The Sirens of Walkers Cay TG Magic-Scifi

By D C

Published on May 11, 2007



The Sirens of Walkers Cay By Deane Christopher e-mail:

What would you say if one of your friends asked you to do him a big favor and spend ten days of your life as member of the opposite sex? Wait, there's more. What if he went so far as to sweetened the deal by saying that you be spending your time as a female while on an all expenses paid dive vacation on an island located in the northern extent of Abaco Chain of the Bahamas? What if he told you that everything would be aboveboard and that there would be no hanky-panky of any sorts? All you would have to do was to play model and pose for some pictures both in and out of the water? Given that you believed that your friend could actually turn you into a girl, what would you say? Would you take him up on the offer? Or, would you tell him to pack sand?

Had that question been posed to Curtis Clark, the former owner of Clark's Dive Emporium, he probably would have said: thanks, but no thanks. That is probably why Bradley Carlson neglected to mention that particular aspect when he asked his three high school chums to help him out on a photo shoot on the tiny Bahamas Island of Walkers Cay.

Curtis Clark, Brad Carlson, Greg Tanner, and Phil Lawson had met one another when they were freshmen at St. Clememts Preparatory School for Boys run by the Corsican Brothers. In fact, owing to the fact that they were all in different homerooms, the only reason they met at all was because they went out for the swimming team their freshman year. Granted, they only made the junior varsity their first year, but the point is hat they were four of the six freshmen that made the final cut that year. Having never swum in competition before, being a member of the JV Team was just fine with the four of them.

It was during their sophomore year that Greg announced that as soon as the swim season was over, he was going to be taking lessons to become a certified scuba diver. Well, since Curtis had always wanted to dive, he went home and pestered the living shit out of his parents to let him enroll in the same class that Greg was taking. Though Curt's mom thought he was still too young, his dad was a little more open-minded. In fact, Curt's dad thought that it was good that his son was interested in something else besides girls and playing the guitar. So, to make a long story short, Curtis cut a deal with his parents. If he managed to pull up his grades up by a whole letter grade, they would pay for the course. Before the week was out, Brad and Phil had wangled similar deals with their parents. By mid summer, the four of them had certified as entry-level openwater divers. And by the time swimming team practice rolled around the following October, the four of them had not only made the varsity squad, but had also certified as advanced openwater divers, with over twenty-five hours of bottom time logged apiece.

As a graduation present, Curtis' mom and dad took the four teenage dive-junkies to Key Largo for a five-day dive vacation. They had a fantastic time and even got to dive the Coast Guard Cutter Duane while they were there.

But anyhow, the point is that the four of them had become fast friends and diehard divers. While it's true that after high school their lives took off on divergent paths, they managed to remain close friends, friends who dove together as often as they could.

Oddly enough while the four of them did enter college the year after graduating high school, only Greg Tanner managed to stick it out long enough to earn a degree in Marine Biology. Though it was touch and go there for awhile, Greg even managed to get his masters, for all the good it did him. The problem Greg faced was that there was an over abundance of Marine Biologist. After a very frustrating year of submitting resumes and going on interviews, the only job Greg could get in the field of Marine Biology was working at an aquarium.

Phil Lawson, whose goal had been to become an Oceanographer, dropped out of college in the spring semester of his junior year. Phil had gone to Florida on spring break and somehow made his way down to the Keys were he was eventually offered a job as a diver master slash captain slash all around handyman at one of the better known diver operations based out of Key Largo. After a couple years of that, having tired of diving the patch reefs of the Keys, Phil spent several years bumming around the Caribbean, doing pretty much the same sort of stuff he had done in the Keys.

Brad Carlson, who was a fairly good photographer in his own right, quickly tired of college. Wishing to pursue a career in underwater photography, he headed out to California were he managed to hook up with a prominent underwater photographer. Brad was like a sponge, learning all he could about the business. Then, an opportunity presented itself to go into business for himself and Brad, being the enterprising young man that he was, took it and ended up doing rather well for himself.

Much like Brad, Curtis found that he could not hack the college scene. Wanting to peruse a career in diving, he enlisted in the Navy. There, having been assigned to an underwater habitat project, he spent almost as much time underwater as he did topside. But, even though he worked his ass off and dove in some of the worst conditions imaginable, Curt absolutely loved it and would not have traded those years he spent in the Navy for anything. Truth be told, Curt would probably have stayed in the Navy if it had not been for a career-ending run-in he had with and arrogant and egotistical lieutenant jg over a bonehead decision that had put one of Curtis' divers in serious jeopardy.

But that, as they say, is another story.

So anyhow, Curt had been fairly frugal while he was in Navy and had amassed the necessary funds to open the dive shop he had always dreamed of owing. While it was touch and go for the first couple of years, he finally managed to get things running the way he wanted and actually started to turn a profit. As time went on, Curt began to put together a pretty good team of instructors and sales personnel. He even managed to branch out and open several satellite stores. However, running a dive shop can be rough on a marriage. Curtis' ended in a rather messy divorce in which he got the boot while my wife got the business.

So anyhow, out of the clear blue Curt got a call from his buddy, Bradley. Brad was excited and said that he had something important to ask Curt, something that was right up Curt's ally, something that Curt was really going to like. Then, having baited the hook, Brad continued on to ask Curt to meet him at their favorite watering hole that evening. There, Brad promised that he would fill Curt in on the details.

Around seven that evening, Curt walked into the pub. Sitting at a table near the back wall with Brad, were Curt's other two friends, Greg Tanner and Phil Lawson. Catching Curt's eye, Brad waved him over. As soon as Curt join his friends at the table, Brad began to enlighten his three friends on the sweetheart deal he had worked out for the four of them.

It seemed that one of the leading US scuba manufacturers was about to introduce a totally new line of scuba gear at the DEMA (Diving Equipment Manufactures Association) Convention. Having used Brad before, they had contracted him to take the underwater photos that they would use to spice up their new catalog. Basically, as Brad explained it, the manufacturer had given him pretty much cart blanche.

Brad explained that he could pick his own models for the photo shoot and figuring that he could kill two birds with one stone, Brad had thought immediately of his three buddies. He said if they could see their way clear to freeing up the time, the four of them would be spending ten days, all expenses paid, on the tiny Bahamas Island of Walkers Cay, doing the thing that they enjoyed doing most, diving their asses off.

What they did not know, what Brad neglected to tell them, was that the new line of dive gear that scuba manufacture was coming out with, the line of gear that they would be diving the whole time they were there, was designed exclusively for women divers. Brad also neglected to inform his friends that thanks to a magic spell that his great grandmother had bequeathed him, the three of them would be diving the aforementioned dive equipment as anatomically correct and fully functioning females.

Had Brad mentioned that little detail, it is a chinch that right after Greg, Phil and Curt got thought laughing their collective assess off, they would have of told Brad that while they appreciated the offer, he would need to find himself three other guys to turn into girls.

Curtis, eager to do some diving with his friends, cleared his calendar and flew down to Fort Lauderdale along with Brad, Greg and Phil. Once there, after some confusion at the airport, they managed to locate the puddle-jumpier service that would be flying them out to Walkers Cay. Having done that, the four of them transferred their gear to a small single engine Piper Saratoga II and climbed abroad for their flight out to island paradise of Walkers Cay.

Now, Walkers Cay is an interesting island. From the air it looks to be just one long runway, crossed at an angle by a rather truncated runway. The hotel and marine are located at the cay's southern end. The truth is that there are only a few residents who actually live on the island and most of them are employed at either the hotel, the marina or the Clown Fish Hatchery that is located along the main runway, nearer to the island's northern end.

Arriving late in the afternoon, they were cleared by the two Bahamian Customs Agents who were there to meet their plane. Then, once that was attended to, they headed up to the hotel and checked-in. With room keys in hand, the four of them headed up to their adjoining rooms to unpack. Brad and Curt dumped their stuff in one room, leaving Greg and Phil to occupy the other. By mutual accord, the four of them elected to leave the connecting door open.

While Curt helped Brad unpack and set up his camera systems, Greg and Phil got busy setting up the laptops and satellite communication gear that would be used to upload the daily output of pictures and video to the diving equipment manufacturer that had commissioned Brad. Once that chore was taken care of, the four of them headed down to dinner. After that, Greg, Phil and Curt strolled down to the marina to check-out the fishing boats that were moored there, while Brad headed off to touch base with the two guys that ran Walkers Cay dive operation.

Later, having caught sight of a rare green-flash at sunset, the four of them took a dip in the hotel's pool and then played a game or two of double-deck pinochle. Then, aware that they had a full day of diving ahead of them the next morning, they prudently decided to make an early night of it.

