The Sliding Scale

By J. M. Vincent / Shyoldguy

Published on Feb 26, 2010



WARNING/DISCLAIMER -- Please Read before Reading Story

Legal Notice: The following story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality. Don't read this story if you're not 18 or over, if it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, or if you don't want to read about children having sex with each other or adults, or gay/bi people in love or having sex, or rough sex involving adults and/or adults and children.

The author retains copyright to this story. Placing this story on a website or reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright.


I had finally rolled out of bed, it was around noon. The pleasures of spring break. I had taken care of my morning wood like every healthy fifteen year old. I took a leak, ran a brush through my hair, and swished some mouth wash, pulled on a t-shirt and some shorts over yesterday's boxers, stuck my feet into some sandals and headed off to Kevin's house. Maybe we could play that new video game he got yesterday.

Kevin was my best friend; we grew up together, and were more like brothers than just friends. He lived a couple of blocks away, so I jumped on my bike and headed down the street. I was enjoying the summer sun and the feel of the wind on my skin. It would not be long, and I would be able to get my driver's permit, and would be able to drive over to Kevin's.

He and I had talked about maybe pooling our money and buying a car together, he would turn sixteen a few weeks after me. But, we decided that sharing a car and sharing a girl were two things that best friends should never do if they wanted to stay friends.

I dropped my bike in his back yard and opened the back door and walked in. Like I said we were like brothers, brothers didn't knock. The house was quiet, so I guessed he was still sleeping. I figured I would burst into his room and scare him to death. I mean . . . what are friends for?

I quietly slipped down the hall, his door was open, I peeked around the casing, and just before I made my move, I saw something that shocked me more than anything I had ever experienced in my life. My best friend was naked, on his back, he was bent almost double, his legs raised and wrapped around another naked boy's waist. He was being fucked, and kissing this guy, and he seemed to be enjoying it!

I stood there with my mouth open, and just stared. What the hell was happening? Kevin saw me out of the corner of his eye, and pushed the other boy away. The other boy fell backwards, his rod popped out of Kevin's hole, as his cum erupted in the air, splashing on his chest and Kevin's thighs.

"Oh god! I can explain . . ." Kevin stuttered.

The other boy just stood there, his now soft dick hanging between his legs, white thick cum running down his chest and dripping onto the blue carpet. He was Allen from school. He and Kevin were lab partners in science class. Kevin jumped off the bed, and started pulling on a pair of jeans.

"On shit, please let me explain. It's not what you think." He pleaded as I turned and walked out of the room.

He ran up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder, still zipping his pants. "Stephen, please don't be mad." He begged.

"I'm not mad Kevin." I said, not knowing what to say. I mean, my best friend was being fucked by another boy. I wasn't feeling mad, I really didn't know how I felt.

Allen, came out of the room, he had his pants and shoes on, and was pulling his shirt on over his head.

"Stephen, please don't tell anyone, okay? Stephen, please? My dad will kill me if he finds out." Allen begged

"I'm not going to tell anyone . . . I have to go." I know my voice was flat, I really didn't know what to think. Is this what "being in shock" feels like? I was kind of flat inside too.

I got back on my bike, and started riding. I was almost to the park before I realized that was where I was going. Damn, Kevin was gay. It took me that long to realize the obvious. I rode into the park, and locked my bike to the rack. I walked over to the kiddies swings, and wiggled my butt into one of the seats. I slowly rocked back and forth, trying to get my mind wrapped around the fact that my best friend was gay.

How could I have not known? I mean, we had spent the night together, in the same bed, in our underwear. Damn, we had skinny dipped together when we went camping. How could he be gay and I not know? Had he been checking me out all those times? Why was he with Allen? Allen was a geek. I mean he had never made a pass at me, and I was a lot nicer looking than Allen. Shit . . . what was I thinking? Did I want him to make a pass at me? Fuck . . . now he had me questioning my own sexuality.

