The Society Boys

By Dave

Published on Mar 19, 2020


The Society Boys By Connor Matthews

Thank you for continuing to read my ongoing story. Please remember to sit back at least three feet from the screen to avoid catching anything from the boys...They're still pretty active out there!!

Stay healthy and donate to Nifty if you can as it might be the only thing left do do while at home and we'd like to keep it up and running.

Chapter 176

It was the day before school started and Blake had run off to a diving practice that the coach had called to get things set up for the year. When he returned, he seemed more excited than usual, if that's even possible.

"How was practice?"

"Great. Got a new suit as the one I had was a little too small now. I guess I've grown, but then so have a lot of the guys. Coach had us do some stretching exercises and then show him our best dive. He said some of us looked rusty. I don't think it's rust, though. We're probably just extra tan from the summer."

"How did you do?" Colin asked.

"Awesome. Well, half awesome. I over rotated and hit the water a little off vertical. I think I was just nervous. We have a lot of new guys trying out this year, and I think we'll be a solid team. One guy is like ten feet tall, and he's only 16."

"Ten feet tall? That must be a world record," Colin said trying not to laugh.

"Maybe six foot four or five, but he's super tall. He's also super cool. After practice we hit the showers and just out of nowhere he got a boner and started jerking off. Right there under the shower. I mean he didn't even care that others were there."

"Sounds like your kinda guy," I teased.

"I'll say. His penis is as big as my arm," he said lifting it up and grabbing at the elbow as a visual reference. His balls were so big, I thought he was carrying a bowling ball."

"Sounds like diving might be the wrong sport for him with those tiny speedos," I joked. Either Blake was now into his exaggeration phase, or this new guy had some very weird measurements.

"He said he was on the football team at his old school, and only did diving as a hobby, but wanted to learn more this year. He told the guys that the football team always had circle jerks after games to unwind, and that it would be a good thing for all of us to do. Dude you shoulda seen it when he came. I think it went clear across the showers and hit the wall like a bullet. I'm pretty sure it smashed through a couple tiles. Yeah, this is gonna be a great year."

"Sounds like this new boy is even more outgoing than you. You have competition," Colin joked. I was more interested in cum that went as fast as a bullet into tile.

"Puhleez!" he said rolling his eyes. "I went and talked to him afterward to welcome him. I let him know that I thought it was cool that he was so open around everyone, and that I liked people that weren't shy. Jalen, that's his name, said if I ever wanted to hang out with him, I could."

With diving practice details out of the way, we went to prepare dinner. I realized that I didn't get a lot of details about the actual practice, just the showers afterward. I wonder if all the parents were getting that story. Probably not, if the boys all got erections watching the new kid jerk off in front of them. I might have to stop by and introduce myself to him one day soon. I wouldn't want to disturb their practice, so maybe I'll swing by the locker room once they're done, you know, just because I like to know the people Blake hangs out with. I don't want bad influences in his life.

The first day of school finally arrived and Blake bounced down the main stairs, dropping his backpack at the door, before coming to breakfast.

"Morning!" He said as he grabbed the cereal and filled the bowl.

We all acknowledged him. "That's quite the new look for school," Colin told him. He was wearing black cargo shorts, and his new v-neck t-shirt that was so tight you could clearly see the nipple ring through it. He had made sure to put on ankle socks as well. He accessorised by wearing the jaguar tooth around his neck, perfectly placed so it fell into the V' of the t-shirt, and had his hoop earring in. He was wearing his good watch and the blue junior Q' bracelet on the same arm, as well as a ring on his pinky finger. If I didn't know he was 14, I would have easily guessed 16 or 17, he looked so mature.

"I'm guessing the ankle socks and shorts are to show off the tattoo?" I asked.

"Of course!" He beamed. "Also wearing my new underwear as I have gym class today. Guys are gonna be so jealous when they check them out."

"Nice to see you in clothes again," Colin remarked complimenting him. He had three weeks worth of hair grown back, so it still wasn't a lot, but at least he wasn't completely bald anymore. He'd been using the tanning booth every day to keep his darker complexion, so if he'd had his long hair it would have really stood out. I can't wait for that to come back. I'm sure he'll be the talk of the school, especially since I had no doubt he'd relay his unfiltered summer adventure to everyone. As breakfast was done, he dumped the dishes in the dishwasher, without even being reminded. What? It's a miracle! We've finally screwed the stupid out of him.

"I'll give you ride to school, Blake," I offered.

"It's okay, Dad. Troy is taking me in my car. Gotta make a good impression for the first day. Can't be showing up with parents. I still love ya though. Darcy's coming over after school so we can do more karate before we're back in the dojo. Sensei is gonna be impressed by how much I've learned. Do you say learned or learnt? I never know."

"And that's why you go to school," I replied without answering. Mainly because I didn't know either. "Do you want picking up after school?"

"No thanks, got it covered." And just like that our man' was off to school. I had University, so it was nice to catch up with everyone again and see how their summer had gone. Most had just stuck around B.C. and done things like camping or sports. Neither, Nate, Kent or Rory let on that they had been pledging for the Q' and didn't even hint at any of the activities associated with it. I guess straight boys CAN keep secrets. I'd have to remember to ask them how their pledge thing was going as I am only supposed to know about the event I was invited to with the three of them, so technically I had no idea that Kent had dropped out at this point or that they'd had more fun at the lake. They were riveted to my Amazon stories. I left out some of the more graphic things like me squealing like a scared little girl at the electric eel I'd caught. I did notice one major difference that pissed me off. They had installed security cameras at the door to the exit for the stairwell. Damn. Now I have to find another place to take the horny university boys. Some asshole screwed it up for all of us by making it a hook up spot. You don't think they'll blame me, do you? I could just bring a cool car to school everyday and give the boys a ride. We'll call it this semester's ride for a ride program. Now where are the freshmen?

I had three classes this semester as I wanted to pack everything in and get this done. Nate was in two of them, so at least that was good to have him around. We agreed to partner again for the assignments as we'd worked well together so far, and if we're gonna open a practice together it makes sense we know how each other thinks. I'd ask him how he felt about that, but it seemed stereotypical somehow. With a full curriculum, I headed home to study and was pleasantly surprised to see Colin already there. Normally he doesn't get in until later. If it wasn't for the fact he owned the company, your first thought is `oh my god, did he get fired?' I showed him all the things I was taking this semester and was just getting into it when the front door burst open. Cue the A-Team theme music.

"I'm home! Kneel before Zod...and be naked!" Blake yelled.

"He's finally delusional," I said to Colin as I shook my head. Blake bounced over to us and stopped to be greeted.

"How was the first day?" Colin asked.

"Great! Best first day ever, except for all the boring classes and stuff. Everyone loved my tattoo and piercing, but I think they all preferred my long hair. I do too, but shit is what shit is. Is Kyle home yet? He's bringing Darcy over on his bike so we can train."

"Not yet."

"He can stay for dinner, right?"

"Sure. He lives here so we're kinda obligated to feed him," I replied. Colin laughed and nudged me in the side.

"Not Kyle! Darcy! God, sometimes you try too hard, Dad. If you're thinking of being a stand-up comedian... DON'T!"

"Oh. He's welcome anytime. How were classes? Teachers?" I asked.

"Classes were just classes and teachers are just teachers," he said giving us his usual gripping details. He hung out showing some of his text books and the `homework' he'd gotten already. Not so much for him but for us. Mostly paperwork to sign for various things.

We didn't have to wait long before the other guys arrived and joined us. Blake immediately began quizzing Darcy. "How cool did you feel riding off on Kyle's bike?"

"I was nervous. I've never been on a bike before, so that was kinda scary," he replied as Chance joined us and gave his boyfriend a kiss.

Kyle laughed. "He held on so tight I think I might have two broken ribs and a crushed spine."

"Sorry. I just didn't wanna fall off," he apologized. "Oh, thanks for letting me use your leather jacket for the ride, Blake. Kyle said it would protect me," he said as he took it off and handed it back.

"No worries. You can use that and my helmet anytime. Let's go change and train before dinner. Dads said you could stay. Then maybe we can go bowling on our new lanes," Blake said, bringing our conversation to an end as they took off.

"I like Darcy," Kyle said. "Is there something going on between him and Blake?"

"As far as I know they're only friends," I admitted without betraying Darcy's confidence.

"Hmmm I might be wrong, I just thought they might be fooling around. Is he gay?"

"He's pretty shy, so I'm not sure he'd have the nerve to try anything even if he knew," I answered the best I could.

"Well, he's cute. Send him to me and I'll help him figure it out," Kyle grinned. "I mean he already fused himself to me on the bike."

"I'll pass along the offer," I laughed.

"Did everyone get Blake's new schedule?" Kyle inquired.

"His school schedule?" Colin asked.

"More like his life schedule. It has his school start and end times, along with his activities and where he needs to be everyday. I see he's added drama club to karate, diving, and junior Q. The section I like is who he's sleeping with each night. Ben is Monday. Chance and I are Tuesday. J.P. is Wednesday. Troy gets Thursday. You two have Sunday, while Friday and Saturday are apparently reserved for sleepovers with friends."

"That's what he thinks," Colin chuckled. "Of course, if we wear him out every night, he might not want sex after a couple weeks."

"How's that working out for the rest of us? I'm pretty sure I won't get tired of sex until I'm at least 35," Kyle said, with all of us agreeing. "You do realize he's more likely to wear us out than the other way around."

"Maybe we get him another boyfriend, or girlfriend, or both, to keep him busy," Chance suggested. "That's our mission. Find him someone to screw every day other than us."

"Speaking of getting busy. How are you and Razor getting along?" I asked Ben.

"Great. Sticking as friends with benefits for now. I think Cade is jealous as he keeps asking if he can join us when we go out."

"How's that working out?" Kyle asked. "Isn't Cade in the Junior "Q' with you, and Razor isn't?"

Ben just grinned. "Let's just say it's a good thing the JQ has the secrecy thing. Neither guy knows I'm having sex with the other one. Cade is a red band, so he's screwed me several times and loves to suck, while Razor is totally loving being a bottom when he gets the opportunity. I'd say when he gets the `chance', but I don't need Chance fucking Razor," he giggled.

"You realize if they ever figure it out, they may just cut out the middle man," J.P. remarked.

"I'm good. Apparently, I have Blake on Monday nights anyway."

"You know, we should probably hire a female housekeeper or something to maybe help slow down all the sex around here," Kyle suggested. "Has anyone noticed that we do more of that than anything else?"

"And you're just cluing in now?" I laughed. "We met you what, 4 years ago, when you were just coming out at 15 and desperately trying to get laid. I remember you drooling all over Aaron back then."

"Shit that seems like a lifetime ago. I guess you guys showed me everything."

"That's why he's such a slut," Chance laughed.

"You know what it is?" Kyle added. "It's because we all share. I mean if we were monogamous, we'd only have sex with the one guy we're with, but around here, everyone does everyone else. I mean look at Darcy. Who thinks that they'll end up having sex with him at some point?"

We all put our hands up, including Colin. I looked at him and smiled. "Really? You think Darcy's cute too, huh?"

"I know you. You'll get Darcy into bed, and somehow you'll drag me into it and before you know it, I'm balls deep in the boy."

I nodded. "He's probably right about that. But we don't even know if Darcy is into boys or not."

"Like that's ever stopped us before," Kyle reasoned. "Maybe we wouldn't be as slutty if we only had sex with our partners."

"Wait!" Ben remarked. "Are you saying being slutty is a bad thing? I'm confused because I was planning on letting you two fuck me right after we finished dinner. Is that off now?"

"No!" Kyle said with a big grin. "I mean we'd have to pass a resolution to limit sex first, then vote on it and make amendments, and then recirculate the idea; get at least a three-quarter vote majority for it to pass. Things like that could take years. I was just suggesting an idea to put forward for future generations."

"So, we're like the government?" J.P. asked.

"Exactly. The house government," Kyle grinned. "Anyone second my proposal to limit sharing of the guys we bring home?"

No one seconded it.

"Alright then, motion is defeated. Back to slutty it is. Ben, meet us in our room in ten minutes," Kyle said as he stood up with Chance.

"Yes! This slut is getting some action," Ben laughed as he helped clear the dishes.

"That was close," I said looking at Colin. "We were almost monogamous. Things like that could change the world as we know it. Boys all over the world might miss out on great opportunities."

Speaking of opportunities...Darcy found an opportunity to come talk to me when they were between things they were doing. "Think I could drive one of the cars again. I had so much fun last time."

"Sure. How's the practicing being naked going?"

"Huh?" At home and stuff? I tried it but it's not the same as being naked around others. I mean I see myself without clothes all the time. I tried being naked one night, but I couldn't sleep. My penis rubbed against the sheets and it kept me awake. I was scared it know...make a mess everywhere."

"It takes a little getting used to. Perhaps we should have you practice around others then. Maybe another party?"

"No thanks," he grinned. "Once was enough for that."

"Okay. How about for every minute you're naked around me, I'll let you drive for the same amount of time."

"Like just get naked in front of you?"

"No, that wouldn't help your nerves at all. You'd be watching the clock the entire time wondering when you could get dressed. How about you go skinny dipping with me, or we take a few laps on the running track without clothes? We could even just play some pinball or watch a movie. Anything to focus your attention away from the fact you aren't dressed."

"We could go driving at night," he grinned.

"I'm not following," I frowned.

"I could drive naked, and then I'd get to drive forever if your deal is one minute naked for one minute of driving."

"Now that I'd enjoy. Not sure the cops would if they pulled us over though."

"Oh yeah, forgot that hitch. Damn, I thought I had that one figured out. I'd totally be focused on driving and not being naked that's for sure."

"That's what everyone says until they get road head and drive into a tree."

He laughed. "God. I have enough trouble concentrating on driving. If I got a blowjob while driving, I'd be done. I think I could try the skinny dipping thing. It might be the easiest since you're underwater."

"Done. I'll pick you up after school whenever you want and we'll see if we can't get out of your shell a bit."

"And my clothes?" He grinned. "How about the day after tomorrow?"

"I'll be in the parking lot."

Blake and I drove Darcy home after dinner and he thanked us, not mentioning anything about our arrangement. Once Darcy was out of the car, Blake turned to me and grinned. "You're trying to have sex with him, aren't you? Did I cock block you?"

"Is that your way of getting even for believing I did it to you at your party?" I said giving him a small smirk.

"Maybe. Now you know how it feels. I'm super extra gonna cock block you if I get to fool around with him first."

"Are you sure he'd be into that?" I asked to see what he knew.

"No idea. Maybe. He's probably straight or he would have already wanted me."

"Narcissist much? Did he even get an erection around you?" I inquired wondering if something had happened.

"I dunno, but he will. Even straight guys think I'm hot, Dad."

"Maybe when you had hair," I teased, as I reached over and rubbed his hair.

"And whose fault is that?" he laughed.

"Just be careful with Darcy. He's a great guy but he's dealing with a lot right now," I said seriously.

"Yeah, I know. The bullies at his school and shit. So not cool. My school woulda expelled those assholes already. I told him I'd even help him kick their asses, but he said we couldn't, as karate wasn't about revenge."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I think he should kick their asses. Karate is for defence and he needs to defend himself against douchebag pricks like that. One leg sweep and a punch to the nuts, and it's over in seconds. If it were me, I'd then roll the fucktard over and give him an atomic wedgie just to show him how it feels, but Darcy doesn't want to do that."

"What's an atomic wedgie?" I asked feigning ignorance.

"That's where you yanked the guys underwear up hard and try to put it over the back of his head. Totally busts his nuts."


"That's the point. I might just go do it for him."

"You think that'll make him feel better if you fight his battles, considering you're a couple years younger than he is?"

"Probably not, but it would make me feel better. Plus, Darcy's my friend. Buds stick together."

"Just let him handle it. If he needs our help, I'm sure he'll ask."

Two days later, I picked Darcy up in the Bugatti and he quickly jumped into the passenger's seat. "You want to drive home?" I asked before he got the seatbelt fastened.

"I haven't earned it yet, have I?" He asked looking at me.

"How about we consider driving from school a freebie anytime we go driving?"

"Sweet." We switched places as several kids took pictures of the car. I think Darcy was feeling pretty important as we took off. "I was so excited when I left your house that I couldn't sleep that night. I had super wild dreams, and had to masturbate like 10 times so my penis wasn't keeping me awake. I fell asleep in English class I was so tired, and when I woke up it was hard again. It's a good thing I wore super tight underwear."

We got home and parked the car back downstairs before heading up to the pool. "Okay, clothes off," I said looking at him.

"Right here?" He asked surprised.

"Unless you'd like to get in the pool first and taken them off in there?" I said trying not to sound too sarcastic.

He stripped to his underwear and waited. I didn't hesitate to undress and dove in the pool. He dropped his underwear and jumped in before I resurfaced. "What do we do now?" He inquired as he swam to the side of the pool and hung on the edge.

"I dunno what you normally do in a pool, but I swim," I said as I headed for the end of the pool and began to do laps. He joined me and we did several before stopping.

"This is actually pretty cool. It's so different."

"Now you now why people enjoy it, and as easy as that, you've earned 10 minutes of driving."

He smiled at me and we splashed around for a while longer. I think he'd totally forgotten about his lack of clothes, until I suggested we hit the hot tub. He quickly put a hand on his crotch as we walked over and slid into the warm water. We talked about school and what sort of subjects he liked as well as his favorite sports and general things like that as we soaked. I hitched up out of the water and sat on the side. He just looked at me, and quickly realized he was eye level with my crotch.

"You feeling emboldened yet?"

"What's that mean?"

"You feeling confident enough to sit up beside me?"

"Ummm, maybe in a minute."


"Kinda, yeah. I think the warm water does it. I was fine in the cold pool."

"Not like I haven't seen hundreds of boners, and you do know they count for double time on our deal."

He looked at me and smiled. "Why?"

"Well when it's hard, it's twice the size, so it should count for twice the time," I reasoned.

He thought about it and slowly stood up and sat next to me. His hand once again over his crotch.

"Is it getting any easier being without clothes?"

"Some of it. The pool was fun. I think the hot tub would be okay too if the water didn't make me erect."

"You know, it might not be the water that did that."


"Could it be because I'm naked beside you and you just reacted naturally, like any gay guy?"

"Uhhh, maybe I guess. But I wasn't looking, I promise."

I stared into his eyes. "You know you've said that a couple times when we've been around naked guys. It's totally normal to check someone out. It's almost impossible not to."

"I guess, but they don't have boners."

"Maybe not straight boys, but I'll let you in on a little hint; around a gay guy, it's almost a sign of flattery if the guy gets hard when you look at him. It means he appreciates you looking. It's never anything to be embarrassed about."

"Except if you're in school."

"Okay, I'll give you that," I smiled. "How about you take the next step and move your hand away. Just relax, like this," I said as I put my hands behind me and leaned back, allowing him an unobstructed view of my crotch. I tried not to smile when he almost hypnotically looked.

He swallowed hard and took his hand away, revealing his erection to me for the first time. He stared up towards the ceiling, as I think he found it easier than if he'd looked at me, or himself, as he did it. He didn't lean back, but for Darcy it was a pretty big move. "Is that okay?" He asked.

"Perfect. See, the world didn't come to an end when you showed off what you have. In fact, I'd say you have a really beautiful penis. Thanks for being confident enough to let me see."

"It feels as if my heart is pounding out of my chest."

"It's the thrill of doing something bold like this that gets your adrenaline pumping."

"It feels like I'm gonna pass out," he admitted as he leaned forward to hide himself slightly.

I smiled. "That took some courage, buddy, but I promise the more you do it, the easier it gets. Try again, only this time close your eyes and lean back on your hands like I'm doing. Count to ten and then open your legs slightly. If you do one thing at a time, eventually you'll just own the bone."

"I'll try, but if I pass out, I hope you know CPR."

"Mouth to mouth? I clarified with a smile. "It's kinda my specialty. Doesn't help your boner though. Might even make it worse."

He gave a little snort of a laugh. "I think a straight guy would let someone die rather than give them mouth to mouth."

"Probably," I agreed as he closed his eyes and leaned back. I could almost hear him counting to ten before he slowly opened his legs. I sat upright and took my first good look at his package. Nice size smooth round balls. A six and a half inch circumcised erection on a completely straight shaft with a decent mushroom head. He didn't shave or trim his pubes, but overall, I give it a 7 maybe 7 ½ on the Justin scale of penises. It'll catch that Kinsey scale or the Richter one. He opened his eyes and saw me looking at him.

"Can I sit up now?" He asked almost begging.

"Sure. See, it wasn't that tough was it."

He let out a big breath of air. "I've never shown it to anyone before. Did you look at it?"

"Of course."

"Is it okay, like compared to others you've seen?"

"Darcy, it's perfect. You may be worried about not being as tall as other guys your age, but I can promise that your dick is bigger than a lot of them. Nothing to worry about in that department."

"Cool." He said sitting forward and covering himself again before sliding back into the hot tub. I guess he had all he can handle for now. I got back in with him and we talked about his favorite videos games until he said he was ready to get out and asked if we could go driving now. I had no idea how much time he'd earned on our deal, as I hadn't really been tracking it. As far as I was concerned, he could drive all he wanted, but according to Darcy, he'd earned 52 minutes. I wonder if he counted double time for having an erection under water, or if the double time only counted for when he was on the deck. Obviously, I didn't question it.

By the time I dropped him off at home, he was as excited as any 16-year-old driving a $400,000 car.

It was a few days later before he texted me again, apologizing that he'd been busy with homework, and asked if he could go driving again tomorrow if I were free. I arranged to pick him up after school, and arrived in the Ferrari Enzo, waiting in the front of the parking lot for him. I like the Enzo better than the F60, mainly because it's red, instead of the blue of the F60. Who knows, but in my mind, Ferrari's are red, plain and simple, but then I'm not the car connoisseur. I could have taken out the 620 concept car as it was red too, but the Enzo looked just way cooler. I guess it should for the price. He saw me leaning against the car, and picked up speed to run over to me.

"I love this car!" He beamed. It took very little time until some of the kids began to gather around. I still think it's funny how boys outnumber the girls 10 to 1 when a cool car shows up. The girls seemed more interested in looking at the boys who were looking at the car. Seems sexist to me, but I guess there are still some stereotypes whether you want to admit it or not.