The distinct and unsettling sound of women shrieking jarred Curt awake early the next morning. He was groggy, groggy and extremely discombobulated, so much so that he failed to take note of his first clue that something had drastically changed during the course of the night. Unthinking, Curt nonchalantly brushed aside the long stands of honey blonde hair that hung veil-like in front of his eyes. Throwing back the covers, he swung his legs out and over the edge of the bed. Though it proved to be a bit daunting, Curt managed to awkwardly struggle to his feet. The fact that his center of gravity seemed to have shifted should have been his second clue that something was not quite right. Walking proved to be a bit of a challenge as well. It felt as if someone had affixed two rather large mounds of Jell-O to Curt's chest. Added to that, those jelly-like mounds kept swishing and a swaying with each and every step he took. That, if nothing else, should have been a dead giveaway that something rather significant had occurred while he was asleep. But, Curt was to befuddled to put two and two together and there by arrive at the big aw'shit that awaited to bite him in that succulent and well hung new derriere of his.

In retrospect, Curt could not actually say that he walked into the adjoining room. Basically, he sort of spastically staggered, and he did not do that very well at all.

Greg and Phil were not anywhere to be seen. However, two girls were there. One was a gorgeous redhead and the other, a stunning brunette. Both were beautiful. Both were built like brick shithouses. Even dressed as they were in baggy tee shirts and shorts, it did not take a genius to realize that they had bodies that would not quit. Great legs! Fantastic boobs! Nice asses! Taut little tummies! Trim little waist! Hourglass figures! And faces that were to die for!

As far as Curt's was concerned, the two young women could have stepped right out of the pages of Playboy. Why, he did not know, but they were both about as hysterical as hysterical could be. They were ranting and raving and frantically talking over top of one another. Try as he might, Curt could not make out exactly what they were saying. However, as befuddled as he was, he thought they were spouting some sort of nonsense about how they were not really girls, and that they were really guys, but that they had woken up only to find that they had somehow changed into girls during the course of the night.

Then, one of them became aware of Curtis standing in the door-jam of the connecting doorway. Catching sight of him, the redhead hysterically shrieked, "Curt! Is that you?"

"Of course it's me." Curt was struck as to how strange and foreign his voice sounded, owing to the fact that it sounded a lot like a woman voice, and a very sexy and sensual woman's voice at that.

"Curtis!" the brunette, who had turned to gawk at Curt along with the redhead, blabbered. "Have you taken a good look at yourself in the mirror this morning? Because if you haven't, you really need to."

Uneasily, Curt moved into the room and did just that. Needless to say that she was horrified to find that she had turned into a well-endowed blonde bombshell while asleep. Tits, twat, the works! He was a she and she was all girl. Added that, she was beautiful. Needless to say that she was ready to go berserk right there on the spot. Patience hell! She was ready to kill something!

And just who do you think strolled into the room from the connecting doorway at that point in the proceedings? Brad! And the bastard was still a guy: unlike Greg, the brunette; Phil, the red head; and Curt, the coquettish blonde of their very unique and thoroughly pissed-off threesome.

No one had to say anything. Somehow the three 'girls' knew that Brad was responsible for their condition. Oddly enough, Brad seemed to know that they knew. He also knew that he was going to be lambasted for doing what he had done to them. Not to disappoint him, the three 'girls' gave Brad a good piece of their minds, excoriating him up one side and down the other, demanding in no uncertain terms that he undo whatever it was he had done to change them into females.

Bard assured them that he would do as they asked on two conditions, with those conditions being that they calm themselves down and hear him out. Though three of them were mad as hell, they did as Brad asked. Besides, what choice did the three of them have? If they wanted their manhood back, it more or less went without saying that they were at Brad's mercy. Intuitively, the three of them knew that they would have to do what Brad told them to do.

Brad's explanation was simple. Financially, he was over extended. His present commission was more or less his last chance before having to declare bankruptcy. He explained that he needed to cut corners. Hiring models would have cost him an arm and leg. Had he been forced to hire the kind of models that dive equipment manufacturer was looking for, Brad ran the real risk of doing nothing more than just breaking even. But he had an ace up sleeve. Brad's great grandmother had been a witch of sorts. While she had not known a lot of spells, one of the ones she did know was a humdinger. It could turn guys into girls. It could also turn them back into guys again as long as they did not remain female for more than twenty-eight days at a clip. Once menstruation started, the sex change was done deal. The former guy would be stuck as a girl for the rest of his, now her life.

At that point in the proceedings, Phil, their red headed temptress, sought clarification. She pointedly asked Brad if they really could get their old bodies back. Brad reassured the three of them that no matter what they decided to do, they would all be males again when they boarded the plane for the flight back to Fort Lauderdale.

That prompted Greg to ask a follow up question. She wanted to know how Brad could say that with any reasonable assurance.

Brad's answer floored the three of them. Though it was evident that he was loathed to so, Brad reluctantly admitted that whenever his father was out of town on a business trip, his mother would use her grandmother's spell to turn Brad into a girl so that she would have a daughter to pal around with. Added to that, Brad's mother thought that it would do Brad a world of good to learn a little of how the other half lived.

To Curt's way of thinking, it must have worked, because it went without saying that Brad turned out to be a real ladies man.

Though convoluted, Curt had to concede that there was method in Brad's madness. She also knew that the four of them had been talking about going on a dive vacation together for sometime. However, neither Phil nor Curt had been in the financial position to do so. Brad's latest commission had been the answer to their prayers. It had made the impossible, possible. Added to that, all of them had worked with Brad on numerous photo assignments before. They all knew exactly what he wanted and added to that, the four of them worked well together.

Though Curt was as pissed-off as both Greg and Phil were, she nevertheless tried to give Brad the benefit the doubt. In fact, knowing that Brad's presence was having a negative effect, Curt asked him to give the three of them a chance to discuss the matter among themselves. Basically, Curt told Brad to get the hell out of there. She told Brad in no uncertain terms that he should go down the hotel's restaurant and get some breakfast. That way, the three 'girls' could talk the matter over in private.

Once Brad had left, Curt, who was still having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that she was a girl, started off by summing up the situation. Admitting that Brad had duped them, Curt reminded her two cohorts that while they had every right to be mad, that if it were not for Brad, they would not be on all expense paid diving vacation together, albeit a working one. Curt also laid it on thick that Brad was a friend and a damn good one, pointing out the fact that at one time or another he had helped each one of them out of a jam. "Hell!" Curt irately fumed, aware that she endeavoring to defend the indefensible. "If it hadn't been for Brad, I probably would have gone off the deep end when my wife left me. And as much as I hate to say this, I owe the bastard big time. And now he needs our help. Can any one of us in good conscious refuse him?"

"Look!" Curt, who was finally beginning to simmer down a bit, continued in a more moderate tone of voice. "As mad as I am with Brad for turning me into a piece of eye-candy, I know that I would never be able to forgive myself if I deserted him in his time of need. And I really believe that when push comes to shove, the two of you feel pretty much the same way that I do. So, what do you say guys? Do we stick our pride where the sun don't shine and lend Brad a hand? Or, to we demand that he change us back into guys again, tell him to eat shit and die and catch the next plane out of here?"

"Look. If we do decide to stay and give Brad a hand with the photo shoot, just remember: what happens in Walkers Cay, stays in Walkers Cay. No one need ever know what occurred while we're here. Besides, who in their right mind would believe us if we were to tell them that Brad had pulled a sexual switcheroo on the three us and we ended up spending our time here on Walkers Cay femmed out to the friggin' max?" Then, having said that, Curt went on to say that it might even be fun to spend a few days fitted out as a member of the opposite sex, suggesting that they might learn something that would put them in good stead with the ladies once they got home.

Granted, Greg and Phil were not keen on the idea of spending anymore time as women than they already had. Like Curt, they wanted their old bodies back. However, the more they thought about, the more they came around to Curt's point of view. As icky as the three of them felt, it a boiled down to one thing. Brad needed their help and regardless of the fact that he had abused their friendship, they could not in good conscious let him down. As much as they might have wanted to thumb their collective noises at him, Brad was their friend and he really needed their help. As much as the three of them might resent the hell out of what Brad had done to them, they agreed that they would do whatever it took to try to make the best out of a bad situation. Besides, even as females, they still were divers and there were reefs aplenty just waiting off shore for them dive.

Subsequent to that agreement of theirs, Greg and Phil appointed Curt spokeswoman. That meant that Curt had the dubious pleasure of going down to the restaurant and appraising Brad of their unanimous decision to remain female and do the 'modeling' thing for the remainder of their stay on the island.

