The Soldiers of Sparta

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jul 30, 2017



The Soldiers of Sparta


The Spartans

In ancient times there was a section of Greece called Lacedaemon. This area was populated by the city state of Sparta. Even the people of today associate Sparta with brutality and war. The Spartans were at the height of their power and supremacy following The Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) in which they defeated Athens.

There were three social classes in Sparta. The spartiates were full citizens; the helots were slaves; and the perioeci were neither slaves nor citizens. Generally they were the craftsmen who built the weapons for the soldiers of Sparta.

Every male entered The Agoge (communal military barracks) at age seven and was expected to serve until he was sixty. Since very few people lived to sixty at that time, for all intents and purposes, service was a lifetime commitment. They were trained for war every day of their lives, without let up, and without any respite.

Women were well treated and educated. They generally carried on the commerce of Sparta. They had little else to do, since Helot slaves did all their menial tasks. Mature men were encouraged to marry and have male children for the city state. Unfortunately men and women lived apart. The men were confined to the Agoge, and had to sneak out to service their wives. Men who delayed marriage were shamed.

Sneaking out was very difficult, and even though the men of the Agoge made love to each other in the Greek fashion, they were still expected to marry and have male children for the glory of Sparta.


Alexius and Callinus

Alexius and Callinus were childhood friends. They were well indoctrinated and neither could wait to enter the Agoge. They were both acquainted with their fathers, but saw very little of them. Both fathers promised to greet them when they entered into their formal training.

All during their fifth and sixth years of life, all the two boys talked about was beginning their service. They fashioned mock swords out of sticks, and pretended to engage in sword fights. As the time to enter the Agoge neared, they couldn't have been more excited. Their mothers, strangely enough, were not sad about their departure. They too were well indoctrinated, and accepted this separation as a way of life.

On the first morning of their arrival, Alex, Calli and twelve other boys were escorted to a communal bath and told to cleanse themselves. After the bath, while they were still naked, they were given something to eat; hardly enough to sustain a humming bird. It was then their fathers came to see them. Their fathers and some of the other fathers (those still alive) escorted the naked boys to the top of a nearby cold mountain. They were told to be inventive and to survive. Those who did not survive for three nights were not worthy to be Spartan soldiers.

The first thing the boys did was to hunt for food. The shivering horde found some berry plants, and plucked off every berry they could see. Alex ordered them to divvy it up among themselves and then split the berries in thirds, one third to be eaten each day.

As evening approached the first day, one of the boys suggested that they gather up fallen leaves to use as blankets during the frigid night to come. Everyone agreed that it was a good idea. Most of the boys covered themselves and slept alone. To keep warm, Alex and Calli huddled together and wrapped themselves in the damp leaves. They held each other tightly trying to stay as warm as possible. At some point both boys felt their cocks rubbing together. It felt so wonderful, and it warmed them both, so they pushed harder against each other, causing them both to get an erection. They were too young to understand the meaning of this phenomenon, but they felt so good, and they were soldiers after all, so they just accepted it as part of their training.

They survived the first brutal day, even though it was snowing lightly at this high elevation. The sour berries tasted like the nectar of the gods to the two lads. When night came they covered themselves with leaves again. Once again, they pushed hard against each other. After they both erected, they pushed harder until Alex described a strange feeling coursing through his body. Calli reported a similar reaction. They rubbed harder and harder and they both came. They produced no semen, and there was no mess. They both felt warm and slept well.

The first two nights they had rubbed together by accident, but on the third night, they deliberately wrapped each other tightly and made it happen. They agreed that it was the best thing that ever happened to them, and erroneously gave credit to their military training.

The fathers came to retrieve the boys on the morning of the fourth day. Two of the lads had expired in the frigid weather. The others were in various degrees of health. Alex and Calli were as robust as when they were brought to the mountain. Their fathers were so pleased that they carried them back to the barracks on their shoulders. Once back at the Agoge, they were given warm clothing, a good meal, and the rest of the day off.

For the foreseeable future, whenever they could, the boys got into bed together, and brought themselves to that glorious place they had discovered on the mountain top.


Aristede and Deione

Alexius's father was named Aristede, and Callinus's father was named Deione. The boys rarely saw them. Occasionally, when time permitted, the fathers would have a meal with their boys. They too had been childhood friends, and had survived battle and hardship together.

As early an age as their sons had discovered orgasm, they did too. They slept in adjoining beds, and often made love as Greeks do, in the ass. They didn't have to hide their love. Every male in the barracks enjoyed the same sexual freedom. One day, after they finished making love, Aristede wondered if their sons, who were now fifteen, had discovered the glory of anal sex.

"I'm done out, now," Deione said, "but let's find out tomorrow."

The next night, as everyone in the Agoge was going to sleep, the two fathers crept stealthily to their sons' quarters. They were naked, and each one slipped into his own son's bed. The boys were very surprised, but pleasantly so. The father's wrapped their sons in their arms. They kissed them and showed them affection, which was generally frowned upon. They turned their boys around so that their hardened cocks caressed the nubile young asses.

Both fathers had a small vial of oil with him. They opened the vial and applied it to the boys' ass holes. "This will hurt," they informed their sons, "but you are a soldier, so I want you to act like one." With that they both entered their sons.

The pain was excruciating, but neither boy so much as whimpered. The fathers didn't move. They waited for the pain to leave, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Wonderful," Alexius said.

