The Smithy

Published on Aug 10, 2008


The Smithy 2

by Bald Hairy Man

this is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

To say I was shocked at the Indian's arrival understates the case. I had never met an Indian before. Indeed, I had only recently met a Catholic for the first time. That man had been the most exotic person I had encountered in my white, English and Anglican life. A man from the moon would hardly have been more unexpected.

Not only was he an Indian, but he was also naked. The other men seemed to have no problem with him and he seemed to be both hearty and cheerful. His accent was more that of Oxford than of the sub-continent. As I watched him greet the men his cock began to grow. I had guessed he was a bit larger than Ralph's impressive member. I was wrong about that. It was much larger, being a foot or so long and impressively thick too. He was a big man, but I wondered how he supported the bloated member.

I soon discovered something quite unexpected. The massive organ seemed to have magnetic qualities. I had never considered the possibility of having intercourse with a man of other race. But I found my mind returning to thoughts of Ram's cock over and over again. It seemed to cast a spell on me. At the time I thought it was almost magical.

Now I realize it is more easily explained by my general interest in men and their cocks. At that time I was unwilling to believe I could have been motivated by such base interests. I thought of myself as living on an higher plane. How little I knew myself then.

While I had been the center of attention before Ram appeared, he now took center stage. That was good for me. I had enjoyed the mornings couplings, but I was getting near my limit. I had been a virgin the day before. I could use a rest. I also wanted to watch.

I was always a good child who obeyed the rules. I had no idea what rules governed these men. I knew that in the world of Oxford rank and wealth governed all relations. I was wealthy, but my father had earned his knighthood, not inherited it. The boys from the upper tiers of the aristocracy didn't associated with the likes of me. Tristan was of minor gentry. Many of the boys treated their servants like dirt. My parents were a love match, but that certainly was an exception to the rule. Wealth and social status were key to a good marriage.

At Oxford we talked about the plight of the working man, but did so without knowing any other than servants. I knew that some persons had relationships with persons of inferior rank. This was frowned upon and regarded as a flaw. In my ignorance, I assumed that these were merely social relations. I realized now the real sin was sexual relations.

I could understand the threat presented to a upper class couple if either strayed and found pleasure in lower class persons. In a loveless marriage undertaken for economic benefit, a maid or servant would be great temptation. My father was a manly man, energetic and vital. He provided for our every need through his own labor and intelligence. We had no inherited wealth. When I met the languorous and pampered sons of the aristocracy, I could easily see their wives being attracted to a vital and muscular gardener or a groom.

There was a clear sense of democracy in my playmates in this cottage. It was a mutual assistance society. While some were more active than others, all contributed to the pleasure of all. I noticed no one was left out. As the new man in the group, I had received much attention, but once I met them all, I was just a member of the group. Once you are naked, no one can tell you are a gentleman. Nude men can't hide their emotions. If you are excited you get hard and there is no way to hide that. A spurting cock indicates an orgasm. That too can't be hidden. In this group, the only thing that counted was ones ability to give pleasure. My ass had certainly done that.

I would never have guessed that lying on a bed with men shoving their genitals into my ass would give me so much pleasure, but it surely did. I knew it was pleasurable for them too, most were still drooling their man seed when they pulled out.

That afternoon I went seeking out cock. I started with Robert the dwarf. He had been the first man to fuck me and was the first man I sucked that afternoon. He had shot off already and I wasn't sure he would be able to shoot off again. I took his foreskin into my mouth, then worked my tongue into the pucker. At first I could taste soap faintly. Ralph had a wash bowl available to clean up between sexual interludes. A second or two later my tongue caressed the delicate edge of the cock head where it joins the foreskin. Robert shivered a little when I did this. My tongue strayed to his slit and Robert rewarded me with some of his ball juices.

Since had had already climaxed, his organ grew slowly, so I had time to explore it in detail. His cock was long and thin. It was hard to take the entire thing until we got on the bed. When he sucked me and I sucked him at the same time, the curve of his cock matched perfectly the curve of my throat. The knob was large and flared at the edges. The edge was very sensitive, but not as sensitive as the area on the underside of the cock where a web of skin connected to the foreskin. Since it was directly below the slit, his cock juices drooled directly onto my tongue as I licked the tender spot.

I was licking that spot when rich and thick man cream spurted into my mouth. I shoved my tongue into the slit to dam up the flow. Robert moaned in pleasure as his seed built up, trapped in his organ. I relented and my mouth filled with an explosion of his seed.

I would have thought that I might have been repulsed as the dwarf 's seed spurted into my mouth. I loved it. It was as if I received a reward for a job well done. He had been the first to enter my ass and open up a new world of pleasure for me. It seemed only fair to return pleasure for pleasure.

