The Society Boys

By Dave

Published on Mar 1, 2012


The Society Boys By Connor Matthews

Chapter 52 - Troy

The weekend had finally arrived and I took Kyle downtown for dinner on Friday night.

"Justin, look at that guy over there. He looks my age and I think he's homeless," said Kyle pointing to a really cute kid sitting against a building asking strangers for change as they went by. He had dirty matted shoulder length hair, filthy clothes that were badly in need of an incinerator, and he seemed to have everything he owned in a dirty duffle bag that he was sitting on. Yet, he seemed happy as he was smiling at everyone, even those who wouldn't give him the time of day. We had seen lots of homeless guys in the city, but none this young.

As we walked towards him, Kyle dug around in his pockets to find some money.

"Hi guys, do you have any spare change so I can get something to eat?" he said to us with a big smile. He had beautiful grey eyes and facial features that would make models jealous. Kyle handed him five bucks.

"We're just heading for dinner if you want to join us. That way you can keep your money for another day," I offered. He looked us up and down and I guess he figured we looked okay so he stood up and threw his duffle bag over his shoulder.

"Sure, Thanks. I haven't eaten in two days," he said. "I'm Troy."

Kyle and I introduced ourselves and went to Earl's restaurant. The waiter looked at us and I thought he might actually comment about Troy, but he chose to seat us in the back corner instead. In my mind I applauded his decision as I was in no mood to fight him. Troy made a point of sitting on the one side of the booth tucking his duffle bag into the corner beside him. I noticed that he put his foot through the strap before he sat down, which I guess made sure that no one could grab it and run.

"This place is pretty nice. I've never been in a real restaurant before."

"Well make sure you order whatever you want," I told him. "The waiter will be here in a minute."

He just looked at us again and stared back and forth between Kyle and me as if trying to figure us out. "So you guys' boyfriends or something?"

"Or something," said Kyle quickly as he put his hand on my leg out of Troy's sight.

"Thought so."

Our waiter came up and asked if he could get us something to drink. "Just water is okay," said Troy politely.

"No, seriously dude order whatever you want. Do you want a pop or something?" I asked him.

"I like Coke," he said looking at me as if he was scared to ask for it directly.

"So, one Coke and I'll have iced tea." Kyle ordered Orange soda. The waiter took off and we opened our menu to have a look. Troy stared at us and then copied what we were doing.

"Wow, this stuff is expensive. We can get four meals for the price of this if we go to McDonald's."

"True, but we wanted a nice dinner tonight. So what's your favorite food?"

"Big Mac," he said, causing Kyle to grin.

"Me too!" agreed Kyle as he raised his a fist towards Troy who backed up quickly as if he was about to be hit. "Sorry, was just going for a fist bump. Just tap it back." Troy formed a fist and tapped Kyle's.

We reviewed the menu and I decided on the half chicken dinner with a Caesar salad. Kyle wanted a steak and potato skins. "You have to pay for the skins off a potato?" asked our street boy in disbelief.

"Well, they come with stuff on it. I'll share mine with you."

"Troy, what would you like for dinner?" I asked after he'd looked for a bit.

"Maybe a hamburger."

"You can get a hamburger any day. Why not have something different?"

"I've always wanted to try a steak," he said quietly.

"Alright, steak it is," I said grinning and we closed our menus. The waiter came back with our drinks and asked what we would like.

"Steak," grinned Troy as if he were ordering a solid gold ring.

"What type of steak?"

Troy looked at me confused. "New York." I told him.

"And how would you like it done?"

"Ummm. Like a hamburger?" he said just as politely but it caused Kyle to laugh. I kicked him under the table.

"Medium well," I told the waiter. I figured he wouldn't like rare or anything with blood if all he'd known was hamburgers. Kyle and I ordered our meals and the waiter took off.

We talked to Troy for a bit and found that he was 16 and had been on the streets for two years. I asked why he wasn't in a group home or in foster care and he said he didn't want to be as they weren't nice to him at all. I asked where he lived.