Now I was mad, I mean how could Kevin do this to me? How could he put our friendship at risk like this, and for Allen of all people? The kid was a nerd for god's sake. What if other people found out that he was gay? He was my best friend, they would assume . . .

Oh shit. They would think I was gay too. I mean I wasn't . . . was I? I mean I did hang out with Kevin a lot. We did sleep together in the same bed in just our briefs. I mean, it was my idea to skinny dip last summer . . . was I gay? Hell no! I wasn't gay! But why would I have wanted to hang around with Kevin? Damn, I hated this, and right now I hated Kevin.

My cell phone rang; I knew who it was by the special ring tone. Damn, Kevin had a special ring tone. Why had I given him a special tone? I didn't answer. I just couldn't talk to him right now. The "you have a voice message" signal told me he had left a message for me. What could he possibly have to say to me right now? Did he think that there was anything he could say that would make this "all better"? I mean, he was being fucked by Allen. What could he possibly say?

I pushed the button to retrieve my voicemail. His voice sounded shaky, I could tell he was crying.

"Stephen please call me back, I have to explain. I'm sorry I didn't say something sooner. Stephen, you are my best friend, I don't want to loose that. Please call me." I overheard Allen's voice in the background say, "It's okay baby, everything will be okay" as he hung up.

My phone rang again, it was him. I just couldn't deal with this right now. He left another message.

"Stephen, please don't tell anyone. Allen wasn't kidding, his father is an ass, and he would kill him if he found out. Kevin, please . . . I love him, I love you, I need to talk to you."

I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket . . . and started crying. I sat in the swing thinking through all the emotions I was feeling. The bottom line was, Kevin was still my friend, and I did not want to loose that. I just didn't know how Allen fit in this picture. Could I have a gay friend?

When I pulled myself together, I called Kevin. He picked up on the second ring.

"Stephen, Thank god, I have to see you, I have to explain." He babbled into the phone.

"Its okay, Kevin, come to the park, I'm at the swings, and we'll talk. You're still my best friend Kevin . . . its okay. We'll work it out, just come alone; I don't want to see Allen right now." I tried to keep my voice calm.

"Thank you Stephen, oh I am so sorry. Thank you." He hung up.

It took a while before I saw Kevin walking across the playground toward me. His head was down, and his shoulders stooped. He looked like someone that had just lost his best friend. I guess he thought he had. I knew that nothing would ever be the same between us. Anger started to flare again.

"Stephen, I am so sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you." Kevin said as he stood in front of me.

"It's okay Kevin, I just don't understand. How long have you and Allen been . . . you know?"

"Well since Christmas break, it just sort of happened. I have known I was gay for a long time; I just didn't want anyone to know. Sex is, well you know, kind of private."

"But this is me Kevin, we talk about everything, hell . . . we even talked about girls. Were you lying about that too?"

"No Stephen, Maybe exaggerating a little. I mean you didn't tell me when you were having sex with Andrea last year."

"Because I wasn't having sex with her, I have never had sex with anyone. Don't you think I would have told you?"

"Damn Stephen, your still a virgin? I mean man, you are almost sixteen. I thought by now . . ."

"You mean Allen is not your first? When, who . . . ?"

"Remember Dwayne in forth grade?"

I couldn't help but laugh, "Dwayne, the fat little guy with glasses? He was your first, hell . . . you were both only ten years old man. You have been sexually active for five years and never told me?"

"Well, yeah I guess. I don't know how sexually active a ten year old can be. But it all started then."

Kevin sat down in the swing next to me and started rocking back and forth. "Stephen, I can't help who I am. I hope we can get past this."

"Have you ever thought of me, you know . . . that way?" I asked.

"Hell no! I mean you are straight . . . aren't you?"

"Yeah, but I always thought you were too. You mean, you have never checked me out, or thought about . . . you know?"

"Hell yes I checked you out, I mean, I saw you checking me out when we went skinny dipping, and you are straight. All guys check each other out. But I have never thought about having sex with you."

