The Progression of My Friendship

By Abcrandom

Published on Feb 25, 2010



Hi all. This is my first story. Let me know how it is and if I should be writing it in a different way and I hope you all enjoy it. My name is Matt as well as my friend in the story but don't get confused while reading the story. I only ever mention my friends name "matt" and never refer to myself in the third person. If I do have a character refer to me it will b easy to differentiate. I'm 19 and the most part of this is true but then turns into a fantasy. If you guys like it then email me so I will write more. or even just to chat you can add me on msn or email me.

P.S. I'm sorry there isn't any sex in this one but will prob progress into the next one

Matt was all I could think about. He was 19, a bit shorter than me, light hair, beautiful green eyes. While I was nearly 6ft dark hair. We had known each other for a while however for the last year, we really started to bond and become best friends. I never really thought of him in anyway besides him being my best friend because I assumed he was 100% point chasing a guy I can never get with. But one day I was helping him fix his laptop.

We sat on the couch and I turned his laptop on to see what the problem was. The doorbell rang as it was a few of our friends coming past to watch some movies with us. After we said our hellos I went back to the laptop. I went through it to see if it was having any problems and found that some drivers needed to be updated. After opening Firefox a prompt came up asking if I wanted to resume the previous session. Not thinking about it too much I just clicked yes and to my surprise about 10 tabs opened containing gay sex stories. I was in total shock. Another friend was sitting beside me so I quickly closed it all before he saw as well.

Months passed of us still hanging out with each other and hanging with other friends, but I never told him about what I saw that day....or even me being bisexual. See I had a girlfriend for 4 years and recently split up with her for I wasn't feeling the same way as I used to about her. The thought of telling Matt these personal things about myself and the fear of rejection kept me from being honest.

I tried to tell him once over MSN however the most ironic thing happened.

"Matt I need to tell you something" I typed

"Go ahead and then I have to tell you something" he said back...I had managed to convince myself that Matt wanted to tell me about his sexuality as well. "It's about your sexuality" he said

"My sexuality?" I questioned

"Yes yours. Luke has a new phone and has asked who's number mine is and I've told him it's you and I'm making you say very erotic things to him. He probably thinks your gay" he said

"I'm not gay Matty just bi" I confessed.

"Lol so what did you want to tell me" he asked

"I just did tell u" I said

"Whatever" he replied.

When I left this conversation I was so confused and hurt. Was he saying whatever to me being bi. Or whatever to him not believing me. I convinced myself that he didn't believe me so I thought I'd tell him another day face to face.

One day Matt invited me over to help fix his sisters computer. So there we sat in her room. The whole house to ourselves since his parents were at work and his brother and sister attended school. We talked about random crap as I started opening up his sisters computer. He was sitting on the bed as I sat on the carpet.

"Come sit down with me Matt" I said to him "I want to talk to you about something".

He hopped off the bed and came down next to me while looking at me with a worried look on his face

I began talking "you know that time on MSN when I told you that I needed to tell you something. Well I actually did tell you what I wanted to tell you sometime during that conversation"

"I don't remember you telling me anything" he said

"I'm bi Matty" I told him. Hoping that he didn't disown me as his friend. I would probably drive home crying like a little girl.

"Yeh whatever" he said to me. Moving back to the bed and probably assuming that I was making up shit

"I'm not making it up Matt. I'm being honest with you" I started to get annoyed

"Prove it" he said while sitting back down next to me

I looked at him. Leaned in while putting my hand to his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips. I looked at him surprised he didn't pull back and waited for him to say something. I resumed with the computer hoping that he wasn't going to disown me as a friend and kick me out of his house.

Just as I was about to start screwing in a component to the computer Matt pushes me backwards lays on top of me and kisses me on the lips. This time more passionately.

He leans up and looks at me in the eyes.

"I'm bi as well" he says "I have been feeling these feelings towards you for so long. I kept suppressing them because you have had a girlfriend for so long I just didn't think you felt this way towards guys. Let alone me."

I pulled him in for another kiss while sliding my hand up his shirt to feel his chest. He came down upon me again and we kissed while I rubbed my hand all over his chest and navel. I was loving every second of it and didn't want it to end. But then I heard a noise coming from downstairs.

"Hello" yelled Matt's mum from downstairs.

Matt jumped off me and sat back on the bed adjusting his shirt. Speechless and not knowing what to say he looked at me I got up looked and him and smiled and walked downstairs to say hello to his mum.

To be continued...

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