Many people talk of sex as if if it consists of one person using another for his pleasure. That certainly was not my experience. As Robert pumped his seed into my mouth, I felt as if I were sharing his orgasm. I was almost as excited as he and enjoyed it immensely.

"Why don't you go and sport with William, the Miller," Robert whispered once his ejaculations stopped. "He's shy, but thinks you are handsome. If you like my seed, you'll love his." I went over to the thin, small man. He was at the side or the room observing. William was perhaps five feet four. He was wiry, rather than muscular, like the stone masons. I hadn't focused on him.

William was pale and smooth, unlike most of the men, but he had a thick bush of black hair. His cock seemed modest, but he had rather beautiful balls. They were the size of large hens' eggs and hung low in his sack. I reached over and fondled them. He looked up at me and smiled.

"The men like you," he said.

"Only half as much as I like them," I replied. "I didn't know I could enjoy men this much."

William smiled. "I know what you mean. I was brought up in a hard working, but somber and austere home," he said. "My father seemed to think physical pleasure was sinful. I have four brothers and three sisters. My mother died delivering a still born girl. Father thought that her death was the wages of sin for his lusty nature. When I chanced upon Ralph I thought I had landed in a foreign land filled with pleasure."

As I played with his balls his cock began to bloat, he continued to talk. I dropped to my knees and took the swelling organ into my mouth. As before I felt great satisfaction. The hard cock was a testament to a job well done. While his organ quickly became fully erect, my own was not far behind.

"Your cock is beautiful," he whispered. "Do you think it would fit in my arse?" I looked up at him, unsure what to do. "I oiled my arse up already," he continued, "Work your finger in. I'm nice and open."

I didn't want to do this, but my natural desire to please triumphed. I had a hand holding his balls, so a moved a finger toward his hole. When I touched it, his cock spurted a glob of fluid. This tasted good, and I pushed my finger further. I found his ass pucker and pushed my finger through the tight sphincter.

He moaned in pleasure when I did this, the flow from his cock increased. He was more excited, but I was unexpectedly thrilled. All of a sudden, all my concerns about shoving my fingers up another man's behind vanished.

"Find the nut," he whispered. I pushed deeper and found a soft gland a few inches up his rectum. I pressed it and William cried in pleasure. I worked a second finger into the hole and squeezed it from both sides. William cried again. I was still sucking him, so I could taste his reaction. The sensations he felt were telegraphed to me though his oozing cock.

Somehow a minute later my hard cock caressed the tender gland. I hadn't intended to screw him. I knew he wanted it and it seemed necessary. William more than loved it. I knew how my finger effected him. My cock generated double or quadruple the pleasure of the finger.

It seemed odd to me that my cock was so more pleasurable than my finger. Mt cock was much bigger than my finger, but the nut was just inside the ass. The finger reached it easily. My cock over shot it. Until a few days before, my cock had been an organ used to aim urine. I used it for my own pleasure late at night. I lived in fear someone would discover the sticky remains of my pleasure.

A few years later I realized the cock was at the center of human existence. Without an erect and excited cock all animal life would vanish. The intense pleasure I encountered with Ralph wasn't an oddity, or a perversion. It was the basis of life. In my solitary nighttime experimentation, the pleasure never approached what I felt with Ralph,or Robert or William. The pleasure was why men gather together. I realized the pleasure was so intense, for most men the solitary life wasn't desirable.

In my polite life in England's minor gentry the cock was non-existent. It was tolerated since one had to have an heir, but it was hidden from view and never mentioned. To mention the organ was all but forbidden. To see the forbidden organ was a sin and an abomination. Polite people were shocked and appalled. Here in Ralph's little cottage the men were unashamed of their bodies and of their organs. Mt head was spinning with all these new thoughts and revelations.

The party broke up in the late afternoon. I helped Ralph clean up. He made dinner, we ate, talked some, then went to bed. It seemed cold in the cottage without the warmth of all the other men, but he stayed close to me. "You're a good man, Robert Fairbairn," he whispered. "The men liked you. They could tell."

"I liked them," I replied. "I didn't know you could feel what I was feeling. I didn't seem possible."

"You're lucky to discover that while you're still young," Ralph observed.

The next day a cart arrived to take me to Tristan's home. My back was fine. I bid Ralph a more than fond good by and went with the carter. Tristan's home, called the Ramble, was a low, sprawling home of mismatched parts. Several parts looked Elizabethan, but the main part of the house was no more than a century old.

Inside, I discovered the house made up in comfort what is lacked in architectural coherence. I was greeted as a hero by Tristan's family, Lord and Lady Redborough, and their two daughters. Tristan was still in bed recovering. Lord Redborough was slim and elegant, like Tristan. It took only a minute to realize her ladyship ran the place.

