The Punishment That Wasnt

By Dudley Jarvis-North

Published on Feb 8, 2020


Hi, fellow Nifty readers and writers. Thanks for reading my stories. I'm a retired journalist living in Boston and Fort Lauderdale. I've enjoyed many of the tales on here. Lots of hot, entertaining writing.

We have to do more than read these sexy gems. We need to donate to the site as it relies on us to stay alive and vibrant. Here's my latest story:

The Punishment That Wasn't

By Dudley Jarvis-North

I was riding the bus home from baseball practice, holding my briefcase close to my chest. With me in the last row was Kevin Ryan, outfielder for the Boston Tech High team. I was the manager of the team, meaning that I took the bats out, kept official score of games, watched the guys' valuables, served as a gopher. Most of the guys appreciated what I did and were nice to me. Kevin wasn't one of them.

He was 19, 6-feet tall, perhaps 180 pounds, wide and high forehead with auburn hair, green eyes, straight, well-formed nose, white skin, a few freckles, ears that stuck out a little too much. He was handsome and sexy in that Irish way as he had a twinkle in his eye and was a wiseass. He was also a bully, but this was the early `60s. The school authorities let bullies be bullies. He would razz me in the locker room and call me "boy" and "go-fer."

"Too bad you're such a pipsqueak. You're not big enough to play baseball," he would taunt. I was a little guy -- 5-6, 135 pounds of skinniness. "Dummy, the only talent you have is carrying our dirty jockstraps. You probably sniff them when no one is looking."

I didn't know how to handle this abuse, so I'd say something feeble like "What's your problem?" Or I'd just lower my head and move on to my tasks. I disliked him, but secretly I lusted after him. He was the hottest guy on the team afterall.

I didn't know how I felt about sitting so close to him on the bus. I was surprised he sat next to me. There were many other seats available. He was instantly on my case. "What's in the briefcase, shit-for-brains? You steal someone's dirty jock?"

"My books," I answered. But the truth of the matter is that I had pilfered a new baseball from the locker room cabinet, figuring no one would miss it. I started to get nervous.

"Let me see," said Kevin, and he grabbed the briefcase out of my arms.

Fortunately, I had thought to lock it. Unfortunately, he grabbed the leather flap that held the lock and ripped it right off. He peered inside and a big grin appeared on his face.

"You know that I'm going to become a police officer when I get out of school. I can sniff a thief a mile away. You stole that baseball from the school supply, didn't you?"

I was caught red-handed, so I lied. "No, Kevin, I just borrowed it since I lost my old one and need it to play catch with my cousin in my backyard. I plan to return it."

"Yeah, right ... you borrowed it? You plan to return it? We're supposed to play with a used baseball after it's all scuffed up and dirty? I'm going to have to report you to Coach Keane. We'll see if he believes you." The last thing I wanted was that, as the shame of having stolen something had turned my face red. I would have been dismissed as manager and would have had to explain it to my friends at school.

I sought to throw myself at his mercy. "Kevin, you're right. I'll put it back where it came from. That was a dumb thing to do."

"Of course, you'll do that, at least. But you need to be punished for stealing. I won't tell the coach what you did, but you'll come to my house right now to get your just desserts."

Fuck, now I was sweating. I had no idea what he was planning.

"I'm sorry, Kevin. How about if I give you $20 and put the baseball back and we forget the whole thing?"

"My house is three stops away. You're coming there with me."

Next thing I knew, I was walking up Columbia Road, heading to where Kevin lived. We entered and he said, "My parents are working. Let's go to my bedroom."

It was a typical high schooler's room with posters of the Beatles, James Bond, Raquel Welch and Ann-Margaret on the walls. There was a full size bed and a trunk at the base of it.

"Let's get started. Take off your clothes."

"Is that necessary?" I whined, "I'll do your homework, clean your room, give you money."

"I don't want any of those things from you, jerkoff."

"What do you want? C'mon, be a pal and let me go."

"Strip" was all he said.

I took off my shoes and socks, shirt and tie, T-shirt, unbuckled my corduroys and stood there in my BVDs, shaking with anxiety.

Kevin was sitting on the trunk and beckoned me. "Over my knees. "You fucked up, and now you will be punished."

He pulled me into his lap. "Count them out loud."

He landed the first blow on my undie-covered ass and I bleated, "One." Then two and three.

"This isn't really punishing you enough. You need to be bareassed " and he pulled my BVDs down to my ankles.

"That's better."

I didn't know what felt worse, his hand whacking my ass or the humiliation of my skinny body naked in his lap.

"Four" I yelled, "five." The last two hurt far more than the first three.

"I like how your skinny ass is getting red," Kevin said. "I like it better than pasty-white."

"Six," I moaned and "Seven, as I felt my ass turn into a furnace.