Needless to say that Brad was both relieved and elated when Curt told him of their decision. He also promised that he would make it up to them. Curt informed him that they were going to hold him to that promise, reinforcing the fact that he owed the three of them big time.

Their first day of diving was a fairly demanding one.

Greg, Phil and Curt were only girls in a physically sense. Mentally, they were still very much the swinging-dicks that they had always been. The one of the unintended consequences of Brad turning his three buddies into members of the opposite sex was that he had also turned them into no holds bar narcissists as well. That is to say that once the three of them got past the initial shock and began to resign themselves to fact that they were going to be spending the rest of their stay on Walkers Cay as females, the three of them spent most of the day horny. After all, they were decked out in three of the most bodacious bodies anyone has ever beheld. Added to that, they were contending with super-sensitive erogenous zones that were situated all over those new bodies of theirs. Added to that was the fact they still possessed libidos of dirty old men in training. Needless to say, their libidos spent most of the day in overdrive.

As one might expect, they also all felt extremely conspicuous anytime they left the security of their adjoining hotel rooms. Which as it turned out, accounted for the better part of the day.

Fortunately for the three of them, the scuba equipment manufacturer was a subsidiary of a much larger conglomerate, a conglomerate that owned an upscale woman's sportswear apparel company. That being the case, along with the diving equipment that they were to model, Bard had prudently arranged for enough feminine attire to see them through their stay and then some. Basically, the stuff consisted of your basic women's undergarments, shorts, tops, sandals, bathing suits, both one piece tank suits and bikinis, plus a few summer dresses and several pairs of flip-flops apiece.

Though Curt knew that she would look absolutely terrific decked out in a bikini, she chickened out and opted to adorn that bodacious new body of hers in a one-piece navy blue tank suit instead. Greg and Phil, following Curt's lead, did likewise. Then, having donned the bathing suit, Curt put on a pair of khaki shorts and a woman's navy blue tee. Mimicking Curt, Greg and Phil selected similar apparel, save that Greg's tee top was red while Phil's was white. Once dressed, Brad passed out baseball caps with the obligatory divers' flag embroidered patch prominently centered over their brims. The navy blue one went to Curt, Greg got the red one and as you might expect, Phil ended up with the white one.

Once dressed, the four headed down to the hotel's restaurant for breakfast. Brad, having already eaten, opted for a second cup of coffee.

While they were eating, Phil brought up an interesting point. If Curt, Greg and Phil were going spend the next several days operating as females, it followed that they ought to adopt girls' names. Brad, who was already way ahead of them, suggested that for the duration they call Greg, Gina; Phil, Felicia and Curt, Katrina.

After breakfast, it was back to their rooms to collect their dive gear and Brad's camera equipment. Loaded to the gills as it were, they headed down to the marina. There, Brad introduced his three 'models' to the two guys who owed and ran the dive operation on Walkers Cay. James was a gregarious and jovial Bahamian, the kind of guy that people tended to take to right from the get-go. Exuding an understated air of confidence, giving one the impressions he was a well-seasoned diver, Tim McGrudder hailed from the good old U S of A. As Gina, Felicia and Katrina soon learned, one or the other of them would be working with them throughout their stay. In fact, given that they were the only divers on the island until the afternoon plane from Lauderdale touched down; both James and Tim would be accompanying them on their first day of diving.

While Gina, Felicia and Katrina stood there listening as Brad explained what he was looking for in so far as dive sites were concerned, a small crowd of sport fisherman begun to take note of the three lovelies. Needless to say that the three 'girls' were unnerved by the experience of having men gawking at them. Granted, if any one of them had caught sight of a girl who looked as good as they did, there is no doubt that they would have been gawking too. The trouble was, the yachtsmen were not just gawking. They were leering. They were giving Gina, Felicia and Katrina the old hairy eyeball; undressing the three 'girls' with their eyes, and fantasizing about what they would do if they ever got the chance. It more or less goes without saying that the three 'girls' were greatly relieved when their dive boat pulled away from the pier.

A short boat ride later, having rounded the raise knoll of the island's southern tip, they arrived at the first of four dive sites that they would be diving that day. A few minutes later, after James gave them an overview of the site, Tim, from the flying bridge above, declared that the pool was opened and they hit the water.

Oddly enough, once Katrina, the former U.S. Navy Diver and dive shop owner, took a giant stride off of boat's stern dive platform, she became so absorbed with the underwater environment that the fact that she was a girl did not phase her one bit.

All told, they made four dives that day. Brad, using a digital camera mounted atop a housed digital video system, took both video and still pictures of Gina, Felicia and Katrina throughout the dives. However, though he did, the focus of their first day of diving was twofold. First off, the three 'girls' had to get accustomed to the new equipment they were diving. However, their primary objective for the day was to reconnoiter the different dive sites that were available to them. Succinctly put, they were looking for interesting reef formations such as sea fans, barrel sponges and the like to add interest to the pictures that Brad would be taking of them. On their third dive, they got lucky. A sea turtle dropped by and paid them a visit, making for an interesting series of pictures. Ironically, one of the pictures that Brad took of Katrina swimming alongside of the sea turtle made into the dive manufacture's catalog.

As one might imagine, the three 'girls' were still perturbed with Brad for doing what he had done to them. That is to say that while they talked, their conversations with Brad were terse and to the point, discussing only what had to be discussed. The rest of the time, Gina, Felicia and Katrina remained aloof, pretty much giving Brad the cold shoulder the whole time they were out on the boat. But, considering what he had done to them, he deserved it and then some.

Between the second and third dives, knowing that Katrina had been the one who had stuck up for him and convinced Gina and Felicia to pitch in and lend a hand, Brad corned Katrina in the boat's stern section and pointedly asked her what was wrong. Keeping her voice low so that it would not carry to the others, Katrina let Brad have it with both barrels. She told him that while she still considered him a friend, she was nevertheless still angry with him. Without mincing words, Katrina told Brad flat out that she was not ready to either forgive or forget. She told him no uncertain terms that he had abused their friendship and that she was not at all happy about his turning the three of them into girls.

Brad said he understood. Then, having said that, he continued on to ask Katrina what he could do to make it up to her. She told him that the best thing he could do for the time being was to leave her alone and get the hell away from her. Wisely, Brad did just that. Leaving Katrina to sulk in the stern by herself, he scampered up the ladder to join James and Tim on the cabin cruiser's flying bridge.

Oddly enough, as the day went on, Gina and Felicia seemed to be handling the 'girl' thing a lot better than Katrina was. In fact, after their third dive, when it was just the three 'girls' in the boat's mid and aft area that was designated for tourist divers, Katrina saw the two of them playing a quick game of grabass with one another. Needless to say, Katrina felt a tinge of jealousy when she saw Gina and Felicia fondling each other.

As perverted as this might sound, whenever Katrina was not in the water, she found herself having a hard time dealing with the fact that she had all these nifty new erogenous zones scattered all about that new body of hers just itching to be fondled and caressed. Added to that, knowing how damn good she looked as a girl, Katrina was horny as all get out. And, though she did not do it a lot, given how crass it would look if someone caught sight of her doing it, every now and again Katrina gave in to those damn near omnipresent and every so compelling urges of hers. Though she did so surreptitiously, every so often Katrina would fondle one of her breasts, or reach down and quickly draw a finger along the swath made by multiple lip-folds of that new vulva of hers.

But, that only added to Katrina's problems, owing to how fantastic it felt when she gave into those urges. As pissed-off as she was with Brad prior to those short-lived and self-contained grabass sessions of hers, Katrina found herself even more pissed-off with him afterwards. All Katrina could think of was getting back to the hotel, locking herself in the bathroom and getting up close and personal with that new bodacious new body of hers.

As stated before, one of unintentional consequences of having been turned into females was that the three of them had also become narcissists. Katrina's problem was that she wanted to move from just being you average, run of the mill type of narcissist to being the kind of hands-on, no holds bar type of narcissist that takes narcissism to a whole new level.

By the time they all got back to the dock, they were all pretty tuckered out. Needless to say that four dives a day has a tendency to do that to a diver, even divers who were in good physical shape as the four of them were. Having dipped their gear in the fresh water rinse tubs that were located just outside the dockside dive shop, the four of them thanked James and Tim for all their help and assistance. Then, bidding James and Tim a goodnight, Gina, Felicia, Katrina and Brad began to wearily trudge up the hill to the hotel.

Showers followed and Katrina took great pleasure in telling Brad to stay the hell out of the room they shared until she was finished showering and getting dressed. While it was true that Brad had promised no hanky-panky, all Katrina was doing was making damn sure that Brad remained true to his word.