We lifted both doors up and I've never seen that many pictures taken of anything. I'm guessing some social media accounts are about to get flooded. I wondered if we'd ever get out of there as the boys took selfies with the car, and had friends take their pictures too. Girls were definitely placing a distant second to this activity. Darcy was heading for the passenger side when I cleared my throat and pointed to the driver's side. His whole face lit up and I thought it might crack from how big his smile was. When we finally drove off, Darcy was still grinning like he'd won the Kentucky Derby, or whatever they have like that for cars. Don't worry, it'll sound like the Kentucky Derby when I start slapping his ass and yelling `giddy-up!'

"Did you see their faces as I drove off? Like they couldn't believe it."

"You'll be popular in no time, buddy," I remarked.

"Nah. The cars will be popular. I'll just be the guy they think they have to get past to drive them."

Unfortunately, he wasn't wrong about that. Straight boys will do almost anything to drive a car like this. Just look at the action I got back in high school when Colin loaned us a car. It was a total panty dropper, and on a straight boy, that's quite an accomplishment. Darcy would just be an obstacle.

"How was school?"

"Same. One asshole gave me a wedgie by my locker. I'd go commando if I didn't think it would only encourage them to yank my pants down and totally expose me."

"The next time they grab you, you should just look at them and say `you know, if you wanna see my dick that bad, just ask. I'll be happy to whip it out and show what a big one looks like."

"That would make it worse. I'm doing my best to ignore it, and hope they just get bored."

"I still say a few well-placed karate moves and they'd learn a lesson." We drove around for a while, before I asked him if he wanted to go back to my house or head home.

"I'd like to come over to your place. No one gets to my place until after 6 any way," he said eagerly.

We headed home, and switched drivers once we were in the driveway so I could park the car back underground. As we pulled in, Kurt was there working on polishing some of the cars. We put the Ferrari back where it went and got out. "Hey Kurt."

"Hey Justin. Just catching up on polishing some of the cars. A few of them were getting a little dusty."

"They always look great to me," I smiled. "This is Darcy. He's a friend of Blake's from karate. He's been trying out some of the cars now that he has his license."

"Cool. That's one of the perks of this job. I get to take a car out now and then when I have a date. Nothing impresses a girl more than one of these."

"Or a big dick," I added with a grin.

"Double win for me then," Kurt replied without missing a beat.

"You work here?" Darcy asked looking at Kurt standing there in nothing but his trunk briefs and runners, his chest looking slightly sweaty from having been working.

"Yeah, I've been doing this for a few years."

"Wicked. Do you ever get pulled over when you drive them? Justin and I did the first time we went out."

"Sure, I get pulled over all the time, especially if I use the really expensive cars. Colin made me business cards so that I wouldn't have as much trouble each time. He went over to his pants on the counter and pulled a couple out and gave them to us. I smiled as I saw the Worthington logo on it along with Kurt's name and position of Director of Transportation.

"Nice title," I grinned.

"Colin thought it sounded cooler than car washer."

"True, plus you do more than that anyway. You take them in for maintenance and keep things running; and make schedules for them all. I'd say the title fits."

"Ummm, how come you're working in your underwear?" Darcy asked as he looked at Kurt.

"Yeah Kurt, how come you're in your underwear?" I teased as I went up behind him and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and pushed them down. Kurt stepped free and kicked them aside. "There, that's more like it."

Darcy quickly looked away as soon as Kurt was naked in front of him.

"What if I was cold?" Kurt said looking back at me with a smirk.

"That's why you get to wear shoes. This metal floor can definitely give you a chill, but you feel pretty warm to me. Your balls probably appreciate being able to cool down. Darcy, have you ever had a chance to see an uncircumcised cock up close before?"

"Ummm, no. Just in pictures," he said going back to his nervous stance again.

"Well, now's your opportunity. Kurt's got a nice one and he loves to show it off, don't you?"

"Not usually, but around here it happens more times than you can count," Kurt said rolling his eyes as I reached around and took hold of it, pulling his foreskin back to expose the head.

"Check it out. What do you think?" I asked as I pushed the skin back over the head to make it disappear.

"Interesting," Darcy said trying not to focus on what was happening in front of him.

"Take a feel and try it for yourself." He stared as if he hadn't heard me correctly.

"It's okay. I can see how it works," Darcy replied.

"Just a warning. You get it hard, you own it," Kurt said turning to look at me.

"Sounds like something I'd enjoy owning. We'll leave you to your work though before I get too excited."

We left Kurt to the cars and headed into the playroom. "Umm...he's straight and he let you grab his dick?" Darcy asked as soon as we closed the door.

"He's pretty comfortable around us. Speaking of which, it's time for you to work on that too. Let's get those clothes off."

"What if someone comes home?"

"Then they'll see you naked and maybe ask if they can take a ride on the Darcy express."


"I'm joking. But seriously, if anyone ever offers you a blowjob when they see you naked, let them at it. Every guys needs head." We both stripped, one of us more slowly than the other, and headed to one of the pinball games. At first, I stood beside him and slightly back a bit so I could not only watch him play, but check out his fabulous ass. Then I moved to the side so I could see his penis swinging each time he hit the flippers on the game. We switched back and forth as we shared the game, and I could see him checking me out too. At least he wasn't apologizing for looking, which is a step forward. We spent about 45 minutes playing the games before I suggested we go and find a car for him. He picked up his clothes and went to get dressed.

"Might as well leave `em off until you pick a car. It could easily take another five minutes, which adds to your time," I grinned as I headed to the door.

"What if that Kurt guy is still in there?" He asked pausing.

"I guess that will even things up pretty fast considering you saw him naked. Come on. He's a straight boy. What's the worst that could happen, he talks cars and sports, and scratches his balls?"

"Shit," he said quietly as he followed me holding his clothes in his hand. I think he was relieved to find that Kurt had left, and I'm sure I heard him let out an audible sigh of relief. He picked a car before getting dressed in what seemed like high speed. Not sure if that was still nerves or just to get driving faster. We cruised around for a short while before dropping him at home. I was surprised he stopped so soon and told him he had at least another 20 minutes. I still wasn't keeping a real track of it, but I knew we hadn't been out for 45 minutes.

"I drove for 23 minutes before we came to the house," he replied. "That's all my time."

I didn't argue with him as he was taking this very seriously.

"When can I come over again?" He asked.

"Anytime, just text me. I'm enjoying hanging out with you."

"Me too," he said as he thanked me and got out of the car.

A few days later, I got a surprise text from Darcy in the middle of the afternoon asking if he could stop by. I had only a half day of classes, so I was already home. I texted back that I was free and asked if he'd like picking up.

`No. im at ur gate'

I immediately had ADAM open the main gates and went to the front door. Darcy approached the house dressed in his school logo t-shirt and shorts. "Did you just come from gym class or something?" I asked smiling as he approached. Then changed my smile to one of concern as I could see he had red bloodshot eyes. "Are you okay?"

"They took my clothes," he said trying to be brave as I took him into the house.

"In the locker room again?"

"Yeah. The grabbed me in the hallway, took my backpack and yanked my shirt off with everyone watching. Then they carried me to the locker room and took all the rest of my clothes. They ripped up my underwear, and threw the stuff out of my backpack all over the locker room. One guy suggested they throw me back into the hallway, but the others said they'd save that for another time when there were more people around. At least I had my gym clothes in the locker room or I'd still be in there. I didn't want to go back to class as everyone saw them take my shirt. I didn't feel like being the school joke."

I pulled him against me and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and I could feel him melt at the embrace. "I think it's time to make this shit stop. Being pantsed in gym class is pretty much just a boy thing, but now this is assault."

"Maybe I'm just the kind of guy shouldn't be alive if people hate me this much," he said quietly.

My whole body went cold. "Darcy, come sit with me for a minute." We made our way to the big couch in the great room and sat down side by side, and I put my arm around him. "What you just said kinda scared me. Are you thinking of harming yourself?" I asked bluntly. He didn't reply, but I saw tears in his eyes. Oh my god. This was beyond serious. I had my first real psychological issue on my hands. I needed a professional, and not me pretending to be one. If he kills himself on my watch, I'm never gonna graduate.

"What would it matter if I wasn't around? No one would miss me."

"I'd miss you, and I sure know Blake would miss you. He's been so excited that he gets to train with you. He talks about it all the time. You already know I think highly of you."

"You're just saying that."

"I know you're have a tough emotional time with everything happening at school, but what if that went away? Who would Darcy be if the bullies weren't in your life?"

"I dunno. The invisible man."

"Really? What about those kids you teach karate to? Wouldn't they miss their sensei?"

"There's always lots more to jump in and teach them."

"I'm sure that several of those kids look up to you as someone important in their lives. What about Blake? He's stoked to have you teaching him things."

"Blake wouldn't miss me. He's got so many friends that I'd be forgotten instantly if I disappeared."

"Blake picks his friends very carefully, and he'd be a wreck if anything happened to you. What about your Mom? How would she feel if something ever happened to you?"

"She'd be pissed."

"Exactly," I nodded.

"No, I mean she'd be pissed that she had to take time out of her day to have a funeral for me and spend money to send me to the crispy fryer."

"Crispy Fryer?" I asked.

"Cremation place," he clarified.

"Can we look at this another way? What would your ideal life look like if you could build it?"

"I'd really just want lots of great friends that liked me for who I am. They'd be the type of friends that were there for each other no matter what. Oh, and they should probably be cool with me being gay."

"Anything else?"

"Sure. I'd love to have a cool boyfriend that I could walk down the halls holding hands with, and everyone would think we're the best couple in the entire school."

"Those sound like the perfect goals to me. Now the tough question. Do you think you'd be able to get all those things if you gave up and weren't around anymore?"

"No, but then I also wouldn't have to face all the crap I deal with. It's bad enough at school, but then I can't even talk to my Mom or step Dad, as they just tell me to grow up and stop whining about things."

"Do you feel comfortable talking to me?"

"Sure. That's why I came over here instead of going home. I like talking to you."

"I enjoy talking to you too. Let's try to sort thing out. What do you think is the biggest problem affecting you right now?"

He shrugged. "I dunno."

"I think you do. What gives you the most trepidation in a day?"


"Agitation. Fear about something that is going on."

"Oh. That's easy. The bullies."

"Okay, so that's issue one. What else makes you feel unhappy?"

"My douchebag of a step Dad."

"Good. What else?"

"I dunno maybe being gay, or being short," he shrugged.

"Which one bothers you more than the other?"

"I guess being short? I mean that's kinda why I get picked on by the bigger guys. Plus no one but you knows I'm gay. I'm not even sure why I told you."

"Could it go back to what you said earlier? That you find it easy to tell me things?"

"I guess. Plus when I met you, we were mostly naked, and you said you were gay, so I figured you'd be okay to try telling," he said honestly.

"How did it feel when you told me?"

"I'd never said it out loud before, so it felt like it wasn't me saying it, and I was super nervous admitting it. Once I did, it was kind of a relief to finally tell someone. I was looking stuff up on the internet, and lots of people said it got better once they came out."

"It can be. Do you believe that it will?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I think it would just give the bigger kids more to pick on me for. Right now, they just do it because I'm smaller. If they had a real reason, it could get way worse."

He had obviously thought this through quite a bit. "Does the fact that I know, make you more or less comfortable around me?"

"I'm more comfortable when it's just you and me as I don't have to be careful what I say, but I'm still a little nervous when we're in a group, in case you say something and tell them I'm gay."

"I promised I'd never do that," I repeated.

"I know, but you're so comfortable being gay, that I think maybe you'll forget I'm not like you. Like when Kyle came in the room and he saw my boner and you let him. Then downstairs with that straight guy, Kurt. You asked me if I wanted to feel his penis. Would you have said that if I were a straight boy?"

I smiled. "When you get to know me better, you'll actually know that the answer to that is yes. Kurt may be straight, but he's been around long enough that it doesn't bother him anymore. I got him and his best friend to feel each other so they knew what a different penis felt like. Around here it doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, or undecided. We treat everyone the same, and they're always free to say yes or no to anything."

"Oh. I guess I felt like you'd sorta told him that I was gay by asking me to feel his penis."

"Sorry. I'll try to be more careful in the future."

"Thanks. When I was checking things out online, I read that if everyone knows you're gay, and someone attacks you, it could be considered a hate crime. Is that true?"

"It has that potential. Without anyone knowing you're gay, it might be a stretch to call what's happening to you a hate crime. You'd have to get them to say that they were picking on you for that reason, and only that reason, for it to be a true hate crime. But if it was recorded, it could go a long way to making shit stop permanently."

"You're saying I should tell everyone I'm gay?"

"I would never say that. That choice must always be yours to make."

"You're gonna be a good shrink. You give advice without actually saying anything. Would you stop being the doctor guy now, and maybe say what you'd do if you were in my shoes."

"I'd say, damn what am I doing in these shoes? They totally don't match my outfit."

"That's funny," he said giving me the first smile I'd seen today. I like that side of him.

"Okay, you want it straight? No pun intended?"


"I think I'd agree with what Blake said to me after you told him about the bullies. He said he'd kick their asses and make sure they never got back up."

"From what I've learned about Blake, that sounds exactly like him. That dude's not scared of anything is he?"

"You'd be surprised, but I will say that he's very confident most of the time. Sometimes over confident."

"Is that what you'd do? Kick their asses, even though they'd probably keep coming back to get me more, considering there's four of them."

"I've thought about this a lot since you explained your whole situation, and I'll tell you what I've thought about. I am NOT saying you should do any of it. I'm only saying what I'd do if I had to deal with shit like that."

"Understood," he nodded as he turned more towards me and focused as I took my hand from around him.

"My first reaction would be to tell the school administration, but I realized that they would be required to call your parents, as well as investigate with the bullies. That could instantly make it worse for your situation."

"Agreed! My step Dad would beat me for being a snitch and a pussy."

"That's what I figured. So, then I thought I'd record what they did to me, and tell them I'd release it online if they didn't stop, but guys like that would probably enjoy that getting out for everyone to see how tough they are."

"Wow! You were better at this as a shrink," Darcy said with a bit of a forced smile. "I'm guessing there isn't really a solution."

"Yeah, there is. Bear with me and I'll tell you everything, and then let you sort it out in your head over time. How's that?"

"Go for it."

"The first thing I'd do is give the bullies a taste of their own medicine. I'd use tons of my friends to humiliate them, and ensure they knew that that if they picked on just one kid, we'd be back to give them worse and worse until they stopped. I'd also stand my ground if they came at me again, and use all that karate. It doesn't need to be anything over the top, just enough to show them you can't be intimidated any more. Finally, if I were in your situation, I'd come out and get respect from other students who don't see you right now. For every one bully, there's a hundred good people that will be eager to be on your side."

"Who would I come out to?"

"I'd say your best friend, but if you really don't have one, then are there other gay kids in your school?"

"Maybe, but I wouldn't know who they are."

"Bluntly, I'd come out to Blake. As scary as that might sound, he'd be the safest guy to tell."

"I admit I've had dreams about some of this stuff happening, but then I wake up all sweaty. I also worry that if some gay guy ever did want to hook up with me, I don't know anything about sex, and I'd feel stupid if he wanted to do something. I guess I could add lack of sex experience to the bottom of the list as well. The whole list is gonna be bigger than Wikipedia at this rate," he said sounding funny, but sad at the same time.

"Better to have the list and work through it, than ignore things. Where were we? Coming out to Blake...Maybe have him go with you to drop you off at school, and hug each other at the car. Some will think it's just two friends hugging, but others will figure it out. I can almost guarantee that the next day, girls will come up to you and ask you about it."

"Why girls?"

"Girls will be the most accepting of guys being together, especially if there aren't any boys currently out in your school. You'll become a `project' for them. By association, you'll no doubt meet their boyfriends, and at some point, you'll begin to notice other boys finding excuses to talk to you, although you may not know why at first. Those might be the other boys in the closet trying to figure out how to talk to you, or watch how it's going."

"You make it sound awesome to come out."

"It can be, but it'll be scary at first. I won't lie about that. Especially if the bullies take the lead and make you their target of humiliation because of it. That's where you record their words and get them admitting to picking on you because you're gay. After that, a report to the principal with an adult present can help."

"You mean take my parents? Not a chance. No way I'd want them to know I was gay...ever!"

"It doesn't have to be parents. It can be just an adult."

"You could go as my psychologist," he beamed.

"Technically I'd have to go as your student psychologist since I'm not license yet. You could be my term paper."

"Cool. I've never been paper before," he said trying to joke again.

"The school would be forced to do something and we'd insist that the report stay anonymous. It could be that the recording was turned in by someone that overheard them bullying you. Video is best, but audio works too."

"This seems like a lot."

"It would sure make a change in your life, but you'd have to be prepared for both good and bad things. Big change takes time, but the law is on your side, and the school should be too. My principal insisted that our school be a safe place, and it really was. Your school needs to learn to do the same. If you ever do come out, you'll be amazed at how many people support you and want to get to know you."

"I don't see that happening, but it would be nice if it did."

"As for the sex thing you mentioned. If someone asks you for it, be honest and say you haven't done it yet. Maybe you'd find out that the other guy isn't experienced either, or you could even say that you're not ready yet."

"Oh, I'm ready, believe me it's all I think about sometimes," he replied. "I just don't have anyone to do it with, and Blake is two years younger, so I'd feel really stupid coming out to him, especially if he thought it meant I wanted sex...Not that I would, just so you know."

"Hey, if you want sex with Blake, go for it. The more he gets laid, the calmer he is afterward," I pointed out, almost accurately. "Maybe you could say you're waiting for the right guy. No harm in that. Lots of people wait to be married. Not many gay guys, just straight ones with small penises."

He gave me a little smile. "Can I ask you something else?"

"Fire away. You should always feel free to ask me anything."

"Do you actually like me?"

I turned to look directly into his eyes. "Of course! I like you a lot. Do you think I don't or something?"

"Ummm, it was just stuff I was thinking about. I mean at the party, you grabbed that Dante guys penis when he came to talk to you, and then you did the same thing to Kurt, without even hesitating. I've been naked around you three times and you've never tried anything like that with me. I guess I figured maybe it was because you didn't like me being around."

I smiled and then gave him a bigger grin. "Fair comment considering what you've seen so far. Don't forget I've known those guys for a while. Dante and I have had sex, so grabbing his dick isn't anything unusual. Kurt likes the attention, so it's no big deal for him when we goof around. With you still trying to get over nerves about being naked, I didn't think it would be right to grope you. I figured you'd run for the door screaming for help."

"I wouldn't do that. I think you're right about me though. I might not have known how to deal with it if it happened, but now that I've been naked a few times, I think I'd be more comfortable if anything did happen."

"Are you saying you'd like me to grab your dick?" I said almost smirking at him.

"Uhhh, I dunno. I guess I'm saying I wouldn't run for the door screaming for help?"

"Good to know. See, you're already becoming more confident. As they say, baby steps. If I can tease you for a bit; what I my brain heard you say was that you wanted me to grab your dick, stroke it gently back and forth until you got as hard as a rock. Then I'd be so horny myself that I wouldn't be able to help but continue by sucking you off, eventually throwing your legs over my shoulder and fucking that gorgeous ass until we both came so hard and collapsed on each other."

He swallowed hard. "Shit! That's like dreams I have. I really gotta stop watching porn before bed, huh? "Justin, ummmm...would...uhhh...would you maybe wanna teach me stuff?" He said looking at me almost looking like he was about to hurl.

"Teach you stuff?" I said as my heart missed a beat. I mean I'd be happy to take the boy to bed and eat his delicious looking ass for three hours before fucking the hell out of him, but I needed to know where this sudden request was really coming from. Let's not have any cliff hangers here, I'm definitely going to take the boy to bed, but I want to make sure he's in the right frame of mind to handle it. "I thought you wanted your first time to be with a boyfriend."

"It probably makes more sense if I know stuff before that. I think I should at least know how to give a blowjob. I think that's a minimum thing for a gay guy to know, right?"

"Well that made my dick instantly hard," I replied. His eyes shot to my crotch for visual confirmation. "I'd say giving a good blowjob is something every gay guy should know eventually. It's like our signature move when making friends. But there's no rush for you to learn sex. You should take it slow to make sure you're mentally ready to handle it first."

Please Justin. It's all I think about. I know I want to try it, and I trust you. Please!" He begged.

If he keeps that up, I'm gonna cum in my shorts before I get off the couch. He's not the only one who's thought about it a lot. From the second I saw him bent over looking out the treehouse window, I've wanted his ass, now here he is offering himself up for lessons. This should be a no brainer. I've taken straight boys to bed faster, but he was in a pretty fragile state right now and I needed to proceed carefully. This is what my psychology training is all about. I think there was a whole chapter about getting a boy in the right frame of mind before you fuck him. "Just for the record, Darcy. Sex is all ANY 16-year-old boy thinks about."

"Please! If something happened to me, I don't want to die a virgin," he pleaded.

"Maybe we should start slower than me jumping on you. You should learn basics first. Not just feeling like you have to offer yourself up to the first guy that you know is gay."

"Like what?"

"You've already taken the first steps by hugging someone, and being okay letting someone see you without clothes. But then there's kissing, touching each other to experience the sensations that come with being close to someone. You move to exploring bodies, blowjobs, maybe rimming. The finale is intercourse for sure, but it's like a movie. You don't just jump right to the ending. You build up the story first, right? Sex is like that."

"I've seen movies where they show you the end first," he reasoned with a little smile. "Then they go back and show you how they got there. Could we do that type of movie?"

I have to admit, I laughed. "That is something I totally might say to a guy. How about I make you a deal. You promise not to do anything to hurt yourself so that we can work together to solve your problems and make your life better, and I'll be your sex tutor, the same as you're Blake's karate tutor."

"Deal!" He said brightening up and staring at me. "Thank you!" he said as he leaned over to give me a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him against me. He was already shaking he was so excitedly nervous. "Wanna do stuff now? Since I'm here anyway."

I laughed. "That's not usually the main reason to have sex...`since you're here anyway.' How about I give you a massage. That'll get you used to being touched, which you might find to be enough for now. At the very least it'll make you feel much better. Let's see how you do with that before we think about anything more."

"Sure! I've never had a massage before. Thanks Justin."

