The Problem Solver

By solibol

Published on Nov 21, 2004



The following is a complete work of fiction.


The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.

I welcome all feedback. You can contact me at

The Problem Solver

By James Hogue

A shrill ring jolted Matthew Trogdon from a sound sleep. With a moan, he reached out and blindly grabbed for the phone in an effort to silence the nerve-grating racket. It rang four more times before he finally located it. He pushed the talk button, brought it to his ear, and groggily said, "Hello."

"Trog, it's me."

There was only one person in the world who called him by an abbreviated version of his last name, his best friend, Rex Phillips. "Rex? What the hell?" Matthew said as he raised his head off his pillow and looked at the illuminated readout on his bedside clock. It was only noon. He groaned. "Dammit Rex, I was asleep."

"Trog, I'm sorry for waking you, but I really need to see you. Can I come over?" Rex asked, hesitantly.

Concern for his friend pierced his sleep-induced haze. He immediately sat straight up in his bed and asked in a rush of words, "Rex, what's wrong? Is everything okay? You're not hurt are you?"

"No, it's nothing like that. I just have a little problem that I need to talk to you about," Rex was quick to assure him.

Relief flooded Matthew. The thought that Rex had been hurt had scared him more than he wanted to admit. Rex was more than his best friend; the other man was the love of his life. Yeah, that's right, he was secretly in love with his best friend, and he had been since they'd first met. Could he be any more pathetic? Matthew knew that nothing could ever come from it because Rex was as straight as an arrow, as could be seen from the seemingly never-ending parade of women that went in and out of his bedroom. Yet, he still mooned after his best friend like a love-struck teenager.

Shaking himself from his reverie, he replied, "Rex, if you're not hurt, can't this wait till tomorrow? I just got off a forty-eight hour shift at the hospital, the last eighteen of which were spent piecing back together a teenaged boy who was hit by drunk driver who had been celebrating New Year's Eve, and I'm exhausted. I'd only just fallen asleep when you called."

"I know, Trog. I said I was sorry, but I really need to see you. You're my best friend, and you've always been there for me," Rex wheedled. "Besides, this is kind of a medical problem, and don't you doctors take some sort of Hippopotamus oath where you swore to take care of the sick?" Rex questioned with slight humor in his voice.

"It's the Hippocratic Oath, you idiot," Matthew said with a chuckle. Rex always had the ability to make him laugh. It was one of the things he loved most about the other man. "I'm a trauma surgeon remember? Have you been shot, stabbed, or been in a car accident? If not, I can't help you," Matthew stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "Anyway, I thought Helen Robbins was your primary care physician. Can't you go see her tomorrow?"

"I could, but...I just wouldn't feel comfortable discussing this with her. It's kind of embarrassing," Rex replied sheepishly.

Matthew sighed loudly. He might as well go ahead and give in, because he would eventually anyway. He'd never been able to refuse Rex anything. "Okay, come on over, but this had better be good," he said with a slight growl in his voice. After all, he didn't want the other man to think he was too much of a push over, even though he really was.

"Thanks, buddy," Rex stated with relief. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"I'll see you then," Matthew replied, and then hung up the phone.

Emitting a loud groan, he tossed back the covers and hauled himself out of bed. He yawned broadly and stretched his body to loosen the kinks in his muscles. Running his fingers through the thick, dark blond hairs on his chest, he scratched himself briefly, and then padded naked over to his closet to retrieve his robe. After slipping it on and tying it, he walked to his kitchen and started a pot of coffee. He was going to need to introduce some caffeine into his system since he had a feeling it was going to be a while before he would be able to get back to sleep.

As he sat down at his kitchen table to wait for the coffee to brew, his mind began to replay his telephone conversation with Rex. He was starting to worry a little. Rex knew his work schedule, and would have never awakened him if it weren't important. His best friend had sounded intense on the phone, and Matthew hoped the problem wasn't too serious. He loved Rex so much that when his friend was in pain, whether physical or emotional, he was in pain as well.

He'd first met Rex their freshman year in college when they had been assigned as roommates, and the other man had very quickly, though unknowingly, laid claim to Matthew's soul. From the moment they'd first met they were best friends and they became inseparable. Rex had said earlier that Matthew had always been there for him, helping him to solve his problems, but the truth was that Rex had been there just as many times for him. They had always been there for each other, and Matthew hoped they always were.

When he'd finally admitted to himself and to the world that he was gay, he'd been deathly afraid that it would bring about an end to their friendship, but he'd been wrong. Rex had simply hugged him, and then informed him that it didn't matter who he slept with as long as they remained friends. Even though Rex had accepted his homosexuality, he knew that the other man would never return his feelings. He'd long ago reconciled himself to the fact that he and Rex would never be anything more than best friends.

Not that he was complaining; Rex was the best friend he could ever ask for. Six months ago when he'd caught Victor, the man he thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with, fucking another man in their bed, he'd fallen apart. Rex had been there to pick up the pieces. He'd even stayed with him at night when the pain was so great he'd thought he'd die. Rex had slept with him holding him secure in his arms.

After the coffee finished brewing, he poured himself a large cup and then walked into the living room and sat on his loveseat just as Rex let himself in.