"Why not, am I repulsive?"

"No, you are straight. Just because I am gay doesn't mean I want to suck off every guy I meet. You are my best friend, you are in a totally different category, and you are special to me in that way. Not in a sexual way."

"But why Allen, I mean . . . come on, you can do better."

"Allen is sweet, and kind. He treats me like I am special, he treats me with respect. He understands how I feel, and besides didn't you notice . . . he's hung like a horse."

I couldn't help but laugh. I mean I did notice; I am straight right?

Still laughing, I said, "You mean I'm just not big enough . . . down there . . . to satisfy you?"

"Does this mean you are okay with this?" he asked, his eyes searching mine, a hopeful look on his face.

"Yeah I guess so. How many guys have you been with?" I asked, "I mean there is a lot about you I just don't know I guess."

"Well there have been a few, Allen is the only one I have shared my heart with, other than you. I am so sorry I did not let you know that side of me. But I love you too, and was so afraid that you would hate me. I am sorry that I underestimated you. I should have known better."

"Yeah you ass hole, you should have. But, Allen? I guess we don't ever have to worry about sharing girls do we."

We rode home side by side, and went back to his house. It did feel awkward for a little while. Soon we were playing video games, just like old times. I still had to think through some things on my own. Kevin being gay had raised questions in my own mind.

I woke up the next morning with my usual hard-on, and started stroking. I kept flashing on the scene I had walked in on at Kevin's. I just couldn't jack off to that picture. I finally stopped and went in and jumped in a cold shower. When my member finally went soft, I peed down the drain, got out and dried off. Damn, would I never be able to get off without thinking about Kevin and Allen.

After I got dressed, I called Kevin and asked if he wanted to come over and watch a movie. He did, but said it would be after lunch if that was okay. Of course I said yes, but couldn't help but wonder if he was "with" Allen. Damn, I got hard just thinking about that.

I got on line, and searched sites on "how do I know if I am gay". Yeah, I really did. Most of them were stupid, or at least funny. I did find one that said that our sexuality was on a sliding scale. Some people were totally gay on one end of the scale; others were totally straight on the other. Most people fall in the middle somewhere, that kind of made sense. I wondered where I fell on that scale. I did think that gave me permissions to get off thinking about what I saw Allen and Kevin doing.

I slid down my shorts, and worked my hand under the waist of my boxers. I grabbed my rock hard teen cock, and felt it throb in my hand. Damn I needed to get off. The picture of Kevin and Allen popped into my perverted mind. Their soft smooth skin, the gentle sounds they made as they pleasured each other, the look on Kevin's face as his hips rose to meet Allen's thrust.

I gently started stroking, the sensitive head rubbing against the cotton of my boxers. I couldn't help but moan. I ran my other hand up under my shirt, gently playing with the few curly hairs on my chest. I ran my fingers over my hard, excited nipples. I couldn't help but wonder what it felt like to have my dick inside someone's ass. I wondered what Kevin would feel like, was he still tight?

I started to wonder what it felt like to take a cock up my ass. Kevin seemed to really like it. I stripped off my pants, and lay down on my bed. I slightly raised my knees, wet my middle finger on my left hand and started gently touching my pucker. My cock let loose with a long stream of pre-cum. I pulled my shirt off over my head so I wouldn't make a mess on it.

My finger slowly slid into my hole. I started rubbing my dick with my other hand. Damn, it did feel good. Did this mean I was gay? I still couldn't help but wonder what something bigger than my finger would feel like in there. My eyes settled on a hair brush on the dresser. It had a round handle about five inches long, and about as big around as my thumb, maybe a little bigger. Well, maybe . . .

I lubed up the brush handle with some Vaseline from the bathroom, lay back down on the bed, put a pillow covered with a towel under my hips, spread my legs, and as I slowly jerked my rigid teen pole, slid the handle in my cunt. AHHHH, damn, it did feel good. I slid it in and out a time or two, and when I pushed it in a little deeper; it hit something, something good.

