The Serendipity Factor

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 28, 2016




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Doctor Hanover turned out to be no damned help at all! "Terrific! Wonderful! Marvelous!" He exclaimed when Donald Rievers broke the news to him. Doctor Hanover was only five foot ten, but he still towered several inches over Don. Everyone towered over Don, it was an inexorable fact of his life.

"Didn't you hear me?" Don asked the brainiac. "I saved that guy's life and now he wants to take me back to his village. We're supposed to be like blood brothers. For the rest of my freaking life!"

"Yes, yes, I heard. It's the best news I've heard in a long, long time! In any new culture, a major barrier is to be accepted by the indigenous peoples in a manner that will let us examine their inner workings...."

The laughs of the other members of the guard didn't help Don any, either! "Doc, you aren't listening!" Don pleaded. "I'm no scientist! I'm just a jarhead they sent out here to protect you guys! That's all I thought I was doing when I saved that guy!"

"You're a prime example of the serendipity factor, my dear boy!"

"Serependity?" Don asked inaccurately.

"Serendipity. When something comes along that is extra and unexpected but welcomed."

"I don't welcome it!" Don protested.

"But you should! Serendipity can be defined as when you're digging for worms to fish with, and you strike gold! Better than what you were looking for." Doctor Hanover pleaded.

Don just made a grimace.

"You can't blame him, Doc!" That was Warner, a fellow guardsman and real jerk! He continued inexorably. "It's bad enough Reivers can't even come up to my armpit! With those natives, he's only going to come up as high as their assholes!"

Don couldn't take it, he just snarled and walked off to the tune of the laughs of his supposed comrades. Bastards! How did he ever get himself into this one?

As new planets go, this one, Decimus XII, was a real bitch in the eyes of a simple grunt-soldier like Don. Jungle-like in some aspects, it was wide open in others, and this scattered ground-cover had let it evolve large creatures, including a flying predator called a Maltar that made the old pterodactyl look as harmless as a pigeon. When Don had seen one diving at a point near their campsite, he had taken aim and brought the beast down. It had fallen where it had been attacking and he had run over to see which scientist hadn't been watching the sky as carefully as he should have.

Underneath the now-dead Maltar lay one of the natives. He had been spying on the scientists from the brush, Don realized, and the Maltar had been after him. Don had levered the creature off of the native, who had opened his eyes and seen the face of his savior. After that, Don's entire world had gone straight to hell, more natives had arrived to his shouts and the scientists had frantically translated things to tell Don of the signal honor he was to receive. He was to be at the native village at sundown for a ritual that would "bond" him with the native he had saved from the Maltar for the rest of his life. Of course, he'd have to live there from now on, as well.

No good deed ever goes unpunished!

And so for the rest of the fall-out from that one selfless act. Don found himself elected by the scientists to be their eyes and ears among the natives. His superior officer had promptly detached him from the guard to assign him for "special duty" with the scientists. Now, Don was packing his bags to go live among the natives, a tribe that called themselves the "Iktee." About to become an honorary Iktee himself, if he understood the scientists. And Hell, he hadn't even learned their language!

Don shouldered his pack and looked himself over in a full-length mirror the scientists had brought along for some purpose or other. A typical jarhead is what he saw when he regarded himself. Four foot six inches tall (he'd barely qualified for entrance into the Space Guard on his height, not dwarfism, just a case of bad choice in parental gene combinations), broad muscles poking out of his black tanktop over a slim waist, a tattoo of his corps adorned his right shoulder, his sand-colored head hair was close-cropped to his head, making his blue eyes shine out even more in his square-jawed face. His dogtags were the sole decoration on his chest, his jungle-green trousers tucked regulation-wise into his boot-tops. He'd never had any problem nailing any woman he'd chosen while on leave and patronizing the bars near his base, provided they didn't laugh at his height from the get-go.

