The Russian Is Coming!

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Sep 10, 2000




It was several years ago, when Dan was living off Machias Bay in Maine, near the Canadian border.

"Lemme get this straight. You just swam over from a Russian sub out there? Jeez! They gonna come after you? You wanna start a war?"

"Naw, they not come after. They let me get off. Say Valery no good for Soviet life. Should go to America and be pervert!"

"Hunh? Whadda you talkin' about? How come you know English?"

"Hallo. Valery Malukin. Pleased to meatcha! I come from Leningrad, Soviet Union. We try to learn little English some times."

"Yeah? That's great, but you almost drowned. You're sure a big sucker. They grow all you Ruskies that big over there?"

"Oh, I real big! You want to see? Want to blow Valery? Valery got big like it, no?"

"Hunh? No! Hey, what're you doin' that for? Put it away!"

"Okay, I blow you first, okay? Then maybe you like my big sausage!"

"Man, you're fuckin' weird. No wonder they threw you off! Guys got so horny on that sub and you goin' around trying to queer 'em!"

"Yah! Valery big queer! Hod cocksucker! That how you say it? Hod cocksucker? Big blowboy?"

"Uh, cocksucker...I guess. Jeez, a big Russian washes up on my shore and he turns out to be a fag!"

"You sure pretty American boy! I get in your pants, no?"

"NO! Hey, listen, I ain't no fag. You wanna suck cock, go on back to Russia, you creep! That ain't American! We don't dig faggots."

"No? But Communist Party say all Americans cocksuckers! Say capitalists wallow in sexual perversions and fornicate in streets. That not true?"

"Hell no!" He giggled, remembering that old saying about scaring the horses. "Listen, fella, I don't know if you're gonna fit in, but if you're gonna defect you'd better come up to my cabin before you get pneumonia or somethin'. Just keep that pecker in your pants, okay?"

"Yes, is cold here on shores of liberty. How you say? I freeze my bulls off?!"

"Balls. Hmm. Fuckers are so big that might take a while..." He helped him to his feet.

"What you say?"

"Nuthin'. Come on, Boris. Let's get you warmed up."

Valery Malukin sprawled out naked on pillows in front of the fire. Danny had insisted he keep the bed sheet draped over his nudity while his clothes dried out but the room had heated up quite a bit and he'd soon thrown it off. He was shocked at first, but now he found the Russian sailor a bit amusing. To think, he imagined all normal American studs took pricks in their mouths all the time. What a thought!

"You telling me you sucked off all your buddies back in Russia?"

"Oh, no! Strictly forbidden in Soviet Union. Have to sneak around and have special friends for that. Comrades you can trust. Not safe to go out to find sex buddy. Gay boy in Soviet Union sometime have to take only friend he can find...and suck him only. Valery have friend like that...but he not attractive. I come to America to suck pretty boys and maybe fall in love!"

"Well, sugar, if I had the dough I'd send you to Hollywood. Lots of fags out there."

"You are pretty man, Danny. You don't like boy's mouth on your...your big hod pecker?"

"Ha! Ha! I love a mouth on my pecker, fella, but I never had a guy do it to me. Besides, what makes you think it's big?"

"Friend in Olympics say he suck on American gym boys. Say they all big ones and he...he...suck 'em silly!"

"Yeah, well, gymnasts always did seem kinda fruity to me. Probably able to blow themselves!"

"Also, I see big bulge in your pants. Like now."

"Um...heck. I got this problem, see. Talkin' about sex always gives me a boner. It don't mean nuthin'..."

"Ah, the word I try to think about--boner! Nice American word boner. Boner, boner, boner. Yes, is good!"

"Yeah, it's good alright. But quit talkin' about it, okay?"

"You have secret police spying?"

"What? No, of course not. We don't have secret police."

"No? Then Valery not understand."

"Understand what?"

"Well, pretty American boy with big boner has Russian blowboy all naked and ready...and you not want me to please you?"

"Damn! Quit talkin' like that, willya? Guy's only got so much he can take, you know."

"Valery take it all! I promise!"

