The Seaman

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 14, 2018



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The Seaman

In the fall of 1946, young George Richman entered Brooklyn College to begin his college years. He was only sixteen, having accelerated in high school by taking a few courses every summer. He had been very excited about going to college, but two weeks into the semester, he was miserable. At least ninety percent of the male student body were veterans of WWII. They were all in their twenties, and definitely husband material. The young coeds were ferocious in attempting to win one of them. George was even younger than the females, and he was totally ignored, as he had been in high school.

At the beginning of his junior year, when he was eighteen, he was presented with a different problem. Three or four weeks into the semester, he realized that he had chosen the wrong major. He could not grasp the sciences, and he was failing physics badly. Some innate wisdom advised him to drop out of school temporarily, add a couple of years to his life, and elect a different major when he returned.

So he quit school, and told his parents, Phyllis and Leo, that he intended on joining the navy, mainly because he didn't want to get drafted into the army. They were very disappointed, but they had to agree that life in the navy was probably cleaner than life in the army, and they had heard that the food was better. Besides, since George had quit school, his student exemption was void, and he would be drafted into the army anyhow.

He took the subway to lower Manhattan and went to the Naval Recruiting Station. He filled out lots of papers, most of which required him to swear that he was loyal to the USA. In those days everyone feared "The Red Menace." He was also subtly questioned about his sexual orientation, so he produced a picture of his "girlfriend." The picture was that of his mother's best friend's daughter. They had grown up together and were more like brother and sister, but they did date occasionally. Elaine would even introduce George as her brother. Actually, George was a virgin, but he had nagging thoughts that he might be homosexual. Homosexuals had begun to refer to themselves as gay as early as 1920, but George was not a part of the gay community, and at that time he was not yet aware of that particular usage of the word `gay.'

When all the paperwork was out of the way, he was given a physical. He passed with flying colors until he was given an eye exam. He had never worn glasses, and he never felt that he had a vision problem, but he got rejected right then and there. George was devastated. He hung his head low and started walking towards the elevator. He didn't know what to do. He had already quit college, and his future looked bleak at the moment. It's a good thing he walked slowly. While he was waiting for the elevator, one of the recruiters came running up to him.

"I'm glad I caught you," he said. "The doctor wants to examine you. He said that if your vision can be corrected with glasses, you're in."

George was accepted, much to his relief, and he was informed to report back at 8 AM the following Friday. He and other Apprentice Seamen were to be transported to Great Lakes Naval Training Center in Illinois for boot camp training.

At least the other recruits were his contemporaries, unlike his male classmates in school. He fit in so well with this group of guys, that he was a friend to his entire company of fifty men. Also, most of them came with him from New York, which put him even further into his element.

In the barracks, in the showers, and in swimming class, where they were all naked, George could safely say that he did not have a carnal thought about any of the other recruits. Of course, they all checked each other out; something all men do, young and old.

At the end of three months of training, George was given a two-week leave. He emerged with the rank of Seaman. He was brimming with muscles, six feet tall, and he had considerably slimmed down. Even if he wore glasses, he looked terrific, a real hunk, but his father cried when he saw him.

"What did they do to you?" he sobbed. "You're so skinny."

George laughed. "They put muscles on me and removed the fat."

He enjoyed his short leave, but he was given an airline ticket to San Diego to go to school there to train to be a Yeoman.

"I'll just be a record keeper," he told his parents, "so you don't have to worry about me being in danger."

The first time in his life that George left the confines of New York City was when he went to Illinois for boot camp training. Now here he was going clear out to the West Coast. He could not wait for his adventure to begin, and hopefully to get laid there.

There were thirty men in his class. Fifteen of them, including George, were assigned to the starboard watch, and the others were assigned to the port watch. The only time George had off during boot camp was a six-hour liberty. It was part of the training to teach the young men to leave the base and come back on time. Now, in San Diego, he would have every other weekend off. He could even stay out overnight.

George became very friendly with another Seaman in the starboard watch, Roger Harmon from Detroit. They spent all their free evenings together at the enlisted men's club. Just before they were due to have their first weekend liberty, Roger asked George to go to San Diego with him. George gladly accepted.

As they waited in the terminal for the bus to San Diego, Roger picked up a free magazine. It was full of ads for places and things to do in the city. It contained several pages of ads for hotels in the downtown area, and it quoted their room rates. You could even get a discount by showing them the ad they were reading. They zeroed in on the cheapest hotel they could find. They didn't care how bad it would be. It was only for one night.