Once dressed, famished as they were, they headed down to the hotel's restaurant for a well-deserved dinner. Unlike the evening before, while the restaurant could in no way be considered crowded, there was a smattering of other people there. When their waitress came over to take their drink order, she informed the four of them that a group of divers, mostly comprised of dive shop owners and to a lesser extent instructors, had flown out form Fort Lauderdale on a promotional cut-rate dive package that afternoon. Having told Brad and his three ever so pretty young models that, their waitress continued on to point out another group of new arrivals that were sitting in the corner off to themselves. That group consisted of five robust and outdoorsy looking men in their thirties and forties. The waitress said that they worked for one of the cable sport networks. Interestingly enough, they were at Walkers Cay to film a segment for a long running series on deep-sea sport fishing.

Even though there were a few other women in the restaurant, Gina, Felicia and Katrina were keenly aware that they were the focal point of the attention of most, if not all of the men who were present. Just knowing that really did a number on Brad's three dinner companions. Being leered at like really creeped Gina, Felicia and Katrina out, giving each one of them a bad case of the willies.

Katrina knew that she was not being paranoid. Possessing a healthy male libido as she did, she knew exactly what those lecherous bastards were thinking. And the reason she knew was because ever time she looked at either Gina or Felicia, or even caught so much as a glimpse of her own reflection, she found herself entertaining the same kind of lecherous thoughts that the men in the restaurant were.

After dinner, the four of headed back to their rooms. Though they all would have liked to kick back and relax, they had worked to do. There were cameras to unload and get ready for the next day's shoot; batteries to be recharged and pictures and video to be uploaded via satellite to the equipment manufacture based out in California. While Felicia helped Gina download the pictures and video to the laptops' hard drives so that they could in turn be uploaded to the satellite, Katrina lent Brad a hand with his camera systems.

Once all that was taken care of, knowing that she could not deny her narcissistic needs any longer, Katrina rather gruffly informed Brad that she needed some time alone in the room. Though Katrina figured Brad had a good idea what she was about, he did not embarrass her. Though Katrina had assumed that Brad would question her, wishing to know why she wanted some time alone, he did not. He simply picked up the paperback he was reading and headed for the door. However, before he left, he did inquired if Katrina thought a half-hour would be sufficient, or would she prefer a whole hour instead. She told him that she thought that it might be a good idea if they split the difference and make it forty-five minutes. Brad seemed okay with that. Telling Katrina to enjoy herself, he stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind him.

Not wishing to be interrupted, Katrina thought it prudent to inform Gina and Felicia that she did not want to be disturbed for the next forty-five minutes. Oddly enough, the interconnecting door to their room was close. However, it was not locked. So, without thinking, Katrina opened it and strolled right into Gina and Felicia's room, startling them in the process.

Katrina's two friends had been in bed together, going at it hot and heavy.

Gina, once she got passed the initial shock of Katrina's intrusion, asked Katrina if she would like to join them, suggesting that they make a threesome out of it. Though appearing somewhat less eager, Felicia also extended the invitation for Katrina to join them. Though Kat was sorely tempted to accept their offer, she realized that while two's company, three was indeed a crowd. Feeling a little like a fifth wheel, Katrina simply told her friends, "Thanks but no thanks," and backed out of the room, closing the door behind her as she went.

Back in the room she shared with Brad, aware that she had just piddled away a few minutes of her time alone, Kate did not waste another moment getting out of her clothes and stepping in front of the mirror that was affixed to the backside of bathroom door. With her left hand targeting her breast, and her right hand in her crotch, Katrina began to crassly tweak and caress herself into a state of full-blown sexual arousal. Having more than a passing familiarity with the various 'ins' and 'outs' of a woman's body, Katrina soon had herself riving under her own deft-handed ministrations. While she knew a woman's clitoris to be sensitive, she never suspected that it could be as sensitive as hers was. She also had to keep telling herself to take it easy and to stop rubbing herself so hard. The one thing she did not need to do was to rub herself raw down there. After all, she had quite a few days to enjoy that particular aspect of being a girl before she got her old trusty pecker back and she did not want to scrouch the pooch so to speak. Understandably, it would have been just plain stupid for Katrina to ruin a good thing.

If being a girl has a silver lining, Katrina quickly came to the realization that silver lining had to be the clitoris. She found it to be a wonderful device for getting one's 'girlish' rocks off.

Add to that, there were female orgasms. Katrina found them to be wonderful. They were without a doubt, fantastic. In fact, once Katrina experienced her first string of clitoral induced orgasms, she thought that she had died and gone to Heaven. As far as Kat was concerned being multi-orgasmic more than made up for all the ignominy involved in her having to contend with the fact that Brad had turned her into a girl. While she had not reached the point where she was ready to forgive Brad, she had to admit that getting off on herself had tempered her ire considerably.

It suffices to say that Katrina thoroughly enjoyed getting off on herself, so much so that she managed a repeat performance before Brad returned to their room almost an hour later. And to Brad's credit, he did not barge in on her. He knocked and waited for Katrina to come to the door and let him in. Then, without saying anything that even alluded to what she may or may not having doing during his absence, Brad asked Kat if she would like to go down to the bar for a drink. Informing Brad that she was still mad with him and was not as yet ready to bury the hatchet, Katrina took her roommate up on his offer. However, when Brad asked her if she thought Gina and Felicia might like to join them, Katrina informed him that she did not think so. She was never sure why she did it, but Kat told Brad about how she had disturbed the two of them while they were going at it hot and heavy.

Upon hearing Katrina say that, Brad chuckled and said, "Well, I'm glad to hear that they're making the best out of a bad situation. By any chance, did they ask you to join them?"

Katrina replied, "Yes. But for some reason or another, I didn't want to horn in on them. I was afraid that I might spoil their fun."

Later, after the two of them had turned in for the night, with Brad laying in his bed and Katrina in hers, Kat felt compelled to ask, "Brad, I'm curious. On those occasions when your mom turned you into a girl, did you ever..." Katrina could not bring herself to finish her question.

"Experiment?" Brad offered.

"Yes..." Kat replied with a degree of hesitancy evident in her voice. "Did you ever... you know?"


"Did you enjoy it?" Katrina had to know.

"Yes. I enjoyed it a lot."

"So did I." Katrina sheepish admitted.

"Good! I'm glad to hear that. Now, seeing as we have another big day on tap for tomorrow, I suggest you try and get some sleep."

Katrina did not know why, but she found herself comforted to hear Brad omit that he had enjoyed getting off as a female as much as she had.

Katrina came out of the bathroom the next morning only to find Brad fishing around in the side pocket of his suitcase. Having found what he was looking for, he walked over to night table that separated their beds and placed a small white cylindrical object that was about the size of a lipstick tube with what looked like a finger-ring affixed to it on Katrina's side of it. As he did so, Brad proceeded on to say, "Tonight, you might want to try using this. I find it to be quite pleasurable. Oh, and if you find that you need to change the battery, you'll find a few in the Pelican Box were I keep my camera tools."

It was a vibrator. Brad had offered to lend Katrina the use of his finger vibrator. She did not know why, but the fact that he had one with him warmed the cockles of her heart. She also knew that it was an extremely nice gesture on his part. The mere fact that Brad had such a device in his possession conjured up some rather interesting, if not perverted speculations in Katrina's mind.

Katrina woke up the next morning felling a little feisty, in a quirky, coquettish sort of way. She found that she liked how sexy she felt. Added to that, she liked how sexy she looked even more. All it took was one look in the mirror to confirm the fact that she looked absolutely terrific. Her confidence level was pegged on the high side and she could not have cared less if guys undressed her with their eyes. In fact, Katrina found herself getting a little miffed on those rare occasions when guys ignored her. As ludicrous as it might sound, Katrina was full of herself. She honestly felt that she deserved guys' attention, and by in large she got their attention. Succinctly put, Katrina found that she got an extemporaneous thrill out of being a dick-teaser. Granted, it would have freaked her out if anyone swinging dick tried to put a move on her. Her problem stemmed from the fact that while she no longer looked like a guy, Katrina still thought of herself as a guy.

After a hardy breakfast it was back to their rooms to collect their diving equipment. Feeling a little daring, Katrina rooted though the available apparel and selected a rather skimpy and revealing white bikini for herself. Felicia, who had worn white the day before, claimed foul and began to throw a hissy-fit. Brad was forced to intercede and suggested that they flip a coin to see who would wear the white bikini. Katrina won, whereupon Felicia demanded two out of three. Katrina won the next toss as well. Though she was not at all happy about it, Felicia ended up wearing a navy blue bikini.

Needless to say, it was another physically demanding day of diving.

