The Russian and His Fag

By Wrench 4321111

Published on Jun 20, 2018


This story contains sexual situations between two males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. If you are under 18 years of age you are probably not legally allowed to read this Story. This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the web sites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author.

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The Russian and his fag P1

My 18th birthday had been a dud. Me and my best friend Hayley had come into London, from the small town we grew up in, for a weekend of fun to celebrate. It was going to be my first time going to a gay bar and hopefully to maybe find myself a guy. I'd spent ages on my hair and picking out a floral shirt that was a bit more showy than anything I would normally wear.

It hadn't quite gone to plan though. Hayley had been moody since we'd set off from home, because she'd had an argument with her boyfriend, and that somehow led to Hayley and I arguing while we were out. So now, I was sat on a cold park bench, alone, still drunk, and in a wealthy-looking, but unfamiliar part of London. My face was wet with tears and the quiff I had spent an hour on was now flat from my running my hands through it. It was in this sorry state that the man who changed my life found me.

"Are you okay?" was the first thing he asked.

His accent was strange, but sexy. I assumed maybe Polish at the time, but later found out it was Russian. Looking up, despite the darkness, I could see he was an incredibly tall man, maybe 6'5" or 6'6", with broad shoulders, and dressed in a sharp suit. As he moved further towards me and into the light, I began to get a view of his face. It was a handsome face, but lined with a few wrinkles around the eyes, which made me think he might be somewhere in his late-30s.

"Yeah, I'm alright" I said back quietly and looking up at him with doleful eyes.

"You don't look it" he chuckled back, sitting next to me and putting his arm around me "tell me about it if you like".

I looked up at him, into piercing blue eyes and a wide dazzling smile and couldn't help but swoon a little. In his sharp suit, he looked like some grand businessman. Despite everything my instincts told me about being approached by strange men at night, him being interested in me was flattering.

"Well it's my 18th and me and my friend were supposed to be out, but we argued and now I don't know where I am or what to do and..."

"Whoa, whoa, kid, slow down" he said laughing again "it's your 18th and you're in the best city in the world, why are you so upset?"

"Well, my friend..." I began again.

"Doesn't matter" he interjected "it's your birthday, I'm sure we can still make it great".

"I don't even know you" I said, flustered, as he began to rub his hand up and down my back.

"Well, why don't you get to know me? Would that be a fun way of celebrating your birthday?"

Staring into those stunning blue eyes, perhaps a little influenced by the drink too, I couldn't say no to him. I remembered all the warnings about strangers and big cities my parents had told me, but he was so hypnotic. While I wasn't sure what he meant by 'get to know', I knew what I was hoping for.

"I guess, yeah" I muttered, unable to contain a smile.

"I know a nice place down there" he said gesturing and standing up "I'm Alexei".

As I stood up, he put his arm around me again and led me forward. I'd never felt particularly short, being 5'10", but standing next to such a tall man made me feel so dainty and cute. It felt right.

"I'm Tommy" I replied.

"It's nice to meet you Tommy, let's make this a great birthday for you".

The place he led me to was a big, posh hotel. He took me straight into the bar. It was an amazing, old-fashioned place that was filled with men in suits and ties and I felt a little underdressed in my floral shirt and jeans. As we sat down, I took his appearance in properly in the indoor lighting. He was handsome, with a strong jaw and heavy brow. Thick brown hair, flecked with grey, framed his face.

A waiter immediately brought us over a whisky each - they clearly knew what he liked, if not what I did. I drank the whisky anyway and was quickly brought another.

"You like that Tommy" he drawled in that sexy, thick accent.

"Yes thank you" I lied, taking another sip and wincing.

He laughed at my obvious lie but didn't address it.

"So you're gay I assume Tommy?"

"Yes I am sir" I replied, a little nervous "are you?"

"Me?! I'm married Tommy" he replied, amused "but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate other pleasures sometimes".

"You're married?!" I exclaimed "I..."

I tapered off, not really knowing what to say.

"Don't worry, she isn't here, we'll have my suite all to ourselves".

There it was, his intentions spelled out clearly. I'd thought it all along, but actually knowing he wanted to sleep with me was exciting and scary. Here was this big, wealthy man, who wanted me. Scrawny, blonde, toothy-grinned me. I could feel butterflies in my tummy. I wanted it, but how would it happen? What would it be like? I knew nothing about this man, but I decided to be brave.

"Let's go then" I said, looking Alexei straight in the eyes.

"Eager boy, I like that, but will you do as you're told?"

"Yes Sir" I said. I don't know where the 'Sir' came from, just instinct I guess.

"Finish you're drink then" he said smiling. ...

The suite he took me up to was incredible. It was the first time I'd been in a hotel room that was actually more than one room. There was a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a games room and so much more - all of it decorated like a palace. I couldn't imagine how much it cost.