Well, that was all over with. They'd probably expect him to marry one of those Iktee women and spend the rest of his life with those primitives and their dirt-floored huts and crude meals and music that was more noise with rocks and logs than anything else. Shit! Maybe he could arrange an "accident" that would have him "die" in some way without a body about the time the expeditionary force boarded the ship for the long trip home.

Time for him to go to the Iktee village. The captain had delegated one of the linguists, a rather homely-looking red-haired woman named Isabel Sherman, to accompany him, and the two of them made the trek to the Iktee village.

A celebration was underway and Don did his best to look like he was enjoying it. In actual fact, he was buffeted about like a child at a parade, everyone bumping into him from all directions, save when he was their center of attention; fortunately, that was better than half the time. Doctor Sherman found a safe perch and was dictating furiously into her recorder strapped to one wrist, she translated when needed, the rest of the time, Don was stuck with gesturing what he wanted/meant.

The Iktee were, on the whole, a good-looking people, their articulation was close enough to human to make their dance graceful and entertaining. They averaged nine to ten feet in height, and Warner's crude comparison of Don's height to the Iktee was unfortunately nothing more than the bare truth, he came up to the joining of their legs to their bodies. They even had a hair-like patch on their heads, darker in tones and capable of limited movement, a form of vestigial tendrils of some sort. Their reddish-hued skin held a pattern of sorts, the faintest hint of scales in their quite-smooth skin; scientists thought the Iktee evolution had stayed closer to the lizards longer than Don's own mammalian heritage. Their muscles were also alien in conformation but muscles all the same in their shape and general purpose. Their eyes were larger and had pupils that were three-lobed rather than round. Their noses were smaller and flatter than human's, their mouths were toothless but their gums were tough enough to let them tear at meat and fibrous vegetables. They dressed much as any human aboriginal males and females would dress, with only their genital areas covered and that inadequately. Don had seen the tools these men possessed, it would take an Iktee female to be able to handle one, and even those probably groaned in pain at their penetration.

Finally, after a period of an hour or so of diverse and generic festivities, they put Don in a seat and his "friend" was seated next to him. Now they remained the center of attention and were given a bowl of some prepared mush. Don and his new "friend" (named M'Han'Ee, he learned, the first time he'd heard the native's name) were then expected to feed each other alternate mouthfuls of the mush. Don managed the feeding of M'Han'Ee, though he was forced to get up onto his knees on the chair's seat to do it. Don's own feeding, though, was more awkward, for he found the taste of the mush to be acrid and unpleasant, and M'Han'Ee's "hair" touched and stroked over his face with each mouthful. He manfully gagged it down but didn't relish the experience in any wise. As they fed each other, the entire tribe sang one of their cacophonous songs that seemed to only incidentally carry any melody to it.

There must have been some sort of alcohol or hemp-like substance in the mash they ate, for Don felt rather dizzy and a bit giddy after they finished the bowl. When some female natives came up and wanted to undress him and place the Iktee clothing on him, he didn't even fight them, though it stripped him naked to the assemblage in the process. When they put the cloth about his privates, the band on his right upper arm that bore the marks of this particular tribe (large blue and yellow diamonds across a green background), the entire tribe gave what was undoubtedly their version of a cheer. Don was now a part of their tribe! Dr. Sherman told him what his Iktee name was now "D'Han'Ee," which was a rather neat combination, she pointed out, of his own name and his bond-partner's.

Don was dragged into the center of their gathering and Dr. Sherman told him they were now to dance a ceremonial dance together! How? He asked her, and she gave a shrug like she didn't know and didn't care, so Don simply mimicked what M'Han'Ee was doing and that seemed to be what the tribe expected, though M'Han'Ee's motions often came close to colliding with Don; he missed impact by a hair's breadth each time, and the hairs of M'Han'Ee's head would slap over his face each time they came close, it seemed. He wasn't feeling much pain anyhow and the feeling was getting stronger and stronger. Whatever was in that mash was definitely something that Earth would want to learn about! Dr. Hanover's comment about the serendipity factor came back to him, if he could find out what this stuff was, he could market it Earthside for a fortune!

