The Smithy

Published on Oct 17, 2008


The Smithy 9

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

The party was over so Ralph and I got dressed and returned to his cottage. We were a mile from the church when Mac and Major Towman over took us. Apparently Ralph and the Major had planned this while I was occupied with Mac. They were going to spend the night. Since the cottage had only one bed, I knew I'd have no problem staying warm.

When we got to the cottage, Ralph got a big fire going and got a large leg of lamb cooking. Mac took over the cooking chores and he created a fine meal out of uninspiring materials. I turned the spit. Since I was near the fire, I was gettign cooked too, so I stripped naked. Mac was kind enough to suckle on my cock from time to time between his cooking duties. Ralph and the Major also took turns. The Major was rather lackluster in his sucking until Ralph mounted him. Ralph always mounted in in a gentle and casual way, but he fucked the Major like a mad man.

The second Ralph's cock popped through the Major's sphincter, the Major became a sucker of the most refined and elevated sort. He was a master of the oral skills. When Ralph got close to shooting he pulled out and Mac took his place. It took Mac a few hard thrusts to get into Towman ass, but he did it. The Major's interest in my cock redoubled. He needed a cock in his arse to kindle his interest in man sex.

Ralph took my place at the spit. As we switched places he whispered to me, "Show them how to enjoy a cock." I got on the floor and ministered to his member. It was a treat as always. I needed no anal inspiration to enjoy Ralph, but Towman mounted me. Much to my surprise his cock felt entirely different from the way it had that afternoon. He had a large knob. When he took me doggy style, it rammed my prostate head on. I was transported.

Apparently it had the same effect on him. His cock had a pronounced curve. On my back, he had just a cock, on my hands and knees it was a magic wand. It was as if it opened the flood gates of sexual sensation. His shaft was rock had, but the knob was more tender, and it rubbed my prostate in a most delicious way. It was clear to me my sphincter had the same effect on his member.

We had a contest as to whom could generate the most pleasure in his partner. I won when he shot his load into my ass. He pulled out and Ralph replaced Mac at the spit. Mac went straight to my to my hole. It was his tongue that touched my ass first. I knew he liked my ass, but I also think he was interested in the Major's seed. This was relaxing compared to the major's fucking.

It is measure of how far my life had changed that I could be sucking a cock as another man licked my ass and I found it relaxing. Just a short while earlier I would have been so excited I would have been unable to relax.

It would have seemed to be an impossible paradox to be both sexually active and relaxed at the same time. I was now able to savor the sensations. I could feel the Mac's cock stimulating my rectum as I coaxed Ralph's sweet ball juices into my mouth. I felt enveloped in pleasure, the Mac's, Ralph's and my own.

I know in animal husbandry they talk about dominant males, but I felt equal to my playmates. No one was short changed. The rest of the night was a interplay of sex and food. I somewhat expected this to continue through the night, but we all had a good night's sleep. Multiple orgasms are conducive to rest. Mac and the Major went back to their barracks, and I had to get to Paris.

Paris was wonderful. With little industry, it seemed modern, clean and elegant compared to the somber streets of London. I went to see all the sites of interest. There was trace of the disastrous war with Prussia. The Opera had been finished, and there was no trace of the burned out hulk of the Napoleon III's palace, the Tuilleries. All was new, bright and modern. The city seemed to be in a perpetual state of carnival.

As I expected artists of the most advanced sort seemed to be everywhere. I am not art critic, but I found many of the avant guard paintings attractive. They were light and sun filled. I actually bought several from a gifted man named Manet.

I also found some like spirits in the French engineering community. I met two men, Edgar LaVille, and Pierre Montjoi who shared my interests in hydraulics. They spoke English as badly as I spoke French. We got along well. They showed me all the technical high points of the city.

I also discovered we shared an interest in things other than technology. I knew they were friends. I hadn't realized how truly close they were. Edgar was 45 or fifty and had been a military engineer in the French army. Pierre was the son of one of his fellow officer. Pierre's father was killed at the battle of Sedan, and Edgar took him under his wing.

