The Smithy

Published on Mar 13, 2009


The Smithy 12

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

After five days a sea the weather calmed and the seasickness vanished, I got to know the other members of the expedition. I knew Sir Edmund, Ronnie, his man, and M. Louis LeFarge. LaFarge had an assistant, Wolf Von Babbleburg. He was a Prussian nobleman with an interest in natural history. There were two Americans. Professor Jonathan Whipple was from Harvard and Mr. Jimmy Wilson was from Texas. Wilson looked and talked like a cowboy. He insisted he wasn't. He was a taxidermist. He was a specialist in preserving specimens, both plant and animal. Whipple was a botanist.

There were two younger men who seemed to be essentially apprentices. They were Virgil Mannington and Sir Lewis Wall. Lord Wall was the patron of the expedition and I soon realized he probably wanted his son Lewis out of the house. I think he hoped an expedition would make a man out of his son. Once I got to know Lewis I realized that was unlikely. Virgil was a studious young man with an almost obsessive interest in botany. He was almost 20, but he looked as if he were 14.

Mr. Sean McHugh was in charge of baggage handlers, the cook and the porters. He was a cheerful Irishman. Because we would bee returning with specimens, Sir Edmund wanted porters who could treat them with the care they needed. All of us except for the porters ate in the Captain's dining room. The rest ate in the crew's mess.

We were a congenial group, but I soon became fast friends with Wolf von Babbleburg and with the two Americans. Wolf was perhaps the least Prussian Prussian nobleman you could meet. He was friendly and affable, always willing to help. He was a good companion.

Professor Whipple was an intelligent and pleasant man of wide interests. He was quite reserved until he got to know you, then was a great companion. By contrast Jimmy Wilson was the least reserved man I had ever met. He was an excellent judge of character and while he had good common sense he also was imaginative. He was a natural problem solver.

When we got into the Mediterranean it got warm. Scots either love the heat, or hate it. I definitely loved it as did the leaders of the expedition. Jonathan wasn't so sure

Wolf was a nudist and spent as much time nude as was possible. The passengers and crew of the ship were all male and no one objected to seeing the handsome and well equipped nobleman sunning himself naked on the deck. Wolf was a firm believer in the value of sunlight. I'm pale and I'm not sure Jonathan had ever been in the sun. I think he had read about it.

Since we were going to the sunny Pacific Wolf felt we all should get acclimated to the sun. He had been on a earlier expedition and sunburn had been a terrible problem. One man had been badly burned and the burn had gotten infected.

Wolf was organized and he had an orderly program of gradual exposure to the sun. It began with ten minute sessions then went to 15 minutes and then to progressively longer periods of sun. Jonathan was much opposed to this, but Wolf was convincing and Wolf had the support of Sir Edmund. Neither Jonathan nor Jimmy would get completely naked at first, but after a week or so they relented. We were on the passenger deck, the crew and our porters were on the main deck. Much of the crew tended to go shirtless when not on duty. They rather enjoyed seeing the naked gentlemen on the upper deck.

While Jonathan was uneasy taking his clothes off and even more uneasy about being nude, he was a handsome and well endowed man. One has an image of the lusty and powerful laborer who is equipped like a Clydesdale, and another image of the pale academic with boy parts. God gave Jonathan horse parts. Jonathan was shy and I discovered he was convinced being seen naked would undermine his status as a gentleman and scholar. It was quite the opposite.

I recognized him as a sexually repressed and reserved man. In some ways I saw in him my own character before in encountered Ralph the Smithy. I wanted to guide him out of this situation. Truthfully speaking everyone wanted to guide him. While this was for his own good, for we all recognized the problems of sexual repression, we all wanted to see what his member looked like fully erect.

It was Captain Lewis and Mr. Wyeth who introduced Jonathan to the world of sexual pleasure. Mr Wyeth was quite shy, but he bonded with Jonathan easily. From time to time, Wyeth joined us sunning when he wasn't on duty. It would be easy to believe the Captain didn't have any personal needs or urges at all. He was every inch the Captain of the ship.

I knew from Mr. MacAffee every man on the ship was partial to man sex and the Captain had full sexual access to them at any time. MacAffee thought this was good. The Captain never abused his privileges and tended to use sex as a reward for good service. "The stokers get to visit the Captain on their birthdays. They love it," he explained.