Two embarrassing things were also happening. My dick was rock hard and I could feel his erect dick through his Levi's pushing against my naked pelvis.

"Eight, Nine, Ten!!!

It hurts, Kevin," I complained even though I found it incredibly exciting to have his hand on my naked butt. He started to rub my cheeks in a circular motion after the spanking and it was really turning me on.

"If it hurts so much, why are you hard?" Kevin answered, as he pushed me onto the floor. "I'll stop, but you will pay in other ways. You'll do whatever I want."

"Yes," I said, wondering what those "other ways" were. I was now sexually arounsed.

Kevin opened the trunk and pulled out a leather case that he lay on the bed. He started to take off his clothes as I watched furtively. He unbuttoned his plaid shirt and pulled it off. He lifted his arms and got his T-shirt off. He was well-built -- muscled arms and a surprisingly well-defined chest. He was buff. Apparently, I hadn't paid enough attention in the locker room, as I was afraid he would see me staring.

He kicked off his loafers and took off his socks. He unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his tight Levi's. Despite my distain for him, I found it impossible not to stare at his obvious beauty. He peeled off his Levi's and threw them next to the bed. He was wearing white Hanes underwear, and they were tight -- framing his jewels and butt as if they had been custom made.

His chest had a sprig of red-brown hair that ran from between his nipples down to the elastic band of his briefs, the white cotton nicely elongated by what I longed to see.

Kevin noticed my eyes peaking at his crotch, but he didn't remove his briefs, much to my disappointment. He opened the mysterious box on the bed and pulled out a policeman's cap. In a second it was on his head. It had a shiny silver badge in front that said Boston Police Department.

"Nerd, don't I look hot in this police cap? Now, get over here and get on your knees."

I was a combination of scared, anxious, and surprisingly turned on.

"You like seeing me in my undies, don't you?" he taunted.

I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't want to play his games, but I had this unbelievable urge to see his dick and crotch.

"Your mouth is wide open. That means you're hungry for me."

"Kevin, you have a great body; you already know that -- what do you want me to say."

"I want you to tell me what you like about it. I want details."

"Your chest is really well-developed. I hadn't noticed before. You have great biceps. Your legs are beautiful and muscular. You look great in briefs. Your nipples are large. Your hair is a nice color. You're the only guy in the locker room with red in your hair."

"So, you admit that you look at guys in the locker room? I thought you were a queer. I know you're queer for me by the way you look at me."

I thought it was useless to spar with him, so I hung my head down. That gave me a better chance of looking at his legs. His thighs and calves were much hairier than his chest.

"You like my hairy legs, don't you? They are fucking hot. A shame you don't have any hair on yours. Now move closer and rub my legs with your hands."

On my knees, I inched closer and massaged his legs, feeling the reddish bristles that blanketed his thighs and the heat they threw off.

"Now the other thigh. Your hands feel good. If you do a good job rubbing me, I'll show you more of me."

These words thrilled me as I rubbed his thighs with both hands and looked up to see his bulging briefs. He had a hard-on, I was sure, and I wanted desperately to see it.

After perhaps 10 minutes of massaging him, he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me toward his underwear.

"Sniff my crotch," little man. I want your nose on me."

I moved my face into his Hanes -- perhaps too fast. Kevin noticed everything. I breathed in and contemplated his scent. He looked down at me with an evil grin. "You little perv. My undies are clean but I bet you like cum-stained ones. I'll remember that next time." I contemplated a next time.

He put his hands inside his briefs and readjusted his dick upward. The top of his penis now stuck up over the elastic band as he watched for my reaction.

What was I to do? I stared at the meaty, exquisitely circumcised head. His dick was about 6 inches long -- not the longest, but it more than made up for that in thickness. The head was almost two inches across and a beautiful pink color. He told me to smell the tip of it.

"I want to feel your tongue on my dickhead. Get my dick wet."

I was hard watching him towering above me, looking down upon me, giving me orders.

"That's it, lick the head, use your tongue to polish it. You don't know how lucky you are. Lots of guys at the high school would love to be you right now." I wondered which guys he was talking about.

Kevin acted like a conceited jerk, but that didn't stop me from wanting my nose on his fragrant prepuce. The slit started to drip precum and my eyes lit up. He noticed.

"I see you like my dick juice, little man. That you'll have to earn. No, pull my briefs down."

This was the moment I was waiting for. The Big Reveal. I tugged at both sides and pulled. His briefs were tight so they didn't slide down easily. Kevin pushed my head closer and told me to use my teeth, too.

I grabbed the elastic band with my mouth and his briefs were soon at his ankles.

I moved back a foot to behold his museum quality manly beauty -- a full thatch of reddish-brown moss above his penis climbing to meet his treasure trail, his balls a lovely base for his package. I could have stared all day at his crotch, but I didn't want him to see me slobbering over it. I had an ounce of pride left, but that was being whittled away by his beauty and my lust.

