The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Sep 8, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky Š 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 13 - How I met a writer, and then a friend of my fisherman

In 1683 Lewis got married and I went to the church for the ceremony. I had given him as a present a new suit of clothes and two small golden wedding rings. He was radiant and also all his family came to thank me.

Lewis continued to supply me fish three times per week, in the early mornings, and he also came two or three times each month to the hutÉ But even though he came willingly to meet me, it was not the same as before. Possibly absurdly, I was feeling somewhat jealous of his wife.

That year I met Seymour Calhoun, a twenty-seven year old writer who came to Cardiff, as the bishop wanted him to help him to write his autobiography. The first time I saw him was when he was just coming out of the bishop's residence, carrying a voluminous bundle of scribbling pads under his arm.

He was just in front of me. All of a sudden he stumbled and, in order not to fall, he spread his arms and all his papers fell down, spreading over the street. He at once bowed down to gather them. A light breeze risked taking the sheets away, therefore I too went to pick up as much as I could and also to run after some sheets before they flew away.

While we both were busying ourselves, he threw me a couple of glances and uttered two or three fast 'thank you's.

When all the papers were picked up, the young man thanked me again, looked at the pile of sheets I was giving him and exclaimed, "Woe is me! What can I do now? These sheets are not even numberedÉ"

"Are you a notary?" I asked him, curious.

"No, sir, I am a writer." he answered, possibly amazed by my question.

"If they are your writings, you will not have a big difficulty in putting them in order again." I then said to him.

"Unhappily not. These are the writings of His Excellency that I must re-write in an elegant EnglishÉ His autobiographyÉ Notes he accumulated in the course of yearsÉ"

"WellÉ confronting the writing style, the ink and the kind of paper, then the contentÉ It will surely be a long and boring job, but not impossible." I then said to him, trying to relieve his saddened air.

"In that hole called a room that I can afford to rent at the inn, sir? I can barely manage to change my clothes in thereÉ"

I looked at him - he had a pleasant air, and his dejected expression made me feel a liking towards him at once. I thought that in my factory I still had an area not yet used for the machinery - there would be enough room there for that task. Putting on the floor the empty sacks of the cotton bales, he could spread the sheets on themÉ and possibly, in some moments I could also give him a handÉ So I first introduced myself, than made him my offer.

"You are really kind, Lord MoriessonÉ I feel tempted to really take advantage of your kind offer, if it doesn't give you too much annoyance. Allow me to introduce myself, anyway - my name is Seymour Calhoun, from York, and as I told you, I am a writerÉ"

"Out of curiosity, how does someone become a writer?"

"WritingÉ and finding a publisherÉ but this doesn't yet make of me a famous writer. Therefore I earn good money re-writing biographies or essays for people who don't have enough time, or skill, or fancy to do it, more than writing what my fantasy suggests me.

"Did you study, to become a writer?"

"YesÉ I did classic and literature studies at Eton, sir. And already while studying, I started to write. The alternative for me, who don't have a wealthy family to support me, would be to become the preceptor of some scion of a noble or rich familyÉ but I am afraid I am not gifted for teaching and I like much more to write."

"Well, mister Calhoun, would you like to come and see my factory and check if it accommodates your needs? The only problem is that there is much noise, as mainly the looms are rather noisy. But possibly for just a few daysÉ"

He came to see and decided to accept my offer. So we spread the sacks on the dirty floor and started to divide the sheets, first of all according to the kind of paper, then the colour of the ink, then the style of the calligraphy, and finally seeing how each sheet ended and another started, trying to put them in a logical order.

It really was a long and boring work. Moreover, because of the loud noise of the looms, we could not even talk so much between us. But I, sincerely, besides helping him, was continually but stealthily looking at him and was feeling increasingly infatuated with him.

When all the sheets were finally again in the right order, I invited him to take them where I kept my papers and to number them, to avoid having to restart all that work in case of another accident. I watched him as he sat at my table with a pen and an inkpot, writing numbers on themÉ Contrary to the fashion of those days, he had rather short hair. His clothes, although not cut in an old fashion, were made with dark colours and almost severe lines, this also contrary to the ongoing fashion, especially for a man as young as he was.