We were a most congenial trio. My French got better as they improved their English. While they were most interested in things technical, they were interested in many subjects, art, music and archeology. They introduced me to fine food and good wine. After a night of too much good wine we all shared a bed. I woke and found Pierre nursing on Edgar's cock. I joined in. It seemed as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

We were perfectly sexually compatible too. Pierre was a slim and masculine man of 27. He had a hairy chest and a cock that was both thin and very long. Edgar was a bull of a man with a thick and massive member. His cock was as thick as Pierre's was long. My long and moderately thick cock was a great success with them

Our first night together was all oral. On the next night we progressed successfully into anal intercourse. It was good, but when Pierre and I discovered Edgar could take both of our cocks. It was spectacular. Edgar was a good sport and he loved it, but I loved rubbing my cock against Pierre's in the tight confines of Edgar's ass.

A week later I was at a lecture at the School of Engineering and Mines, when I noticed the lecturer, Professor Maximilian Schmidt, of the University of Grenoble wore a cock signet ring. I went up to see him after the lecture. He saw my ring and slipped me a note with his address and a time. I nodded. He smiled.

I was at his hotel room at the time he indicated. He was waiting. Professor Schmidt was from Alsace Loraine and very French in spite of his German name.

"I would very much like to spend some time with you. My good friend, John Singer Sargent sent me a note about a handsome Scot he had met. It that you?" he said.

"Yes, I had a most pleasant afternoon with him."

"Alas, I must go to have dinner with a visiting friend." He felt my genitals and smiled. "I would very much like that," he remarked as he felt my cock. I reached over and felt his crotch.

I smiled. "I certainly would like to get better acquainted with you." I said. We understood each other. "I am going to visit some friends in the country this weekend," the professor said. "You would find them very agreeable."

"I was planning to spend the weekend with friends," I said.

"Let me repeat, you will find my friends most agreeable."

"Well," I said, "My friends are open minded. They are members of the brotherhood."

"Do you think they are liberal enough to find our ways enjoyable?"

"I think they might be very interested."

"Let me know. New men are always agreeable," Professor Schmidt said. "My friends are a cosmopolitan and varied group. Some might even be described as exotic. Does that bother you? I assume you know some are not gentlemen?"

"I'm not interested in rank."

The Professor had to leave and I returned to Pierre and Edgar. We went to a performance of the opera that night. It was a fine performance, but it was difficult for the opera to compete with the grandeur of the building itself. The next morning I told them about the professor and his weekend party. I was very direct in explaining the extent of the sexual contact. I was afraid they might think less of men that I participated is these sexual romps. I didn't need to worry. They were both intrigued and willing. Edgar was concerned he was perhaps too old, or had a background that was humble. Edgar had become an officer by merit, not because he was socially prominent.

I told him he needn't have concerns either way. "As far as I can tell, interest in and willingness to participate in matters sexual is the sole requirement for membership," I said.

Edgar and Pierre laughed. There was no problem. On Friday we met Professor Schmidt at the railroad station and took a train toward the Loire Valley. We got out at a small station. A carriage was waiting and we went to an impressive chateau. At first I thought it was an ancient structure, but I soon realized it was a modern pile.

The Chateau of DeLaval was the seat of the Duc DeLaval. The family's original seat was demolished during the revolution. The current Duke had married an heiress and built the modern Chateau. The heiress had died and the Duke made the house into retreat for men of distinctive sexual tastes. The chateau was a fantasy castle of towers, turrets and pinnacles. We entered into a great hall furnished in the medieval style. The house was warm. It had central heating. As a Scot, I was shocked at the luxury. There were several men sitting and talking. They were wearing monk like robes. I thought this must have been one of the Duke's affections, but I noticed some me had the robes open. They were nude. We were taken to our rooms and the butler gave us robes to wear.

I shared a room with Professor Schmidt. Pierre and Edgar were in an adjacent room. Our rooms had a water closet and lavatory, but no bath. That seemed strange to me in this luxurious palace. A man knocked at our door and took us to meet the other guests.

We went through the great hall, and then went into a wonderland. The rear of the house was a great conservatory filled with tropical plants on all sides of a central pool and waterfall. There was a half dozen men in the room. All were nude. To one side was a place to hang our robes. We removed them and entered the conservatory naked.

