The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 11, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky © 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 5 - How I persuaded the king to let me go, with all the honours

I was determined. So, when king Anyoke summoned me to his sleeping hut, as soon as I entered and gave him the ritual greeting, I asked him leave to talk to him. As there wasn't the okyeame, and as that was anyway a private occasion, we would have spoken directly, without the ritual intermediary.

He looked at me knitting his forehead slightly but answered with a low voice, "Conceded."

I drew a deep breath and said, hoping that my knowledge of Twi reached a sufficient level after almost two years of permanence at his court, "Nana Noyoke, the griots sing your praises in the festivals, they sing them all over your kingdom, but they say things that don't correspond to truth. They in fact sing that you are a fair, impartial, honest, upright king, the protector of your people, but you didn't show towards me neither fairness, nor impartiality, neither honesty nor uprightness and even less protectionÉ"

The king got off his sleeping mat and came in front of me - his powerful body towered over me and his eyes were throwing lightning, "How do you dare say such words to your Nana?" he asked with a thundering voice. His beautiful naked body was shuddering, seized by a strong indignation.

I didn't lose heart, notwithstanding his aspect and his expression overawed me, and went on, "You had me kidnapped and you keep me here like a slave. I am the son of an aristocrat and of an English Peer (in reality, using the local terms, I said, "the son of an odinkro of the Anglia tribe" that is of a village chief and councillor of the Nana). You took me as a slave, but you didn't win me in war and neither bought me from a slaves' merchant - you stole me. This is not worthy of a Nanam this makes of you a thief!" I said to him vehemently. I was about going on, "I ask youÉ"

But the king hit me in my face with a powerful backhand that made me fall on the floor, legs up.

I slowly stood up, looking straight in his eye and overcoming my impulse to caress my aching cheek that was starting to burn, "Does the truth offend you, Nana Anyoke?" I asked him with a low but calm voice.

He seized me and bodily dragged me to his sleeping mat. With a few efficient and skilled moves, easily overcoming my resistance, he was on me, raised my legs pushing them against my chest and his rod, that since I was in his presence was already erect and hard, violently sank inside me, with just one stroke. I barely managed to hold back a moan of pain - I understood he wanted to hurt me, to punish me, and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream.

The king was looking at me with burning eyes. He started to fuck me vigorously, wildly, as if to assert that I belonged to him, that he could do to me anything he liked. I could feel his power, and not only physical, in me, on me, around me. It was pervading me. And after all, like all the other times, he fascinated me.

His mace of firm flesh was pounding in me like on a signal drum, the kind the Asante use to send messages from one Village to another at incredible distances. And that message said, "You are my thing, my thing, mine!"

"You are mine, Yaw," in fact the king said using my Asante name, "you are my page and are here only to serve me and to give me pleasure. And I take it, using you as I best like." he roared going on hammering inside me with unchanged vigour, but with less rage. "You are my white page, the gem of my harem. You should feel honoured, flattered. You are the receptacle of my seed, of the seed of the NanaÉ And I know you like it. What have you to complain about?"

Yes, sure, I liked that beautiful and strong man; or rather he fascinated me. How many times just the fact of being taken by him set off my orgasm without even touching my genitals! But I wanted back my freedom. I was determined, at the cost of losing my life.

"You, NanaÉ" I started to say, but his strong hand leaned on my mouth preventing me to go on talking.

He went on fucking me long, fast and strong going and coming inside my love channel, for a long time as usual. My body seemed to melt like wax under his body. Yes, I loved being taken by that man, in that way. And yet I was yearning for my freedom, for the life of the free man I was born and had been up to the day of my kidnapping. I could not stay there longer, a prisoner even though in a prison, for some aspects, delightful. Nothing can have more value than freedom for a man born free.

"My delightful morsel, my white page. Don't you know that you could become my preferred page? Your small arse is so warm and tight, so soft and firmÉ What happens to you, page? You should be proud to please your Nana. My virility makes you special, don't you understand it?" he was saying going on to take me with evident pleasure and growing transport.

His hands were strongly blocking my wrists at the sides of my head and he was looking at me with a passion that was not human - was it animal or divine passion? I couldn't tell, possibly both of them together.

