The Prom

By J. M. Vincent / Shyoldguy

Published on Dec 13, 2009



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Legal Notice: The following story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality. Don't read this story if you're not 18 or over, if it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, or if you don't want to read about children having sex with each other or adults, or gay/bi people in love or having sex, or rough sex involving adults and/or adults and children.

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The Prom By:

My name is AJ, and I was twelve years old when I knew I was gay. I knew girls did not excite me, and boys did. I was very attracted to my best friend Michael but like so many young gay boys, I was afraid I would lose his friendship if he knew, so for the next two years I kept my feelings to myself.

On my fourteenth birthday, I decided that it was time, and I confessed to Michael that I was gay. Much to my relief and surprise, Michael told me he was gay too. We talked for hours about our feelings for each other, and what we were going to do now. You know, should we "come out" or not. The one thing we both agreed on was that as much as we wanted to have sex together, we were going to wait. We were in love, not just in lust, and we were only fourteen. We needed to give our relationship time. So we kept our sexuality a secret, and jacked off alone thinking about each other.

When we were sixteen, we knew it was time. We wanted to start dating, you know . . . doing things as a couple. It was time to "come out". I told my parents, and Michael told his. My folks were great; they let me know they loved me, and would support me in anything that would make me happy. I told them I was in love with Michael, and we wanted to start dating. They were happy for me, they like Michael. I told them that we were still both virgins, and they looked relieved.

Michael's parents did not handle it as well. His mom cried, and his dad called him degrading names. In the end they both realized that regardless of what they wanted, Michael was gay. Their relationship was never going to be the same. When he came over to my house, I held him as he cried.

Being young, in high school and gay is not easy. The next couple of years were hard, but we always had each other. We both decided to get involved in gay causes; we were both tired of narrow minded people telling us who and what we should be, and who we should love.

When we were eighteen, and seniors in school, I asked Michael to the prom. He accepted, and asked if I was ready to take the next step in our relationship, he wanted to make love to me. I know you won't believe this, but I talked it over with my parents. They gave the standard lecture about taking precautions, but they knew that Michael and I had been in love for over six years, and they wanted me to be happy. They even paid for a room for us at a local hotel for after the prom. They wanted our first time to be special.

The night of the prom, Michael showed up in his tux, driving his little red Mazda Miata, he was visibly upset. He and his father had another fight; I figure you can guess what it was about. He came in the house, and pasted a smile on this face when my mom took pictures of us. We bought boutonnieres for each other, and mom took pictures of us pinning them the lapels of our matching tuxes. She even took a picture of me kissing him on the cheek, my dad smiled, and shooed us out the door. I was putting my overnight bag in the trunk when Michael's dad showed up.

He pulled up in his big black Buick, and got out. He just stood next to the car, and watched us. Michael walked over to him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Michael's dad hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek. When Michael got in the car next to me, he had tears in his eyes, and was smiling. "What did he say Michael?"

"He told me that he loved me. It has been so long since I have heard that from him."

We danced, holding each other close during the slow dances, and broke into a sweat during the rock numbers. He is so hot when he dances, his body flows with the music. We withstood the glares of the bigots, and talked with our friends. As the night went on, my dick started to get hard just thinking about what was going to happen after . . .

Michael whispered in my ear as we were sitting at the table "Are you ready to leave AJ?" I felt a lump form in the pit of my stomach as well as in the front of my pants. "Read my lips." I said as I kissed him. We stood up and slipped out of the room.

We drove with the top down to the hotel, excitement growing in me the closer we got. We carried our overnight bags past the night clerk and down a long hall to our room. When we closed the door behind us, the bags dropped to the floor as Michael took me into his arms and we kissed. We had kissed before, but had always pulled away before things went too far. Tonight we did not need to pull away . . . but Michael did. "Not yet AJ, I want this to be special for you." He opened his bag, and took out some votive candles and placed them around the room lighting them with a small lighter. He pulled the bedspread off the bed and laid it on the floor. A bottle of wine and two classes came out of his bag, along with a loaf of French bread and a block of cheese.