"Let's go upstairs where you can get more comfortable." We stood and headed up to my bedroom. I grabbed a towel to put on the bed. I also got the oil while I was getting the towel. Darcy just watched me carefully.

"What do we do first? Do I wear my underwear or get naked? What do you do at a massage?"

"First, you relax and calm down," I grinned as I stood in front of him. "Normally you wouldn't wear anything, and the masseuse puts a towel over you to give you some privacy, but since this is about getting you to be more open and comfortable, I don't think we'd need the towel, do you?"

"No," he said as I reached for his shirt and pulled it off over his head. I could feel him shaking. "Does the person giving the massage get naked too?"

"Not in a professional setting they don't, but if you want me to I will."

"Yes, please," he replied. "I think that would make me feel less self-conscious, maybe."

"Happy to oblige. Now, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm sure. I'm just really nervous."

I pulled him against me and let him calm down as we hugged. I moved back a little and looked at his face. "You know, I think I might be more nervous than you."

"Yeah, right," he replied.

"I'm serious. This is your first time and if I do something wrong that freaks you out, I'd never forgive myself. You're so amazing that I want this to be special. That's something I want you to work on for me from now on. When someone compliments you, instead of coming back with a negative reply, say thank you, or I appreciate that. Something positive. People are drawn to positive people, and when you let that other bullshit out of your mind for a bit, you're incredible. I'll bet you're super positive at karate, aren't you?"

"Yes. I like it there. It makes me feel good."

"So use that energy everywhere. I'll teach you how as we go, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks." I gave him another hug until I felt him relax more. Then I brushed my hands through his long brown hair and lifted his head up slightly.

"You ever kiss anyone?"

"No. Never. Not since I was a little kid when my Mom used to kiss me."

"Close your eyes." He did it slowly and I leaned in to press my lips to his. They were the softest lips I might have ever kissed. At this rate, I'm gonna cum before he does. I held my hand on the back of his head as I kept us together for several seconds before easing back. He opened his eyes and smiled.

"That was nice," he remarked.

"Well, that's how you'd greet a friend you hadn't seen in a while. How about we try for something better than nice. This time open your mouth slightly and I'll show you a French kiss." He nodded and we pressed lips again. I slowly pushed my tongue into his mouth as I used one hand to rub his back, and ran my fingers though his hair with the other hand. He accepted me easily, and while he didn't really try to respond with his own tongue, he did let me know he was enjoying it by the fact he pressed in tighter against me. After several seconds, I eased back again.

His eyes went wide open. "Oh wow! That was the best."

I almost laughed, but decided maybe now wouldn't be the time. "I'm glad you like kissing. It's one of the real joys in a relationship. When the two of you get used to each other, you swap back and forth kissing each other for hours, just enjoying how the other person feels."

"I like it. Do all massages start like this?" He asked. That time I did have to laugh.

"No. That wasn't part of the massage. I just thought you might like that before we began. How about we get the rest of your clothes off and you lie down? On your stomach, head towards the bottom of the bed."

"I might need a minute," he said quietly.

"It's okay if you have a boner. I've seen it before, remember?"

"I know, but I'm still not used to it. It feels embarrassing when it happens. That's when kids make the most fun of you."

"Hey, I'm not a kid, and I'd never make fun of your erection. I think it makes you look incredible," I said lifting his head up to look directly at me. "As for those at school, ignore them. There is nothing sexier than a good-looking boy with an erection."

He smiled. "I like it when you say things like that, even if I don't really believe it yet."

"You can believe it," I said as unfastened his pants and helped him get them off, leaving only his underwear remaining. "And good job on working on a positive response instead of a negative one," I grinned looking at him. He smiled back as I looked him over. He wasn't wrong, he definitely had an erection. Underwear doesn't hide that much. I let him go over to the bed and slip them off, doing his best to hide himself as he lay down. I got the bottle of oil to begin his massage. I placed it beside him and removed my shirt. He lifted his head to watch me. I chuckled as I grabbed his head and put it back on the pillow. "No peeking. You'll just get horny."

"Too late for that," he replied. I finished undressing and knelt on the bed beside him. I began by rubbing his back and working his shoulders, using lots of oil to make it more enjoyable. He was shaking with nerves, so I tried to make sure I was applying enough pressure not to tickle him as well. I stayed working on his back and shoulders until I felt him begin to relax into it. I slowly moved to his arms and fingers, firmly massaging them one at a time, lifting and stretching as I went. He had stopped trembling, which was a good sign, and as I returned to his neck and the back of his head he didn't flinch once. I ran both hands down the sides of his back, feeling him jump only slightly as it may have tickled. I did that several times pressing harder into his muscles each time so he would get the full effect of a massage. He had such soft smooth skin that I was quickly becoming aroused from the massage myself. I eased off his back and moved to his legs and thighs, being careful to avoid his ass for now, at least with my hands. My eyes were almost glued to it, and I wanted to bury my face in it so badly I was driving myself insane. As I bent his first knee to work on his feet, he tensed up and I could feel how ticklish he was. I applied more pressure to work the sole, followed by each toe and he grabbed hold of the bed sheets. I could almost imagine how hard he was working at not shrieking and trying to kick me off. Most boys were the same way when you grabbed their feet. It was almost cuter to watch than his ass. Because he was squirming slightly, he had opened his legs a little and I could now see the back of his balls. This was almost getting too much for me to resist. I had half a mind to lube up and give him the end of the movie as requested. I mean let's face it, when guys are crazy horny, they really only have half a mind at the most anyway. The rest of their mind is in their penis. I put the one leg down, taking the opportunity to spread his legs just a little further apart before grabbing the second leg and working on that. By the time I finished with the last toe and placed his leg back down, I was comfortably kneeling between his legs ready to massage his ass. I saw him let go of the bed sheets as the tickling of his feet stopped. He was probably very relaxed by now. I poured some oil in my hand and leaned up to massage his lower back just above his left ass cheek, slowly moving down until I had the whole firm globe in my hands digging into the muscles and massaging off towards his hips. As I pulled down, it opened his ass crack a lot more, allowing me to really get a close look at his tiny pink hole. It winked at me. I mean like really winked as if to say `hi, wanna play with me, big boy?' I know you think I just made that up, but I'm pretty sure I actually heard it say that. I'm not going insane. I moved to do his other ass cheek and gently rubbed his tailbone and down towards his crack, being careful not to touch his one-eyed winker. I massaged down to his thighs and let my fingers rub against the back of his balls a few times, which got a reaction out of him in the form of a slight moan. I grinned to myself and wondered if I could do that enough to actually make him cum, but decided not to attempt it. I wanted him to get used being touch, not freak out when someone did. I eased back and moved over to the side of him.

"I'm done with your back for now, so this is the part where I ask you to turn over. Before you say anything, I'm guessing you have an erection? That's normal for every guy getting a massage." At least it was for the guys I massage, not sure if that's entirely true for every guy. "I can give you a towel to put over yourself, but I'm hoping you don't need it."

Darcy paused and then slowly turned over, closing his eyes. All boys believe the same thing, as I've said before, if they keep their eyes closed, they can't see you, so you can't see them. Funny how that works. I began my massaging Darcy's chest, arms, fingers, and legs to keep him relaxed, although his penis never once made any attempt to go soft. I stood behind him to work on his forehead and temples before doing his neck. I made sure my dick brushed across his hair a few times, which I'm not sure he registered, but it felt fun anyway.

"How are you enjoying the massage?" I asked quietly.

"Amazing. My whole body feels like it's tingling all over. You're really good at it."

"Thanks. I've had a little practice," I said as I rubbed his chest, being sure to play with his nipples. They were firm perky little nubs that were fun to flick gently. As I touched them, his penis jumped a couple of times showing just how sensitive they were. I love a boy with nipples that react to touch. Makes you want to suck on them for a half hour just to see if you can do enough to make the guy cum from it. I ran my hand from his chest to his stomach, and then down his arms, before readjusting my position to do each leg, and finally stopping just as I brushed the bottom of his balls a couple times. "When you go for a real massage, this would be the point where they wrap you in a warm towel and it'd be over, but since we're not doing a regular massage, would you like me to keep going?"

"Uhhh...yes please," he said swallowing hard, obviously understanding what that meant.

"I think it's time to call in the plumber," I joked as I moved onto the bed beside him again.

"Huh? Plumber?"

"Yeah. Who else would know how to take care of a leaky pipe like this?" I said as I ran a finger down the length of his erection. It jumped up at my touch.

"Oh, right," he smiled as he closed his eyes again. "Plumber," he repeated. I get the impression he's gonna use that saying a lot in his sex life from now on. It was his first experience having his penis touched, and I'd imprinted the concept into the deepest reaches of his brain. I rubbed a couple fingers over the bottom edge of his balls, and they moved, showing just how ready they were. I gently moved my hand over his tight sac and along the length of his shaft before reaching the tip and pulling his penis into an upright position with one finger. I leaned in to take a good look at it, and I almost went down on him, but I'm a professional, so I managed to control myself. I took a firm grip of it and he made a low moaning sound as I slowly began to stroke him.

"Try not to cum yet. Hold on as long as you can."

"I'll try, but I may not be able to," he replied as I felt him tense up at being touched. The nervous shaking had returned, and I wondered if he might be reaching his limit already. I slowed down and lowered his penis back onto his stomach before I cupped his balls and fondled them. They were so perfectly tight and round that I couldn't help but play with them, anymore than a pitcher can help rolling a baseball around in his fingers. Wait until he feels my spitball. That's a baseball throw, right? He was so ready to explode that I had a feeling that his happy ending would come soon. No pun intended. Maybe intended a little. I leaned down so that my nose was almost at his crotch and inhaled deeply. He smelled of oil and soap. I stuck my tongue out and gently, and slowly, licked the length of his penis from balls to tip.

"Ooofffhhhh," he gasped. I looked at him and his eyes were clamped shut.

"Oh, you like that huh?"

"Yeah, what was it?" he panted as he opened his eyes to look at me.

"You mean this?" I asked doing it again. "Just a bit of extra stimulation for your massage. If you liked that, then you'll probably really like this," I said as I ran a finger around the tip of his head, smearing his precum all over it making it nice and shiny. His hands had returned to clamping the bedsheets as he tried to focus on controlling himself. I slowly lowered my head, and made sure to position myself so he could watch as my lips went around the tip of his hard, throbbing penis and began to work my tongue around the head. He tensed up even more as I swallowed the full length, and stroked his balls. I wanted to suck that first virgin load out of him, but I wasn't sure how he'd react. Some boys want to keep going, others want run out of there so fast they almost leave before getting their clothes back on. I didn't want Darcy bolting for the doors, so I stopped and let his penis out of my mouth and back to its resting place on his stomach.

"How was that part of the massage?"

"This is like a billion times better than my dreams. Was that a real blowjob?"

"It was the introduction to one," I smiled gently.

"I think I'll like those then, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to do much more without cumming. I just thought I should kinda maybe warn you. I don't want you to get mad at me or anything."

"The last thing I'd do is get mad at you for cumming because you were enjoying yourself. The whole point is to get you to reach an orgasm. I'm just trying to make it last a little longer so that you enjoy it more."

"I don't think I could enjoy it more than this," he replied trying to concentrate in his breathing which he seemed to have forgotten how to do. I took his penis and balls back in my hands and slowly stroked and fondled him. He slammed his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes as he did his best to keep from losing control. When I saw his mouth open and the tongue stick out a little, I figured we were close, so I stopped again. He had me so hard I figured I might beat him to the climax. I know he only mentioned a blowjob, but he was so into it I wondered if maybe we should just keep going to see how much he really wanted to learn. I stretched out beside him and pressed our bodies together making sure my legs were scissored so our penises were touching. I pulled him in tight and gave him another kiss, turning him slightly on his side. "Would you like to keep going, or have you had enough for one day?" I mean it really is a stupid question when you have a boy this horny.

"I want to keep going. I don't want this to ever end," he said beginning to shake again. This time it seemed less from nerves, and more from excitement. "I think I'd do massages every day."

"We've moved a little past the massage now," I smiled as I ran my hand down his back and squeezed his ass. "How about I show you something a bit more advanced that you can surprise your first boyfriend with."

"Sure. Anything. I like all of this so far," he gushed. "Ummm, can I ask you something though?"


"What happens if I do something with someone and I cum too fast? Is that bad?"

"No. You might just want be honest up front though. Explain that you're new to it, and you might not last long. Most guys understand. A lot of the time you can cum, pause and just make out until you're horny again, then continue. After you cum, you usually last a lot longer before you cum again, but even if you don't, I guess he'll figure out pretty quickly that you're enjoying yourself."

"Okay. I was just worried about that because I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do today. I've been close to cumming a couple times. I don't wanna disappoint you. I hope that's okay."

"You'll never disappoint me. Don't worry about that at all. I'd be fine if you only came once and wanted to go. Of course, I'd be even happier if I could make you cum ten times and exhaust you to the point it took you a week to recover."

"Ten times would be fun," he laughed. I've never done it that much in a row. Four is about my record so far."

"Well, maybe we should try for a new record then. How about you lie on your stomach and I'll show you something that you'll remember way more than a blowjob."

"Are you gonna fuck me?" He asked quietly, almost with a hopeful, but panicked, voice.

"Patience you must have, my young padawan. Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future," I replied in my best Yoda. "I don't want you to rush to do something just to get it over with, but trust me that you'll find this memorable."

He nodded and turned over. I reached for a few pillows. "Hitch your ass up. I'll put these under you." He quickly complied, and I shoved them under his waist to raise his ass. I reached between his legs and pulled his hard cock down so it was resting along the side of the pillow. Now I had the perfect view of him, ass up, cock stretched out beneath it. I'm pretty sure I almost came. "You comfortable?" I asked.

He folded his arms and rested his head on them. "Yeah," he replied, sighing slightly.

"Good. Now spread your legs so that I can get between them and work on you. How wide can you go?" He moved his legs, and I watched in amusement as they went straight out to the side. "Oh right, you can do the splits. I forgot. Damn that's hot. That would make any guy cum just seeing you like this."

"I practice stretching for karate. I can go a little further if you want me to," he offered.

"No, that's perfect. I wish I could do that," I said as I placed one hand on each cheek and began to knead them, pulling them even further apart so the hole was stretched towards me. I moved my face to his crack, and without warning, licked the full length of it, starting at the back of his balls, going over the sensitive winking one eye pucker, and kept going until I was halfway up his back. He gasped loudly and wiggled his ass as it happened.

"Whooo!" he gasped. "Holy shit!"

"Told you you'd remember this. I went back down and pulled his cock towards me to lick around the tip, and then up his shaft to his balls, before slowing down and licking his ass crack again. He almost thrust up into me as he reacted to it. His starfish moved in and out as if asking for more. I rubbed the back of his balls, running my finger over them gently. He shuddered. "Such beautiful balls. Just try not to cum until I tell you." That's much easier to advise than it is to practice, especially when no one else had held your nuts before. "Then there's this ass. Your cheeks are so firm and tight, that you're the true definition of buns of steel." I put my hands on his ass and squeezed. They barely moved they were so taught. "But above all, is this perfect hole, just begging for attention," I said continuing my verbal commentary, while tenderly running a finger over the entrance to the virgin country of prostatia! It's a real place...look it up. He gasped and moved his hips up to meet me. "Mmmm, so soft and pink," I moaned. "I can't even imagine an ice cream being sweeter if I licked it." I leaned down and gave the length of his crack another long slow lick with my tongue, this time adding a bit more pressure to it. He moaned even louder, tensing up at the sensation. At this point the betting agencies had even odds on who might actually cum first as I was so turned on by him. I continued to lick his ass repeatedly, making sure I used long deliberate movements, applying a more pressure each time. I started at the back of his balls and went all the way up to his tailbone, and then back down. He sighed, gasped and squirmed with each trip up and down his ass. I could easily have kept it up until my tongue dried out, but I was way hornier than that. I pressed my face hard into his ass and shoved my tongue gently into his hole. He squeaked as I touched inside the cavern of happiness. (I've been working on my synonyms). This is the thing that makes boys come back for more...his cavern being probed, not my synonyms. Anyone can get a blowjob, but how many can say their first experience was a full rimming? I shoved my tongue in as far as I could go, while I ran a finger along the line at the back of his balls, and down over his hard shaft before I took hold of it and slowly stroked him. He continued to moan and sigh at each movement. After two minutes of probing his hole, and trying to find a way to get my tongue deep enough to lick the back of his tonsils, I eased up and put my finger at his starfish to tap at the pucker. It opened and closed as if answering the knock at his entrance. I licked my finger thoroughly and pushed in just slightly to give him that sensation that turns his brain into a scrambled mess. I did this for a bit while working him over the best I could. He was leaking precum like the dam was about the break, so I paused and told him to turn over again.

He didn't hesitate, as his excitement level had climbed up off the scale and he was ready for anything I wanted to do to him; and I wanted to do a lot. But for now, I figured it was time to let him have an orgasm. I had him bend his knees, with the pillow still under his ass, and took his cock in my mouth. I went fully down on him, holding his balls, and playing with the entrance to his ass with my finger. I pushed in gently a couple of times without actually spearing past his sphincter, but enough to get him anxious for it. I gave his cock the work out it needed and he clamped the bed sheets.

"I'm gonna cum!" He cried out as his eyes looked at me in fear. Don't you love that look? I moved my hand off his balls, and place it firmly on his chest to ensure he knew to stay in place while I finished him off. I shoved my finger just past his sphincter, and increased the speed I was sucking him. He squeaked and shot off. Wave after wave after wave hot delicious virgin protein was flowing into my mouth and I couldn't swallow it fast enough. Well, I could, because I did, but you can just imagine how much cum flows out of a boy who's never had a blowjob before. I thought he may never stop. When he finally did, and relaxed back onto the pillow, he was panting so hard I almost gave him a bowl of water.

I lay up beside him and leaned in to kiss him, making sure he could taste his cum from my tongue. He looked surprised. "Never tasted your own cum before?"

"No, never," he admitted.

"Well, now you have. Something else for the list."

"What's next?" He asked eagerly.

"Next? We go get cleaned up, or we might fall asleep like this."

"I'd be okay with that," he replied almost muzzling into me. "You're super comfortable and warm."

I laughed gently. "So are you, but you realize if Blake comes home and finds us like this, he's gonna want to join, and I wouldn't be able to stop him from fucking that cute ass of yours, especially when he sees how wet it is from the rimming."

"He'd do that?"

"Without even giving it a second thought," I grinned. "I think that for today, that's probably enough to keep your mind busy. If you liked it and want to try more, just let me know and I'll be happy to continue our lessons."

"Oh, I liked it! A lot!!" he exclaimed quickly. "What would we do next time?"

"If you decide you liked what we've done so far, then next time I'm gonna fuck you and take your virginity," I said bluntly.

"Oh, I liked it. I loved it in fact. You wanna maybe fuck me now? I could get it over with and see if I like that too."

I laughed. "Let's not go for a `getting it over with' type fuck. Let's go for a fuck you'll remember for the rest of your life and want every day. Or I could teach you how to give a blowjob. Maybe we do that before we get to anal, because trust me, once you learn to fuck, it's going to be impossible to keep your dick in your pants."

"When am I no longer a virgin?" He asked staring at me. "Does that blowjob count?"

"No. That's just a blowjob. Technically you lose your virginity during intercourse. Since we're gay, that means you lose it when either you fuck me, or I fuck you. Dealer's choice."

"If I do both, I'd be covered, either way, right?"

"Once you do both, then we give you your gay card, and you're allowed sex without supervision."


"I'm just messing with you. There's no rush to do anything you're not ready for. I mean you could stick with blowjobs for years and never want to try anything more. There's no rules to this, except to enjoy it."

"Oh, I want to learn more. Everything!"

"Let your brain catch up first, and then we'll talk. Trust me, I almost fucked you today, you're so sexy. Let's go grab a shower before I can't stop myself." We reluctantly separated, instantly feeling colder. I grabbed his hand and walked him into the bathroom and fired up the shower. We got in together and I began to soap him up.

"Can people see in your bathroom from outside?" He asked looking out the large windows.

"No, the only thing out there is the ocean. That's why we built it like this. Feels like we're outside but with privacy.

"Can I come over tomorrow? I could skip school if you wanted. I hate it there."

"I know you do, but we want to work on making it a place you'll actually enjoy. How about you take some time to think about what just happened, and make sure that your feelings aren't just post sex excitement. That this is really something you want."

"Oh, I want it. I've wanted it since forever," he said becoming more animated. "So, can I come over tomorrow? I could stay all day if you want. I know I won't change my mind."

The way his erection was pulsing and poking against me, I had no doubt of that, but having him become attached to me would be a giant mistake. "How about I make you a deal."

"Anything. Done!" He replied quickly. "Deals are awesome!"

I laughed. "Wanna actually hear it first before you agree to it?"


I ran my hands over his back with the soap as I gently washed him. I think he moved closer to feel my body heat. "I'll happily mentor you in anything you want to know, but I want you to start being more confident. I'll introduce you to plenty of guys that'll like you for you, straight and gay, while YOU work on being proud of who you are, even if it means you have to use some karate to turn the tables on bullies."

"Done!" He replied way too quickly. Yeah, this was his penis using his mouth like ventriloquist dummy.

"I mean it, Darcy. It's time for you to see how special you really are. How about you practice with Blake first?"

He stepped forward and turned around. He brushed the water and hair out of his eyes, looking at me in a bit of a panic. "Practice sex with Blake? You said I wouldn't have to tell anyone I was gay until I was ready. You promised."

"And I keep my promises. I was thinking more along the lines of testing the waters with Blake to see how comfortable you feel being the one to start a conversation. Blake will talk about anything. I'm not talking about going to the extreme of asking him for sex. Start with talking about something you have in common. Then move to more personal questions. Ask him something like why he shaves his pubes. Break the conversation in slowly. Comment on how green his eyes are, or about his nipple ring. If he doesn't respond well, you can change the subject very fast, but I can assure you, he'll be flattered. Say something like your ass hurts after the last karate session. Joke with him that it feels like a guy kicked his whole foot up there. Blake will take the conversation and run with it. I promise. Be bold and go skinny dipping with him."

"What do I do after that?"

"Try just `guy talk' and see what happens. Be open enough to give your own answers if he asks you anything personal."

"What if he asks if I'm gay?"