His sensual lips were folded into a shadow of a pleased smile. It is a pity that the Asante don't know the kiss - those lips would certainly have made me die from the pleasure. I had difficulties in convincing Kodwo to try the intoxication of kissing, even though he was now an enthusiastic adept at it.

King Anyoke was beautiful, I couldn't deny it, he was divinely beautiful. His body had perfect proportions and, mainly when he made love, but not only, it oozed sensuality. He was highly sexy. If I met him, got to know him as a free man, I could even have given myself to himÉ But I could not accept having been taken against my will.

I was thinking to that, when I felt him accelerate his rhythm, I felt all his muscles tense and finally, throwing out the roar of a lion seizing his prey, he unloaded inside me filling me with his seed. And I too came, as usual, without touching myself, between our bellies covered by a light veil of sweat.

As usual, he passed his fingers through my seed and brought them to his lips, voluptuously licking them, "You have a taste different from that of all the others. I like your taste. I like everything about you. I will never renounce to youÉ" he said.

Without pulling away from me, but leaving my legs stretched around his waist, he laid on top of me. For some time we were silent, resuming our natural breathing.

He then said, "I should have you killed for what you said, or else I should kill you now, with my handsÉ ButÉ No, you aren't my slave, you are my page." he said in a self-assured and convinced tone.

"No. The others are your pages, they came here of their free will, sent by their villages. Not I." I answered him, as much self-assured and convinced.

"Of course, as they know it is a great honour being part of my harem."

"But I have been stolen from my people. There isn't war between the Asante and the tribe of the Angles. You had no right to have me kidnapped. You had me kidnapped in the night, like if you were just a vulgar goat thief!"

"But you live well here. And you like when you are on my mat to please me, as well as you amuse yourself in your hut with the other pages, and above all with the gentle KodwoÉ"

He knew about it, then, but I was not surprised. And I didn't worry he knew about it, as we pages were allowed to amuse ourselves with each otherÉ

"I like it, yes. And I like you very much, Nana. Even if it weren't my words, it would be my body to tell you so. But the rain falls on the leopard's fur and doesn't wash away his spots. And the leopard doesn't need to proclaim his 'leopardity'. The pleasure cannot wash away my desire for freedom, and a free man cannot be but a free manÉ"

"You know well our ancient proverbs, Yaw, as I see, but you use them in a quite peculiar wayÉ"

"Your pages, all the others, when they go back to their villages will get respect and honour. But above all they came here on their free will. Not I. When you get tired of me, what will become of me? Should I go back to my people covered with shame? Or will you simply kill me?"

"Kill you? Why that, my delightful Yaw? I already forgave you, I've already forget you previous insolenceÉ"

"You should instead have me killed, because if I went back to my people and they got to know how you used me, I would be covered with shame foreverÉ My family would chase me away, even though what happened to me is not my faultÉ"

"I can't understand, the people of your tribe are rather strangeÉ Covered with shame? Chased away? But why?"

"If you were kidnapped and used for the sexual pleasure of a Nana of a stranger tribe, coming back among your people, back to your land, would you tell everybody about it with pride? To your soldiers, to your dignitaries? Answer me with sincerity, Nana Anyoke!"

He kept silent for some time, then with a sly smile in his beautiful eyes he said, "One more reason to keep you here with meÉ forever!" He then added, in a thoughtful tone, "Why should I let you go?"

My heart gave a jolt and I thought - is he possibly giving me a glimmer of hope? A possibility? Is he asking me to persuade him? I decided it was worth trying.

"Nana Anyoke, the other young men are happy, honoured, proud of being your pages, of being in your harem."

"Yes, of course they are."

"But not I. Neither happy nor proud, and not even honoured."

"Because I had you kidnappedÉ"

"Against my will."

"Also the other pages come here because their village chose them to send them to me. It's not them who chose to come."

"But they are your people, you are their Nana, they know the traditions, the laws and respect and love them. I too love and respect the laws and the traditions of my people. But I don't belong to your people, you well know it. You know it so well that you needed to have me kidnapped to have me, you didn't invite me. And it was not my people who chose me to send me to youÉ"

"I like youÉ" he interrupted me and passed his fingers through my hair in a gesture that was half way between affectionate and possessive.