"You really want it, Theo," he said. I was shocked he knew my name. "I've noticed you staring at the guys in the locker room. You weren't fooling anyone. You're as queer as they make `em."

I was stung by the fact that he had picked up my secret, something I thought I had hidden well. He was a perceptive SOB, I'd give him that. He'd probably make a good detective.

As I stared at his package on full display, I trembled. At 17, I was getting my first lesson in submissive sex. Even though I didn't like his attitude, I wanted to please him thoroughly with my tongue, give him pleasure. I made a move toward his dick and got a slap in the face.

"Not so fast, shit-for-brains. I call the shots here. I can see you drooling for it and I could feed it to you, but that doesn't seem like punishment."

Kevin turned around and pushed himself face down straddling the chest and bed. The police cap was firmly on his head.

"Did you ever lick a guy's ass?"

I was mortified. I hadn't even thought of it.

"Please don't make me do that, Kevin. I can't. It's dirty back there and stinky."

He laughed. "At the moment it needs your tongue inside. This will be your punishment. You're not supposed to like it. Now get your face in my ass."

"Is it clean?" I innocently asked.

"You clean it," dickwad. "Get to it."

Kevin's ass, I had to admit, was as beautiful as the rest of him -- white, round and meaty with more reddish-brown hair running up the crack pluming at the top toward the small of his back.

"Kiss my ass," little man, "one cheek and then the other."

I pressed my lips on his right cheek and smooched it; then repeated it on his left cheek.

"That's good; now use your hands to spread my cheeks. Hold my hips to get a better grip."

There it was -- his pink pucker, surrounded by a thicket of hair. I had never seen a man's hole before. I was apprehensive that it might smell awful. "Stick your tongue and lips in there. You are going to eat my ass. I don't care if it's dirty. My ass is the best one you'll ever get."

I gingerly held his cheeks open and moved my tongue closer to his crack. I timidly licked up and down, but avoided his hole. I could smell his butt sweat -- it was strong but also enticing. Lucky for me there was nothing resembling the smell I feared. I admit to some primal doglike urge to taste it. I moved toward his hole and probed it with my tongue as Kevin reached behind and pushed my head toward his cheeks.

"Don't stop till I tell you."

I used my tongue to wet the hole, then boldly stuck my tongue inside. A switch had turned on inside my head and the fear was gone. He tasted manly, kind of like licorice, a slight charcoal flavor mixed in, a little sourness and definitely man-sweat. I dived in for more and got my tongue all the way inside his hole.

"That's it, keep doing that. I should have known you'd love it."

Amazing myself, I really did love it. I warmed to the task completely, holding his cheeks apart, I licked the crack, used my tongue vigorously inside his hole. He lifted his butt up from the bed to give me total entry.

"Damn, that feels good, Theo. You surprise me. You're such a pussy, I didn't think you'd go near my ass. I guess I'm too sexy to resist."

Kevin was good at giving himself compliments.

I made a slurping sound as I slobbered on his crack. I came up for air only to pick a hair or two off my tongue.

We carried on for close to a half-hour.

Finally, he had had enough and pushed my head away and turned over. His dick was hard.

"Little Theo, you're making it difficult to punish you. Everything I make you do you seem to love. What am I going to do with you?"

"Kevin, you could make me suck your dick. We haven't done that yet," I boldly suggested.

"You little shit. You think I don't know how badly you want to suck my dick? There's no punishment in that either."

He was absolutely right. I couldn't take my eyes off his meaty mushroom cap. It was a perfect shape, roundish and extending outward significantly over the shaft. The piss slit looked enticing. His circumcision scar was prominent, its color different from the rest of his dick. I had to admit I wanted to get my mouth on it.

He rose from the trunk and pushed me to the floor on my back. He reached inside the leather box and fished out a yellowish jockstrap and threaded it through his legs. He filled the pouch nicely.

This police gear belonged to my uncle. Now, it's mine. I use the jock as a cum rag, so it's pretty rank. I was going to wash it, but I have a better idea."

He hopped over my body using his knees to pin down my shoulders and pushed his jock into my face.

He wasn't kidding about using it as cum rag. It stank. His crusty cum filled my nostrils.

"Breathe in deep, dog. That's 6 weeks worth of my dried cum in there. You're going to make my cum come back to life."

I wasn't sure if I wanted this level of rankness. I wanted his fresh cum, not this. I guess he had found a way to punish me.

As he put his hands behind his head and preened, he was like a lion taunting his prey.

"Taste my jock juice," he ordered. "Use your saliva to get it wet. It's an old Bike model. All cotton, so it absorbed my cum really well. And other juices."

