The Second Start" story

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 1, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Nurse Whitmont came through the door, with an axe in her head and blood streaming down her face. "Hey, Cody, honey, you got any aspirin in here?" she said with a wide smirk on her face. "I have a terrible headache." And she simpered at her lame joke.

I managed a smile. Hell, she was trying, anyhow. "Halloween in the hospital, eh?" he asked.

"You think I'm bad, you should see Dr. Dawnet." she said. "Got an arm missing. Lots of blood on his smock."

"Hope he's not planning any surgery on me today." I joked. She laughed a lot harder than that deserved.

"You aren't scheduled for anything but some chemotherapy tomorrow. Plus all the pain medication you want until then." she said, patting my hand. "We'll lick this thing yet."

"Yeah, right." I said.

"Now, Cody, the worst thing you can do is give up." Nurse Whitmont said. "Attitude counts a lot in fighting cancer, you know that. Maybe some of your friends will drop by later today."

"If they aren't too busy going to parties." I grumped. Having a terminal illness does a lot to teach you who your real friends are. Or at least how far your friends are willing to go to see you. I didn't get visitors every day, but twice or three times per week, someone would come visit me. Still, a holiday like Halloween...probably not.

Not that I was very good company. I spent a lot of each day in a stupor brought on by the pain medication. When the pain medication wore off, I'd be lucid for a while, but then the pain would win out and I'd take more.

Like now. Time for another dose. A reach for my nightstand was enough to make me nearly yell out with the pain in my gut. But I got the pills. I didn't need water if I could toss the pills into the back of my throat. I didn't. Good, another reach for the water would have been more than I could have handled.

As I went to sleep, I began to wonder. I hadn't looked that carefully at how many pills I was taking that time. Two, I think, but it might have been three. I also hadn't looked at the clock, how long it had been since the last dose.

No matter. Wired up as I was, the nurses would see the monitors at their station. If I got into trouble with the medicine, they'd spot it.

And the pain...that was going away very nicely. Maybe I could wake up in time for the party they were having in the ward down the hall. The nurses could wheel me in there. I could visit with the other patients, they'd probably have masks or makeup to put on in honor of the holiday, maybe have some of those pumpkin-shaped cookies....

"Hail!" came a strange call. I jerked my eyes open, sat up in bed. Looked at my visitor, blinked, and looked again.

Pain medicine can do funny things to your mind. Or it could be Halloween. No way was a Roman soldier in full military plate standing by my bedside!

"Hail!" he said to me again, and I saw his arm, held at his chest, fling out in a straight-armed salute, much like the "Heil, Hitler" you see in the movies.

"Hail yourself." I said. Blinked and looked again. No, definitely not a friend of mine. "I think you have the wrong room. I didn't order a Roman soldier." I smiled.

"It is indeed you I have come to see." the soldier said. "It is time for you to come with us."

"Us? Who's us?" I said. Then I realized.... "Hey, I don't hurt!" Even with the pain medication, the pain was there, dulled and blunted by the medicine, but always there. Now, there was no pain at all.

"Of course you don't hurt." came a silky voice from my other side. "No reason for you to hurt, is there?"

I looked at my other side. Another refugee from a party. "Hey, nice costume." I said. This second man was dressed up like one of the Founding Fathers. "Who are you supposed to be, George Washington? You look more like Thomas Jefferson."

"I am neither, fair sir, though I thank you for the comparison." the man said.

"So where are you from, the Red Cross, or what?" I asked. Obviously these two were going around the hospital, paying brief visits to the patients, liven up a dull existence. A few words, a gift of some kind, and they'd be gone again.

"Further away than that." the man said. "Much further."

"Oh. Well, it doesn't matter." I said. "So, what's your names?"

"I am Claudius Lucullus." the Roman said. "A Tribune of the Third Army."

"Pleased to meet you." I said skeptically. Okay, so they want to play that game with me, I would let them. I'm the Queen of Sheba."

The other man laughed. "He is telling you the truth as to his name." he said. "And I am Thomas Custiss."

I remembered enough history to counter that one. "Related to old George after all, huh?" I said.

"Nay, to his wife as a cousin some times removed, if either of them. But I died some years before she was born."

"Yeah?" I said. "Gee, that's rough, dying and all."

