The Russian and His Fag

By Wrench 4321111

Published on Jun 22, 2018


This story contains sexual situations between two males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. If you are under 18 years of age you are probably not legally allowed to read this Story. This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the web sites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author.

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The Russian and his fag P2

I awoke the morning after my night with Alexei with an aching jaw, sore hole, and cum dried to the side of my legs. It was wonderful. Alexei wasn't in bed with me, but I could hear his voice, speaking in a language I didn't understand, drifting through the suite.

I suddenly realised that I hadn't checked my phone at all since meeting Alexei! Hurrying over to my pants and pulling it out, I saw message after message from Hayley.

'Where are you? I'm worried!'

'If you don't get back to me soon I'm gonna have to call your mom!'


There were many more than that, all saying similar things. The last thing I needed was her talking to my mom. I hurriedly messaged back that I was fine, I'd just stayed in a hostel and met some other friends there. I didn't tell her if I'd be spending the rest of the weekend with them - which is what I wanted to say - because I didn't know whether Alexei intended to spend any more than one night with me.

Getting out of bed, I couldn't see any of my clothes on the floor, where I'd left them, but there was a plush looking bathrobe on one of the dressers. Hoping Alexei wouldn't mind, I put the soft robe on and followed his voice through the suite.

I found him sat at the dining table, eating breakfast and still talking into the phone. He was wearing a silk dressing gown, done up loosely so that his sexy chest and belly were still slightly exposed. Seeing me enter the room, he gestured to a plate of food opposite, indicating that it was for me.

I sat down, suddenly realising how hungry I was. The meal in front of me looked like eggs benedict - another first Alexei was giving me. It was delicious and I barely looked up as I scoffed it down.

"Enjoying that little one?" Alexei asked. I'd been so engrossed in eating that I hadn't even realised he'd hung up on the phone. "It was delicious thank you" I said, gulping down my last mouthful.

He looked so distinguished and handsome in the morning light. I could feel myself swooning again looking at him, even though I could see his wedding ring on his finger now.

"So tell me about yourself Tommy" he said, smiling again.

"Well ummm..." I began lamely, unable to think of anything interesting to say.

"Are you student?"

"Yeah, I'm just doing my A levels now" I replied "What do you do?"

"Excellent, excellent. I guess you could say I was a businessman Tommy" he answered, vaguely.

"You're a very sexy boy you know Tommy" he told me, still dazzling me with that smile "and I had a wonderful time with you last night".

I felt my cheeks flush and couldn't help grin a little.

"Thank you Sir" I replied "I think you're pretty sexy too..."

"Good boy" he said huskily "now how are you going to thank daddy for buying you breakfast?"

Before he'd even finished the sentence, he'd began to stand up. As he did so, his dressing gown fell open, exposing his giant, pendulous cock. My mouth opened instinctively and began to water straight away.

"Have you ever tasted cum little one?"

"Well... I mean..."

"Just your own then?" he said chuckling "it's time you swallow a real man's".

He began to slowly stroke his cock and I watched as it inflated. It went from big, to the monster that I remembered from last night. I almost couldn't believe he'd crammed the whole thing inside me, but felt so happy that he had (regardless of how sore my ass was this morning).

As I stood up and walked around the table to him, he sat back down in his chair.

"Daddy's going to make a call while you suck him, now get on your knees faggot!"

I nodded and did as I was told. Less nervous this time, I decided to try some of what I'd seen online in porn. I started slow, pulling his foreskin back and caressing the head with the tip of my tongue. He was speaking in Russian on the phone again and so couldn't tell me what to do verbally, but I understood him putting his hand on the back of my head as him wanting me to start sucking properly. I started to take him in my mouth and down into my throat, rolling my tongue around his cock. While I was doing it, I never stopped looking up at him, with my big green eyes. I must've got about half way down when I started to gag a little. His hand immediately grabbed me by the hair and stopped me moving any further down - he couldn't have me making noise while he was on the phone.

We carried on like that for about 10 minutes. I was loving the feeling of his big, hard cock in my mouth. It was so warm and so right. The heady and musky smell of it was intoxicating and the taste of his precum dribbling into my mouth made me long for more. Eventually, he came to the end of his phone conversation.

"Speak soon sweetie, love you" he finished in English - for my benefit I can only assume.

Had he been talking to his wife while I was blowing him?! It was kind of a douche thing to do, but also undeniably hot. I groaned around his cock without even meaning to and he laughed in response.

"I think it's time we did this properly, isn't it little one?" he said, as he began to stand up from his chair. His cock still in my mouth, he began to fuck it properly now. I stretched my jaw open as wide as I could and let him use me. I was gagging and spluttering again, but was relaxing my throat better than I had yesterday. I couldn't see how much of his giant cock I was swallowing through the streaming tears, but I knew it was more.