"They think letting the captain using then for his pleasure is a gift?" I asked.

MacAffee winked at me. "Indeed they do. Although I might add, the Captain is most open minded when it comes to sex. He likes to please the men too."

"Even the stokers have a chance to take their pleasure of the Captain?" My prejudices came to the fore. I had experienced sex with Bull, the stoker, but it hadn't occurred the Captain had done the same. Even thought I try to rise above class, it seems to rear it's ugly head at unexpected times.

We stopped in Marseilles, then crossed the sea to Algiers to pick up some cargo. This trip was our first exposure to really hot temperatures. A month later these temperatures would seem normal, but they were a shock to those of us use to Britain's cool and damp climate.

I was sitting nude on the deck with Sir Edmund, Wolf and LaFarge talking when the Captain, Jonathan and Wyeth joined us to enjoy the sun. The Captain was always in uniform as far as I had ever seen him. Many men need clothes to establish their authority. Captain Lewis looked like a Celtic chieftain of antiquity. He was muscular and well built. His hairy body made him look less gentlemanly and more masculine. His genitals were classical in form, but at double size, and unlike the statues, the Captain was permanently semi erect.

Wyeth was taller and wiry with more delicate features. He was undeniably handsome and slightly boyish. He was mostly smooth but had a black bush and long cock. I would say he was a little more than semi erect. His big knob peaked out of his fore skin and a bead of precum glistened on his slit.

Remarkably Jonathan seemed completely at ease being naked. MacAffee later told me the Captain had a knack for for getting reticent young man to accept there bodies and be proud of them. "The Captain doesn't have a shy bone in his body. On the bridge he is all business and you couldn't wish for a better sailor or leader to run the ship. He definitely has a way with men," MacAffee explained. "If you had seen Bull when he came here you would be shocked. Bull was what my mother called simple. He had been abused and mistreated all his life."

"Some men make themselves big men by beating down the men around them. Captain Lewis does the same thing by raising them up. He treats them well and takes care of their welfare. They look on him as a true leader." MacAffee continued. "As far as Bull's concerned, the Captain is a God."

"Every man here has a taste for cock, and most have been beaten up, insulted and abused for it. Here we have our own world where it's safe. Here you can be proud of your self and find pleasure in men's company. The Captain knows what you want and need. He shares in those needs."

If the Captain had helped Jonathan be at ease with himself, Mac Affee had done the same with Jimmy. Jimmy, who was from Texas, was a down to earth man much like MacAffee. They got along well and soon got along more than well.

Wyeth was due for his watch on the bridge, so he left. Jimmy joined us stark naked and seemingly unconcerned by his nudity. Jonathan was next to the Captain. He casually leaned over and began to suck the Captain's member. Neither the Captain nor any of us objected in the slightest. A little later Jimmy did the same with Wolf's cock. I joined Sir Edmund and Louis. Louis was equipped with a bottle of oil.

I was on my hands and knees to suck Sir Edmund while LaFarge oiled my arse in preparation for entry. I discovered Sir Edmund's impressive organ and the manly juices that flowed from it excited me. I was apparently most receptive, for Louis' huge organ slipped in deep with almost no discomfort. I was fucked from each end. I was both the receiver of both men's sexual urges, but I was also the conduit of their passions.

As Louis pumped into my hole, Sir Edmund's flow of juiced doubled. While the actual sexual stimulation was fine, I also felt affection flowing from their genitals into my body. I had no sense that these two impressive men were using me for their pleasure. I felt we were pooling our resources. I shared mt body with them.

Louis began to twitch and shiver. I knew he was filling me with his seed. After his final ejaculation he pulled out and the Captain took his place. He didn't ask, but he didn't need to ask. He knew. He pushed my legs wider apart so my prostate would be more vulnerable. The Captain's cock was smaller than Louis's and was quite comfortable. He too shot off in my hole.

I didn't expect what happened next. Jonathan took the Captain's place. His huge organ barely fit. It caused an explosion of feeling I had never experienced before. It was spectacular. I am afraid I don't know what happened next. The sensations were so intense I lost track of time and my mind seemed to be overloaded.

I loved it, but I think Jonathan loved it more. He later told me it was the first time he realized the full potential of sexual pleasure. He had been shocked when the Captain introduced him to man sex. It had been pleasurable, but still shocking. He had led a celibate life and had deceived himself into believing it was man's purest and highest calling.

