The Rivals

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Aug 16, 2005



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This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

The Rivals By Chris

Kate and Liz had been rivals since they both join one of the finest law firms in New York. They both arrived on the same day having graduated in the top of their classes in their respective law schools. Kate's specialty was real estate and Liz was criminal law. Why they got off on the wrong foot neither could remember. As they moved up in the firm, each measured herself against the other. Liz made partner a year before Kate, as she won a big case that made the firm a lot of money and brought in lots more business. She never passed up a chance to remind Kate of that. Kate got her break a year later and won a big case of her own. At the partner's meeting on Monday mornings, they always found a way to make a dig at each other.

It took 20 years for them to have to work together on the same case. One of the law firms clients got himself into a bind when he tried to defraud the government over some land deal that he had made but claimed no profit on. The senior partner called Kate and Liz into his office and told them that they would be working together on the case and he emphases the word together, as he knew that the women pretty much hated each other. They looked at each other but neither said a word about not wanting to work as a team. They left the office and went to their own offices fuming about having to work with each other. They did all their communication about the case by email and by the sending files back and forth or by having their associates work with each other.

But the day came when they had to meet their client. They set up a meeting for after lunch and they both arrived at the conference room at the same time. They exchanged hellos and then sat down and began reviewing their files as they waited for their client. He arrived about 45 minutes late and pronounced that this would be their first and last meeting with him. He further stated that if they did not get the government off his back that he would take all of his companies business from them and would do all he could do to take the rest of the law firm's business away. Kate and Liz were not use to being talked to this way and they looked at each other with their faces saying the same thing "Who the hell does this man think he is?" If it was possible, the meeting went down hill from there. Neither could get a straight answer from their client and by the time he left at six, they both knew he did what the government accused him of and probably a lot more.

After he got out of earshot, Kate spit out "I have met some son of bitches in my life but that is the biggest son of a bitch I have ever met."

Liz burst out laughing at Kate's pronouncement. "I was thinking the same thing. If he is not guilty, then no one is. You know we have our work cut out for us."

"I think I need a drink to get this bad taste our new client has given me. Would you like to join me?"

Liz looked at Kate and saw that she was sincere so she accepted the offer. They gathered their papers, dropped them in their offices, and met downstairs. There was an up-class hotel a few blocks away, so they decided to walk instead of driving. The conversation started slowly but by the time they got to the bar in the hotel, they were talking one on one for the first time. They were seated in a booth in the back and order their drinks. They talked first about their case and how they were ever going to get this asshole off. Both admitted that they really would like to see the guy put away for a long while, if only because he was such a asshole. But both knew that they would do their best for the client because that was what they were paid to do. After they had a few drinks, they loosened up and the conversation turned more personal. They were both unmarried and put most of their energy into their work. Kate began to see her rival in a different light. She was like her, in that she was in her early forties and still had her looks. They were both slim with a nice figure. Kate could see Liz becoming her friend and not her enemy.

By eleven, they were both plastered and feeling no pain. They decided it was time to go home and as they got up, they had to lean on one another to walk. The bartender saw them trying to walk and met them at the entrance of the bar. He steered them to the side and suggested that since it was so late that maybe they ought to get a room as neither of them needed to be out in the state they were in. This was not the town to be in for two intoxicated women. They were not so drunk that they did not see that he was right. The bartender knew that the firm had a couple of rooms reserved at the hotel and arraigned for them to be placed in one of them. The room was the smaller of the two that the firm had but it did have a living room and one bedroom with a king size bed. When they got to their room they both sat on the couch and watched the room begin to spin. Liz was the first to realize that what she had drunk that night did not want to stay where she put it. She jumped up and bounced off the walls as she headed toward the bathroom. Kate laughed as she watched Liz make her way to the bathroom but when she heard Liz up-chucking in the bathroom she felt her stomach began to churn. She got up quickly and headed to join Liz who she found on her knees in front of the toilet. Liz moved over and made a space for Kate. They spent the next few minutes side by side throwing up into the toilet. A few hours before each would have loved to see their rival in this state but now they saw each other in a different light and they saw that they were in the same boat.

Once their stomachs were empty, they brushed their teeth with the toothbrushes that were provided in the room. They then made their way to the bedroom to sleep it off. Liz looked around for something to wear to bed but there were no nightclothes in the room.

"I guess this means that we will be sleeping in our panties." Liz stated as she started to get undressed. Kate watched her a moment then thought "Oh well, the devil hates a coward." She came over to where Liz was undressing and hanging her clothes in the closet. When they got down to their bra and panties, they each looked the other over. They both admired the other's body and saw that they each had taken the trouble to keep in shape. When Liz removed her bra, Kate saw that she had pink nipples matching her red hair. Her breasts were small but still nice and they fit her slim body. Kate reached behind her back and unhooked her own bra and removed it, she noticed that Liz never took her eyes off her breasts. There was an awkward moment when neither moved but Kate broke the spell by going over to the bed and turning down the covers. Liz went to the other side and they got into bed, then Kate turned off the light. Kate lay there in bed thinking of the day that she had had. The one other thing she could not get out of her head was the way that Liz looked at her when she had stripped down to her panties and the way she had felt about that. This was a very strange night.

