The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 31, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky © 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 11 - How my father decided on my exile to avoid a scandal

I was again in London. I came to know that Charles had gone back to Africa just a month ago, but that he was no longer a captain in His Majesty's army. He had discharged and started a slave trade, sending them to the Americas to Aldous, earning very good money, a part of which was continuing to be deposited in my account, as the belt of king Anyoke was still acknowledged and used.

My sister Jennyfer, who was then twenty-one years old, was engaged to be married to a gentleman whose name was Stephen O'Keefe, twenty-nine years old like me, an Irishman working as a court guard in the Royal apartments. The marriage had been set for the month of April of that same year. Steve, as our family called him, was a likeable young man, even though quite silent; he was passionate for music and played violin with a real skill. He came to court my sister quite often, and I saw them walk in our garden, always at respectful distance, more often in silence than engaged in talk.

I asked Jennyfer if she really liked Steve, if she were in love with him. She answered me with a light smile, without giving me an answer.

But afterwards she told me, "Stephen is above all a good man, and I believe I will be fine at his side. I am not in love with him and neither he with me. But it doesn't matter at all if we are in love or not, as long as there is reciprocal respect. He will be a good husband and a good father for our children, and that's what counts. I am very happy that our father chose him as my husband."

"I rather believe that we should be the one to choose the person at whose side we want to live, not our parents on our behalf. And I also believe, at least it is so for me, that it would be rather difficult living my whole life at the side of a person I don't love." I said to her.

She looked at me with her usual mischievous air, "This is why you, William, haven't yet married? No, loveÉ comes and goes. Respect is the only thing that remains. Look at our father and mother. One cannot surely say they are in love with each other, and yet they have lived together for years in good harmony. Because they have a mutual respect, as I said. LoveÉ the great loveÉ in my opinion exists only in the music dramas, in the poems and in the novelsÉ"

"It can exist also in everyday lifeÉ" I insisted.

"You are a romantic. William. Yes, of course, it could even exist. But it has noting to do with marriage."

"ThereforeÉ if you met one day a great loveÉ would you be ready to cheat on your husband?"

"Cheating? No I would not cheat on him, as I never promised him eternal love, and would go on esteeming and respecting him. But at least, when this mysterious great love died off, as all loves are doomed to do, as love is like a flame and any flame sooner or later goes off, at least I would not remain alone, I would always have my devoted husband at my side."

"And if it were him to meet the great love?" I asked her.

"I would be happy for him and would remain at his side as a devout and respectful wife has to do; I would remain at his side especially on the day when his flame would be totally burnt out, to make him not feel too alone and to soothe his painÉ"

I didn't share the vision of life and of marriage that my sister had; but as it seemed that Steven agreed on this way to think, all summed up, I thought, it could also be good how, agreeing with each other, they had decided to live their coming marriage.

Thanks to Stephen, or to Steve as we used to call him, I met one of his comrades, another gentleman serving at court as one of the King's guards, whose name was Lawrence. He was twenty-five years old, therefore four years younger than me.

Lawrence was very different from Steve, and I often asked myself what their close friendship was based on. Possibly on the fact that opposites attract? Lawrence in fact was extroverted, loved horses and hunting, like me loved reading, provided it was a book of adventures. He dreamed he would one day go and live in the commercial bases we had installed on the coasts of the Indian Grand Mogul empire, to be able to visit the hinterland. It was said that there were dreamlike buildings and that the local kings, called raja, lived in a refined luxury.

Between Lawrence and me began at once a strong liking, so that we started to meet often. Either he was a guest in our residence, or I in the residence of his family, we went riding or hunting together at times, wearing clothes like men of the people, we went together into the slums of London for a walk or to drink in a tavern and see how the commoners were living.

I was feeling attracted to Lawrence, whose body I had occasion to see when we changed our clothes for our walks in the slums. I therefore decided to scan him to check if I could nourish some hope.

"Do you know, Lawrence, I discovered during my stay in the Tuscany Grand-duchy, that in that land the Greek vice is rather widespread, and amongst all the levels of the societyÉ" I said to him.

