The Scandal

By moc.liamtoh@4sivadl

Published on May 24, 2010



The Scandal by Laura Lynn Davis, F/F/F Bnd

I was only peripherally involved in the scandal and I didn't serve any time but I lost my job and had no chance of ever getting an equivalent position again. My accounting career was over. I was twenty-seven, a single mother with a four-year-old daughter to support. My boss got a lot of satisfaction out of firing me. I'd turned him down when he made a pass and he never forgave me. I didn't have much in the way of savings and what I had was soon gone. I lost my apartment and moved in with my mother. She watched Janey while I looked for work. Nobody wanted to take a chance on me. I even applied for a job as a bookkeeper and was turned down. I did get some offers but they had nothing to do with work and everything to do with the fact that I was tall, blonde, and reasonably attractive. To my everlasting shame, when I was down to my last four dollars, I did give one guy a blowjob for fifty bucks. He made me strip and do him on my knees, right there in his office. He came in my mouth and made me swallow every drop. Then he kept my panties as a souvenir. Two days later I took a job as a barmaid, working for tips. It was a dyke bar, a leather joint, over on Preston, behind the university. The owner of the bar, a tough woman in her late thirties named Greta, knew I was desperate. I'd go in after seeing the `Help Wanted' sign in the window. "You'll work for tips. You'll work nude and you'll shave your pussy before you start. Your hours will be 4 p.m. to 2 a.m., Tuesday through Sunday. We're closed on Monday. Take it or leave it." As I stared at her in horror she smiled and said, "I saw your picture in the paper last spring." I took a deep breath and whispered, "I'll take it." I got up to leave. "I'll be back at four." She laughed. "Not so fast, sugar. Strip and show me what you've got first. " I glanced around. We were at a table in the back of the room. "Here?" She nodded. "Here. Now. Be quick about it." I stared at a spot on the wall while I removed my clothes. When I was finished she had me turn around slowly while she looked me over. "Nice. Your tits are a little small for my taste but you've got a nice ass and great legs. Shave and get your ass back her by four." I reached for my bra. "Not so fast, sugar. Go over to the bar and get me a cup of coffee." It was early, only 11:00 a.m., but there were a dozen women in the bar eating an early lunch. They watched with unconcealed interest as I walked across the room. By the time I got to the bar the bartender, a cute redhead, had a cup of coffee ready. She ran her eyes over my nude body. "Nice. I'm going to enjoy you." I assumed she meant she was going to enjoy working with me. I nodded and said, "Thanks." Later, I found out she'd meant exactly what she said. After I brought the coffee Greta allowed me to get dressed and leave. I went back to my mother's place and took a long hot shower and shaved myself. My mother was glad to hear that I'd gotten a job and didn't bother asking where. Her interest ended when I told her I'd be working as a barmaid. I had a job and that was enough for her. I got back to the bar at ten of four. I stripped in the bathroom and hung my clothes on a hook in Greta's office. I worked my ass off for ten hours and made $80 in tips. After the bar closed I spent another hour helping the bartender clean up. It was the redhead I'd met earlier. She'd worked a double shift that day. After we finished she and Greta took me into the office and took turns raping me with a strap-on dildo. I worked for Greta for a month and every day was the same - I'd work my ass off and then they'd rape me. I could have gone to the police but why bother? They'd have ignored me. And, to be honest, I felt like I deserved it - for being stupid enough to get involved in the scandal in the first place. So I cried when they fucked me, which amused them, and then went home to bed when they were done with me. I was their fuck slut and it might have gone on for years if I hadn't met Sara. She was a college student, a senior, a rich girl from upstate somewhere. She had black hair, brown eyes, and smooth brown skin. She was striking but not really beautiful. Her features were too strong for real beauty. She stroked my bottom while she gave me her order and I blushed. I made no move to stop her because Greta was watching. Sara had two drinks and then left. When I brought her second drink she slipped her hand between my legs and rubbed my clit for a moment with the tip of her index finger. Then she dipped her finger in her drink, vodka on the rocks, and ran it along my slit. The vodka stung and I closed my eyes and whimpered as the burning sensation spread through my pussy. She left me a $20 tip. That night, when I walked out of the bar shortly after 4 a.m., Sara was waiting for me. "What took you so long? The bar closed two hours ago?" I shrugged. "It took an hour to clean up. Then they raped me for an hour."