I went on, imperturbable, to plead my cause, "Your pages, when you get tired of them and you send them back to their villages, will become rich and respected, honoured men, as they received inside them your sacred seed. The best of them can even become dignitaries at your court. They know it, their presence in your harem is a guarantee for their future. But I? I would only have lost a part of my life. And I can only hope that none of my people comes to know how you have used me for your sexual pleasure - I must carefully hide it to my people. And how can I justify my absence? It is too much time I have been missing, they surely think I am dead. And the longer I stay here, the more it will be difficult for me to justify my absence. It is now two years I have been your prisoner, or rather your slave."

He nodded, "But I don't want to lose you yet É" he said in a thoughtful tone.

He moved and his rod, powerful even now that was soft, slipped out of me. But he remained on top of me keeping me between his arms and legs, as to prevent me from moving away.

"But if you keep me here with you against my will and against the will of my tribe, I am your slave. I am not your page. I have already been a slave here for two years. Why?"

"No, you aren't a slave, you are my pageÉ"

"No, A slave. You had me kidnapped."

"I didn't have any other means to get you."

"But would you kidnap the son of an odikro of your tribe, or the son of a Nana of a friendly tribe?"

He kept silent, but slowly shook his head, looking seriously into my eyes. Was I possibly starting to open a way to his heart? His expression was inscrutable.

He then honestly admitted, "No, not even a powerful nana like me could do such a thing."

"But then, why me?"

"I could send gifts to an odikro or also to another Nana, and ask him to send his son to me as a page. But my men said to me that it was not possible doing so with your tribe. ThereforeÉ"

"Therefore you behaved like a goat thief!"

His look suddenly hardened and his muscles darted.

I then felt him relax, and his eyes seemed to have a merry glimmer, "Do you know that I can sentence you to death, or else kill you now with my hands, for your words?" he asked me for the second time, and his hands leaned lightly on my neck, girdling it but without squeezing it.

"Yes, I know." I answered.

"So, thenÉ why did you say them?"

"Because I AM a free man. You can keep my body prisoner, but not my spirit. And I talk like a free man."

"I could then cut out your tongueÉ" he said with an amused smile, like playing with me. Playing like a cat with a mouseÉ

"I could call you a thief no more, but you know I would go on thinking it. You are strong, you are powerful, everybody obeys you, and the other Nana of the Asante, of the Fanti and of the other tribes here around fear and respect you. I am in your hands. But I DON'T WANT to be. And this will never change. And even if you killed me, my spirit, be aware, will not go to the Samanade but will remain here and will haunt youÉ"

"If you go on saying that you are a slave, I could just have you sold at the market - with you I would earn a pile of goldÉ" he said looking again at me with his amused expression.

He then became serious again.

"No, I don't want to kill youÉ and neither cut out your tongueÉ" he said almost in a tired tone. Then went on, "You are right, Yaw, I behaved like a goat thief, towards you. But I am a powerful Nana of the Asante, the protected of the god Onyame. My men infiltrated among your people sang to me of your beauty, they told me that you are the most beautiful in the white tribe that conquered the coast. Hearing their descriptions, I became infatuated with you. And when I had you here, I became even more infatuated, in spite of your unrefined, rough behaviour. Rough but proud. Or possibly I should not say unrefined, but refined in a way that is different from ours. And now I am even more infatuated with you than at the beginningÉ

"A Nana is a divine king, but he is born as a man. And with you I feel completely a manÉ totally maleÉ and I love making you mineÉ And I love the sincere pleasure you show when you receive me inside you, even today when you were angry with meÉ I know that amongst my pages you are the stallion, so I like how your virility surrenders to mine. In spite that your body is sweeter and hotter than that of a female, your aspect, your heart and your spirit are male, totally male, and I love this. Also when I humiliated you, you withstood it with virility. Also when I take you, you receive me as a real man. Yaw, my Yaw, if you just wanted it, you could be my preferred one, you could become powerful in my courtÉ You could be second only to me, in the tribe of the Asante, or even amongst all the Akan peoples. And you would like to go away!"

He became silent, then slipped away from my body and stood up.

"You can go. Go back to your hut."

"I should tidy your body, NanaÉ"

"Send Kodwo here. He will do it."