That it did. I fought not to gag as his stale semen met my tongue. The more I got it wet, the more the flavor emerged. It was pungent and I would soon find out what the "other juices" were.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," he grinned, "Sometimes I piss in my jock; that's why it's so yellow."

So that was the other flavor I was tasting. It was acrid and harsh. I made a face, but continued to bathe his jock in saliva, hoping to lessen the nastiness. In a few minutes it was soaking wet. Kevin had a smirk on his face as he watched me debase myself.

"Suck my piss and cum out of the jock," you little thief. "That'll teach you to steal. And maybe I'll give you something else to suck on."

After 20 minutes his jock was so wet I could clearly see the outline of his dick through the fabric. I drew my finger along the beveled edge of his mushroom cap and looked up at him pleadingly.

"You want it, don't you," he brayed.

I nodded.

"What does a polite boy say when he wants something? Spit it out, Theo."


"Please what?"

"Please, Kevin, may I suck your dick."

"How badly do you want it?"

"I want it more than anything I've ever wanted in my life, sir."

Bingo. I had expressed my desire in the strongest possible way and used the word "sir." Kevin's ego was massaged and his look changed from disgusted to pleased.

"OK, pull down my jock."

I couldn't wait to free his jewels from their tight case. His dick and balls popped into view and I quickly moved to get my mouth on the head."

"Not so fast, ass-breath. Smell my nuts first."

I glued my nose to his sweaty low hangers.

"Get them both in your mouth."

Kevin was going to make me work for his cock.

"Don't suck my balls too hard. Just lightly."

After a few minutes, he said, "You're such a little cocksucker, and you've been a good boy, go ahead and suck my dick."

I had waited for this moment all day. I flicked my tongue around his helmet and it moved past my lips. It filled my mouth and the taste was supreme with dick sweat and fresh precum seeping out.

Kevin pushed my head back and let only the head remain in my mouth.

"If I let I let you suck it, you'll have to take all of it, ya'know, until I cream in your mouth.

I was sure I could handle his six inches; it was his thickness I was worried about.

"You're going to let me fuck your mouth -- got it?"

I nodded and he slid his beautiful dick all the way in until my mouth was completely full. He pulled out and pushed it back in as he coached me.

"Purse your lips around my shaft, Theo. Don't let me feel your teeth or it's over and you won't get my cum."

Kevin knew how to heat me up.

Breathe through your nose, so you don't gag. Now, suck it."

I loved the feeling of my lips on his dick, of sucking him till I could feel his dank pubic hair meet my nose. I could taste his precum. I opened my mouth wide to handle his thickness. I was worshipping him like his slave.

"You love my fattie, don't you?" I nodded as I concentrated on sucking him.

"Look up at me. I want to see how much you love it through your eyes."

I did what Kevin wanted. As I looked up at him, I was careful that my teeth didn't scrape him. I breathed carefully. I prepared myself to let him fuck my throat,

He had had enough of the niceties. He grabbed the back of my head and began to fuck my mouth in earnest.

"Take my dick all the way inside, pig boy. I want my dick in your throat. Do a good job and you'll get my load. I shoot a lot. You want that, don't you?"

I longed for his hot cream.

Kevin was now fucking my mouth with purpose. He moaned and plunged in hard as he held my head steady. "You're going to empty my balls."

"Ah, fuck," he panted. "Your mouth feels like silk. I'm feeling my cum rise up from my shaft. I'm getting that itch to shoot ... here it comes, and his dick throbbed and exploded, as he whimpered like a wounded animal. I could feel jets of his frothy load paint my mouth. I counted several spurts.

"Don't spill any or I'll spank your ass again." I would have said, "Why would I?" but my mouth was full of tangy athlete's spooge. I savored the taste before letting it slide down my throat. I had never tasted anything I liked more.

Kevin looked extremely proud of himself as he preened and let his dick slide out of me, scraping the residual cum onto my tongue. He looked as if he had put me in my place, but the opposite was true.

While he thought he was punishing me for my stealing a baseball, he was actually giving me the most pleasurable day of my life.

I had wanted him from the moment I first saw him in his baseball uniform.

Now, his seed was in my belly.

Other stories I've posted are (in Encounters)The Bass Player,The Pact (both Sept. 13,'17), James (Jan. 26, '18), "At the Underwear Rack" (2 parts, April 23 `19). In Urination there are Drink It (2 parts, Sept. 24, '18) and Lesson at Rock River (Nov. 6, '18); In Adult Youth -- Aaron's Basement (Jan. 12, '18); In Authoritarian -- Taken in the Woods (May 28, '18), The Punishment that Wasn't (Feb. 9, 2020); In Camping, -- the 4-part Camping with Josh (Sept. 24, '18) and in High School -- "William the Great" (3 parts, Jan, 16, '19).

Be glad to hear from you if any of these stories excite you.

Next: Chapter 2

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