They discovered that they could walk to the hotel from the bus terminal, and that was another plus. They requested a double room, checked in, and went there to wash up and change clothes. They had both brought civvies with them. When they walked into the room, they were surprised that the double room only had one standard size bed, but neither said anything. Nevertheless, George grew uneasy, but he shrugged it off.

They admired how great they both looked in civilian clothing, and off they went. They had dinner in a nice restaurant near the hotel and then headed for a nearby bar that they had scoped out in the magazine. Pretty young girls kept cruising them, and they didn't realize that neither one of them was chasing pussy. In fact, they were content to enjoy each other's company. As a result, they both had too much to drink.

They staggered back to the hotel, supporting each other to keep from falling. The minute they got into the room, Roger had to run to the bathroom to barf. George was right on his heels. They felt a little better after their catharsis, and Roger said, "Before we go to bed, I'm stripping completely. If I have to vomit again in bed, I don't want to mess up my skivvies."

"I'm with you," George said.

"Let's talk for a bit. I'm not tired," Roger requested.

They sat naked on the bed, above the covers, and started to chat away just as they had done in the bar. All of a sudden Roger smiled at George. "I have a great idea," he said. "Back on the base, there are guys all around us. I haven't whacked off since I left home. Let's do it together."

"I haven't jerked the old tool since I left home either. I'm so glad you suggested it." Both men got hard immediately. They had never seen themselves hard before. They were both cut and about six and a half inches. Roger was a bit fatter around than George.

They started the timeworn ritual of stroking their cocks. In a short while, Roger said, "You know, we can do this anytime. Let me do you and you can do me."

George had never before had a dick in his hand other than his own, but he thought it would be nice to feel one. It would also be nice if someone else got him off besides himself for a change. He didn't answer Roger, but he pushed closer to his buddy, and they reached for the other's rod. They were stroking slowly for a very short time, and George said, "This feels fantastic. I'm going to cum." Roger stopped stroking immediately, so George did also.

"Why did you stop?" George asked. He was agitated.

"Because I want you to fuck me, and if you let me, I'll do it to you."

At that moment, George realized that Roger was homosexual, and he had been seduced by him. He was surprised that he didn't care. He was enjoying himself, and he just wanted to get his rocks off in any way Roger wanted to assist him in doing it. They were both willing to give it a try.

They had no lube, so they used their spit. It wasn't perfect, and they both hurt, but Roger assured George that it was only temporary, and the pain would turn to pleasure. George trusted Roger, and Roger was so right. They both reached orgasm in the other's ass.

"That was so great," George said.

"We can do it again, and more, in the morning," Roger promised.

George smiled and shut the light. The two men cuddled up close to each other and fell asleep holding the other's cock. Roger had accomplished his goal of seducing George and was more than pleased that George was okay with it, and in fact, he wanted more.

In the middle of the night, George felt as if he was floating in a warm sea. As he got his senses back, he realized that Roger was giving him a blow job. He twisted around in a sixty-nine position, and the two sailors got each other off again. As each came, they didn't know what to do, so by instinct, they both swallowed. As they kissed each other goodnight again, George realized that his suspicions were true. He was homosexual.

They skipped breakfast and opted to have sex all morning until they had to vacate the room by 10 AM. They had a late breakfast or an early lunch, whichever way you look at it, and took the bus back to the naval base.

Every other weekend they went to San Diego together. They headed right for the hotel and had sex for two days. They tried every kinky thing they could think of, and they gave each other great pleasure. Alas, all good things come to an end. After training, Roger was assigned to an aircraft carrier, and George was sent to the navy base in Bethesda, MD. George felt sorry for Roger. It would be difficult for him to find a sex partner, and do something in such cramped, close quarters. He assumed that he himself would have more freedom. This was one assumption that came true.

In Bethesda, he was approached by more than one sailor, who hinted at sex, and George was happy to oblige them. He had two great years enjoying plenty of sex. He marveled at the number of homosexuals that were in the military. Unfortunately, every time he had sex, he wished that he was with Roger. He had what to compare now, and he knew that he and Roger never had sex. They made love.

He stayed in touch with Roger for all the years they were separated. Faster than he could say, "Jack Robinson," George found himself getting ready for his discharge. He was devastated when Roger told him that he had re-enlisted for four more years, and was heading out to sea. Nevertheless, the two men stayed in touch, and whenever they had sex with someone, they always dreamed that they were making love with each other.