The dance ended, as far as Don was concerned, when M'Han'Ee caught hold of him and lifted him up bodily and carried him out of the circle. The circle filled with other dancers and Don's joining ceremony was officially over.

M'Han'Ee carried Don to one of the huts, his own, Don supposed. The lights of Decimus' major moon (bigger than Earth's own moon by a factor of two, due to its close orbit about the planet) shone in through several vents in the walls just under the roof. He was laid down on the bedding and M'Han'Ee crawled in over him in a position that Don didn't have a lot of doubts about. "Now, now just a minute here!" He said helplessly, because M'Han'Ee spoke as much Earth Basic as he spoke Iktee-Speak! "I didn't agree to anything like the...." The hairs on M'Han'Ee's head were brushing on his face, the same way they had when he'd been fed by M'Han'Ee and now he realized that they were the source of his exultation of before. Some sort of electrical current was feeding off of them and into Don's own body at each touch, like so many electrical eels. Was it static electricity or something from inside the tendrils. Whatever, his fledgling plans to learn the source and market it to Earthmen was now dead. Serendipity had missed him again!

But the touches were intoxicating. He wasn't getting groggy, rather, he was getting excited and aroused, his loincloth had fallen uselessly aside and exposed his erection to M'Han'Ee's body, for one leg was close enough to be kissed by Don's glans, the slit leaving a slimy reminder of the contact. M'Han'Ee must have felt this but his reaction to it was only, perhaps, a smile on that face, on which the edges of the mouth were moved upwards on either side.

And Don felt a broad tube of warmth suddenly surge up against his inner thigh. M'Han'Ee's pud. "Oh, God!" He breathed. "I can't take that thing, I can't...." And M'Han'Ee leaned in closer and now Don's face and scalp had the tendrils on his head running all through it. They must have found a conformation that worked all of a sudden, because Don was suddenly heavy in the throes of passion! Without even making any real contact, he was at a state of rut that he normally didn't reach until he was about two-thirds of a way through the fuck!

M'Han'Ee moved and Don's legs moved themselves and now they were wrapped around M'Han'Ee's slender (for him) waist, his ankles found a purchase in the small of M'Han'Ee's back and that huge dong was knocking on Don's nether doorway. "Oh, God!" He breathed, but he didn't otherwise resist. And his body didn't fight at all as that huge prong-tip began to worm its way into his body.

There was much less pain than he expected, about what he'd gotten when the docs at his physical had insisted on a prostate examination on him. Unpleasant but not much more than that. And those pleasure pulsations were still coursing through his body.

Now the tip was well inside him and the shaft of M'Han'Ee's prick was now working its way into his innards. Don had wondered how even an Iktee female could take this huge a shaft, and now he knew. The body will find a way...when it wants to. And thanks to the electrical stimulations of M'Han'Ee's "hair," Don's body wanted it.

M'Han'Ee whispered into Don's ear. "And now I am inside of you. Does it please you?"

"Yes, oh, oh, God, yes!" Don breathed.

"I will now slowly begin moving in you," M'Han'Ee warned him. "I shall be gentle as I can, but you may feel some pain. Tell me when it does, so I may adjust myself."

"All right." Don said. Then, "Hey, I understand you!" M'Han'Ee had spoken in the Iktee tongue...but Don had understood him!

"Of course." M'Han'Ee agreed. "We have bonded, and our thoughts are becoming one. As you learn of me, I learn of you."

"So I'm learning your language?"

"And I am learning yours." M'Han'Ee said this last sentence in Earth Basic.

"That is..." Don paused, then tried it in Iktee. "That is incredible! I have trouble believing it." He had spoken their language perfectly.

"Soon all of what is Iktee will be yours, and all that is Earth will be mine." M'Han'Ee said. "For now, let us celebrate by pleasing each other in the most intense of possible ways, by loving each other."

