The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Sep 20, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky Š 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 16 - How I seduced a wrestler and gave lessons to a soldier

In 1689 the first Cardiff's Fair was held, on the initiative of the Guild of the Manufacturers and Merchants, of which I too was a member. It was decided to hold it in June and we all busied ourselves to spread the news, to encourage good participation and success.

And we reached our aim - stalls, booths and benches with various products, a troupe of itinerant actors, stalls with raw or cooked food, and people coming even from miles afar to come and see, and to spend their money.

I too toured it far and wide, stopped to taste the food specialities and various drinks, to look at the shows. There was all around a festive and quite agreeable atmosphere, and also the weather assisted us - the days were not too hot and it didn't rain even one day.

I was admiring a group of tumblers when a wrestling meet was announced - a wrestler challenged whoever in the audience to a match to be held in a square delimited on the ground by four pegs and four ropes, around which gathered all the audience - bets were accepted and the winner of each match would get a reward in ready cash. The winner would be he who made his opponent touch the ground with his shoulders and bottom, even just for a moment.

I was in the first row when the wrestler came out of the caravan; I looked at him with real admiration. He was a young man, not really big but with powerful muscles, wearing only short trousers and bare feet. His hair was cut short, two small dark nipples adorned his wide chest; he had a frowning but handsome faceÉ I thought I would have liked to have a wrestling match with himÉ but on a soft bed. I would have let my shoulders and bottom be put down, by a man as handsome as he wasÉ

The crier introduced him as the "famous" Albert of Dover, twenty-five years old. He could have been famous, but I think that none in the audience had ever heard his name. He went into the centre of the square, his legs slightly spread, and made his chest and arms muscles dart, looking around with a challenging expression.

The challenges and the bets started. Albert easily threw onto the ground the first three challengers, amongst which there was the big innkeeper of the Bronze Sickle and a blacksmith I knew by sight. Albert's advantage was that, even though he was less stout than his opponents, he was really nimble and was able to take advantage of the rash rushes and tackles of his opponents.

He had more difficulties with the fourth one, he seemed to be losing, but in the end he made him fall on the ground and was declared the winner. I, like some others, always bet on Albert and so collected a little sum. The people attending the fights shouted, supporting one or the other of the opponents on which he bet his money. But amongst the most hot-headed, with my amazement, were the women! Possibly, I thought, because they would have liked to be between the arms, but even more between the legs, of that handsome young man.

The fifth opponent defeated Albert, with a great disappointment of the audience, but then Albert won the three following matches. He was visibly tired and hot, therefore the crier announced that for that day the challenges were over. The people protested, grumbled, but then swarmed away, attracted by other interesting shows.

Albert went to sit on the stairs of his caravan and with a piece of cloth was wiping away from his body the dust and the sweat, slightly panting. I went near him and looked at him in silence, enjoying his beautiful features. After some time he raised his head and looked at me with a slightly interrogative glance.

"Albert, may I offer you a drink at the nearby public house? Thanks to you I won good money, therefore I would like to offer you a good drink."

"Thank you sir. Please wait just a moment, let me put on a shirt and sandalsÉ" he said.

He disappeared quickly inside the caravan and soon after came out more dressed. I thought it was a pity, as I enjoyed admiring his wide chest with well defined muscles. I led him to the public house, we sat and I ordered two jugs of good beer. While Albert was drinking, I observed his Adam's apple move up and down at each gulp, and thought that even that sight was erotic.

"Were you born in Dover, Albert?" I asked him.

He smiled, "No, I am called so, but in reality I was born in CanterburyÉ my father was one of the canons of the cathedral."

"Oh, and how comes it that the son of a canon devoted himself to wrestling, and tours from fair to fair?" I asked him, astounded and curious, "And why do they say you are from Dover?"

"They say I am from Dover because in reality my family name is De VereÉ Who wrote it down misspelled it and soÉ About the fact I earn a living wrestlingÉ there are two reasons. The first one is that as a child I was rather frail, and all my mates took advantage of it to overcome me and force me to undergo their abusesÉ so I decided I had to become strong to be respected, and devoted myself to heavy physical training. The second one is thatÉ because of another kind ofÉ weakness, my father the canon chased me out of home and ordered me to never again set foot in CanterburyÉ And so, to earn my bread, I accepted the offer of that man, who turns from fair to fair, and to become a wrestlerÉ"

"Your father chased you out of home? My father also did so with me. But I discovered that at the end of his life he had forgiven meÉ"

"I sincerely don't care about the forgiveness of my father. At this point I have my life, and I don't need him any more."