Arriving at the dock, Brad and company learned that James would be captaining their dive boat that day owing to the fact that Tim would be busy ferrying the members of promotional dive package that had arrived the day before to and from the sites that they would be diving. As soon as the four of them arrived at the pier, Brad got to work snapping pictures of his three gorgeous 'models'. Having been helped aboard their boat by the two Bahamian teenagers who would be functioning as the boat's able-bodied crew for the day, Katrina caught Bard's ear and informed him that after she set up her system, she would be more than happy to attend to his as well. That way, Brad could keep filming the goings on about the boat.

After the short boat ride out of marina and around the southern tip of Walkers Cay, they arrived at their first dive site of the day, the very same site where they had seen the hawksbill turtle the day before. James, having graciously volunteered to run a second video camera for Brad, accompanied them on both of the morning dives. Then, it was back to the marina for lunch at the dockside cantina. After that, they piled back on their boat and ran back out to the reef for two more very productive dives.

Once again, they were four pooped pups when they got back to the marina and faced the drudgery of dragging their sorry asses back up hill to the hotel.

Interestingly enough, Gina and Felicia had taken what Katrina had said the day before about what happens in Walkers Cay, stays in Walkers Cay to heart. That is to say that they were not in any way circumspect about the lesbian attachment that had formed for one another. Quite the contrary, they made it blatantly obvious that they were gag-gag in for each another. The truth is that the whole time that they were out on the dive boat they could not keep their hands off one another. Throughout the day, whenever Brad was not taking pictures of them, Gina and Felicia were up on the bow, touching and fondling and kissing one another, making it perfectly clear that they were a lesbian couple.

For her part, Katrina was happy for the two of them. However, she was also envious of them. In fact, Katrina was so envious that she even toyed with the notion of asking Brad to turn himself into a girl so that she could have her own lesbian playmate to fool around with.

'Just my luck!" Katrina thought. 'Gina and Felicia have each other. As for me, all I have is Brad's finger-ring vibrator.' But, as Katrina learned later that night when Brad took his evening stroll down to the marina, that little vibrator proved to be a real godsend.

After Brad got back from his evening walk, much as they had the evening before, he and Katrina went down to the bar for margaritas. While at the bar, Brad gout up the gumption to ask Katrina if she was still mad with him. She told him that she was still not happy about what he had done to her, adding that if he ever pull a stunt like that again without asking permission, he would be one sorry son of a bitch. But in answer to his question, Katrina admitted that while she was no longer mad, she was still a little miffed

And so ended the foursome's third day at Walkers Cay.

Their fourth day at Walkers Cay was pretty much a repeat of the previous day. As too was their fifth day, save that they got to use one of Walkers Cay infamous shark dives as a backdrop for a photo shoot.

What James and Tim did to attract sharks was to drop a huge Fishsicle (a ball of frozen fish) into the water while all the divers knelt on the sand and watch as a huge group of sharks swarmed into feed off of it. While most of the sharks were nurse or black tip reef sharks, a few bull sharks showed up to make things interesting.

It was also on the fifth day of their stay that Katrina began to notice that Gina and Felicia's attitudes had begun to change in so far as men were concerned. Where before they would have absolutely nothing to do with the guys from the cable sports network, Gina and Felicia gave in to their hounding and accepted an invitation to take an evening cruise on their motor yacht. They even went so far as to inquire if Katrina wanted to join them, suggesting in so many words that it would do Kat good to do something else besides lay around the hotel room and read a book. Though they pressured her, Kat decline, politely informing her two femmed out friends that she thought they were crazy to put themselves in such a precarious position. Feeling that it was he duty to do so, Kat repeatedly pointed out the rather obvious fact that her two friends were now members of the weaker sex and that five against two were not very good odds.

But would they listen? No. They informed Katrina that they were big girls and that they could take care of themselves. Calling Kat a ninny, among other things, they poo-pooed her words of caution and gleefully scampered down the hill to the marina.

It was also on the fifth day of their stay that Katrina began to realize that her psyche was undergoing some rather significant changes as well. At first, she thought she was just beginning to become accustomed to her new body, but as the day progressed Kat realized that something else was occurring as well.

It started when they were out on the boat. Brad was confirming with Gina about something or other and something one or the other of them must have said caught Katrina's ear because she looked over at them. Well, when she did, low and behold there was Brad's ass staring her right in the face. And all she could think of was how nice, firm and manly his ass was.

After that, continuing the rest of the day and throughout the evening, Katrina kept catching herself surreptitious gazing at Brad in what she came to think of as a very girlish sort of way. Oddly enough, Kat was not troubled by the way she was felling. It somehow felt natural to her, natural and somehow right to feel the way she was feeling.

It was while eating breakfast on our sixth day that Katrina realized that the changes she had begun to notice the day before had become more pronounced over night. While she was still extremely sexually attracted to her two sexually transmogrified cohorts, Katrina realized that she was starting to see Brad in a different light. Katrina also found that she wanted him to see her as something other than just a friend. All Brad had to do was to smile at her, and Katrina could feel herself start to go all gushy inside.

By the time they got back to the dock after a full day of diving, Katrina was aware that she was no longer a guy fitted out in a woman's body. Granted she was not a complete woman as yet, but Katrina knew that she was well on my way to becoming one. Furthermore, though she could not figure out why, Katrina realized that she wanted Brad to accord her as the woman she was on the cusp of becoming. Worse, Katrina had begun to seriously toy with the possibility of throwing caution to the wind and asking Brad to make love to her.

Given the way that Gina and Felicia were shamelessly flirting with the members of that sports channel's film crew that evening at dinner, Katrina knew that she was not the only one who was on the fast track to becoming a bisexual nymphomaniac.

"Brad," Katrina softly intoned shortly after he had turned the lights off.


"I'm curious. Do you still turn yourself into a girl from time to time?"


"Do you do it a lot?"

"No... However, there was a time when I did."

"So, how come you slacked off?"

"I guess I got scared."

"Of what?" Katrina was even more curious than she was before. "What scared you?"

"That I was starting to like it to much."

"Oh!" Brad's answer intrigued Katrina. "Do you mind if I ask you something else?"

"Sure... Shoot."

"What was the longest time that you ever remained in 'girl' form?"

"Three days max. However, I only did that on a few occasions back when we were in high school. As a general rule, I don't like to spend more than two days as a girl."

"On those three day stints of yours, did you ever notice anything strange?"

"No. Not really... Other then the fact that I really enjoyed spending time as a girl."

"When you turn yourself into a girl, is the girl you turn yourself into pretty?"

"Is a bear Catholic? Does the Pope shit in the woods?" he smirked.

"As a girl, are you a lesbian?"

"You bet your sweet ass I am!"

"Have you ever gotten it on with another girl?"

"No. But I sure would have liked to..."

"Yeah... I know the feeling." Katrina offered.

"I guess you do. I guess you're more than a little envious of Greg and Phil, right about now, aren't you?"

"If you're referring to Gina and Felicia, I have to admit that I am, a little."

"Hey Curt! Look, as much as I'm enjoying this conversation of ours, I'm beat. So, if it's alright with you, how 'bout we continue this in the morning?"

"Sure..." Katrina murmured. Then under her breath, Katrina grumbled incoherently, "And it's Katrina, dickhead. For your information, Curtis doesn't live here anymore..."

"Did you say something?"

"Yeah," Katrina replied gruffly. "I said goodnight."


Katrina awoke the next morning, with that morning being their seventh on Walkers Cay; to find that what she had said the night before was true. Katrina was no longer Curtis Clark. During the night the last vestiges of Curtis Clark had relinquished their claim of masculinity and eagerly embraced the siren's intoxicating song of femininity. One look at Brad was all it took to confirm that fact that she had in fact become Katrina Clark. And the really surprising thing was that Katrina did not mind it at all. The fact is that Katrina welcomed it.

Katrina also knew what she wanted. She wanted Brad to make her feel like the woman that she had become. She wanted him to wine her to dine her and woo her. Katrina wanted Brad to hug her, to kiss her, to fondle her and to caress all those new feminine attributes of hers. And more than anything, Katrina wanted Brad to go down on her and eat her out. She also wanted to feel him up inside of her. Katrina wanted Brad to tell her that he needed her, that he could not live without her, that he loved her.

After spending another full day diving the reefs of Walkers Cay, Katrina informed Brad that she wanted him to take the first shower. Though he seemed a little bemused by her request, he thought better than to quibble. That is to say that he did as Katrina requested.