A sound came out of my mouth I had never made before, and a huge load of cum shot out of my cock. I had three separate orgasms in a row, back to back. I think I stopped breathing. I was covered in cum; it was in my face, dripping into my ears. There was a puddle in my belly button, my bush was covered, it had even hit my eyes, and lips. I licked the cum off my lips. My first taste of cum.

I lay there catching my breath, the brush still in my ass. What in the hell had just happened! Damn, I had never had an orgasm like that before. I had never felt anything that awesome in my life. All I knew for sure was that my brush had become my best friend. I wanted that to happen again.

When I came down from my orgasmic high, I realized I had better shower. I was a cum covered mess, and Kevin would be here soon. I went naked into the bathroom, and adjusted the shower to a warm, slightly hot, temperature. I stepped under the gently cascading water; my knees were still a little weak. It was going to take a while to come back after the sexual release I had just had. Did this mean I was gay? Hell, I had never, ever cum like that before. Is that how Kevin felt when Allen fucked him? I soaped up, and washed all the sticky cum down the drain. My hole was a little sore, and I felt a little funny inside. I hope I didn't hurt anything, but I just couldn't believe that anything that felt that good could cause damage. I toweled off, being a little careful around my butt hole, and walked back into my room.

I was a little surprised to see Kevin sitting barefoot and cross-legged on my bed. Like I said, we didn't knock, we were like brothers. But here I was butt ass naked in front of my queer best friend. He smiled and said,

"Yes, I am checking you out big boy."

"Wise ass, you just wish this was for you." I replied as I wiggled my soft cock at him.

I pulled on some clean boxers and a pair of jeans.

"Is just watching a movie okay with you?" I asked climbing bare chested and bare foot onto the bed next to him, as I switched the tv on with the remote.

We found some lame old Goldie Hawn comedy on an obscure cable channel and lay back to veg for a while. I was so relaxed from my sexual release earlier, that I couldn't help myself, and I dozed off.

I woke up as the final credits were running on the movie, and realized that Kevin had fallen asleep too. He was curled up next to me with his head on my naked chest. I lay there just looking at the sunlight from the window playing with the highlights in his hair. I just couldn't help myself, and I stroked the silky strands, enjoying the way the felt on my fingers. I could feel his body heat, and smell his smell. I mean he didn't stink or anything, he just smelled like . . . well, he smelled like Kevin; my best friend Kevin.

Why was I not freaked out by this, I mean he is a fag, and this seems like a very intimate situation. Wouldn't a straight guy get really bummed out by this? Damn, I think he is drooling on my chest . . . gross.

"Kevin, wake up dude." I said, nudging him with my elbow. "Let's go to the mall."

Kevin sat up and stretched, spreading his legs and his toes as he yawned.

"Yeah, ok, give me a minute, I need to pee." He said, getting up and walking barefoot into the bathroom. I noticed he left the door open, and I could hear his pee hitting the water as I used a dirty sock from the floor to wipe his slobber off my chest and pulled on a t-shirt with a picture of the Geico gecko on the front. I was slipping on a pair of sandals when Kevin came out of the bathroom zipping his pants. "You ready?" he asked pulling on a pair of red Keds on his bare feet.

We caught a bus that stopped on the corner every thirty minutes, and headed to the mall. We sat in the back, and the only other person on the bus was a bag lady that sat up front behind the driver. The bus had a faint urine smell; damn . . . I couldn't wait until I could drive.

"You know, I am glad you know. I didn't like not telling you. I am ready to cum-out, but Allen's dad is a mean drunk, and beats him on a regular basis for no reason. I can't imagine what he would do if he found out Allen was gay. Would you mind if I called Allen and had him meet us at the mall?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, that would be okay, I guess I am going to have to learn to share you with him. Are you going to tell him that we slept together this morning?"

"Every fags dream; having two hunky boys fighting over him." Kevin said with a silly grin on his face.

