The Storm

Published on Oct 6, 2012


The Storm 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

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The combination of hillbilly mountain men and troopers in the cabin was odd. Bobby was asleep, as were Skeeter and Bubba. Williams and I were the only ones awake. We were both naked and wrapped in blankets.

Williams got up and sat next to me near the fire. The temperature was dropping outside. When I stood to put more wood into the cast iron stove, Williams saw my cock. He seemed to like it. I returned to my chair and didn't wrap up as tightly as before. Williams looked at my cock a few times. I winked at him. A minute or two later his blanket slipped a little. I didn't even pretend I wasn't looking at his tool.

Williams moved his hand to cover up. I felt a little disappointed. It turned out he wasn't covering up, he was rearranging. After the readjustment, his cock looked a little firmer. I did a little readjusting of my own. I stroked my cock. Williams peeled his foreskin back, exposing most of his cock head. In the dim light, I could see a little glimmer light in a bead of precum that emerged from his slit.

I reached over, collected the bead on my finger, and licked it. He looked at Skeeter and Bubba who were both still sleeping. I leaned close to him and whispered, "They are members of the fraternity." Williams smiled.

"How about Bobby?" I asked.

"He's the pledge master!" Williams replied. I slipped to the floor and began sucking him. The thunder and lightning had stopped but it was still raining. The cabin had a metal roof, so it was noisy. You couldn't hear the sound of sucking over the din of the roof. Williams was close to shooting when Bubba moved. I knew Bubba wouldn't be a problem, but we broke apart anyway; old habits die hard. I was still afraid of being caught even in a group of gay men.

I was sitting on the floor, with my head between Williams' legs, so there wasn't much mystery. I returned to sucking the Trooper. Bubba came over to us.

"I see you boys have become friends," he said.

"The television here tonight is bad," Williams said. "There was nothing to watch. Would you like to join us?"

"I'm not sure about playing with a trooper," Bubba said. "My man seed might taste of moonshine."

"I'm off duty anyway. I don't think moonshine flavored man milk would be a problem," Williams said. He was smiling. Bubba came closer to us; his cock was near William's face. Bubba wasn't hard, but he wasn't soft either.

"On a bad night like tonight, Skeeter and I think some nice, warm man milk is nice," Bubba said. "We like it straight from the spigot so there's no need to wash the glasses afterward. I didn't think many men were into it."

"I've never taken red neck high test before," Williams replied. "I might not like it, but I'm a big boy. I can take it. Let me be frank, a big hairy hillbilly isn't my idea of a dreamboat, but I have to confess, your spigot is a beauty. It's real pretty, even if it's dripping a little." By now, Bubba's cock was almost in Williams' face. The trooper leaned forward and licked it.

Skeeter was now awake and he joined us. "Ain't this a pretty picture," he said. "If we're going to be stuck here for a few days, we might as well have some fun."

"That sounds good to me," I added.

Bobby moaned. He saw Bubba's erect cock and muttered, "Is that thing for real?"

"Well, at least Bobby's mind is still okay," Williams said. Skeeter went to nurse him. Bobby wasn't feeling good, but he wasn't feeling that bad either. Our little play group broke apart and Bubba cooked some meat, turnips and squash. These weren't my favorite foods, but it tasted good cooked over a wood stove. Bobby ate some food and fell asleep again.

Bubba and Skeeter lived off the land and they made the best of their garden and anything they could hunt. With no electricity, the cabin was dark and warm. Two candles provided limited light. I realized this was a normal way to live until a century ago. In the dim light, you could talk and play games, like checkers and chess as long as you were near the candle. It was too dark to play cards.

While there were five of us in a small room, it was surprisingly private. It was easy to vanish in a dark corner. With the noise of the rain on the roof, it was hard to hear. Skeeter stayed near Bobby. He now thought all of Bobby's wounds were minor, but he was worried about a concussion. I was on the other side of the room wedged between Bubba and Williams. Both men were aggressive and both were tops.