Professor Schmidt was an surprise to me. In his heavy suit he was a portly older gentleman. Nude he was well formed and muscular. His body was shaved except for his pubic region and a six inch tube of skin hung heavily from it. His balls looked weighty and stretched his scrotum.

A handsome dark bearded men came up to us. "Welcome to the garden of Paradise. It is always good to see you again, Professor. I am Ali the gardener." he said to those of us he hadn't met yet/

"It is a veritable garden of Eden," Edgar said.

Ali smiled. "We all carry a part of paradise with us," he said. He was circumsized and he stroked his cock. He was well equipped and his balls hung low. I had thought he was well tanned, but he was clearly an Arab or Algerian. A much bigger, very hairy man came up to greet us. He was uncut and introduced himself as Stavros. He was Greek, but had lived in Alexandria. He was a circus strong man and wrestler.

We were new and men seemed to appear out of nowhere to greet us. Several greeted the Professor. He was well known there and seemed to be somewhat of a celebrity, but most wanted to see me, Pierre and Edgar. There must have been at least two dozen men scattered in the tropical vegetation.

We wandered around the room and entered a little area on the side. There was a small Classical temple here. We took a drink from a fountain there. When we stopped, Stavros took his refreshment from my cock.

A gong sounded. That was a sign for refreshments. Trays of fruits, cakes and other delicacies appeared in the central area next to the pool. As the professor had said, it was a mixed group of men, racially, socially and physically. In a normal house one would have expected to be served by liveried footmen. Several of the men here were obviously burly laborers and the Duke himself served a tray. He was an unimpressive man. Naked, he held the tray low so his genitals rested on it. The food had been arrayed in a fan pattern focusing on his uncut member.

The Duke was the center of a group of young, somewhat delicate men. I could not understand what he said, since he spoke French at high speed, but he was apparently funny and he amused the men near him.

Some of the Duke's pre cum drooled on the tray, but that didn't disturb anyone. Edgar was separated from Pierre and me. Ali and several younger, but very masculine men clustered around him.

After we ate, Stavros guided us to a part of the room we hadn't visited. The conservatory focused on the central pool. We had visited the temple on one side. We now went to the other side. The plantings on the edge of the pool were symmetrical, but when you passed through them, this side was more of a gymnasium. It contained actual shower baths and a hot pool. Some athletic equipment sat on the side.

"You like ass play?" Stavros asked us. We nodded. I couldn't tell if he was very direct, or wheater his French was so limited he couldn't be subtle.

"You top? Bottom?"

"We like both," Pierre said.

"Me also," Stavros said switching form broken French to broken English. He took us to an area behind the showers where an attendant gave us an enema. Stavros received one too, as did Professor Schmidt. The attendant who gave it to us was most pleasant and he seemed to enjoy his work. We showered and and then he lubricated our asses. He gave us a leather pouch filled with lubricating oil.

Schmidt was half erect as was Stavros. When we returned to the exercise area a handsome man who could have been mistaken for Hercules greeted us. Indeed his beard and hair was done to mimic that of the Farnese Hercules statue. His body was shaved except for the pubic bush, but in place of the statues fig leaf was a non classical display of manhood. His equipment could best be described as extravagant rather then classically modest.

"This is Emile," Stavros said. "He is my best friend." They embraced in a frankly sexual way. When they broke apart, Emile greeted us warmly. He had a speech defect, and I suspected he had been born with a cleft palate. This slight imperfection only made the rest of his body and person seem more beautiful.

"Not only is Emile a beautiful man, he is a scientist of the sexual arts. He had the misfortune to be born with a passion for ass sex, but he posses a small and tight hole." Stavros explained. "Here he explores ways to made the penetration more agreeable."

"I hardly need to say, Emile has succeeded magnificently," Schmidt added. "He did not stop his studies there but he has continued his exploration of ways to make the sexual act more pleasurable."

"The swing is free, M. le Professor," Emile said as he led us though some vegetation to a little clearing. Emile got into a swing or hammock like device. The hammock portion supported his body. It was configured so his arse was spread wide open and easily accessible. His hole was indeed a small pillow of slightly puffy muscle flanked by his massive buns. Schmidt poured some lubricant on his cock and stroked himself to a full erection. The professor possessed a thick organ crowned with a large head.