Rex closed the door behind him and then looked at Matthew, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Trog, thanks for letting me come over. I really need to talk to you about this. I just couldn't take it any more. I've been in denial, but I've recently come to the conclusion that there's something to this," he said, desperation in his voice.

Fear gripped Matthew's heart and squeezed. Oh God! Could there be something seriously wrong with Rex? He could feel panic starting to rise within him. What would he do if something happened to Rex? Damn! He had to stop this right now. He was a professional, and he had to start acting like one. Rex was depending on him. He took a deep breath to calm himself, looked his best friend straight in the eye, and then with as much calm as he could muster, said, "Rex, sit down and tell me what's wrong."

Rex plopped down on the loveseat next to Matthew and sighed loudly. "Well, it's like this. I haven't been getting any action lately."

"Action?" Matthew asked, perplexed.

"You know, action."

Matthew was beginning to become irritated. "Rex, I'm tired. So, would you please spare me the beating around the bush and just get to the point."

"What I'm trying to say is that I haven't been able to have sex lately," Rex replied as his face turned crimson.

Matthew felt his frustration rise to dangerous levels. "You woke me up and got me out of my nice comfortable bed just so you could bitch and moan about the fact that your never-ending supply of women are refusing to put out? Rex, so help me...."

Rex interrupted before Matthew could finish his sentence. "No, Trog, that's not what I meant."

Sighing loudly once again, Rex continued. "Oh, man. This is so hard for me to talk about even with you, Trog. But I've got to talk to someone, and I trust you more than anyone else in the world. So, here goes. When I said I haven't been able to have sex. I didn't mean that the women I've been going out with haven't been willing, because they have. I meant, that I haven't been able to have sex."

Matthew scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, and then quickly raised them as it finally dawned on him what Rex was trying to tell him. "Are you saying that you're suffering from Erectile Dysfunction?"

"If that medicalese you're spouting means the same thing as me not being able to maintain a boner then yes, that's exactly I'm saying," Rex responded with slight sarcasm.

Matthew's frustration left as quickly as it came, to be replaced with empathy. He immediately understood why his friend was so upset. Not being able to function sexually is something no man wants to even consider, much less experience, and particularly for Rex it must really be a nightmare.

Matthew reached out and placed his hand on top of his best friend's and squeezed gently. "Rex, I'm so sorry. You know it's probably nothing to worry about. All men experience this problem every now and then."

"This is not just an 'every now and then' kind of problem, Trog," Rex said using his fingers as quotation marks to emphasize his point. "This has been going on for two months now."

"Two months! Rex, why haven't you said anything before now?" Matthew questioned sharply.

Rex shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, I don't know. I guess I thought that with enough time the problem would just resolve itself. But as days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, I knew that something was really wrong. I tried a different woman every night hoping that one of them would make a difference, but that didn't work. I even tried jerking off to porn, but that didn't help either.

Matthew shook his head in frustration. Something was not right here. Rex seemed to be taking this very casually. He needed to impress upon his best friend the need to get this taken care of. "Rex, you should have come to me sooner. We need to get you checked out to determine the cause of your problem. We need to make sure it's not physical. Physical etiologies of Erectile Dysfunction can be difficult to treat. Hopefully, your problem has an emotional etiology such as stress because etiologies of this nature are more easily taken care of. Usually...." He stopped mid sentence when he noticed that Rex was smiling brightly.

He couldn't believe it. He was going out of his way to help, and Rex wasn't even taking this seriously. "What are you smiling at? This isn't funny. We need to find out what's causing your problem. There could be something really wrong with you," he stated, irritation mixed with concern in his voice.

Rex's smile broadened. "I do take this seriously. It's just that you're so sexy when you go into physician mode with that brain of yours working overtime trying to find out what's going on so that you can fix it. However, there's no need for you to devote that much time to it, because I've already figured out what's causing my problem, as well as what's needed to fix it."

Confusion raced through Matthew. Did Rex just call him sexy? Yes, he did, and he'd said it in such an endearing way. It caused Matthew's heart to speed up, and he could feel his blood thrumming through his veins.

Suddenly, his sanity returned, and he realized that this was an exercise in futility. He needed to stop this right now. Rex was straight so there was no way the endearment was anything more than that of a best friend.

As soon as his mind cleared from his hormone-induced delirium, it dawned on him that Rex had said something important. "Did you just say that you know what's causing your problem and how to fix it?"

"Yes, I did. I've known what was at the center of my problem for about month now, but I only figured out the totality of it last night. And boy was it a revelation. After my epiphany, I guess you could call it, the solution was easy to see," Rex replied, his blue eyes full of emotion.

"You'll have to forgive if I'm a little confused, Rex, but if you already fixed your problem, then why did you call me?" Matthew asked, his voice betraying more than a hint of sarcasm.

Rex flashed him another smile. "I didn't say I'd fixed it. I said that I had discovered what had caused it, and what will be needed to fix it."

"Okay, I'll bite. What caused your problem, and what do you have to do to fix it?"

"The answer to both questions, and your earlier one of why I called you, is very simple. You."

Matthew's face was a mask of surprise. "Me? I'm the cause of your Erectile Dysfunction?"

"Yes, Trog. You are the cause and the solution. That's why I called you, woke you up, and asked to come over. As a man, I'm sure you understand why, after two months of not being able to sustain an erection or have an orgasm, I want to take care of this situation as soon as possible."

