The Snow Will Be There

By Sophie V

Published on Dec 22, 2000



Author's note: I wrote this story especially for Christmas. A small Christmas's story is so sweet... ;)

I don't know any of the Backstreet Boys so there... this is all fiction! If I wish?... mmmm... ;). Please leave if you don't like this type of story or/and if you aren't older enough to read this story.

My favorite stories so far... check them out: "Nick and Brian", by JC Vascardi "Open Arms", by Carter "Because I love you", by Lucas Thompson "The Body Switch with Nick Carter" by Sher "The Project" by Adam "Any Path", all the sequels, and "Interludes" by Dara Lynn "Star Crossed" and "I Need You Tonight" by Jo Beth Hill "It's Gonna Be Me" by Jamie "Say my Name" by Jo Beth Hill and Colleen "BSB and 'NSync" by Mark J "Heaven in yours eyes" by Beck "Question of Faith" by Nathaniel O'Leary "Chances are" by Red "Josh and Just" by AJ Shukla "Just One Call" by Sarah "Tearing Up My Ass" by Rick Chasez "Kevin and Dustin" by Nick Moore "Little White Lies" by Elly Iles "Devotion" by Angel1313 "Calming Waters" by NCfan "The Real Nick" by Kevin Michael "God Must Have Spent" by AJ B and "Secrets" by Mistress_n9

Check my other stories: "Together Again", "Porcelain" and "Fate Will Gather Us Together".

English isn't my first language. So I'm sorry for the errors I may did.

This is a single story. But you guess it, uh?

The Snow Will Be There By Sophie V. (

December, 23rd, 9:00 PM

"Listen! It's not my fault if we don't go back to our families for Christmas!" said Kevin "We have to work and, anyway, we'll do a party for that tomorrow! So stop whining, Nick!"

"I do not whine!" said Nick, angrily. "But I'm fed up that we never had vacations when we want it! Each year, we don't even go back for Halloween! What's the hell is that?"

"Listen, Nick!" said Kevin "I'm fed up with your immaturity! You're supposed to be an adult for god's sake! Try to be a man, not a baby, for once!"

"For once?!" shouted Nick "I'm not a baby! I'm a man!"

"A man, my ass!" said Kevin, angrily.

Nick glared at him and immediately exited Brian's hotel room while slamming the door. Everyone in the room was silent. Then AJ spoke up.

"Perhaps you've gone too far, Kev." He said.

"I know..." Kevin sighed "but he acts like a kid, too often. He has to be more mature!"

"You know, it's his personality." Said Brian "No matter how old he will be, Nick will always have somewhere a child soul."

Then, the door opened, revealing a furious Nick. He had listened to the conversation.

"So you think that I'm a child too?!" he screamed at Brian. Brian was shocked by what he said.

"Nick... it's not what I said..." he said.

"The hell it isn't what you just said!" said Nick "You're supposed to be my best friend, not my tutor or someone who raise a kid!"

"But, I AM your best friend, Nick!" said Brian, feeling tears in his eyes.

"Stop lying, Brian! I'm sick of that game you play with me since we met. The play acting of two best friends!" said Nick.

Everyone in the room looked at Nick, really shocked. Brian was trembling a little as a tear streamed down his face. Yet, Nick didn't see that.

"Nick, how can you say that?" said Howie "Brian is REALLY your best friend like we're your friends too." Nick just shook his head, a sarcasm look on his face.

"Pfff! Don't say that fucking shit! It won't work with me!" he said.

"Nick... you're my..." started to say Brian before Nick cut him.

"Your what? Oh of course, your kid! Your immature friend! Your child friend! Your..." he said in a mock tone before Kevin stood up.

"Nick! Stop it!" he said with authority.

"Hey! I said what he wanted me to say!" Nick said, pointing at Brian. "Well, I go, now. I guess that a child must go to his room when he's bad."

Then he slammed the door. The others heard a few seconds after another door opening and shutting just as strong. Less than a second after, Brian burst into tears. Kevin immediately ran toward him and took him in his arms. Brian cried harder, his head buried in Kevin's shoulder.