"Oh, really.Ó Lawrence replied, ÒBut not only in Tuscany is this so, my friend. Also here in our countryÉ and from what my friends who travelled told me, just about anywhere - in our colonies, in FranceÉ even in India. Do you know, I was told that in India there exists even a book where the amatory arts are taught, in a quite refined way, and it seems that there are even pages devoted to love in the fashion of the ancient GreeksÉ I would like getting that book, as they say it is illustrated with delightful miniatures depicting the various ways a couple can have sexual intercourseÉ"

"Oh, about miniatures. LawrenceÉ if you come for a moment to my rooms, I have something odd to show you. I bought them in Tuscany's capital, Florence, by a young local painterÉ" I told him and led him with me.

I showed him the four erotic miniatures I had bought from Sauro, representing couples of young naked men engaged in various kinds of intercourse. Lawrence looked at them carefully, and even passed a fingertip over them lightly, almost as if to caress those sex scenes.

"They are really beautifulÉ did you pay much for them?" he asked.

"No, I should say rather little."

"Am I daring too much if I asked you to sell me one of them?" he then asked me.

"I would be glad to give you this diptych, Lawrence." I said.

I handed him one where, on the left wing there was a young man with a beard that was penetrating a young Greek soldier, and on the left wing a young shepherd crouching between the legs of another soldier, giving him pleasure with his mouthÉ"

"The artist told me that this miniature has as a title 'Reward to two brave Theban soldiers'É" I explained to him.

Lawrence smiled and said, "Just think if they gave we guards of the king this kind of reward instead of our payÉ"

"No, not insteadÉ besides the payÉ wouldn't it be even better?" I asked him with a cunning smile then asked him, "Which of these two rewards would you accept more willingly, if it were so?"

He looked at me and asked, "And you, William?"

"Both of them, without any hesitation. But unluckily I am not a Theban soldier."

"You could deserve your reward all the sameÉ if not for another reason, for the gift you just gave meÉ" Lawrence said in a provoking tone.

I then took him in my arms and kissed him. He returned my kiss with passion and leaned against me. I let him and went to lock the door of my room with the key, then went back to him. As he started to take off his elegant bolero, Lawrence smiled to me. While he was then untying his "pigeon legs" trousers, I noticed that his trouser-flap was already swollen in a promising way. I quickly freed myself of all my clothes.

He was standing in front of me, naked; his penis, of a beautiful size, was proudly pointing up towards his navel, differently from mine that was jutting out straight towards him. I drew nearer and put my hand on his rod, testing its agreeable consistency. Lawrence smiled at me and pushed his pelvis against my hand brushing his virile member in it. He then kneeled in front of me, looked up at me from below and smiled at me again.

"Be ready to earn the first part of your rewardÉ my brave hero!" he said in a jokingly solemn tone.

He took my rod and let it slip entirely into his mouth, until his nose was pushed against the hair of my groin, then lightly tossed his head and made the walls of his throat palpitate around the hot tip of my pole. I caressed his hair to express my appreciation to him. He started to move his head back and forth, and once in a while he threw me a glance up from below and I smiled at him encouragingly.

He then stood up, kissed me on the mouth again, turned his back to me, leaning a knee on the table he had in front of him, and jutted his sweet ivory bottom towards me.

"Come on, take your pleasure. Make me yours, WilliamÉ Make me feel all your manly strengthÉ"

I took him with real pleasure, penetrating him with a set of measured pushes, and started to beat inside him, putting my hands on his chest and pulling his body against mine, while teasing his small, clear nipples. He turned his head back until our mouths could meet and I sank my entire tongue inside, so that it was almost as if I was taking him at once at both his ends. Lawrence moaned softly, seized by pleasure.

But after some time I slipped out of him and made him turn to face me, "But now it is my turn to enjoy your virility, LawrenceÉ" I said crouching in front of him.

I forced his beautiful pole down to keep it horizontal and started to work it with my lips and tongue, until I let it slip into my mouth and sucked it greedily. Lawrence had closed his eyes and was licking his lips, while with both hands he was teasing his nipples. He then slightly withdrew from me, gently pushed on my shoulders making me fall on the carpet on my back, went down on me making me fold in two, pushing my legs against my chest, and mounted me with a vehemence I didn't suspect he could have.

He rode me for a long time, with a virile vigour, and his pole, which aimed upwards, massaged the walls of my hot channel in a really pleasurable way.