"No, Rex. I don't understand. What the hell do you mean I'm the cause and the solution?" Matthew asked, his voice jumping an octave.

"Trog, for two months I've suffered with this condition. I've tried everything I could think of to overcome it, but nothing worked. Night after night I dated the most beautiful women, and nothing. Whether I was trying to fuck them, or having them masturbate or suck me nothing happened. I tried porn and fantasizing about my favorite women, but to no avail. I was reaching my wits end."

Rex paused while he shifted himself into a more comfortable position on the loveseat. "But about a month ago I realized that the reason I wasn't able to maintain a hard on was because I really didn't want to. Even though I had been having a lot of sex with all those women, I was lonely. I had plenty of sex, but no real intimacy. I realized that I wanted more. I wanted someone to love, and someone to love me in return. The problem was that I didn't know how to go about it. I thought about all the women I knew, and none of them were someone that I would want to grow old with. I stopped dating completely hoping that some time to myself would help me figure out what to do about it."

Rex drew in a ragged breath. This next part was going to be difficult. He wasn't really sure if he'd be able to get through it. How was Trog going to react to what he was about to reveal? Rex wiped his sweaty brow and then clenched and unclenched his hands before continuing. "But...but, even though I stopped dating I still hung around with you. I started noticing things that I'd never noticed before. Things that made me...a tad bit uneasy. Like how good-looking you are, how your shirts mold to your chest, the way your pants fit...," he said as he glanced nervously at Matthew.

This was turning out harder than Rex had thought it would be. He was so anxious that his palms began to sweat, and he rubbed them on his jeans. "This really hit me out of left field. I'd never thought of another man that way before. Heck, I've seen you naked a couple of times in our dorm room, and I never thought of you that way before! Of course, I tried to rationalize it. I was horny, and it was an aberration. But it wouldn't go away. It kept getting stronger and stronger. I found myself starting to fantasize about you, even though I tried not to. I even started to feel the stirring of sexual arousal, but I immediately quashed it. You're my best friend, for god's sake. I'm not supposed to think of you that way," he said, his voice shaky.

Rex swallowed hard. "I was so confused. I had no idea what to do. You're the one I come to for advice, but I didn't know how to talk to you about this. How was I supposed to tell my best friend that I was hot for his bod?" he asked fretfully.

He cleared his throat and continued, "I was starting to get desperate, and then, last night everything came to a head. I'd had several offers on how to celebrate New Year's Eve, but I decided to stay home and hopefully figure out what to do. I wanted to start this New Year out with a new direction for my life. Instead, I sat in my living room wallowing in self-pity. The silence suddenly became deafening so I turned on the TV." He let out a huff of self-deprecating laughter. "As it would happen, it was that sex and relationship advice show on cable, and the host was talking to a woman who had never experienced an orgasm. The expert suggested that the woman masturbate in order to learn what she liked and disliked, and that she should try fantasizing to assist her. The host went on to say that it was important to not put any limits on the fantasy. I decided that maybe I should try that as well."

Matthew's heart had begun to race when Rex confessed that he'd been looking at Matthew in a sexual way. For a brief moment, he allowed himself the luxury of believing that his dreams were actually coming true, but it was only a fleeting fantasy. Rex was straight. Disappointment and melancholy threatened to rush through him, but he pushed it away for now. There would be time to sort through his feelings later. Right now his best friend needed him. Rex was clearly freaked out about the attraction he was experiencing for another man. He needed to be reassured. Deciding it was past time to bring this conversation to a halt, Matthew looked his friend straight in the eye. "Rex, statistics show that the majority of heterosexual men have had homosexual thoughts at one time or another during their lives. On the scale of human sexuality research has shown that most people aren't completely straight or gay, but fall somewhere closer to the middle in either direction. You've been under a lot of stress lately. You're right, the sexual thoughts you've been having about me are just an aberration. You have nothing to worry about, your heterosexuality has not been compromised."

Rex chuckled and shook his head. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, Trog, but you've got it all wrong. The point I'm trying to make is that the expert's advice worked. I started out trying to fantasize about a beautiful, sexy woman, but her image quickly faded away to be replaced by you. I felt myself starting to get aroused, so I decided to experiment. I tried picturing different men who are considered attractive, and my arousal started to fade. I switched my fantasy back to you, and my cock immediately sprang to life. I allowed myself to indulge in that fantasy, and before I knew it my dick was so hard I could've used it for a crowbar. I came harder than I've come since I was a teenager. Trog, you're my fantasy."

Matthew was flabbergasted. He couldn't believe he'd actually heard Rex correctly. He opened his mouth to reply to his friend's outrageous admission, but no sound would come out.

Rex, seeing the state of shock that Matthew was in, plunged ahead. "Trog, the reason I couldn't maintain a hard on with all of those women or the porn was because I no longer wanted them anymore. Last night, when I allowed my fantasies to fly free I finally admitted to myself that it was you I wanted. It's you I want to spend the rest of my life with. It's you I love. I've loved you since I met you, but last night I realized that I'm in love with you."