"Who raped you?" "Greta, the owner, and the bartender, Kim. They rape me every night." She stared at me in silence for a long moment. "That's over now. You're not going back there." I shook my head. "I don't have any choice. I have to go back or starve." She grabbed my arm and swung me around. Before I could say a word she slapped me, a hard slap that split my lip. "I said that it's over now. You're mine. I'll support you." I stared at her for a moment. "Will you support my daughter, too?" She nodded. "Of course." As she spoke she unbuttoned my shirt and slipped her hand inside, grinning when she discovered that I wasn't wearing a bra.

"Ummm. No bra, just like the big girls." She fondled my tits and my nipples hardened into little points. I stood there, flat footed, and let her do what she wanted. After a couple of minutes she said, "Come with me." She turned and walked away without looking back. I watched her for a moment and then followed. My shirt was open to my waist and the cool air washed over my bare tits as I followed her to her car, a new BMW convertible. As she pulled away from the curb she asked me where my daughter was staying. "At my mother's house." She handed me a cell phone. Call your mother so she won't worry. Tell her you're staying the night with a friend. I made the call knowing that mom would be pissed at being awakened at 4:15. Sara lived in a luxury condo development on the other side of the campus, a world away from the bar. She pulled right into her garage and had me strip and throw my clothes in the trash. Then she took me inside and showed me around. It was a big place and rather messy. "I need a house-slut to keep the place clean." She paused and glanced at me. "And to warm my bed." She said she'd pay me and named a figure that left me breathless. All of my money would go right into the bank. She'd pay all expenses for me and for Janey. "In four years you'll have enough money to start your own business. I'll even pay your mother for taking care of Janey. What do you say?" What could I say? I sank to my knees and whispered, "You've got yourself a house-slut." I started to cry. "Just don't be nice to me. I don't deserve it." An hour later I had my first orgasm in almost a year. Her tongue was in my pussy and she had a finger in my ass. I screamed with pleasure as I came and came. When I woke in the morning she was gone. A note informed me that she'd be back from class shortly after noon. I was to get busy and clean the place up. And I was ordered to stay nude. Since it was already noon I knew I'd never get done before she arrived. She came in a few minutes later and spanked me for being a lazy slut. She changed her clothes and left, saying she'd be back around five. I worked hard and had the place clean by the time she got back. She rewarded me by masturbating me to orgasm while I leaned over the kitchen sink. The next day, Saturday, she gave me a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and running shoes and took me shopping. She bought me an entire wardrobe. Then we retrieved my car and brought it to my mother's house for her to use or sell. I visited with Janey for an hour while Sara and my mother chatted about art. Sara told mom that she'd hired me to be her housekeeper. She also told mom she'd be paid for watching Janey. Mom protested but fell silent when Sara mentioned how much she was willing to pay. We left after an hour. I'd visit every other day for at least an hour, depending upon Sara's class schedule. As we were leaving, mom stopped me. "You're not really her housekeeper are you? You can't cook a lick." I shook my head. "No, I'm not. I'm her live-in maid, her household slut. I keep her place clean and warm her bed." Mom nodded. "I thought it was something like that." She pause and patted my arm. "Good for you. It's better that working at the awful bar." She turned and went inside, leaving me standing there with a look stunned surprise on my face. The ride back to Sara's condo passed in silence. I was still wearing the jeans and T-shirt she'd given me that morning. As soon as we got inside she told me to strip. I took my clothes off and she fondled me while she told me that we'd be going out that night, after midnight, to a health club in a nearby town where I'd undergo a ritual cleansing. "Until then I don't want to touch you or see you. Go down to the basement and kneel in the corner by the stairs." I opened the basement door and paused. "My period is starting. What shall I do?" She smiled. "Bleed." I went down and got down on my knees in the corner. The bare cement was gritty under my knees. She came down and had me clasp my hands behind my neck with my elbows touching the walls on either side. "Keep your back straight and don't you dare move or you'll be punished severely." It was a few minutes shy of five p.m. when I went down to the basement. I spent seven hours on my knees and it was agony. After an hour I cried for several minutes and cried off and on until she came for me at midnight. My