The Suite Saga

By Sam Bam

Published on May 25, 2017


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DeShawn and Dylan sit on DeShawn's bed leaning against the wall.

"I don't want to Stop you being happy but I don't want to lose you. You're my rock and I love you. I love you so much." DeShawn says.

"But this year or next you're off to the big time. You're not going to want me." Dylan says.

"I never thought I'd want you when we met but I do. You're leaving me for a what if. Not because you stopped loving me. What if the grass isn't greener and you chucked this away? Man you're moving away in a couple of months. Why can't you let us be happy for that time?" DeShawn asks devastated.

"I don't know. I have thought and thought about this and maybe it is a stupid whim. I just feel like there is something with George worth exploring. It might end in disaster like it did with Blue but I think he has changed. I hate hurting you but you and I always had an expiration date." Dylan says.

"I know. I want you to be happy. If that is with George then go for it you have my blessing. It sounds like you've thought a lot about it and I really appreciate you not trying with him behind my back." DeShawn says.

"I wasn't a saint. I enjoyed a lot of sex over break." Dylan says.

"Me too. But you didn't jump into bed with George and start something with him. We had physical fun not emotional while we were apart." DeShawn says.

"Yeah. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I might be a total fool." Dylan says.

"We learnt together how to be a good boyfriend and I'll always love you for showing me how to make a benefits deal into something real. You're right we had a transitional relationship and we're ending it better for having it. And hell it is easier to have a breakup now than having it looming over finals." DeShawn says.

"Thank you for not being a jerk about it. You had every right to be." Dylan says.

"Just give me some space for now but I want to stay friends, with you and George." DeShawn says.

"So I'm not banned from Sunday dinner?" Dylan grins.

"No, it would be perfect if you were there next week." DeShawn says and they hug for a long while. Both unhappy that it's over but wishing the other well. DeShawn is curious to see how Dylan and George evolve and if they manage long distance.

Monday after class Blue stops off to see Birch.

"Wow you've done so much." Blue says looking at the drying canvas.

"I took the storm one in to finish and Grant has one near the same with his house. Our teacher was really bitchy about it but we're both doing a study of the ocean and got it approved. Like we have totally different styles but similar subjects so it'll be really cool to compare at the end." Birch says.

"Sounds like you're friends now." Blue says.

"Yeah. I've been a bit of a loner since Joe and you come storming in to my life with your friends and food and it turns out I needed more than brunch with my sister and anonymous hookups. It is nice to have a friend in school, someone to have my back. We're both so wary of the other douches that we come across just as bad." Birch says.

"You've always been lovely to me." Blue says.

"And you to me. That day Willow brought you to brunch was the best." Birch says.

"It was. Great eggs and my future boyfriend." Blue says.

"I want to show you how much I appreciate you." Birch says grinning.

"Hey I want a two way relationship." Blue says.

"Baby. You have stocked my fridge and given me inspiration. I owe you. Now lie back and get your dick out because I want to give it a really special kiss." Birch says.

Blue looks at him and grins. It is difficult for him to adjust to getting back what he puts in to the relationship he's so used to doing the lions share, to having high maintenance boyfriends. Birch makes him feel wanted and secure. Desired and it feels so good.

"You like that." Blue says stroking Birch's hair.

Birch looks up with a mouthful and Blue melts.

"Okay I'm in." Dylan says in George's doorway.

"What?" George asks looking up.

"DeShawn gives us his blessing. He knew we had an expiry date. Come over to my room for a few days." Dylan says.

"I want to go slower than that. Blue and I rushed in. I need to get it right with you." George says.

"I want to give DeShawn some space." Dylan says.

"So ask me out." George grins.

"Really?" Dylan asks.

"Yes. Fuck me you've never dated have you. Not a man." George says.

"No. George would you like to get dinner some time?" Dylan asks.

"I would I'm free tomorrow. I like steak." George adds cheekily.

"I'll meet you here at 6." Dylan says.

"Thank you." George grins steps forward and kisses Dylan.