"Then decide what you're comfortable saying. You can tell him the truth, or just say you're curious what other boys look like, or say you're still trying to figure it out. You NEVER need to admit what you're not ready to say."

"What if he tells everyone?"

"He won't. At the most, he'd tell people who live here, but no one else. Ask him to keep it to himself and he will. That much I do know."

"I'll try, but I'd like to learn more stuff from you first, in case I get asked about it. At least I'd know how to answer. I mean what we did today is all I've ever done with anyone."

"And you did it so well, I'm gonna dream of you myself tonight," I grinned as I gently took hold of his cock and balls and played with them.

He laughed. "No you won't, I'm nothing special. You have tons of guys around you."

"You're something VERY special. Come on, don't do the negative thing again. Remember what I said about responding positively. Let's try again," I told him before repeating myself. "I'm gonna dream of you myself tonight."

"Thanks?" He said questioningly, as he looked up at me. "Ummm...I'll dream of you too."

"Better," I grinned.

"My super shitty day ended up being pretty amazing."

"You made my day pretty amazing too," I agreed. "I mean just look at how sexy you are standing there with another erection. I almost don't want to let you go home."

"I could stay. I don't really have nowhere to be."

I pulled him in for a hug. "Considering it was your first time, we should pause until you've had a chance to process it all."

"It gonna be difficult getting back into my gym shorts. They don't really hide much when my penis is this hard."

Fuck, he has no idea how badly I want to take him back to bed right now, but I have to be professional here. If all my therapy sessions are gonna end in sex, then I have to make sure I send them home wanting another session, or I'll never make money at being a psychologist. That's just textbook shrink stuff.

"I'll lend you some of Blake's clothes, including tight underwear. That should help."

"Maybe, but I think I'm gonna be hard for a couple days just thinking about today. It was so incredible that I don't even know how to tell you what emotion I'm feeling right now," he smiled.

"I have some idea. I feel the same way with you. Turn around and put your hands on the wall for a second."

As he turned and positioned himself, I used more soap to do his back and down into his ass crack pushing between his legs to get at his balls. He moaned and opened his legs further to give me better access. He wasn't kidding, he was as horny as he was when we first started the massage. I reached around and took his erection in my hand, and began to jerk him off as I moved my body against him. I slipped my cock between his legs and told him to close them as I poked the back of his balls while I humped him, taking care of his erection with my hand. I put my other hand on his head and turned him to face me. I leaned in so we could kiss. His tongue quickly came out to greet me, almost too eagerly, and I quickened the strokes on his cock. He barely had time to get into it before he cried out, and sent a small load blasting from his cock onto the shower floor. I let go and ran my hand gently up his chest to hold his neck as I put my finger at his mouth. "Open up." As he did, I slipped my finger in. "Suck on it."

He began to suck it and I smiled to myself as I felt his tongue work around it. A natural born cock sucker and he didn't even know it yet.

"Yeah baby, suck that finger," I said seductively as I pushed it further into his mouth, almost making him gag on it. "Fuck that's hot. Imagine that being my cock that you're going to suck next time. I pulled out and turned his head to kiss him, as his tongue almost followed my finger out of his mouth. "Will that get you through?"

He nodded. "That was so hot! I can't believe I got to do it in the shower. I've seen it on porn and always thought it looked insane. It's better than it looks," he gushed, as he spun around and hugged me. "Please teach me everything. I'll do anything you want. Anything!"

"Be careful. Anything is a lot of things."

"I mean it. Deal?"

"Let's get out of here and get dressed, before something else happens. You need time to decompress and process."

"Thanks for cheering me up. I just wish I didn't have to go back to school and face that crap again."

"I'd ask your parents if you can switch schools, if I were you," I suggested as we got out and dried off. "Tell them you found a better school. You don't have to say it's because of bullies. Say it has a better math class, or gym program, or whatever you think would get the attention of your parents. What is your Dad into?"

"Step Dad? He's into being an asshole. I'm already in that program at my current school," Darcy replied. "But my Mom is good at English. She sometimes helps with my homework, and does a lot of writing."

"There's your in. Say you like it too, and you found a school with a better English program. It might sway her."


"Of course, you could just tell them you're gay, and need to go to a place that understands you better."

"And would I want an open or closed casket after that?" He said shaking his head. "They'd throw me out on the next trash day."

"They might surprise you."

"The only surprise would be how fast I got a black eye from my step Dad. He already calls me a stupid little fag, and he thinks I'm straight."

"Telling him you're gay might actually stop that. He might realize that his words were actually hurting you, instead of what he thinks is just a redneck thing to spout that has no consequence."

"No, it'd get worse. I already heard him once. Some guy at his work has a gay daughter and he said fags were the `scourge of the earth.' I'm not even sure what scourge is, but it isn't a good thing."

"Let's leave that out for now then and work on getting you some decent friends first."

"That'd be nice. I've always wanted a real friend."

"I'll always be your friend, but you need someone your own age, ideally in your own school so you have each other's sixes."

"True. So, am I coming over tomorrow to learn more stuff? I could forge a note and say I have a doctor's appointment...with my shrink," he grinned.

"Text me tomorrow and we'll see what we can arrange. No more skipping school though. That gets you on their radar and calls get sent home. Meanwhile, think about what I said about talking to Blake."

"I will."

I drove him home and dropped him off a block from his house, as he didn't think it would be a good idea for his nosy neighbours to see him get out of my car. I had to agree with that. He's a pretty bright guy. He just needs that confidence boost. I'm gonna suck at being a psychologist, aren't I? This boy came to me all fucked up and wanting to kill himself, and I took him to bed. I'm pretty sure you can't solve all issues like that. If we could, there'd be a lot more sex going on. At least now when someone bullies him and says what an ass', he can confidently reply: Thanks! It's one of my best features.'

I really wasn't surprised the next day when I got a text from Darcy at 7:30 in the morning.

can I make an appointment' to come over?'

`when are you thinking?'

`now?' he replied with a smiley face and a tongue emoji.

`how about after school?'

`boo! K.'

"Who was that, Dad?" Blake asked as he sat beside me having breakfast.

"Just someone wanting to talk out a problem with me," I replied as I locked my phone before he snatched it away.

"The only problem they really have is having you as their shrink," he giggled.

"Glad you think so highly of me...butthead."

"You're welcome. I'm late tonight. Junior Q Meeting."

"How are you getting to school?"

"Kyle. Going on the bike. Gotta keep up my cool!" he grinned as he put his dishes in the sink. I guess putting them in the dishwasher was just a one-day phase. Oh, is it okay if Sienna comes over tomorrow after school?"


"Yeah, we've been hanging out and she's pretty cool. She's a cheerleader for the football team. We'll probably do homework together."

"Is she in one of your classes?"

"Doing homework together, Dad. So, duh!'ll be a great shrink," he giggled as he ran to the front closet to grab his leather jacket and helmet. Kyle just looked at me and shrugged. "Does this mean he's back to girls? I have trouble keeping up."

"He's just doing homework with her...duh!" I repeated, with the sarcasm attached.

Darcy texted again and said he was out of school early today, so he'd just come over to the house and that I didn't need to pick him up. I've never seen a 16-year-old arrive on time for anything, but when Darcy bounced up to the gate 5 minutes early, you could almost see the excitement on his face as he came up the driveway. "I told my parents that I wanted to change school for better programs," he said as soon as he was close enough.

"How'd that go?"

"They said no."

"Just no?"

"Pretty much. I tried telling them about the bullies, but my step Dad said it was just boys being boys and to stop being such a sissy about it. He asked what the hell he was paying for karate for if I was just gonna cry about a few kids picking on me. He said he'd be happy to stop paying for Karate if that's what it was teaching me."

"No offense dude, but he sounds like a total douche."

"He is," Darcy agreed. "Can we do more stuff together, today?"

"Sure. You mean like do the dishes and mow the lawn?" I teased.

"Like sex?" He asked. "I took time, like you said, to think about it, and I know I liked it so can we do more?"

"I'm sure we can come up with a thing or two."

"I had a boner like all night. All I could think about was losing my virginity. That would be cool!"

"How about now that you've experienced a blowjob, we take it from another direction?"

"Like 69ing or something?" He asked sounding a bit confused.

"I was thinking more like we teach you how to approach a boy you like in order to ask him out."

"I'd like that, but I'd be too scared to ask someone out. I know I'd feel way worse if they said no."

"I doubt many guys will ever say no to you. Just put yourself out there. It doesn't need to be as bold as going up to a boy and saying, `Damn bitch, you're a hot piece of ass. Wanna go fuck?"

He laughed. "Oh good, because that was the exact line I was thinking of using."

"Come on, let's get something to drink," I said as I headed to the kitchen and he sat on a bar stool. "You don't need to say you're gay as the way of starting a conversation. Start slower with hints."

"Like what?" He asked as I handed him a soda.

"Like lick their ear," I joked.

"You know all these suggestions end up with me six feet in the ground, right?" He said with a fun smile. He's got the cutest dimples on each side of his mouth that you almost want to kiss each time they show up.

"Take something you like such as swimming or karate and talk it up. At the pool maybe find another person by themselves, and strike up a general conversation. Anything to get it started."

"I hear you, but my problem is just getting up the nerve to do it."

"Perhaps compliment the guy if that's easier. If you see a move in karate that you like, say `Cool move. Can you show me that?' You might know how to do it, but act like you don't. Same as swimming. See them do something and give a compliment. Everyone responds well to that approach."

"Yeah, that might be easier, but it's a long way from that to anything else, especially sex. Can I practice lines with you first?" He asked giving me what looked like a smirk.

"Sure. Good idea. Pretend you're meeting me for the first time," I replied as he got off the stool and faced me. I could see he was up to something, as he had that same look in his eye when Blake asks about getting a pet tiger each time, then has justification for how it would be good for him.

"Umm, hi, I'm Darcy," he said starting off strong.

"Hey. I'm Justin," I replied.

"Nice to meet you. I was just wondering if that bulge in your pants is for me?" He giggled as he reached over and grabbed my crotch.

I laughed and fist bumped him. "Fuck, I gotta remember that one. Dude, you'll be getting laid in no time."

"I was just kidding. That would get me killed with most guys, but I figured you'd find it funny. Was it okay?"

"That was excellent. I don't recommend it as your first meeting with someone new, but then again, who knows."

"So? Is that bulge for me?"

I laughed. "Uh oh, I've started something haven't I?"

"I dunno. I mean I only did it once, but my penis has been hard since I left here."

"It has has it?" I asked as I reached down and grabbed his crotch in return, causing him to jump slightly, but not pull away. He wasn't kidding, "Yep, that feels pretty hard."

"You want me to take my clothes off?" He asked.

I gave him a big smile. "And you're worried about being able to pick up guys. Lines like that are even getting me hard. Let's start a bit slower so you know something other than just sticking your ass out to be fucked."

"Okay, like what?"

"Like this," I said putting my hand to his lip to wipe away a small drop of root beer. He almost instinctively opened his mouth. I laughed. "I was just wiping your mouth."

"Oh," he said blushing. "Sorry. I thought you were gonna do that thing you did yesterday."

"Sit back on the bar stool and let's pretend that I haven't sucked you off, and start at the beginning, shall we?"

"I dunno if I can pretend that. It's all I can think about," he replied honestly. He wasn't the only one. I wanted to strip off his clothes and bend him over the counter, but I thought it might be better if he learned some proper techniques.

I stood beside him so that his knee was between my legs and leaned in to kiss him on the lips. He froze and just waited until I stopped, then smiled. "Thanks."

"You're to cute not to kiss," I replied before leaning forward and kissing him again, this time having him respond and open his mouth. I felt his heart beat increase. As I kissed him, I took his hand and slipped it under the back of my shirt to let him know it was okay to feel my skin. He got the idea pretty quickly and slowly moved the palm of his hand all over my back. I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him in tighter as our tongues explored each other inside his mouth. I paused and eased back. "How was that?"

"Awesome!" he said wiping his lips with his free hand. "Kissing is wicked fun."

"We'll do it again, only this time push your tongue out so you go into my mouth. While you're doing that, use both hands to gently lift my shirt up and pull it over my head."

"Okay," he nodded. "I like how your tongue feels," he added. I just smiled and leaned in to kiss him again. I felt his tongue quickly poke out to touch mine, and then dart back almost in surprise. To his credit, he touched tongues again and got into the kiss as both hands reached under my shirt. He slowly began to pull it upward. Once he was high enough, I broke the kiss and let him push it over my head before we resumed. I got his hands around me and kept going. I'm pretty sure I could feel his erection throbbing inside his pants. At this rate the boy is gonna cum before we get started. I pulled his shirt out of his pants and did the same thing to him as he'd just done to me. I pressed our bodies together to feel the warmth of the bare skin. I moved a hand to gently play with his nipples as I continued to kiss him. He moaned, trying his best to keep his tongue inside my mouth, but he seemed happier when I was inside him. Typical kissing bottom! Is that a thing? Can kissers be tops and bottoms? I love a boy with sensitive little tits, and he had such perky ones that they were impossible to resist. I broke our kiss, and he once again wiped his lips and stared at me.

"Wow!" he said grinning wildly. "I could do that all day."

"And no doubt you will. Lots of boys are gonna want to kiss you. You take to this so fast that it's almost hard to believe that you've never done it before," I said honestly.

"I haven't, but thanks for teaching me."

"You're welcome, but it's me that should be thanking you for letting me be with someone as sexy as you."

"Yeah, right!" He said rolling his eyes slightly.

"Hey!" I warned. "No negative talk about yourself. Are you sexy?"

"Sure," he replied unconvincingly.

"Try that again. Are you sexy?"

"Yes?" He answered as a question.

"One more time. Convince me and we'll move to try something else. If I don't believe you, I'll just take you home," I teased. "Are you sexy?"

"Yes! I'm fuckin' wicked sexy," he giggled.

"Now you got it. Damn right you're wicked sexy," I smiled. "Now, once you've kissed the boy and his shirt is off, you can begin to ramp it up a bit." To demonstrate, I leaned in to nibble on his ear lobe before kissing down his neck to his nipple, where I flicked it with my tongue before sucking on it. I used my hand to play with his other tit while I worked on the first one, then switched. He was almost giggling as I did it. It makes it even more fun when they're ticklish. I gave him a bit of a break as I kissed back up and pressed our lips together again while I played with each nipple. By the time we took a break, he was breathing like we'd had a marathon sex session that had left him in orgasmic bliss.

"Now it's your turn," I said as we stopped. He leaned in and duplicated everything I had just done with him, and he was a very good student. As he played with my chest, I popped the top button on his pants and lowered the zipper so I could reach in and feel the hard bulge pressing against his underwear. I didn't comment on the wet spot that had already begun to form. He stopped playing with my nipples and looked into my eyes as he went in for a kiss, this time taking control. Well, almost taking control. He still waited for my tongue to enter his mouth rather than his entering mine first. I paused and told him to try it again, but to explore my mouth this time. He did, and I almost grinned when I felt his penis jump as he touched my tongue inside my mouth. There is nothing more amazing than a boy learning how to do this stuff for the first time. You really don't get the same thrill from someone who has been doing it for years.

I zipped his pants back up and fastened the top button. "Come on, let's go upstairs, unless you want sex right here in the kitchen. I'm fine with that if you are."

"Ummm, I think I'd like to do it on the bed like last time," he remarked.

"One day you'll be so sexual that you'll do it in public with an audience cheering you on," I grinned as I took his hand and pulled him off the bar stool.

"I'll NEVER be that confident," he replied.

"We'll see!" I grinned. I held his hand as I took him upstairs. I undressed him and gently took hold of his erection as I kissed him. "We should clean you up a little before we start."

"I had a shower before I came over," he told me.

"I can smell the soap and shampoo," I grinned. "I was thinking more along the lines of cleaning up some of this hair," I remarked as I pulled on his pubes.

"But not shave them off, right? I mean if I got pantsed and didn't have pubes, that would be a fate worse than death."

"No, under the circumstances, I agree that you should leave some hair. We'll just trim them shorter. Lots of boys shave everything now, but maybe we'll save that for once the bullying stops."

"So in University? Or in the senior citizen home?" he said attempting a joke.

"I was thinking more like the weekend. I can already see you shaving it all off, then going into the locker room stripping and showing everyone as you head to the shower, telling those bullies that if they really want to see your dick, to come watch you bust one out. I almost guarantee that they'll come nowhere near you after that."

"Except to pummel me in the hallways or after school."

"But at least you'd have clothes on," I grinned.

"Not sure that's better. At least in the locker room, the other guys are trying to avoid being next so they stay quiet. In the hallways, others kinda encourage them and then all laugh at it."

"Don't worry, we'll get that shit stopped. Right now, let's get you in the shower. I took him to the bathroom and trimmed his pubes and shaved his balls. He watched carefully as to how it was done, never once losing the erection the entire time. He agreed that it looked a lot nicer once I had finished my manscaping. I'm such an artist, I should almost shave my initials into them. Then it was back to the bedroom where he crawled onto the bed to wait for me. I lay down beside him and he stared at me with nervous excitement.

"What would you like to do today?" I said as I ran my fingers though his damp hair.

"Everything," he replied, his chest rising and falling rapidly at the anticipation.

"Great! I'll grab the cards and we can play crazy eights."

I think I might have thrown his brain off the track with that reply as he looked at me to see if I were serious. "Ummm, I meant like anything like yesterday with sex stuff," he clarified.

I smiled and leaned in to kiss him gently. I know, I was just joking with you."

"Oh. Right. Yeah," he smiled. "Sorry, I'm just nervous again."

"That's cool. The more you do it, the easier it becomes in time. How about today, you just check out my body to start?"

"You want a massage?"

"Those are always nice, but how about you just do something like explore my chest and stomach and then go down and get a close-up look at my penis. You said you'd never touched one before, so here's your chance to explore as much as you want."

"Really?" He said as his eyes widened at the possibility.

"Might as well find out all you can."

He shuffled down the bed a little so that his head was on my chest and his hand moved to feel one of my nipples as he stared at them. I put my hand on the back of his head and rubbed his hair for encouragement. He leaned in to suck the one closest to him, and I felt his tongue touch it.

"Don't be scared to suck on it, and remember to use your tongue. If you remember to use a lot of tongue on everything you play with, no guy is ever gonna be able to resist you."

I felt him increase his sucking and licking of my nipple as he rubbed a hand on my chest and stomach. I thought he might just stay there all day, and wondered if he were waiting for me to direct his actions. "Don't forget when playing with nipples, that there are two of them." He pulled off the one he was working on and leaned over to get to the other with the same actions. I let him soak it thoroughly before I told him to kiss down my body and play with my belly button. He did each action exactly as instructed. I hope he's paying close attention because his final exam will NOT contain play by play instructions, and in order to pass he'll have to make me cum. That could be the longest test in history. I'll set aside a holiday weekend for that.

Finally, he was down beside my penis and just looked at it. I was about to start the instructions on that as well, but he took some initiative and stroked along the backside of it. Then he lifted it up and checked it all over. Monkeys don't check each other this thoroughly for bugs in the wilderness, so he was definitely exploring every inch that he could. His tongue came out slowly and touched the side of my shaft before darting back into his mouth. Like it was a groundhog checking for it's shadow. He paused and put my penis down, then used the palm of his hand to rub the back of it.

"It feels so different than mine. It's nice," he commented.

"Thanks. Feels good too. This is why playing with someone other than yourself is more fun. If you do you, your brain is already a few steps ahead. This way your brain has no idea what's going on and has to play catch up."

"Can I feel your balls too?"

"Explore away," I grinned.

He cupped them in his hand as he watched. "They're moving. That's pretty awesome. You just touch them and they move," he grinned as he gently touched the sac with a finger. I think he did that for a good five minutes. You know this is exactly like a kid. You give them a cool toy, and they want to play with the box it came from. My toy was the eight and a half inch penis, and he wanted to play with my balls, which if you think about it is where my penis cums from...

"Try putting your tongue on them," I suggested. Might as well let him have as much fun with the box as possible. He leaned in and touched to tip of his tongue to my scrotum. This time the balls really reacted and he grinned widely, before trying again. I think this could keep him fascinated for hours, like a cat with a laser pointer. I should have brought a book.

He did move his other hand back to my penis and began to play with them both together. Slowly he experimented with licking, squeezing and fondling, gaining more confidence as he went. Finally, he moved his attention to the tip of my dick. I wiped some of the precum off it for him as all his playing had at least had some affect on me. He leaned in and touched the head with his tongue.

"That feels way different than the shaft, huh? It's more rubbery," he commented. I didn't reply and just let him continue. I could see him thinking about whether or not to take the head into his mouth or not as he moved forward, and then backed up a couple times. I decided to help him.

"When you put the head in your mouth, just watch the teeth. Always cover them with your lips, as the guy wouldn't appreciate it scraped to pieces."

"Okay," he replied as he went back down to it. I almost chuckled out loud as I saw him prepare his lips for the first touch. He wrapped his lips around the head and put the whole thing in his mouth at once. I was just about to remind him to use his tongue when I felt it begin to move around and explore all on its own. He did it gently and at the same time looked at my balls as he held onto them. I guess he was processing what moved with what when he touched things. He did a pretty good job of working the head, and I moved my hand to rub his back as he did it. I think he felt encouraged as he tried to take more of me into his mouth, but that quickly caused the inevitable gagging noise and he backed off.

"That is called the gag reflex," I explained before he said anything. "That's your throat saying wait, I have to check this out first to see if it's allowed. It takes practice but eventually you'll be able to control it. That is how you'll get to deep throat a cock at some point. Best advice I can give is to go slow. Have your brain tell your throat that the cock is cleared for entry, then swallow as you move down on it. Your throat opens and it goes down. Then I'd pause and wait for your throat to close around it and check it out. Once it realizes it's good, then you should be able to do it again. You won't be able to breathe when a cock is deep in you, so you have to time it all."

"Seems like a lot of work to suck a dick."

"It can sound like it, but being gay, we get the hang of it pretty fast. It's funnier watching a straight boy do it as their brain keeps saying Stop. Stop. What the fuck dude!' and they gag a lot more. Gay brains say How do I get me more of that, bitch.'

"Our brains talk a lot huh?" Darcy joked. "Can I try again?" He asked as eager and determined as a 16-year-old trying to parallel park a car for the first time.