Upon relinquishing the bathroom to her, Brad heeded Katrina's instructions to get dressed and head down to the restaurant where she would join him directly. Once he was gone, Katrina took a quick shower and then got dressed herself. However, instead of shorts and a cotton top, Katrina selected a stunning white diaphanous summer dress that made her look good enough to eat. Her hopes were that Brad would pick up on the not too subtle hint. Next, Katrina strapped on a pair of sexy, I want to get laid tonight, stiletto heeled sandals and more gracefully than Katrina would had thought possible wearing such perilous footwear, headed down to restaurant to hook up with Brad.

Having checked with Gina and Felicia that afternoon while still on the dive boat, Katrina knew that they would be spending another evening of carnal debauchery with the sports network's film crew.

The look on Brad's face when he saw Katrina was absolutely precious, making her wish that she had a camera to capture it for prosperity. For a moment there it looked as if his eyes were ready to pop right out of his head.

"Damn, Curt!" Brad said as Katrina sat down across form him. "You look sensational! What's up with the dress?"

She smiled and demurely replied, "First off, I want to thank you for the compliment. Look, I know how crazy this is going to sound, but it was nice hearing you say something like that. Secondly, how 'bout we lose the Curt crap? I would really appreciate it if you would call me, Katrina, or even just Kat."

"Now," Katrina continued as she pretended to scan the menu, "as far as this dress is concerned, I wore it for you." Katrina put the menu down and looked Brad square in the eyes. "Tell me something. Do you think I'm pretty?"

"Of course I do, Curt. Sorry... Katrina! But, you're not just pretty, you're gorgeous."

"Do you think I'm sexy?"

"Oh, yeah... You're sexy all right."

"Do you find me attractive? What I meant by that is if you just met me, you know, like out on the dive boat this afternoon and didn't know that I was once a guy, do you think that there's a chance that you would want to go out with me?"

"Yeah... Sure... I mean, I guess so..."

"I'm sorry. That's not good enough, Brad. I don't want to hear an 'I guess so.' I want an honest answer. Putting aside the fact that you and I are friends for the moment, a friend that you somehow turned into a girl, if I were a perfect stranger, do you think you would be attract to me?"

"When you put it like that, the answer is: yes. I would find myself very attracted to you."

That was the answer Katrina wanted to hear. And upon hearing it, she laid it all out for Brad in no uncertain terms. She told him that something strange had occurred and that she no longer thought of herself as a guy in a girl's body. Katrina told him that as far as she was concerned, she had become a woman and that she wanted him to treat her as the woman she had become.

Brad told Katrina that she was crazy and that she did not know what she was talking about. In fact, he thought to challenge Katrina assertion by pointing out the fact that Gina and Felicia had not changed into women the way Katrina was claiming that she had. To make her case, Katrina simply pointed over to the table where Gina and Felicia were eating dinner with the sports network's film crew, as the two of them had been doing for the past three evening. Then, just to hammer the point home, Katrina simply asked Brad if their two friends were acting like a couple of man-hating dikes the way they had during the early stages of their forced feminization.

Backed into a corner as he was, Brad had to concede that Gina and Felicia did appear to be not only enjoying themselves, but shameless flirting with their table mates. Whereupon. Katrina informed him that they not only were they enjoying themselves, but that they were banging those guys like there was no tomorrow.

Having said that, Katrina continued on to inform Brad about something he already knew. Katrina told him flat out that he owed her big time. Brad did not quibble. In fact, he readily agreed, freely acknowledging the fact that if had not been for Katrina's fortuitous intercession, he would have been up Shits Creek without a paddled.

That's when Katrina told him what she wanted. Without mincing words, Katrina informed Brad that she wanted him to treat her like a girl he had just met. Katrina told him that she wanted him to romantically seduce her and perhaps even take her to bed.

Brad balked at her suggestion, much as Kat expected he would. Undaunted, Katrina then proceeded to tell him why she wanted him to seduce her. She told him that since she would only be a female for a few more days, she wanted to experience the whole gambit of what it was like to be a woman and that if he would not oblige her, she would just have to find somebody who would.

That did the trick. While Katrina knew that Brad was still a little gun-shy about the prospects of treating her as a young lady he had just met, that threat of hers convinced him to at least give it a try.

Needless to say that Brad got off to a bad start, owing to the fact that he did not have a clue as to what to do with her once they had finished dinner. Taking the bull by the horns, Katrina had to suggest that they stroll down to the marina so that they could watch the sun set together. Hell, Katrina even had to even prod him into holding her hand as they made their way down the hill together.

"Brad," Katrina finally had to lay down the law, "I was kind of hoping that I was going to get laid tonight, but if that ain't going to happen unless you get your ass and gear starting taking some initiative. May I remind you? I'm not supposed to be seducing you, you're the one who is supposed to be seducing me. So, would you stop pussy-footing around here and kiss me already?"

Brad did as Katrina suggested. He kissed her full on the lips. But as kisses come and go, their first kiss was pretty much a dud. Brad knew it, and he knew that Katrina knew it as well. So, he hauled off and kissed her again, and while it wasn't anything to write home about, it was an improvement over his first kiss. Undaunted, he planted another lip-lock on her and that sucker was a lollapalooza. In just three palpitations of her girlish heart, Katrina went from being slightly perturbed to being extremely turned-on. Her tits came to attention even as she spread her quivering lips in an open invitation for Brad's tongue to enter the cavity of her mouth.

Kiss followed kiss, and when Brad's hand cupped Katrina's ass and began to tenderly fondle it, Kat thought that she had died and gone to Heaven. Then, making her feel all warm and cozy inside, Katrina felt Brad's blood-engorged manhood press hard up against her taught lower abdomen.

Then, taking her hand in his, Brad walked Katrina back to a bench that was located on the concrete bulkhead from which the marina's wooden piers extended. There, he gentle pulled her down on the seat beside him. Holding her close to him, they began to make-out as Brad deftly ran his hand up and under the hem of Katrina's dress and began to tenderly caress the erogenous zone that lay along inner run of her ever so senitive thigh.

'Damn that feels good!' Katrina thought.

So anyhow, one thing lead to another and before the hour was out; Brad and Katrina found themselves back in their room.

Brad was great. He actually took Katrina by surprise when he did something that few guys would have done in a similar situation. Aware that he had her at a distinct disadvantage, given how aroused Katrina was at time, Brad took a moment out to actually ask her if she really wanted him to make love to her.

Well, it goes without saying that Katrina wanted that more than anything else.

For her first time as a woman, Katrina could not have asked for a better lover than Brad. Having logged time as a woman himself, Brad possessed first hand knowledge of all the ins and outs of a woman's body. Added to that, he did not hurry things along. He took his time. Employing a whole arsenal of techniques, Brad artfully worked Katrina into a sexual frenzy to end all sexual frenzies. He then shifted position. Moving into the splay of her legs, he went down on her, turning her into a wanton hussy in the process.

Katrina squealed. She cried. She bucked. She shimmied.

The pleasure that was being lavished upon her was excruciating. Katrina soared, rocketing ever upwards on the swirling vortex of primordial needs. Thinking that she could endure no more, Brad's tongue twirled sublimely around the elusive and ever so sensitive nub of her clitoris and Katrina climaxed. Then, immediate on the heels of that, she climaxed again, and again, and again, and so on, and so forth, until she wearily passed into the blissful and welcomed nirvana of post-orgasmic splendor.

"Kat" Brad tenderly intoned. "Are you really sure that you want me to enter you?"

"Yes," Katrina heard herself beseechingly whimper. "Please! I want to fell you inside of me."

"Even it means that I might have to pop your cherry?"

"Yes!" Katrina wantonly implored.

Brad was more than happy to oblige. However, as Katrina felt the head of his penis begin to insert itself between the multiple lip-folds of her vulva, she began to question the wisdom of her request. So much so that she came within a hair's breath of calling the whole thing off. But to her own surprise, she did no such thing. Having experienced a brief moment of indecision, Katrina thrust her hips upwards, in effect impaling herself on Brad's manhood, there by deflowering herself in the process.

Though Katrina knew that Brad's penis was no larger than her own, she nevertheless thought that it felt huge nestled up inside of her vaginal canal. Oddly enough, Katrina loved feeling Brad up inside of her like that, which in turn confirmed in her own mind that she really was a woman in body, mind and soul.

All told, Brad ate her out three times that night and humped her twice. And if you are wondering if Katrina went down on him, the answer is no, Katrina did no such thing. The truth is that Katrina never so much as touched that ugly gnarled up 'thing' of his. But, in her defense, Katrina really did not think Brad expected her to

They both knew that Katrina was scheduled to get her own manly 'thing' back in just a few more days. That being the case, it went without saying that the last thing Katrina wanted was to speed the rest of her life knowing that she had had another guy's 'thing' in her mouth. Being called a lousy no good cocksucker was one thing, the fact of actually having been one was something else altogether. Brad for his part, was very understanding about that aspect of their lovemaking.