When he had his picnic set up for us, he took me by the hand and led me to the blanket. We kicked off our shoes and sat down. He had turned off the lights, and poured me a glass of wine, handing it to me with a gentle kiss on the lips. "I love you AJ, and I want this to be a night you will always remember." He said, as he broke off a piece of bred and fed it to me. "I love you too Michael, and I will always remember this night, and so will you." I slid my hand between his legs and felt his hard manhood through the fabric of his pants. He moaned as I squeezed it, he lay back on the blanket, and set his wine aside.

I lay down on top of him, our bodies pressed together, my lips on his, his mouth opened, and his tongue slid into mine. After sucking on his hot wet tongue, I pulled away, "If you love me Michael, prove it." He wrapped his arms around me and rolled us over so he was on top. His hand sliding down in between our bodies and he grabbed my swollen cock. An electrical shock rocked my body. His hand tightened around my throbbing member, our lips met again, our tongues darted in and out, and I couldn't tell who was moaning, him or me . . . maybe both of us.

As one hand worked the studs loose on my shirt, the other worked my inflamed manhood. As the fabric pulled aside exposing the white t-shirt underneath, Michael sighed. He pulled my shirt loose from my pants and slid his hand up my stomach to my heaving chest. When his warm fingers reached my erect nipples, my cock let loose. I filled my briefs and dress pants with a mammoth load of hot white cum. "Oh Michael, I'm sorry, I just couldn't stop it." I said as tears filled my eyes. "Oh, AJ, it's okay. I'm glad you needed me so bad. I wanted you to cum." He said, his mouth covering mine and his long thin fingers pulling on my now sensitive nipples. His hand continued to work my cum slicked wiener through the wet material of my pants.

He worked the dress shirt off my arms and my t-shirt over my head exposing my white hairless chest to the cool air-conditioned air of the room. My nipples were standing hard and erect. He started untying his bow tie, and I unfastened the studs on his shirt. He sloughed off his shirt, and my hands explored his warm tanned skin. Our lips locked again, my heart racing, and my cock throbbing in my pants.

I slid my hand down the back of his pants and under the elastic of his underwear, grasping the firm round globes of his sexy young butt. I pulled his body close to mine, and started humping the lump in the front of his pants with my pelvis. He started jerking, and thrusting his hard cock against mine, throwing his head back, he let out a loud moan and said "Oh, AJ, I'm cumming, oh god, I'm cumming." His body continued to thrust against mine, a smile filled his face, and he collapsed against me, his mouth seeking out mine, his tongue darting down my throat.

He rolled off and lay on his back next to me. The room seemed cold without him on top of me. I rolled onto my side, propped my head on my elbow, and looked deep into his eyes. "I love you so much Michael, I have loved you for a long time. I hope you know that."

"AJ, I know. I love you more than life itself. I would do anything just to be with you like this." He said, leaning over and kissing me gently on the mouth. "Let's get out of these wet pants, and into that warm bed. Ok lover?"

We both stood, and unfastened our pants, letting them drop to the floor. We both just admired each other's bodies as I kicked off my pants and stood in those stupid black dress socks, and wet black bikini briefs, my cock sticking out of the top, ready for another round with my sweet lover. He had on white silk boxers, a huge wet spot on the front, his dress pants puddled around his black socks.

I guess we both looked a little stupid balancing on one foot pulling off our socks; there really is no way to look sexy doing that. Michael stood back up, and slid his boxers down his tanned hairy legs exposing his huge rod to me for the first time. We had been friends for years, but I had never seen his "thing" before. It was about five and a half inches long, thin, with a bright red head dripping pre-cum. His balls were huge, and hung low. They were the size of golf balls. He had shaved all his pubic hair off, and that made him even seem bigger down there.

He stepped closer to me and took my briefs down my long strong legs. I am just a little smaller than him, but my balls are the size of marbles and held close to my body. My pubic hair is red, like the hair on my head. I do keep it trimmed short, and shaped. While he was on his knees, helping me step out of my briefs, he licked the underside of my dick, and twirled his tongue around the very sensitive head, licking my pre cum off with a flick of the tip of his tongue. He lifted my cum soaked briefs to his face, inhaling the scent of my cum, the symbol of my need for him.