His lips were straight but with the corners oddly folded upwards, which gave him the air of an urchin and giving the impression that an everlasting smile fluttered on his face. His nose was strong and straight but proportioned with the rest of his face. His eyes were of a green-blue colour such as I seldom noticed in other people, and they matched well with his strong eyebrows, the colour of ripe wheat like his hair, which was parted in the centre of his head.

I was looking at him asking myself how I could find out if I could have some hope with him, when Seymour raised his eyes from the papers, saw I was looking at him and smiled at me. He put down the pen, opened and closed his hand several times as if to stretch it, and leaned against the back of the chair.

"Lord MoriessonÉ to what do I owe such a kind interest towards me?" he asked me in a soft and kind tone.

His question wrong-footed me - I didn't expect anything so direct. Not from a person evidently so cultivated and polite as he was.

"Possibly the curiosity of getting to know a writerÉ" I said in an attempt to justify myself.

"Yes, it is possibly as you sayÉ You haven't ceased to study me a single moment, starting from when you so kindly helped me gather and put in order all these papersÉ"

"If you have noticed it, it means that you too haven't ceased to look at me a single momentÉ" I retorted, finding back some self-assurance.

"You are right. And the more I observe you, the more I think I would like very much having the pleasure of getting to know you moreÉ if you too, as I presume, are interested in getting to know me betterÉ"

"You are really perspicaciousÉ And would you also be able to tell me how much better I would like to get to know you?" I then asked him in a provocative tone.

He smiled, "I dare say in a rather intimate wayÉ Am I wrong?"

"Not at all, Seymour, not at all. But you?"

"As deeply as you, it is certain. In a short time I will be done with this tiresome task. Would you then mind accompanying me to the inn where I lodge?"

"No problem at all, I would be rather pleased." I answered him with an understanding smile.

So I accompanied him. We went upstairs to his room - it was really tiny, but with pleasure I saw that the bed was wide. Seymour put the bundle of papers on his small table, then turned towards me. I took him in my arms, and he kissed me on the mouth with a real passion.

"Do you know, lord Moriesson, that it is months now that I haven't enjoyed such a moment of intimacy?"

"Call me William, pray. I guess, therefore, that you are feeling ratherÉ impatient."

"Impatient, yes. ButÉ I wouldn't burn in a moment the luck of having met you."

"We can take our time. I too prefer to do things with calm. A good and strong fire can be made to burn for a long time, if it is well-fed, don't you agree?"

"YesÉ I like this disposition of yours. We will feed itÉ and we will finally warm ourselves at this fire."

We undressed each other, stopping only from time to time to kiss each other. Then he finally pushed me onto his bed and came to lie on top of me, and started to brush his body against mine in an erotic and passionate way. We aroused each other in that way for a long time, but still without touching each other between our legs. Seymour slipped to my side, made me turn onto my side and with a few skilled moves, pushed all of his strong and hard rod inside me. Keeping me in his arms against his body, he started to move inside me, back and forth, with virile energy, meanwhile caressing my chest and my belly.

After he took his pleasure inside me, he made me lie on my back and, leaning on me, gave me pleasure with his mouth in a really amazing way. He drank all the fruit of his toil in great gulps, until he sipped the last droplet of it. He then again laid on top of me and caressed and kissed me for a long time. It had been a long time since anyone took the initiative so determinedly, and this novelty pleased me.

"It got rather lateÉ don't you feel hungry, William?" he asked me at a certain point.

"A little. At home my supper has to be ready. Do you eat here at the inn?"

"Yes, it is cheap and the innkeeper's wife cooks rather well. Tell me, can we meet again soon?"

"With pleasure. But tell me, who taught you to make love in such a pleasurable way?"

"Everybody and nobodyÉ Experience, I think. In Eton almost all the students devote themselves often and willingly to these practicesÉ it is an ancient tradition, do you know? My first time happened in fact when I was admitted to Eton. One of the elder students introduced me to this kind of pleasure."

"Did you ever go with a woman, Seymour?"

"Just once, and just to try it. But I found it quite disappointing. In my opinion, do you see, a man knows what can please another man and he knows how to do itÉ women are very limited in this field. But I have now a question I would like to ask you, if you allow meÉ"

"Yes, tell me."

"A man as handsome, wealthy, gentle as you areÉ you certainly have a lover."