"Nay, it is the gentlest of experiences to be borne by man." the man (Thomas) said. "It is the end of pain and the beginning of the next world. You should not fear it."

"I don't intend to." I said. "When it comes along, that is. So, what are you, a pair of ghosts?"

"We are ghosts." Claudius affirmed. "The spirits of those who were once men, and now are more than men."

"Nuts." I said and smiled. "And I was hoping one of you was a stripper, here to brighten up my day."

"I know not this term." Claudius said.

"Nor do I." Thomas agreed.

I smirked and pretended to believe them, explained, "You know, you put on some music and dance around for me, taking off your clothes...."

"I am a soldier, not a dancer!" Claudius swore, using some words I didn't recognize, save as cursing. "Why do we stay here! It is time for us to go!"

"Hey, fuck you!" I said. "I'm not leaving this hospital with a couple of nut-cases. Halloween or not, you two can get the hell out of here!"

"We humbly beg your pardon, sir." Thomas said. "You misunderstand who we are. We are not visitors to the ill. And these are not clothes worn in celebration of All Hallow's Day as you think. We are who we say we are, a soldier of the Empire of Rome, and a man from the American colonies."

"So why are you here?" I said. This was getting on my nerves. "And if you're ghosts, prove it to me." I reached out and grabbed Thomas' arm. "If you were a ghost, my hand would go right through you, right?"

"If a man tries to lay hand on a ghost, he cannot." Thomas agreed.

"So why do I have hold of you." I pointed out.

"You know the answer to that." Thomas said. "Be not afraid. You have been expecting this day, have you not? The day of your own demise?"

"Demise?" I said. "Now, look, a joke is a joke, and even on Halloween....Christ!" I said. And I began to shiver. "Oh, God! You're telling me I'm dead?"

"I mean to say that you have been translated." Thomas said.


"You have entered the next stage of life." Thomas said. "And it is a stage that you have not yet begun to comprehend. It is why Claudius and I are here, to assist you upon your entrance to the next stage."

"I don't understand what you mean." I said.

"He means that you have to buck up and be a soldier." Claudius said. "You've been transferred to a different part of the frontier, it's time to forget the old home fires and build yourself some new ones."

"What my rather rough friend is trying to say is that you must not dwell upon the sadness of the parting of the old life, and learn about the advantages of the new one." Thomas elaborated.

"What, you mean, I should learn how to fly and how to walk through walls?" I said. I remembered that dumb movie with Michael Keaton and Geena Davis. "How to rip my face off or turn into a snake?"

"There is much you do not understand about your new existence." Thomas said. "We must teach you to understand your new life."

"So get out of that bed and stand up, soldier!" Claudius barked at me and he grabbed my sheet and yanked.

He had managed to grab hold of the bed-gown I was wearing. It was one of those flimsy paper gowns, meant to be removed and burnt after one use, so when he pulled on it, it tore from my body. When he pulled the sheet from the bed, he left me nude on top of it. I yelped. Such an action should have torn an IV from my right arm...but my arm was clean. It should have had a plastic valve in it, a means to let them plug in new IVs without having to stick a needle into my arm...but my arm was clean.

My arm, my body...I was young again! "I'm...I'm young again?" I said in wonder, looking down at myself.

"A virtue of the translation." Thomas affirmed. "Your body is as new as your new life."

"I'm young...and my muscles...I've got back my muscles!" I said. "More, even!"

"Your translated body is one of your own design." Thomas said. "It will remain such for the rest of this second life."

I looked at Claudius and Thomas with new eyes. Both were young, undeniably handsome men. "So the afterlife is populated with great-looking guys?" I said.

"And women." Thomas agreed.

"Yeah?" I said. But I think the lack of interest in my voice was noticeable.

Claudius barked out a hard laugh. "I think our student has no interest in women."

I affected a lack of interest. "I don't see why that matters." I said. "What's a ghost going to do with a cute guy, any way."

"You are forgetting that you were able to touch me." Thomas reminded me.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him, down at his crotch, back up again. "Oh, yeah. Huh." I said.

"We can do all that we could do in life, and more." Claudius said. "And I think that may be the best way to bring our student forward, show him the pleasures of the body."

"His new body." Thomas confirmed.

"I could stand to tup a new one." Claudius said.