Dylan feels like his lips are on fire and groans into the kiss. Dylan picks George up and kisses him hard. His hands supporting George's squishy butt.

"Wow." George says as Dylan puts him down.

"Wow." Dylan says back.

"I didn't expect that." George says.

"Me neither. I saw companionship with a side of sex not fucking fireworks. Wow. You're really something George." Dylan says his eyes bright.

"You too. Phew. Shall we check it wasn't just a first kiss thing?" George asks pulling Dylan on to his bed.

They make out hungrily, excited to find they have such a strong spark.

Blue makes Birch some soup and cheesebread so he has easy food to grab while on a painting bender.

"You take care of yourself. There is milk and water in the fridge and coffee is made. Make sure you eat and call me tomorrow." Blue says.

"Thanks baby. You really take care of me." Birch says.

"I'd stay but worry I'd distract you too much. You are itching to get back to work I can see it." Blue says and kisses Birch goodnight.

"Thanks for not being all demanding. You're amazing." Birch says.

Spence calls in on Magnus on his way home from work.

"It's late. Is it always like this?" Magnus asks.

"Yeah. I work a lot. I'm free most of the weekend now." Spence says worried.

"I like that you're dedicated. Can you come to a fundraiser at the museum Friday night?" Magnus asks.

"I have climbing and we go to a club after. Could we meet in the club after?" Spence asks.

"Aww you can skip it. I'm tired of taking my brother who hates it." Magnus says.

"I guess so. Text me the details." Spence says.

"Okay. You okay?" Magnus asks.

"Yeah. I just wanted to see you, have a little snuggle." Spence says.

"That sounds nice." Magnus says taking Spence's hand and leading him to his room.

"Your place is so nice." Spence says.

"I bet your house will be more fun. This is fancy but its for people in their forties not twenties." Magnus says.

"Yeah there is a lot of marble." Spence laughs.

"Kiss me." Magnus says.

Spence grins and pulls Magnus on top of him. They kiss gently for a while. Spence stops before he gets too frustrated and heads home feeling like a 14 year old straight kid.

"Didn't expect us both to be here." Blue says.

"It's nice though. Apologies for my dick. Dating a virgin is weird for me." Spence says.

"You want me to give you some time?" Blue asks.

"Nah. I want my Blue snuggles. I'm so tired after work. Kids have too much energy." Spence says.

"How is Ocean doing?" Blue asks.

"He's grown a little and readjusting but that kid has twice the focus of any of the others his age. Gervais brought him tonight." Spence says.

"Good. Glad he's being useful." Blue says.

"You not mellowed out?" Spence asks curious."

"No. I need to move on from him. I managed to find an amazing boyfriend and you, Robin and Andy are the best friends I could wish for. I don't need him and he needs to understand I can't always be there." Blue says.

"Robin is pretty worried about him." Spence says.

"I feel bad Robin has taken him on but that is his choice. I don't see why I should be the one to relieve him." Blue says.

"You shouldn't and we should stop letting you step in. The minute he left you for Fergus he stopped deserving anything from you." Spence says.

"Yeah it just took me nearly a year to realize." Blue snorts.

"Us too. He needs a lot, you hid how much from all of us. How many times have you whisked him away? How much did you do when his dad died? Fuck you were even there for him when he broke up with Chris." Spence says.

"I wanted to and now I don't. He burnt me one too many times." Blue says.

"I can't get over not just him treating you badly but that he didn't support you when you found out about your siblings. He owed you big time and ran away. Such a fucking coward." Spence says.

"I survived." Blue says and kisses Spence good night.

Spence stays awake a little while feeling guilty for not stepping up with Blue earlier. He loves the guy and wishes he could turn back time. Spence thinks about Magnus and what Blue said about their worlds. He knows he's rather be climbing and dancing with his friends on Friday like usual. He loves ending his week with physical activity and partying. A benefit dinner will be a fucking bore. Ugh.

Spence drifts off to sleep, pulling Blue on top of him. He loves having a snuggle bunny in his bed. Especially one as sexy as Blue.