I was use to genteel sex, and neither man was prone to say please or thank you. I discovered Bubba had a short recharge time and Williams didn't seem to lose his erection.

I thought I was going to be used, abused and discarded after the fun. I discovered both men were monogamous, and hadn't poked a new ass in a long while. I was a treat. They used me, but they didn't abuse me. They didn't want to break me.

The quirk about the night was that they didn't discard me afterwards. Bubba discovered he really like to use cum as a lubricant. State Trooper cream was especially good for him. Bubba told Williams how good it was, so Williams decided to tryout the redneck high-test in my ass. That too was a success.

I thought there was a limit as to how much fucking I could take. There may be a limit, but I didn't reach it that night. Williams' cock was long and comparatively thin; he had an over sized cock head, that rubbed my prostate just the right way. Bubba had a club cock. His knob was the same diameter as the shaft. Williams like to thrust and pound; Bubba like the warmth and tightness of my ass. He moved only enough to maintain his erection. He alternated these quiet periods with frenzied drives to shoot off.

Once or twice, I dozed off while he was in me. It was a sexual rollercoaster for me. I had never been so dominated by my sexual partners. Both men were self centered and concerned primarily for their own pleasure. That being said, they didn't want to kill the golden goose. They were careful.

I wasn't sure how Skeeter would take having his bother fuck another man for hours, but he took it well. Bobby occupied his time. Once he had cleaned up the blood and gore, Robert's wounds were less serious than they had looked, but Skeeter remained wary.

His time as corpsman taught him that the situation could change quickly. Skeeter was alert for danger signs. I wouldn't have suspected Skeeter was a good nurse, but he was both skilled and careful. He was worried about possible internal injuries or a concussion.

I fell asleep a few times and when I woke in the morning, I was rested and relaxed. The rain had stopped and the sun was out. I dressed and went out to see what was left of the road. Williams and Skeeter joined me. Much to my relief Bubba later came out with Bobby. He was feeling much better.

It looked good around the cabin and I was hopeful the road wasn't too bad. The cabin sat on a knoll on the side of the mountain. Water ran around it. The road was wet but in good condition.

The sun was shining and birds were singing; the sky was blue. It was beautiful. When we came to the main road, the situation changed. My car was gone along with perhaps a 100 feet of road. There was no sign of either. We walked in the other direction. It looked better until we turned a corner. The trooper's cruiser was still wedged in a tree. It hadn't washed away, but the road was gone. A landslide had taken out the road and all trace of the road.

Williams went to the cruiser and got the radio to work. Things were bad and there was no probability of getting out for a while. Many roads were closed or under water. The immediate problem for the troopers was rescuing stranded people and finding a group of boy scouts who had camped twenty miles to the south and couldn't be found. The water was now reaching the valley floor and there were evacuations and rescues going on below.

Williams told them we were safe. He gave me the radio. I gave them the names of people to contact to tell them I was okay. We returned to the cabin. Bubba and Skeeter were used to living off the land and there wasn't much difference between being stranded and their normal daily life.

We had a breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon. Bubba and Williams seemed to be getting along well. A night of sharing my ass seemed to encourage them to be friendly. They seemed to have come to an understanding during the night.

Bobby seemed to be fine now. The cuts and scrapes he received in the accident looked worse that they were. Once Skeeter cleaned up the blood and the danger of shock was passed, he was fine.

Basically, Bubba and Williams were monogamous tops. Both had liked their experience with me and were considering expanding their repertoire. Bubba told Williams he could fuck Skeeter if he felt the urge. Like all men, the urge was always present. Bubba asked if Bobby was available. Williams said yes, but he was afraid Bubba's organ might stretch Bobby's hole too much.

Bubba laughed. "I think you noticed Charlie's hole was just as tight this morning as it was last night!" he exclaimed.