"I have a really cool place under the bridge if I get there early enough at night. I can see the whole of the False Creek area from there," he said proudly.

"You live under a bridge?" asked Kyle in disbelief.

"Yep. I have it set up really comfortable. If it gets cold out, I have lots of clothes to stay warm with." I was horrified to learn that this cute young guy was living like that.

"But don't you have like a real bed somewhere?" asked Kyle really paying attention to Troy's story.

"Nope. Never actually had one. My mom and I lived in a van for a while, but she slept on the mattress we had and I slept on the floor. But then she got sick and died when I was 12. They put me in a foster home but I kept going back to the van to sleep until someone towed it away. I was in lots of homes, but I ran away at 14 and have been living on my own ever since." He didn't say it as a sad story, or anything he was ashamed of, just a statement of fact. Kyle quizzed him more and seemed genuinely shocked each time he learned more.

"How do you shower?"

"I don't really shower, but when I need it, I get up before the sun comes up and get washed in English Bay. I can usually strip and get cleaned up before anyone sees me. If I need to wash clothes I can do it there too, but I don't do it very often because it takes too long to get everything dried and I have to wait with it or someone will take my stuff."

"You really get cleaned up in the bay?"

"When I need to do my whole body, sure. Otherwise I just use bathrooms and stuff. Sometimes a nice guy will let me clean up at his house too, but that's pretty rare."

"Well, tonight, I think you should come over to our place and you can take a shower, or a bath and we can even throw your clothes in the washing machine to get them all cleaned up for you."

"My clothes are ok. I washed most of them yesterday. Would I be able to get back to the bridge by 9? Otherwise I have to sleep out in the open and I don't really feel safe there sometimes."

"No problem. But if you want a bed, you're welcome to stay with us for the night."

He shrugged and looked at us again. "I could I guess, but I don't get fucked okay?" My head snapped up to stare at him as he looked at us.

"I'm not asking you back for sex, if that's what you're thinking. Sure, we're gay but no strings attached. You just seem like a great guy." I said trying to reassure him that sex wasn't our intention. "Plus Kyle has a boyfriend and so do I."

The waiter appeared with our appetizers and placed them in front of us as Troy continued to talk. "Oh, ok. I'm pretty good at sucking cock if you wanted that, but I am not really into other stuff." The eyes on the waiter almost shot out of his eyes, as did Kyle's. I went a bit red and thanked the waiter for our food. He took Troy's empty glass and returned a few minutes later with another one.

"I didn't order that," he said quietly.

"It's okay, they give free refills here too." I explained as the waiter looked as if he'd made a mistake. Troy just shrugged. Kyle shared his potato skins with Troy and I shared my Caesar with Kyle.

A little while later our meal arrived and that was an experience. He almost burnt his hands on the plate as he turned it so the steak was close to him. The waiter asked what he would like on his baked potato and he put everything on it. He even took all the bacon bits which seemed to shock the server. I grinned as I had always wanted to do that every time they brought me bacon bits, but never did. Troy had no such reservations.

I had just started to cut into my steak when both Kyle and I froze as Troy picked up his steak with his fingers and went to eat it like it was indeed a Big Mac. "Uh, Troy, You should use your knife and fork buddy." He looked at us like a caveman being told to put down the wildebeest. He dropped it and grabbed the fork in his hand like a spear and stabbed it into the centre of the steak and raised the whole thing back to his mouth to continue eating. Close enough, I thought, and cut into my chicken.

Then Troy must have found a part of his steak that he didn't like, as he turned and spit it out onto the floor.

"Troy!" I said quickly. "If you don't like something just use your napkin.

"Oh, sorry." He unwrapped his potato from the foil and lifted it to eat it like a sandwich. I let that go, but there was sour cream, chives and bacon bits squishing out from it everywhere. Kyle had stopped eating to watch the show going on in front of him. He turned to look at me frowning. I just gave him a look to tell him to ignore it.