About four Kate woke up to see Liz sitting up with her head in her hands. Kate sat up and turned on the light causing Liz to moan.

"Your head punishing you for all that you drank, I see."

"Yes, if I ever start to take another drink please remind me of about this headache then give me a good kick in the ass."

"Deal. Let me see if I can find you some aspirin and soda water." Kate got up and got some aspirin from her purse getting a couple for herself while she was at it. She then went to the wet bar and got them both some water to wash them down. She came back giving Liz her aspirin, the water, and she took her aspirin then got back into bed.

"You want a neck rub and let me see if I can relieve that pounding in your head."

"Thanks, that would be nice and I will forever be in your debt."

Liz scooted over and Kate began to rub her neck. She was surprised how firm Liz's muscles were but how soft her skin was. She massaged Liz's neck and shoulders and she could feel Liz begin to relax and the tension go from her muscles. She also noticed how her own body was responding to the massage she was giving. She looked down to see her nipples begin to harden and she felt her pussy begin to moisten. She was glad that Liz had her back to her and could not see the state she was in. After about ten minutes, she heard a slight moan come from Liz and she quickly withdrew her hands. She did not like where this was going. She turned out the light and lay back down with her back to Liz. She lay there awake until she heard Liz's breathing even out and she knew she was asleep. She stayed awake for a while longer then fell asleep.

It was about nine that morning when Kate woke up. She was confused at first as to where she was and how she got there. She then realized that someone was lying on top of her and then it hit her who that was, her old enemy Liz who somehow had become her new friend. Liz's head was on her shoulder and she could feel her breasts pressing into her own breasts. She felt a weird feeling come over her that she knew quite well, she was becoming aroused. Kate lay there trying to think of what to do when Liz woke up. Liz rose up a little and smiled down at her.

"Well good morning; I see we both have survived the night."

"Morning," Kate replied waiting for Liz to get off of her but she saw that Liz did not move and did not look like she was going to. She was not sure that she wanted Liz to move, which surprised her.

"Have you ever called in sick since you started to work for the firm?" Liz asked.

"Of course not. You know that and you haven't either."

"Well I think today would be a perfect day for us to do that. We deserve a day off, don't we?"

"I don't know, I have a lot of work to do and it won't get done without me doing it."

"So do I but it will be there Monday when we get there."

Liz then moved over, picked up the phone, and called her office. She told her assistant that she would not be in until Monday and to cancel all her appointments. She then asked to be transferred to Kate's office and handed Kate the phone. Kate looked up at Liz then told her assistant that she would not be in until Monday. This left both of their assistants wondering what had happened to their bosses never imaging that they were together in bed. Once Kate finished talking, she handed the phone back to Liz who hung it up.

Liz then settled back above Kate looking into her eyes. Kate wanted to look away but could not make herself do that. They looked at each other for a minute or two then Liz slowly lowered her head and her lips met Kate's. Liz kissing her shocked Kate but she was more shocked when she felt herself responding to the kiss. Never having kissed another woman, Kate was surprised at how soft Liz's lips were. Liz only kissed her for a minute or so then, she rose back up and smiled. Kate bit her lower lip but slowly a smile came to her lips. That was all the encouragement that Liz needed. She lowered her lips back to Kate's and kissed her again. This time the kiss lasted longer and they both began to get into it. Their mouth's opened and Liz dipped her tongue into Kate's mouth. Kate responded by sucking Liz's tongue. Kate put her hands on Liz's back pushing her down. Liz took it slow with Kate kissing and cuddling her for a while.

After kissing a few minutes in this position, Liz raised back up letting them both catch their breaths. Liz started kissing Kate again this time smothering Kate's face and neck with kisses. She then moved down to Kate's chest and as she did this, she cupped Kate's breasts in her hands. Kate moaned as Liz's hands began to caress her breasts. She felt Liz's fingers lightly touch her nipples. This was all too good and her mind went blank except for the pleasure she was receiving. When Liz's mouth found her right nipple and she sucked it into her mouth, Kate really let out a moan. Liz sucked and gently bit her nipple. She then went to the other nipple and did the same thing. Kate gripped Liz's shoulders holding on tight. Liz continued to suck and caress Kate's breasts and nipples but then she slid her hand down to Kate's lower region. Kate felt the hand slip under her panties and to her pubic mound and then on down. Liz's hand stopped and played with her pubic hair pulling gently then went on down to her pussy. Liz found Kate wet and when she touched Kate's clit, she found it enlarged and very sensitive. At her touch, Kate arched her back and moaned out Liz's name. Liz ran her fingers across Kate's outer lips feeling the wetness and how excited she was. As she stroked Kate's pussy, she never stopped sucking and caressing Kate's breasts. Kate was soon moaning and crying out in pleasure and Liz knew she could not take much more. She took Kate's clit between her thumb and index finger and caressed it. Kate pushed her hips toward Liz's hand and started her orgasm. The orgasm was one of the most powerful one she had ever had and a woman was causing it.