"Truthfully speaking I was celibate more out of fear and cowardice, than from conviction," he explained. "I am cautious and wary of new experiences. It was easier to avoid sex than to deal with it."

"Perhaps you were afraid that you were attracted to men rather than women?" I suggested.

"I'm not sure I could admit that even to myself," Jonathan said. "To say I grew up totally ignorant of all things sexual rather understates the case. My mother died when I was young delivering her fifth child. I was raised by a nanny who was of the rather strict Methodist persuasion. She was unmarried and was appalled by any reference to sex. My brother's and sisters were difficult and demanding. I was the good child and while my father sincerely loved me, most of his time was spent getting by younger brothers and sisters out of trouble."

"The Captain is a sensual man," I said, "That shocked you?"

"Yes, but in an odd way," Jonathan continued. "I knew nothing of sex, so I had no reason to feel guilt. It was as if the Captain was from a distant land with totally different customs. Indeed he could not have been more foreign to me if he had come from Mars or the Moon. It was all new to me."

I told him about my experiences with Ralph in his small cottage. He was surprised that Ralph wasn't a gentleman. I explained that in matters sexual class made little difference. "I don't want to shock you, but I think your huge member would be admired by everyone from the Prince of Wales to the most ordinary laborer. In some ways sex is the universal language. It needs no translation and is understood by all regardless of class or station." Jonathan understood.

"Did you realize it was possible to feel anything so intense?" he asked. "I had heard the words rapture and ecstasy but had nary a clue as to what they meant."

I smiled. "I was in much the same situation. It was a new world for me. I must admit my vision of life was narrow and monochromatic."

"Monochromatic is the word. It was as if the entire world was black and white and suddenly I discovered color," Jonathan exclaimed. "Everything was suddenly beautiful. One of the reasons I was interested in botany was the color of flowers. When my mother died my family went into mourning and we never came out of it."

"Like Queen Victoria herself?"

"Much like that," Jonathan admitted. "The Captain does not much admire mourning. He feels you must look forward and not live in the past."

"My father is an inventor. He greatly loved my mother but when she died, he eventually moved on. He has remarried."

"I can't imagine my father remarrying."

"He married Professor LaFarge's sister. She is a noted Botanical painter."

"LaFarge is your step uncle?" Jonathan asked. We laughed at the concept of a step-uncle. "If there is such a thing, he would be that," I said. "Oddly, I met the Professor before I knew of his sister. I found him a most attractive man of great accomplishment. It is odd to think I was sexually attracted to him and my father was attracted to her. They are very different people but they seem to have an allure for Fairbairn men."

Jonathan leaned close to me. "Can I ask you some questions? You seem to be more experienced than I." Of course I said yes.

"The Captain likes to eat my seed. Do I have to eat his? I'm uncomfortable doing that," he asked. "I like to fuck, but I've never taken a cock in my own arse."

"I wouldn't worry about that. Everyone has his own likes and dislikes," I said. "There are no hard and fast rules as far as I can tell. I will admit that several things that seemed impossible to me when I first had sex aren't a problem at all now. It takes some time to get use to being fucked, or getting use to sex in general. I was every inch a virgin when I first met my friend Ralph."

"When did he fuck you first?"

"Very soon after we first got together," I said. "I was very excited by him and I confess to being entranced by his cock. This may sound vulgar, but while I like men, I love cocks. They excite me to no end."

"I think I may have the same feelings," Jonathan admitted. "It's hard to admit it though. I hadn't see an adult man's member until I saw the Captain's. I'm afraid I was expecting a boy cock, like my brother's or maybe Apollo's member as you see it in a museum."

"The reality is not very classical Greek," I said, smiling.

"For a second or two I thought it was gross and vulgar. It was so hairy and wrinkly," Jonathan said. He smiled. "That thought only lasted a second. Then I discovered I was excited. When I got excited the Captain got more than excited. I had no idea a man would be willing to suck on a cock. I had no idea it would feel so good."

"Did you reciprocate?"

"I didn't intend to do that, but I did," he admitted. "It seemed like the most natural thing in the world. You are the first man I have ever fucked,"he said. "The Captain asked Sir Edmund which man would be able to take it. Sir Edmund said you were the man for the job." He paused. "it was better than anything I could have conceived. It was lovely."