"Oh so it's okay to use the fag word I guess?"

"Well, it's ok for a fag to use it, but when straight boys like you use it we hit you with our purses." Kevin said sticking his tongue out at me, and winking.

"I always knew you were sick." I responded as I hit him in the shoulder with my fist. That was what straight boys did, right?

We met up with Allen at the arcade, played a few games, window shopped for stuff we didn't want and couldn't afford. In one store, Allen help up a slinky thong and asked Kevin what he thought. Kevin in his most faggy voice said it was "just adorable". I have to admit, I was a little jealous of their relationship, and the comfortable way they teased each other, the casual touches, and looks that passed between them.

We ended up at the food court, Allen and Kevin were ready to leave, and they were going to take the bus home. I was going to go to the book store, and then have my mom stop and pick me up on her way home from work. We said our goodbyes, and they walked off together toward the main entrance. I half expected them to hold hands.

I had picked up the book I was looking for at the book store and was still sitting at the table finishing my drink and getting ready to call my mom, when Sam swooped in and sat down in the empty chair next to me. Sam, my lab partner in school, was tall and lanky, all legs and feet, slumped in the chair with his legs sticking out in the walk way. Damn, what was this "lab partner" day at the mall?

"Hey Stephen, was that Kevin and Allen I saw you with earlier?" He asked.

"Yeah, but they left a while ago." I said, as he pulled the bag with my book in it toward him, and peaked inside.

"Still reading that John Saul shit I see." He said pushing it back across the table. "You need a ride home? My dad bought me a new car when I got my license yesterday."

"A new car? Man, I'm lucky if my dad gets me a cheep ass card from Wal-Mart for my birthday."

"Yeah, well since the divorce, my dad has been trying to buy my love, and it's working, wait till you see this car man." He said with a wide smile on his face.

When we walked out to the parking lot, he led me to a brand new White BMW-M6 convertible. Oh yeah, that car would buy my love too. We both got in, and he very carefully backed out, and headed slowly through the parking lot.

"Man, you should be picking up hot chicks in this thing, not your lame ass lab partner." I said.

"Hell, Stephen, I thought you knew; I'm gay. I came out last year."

I was a little shocked, have I been living under a rock or something? How could I be oblivious to all this going on around me?

"What, are you trying to pick me up?" I said laughing.

"Fuck no, I mean I thought for a while that you were gay too, the way you and Kevin always hung together. But when you started doing Andrea last year, and then he hooked up with Allen, you just broke my heart man." He said with a smile on his face.

"Why does everyone think I was "doing" Andrea?" I asked.

"You mean you weren't? Shit, maybe you are gay, I mean even I think she is hot." He said laughing.

"Yeah, well . . . lately I have been wandering through some uncharted waters Sam." I said turning my face away from him and watching the landscape flash by.

There was a long pause in the conversation. "You are straight, right?" he said in a voice that was hoping I would say "no".

"You know Sam, I guess so. How did you know you were gay?" I asked keeping my eyes averted from his.

"Well I never really thought much about it until sixth grade. You remember that fat kid Dwayne? He and I messed around in his garage one time when I was twelve, and from then on, I was hooked."

"Dwayne? Hell man that guy gets around." I said with shock in my voice.

"Yeah, I know he was Kevin's first too." He said matter-of-factly.

"You know Kevin is gay?" the shock in my voice raising it an octave.

"Yeah, he and I messed around for a while when we were thirteen." He said as casually as if he were telling me the time.

Was I the only one that wasn't getting laid? It seemed that everyone I knew was having sex, and had been for a long time. Did I live on a different planet from all of them?

"What do you mean Stephen? You think you are straight? Don't you know?" he asked with some shock in his voice now. "You mean you are a virgin?"

Why did everyone say it like that? Was it so unusual for a boy my age to still be a virgin? Of the sounds of things, maybe it was.

"Yeah, as hard as it is for you to believe, I still take care of "that" myself."