Matthew felt tears begin to form in his eyes. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real. His best friend was just confused. Sooner or later he would come to his senses and realize that his feelings weren't real, and he would find a nice woman to settle down with. Tears began to flow freely down Matthew cheeks at the dream that had just been offered to him, but that he could never really have. He wanted so badly to grab on to what Rex was offering with both hands and never let go, but he knew that he would only wind up getting hurt. He looked at Rex and said, "I love you, too, Rex, and I know that you love me, but what you're suggesting would never work. Tomorrow you'll realize that you're confusing the love and friendship you feel for me with romantic love, and you'll be horrified at what you've said."

Rex reached out his hands and began to gently wipe away Matthew's tears with his thumbs. He'd never meant for this to happen. He'd imagined that Matthew would throw himself in his arms, joyfully declaring his undying love for Rex, but apparently his feelings weren't returned. "Oh, Trog. You're the most precious thing in the world to me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...." He took a deep breath, and continued. "I can see you don't feel the same way about me, but I had to tell you. I just had to. My feelings were so overwhelming that if I didn't let them out I would've exploded. But having you as a part of my life is more important than anything. You don't have to worry about this changing our friendship; I'll never mention it again, I promise, Trog. We can just go on as we were, best friends. As long as you stay in my life it'll be enough," Rex said as tears of his own spilled down his face, his expression clearly depicting a heart that was breaking.

Matthew stared at his friend in astonishment. Rex really believed what he'd said. Could his best friend be totally serious when he'd declared his love for him? This was just so surreal. Matthew's whole body started to tremble. He reached out a shaking hand and caressed Rex's face. "Are you telling me the truth? You're really in love with me? This isn't just some whim?" he asked with a shuddering breath.

"Yes, oh yes! Trog, you can't begin to know how much."

"But...but...but you're straight," Matthew sputtered in disbelief.

"Apparently not as straight as one might think," Rex said with a chuckle. "But I don't think I'm gay either. I don't have these feelings for any other man, and I don't think I ever will."

"Then how can you be sure that what you're feeling now is real? Rex, I won't be the lab rat in some homoerotic experiment," Matthew stated with determination.

"Trog, I may have just admitted my feelings to myself and to you, but they're not new. I've loved you ever since you walked into our dorm room. I just never allowed myself to acknowledge it until now. Being in love and being sexually attracted to another man was such foreign concept that I sublimated it deep in my subconscious, but my love for you is so strong that it couldn't stay contained."

He took a deep breath, and continued. "Please, Trog. Tell me that maybe you might feel the same," he pleaded.

"Oh my God, Rex. I've loved you for so long. I never in my wildest dreams thought you could ever love me as well. Are you sure? Really and truly sure?"

Rex didn't answer with words. He simply leaned forward and claimed Matthew's lips in a searing kiss.

Matthew had dreamed about what it would be like for Rex to kiss him this way, but his dreams had done little to prepare him for the reality. Matthew was so overcome with sensations that if he'd been an electrical appliance he'd be afraid that he was going to blow a fuse. Rex's lips on his, Rex's tongue ravaging his mouth, was one of the most intense feelings that he'd ever experienced. The man of his dreams, the true love of his life, loved him in return, and was communicating that love to him in the most exquisite way. But it wasn't enough. He wanted and needed more. His soul and body were crying out for more, more, more!

Raising his hands, he reached out and grabbed hold of the front of Rex's shirt. With all his might, he pulled his best friend, and soon to be lover, over onto him until Rex's body was lying on top of him covering him completely. God, it felt so good! He could feel Rex's erection pressed firmly against his. He ground his rigid penis hard against the other man's, causing them both to groan loudly from the intense pleasure.

Rex pulled away from the kiss and in a ragged breath said, "Trog, if you want this to last very long you're going to have to stop that."

Matthew smiled wickedly. "Almost creamed your jeans, huh?"

Rex returned Matthew's smile. "Yeah, I did. You're overwhelming. I haven't come that close to being quick on the trigger since I was a teenager. You're just too sexy for your own good."

"If that's true, then why are we wasting all this time talking?"

Rex didn't say a word. He just pulled himself off Matthew and slid down onto the floor between Matthew's legs, his hands caressing his best friend's hairy thighs. Reaching out he untied Matthew's belt and parted his lover's robe. Matthew's body was now totally exposed to his lover's gaze, and he was slightly self-conscious until he saw the look of lust in Rex's eyes. Then suddenly all the breath left his body as his cock was engulfed by Rex's hot, wet mouth.

He'd had some superb blowjobs by some expert cocksuckers, but none of them compared to the one he was now receiving from Rex. Of course, Rex was new to this and his efforts were clumsy, but the fact that it was his best friend, the love of his life, performing this intimate act on him made it the best he'd ever had.

He felt himself rapidly approaching orgasm, but he didn't want that to happen yet. Placing his hands on his lover's shoulders he gently pushed him off his cock.

Rex looked up at him, his lips and the area around his mouth wet with saliva. His eyes reflected the insecurity he was feeling as he spoke, "Wasn't I doing it right? I've never sucked a cock before, but I was trying to do to you what I like. I love you so much, and I want to please you."

Matthew smiled, his eyes dancing with joy. "Oh, babe. You were doing fantastic. It was the best I've ever had."

Rex's lips curled into a brilliant smile. "If I'm so good then why did you make me stop?"