"Yeh, betcha could. That ain't the point, Skippy. I dig girls, see? I like to fuck pussy."

"Valery do that once. Stinky!"

"Yeah, they do stink a little,'s the normal thing to do, you know. Get married and make babies and stuff."

"That what they tell you must do, right? Wowie, I get this stuff all wrong. You also have no Soviet Union."

"Hey, cut that Commie crap. We got freedom!"

"So? You think that, hunh? No siree, you got much oppression too."

"How can you say that? You haven't even been around yet."

"This one thing tell me. Hod cocked American boy all alone with willing Russian fellow to make love to him, but he afraid." He said this quietly, the flickering firelight shimmering on his bare chest, his bright teeth gleaming.

"Maybe. But I sure ain't gonna get down and give you head just to prove I'm free, Valerie!"

"Heh! No, not Valerie...Valery. Va-larry. Valerie American girl name."

"Well, that kinda fits."

"Okay, uh...Danielle!" he grinned.

"Hey, watch that!" Dan chuckled, getting a kick out of the handsome guy's humor. He'd never met a guy so honest and free about his feelings for other guys. Maybe it just had to be a Russian or somebody before he'd even pay attention. Of course American cocksuckers had more freedom. God knows there's enough of them! He sat there looking at the light twinkling in the blond's incredibly blue eyes, wondering how he looked on his knees, going down on a guy. He'd pictured cocksuckers before... probably everybody had...but that image was always one of disgust at how somebody could do that. But for some reason, as he looked at Valery, he could see how he'd be more making love to a guy and maybe that whole thing wasn't as bad as people made out.

"You have girlfriend, Danny?" Valery finally broke the silence.

"Naw, not now. I did but she split, uh, ran off."

"Ah. I think what you might call a dumb cunt?"

"Why do you say that? Heh! Where do you get all this?"

"We learn American slang every chance...especially sex talk. Say dumb cunt to Russian chicks and they not know what we say!" he laughed. "I say she is that to leave handsome boy like you. Valery have chance to love such a boy...I never leave!"

"Well, sweetie, if I was inclined, you'd certainly be the guy to latch onto. Nobody seems to give shit a chance anymore."

"Shit? Oh, you mean like shit happens'? Or, I don't give a shit!'?"

"Kinda. I mean nobody gives relationships a chance to grow. If a person doesn't fill every desire and dream right away, people just take off and go looking elsewhere."

"Ah, too much affluence...I think is word. People in Russia take what is good and hold on to it. Might not get another chance. That is much true with Russian gay boys, like I told you with me."

"But you didn't. You had to get out."

"Yes. Fellow sailors know I have great need for love. They much enjoy what I do for them, but know I need more. So they help me to escape. Will probably say I get washed overboard."

"You were sucking them all off?"

"Oh, yes. I please them fine. Russian sailors get very horndog on submarine. Find me sucking on comrade and make me favorite instead of putting under arrest. Say first I do that until we return to Leningrad, but Valery so good they get fine enjoyment. All friends again in quick time...after much sucking of course. But they feel sorry, and let me off. Say go to American cocksuckers and find happiness."

"So, here you are...looking for a big cock to blow, right?"

Valery dropped his gaze, looking hurt. He stayed silent.

"Uh, sorry. I wasn't trying to insult you, really."

"Maybe my English not too good to explain, but...that not just..."

"Hey," Danny got down on the floor and sprawled next to him. He was shirtless and had a quilt wrapped around his shoulders. "I've got a big mouth sometimes. I'm really blunt. I can't help that. But I think I know what you're saying. You love to suck cock, but mostly you're looking for love, right?"

"Yes, looking for lover to share sex...hod sex."

"Jeez, HOT sex, Val. Not Uh, lemme ask you this. You had sex with girls, right?"

"Yes, several times."

"But doin' it with guys turned you on more?"


"Huh, hard to imagine. I mean I guess I could understand a guy getting off with another dude if he'd never had pussy. But after trying pussy to still prefer a cock and balls? I messed around...hell, I guess I can tell you this. Guess I could tell you anything, who you gonna tell? Anyway, I messed around with guys when I was young. You know, squirts just learning how to jack off and stuff..."