There was another long pause in the conversation until Sam said, "You know my mom won't be home until after nine o'clock tonight. We could go to my house for a while. You know . . . we could explore some possibilities."

My heart stopped. Where was I on that damn sliding scale? At that moment, I guess I was leaning toward the "gay" side. I felt my dick move.

"I don't know . . ."

"We won't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. We can stop at any time, and I won't tell anyone, I promise." He said. I think I picked up a little "desire" in his voice.

I guess this was my chance to figure out some things. Hell, everyone else was doing it; maybe I should give it a try. I mean what could it hurt?

"You won't tell anyone?" I said. My voice was shaking a little.

"I promise." He said.

"Okay." I replied. I think he started to drive a little faster at this point.

There was no more conversation as we finished the drive to his house. I had called my mom on the way, and told her I was going to be at Sam's house, and would be home before ten. She was cool with that. We went into the den, and Sam got us both a couple of cans of Coke. We sat side by side on the couch, both of us acting a little awkward.

Sam set his can on the table, and then pulled his shirt off over his head. "Touch my chest." He said.


"Just put your hand on my chest." He replied.

I put my can down and placed my cold hand in the center of his chest. He had a little more chest hair than I had, was very tan, and muscled. His skin was warm and soft, I could feel his heart beating. He placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled my face close to his. He lightly let his lips touch mine. My dick twitched again, and my eyes closed. I had started moving my hand around his chest, and was now cupping one of his nipples. He moaned.

I felt his tongue touch my lips. Without even thinking I opened my mouth and let him probe it with his hot wet tongue. One of us moaned, I think it was me. He leaned back and pulled me on top of him, our lips still locked in a passionate kiss. His hands started exploring my back. One hand went up under my shirt, the other cupping my right butt cheek through my jeans. He was pressing our pelvis areas together. I could feel his cock pressing into my hip. I could feel mine start to harden.

He pulled his mouth off mine, took a deep breath and asked, "Are you ready to take your shirt off?"

"Yeah, that would be okay." I said; my voice came out as a soft whisper.

He helped me pull my shirt off over my head, and our naked chests were pressed together, skin on skin. Damn it felt good. His hands were still stroking my back, and my butt. One of his hands slid under the waist of my pants, and was resting on my smooth naked round cheek.

"Are you still okay with this Stephen?" he asked as one of his fingers slipped into my crack.

"Yeah, kiss me again." I said; there was a pleading quality to my voice.

As our lips and tongues met again, we slowly slid onto the floor, our bodies a tangle of arms and legs. When he came up for air a second time, he stood up and undid his pants, letting them drop to the floor. He stood in front of me in just a pair of white silk boxers, and his white half socks. His shoes had been kicked off while we were still on the couch. His body was so hot looking; he looked like one of those underwear models on the sides of the city busses. He lay back down next to me.

"Are you ready to take those jeans off yet?" he asked. I could definitely hear desire in his voice now.

"No, not yet," I replied, "just hold me, touch me, kiss me some more." I pleaded.

Why was I still so nervous? I could feel his rock hard cock press into me as he leaned in to kiss my neck, slowly moving his warm moist lips onto my shoulder. I let my hands wander . . . I liked it, I liked it a lot. Feeling the soft, smooth, warm skin; exploring the peaks and valleys of the muscles in his back and his arms, I was getting more and more aroused. His hand was back inside my pants, one of his long thin fingers moving up and down my tight crack, and then . . . he touched my hole. I could feel the pre-cum leak from my cock.

Was it only this morning that I had discovered that wonderful spot on my body and now . . . I bit his shoulder, and he moaned. He rolled me onto my back, and started unfastening my belt.

"No, no not yet, please." I begged.

If I let him take my pants off, then it would be decided, there would be no turning back. I knew I would not be able to stop him, I knew I would not want him to stop. We started kissing again, both our mouths exploring all the exposed skin. His lips were on my nips, and then mine were on his. His tongue was in my belly button, mine was in his ear, I even kissed and licked his hairy arm pits. Who knew something like that could be so arousing. My hot young rod was straining the fabric on the front of my jeans. He had been touching me there too, just through the rough blue cloth, but it felt damn good . . . maybe too damn good.