"Unhappily I don't. Do you see, the only one with whom I really fell in loveÉ we were separated. And with the others, most of the times there was no love, or it was just on one side - if I was in love with him, he wasn't, and if the other was in love with me, I wasn'tÉ So I resigned myself to just have adventuresÉ often beautiful and agreeable like with you, but not lasting. And you?"

"I have not yet been in love, but I hope one day to beÉ and that he too is in love with me. I like above all men older than me, like you, for instance. You instead prefer men younger than you, am I right?"

"Yes, that is basically so. But I believe that the day when I will really be in love, age would not have any importance, be him younger or older than me."

Seymour stayed in Cardiff for four months and along that period we met about a couple of times each week. He carried out his work for the bishop then moved to London, where another high prelate wanted his services to revise some texts he wrote. So we said farewell.

Seymour had left Cardiff for a dozen days, more or less, when I found Lewis waiting for me in the evening on the street, at the closing time of my factory. Even though the young man was continuing to supply fish to my kitchen, it had been a couple of months since I had seen him, and I was pleased to meet him again.

After the greetings, I asked him news of his family, and he told me that his wife was already waiting for their first child and he was clearly happy with that. He then told me why he was there waiting for me.

"Do you see, sir, I know very well that what I am about to ask you might seem to you rather oddÉ but I am sure of your understanding, knowing how good-hearted and generous you areÉ"

"Tell me LewisÉ Do you possibly need something?"

"No, sir, not IÉ Before explaining the problem to youÉ it can possibly be good I tell youÉ if you have some time to devote to me."

"Yes, I have some time. Can we walk towards my house?"

"Willingly, sirÉ and if you likeÉ you can also take me there at the hutÉ"

"Do you desire to go there, Lewis?" I asked him, amused.

"With the sir so close to meÉ the desire arousesÉ" he answered. He then resumed, "I was telling you, sirÉ Near me lives a really poor family - a widowed mother with six children, the older one being just eighteen, who is a good friend of mine even though I am six years older than himÉ My friend's name is Robert Wendell. For two years Robert worked as stable-boy for a merchant that you surely know, that is master CaldwellÉ"

"Yes, the one who just moved to Bristol, if I am not wrong."

"Yes, he in person. And as he moved awayÉ Robert was left without a job and at home they have no more moneyÉ So I thoughtÉ I know that Robert likes doing it with older menÉ if you could hire him as your stable-boyÉ so that he can support his familyÉ and I am sure he would willingly come with you to the hut any time you would likeÉ and he would really come with pleasureÉ Do you think you can do that?"

"Lewis, to me, giving him a job as stable-boyÉ You know that I have in all only three horses and the man caring for my garden also takes care of the stable together with my coachman, who also does my errandsÉ Hiring another personÉ Moreover I don't want that this boy feels compelled to come in my bed onlyÉ out of a duty."

"Oh no, he would certainly not do it only as a duty, I can grant you. As I told you, I know he likes mature men very muchÉ About his jobÉ couldn't you instead hire him in your factory, to do the cleaning, heavy lifting, to run errandsÉ"

"Tell me something, LewisÉ are you having sex with him?"

"At times we doÉ yes. But it is not for that reason that I would like to help himÉ"

"Listen, as he is your good friend and you have him so much at heart, I will see what I can do for him. Tell him to show tomorrow morning at my factory, all right?"

"Thank you, milord! I knew I could count on you!"

Lewis came with me into the hut and we made love once more, and I regretted he could not live with me - I really liked that young man very much.

The following day, just after I opened the office of my factory, came a boy - he had big, dark eyes, the face still of an adolescent but with an already well developed body that his poor clothes barely covered. He had short black hair and had in his hands a rag that once was a hat, and that he was turning nervously.

"Forgive me, milord, my name is Robert Wendell, and my friendÉ" he started in a quite low voice.

"Ah, Robert. I was waiting for you. Have a seat."

"May I just stand up, milord?" the boy asked me, delightfully blushing.

"As you like. Lewis told me that you need a jobÉ"

"Yes, milord. Any kind of job, milordÉ anything I am able to doÉ or that somebody teaches me to doÉ" he said in an imploring tone.