Though Katrina could have easily done so, she did not return to her own bed that night. Instead, she elected to spend the night in Brad's bed.

Brad woke Katrina up the next morning by tenderly suckling on the tit of her left breast. As you might expect, the two of them made love not once mind you, but twice. They even took their morning showers together.

Neither Brad nor Katrina had to say anything to Gina and Felicia about what had happened. As soon as the two of them walked into the room Brad and Katrina shared, they knew what had transpired. For one thing, Katrina's bed had not been slept in. That, in and of itself was pretty much a dead give away. Added to that, both Brad and Katrina were grinning like a couple of Cheshire cats. Needless to say that while Gina and Felicia were both happy for Brad and Kat, they needled the shit out of them for the better part of that day and most of the next as well. Every time Katrina turned around it seemed that Gina was needling her with, "Brad and Kat, sitting in a tree, k... i... s... s... i... n... g. First comes love. Then, comes marriage. Then come Kat with a baby carriage..."

The next three days had to be without a doubt the happiest three days of Katrina's life. Brad was not only a great lover, but also a perfect gentleman as well. For all practical purposes, the two of them were inseparable. More to the point, Brad made Katrina feel every bit the vivacious and sexy young woman that she had become.

Though trite, it is nevertheless a truism. All good things must come to end. While Gina and Felicia freely admitted that they had enjoyed the hell out of the experience of spend time as members of the fairer sex, they were nevertheless looking forward to regaining their manhood. Katrina, on the other hand, was not. As much as Katrina tried to deny it, she like the way she both looked and felt as a woman. There was just no way Katrina wanted to go back to ever being a man again. Trouble was, since her passport proclaimed that Katrina was a man, she did not have a whole lot of choice in the matter.

Katrina also had to face the fact that there was another factor involved in her not wanting to change back into a man again. As crazy as it sounds, she, like a big dummydunderhead, had gone and fallen in love with Brad. However, though she had, he did not know it and Katrina was not about to let the cat out of the bag and tell him.

Though the sports network's film crew had left while they were out diving, Gina and Felicia, knowing that Katrina wanted to spend her last evening alone with Brad, informed the two lovers that they would be spending their last evening as women doing the lesbian 'thing'. Much as they had the previous evenings, Brad and Katrina ate dinner and then headed down to the marina to watch the sunset and were treated to another spectacular green flash. Back in their room, Brad and Katrina spent the remaining hours of the evening making passionate love.

Though both they were both extremely reluctant to end their lovemaking session, Brad, with a last long and endearing kiss, informed Katrina that since it was getting onto midnight, it was time for her to return to her own bed. As much as he did not want to, Brad informed Kat that he would be up for awhile. He told her that he had to cast the spell that would undo what he had done to the three of them, which in turn would result in Gina, Felicia and Katrina turning back into the men they had been born to be.

"Bard," Katrina tearfully implored from her bed. "By any chance, can you teach me that spell, you know, in the off-chance that I get bored one night and decided that I want to revisit this body, you know, to once again tickle this little fancy of mine?"

Brad chuckled at hearing Katrina say that. "Funny you should ask. Just yesterday, thinking you might enjoy a feminine fling every now and again, I took the liberty of slipping a copy of my great grandmother's spell into your logbook along with some instructions that a jotted down on how to go about invoking it. I think that you'll find it easy to use and if you need help, you know all you have to do is call."

"Thank you, Brad," Katrina sniffled. "In fact, thank you for everything. It's been fun..."

As expect, Curt woke up the next more to find himself back in his old body. Likewise, Greg and Phil were once again their old manly selves. Though Curt put on a good face about it, he was not all that happy to find himself a man again. The truth was, Curt felt extremely awkward and ill at ease.

The good thing, if you could call it that, was that Curt felt no sexual attraction to Brad. Oddly enough, part of him actually wished that he still did, while the other part was damn glad that he did not. It was most confusing for Curt to say the least. But what Curt did know was that being a guy again felt icky, strange and somehow wrong. Though he tried to shake the feeling, Curt finally had to admit that he want to be a woman again more than anything else in the world.

Phil prudently reminded everybody that what happened at Walkers Cay, stayed in Walkers Cay and they all agreed that they would not tell anyone else what had occurred, as if anyone would have believed us if they did. Though the four of them communicated with one another, it was at beast awkward. It seemed that the guilty knowledge of what they had done bothered each one of them.

After getting up, they got dressed and headed down to breakfast together. Though they did talk, it was both forced and strained. After breakfast it was back to their rooms to pack. Once packed, they killed some time by walking around the marina and then, picking up their luggage back at the hotel, they checked out and headed down to the near end of the runway where they would meet their plane.

The same two Bahamian Customs Officials that had greeted them on their arrival cleared them for departure. Once that was accomplished, they piled into the same single engine Piper Saratoga II that they had flown out on for the flight back to Lauderdale. There, they cleared Customs and were driven over to the main terminal. Prudently, they checked in at their airline's reservation desk. Once that was done, since they were all starting to get hungry, on Greg's suggestion they grabbed some lunch. After that, they passed through security and located their flight's departure gate. Oddly enough, when they finally boarded their plane, Greg asked Curt to sit next to him; leaving Phil had to grab the seat next to Brad. That got Curt to thinking that Greg felt just as uncomfortable interacting with Phil as he did interacting with Brad.

Once they were in the air, Curt pointedly asked Greg if there was problem between him and Phil. Greg assured Curt that there was not, but that given what that had done together while at Walkers Cay, he felt a little awkward around Phil. Curt assured Greg that he felt the same way about Brad. Then, as if by mutual accord, they dropped the subject.

Though Curt pretended to read the paperback that he had purchased at the airport in Lauderdale, he found that he could not concentrate enough to get much beyond a page or two at a time. The problem was that Curt could not stop thinking about how much he had enjoyed the time he had spent as a female. Though waking up to find that he had become an anatomically correct member of the opposite sex had thrown him for a loop at first, Curt had to admit that he had never felt more alive than he had as a woman. Though it took a lot of soul-searching on his part, before their plane touched down Curt came to the realization that he did not want to be a man anymore. As ludicrous as it seemed, Curt knew that he wanted to be a woman more than anything else in the world.

On top of that, Curt also realized that there was nothing really stopping him from becoming a woman on a full-time bases. His ex-wife had screwed him out of his dive shop business. She had also gotten their house in the divorce settlement. Then, adding insult to injury, she had saddled him with a whole slew of bills for purchases she had made for herself prior to informing him that their marriage was over. Curt lived in an apartment and drove a rust-eaten van that was on its last legs. True, Curt did own a business of sorts, if you can call scrubbing boat bottoms a business. But Curt told himself that he could just as easily scrub boat bottoms as girl as he could as a guy.

Brad's girlfriend, Cindy picked the four of them up at the airport. While Curt knew that he had no right to be jealous of how lovey-dovey the two of them behaved when Cindy met them at the luggage pick-up, Curt was. Though he hid it well, Curt was green with envy. But, even though he was, Curt was nevertheless determined to follow through with his plans.

They dropped Phil off first and then it was Curt's turn.

Once in his apartment, Curt wasted no time in digging out his logbook and was relieved to find that Brad had stuck the piece paper containing the hand-written spell in the inside pocket where Curt keep his plastic dive tables. Brad had also included explicit directions on how to invoke the spell and some of the things Curt needed to be aware of should he ever get it in his head to actual use the spell.

The first thing Curt did was to scan Brad's hand-written instructions into his computer and print out several copies. Then, Curt opened Microsoft Word and re-typed them just to make sure he did not lose or misplace them. Aware that he would fall into a deep sleep within minutes of invoking the spell, Curt got ready for bed and headed into the bedroom. There, sitting on the edge of his bed, Curt read the spell aloud. He then placed the instructions on the night table and set his alarm for six. Turing off the lights, he stretched out on his bed and within a matter of minutes he was fast asleep.

Curt awoke somewhere around four fifteen and was delighted to find that she was once again the narcissistic, amply endowed blonde bombshell that she had been during her ten day stay on Walkers Cay. Katrina also awoke to find that she was both extremely horny and hopelessly in love with Brad. Needless to say that the first thing Katrina did was to rub herself off. After that, Katrina took a shower and toweled herself dry. However, as so as she looked in the mirror, she began to rub herself off for a second time that morning. Breakfast followed that and that was followed in turn by another self-contained self-indulgent narcissistic lovemaking session with herself.