"Because, if I didn't it was going to be over way too soon. You're not the only one today who's quick on the trigger. Damn, babe! I've loved you and wanted you so much for so long that I could come from just looking at you and your beautiful body," Matthew replied and then expelled a ragged breath.

Rex smiled at him wickedly. "Then perhaps we need to take the edge off so we can slow down and really enjoy it later," he said with a waggle of his eyebrows, and then he plunged his mouth back down onto Matthew's cock.

"Oh, god!" Matthew cried out. "I'm going to come! I'm going to come! If you don't want it in your mouth you'd better move, now!"

Rex clamped his lips tighter on the candy stick he'd newly acquired and held on for dear life as his lover emptied copious amounts of semen into his mouth. He swallowed as much as he could, but some still dribbled down his chin. He released the delicious penis, placed his hand on Matthew's thighs, and pushed himself up until he was face to face with Matthew. His lips turned up in a slow sensuous grin. Leaning over quickly he kissed his new lover, sharing the taste of him.

When the kiss finished, Matthew looked at him and said, "Not that I'm complaining too much, but why did you do that? I wanted us to come together."

"We will, but later after you recover. Which, by the way I hope you do quickly, because I need you to take care of this," he said indicating the erection so obviously tenting his jeans.

"Well, I can take care of that right now," Matthew said with a grin as he reached over to unsnap his lover's pants.

Rex placed his hand over Matthew's and stopped him. "Not so fast, stud. I want more than just a quick blowjob. I want you to fuck me."

Shock and confusion passed over Matthew's face. "What...what did you say?"

"I said that I want you to fuck me. I went ahead and made you come now so that you'll be able to last long enough to make me come at the same time as you do," Rex replied with a grin.

"Are you serious? My god, Rex, you've never been with a man before. Don't you think we should work our way up to that? I mean, the first time can really hurt, and I don't want excruciating pain to be the only thing you remember about our time together. I'm not a virgin to anal sex, so why don't you fuck me?"

Rex slowly shook his head. "Trog, while I do plan on fucking you eventually, for our first time together I want you to be the one to take me. It's my fantasy."

"What do you mean it's your fantasy?"

"Remember, I told you that last night I was able to achieve orgasm for the first time in months by allowing myself to finally fantasize about us?" Rex asked.

At Matthew's affirmative nod Rex continued. "Well, the fantasy I had was of you fucking me. I want it so bad. Please, Trog. I really need this, and I'm not too proud to beg. I want to experience you inside me-filling me with your love. Besides, if we do it right, the first time doesn't have to be excruciatingly painful. According to that expert I was watching on TV, who also talked to another caller about the proper way to have anal sex, if the person receiving is prepared properly the pain can be kept to a minimum and it can even be a pleasurable experience."

He paused as he struck the classic cheesecake pose by throwing his left hip out, placing his left hand on it, and then putting his other hand on his head. "So, what do you say, big boy? Wanna climb on and fuck me?" he asked in a horrendous Mae West imitation.

Matthew chuckled and then said, "You jackass." His face took on a serious expression. "There nothing I'd love more than to fuck you, but I don't want to hurt you. I swear to you that I'll do everything in my power to make it good for you, but you have to promise me that if it becomes too painful you'll tell me so I can stop. Okay?"

"I promise, Trog. But I have this feeling that we're both going to love it," Rex replied as he began to unfasten his jeans.

Matthew reached out and placed his hand over Rex's, stopping him from undressing. "Rex, if we're going to do this we need to be as comfortable as possible. Let's go to bed."

"Why, Trog. What kind of man do you think I am? The way you're inviting me into your boudoir of debauchery you'd think I was some kind of slut or something."

Matthew smiled and rose to his feet. Looking at Rex, he reached out his hand and pulled him up to stand beside him. "There's no something to it. I know you're a slut. At least you are with women, and from the way you're acting now, I have no doubt that your slutiness will continue with me. Not that I'm complaining mind you because I'm not. I think I'm going to enjoy your wantonness immensely." He reached out and took Rex's hand in his. "Come on, you tart, let's go fuck our brains out."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Rex replied as he walked with Matthew out of the living room and down the hall.

When they entered the bedroom, Matthew walked to the foot of his bed and then turned to face Rex. He slowly and sensuously shrugged his already opened robe off his shoulders and it pooled on the floor at his feet. He sat down on the edge of his bed and stared at the beautiful man standing in front of him. Rex's jeans, which already fit his muscular body like a glove, were stressed by his straining erection-a sure sign of the other man's desire, yet Matthew still feared that this was just a passing fancy for his friend. Rex was notoriously straight, and there was no way he could be serious about being in love with another man. After they finished making love, his best friend was going to realize that he'd made a mistake. Matthew knew that he should probably put a stop this now before it was too late, but he couldn't. Rex was the embodiment of all his fantasies, and if they never made love again he had to experience it at least once. Once would be enough to fuel his fantasies for a lifetime.

He looked at Rex and said in a low guttural voice, "Strip for me. Slowly. I've been fantasizing about this since we first met, and I want to savor every moment. I want to burn our time together in my memory so deeply that it will brand my heart and soul."

"What?" Rex asked perplexed. "You're acting as if this will be the only time we make love."

