The Sexual Mormon

By S

Published on Jul 9, 2004



The following story is the copyright of the owner and should not copied in part or whole in any way without the owner/writers permission.

Those persons under the age of 18 should not read any further since there are references to sexual conduct between a man and a youth.


I had been traveling all day by car on my route from Sydney to Brisbane, calling into Newcastle and Singleton before reaching the country New South Wales town of Tamworth. Here I decided to spend the night and I checked into a nice quiet Motel on the periphery of the town.

It was about 5pm so I went down to the local High Street and into the Supermarket to get some vital necessities - like chocolate biscuits, which I adore. It was when I came out I saw a Gents Toilet. I went in and checked out the graffiti and some of the stories which were low key stuff and perhaps had been written many weeks or months earlier. I then decided to write the following message on the back of the toilet door...


I went back to the Motel and because it had a Restaurant I went there for my dinner before going back to my Motel room to write a note to myself to remember to call into the toilet in the morning and erase the message.

Just then my phone rang and I answered "Hello".

No answer and yet the caller did not ring off and I thought I could hear breathing.

I said "Hello" again and again no answer.

I guessed it was some nervous guy answering my message so I said "Look my friend I know you wish to speak to me and I definitely want to speak to you so please just say `hello' and lets start from there."

A male voice which I thought was quite young said "Hello".

I said "Are you in Tamworth, please just say yes or no."

"Yes" the voice replied.

"Look I know how you feel, shy and apprehensive but I know where you got my number and I know we both just want the same thing. Right ?"

"Sure thing buddy." The voice said.

So I replied "My friend I am in a Motel here in Tamworth and it is very private and very safe, so please lets meet."

The voice said "Oh yes please I so want to." I detected an American accent quite clearly in the voice.

I told him which Motel I was in and he said he had no transport but he knew where the Motel was. I said I would pick him up and then he said..."But not before 10.30pm because I have to wait until my partner is asleep."

I thought `partner', what partner so he had either a girl friend, a wife or a male partner.

Anyhow we agreed on 10.30pm on a street corner and I told him what sort of car I had. He said "I know that automobile." I then knew for sure he was American.

He rung off.

At exactly 10.30pm I had no sooner stopped at the corner when this young guy appeared at my passenger door. He was dressed in dark trousers and a white shirt with a loose V necked jumper thrown over his shoulders. When he sat in and closed the door I shook his hand and said "I am Steve". His hand was soft and a bit clammy but he said "I am Hammot, I am very nervous."

I started to move off towards the Motel which was 5 minutes by car away and I said "Where we are going to is a perfectly safe and happily a very private place and there will be just the two of us." He just said "Cool".

I said "Please don't be nervous I think we both want a bit of relief and a bit of loving and I tell you now I am a very gentle person".

He said "You wont hurt me will you ?"

I said "Hammot I definitely will not hurt you I am just not that type of person. In fact I wont do anything you don't want me to - and I mean that."

We had arrived at the Motel by now and we both got out and I opened the door and he looked in. I had left one of the bedside lights on so he could see we were alone. He walked in and I closed and locked the door and I turned to him and said "Hammot are you ok with this, I just want us both to be relaxed."

He said "Yes I am sorry to be so hesitant but I just need to be with someone."

I then took him in my arms and just held him and looked at him, he was slightly shorter than my 185cm (I am 6ft), he was quite slim and looked to be about 16 years of age in the half light. I later found out he was turning 18 in two days time. He had dark hair which was cut short with a parting and had very dark eyes. I said "I know you are American, have you been here long ?"

He said "I can't tell you."

I thought this a little bit strange but I said "Look Hammot I will never push you to do or say anything, you will find although I am older than you by a long way I am gentle and loving and I just want us both to enjoy what might happen."

I then lifted his jumper off his shoulders and his shirt came with the jumper as I took both off and threw them on the floor. This revealed a very taut and almost muscular body with slight boyish shoulders but showing definition in his pecs along with quite large 50 cent size nips which were flat with just a small nub in the middle. His entire skin was milkey white and oh so smooth and virginal.

I pulled my shirt off as well and as he looked at my prominent pecs and even more protruding nipples he looked quite excited. I drew him into a hug and we both felt the warmth of our skins which were now close and very personal.

I kissed his forehead and eyes and he looked into my eyes with a misty look on his face as I caressed his bare and soft back.