Valery looked confused, so Dan made a jerkoff motion with his hand. The Russian's eyes lit up in recognition.

"...even did it to each other. So I know how a guy's cock feels in my hand, you know? Well, little ones, anyway," he laughed. "We had a lot of fun, but we stopped when we got older. Come to think of it, I still wanted to do it, but the other guys started saying it was wrong. So then I knew it was wrong. Jeez, guess that's kinda being brainwashed ain't it? I always figured I remembered those times as feeling so good just cause they were the first ones, you know? Now that I think about it, girls don't hold a guy's cock with as much feeling as those buddies of mine did!" He stared into the flickering darkness in silence.

Valery looked at him calmly. At the change in his expression. At the loss in his faraway eyes. He whispered, "I vould, Daniel."

"Uh, hunh? What, Valery?"

"I vould hold it like you remember...better."

Dan gulped and cleared his throat. "Uh, listen man. I don't...if shouldn't..."

"Nice to feel!" Valery had turned on his side and reached over and was tenderly rubbing Danny's crotch. Danny's hand was soon on it, but not exactly stopping him with much enthusiasm. It was an automatic response. "No secret police, Danny," he cooed. "No KGB, no FBI. Just big stud American boy with friendly Russian cocksucker."

"Aw, stop calling yourself that, willya? Mmmm."

"Okay for me to take it out, Danny?"

"Ah, fuck buddy...go ahead. Hell, lemme take my pants off. Guess it won't hurt to let ya stroke me off a little."

"Oooh, not a little, Danny. Big!"

"Yeah? You think so?"

"Oh, yes. You have swell big prick!" He pushed the quilt away. They were both quite warm by now.

"Uh, you gotta do...?" Dan was going to complain about the guy's nakedness, but realized that would really be stupid. He took a big breath, knowing right away why it bothered him so. The Russian had a fantastic prick. Long and smooth as alabaster, and it made Danny extremely nervous because he couldn't take his eyes off it. He didn't like what it made him feel. Strange, foreign thoughts...much like this crazy foreigner that was feeling him up!

Big hunky blond. Smooth body. Not a hair on his chest, either. Hell, he couldn't help but notice that, could he? Guy could get any chick on campus if he wanted. Probably just with his accent. Man, how could this guy be queer? One handsome dude. Playing with my jock! Gonna suck me. I know he will. Should...should I stop him? Fuck it, man. He wants it. Got my prick up harder than I can remember. Oh, do it you Commie bastard! Blow me!

"You like what I do?" Valery whispered.

"I...I like it fine. Oh, man. That feels real g-good." It felt so much better than he remembered his buddies doing it.

"You would not mind if I lick and suck it?"

"No, no. Sure, go ahead, uh. WHEW!" He spread his legs apart. "Go for it, baby! Fuckin' blow me! Ah, jeez, fuckin' queer me all you want, man! Oooh, yeah, lick my balls first! I don't wanna pop too soon."

"Should not matter, Danny. I can suck you all night. Make you come many times as you let me." He slathered his tongue over the big nuts.

"Oooh, man. I didn't know queers could make you feel this good! Okay, baby, go ahead. Blow off that top layer! I can't hold back anyway...go ahead and suck it! Ahhhh! Fuuuuck! Suuuuckiiiit!"

Dan's whole body throbbed in pleasure. Valery knew what he was doing, alright. He applied gentle, constant pressure while his tongue fluttered around and around his bloated knob.

"Ahhhh!" He blew a tremendous wad into the Russian's cocksucking mouth and watched as the guy gulped it all down. It was by far the best blowjob he'd ever had...however short.

Valery snuggled up to the gasping man and ran his hands over his heaving chest. A huge smile was on his face...cum on his lips.

"Whew! New in town, sailor?" Dan kidded.

"Hunh? I guess so...sure am!" Valery laughed.

"Yeah. Listen, that was great, but..." He started to raise up.

"Oh, you feel not so nice now, right?" Valery asked, sighing.