"Because it will be. I know you say that you're in love with me, but that can't really be true. A person can't change their sexual orientation. You're not gay-you're just horny. After you get off you'll realize that, if not now then somewhere down the line. One day you'll leave me and go back to women."

Rex flashed him a bittersweet smile, and walked over and sat next to him on the bed. Reaching down, he took one of Matthew's hands and brought it up to his lips and kissed it. After releasing his best friend's hand he gently took his face and turned it so that they were looking each other in the eyes. "Trog, I'm not Victor. I'm not going to cheat on you with someone else. I am in love with you. I'm not lying to you or myself. I know what I'm doing, and I know what I feel. You're right, a person can't change their sexual orientation, but I already told you I haven't. I'm not gay. I'm not now, nor have I ever been attracted to any other man. But I am attracted to you, and that's because I'm in love with you."

He leaned over and kissed Matthew lightly on the lips, and then continued, "I mean, how could I not be in love with you. You're loving, totally selfless, and although I never thought I'd be saying this about another man, you are the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I love you, Trog, and I plan on telling you that several times a day for the rest of our lives. This won't be the last time we make love; I guarantee that. If it were legally permissible for us to get married I'd be down on one knee right now, but since it's not you'll just have to take my word for it. Have I ever lied to you?"

Matthew searched Rex's eyes for any signs of untruthfulness, but there were none to be found. "No, Rex, you've never lied to me. So, it's true then. You're really in love with me. Oh my god! I didn't think dreams actually came true, but mine is. I love you too, and I'll be waiting with bated breath several times a day to hear you tell me how much you love me, and I'll avidly return that sentiment," he said and then reached out and pulled Rex into a kiss.

After they came up for air, Rex grinned at Matthew and said, "I believe you were supposed to be fucking me, but we seem to have been sidetracked by your disbelief of my love for you. Don't worry though, I'll forgive you if you remedy the situation by ramming your cock in me over and over until I scream."

Matthew's erection, which had wilted during his bout of insecurity, immediately stood to attention at Rex's mention of what he wanted it to do to him. He shoved Rex backward onto the bed and lunged on top of him. He began kissing Rex again, plundering his lover's mouth with his tongue. He couldn't get enough.

He released Rex's mouth and started peppering kisses down his neck until he came to his shirt. Impatient to get to his lover's chest, he reared back, grabbed hold of the offensive material, and tore it open sending buttons flying in all directions. Rex's hard, masculine chest covered in thick black hair was now exposed to his hungry gaze. He continued to kiss his way down his lover's chest until he came to a nipple, which he latched onto with his mouth, biting gently, causing Rex to cry out in pleasure. He laved the other nipple with his tongue and then resumed his path of exploration down his lover's body.

When he arrived at the top of Rex's pants, he uttered a deep, guttural growl of frustration. The tight, black jeans that framed the taut, muscular globes of Rex's ass and his enticing crotch to perfection were normally on the top ten list of Matthew's favorite things, but at this very moment he utterly despised them. Right now, they were nothing more than an obstacle preventing him from finally achieving the long hoped for goal of having his best friend's cock in his mouth.

As a surgeon he normally had superior skills of manual dexterity, but those skills were nowhere to be found as he clumsily tried to unsnap Rex's obstinate jeans. He was becoming more and more frustrated. He was just about to give into the temptation of going to get the scissors from the trauma kit he kept in his closet and just cut the damn things off when he finally managed to unfasten and unzip Rex's pants. He growled out for Rex to raise his hips, and then he tugged the offending pants down his lover's hairy, muscular legs.

At this moment he was extremely grateful that his best friend was such a huge slut because Rex wasn't wearing any underwear. All the time he and Rex had been friends he'd never, until now, seen his friend completely naked. He'd imagined it many, many times, but they all paled in comparison to the sight that was now laid out in front of him. God, was he gorgeous. His beautiful, thick uncut dick was so hard that it slapped up against his abdomen as soon as it was freed from the confines of his jeans.

Rex was so aroused that his erection was leaking precum, which was pooling in his bellybutton. Matthew couldn't help himself. He dove down and began to lick up the delectable substance from Rex's navel like a cat lapping cream. But it wasn't enough, he had to have more straight from the source. Turning his head to the side, he stuck out his tongue and inserted it inside the foreskin of his lover's cock, seeking more of what he so desperately craved. The sweet flavor exploded onto his taste buds causing him to become more ardent in his explorations by circling his tongue around the head of Rex's dick more forcefully.

Rex moaned loudly. "Oh my god, Trog. If I'd known that getting head from a man was like this I'd have been in your bed a lot sooner."

Matthew stopped what he was doing, looked up at Rex, and smiled wickedly. "If you think this is good, you ain't seen nothing yet, babe," he said, and then returned his attention to his lover's erection. He gently skinned back the foreskin, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed it down to the root.

Rex howled in ecstasy, his head twisting from side to side. Matthew used all the expertise he had garnered from his past experience to bring as much pleasure as possible to his best friend. He worshiped Rex's cock as if it were the most precious thing in the world. With his free hand he tugged and played with his lover's hairy ball sac in order to increase Rex's enjoyment. Soon all his efforts were rewarded as Rex's balls tightened and drew up close to his body, signaling to Matthew that his lover was about to come. He felt Rex's hands in his hair trying to pull him away from his ministrations, but he was having none of that.