Jonathan and I talked regularly, and while he was often uneasy, he certainly got accustomed to the sexual world on the Cleopatra. He was every inch an upper class Englishman and tended to stay on the passenger deck. With my connection to Mr. MacAffee I got to know some of the crew. This was due to the birthday celebrations. One of the stevedores, Nigel, had turned 45 and was coming to celebrate with the Captain and Mr. MacAffee. MacAffee was unable to come and asked me to fill in for him.

"Nigel is a good man but not as bright as Bull," MacAffee explained. "He's a bit thicker than the Captain prefers, so I was hoping you could help him out." I wasn't particularly interested in Nigel, who I didn't know at all, but the Captain was a different story all together. I had no real idea what the Captain was like informally, and I wanted to know more. I arrived at the Captain's quarters after dinner. We talked for a few minutes.

"Mr. MacAffee told you about our tradition of birthday parties?" he asked.

I nodded. "I was told you were generous in your gifts," I said. "I have noticed you run a happy and healthy ship."

"Mr. MacAffee told me you would enjoy this sort of interlude. He said you were comfortable with men of other social ranks."

"I am. It seems to me all men are equal when they are naked and excited," I said. There was a gentle knocking at the door. It was Nigel. He was short, but had exceptionally broad shoulders and a barrel chest. All of the Cleopatra's crew was healthy and well fed. Nigel was wearing clean clothes and must of come directly from a bath.

"Nigel, this is Mr. Fairbairn. He is a gentleman and a passenger on the ship. He's a good man and wanted to meet you. He likes strong men," The captain said. "Why don't you show him how strong your arms are?"

Nigel flexed his arm. It was almost as big as my leg. I felt his muscles and complimented him. He was rightfully proud of his body and blushed.

"Take your shirt off and show him your chest," the Captain said. Nigel looked a bit uneasy. He was shy. The Captain smiled. "We'll take our shirts off too," he said. Nigel relaxed. "Mr. MacAffee couldn't be here tonight, so Mr. Fairbairn is taking his place."

"He likes to play our games?" Nigel asked.

"I do, especially with a handsome man like you," I said. We had our shirts off now, but the Captain continued to strip until he was naked. As soon as Nigel saw the Captain's cock he glowed in pleasure. By now I was naked too. Nigel looked at me and apparently approved of what he saw. He dropped his pants and stepped out of them. He was built with a massive torso on comparatively small legs. Every ounce of his body was muscle with no fat. His chest was dusted with hair and a trail connected it to his thick bush and very hairy ass and legs.

The stateroom was dimly illuminated so I couldn't see his sexual equipment. The Captain was partially erect now and Nigel could keep his eyes off of him.

"Congratulations on your birthday, Nigel. You're a good man and a credit to the Cleopatra," the Captain said. "Mr. Fairbairn is new here. Would you mind if he were to wake up your privates? I think he'd like that."

"I'd like that too, Captain," Nigel responded. I dropped to my knees and sought out his cock. Only the tip of his foreskin peaked out from his bush. I sucked that into my mouth and I worked my tongue into the pucker. His skin was thick, and it was warm inside. I tasted the remains of soap, and then encountered the some slippery ball juices.

"That's nice," Nigel said. "I'm afraid I might shoot. He's a gentleman."

"Don't worry about that," the Captain said, "Mr. Fairbairn would love to taste the ball juices of a strong man like you." The Captain made that up. He knew little about my sexual tastes. As soon as he said I realized he was right. I had no problem milking Nigel and indeed, the prospect excited me. As soon as my tongue licked his cock head and caressed his drolling slit, I was excited.

Nigel had a thick skin that eventually was stretched paper thin by his massive cock. It was wide rather than long and it was thick. I could understand why the Captain might had a problem taking it in his ass. Nigel's balls felt like small apples protected by his hairy ball sack.

The Captain spread a thick quilt on the floor so he could suck Nigel while Nigel sucked me. We traded places a few times. I must admit the Captain's enthusiasm for cock sucking equaled or surpassed mine. Eventually I was on my back with the Captain holding my legs open while Nigel screwed me.

It would be an understatement to say Nigel filled me.

Next: Chapter 13

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