"I noticed you speak with a good propriety of language and eleganceÉ I presume that your father made you study."

"Yes," he said with a light sneer, "he wanted to make a priest of meÉ until to his great horror he discovered I was a pupil of Satan and not of GodÉ"

"Really!" I jested, "With such a beautiful face and such a pleasing body, a pupil of Satan?"

He looked at me with a light of irony in his eyes, "Don't you know that Satan assumed pleasing shapes to dupe the good Christians?"

"AndÉ what would Satan have taught to his pupil, to so scandalise that good canon that certainly was your father?"

"He taught meÉ to promise Heaven with my smile and my handsome aspectÉ to then give instead Hell."

"PromiseÉ how?" I asked him with a conspirator tone, lowering my voice and leaning towards him.

"Your grace would really desire to discover it?" he asked me with my same tone, looking straight at me with his beautiful dark eyes where an ironical little smile was flickering.

"I am tempted to." I answered him.

"Tempted. Do you see that Satan is already using his seduction to tempt you?"

"No, he is using your seductionÉ And I think I know with which tool you bestow the punishment of Hell."

"Why do you use the singular? With which tools, you should rather sayÉ"

"ToolsÉ would it annoy you describing themÉ and possibly also showing them to meÉ and possibly also using them on me?"

"Your grace is a daring, bold man! And a man who likes to face danger. The first tool is a sword ready to pierce; the second is a cavern where to make you get lost; the third one is a well promising water of life, but where hides a snake ready to dartÉ"

"Who tells you that I don't have a soft and warm sheath where you can put your sword, a bold and daring friend with whom explore your cavern, and a slippery snake who just wants to dance with your snake?"

He nodded, smiled amusedly then said, "Are you challenging me to a wrestle, sir? Don't you know that I am the champion?"

"Yes, I know. But the wrestle to which I want to challenge you will have two winners and two vanquished men at once. Do you accept, then, my challenge?"

"With real pleasure. I like people bold and daring as you are, sir."

"Then come with me." I said and stood up.

I lead him to Breckenfield Hall, we crossed the park and entered into the hut, in the back room.

Pointing him to the bed, I said, "Here is the ring where we will have our fight."

"Yes, as I guessed." he said and in a flash undressed himself. "This fight is to be done wearing nothing. Undress yourself too!"

We were soon lying on the bed, our limbs tightly intertwined, both full of desire and passion. What I liked about Albert, besides his magnificent body and his face suffused with manly beauty, was his ardent and yet not violent way he made love. He was virile but never aggressive, he was determined, but he didn't try to overcome meÉ

He was able to kiss really well, and he also knew how to please a rod with real art. After some time we were devoted each other in such a way, Albert made me go onto my knees and lean forward, came on top of me, and keeping my back well pressed against his chest, penetrated me and started to hammer into me with vigour, but calibrating his pushes at the right point, so that it was a real pleasure feeling him dance inside me.

"You are enjoying it, sir, aren't you?"

"I am enjoying it very muchÉ And this is not Hell, this is Heaven, my word!"

"Try to convince my reverend fatherÉ" he giggled continuing to pound inside me.

"For me it's enough that you are convinced, Albert."

"Your grace is a gourmetÉ you are able to appreciate what a male can do to another maleÉ"

"And you, Albert? Are you too a gourmet?"

"I think I amÉ If you are able to go on supplying me with your choice dishesÉ"

He was beating inside me in a strong and regular rhythm, without missing a beat, and moving so to enhance my pleasure. He then made me turn my face back and kissed me again in my mouth with the same vigour with which he was taking me. He was really skilled!

He then parted from me, "I don't want to come yetÉ now it is your turn to show me what you are able to doÉ afterwards I will restartÉ" he said with eyes full of lust.

I willingly obliged. Made him get off the bed, made him lean his chest on the mattress and, standing at his back, penetrated him vigorously.

"Yes, soÉ very good!" Albert said with a merry voice.

I started in my turn to pound inside him, and he pushed back with all his body at each of my lunges, pressing with more energy against my groin. I slipped my hands under his chest and teased his hard nipples.

"AhÉ goodÉ you are really good at itÉ soÉ soÉ" the young man spurred me with a low voice.

We alternated several times, until we both decided it was time to reach the deserved orgasm.

Before dressing back, sitting on the bed with our legs crossed, we embraced and kissed again.

"Your grace is really a man of a great value!" he said.

"Don't you think any more that I am too daring?" I ironically asked him.