I was uneasy about this. I had some friends who had a problem with a partner swapping arrangement. The fucking part had been fine, but one of the partners liked it way too much and he had a hands free orgasm. The other men felt left out. It can be a problem when your buddy enjoys your pal's cock too much. I told them the story.

"Well, I'll take the risk," Bubba blurted out.

"Well, I think we should pool our resources. We're all stranded here and we may be here for a while," Bobby said. "We might as well have a good time."

"That sounds good to me," Skeeter said.

"No strings, just sex?" Williams suggested.

"Damn, you can read my mind," Bubba exclaimed.

"You're alive!" someone yelled. Two men emerged from the woods. I thought Bubba and Skeeter were mountain men. These men made them look like city slickers. One could have passed as the abominable snowman and he was with his ugly brother.

"We sure are alive and kicking. Shit, you boys look the worse for wear," Skeeter said.

"We lost the cabin," the ugly one said. "It's just gone, there is nothing left." He was naked; the other man was all but naked.

"Well, at least you both have your good looks," Bubba said. They looked at him and burst into laughter. "Clem and Eubank, you need to meet Williams and his pals Bobby and Charlie. They are all stranded her too. So you need some grub?"

Clem, who was the ugly one, looked at Williams. "Are you the trooper?"

"I sure am," Williams said. "I think I've been looking for you for a while." There was a tense moment.

"I hate to tell you, but there ain't no evidence no more," Eubank said. "It's all done gone and is buried under tons of mud and rock."

"Not even a few finger prints?" Williams said and then he laughed. "Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between good luck and bad luck. You need a still to be a moonshiner. You boys are no longer suspects."

We went to the cabin to get them some food and clothes. Clem was stark naked. He had been in bed when the cabin washed away and he lost his clothes. He didn't seem to mind being naked. Some men are hairy, but Clem and Eubank were shaggy. I thought their appearance was going to limit the recreational potential, but I soon realized they were members of the fraternity.

"There is something wrong with you boys," Skeeter said. "Have you noticed it, Bubba?"

"They look the same to me," Bubba said.

"They look the same, but they don't smell the same!" Skeeter proclaimed. "They are rain drop clean!"

"Those weren't just rain drops," Clem said. "It felt like we were sand blasted." Clem and Eubank had been struggling through the woods in the driving rain for twelve to fourteen hours. They were exhausted. Eubank was shivering a little, and Skeeter gave him a blanket. When he did, he cupped Eubank's balls in his paw like hand. The must have known each other well.

We all went out checking out the damage while the two men slept. Skeeter explained the relationship to Williams and me.

"We all growed up together. There aren't that many people here. Most folks moved out when they built the parkway. We sort of fell through the cracks. I don't want to sound like I'm putting on airs, but Clem's folks were a bit on the rough side," Skeeter said. "Eubank is a cousin who came to live with Clem's folks when his dad disappeared. His mom didn't stick around long after the birth. Clem's parents died of something. Clem and Enoch raised themselves."

"We use to mess around together, but Clem seemed to think washing up was a park service plot. Messing around was rough with guys who didn't wash. Gamy I guess you could call it," he continued. "It was okay in the summer because they liked to swim. They got more hermit-like and we haven't seen them much lately."

"Did you guys mess around much?" Williams asked.

"Only when we had a chance," Skeeter said. "There is not a whole lot to do up here on long winter nights. Down in the valley you're gay if you do it. Up here, you are just having fun." We didn't do any messing around that afternoon. Checking out want the storm had done was too interesting.

I had never seen a flash flood up close and personal. I had seen television reports and videos, but they didn't come close to showing the strength of the water and its power. While in some areas everything was gone, in others a single tree was left standing. I also realized I had been seconds from death. When we returned to the cabin, Clem and Eubank were awake and talking with Bobby. Bobby seemed fully recovered and they all seemed to be getting along well, if three cocks at half-staff are any indicator.