As Kate calmed down from her orgasm Liz removed her fingers from Kate's panties licking them clean getting her first taste of Kate's juices. Liz gave one last kiss to each of Kate's nipples and moved down to Kate's hips. She took Kate's panties in her hands and pulled them off. Kate was wondering what Liz was up to but when she crawled between her legs she knew. Liz spread Kate's legs out wide and pushed her knees up exposing Kate's pussy to her. Liz smiled reassuringly at Kate and then lowered her head to Kate's pussy. Kate felt Liz kiss her clit sending a chill through out her body. She then went to her pussy lips and began to lick. Kate had never been able to get many men to do oral on her and she was not sure she would like this but after a minute or two of Liz's tongue; she was hooked. Liz licked off the girlcum first then moved her tongue between Kate's lips. She started at the bottom then moved to her clit and back down. She did not leave any part of kate's pussy untouched as she licked Kate out. Kate found herself spreading her legs out even wider for Liz. This move was not lost on Liz as she moved her fingers to Kate's lips and pulled them apart. She pushed her tongue deep into Kate's pussy and fucked her with her tongue. Kate moaned and grabbed Liz's head holding her to her pussy. Liz fucked her for a couple of minutes with her tongue then moved to Kate's clit and quickly Kate had her second orgasm of the morning. This one was as powerful as the last orgasm and Kate was lost in the pleasure. When she came back to she found Liz lying beside her and she could see her own juices all over Liz's face.

Kate began to wonder what it would be like to taste another woman's pussy and she figured there was only one way to find out. She pushed Liz over on her back and kissed her tasting her own juices on Liz's lips. As she kissed Liz, she cupped one of Liz's breasts in her hand. She felt the softness of the tissue and the hardness of the nipple. She quickly moved down and took the nipple into her mouth. She sucked and gently bit on the nipple getting Liz to moan so she knew she was doing it right. She massaged and sucked both breasts and nipples really getting into making love to Liz. Soon she knew she had to go on down so she moved down to Liz's pussy. She sat up beside Liz and put her hands at Liz's panties. She looked up at Liz who smiled back at her and that gave her courage to complete to continue on. She began to pull the panties down and Liz lifted her hips to help her out. Kate kept waiting for Liz's pubic hair to appear but when she saw the top of Liz's pussy and there was still none, she realized that Liz shaved herself clean. The second thing she noticed was that while her inner lips protruded out, Liz's did not. This was the first pussy she had seen other than her own and she was surprised that it would look so different. Liz's pussy looks so pretty to her and she had to get a better look. She got the panties off quickly and got between Liz's legs, which Liz had spread out wide for her to see. Liz's lips parted slightly revealing the pink hidden below. Kate ran her fingers along the slit feeling hot wet Liz was. She brought her fingers to her lips and tasted pussy juice for the first time. It was tangy but she liked the taste all the same. She crawled between Liz's legs and lowered her mouth to Liz's pussy. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick. She licked the smooth skin getting the juices and then dipped her tongue between the lips. After a few tentative licks, she got her first moan from Liz. She licked harder, moved to Liz's clit, and noticed how Liz reacted to this. She sucked on Liz's clit, licking and gently biting it causing Liz to moan aloud. She brought her fingers up and spread out Liz's lips revealing the darker pink hidden there. She stuck her tongue deep into Liz's pussy and was rewarded with fresh juices from Liz. All of a sudden, she could not get enough of this, she felt like she could lick out Liz all day long and set out to try. She sucked and licked on Liz's pussy and clit. She wanted Liz to cum as hard as she did so she worked as hard as she could. She took Liz's clit into her mouth, sucked, and licked it until she felt Liz start to cum. When she did, Kate was surprised at the amount of juices that spilled or rather squirted out from Liz. As the juices squired, Kate covered Liz's pussy and drank them in. When the juices stopped squirting from Liz, Kate began to suck what was left over. Once Liz had finished cumming, Kate went back to licking her again. She tried everything she could think of doing. She sucked, bit and pulled on Liz's lips and played with her clit. She did this until Liz came two more times and still Kate did not want to stop but Liz had had enough and pulled Kate off her crying "Uncle."

Liz pulled Kate up and kissed the juices from Kate's face then hugged her tight against her body. They held each other tight for a while then they both fell asleep. They slept for a couple of hours then Kate woke up with Liz staring at her and lightly stroking her arm. They kissed again this time more slowly and with love.

"I guess you now know my secret, I am a lesbian." Liz told Kate.

"I am not sure what I am now, but I think I would like to try this again a few more times to see if I am one too."

"I believe that can be arraigned." Liz said with a laugh and they hugged and began to kiss.

Their client did not get off even though they tried their best to get him off. Not long after that, they both quit the firm and started their own firm together. Everyone wondered what had happened to these two old enemies that somehow had become friends. No one ever guessed that these two old enemies had become lovers.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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