"No, not too much. You are daring as much as it is fair to be. And above all, you don't fear SatanÉ"

"And even less one of his pupils. But in my opinion, you are not at all a pupil of Satan. But you are the son of Eros, the god of love."

"YesÉ he made me a twin with Hercules!" he jested, while he was putting on his clothes.

"And also with AdonisÉ the gods are able to do such things!"

Before the fair was over, we met two more times, with mutual strong pleasure.

That same year I also had an adventure with a young soldier of the castle, whose name was Anthony. He too was twenty-five years old. I was coming back from Llandaff, whose bishop summoned me to ask me if I could weave for him some rolls of a very fine fabric of white cotton. I was riding along the river Taff, when I saw a young man who was bathing, totally naked, in the river.

Feeling attracted by his slender and pleasant shape, I left the road and went amongst the bushes. When I reached the riverbank, I understood he was a soldier, as I saw his clothes folded on a low stone. I then thought to play a joke on him. I carefully hid his clothes, his weapons, and sat, waiting, on the stone. A little afterwards Anthony turned towards the bank and saw me. He moved a little towards me, until the water was covering him only up to his waist, and looked at me.

He then yelled, "Sir! Where are my clothes?"

"What clothes are you talking about? Here there are no clothes at all!"

"Oh my god, they weren't stolen, I hope!" he said alarmed, then added, "And nowÉ what can I do?"

"You can't remain in the water forever. Come out." I invited him.

"I cannotÉ I am naked." the young soldier complained.

"Come on, I too am a man, I think I know how you are between your legs. What are you ashamed about? Ah, I understand, you fear that your tool is too small and you cut a bad figure!" I said pulling his leg.

"No, sir, I don't think it's too small or too big, butÉ"

"So then come out!"

He seemed to hesitate but then slowly came out of the water. He was right, his penis was of the right size, and he was beautiful there too. He saw where I was looking and covered his genitals with both hands. He then looked at me slightly frowning.

"You are taking me for a ride, sir. Where are my clothes?"

"I hid them," I admitted, "and I am certain you will not able to find them."

"Why are you playing this trick on me?"

"Because I wanted to see you naked."

"WellÉ you have seen me, now. Would you please give them back to me?"

"No, not yet. Move your hands away from there."

He looked at me, hesitant then let his arms dangle at his sides, so uncovering himself and letting me look at ease.

"Would you kindly give them back to me, now?"

"But you, what will you give me in exchange?"

"In exchange? I have nothing, what could I give you?" he asked me widening his eyes.

"You are shamelessly lying to me. It is not true that you have nothing. You have a beautiful body with which I would like to take my pleasure."

He widened, if possible, his eyes even more, "Sir? You meanÉ But I never did itÉ never with a man, I meanÉ"

"And with a woman?"

"Only two timesÉ"

"It is not so different with a man. Come here, soldier."

"To do what?" he asked me, without moving.

"So that I can teach you how to do it also with a man, soldier. Come on, come here and let me lead you. I'm feeling the soul of a teacher, todayÉ" I said him, jokingly.

"You wantÉ fuck me in the arse, sir?" he asked me in a low voice.

"Yes, but later. I want to make you discover how much pleasure you can have with a man, and to enjoy your young and beautiful body. Come here, soldier, come on!"

He moved a few steps and stopped in front of me. I took him at his sides, still wet, and made him come more toward me, until he was standing between my legs. As I was seated, his beautiful soft virile member was right in front of my face. Holding him at his waist, I started to work his penis with my lips and tongue, until it started to harden and to rise more and more. I then took it in my mouth and skilfully sucked it.

"Oh my god! What are you doing?" he moaned, but without trying to escape me.

I parted for a moment and looked at him, "Don't you like it? Yes, you doÉ don't you? First lesson - how a man can give you pleasure better than a woman!" and I dived again to give him head.

Soon all his body was trembling like a cane under the wind, he had closed his eyes and was moaning in a low voice, seized by a growing pleasure. He then jolted and while I was pulling him to me, with my hands on his small nervous buttocks, he unloaded into my mouth. When I parted from it, he looked at me with scared eyes.

"Oh my god, sir, forgive meÉ I didn't wantÉ I didn't thinkÉ forgive me, sirÉ"

I smiled him, "Second lesson - how the liqueur of a man is the most agreeable of all the liqueurs. And how it is pleasurable quenching one's thirst at the spring of a beautiful male."

"Do you meanÉ that you liked it? That you are happy to haveÉ" he asked, looking at me, unbelieving.

