The Sapphire Sorceress

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 22, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


HEAR NOW, oh Best Beloved, the story of the Sapphire Sorceress. The Sapphire Sorceress lived in the Long Ago when the lands of the world were divided among the Twelve Great Wizards. Some of the Great Wizards, you will remember, were good and some were bad, but of these all, the greatest and most good was the Sapphire Sorceress. Her magic was of the white sort, but very strong, so that her neighboring wizards were careful, whether they were black or white themselves, not to grieve either her or her citizens. So the people she ruled were content and prosperous, and she herself ruled wisely and well, and as she had strong magic, would live for as long as suited her.

In her very young days, she had fallen in love and it was her greatest life's grief that she had not had sufficient training in magic to save the life of her man when age and failing health took him away from her. She grieved for her man for several centuries, but there came a day when she looked out her window and saw that the sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, the children were laughing at play and the world was fruitful, and it came to her mind that she would like to marry once again.

But as she was a powerful ruler and a powerful sorceress, she knew well the pitfalls that would ensue should she pursue a man the way of others. She could not trust any man to see her and not see the power that would fall to him as her consort, and thus would attempt to woo her with false words and false heart. How then, could she find a man that would be loyal, kind, wise, knowledgeable and (for she was after all, a woman), fair of face and strong of body? She wanted all of this, but most important was the mind, for while she could change any man to look any way she chose, she could not alter the mind which remained beyond even the most powerful magic. No, if she was to find herself a man worthy of her love, she decided, she must raise such a man from birth.

So she sent out word to all her twenty-five provinces that each were to select from among their numbers a youth between the ages of five and six years of age, who was both fine-looking and intelligent, and send them to live with her in her palace henceforward. She would thereafter raise them all to manhood and when they were of age, having lived a life of her design, enriched by knowledge, fed with healthy and plentiful food, and trained into perfect physical fitness, she would select among them for her mate. The others would not be discarded, but rather would be sent out to administer her provinces as her representatives.

You may guess that the people, knowing that their children might go to such a life, were quick to comply and brought their children out to be judged, and so twenty-five of the brightest and most beautiful boys were sent to live with the Sapphire Sorceress. And she set them all into the charge of her minister Toiper, with instructions to care and teach them for the roles they were to play in adulthood.

Now Toiper was a great man, well-learned in all the many myriad arts and sciences, and a gentle spirit lived in his heart. His physical disfigurations made him an object of jest among the cruder citizens, he bore it as well as he could. When asked by such about the children he now cared for, he responded that he had long ago given up having children of his own, and now he had twenty-five of them.

Toiper taught the boys as they grew, and the boys all grew up sturdy, strong, learned and good. They all loved Toiper as a second father, and if they played a few well-thought-out pranks upon him, what student hasn't done such to his teachers. And when Toiper came down with a serious illness when they were all age fifteen, the boys took turns sitting around his bedside in teamed pairs, watching over him and seeing to his every need.

The boys spent their mornings in their lessons, their afternoons in their sports, and their evenings in intelligent discourse upon all the subjects that they would need to be worthy of their ultimate station. And when the day was done and Toiper had taken them to the quarters of the long hall with twenty-five beds which they shared, the boys were quick to find their best friend's bed and cuddle for their private times together, to share confidences, exchange jokes, and explore each other's bodies in the immemorial way of boys in bed since the earliest days. The boys would rest, to be awakened by the silver bell of the castle guard's morning watch and there would be the hurried shuffling back to their own beds before Toiper came to wake them himself.

The Sapphire Sorceress was a frequent visitor to their quarters in the evenings as well to share in their talks and speak of the needs of her kingdom and how the problems that arose could be solved and seeking their advice in turn, and while upon her orders none told the boys why she had brought them to her castle, she found herself loving all them as much as any woman could love children. And when one of them was tragically taken from them age the age of nine, when a fall from a horse ended his life, none were surprised when the Sapphire Sorceress took off her sapphire robes and donned black mourning for an entire month for the lost child.

When they were all age seventeen, the Sorceress deliberately stopped visiting them all, for she wanted to see them not as a mother, but as a bride. She even put away and did not look at the portraits of them, so she could see them with fresh eyes. She had to see these young men as men, not as boys, any longer if she was to choose a proper mate. Any of these, thanks to Toiper's long and diligent training, would make a worthy royal consort, so she could let her female side select the perfect man to please her in her bedchamber.