Don's arms were already around M'Han'Ee's chest, but he tightened his grip and looked up into M'Han'Ee's face almost a foot above him. "I am ready. God damn, but I'm ready!" He said the second sentence in Basic, and M'Han'Ee grinned in a very humanlike way.

And the big Iktee began to fuck at Don's ass. He moved slowly at first, but Don urged him on with, "Come on, yeah, ooh, yeah, come on, harder now, harder, faster, come on, I can take it, come in, I can take it, yeah, oh, oh, oh, God!"

M'Han'Ee was thrusting into Don with a force that shook the smaller human heavily with each stab into his vitals. Don was being rocked back and forth and M'Han'Ee had his back arced in a way that pulled Don's hands down to where they merely touched his sides, M'Han'Ee was raised up on his own arms and his hips were jabbing at Don's buttocks with rapid movements.

Don moaned and in his lust, he shoved at M'Han'Ee and they rolled over and now Don was on top and he put his hands on M'Han'Ee's chest and his hips began to move his body on M'Han'Ee's cock and rode the huge organ like it was his own personal love-toy!

"Ah, ah, D'Han'Ee!" M'Han'Ee cried out in Iktee. "Your body pleases me, I am unable to wait any longer!"

"Come on, give it to me, give it to me!" Don moaned. His own climax was only seconds away.

"I release, I release!" And M'Han'Ee arced his back, lifting Don bodily upwards with his ecstasy and his cock blasted a huge load into Don's ass.

As he did, Don's own orgasm wracked him and he roared out his joy and blasted a heavy load of hot, white Earth jizz all over M'Han'Ee's reddish body and it poured down the slope of M'Han'Ee's chest toward his neck in a thick, pearl-colored river.

Don finished his own climax first, as M'Han'Ee still writhed in his orgasm, he lay down and rode the strong body as M'Han'Ee concluded and lay exhausted and satiated beneath him.

"Ah, my little bond-partner." M'Han'Ee sighed as his big hand stroked over Don's bare back. "I owe you my life and you have given me yours. My people are yours now, and yours are mine."

Don's own mind was still surging with the immense knowledge that had percolated into his brain along with the sexual stimulation. Oh, there were gaps, many and big ones, but he had a working knowledge of their language now, knew most of their customs and understood a good deal of their life and perspective.

Leave them? How could he possibly think of leaving! "We are together now." He said instead of anything of what he had thought. "That is the best reward I could possibly want."

"And once we rest a short time, I will reward you some more." M'Han'Ee promised him. With his cock still imbedded in Don's ass, Don didn't have to ask how that was going to work out.

For ten days, Don and M'Han'Ee stayed together in the native village. By day, Don roamed around the village, learned the people and talked with them of their lives. At night, he and M'Han'Ee joined again and again, and not only with Don being fucked, he enjoyed M'Han'Ee's body in every way and gave himself over and over in return.

On the eleventh day, Don and M'Han'Ee went together back to the human camp. Dr. Hanover was chomping at the bit to see them, for Dr. Sherman had come back some days before with the report that Don now spoke Iktee far, far better than she did.

"My dear, dear boy!" He called out and ran up, clamped a hand on Don's shoulder. "You must tell me all about your experiences. You speak their language now? By mind-transference alone! Amazing!"

"A part of that serendipity factor you were talking about." Don agreed. "I'm now the mission's expert on the Iktee. You have a question, just ask me. I have all the answers."

"Yes, I see and..." Doctor Hanover paused. "You look different in some way." he said.

Don saw it. Doctor Hanover was no longer over a foot taller than Don, he was a mere half-dozen inches taller only. "I've been growing in other ways than knowledge." He admitted. He'd thought his military clothes didn't fit quite right when he'd put them on again that morning, for the first time since he'd walked into the village, they hadn't shrunk...he'd grown both in height and girth. "Just think of it as another case of serendipity in action."

Don wondered just how far the serendipity factor was going with his body. He sure wouldn't mind swinging a schlong like M'Han'Ee's!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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