"I certainly did, soldier, or else I would not have drank it with such a pleasure. And nowÉ" I said opening my breeches and standing up, then pulled out my rod already nicely erect and hard, "third lesson - how you can give pleasure to a man, to return the pleasure that he just gave youÉ"

I gently pushed him to kneel on the grass in front of me. The handsome soldier didn't oppose, shyly took my virile member in his hands, looked upwards towards me for a moment, then started to test it with his lips and his tongue. I then took his head between my hands and started to fuck him in the mouth with gusto.

"Fourth lesson - how a man can fuck another man in the various holes that nature makes available to himÉ" I said continuing to take my pleasure in his warm mouth.

All of a sudden I started to shoot into his mouth. He coughed, tried to move away, but I kept a light pressure on his head and he became still and went on to gulp down all my jets. When I was finished I made him stand up, I saw that he had tears in his eyes.

"Has it been so unpleasant, soldier?"

"NoÉ no, no, sirÉ it's just thatÉ I was not prepared andÉ But you are right, the taste is rather goodÉ I really didn't think soÉ"

I knew it - usually either from the first time one likes it and wants more of it, or he is not able to get used to its taste. Evidently the soldier belonged to the first kind of people.

"Good, soldier, what lesson is the next?" I asked him jokingly.

"The fifth, sir." he answered seriously, and I had to control myself not to burst into laughter. "There are many other lessons, sir?"

"Yes, fifth lesson - how two men can kiss each other with at least as much pleasure as a man with a womanÉ" I said and embracing him tightly against me, I kissed him for a long time, at moments gently, at moments vigorously, playing with his tongue or pushing mine all inside his mouth.

When we parted, he let out a long sigh, "Wow! What a kiss, sir" I really didn't know that it was possible to kiss in such a wayÉ that it was so goodÉ"

Very well, I said to myself, I was opening new horizons for him.

"Sixth lesson -the nipples of a man are also sensitive, at least as much as those of a womanÉ" I said and bent down to suck and tease, to lick and gently bite his nipples, until the boy was again fully aroused.

"Seventh and last lesson, at least for today - how a young man can give pleasure to another man by letting him fuck his arse!" I said making him turn.

He meekly let me do it. I made him bend forward and put his hands on his knees, bent down to lick his virgin hole and to prepare him, moistening it abundantly and starting to make him relax, at first pushing a finger into his hole, then two, then three, but taking my time to rim his hole with my tongue, so that he was gradually ready for the coming penetration. When I heard him moan aloud and felt with my hand that his rod was again hard and pulsating, I straightened up, went onto him and with a measured energy, started to open my way inside him.

He whined but didn't try to escape me. "Be a man, soldier, let me enter you and you will see that I will give you more pleasure than you can imagineÉ" I said, continuing to push.

"Yes, sir, all right, sirÉ" he panted.

Finally, overcoming his initial, instinctive resistance, I slipped entirely inside him. Then, seizing him again at his waist, I started to fuck him with a real gusto. After a short time the handsome soldier was moaning his pleasure again. Undoubtedly that boy was a natural, he had found his way. He might possibly go on liking women, but he surely would also look for other men, from that day on.

I took him for a long time, as I just came a little before, and it took me some time to build up another orgasm. But finally I filled him with my seed, moaning together with him for the pleasure.

When I parted from him, I made him turn again and kissed him on the mouth for a good while.

I then asked him, "So, then, soldier, how were the lessons that I have just taught you?"

"Very good, sirÉ Thank you. But nowÉ would you please tell me where my clothes are?"

"Before that, tell me your name, and how old you are."

"My name is Anthony, sir, and I am twenty-five years old."

"AndÉ will you come and get more lessons from me?"

"Where, at Breckenfield Hall or hereÉ milord?"

"Ah, you then know who I am."

"Yes, milord, everybody knows you, downtown."

"Would you come to Breckenfield Hall some time, to do a good rehearsal and possibly also learn new things?"

"If you want, milordÉ"

In reality Anthony came only a couple of times, as I decided to do a journey of three months to France, to see some of the interesting things that Richard had told me about.

Anyway, each time that Antony came to my bed in the hut, he was much more self-assured and participated with a clear pleasure. He confided to me also two facts - the first was that he still liked doing it with girls, but that he now liked men also, and at least as much.

The second fact was that, amongst his comrade soldiers, he found a mate like him, so that when they couldn't find a girl available to take their pleasure with them, they just did it with each other, doing all I had taught him. He also told me that he tried to penetrate his mate, and that he enjoyed it enough, but that he liked much better being penetrated.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 17

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