And the day came, when the last of the twenty-four, became of age and the day was given to them all as a day of rejoicing and relaxation. As the day in question was in the heat of summer, the boys chose to spend the day at the riverbank, picnicking and swimming and playing in the cool waters. And so it was there that the Sapphire Sorceress went, creeping as softly as an assassin, to spy upon them unawares and thus to select from among them which would be her lover.

Her first thought was that the choice would be all but impossible. All of the young men were in the finest of physical condition, all of them had bodies that were honed to perfection in form and function, all of them had faces regular and handsome and fair, all of them were majestic specimens of manhood and her heart fluttered as she imagined each of them holding her with ardor and passion.

And then, just as she was despairing of being able to choose among them and wondering how she would be able to resolve this, her eyes heard a yelp of joy and she looked up to see Anden holding a rope tied to a tree on a high bank above the river, about to swing out and land in the center of the river with a splash and yell! And she saw him and her heart declared instantly, "This is the one."

She crept away and sent Toiper a message that she would attend the young men that evening at their meal. And there, the Sapphire Sorceress declared her intention of marrying Anden within the next thirty days' time. Anden was congratulated by twenty-two of the men and Toiper, though Toiper had to force his smile, but the youths all knew that Toiper loved the Sapphire Sorceress himself with a love both hopeless and unending, and they bolstered him and pretended not to notice how the grin would slip away whenever the Sapphire Sorceress' attention was elsewhere.

And as for the twenty-fourth man, that was Zenren, and his heart was not in the happiness of Anden, and the reason was not what one may think it was. He did not desire the Sapphire Sorceress or her power, his heart belonged to another, and that other, unawares, was Anden. Zenren himself had not known the depth of this love until this very moment, when he realized that soon, he would be sent far away from Anden, he of the golden hair and the sapphire-blue eyes and the bronzed body that shone like dewy spiderwebs with the lines of his every muscle in the torchlight of the banquet hall! How could he be the Sorceress' representative in a far province when his heart would endlessly draw him back to the capitol, there to bask again in Anden's gentle smiles and soft touches. He and Anden had played their bed games more frequently with each other than any one of the twenty-three (though which boy in such games would not try to explore with all others?), and as they had matured, and the games had ended, they would at times still seek their pleasures with each other, in afternoons when they could steal away from the others, or evenings when they could find an unused room in the castle for themselves. And he would be in some provincial capitol and Anden...Anden would be forever beyond his reach.

When tears formed in his eyes, he quickly turned away and fumbled for the nearest exit. This took him to the bedrooms (for upon their maturity, each had in turn been given their own bedroom in the castle, to Zenren's dismay, the bedrooms had been locked shut by Toiper each night, and Anden was almost the eldest of the group!), and he found his own room and went in and fell upon the bed and wept hopelessly. Down the hallway, there was an increasingly riotous party going on, and there would be games and perhaps gifts from the Sorceress who was liberal about such things in their youth and it had been a year since her last visit. But he couldn't care about that, not with Anden now lost to him!

His tears ended after a time, to be replaced by a sadness that gnawed at his heart like a rat. He would find honor as a provincial agent of the Sorceress, he could use this position to find himself another, not as good as Anden, of course, but if even the Sorceress could try a second time at love, he could do no less than likewise. If only he had seven centuries in which to do so, as she had, to let his own heart totally heal!

The door opened behind him, but he didn't turn to see who it was. Probably Toiper, who was always checking his charges carefully, noting who was present and who was not, and so had noticed his absence. There was no speech, Toiper was always subtle about such things, but the hand touched his back and stroked him with all the gentle caring any mournful spirit could wish for.

"I did not cry because it was not I who was chosen to marry the Sorceress." he said by way of explanation. "My sorrow is from another source."

Two words, whispered so softly that the gentle breeze from the cooling evening air. "Then why?"

"I wish she had not chosen Anden." Zenren went on. "I had hoped that he and I could be together, but if he marries her, that cannot be and I...I am in love with Anden." he admitted.