"Brian... shh... calm down..." said Kevin softly.

"Why he said that?" sobbed Brian "Why he acted like that?"

"Brian... I'm sure Nick didn't mean what he said." Said Howie as he sat beside him.

"D is right." Said AJ, sitting next to him. "Nick was just angry, that's all. I'm sure he'll come back and said that he's sorry..."

"You think?" said Brian, his head on Kevin's shoulder.

"Yes, I'm sure." Said AJ "He loves you..."

"He doesn't, AJ." Said Brian painfully "I'm sure he doesn't..."

"Brian, don't say that... you don't know about this." Said Howie. AJ, Kevin and him knew that Brian was in love with Nick for a while, now. They caught him jacking off while watching a video where there was only Nick. Of course, Brian was forced to tell them the truth. They were all okay with that. Only Nick didn't know about all of this.

"What if he hates me?" said Brian, sniffling.

"He would never hate you..." said Kevin. He got up and helped Brian to go in his bed.

"Sleep... I'm sure that tomorrow all of this will be forgotten and Nick will be back." He said softly as he gave a paper tissue to Brian. Brian blew and threw the tissue in the task near the door. The others left quietly, wanting to give him some rest.

About an hour later, Brian heard someone knocking on his door. He sat up and said:


"Brian, it's me." He heard. It was Nick. Brian switched on the light and walked toward the door. He opened the door and Nick immediately entered.

"I left the Nintendo, earlier." He said walking to the TV, not even looking at him. Brian swallowed hard. It wasn't a good sign. He then remarked that Nick's voice was a bit weak. He must be tired.

"Nick..." he said as Nick unplugged the console from the TV "You're tired, you don't have to..."

"It's MY Nintendo, Brian, not yours!" he snapped "So I took it even if you think that I'm tired. I'm not a 'baby'!"

Once again, Brian felt his heart arching.

"Nick..." he said.

"Save it." Nick said as he exited the room with his console and closed the door. A few seconds after, Brian collapsed on the floor, crying. He crawled to his bed and cried himself to sleep. As he fell asleep, he was tightly hugging a pillow, wishing that it would be Nick.

In Nick's room...

Nick put the console on the floor and walked slowly toward his bed, sniffling. He collapsed on it and started to cry hard. He took a pillow and buried his head in it. The pillow muffled his cries but Nick didn't stop to cry.

"Why Brian?" he moaned "Why are you thinking that I'm a baby?... I love you so much..."

Like Brian, he cried himself to sleep and hugged a pillow closed to his heart, wishing that it could be his secret one love.

December 24th, 8:00 PM...

Unlike what AJ, Kevin and Howie said, the day wasn't as good. Even if Nick excused himself to Kevin, AJ and Howie in the morning, he hadn't spoken to Brian. Kevin said to him several times to speak to Brian, but even if he said that he would, he never did it. However, they all managed to decorate and did the Christmas tree. Everything was beautiful. The biggest room of their big luxury hotel was ready for the great private Christmas party, which started in one hour.

Brian was sitting on his bed, a tear streaming down his face. Nick ignored him all day. His heart was arching each time he remembered what Nick said yesterday. He shook his head, rubbed his tears, took his coat, wallet and keys and exited the room.

About twenty minutes later, he was in a place where was dressed a giant Christmas tree. He walked in front of it and sighed. There weren't many people. He looked at his right and saw two men, hand in hand, walking and giggling.

'God, they look so happy.' He thought, looking at them 'Why can't I be happy too?'

"There's no snow." He heard on his left. He turned around and saw a man, in the sixty, with a white-gray long beard and a big white-gray mustache. He was wearing a gray coat, a big dark scarf, and a black beret that let see his long white-gray hair. He was looking at the tree.

"Sorry?" said Brian.

"There's no snow. See." Said the man looking around him. He was right, there was no snow. It wasn't even snowing.

"This is abnormal." He said "Something happened."