Knowing that there was no way she was going to get any work done that day, and knowing too that it would be several hours before the stores at the mall opened, Katrina decided to unpack her stuff and rinse her dive gear. Twice, Katrina almost gave into the urge to call Brad and tell him to get his sorry ass over to her place and attend to those damn near omnipresent carnal needs of hers. However, Katrina was a good girl. Instead of calling Brad, she ended up playing another game of stink-finger with herself. It was not what Katrina wanted, but it did help to mitigate her damn near omnipresent sense of horniness for awhile.

Though Katrina knew she was taking a risk, given that she did not have a driver's license, she knew that if she was going to remain a woman, she needed to pick up some clothes to fit that new body of hers. So, throwing caught to the wind, Katrina drove herself over to the mall. Withdrawing several hundred dollars from a teller machine to augment the five hundred that she already had, Katrina went on a shopping spree. Starting at a Victoria Secrets, Katrina purchased several pairs of bras and panties and two satin camisoles that caught her eye, one in shimmering red and the other, in subdued and rather classy looking champagne. In an after thought, Katrina also picked up several pairs of pantyhose. Next stop was a women's wear shop that targeted the late teens, twenty-something crowed. There, Katrina picked up several pairs of jeans and a few rather snazzy tops, tops that flattered that girlish and amply endowed figure of hers. Hitting the teller machine for some more cash, Katrina headed off for a shoe store located on the mall's upper level. There, Katrina threw caution to the wind and bought three pairs of high heels, two of which were your classic stiletto heel pointy toed kidskin pumps, one pair in black the other in a navy blue, and a pair of kick-ass high heeled saddles. Then, having already decided that as a girl, Katrina was going to be a regular fashion plate, a dick-teaser's dick-teaser if you will, she purchased two pairs of stylish ladies boots, one pair in black, the other in tan.

From the shoe store, Katrina made for the cosmetic counter of one of the three major department stores that had set up shop at the mall. There, she put herself in the hands of a very nice young woman who seemed to know her stuff. Two hundred and fifty dollars later, with only a small bag containing all the crap she had just purchased, Katrina was back strolling along the mall's lower concourse. Katrina actually thought she was finished shopping for the day. But as it turned out, she was wrong. While Katrina was threading her way along the concourse, she caught sight of this fantastic dress that she knew she would look absolutely sensational wearing. Needless to say, Katrina bought it, along with three others dresses.

It was going on two by the time Katrina got out of the mall and headed back to her apartment. Once there, having decided to adopt the philosophy that all was fair in love and war, Katrina selected one of the dresses she had purchased, the one that really showcased that magnificent cleavage of hers, and proceeded to get dressed. After Katrina accomplished that, and knowing that she looked good enough to eat, she climbed back into her van and drove herself over to Brad studio.

Having rehearsed what she was going to say on the ride over and adopting a take no prisoners kind of attitude, Katrina opened the door to Brad's studio. That set off the chime that was supposed to inform him that he had a customer. Without breaking stride, and with her new high heels clicking and clacking away on the linoleum floor that was in bad need of replacing, Katrina briskly crossed the showroom. Darting behind the reception counter, Katrina strode into the backroom where she came face to face with her quarry. Needless to say, Brad was both startled and surprised to see her.

"Brad!" Katrina snapped before he could get a word in edgewise. "Here's the thing. I am in love you. And maybe I'm fouling myself, but I think that there's a good chance that you might be well on your way to falling in love with me. So, you tell little Miss Cindy Whatshername that there's a new girl in town and that if she isn't careful, I'm going to steal you right out from under that perky little pushed-up nose of hers."

"Look!" Katrina was just getting started. "I'll grant you that I'm new at this girl shit. But, I think I'm really started to get the hang of it. So, all I'm asking is for you to give me a chance to prove to you just how good a girlfriend I can be. I promise that you won't regret it. Besides, you owe me. If it wasn't for you and what you did to me, you know fully well that I wouldn't be here right now."

"Oh! And another thing!" Knowing that she might only get the one opportunity to state her case, Katrina kept the pressure on. "If you think that this girl 'thing' is just a fad I'm going through, I'm here to tell you that it isn't. For your information, I happen to like being a girl and regardless of whether you want me to be your wife or not, I'm here to tell you that I plan on remaining one. I happen to really like this body and I fully intend on keeping it."

"That's right, pal! I said wife and I meant wife. Think about it! Unless you were faking it when we made love, which I don't believe for one minute you were, especially considering all that semen that pecker of yours pumped into me, the sex we had was great. You know as well as I do that it was phenomenal. Add to that, I doubt that there's another woman in the world who could keep up with you, much less put up with you. You know it! I know it! We'd be absolute great together. Or at the very least, we both know that we're great in bed together."

"All you have to do is get passed any reservations you might still have about marrying a girl who used to be a man. But since you didn't have any qualms about making love to me only the day before yesterday, that really shouldn't be too much of a problem for you, now should it?"

"Oh, and if you're hung up about the oral sex thing, don't be. I've given it a lot of thought and I can tell you right now that that won't be an issue for me. As long as I know that there's a chance for us to make a go of it, I'll touch it. I'll fondle it. I'll caress the livin' shit out of it. I'll even stick in my mouth and suck it dry if that's what it'll take to convince you that I'm serious about all of this."

"And if the wife shit scares you, I'm open to make other arrangements. I'll be your wife, your mistress, or even your sometimes girlfriend. But I can tell you right now, mister. I'm not about to let you walk out of my life."

"Look, Brad!" Katrina kept hammering away at him. "I know a good thing when I see it. And you are definitely a good thing in my book..."

"Kat!" Brad aggressively broke in on her. "Stop! Look, I think I've got the picture. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to say something.

"Last night, after Cindy and I got back to my place, the two of us had a long talk. Basically, after everything was all said and done, we agreed that while we had a pretty good run. We decided that it was best if we both went our separate ways. You see, Kat, Cindy's pretty intuitive when it comes to matters of the heart. Truth is that she knew something was wrong before we even got out of the airport last night. Though she never came right out and accused me of cheating on her, she knew that my feelings towards her had changed. And, she was right. They had."

"You see, Kat you weren't the only one who fell in love during our stay at Walkers Cay. As crazy as it sounds, I did too. Though I tried like hell not to, I fell in love with you."

"Oh, and just so you know, the wife thing doesn't scare me in me in the least. That's what I want too, and the soon the better. And, I think you're right. The two of us will make a great couple..."

After talking for awhile, Brad decided to close up the studio early so that he could take Katrina out to dinner to celebrate their engagement. After dinner, they drove over to the mall where they stopped in a couple of jewelry stores so that Kat could pick out an engagement ring that Brad insisted on purchasing for her. Once that was attended to, they headed back to Brad's place and spent the remainder of the evening making passionate love.


There was only one thing that stood in the way of Brad and Katrina getting married. Legally speaking, Katrina was a non-person. Without documentation, she would never be able to apply for a marriage license. Brad was on top of it though. While in California he had made the acquaintance of some people who knew how to obtain such documentation. Brad started the process the next morning by taking a whole slew of pictures of Katrina, pictures that would in turn be used in the production of the documentation requiring a photo ID, such as passport, drivers license and the like. After that was attended to, he got on the phone and began making calls to people out on the Left Coast that owed him favors. Though it took a little longer than either one of them would have liked, a packet arrived in the mail one day at Brad's studio for a Ms. Katrina Lancer containing a Birth Certificate, a Social Security Card, a U.S. Passport, a drivers license, a library card, several credit cards and a few other forms of personal identification.

The day after Kat's documentation arrived, the two of them applied for a marriage license. Two weeks after that, with Phil standing as Brad's best man, and Greg, as Gina, standing as Katrina's maid of honor, the two of them were wed.

There was one other point of interest. Brad's great grandmother's spell came with a twenty-eight day grace period. That meant that Katrina could change herself back into a guy again as long as she did not exceed that twenty-eight day benchmark. Once she did, there would be no changing back. She would be stuck as a female for the rest of her life.

Several days before Katrina's twenty-eighth day as a female approached, Brad, felling that it was only right that he should do so, presented her several options. One, she could back out of the deal entirely and return to living her former life as a man. Two, she could spend one day as man and then change herself back into a woman and repeated the process once every twenty-eight day period. And should Katrina elect to go with the second option, Brad told her that he would sweeten the deal. On the days that Kat would opt back into manhood, Brad said that he would be more than happy to change himself into a girl. While Kat was more than a little intrigued with Brad's suggestion, she told him thanks, but no thanks. She liked being a girl far too much to ever want to be a guy again. However, though she did so sparingly, ever so often Katrina would use the transsexualization spell to turn Brad into her lesbian lover. For his part, Brad enjoyed the change of pace as much as his wife did.

The End

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