"Trog, if you don't stop, I'm gonna come," Rex said in a ragged voice.

Matthew only increased his efforts, eager to experience and taste everything that Rex had to give. Rex screamed in pleasure as he shot stream after stream of semen into Matthew's ravenous mouth. After he swallowed, Matthew released his lover's erection, looked him in the eye, and grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"I thought we agreed that I wouldn't come until you fucked me?" Rex asked.

"No, you agreed to that. I only agreed to make you come when I fucked you, not that it would be the first time I made you come. Don't worry, stud, I have every intention of honoring that agreement. It's just that I figure we need to start this relationship out on an equal footing. I already came once and am about to embark on a mission to come again, so it's only fair that you get to come as many times as I do," Matthew responded facetiously.

"Nice of you to be so considerate, but we have a problem here," Rex said as he indicated his now limp penis. "It's going to be a while before I'll be ready to go again."

Matthew grinned mischievously. "Oh, I don't know. It's not really that much of a problem, especially since it's going to be a lot fun solving it. Besides, with me on the case, I don't think your recovery time is going to be as long as you think. So, don't worry your pretty head about it, after all I'm your problem solver. So, you just let me take care of it," he said with a wink.

"You asshole," Rex said as he reached down and playfully slapped Matthew on the head. "Okay, Trog, give it your best shot."

"Oh, I will. Don't you fret, I definitely will."

"And just what do you plan on doing?" Rex questioned.

"Oh, I think I'll try something that straight boys like you don't usually get to experience."

"And what might that be? Even though I'm a virgin to sex with other men, or at least I was, I have experience with a huge repertoire of sexual acts with women. I'm sure that there's nothing you can do to me that I haven't had done by a woman. Of course, I will concede that you're probably better at it," Rex said, and then smiled impishly.

"We'll see," Matthew said as he moved himself down the bed until he was positioned on his knees between his lover's legs. He picked up one Rex's feet and suckled on his big toe. Removing the toe from his mouth he began to kiss and lick his way up the other man's leg till he came to the juncture where thigh met groin. Looking up at Rex, he asked, "Had this done to you before?"


Matthew next spread Rex's legs wide and leaned down to nuzzle at his lover's large, pendulous ball sac. He lick it gently, and then took first one and then the other of the other man's testicles into his mouth, bathing them in his salvia. His cheeks were so full that he looked like a squirrel with his mouth full of delicious nuts. Rex groaned in obvious satisfaction.

After releasing Rex's balls from his mouth, he asked again, "What about that? Has any woman ever done that to you before?"

"Yes, quite a few, but none were as good as you."

He nuzzled at Rex's ball sac once again, and then began to lick his way underneath reveling in the heady masculine, musky taste and smell of his lover. In between licks to the other man's perineum he inquired, "What about this?"

Rex's only reply was a grunted, "Uh."

Matthew reached down, took one of his lover's thighs in each hand, and pushed upward, totally exposing Rex's ass to his gaze. He leaned forward and plunged his tongue into his best friend's hairy crack. He attacked the dusky pink rosebud with a vengeance, licking and nibbling along the wrinkled sphincter. He paused his efforts long enough to ask once again, "What about this? Has any woman ever done this to you before?"

Rex shuddered from the total bliss he was experiencing. "God, no! I've never had any one do this to me before, ever. I never even imagined such a thing. It's kind of nasty, but it felt so fucking good. I don't believe it , but I'm hard again. Please, Trog, don't stop. Don't ever stop. Eat my ass."

Matthew didn't reply. He simply returned to the task at hand. Rolling his tongue into a point he started thrusting into the puckered opening seeking entry. He wanted to taste all of Rex. Soon the muscular ring relaxed enough to allow his tongue to slip inside. The taste was incredible. It was dark, spicy, and all male. It was the very essence of Rex himself.

As Matthew continued to rim Rex, his lover began to moan. Rex reached between his legs, grabbed handfuls of Matthew's hair, and gently tugged him away. "Trog, that's enough. Fuck me now! I can't wait any longer."

Matthew shook his head slowly. "No, Rex. You're not fully ready yet. I'll hurt you if I do it now. I love you too much to do that."

Rex looked at him, his eyes pleading. "Please, Trog. Hurry! I need you."

"I know, babe. I need you too, but we need to make sure that you're properly prepared so that you'll enjoy it, so that you'll look back on your first time with love and fondness. Trust me, okay," Matthew said, and then reached over into his nightstand to retrieve a bottle of lube and a condom.

"Of course I trust you, Trog. There's no one I trust more," Rex responded.

Opening the lube, Matthew squeezed out a generous amount onto the fingers of one hand, and then reached down and applied it liberally around Rex's anal opening. "You, my friend, are extremely lucky that I'm the one doing this to you, since I've been professionally trained in the insertion of a finger into the male ass," he said with a grin as he slid his finger gently inside Rex."

Rex sucked in a breath expecting pain, but felt none. Matthew's finger in his ass didn't hurt at all, but it wasn't anything to write home about either. He'd heard that even though anal sex could be painful at first, it could also be spectacularly pleasurable, but what Matthew was doing to him now could only be described as boring. He looked his lover in the eye and responded to his friend's smug statement, "Well, I don't know if lucky is the word I'd use right now."

