The Return Home

By J M

Published on Sep 2, 2013


I'm not really sure where this story is headed, or if it will continue at all. Your feedback, as always, is much appreciated and encouraging in the ongoing writing of my stories.

This is a work of fiction, created by me for your enjoyment. It's about sex, and, hopefully, more.


I had been an avid traveler my whole life—literally a million-miler several times over on Delta. It was what happened when your father was a diplomat, who married and Englishwoman, whose mother was English and whose father's family was from Italy. We grew up across the Atlantic, with multiple passports and multiple childhood homes.

But, in all my traveling, both as a child and as an adult—so much of it alone—one thing I had never mastered, or enjoyed, was the art of random conversation with the stranger who ended up sitting next to me.

I had hemmed-and-hawed for days about attending the reading of the will, part of me worried it would bring up too many emotions. On the flip-side I was concerned that not being there would always leave an aching "what if" in my mind. I was a terrible ruminator. I didn't need to fuel that fire. I finally decided on Monday morning that I would go, and booked a flight out for that evening. I'd arrive in London with a couple of hours to spare.

But, for now, I found myself sitting next to the type of traveler who could talk to a wall. Unfortunately, today, I was his "wall." And listened to him drone on and on and on. After we finished the dinner service, I excused myself, slid into the lavatory and splashed some water on my face. Looking to delay the inevitable return to seat 2A, and feeling a little horny—I hadn't seen Cooper in a week since he had been out west—I decided to enjoy the mile-high-club-for-one.

I flipped through my phone, finding a video cooper had sent me earlier in the week of himself playing with his cock. I pulled mine out of my jeans and started stroking. Hard, fast strokes. I rested my ass against the sink and pumped hard, determined to make my cum fly. Precum helping to lube my cock, I stroked. Watching Cooper on repeat, I stroked.

And, soon enough, I dropped the phone into my pocket, cupped my left hand around the head of my cock, and shot a huge load of cum into it. Gasping. Panting. Thanking the world that the drone of the jet engines was drowning out what I was doing. Six or seven thick shots, filling my palm. I brought my hand to my mouth, and licked it up. I guess this could be considered dessert, I thought to myself, laughing a little. Cock back in pants, hands washed, and by the time I left the lavatory they were preparing the turn-down service and had dimmed the cabin lights. Perfection.

" that you're all here, let's get started," Nan's lawyer said lowly from the far end of the conference table.

I slid into an open seat and looked around the table: Mom & Dad, Aunt Joanie, Conrad & Ally, Jenny, Nan's longtime personal secretary Vivian, Nan's cousin Dominic, and me.

"We are here for the reading of the `Last Will and Testament of Molly Elisabeth Simmons Hargrove of London and Surrey'...," it had begun.

"Next, for real estate," the lawyer continued.

"The house in London has been left to my elder daughter, Joan Simmons Hargrove. The apartment in New York has been left to my younger daughter, Susanne Hargrove Anderson, and her husband, Thomas Hudson Anderson. The country house in Surrey has been left to my elder grandson, Conrad Alexander Anderson, and his wife, Alyson Smith Anderson. The house in France has been left to my younger grandson, Benjamin Hargrove Anderson, and his husband, Cooper Stevens Anderson. And the apartment in Florence has been left to my granddaughter, Molly Jennifer Anderson. If, for any reason, the aforementioned heirs do not wish to keep the properties that have been left to them, the Estate is directed to sell the property and to distribute the proceeds of the sale equally between all the principal heirs."

The house in France. I sat lost in thought as the lawyer continued. The real estate was probably the most valuable part of Nan's estate. Not only because of the financial value associated with the various properties, but more so because of the emotional connection to them—they were where we grew up, spent holidays, laughed, cried, and loved. And, in a fashion so true to Nan, she had left each of us a piece of that legacy—the piece that would be most meaningful to each of us.

It took another forty-five minutes to finish reading the will. Which I later discovered had been delayed intentionally—apparently the first section of her will, dictating her burial terms, had also directed that the reading of her full will would be delayed two months after her death, to allow her family time to adjust, and begin to move on. When I had boarded the plane yesterday, I was terrified that the reading of the will would serve to throw me back to the day of her death and the emotional roller coaster of losing her all over again. But, sitting here now, I realized that rather than a spiral of sadness, I felt myself being able to enjoy the memories of Nan and was encouraged by the thought of what her legacy would mean to our future happiness.