This may sound odd, but I think near death experiences may make men horny. Most of us had been in a desperate situation, but we were safe now. I don't know if we were all ready to enjoy life to the fullest, or if we felt an urge to drain our balls and shoot some sperm in celebration. Whatever it was we all wanted to play.

I also felt a desire to be close to my companions. I wanted to be intimate. In this group being intimate seemed to mean opening your ass to recreational use and letting them shoot the sticky products of their lust as deep as possible in your rectum.

I discovered a few things about myself. I had normally been reserved and picky when selecting potential playmates. In the cabin, I let go and was a total and complete slut. I fucked everyone and they all fucked me. These weren't delicate pokes; these were all out fuck sessions. I discovered I liked to use sperm as a lubricant.

At first, everything was wild and crazy. Things calmed down after the first round of orgasms, but the sex didn't stop. I miss judged the men's sexual capacity. It was a free for all, but no one was under any pressure to perform. I had thought of an orgy as a contest. I visualized men in a line waiting for the next open ass. When it was your turn, you had to perform. Here, you could play with anyone one you wanted. If you cooled down after a climax, you could either wait for the sap to rise again or nap. The combination of low pressure and lots of inspiration was good.

That I was inspired was a shock to me. Williams was conventionally handsome. He was a bit more macho than I liked, but he was fine. Bobby was barely okay. He was average in most ways; he had a strong mountain accent and didn't spend much time grooming. His hair was a mess, and his body needed to be waxed and manscaped. I didn't mind a hairy chest, but the back hair wasn't my thing. Bubba and Skeeter were scary. Clem and Eubank were barely recognizable as Homo sapiens. No one would have made it into GQ magazine. No one had been a teen age heart throb.

Everyone had a cock, and I think that was my downfall. Bubba and Skeeter had fat, organs; Clem and Eubank had long, thin white snakes. Williams, Bobby and I all had standard issue organs. Bubba, Clem and Williams were tops.

Williams was doing Eubank doggy style when Clem rear-ended him. Williams had spread Eubank's legs wide to make his hole tighter. In doing that his ass was undefended. When Clem saw the open ass, he went in. I later found out that this was only the second time Williams had been fucked and the first successful attempt.

Clem's cock was long and thin and was an easy fit, even if it went very deep. Since Williams was fucking Eubank, he was receptive. Williams forgot to be annoyed and he went with the flow.

On the other side of the cabin, Bobby sat on Skeeter's thick tool. Skeeter's organ was almost thicker than it was long, but it was obviously long enough to give Bobby's prostate a buff and shine. Bobby faced away for Skeeter and his cock was available. I went to suck Bobby and this was in the doggy position Bubba. Bobby was really turned on and his cock juices excited me.

I had the impression Bubba's cock was larger than it had been the day before. It was a big as I could take. Williams began to moan as he climaxed. That trio broke apart and Clem came over to us.

"Is his ass good?" he asked Bubba.

"Find out for yourself," Bubba said as he pulled out. My ass felt a wave a relief as it revered to it normal size after being stretched wide. The feeling of relief only lasted for a second or two before Clem entered. It slipped in easily. Clem's cock head was bulbous and it rubbed my prostate, but it didn't stop there. I hadn't realized just how long the organ was. It went deep into unexplored parts of my ass.

At age 45, I didn't realize there were unexplored parts of my ass. It was a shock and a thrill. The thrill was a shock. It had been a long while since I had felt something new. Unfortunately, I am no good about hiding my emotions, and everyone knew I was enjoying it. They all wanted to help. Technically the night turned into a gangbang; everyone took his turn. Most did it several times.

I had seen videos of gangbangs and it seemed to be mechanical. The men in the cabin were greatly varied physically and genitally. Clem's long anal probe was very different from Bubba's sphincter stretcher. My ass seemed to inspire orgasms, and as my ass filled with man cream, the fuckers became more excited.

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