Dan dropped his head back down, staring up at the ceiling.

"Fuck it, man. I feel just great." He turned his head to Valery. "For a moment there it felt like I'd just gotten a blowjob behind the gym and have to pull my pants up and get the hell outta there, you know? No, you don't. I don't either, for that matter. Knew a buddy that did though, and I guess I never had the nerve to go get one. I knew the fag that was doing it, too, and I always thought he was...hell, you don't even know what I'm talking about, do you?"

"Valery not sure, but like sound of Dan's voice. Who is Jim you get blowjob behind?"

"Gym, not Jim...gymnasium."

"Oh, Valery get picture now. Sneaky suckoff, right? From cocksucker? Yes, Valery be hot cocksucker behind gymnasium in Russia!"

"Man, you're too much! This a dream, or you here to fulfill all my young fantasies?"

Valery shrugged, not sure what Dan meant. But his smile remained.

"Okay, man, one way or the other. Maybe it's a dream or dirty nightmare or something, but..."

He put his hand behind Valery's neck and brought his face down and kissed him. Just a short, tender kiss on the Russian's large lips. An experiment of sorts. But the electricity he felt bolting from them on contact soon had Dan mashing those soft, luscious lips to his own in a fevered passion! Like he was kissing a beautiful chick, he smothered the sailor's mouth and probed into his sweet orifice with his exploring tongue. It wasn't a chick. He felt the sailor's masculinity coming back at him; felt his slight stubble even though Valery hardly had a beard to speak of. It caused more sparks.

Far from being bothered by that, Dan reveled in it and hugged the man tightly as that masculine force came down upon him and lifted him up slightly in a bear hug. The sailor wasn't a bear. He was a sleek, smooth animal of some sort. Powerful. Tender. He held Dan tightly to his mouth and played his hands up and down Dan's naked back and over his buttocks...turning him over onto himself. Their crotches were grinding into each other...Dan was hard again, and Valery retained his own stiffness. Feeling that prick sliding along his own, Dan knew what he wanted to do...blow the fuck out of this Commie beauty. No Secret Police!

He ran his tongue down Valery's neck, sucked on his tits and went into his belly button and licked it out. He spent a long time there, teasing himself, knowing the next stop would be his cock. But it was only time enough to take a deep breath. He wasn't hesitating. He raised up and looked at the prize. Drops of white cream were leaking from the bloated knob. A fuckin' guy's jizz! Valery's jizz! He stuck out his tongue and slurped it up. He'd licked cum off his fingers after jacking off...many times. But it never tasted like this! He tenderly licked it all up, then lifted the prick from the base and put his mouth over the knob. He sucked...gently...concen-trating on every feel, every taste, every tingle he was receiving giving his first blowjob. Like it or not, he was going to do it. But he was liking it. That smooth, silky stiffness. The large, heavy nuts. The masculinity of it all. Oh, he was liking it a whole hell of a lot!

Suddenly, he let a lot of that prick enter his mouth and sucked on every scrap. Damn, he liked the taste of a cock! Shit, it could have been him behind the gym all this time! Blowin' his buddies like he wanted to. No, that's not right. He never thought like that. Never once. How come now? How come this pretty Russian boy was turning him into a horny cock- sucker so easily? Like he snapped his fingers or something! Who cares? All Dan knew was that he'd never felt more alive and more at ease with a person in his entire life.

"Let me do you a pleasure, Danny," Valery said, working himself around until he was beneath his friend in the 69 position. Dan moved eagerly, wanting Valery to suck him into another erection. But when the Russian rubbed his balls and spread his buttocks, Dan felt the boy's warm breath upon his asshole! Do me a pleasure?! Dan's mind reeled. Oh, yes! He had an inkling what the Russian had in mind, but maybe he was only hoping. No, siree! It wasn't just a hope. That blond animal was going to drive him up a wall! He was getting his asshole licked!

"AH, FUCK!" Dan cried, taking the cock from his mouth long enough to voice his excitement. "Do it, baby, do it!"