"As you wish, Nana Anyoke." I said and greeting him in a formal way, I went out of his hut and back to the pages' huts.

I woke up Kodwo who welcomed me with a wide smile, "You are still alive!" he said hugging and kissing me.

"Why? Did you think he would kill me?"

"I feared itÉ How did it go?"

"I will tell you tomorrow. He is now waiting for you, go, hurry up." I said giving him another kiss and pushing him outside.

Yes, I didn't get my freedom, but I was still alive.

The day after Makola, the chief of the pages, gave me a new shell to add to my belt, and told me that at night the king would be waiting again for me in his hut. I was not in service, therefore I was free until evening.

I thought that my protest, far from having convinced him to give me back my freedom, made me even more desirable in his eyes. King Anyoke had the sense of power, of domination. He was a warrior king, or rather "the" warrior king. He was widening his dominions at the expenses of his neighbours, either with alliances that were in reality subjections, or with conquests. He liked the thought of dominating me. The more I opposed him, the more he wanted to dominate meÉ Did I get it all wrong?

That day passed like all the others. Kodwo was in the group at service in the king's residence, therefore we barely saw each other and could exchange just a few words. In the first afternoon Badu flirted a little with me, until he lured me into his hut and gave himself to me. Badu was the last comer and the youngest of the pages, a delightful boy, and he was able to give head as a real artist. I think he was half infatuated with me. The king had taken him just once, the same day he got to the court, but had fucked him without interruption from sunset to dawn in both his holesÉ

At sunset I prepared myself and showed the king's pass to the guards. I went into the hut where Anyoke slept. As usual he was naked, sitting on his sleeping mat.

After I ritually saluted him, he said, "Come here!"

I drew closer to him.

"Kneel between my legs, Yaw." he said spreading them.

Today he likes better starting with my mouth, I told myself. I didn't regret it at all.

"Tonight you will stay here with me until the sun rises. We will not sleep. You should give me the maximum pleasure. Busy yourself."

"At your orders, Nana Anyoke."

"You have to surpass yourself. It is a bit of adviceÉ" he added.

Not an order but advice. I trembled inside myself. The advice of a king is much more dangerous than his orderÉ I asked myself what he had in mind, and again thought of a cat playing with a mouse. Of course I was the mouse. This didn't make me happy at all.

"Start." he simply said while his rod was majestically starting to raise its head.

I, instead of taking care of it as he certainly was expecting from me, decided to take the challenge. In my own way. I liked incredibly that extremely male and so sensual man. I thought it would have been good having him as my lover. So I decided to treat him as such, not following his rules, but mine.

I therefore didn't bend between his legs, but leaned against him embracing him and started to play with my tongue on his ear. He had a short surprised jolt, but at once quivered. I went down on his powerful neck, then to his wide and strong chest and lingered to make love with his dark and firm nipple. It became at once hard and his rod darted vigorously between our bodies. He was surprised, but he was enjoying it. I told myself that before dawn I would even convert him to the deep kiss on the mouth! He wanted to make of me what he wanted, but I would also make him do what I wanted.

I licked, gently bit his nipples alternately until he, shuddering and emitting low moans of pleasure, let himself slowly glide down lying on his back. I went down with him, without giving him respite. I licked his sensitive sides, then moved to his navel and played for a good while on it as I was aware he was more than sensitive there too. The king was shuddering with an increasing intensity and it was evident that he was enjoying this novelty very much. Now my chest was pressing against his flesh sceptre - I wiggled my chest gently, brushing it on his rod, while with my hands I gently passed over his sides with a long and sensual caress. To hell with the rules that the chief of the pages taught me to please the king. He presumed to know what he likedÉ Hah!

Anyoke moaned again.

I went down more and, instead of passing my lips and tongue over the beautiful ebony shuddering rod, now totally hard, I swerved to the fold of his groin so that my cheek brushed against the rod. I went down more along his inner thigh. He jolted again. I licked his powerful flesh columns, down along one of his legs, then up along the other one, very slowly. He spread his legs more to give me more room. I finally reached the heavy sack of his testicles, which skin was now tense and shrivelled up. I licked, lapped, sucked it and he let out a loud pleasure moan. The sack relaxed. I took one of his orbs between my lips, making it slip inside my mouth and gently kneading it with my tongue. He lowered his hands to caress my hair, almost to communicate his pleasure to me for that unexpected novelty. I skilfully worked both his orbs and finally started to take care of his shuddering rod, while my hands were exploring his body and my mind recorded which were his most erogenous spots.