We finished dinner with only a few small incidents where Troy used his napkin to spit any unwanted food into, and then emptied the napkin onto the floor beneath the table. He smiled at us as if he were proud of having remembered the napkin. My heart was breaking for this guy. He and Kyle had a gallon of ice cream and sherbet. At least they were a lot alike in this area. As the dinner progressed we noticed that Troy definitely had a street odor about him but it wasn't unpleasant, just noticeable.

I paid the bill and didn't bother to let anyone know the price of it as I thought that might be a bit disrespectful. He grabbed his bag and we walked back to the truck. Kyle jumped in the driver's seat and Troy got in the back seat. We got to the house and I told Kyle to leave the truck in the driveway. The last thing I needed to do was open the garage door and let him see the other vehicles. That wouldn't be cool.

Once we got in the house, Troy seemed overwhelmed. "How many people live here?" He asked.

"Three," I answered.

"Three people in this whole house. Wow!" Kyle told him he could leave his stuff at the door and he would show him around.

"I'm ok. I don't mind carrying it." He said cautiously. Kyle showed him around and I let the boys get better acquainted.

"I can't believe you guys have a pool and two hot tubs." If you had some soap, I could probably have a good bath in there."

"Kyle, why don't you take Troy up to the bathroom and let him take a shower."

The boys went upstairs and it was a few minutes later when Kyle returned. "He didn't want me to take his bag to wash his stuff, but he stripped in front of me and he's really cute. He does kinda stink though."

"I guess that's just part of living on the street," I told him.

"That could have been me, you know, if you and Colin hadn't taken me in to live with you." He said a little sadly and hugged me tight. Life can just be a twist of fate and opportunities. Some end up like Kyle, others end up like Troy. But one thing I did notice, both boys seemed happy despite their opposite circumstances.

"KYLE!" yelled Troy from the bathroom. Kyle flew up the stairs to see what was needed. I smiled. At least the young guy was bonding with a new friend and Kyle genuinely seemed to like helping. I felt good inside.

It was almost 20 minutes before they both came down; Troy still carrying his bag. Kyle had given him a robe and although his hair was still matted, he looked a lot better and a hell of a lot cuter. "Kyle, would you run and get the brush from the bathroom. I'll see if I can help Troy get these knots out."

Troy sat down beside me on the couch and Kyle ran off to get the brush. Troy had very light hair on his legs and in any other circumstance, I would have wanted this boy naked and in my bed. I could see through the partially open robe that he had a nice hairless chest with great definition. Kyle returned with the brush and I asked Troy to sit on the floor and I'd try to get the hair unmatted. It was badly tangled and I almost broke the brush as I worked on it. He complained a few times, but let me continue until I was done. His shoulder length hair was a beautiful light blond and fell across his eyes making him look that much more adorable.

"Troy, how about if we wash some of your clothes. It should take about an hour and a half. We can also wash the bag too." He looked at the clock on the wall. "I think that might be a little too late. I really need to get home by 9pm, or someone else will take my spot."

"Would you do us a favor and stay here tonight. We'd love your company and you can leave in the morning with clean clothes and I'll make sure you have breakfast and some money to get meals tomorrow too." He looked at both of us again and thought about it. He shrugged.

"Okay, but if you want to have sex or anything, just remember, I don't fuck okay."

"Troy, you may be one of the cutest guys I seen in a while...except for maybe Kyle here," I grinned "But we really didn't invite you here for sex. That isn't why we wanted to get to know you. You see like a happy guy who was just a bit down on his luck, but honestly, if you get uncomfortable at any time, just say the word and we'll drive you back downtown. He seemed to relax.

"Okay, I guess I can hang out for a while."