flow wasn't heavy yet but I had blood on my thighs and there was a small pool of blood on the floor. I cleaned it up with paper towels before we went upstairs. She had me put on the same T-shirt and jeans I wore earlier but I remained barefoot. The drive to the health club took almost thirty minutes. The building was dark when we arrived but there was a minivan in the parking lot. Sara used her cell phone and a moment later a door opened on the side of the building. The owner, a Japanese woman, held the door for us and then locked it once we were inside. By the time she finished locking the door I was naked. Her name was Kimiko but she told us to call her Kim. She led us down a long hallway and into a locker room. There was a tub, a sauna, shower, and the usual gray metal lockers. What wasn't usual was the two nude girls who were waiting. They were young, no more than fifteen or sixteen, and were obviously Japanese too. Two leather chairs had been placed in the center of the room. Sara and Kim sat down and Kim motioned to the girls. As they led me to the tub I heard Kim tell Sara that the girls were her nieces - Mari and Su-Lin. The huge tub was filled with hot, soapy water. The girls climbed in with me and gave me a through bath, the first step in the cleansing process. Before we got into the bath, they secured my wrists behind my back with a soft cord to insure that I wouldn't touch myself during the cleansing. It was important that I be helpless during the entire process. During the bath they shaved me, removing every trace of hair below my navel, front and back. I blushed when they spread my buttocks and shaved me back there. After the bath, still wet, I was hung by my ankles and whipped into until I was sobbing like a baby. Mari stood in front of me and Su-Lin stood behind me and they whipped me mercilessly until Kim signaled them to stop. My entire body felt like it was on fire! They'd concentrated on my soft places - breasts and belly, buttocks and thighs, but they hadn't igrnored my back. Next, they put me on my belly, right in front of Kim and Sara, and set up a stand to hold an enema bag. I blushed in shame as they slipped the Bardex nozzle into my rectum and released the clamp. I took a full three quarts of warm, soapy water. When they removed the nozzle I had to crawl to the toilet on my belly. Mari held the door open so everyone could watch me void. I had to straddle the toilet, facing the wall, while I emptied my bowels. It was totally humiliating. Two more enemas insured that I was clean inside. Next, they gave me something to drink that made me vomit. I hung over the toiled and spewed my guts into it for nearly twenty minutes. Kim and Sara watched, chatting. When I recovered, they cut my hair very short, so short that they might as well have shaved my head. Then they bathed me again. This second bath was followed by a sensual massage with warm, scented oil. Then, totally clean, totally aroused, I was presented to Sara. She took me across her lap and spanked me, a ritual spanking that stung but didn't really hurt. And then it was over and I was a `new' woman. Before we left I went to Mari and Su-Lin on my belly and licked their feet and thanked them. I remained nude. As we walked out, Sara glanced at me and shook her head. "You wanted to play with the girls, didn't you?" I nodded and she laughed. "You're such a slut! If you're a good girl I'll arrange a visit later on. I'm sure they'd enjoy playing with you." Classes ended two weeks later and Sara was a total bitch until she was done with her finals. We went to Provincetown for a couple of weeks as soon as she finished. It was warm on the Cape in late May and we spent a lot of time on the nude beach near Race Point. She had me pierced - nipples and navel, labia and clit, and had a small ring put through my nose. I didn't like the nose ring and she let me remove it a week later. By the time we left the Cape I was used to being nude most of the time and content to be Sara's slut. On the drive back, she stroked my thigh and hummed happily. As we passed through Providence I glanced over at her and said, "I want to be owned. I want to be your slave." She nodded but didn't answer. When we were out of Providence, on Rte. 44, near the state line, she pulled over and parked the car. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Yes, I'm sure." We got out of the car and walked down a path and into the woods. In a small grassy clearing I stripped and went down on my belly. I licked her feet in submission and begged to be enslaved. She crouched and stroked my back. " I will accept you as my slave. But I'm going to continue putting money in your account. For Janey." I lifted my head and licked her hand. "Thank you!" She sent me to find a switch for her to use on my ass. She whipped me with it until I begged for mercy. My ass was on fire when we got back to the car and it was hard to sit but I was content in my slavery.

The End.

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