I was kissing down his chest, and he was laying back, stretching his long lean body, and arching his back. I reached the waist band of his boxers . . . I can't believe I did this. I hooked my fingers under the elastic, and slid them down his long hairy legs. OH MY GOD, he looked so hot laying there naked except for one white sock. The other must have slipped off during our sexual wrestling match.

He obviously sun bathed in just a Speedo, a very small Speedo. He had the outline of the bathing suit in very white skin. His dark pubic hair had been neatly trimmed and triangle shaped, and his cock was just fabulous. It was long and thin; it stuck straight up parallel to his body, and was slightly curved. It was rock hard, the skin stretched tight, the mushroom shaped head was a shade darker then the shaft, and had a significant flair at the edge. There was a clear drop of pre-cum on the pee slit, and I watched as it dropped into his bush, the light from the room making it almost look like a pearl sitting on the short dark hair. His balls were low hangers; the eggs hung in a large smooth sack, and were held so far from his body they rested on the floor.

Sam had propped himself on his elbows, and was watching with a slight smile on his face as I visually explored his naked body. He was obviously proud of the way he looked, and damn, he looked good.

"It's okay, you can touch it." He said in a soft quiet voice. Yeah there was desire there now.

I wanted to do more than touch it; I leaned in and gently kissed that spot where all the nerves come together on the underside of the head. Sam let out a sound like a small puppy, almost a wine. I kissed down his shaft, reached those magnificent balls, and sucked them into my mouth. How did I know how to do this stuff, why did I want to, I guess I was way down that gay side of the scale after all. I kissed my way back up his hard cock, reached the tip, and took it in my mouth.

I don't know what I thought it would taste like, but was surprised that I liked feeling the warm moist skin on my tongue. He let loose with a stream of pre-cum, fuck . . . it tasted so sweet, like boy honey. I used my tongue and licked it all off, teasing his dick head, twirling my tongue around the edge. I started bobbing up and down. I knew it was time, and let his rod pop out of my mouth. It made a slapping sound as it hit his stomach. I stood up, and Sam propped himself on his elbows watching me with a quizzical look on his face.

I started undoing my belt, popped the button on my jeans and in one motion slid them and my boxers down and off. I was now standing totally naked in front of Sam. His eyes caressed my body, and he smiled.

"Fuck me Sam, please do it now." I whispered.

He scrambled to his feet, pre-cum running down his rod, and dripping off those low riding balls onto the floor. He grabbed his pants and fumbled through the pockets, pulling out a foil wrapped condom. He tossed the pants aside, and tore the foil with his teeth extracting the round latex disk. He placed it over the dripping head of his cock, and rolled the clear rubber down his shaft. He walked over to me, kissed me deeply, and then placed his hands on my shoulders, holding me at arms length stared into my eyes.

"Are you sure Stephen; are you really ready for this?"

I just nodded my head yes, I didn't trust my voice. He had me get down on all fours, my ass sticking up in the air. I have to admit, I felt a little vulnerable in this position. He jammed his face into my crack and started kissing, licking, and sucking that most private spot. The feelings that traveled along those nerves, through my body, to my brain, were the best I have ever felt. His tongue was so hot, and was darting in and out of my boy cunt. I arched my back and pressed my butt into him so his tongue could go deeper. Oh yeah, I was so ready for him to fuck me, I wanted it, now! I started begging him to put it in, do me . . .

"Fuck me Sam, please, do it now, I need it so bad. I want it, I want you . . ."