I was turning, taking in the spectacle, when my eyes found him. He was removing his blazer, revealing a well-built body, but with a little bit of a gut hanging over his belt - just like the men I always fantasised about. He stood staring at me silently, omitting a sort of arrogant power. He could tell how awed I was by him and his wealth. I wanted him to want me, to be possessed by him.

"Take your clothes off Tommy" he ordered, any trace of that warm smile gone. I knew straight away to do what he said.

I'd never been comfortable in my body. I was skinny and pale, with very little body hair other than my pubes. My little cock, still soft, looked small now, but even hard it only reached about 5 inches. Standing in front of such an obviously manly man, I felt horribly vulnerable. Looking into his eyes though, I saw a of feral desire that no one had ever looked at me with before. He reminded me of a shark the way he looked at me. It was scary, but reassuring.

"Kneel in front of me boy".

I hurried over a did so. Once I was there, he put a hand on my face, using my chin to turn my face from side to side and examine me. His other hand began removing his tie.

"Tell me something boy" he said "are you a virgin?"

I nodded.

"Perfect" he said, elongating the first part of the word to make it sound like a purr and smiling wider than I'd seen all night "now suck my cock".

My hands were shaking with the nerves, but I reached up and unbuttoned his trousers. I pulled them and his pants down and began to expose his cock. At the base was a bush dark pubes, with a thick, stiffening, seemingly endless shaft protruding from it. It wasn't until I'd pulled his trousers nearly half way to his knees that the tip of his cock was exposed from his pants and the whole thing bounced up, slapping against his suit shirt. It was huge and my mouth was watering. I must've looked shocked, because I heard Alexei let out a cocky laugh.

I immediately stretched my lips around the tip and began to take as much of his shaft as I could. I'd never sucked a cock before and didn't really know what I was doing, so I just tried to get as much as possible. I heard him groan and assumed that meant it was good.

Soon I felt him twist his fingers through my hair and begin to hold my head in place, so that he could thrust his hips forward and fuck my mouth like any other hole. He was pushing loads of it in and I began to gag, but he didn't let up. I pushed my hands against his hips at first, but realised it was useless resisting and that, truthfully, I didn't even really want to. He was making me his and I loved it. He was angling his cock down, filling up my throat, stretching me out.

I don't know how long the face-pounding carried on for, but I loved every minute of it. I gagged a lot and spit dribbled all over my chin. Tears streamed out of my eyes. I just hoped I was doing a good enough job for him.

"Good boy, you took that well" he said when he eventually pulled out of my mouth "we'll get you taking it balls deep soon".

I was gasping for air, tears streaming down my face, but hearing that made me feel proud almost. I was happy to have impressed him.

"Where do you want to lose your virginity faggot?"

The question just made me feel panicked. I wanted him to take control, so that I didn't have to think.

"I don't know... wherever you want me" I said tentatively.

"Correct answer".

He grabbed me and dragged me across the room, flinging me onto an ornate wooden coffee table. I felt a cold squirt onto my bum - lube I now realise - and then the push of his thick cock head at my hole. There was nothing slow or loving about the way he fucked me. He pushed in far straight away. The pain was searing. It felt natural for it to be there, but there was still a burning that came from it.

I let out a whimper.

"Shut up!" Alexei barked.

He began to pull out. Then pushed back in. Over and over. I was being fucked. I had a man inside me, a real man! The pain didn't matter, I just wanted to do right by him. I wanted him to use me like I should be used.

He was pushing even more inside me now. Using every thrust to cram more inside. He was forcing my insides to adjust to his presence and, more than that, want it. I loved feeling my hole change for him and accommodate him. Soon his balls were slapping against me.

"Yesssss!" I screamed, bursting with joy that he had fit all of that giant cock inside me. The pain was massive, but it was second to serving him.

"oh you like that fag?!" he laughed out again "I knew you would. The minute I saw you sat on that bench I could tell you were gagging for it. You fucking piece of shit!"

With that last statement, he slammed into me extra hard and made me let out a high pitched squeal. I couldn't stop groaning and begging for it. I couldn't believe what a slut I was. It was like all my fantasies had come true.

"You want daddy to cum in your bum fag?" he whispered, leaning in close to me.

Hearing him call himself that... It turned me on more than I even knew possible. My cock began to shoot its load all over the table underneath me.

"YES DADDY!" I screamed "seed me!"

And so he did. The contraction of my orgasming hole around his cock pushed him over the edge. I felt his warm cum fill me up, as he roared like a lion above me. He seemed to cum for ages, his dick pulsing and shaking inside me. Eventually, he slumped on top of me, before soon sliding his cock out of my no-longer-virgin hole.

"Well done Tommy" he told me, standing up "I could hardly tell you were a virgin, except for how tight that hole was".

"Thank you I guess" I said, my shyness coming back now that I'd cum.

He let out another laugh and then offered his hand to help me get up. Turning around I saw him using my shirt to wipe his cock clean of the mixture of cum and lube.

"Why don't we go to bed, you can sleep in with daddy" he said, giving me a little wink and holding his hand out to me.

Next: Chapter 2

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