"Love?" came the so-soft sighing word.

"Yes." Zenren sobbed, his tears beginning again, and he managed to croak out, "He and I have been friends for so long, I never knew it until now, tonight, and now I have to lose him! But he'll marry the Sorceress, I can't say the words that might stop him. Better if I just keep silent and never let him know."

The hand on his back moved to the bottom of the pull-over shirt Zenren had on, and pushed the fabric up high on Zenren's back, and he was surprised when he felt lips kiss his skin on the small of his back, softly, lovingly, again and again.

He turned to start to speak Toiper's name, seeking to find words that would deny the teacher his love but not hurt him unduly, when he saw who had been touching him, and kissing him.

"Anden?" he dared not believe this wasn't some mad dream of his.

"Zenren." came the well-known voice, and a smile that warmed his heart as always.

Zenren lunged up and grasped him hard, his arms wanted to crush Anden against himself flat and then absorb him into himself so that they could be together always, always! The Sapphire Sorceress could do that, perhaps (word was that she could do anything she chose), but he could only settle for this touch, this hug, and when Anden's face turned to place his lips upon Zenren's, they could get this much closer!

After a kiss that went on for a long time, Zenren managed to tear his lips away (though it tore his soul to do so) and said, panting, "What of the Sorceress?"

"She has said I was the one she would marry."

"I know." Zenren held Anden to him in dismay.

And Anden said to the back of his neck, "And she didn't think to ask me what I thought of it. If she had, I would have told her I could not, for my heart belongs to another."

Zenren managed a smile. "And do I know who this other is?"

"Of course you do." Anden said, "Intimately."

Their clothes seemed to fall away at their touch, so eagerly did they seek out each other. Soon a pile of fine clothing fashioned of silk, gold thread and lace littered the floor as the two transformed themselves into nude versions of themselves and in that unfettered guise they fell onto the bed, their hearts free and wild, their laughter the charming innocent laugh of children enjoying life. As they had as children, their hands found each other's manhood and adept strokes drew them to full turgidity. Zenren sighed as Anden's hand fondled him erect, he closed his eyes, yes, yes, this is all he ever wished, ever! He had been blind to it for so long because of the structured life of the Sapphire Sorceress' wishes had kept his circle to this one group. Indeed, her strictures had been so tight that in the midst of their riches, they had never had close contact with any female besides the Sorceress! Toiper's company and each other had been the totality of their life, the prison of their lives masked by the varied tapestry of their shared company and the vast wealth of knowledge that had been imparted to them.

In fact, even their knowledge of sex had been limited to.... "Do you know what we can do other than what we did as children?" He asked Anden in what was left of the breath in his body; it seemed to have flown his body from the force of their falling into the bed, it had not drawn properly since that time.

"I have seen this and that thing drawn in the margins of some of the books we have in the library." Anden said huskily in reply. "We can but try it and see if they are true things, or whether they are as ephemeral as the chimera is said to be."

"Yes, but whatever it is, do it quickly!" Zenren gasped.

Anden's response was to release his hold on Zenren and pivot about on the bed, Zenren watched this movement in dismay (was Anden leaving?) when Anden's face reached his tumescent pud and placed that delicate double-petals of lips upon his red-tinged glans and sunk that moist mouth over him. Zenren moaned as pleasure raced through his body at that contact.

Anden sank firmly upon him, more than two-thirds of Zenren's rather ample prong was engulfed within those cherry lips, and...and there they stopped.

Zenren moaned and gasped, "What else did the drawings show?"

Anden released Zenren long enough to say, "Nothing else, but we must remember they are only drawings, and cannot move." And he replaced his lips, and the feel of them sliding down Zenren's dong was enough to make him shudder in ecstasy.

Anden stopped as he had before, but then his lips tightened and he pulled up again and this time passion thrilled through Zenren all the way up and then back down again.

"I think you have learned the trick!" he panted. "Turn this way and I shall repay you in kind!"