"Fantastic," Callinus said.

Both fathers stroked in and out until they orgasmed. Their seed shot high into their sons' guts. "That's how two men make love," they both said, and retreated to their own beds.

Alex jumped into Calli's bed. Both their asses were slick from the ointment and their fathers' semen. They had no trouble fucking themselves, and although they didn't know it, they were deeply in love.

All done out, Alex returned to his bed, and both boys slept like logs.


The Fate of Sparta

Alex and Calli entered the Agoge in the year 399 BC. The Peloponnesian War had ended five years earlier, and Sparta was in a period of relative peace. Of course, the soldiers of Sparta precipitated skirmishes along their borders in order to maintain their warlike reputation.

The complacency of Sparta came tumbling down in 371 BC when the city state was invaded by Thebes. The soldiers of Thebes were victorious over the Spartans. Sparta was now a story for the history books. Both Aristede and Deione fell in the conflict. They were both in their late fifties and had been slated for mustering out in the near future. Alexis and Callinus were both injured, but none of their wounds were serious, and they recovered quickly.

The Agoge was destroyed, and the soldiers forced to flee and find shelter elsewhere. Alex and Calli had avoided marriage, even though they were now thirty-four years old. They returned to their mothers' homes only to find that their mothers were nowhere to be found, and citizens of Thebes now occupied their houses.

The city was in chaos. The helots had all flown, leaving all the menial work to the spartiates, who were ill-trained for it. The perioeci were now forging weapons for the soldiers of Thebes. Alec and Calli could not hide the fact that they were Spartan soldiers, and they were often stoned wherever they went.

The two warriors learned that Athens had returned to its glory days in the years following their defeat to Sparta. They decided to travel to Athens, hoping for a better fate. Their steeds had been confiscated, and they walked the entire distance. On rare occasions a farmer passed by with a cart, and offered them a ride, but it was always for a very short distance.

When they entered the gates of Athens they saw a young boy, not yet entered into puberty. They asked the boy where they might find shelter from their long and arduous journey. The young boy spat at them. "I can tell from your accents that you are Spartans," he screamed, and ran away.

If nothing else they had been taught survival techniques, and they formulated a plan. Athens was surrounded by soft rolling hills, with lots of vegetation. They decided to go into the hills, and find a small inviting cave to protect them. Hopefully there would be a stream nearby in which to bathe. Athens was enjoying a peaceful and intellectual period. The citizens did not infringe upon each other's rights. There was no fear of robbery or worse. Alex and Calli felt that once they had set up camp, they could come into the city under cover of darkness, and raid the food being grown by farmers. They even planned on stealing an occasional goat as a treat.

They started to climb a hill closest to the city and the surrounding farms. They soon came across a stream and followed it. About halfway up the mountain, they saw the cave that would suit their purpose. They dropped their meager back packs in the cave, and went down to the stream to bathe. They left their clothes along the banks, and entered the blessedly cool waters. They lingered for hours cleansing themselves, and fucking in the water. When they were beginning to look like dried fruit, they left the water, and not bothering to dress, they returned to their cave.

As they expected, they had no trouble foraging food and supplies during the night. They were able to live quite comfortably for over two years. The two men were almost thirty-seven, but their training had preserved their bodies, and they were lean and hard. They were satisfied that they had each other to make love to, but they both had a secret yearning.

When they had lived in the Agoge, and had matured to their late twenties, they began to have sex with the nubile teen-agers, who were filling the ranks of those departing. Both of them missed fucking those young bodies and having the youths fuck them. One morning they were both awakened by a familiar sound. They heard the moans and groans of very young boys making love.

They each grabbed a stick and exited the cave. They were both naked, and were greeted by a very surprising scene. Sheep and goats were grazing nearby on the hill, and a short distance away two boys were fucking each other. The two men smiled, and approached the young lovers. By now they were both erect.

"Would you like some company?" Alex asked.

The boys were shocked and separated rapidly. They saw the two mature men smiling broadly, and they had no fears. When they saw the mammoth man cocks, one of them said, "Uh huh."

"We are both much larger than you," Calli said. "Are you willing to withstand the pain to reap the ultimate pleasure?"

"Yes," they answered simultaneously.

"Roll on your sides," Calli said.

The boys obeyed, and the older men entered them without ointment, and without any preparation. Both boys began to whimper, then they began to sigh, then they began to moan in pleasure.

"Make it last forever," one of them said.

Alex and Calli came much too fast, but they held the boys tightly, and would not let go. The boys loved it.

When they were through making love, the four men introduced each other. "We're twins," one of the boys said. "I'm Marius and my brother is Darius."

"I'm Alexius and my friend here is Callinus. We were once Spartan warriors, but now we are pariahs. Nobody wants us, so we live in that cave over yonder."

"We were recently orphaned," Darius said. "We inherited our father's farm. Our home has several bedchambers, and you men are welcome to stay with us. You are both strong and can help us with the animals and the farm."

"What's in it for us?" Calli asked insensitively.

"A home, and a place for us to live together, and fuck each other, until we must meet the gods."

And so it came about that Alex and Calli moved in with Darius and Marius. Not a day went by, that the four of them did not participate in manly Greek sex.

Alex became ill and died at fifty eight. He had outlived his father by four days. Calli was so grief stricken that he died two months later. Marius and Darius gave both men a proper Greek burial. They burned the bodies, and sent the souls to Olympus.

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