"Oh yeah, swallow daddy's cock!" he groaned "you going to take all my cum in that pretty little mouth?"

I obviously couldn't answer with words, but moaned my agreement. I couldn't wait to taste his cum. I'd only ever tried my own before - and loved it - but I was finally going to taste a real man's.

Finally, he was about to cum and he pulled his cock out of my throat, strings of drool still connecting them. I wanted to collapse to the floor while I gasped to take in air, but he held me up by my curly blonde hair. Rope after rope of his thick, white, steaming hot spunk fired on to my 18-year-old face, as he roared above me.

When he finished cumming, we were silent for a moment, other than his panting breaths.

"Your face looks so pretty" he told me, before beginning to scoop his cum up with his thumb and put it in my mouth. Looking up at this virile stud in front of me, I felt like the luckiest boy in the world and I scoffed down his delicious cum eagerly. ...

After breakfast, Alexei told me he had a meeting he couldn't miss.

"It will only be few hours" he said, whilst straightening his tie "you are welcome to wait in here for me, in fact I would even encourage it".

"I'd really like that, but I have to go and meet Hayley for a bit" I replied, pulling on my jeans and a fresh t-shirt from my bag.

"I will give you my number. You can call me when you two are done and I will send someone to collect you". ...

When I met up with Hayley, we bought some wine and went and sat in a park. I told her all about Alexei - well except for how rough the sex was and how much I loved it. Seeing how jealous she was, when I told her about how rich he was and how into me he was, was hilarious.

"Can I meet him though Tommy?!" she asked, only half-joking.

"He's married Hay, of course not!" I screamed back, rolling on to my back with laughter.

"I can't believe you! A married man!" she said, rolling on to her back too "so what am I supposed to do when you go back to your man huh?"

"I'm sorry hays! You get it though right?" I said, feeling a little guilty now.

"Yeah, I get it, just as long as you're sure he ain't some psycho".

If I was honest, I couldn't really say that for sure, but I knew I was going back anyway.

"Of course, I'm sure!" I said, snorting and snatching the wine bottle off her.

"Well you better message him to come get you then". ...

It was late afternoon by the time Alexei's driver got me back to the hotel. Walking in to the suite, I found Alexei sitting on one of the sofas in his suit.

"Nice time with your friend?" he asked, a hard flint to his voice. He wasn't smiling like usual either.

I'd been so excited to see him and was taken aback.

"Well, yeah... I suppose... I just wanted to come back to you the whole time though!"

"I'm sure you did faggot" he spat "take of your clothes and bend over the table!"

I did as he said and immediately felt his hand begin to fondle my arse.

"I'm going to spank you for taking so long. You should've been here for daddy when he got back from his stressful meeting and instead you come back now, drunk!"

As he said that last word his hand came down hard. The sound of it was huge and my cheek seared with pain. I let out a tiny whimper.

"Shut your mouth boy and take your punishment!"

Another hard smack, but no whimper this time. He spanked me over and over. The pain was unbearable, but I knew I deserved it. I should have realised he needed me here!

When he'd finally finished spanking me, I felt him lean down and plant a kiss on the back of my neck. My punishment was done.

"I'm so sorry" I said, still bent over the table "I should have thought..."

He shushed me there and planted another kiss on the back of my neck. I heard him unbutton his trousers and then felt the little squirt of lube on to my hole. He was going to fuck me, I was forgiven.

"Time for the next part of your punishment" he said, then he slammed the entirety of his giant cock into my barely deflowered hole.

I let out a scream, so shocked by the sudden intrusion. His hand clamped over my mouth, silencing me, and he began to fuck me hard and fast. The table was shaking with the force of the pounding he gave me. If I'd thought he was rough yesterday, this was another level.

"You deserve this faggot, you know that" he whispered in my ear.

"Yes daddy, I do, I'm sorry" I whimpered, barely holding back tears from the pain.

Eventually, he moved us over to the sofa. He had me on top of him, but he was still in control. I wrapped my arms around him and just clung on, while he ravaged my hole, slamming his giant cock into me. At this point, I had really started to enjoy it though and began grinding my hard cock against his belly and chest.

"Stop moving" he ordered harshly "you don't get to cum today".

And so I didn't. I hugged him and took my punishment passively. Tonight, I was just a hole for his use.

He roared again when he came. I felt his giant member expand even further in my hole and the warmth of his seed inside me.

"Have you learned your lesson now little one?" he asked, as he tenderly stroked the side of my face.

"Yes daddy. I'm so sorry" I mewled.

As I said that, he began to stand up, picking me up at the same time. He carried me into the bedroom and lay me down on the soft sheets. We snuggled up in bed together and I fell asleep in his safe arms, happy that he had forgiven my betrayal.

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