I lifted my cock to his lips and he swallowed it, trying several times to get past the gag reflex, but wasn't as successful as I think he wanted to be. He apologized, but I assured him it took time, and not to push himself too fast. I suggested he let his throat have a break and go suck on my balls. I taught him how to take each one gently in his mouth and roll them around on his tongue, being careful not to be too rough. I think he found that a lot easier than a blowjob, but to his credit he did return to my cock for a couple more attempts. I explained that he could just as easily jerk the back end of the shaft with his hand, while sucking the first half at the same time and get similar results. He practiced all of these techniques for what seemed like a good half hour before he lay back beside me and looked into my eyes.

"Was that okay?"

"That was great. Your first time playing with a cock and you're already giving me head. I'd say you're gonna have no problem in bed with anyone."

He smiled, so I leaned in and kissed him.

"What's next?" He asked. "Should I try that thing you did to me yesterday where you licked my bum?"

I smiled. "You want to try rimming, huh? Not a lot of guys are comfortable with that right away. Are you sure?"

"I think so. It felt really awesome when you did it, so I'd like to try."

"Do you remember how I did it?"

"Yeah. You licked my whole bum crack first a few times, even the back of my balls and my back, and then you put your tongue in my ass. After that you did a finger." He grinned excitedly.

"You know if you didn't want to rim me, you could just go right for the fuck if that's what all you really want to do," I offered in case he thought you had to do all the other things first. I mean sometimes a good quick fuck is all you need.

"No. I wanna try everything," he said. "I think I can do it."

"Up to you, but again, no pressure buddy. Only do what you're comfortable with."

"Says the guy who keeps making deals with me to get me naked," he giggled.

"Sorry. We can stop if you want."

"No chance!" Darcy said loudly as he moved to allow me to turn onto my stomach. I pushed a couple pillows under myself to raise my ass up and give him better access. I was going to give him some pointers on what to do, but he was between my legs so fast with his hands on my ass cheeks, that I decided to just keep quiet and see what he did. I lay my head down and waited. I think he probably looked at my ass for 15 seconds before I felt his tongue touch me. The first lick was gentle and short, like a recon mission. It was immediately followed by a second one that went the length of my crack. Then he returned for third which went from my balls to my lower back. He seemed to have the hang of this one. I guess no gag reflex to worry about always helps. After working my crack a few more times, he buried his face into it and I felt his tongue begin to probe my hole and a hand rub the back of my balls. I guess he really had been paying attention yesterday.

The more he probed, the harder he did it, and I felt a hand pull the side of my cheek to open me up further. If I didn't know better, it was almost as if he were trying to shove his head up my ass, tongue first. I heard him moaning, softly at first, but increasing as he continued.

"Mmmmmm, unnghhhh, ahhhh," he sighed and moaned. "Mmmghhh, uggghhhh, oooohhhh, Ughhhh! Ughhhhh! Shit..." He cried out suddenly and then stopped licking me.

"You okay? What happened?" I asked as I turned my head slightly. He had a horrified look on his face.

"I'm sorry! I came. I couldn't help it. I kinda got it all over your bed. I didn't mean to," he panicked.

"Relax," I said as I reached back and pulled him down beside me, and turned to hug into him, as I rubbed his hair. "That's as perfect as it gets. I guess we found something you really liked huh?"

"I wasn't sure at first, but then the more I did it, the more I wanted, and I accidentally started to play with myself and then couldn't stop and it just happened."

I smiled and kissed him. "That's so hot. I love that you were turned on by eating my ass. Shit, I'm so horny for you right now," I said trying to boost his ego. If he'd been more experienced, I'd have jumped on top of him and screwed him into the mattress.

"Is that why guys like to rim?" He asked.

"That's EXACTLY why guys like to rim. It not only feels amazing being rimmed, it feels amazing doing it. Now you know why it leads to fucking so fast."

"I can see that. When I was masturbating as I did it, I thought about fucking, and I wanted to do that so bad that my penis was almost hurting. Then I came," he said.

"I'm sure you'll recharge in a couple minutes. I'd love to feel your cock in me, or we can save that for another time if you've had enough."

"No way! I wanna keep going. Please!" Darcy begged as he moved a leg partially over mine. "I wanna try everything. Even if I can't get hard or cum anymore, I want to lose my virginity today...Please. It's all I thought about."

"I, Justin Masters, promise to take your virginity," I grinned holding up my hand. "But sometimes you'll find after you've cum that you're done for that session."

"Never. I need to know what it's like to fuck."

"Well, let's let you fuck me first, and see how you like that. If you're still horny after that, then I'd love to fuck you and open up that amazing little ass. Although it's pretty ambitious wanting to take a cock as big as mine on your first time."

"I'm ready. I want it to be you. I know I do. My penis is hard again just thinking about it," he said eagerly as he rolled to the side to show me. From nervous and shy to this. Damn, I'm good.

"Okay. How about a few pointers so you don't have to stop?"

"Sure. Great!" He beamed.

I reached for the lube and explained the process to him. I told him how much to use, and that he should always make sure the inside of the guys ass is coated not just around the outside of the hole like many guys do. I explained that you didn't need a half gallon of it, just about the size of a quarter to start. Then if you go for a while, you can drip a bit more on the shaft to keep it slicked up. He nodded and uhh-hummed, as he looked at the bottle and put a drop on his finger to check it out. I explained several of the positions for fucking, but suggested that for today he'd probably be good with just lying on top of me. I mean if he lasted longer than a camera flash, we could always move into a doggy style position which is a very easy transition from lying flat.

"Okay. I think I got it," he said as he moved back down my body, and once again buried his face in my ass for another rimming. The way he went at me, I wondered if he might end up cumming again and never actually get to the fuck. To his credit, he did manage to pry his tongue out of my hole and push a lubed finger in. I think he enjoyed that feeling too, as he felt around in me for a good couple minutes before pulling back out. I waited as he lubed himself up. I resisted the urge to look back to see if maybe he'd forgotten about me, and was jerking off with the new sensation of lube on his penis. His hands came to my sides and I felt the tip of his penis moving around near my ass. I wasn't sure if he was trying to go for the hands-free approach or not, but I took charge and reached back to grab it and aim where it needed to go. Once I had him firmly against my pucker, I moved my hand to his ass.

"Now, slowly lower yourself until you feel my ass give way, and your penis begins to enter. Once you feel it wrap around your head, pause to give the ass time to adjust to the penetration. You'll kinda feel it relax, and then you know you're good to keep going."

"K," he responded and followed my instructions to the letter. He let out a small pant of excitement as my ass grabbed his cock and sucked it in, and then paused. I made a point to relax my hole so he could clearly feel it. I mean not everyone does that, but this was instructional fucking 101, so I had to give him some visuals. Visuals? Maybe the wrong word, but you know what I mean. He had to feel each step, in detail.

"Was that it?" He asked as my ass relaxed. "Do I keep going now?"

"Exactly," I grinned into my pillow. He lowered himself down onto me and as soon as he was lying fully on top, I felt him let out a big breath of air. "How's that feel?"

"Oh my god! This is the best feeling in the world!" He enthused.

"Great! Now all you have to do is fuck me. Move your ass up and down and enjoy the ride," I said playfully. He got to work. He moved slowly at first, picking up speed 30 seconds later.

"Ohghhh, wow! This feels wicked awesome," he said into my ear as his ass moved up and down. "I think I'm gonna cum. Is that okay?"

"Go for it, but really pound me. Make your cock bust so hard that you pass out. He moved faster and I reached my hand back to grab his ass, and slam him into me on each downward thrust. He didn't last long and cried out as he shot off deep in my echo chamber. That's a bad analogy, isn't it? Aren't echo chambers usually large areas? I held his ass tight to force him as deep as I could while he pumped out what he had left, and physically collapsed on me when he was done. He was panting hard, but otherwise not moving. I wondered if he'd really passed out, but that thought was quickly nullified when he lifted his ass up and slowly pulled out and moved to lie beside me.

"Sorry," he said looking at me.

"Sorry? Are you kidding? That was incredible. Dude, you just had your first fuck and came inside someone. There's seriously nothing to be sorry about. You're amazing."

"I wanted it to go longer so that you'd cum, but I couldn't help it."

"Hey. Trust me. You almost made me cum a couple times. It's just that I've done this a few times and I know how to control it when I want to. Whatever boyfriend you get is gonna love having sex with you. You have natural skills."

"You're so nice to me," he said cuddling in and wrapping his arms around me. I felt his breath on my chest and I think he would have been content to lie there all night. I rubbed his back as we got our breathing under control and in sync with each other. When Darcy finally moved again, he looked up at me and leaned in to give him another kiss.

"You had enough yet?"

He shook his head and smiled. "No."

I grinned back at him. "You want me to fuck you, don't you?"

He nodded. "Yes, please."

Now how can you refuse a boy that polite? "Okay, but I'm gonna fuck that sweet ass until you can't walk."

He giggled slightly. "Then I'd have to sleep here with you."

"One day," I grinned. "That sounds like an entirely different deal."

He just smiled as I moved and positioned him face up on the bed, with his legs bent at the knee. I was so horny that my mind was already ten steps ahead as to what I wanted to do with him. My brain already had him being gang banged at a coming out party in his honour. I gently took hold of his cock and played with it while watching his face as he stared at me without blinking. He was focused so intently that I hoped he wasn't to tense to actually get fucked. It didn't matter, because now that we'd begun, I had no intention of stopping until I took the last of his virginity.

I leaned down and gently worked my tongue down his shaft and around his balls, before going back up and taking the head into my mouth and flicking around the piss slit. I deep throated him several times to get him just horny enough to begin breathing heavier. You have to get them in the right frame of mind if you're going to take them anally for the first time. I pushed his knees back by his head so that his ass was now straight up towards my face. I grabbed a few more pillows and put them under his back for support and stared into his wide open hole. God, this is my favorite position for rimming. At least it was with Darcy since his pink pucker was right in front of me and the small cheeks were as far apart as they could go. I dropped my face into his hole and began working on it. I tongued him for several minutes while at the same time playing with his cock and balls. He was rock hard and moaning nonstop. When he began dripping precum, I wiped it off the tip and put my finger in his mouth, which he gladly sucked on. In my mind I had two choices, I could keep rimming and jerking him off until he came and I made sure I got it all over his face, or I could begin to lube him in preparation for his first fuck. I wanted to do both, but I figured that if he came again before I fucked him, it may take longer to ramp him up to be ready for the penetration. I mean he's starting with my 8½ inches. Not a normal size cock for a beginner. I thought about going for a dildo and working that in him, but I chose to stay in the moment and open him up with my tongue and fingers first. I grabbed the bottle of lube and popped it open. He continued to stare at me and grinned as he saw me turn the bottle upside down and squirt some onto his upturned ass.

"Ohhhh, that's cold," he said as it hit his pucker.

"It'll warm up quickly. We're gonna need lots of it to be able to fuck you properly today. I'll warn you in advance that when I begin to enter you, it may hurt a bit. That's normal and all I can tell you is just keep breathing, relax and push out gently." I tell them all that otherwise you'd never get to fuck anyone. They'd just scream that it hurts too much and then you've got to stop to get the duct tape to keep them quiet. And if you have to do that, they may never come back to try it again...and you want them back. Like they say in business, it's much easier to keep a customer than it is to go out and find new ones, although new customers help build your there's that.

I ran my finger around the lube and began to push at his hole. He continued to stare at each part of what I was doing. "This is my finger," I said tapping it at his hole. "We'll start with this to get you slowly opened and then when I think you're ready, I'll lower you down, put your legs on my shoulders and begin to fuck you. Remember, just stay as relaxed as you can."

"Okay," he nodded as he tried to follow my instructions. My finger gently pushed into him and he instantly clamped around it.

"Relax," I repeated.

"Okay," he said again and unclenched. We had several attempts to get him to breathe and relax at the same time as each push forward with my finger had him clamping down again. His sphincter almost pulled me in as soon as I got past the entrance. I felt around inside the small silky cavern, almost wishing I had a flashlight and a camera so I could see what it looked like in there. He moved and wiggled so much that I had to use my other hand on his chest to keep him steady. Just holding his tight ass cheek was driving me to leak precum all over the bed. I kissed and licked all parts of his ass and the back of his balls a couple times.

I added more lube as I pulled the finger out a bit and pushed back in. He was beginning to moan as the feeling of having something inside him for the first time became more intense. I eventually pulled my finger out and watched his hole close up, and begin to wink in anticipation of more.

Darcy looked back to see what I was doing. "You still okay?" I asked smiling at him.

He nodded with a huge grin. "Way beyond okay. This is epic. Did you pop that cherry thing, yet?"

"It's more a metaphorical cherry popping on a guy," I replied. "But technically you can't claim that you've been popped until you've had a penis in there. Just so you know," I said helpfully. "Be sure to stop me if it gets to be too much. I don't want you to do more than you can handle," I advised.

"I will," he assured me. I returned to his ass and pushed my tongue back into him, tasting the lube. If I had a choice of a tub of ice cream or this ass, I'd take his ass every time. Not as fattening either. I coated a second finger, before slowly and carefully pushing back inside. Normally a virgin would complain about now, but Darcy only moaned louder as both fingers penetrated him. His ass almost did all the work as he wiggled upward to accept me. I felt around to stretch his hole as I went. I rubbed the back of his balls and could feel them pulsating at the stimulation.

"How you doing? Any pain?" I asked as I buried the full length of two fingers into him.

"A little, but I can handle it. I think it's just a bit uncomfortable. I guess I'm not used to something going in there," he panted and then out a big breath of air. "It feels strange, but it doesn't hurt. Uhhh, is it supposed to or something?" He asked without moving his head from his relaxed position.

"Sometimes, but everyone is different depending on how relaxed they are."

"If I were any more relaxed, I might be asleep, but I don't want to miss anything. This might be more incredible than driving."

I pulled my fingers out and ran both hands up his chest to tweak his nipples. "Would you like to keep going?"

"Yes...please...," he said in a breathy whisper.

"You have the most amazing ass," I said as I moved my hands down to grip his cheeks firmly as I sat back to look at him. I watched his cock leaking all over himself, making his level of excitement pretty obvious. I leaned in and licked his balls and shaft again. He gasped and thrust up to meet me. This boy was a natural without even knowing it. "You're doing great."

"What's next? Three fingers?" He asked hypothesizing as to what might be next.

I ran my hand over the small of his back as I worked his hole. "You don't have to try everything in one day. I don't want you to feel pressured to do something you're not ready for," I said as I slowly pushed two fingers back in and turned them around in his hole. He was well lubed up and as horny as any gay boy about to get fucked.

"I promise I'll tell you if I can't handle something. I've been ready since I was 14, I promise," he said trembling slightly, his voice almost cracking.

I took a deep breath and leaned over him to whisper in his ear, making sure I let my cock drag over his ass. "Then if you're ready to lose your virginity, it's time to fuck you," I said as seductively as I could.

He nodded his head. "Please! I promise I'm ready. "I've been ready to lose my virginity since I learned to spell it," he panted as he moved his ass almost eagerly.

"I won't lie to you. I'm bigger than most guys, so this is going to hurt at first. I'll go slow to let you get used to it, but it will ease up once I get going. Just try to hold on, okay?"

"Okay," he said taking a deep breath in anticipation.

I sat back and poured more lube into his opened hole and pulled the cheeks so that some of it could drip right inside him. I coated my erection and gently pulled him back down so he was more comfortable. I took each leg and placed it on my shoulders, and told him to keep them there. I kneeled up to slide my shaft along his ass crack, making sure to tap against his hole as I passed it. Each time I touched it, he shivered in anticipation of the biggest event in his life so far. I pressed the tip against his hole. "Just make sure you tell me if it starts to hurt too much and I'll stop. Don't be a hero just to try an impress me." He nodded, as he lay with his head on the pillow staring up at me with that look that says I don't know what's really about to happen, but I trust you. As soon as the tip of my mushroom head pushed against his sphincter, he began to tremble. I paused my forward movement.

"You're doing great, buddy. This first part is the toughest. Your ass tries to resist like it's a one-way street and we're going the wrong direction. This is the part I need you to relax for. Deep breaths, push your ass out gently, and I'll enter. There will be a bit of a sharp pain as I get in, but it'll pass quickly." I honestly expected him to stop me before the sphincter clamped around the head. He nodded and inhaled deeply. I felt his ass push back and I inched forward. He tensed up almost immediately.

"Just push out."

"Yeah. It starting to hurt," he panted. I pulled back, and poured some more lube into his hole and returned. This time my head slipped past the outer ring, and he moved forward, giving a small `oof' and jumped as he took a deep breath. "Is it in?" He asked as his face showed the strain of the entry. "Did I do it?"

"It's in. That's the worst part of any fuck, but it gets easier each time. I'll just wait for the initial pain to subside before I continue."

"Thanks. God you have a big dick. Can all gay guys take being fucked?"

"Not all, but most will eventually try it. Some prefer to be a top, others can't get enough of being a bottom. There's no rules to it. Want me to keep going, or have you had enough?"

"Just give me a second, but I wanna keep going. Please. I want to really know what it's like." His breathing increased as I began the long...long...slow journey into his tiny chamber. Normally by the time you get a couple inches into someone for the first time, you feel them pull away as they naturally try to resist, or a hand shoots back to your thigh to tell you to slow down. Darcy made no such movement as he lay there being penetrated. I could feel him tense up each time I pushed another inch into him. He had lowered his head and was biting the pillow as I took his virginity. I was so focused on listening for him to tell me to stop, that I almost didn't realize that I was fully inside without a single complaint.

"I'm all the way in, buddy. God, you're perfect. Still okay?"

"Yeah," he said breathlessly. "It hurts but I don't want you to stop. It's like I need to go to the bathroom or something. I can't believe I'm doing it."

"Me either," I admitted. "It takes a truly special skill to handle a cock this size on your first try." I moved a hand to rub his face as I began to gently fuck him. He gripped my cock like someone who had been doing it for years. "This ass is unreal."

I put my hands on either side of him and began to fuck faster, staring into his eyes to watch for that magic moment where pain turns to pleasure and you pass the point of no return. He moaned louder as I began to fuck a little faster, using full strokes as I did it. I almost forgot this was his first time, and really began to give it to him. I felt his ass opening and closing around my penis as I drilled him. "Oh Jesus! This is incredible." I panted as I slammed into him, listening to our bodies slap together as they made contact. I moved more on top of him and leaned in to kiss as I moved in and out. Normally I would just cum and flood his pussy, but I wanted to make sure he remembered his first time as the best he'll ever have. I'm like that American guy. I believe everything is bigger, better, and more fantastic than anything that's happened before, even if there's no evidence to support it, or worse, evidence to disprove it, I don't believe it anyway. Me and sex are like that! I stopped moving leaving myself deep inside.

"Did you finish?" He asked.

"No. I want to just stay connected for a minute before I go for the grand finale. You can move your legs around my back if you want, or run your hands over my ass or body if you want to." He let his legs come off my shoulders and I quickly readjusted my positioning a little so I could really fuck him. Maybe I was showing off a bit, like the best expert that there's ever been in the history of sex! I looked at his body as my cock throbbed inside his amazing little ass. His small perky nipples, his cute innie belly button, and that rock-hard cock and big balls. He was a poster child for the perfect twink. "Damn you're hot. Ready to lose your virginity?"

"I haven't yet?"

Technically he had when he fucked me, but I wanted it to be a moment in time he'd actually remember properly. "Almost. I'm going to cum inside you so that part of me will always be with you, the same as your cum is inside me. Once I'm finished, you'll be all man!" I grinned. I began moving again using my whole weight to slam deep into him. I could see his face contort as I went as deep as I could, but to his credit, he never complained once, and barely blinked as he soaked in every second of his first fuck. I leaned back, grabbed his ankles and held his legs apart so I could see myself inside him. I could see each ab ripple as I entered, and him breathe out as I pulled back. After only a minute in this position, watching myself fuck him, I put his legs back on my shoulders, leaned forward so that my face was right over top of his.

"Here we go, baby. Time to finish! This is the type of fuck normally reserved for power bottoms. Just make sure you let me know if it's too much."

He nodded as I drove my eight and a half inches as far into him as I could, and picked up speed to slam him on each thrust. He cried out and grabbed my ass. I thought he was about to stop me, but instead he thrust up into me. "Oh my god. Fuck! Fuck me!" he cried out. "Fuck me harder!!" He had reached that point in sex where the prostate is stimulated so much that it sends electrical current to the brain to short circuit it. Nothing else mattered to him least not until he reached his climax. I kept going, but repositioned myself so that all my weight was on my hand and toes, and pounded him as hard as you could with gravity at its current levels. I really expected him to make me stop but he just kept crying out for more. I couldn't hold back and finally let myself erupt inside him. As soon as I felt the first couple of jets pulsing hot cum into him, I knelt up, squeezed the base of my cock tight with one hand, and gently pulled out. Normally, I'd just yank it out fast so he could get the rest all over himself, but I didn't want his ass to slam shut and hurt. I aimed my cock at his erection and released the rest of my load. His eyes went wide as he saw it happen. I grabbed his wet cock and furiously jerked him off using the natural lube I'd given him.

"Oh fuck!" He said panting, his eyes giving me that intense look that only comes from a newbie on his first time. "I'm gonna cum," he gasped, barely able to get the words out before he erupted. He didn't have a lot of cum for his third ejaculation of the session, but it was powerful enough that I think he might have actually scared himself with the force of it. His whole body shook violently.

"Yeah! Drain those big balls. Show me that load!" I encouraged. Always best to talk dirty when you're fucking. It just adds a porn star HD quality to the whole thing. "Empty those nuts," I said as I kept stroking, trying to use my pinky finger to press against his tight ball sac as I felt it throbbing. As soon as it didn't appear as if any more was coming out, I shook his cock while squeezing the remaining few drops from him.

Once I thought he was completely finished, I lay beside him. "Now that's a fuck!" I exclaimed as I reached over and played with the small puddle of jizz on his stomach and slipped my finger into his open mouth as he lay there panting. I think I surprised him, which as we all know just encourages me, so I leaned down and licked a bit of the sauce off him, and pressed our lips together. He never closed his eyes as I gave him a quick kiss before going back to do it again. This time he had his mouth open, and tongue partially out in anticipation.

"Did you like that?" I asked as I looked at him.