I took his hand, and led him to the bed, he stooped and picked up the two wine glasses and climbed in under the covers next to me. He handed me the glass of wine, and we sipped the deep rich flavor of the grapes as we talked. We discussed our lives together when we left for college together in the fall. We had both been accepted into the same state university. I was planning on majoring in art and teaching, and he was going into nursing. We were going to share an apartment off campus together and live together as a married gay couple. To hell with what the world thought.

When the wine was gone, we snuggled together under the blankets, and let our hands wander. We explored every private place on our bodies; we licked each sensitive spot, and moaned in ecstasy. We paused only long enough to declare our undying love for each other. When I knew he was ready, his long throbbing manhood dripping in anticipation, I lay on my back and pulled my knees to my chest, exposing my tight hole for him. He sucked in his breath and asked, "Are you sure AJ?" Hell yes I was sure, I had wanted to feel him inside me since I was twelve years old. I had dreamed of this moment, and jacked off hundreds of times fantasizing about it. "Yeah Michael, I want you. Please do it now."

He climbed off the bed, rummaged through his bag, and held up a bottle of lube. Damn, that boy thinks of everything. "I don't want to hurt you AJ, I want you to love it." He said.

"Oh hell Michael, I love you, and I WILL love having you explode inside me. Take me Michael, make love to me." He crawled in between my raised legs, and explored my tight little bud with his tongue and lips; I could tell he was inhaling the aroma from my ass. He pushed his hot wet tongue into my hole, parting my sphincter and exploring the dark inner reaches of my body for the first time. He was moaning as his tongue sent waves of pleasure through my quivering body.

He pulled his mouth away, and squirted cold lube onto my hot boy cunt. He gently rubbed it with the middle finger of his right hand. His fuck finger, the one he used to tease his own ass as he jacked off thinking of me. He had told me that is what he did naked in bed at night dreaming of my cock deep inside him. Now that finger was inside me, poking and teasing my most private and secret place. Tears slid down my cheeks. He pulled his finger out of me, a look of concern on his sweet, sweet face. "Am I hurting you AJ? Do you want me to stop?"

"No you big goof, these are tears of joy, I have wanted this, wanted you for so long. Please take me, take me now." He leaned forward, pressing the tip of his manhood against the tight muscles of my boy pussy. Ever so gently pressing it towards the goal, whispering words of love as he entered me for the first time, giving me more joy than I ever knew existed.

When he was deep inside me, his heavy balls hitting my round, tight ass, he leaned over and kissed me tenderly on the lips, his hips softly thrusting, moving his aching cock in and out of tight unexplored hole. The tip of his rod was lightly caressing that special spot deep inside every man, slowly arousing a desire that I never knew I had. My body started to rock in time with his thrusts, my breath came in shorter and shorter gasps. I kept saying his name over and over like some sacred chant. Tears streamed from my eyes, every muscle in my body contracted, my breathing stopped, and I think I screamed as my engorged cock exploded. A huge load of cum shot out of my rod, the first two bursts hitting me in the face.

Michael wined like a puppy as his hot teenage seed coated my insides, swimming ever deeper, trying to find an egg that did not exist. My own orgasm growing, not diminishing as a second load of ejaculate burst onto my chest. My cock was convulsing and shooting the thick white cum with ever increasing pressure. My head was thrust back, and my hips pressed into Michael, trying to suck him completely inside me.

My heart was trying to beat out of my chest, as our cum slowly subsided. Our breath came in short rasping gasps. Sweat ran down Michael's body, his back still arched in passion's pose as he told me again, and again how much he loved me, wanted me, and needed me. That was something I already knew, but still loved to hear.

When our respiration slowed somewhere close to normal, he pulled his now softening cock from my hole, leaving me with an intense feeling of emptiness. He collapsed next to me. I groped for the blanket and sheet that had been tossed aside as we expressed our sexual fervor for each other. We held each other in a lover's embrace, again whispered reassuring words of eternal love to each other, and shared every deep secret, some of them dark, with each other. When the words slowly ended, our breathing became regular, and we dreamt innocent dreams in each other's arms.

The dawn slowly broke; a light fog filtered the morning sun as it crept around the edges of the curtains of our room. Traffic slowly increased outside our window, and the hotel came alive around us. Plumbing gurgled, televisions blared, and voices were raised in the hall outside our room as other guests headed out for their holiday fun, and business men heading to their meetings.