"Cool. Thanks. Now can we go wash some of those clothes for you?" I stood up and he followed me to the laundry room. Kyle joined us, probably out of curiosity more than anything else. When we got into the room, Troy sat on the floor cross legged causing his robe to open allowing me to see his penis, which was every bit as beautiful the rest of him. He was cut and had a thick light brown pubic bush. He also had naturally hairy balls as expected. He seemed un-phased that he was basically naked as he opened his pack and sorted out his clothes. He placed the well-used and ratty clothing on the floor and then carefully put his other belongings aside. All he had was a toothbrush, cassette player and tape, and a few pictures. Like his clothes, his toothbrush had seen better days. Kyle was about to say something and I just shook my head at him. He closed his mouth.

I opened the front of the washing machine and he threw everything in. I convinced his to throw the bag in too which he did very reluctantly; once he made sure it was completely empty.

"While it's washing we can hit the hot tub. Kyle can find you a pair of shorts to wear."

"I don't really want to leave my stuff. I'm okay in here. I can just listen to my tape."

I sat down with him. "Troy, I know that in your world, you don't leave your stuff, but I promise you that everything will be here when it's finished washing. There's only Kyle and I here and no one will take anything. Plus we can't even open the washing machine while it's working. The door is locked." He looked like we were asking him to donate a kidney, or remove an arm.

He looked at the washing machine and the clothes going around in the bubbles. Then he looked at us. He stood up and slowly moved out of the room, bringing his other possessions with him. We went out to the pool deck. "Kyle, why don't you run and get shorts?"

He had barely left to run upstairs and Troy dipped his toe into the Jacuzzi as I turned it on. "That's pretty hot."

"You get used to it." Troy dropped his robe and sat down naked on the side of the tub dipping his feet into the water. He smiled at the feeling of it. No modesty with this boy. He sat there waving his feet back and forth and I was definitely going to need shorts, or my claim of not wanting to have sex with him was going to look like a lie with my hard cock pointing out in front of me. I was glad we showered him first though, or the pool would need draining afterwards. Kyle bounced out to the pool deck and stopped when he saw Troy naked. He smiled and handed me a pair of shorts. Kyle being Kyle, he stripped and sat beside his new friend, both just as naked. He made sure Troy could have a look at him if he wanted to before he lowered himself into the warm water. Troy followed his lead but slowly, as the warm water worked up his body. He sank in up to his neck. I had got myself back under control got in the water naked with them.

Troy looked in heaven and Kyle talked about random stuff, like his favorite music, where he liked to hang out and things like that. The boys were really getting along well. "Kyle, even though Troy is a couple inches taller than us, I think we all have pretty similar builds, why don't you take him upstairs and let him pick some clothes out of the closets. I think he needs some new stuff. No disrespect Troy, but some of those socks and underwear, really need to be thrown out. I think they've served their purpose, but that's totally up to you. We have new socks that would be way better for your feet than those with holes in them. Plus we have new toothbrushes upstairs that we keep for guests. You should take a couple of them and anything else you need."

"I can't take your stuff," he said sounding a bit surprised that we would offer them.

"I appreciate that, but let me ask you something. Where do you get your clothes?"

"Mainly from goodwill and stuff. Can't go to social services `cause they ask too many questions and would just try to put be back in a home. I'm kinda independent now."

"The clothes that we have upstairs that we don't wear anymore, we'd be dropping off at a clothing box and they'd end up at goodwill. So what's the difference?"

"None I guess, but only if you're sure. You guys already did lots for me tonight." Wow, was this kid polite. We bought him a meal, washed his clothes and offered him the spare room. Something was incredibly amazing about that level of appreciation.

"I insist that you get the first pick of the clothes before we send them out. I'm sure you'll find stuff you'll like and that'll keep you warm."

"Thanks. You guys really aren't like other gay guys I've met. They usually just give me 20 buck and want a blow job or occasionally want to give me one. Some ask me to get naked when I suck them off as well."

"You're a really cute guy so I understand that, but unless that's something you really enjoy doing, it bites that that's what you have to do to get money. What about getting a job or something?"

"I don't know what I could do. No one would hire a street kid and I don't have any experience or anything."

"If I ask you a question, would you tell me the truth?"

"If I can, sure."