"I don't even know how to explain it," he said looking emotional. "It was like my whole body exploded at once."

"Welcome to the advanced sex class," I grinned. "Let's roll over so you can lie on top of me for a bit before we go get cleaned up." We switched positions and I wrapped my hand around his back so I could rub it gently, slowly moving down to his ass to massage it. I couldn't help but slip my finger down his crack and push gently into his open hole. He moaned gently as he fused into me. I could feel the wetness of the cum squishing between us.

"That is what awaits you when you let guys know you're available."

"I wish every guy would want to do this," he said quietly. "I guess I'm not a virgin anymore?"

"You guess right. You're no longer a virgin and we have each other's cum inside us to prove it. We lay together for several minutes, each just enjoying the other's warmth. I rubbed his hair and looked at him.

"Nicely done for your first real sex. Let's get you some water and get cleaned up. That was so awesome, dude."

He grinned as I helped him to his feet. We went to the bathroom so he could sip some water and rinse his mouth. Once he was done, he turned to look at me with a massive grin.

"That was insane! We gotta do that again, for sure!!" he said flinging his arms around me in a big hug.

"Glad I could help," I replied returning the hug.

He let go and looked up. "What's next?"

"How about a shower and we'll call it a day. That's probably more than enough."

"Oh. Okay," he said sounding disappointed. "But you're still gonna keep teaching me more things, right? Maybe I could spend a whole day, or maybe a night or something."

"Nothing would be hotter than having you in bed all night, but I doubt either of us would do much sleeping. I've thought about it, and so far it's just been you and me. What we need to work on is get you used to being proud of your body. Are there any boys at your school that you think are cute?"

"Tons. But they're pretty popular. I wouldn't have the nerve to talk to any of them."

"It gets easier. I promise."

"I'm probably just a freak or something, aren't I? Is that why guys don't like me?"

"Stop that! If you let people like you, I PROMISE they're gonna think you're incredible. We're gonna make a law while you're around me, or in his house."

"A law?"

"Yeah. You're not allowed to say negative or self-deprecating about yourself no matter what. You're only allowed to say positive things when referring to yourself, or even bragging things. I recommend you listen to Blake and how he talks. That boy is all ego, all the time. He's just short of being a narcissist."

"I'll try but I'm not really that..."

I made a buzzer noise as I interrupted him. "Strike! Do I have to slap your face every time you say something negative? Or how about I slap the top of your dick each time you talk down about yourself?"

"No. I'll try."

"Good. Let's try. Do you have a nice cock?" I asked as I took hold of it and lifted it up for a better visual.

"Ummm...I guess?" he said looking at me for confirmation.

"Try that again with feeling, almost pride and perhaps some bragging. Do you have a nice cock?"

"Yes, I have a nice cock," he replied.

"Still not convinced. Tell me how great it is. "Make me want it again. Do you have a nice cock?"

He paused and took a deep breath. "Yes, I have a great cock," he replied.

"Better. Still wouldn't make me want it. One more time with feeling or I snap it off," I said as I gently twisted his package.

"Yes, I have an amazing dick. It's so big you'd never get it all in your mouth," he chuckled. "I doubt you could handle something that awesome."

"Nice! Now YOU just have to believe it. Always brag about your dick when asked. Hell, I know guys with four inches that think they're great."

"This is gonna take some getting used to," he said still sounding uncertain of himself. "I mean I'm so short I could give blowjobs without having to kneel."

I laughed. "Okay, that's self-deprecating, but funny. If you can laugh at yourself, it's actually a good thing, but don't overdo it. For now, let's ignore your height. You can't change that until your body is ready, so let's focus on everything else. You workout with karate and you're welcome to use the gym here. Hit the tanning booth to get some colour if you want. You already have a great hairstyle and beautiful facial features, and I'm telling you, the more people that see you naked, the more will want you. The difficult part will be to keep everyone from trying fighting over who gets to have sex with you."

"I don't think that'll be a problem when they see me naked."

I slapped his face and made a buzzer noise. "Wrong! That's negative. Try again. The difficult part will be to keep everyone from trying to have sex with you."

"Ummm, yeah. But I could issue tickets so they could all take a turn?"

"Better," I grinned. "See, it's pretty obvious your brain knows this stuff, you just have to tell it to your mouth and work on making that your first response each time."

"I'll try, but it still feels wrong. I mean if people liked me then wouldn't they want to hang out with me?"

"It's probably a combination of things. If you think people don't like you, then you don't like yourself, and when that happens you sort of send out a negative vibe that keeps people away. They are always drawn to outgoing positive people. Most of this stems from the bullies having gotten into your head about your size and picking on you. We're going to take that away and get you elected president of your school you'll be so popular."

"Yeah, right! Like that's..." I raised my hand to slap his face again. "I meant. And I'll be the best fucking president in the history of the school...of any school!"

"That's the way! Let's get you clean up. First thing, let's drain my cum out of you. I'll show you how to use the bidet to make sure you're really clean."

He watched as I got the temperature right, and used a bit of lube on the nozzle before turning the water off.

"Okay, now with this, you just lower yourself onto it, press the button for about three seconds and then release. Stand up and go sit on the toilet. That'll clean you out properly."

"Do you always have to do that when you get fucked?" Darcy asked looking up at me.

"No, but you should at least sit on the toilet and drain the cum, or the first good fart and you have an underwear full of jizz. Not to mention having it leak down your leg all day. This just makes sure you're really clean. A lot of times guys will do this just before sex to make sure their ass is completely empty so they can take bigger cocks. It's called douching."

"Yeah, I've heard of it. Now I guess I know what it is. What if you don't have a bidet?"

"You can use anything to squirt water into yourself. A bottle, a turkey baster...just don't use it for the turkey after that," I joked. "I'll start the shower. You go ahead and use it and then we can wash the rest of the mess off us."

I went to get the shower started as he lowered himself onto the bidet. He went the full length of the nozzle, almost squirming around to get more of it in. I maybe should have told him that he really only needed to put the first couple inches in, but he looked happy, so I kept quiet. He pushed the button and gave a little yelp as the water flooded into him. Always a surprise feeling the first time. I could see him count to three and release, but he kept sitting there not moving. I grinned as I looked between his legs to see that it had given him another erection. He moved up a bit and then back down, letting out a bit of a sigh as he did it.

I went over to him. "Everything work okay?" I asked.

He nodded.

Once you're done, you can stand up and go drain the water out of your ass in the toilet, or if you're like Blake you can ride the nozzle for a bit. Just move up and down on it while you masturbate," I said reaching out to take hold of his cock. He gasped and moved up again, then back down.

"I'm guessing you enjoy having your ass stimulated huh?" I smiled.

"It feels so good I never want it to end," he said breathing heavily, as his cock returned to its natural state of fully erect. "Your penis in me felt the best though. I never knew it would be that good. This was the best day of my whole life."

"Looks like you're enjoying the bidet though," I said noting his breathing change as he enjoyed being stroked with the nozzle inside him. "Sit all the way down on it." He did it without question and I moved up in front of him. "Open your mouth." He looked up at me and opened up. I slid my cock in and pulled his head forward. I'm sure he could taste the lube on it, but he never said a word as he worked on it. "Now just ride the bidet and suck me off. Play with my ass and balls. Slip a finger in me if you want. Jerk off, or do whatever makes you crazy horny." This was his moment to take control. He bounced on the bidet while trying to do everything I told him. I just kept one hand on his head while the other played with his nipples. I took the opportunity to fondle my own balls and without warning, I came in his mouth. I mean I didn't have a lot, but enough to surprise him. He pulled back and coughed a little as his eyes watered.

"Sorry," he said. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Figured I'd surprised you. Now how about you get off that thing and let's get you emptied." I helped him up, reminding him to clench his ass as soon as the nozzle left him. I almost heard the official complaint being filed in his head. I had him sit on the toilet and told him to let everything out, while I used one of the antiseptic wipes to clean the nozzle in preparation for the next person.

He let the water and cum drain out of him and then the inevitable happened, he gave a loud fart releasing the built-up pressure from his ass and a bit of poop. He looked horrified.

"I couldn't help it," he apologized as he reached back and flushed. "I've never sat on a toilet with someone watching before."

"No need to apologize. A good fart is healthy. You should do it all the time. The water loosens everything, so other things happen too. Now you know where the saying comes from...shit happens! Don't worry about it. I mean I was just inside you, so that's a lot more personal, don't you think?"

"I guess," he said as he kept sitting while trying to use toilet paper discreetly, then flushed again before standing back up. I took him over to the shower and washed both of us. By the time I was done, he was so hard that his cock was throbbing again. I turned him to face me as I took hold of it.

"That might never go back down again," I joked.

"It won't. I'm gonna dream of this for the rest of my life. Could I come over tomorrow?"

"Pace yourself buddy. I know this is all new and exciting, but our goal isn't just to screw your brains out, it's for you to gain more confidence and work on making your entire life better, from bullies to being gay."

"And short. Don't forget that. I'm still short."

"That one will fix itself when your body is ready. But even short people can stand tall with confidence."

"Is that like a Confucius saying?"

"It's a Justin saying," I smirked as I washed his hair, just for the fun of doing it. It's not like he needed it. "What did you like about what we did today?"

"All of it was great! I think I like being fucked more than fucking, but I liked both. I definitely think kissing is wicked fun," he admitted.

"See, you're already getting a sexual identity."

Darcy laughed. "It can be my superhero alter ego. Boner man!"

"Careful. If you take off your clothes and someone recognizes you in your boner man outfit, they may tease you for it. You know superheroes are supposed to wear spandex tights, not be naked.

"I don't think spandex is a good look for boner man! It'll show off too much," he grinned.

"As opposed to being naked?"

"Okay, I'll have to work on that."

I leaned in to kiss him again and we took our time under the warm water. Part of me wanted to fuck him again, but I needed him to process what had happened today. We finished showering and dried off, and went to sit back on the bed as we continued our talk. "How about another deal?"

"Cool, I like your deals. They're fun and scary at the same time," he admitted.

"I'll give you three things to do and once you've done them all, I'll take you out to our island for a long weekend. We can be naked and have sex the entire time as your reward.

"You have an island? Like a secret spot?"

"More like we own it. We call it Bare Island."

"Will we have to watch out for them when we're there?"


"The bears?" He asked seriously.

"Other type of bare," I replied with a smirk.

"Oh, right. I should have figured that out. That would be the best weekend of my whole life. Would we camp?"

"We have a cabin, but if you wanted to spend a night in a tent, I'd be more than happy to take one along. There's a swimming hole with a rope swing and plenty of space to explore, all while leaving our clothes on the boat."

"And have sex outdoors?" He asked sounding a little nervous, but more excited.

"Of course."

"What three things do I have to do?"

"First, the next few times you come over, you leave your clothes at the door and stay naked, no matter who is home."

"What if I'm here to do karate with Blake? Won't he think it's a little strange if all of a sudden I'm just naked while we train?"

"Agreed. In that case, if you go swimming, say you'd like to try the skinny dipping that he suggested. He'll find that normal. Otherwise, if you're here hanging out, no clothes at all. It's time for you to let people see you."

"Whew. Okay, I can try, I think. What else do I have to do?"

"Once you're comfortable with the first one, then I'm going to take you and introduce you to a whole lot of gay boys so you can practice talking to them. At some point during that trip, I'll get you naked and maybe blow you in front of them."


"Don't worry, I won't tell them you're gay. Just that you're curious and trying things out. I'll also do it when it's appropriate, which will probably mean when you get horny from seeing some of them going at each other, which will almost certainly happen."

"You want me to have sex in front of other guys? That might be a bit advanced."

"It might, but you won't know if you don't try. For something like that, you focus just on me, and blank out everything around you."

"Wow. That's way tougher than the first one. And three?"

"The toughest one. I want you to tell Blake you're gay."

"I can't!" he said almost panicking. "You promised I'd never have to until I was ready."

"And I meant it. You can take as long as you want to tell anyone. I didn't say we'd have to go to the island next weekend. Let me finish. I've told you before that Blake would be the easiest to come out to as you can trust him. You would finally have a friend around your age that you could tell anything to and have each other's backs. It's a huge step, but I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't think you were ready to handle it. The confidence it gives you will be overwhelmingly empowering."

"If I did tell him, could you be there?"

"I could, but it would have a much bigger impact if you did it when it was just the two of you, and the timing felt right."

"Shit. I really wanted to do that island thing. Those are three pretty big things."

"Big challenge for big reward."

"If I can't do them, will you still teach me more sex stuff?"

"Yes, but we can't be going at it every day. That's only part of what we need to work on, but I'd love you to challenge yourself. I want you to be the amazing and outgoing person I know you are. Promise me that you'll at least think about it."

"I will. I promise."

"Good. Now let's get dressed and get you home."

I let him drive back to his place and he thanked me for the awesome day and promised he'd think about what I'd asked him. You can't really push for more than that.

The next day it was all about Blake. I mean everyday is all about Blake lately, but this was about his new friend, Sienna. They arrived home after school, having used the car service. No buses for this kid when he has a car on speed dial. Is speed dial still a thing? Maybe we should change that saying to `he had a car on Siri'.

"I'm home!" He yelled. I'm never sure if it's a greeting or a warning, so I choose not to ask. "I just wanna know who left birds in charge of the world?"


"Think about it. They get to crap all over the sidewalks and no one does anything. If a dog does it, we have to clean up after them, and geez, if I do it, all hell would break loose. So, duh! Obviously birds are in charge."

"Well, that goes without saying," I agreed.

"Oh, this is Sienna," he said introducing the girl that was with him. "Sienna, this is one of my Dads, Justin."

"Nice to meet you, sir," she replied politely. "Okay, I like her. Finally, someone normal to keep Blake under control."

"Please no sir stuff. You can call me Justin. What homework are you doing?" I asked making small talk as Blake got them both a pop, and grabbed a couple bags of munchies to take with them.

"Math," she replied. "Blake's good at it, so I figured we could work together."

"We'll be in my room, Justin," he grinned.

"You can call me Dad, smart ass," I replied trying to be all parental around the new friend. Might as well start this off properly. "And make sure you leave your door open." I've seen that advice on TV shows when boy brings a girl home, so I think you're supposed to use it more than I do. I've never really seen it suggested when a boy brings a boy home. I guess no one wants to hear two boys grunting as they go at it.

"Yeah right, Dad! Why? Wanna take pictures or something?" Blake joked back as they grabbed their backpacks and headed upstairs to his room.

I checked on them once, and I was almost shocked to see that his door WAS actually partially open. I mean not all the way, but enough that to prove he had listened. I'm so getting the hang of this parenting thing. By the time I get Colin pregnant, or he gets me pregnant...we haven't worked that out yet, I'll totally be ready for kid number two. I draw the line at breast feeding though. Well, unless it's a cute boy sucking on my tits. A baby, no thanks. That's creepy. From what I heard in Blake's room they were actually studying. I was impressed. I quietly headed back downstairs so that he wouldn't know I'd checked up on him, and was surfing the internet checking out anything that was currently going viral. I haven't figured out how to block all the crazy shit coming out of American politics, but I did manage to totally blacklist Fox news. That seemed to fuel a lot of the crazy. I hope America comes back to the rest of the world sometime soon. I know I tease them a lot, but I kind miss the responsible superpower it used to be, not the batshit crazy, constantly lying and unpredictable one, it is now. I'm not looking forward to having to learn Chinese if they don't, although I do think a lot of Asian boys are pretty hot, so there's that at least.

After another hour, the two finally emerged from their studying, and I heard them come down the stairs. I turned to acknowledge them, and tried not to show my surprise. They were both wearing matching black boxer briefs, and only boxer briefs. Apparently Blake's. Sienna was one of those girls that could pull off the look with surprising sexiness.

"We're just taking a break from homework," Blake explained. "My brain is turning to goop."

Goop? What the fuck is goop, exactly? I guess that shouldn't be my first thought in a situation like this.

"I hope it's okay that I'm not wearing a shirt," Sienna said quickly before I responded to them verbally. "I think it's only fair that if boys can go shirtless, girls should be able to as well."

"I have no problem with that thinking at all. You're free to be as comfortable as you want. Those boxers are a good look on you."

"Thanks. They're Blake's. He thought we might look good as twins."

"Well the twin thing is working for you. Blake, when are getting boobs that nice? I doubt you'd even need a bra with them."

"I don't wear a bra," she replied. "I figure that's just sexist. I only wear one during sports and stuff, but otherwise I don't think I need one."

"Good for you."

"Yeah, you should see how crazy it makes all the boys, especially when she wears a tight shirt. Kinda like when I wear my tight shirt and you can see my nipple ring," Blake announced. "We're going to the pool if you need us."

They headed off and I just shook my head. And here I thought she was a girl that might be able to calm Blake down a notch. Instead, he's got her into his underwear...literally. Damn that kid is fast. From study buddy to getting her naked in just over an hour. Impressive. Would I be able to brag about that when parents get together for some school event, and all talk about their kids? They resurfaced wrapped in towels about 20 minutes later, looking as innocent as when they went down, which isn't really saying much. Blake asked if I'd be able to drive Sienna home which I was more than happy to do. When we got to her house, he was even the perfect gentleman and walked her to her front door where he gave her a little kiss as you might expect from a first date. A first date that so far had gotten her into wearing his boxers and being shirtless.

When he got back in the car, he was grinning pretty hard. "She seems like a nice girl," I said to make small talk.

"She's totally woke."

"I see that. Not a lot of girls are comfortable walking around shirtless."

"It's more popular now," Blake said nodding slightly. "Girls like being equal to boys."

"And so they should be. I just hope you wore a condom."

"Oh my god, Justin. We're just friends, perv!" Blake said grinning. "She doesn't fuck on the first date. She's old fashioned like that. All we did was make out a little and check each other out naked so we'd know if we can get along. She sat on my face so I could check out her pussy, while she gave me a blowjob, but we didn't have sex. God!"

It's tough on an outgoing boy like Blake when you get those old-fashioned girls like that, I thought to myself without commenting.

"Sienna said that if girls fuck on the first date they get reputations at school for being sluts and she doesn't want boys to think she's like that. We're planning on hanging out on the weekend, so we'll probably have sex then to see if we totally like each other though. No point in being super god friends if we don't get along in everything."

"Makes sense. Those old-fashioned girls have to maintain their standards, after all," I said sarcastically.

"Exactly!" He nodded.

"Well make sure if you do go all the way with her, that you wear a condom."

"We're not gonna go anywhere. We'll probably just do it in my room. It's okay though, she's on the pill. Plus, it feels way better without a condom."

"True, but what have I told you about bagging it before putting it in a girl. Birth control isn't 100% effective."

"Dad! We're environmentally conscious. Less packaging. You don't wanna wrap something this great up in plastic. It'd be a travesty."

"Travesty or not, wrap it or lose it! As for being environmentally conscious, which is a lesser footprint, one condom, or three years worth of diapers in a landfill somewhere?"

"Okay, I get it. Rubber or rubber baby buggy bumpers," he giggled. "But don't you think she's hot?"

"She seems like a nice girl," I agreed. "She's almost the female version of you."

"I know, right! We're perfect together. She says I'm way more outgoing than other boys my age, and she totally loves how big my cock is."

"Well I'd agree with that. You are outgoing. Are you thinking that you'd like her as a girlfriend?"

"She's not into labels. Like me. We're just together in whatever way we need. Just two souls living the dream."

"Oh brother. What did I tell you about smoking pot?" I joked as I pushed him on the shoulder.

"What? I like her. She likes me. Only makes sense we'd have sex. That's what friends do ya know. This isn't the 1980's Dad. We're more woke now."

"Obvy," I said trying to sound cool. "Does this mean you're back to girls now?"

"I'm into people, Dad. People. Sienna's fine if we chill out with others. She'll introduce me to her friends. I'll introduce her to mine, and we'll see who connects with who. That's how it is now. It's not like the olden days when YOU went to school and you had to pick a boyfriend or a girlfriend and then get married."

"First...ouch! Olden days? Harsh."

He laughed. "It's okay. You're still way more frosty than 90% of the other parents of my friends."


"No harshness!" he nodded.

"Speaking of friends, how are you and Darcy getting along?"

"He's nice. I'm gonna invite him to sleepover next weekend, as I think he'd like that. It's okay if I invite him over isn't it?"

"Of course, but like I said, just take it easy with Darcy. All joking aside, he's still pretty self-conscious and doesn't have the access to experiences that you have."

"Don't worry. I know he doesn't have a ton of friends, so I'll be careful. We might just watch porn and jerk off so it isn't too weird for him. Every guy does that, so it'll be something he's used to. He's pretty straight, so maybe I'll introduce him to Sienna. That might help him talk to girls."

"That would be interesting," I replied. Really interesting. I'd like to be a fly on the wall for that meeting. Blake thinking Darcy was straight trying to hook him up with Sienna. Sienna wanting to screw either of them, and Darcy wanting Blake. What could possibly go wrong? "I think inviting Darcy for a sleepover would be nice. Maybe not the porn and jerking off, but I'm sure he'd like to be invited over."

"I invited him to stay when he was at my party, but he said no. I could invite a couple other guys to join us and keep it PG...or 14A, since we're 14, at the most an R. Maybe the next day we could go fishing or something."

"If I could suggest just one thing. If you invite him to sleepover, maybe just invite him. If he's not used to having friends, then it's possible he might feel left out when you have other guys around that you know so much better. Ease him into your other friends after you've spent time by yourselves."

"That's good advice. But you forgot one thing."

"Which is?"

"That he's straight. I would be able to `ease him into' my other friends," he said laughing.

"Funny, but you know what I meant."

"Yeah. Hey, you might be okay at this shrink shit after all."

"Thanks. I'll put that review on my website. `Good at this shit', should be my company slogan. At least I have lots of ability to practice with you as a son."

"That's the truth. Lit! But for the record, I said `okay at this shit', not good. Just so you aren't misquoting me to boost your likes."

We got home and found Kyle and Chance in the kitchen having something to eat. Blake went up to them and suddenly yelled at me. "Dad, call 911!"

"What? Why?" I asked as Kyle and Chance both stopped eating to stare at him.

"We have poachers!" He cried out. I think we all simultaneously looked out the window.

"Where?" I asked.

"Right there!" He said pointing at the plates in front of the guys. "They poached their eggs," he giggled and then broke out into hysterical laughter. It was infectious and began all of us laughing.