Anden rolled onto his side and Zenren and he squirmed until they were matched faces-to-dongs and Zenren stuffed Anden's prod into his mouth. He felt his mouth watering of itself, and the roughness of the pud on the roof of his mouth dissolved in that moisture. Anden must have done this for him to make it feel as it did, he realized, and he worked up more saliva as he moved and soon he was sliding the pud in and out of his mouth quite easily, the entire length of it seemed to fit itself into his throat as he moved down of its own accord, and his actions had Anden writhing as he plied his own skill on Zenren.

Their bodies hit mutual climax, Zenren tensed and his groans intensified and as he did, Anden keened and his own cock sprayed a hot load of jizz right into Zenren's throat. Zenren tasted the steamy, salty cream as it unloaded into his mouth and he closed his eyes in bliss, and gulped it as it flowed out. As he did, his own orgasm struck, and he repaid the gift of Anden's love-milk by gushing his own spunk into Anden's mouth. Anden drank him down with the same single-minded joy that Zenren had.

Exhausted, they lay together for a time, and Zenren would have slept but for the noise of the celebration down the hall. Anden was nearly asleep, and Zenren had to waken him. "You are missing your own party." He reminded Anden. "From the sound of things, your new fiance has left, I can't imagine Her Majesty would be around for such rowdiness as I'm hearing."

"If they are having fun without the Sorceress as guest, they won't miss me, either." Anden said. "Besides, there is more to the drawings I saw that we should explore."

Zenren felt the unbridled horniness of his new maturity surge within him, his body declared itself more than ready for a second match. "I would be very interested in attaining this new knowledge." He said and kissed Anden ardently.

"We shall try it, then." Anden agreed. "First, we must make ourselves ready." Zenren saw Anden reach for Zenren's prod again and started to move to resume their former position, but Anden stopped him. "I shall need help in another area." he said and explained.

Zenren heard and agreed, and so while Anden slathered Zenren's cock with his saliva, Zenren did the same to Anden, but to Anden's tight, small, delicate bud of his anal sphincter. The wrinkled flesh was reluctant, but yielded to Zenren's probing tongue, and he stuffed as much wetness into it as he could manage. When a long, pleasurable time of this ended (Zenren felt himself well more than halfway to his next climax, in fact), Anden said breathily, "Okay, I think we're ready. Now I need you to push this wonderful chunk of man-flesh I've wetted up into my ass. Once you get it inside, I think you can move in and out of me without too much trouble."

"I shall do my utmost." Zenren moved atop Anden's body, Anden's arms wrapped around his back, and his legs reached up to clasp his thighs, and this put Anden's anus in close proximity. Zenren had to fumble some to make the proper contact, but when he finally got his glans up to the soft indentation and after that, the rest was easy.

Comparatively, that is. Zenren saw pain creasing Anden's face as he pushed into him, but when he made movements to demur and desist, Anden rejected that. "Nay, there is pain, but there is pleasure with the pain." he said. "I feel that once you are within me, the pleasure shall increase and drown out the pain entire. This is an experiment and the pain is not great, so I pray, push in the further."

Zenren finally had his dong well-imbedded within Anden, and the joy of their union washed over them. Zenren found his body knew what to do without his thinking on it overmuch, he need only to rock his body back and forth with his hips moving the most of all, and that sent his dick in and out of Anden's warm, warm ass. And Anden's moans now were only of joy.

Their joy transformed their motions from small, timid ones into strong, rapid ones, they were two young men in the prime of life, who had developed their bodies to physical perfection, and so they brought to their joining a strength and vigor that could have been used in war or in labor, they used in their pleasure and with their physical prowess they wrung their joy from every thrust!

Anden clutched hard at Zenren's back, his nails dug into Zenren's flesh and Zenren gasped, the pain from that transformed into an electric pleasure that his cock seized upon and he was suddenly wracked by his orgasm. "I'm coming again, I'm coming!" He gasped out, and then he was.

As he was squirming in Anden's grip in the throes of his delight, he felt Anden's prong squirt hot jets of jizz up and splatter his stomach. He finished, collapsed helpless into Anden's embrace, and Anden's dong, now trapped between them, continued to weep its heartfelt joy to soak them both.

Still gasping in their exhaustion after climax, still nude and covered in sweat, this is how they lay when Toiper opened the door to check upon them. The two young men looked into the homely but loyal face and could not dissemble before it, and so Toiper's intelligent cleverness discerned the entirety of their secret at once.