The girls were younger than Tristan, but very much the center of attention. I went to see Tristan. He looked weak. The break was more serious than I had thought. He was clearly uncomfortable, so I left and let him sleep. The family was preoccupied, so I took an opportunity to walk the grounds. The gardens were quite lush and well tended. I saw a gardener as asked about the other man who had been injured in the accident.

He said he was recovering. "Where does he live?" I asked.

"Virgil, he's in the cottage behind the dairy Sir," he answered.

"Would it be alright to visit him?"

"I'm sure it would, Sir. The dairy is over there, behind the summer house at the rear of the garden."

I went to the rear and found the dairy and then found the cottage. I knocked on the door. A small woman answered.

"I'm Robert Fairbairn. I was in the carriage when he had the accident. I was just calling to see how Virgil was doing."

"Come in sir," she said. "He's right in here." I had to duck to get through the door. The inside of the house was small and crowded. Virgil was on a bed to the side of the room. He looked up.

"Oh, your the gentleman who helped with the carriage," he said. "How is your back?"

"Quite recovered," I said. "You and Tristan took the brunt of the accident. How is your leg?"

"It's coming along," he said. I looked as he wife. She looked deeply worried.

"Has the doctor seen it?" I asked.

"It's not that bad," Virgil said. I wished him good luck and returned to the main house. I met the Butler at the door and asked if the doctor had seen Virgil.

"His Lordship rarely sends a doctor to the stable hands," the Butler replied.

"If the doctor visits could you ask him to visit Virgil? I asked. I slipped him several crowns. "I think the man is doing poorly."

"Certainly, kind Sir," he replied, "This will cover several visits." I went to the hall, where her Ladyship and the girls were talking.

"Your gardens are beautiful," I said.

"They are my pride and joy," she said, "Along with my children, of course. Mr. Fairbairn, I have a favor to ask of you. You are a guest, and let me assure you, you have every right to say no. I ask for a pure favor."

"Certainly, what do you wish."

"My daughters are expected at a house party at our neighbor's, The Earl of Craigmiller. Tristan was to accompany them, but that is impossible. His lordship and I need to stay with Tristan. Could you accompany them. It's unseemly for them to travel unaccompanied by a gentleman. The girls have their hearts set on the party. The cream of society will be there."

I said I had hoped to spend some time with Tristan. They said he needed the rest. I agreed to accompany the girls. The next morning we set off in a carriage to visit the Earl's seat, Dunganon Castle. It was a long and bumpy ride. The road was poor.

Dunganon was a massive and impressive pile of stone, towers and turrets. When I got closer I realized the house was modern. The Earl had an ancient title, but their wealth was modern. Lady Craigmiller's father owned coalfields in the Midlands. Her wealth paid for Dunganon Castle.

The Butler greeted us. Much to my surprise, Ram, the Indian from Ralph's, was the butler. Neither he, nor I gave any indication of having met. He took us to the Great Hall where the Earl's daughters squealed in excited greeting. The Earl had six daughters. All were pretty and all were loud. The girls laughed, squealed, and giggled. Behind the girls was Lady Craigmiller. She was a older copy of her daughters. Behind her, was the Earl himself. He was a tall and imposing man in a General's uniform. I recalled he had distinguished himself as an army commander in India. That explained the Indian Butler.

I was politely greeted, but since I am a quiet person, I was largely ignored. The Earl suggested I might walk in the gardens. "This is a hen house," he said. "The girls are plotting a way to snatch a suitable husband. The hope is to marry one of the Queen's grandsons, but that takes a lot of talk as you can well imagine! Men are entirely unnecessary here except to dance."

The landscape around the house was wind swept, austere and stark. I thought it was beautiful and almost spiritual. I found a walled garden filled with beautiful flowers. The quiet was wonderful after the din inside the house. On the south side of the castle was large conservatory that grew exotic flowers, and vegetables that were too tender to grow outside.

We had lunch in a small sun filled room. The Earl and I were the only males in the group and we were totally extraneous to the excited conversations of the girls, their mother and a spinster aunt or two. Later the Earl showed me the library so I could find something to read. I went to my room in the bachelors quarter's of the house.

The house itself was well appointed, but the rooms for unattached males were spartan and in a separate wing of the castle. The guests were to arrive the next day and the entire house would be occupied. For this night I was the only resident of the wing. After dinner the ladies went off to try on their dresses and make last minute alterations. I went to my room with my book.

I had been there for about a half hour when someone knocked on my door. I was a older man I recognized and the Earl's valet. "I'm Billings, the general's man," he said. "It may be presumptuous to speak to you, but Ram told me you were a lusty lad who likes a bit of fun." He looked uncomfortable.

I smiled, "Ram is an impressive man," I said. "in many ways."