He said "I will tell you I am from Nevada and I am a Mormon trainee Missionary and I am here with a group of young trainees where we are sent to different areas of this State."

I was now caressing strongly his back and sides and I whispered to him "I guess it took a lot of courage to say that because I thought Mormons were all against gayness."

He said "They are but I cannot help what I am and this is me."

I was now trying to get my hands under the tight belt holding up his trousers and he loosened the belt from the front and I managed to slip my hand in and under his silky boxers and push them over his beautiful and quite tight cheeks which really got him sighing and moaning in my ear.

I placed my lips on his lips and we gently touched and kissed before I allowed my tongue to caress between his lips as he opened his mouth and I was allowed into this hot inner sanctum.

I said "Oh Hammot you are beautiful are you gay."

"He said "Yes, I guess I always have been although when I was 12 I suppose I really started to feel the sex in me when my uncle showed me how to jerk off we continued doing things until I was 16 when I was recruited and then sent here to be in training with a senior brother of the Mormon Church."

By now I had slackened his belt, undone the top button of his trousers and I said "May I take your clothes off ?"

He nodded yes as his trousers dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them I saw his multi coloured boxers which had been pulled right down to the top of his pubic hair. His body was totally devoid of hair except for his small tuft of dark pubic hair which appeared quite thick. Between kisses and caresses I sat him on the bed and I bent down and undid his shoe laces and pulled off his black `sensible' shoes and then off came his socks. I was now able to take off his trousers completely. He lay back on the bed and I stood up and admired Hammot's body. His milky white skin was contrasted against his brightly coloured boxers which now were standing out at an angle to his body as his hard cock stood to attention. He was so smooth and soft and vulnerable as he looked up at me with pleading eyes, heaving chest and throbbing manhood.

He said in a husky tone "Strip me please and love me."

What an invitation from this beautiful boy. Gawd I was hard and absolutely beside myself with lust, at this stage not love, just pure unbridled lust.

I stripped off his boxers and his pole stood to attention before my eyes as he said "Please please love me."

I tore off my shorts and my boxers as he looked at me and smiled since I was as hard as he was but my heart was beating faster and with greater intensity I felt sure.

I lay down and he turned on his side so that my left arm was cradling his head in my shoulder and my right hand and arm was free to roam across and caress his soft gorgeous body. As I started to pinch and caress his round nipples they became very hard indeed and protruded much more than I would have thought. At the same time we were French kissing and his tongue was in my mouth being sucked and caressed with my tongue. His arms were around my neck caressing my back.

I gradually slipped my caressing fingers slowly, ever so slowly down his soft and exciting body, I played with his outie button and gently tickled it as I caressed further down over his flat and smooth tummy to his pubic mound. I soon felt the hair sticking up beyond the elastic of his boxers as I lightly moved my fingers on his body. I slipped my fingers under his elastic and tangled my fingers in his pubic hair as I touched the very base of his man hood. I moved his boxers off his front and he lifted his bottom as I slipped them under his bum and down his legs for him to kick them off.

He was now moaning and moving his body from side to side and mumbling words I could not detect or understand. I was breathing very heavy as well as I looked at his penis which was quite small in some ways, probably about 5ins. But it was perfectly formed and cut and had a lovely pink head. The shaft felt so smooth as I gentle moved my hand up and down the rock hard shaft. I held his head against my mouth as we continued to kiss.

Hammot was now in a high state of excitement and was rolling and bucking his body as he lay next to my hot and equally excited body.

I had just stroked his hard and throbbing shaft about three or four times when I felt his cock expand in width and pulse and he started to make a loud squealing noise as I clamped my mouth over his to cut down the noise. I then felt his cock jerk very strongly and a glob of cum hit me in my neck as I leaned over Hammot's body. I looked down to see five more globs come flying out of his throbbing cock and land on his smooth boyish tummy. More cum came out and dribbled down my hand as Hammot moaned and twisted in sheer ecstasy of delight and passion. I used his spent cum to caress his shaft and smooth ball sac as he moaned and whispered lovely words to me. His hands were caressing my neck and back as I became extremely excited as well.

He then said "Oh please stop a minute."

We all know how sensitive a shaft can become after a shattering climax. I took my hand away and cuddled his heaving body into my warm bosom. He said "Oh I needed that, I needed to cum and be loved, thankyou."