"Would you like something to eat?" I asked.

"Sure. I'd be in the mood for a filet mignon with lobster Thermador and a nice glass of Cabernet," he said as he pulled off his shirt.

"One omelette and a glass of milk coming up. What do you want in it?" I smirked.

"Whatever. Cheese, green peppers, bacon. Nothing in the milk please, just straight up," he replied as he took the rest of his clothes off for no apparent reason.

I got the stuff out to make the omelette, and was almost ready to start when I heard Kyle say, "What're you doing?" I turned to see who he was asking, and found Blake had spun Kyle around and pulled his shirt off.

"Having something before dinner," Blake chuckled as he furiously worked on getting Kyle's pants to his ankles. Chance just sat there entertained as he watched them, and then looked over at me. I just shrugged.

"Can I help you with something?" Kyle asked amused.

"Nah, I'm good," he smirked as he bent over and went down on him. Kyle put his hand on Blake's head and couldn't help but respond to the blowjob. I mean he is my kid, so he's an expert at it. Once he was satisfied that he had achieved the required erection, he grabbed lube from his pants and put some on both of them. Then in a move worthy of a circus performer, he put one foot on each of the cross bars of the stool and straddled himself over Kyle, standing almost upright. His cock was right in line with Kyle's face, and if it hadn't been for the fact that Kyle was probably amused by what Blake was doing, he might have leaned in to suck it. Blake had other ideas. He grabbed Kyle's erection, lifted it up and quickly lowered himself onto it, going all the way down on him in one thrust.

"Mmmmmm, that feels good!" he sighed. "My ass needed that. I haven't been boned in a while."

He bounced up and down, getting more vocal and intense with each thrust. Kyle had his hand around Blake's waist to ensure he didn't fall backward and snap his dick off in the process. He wasn't doing anything except sitting there watching, like we all were.

"Oh yeah. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum!!" Blake yelled loudly.

"Stand up!" Kyle barked at him. He did as he was told and the cock flew out of his ass. Kyle took Blake into his mouth and shoved a thumb up his ass to continue stimulating the prostate. Blake erupted, and as soon as he was done, he sat back down letting Kyle's cock rest against his ass as he got his breathing back under control.

"You want me to finish you off?" He asked looking down as the tip of Kyle's dick was visible between them.

"I'm good for now, but Chance is gonna benefit later."

"Whew! Thanks Kyle. I needed that. You want me to ride you, Chance? Dad?"

"I'm good for now thanks," I replied as I returned to prepare his omelette.

"I'm good too," Chance laughed. "But dude, that was fuckin' hot. Next time you're in that mood again, I'd totally be up for a ride like that."

"Don't encourage him." I announced.

"There's enough of me for both of you," Blake responded as he leaned in and hugged Kyle as he got himself back under control. "I'm glad you guys are woke."

"Me too buddy, me too," Kyle said hugging him back.

And just like that, the spontaneous sex was over as Blake got back into his clothes, and sat down to wait for his food. He told them about Sienna and how great she was.

"How'd you meet her?" Chance asked.

"I was talking to a group of people who were asking about my new look, so I explained the summer I'd had. Three girls even asked if I wanted to go on a date with them sometime. I told them I wasn't really looking for that right now, and that I was trying to only hang out with people who enjoy being naked. I think some thought I was joking, and one girl called me a pervert."

"I'll bet. I'm guessing Sienna wasn't one of those."

"Nah. She's cool."

"So why the naked rule?" Chance inquired curiously.

"Best way to figure out if they like you or not. Some just want to hang around to try and be cool by association. Others just think because I'm rich, I'll buy them stuff. I'm gonna make sure that all my friends are good friends."

"And that requires them to be naked?" He asked, probably as confused as I was about the logic behind it, but it seems his rules had morphed since the last time he mentioned it. At least now they didn't appear required to have sex with him to be considered a friend.

"Like we learned in the jungle. Nudity is normal. I've been saying that ever since I was a kid. Now it's time for my friends to learn it. They get naked, or they go find someone else to be friends with that's all nervous and shy about everything. I don't want to be like that when I hang out with people. One girl asked if I'd ever even seen a girl's boobs when she was trying to call me out on the naked thing, so I told her about all the girls I'd been with this summer. She slapped my face and called me a pig."


"Nah, not really. She slapped like a girl," he chuckled. "One offered to show me her boobs if I'd prove I really wasn't shy and show her my dick. I told her that I'd seen lots of boobs and I wasn't interested in hers."

"Let me guess. You got slapped again?" Colin asked.

"Almost, but I blocked her with a karate move. Most of the girls left after that, but the boys stuck around and Sienna did too. Sienna told us her philo...philo-sofy...

"Philosophy," Kyle added.

"Yeah, that. About how she thought it was unfair that boys got to go shirtless and girls didn't. She said she went shirtless whenever she could. I think every boy looked at her chest when she said it. I told her I agreed with her, so she said we should hang out sometime. Since she's in a couple of my classes, we agreed to do homework together."

"Are you going to date Sienna?"

"We talked about it, but neither of us are into that right now. I told her I'd probably miss sucking dick or being fucked, and that I liked screwing without a condom as it felt better. She said she couldn't help with the dick thing, but I could totally do her without a condom as she was on the pill. She said she'd be fine if I wanted another boy to join in with us, as long as I would be cool if there were times when she invited another girl. She's super woke."

"Sounds like it."

"I remembered that girls like romantic stuff and enjoy compliments, so told her that I really liked her boobs. I mean she does have really awesome ones. I dunno whether I want to date a boy or girl right now. I like lots of different things. Too bad I couldn't build my own friend with all the parts."

Kyle laughed. "If only that were a thing. You know what I think, Blake. I think you might be pansexual."

"That's what she said," he grinned.

"Wow, and not even a joke in there," I laughed.

"I'm serious though. You seem to just like people and don't care whether they're male or female. That's the definition of pansexual. You're simply attracted to who you're attracted to."

"Yeah, that sounds like me. We talked about lots of stuff like that." He ran off to finish homework while Kyle and Chance stayed and talked to me while I finished eating.

"There's no way he's only 14," Chance commented at one point. "Maybe they got it wrong when they first brought him to you. I'd say he's an easy 20. I sure as hell don't remember being like that at 14."

"Me neither," I admitted. "Apparently Jason was, but I was a couple years behind him in that area. I guess I made up for it."

"I'll say," Kyle grinned. "You and Blake are definitely related."

The next day seemed to start out pretty normal. Everyone was at school, things were routine, and I had homework at the end of it. Colin had come home early and we'd had dinner together. Blake was at drama practice, or the junior Q, or diving, or karate, or whatever it was today, so the house was reasonably peaceful. It didn't last.

"I'M HOME!" Blake yelled loudly shattering the peace as he slammed the front door and quickly got out of his clothes throwing them on the stairs, leaving himself in his jockstrap underwear, before running to the kitchen. I watched him in amusement as he seemed slightly giddy. You could already see he'd been up to something. He flopped down beside me, partially spilling his drink on his chest. "Ooopsie."

"Oopsie?" I asked looking at him. "Blake, are you high?"

"Hi, Dad!" He grinned looking up at me. I leaned over to sniff him and he reeked of weed. I lifted his head and looked at his eyes. They were definitely bloodshot.


"Dad?" He giggled.

"Come on. Details."

"I thought you were gonna say `spill!'," he giggled again. "I already did that." He drank the remaining contents and put the empty glass on the floor. "Ahhh! I needed that. I was at drama today after school. It's so... dramatic," he said waving his hands in the air. "Dustin was there too, so I went over to his place afterward and met his friend, Gavin. He's pretty cool. He said they were gonna smoke weed and asked if I did it. I didn't wanna be rude, so I told him I'd never, but I'd be okay if they did."

"Very considerate of you," I acknowledged as he spun and put his head on my lap and swung his feet over the end of the couch.

"I know," he nodded.

"So, they smoked and you joined in?" I asked looking for more details.

"No. They smoked, but I never smoked. They played a game where they took the joint and then blew the smoke in the other person's mouth to make it disappear. It looked cool, so I tried taking the smoke to make it disappear, but I never touched the joint. I swear."

"Just inhaling the second-hand smoke can get you stoned too. Like you are now. It's probably not a good idea for you to be over there when they're smoking pot, okay?"

"I'm not stoned, Dad. I didn't even touch the joint. I swear!"

"Trust me buddy, you're stoned."

"You're nice and warm," he said as he cuddled into me slightly, still lying on his back. I rubbed his head still wishing the hair would grow back faster, and he closed his eyes. The next thing I knew he was asleep. Go figure. I leaned down and kissed Blake's forehead and watched him sleep. If he starts working out at the gym, he'll be hotter than Colin, and that's a pretty tall order right there. He slept for about an hour, and while he was napping, I just played some games on my phone. When he awoke, he complained that his mouth was dry, so he ran to get some water and then disappeared. I checked on him later and he was fast asleep on top of his bed. I grinned to myself that maybe we'd finally found a way to slow him down if we ever needed to. Not that I'd get him stoned, but then rules around here have a way of morphing pretty fast if you're not paying attention.

In the morning at breakfast, Colin and I had `the talk' with him about pot. I mean it's not like it's a problem or anything, since pot is legal anyway, but he needed to know more than he obviously did. We informed him about second hand smoke and how it affected his mind, as well as reminded him that a lot of his friends were older, and that they'd have marijuana more readily available than he would.

"That's not true Dad. I mean if I really wanted to smoke pot, I could just go into the hedge maze and get the stuff there. I don't really like the smell of it. I think I like being me and not crazy when I'm stoned or anything. Same as alcohol. It tastes gross and I have a headache afterward."

Neither of us bothered to ask when he'd been drunk, but discussed it with him. We also made sure that he knew that if ever was drunk or stoned that he was to call any of us to come get him, so we could ensure he got back safely. Colin told him the story of when he was a kid and came home drunk and stoned, and how he'd been grounded for the entire summer.

Blake laughed when he heard of Colin losing his bike, walking home naked and then getting covered in oil. "You musta been shit faced, huh?"

"More than I knew. I thought I was fine, until I fell in the oil and it took my brother hours to clean me up," Colin admitted. "So promise me, if you get into any type of trouble, no matter what it is, you'll call us."

"I promise," he said as he gave both of us hugs. "I'm sorry I got stoned. I thought you had to inhale the joint. I didn't know you could get messed up from just the smoke in the air."

"Now you know," Colin replied.

"Now I know," Blake grinned. "Ummm, if I go over and hang out with Gavin again, and he's stoned and wants to have sex with me, is that still okay though?"

"I think big decisions like that should happen when neither of you are stoned, or intoxicated," Colin suggested.

"Okay. I dunno if he'd wanna have sex as he's straight, but just thought I'd ask so I know the answer if he asks. Good talk, guys." We finished breakfast and it was off to school for him.

I regularly checked my phone to see if Colleen had gotten back to us with information on Jimmy, or John, whatever we were gonna call him, but so far there had been no word. I was trying to be patient, and she did say it could take a couple months to investigate properly and be sure they had the right information, but we were nearing that threshold, and I wanted to do something, so I texted Layne. Maybe I could do some investigating on my own. I could be Dr. Justin, Private Eye Undercovers. (Nope, not a spelling error).

Layne quickly replied and said he was free after school followed by so many emojis that historians would spend years trying to figure out the context of that reply. I arranged to meet him, despite not knowing my exact plan, except to search for information that could move this along. We've learned that once child services get involved, they follow the book, and the kids usually were the ones to get hit right smack in the face with the rules, but sometimes you just have to burn the book and get on with it.

I arrived at Layne's school and he met me surrounded by a few of his friends. "Guys, this is a friend of mine, Justin. Justin, these are the guys," Layne said giving his official introduction.

"Wicked cool car!" One of them exclaimed. "Maserati. I've never seen one in chrome before."

"It was a present. My brothers each have one too," I told him as he ran his fingers over it. What's the point in polishing the damn thing if some kid is just gonna put his sticky fingerprints on it?

I opened the door so they could take a look inside, and once they were done, Layne told the guys he had to go and he'd see them tomorrow. He jumped in the passenger seat and gave me a big hug as if we were lifelong friends. "It was awesome that you texted," he gushed. "I've thought about you a lot since we were up at the cabin."

"Me too," I admitted, although we might have been having slightly different thoughts. "I've been busy or I'd have gotten hold of you sooner. We took off for some vacation and then the whole getting back to school thing. Last time was a bit of an extreme way to meet."

"It's all good. But it was fun, right? Are we gonna have sex again?"

"Wow, right to it, huh?" I grinned. "I like that. I'm guessing you're horny?"

"Dude. I've been in school all day surrounded by breeders spewing testosterone. I usually have to rush home and beat off before I can even concentrate enough to get to my homework."

"Surprised your Uncle isn't helping you with that."

"Nah, he sucks at homework," Layne joked. "Plus, I go to my house before I go over to Uncle Steve's. That's where I can get some privacy, or take boys home when I meet them. If I take them to Steve's place, he usually finds a way to barge in on us."

"I can see that."

"So, you wanna go over to my place? Or did you wanna go do something else instead?"

"No, we can hang at your place for a bit," I said as that worked into my plan very well. Scope out the living sitch, and go through drawers and cupboards looking for clues, like they do in all spy movies. "Just tell me where to go."

We took off and weaved through the streets until we got to his house. A well-kept place, nothing elaborate, but a decent home in the suburbs. We headed in and he dumped his backpack; and like all boys, headed straight for the fridge to get something eat and drink, offering me some as well. I took a Sprite before we went into the family room.

"Should we get naked?" Layne asked almost immediately. "You're gonna fuck me, right?"

"Only if you fuck me as well," I replied. "But I'd love to know more about you. Maybe show me around a bit."

"Cool. I don't get to do the fucking a lot. Uncle Steve kinda likes to fuck me just before bed. He says blasting your load gives you a better night's sleep."

"I know I'm always exhausted once I've dumped a load," I agreed.

"Yeah, me too. Mostly he waits until Jimmy has gone to bed, but occasionally he lets the kid watch for `educational' purposes. He says it's a teachable moment."

"And your parents have no idea you're having this much sex?"

"God, no! They'd freak out big time. They think being gay is like the worst sin on the planet and that sex is only for after marriage. Some religious bullshit, so I don't say anything, and Jimmy won't either. He knows that he would be sent away if he got caught doing anything. We run around naked at Steve's, but if my parents ever saw us do that at home, we'd be grounded for months and given a lecture on how inappropriate nudity is. They don't even like us naked in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure if they had their way we'd shower in clothes," he laughed.

"That could be handy. Laundry and showering at the same time. You and Jimmy are pretty close, huh?"

"Yeah. It's cool having a little brother. I always wanted one, and he's like the best. He loves hanging out and learning stuff from me. I mean sometime he can be a pain, like when my friends are over, but they mostly like him too."

"Does he ever barge in on you when you're here with friends fooling around?"

"Nah. Uncle Steve picks him up from school, and they go back to his place when he's looking after us. That ensures I have this place to myself. Like my own house. When my parents are home, I'd never bring a friend here and fool around with him...if he were that kind of friend. I have to leave my door open when people are over. If I want to have sex when my parents are home, I usually go to Uncle Steve's and try to time it so he's not home, or let him join in. Whichever works."

"Sounds like you have it all figured out."

"Mostly, but I want a real boyfriend one day. Someone that is just for me. Do you have one?"

"I do. In fact, I actually married my boyfriend, and we adopted a kid."

"Really!" he said sitting up excitedly. "That's woke! That's what I want one day. A family and a husband, but it'd mean giving up my parents to do it, so I'm not sure I could ever do that."

"One day, you'll figure it out. There's no rush. You'd be surprised how parents can adapt when one of their kids is gay and they actually have to face it head on."

"Nah. You've never met my folks. They clearly said if I ended up being gay, they'd disown me and make me move out."

"Some parents may say that in the heat of the moment to scare you into being straight, but when faced with the reality of it, they may change their mind. But I don't know anything about your parents so don't take any of my advice on it as you know them better than anyone."

"Oh, trust me, I'd be gone. A kid at our church came out at 14 and his parents threw him out. Now he's a foster kid, just like Jimmy."

"Sick bastards. It makes my fucking blood boil when parents could do that to a kid. I'd never do that to Blake, or any other kid."

"Blake's your kid?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"How old is he?"

"Just turned 14."

Layne looked at me and frowned. "He's 14? But aren't you like a teenager?"

"Thanks for that! But I'm actually 22."

"Not really old enough to have a 14-year-old kid though. Did you get some girl pregnant when you were 7?" He chuckled.

"He came to us similar to the way Jimmy came to you. As a foster kid who was having trouble in the system. After that we just ended up adopting him when they couldn't find any living relatives."

"My parents plan on adopting Jimmy someday too."

"How would you feel if some relative showed up and claimed him, and he had to leave?" I asked testing the water.

"I'd be super bummed `cause he's my brother and I'd totally miss him, but I guess I'd have to be happy for him since he'd be with his real relatives and stuff. I'd just hope that they'd let me visit and still be his big brother."

"That's a good way to look at it." I really wanted to tell Layne what was going on so I wasn't lying to him, but until we had more information, it wasn't worth shaking up everyone's world. "Now, are you gonna play host and show me around?"

He stood up grinning. "I can do that. But we're gonna end in my bedroom."

"I'm counting on it," I smirked. He showed me everything from the basement and back yard, to the bathrooms and beyond. We entered Jimmy's room and it looked like a typical 10-year old's room. Messy and all boy. "Did Jimmy have anything with him when he moved in with you. What was that, like three years ago?" I asked, turning on my investigator skills. Call me Snoopy McGay.

"Yeah about that. He didn't have much. Just some clothes and a couple toys," I think. He pretty much outgrew his clothes. He had tons of scratches and bruises at first, but they all went away pretty fast once he got here. About the only thing left is his stuffed animal. He still sleeps with it sometimes."

"Most kids do as a security blanket, or like something familiar."

"Yeah, it stays on his bed at whatever house we're in. It's like this ratty old Polar bear, but he won't let anyone throw it out."

My whole body went cold. "Polar bear?" It was just another piece of the puzzle that clicked. I pulled out my phone and went back to the early pictures we had of Blake. "Does it look something like this?" I asked as I showed him the picture of Blake holding his.

He nodded. "Exactly like that. Is that your kid?"

"Yeah, that's Blake when he was 10, almost 11. That's just after he first arrived with us."

"Funny that they both have the same bear. Maybe the foster people give the kids the bears to make them feel more comfortable."

"I never thought of that. It's possible." I actually never HAD thought of that. I just figured that Blake had always had it.

"Blake looks a lot like Jimmy. Do you have more pictures?"

"Thousands. Blake loves being the center of attention."

"Sounds like Jimmy. Maybe all foster kids are like that to get attention or they get forgotten," he reasoned. "Let's go to my room and you can show me more pictures." We crossed the hall and entered his room. Again, a typical teenager's room. Messy, but more mature than Jimmy's. The first thing I noticed is that he had a lot of movie posters and some art work.

"Those are some great movies," I said looking around.

"Yeah. I wanted some pictures of bands and sports guys, but I'm not allowed. My parents say that you while you can appreciate the skill or talent of someone, you should never idolize them, and a poster would be considered idolizing."

"Wow, they really are strict, huh?"

"Too strict. I'm not even allowed to have a computer or my phone in my room in case I'm doing `the devils' work' up here. Try jerking off with parents like that. I have to do it in the shower super fast in case they start timing my showers and come in to check."


"Yeah. They'd have a meltdown if they knew what Uncle Steve let us do."

"I'm sure!" I agreed, thinking he might just be slightly understating it. We sat on his bed, and I showed him more pictures of Blake.

"He looks a lot like you too," Layne noticed, especially in the shots where it was just the two of us.

"He kinda is. We found out he was technically my cousin after we did some investigation. Turned out I was his real family after all."

"Wow. That's so cool," Layne admitted. "I'd love to find out that Jimmy was actually related. Then we'd be real brothers."

"I think you're real brothers anyway. Even if not by blood, then by the bond that you've created. No one could take that away from you, even if he has another family out there somewhere."

I showed Layne some current pictures of Blake now that he was 14.

"Holy shit! That dude is smokin' hot! Is he gay?"

"According to Blake, he's unlabelled. His longest relationship was with a boy two years older than he was, and he was pretty upset when that ended. Now I think he's just looking for someone that he clicks with, boy or girl."

"I like him already. Ummm... would you ever let me have sex with him?"

"That's really not up to me. That's up to Blake, but I wouldn't stop him if he liked you."

"Wicked! Would it be wrong to ask if he has a penis as big as yours?"

"It wouldn't be wrong..." I laughed.

"But you're not gonna tell me."

"Right. That, you'd have to ask him."

Layne nodded. "What happened in this picture? Are those real piercings?" He asked showing Blake as a tribal warrior in his loin cloth, slightly muddy and with his bow, arrows, and spear. I explained the trip to the Amazon as Layne thumbed through some of those pictures. "I'd love to take a trip like that!" He remarked, then giggled slightly. "He has a cute butt," he remarked showing me the one of Blake from behind.

Fortunately, any of the ones showing him completely naked we'd taken off the phone and stored separately on a drive. I mean they weren't sexual, they just could be misinterpreted if we lost our phones at any point, and it wouldn't be cool to have Blake fully nude on the internet. I'm guessing he'll do that all by himself when he turns 18, unless he's super famous and decides that it might not be a good idea. Time will tell.

"Like I said, he likes to show off," I nodded. Layne quickly flipped through more and I think he was disappointed that he didn't find any of Blake without the loin cloth, although a few were close, like the ones in the lake where he was naked, but was hidden enough that we could show the picture.

"I'd love to meet him."

"I'm sure he'd enjoy that. You should come over for a swim sometime," I offered.

"You have a pool?"

"Yep. It's one of the favorite places in the house. That and the hot tub."

"Do you go in naked?" He asked as he adjusted his crotch slightly.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I teased.

"Yeah! I would. I really would!" he laughed. "If I came over, I'd have to behave huh? You probably wouldn't be able to have sex with me or anything, right?"

"Wrong. We're pretty open in our house. If you want sex, you just go for it. We don't really care."

"But wouldn't your husband care?"

"He'd probably think you were cute and join in," I smirked.