"That he is, without a doubt," Billings replied. "One way really tickles my fancy for sure. I'm not as impressive as he, but I know how to have a spot of fun. Did you know there is a Turkish bath in the conservatory?"

"No I didn't," I said. I looked at Billings. He was older and had a white beard, but he looked ruddy and healthy. He was wearing the Earl's livery which had tight pants and I could see the outline of his genitals. He was either well endowed or partially erect.

"This place is private?" I asked.

"Don't you worry about that," Billing replied. "It isn't a place for shy men or for delicate types. The Maharajah said you would have no problem."


"That's our name for Ram," he explained. I reached out and felt his growing bulge. He smiled and told me to follow him. We went down a rear stair and across a service yard to the back of an odd looking building next to the Conservatory. It contained a boiler room. Walking around the equipment and the huge boiler we came top a small door. Billings had a key. He flipped a latch to lock the door.

We were in a handsome, wood paneled room. "Strip here, Sir," he said. He opened a concealed cabinet with hooks for clothes. As he was already half naked I followed suit. In the Earl's livery he looked like a dandy. Naked he was all man. I was partially erect.

"Ram said you cut and impressive figure for a youth," he said as he stroked my cock. He pushed the skin back to fully expose the head. We then went though another concealed panel into the Turkish bath itself. The gaslighted room was tiled in beautiful colored designs. Blue, white and gold were the primary colors, but some rust and green added splashes of other hues. The air was thick with steam, so everything six feet or more away was veiled. In the middle of the room was a pool.

Walking around the pool we came to Ram, who was sitting on a throne like chair made of tile. A marble bench sat against the wall with many pillows. Billings walked up to Ram and then bent over and sucked his cock.

"I see you brought our guest," Ram said in his Oxford accent. His voice was very deep. "I admired you at the Smith's house. Ralph and I are friends and we share the same interests and affections. He sent me a note that I would enjoy you." Billings was still licking Ram's organ. When he got us the magnificent cock was still only half erect. Billing was fully excited.

I moved forward to greet Ram, but I too bent over and began to administer to Ram. Apparently that was the right thing to do. I could barely get the cock head into my mouth, but there was more than enough head to occupy my time. Ram was totally erect now. He held my head in his hands and played with my hair.

"I admire youth and youthful vigor, but I also like manly men," Ram whispered to me. "I don't like shy, frightened boys who are afraid of their shadows. Some men look at me and think I will rip them in half. You looked at me and realized the potential for physical pleasure. Ralph told me you had been a virgin the day before. I could tell the gods made you to give pleasure and to feel pleasure." By now I could taste his sweet cock juices.

"Ram," A voice called out. "We have a new guest!" much to my surprise it was the Earl. Ram got up and surrendered the throne to the Earl. Billings came over and sucked his master's member.

"Mr. Fairbairn, I didn't expect to find you here, but I musty confess to being pleased," the Earl said. "I live in a hen house, but I like to be with some cocks too." Billings rose from his master's cock and I took his place. "You are also unexpectedly well equipped. You sport a beauty. After all my years as a fancier of men, I still never know what's under the clothes. You are a find."

Ram was circumsized, but the Earl's member was fully hooded. Indeed, at first I though he was all shroud without the body. I took the skin into my mouth. As my tongue probed deep into the tube of skin, I failed to encounter the organ. He was still soft. Billings' administrations had not excited him.

I soon found the tip of his knob and made it grow. It was a full sized tool, with a shroud two sizes too big. Protected by the encasing skin, the organ itself was tender and responsive. I stood to catch a breath. The Earl stood too. He pulled his skin open and I slipped my cock into the tube. My knob met his knob. I felt a tickling sensation as he bathed my cock in his seed.

When I withdrew my cock from the Earl's foreskin it was coated. Several men had entered as we coupled. One of then came over and licked my cock clean. Another went to the Earl licked the remains of his orgasm from the inside of his skin.

"We only have two rules here," Ram whispered in my ear. "Nothing is forced, and no man seed is wasted. All are equal once you have greeted the chieftain."

"The Earl is the chieftain?" I asked.

"When his is in the chair, he is," Ram explained. "When he is on his feet, he is just one of the tribe."

"Whoever is in the seat, is the Chieftain?"

"Yes, that is the way it works." Ram explained. "Any one can sit there, but mostly it is the Earl or me."

The man sucking my cock was blond, bearded, bull of a man. When he was finished, he stood.

"That was good," I said. "I am Robert Fairbairn."

"I'm Sean," he said. "I'm a farmer." He said that in a way that made me think he was a yeoman farmer, not a tenant. "It were my pleasure, sir,"he added. "The Earl, he shoots a nice load. You're got a nice one too." I fondled his genitals and he looked pleased. Sean was a strong man, heavy work had made him muscular.

Next: Chapter 3

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