"What happened?" asked Brian.

"I don't know but something prevent this Christmas to have his magic white snow." He said. "The snow will be there when this 'something' will be fix."

He then looked at Brian. "You aren't here by chance, uh? I can see it in your eyes."

Brian sighed and looked at the tree.

"Yes." He said.

"What happened?" the man asked.

"The one I love doesn't want to talk to me. This person doesn't even know my feelings..." said Brian. He hardly believed that he was confessing to this man he just met. But something was telling him to have faith in him.

"You must speak to this person... tell this person how you feel..." said the man.

"How?" asked Brian, looking at him. The man looked at him and smiled.

"You must find out by yourself... follow your heart..." he said.

Brian looked down at his feet and sighed. He looked up and didn't see the man. He looked around him, looked in the place... he wasn't there.

"But... he was just there with me." He whispered. A bit confused, he left, thinking about what the man had said. 'Follow your heart...'

About five minutes later, he walked in front of a store and spotted a very lovely white teddy bear. Brian couldn't help but to smile as he looked at it. He was so cute. Brian thought for a minute and finally entered in the store. He knew that Nick loved fluffy animal and especially the teddy bears. He knew that Nick had all the video games he wanted. So, since he didn't know what to offer to Nick for Christmas, he thought that it would be a good idea to buy this teddy bear for him.

Later, in Nick's room...

Nick sat on the bed, just staring into space. He finally got up and looked toward the window.

"No snow..." he thought "What a pity..."

He then heard a knock on the door.

"Nick? It's me." He heard Brian said. Nick sighed and told him to enter. As Brian entered, he saw that he had a present in his hands.

"What is it?" he asked.

"It's... my Christmas's present for you." Said Brian, shyly, as he closed the door. "I couldn't wait to give it to you."

Nick managed to smile a little and thanked Brian. Brian smiled and gave him the present. Nick took off the paper of it and opened the box. He took the teddy bear out of the box and looked at it. His heart melted as he looked at it. He was so cute. He knew why Brian chose it. It was the cutest teddy bear he ever saw in his life. He started to smile but then remembered something. The argument. Nick was still sure that Brian thought of him like a little kid. His smile faded. Brian bought him this because to him, he was a baby. That was what Nick thought. He looked at Brian, anger on his face. Brian immediately started to worry.

"'That' is your gift?!" he said angrily. Brian back away, feeling his heart clutching one more time.

"But... I thought you like teddy bears..." he said.

"You thought?!" said Nick "I think you better thought that since I'm a baby, you should buy me a fluffy animal!"

Brian shook his head 'no', slowly, feeling tears in his eyes.

"I'm not a baby, Brian!" Nick shouted "I'm a man and I don't need to be call a kid!!"

With that, he threw the teddy bear at Brian, who avoid it just in time. The teddy bear hit the wall and fell on the floor. The sight exploded Brian's heart into million pieces and he collapsed on the floor, crying really hard. Nick gasped as he saw that. Brian crawled on the floor and took the teddy bear in his arms. He hugged him on his heart as he continued to cry.

"Oh my god..." whispered Nick as he started to cry as well. He immediately regret what he had said and done. He ran toward Brian, sank on the floor and took Brian in his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Brian... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." he moaned as he tightly hugged Brian.

"Nick... why did you do that? Why are you thinking that I'm sure that you're a baby?" asked Brian as he looked up at him, tears streaming down his face.

"But... you said yesterday..." started to say Nick when Brian cut him.

"Nick, I never said that you were a baby or a little kid... I said that no matter how old you are, you'd always have somewhere a child soul... It means that you're sensible, Nick... everyone will always had a child soul, not matter how old we'll get... a child soul is so pure, Nick." He said as he rubbed Nick's left cheek with his right hand, pushing his tears away. "It's not wrong... I've have a child soul, Kevin has a child soul somewhere... everyone does. It's a beautiful thing, Nick... one of the most beautiful thing of our soul..."