"Wicked. Would Blake join in?"

I think we all know the answer to that, but it wasn't my place to speak for Blake. Speak for Colin and everyone else, sure. Blake, not so much. He can get his own guys or girls. "You'd have to ask him," I replied to the question.

"So now that you got me super horny showing me Blake and telling me about how open you guys are...wanna fuck me?" He asked jumping up and taking off his shirt.

"Yes, I definitely do!" I replied as I stood up and grabbed him. "But first we're gonna make out."

We kissed each other and undressed slowly before moving to the bed. I took my time with him, as I'm pretty sure from what I could tell, most of his sex was rough. We played for quite a while before I gently entered and fucked him as we kissed again. He was hard the entire time. I mean he's 16, it doesn't take much to raise the flag at that age. I didn't cum in him as I wanted to make it last, and when we switched places so he could be on top, I think he really enjoyed that, as he came really fast. He apologized for it, but explained that he didn't get to top much as most people just liked fucking him instead.

"Well, you're welcome to fuck me anytime you want. It's always nice to practice so you know what you're doing for when you get a boyfriend."

"That would be nice. I'm not sure how I could though. At this house I'd never be allowed to let on that he was a boyfriend, and at Uncle Steve's he'd probably want to join in. I might have to wait until I move out and get my own place."

"That seems like you'd be putting your life on hold. Do people at school know you're gay?"

"Some do. I think my best friend, as we've done stuff together. Not like sex, only things like jerking off or teasing each other about boners, or seeing who can cum first. We tried blowjobs, but more as dares."

"That's pretty normal. Are you afraid of coming out?"

"Kinda. I mean I'd never say anything to my friends who go to our church in case they told their parents, and then my parents found out. I think it's just easier this way. I mean Uncle Steve knows lots of boys, and most of his friends are gay, so it's not like I don't get to have sex."

I grinned. "But it's always nice to have someone that's just there for you and that you can be open with."

"I'd like that but I'm not sure it would work out that easily. Six months of the year I'm at my parent's house and the other six I'm with Uncle Steve. I mean not six months in a row, but at random. Having a boyfriend might be super stressful on both of us."

"I can see that, but if you find someone that you think is the one, you shouldn't let the opportunity pass you by. I mean look at this situation. You and I are here having sex. Think it through. Tell your Uncle that a boyfriend is just a friend and have sex here. Tell your parents that he's a study buddy when you're living at home, and have sex at his house or out in the woods or places like that. I mean it's not a lie, exactly. It's just omissions of the fine details."

Layne grinned. "I'd have to find someone first."

"What type of guys do you like?"

"Guys like you," he replied quickly with a big grin wrapping his legs over mine and cuddled against me. "Mostly around my own age, or slightly older, and fun to hang out with. Not sure what other criteria I'd need. I think we'd have to have some hobbies that we both liked so we could have fun together, and not just be about sex."

"That's always important," I agreed.

"I hate to end this, but I have to get over to my Uncle's place, so I should get going," he said looking at his alarm clock.

"I can drive you over if you want. Does he live far?"

"No, like ten minutes, so pretty close. You don't have to drive me. I can walk over easy enough."

"I don't mind driving you."

He giggled. "I know! Or did you mean driving in the car?"


He rolled on top of me and kissed me some more. I felt his dick begin to inflated again as it was sandwiched between us. "I thought you had to be going," I smiled as we stopped kissing for a second.

"If you're driving me, then we have like ten more minutes now," he grinned. I rolled my eyes and figured why not. I spread my legs slightly and raised them up as I reached for his erection and slipped it back into my ass. He fucked me gently before announcing that he was cumming again. "Okay, now we really have to be going," he said as he pulled out. "We should clean up first."

"Probably a good idea," I said as he rolled off and we headed across to the bathroom where he started the shower. "I should dump the cum out first."

"Yeah good idea," he said looking at me. "Oh...did you want privacy for that?"

"I don't have a problem with someone being in here. It just usually just kills the sexual mood if you end up pooping at the same time. "Jump in the shower and I'll be right there," I replied as nicely as I could. He climbed in behind the curtain and I quickly sat on the toilet and pushed his juice out of me. There were just some mild air farts as it left me, and I was relieved. I stood up and was about to flush, but since I didn't know how that would affect his shower, I decided to just put the seat down for now. I'd flush after the shower. I climbed in and we helped each other wash our asses. I think he wanted to fool around again, but he was pressed for time, so we finished up and dressed before heading to the car.

"That was fun. I'm glad you texted me," he said as we drove to his Uncle's house.

"I agree. You're pretty fun to hang out with too."

He pointed out his house and we pulled up outside. "You wanna come in. I know Jimmy would love to see you."

"Is your Uncle home? I'm not sure he'd appreciate me being here."

"He's home `cause he looks after Jimmy. It's okay though, he won't care if you come in. Lots of boys come over. You can see my bedroom. It's almost the same as my other one except there's a bathroom attached to this one."

"Always convenient."

I reluctantly went into the house, mainly because I wanted to see Jimmy again, and maybe try to find more out about him. I'm sure they're not gonna appreciate this spy mission once they know why I'm doing it.

"Hi Uncle Steve. We're home," Layne announced as we entered and slowly made our way to their family room. "You remember Justin."

Steve and Jimmy were lying on couch curled up together playing a video game. Steve in clothes. Jimmy in his Spongebob underwear.

"Well, well, well..." Steve grinned as he looked up. "Looks like someone brought dinner home."

I knew this was a bad idea. Jimmy paused their game, and jumped up to run over and give me a hug. This time it felt different. I wonder how excited he'll be to see me in the future when he knows who I really am. "Wanna play Nintendo with me?" Then he looked at Layne. "What did you bring home for dinner?" He asked looking at Layne's empty hands.

"I think he means me," I said with a little smile.

Jimmy looked at me next. "What did you bring home for dinner then?"

"He meant Justin is dinner," Layne explained.

"Huh? You can't eat a person silly."

"Never mind. It was a joke."

"It's a pretty dumb joke," Jimmy said as he took me by the hand and we moved further into the room. "What game you want?"

"You pick," I said not sure what game he had or even if I should be staying.

Steve sat up. "You two are friends now?"

"We just bumped into each other, and I thought he might like to come over and hang out for a bit," Layne replied quickly.

"Jimmy, you get the game set up. Boys, why don't you get down to your underwear. It's warm in here," Steve told us.

We did as requested, (although it was probably more of an order if I'm being honest), and lay down on the floor with Jimmy between us looking thrilled to have us around to play with him. We played a couple of games as Steve sat on the couch watching. Layne was good, but he made a few mistakes to give his little brother a chance. It was nice to see without being so obvious that Jimmy picked up on it.

"Mmhhmmm...nice," Steve moaned from behind us. "Such a beautiful sight seeing you boys like that. Only one thing could make it more perfect." He slid off the couch and got down behind me, feeling my ass cheeks through my underwear. He moaned as he did it, before pushing his hands around my hips to lower the waistband, ensuring my dick didn't get caught, then pulled them completely off my legs and tossed them aside. His rough hands returned to my ass cheeks, one at a time, like I was getting a massage. He stretched them open several times to look right into my hole. He moved over to do the same thing to Layne. Jimmy insisted he be next so he wasn't left out. Steve sat back on the couch once we were all naked, and I looked back to see him remove his clothes and stroke his erection as he stared at each of us.

"Now that's as perfect a sight as you can get. Three hot little butts to look at."

Jimmy giggled. "He means asses," he explained.

While the three of us were playing one game, Steve had begun the next one. He moved off the couch and pulled my legs open so he could sit between them. It took less time than you could blink before he buried his face into my hole and began licking and probing my ass with his long tongue. I couldn't help but get hard as his scratchy face was adding extra sensations. He worked on me for a good several minutes while I tried to ignore him and play the video game. I think I gave away my excitement when he reached between my legs and found me completely hard.

"I knew you'd like that. Probably as much as you enjoy a good hard dicking," he said as he stroked me while lifting my ass up to his face. If he kept doing it, I was gonna cum all over their carpet. Fortunately, he gave me a bit of a break. Jimmy had been watching, and as soon as Steve sat upright, he quickly threw his leg open putting them over both Layne and me and pushed his ass up in the air.

"Me next! Uncle Steve," he grinned as he wiggled his bum.

"I dunno Jimmy, all that giggling you do at being tickled," Steve teased as he patted Jimmy on the ass before tickling his sides. Jimmy giggled and squealed.

"That's almost as bad as when you tickle his feet," Layne remarked.

He wasn't kidding; it was like trying to hold a kite down in a hurricane. Steve stopped to let Jimmy catch his breath before holding him and going again. You could tell from the way Jimmy squirmed, giggled and warned that it was tickling too much, that he might pee himself. Steve slapped him on the ass, and moved over to rim Layne next.

"Now I've got all of you excited, time to play a little harder," he grinned as he moved back between my legs. This time he rubbed his cock up and down my ass crack instead of burying his face in it.

Jimmy sat up and looked over. "Are you gonna put your penis inside his bum?"

"I will if you run and grab the lube and a box of tissues," Steve replied to him. Jimmy jumped up, with his pre-pubescent boner pointing to the sky, and raced out of the room, returning less than a minute later with the items. He sat and watched as his Uncle pushed his cock deep inside and fucked me. "Such a great ass," Steve said as he shoved his hands under my arms and interlaced them behind my head to hold me down. He pounded me like he hadn't fucked in months. He kept going at full speed before suddenly pulling out and slapping me hard on the ass. Jimmy giggled a little, and put his small hand on my ass pulling on it gently.

"Did you put your white stuff in him?" Jimmy asked.

"No. I'm saving that for your brother," Steve told him. "Alright Layne. Flip over so I can see your face as you get bred."

"Do I have to go get the bread?" Jimmy asked looking confused.

We all laughed. "No, getting bred means you get a load of cum in you," Steve told him bluntly.


Steve shoved a couple pillows under Layne's back, and fucked him just as hard as he'd done me while we watched. He must have been right on the verge on cumming, as he didn't last long before he quickly pulled out and sprayed his seed all over Layne's chest and stomach. Steve sat back and wiped himself dry with the towel he had nearby.

"Wow, Uncle Steve, you made a lot of white stuff this time," Jimmy exclaimed as he moved closer to look at it.

"That's because you boys get me all excited. The more excited you are, the more you make," he replied to the youngest of us. "Go ahead and rub it into Layne's skin. It's good for him."

Jimmy wasted no time putting both his hands in the creamy mess to rub it all over his big brother. He seemed to take his job seriously as he got it as many places as he could including Layne's penis and testicles. Once he was done, Layne rolled over onto his stomach. Jimmy giggled again, and leapt on top of his brother and began humping him.

"Jesus, Jimmy, what did I tell you about that?" Steve said as he grabbed the young boy by his legs and lifted him up so that he was now just humping the air. His small boner still extremely hard.

"Come on!" Jimmy complained as he kept lying on top of Layne and looked back. "Put me down Uncle Steve. I'm old enough and I've seen you guys do it lots. I gotta get ready for when my balls do the dropping thing and I can make that white stuff too."

"Sorry," Layne said looking back at his Uncle. "He likes lying on me and humping me when his penis is hard. It's not like it's sex or anything, he's not big enough yet."

"Alright, show me what you got little man," he said lowered the 10-year-old back down so that his cocklet was at Layne's ass. Jimmy wasted no time moving up and down as he enjoyed his newly found freedom. I'm not sure if what he was doing could be considered fucking as I doubted his penis was in anything, but who knows. I guess if he wanted to brag, he could technically say he knew about sex. "He does have a cute ass, that's for sure," Steve said leaning back with a smile as he watched Jimmy entertain himself. Parents could save a lot of money on video games if they just let their kids play together more. I mean think how many hours Jimmy would spend with Layne if he were allowed to do this whenever he wanted instead of some Mario game.

When Jimmy was done, which seemed to include a lot of giggling, fast humping, and asking his brother how he liked it, Layne took me and showed me his room, while Jimmy and Steve curled up on the couch to continue their video game. Layne was right about his bedroom, it was similar to the other room at his parent's house, but only in the fact it was as messy. This room had pictures of boy bands, sports figures and hot guys. Not done so you'd instantly think gay boy, but nice enough that he had visual stimulation for sure. If he had friends over, they wouldn't even notice anything out of the ordinary. He also had a computer on the desk, which wasn't allowed at the other house. It was like he led two polar opposite lives.

"Does your Uncle play with you guys like that all the time?" I inquired.

"No. I think he was just letting Jimmy show off a bit. The most he's ever really taught Jimmy is how to masturbate. I think that started almost as soon as Jimmy moved in with us. He got a boner while we were giving him a bath, so Steve showed him how to play with it, and he's never stopped since. By the time he hits puberty he's gonna be an addict."

"Does your Uncle fuck all your friends that come over?" I asked as I sat on his bed.

"No," he laughed. "Mostly he brings home his own boys and I get to play with them, not the other way around. He lets me have my normal friends. I usually announce when I'm home if I have someone with me. That way if Steve is naked or fucking a boy, he can warn me."

"You have a lot more freedom here, huh."

"A lot!" He laughed as he got on his knees in front of me and began to suck my cock. I just leaned back to let him. I mean if he likes it, why not let him have fun? The bedroom door burst open and Jimmy rushed in.

"I knew you guys were playing sexy games in here!" He beamed as he sat down next to me to watch.

"Jimmy! What's the rule about barging into my room?"

"Don't?" he replied as he put his hand on my thigh.

"And?..." Layne asked as he paused the blowjob.

"I'm already in, so can I watch?" He replied logically. "You wanna come see my room next?" he asked looking up at me with those big green eyes that I now knew were the family trademark.

"I'd love to."

"Great!" He said, excitedly jumping up and taking hold of my hand to pull me up.

"Ummm, I'm in the middle of something here, bro," Layne said sitting back staring at him. All three of us with erections.

"You're always in the middle of something. He's my friend too, Layne," he complained as he pulled me with him. I smiled and followed him to his room with Layne tagging along behind. Once in the room, I almost immediately saw the polar bear on his bed. It was identical to the one Blake had. I think I believed Layne that they probably gave them to all the kids in the system as a form of comfort. Jimmy's room was almost identical to the one at the other house with pretty much the same décor, and layout. I guess at that age you have a specific taste. I didn't see a lot of difference between the two rooms, unlike Layne's rooms. He showed me as much of his stuff as he could pack into one visit, and the sexual things between Layne and I were soon behind us. I made a point of looking at as much as I could, but there were no real clues to anything. He did show me some pictures of friends, but they all seemed pretty recent, so it's not like I could take them and use them to find out more of his past. I finally said I should be going and promised Layne we'd get together again.

"Like when?" He asked hopefully.

"Text me and we'll plan something." All three of us headed back downstairs, and I got back into my clothes. Steve was still naked, and stood up as we arrived in the living room. He grabbed Layne's ass, and I could see from the way he moved that he had pushed a finger in.

"You boys fuck?"

"No. We just showed him my room," Jimmy giggled as he stood there.

"I meant the other two," Steve laughed rubbing Jimmy's hair.

"Oh," he said grinning at us. "No, they were just playing suck the penis."

"I was until someone barged in and interrupted," Layne complained. "I might even have got fucked if someone could follow the rules." Jimmy stuck his tongue out at Layne.

"Next time perhaps," Steve said as he walked us to the door. I said my goodbye's and left. Before I got home, I got a text from Layne saying he'd had fun, and a few more emojis to prove his point. We then arranged to meet tomorrow so he could come over.

The next day I picked him up and took him back to the house. "Oh, I should tell you that Blake won't be home. I forgot he had drama club after school today," I said after Layne got in the car.

"That's okay. I hoped to meet him, but it'll be just as fun to see your house. Are you gonna let me swim in the pool?"

"If you want to, sure."


"Is there any other way?"

He gave me a big grin and put his hand on my thigh as we drove off. As we got in the house, J.P. was in the kitchen sitting at the island having a sandwich, he turned to say hi and smiled as he saw Layne. Layne stopped and stared at J.P. and then at me. Yes, the usual double look. "Wow, you guys really do look alike."

"Identical triplets," I grinned. "Wait until we're naked. You'll need a name tag to figure out who is who."

"I'd like the naked part," Layne said almost licking his lips. We approached J.P. and I introduced Layne.

"Damn, where'd you find him? You're really cute," J.P. said acknowledging Layne.

"Thanks. You're pretty hot too! You look exactly like a friend of mine," Layne joked with a big smile. "Justin says you guys like to fool around together with others. Would you both maybe wanna fuck me?"

J.P. raised his eyebrows a couple times. "I can see why Justin brought you home. You're another version of him. Come over here and turn around. Show me that ass first. Let's see if it's worth it."

Layne wasted no time bouncing over to J.P. and turning around. He quickly unfastened his pants and shoved the back of them down, lifting up his shirt.

"Fuck yeah! That's sweet," J.P. said as he took hold of it. "How old are you?"

"16. I'll be 17 soon though," he added.

"Oh yeah, when will that be?"

"On my next birthday," Layne answered, stating the obvious.

J.P. laughed as he squeezed Layne's ass and ran a hand up his back under his shirt. "Makes sense. When is that?"

"Oh, in 10 months," Layne said as he bent slightly forward and pulled an ass cheek open.

"In other words, you just turned 16."

"More or less," Layne said backing up slightly.

"That is one hot looking ass. Such a cute pink hole. You been fucked before?"

"Yeah, I love being fucked. I would really like it if I could play with both of you."

"You fuck him Justin?" J.P. asked looking at me. I'm assuming he was being rhetorical. Why would I hand a cute boy to J.P. before I tried him out myself? He does know who I am right?

"Of course. Trust me, he's worth a couple hours," I replied as I stepped in front of Layne and pulled his shirt off over his head.

"Then let's fuck!" J.P. grinned. "Turn around and show me the package."

Layne stood up and dropped his shorts to his ankles and kicked them off to let J.P. see everything. The boy was already hard and standing up proudly. J.P took hold and pulled him right up to his chair.

"Tight balls. Good size. Nice cut cock. Yeah, you're doable!"

Layne grinned. "Thanks. Are you and Justin really identical?"

"Right down to the eight and a half inches between our legs," J.P. remarked as he fondled Layne and felt his ass.

"I like your house already," Layne grinned as he moved closer to J.P.

"Thought you might," I nodded as I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him to his knees. He wasted no time unfastening J.P.'s pants to pull them down and begin licking his cock. I mean there may be only one Layne but since I was on the shoulder, it felt like he was a freeway. Ha! Layne...shoulder...get it? I wonder how many more of these I can come up with? "Let's finish stripping him and you can check out just how identical we are," I suggested as I reached over him and pulled off my brother's shirt, while Layne worked on getting J.P.'s pants all the way off. As he did that, I stripped so that I was just as naked as they were. I like a boy who wastes no time getting to sex. No pretending that he's not here for this. Would this make him the fast Layne? See, there's gotta be tons of these puns. I hope once we open him up and really fuck his ass, he stays nice and tight. I'd hate to come out of my Layne while I'm driving him! Zing! Okay, one more. If J.P. is fucking him and I slide in for double penetration, will I technically be merging into the fast Layne?

I came back to focus on what we were doing. I wasn't ready to go into the back Layne just yet. "Before we get started, let's show you around a little," I suggested. Trying to get him off J.P.'s cock was like trying to get metal of an industrial strength magnet. We all headed downstairs with both J.P. and I taking turns rubbing Layne's ass. I think he loved the attention, and he sure never went soft at all as we toured the house. Like all excited horny boys before him, we ended up in the foam room and fucked the hell out of him repeatedly until we were exhausted, and went out to hit the pool to freshen up.

"I can't believe I had sex with twins."

"And I can't believe how sweet your ass tasted," J.P. exclaimed. "You're one hot little fuck. I hope we'll be seeing a lot more of you around here."

"Count on it. If I'm allowed to come over that is," he added not wanting to be to presumptuous.

"You're allowed anytime you want," I said quickly. "But you've set the bar pretty high. You won't ever get to wear clothes around here again."

"Sound perfect to me," Layne grinned. "I think it's cool that you guys are so identical. Even the arm tattoos. How can I tell you apart?"

"I'm better at sex," we both replied simultaneously.

"That clears that up. Basically, you're saying that I can't tell you apart and that I should just do both of you each time so that no one gets jealous. Got it."

"Are you sure you're only 16?" J.P. grinned. "You have the skills of someone a lot older."

"I've been doing this a while. I love sex. Thanks for letting me play with you guys. Now I can cross twins off my list," Layne grinned.

"Well, don't cross it off too fast. Remember, we're triplets. You still have one more of us to do," J.P. told him. "What's your favorite thing to do sexually?"

"I dunno, I kinda like it all. I like being peed on. That's pretty hot. Especially when a few guys do it at once."

"You like watersports?" J.P. asked surprised.

"Love it. I have this fantasy that I'm getting spit roast and the two guys start to piss inside me from both ends. It makes me so hard thinking about it that I almost cum without touching myself. Now that I know you guys, it would be so hot if you were into doing that. Spit roast by twins who pee in me, and a third who does it all over my back...fuck I'd bust my load so fast I might pass out."

"I'm sure we could arrange that," I said with a big grin. "Right, J.P.?"

"Definitely. Maybe we'll get a group of guys around to watch, and they can pee all over you when we're finished with you," he suggested. I mean we weren't that into watersports, but a kinky fantasy is always fun if the guy is into it as much as Layne appeared to be. I think he's gonna get his wish sooner than he thinks now that he's told us about it.

"Fuck that would be hot," Layne said as he sat up on the side of the hot tub showing us just how excited he was at the idea.

"I wish I could do it right now, but I have to get going, or I'll be late. Ummm, would you be able to drive me home, Justin?"

"Of course. I wouldn't fuck you and then just make you leave. Well, I might, but you'd be naked."

Layne laughed. "That could be fun!" We got dressed and I took him over to his Uncle's house. This time I wasn't stupid enough to go inside. He thanked me again and said he looked forward to next time.

I repeated J.P.'s comment that he could come over anytime. I should watch what I say.

End of Chapter.

For updates on when new chapters or stories are posted, follow on Twitter @outinwest. I don't post much except for the updates.

Remember, the only way to watch what you're saying is to look in the mirror...just making an observation. More to follow and comments are welcome at

Next: Chapter 177

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