"What are you two talking about?" I said, then, because I'm no idiot, "You mean, you want to have sex with me? Here? Now?"

"And why not, if you are agreeable?" Thomas said. "The joy of the joining is all it was before your translation."

"But the nurses could come in any minute now." I said. "They see us...." I trailed off. "Could they see us?"

"Not unless we wish them to, and then only vaguely, as a shadow or a glimmer."

"Now up with your bottom and we'll get it started." Claudius said peremptorily. He had his tunic lifted up, one brawny hand was holding up a sizeable piece of man-sausage there.

I hadn't had sex with anything but my own hand since I'd been sick. Even whacking off had been a pain-laden experience complicated by the wires hooked to my body, sending every intimate signal of my heart and lungs to the nurses. I'd hadn't gotten laid in.... "It's been over a year." I said. "But I think I remember how to do it." I scooted forward and took hold of Claudius' prick, started to bend over and work on it.

"This is different." Thomas said. "You need only to will it, and it will be."

"Huh?" I said.

"It is not possible to be hurt in making love to another." Thomas clarified. "You may omit the lubrication."

"He means to forget about the spit and turn your bottom my way." Claudius said. "And hurry about it, I'm ready now."

Dubiously, I obeyed, turning and getting up onto my knees on the bed. I was no more than in position when I felt Claudius' prong at my ass, felt his cockhead search out my opening, locate it...and enter.

Smooth as butter, soft as silk, my anus opened and let his thick man-dong inside. It was like he was already lubricated, like my own body was already relaxed enough to let him go inside without hindrance or those uncomfortable catches of the first penetration, he pushed into me and on the first thrust, he got the entirety of it inside of me and it was over eight inches of solid Roman-soldier pud pulsing inside my bowels.

"Ahh!" I gasped when I felt the hard dong inside me. "Jesus, that went in easy!"

"You will never have difficulty with accepting another within you again." Thomas said. "You may spend your entire day taking one after another with no discomfort, you can best the abilities of the great lovers of legends. It is no longer a question of endurance, merely one of desire."

"And that I got covered." I said. Feeling bolder, I reached up and cupped Thomas' groin. "I might not have to lube up a cock to take it, but that doesn't mean I can't get one to suck on anyhow, does it?"

Thomas smiled. "If that is your choice."

"It is my choice." I said. "I've wondered how you fastened those things anyhow." And I fumbled at his waist.

It was a tie around the waist at the top, a slender rope sewn into the waistband. The closest to present-day clothing was sweat-pants. Well, they wouldn't have had elastic in those days to help them, a tie about the waist was about the best they could do.

It came off easy enough and when it did, the woolen trousers were simple enough to lower. They clung pretty tightly to Thomas' waist, but he had to do this to the material to get them on and off, and they slid down without much effort.

When they did, I got a look at a nice hunk of colonial cock. A nice endowment, I guess old George would have been...whoops, wrong side of that family. The Custiss women wouldn't have had anything to complain about, I should have said. I know I didn't.

Thomas wasn't circumcised, and I rolled that thick layer of foreskin back from the glans and when I did, I kissed the purplish cockhead.

Claudius had paused to let me tend to Thomas, but when I got my lips around Thomas' pud, he felt entitled to start in on me, and this Roman soldier wasn't gentle about it. His rough thrusts would have been painful to me if I were still subject to such things, as it was, he just shoved me forward and I ended up ramming Thomas' prick down my throat from the power of Claudius' thrust from behind, and when he pulled out, my body went with him and that pulled my head back from that tasty prod in my mouth. I gave most of my own attention to the tension, keeping my lips tight around him when I pulled back, to keeping it snugly comfortable when it was shoved back into me.

Thomas gave a small groan of pleasure, and when he did, Claudius said in a rough tone, "He's treating you like a pup nursing a bitch. What is it with your people, Thomas, that they all love to take a man's priapism into their mouths so easy and so eagerly?"

"I know not for certain." Thomas gasped. "It was not the way in my time."

"Not in my own time, either." Claudius said. "I think they all got weaned from their mother's teats too soon."

I released Thomas long enough to defend my entire generation of Americans. "It just means we take baths every day." I said. "No reason not to suck a clean cock, is there?"