When his head touched Emile's puckered hole, Emile twitched in excitement. Schmidt pushed the swing away. I realized Schmidt possessed a battering ram, and Emile's ass was the gate to be conquered. Each push of the swing was harder and with each push, Schimdt's cock pushed harder against Emile's hole. I noticed as Schmidt got closer to breaking through, Emile's cock got harder, and he got more excited.

Finally the hole gave way. Emile was skewered on the professor's organ. Schmidt grabbed the swing and held it tight. It was total penetration. He then let go. Emile swung way, but on the return swing impaled himself again. This went on for a minute, or more. With each re penetration Emile's hole relaxed. Eventually the hole stayed open and I could see into Emile's love tunnel.

Unexpectedly this excited me. Professor Schmidt noticed this and he motioned to me. I coated my member in oil and took his place. Emile noticed the change immediately. He tightened his ass as if he were embracing me. I pushed the swing slightly. He was just far enough away so my cock head barely touched his puckered ass. When he slid back onto my cock it was as if his ass was kissing my member.

His sphincter would gently kiss my knob, then his ass would greedily gobble up my entire cock. He would try to clamp tightly on my member trying to trap me in his warm ass. Of course he was too heavily lubricated to hold me. Emile would swing away and we would repeat the sequence again. It was lovely.

It was a totally unexpectedly fantasy. Here was a man built like an ancient Greek god. He was big, hard and muscular, yet at his core was a gentle and generous lover. When I said core, I literally meant his core. My cock was deep inside his body and was feeling nothing but pleasure. My vision of Hercules was of a hard and violent man who took what he wanted.

I pulled a way and let Pierre enjoy Emile's body. Ali, the Arab man who had greeted us when we entered the conservatory joined Stavros. I went over to them, dropped to my knees and began to minister to their cocks. Both were well endowed men. Ali was circumsized, and his exposed deep purple knob was bisected with a wide slit. Stavros' foreskin covered his cock even when he was hard. His pink head just barely peaked out of the protective shroud. His cock head seemed tender and delicate.

Stavros collected pre cum in his skin and saved it for me to lick up. Stavros was most enthusiastic. Ali was reserved, but when I returned to sucking him after playing with Stavros, pre cum was always flowing from his slit. Sometime it was only a bead of glistening fluid, other times it was a long filament of cock juices dripping to the conservatory paving.

Ali dropped to the floor and joined me sucking on Stavros' cock. I knew that Muslims were circumsized and wondered if Ali would have a problem with Stavros' very uncircumcised organ. He didn't. He also reached behind me and felt my ass. It was lubricated. "I would love to be in you," Ali said. "I would love to shoot my seed into you."

I looked at him and smiled. That was all he needed. Stavros didn't mind at all. He knew Ali and I assumed he knew his tastes. Another Arab man appeared, his name was Abdul and he seemed to be Ali's friend. I later found out he was Ali's nephew. Abdul was young, under twenty, I would guess. Had he been a girl, he would have been beautiful. He was tall, slim and elegant with a chest covered in silky black hair and a trail of hair linking his chest to his thick bush. He spoke little French.

Ali's cock was neither elegant nor delicate. He posses a battering ram style cock. Indeed, if his cock head had sprouted Ram's horns, it would have been no surprise. Ali looked at me and said, "Abdul, he likes to do you too."

I was a bit taken back by this, but the two men had a plan and I was an essential part of it. Ali and Abdul were lovers, not just fuckers. While Ali was strictly dominant, Abdul was open to all the possibilities. Both were sensual men. While there was continual genital stimulation, there was much kissing and hugging too. Both men must have studied the erotic arts. They moved me into a positions that gave me no potential to resist Ali's attack. Fortunately by the time Ali's knob was at my hole, I had no desire to resist whatsoever. Abdul was sucking on my member as his uncle's cock slid into me. Stavros fed me his member at the same time, so I was fully occupied. I was happy.

Next: Chapter 10

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