Going on to beat inside me, with a strong, mutual pleasure, he was asking me with a low and warm voice, "Do you like it, William? Tell me, do you like it? Is this reward fair for your value?"

I then took him again, making him go on all fours, then he took me making me lean on the sofa, and we alternated, taking each other in turns in the most different positions, until both of us were no longer able to control our pleasure and first he unloaded inside me, and soon after it was my turn to flood his hot depths.

We then sat together on the little sofa, our legs intertwined, and we embraced, kissed and caressed each other, this time with tenderness.

"William, you are one of the hottest and most exciting men I ever met. It is really good doing it with youÉ" he said.

"I too enjoyed very much yourÉ reward. I hope you will reward me so again, and often."

"I hoped you would ask meÉ" he said caressing my chest.

"To say that I am one of the bestÉ have you already had many men, Lawrence?"

"I really can't complain. My first man was eleven years agoÉ he was one of my uncle's gamekeepers, a really beautiful young Welshman, who took my virginityÉ I caught him one day in his cabin, his breeches lowered, masturbating himselfÉ I looked at him fascinated, as it was the first penis of an adult man I had seen, moreover hard. When he became aware of my presence he hesitated slightly, but didn't get upset, gestured me to draw nearer andÉ let me share his secret game."

"And did he take your cherry?"

"No, not that day. He led me to that very gradually, making me desire to experience it, and finally one day he took my virginity in a very pleasurable way. Then he told me that he did it also with one of the stable-boys, so I too did it with that boyÉ and the stable-boy confided to me that my father's administrator, a young man who just graduated from Cambridge, often did it with him, so I passed also between the arms, and on the bed, of that handsome young manÉ And after him, many others cameÉ yes, many others indeed."

"And with the other guards of the King?" I asked him then, thinking of Steve.

"Oh no. You know that our king is a Roman Catholic, and that he is more a puritan than the puritans. I can't take any risks with my comrades in arms, even though I would do it more than willingly with a couple of themÉ I would meet a sad end if I were discoveredÉ"

On his request, I told him about my experiences. He was really struck by my story of the court of the Asante king and his pages harem, as well as about the law that forbade him to have womenÉ

"It is a pity that such laws don't exist also in our country!" he exclaimed.

So my relationship with Lawrence began. I knew that, besides me, he did it also with his page Mark, and with a far cousin who was my same age. But I was not jealous, as ours was only an "intimate" friendship, nothing more but nothing less.

Finally my sister married Stephen and went to live in his mansion. Amongst the guests at the marriage ceremonies there was Lawrence who, after the party, came as I hoped to my room and we had sex.

It was 1681. I went to look for Lawrence at his house. He didn't live with his family any more, but he rented a flat behind Charing Cross. I was really aroused and wanted to have sex with him, as it was some time since we had met. When I went upstairs to his flat and knocked at his door, his page Mark came to open it, a twenty-two year old Scottish boy who was rather handsome.

He told me that his master would be back later, so I told him I would wait for him. He made me have a seat in the lounge and asked me if I desired some drinks. While I was waiting for Lawrence, Mark excused himself and asked me leave to go back to his work, as he wanted all to be tidy before his master came back home. I told him not to worry about me. I heard him bustle about in the room near the lounge. Then I stood up and went to see - he was kneeling on the floor and was cleaning a carpet with a rough sorghum brush.

Seeing him in that position and finding him desirable was the same thing. Therefore in silence I knelt behind him, unseen, then took him in my arms and leaned on him, pushing my hard tool against his bottom. He threw out an exclamation and straightened up.

"What are you doing, milord!" he protested trying to escape from me.

"Come on, Mark, if you like doing it with your master, you can do it with me too. Don't you know that you are a very desirable boy?"

"What are you saying! Leave me alone!" the boy protested.

But I was by then gone and full of desire. I put a hand between his legs and felt he was fully aroused. Groping it with pleasure, I insisted,

"I know you like it, and I can feel itÉ Let me undress you, MarkÉ I want to have sex with youÉ You will see that you will like it at least as much as with LawrenceÉ didn't he tell you how good I am in bed?" I whispered in his ear.

I was stronger than him, and started to undress him. Mark was wriggling in my arms, but in vain.