The two sit up in shock woken by a terrifying scream. They jump out of bed and follow the shouts. Justin is stabbing Jesse in a frenzy. With no thought to their own safety Blue and Spence dive straight at him and wrestle the knife away. Spence wrestles him to the ground and Blue rushes to tend to Jesse while Andy and Antonio also awoken by the noise call 911.

"What can I do?" DeShawn says running in.

"Can you hold him while I help Blue?" Spence says. Justin isn't struggling he's in a total trance now.

"Give him here." DeShawn says and holds Justin by his arms.

Spence and Blue try and stem the bloodflow.

"Someone call Elliot." Blue shouts.

"On it." Andy says.

"Is an ambulance coming?" Spence asks distressed, Jesse is not looking good and he's scared. It has only been a minute but it feels like a year.

"They're nearly here. The operator is still on the line." Antonio says.

Andy runs and opens the door and a blur of people take control of the room. Jesse is soon on his way to hospital and Justin is being lead away. The guys are giving statements, scared as fuck.

"The second ambulance will be here soon. Can you two hang on?" The policeman asks.

"I'm fine." Blue says.

"Son that is your blood on your back. You are both cut up bad." The policeman says.

Blue and Spence have been so focused on Jesse and Justin that they haven't noticed they are hurt too, they are soon hustled away for treatment. Elliot arrives and they all head to the hospital in tears.

Andy can't breathe, he can't get the image of Jesse out of his head.

"Should I call Robin and Gervais?" Antonio asks.

"Yeah. Please." Elliot says.

"I'll call George." DeShawn says.

Robin goes into practical mode, gets clean clothes for all the guys and and calls the parents. He finds a home number for Jesse and is surprised when his mom thanks him for the call and says she's already on her way. Clara tells him she'll call the hospital and Spence's parents tell him the same. Robin calls his mom and sobs down the phone. He didn't see anything but knows its bad from Andy's reaction.

He goes and washes his face and then makes one more call.

They sit up waiting for news. The worst comes first. Jesse hasn't made it. His mother tells the group and breaks down. Elliot tries to comfort her knowing he isn't who she wants but he's drowning in grief and wants to cling to a part of his ex.

Spence comes out soon after. His cuts were all superficial. They sit together in their grief waiting for news of Blue.

Blue comes out after being stitched up. No surgery required.

"What are you guys doing here?" Blue asks Chris and Bea.

"I called them." Robin says.

"Came to see if I was finally out your hair for good?" Blue spit bitterly.

"We came because you're our brother. At the end of the day we're blood." Chris says.

"Fuck I can't deal with this right now. How's Jesse?" Blue asks and everyone looks at the floor.

Blue's eyes fill with tears and Spence and Andy stand and hold him close. Blue and Jesse were enemies at the end but he didn't want this to happen. Fuck it is so unfair.

"Elliot why don't you take Jesse's mom to our hotel room. Here's the key. We need to finish up with the police." Robin says.

"Thanks." Elliot says and Robin gives directions and the room number.

Bea and Chris leave too seeing that Blue is okay. Both feel wracked with guilt and remorse. Chris feels sick that it could have been Gervais who was killed. Then takes one last look at Blue covered in blood and feels thoroughly conflicted. He wouldn't want Blue dead and that surprises him more than anything. He actually wants to kill the runt that put Blue in danger. For the first time ever he feels a connection to his twin.

The guys spend the rest of the night with the police. They all want to be done rather than wait for morning. They can't believe what has happened.

"Do you think he wanted to kill me?" Gervais asks as they sit waiting.

"He had no way to know Jesse was in your room." Antonio says.

"It's all my fault." Gervais says bewildered.

"It was Justin's fault." Spence says.

"Jesse chose to use your room and not his own. You didn't suggest it." Robin says.

"How did he get in?" Blue asks.

"I locked the door when I got back. I think I was last." Spence says.

"Yeah you arrived just after me. We've all been locking the main door." Antonio says.

"It could have been any of us." Blue says.

"It nearly was us." Spence says.

Next: Chapter 108

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