I licked and gently bit all along his rod and became aware that the lower part of it and the glans crown, like for many men, was the most sensitive part. I knew his rod rather well, so I felt on safe ground. I knew it was not easy to bring him to a fast orgasm, and this suited me. I also knew that he was able to have even four or five orgasms during one night. I decided I had to give him even more of them, until I emptied him of all his strength, until I brought him to beg me to stopÉ but exactly at dawn, as he told me.

I swallowed his entire rod until I felt it reach my throat - I knew how much he liked it and I was proud being able to do it, avoiding gagging. The instinctive contractions of my throat excited him. In the mean time my tongue was tossing against the lower part of his rod, and my teeth very gently squeezed its root.

"Ooohhh, Yaaawww!" he moaned caressing the nape of my neck.

Very slowly I let his rod slip out of my mouth and resumed licking and sucking him all over his body, until I was again on his nipples. I bit one almost to the point of pain, while I was teasing the other one. Then I very lightly brushed my tongue on it, while I was strongly brushing the other one between the tips of my thumb and forefinger. I gave him alternatively very light and quite strong sensations, until his body was all a tremor. I had him in my power, even though just for one night! His breath had never been so troubled, fast, not even while he was fucking me with all his impetuosity. When I leaned my cheek on his chest, I heard his heart madly beat, and my hand felt that his rod was swollen and hard as never before!

I was building up his orgasm little by little and I was amazed at my skill in taking him with me to a world that he didn't yet know. I told myself that possibly he would never let me go awayÉ but at that point I decided I had to follow my instinct, so I went on.

He was now emitting a low but continuous moan - it had never happened before, at least not with me. He was tossing his head left and right. His hands were clawing my hair almost hurting me, but I let him do it. I wanted him to lose his head. I wanted to dominate him, to enjoy himÉ He didn't want to give me back my freedom? I would have made of him my sexual slave. The royal fucks of his boys harem, where his pages had to only give him head and let him fuck their arses, will change with me. I knew it, I was certain about it. I would first make him discover the fascination of kissing. From there to make him desire to suck something different than a tongue, I knew, the step was short. And finally, possibly, I could even get toÉ to make him mine!

I don't know if I didn't possibly get mad, but I never felt so self-assured. Was it the force of despair? If I had to remain his thing, I would be his thing in my way! The Romans had conquered, subjugated the Greeks, and the Greeks had Hellenized Rome. I would "Williamize" Anyoke!

When for the umpteenth time I swallowed the strong rod into my throat, he arched his back and, unable to control himself any more, unloaded directly down my throat emitting a long passionate moan. I feared I would drownÉ

After a last jolt and a last jet, he all of a sudden relaxed, panting aloud. But I was determined to not give him any peace. Holding his rod strongly at its root so that it could not soften, I licked the dark, hypersensitive glans and soon the black king started again to moan, seized by a pleasure that, I guessed, should be so intense to become almost painful.

I then went astride his groin and made his powerful rod penetrate me. I rode him with a weird feeling of euphoria. Anyoke pushed upwards each time I let myself go down, holding me at my waist with his strong hands.

"Oh, Yaw, you really know how to give pleasure to a man!" he said, his eyes lit with lust.

I squeezed his nipples and he moaned. And he went wild.

He slowly sat up, girdling my waist with his strong arms, and started to get up. I guessed what he intended to do, and I girdled his powerful neck with my arms and his waist with my legs. Now all my weights was keeping me well pressed against his flesh sceptre well embedded inside me. He leaned his shoulders against the wooden pillar, his legs a little spread, and started to move up and down my body almost as if he were masturbating using, to do it, my bottom. He was beautiful, strong, and wild. Feeling that he was supporting me with enough strength, I squeezed my legs more around his waist, let go his neck and resumed teasing his nipples. He moaned aloud.