"Let me go! Let me go!" the boy was continuing to protest.

I managed to pull down his breeches and saw with pleasure that under them he was wearing nothing. I caressed his little naked bottom, feeling increasingly excited, while I was keeping him with my other arm so that he could not escape me. I then opened my breeches and pulled it out. I pointed my tool between his firm little buttocks and pushed. And finally I started to slip inside him.

At that point Mark became still and let me do it. I penetrated him to the root of my rod and then started to vigorously beat inside him. The boy, who was not on all his fours, his breeches lowered to mid thigh, was there still and silent. I was extremely excited from the short struggle I had had with Mark and from his sudden surrender. I soon unloaded inside him with a set of powerful jets, and with a low and hoarse moan of joy and victory.

When I was able to resume my self-control I slipped out of him, stood up and tidied my breeches. Mark also stood up, tidied himself tying back his trousers and turned towards me. His eyes were shining with fury.

With a low and hard voice he said, "Now go away! Never show up again in this home. And don't dare ever again to touch me or my master, or I will make you bitterly sorry."

I looked at him astounded, "Come on, don't tell me you didn't enjoy it! I know you do it often with Lawrence."

"I hate you, milord. Not only you took advantage of me, but you also killed all my illusions. I hate you!" he exclaimed with such force that commanded respect and fear.

"MarkÉ I know that you are like me and Lawrence. My friend described to me several time what you two do in his bed!"

The hate that was burning in his eyes became terrible, "Out of here, milord, or I won't answer any more for my actions. At the cost of going to the gallows, you and my master will follow my fate!"

Rather shaken, I left Lawrence's house. I asked myself if I had better to wait for him in the street or go back home. After a short hesitation, I decided it was better I went back home.

Two days later my father called me into his study. He had a dark face, and he was closing his fists and relaxing them on the top of the table, like when one is trying to hold back his rage.

"Sit down, sir!" he brusquely ordered.

The fact that for the first time in my life he called me "sir" and not with my name, made me understand that there was big trouble in sight.

"Tomorrow you will gather your things, and your servants, and by next Sunday you will move to CardiffÉ and you will never again set foot here in London! I will have our Cardiff estate recorded in your name, and this is all you will get from me, also after my death. I in fact have decided to disinherit you."

"I don'tÉ I don't understand, sir my fatherÉ" I stammered, confused, asking myself what had happened.

"You don't understand, eh? You don't understand! Oh yes, you don't understand." he said looking me up and down with fire in his eyes. "The name of one Mark, the page of sir Lawrence doesn't tell you anything? And what you did to him? You don't understand? Are you going on not to understand?"

I could say nothing; I lowered my head and kept silent. At that point I could only obey and accept the exile that my father decided to order for me. Anyway before leaving London I managed to meet Lawrence. My friend was furious with me.

"Are you aware of what you did, William? Are you aware? Mark believed he was my lover, my only boyfriend! And youÉ you not only raped him, but told him everythingÉ I wouldn't have expected such foolhardiness from you!"

"The fault is also yours, Lawrence! If you had told me what was really your relationship with that boy, I would never have even dreamt of touching himÉ and even less to tell him about us, about youÉ"

"And for your fault, I now have to go and live with my mother's brother, who is a bishop in Scotland! Can you imagine it? Knowing why my father has sent me up there, to him, he will watch me like a hawk, he will never leave his eyes from meÉ And I also lost Mark! Thank heaven my father persuaded Mark not to report us, paying him a big sum of money. Are you aware? You areÉ you areÉ you really are unforgivable, William!"

Yes, I was awareÉ for the weakness of a moment, for a stupid passing desire, I put at risk my life and that of LawrenceÉ What could I say? I could only accept the punishment that my father decided to inflict on me and thank my good luck that Mark decided not to report me to the authorities but only to Lawrence's fatherÉ and that Lawrence's father paid him to keep silent. And I could do nothing but suffer the right rage of Lawrence towards me.

My father had been more than clear - I should never again set foot in London and neither in the surrounding area. I was free to travel as I pleased, but only within the boundaries that my father fixed for me, accurate and over-meticulous as he was.

