that all day as I do things. It's great for boredom." We did it and had one orgasm after another on the inside and it made the real sex that much better. Mandy and I were like two lumps of Jello as we interlocked. I think I shot my cum into her 18 times in 14 hours. I know it was a new record for us. Mandy just kept kissing me saying, "One more time honey. Please, I need it so bad."

The party finally ended and we had our first joint meeting of the new Guardians. Mandy and I really did take over as leaders and put together sub- groups for each of the things they wanted to do here. The God Show was a number one priority and we did a project plan for all of the planets and schedules. They all looked at us like we were nuts and I said, "This is how you manage very large complex projects. It doesn't get any larger than changing everything on 897 planets in 3 universes. Who wants to play God first?" Everyone was laughing and I said, "We rotate the roles so everyone gets to equally share in the pain. We'll teach you everything." We matched people to roles for every planet and who would run the corporations to get it going like we had it.

Mandy and I gave out assignments for the major technology initiatives that Chris, Roberta, Allison, and Kyle were going to get people started with, and I said, "How about we meet as groups every week and check on the progress, and then do this every six weeks? Everyone okay with that?" We got a standing ovation and Mandy smiled and said, "I think that as a yes."

I said, "We start the first two God Shows next week, and everyone watches."

We stood up and hugged and touched everyone, and then we displaced back to our home. Mandy and I found our role in life and we loved it. We spend three days a week doing God things and the rest of the time just goofing off.

We did the first two God Shows and it as so different. We picked the two hardest planets first and Lea was the first God. She actually sent 800 people to hell. We interrupted a war and they didn't like it one bit. Lea threatened to nuke the planet and showed then an A-bomb blast in their minds. That solved the problems. This one was tough. The second one was much easier and featured Era as God.

Everyday was great, and it just keeps getting better. Today, Mandy, me, Julie, Kathy, Kate, and Judy were talking about writing a book about our experiences. I got voted to be the writer, as Mandy said, "Jen, you write faster and better than any of us. Lets spend a couple of weeks and all write the material in our minds, as you write it into the computer from your mind. If you say yes, I can promise that you will have the best sex ever." I said, "yes!" and they all smiled. Julie said, "Lets call it The Prize. That's what changed our lives, and maybe it will effect other people also."

That night we started writing this book, and I can honestly say that I have had some of the best sex ever. After I write the material into the computer from my mind, all five of them make love to me, while I make the little clones of my sex organs inside of me. I even stalled a few days just to keep it going and added things to the book that they didn't think were important. Mandy said, "Jen, if I didn't know better, I would swear you did that so you could get a few more blow fuck jobs." I said, "No Way!" as Julie was now sucking my cock and Kathy was fucking my pussy. Kate and Judy were trying not to laugh, as I started to suck Mandy's cock into my mouth. When Mandy read what I just wrote she scrunched her nose and we all laughed. Then she fucked the shit out of me and we made love for hours.

As you can see we finished the book, or at least as finished as it's going to get this year. Mandy is now calling me the best sex journalist in the universe, and Kelly asked to publish our book as part of SolarNational. After she read it she realized we told the truth about a lot of things, she said, "Maybe that's not such a good idea after all. Post it on the internet under an assumed name. The God Show will definitely get people pissed off."

We had a small party to celebrate and the six of us spent 3 days in our bedroom again. Mandy and I have never been happier.

*** The End - For now ***

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