The Secrets of Technology

By Hank

Published on Oct 17, 2023



The Secrets of Technology


Matthew Maplewood was conceived because of successful artificial insemination. He was raised by two mothers. Of course, his natural mother, Margery Maplewood was always in his life, but his other mother seemed to turn over approximately every two years. When he was a young adult and about to leave the nest, Margery seemed to settle down. Her latest partner was with her for several years, and a few days after New Year's Day, a couple of years ago, Marge and Lynn got married.

Out of curiosity, Marge paid for a DNA test for Matt. They were both curious as to his ethnic background, and possible health hazards. Matt was eighteen when the test was done, just a few days before his senior prom. The results were a major surprise. He learned that he was mostly Scotch, and 1% Viking. He crowed about that. But the major surprise, I should say shock, came in the listing of near relatives. He was informed that he had a half-sister, Susan Burns, who lived in Buffalo, New York. He lived in Amherst, a suburb of Buffalo, but would be attending The State University at Buffalo. He was faced with an enigma. Should he try to contact her or let sleeping dogs lie?

His best friend's father was a doctor, and Matt was aware that med students often donated sperm. He called Dr. Ferber, and asked him if he had been a sperm donor in med school.

"Yes, most of my class was," he told Matt. "I contributed six times, the maximum allowed by law at the time."

"If one of those six kids contacted you," Matt asked, "would you respond?"

"Hell no! Absolutely not! My contribution was made before all this damned technology. The records were guaranteed sealed and private. I'd prefer not to meet them. I don't think it would be fair to either of us. I also think that it's unethical, and a crime, to reveal those secrets."

Dr. Ferber was so adamant in admitting that he would ignore his natural child, that Matt was only more confused. He started to rationalize. It wasn't his father that he was trying to reach; it was his sister. She could be the legitimate daughter of his donor, or she too, could have resulted from insemination. Who wouldn't want to find a long-lost sibling? He made up his mind to find Susan, no matter what the consequences. If she was living with her father, and he was Matt's donor, then so be it.

He started his search, grateful for Google. He found several Susan Burns in Buffalo. He was able to really narrow it down. All but one was aged from their mid-forties to their mid-seventies. One Susan was six months older than he. She lived with a Betty, James, and Kyle Burns. That would make the most sense. He was able to find her address, and phone number (for an extra fee).

Still, he hesitated. It took him several weeks to work up his courage, but at last he called. It was now several weeks into his first semester at the university.


A sweet-sounding woman answered. "Hello," she cooed.

"Is Susan home?" Matt asked. He was always cocksure of himself, but suddenly, he was trembling.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but Susan goes to UB, and lives on campus," the woman said. "I won't give you her number, but if you give me your name and number, I'll ask her if she wants to call you back.

Matt suddenly weakened. "It's alright," he said. "It's not important."

He thought that he and Susan must really think alike. They both lived near enough to the university to live at home, and commute, but they chose to live in the dorms.

Five minutes after he hung up, he wanted to kick himself in the ass, but then a light went off in his brain. Susan is a fellow student, he thought. I bet I could locate her through the registrar. Now all he had to do was work up his courage again.

Early the next morning, before his first class, he went to the registrar's office.

"I borrowed a book from a student named Susan Burns," he told the clerk, "but I neglected to get her dorm number or telephone. I need to return the book. I'm sure she needs it. Can you help me?"

"Just a sec," the clerk said. She turned to her computer, punched in some information, and wrote something on a piece of paper.

"She handed the note to Matt. "Here you go," she said with a very happy smile, "Susan lives in Clement Hall, room 208. She chose to keep her phone number private."

Shit, Matt sighed. She lives two doors down from me. He made up his mind not to call her or intrude. He wanted to devise a way to meet her accidently, and see what kind of girl she was before confronting her. Matt was gay (his secret). He didn't relate well to girls, so creating an accidental meeting was going to be a challenge.

At the end of the dormitory floor there was a small lounge. It was used by the students as a place to visit with guests. Matt discovered that if he took a certain chair in the room, he could see a short distance down the hall. Better than that, he could view Susan's door without being obvious.

After dinner that evening, he took a couple of books to the lounge. It appeared that he was going to study there, but instead he kept his eye on Susan's door. When she came out, or went in, he intended on leaving the lounge, accidentally bumping into her, and introducing himself. Even if it was Susan's roommate, it would ultimately be a way to meet her. He didn't expect to be successful the first day out, but about twenty minutes into his vigil, a young girls came out of the room. Matt saw such a strong resemblance to himself, that he knew immediately that she was his sister. More good luck, he recognized her. She was in his Econ. 101 class.

He intended on going out in the hallway, say hello, and introduce himself, but a young man came out of the room after her. He was about her age, maybe a little younger. There was no resemblance to Susan. Then miracle of miracles, the two of them headed to the lounge. Matt reckoned that the young man was Susan's guest, maybe her boyfriend.

