The Sky Is Blue

By eric leung

Published on Mar 16, 2023


Hi guys, this is the chapter 7. I want to say thank you to Hankm help me to edit the story. The previous 6 chapters got edit and re-post too. The version is better than the old one. Hope you guys love to read my story. Please email me if you have any comments. Oh one more thing, If you are under 18, please leave and if you feel offence to Homosexual relationship, please leave too.

The Sky is Blue

Chapter 7: The Moon Angel and the Music Box ===========================================

Andrew's point of view ----------------------

I am a soldier. My duty is to protect my country, protect my family. Sometimes I ask myself why I became a soldier. I think it was mainly because I wanted to have a life different from my brother's. All my life, people had been referring to me as 'Edward's brother'. I'm sick and tired of being his shadow.

People are so used to seeing us as twins all the time, but not as two different individuals. I tried to redress their perception of us. So when my brother decided to follow in Dad's footsteps and became a scholar, I was determined to do something radically different. So I became a soldier. When I knew Edward loved Tin too, I tried hard to forget him. And when my brother tried to protect him, I bullied him instead.

Looking back, I think the moment that I'd first decided to carve out a separate life of my own was after I'd met Tin. I resolved then to be as different from Edward as I could. Although my parents never compared Edward and me, my grandparents and all the uncles and aunts loved to do just that. To make matters worse, Edward seemed capable of doing almost everything better than I. Then I met Tin. He was the first person to see me as Andrew, and not as 'Edward's brother'. He could see that we were twins but he could also appreciate us as two separate individuals.

Maybe that was why I came to fall in love with him. And maybe all those years of hearing my uncles and aunts made me subconsciously believe that I was not good enough, and that Edward was more deserving of Tin than I. Fueled further by my resolve to be as night to Edward's day, it was no wonder that I suppressed my feelings for Tin, and thus betraying my true self.

But don't for a moment think that I'd betrayed myself yet again by becoming a soldier. You see, a soldier protects his country and therefore his family. And I love my family more than my own self. I love my brother so much that it was another reason for not staying true to my feelings for Tin. I did not listen to my heart. I kept telling myself that I did not love Tin. I tried to fool myself and came up with many excuses to deceive myself. I told myself that I was happy to see them together, that I'd done the right thing, but it's nothing but lies.

I never expected to kiss Tin again after all this while. I thought I'd to settle for just fond memories of our first kiss in Hong Kong all my life. So when Tin kissed me again after making me confront my true feelings for him, I was simply blown away. His lips tasted just as sweet as honey. Did he feel the same? Even then, I tried to push him away.

I kept telling myself that I'd better control myself. I could see my blood on his lips. Was that my pain reflected in his eyes, or did that pain come from inside him? I tried to resist him but it was no use. His eyes captured me and I could not help looking into them. It was as if part of my soul was being drawn into him through them.

I was so mesmerized that I kept staring into those deep brown eyes of his for what seemed like an eternity. When I'd regained my senses, I realised that my love standing totally naked in front of me. I could not recall when he'd started taking off his clothes.

He was like an angel. Moonlight was shining on him and made his whole body aglow with a shimmering radiance. He looked so heavenly that I was lost for words. I could only stand there drinking in his beauty with my eyes, trying to memorize every detail of this lovely vision before me.

"Do you think I am dirty or what?" I was pulled back into reality by Tin's question.

"No!" I blurted.

"Then why can't you accept my love? Is it because you are scared of hurting your brother's feelings? Do you only think of your brother? What about me? Do you realise that you are slowly tearing me to pieces?" he started crying, tears falling on the glasses.

Before I could stop myself, I was running out of his house, running as fast as possible away from him. I was a soldier and I'd never run away from anything before. I never ran away from confrontations, and I certainly never ran away in the battlefield. But this time, I was running away because I'd hurt myself and, in doing so, hurt Tin at the same time. I was nothing but a fool!

Tin's point of view: --------------------

At the end of that week, I had dinner with the Johnson's. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson hugged me when they saw me. I never knew that I was a such a good actor. I put on my best smile but, deep down my heart, I felt so pained. The whole night Andrew said nothing, he kept to himself. Then, in the middle of the dinner, he suddenly said he didn't feel good and asked to be excused.

So Edward took care of me the whole night. He kept talking at me, trying to draw me into the conversation. A part of me was convinced that accepting Ed was a good idea, but another part of me knew that the one I really loved was Andy.

I even entertained the thought of accepting Ed's love just so that I could hurt Andy in return for rejecting me and hurting me. When I realised what I was thinking of doing, I started to hate myself. Because of love, I was not even myself anymore. What kind of thought was that? What I was thinking of? If revenge could indeed make me feel better in the end, I would do it without any regrets. But no! I knew that nothing would make me feel better now. Andrew's rejection was too painful for me. A myriad of emotions coursed within me. I could feel hatred, love, anger, sadness and pain, all going through me. I was so confused.

Life is never easy. After Mr. and Mrs. Johnson had gone back to Vancouver, I started preparing for my exams. That year's summer was very hot and I'd signed up for 3 courses that summer. I had to hand in many assignments for VCD and Painting before the end of the summer term. I also need to prepare for the final exam on Art History. So I pushed all my thoughts aside, trying to bury them in the far recesses of my mind, and concentrated on my studies. It was not an easy task but I tried my best.

Joe talked to me one day. He asked, "Tin, are you using your work to escape again?" Yeah, I was running away again. Joe knew me well.

I replied, "Yeah." He deserved an honest answer.

In that period of time, Ed took care of me well. He cooked dinner and helped me wash my clothes. He was not good at it but still tried his best. I was touched. I knew that he really loved me. Should I choose the one who cares more for me or should I choose someone I care for more?

After the busy week, my step-mom came to visit. And I was planning on some quiet time after surviving the hectic week!

"Tin, your dad really misses you. He wants you to go back to Hong Kong for a short vacation since you have 3 weeks' holiday before your fall term begins."

I thought, "Ed and Andy will be leaving two weeks after the holidays begin so maybe if I go back to Hong Kong, they'll be gone by the time I return. Maybe then, I can pretend as if nothing had happened." So I agreed.

The other day, my step-mom decided to help me clean up the house. Yeah, she noticed the mess. I cleaned up my room, then decided to clean up the storage as well. Lots of old things were stuck in here. I pulled out my photo album. There were lots of photos inside, many were taken when I was younger. There was even a photo of Ed, Andy and me. I remember that I didn't want to take that photo. We were still kids then, and life was simpler and I could even say happier, despite all the bullying I suffered.

What's this? I found something I'd almost forgotten about. Stuffed inside my old toy box was a music box. I opened it and a familiar melody greeted me. The music was so lovely. I remember being given the music box for my 12-year old birthday present. Then I looked at the music box again and could not stop my tears from falling.

Then I realized something....


Who gave the music box to Tin? Why did Tin start to sob when he saw the music box? And what did Tin realize at that moment? Answers in chapter 8!

Next: Chapter 8

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