George returned to school and changed his major to Business Administration. He was doing well, and the only diversion that he allowed himself was to write his letters to Roger. Now, he was the older good looking male in the college, and the younger coeds came on to him, but he didn't date, and he didn't let them distract him.

Upon graduation, he was selected for a management training program with Macy's. He rented an efficiency apartment in lower Manhattan and moved out of his parent's home at last. As much as they loved him, they breathed a sigh of relief. George loved it also. He now had a place to "entertain."

Soon after he moved into his own place, he got a letter from Roger. He ripped open the envelope and when he read it, he didn't know whether to cry or go to church and thank The Virgin.

Dear George:

I don't know how to tell you this, but I have been dishonorably discharged, along with several other sailors. The whole affair was a witch hunt. Here's what happened. About six months ago we were anchored in San Francisco. Before we were due to ship out again, my watch, the port watch, got a week's liberty, followed by a week off for the starboard watch.

I worked for a Lt. Mason, who asked me what my plans were. I told him that I had none, and he invited me to spend the week with him. It seems that he maintained an apartment in Frisco. He assured me that we would have a ball making the rounds at the clubs and that he didn't give a shit that I was an enlisted man. He hinted that he would pick up the tab.

We had a ball, all right. His apartment only had one bedroom and one bed. I guess I don't have to tell you what happened. I never had so much sex in my life. While we were at sea, the Lieutenant and I had sex wherever and whenever we could.

Then disaster hit. Two sailors were caught playing sixty-nine behind some heavy equipment in the boiler room. They were interrogated and told that if they gave the names of other men they had sex with, things would go a lot easier on them. They were promised a general discharge instead of a dishonorable one. Both of them named Lt. Mason, who in turn named me and several others. I got discharged in San Francisco.

I had to tell my folks why I got discharged early with a dishonorable discharge. They want nothing to do with me. Dear friend, I can't go home, and I have no place to go. I have lost all my navy benefits. Please, can I come to New York and stay with you until I'm on my feet? One week from the time I mail this letter, I'll call you. By then you should have read it and decided what you want to do. I have always loved you, and now I am free.

With much love,


George was overjoyed. The date on the letter was four days ago. All he could do was wait out the week for Roger's call. He came home every evening and never left his apartment. He didn't want to miss what could be the most important phone call of his life.

Finally, it came. "Yes, yes," George pleaded. "Come to New York and stay with me. Stay forever if you'd like. Do you need fare money?"

"No, I have my mustering out pay. I'll call you as soon as I book my ticket. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. I love you so much."

Two weeks later George was waiting impatiently for Roger's plane to arrive at LaGuardia Airport. Roger was on one of the last propeller planes in the fleet, and it was incredibly slow. Jets were replacing propellers at an accelerating speed. The plane made three stops after lifting off in San Francisco, and prior to landing in Newark; Denver, Chicago, and Atlanta.

Finally, the plane landed two hours late. Person after person came down the steps onto the tarmac, but no Roger. George began to panic, fearing that Roger had missed the flight, but then, there he was. George didn't like what he saw. Roger was gaunt and pale. "Well," George thought, "he's been through an ordeal. I'll fix that."

George took two personal days off, and the two ex-seamen sucked each other dry. After a short rest, they fucked each other until their asses felt like they were on fire. They didn't care. All they cared about was that they had each other. They tried to take a break, but they couldn't stop making love.

After WWII, most employers asked about the circumstances in which prospective employees were discharged. They wanted to hire only men with honorable discharges. With George's help, Roger was able to get a job at Macy's, and he was not asked about his discharge. Roger was a bit of a fashion plate and he was assigned to men's wear, which was perfect for him. As a full-time employee, he was given health insurance by Macy's. Since he was not eligible for VA health benefits, this was a definite plus.

George introduced Roger to his parents, who immediately adopted him. The two men were often invited to dinner at their home.

With two salaries, they were able to move to a one bedroom apartment near Greenwich Village, and they began to integrate into New York's gay society. As the years passed, they thought less and less about the navy and Roger's terrible ending, but they were grateful that they both had enlisted in the navy. If they hadn't joined, they never would have met.

All's well that ends well, as Shakespeare so intelligently pointed out. No life is idyllic, but they were in love, they had each other, and life was as good as it gets for them.

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