They came into the lounge and settled on a love seat. They seemed to get lost in conversation. Matt approached them.

"Excuse me," he said. "You're Susan Burns, aren't you? You're in my Econ class and I live two doors down from you. My name's Matt Maplewood." He stuck out his hand and Susan shook it.

"Nice to meet you Matt," she mumbled. She looked at the young man. "This is my brother, Kyle," she informed Matt.

Matt and Kyle shook hands, and there was an instant electric shock. They were both gay, they knew it, and they were very attracted to each other.

Matt took the bull by the horns. "Are you twins?" he asked. "You look to be about the same age."

Matt was very candid with everyone he met regarding the fact that he was conceived through artificial insemination, but he didn't expect such candor from anyone else. Susan shocked him. She started to laugh.

My parents tried to get pregnant for several years without success. In frustration, they went to a sperm bank. They spent a lot of money on me." She laughed again. "As you've heard often enough, as soon as I was born, the pressure was off, and Kyle was conceived. I'm only eleven months older than he is."

"You're his half-sister then," Matt continued to probe.

"Not on your life," Kyle said indignantly. "We're brother and sister, without any adjectives."

"Sorry," Matt said, "of course you are."

"No need to apologize," Kyle said." I just wanted to give you a heads-up."

"Since you were conceived by AI, did you ever do a DNA test?" Matt asked Susan.

"Yes, three years ago. I should do it again. I hear that the technology is constantly improving. New relatives might have shown up since then."

"New relatives?" Matt asked. "Did you find any relatives on the first go around?"

"Just possible distant cousins. I didn't pursue the matter."

Matt wished she would do another test. She might discover him herself, and no awkward explanation would be necessary.

"Hey, have you guys had dinner yet?" Matt asked.

"No," they said in unison.

"May I join you in the dining hall?"

"You can join Susan," Kyle said. "I'm still a high school senior. I have no pass to use your cafeteria."

"Then, let me treat you both to dinner off campus," Matt said hopefully. Naturally, he wanted to get to know Susan and become her friend, but suddenly, he realized that he had the hots for Kyle, and he began to push friendship more urgently.

Kyle was just as smitten.

"I have a car," Matt said. "I'll drive. Since it's my treat, you guys pick the restaurant."

"I work part time as a waiter in this great Italian restaurant downtown," Kyle said. "It would be a treat for me to eat there as a patron." Kyle said. His grin was even more endearing to Matt, whose heart was now palpitating.

"Great," Matt said. "I want you guys to order anything on the menu, and don't look at the prices. My folks are very generous with my allowance. I hardly spend any of it, so I can treat you both royally."

"That's very kind of you," Kyle said.

"Yes, it is," Susan added.

The three of them had a great time at dinner. Kyle's coworkers wanted to know why he couldn't stay away from the restaurant on his day off. They were kidding him, of course. Matt fell in love with his sister, and he decided to reveal himself to her. He would knock on her door one evening soon, and let her know that he had something special to tell her.

While all that drama was going on, Matt and Kyle were flirting with each other without shame. In fact, Matt knew that a high school senior would most likely not have a card, so he took out one of his from his wallet, and slipped it to Kyle under the table.

After dinner, Kyle and Susan thanked him for a delicious dinner, and Matt drove Kyle home. Then he drove Susan back to their dorm. When they said goodnight, Susan gave Matt a kiss on the cheek. It was a very sisterly kiss, even though Susan suspected nothing. Matt was thrilled. His plan on how to meet his sister worked.


Susan grew up with Kyle, and she knew a gay man when she met one. She knew immediately that Matt was gay. The two of them did not become great friends, but they were cordial and often had a meal together in the school dining hall. Matt had an enigma. He could not find the right moment to tell Susan that she was his biological sister. Maybe he was afraid to.

Besides all that, Matt was more interested in befriending Kyle, her other half-brother. After all, he and Kyle were not related by blood in any way, shape, or form. Kyle called him the day after they had dinner together. They agreed to meet each other in downtown Buffalo, at a restaurant they were both familiar with. They made their date for the following Friday night.

On Thursday evening, Marge called Matt. "Lynn and I have been invited to spend this weekend with our friends from Toronto," she said. "They have a vacation home in Niagara-On-The Lake. They spend almost every weekend there. Long story short! We accepted, and we're leaving Friday afternoon. If you decide to come home for the weekend, be sure you have your key."

"That's fine, Mom. I keep my car key and my house key on the same chain. Don't worry about me. Just go have a good time."

The moment he hung up on his mother, Matt called Kyle. "I have my house to myself all weekend," he informed Kyle. "Would you like to come there after dinner?"

"I've got a better idea," Kyle gloated. "Let's pick up some McDonalds or Burger King, and have dinner at your house. We can save a lot of time and a good amount of money."

`You're on," Matt said. "I'll pick you up at five. Tell your folks that you're spending Friday night with friends and you're going to sleep over. That way they won't be worried about you."