Valery did it. He smiled to himself, knowing what pleasure this afforded a fellow, and guessing that Dan hadn't experi- enced it before. With a smooth, teasing tongue he lapped Dan's crack all over, and gently tweaked the wrinkles of his anus. Dan was strong back there, but Valery never minded the taste of a beautiful man. He'd neglected to say how he'd pleasured his fellow sailors this way...not sure just how Americans felt about it. But the movements he felt, the gasp from Dan, and the way the lovely hole was pulsing...he knew this was a spot he could give his lover great pleasure! He wondered at his great fortune at finding such a boy as this. Perhaps he would not have to search all over America to find his desire. Dan would do most perfectly!

Ah, jeez! The guy's licking my asshole!

Dan was happily sucking cock and thinking about what has happening back there.

Oh, wow, you sugartongued Russian! Put it in there. Put it in there, man. Look at me. You've already made me a queer. Now teach me the dirty stuff!

He took his mouth off and started licking Valery's balls. He kept licking the balls, even when he felt that hot tongue begin to worm its way up his butthole. He licked more slowly. Kind of absentmindedly. He was concentrating on the feeling in his ass.

Guy's tonguin' out my fuckin' ass! Like it was nice or something! Oh, man!

Suddenly, he wrenched Valery's legs apart and brought them up. If this pretty guy was gonna do that to him...shit! He looked at the puffy asshole he'd now exposed to the firelight. It was a lewd sight. A dirty sight. He gulped...and put his mouth down onto it. He quickly tasted the sailor's anus, stuck out his tongue and felt the mushy flesh, lapped back and forth over the orifice, then he drove his tongue as deeply as he could into the guy's bottom! Doing what was being done to him, Dan rimmed private astonishment at how this filthy act could be so exciting, so intimate, so deliciously perfect!

Together, they sucked at each other's ass-hole for many minutes. When Valery gave a gasp and jerk, Dan immediately pulled back and took the big prick into his mouth. Certain body movements could not be mistaken. He knew the boy was going to come, and he wanted everything that cock was going to ejacu- late. He wanted to taste it and drink it. And when the powerful orgasm flooded his mouth to overflowing, Dan still tried to get it all. He gulped over and over, the tang burning his tastebuds pleasantly, and he held his hands underneath Valery's balls to hold the overflow in place. Smacking his mouth off, he licked the shaft with wild abandon, and worked his face down around his fingers to lick up the slop that had run down the shaft! Valery still had his tongue in his ass. Dan could have come again--right away--but he pulled away.

"You are wonderful lover, Dan. I did not expect that."

"Yeah, well, I didn't either. Jeez, I just licked out a guy's shithole! What are you doing to me, Valery?"

Valery smiled. "Turn you on sideways, perhaps?"

"Yeah. Over under sideways down!" he scowled. "You're making me nuts! And queer!"

Valery dropped his gaze. "You are sorry for this? I don't wish to make you feel bad for yourself. Should I go?"

"No. Naw. Of course not. I're just turning me inside out, you know. It's all fuckin' weird. But...I like it. I feel like I could do anything with you. You make me feel..."

"Love, maybe?" Valery brightened, expectantly.

"Shit!" Dan exclaimed.

"Oh. I should not have hoped for that. I feel love for you, Dan. Great love already. But you are not like that, I guess. Would you please fuck me before I go?"

"Hunh? Up the ass?!"

"Yes. You have great boner right now. And," he teased, "you have wet me down back there quite nicely."

Dan blushed. "Sure, comrade! Might as well do it all. Well, except for turning tables, maybe. I ain't takin' no cock up my ass!"

"Sure, Danny. You plug me good, Okie dokie?" Valery got onto all fours, aiming his smooth, white ass at Dan. Dan stroked his cock, staring at the spot he'd recently had his mouth. It was still moist and glistening. And looked more inviting than any cunt he'd ever fucked. Oh, man, he was really gonna screw the guy. He spit on his cock and lubed it up. Then he got up close. He didn't know how many pricks Valery had taken up there, but the hole sure looked tender and small. What the hell. He'd already licked it, hadn't he? He put his face into the guy's ass again and licked it some more. He pushed some spit into the cavern and used his tongue to loosen up that...that craphole! Yeah, lickin' a guy's craphole before fuckin' him! He'd licked it so good before, and he couldn't even remember if it had tasted bad. Guess it didn't, but he now remembered that familiar odor of sweat. Hod, Valery could call it!