Michael and I slowly joined the land of the living, our bodies fused together almost as one. Our legs wrapped around each other, our arms grasping each other's naked bodies like we would both drown if one let go, and in a way that was true. We were now truly one. One in soul, one in heart, one in everyway possible that two young men could be; we would drown if we did not have each other to hang on to, and then Michael said those four very romantic words . . . "I've got to pee."

We untangled our bodies, and Michael slipped out from under the blankets and padded bare foot, and bare assed into the bathroom. I realized that I had that morning urge too, and padded along behind him. I must tell you, I truly enjoyed the view.

We both stood at the toilet holding our dicks, emptying our bladders. We got into a pee war, battling each other's stream like they were swords. It was fun being a little boy again. When we finished, carefully shaking off that last drop, I started the shower. I adjusted the water to a pleasant warm/hot temperature, and we both stepped in, our delayed morning wood poking out from our cum crusted bodies. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. Even though we had been best friends most of our lives we had never seen each other naked. I was truly enjoying the look and feel of his body.

As I slid the soap across his hairless chest, I took pleasure in the feel of his muscles, the texture of his skin, the size and shape of his nipples. As my hand traveled lower I was awed by the strength of his erection, the steady even throb of his heart as the blood flowed through his excited appendage. I knew what I wanted, and I dropped to my knees. With the warm sinuous water flowing over my body and making a gurgling sound as it twirled down the drain I licked his rock hard cock, and drew it into my mouth.

Michael sighed and placed his hands lovingly on the back of my head, and accepted my gift. I covered my teeth with my lips, opened my throat muscles, started breathing through my nose, and let his long thin pole slide down my throat. I started to slowly bob my head, his hips started to thrust to the rhythm. His heavy balls started to sway and slap my chin. My hands wrapped around his gorgeous body firmly gripping his ass. My finger slowly moved up and down his tight crack passing over his puckered opening. His body would jerk as my finger touched that forbidden spot.

I could feel his heartbeat increase as my tongue massaged the thick vein on the underside of his pulsating cock. My finger started circling his rear passage, slowly entering and leaving just a little at a time. He did that puppy wine again for me.

As I felt his passion growing, I forced my fuck finger up inside him hitting his very receptive prostate over and over again. I could feel his wiener thicken, and the head flair just before he shot his load of hot, thick, sweet cum down my throat. It was more than I could take and it leaked out of the corners of my mouth, ran down my chest with the warm shower water and down the drain.

His legs went weak, and he leaned one hand on my head and the other on my shoulder to support himself. "Hell AJ that felt great, I have wanted to do that for a long, long time." He took me in his arms and kissed me deeply whispering in my ear. "Will you fuck me now AJ?" He turned away from me, put his hands on the shower wall, bent at the waist leaving his two smooth, round globes vulnerable. I used the soap, and lubed up my aching cock, and his little puckered boy pussy.

I gently worked my stiff pole in his hole, just the cap at first, pausing, giving him a minute to adjust and then pushing in a little more. When I was fully swallowed up by his juicy boy cunt he started thrusting his hips tightening and loosening his sphincter muscles and driving me crazy with desire. I heard him start to grunt, his rhythm became irregular, and his breathing labored. As his cum started splashing off the tile shower wall, mine rushed up my pulsating cock. I think I screamed as my seed filled his colon. I wrapped my arms around him, my cheek pressed into the wet skin of his back. I could hear his heart beating, as my rod slid out of him.

We dried off, and pulled fresh jeans and t-shirts from out bags, putting on clothing made me sad. I knew our night was over, and we would have to go back to the real world. We checked out of the hotel, and drove to a near by restaurant for breakfast. We held hands across the table, smiling at each other, not needing to say a word. Our server seemed to disapprove of our public display of affection. We didn't give a damn.

He kissed me deeply, and squeezed my leg when we got to my house. I got out of the car, leaned in and kissed him again. "I love you Michael, can you come over tonight? Maybe we can watch a movie."

"I'll be over after dinner; I think my dad and I need some time to talk. I love you AJ." He waved as he drove away.

Well, what do you think . . .

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