I said "You are so beautiful and just full of sex." I cuddled him in to me further and I guess we both must have dozed off because when my eyes flickered open I lay and stared at his beautiful and sculptured body. Our eyes met and there was now love in them which had been replaced by the lust earlier.

As I became awake I became totally enthralled by the beauty of this boy in my arms, his warm and excited body melting into my body as one. The feel of his soft and boyish skin was sheer beauty and I felt as though there was a special love hovering above us and I have seldom felt the inner love and contentment which I was feeling at this time. There was an inner love and passion mixed with extreme love feelings - what a potent mixture.

He opened his eyes and looked at me and said "I feel so in love, so relaxed, so warm, I have seldom if ever felt love, true passionate and giving love."

He then said, "Thank you for saving me."

I could have queried his wording but instead I said "I know you have been lonely and you needed loving desperately in a most delicate way. I am a sort of `security blanket' to you at the moment and I love it."

He said "You are so right, I love my God, I love my family, but there comes a time when I needed physical love and understanding and your delicate touch and gentleness was like a gift from my God. Where did you learn to be so gentle and such a good lover. Most guys I have ever known are quick and not the least bit passionate."

I said "You are a very beautiful and special person. I admire intensely your philosophy and sincerity in talking about God and your family. You lend yourself by your very sexiness to being loved gently and romantically and you understand the true meaning of love."

He said "It has hurt me enormously that my Church and my religious friends condemn gayness in all its forms. But it is so cool to meet a lovely gentle and loving guy like you who I want to be with and love."

I could see a tear in this lovely boys eye because of his dilemma and his love of his God and his Church and his beliefs and more importantly their stigma and misunderstanding about all facets of the human race.

I said "My dear friend I also believe in God and in fact I pray every single night in life and I shall continue to pray. I am not "out" as the saying goes, because I love my family and I have never seen the necessity to hurt my nearest and dearest. Even my closest friends do not understand the beauty which you and I have experienced. I know my God understands because we are mere human beings."

As I continued to caress his smooth skin and whisper my feelings in his ear he held me tighter and looked into my eyes and said "Oh how fate said we should meet tonight when I was feeling so down. It is cool that I should meet a gentle human being like you who can love so beautifully. It is cool to find someone so wise and warm and my heart bursts with love towards you even although you are that much older than I am. But I feel being with someone like you is more beautiful than with some young dude who is lacking in experience and love. I could easily love and live with you."

Hammot then kissed me on the mouth with a tenderness and love which immediately got me fully aroused again. He was also hard because I was holding his hot silk cock with my other hand.

He then broke the kiss and started to slip down my body teasing each nipple with kisses and caresses sending chills of excitement through my body. As he slid further down my front I looked at his head and all I could see was his neat hair and a tongue lashing out and licking and slobbering all over my hairy tummy. I was now totally over the top in excitement and anticipation. Then he reached the base of my penis and licked it like a lollypop, but every time he got to the head he would take his time and just softly suck on it until I was bucking and writhing in sheer passion. I had never felt so hard for a long time.

Hammot had his eyes closed as he licked up and down my shaft and all around it as his hands caressed ever so gently my ball sack and his fingers strayed along my perineum with just gentle strokes. Oh he knew how to excite and arouse a guy, he was just so gentle and loving, he was everything any male person could ask for because he was so obviously sincere and knew the meaning of love as distinct from sheer lust.

There was nothing salacious about him, here was a boy with exquisite fire and sensitiveness in his love making. He took the head of my throbbing cock into his mouth and did things with his tongue only The Count (another true story written about elsewhere) had ever done to me.

He soon had me bucking and rolling and I felt totally lost to this world. There can be nothing in love making to equal the touch of a master, and he was a master, when sucking my penis. I was having feelings way beyond anything in recent times and I knew there was no way I had the strength of will power to attempt to prolong this utter ecstasy which I was going through on another level of love making. I simply had no control and I allowed my love to burst forth in great streams of passion and love as I peaked in a way even I had not experienced for a long time.

He took everything I gave him and swallowed the lot and then as I grew semi soft he allowed my throbbing member to drop out of his hot mouth as he slid up my body until we were kissing and mumbling `sweet nothings' in each others ear.

No man could ask for a greater love and loving from another. We were one as we looked into each others eyes and as our bodies melted together our eyes full of love and understanding.