"You gonna fuck Valery, Dan?" a voice finally broke his reverie.

"Oh, yeah." He wasn't sure how long he'd been tonguing that crack, but he sure wasn't going to blush about it now. Maybe he'd never lick another guy's ass, but he'd lick Valery's any time he...hell, gotta get this fuck going! He slopped his wet prick up and down Valery's asscrack before taking aim. He rubbed his knob over the guy's puffy anus. He worked his prickhead over the spit-dripping hole and heard the guy give a gasp.

"You go slow, Dan. Not a chick, remember!"

"Wow! Definitely not a chick, comrade! Yeah, I'll go slow. You tell me how to work this, Val. Lemme slip this knob in, then you say how much and when, okay?"

"Mmmm. Put inside. Valery take over. Oooh. Yes. Push more. Ah, veikin ang mushka! Pork me, baby! Yah! Big schlong American prick stud make poor Russian blowboy go idiot!"

"Uh, does that mean fuck your brains out, Valery?"

"Mmm, baby, you fit so good! Yes, fuck off my babushkas!"

"I don't know if that means hemorrhoids or what, but here goes!" Dan drove in...all the way! This Ruskie bastard had been fucked before. How did Dan know? Because after only one deep breath, Valery had backed up onto all ten inches of Dan's stiff cock! No chick had ever taken it so quickly before. No chick had ever felt so tight and silky smooth as this, either. Compared to cavernous cunts and irritating, squeaky cries, Valery's deep, masculine grunts of pleasure were magnetic. They drew Dan's cock right in. He was fucking the willing ass with wild abandon, and all the time the guy's making sounds of pure animalistic joy! This was no fag-fuck, like he'd imagined. He was fucking a a man. This was total masculine sex!

He leaned over and grabbed Valery by the shoulders. He stretched his legs to either side of the guy's butt and screwed him! Deep, probing thrusts that entered him completely and made his balls slap. He wasn't being vicious...he was countering Valery's cries and groans. The guy didn't have to say anything. Dan knew by instinct how the boy wanted to get fucked. He could feel those ass muscles sucking his shaft!

"Oh, Valery, this is too...too...!"

"YES!" Valery cried.

"Fuckin' marvelous, man!"

"Yes! Screw me, Danny! Screw my balls on!"

"Oh, you fuckin' knucklehead. Don't make me laugh, jeez! I'm ready to come!"

Valery turned his head. It was just enough so they could touch tongues and kiss. Dan shot his load the moment their lips touched. The kiss was shortened, because Dan raised his head and howled like a wolf!

"AAIIIEE! AAHH! OH, OH FUCK! OH, VAL! OH FUCK...I LOVE YOU!!!" He collapsed onto Valery's back, breathing hard, taking little licks on his neck. Squeezing his ass, Valery let the long prick slip from his asshole and helped Dan onto his back. He layed beside him, smiling, until the guy got his breath back and looked up at him.

"Thanking you, my big stud. Was nice for Valery to hear. I think I should not hold you to words said in passion, though. But I am happy I can please you."

"Wow!" He let out a big gasp. "Honey man...when I said that, my juice was already up your HOD ASS. I wasn't shittin' ...maybe we'll find out in the morning, but right now I say I love you. I love you, Valery! Who the fuck could ever want more than you? Hold me. You wanna come again? Come on, I'll suck ya."

"You maybe gotta catch a bus? Plenty of time. Valery stay until you foot him out."

"Ha! Boot you out? No chance, man. You ain't goin' nowhere! Maybe I'm all petered out now, but I'm gonna find out what it's like to have that big sausage of yours stuffed up my tail... that's a promise!"

"Oooh, hod stud boy American cocksucker!"

"You got that right, comrade. Let's kiss to sleep!"

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