"Do you do drugs at all?" He laughed and gave me a big smile. His teeth were amazingly bright for a street kid. He obviously used his toothbrush properly.

"No. I couldn't afford drugs and I never really understood the need for it. The older guys that do it seem like they're sort missing life around them as they are usually fucked up a lot. I like knowing what I'm doing."

"Don't take this the wrong way, Troy, and I'm only asking because I had a thought and was curious. If I asked you to take a drug test to prove it, would you?"

"Sure, anytime, but I don't really need to take one, `cause I only answer to myself, so it's kinda my choice if I do drugs or not." Great fucking answer I thought. I liked this guy. I really did.

"What type of job would you want if you could do anything?"

"Dunno, never really thought about it. Might be fun to work at McDonald's or something, `cause I could probably get free food there."

"Anything else you'd like to do?"

"Prime Minister, maybe," He grinned. "Then I could help all the people without homes and all the kids in care who have shitty foster parents."

"Nice! What if I offered you a job somewhere? Nothing fancy. Maybe a busboy, or a cleaner or something, would you be interested?"

"I dunno. I kinda like being my own boss. I get enough money each day for the stuff I need and I kinda like my friends that I have."

"Well, that's noble. But if you ever want a job that can give you some extra money, even if it's just part time, just let me know. I'll make sure I give you my phone number and address in case you ever want to reach us."

"Cool. Thanks. Can I go in the big pool now? This one is a little warm." I told him to go ahead and both boys jumped into the water. At least he could swim and had fun with Kyle. I was about to go and put the clothes into the dryer, but I remembered how possessive he was.

"Troy, your stuff is finished washing by now, are you okay if I go put them in the dryer?" He yelled back that it was ok. At least he was loosening up a bit.

I moved the clothes from the washer and when I came back, both boys were getting dried on the deck. Troy put his robe back and Kyle got into shorts. After Troy picked up his stuff both boys headed upstairs to go through the closets. About 10 minutes later Kyle came back down and asked me to go up and help as Troy didn't want to take more than one set of clothes.

I went up and he was sitting in the middle of Kyle's bed with his one set of new clothes beside him. Very basic but it looked as if he considered it a prized possession already. I sat on the bed. "Troy, please take more clothes. You'd really be doing us a favor so I don't have to lug them all the way downtown."

"This is enough. I don't really have anything to give you except sex, and you said you don't want that."

"I tell you what. How about if you pay Kyle and I with a big smile and a hug? Nothing would make me happier than that." He looked at me as if I were crazy but he gave me the biggest smile I'd seen on him yet and then leaned over to hug me. I had to remind my penis that this wasn't a sex thing.

He stood up to give Kyle a big hug and his robe was slightly open so the two boys were bare chest to bare chest. The hug was definitely longer than a normal bro hug. He really meant it and it was so nice to see. I'm sure he didn't get much interaction like that. As they parted, the lump in Kyle's shorts was obvious and I grinned. I knew how he felt, but being 16 it was a little harder for him to control it. What surprised me was when Troy pulled back, his cock was also hard and sticking straight out from between the folds of the robe.

"Sorry," he apologized as pushed it out of sight and tightened the robe. "It kinda does that when I like people."

"Dude, you're 16, if it's not doing that 50 times a day, I'd be worried. Plus if you look at Kyle, you're not the only one with a boner." Troy looked and smiled. Kyle just stood there as his cock twitched in his shorts.

"It's true. Even at school my dick gets hard at the dumbest times."

"So, now will you pick some more clothes? You need at least three more outfits and for each pair of underwear and socks you decide to get rid of downstairs, we'll replace it with something new. No argument, ok." He smiled and I watched as he went through the closet with Kyle and picked out some stuff. Then we went over to my bedroom and l let him pick even more including socks and underwear.