"I will," Kyle said. "I can't wait."

Matt was ecstatic, and during this romantic night, he determined to tell Kyle that they shared a sister. He hoped that Kyle would be delighted and help him get up the courage to tell Susan.

They may have been young and not very experienced, but they made love that night at a very sophisticated level. That included rimming, golden showers, and trips around the world, which did not neglect ears, bellies, and toes. They were both the same size, about four inches flaccid and seven hard. Neither was cut. Matt was a tiny bit heftier. He also had more foreskin. Kyle's head came completely out when he got hard, but only about half of Matt's protruded.

Finally, when they took a break, they decided to eat their Burger King hamburgers, fries, and a soda. While they were eating, Matt got up his courage.

"I have something I need to tell you," he said.

He sounded so serious, that Kyle got frightened. "You're healthy, aren't you?" Kyle asked. He sounded desperate.

"Of course, I am. Let me talk, and you can ask questions afterward."

Kyle nodded, and Matt continued.

"You know that Susan and I were both created by artificial insemination."

Kyle nodded. He was afraid to talk.

"Long story short," Matt mumbled, "I did a DNA test and I learned that Susan is my half-sister also. Excuse me, she's my sister also. Can you find it in your heart to share her with me. I grew up an only child. Knowing that I have a sister is mind boggling for me. If it will disturb you, we'll keep it our secret."

Kyle just kept staring at Matt. He was speechless. He was silent so long that finally, Matt said, "Please say something."

At last, Kyle found his tongue. "Listen Doofus," he said. When I shook your hand in the dorm lounge, I knew that I was madly in love with you, and I had found my soul mate. Silently, I thanked my guardian angel for leading me to you at such a young age. I will not only happily share Susan with you, but I want to share my whole life with you."

The two young men stared blankly at each other for a short while. Then they both smiled, and fell into each other's arms. They kept kissing each other until they were both recovered from their earlier encounter. When they were both hard, they started to make love again.

When they were lying side by side, enjoying the sweetest of after glows, Kyle said, "I can't wait to tell Susan. It's going to be a blast."

"Why don't you call her, and tell her that you want to reciprocate Friday evening, and take me out to dinner, and you want her to come along, because you have feelings for me, and you want her opinion."

"That'll work better than you think," Kyle said. "Nothing gives Susan more pleasure than to offer her opinion, and give advice to her baby brother."

"Does she think of you as her baby brother?" Matt asked. "I'm her baby brother also, and we're both at least six inches taller than she is. Maybe we should ask her to drop the baby."

Kyle started to laugh, and couldn't stop. "She'll never do it," he said with authority.


On Friday night, Kyle took them to a restaurant other than where they had eaten last time. He didn't want to go back to the place where he worked. Susan might make a scene, and his co-workers need not be privy to it.

Matt decided to wait until dessert to tell Susan that they were brother and sister. As soon as dessert was ordered, Matt said, "Susan, I have something to tell you."

"We have something to tell you," Kyle interrupted. He emphasized the "we."

Matt continued, "Susan, you and I had the same sperm donor, the same biological father. I'm as much your brother as Kyle is."

Before Susan could react, Kyle added, "We're also going to be your brothers-in-law as well. I intend to marry Matt someday. I'm madly in love with him."

Susan was speechless a moment ago. Now she was dumbfounded. She grabbed Matt, and hugged him as tight as she could.

"When we met and shook hands," she said to Matt, "I felt something I couldn't explain. It was an affinity to you. I didn't want to let go of your hand. My subconscious must have sensed something. How did you find out?"

"Through DNA testing. Now that I'm in the system. I'll bet I'd turn up on your report if you decided to redo the test."

"I should do the test also," Kyle laughed. "I'd show up also on yours, Susan, and you'd turn up on mine, but more importantly, I might get some surprises too. Who knows what secrets technology will reveal to me?"

"Matt, honey," Susan said, "Right after dinner drive Kyle and me back to my parents' home. It's early enough and I want to tell them."

"They might be very upset," Matt hedged.

"No, they won't," Susan reassured Matt. "My mother always wanted a gazillion kids, but she couldn't have them. She's going to adopt you immediately. Then when she finds out that you and Kyle are a couple, she'll double adopt you."

Susan was correct. Mr. and Mrs. Burns were happy and excited at the news. The five family members celebrated far into the night.

Dr. Ferber was also correct. The information Matt received should not have been so easily handed out. The results could have been disastrous. Fortunately, in this case, the consequences were joyous.

Matt and Kyle ended up having two families. Of course, Susan was taken into Matt's family immediately, and she had two families also. Sometimes technology is not such a bad thing.

One day, years later, Matt was reflecting on his life, and the decisions he had made. He had agonized for weeks deciding if he should search for his sister, Susan. When he finally did, and he found her, he agonized more weeks if he should confront her and tell her who he was. He concluded that he had made the right decision. If he hadn't met Susan, he never would have met her other brother, his soul mate, Kyle.

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