He in fact took a map, dipped the goose feather in the red ink and with a firm hand traced on it a line that starting from Bude, passed through Exmouth, then Burnemouth, Swindon, Wirchester, Llaringdon and ended in Carmarthen - almost a perfect circle. He gave it to me.

"Here," he said looking at me with burning eyes, "just dare to go out of this territory, William, and I in person will report to the authorities your abominable practices!"

I knew he was not joking at all, I knew him even too well. So I left for Cardiff, taking as always with me Sean, his wife and the little Lukas, who was now five years old and was a delightful ragamuffin to which I was becoming increasingly affectionate. My new residence in Cardiff had been built more than a century before, was wide and beautiful, although not like the London Mansion, and was surrounded by a nice garden and a park, which were somewhat neglected but that with some care would resume their ancient splendour. All summed up, it was a gilded exile.

I had with me the money I had accumulated thanks to the slave trade that Charles was continuing to do. Moreover my father gave me an income for life that was not very high but anyway good. Therefore, as soon as I settled there with the help of Sean, who I appointed as my house-steward and his wife as the governess, I hired all the needed staff, the minimum to decently care for the house and the estate.

When I was well installed in Cardiff, I wrote both to Charles and Aldous informing them about my new residence. To the latter, as he anyway perfectly knew my inclinations about sex, I also told in detail the last events that led me to that kind of "exile" decreed by our father.

Aldous answered me. After having harshly scolded me, writing that life still hadn't taught me anything, and having reminded me that if I weren't more careful I would sooner or later also lose my life, he mitigated the tone of his letter a little, wishing me to find a boy like Francis, to love and to be loved by, who would be able to help me sort myself out. He then wrote me also about other subjects, both happily really pleasant for me.

The first one was that he met FrancisÉ my beloved FrancisÉ He did look for my brother to ask him for help. Francis had a new lover and he feared that something disagreeable like already happened to him with me, could fall on him. He therefore asked Aldous, as he knew he was well informed about our story, to help him to flee away, without a trace, together with his new lover.

Aldous had them disguised as sailors, had them board one of his ships sailing towards the English territories in the south where he found for them a job at a merchant's that was one of his correspondents. He wrote to me also that the new lover of Francis was a young soldier of the garrison, a Scotsman whose name was Rueben Mc Angus, a boy that gave him the impression he was an honest and good boy; as the two boys resembled each other a little, Aldous had also given them fake papers which said that they were brothersÉ

I wished my Francis could finally be happy with his Rueben as we could not be happy together.

The other good news was that, as I was now living in Cardiff, he proposed that I become his associate in business. Aldous could send me cotton bales he bought in the colonies, so that I could spin and weave them in the several workshops of Cardiff then send him back the fabrics. In this way, after we paid the price of purchase, transportation and manufacture, with the market value, we could get a good profit margin.

I accepted at once, thinking that all summed up it was convenient for me to invest the money I had, making it multiply and so earn more money. And I thought that instead of relying on the various workshops, I could find a storehouse, install there the spinning wheels and the looms, and hire the workers to carry out personally the fabrication of the clothes, so granting uniformity to the products. I therefore started at once to look for a suitable building, and later on also the needed equipment for that work.

I found a wide storehouse for sale close to the port, I singled out the craftsmen able to make for me the spinning wheels and others to make my looms. I then started to look downtown and in the surrounding country for women who were already able to spin or to weave, and girls ready to learn the trade.

When the first bales of cotton that Aldous sent me were downloaded from the ships, the storehouse was already equipped with some machines and a certain number of women and girls were ready to start the work and the production.

The ship that had brought me the cotton bales that Aldous had sent me belonged to my brother. When I went on board, I talked for a while with the captain, who knew my brother very well, and who besides giving me a new letter from Aldous, told me several things about my brother and his business. So, talking with the captain, I came to know that it had been him who transported the two "brothers" Francis and Rueben Mc Angus to the Belize port, where they landed.

The good captain, who didn't suspect at all that the two "brothers" were really lovers, told me, "I never saw two brothers so affectionate with each other. All the sail long they were always together, not only sharing the cabin, but also on deck. And the older one had a protective air towards the younger one that was really moving. I would like that also amongst my children there could be such an affection and understanding like between the Mc Angus brothers, Lord MoriessonÉ"


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 12

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