He then went back to his sleeping mat, kneeled on it and leaned forward until my back was lying on it. Then he resumed fucking me with an enthusiasm. And with the roar of a lion, he unloaded inside me for the second time. But I didn't want to give him any rest - he said until the sun rose, and I intended to give him what he asked of me, and more.

I was feeling strong, powerful. I could feel that I was bending him to my pleasure, although deceiving him I was only working for his pleasure.

"Lie on your back and raise your legs, Nana Anyoke. I want to rim your anus." I said.

"Why?" he asked astounded, knitting his forehead.

The Asante didn't know the pleasure that a good rimming can give. I intended to make him discover it, then I would take my pleasure of himÉ and to the hell with the consequences. He could possibly kill me for that. I didn't care. If I had to remain his slave, I wanted my pleasure. Or else I preferred to die.

Did I become crazy? Possibly yes.

With my surprise, he did as I asked him. I licked and rimmed him until I felt he was literally ablaze - he liked it terribly. When I felt he had lost all his self-control, I went over him and with a sharp stroke, I penetrated him - all down to the end with just one push. The abundant saliva I had deposited on his hole had prepared the way and my penis, of average size, didn't meet any obstacle.

His eyes crushed me with a glare, for a moment he stiffened, but then I felt he was relaxing again, "Yaw, I will make you repent for having daredÉ" he said, but didn't move.

So I started to fuck him, being well careful to push my rod inside him to make it massage his magic pleasure spot. Soon the king was moaning, enraptured.

As I had decided, I made him do all I wanted, I made him also discover the pleasure of the deep kiss in the mouth, what we call a French kiss, and that the French call an Italian kiss.

I don't know how many orgasms we reachedÉ Dawn caught us still embraced in an umpteenth coupling.

When he saw the day light seep inside the hut, he raised me out of his body and deposited me at his side. He knelt near me and looked at me. I was totally worn out, and panting.

He put his hands around my neck, "A slave cannot put it in the arse of a free man, and even less of his king, don't you know? And neither a boy in that of an adult man, do you know?" he said and his eyes were dark like two pits.

"Yes, I know."

"So, then, why you did it?"

"Because I am a free man!" I answered, still deeply panting.

He burst into a Homeric laughter, he laughed to tears, then said, "When you are dead, you are no more a free man."

"To the contrary, I would be freer than before, in fact nobody could give me any more orders!"

He laughed again loud and long and his fingers on my neck caressed me, instead of strangling me.

He then said, "You have been incredible. I never enjoyed sex so much in all my life. I didn't know you had these hidden talents. Why did you never show them to me, before now?"

"I was told that my duty was only to give you head and to take your pole into my arse, and I obeyed."

"And why not last night?"

"You advised me to do my best to please youÉ and I did it. MoreoverÉ I don't fear death."

"A real warrior. What a pity. Now it will be more difficult than ever, butÉ Today, if you want, you can go back to your tribe."

I didn't believe to my ears, "You meanÉ that I am free?"

"Yes. Even though I am sorry I can't enjoy such wild nights any more!"

"You can have them with Kodwo - I taught him all these thingsÉ"

"Ah. Good." he just said.

I cleaned his body. He wanted to personally add to my belt a new shell and also the third gold grain.

"I will have you escorted back to your tribe."

"But, Nana AnyokeÉ what will I say to my people? I explained to you that I cannot tell them the truthÉ"

"I thought about that. You will tell them that I kept you, against your will, as myÉ my councillorÉ And that you finally convinced me to let you go, not to irritate your people. AndÉ and I also thought about your compensation. You will take this belt with you. I know that your tribe buys slaves from people of my tribe. At the auctions you will offer what you want to spend to get the slaves. But when you pay, you will show this belt to my men and so you will pay them only half of the agreed price. You will become richÉ And if by chance you decide to come again to this land, you will always be the welcome, especially if you will share my sleeping mat."

"I can really go?"

"Yes, Yaw. The Nana-hene has but one word. I will give you back your clothes and also a precious mantle. My men will escort you until you will be safe amongst your people. I will give you an escort worth a great chief, so that your people will see how much you are honouredÉ And also this box full of gold powder."

So, after I said goodbye to the other pages, accompanied by a really imposing escort, I set off on my long journey back to Accra.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 6

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