"Listen, as I told Lewis, unfortunately I don't need a stable-boy. But it could possibly be useful to have a boy here to keep everything clean, to help me to move the cotton bales, to load the fabric rolls, to run some errands for me any time I need themÉ"

"Yes, milord, I can try to do thatÉ and if you are happy with my work, you can pay me, if not, you can send me awayÉ"

I took him with me and led him to the storehouse, giving him a first task. He worked hard all day long and in the evening he was tired but didn't complain at all. When closing time came, I gave him his pay, which he abundantly deserved, and told him to come again the morning after.

He looked at me with grateful eyes and thanked me, I don't know how many times. As I had noticed that the boy's body was more or less the same size as my cook Angel, when I was back home I called him.

"Angel, I would like you to give me some of your clothes, the oldest ones, and tomorrow you will go to order new ones at our usual tailor's shop. Here is the money."

The boy ran away happy, and soon was back with a suit of his clothes carefully folded in his hands. I put it in my purse. The next day I took it with me to my factory. Robert was already out on the door with the workers. I had Robert come into the room I used as an office, shut the door, and gave him Angel's clothes. Despite that they were old, were absolutely better than the poor rags that he was wearing, and I told him to change his clothes, as I gave them to him.

Robert almost caressed those used clothes, widened his eyes and thanked me. He then quickly undressed, there in front of me, and I saw that he really had a beautiful body, and already well developed genitals, in spite of his kid's face. He then put on the clothes I had given him which, as I thought, were of the right size for him. He already seemed like another boy!

I then sent him to work, giving him new tasks. Like the day before, he carefully did everything, without stopping a single moment. When I asked him to do something he didn't know how to do, he asked me if I could explain to him what I wanted, then did it with real care. Again that evening at closing time, I paid him and told him to come again the day after, and that if he was going to continue working so well, I would certainly keep him to work for me. He pocketed the coins and remained there standing in front of me.

"Yes, Robert? What is it?" I asked him.

"Don't you want me to stay here, after you close the doors, milord?" he asked me.

I guessed why he asked me that question. Seeing him completely naked that morning when he changed his clothes, I had thought that I would have liked doing something with him, but at the same time I didn't want him to feel compelled because I told him I intended to keep him to work for me.

"Stay here? What for?" I then asked him.

"ForÉ becauseÉ Lewis told meÉ he said that youÉ that possibly IÉ" he stammered and blushed to the tips of his ears.

"Don't be afraid, Robert. You can talk clearly with me." I then said to him.

"Lewis told me that possibly you would like to fuck my arse!" he then said in one breath looking at the floor and blushing again.

"Yes, Robert, I could possibly like thatÉ But I don't want you to feel compelled. You can work for me, if you carry out your duty well, withoutÉ without needing to be fucked in your arse, to use your words."

"Yes, Lewis told me so. I know that it has nothing to do with my job. But if you likeÉ I would do it more than willingly with you. Possibly Lewis told you thatÉ that I like adult menÉ mature men like you. AndÉ Lewis says that youÉ that you are good at it, and soÉ I hopedÉ" he said and blushed for the third time.

I stood up, went in front of him, took his chin with a hand and forced him to raise his face and look at me.

"RobertÉ this morning I saw you naked and noticed that besides a handsome face, you have a beautiful body, a body I like. And I would certainly like making love with you. But I want it to be absolutely clear that I will do it with you only if you too really want it. I absolutely don't want you to feel obliged, do you understand?"

Robert took between his hands the hand I had under his chin, moved it to his lips and lightly kissed it, then murmured, "MilordÉ I would really like very much doing it with you, if I suit you. I would really like it very muchÉ"

"Don't you have a man, now, my boy?"

"No, milord. I do it at times with Lewis, and even though he is still young I like him enough, but he has his wife and does it with me quite seldom. BeforeÉ I had a man before, but he is no more here in town, thusÉ"

"Was he your former master?" I asked him.

"No, oh no. He was a soldier of the garrison, a thirty year old man, but he was moved away, and soÉ"

"Well, Robert. Can you come with me to my home, now?"

"Yes, sureÉ if you just let me first go home to give my mother the coinsÉ I wouldn't want to lose them along the wayÉ"

"And you would also have to eat something, I guess. Well, let's do so - I go back home and have my supper. Later you come. Do you know where I live?"

