The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Oct 15, 2004


The Professor and Sean - Part 47B

---------------------------- (Ryan narrates)

I was nervous that Sean might not wish to do the shopping for me, but I couldn't think of anything else that would get him out of the house so that I could get his special Christmas gift into the townhouse and concealed. While I waited to be sure that he had left and was not returning, I dialed Dan's office number.

I spoke with his secretary for a couple of moments and then she transferred me to Dan.

"Hey, Ryan, what's the problem?" he asked.

"I'm not sure if it's a problem, but I have something that's very important to both Sean and me."

"What's that, Ryan?"

"Dan, please tell Ellen as soon as possible, that we like the drawings and to start immediately. But, Dan, and this is very important, somehow, she has to keep the existing cabin as it is. I know that may sound a little weird, but the place means so much to Sean and me, that we can't let it go."

"Wow! You two guys don't know how great that makes me feel. The cabin, as it is now, has part of me in it, too. I have taken care of it for some time and have used it, enjoying everything about it. I love Ellen's design, but I am so fucking happy that you are going to keep the old place. I know from talking and watching Ellen do her thing, that she will come up with a wonderful solution. Do you want any renovations in the cabin, or do you want to keep it the way it is?" he asked.

"Keep it the way it is, at least for the time being."

"No problem. It's early enough today, even though it is Christmas Eve, to call her and let her know, so that she can incorporate these changes."

"One last thing, Dan, Sean is not to know about this. Be sure that Ellen and Craig know this. If you need to contact me, call me at school or use my cell phone number."

"You want to surprise him, Ryan. Why?"

"He really loves that cabin. It's the last real link he has to his mother and father. Giving it up means losing that connection. I don't want him to have to suffer through that. Whatever it costs, go for it. Also, tell Ellen, okay on the other items she told us to consider, you know, two artesian wells, and so on. As for landscaping, we both want loads of seasonal flowers in all the blooming seasons, and the driveway should go along with the house; we'll leave that to her. Check on the horses and stables, but we are not ready for that at the moment. Since we hope to live there permanently in the future, we want a fine heating and air conditioning system. Those details we leave to you and her. I think that covers it all. Any questions or problems, call me, okay?"

"I'll do that, Ry."

"By the way, Dan, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Craig."

"Right back at you." was his quick response.

"Bye," I said. A click ended the conversation.

I thought that should make my guy happy. I have to get his special gift in now while he's away. I got my coat and went out to the Rover. I took his gift from the back of the car where I had covered it with a blanket. I had to make three trips, but finally I had everything in the townhouse and concealed in the back of my closet. I sighed with relief.

I had accomplished my two important details for the day. I went into the kitchen, checking to see what I could have for this evening's dinner. There were two lobsters left from luncheon, so I toyed with the idea of making a lovely lobster salad. I thought, 'Maybe that's not enough for tonight. I had to really think. CHecking in the freezer I found three beautiful center- cut chops with the loin in. I knew that would be better, leaving the lobster for lunch on Christmas Day, whether we had lunch midday or in the early evening.

It seemed that I had barely decided what to have for dinner on Christmas Eve when I heard Sean at the door unlocking it. I went to the door and smiled at him.

"Any problems, Baby?"

"None, and I was able to get everything you wanted. What's my reward?" he asked with his famous giggle.

Laughing, I said, "Hmm, let me see. You can help me get dinner tonight, or you can help me decide what to wear tonight to church, or you can let me suck your cock. It's your choice."

Sean brought the groceries into the kitchen and placed them on the counter near the refrigerator. I followed him into the kitchen, smiled, and asked,

"So, what's your choice, Baby?"

He looked at me and smiled. He removed his coat and threw it to the floor, followed by his shirt. He pushed his shoes off, and took off his socks. He pulled down his trousers and stood there in his bikini underwear. His cock was pushing against the fabric, revealing that it was very hard. I looked at him and then began to remove my clothing. Soon I stood there in my boxers, which were tented out from my body. I walked over to him and pulled him into my arms. I kissed him exploring his mouth with my tongue. He was moaning and sighing. I was caressing his body, but kept away from his ass, cock and balls.


"Fuck me," he told me as he pulled his underwear down, his eight- and-half-inch cock was at attention.

I dropped my boxers and my cock popped up against my stomach. I took his hand and led him to the island, pushing the things that were there onto the floor with a clatter. Then I picked him up and placed him on the smooth surface. I rolled him onto his back and pulled him to the edge of the counter where his ass was hanging over the edge just a little. When I pushed on his legs, he pulled them back, his knees on his chest. His pucker was winking open and closed. Soon my face was in his ass, I began licking, and sucking and tonguing that beautiful hole...and then I made love to him.

We soon finished our lovemaking. Sean kissed me again and again. We picked up our clothing from the floor and went to the bedroom, depositing it on the floor and then moved into the bathroom for a necessary shower to wash the cum off our bodies. We had dried off completely, when Sean suddenly almost shouted,


"What's the problem, Baby?" I asked.

"Nothing serious. I just forgot something." he told me as he rushed out of the bedroom completely naked. I was going to follow him, but decided he would tell me what it was all about later if I asked him.

I had put on clean boxers and was pulling on a pair of clean jeans when he returned. I just looked at him with a quizzical look on my face. He smiled at me as he pulled on a clean bikini.

"You must want to know what that was all about?"

"Maybe, if you want to tell me about it. It's up to you."

"Well, I bought you another little present, but I had left it in one of the bags of groceries. I forgot it was there and I didn't want you to see it just yet, so I ran and got it and hid it. That's all there is to that. Sorry if it freaked you out, Hon. By the way, you look hot standing there in tight jeans and nothing else. Wow! I would like to jump your bones right not and return the favor of our earlier time in the kitchen, but I want to save some of that for tonight, Lover," he said as he walked to me and kissed my chest and then licked on my nipples. I was suddenly hard again, but I resisted the temptation.