"We shall speak of this in the morning." was all Toiper said and he closed the door upon them once again.

Zenren slept poorly that night, even though Anden remained with him and that comforting presence warmed his spirit. They had been taken in by the Sapphire Sorceress and given every benefit of her wealth and every comfort and every iota of knowledge they could use. They had now learned that her plans had been selfish in part, but they had benefitted, just the same. Now she would have to learn of how their actions had sent her plans into disarray and ruin. Anden was adamant, he could not marry the Sapphire Sorceress, not in honesty and faithfulness. "I could be only a husband in name. And the Sorceress would not have treated us as she has if she had not expected to raise up for herself a genuine, complete and honest lover."

"Then we must admit all to the Sorceress, and pray for her mercy." Zenren said, with some fear. The Sorceress was a good woman and a just ruler, but none had transgressed against her in so long, she may feel the need to make an example of us."

"We must pray she is benevolent as we have always thought her to be." Anden agreed.

The next day, they dressed and went to see Toiper in his quarters, only to find the Sorceress there already. By her look, she knew everything, either Toiper had told her or she had gleaned the information from her own magical sources. She looked angry, and who could blame her.

She looked at Anden, the man she had selected for her husband. "I am told that you do not wish to become my husband." she said.

"I would not wish to grieve you in any way." Anden said. "But I regret to inform you that I cannot return your affection in the way you wish I would."

"Am I so repulsive to you?" the Sapphire Sorceress was very much the powerful ruler who was being crossed.

"You are beautiful, Your Majesty." Anden said. "But the heart makes its own rules as to who and how it loves."

Zenren felt he should speak up. "We are as distraught as you are, that this has risen to mar your happiness. We are loyal subjects of Your Majesty, and our loyalty remains unchanged."

"Your loyalty. But not your love."

"Not love as you wish it to be." Anden said in a tone that was pitying in its kindness.

Those words pierced the Sorceress' anger. Instead, she seemed despairing. "I thought that I had solved the problem any ruler has in finding a proper consort. I thought that by being everything you needed, I would be everything you wanted. I can change many things, far more than I could when I lost my dear Wenben. But no wizard can change the human heart. I can put you to death, but I cannot make you love me if you do not."

"I wish I had a happier answer for you." Anden said.

"Have you any advice for me, Toiper?" The Sapphire Sorceress asked.

Toiper shrugged. "You cannot change the human heart. But not every heart refuses to love you. There are still twenty young men here, perhaps you can select another and win a happier response?" His lips wet and he almost said something else, but bit it off and said no more.

But Zenren saw it, and saw in a flash the answer. "I have the solution for you, my Queen." he said.

"I will listen." The Sapphire Sorceress folded her sapphire-draped arms across her sapphire-robed chest, shuffling the necklace of sapphire stones as she did so.

"You yourself have said it." Zenren went on. "You can change everything but the human heart. So why not pick one you know to be intelligent, wise, loyal and loving to you, and use your magics to transform him into a man you could love in return?"

"And who would you select that fits this criteria?" The Sapphire Sorceress asked.

And Zenren smiled.

The wedding that took place a month later was resplendent, the man who stood by the side of the Sapphire Sorceress was strong, handsome, vigorously young. And with the Sapphire Sorceress' help, the man could be so for as long as she wanted him to be. And by the way the man gazed upon her with loving adoration and near-surprise at being the one she was marrying, that promised to be for many centuries to come.

Zenren and Anden, along with the other young men who had been raised by the Sapphire Sorceress and Toiper, were watching from a place of honor. Anden put his hand out and took Zenren's in it. "You are indeed wise, my beloved." he said to Zenren.

Zenren smiled at the word, "It seemed logical, after all." he said.

"And so it was. And all of our land will benefit from your logic, ourselves most of all."

"Then let us pledge our undying loyalty to the Sapphire Sorceress, who is our Queen, and her Royal Consort."

And so they did, bowing deeply when their turn came. "Reign long and well, oh Great Sapphire Sorceress, our Queen. And long may you reign by her side, our Royal Consort, Prince Toiper."

And Toiper, their former teacher and the happiest man in the kingdom perhaps, bowed his head in his acknowledgment to their devotion.


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