I cruised through security at Heathrow and raced towards the gate, just making the last call from the gate agents. I had left the family still sitting around the lunch table to make it to my flight back to the States. I didn't really want to waste much time in London this trip. Instead, I was now on a direct flight from LHR to SEA, where I'd surprise Cooper on his work trip.

I got the front desk man at the hotel to give me a key card to Cooper's room. I'm sure the flirting didn't hurt. A little sexual energy goes a long way sometimes.

I stashed my bag in the closet, and arranged the flowers I had bought – some in the living area, more in the bedroom. Candles – check. A little romance would also go along way. Although, after more than a week apart we wouldn't really need the romance part to get to the no-holds-barred sex part.

I checked my phone – Cooper was wrapping up work and had told me earlier in the day that he'd be eating in tonight. And, now he'd be eating me, tonight. I had about thirty minutes, I figured before he'd be here.

I hopped into the shower and scrubbed myself from head-to-toe. Lathering, rinsing, repeating. Sparkly clean. Getting out of the shower I went through my usual routine—massaging lotion into my legs, first right then left, then arms, first right then left, lastly my chest, stomach, shoulders, and back. A spritz of cologne across myself, as I padded back into the bedroom.

A text from Cooper – "Hey hun, just getting into the elevator at my hotel, will call you when in room." Little did he know, I smiled to myself as I climbed onto the bed, my tight, cute, bubble butt facing the door, my head down. An act of complete submission; a gift. With a happy ending for both of us—I anticipated.

I could hear Cooper fumbling with the card key in the door—he had never been very good with them—I was so horny, so turned on by the situation, but I still couldn't help laughing at him. He finally got it. I heard the door open. I closed my eyes. My other senses taking over.

"Holy shiiii---" I heard Cooper stammer as he dropped his bag on the floor. Clearly, my surprise was a success. I could feel him coming up to the bed. His clothes dropping along the way. He reached the bed and I felt him lean in, as his hand made contact with my ass. Running it over the left cheek, down the crack, and then across the right. Up my back, massaging, and squeezing my shoulder. His hands running back down. I could feel him climbing on top of the bed, his palms on my ass cheeks, spreading them.

I could feel Cooper's breath against my hole. It was electric. My cock jumping in response. His cheeks grazed my cheeks. I could feel his stubble; he hadn't shaved in a few days it felt like. And then, his tongue. Warm, soft and wet against my hole. Pushing in. The electric spark shooting again through my entire body. Him working me open, eating, licking. Hard, wet, and deep. His palms pulling me open. I backed-up into him, eager and horny for him to never stop.

After what seemed like an eternity he worked his way up my back, pressing his frame against mine. Reaching my neck, kissing and licking. His hard cock pressed against my ass; his chest against my back. His strong arms wrapped around my chest, pulling me up. I turned my head to meet his and our lips locked. Hungrily kissing each other. Grinding against each other. I turned to face him, our bodies pressed against each other. Hands all over. Lips locked. Eager. Wanting. Needing. Craving.

Falling back into the pillows. Him on top of me. My legs wrapping around him, pulling him into me. His eyes met mine; telling me how much he wanted this, wanted me, wanted us. His cock pressed against my opening. I closed my eyes. And he entered me.

It was the perfect fit; it always was. Filling me. Completing me; and me him. All the way to the base; he rested with his balls against my butt. Leaning in; kissing hard. A bead of sweat falling from his chest to mine. My dick, hard. Pressed between our stomachs.

And, then, slowly at first, but with increasing speed, he began to thrust. Fucking me. Pounding me. Driving his cock deep inside me. As if the two of us could become one through our union.

The changing rhythm of his work. Pulling almost all the way out and slamming back into me. My legs, moving over his shoulders.

Increasing his speed. Pulling me into him. His arms wrapping around me. Me around him. Our lips locked.

He was getting close. And so was I. Close. Closer.

Almost. There.

Sweat dripping. Panting. Kissing.

Almost. THERE.

And then, together. Yes. Yes! YESS!

We came.


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