He took all his new clothes along with toothbrushes, deodorant and even some soap and shampoo downstairs to the activity room. He carefully folded it all up and placed it in a neat pile close to him as we sat and watched a movie that he selected. I was enjoying getting to know him and so was Kyle. Once the laundry was done, we dragged it all out into the activity room. He was really impressed at how new his duffle bag looked. To me it still looked like it needed to be thrown out, but he thought it looked incredible and gave each of us a hug again. He placed his new stuff carefully in it, giving each item its own place. I got him to throw out his old toothbrush. He carefully folded each of his old clothes and I managed to convince him that the four pairs of underwear and socks needed to be thrown away. Kyle ran up and got a whole bag of new socks for him, but he would only take four pair as per our agreement. We also gave him underwear similar to what he had picked out himself. His other shirts and pants he insisted on keeping, so I didn't even try to fight him on it. They were totally worn out, but there was probably something comforting about them to him. He packed everything, keeping one set out to wear later, but stayed in his robe until the end of the movie when he got dressed.

"It's getting pretty late so Kyle can show you the spare room." The boys headed off and once again Troy took his bag with his stuff with him.

About 15 minutes later Kyle returned saying that Troy was in the guest room and had given him another hug. "He's cute huh!"

"Yeah, but one thing we have to be careful of is that we respect his lifestyle and not try to change him if he doesn't want it. If he wants help, we'll help, but if he's happy, we have no right to interfere at all."

"Are you sure? We could help him so much and he has nothing."

"It's his life. If he wants something different, I'm sure he's smart enough to know that people will help him."

"I almost died when he said he blew guys and then when he hugged me I couldn't help throwing wood," he grinned "Did you see his cock? I almost dropped to my knees to do him. He is so fucking hot. I wonder if he knows it."

"Dunno. But I like him too. We should get some sleep." We slept in our own beds in case Troy wanted to talk to one of us. I woke up in the morning, not having heard a sound from everyone, and looked in the spare room to see how Troy was doing, but he wasn't there. I looked in on Kyle and he was still asleep. I crawled in beside him and he woke up quickly.

"Have you seen Troy?"

He grinned and pointed behind him. I looked over the edge of the bed and he was curled up in the fetal position on the floor wrapped around his duffle bag. He was tight against the bed and the night table. I had mixed emotions. In one way I felt sorry for him, because he would rather sleep on the floor than in a bed, but at the same time he felt comfortable enough with Kyle that he had slept in his room. I kissed Kyle and stroked his hair and went downstairs to make some coffee. The boys came down an hour later.

"Troy, you can have a shower before breakfast if you want."

"Thanks, I'm good. I had one yesterday, remember." He smiled with those cute grey eyes, his newly washed and brushed hair falling over his face. I wanted HIM for breakfast, but I maintained my composure. He was obviously hungry as he had cereal, waffles, bacon, and juice.

"Here's my number and address and as promised, here's some money to buy food." I handed him cash and he looked at the 5 twenties.

He laughed. "That's enough for a couple weeks. Are you sure you meant to give me that much?"

"That's the least we can do. Promise me that you'll think about taking a job if you want it. At the very least, call us if you ever want to hang out. I enjoyed getting to know you."

"Me too. Maybe we could go to a movie or something," said Kyle who offered to drive Troy back downtown. I thought that maybe I should go to make sure he was alright, but since nothing had happened all night and it was obvious that he liked Kyle, I let them go. He gave me one final hug.

Kyle returned about a half hour later and found me in the bedroom. "He said he wants to see us again and that he'd call. Do you think he'll be okay?"

"I think he'll be fine."

He pushed me onto my back on the bed and jumped on me. His face came to mine and he kissed me.

"Oh sure, I'm the rebound guy. Troy gets you all horny and now you take it out on me," I pretended to complain.

"Okay, if you don't want it." He sat up and went to slide off me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down so I could kiss him. I pulled his shirt off over his head. He pushed mine up as he slid his hands under and along my chest. He licked up my body and then sucked on each nipple. I pulled my shirt off as he did it and then it was a wild frenzy to get the rest of our clothes off. We sucked, 69'd, rimmed and fucked each other for the next couple of hours. It was like most of our other sex, but somehow we both knew that Troy had sparked the passion in this session.