"Yes, milord."

"Do you know where the service entrance is?"

"At the gate near the old tower, milord?"

"Yes. When you have had your supper, come to wait there for me. All right?"

"Yes, milord. Thank you, milordÉ I hope you will be glad with me, milordÉ" he said and ran away.

I closed the factory, went back home, ate my supper then went to the gate. Robert was already there, waiting for me.

"Did you have your meal, boy?"

"Yes, milord. I ate as fast as I could."

"Good. Come with me, then."

I took him to the hut. We undressed and I sat on the edge of the bed. Robert looked at me with wide eyes, up and down my whole body, lingering to look between my legs at my rod that was slowly rising up.

"Good lord, you really are a man, milord! I didn't think you were so beautiful" he whispered and saw that the boy was also getting a nice erection. He drew nearer to me and asked, "May I touch it, milord?"

"Of course." I said.

He came between my legs and started to caress it, to gently knead my testicles, staring at my rod. In the mean time I too was touching, caressing, fingering him. He then knelt on the carpet and started to kiss, lick it up and down, then on it's tip, with a real devotion. He seemed fascinated by my rod.

After some time I made him stand up again and bent over to gently bite a nipple, while I was gently kneading his genitals. He emitted a moan and trembled from the pleasure. All his body was still, arched forwards. After a while he parted from me, bent to my chest and did to me what I had just done to him.

He stopped for a moment and asked me, "Am I doing it well, milord? It is the first timeÉ"

"Yes, Robert. Don't worry, you are doing very well. I like you."

He smiled and resumed sucking and biting my nipples, while his hands, incredibly delicately, were kneading my genitals. He then went down again and started once more to give me pleasure with his mouth. I could feel how much he was enjoying doing it, and he was really skilled.

After some more time he stood up, looked in my eyes and in a low voice said, "I would like so muchÉ if you wantÉ that you fucked my arse, milordÉ"

"Willingly, Robert. Come and sit here on my lap, put your legs on the bed, at my sides."

I helped him, then keeping my rod well straight up, had him sit on it and made him go down, slowly impaling him. He emitted a long sigh of pleasure. When I was entirely inside him, I told him to embrace my neck and to girdle my waist with his legs. Then, holding him by his waist, I slowly stood up, keeping him well embedded on my rod. Robert widened his eyes with surprise, then smiled - all his weight was now supported by my rod, which was well wedged inside him.

"I can feel all of it inside me, milord! You are really strong!" he muttered.

"Do you like it?" I asked him, moving a few steps and turning towards the bed.

At each of my steps he hoisted himself on his arms and let himself go down on my rod, "O yes, I like it!" he murmured, excited.

I bent over so that his back laid on the bed and, pushing it deeply inside him, I got on the bed on my knees, making him shift forwards then, leaning on top of him, I started to beat inside him with vigour.

"It's too good, milordÉ you will make me die, soÉ it's too goodÉ" the boy panted tossing his head left and right, seized by a strong pleasure.

I was pounding inside him with increasing pleasure, when he started to spurt all his seed between our bellies, moaning aloud. The contractions of his small, hot and firm bottom at once triggered my enjoyment, and I abundantly came inside him.

We became still, panting deeply. Robert had closed his eyes and had a blessed expression on his face. Gradually our breaths calmed down, the beat of our hearts went back to normal. Then Robert let out a low and trembling sight, opened his eyes and gave me a shy smile.

"Are you happy with me, milord?"

"Yes, Robert, I am. And you with me?" I asked him.

"I couldn't be more! Lewis was right, milord, doing it with you is really something specialÉ Would you like doing it again with me?"

"Do you want it?"

"Oh, yes, milord! Any time you want! And I hope you want it oftenÉ possibly even every eveningÉ" he said.

I slipped out of him, made him comfortable and embraced him. He curled against me, almost purring like a kitten. I kissed him on the mouth. He returned my kiss with warmth and tenderness. Yes, I liked Robert very much. I felt grateful to Lewis for having me meet that tender boy so thirsty, possibly, more for tenderness than just for sex.

After that first evening Robert, unfailingly, at closing time went back home, ate, then ran to reach me and passed with me all the time we both desired, in a tender and intimate company.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 14

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