And he did . . . he mounted me, pushing his hard needy cock deep in my bowels, we both screamed. Oh shit, it felt so good. He was hitting that spot over and over, slamming his beautiful tool deeper and faster . . . the orgasm hit with no warning, it just slammed me, and jet after jet of hot white cum shot out of my rod, splashing my face, chest, and stomach; just as I thought it was winding down another wave hit me. The second orgasm was just as strong as the first, I screamed again, and Sam kept pounding my raw virgin hole harder and faster. A third orgasm and a fourth hit me one after another. I know you won't believe this, but the pleasure was so great that I blacked out, collapsing into a puddle of cum on the expensive carpet.

I was only out of it for a few seconds, when I came too; Sam still had his dick in me, and was propped up on his arms over my back, catching his breath. He just kept saying . . .

"Oh shit, oh shit . . ." over and over, his orgasm winding down. Oh god, I hope it felt as good for him as it did for me.

He pulled his softening cock out of my ass, and rolled off me onto his back on the floor next to me.

"Think I ruined your rug, what is your mother going to think?" I said, sitting up and sitting cross legged beside him.

He carefully slipped the full condom off his softening pecker, and set it aside. He picked up his t-shirt, and soaked up some of the cum off the carpet. He then took a can of coke, and spilled it over the spot. I fizzed and stained the carpet a dark brown.

"There, when the maid comes in tomorrow, she will just think I spilled a coke, and clean it up. No problem." He said, smiling at me.

I noticed how cool it was in the room, the sweat that formed on my body during our ardent sex was causing me to chill, and I started to shake. I was hoping that he would just hold me now, cuddle me and keep me warm, but I wasn't sure boys did that after sex. Sam noticed my body shiver, and suggested we clean up by getting in the hot tub together.

He walked naked to the French doors, and opened them onto a secluded deck on the back of their house. I followed him enjoying the site of his sweet round ass, and the view of those balls swinging from side to side between his legs. He held my arm as I stepped into the warm water; my legs were still a little unsteady. I sat down on one of the molded benches as he pressed a button on the edge and the water came to life. Bubbles swirled around me, the hot water removing the chill. Sam sat next to me, put his arm around me and held me close. I rested my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes. I was so sexually relaxed, so warm, I was in heaven.

"I think you enjoyed that didn't you?" he said, more of a statement then a question.

"Hell yeah," I said opening my eyes, and turning to look him in the face. "Is it like that every time?"

"Well it can be I guess." He said. "I would like to do this again with you sometime if that would be okay?"

"That would be nice." I replied

"You know Stephen, I don't think I am ready for a committed relationship like Kevin and Allen, I think sex for guys our age should be just for fun. If that is okay with you, we could hook up together from time to time, you know . . . just to explore the possibilities."

"I am more than okay with that. This was my first time, there are still a lot of things I need to work through. I am nowhere near ready for a serious relationship. But . . . tonight was wonderful. I have never felt like that before, thank you so much for making my first time so special."

He leaned down and kissed me, long slow and deep. "you know, we need to get dressed and get you home my mom will be home in a little while."

Reluctantly, we got out of the hot water, and dried on the towels that were on a small table next to a lounge chair. I could tell my ass got a good workout; it was very tender when I ran the towel over it. But, damn . . . it was worth it. We went back into the house and gathered up our clothes. Sam took the condom and wrapper into the bathroom, I heard him take a pee, and flush the toilet getting rid of the evidence of our passion.

I pulled on my clothes, and so did Sam, all but his cum soaked shirt. He held it up and said, "Damn Stephen, I have never seen a boy cum that much. He opened a closet, and tossed it inside. Shirtless, he pulled his keys from his pocket and asked, "ready?"

We drove home with the top down, Sam shirtless in the seat next to me. If I hadn't shot seven loads today, the site of his exquisite body in that hot car would have made me hard. Damn, I never dreamed it could be like this. When we pulled up to my house, the porch light was on, and a light or two inside brightened the windows.

I couldn't wait to tell Kevin all about my first time, I was so glad I had a gay friend I could talk to about this.

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks again Sam." I said getting out of the car.

I think I am clearly in the gay area on that sliding scale.

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