"Bathing is no longer an issue for you." Thomas said as his hands guided me back to my duty. "Your body will remain as clean as you wish it to be."

"Mm-mph!" I said as I returned to being one ghost's fuck-toy while I sucked the other. Just three ghosts haunting a hospital room, that was us. I wondered if this was where I'd stay for the rest of eternity. Surely not. Claudius had talked of us going somewhere. Only where?

Claudius' thrusts into my body were getting rapid and he was grunting like some raunchy stallion horse, and I worked my butt muscles to get him some extra suction, and that sent the horny Roman over the edge and he roared out his lust and I felt his spunk squirt into me with palpable bursts that splattered my innards and his hands were holding my sides too tight, it would have been pain, only I had left pain behind, just the tightness was there, squeezing me and him groaning and thrusting and slapping my buttocks with his thighs as he rammed desperately hard into me and then he was done, and when he was, he paused only the shortest moment, and then yanked himself out of me and slapped my buttocks in a proprietary manner that made me yelp. I guess you can feel pain in that moment, after all, when someone spanks your ass hard, you expect it to hurt and it does!

"This end's ready for you, Thomas." Claudius said as if I didn't count. Maybe I didn't, in his book, being the passive partner. Just because Claudius had died a long time before me didn't make him any better a person...ghost? Spirit? Whatever, he was still an arrogant ass of a man!

"I shall leave the choice to you." Thomas said graciously to me. "Do you wish completion in this manner, or the other?"

I let go and rolled onto my back. "How about this way?" I suggested.

"That would be eminently suitable." Thomas agreed. He got up between my legs and I pressed my heels into his buttocks and pushed him into me. When I did, he sucked in a tight breath, through his teeth. "You are an ardent lover." he said.

"Come on, give it to me." I said. "You aren't going to let a foreigner show up us Americans, are you?"

"Of a certainty not." Thomas agreed. "I shall provide you with a suitable energy."

"Less talking, more moving." I said, using my heels to show him what I meant.

I helped him fuck me, and that kept our tempo tightly together. As Thomas climbed to his height, his face flushed and his brow crumpled, I could see him reaching climax and could bring my body up to join him. When his lips parted and he began to moan with the increased volume of impending orgasm, my own body was at the threshold, and when he suddenly seized the speed for himself and began to ram frantically into me, I was able to let the divine joy of climax race over me, and when he exploded into my ass, my own cock screamed with delight and I ejaculated all over both of us, the two of us clutching each other in a wrestler's hold of mutual pleasure, a union of the flesh, ecstasy, agony, invincibility, inviolability, we were a single blob of orgasm and in that miasma of joy, my climax was his and his was mine, and I don't mean that figuratively, I think we really did join together for a moment there.

Then it was over, and we parted, Thomas rolling off of me, panting heavily. I was doing that, myself. Again, I marveled that a ghost would need to breath, but if existence was a state of mind, then the exhaustion of sex was certainly going to affect you as much as before, maybe even more.

"And now it's time to go." Claudius said firmly. He had been watching us with ill grace, his own pleasure consummated, our own didn't come within his notice, he was champing at the bit, and ready to move on.

"Go? Yeah, I guess so." I said, getting off my bed. "What am I going to wear?"

"Select it, and it will be." Thomas advised.

I found myself wearing a full set of clothes. I started to look at what I was now wearing, but then I looked at the bed. It wasn't empty. The sheet wasn't even off of it. It!

A thin, emaciated body under a sheet, wires hooked up to it.

Thomas' hand landed on my shoulder. "It is a part of your past now." He said. "Mine was afflicted with smallpox and looked as bad as yours does now. Think of it as a garment you have discarded as worn out and not needed the longer."

"You sure don't need it now." Claudius agreed. "Now, we'd better get a move on, we can't keep them waiting."

"Keep who waiting?" I asked.

"You'll see them when you see them." Claudius said. "Now, come on, we're late as it is."

"That's a soldier for you." Thomas complained. "One never moves as quickly for them as they'd like."

"So who is waiting for me?" I wanted to know.

"Nobody who isn't friendly to you." Thomas said. "Let us take you now to meet them."

I had a lot to learn, but if Claudius and Thomas were any indications, I would also have a lot of time to learn it.

So, without even a glance behind at the withered husk of my old body, I went to start my second life.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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