It was two weeks later before we heard from Troy again. I got a call from Colin in the middle of the afternoon. "Hey sweetie, there's a guy sitting on the front step by the name of Troy who said he's looking for you or Kyle."

"That's cool. Cute blond guy with grey eyes? Just let him in and I'll be home in a few minutes."

"I offered, but he said he would just wait on the steps until you came home," said Colin. "Who is he?" I quickly explained Troy as I headed to the car to go home. When I arrived and pulled into the driveway Troy stood up and flashed me a big smile.

"Hi Justin! I hope you don't mind me coming over but you said I could," He said as I came up to the door.

"No, it's great to see you. Kyle will be back from school in about half an hour. You want to come in and hang out until he gets here?"

"Sure. I wonder if maybe I could wash my clothes again. The weather hasn't been nice enough to give me time to get them dry and I think they're getting moldy."

I took him into the laundry room and he resumed his position on the floor to pull out all the clothes he wanted to wash. The new stuff we had given him looked well used now, but it was all still folded carefully in his bag. I told him just to give me everything and we'd wash it all. He did and then emptied the rest of the bag and gave that to me as well. We went into the activity room and I introduced him to the guys. Colin was playing pool with Jake and they asked if we wanted to join, but Troy said he didn't know how so just wanted to watch.

"It's not like we play for real, Troy. Just grab a stick and we can show you." He was reluctant but we joined in. He was a quick learner and although most of his shots didn't sink a ball, he watched how and tried to mimic it. Kyle came in the door and announced his arrival. Troy handed me his cue and ran to greet him.

Kyle's eye lit up when he saw him. The two boys hugged and came back to join us again. After a couple quick hi's, Kyle took Troy up to his room and offered him a shower. They came both came back in shorts and headed to the pool where they played around for a while. Then they hit the hot tub. Colin and Jake asked if we wanted to go to dinner, but Troy didn't like the idea of going to another restaurant so I told Colin and Jake to go ahead and we'd just order pizza later. They left and the guys stayed out in the pool for a while longer.

Troy wanted to know if he could use Kyle's robe again, so it was quickly got for him. He dropped his shorts in front of us and we got another quick view of his amazing body until he wrapped in the fluffy terry robe. We ordered the pizza and picked a movie to watch. Pizza was a good choice of food as we could use our fingers and avoid the need for utensils. Plus he would be unlikely to spit food all over the house like a lawn sprinkler.

Once his clothes were done he repacked his bag, carefully folding everything once again. He was grinning as he saw how clean they were and selected a set of clothes that he would wear later, but for now he liked the robe and so did I as it kept giving me glances of his body.

Once Troy put some clothes on, the boys went out to use the trampoline and basketball net. They even played around with the weights too, before jumping back in the pool and hot tub. He looked like a normal kid and if someone had walked in, they wouldn't have known he was homeless. He really seemed to be having a good time. I heard Kyle ask Troy to spend the night when he mentioned that he should be going to get back to the bridge before someone took his spot. He agreed but asked if he could sleep in Kyle's room.

The boys disappeared upstairs early although there was no need to get up in the morning as it was now the weekend. I looked in on them before I went to bed and it was cute to see that Kyle had put blankets on the floor and both of them were sleeping curled up together with the duvet over them. We had four beds in the house and the guys were on the floor. Troy was still wrapped around his duffle bag though. I guess if that's all your possessions, you want to keep them close. They both looked happy and I went to bed.

In the morning, they were still in the same position but it wasn't long before they strolled back downstairs. I noticed that Troy had left his pack in the bedroom, which seemed like a big step for him. "I'm going to hang out with Troy all day if that's ok. He's going to show me his world, and guess what; I'm going to sleep under the bridge with him tonight." Grinned Kyle as if he were going camping.

I was a little nervous for him, but I understood what he was doing. Each day, Kyle surprised me a little more and made me so proud of him.