After minutes I could feel him so hard as I gently stroked this urgent erection which was so hot in my hand. He looked at me with pleading eyes and nodded his head `yes' as I moved down his smooth boyish body licking and kissing and sucking every part of him until I reached his short love pole and I engulfed it right through to the back of my throat.

I gently, but with some suctional power, sucked in and out, up and down, on this throbbing glorious penis belonging to this lovely American boy who was again writhing and moaning in my arms which encircled his soft body and cupped his smooth bum.

Once again he did not last long and as I felt his full testicles melt into his body his manhood swelled and throbbed in my mouth before shooting out wads of glorious boy cum into my throat. He seemed to shoot and leak forever before his body settled down and he started to pull me up his body as I released his softening penis.

We lay side by side as our bodies once again melted into each other and they glistened with the sweat of love. We slept if only for a short while but I opened my eyes first to see him staring at me with eyes filled with love.

He whispered "I could love you for ever and ever." I just said "Amen".

"Can we talk a little while" he said.

I said "Of course I have always hated the type who just JERK JERK CUM GONE and there is no foreplay and no after play. What we have done and what we are doing is what I was taught by a very special man. I have always believed foreplay is the very essence of love making.

He said "Oh I love this as well, sometimes it is necessary for me to just jerk quickly and clean up and go but this is what I have always wanted someone who is gentle and loving and who is in no hurry and who knows how to love and be loved."

"Isn't this what true love is all about" I said. "Being able to explore ones body and ones mind whilst still being close and loving all of the time."

He said "I suppose so its just I never have had the chance to experience this kindness and this erotic gentle loving."

All the while we were talking we caressed each other all over our bodies and kissed gently then with hard passion but always we looked and loved each other.

I said to him "How do you manage being as you are so full of sex and in the age bracket where release is so important to your well being plus the fact you are with a Church and religion which is so against homosexuality ?"

He said "It is so difficult, I cannot even jerk off in bed at night because my very strict and str8 partner would know. We sleep together you know and once in the early days a few months ago I awoke and felt his cock in my hands. I nearly fainted in surprise but I knew he would not want this and as I disengaged my hand gently, he sort of awoke and very heavily he knocked my hand away and grunted something. I was dreading him wakening in the morning in case he said something because I did not know how his cock had got into my hand. Ever since then I have jerked off in the toilet before going to bed but many nights I cry myself to sleep with sheer sexual frustration."

I hugged him and kissed him and said "No one of your age should be put through this hell, but how did you start to have sexual feelings towards males."

He then told me a remarkable story about when he was very young and he stayed every weekend with his uncle as his parents went out `bible bashing"' (my words). It was a dramatic story of seduction and I have made notes of it and may write it up someday.

We continued to talk and he told me about some of his very few escapades in the States but they were low key and they only fired him further to believe that male to male was what he really wanted from his life.

He said "God has made me as I am and he has given me you tonight. I could never want for a more understanding, gentle and loving person than you."

I said "It takes two to tango and you are just as loving and as gentle with such young and lovely body andf I like being with you."

We then saw the time was 1.30am and he said he really had to go in case his buddy woke up.

We both helped each other up off the bed, I probably needed more help than him because I felt weak even although I was still sticking out and hard again -- as was Hammot.

I switched on the shower, adjusted it and stepped in and held his hand as he stepped in as well. We soaped each other all over our bodies and stood caressing and touching each other everywhere. The one area I had never touched in all our love making in bed was between the cheeks of his ass and I proceeded to caress and stroke with my finger in the cleft as he opened his legs wider for me and hung against me with his arms around my neck. He obviously enjoyed what I was doing but I just touched and never tried to insert a finger and he whispered "That is so lovely but I am a virgin." I said "So am I but I love to touch just the same."

He said as the water cascaded down and around our bodies "I would allow myself to be deflowered if it was you." I said "I think I would be the same if it was you."

We came out of the shower and dried and by now it was 2.30am. We remained naked for a short while just standing holding each other as we talked before he said he had to go.

We agreed that we probably would never meet again but I gave him my Email address if he ever had the opportunity to write to me. He did not have a computer.

I took him back to the deserted corner in Tamworth and we kissed quickly and said our goodbyes.

What a boy, what an experience, how sad for him and how I wish I could have kept in touch with him. But maybe someday he will read this and know how to contact me.

God bless Hammot.

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