"Get dressed, Baby. We have to get things ready for our Christmas Eve dinner tonight. Then we can make some lobster salad sandwiches for an early bite. We can turn on all the Christmas lights and look out over the campus and town, listen to some Christmas music, eat our little sandwich, and snuggle. If you are really a good little boy, I might let you open one gift tonight, but the rest must wait until tomorrow morning."

"Ry, that's so romantic. You know I love that sort of thing. I especially like the snuggle part and I would enjoy opening one present. Likewise, if you are a good little boy, I might let you open one of yours, too. Now let's get things going in the kitchen. By the way, Ry, I love you," he said as he kissed me quickly on the cheek, took my hand and pulled me into the kitchen.

Working together we had things pretty much arranged for the light meal that we planned to have before we went to Midnight Mass. I was pleased with Sean's reaction to the lobster salad. He was enthused, and thought some homemade French fries and some sliced tomatoes and cukes would go nicely with it. I agreed. Suddenly he stopped, turned and looked at me, and asked,

"If we eat this for an early lunch, what are we going to have after Mass? "

I smiled, went to him and hugged him. He looked a little suspect at me, and with his famous giggle, said,

"Are you trying to soften me up because we are going to have some strange food? Come on, let's have the truth."

"It's nothing like that, Baby. I have some lovely pork chops that I am goingto stuff and then brown in oil. I am going to cut some seedless grapes in half, chop a red delicious apple, throw in some onion, lemon zest, lemon juice, brown sugar and allspice and salt and pepper, to taste. After I sauté that mixture until it starts to thicken, I'll pour the fruit mixture over the chops, and put the fry pan in the oven and bake it for about 15 -20 minutes until the chops are done. I'll serve it with rice and green beans almondine. How's that sound?"

He hugged me tightly and kissed me on the cheek, laughing he said,

"That sounds wicked good."

"I guess you mean it will please you?"

"Everything about you and what you do pleases me, Hon. Why do you ask?"

I giggled a little and after kissing his forehead, I told him,

"Well, there is just one other thing for tonight's after Midnight Mass repast. It's a family tradition that I want to keep alive. I bought one at the bakery today while I was shopping. We'll need to heat it, and then eat some of it."

"What the heck is it, Hon?" he asked.

"It's called tourtiére," I told him.

"That sounds weird. What is it?"

"It's pork pie, or meat pie. It has ground pork and beef and onions, potatoes, salt and pepper and a tiny amount of nutmeg. It's absolutely delicious. Crunchy dill pickles are great with it. And strong coffee."

Sean smiled, "So this 'tortkay' is good?" he demanded.

I laughed aloud, and told him, "I don't know about 'tortkay', but tourtiére is delicious."

Now we were both laughing freely. He was holding on to me tightly as we both laughed until tears were running down our faces.

Between guffaws, Sean said,

"I never was good with languages. Is that a French word?"

"Yes," I spit out, still laughing.

"I think I'll call it a pork pie, or a meat pie. I understand the words 'pork' and 'meat', in many different uses."

"Gotcha,"I replied as we turned back to our lunch preparation.

I was so happy, just being here with him, enjoying this levity, hugging him and kissing him gently as he kissed me. He was happy, too. God was good.

------------------------------------- (Ryan continues)

Our tryst in the living room was great. We enjoyed the lobster salad sandwiches; and the French fries that Sean had prepared were succulent. We sat together on the sofa slowly, and enjoying the Christmas lights and music. We didn't really say much to each other. Occasionally I would hug Sean, or he would turn and kiss me on the cheek, but even then we didn't speak. We were enjoying being together, the season, and the food. When we finished, Sean took care of all the dishes and the remains of our lunch. He then disappeared down the hall, returning with two bed pillows and a quilt.

He smiled at me, leaned in and kissed me on the lips, and told me,

"I want to snuggle with you, but I thought if we did it out here we could see the tree and gifts and all the lights from campus and downtown. I brought this stuff so that we could be comfortable. You interested?" he asked.

I grabbed him my his hand and pulled him onto me. We lay there a few moments, kissing romantically.

"Of course I want to snuggle with you, Baby. I love you close to me. Come here, Baby." I sort of commanded him.

He threw a pillow at me, which I caught, but I wasn't prepared for the next one which hit me in the face and knocked me backward onto the sofa. Before I could retaliate, he was on me, tickling me, and laughing in a somewhat controlled uproar. After some additional fooling around, we got the pillows in place, removed our shoes, sox, shirts, and trousers, and crawling under the quilt in our underwear, got comfortable. I held him in my arms, his head resting on my chest.

"Comfortable?" I asked.

"Yes, Hon, very. I can hear your heart beat. It's powerful and steady. I know it's full of love," he whispered.

As I kissed the top of his head, I reassured him,

"I love you with all that powerful heart you hear. Don't worry, I would give my life for you."

"Please don't say that, Ry. Please. I don't want to think about that. You and I are here, loving each other as we begin to celebrate our first Christmas together. Let's let love rule."

I hugged him more closely to me, and rubbed his naked back, kissing him gently on the lips. He moved a bit, snuggled some more and finally found the perfect place, his head on my shoulder, his left leg over my leg and on my crotch. His hands were on my abs, and after a genuine sigh, he gradually fell asleep.

I thanked God again for Sean, and increasingly the joy of the moment became so intense that I thought I might weep, but instead, I fell asleep.

(To be continued)

I welcome comments about the story. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 49

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