"Would you mind driving us downtown? I really don't want to leave the truck there." I agreed and Kyle ran up to get his backpack. He put some stuff in it for the day and I made sure he had money. I also handed Troy more money, but he told me he still had $20 from the money I gave him before. I didn't fight him, so I gave the extra to Kyle and told him in private to make sure he gave it to Troy before he came home. I drove the boys' downtown and decided to spend the day in the `Q' house working on stuff and then went over to the club to see if anyone was around.

I entered through the back door and there were a few people milling around. Some of the managers were there getting things ready for the weekend crowd and I went downstairs and saw two of the waiters making out on the sling. They said hi and asked me if I wanted to join in. Of course I quickly stripped and played for a bit.

That night after I got home I thought about Kyle and looked at the clock. It was after 9 so I figured they would be at the bridge. I pulled out my phone. "Adam, please locate Kyle Christianson." A small map popped up with the GPS coordinates. I expanded it and he was definitely in place. As I looked at the map, I received a text message.

`Yes, I'm okay, you don't need to check on me. Luv ya!' It was from Kyle. How the hell did he know I had done that? I laughed and texted him back.

`luv u 2. Have fun'

In the morning Kyle returned home looking like he'd spent the night in his clothes. It was very rare to see him anything but immaculate, but he had such a big grin on his face and couldn't wait to tell me about his adventure.

"We hung out on the street for a few hours and managed to get about $20 in change before we went over to a church who was giving out free food for dinner. I think I probably met a thousand people. Troy loves to talk to everyone and they all seem to love him. They welcomed me as if I were an old friend. Then last night he showed me where he lives. He tucks himself into one of the cubicles under the bridge. It's super scary as the traffic going over it is super loud. I couldn't sleep at all, but it was nice lying with Troy. He had his area set up with a cardboard floor and underneath it was a whole lot of paper which he said made it softer. Then in the morning he showed me how he gets clean. We went to the edge of the water where we left our clothes and washed in the bay. I washed his back and he did mine. He told me he liked having someone to help wash his back. When he stood up he had a big hardon and as he turned around I almost sucked him off. Seeing him like that gave me a boner too. It was fun being naked outside. He dried himself just using his hands before he put his clothes back on and we went back under the bridge for a few hours until the sun came up."

"That sounds like quite the day. So does that mean you're moving under the bridge?" I grinned at him.

"NO! It means I'm going to get a shower and go to bed. When I wake up I'm going to give Troy my sleeping bag. I think he'd like that."

"I think we should give the church some money too for feeding you. They obviously help whoever comes to them." Kyle agreed and a few hours later when he woke up we drove downtown and parked in the lot next to the bridge where he'd spent the night. Kyle ran up to the spot where they'd slept with the sleeping bag but Troy wasn't there. He wrote a note and put it with the sleeping bag and tucked it out of sight, but where Troy would find it. Then we went to the church. There was a group of volunteers in the kitchen cooking and when we asked who was in charge, they told us where to find the minister. He explained how hard it was to feed everyone who came through as it seemed more and more appeared every day. We told him what Kyle had experienced and I wrote him a cheque for $10,000 which he was shocked to receive, but thanked me with a few tears in his eyes. He introduced us to everyone and asked if we would like to join them tonight. So we hung out and helped serve food to those that showed up. Kyle watched everyone in hopes of seeing Troy, but he never showed up. We did meet a lot of great people though. Some looked very unhappy, but all thanked us for the food and were very appreciative. I was a little overwhelmed.

The minister told us that it took about $175,000 a year to feed the almost 300 people a day that came to them and they relied mainly on donations and volunteers. He thanked us again for the cheque and invited us back anytime we wanted. Once we got back to the truck I set up a reminder for each month to send them a donation.

Kyle seemed disappointed that we hadn't seen Troy and I think he truly thought of him as a new friend. But something told me we hadn't seen the last of Troy. At least I hoped we hadn't.

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Next: Chapter 53

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