Nick's heart melted at that. He suddenly understood how stupid he had been. Brian had never thought at him like at a child and never though that he was immature... He hugged Brian closed to his heart, never wanting to let him go.

"I'm so sorry, Brian." He whispered "I'm such a jerk... will you forgive me?"

"Nick, you're not a jerk. Of course I forgive you." Brian said as he broke the hug. He looked at the teddy bear and then at Nick.

"You don't like it?" he said. Nick smiled and took the teddy bear.

"Brian... in my life I had never saw a so cute teddy bear... I love it, Brian... it's very beautiful..." he said looking into Brian's eyes.

Brian smiled and pulled him in a hug. Nick gladly hugged him back as he continued to smile and then planted a soft kiss on his head. Brian looked up at Nick, so there was only two inches or so between their faces. They both slowly leaned and closed their eyes until their lips locked into a kiss. Both were surprised to feel each other responding to the kiss but they didn't stop it. Nick's tongue slowly licked Brian's lips. Brian gladly parted his lips and Nick's tongue entered in his sweet mouth, playing with Brian's tongue. Nick put his arms around Brian's waist, pulling him closer. Brian put his left arm around Nick's waist while his right hand gently ran in Nick's short blond hair.

They continued to kiss for several minutes until they both slowly broke it. They slowly opened their eyes and looked into each other beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you, Nick." Said Brian, still looking in Nick's eyes. Nick smiled widely as a tear of happiness streamed down his face, and said: "Oh Brian... I love you too!"

They both grinned and hugged each other, eyes closed, letting their touches speaking for them. Brian opened his eyes and looked, smiling, at the window. He then frowned as he saw something.

"What it is?" he said, breaking the hug with Nick.

"What, Brian?" said Nick in wonder.

Brian stood and walked toward the window. He opened it and smiled brightly at what he saw.

"Nick... it's snowing!" he said happily. Nick walked beside him and smiled too. Snow was slowly falling on the city.

"Great! Now, this is a real Christmas!" said Nick happily. The couple closed the window, put their arms around each other waist and looked through the window at the snow that continued to fall. Brian had his head against Nick's shoulder. He looked at the place in front of the hotel and was surprised to see the old man. He was smiling at him. Brian smiled at him too and closed his eyes for a second. When he opened them... the man was gone. Once again he had disappeared. Then, Brian and Nick looked at each other and smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Nick." Said Brian.

"Merry Christmas, Brian." Said Nick before he kissed Brian on the lips. A few minutes later, they broke the kiss and Brian said:

"Well... it's time for the Christmas party, Nick."

"Yeah... But before..." said Nick as he walked toward the teddy bear. He put it on his bed and said: "Let's make lil' Brian comfortable."

"Lil' Brian?" said Brian, amused. Nick walked toward him and put his arms around him.

"It's his name, now. Little Brian. I love this teddy bear and I love this name..." He said. He leaned over so now his forehead was against Brian's one.

"But most at all... I love this beautiful man that I hold in my arms..." He whispered as he leaned and kissed Brian on the lips. They gently kissed for a minute or so and then Brian broke it.

"I love you too, Nick." Said Brian, looking adoringly in Nick's eyes.

"It's about time!" they heard. They looked at the door and saw Kevin, AJ and Howie. They were all smiling. "Come on, you two lovebirds!" said AJ "The party is only waiting for you!"

Nick was surprised that they didn't look shocked. Yet, he smiled. After all, it was better than having them yelling at his, now, boyfriend and him. Brian smiled and looked at the window where he could see the snow falling. Then, he remembered what the man had said, earlier: "The snow will be there when this 'something' will be fix."

'It's fix... now this Christmas had his magic snow.' Thought Brian happily. He closed his eyes and thought at this man. He was sure he'd never see him again but he thought he knew who he was.

"Let's go, Bri." Said Nick, taking his hand in his own. Brian smiled and, with his boyfriend, joined the others for the party.

**************************************************************************** Well... it's finished! Did you like it? Tell me what you think about it! Merry Christmas to you and everyone in the world! :) Take care! Sophie V.

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