"What word would you use?"

"Disillusioned. So far, your professional training isn't paying off. I'd fantasized that having a part of you inside me, whether it was your finger or your cock, would be a blissful experience, but it's just merely a pleasant one. And it's only pleasant because I love you, and it's your finger. So, if I were you, I wouldn't brag so much about my professional training," he said humorously.

Matthew sniggered. "That's because I haven't, as of yet, applied the fullness of my training. As a physician, I know the anatomy of the male human body extremely well, and as a result I can instantly, and without any fumbling at all, locate this," he said as he crooked his finger and stroked Rex's prostate. "How does it feel now?"

Every nerve in Rex's body seemed as if they were all being stimulated at the same time. His dick got even harder, and he started producing more precum than he'd ever produced in his entire life. This was the bliss he'd fantasized about. If Matthew's finger stroking his prostate felt this good, then what would his lover's cock feel like? "Oh my god! I'll never question your professional training again."

"Like that, huh?" Matthew asked with a grin of self-satisfaction.

"Like it? I almost came. I can't take much more. Please, I'm prepared enough. Just fuck me already."

"No, not yet. Just give me a little more time to make sure you're thoroughly prepared," Matthew said as he withdrew his finger. He squirted out more lube, coated his first and middle fingers, and this time he inserted two fingers into Rex. He moved them in a scissoring motion in order to stretch the sphincter muscle enough so that it would accommodate his dick.

Matthew withdrew his fingers and reached for the condom. After tearing open the packet, he rolled it onto his penis, and then coated his latex covered cock with more lube. "You ready babe?"

"Hell, yeah!"

"Okay, since this is your first time, the easiest way to do this would be for me to be on my back and for you to sit on my cock. This will allow you to control the rate of entry."

"But I wanted the missionary position for our first time so that we could kiss," Rex complained.

"After you get used to my cock up your ass, we change positions and finish that way."

"Okay," Rex said as Matthew lay down on his back. Rex crawled up over him and positioned himself. He reached down, grabbed Matthew's cock and lined it up with his hole. Very gently he began to sit down on his lover's erect penis. When the cock head entered him there was pain and he flinched.

When he noticed Rex wince in pain, Matthew asked, "Are you okay? Do we need to stop?"

Rex released the breath he'd been holding since Matthew's cock had entered him. It hurt, but he wanted this. "No, I'm fine. I'll be all right, just give me a minute to get used to it."

"We'll take all the time you need, babe," Matthew promised.

The pain eventually began to subside leaving in its wake a feeling of fullness. He slowly began to let the rest of Matthew's cock slide into him. It seemed to take forever, but in reality it only took a few minutes.

When Matthew was fully seated, he said, "I'm all the way in you now, babe. This feels so fantastic. Are you okay?"

Was he okay? Hell, no he wasn't just okay. He was fucking fantastic. He'd never felt this intimately connected to another person in his entire life, and the fact that it was Matthew was wonderful. Tears started streaming down his face.

Seeing Rex's tears, Matthew began to panic. "Rex, are you all right? Speak to me, dammit!"

"I'm wonderful, Trog. I've just never been so happy. You make me feel so good. Having you inside me like this, feels like I finally found my home after searching for an eternity. I love you so much."

"I love you too, babe. You're my home as well. If you're ready why don't you try moving, and see how it feels."

Rex tried a few experimental moves, and when he felt no pain he began to move faster and faster. As Matthew's cock slid in and out of his ass it brushed his prostate bringing him to ecstasy, but he didn't want to finish like this. "Trog, let's change positions. I want you on top. I want to be kissing you when I come."

Matthew very carefully withdrew his cock and gently laid Rex back on the bed. He lifted up Rex's legs and re-entered him with a tenderness that brought tears to Rex's eyes. Matthew leaned down and claimed Rex's lips in a tender kiss. He started thrusting in and out with long strokes, angling them so that he hit Rex's love button over and over again in order to bring the ultimate pleasure to his lover. He felt that familiar tingling in his balls that told him it would soon be over. "I can't hold out much longer, babe. I'm gonna come."

"Come for me, Trog. Don't worry, I'm right there with you."

Matthew's thrusts become faster and faster spinning wildly out of control, and then with a shout he spilled his seed in the inviting depths of his lover. Rex's shout followed soon after and Matthew felt warmth on his abdomen as Rex's come shot out between them. Slowly he withdrew his cock from Rex's ass and then, exhausted, Matthew collapsed on top of Rex.

Matthew slowly came back to awareness. Suddenly he realized that he was lying on top of his lover, his weight pressing Rex into the mattress. He rolled off of the other man and lay beside him. He gathered Rex in his arms and kissed him. "I love you, Rex."

Rex snuggled closer to Matthew, and said, "I love you, too. Trog, I've had lots and lots of sex, but this was the first time I've truly made love. Thank you. I want for us to be in an exclusive relationship because I want to experience making love to you without a barrier of latex between us. I want to love you and be loved by you for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me? I know that we can't do it legally, but I don't mind being illegal with you."

"I want that too. Of course, I'll marry you. I am so happy that our first time together was on New Year's Day. Now, we can look forward to a new year and a new life together.

The End

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