The Suite Saga

By Sam Bam

Published on Aug 28, 2017


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"Hey man I know we've not spoken much since I moved out but I was wondering if you're keeping the apartment for summer." DeShawn says to Spence over lunch at the end of finals.

"I was going to take Grant's room. You need somewhere?" Spence asks.

"I can stay on campus but not in the suite and I prefer to have a kitchen." DeShawn says.

"We can both live over there or we could get Magnus to join us at the apartment. That would work." Spence says.

"I'm okay with Magnus." DeShawn says.

"Cool. I'll check with him that that works. I think my place is closer to his work and we have the extra parking already." Spence says.

"Sounds good. We're cool right? I mean you understand?" DeShawn asks.

"Of course we're good. You did the right thing. Are Gervais and Blue back on?" Spence asks.

"No. They are so cute though when they do their mind reading thing. I swear they can plan a week without saying a word." DeShawn laughs.

"And have you enjoyed some?" Spence asks curious.

"Nah we all agreed to keep it platonic. Chris and Deke have been hanging with us some. We've been studying demons. G and Blue have whipped us into shape. Best finals I ever did." DeShawn says.

"Sounds like those two nerds. Andy really missed having the help. Blue had the best way of focusing him." Spence says.

"How are he and Magnus doing?" DeShawn asks.

"Total implosion. Andy asked to be open over the summer and Magnus told him to fuck off." Spence says.

"Oh boy. Andy was never going to stay faithful. He's have been balls deep in Deke first rest stop on the way home." DeShawn laughs.

"Exactly." Spence laughs happy to have a friend for the summer.

Deke and Andy are packed and ready to drive up. The fly in the ointment is they have to take Chris with them and neither want to. They had hoped he could go with Willow but she's staying until Cheryl and Ocean are ready to go.

It is one hell of a tense drive. As soon as Andy realizes Deke and Chris have been hanging out he starts to bitch and moan at both of them. Chris bites back and Deke shrinks into himself. Deke was hoping for another fun summer with Andy but he's just being a total pain.

The night before Blue flies to Australia he is sharing a hotel room at the airport with Gervais who is flying up to W and AB's place in the morning.

"I wish you were coming with me." Blue says honestly. He's not heard a word from Robin and didn't expect to from Birch and Grant. Blue has no idea that Birch and Grant are not dating or fucking or anything more than friends.

"You're going to have a great time. Not having to deal with me is a bonus." Gervais grins and kisses Blue gently.

They slowly gently begin to make love for the first time in months. The chemistry sparks alive and they give in to what they have put off ever since Gervais brought breakfast to the pool.

Blue groans in sheer unbridled pleasure, he's blocked out just how good sex is with Gervais to remove temptation. Gervais has been attentive, pleasant and a really, really good friend the last 3 weeks. He's helped Blue and Chris get to know each other. He's helped DeShawn, Deke and Chris study and helped shoulder Blue's load. He's been perfect partner material and they both know it.

Gervais looks down at the love of his life enjoying himself like never before. He watched his whole body convulse and that big dick of his bounce all over. Gervais groans aloud at the feel of Blue's welcoming ass. They are perfectly matched and ride a huge wave of joy together.

The second it is over Blue feels guilt and remorse. He rolls onto his side an sobs, huge wracking sobs of pain and loss. Gervais rubs his back and makes soothing noises.

"Was it so bad baby?" Gervais asks.

"No it was amazing. But I promised myself I would never ever get sucked back in. I would never be with you again. I'm so weak around you." Blue sniffles and hiccups trying to get the words out.

Gervais stories to stifle it butt he starts to giggle.

"Am I so pathetic that it's funny?" Blue asks.

"No I was thinking how usually at this point I'd say something mean to stop us getting in too deep." Gervais says.

"Like wanting to be just friends after our first kiss?" Blue asks.

"Which is still the best kiss I ever had. Or by fucking Jesse right after we've had a beautiful intimate time together." Gervais admits.

"That was the worst. You did it to stop us happening?" Blue asks.

"Yes. but you knew that. Fucking waste as you and Birch were about to get together any way. I hate being hateful to you but I had to carry on to stop Jesse being hurt it was such a mess." Gervais says.

"Made it easier to cut you out my life. Which I needed, if only because it highlighted how useless our friends are." Blue says.

"Except DeShawn." Gervais says.

"Right. He stepped up for both of us this year." Blue says.

"Lets use the tub here. Relax and talk this through. Because I want us to get out of this pattern." Gervais says.

"You can tell you've been in therapy." Blue says.

"Honestly what you did for me first semester freshman year was far more than I've gotten out of it. You gave me back my body. Teaching me yoga and helping me with my anxiety and making sure I understood that what happened to me at school was not my fault. Meeting you saved my life. Therapy has helped me recognize that." Gervais says.

"You did it all for yourself. You're strong." Blue says.

"No but I will be." Gervais says sinking in to the bubbles.

"Oooo that feels good." Blue says leaning back and moving Gervais into his lap.

"We are a disaster together but we struggle to keep things friendly because the sex is amazing. Beyond amazing. Our stupid damn connection is mind blowing and so the sex is too. We can't deny it and we are totally unable to have sex wit each other without feelings." Gervais says.'

"Sounds right. I wish we could have a proper relationship with trust and great sex and brunch and yoga and snuggles but we just can't." Blue sighs.

"Right. I need to do a lot more work on me and on rebuilding our trust. And you need to go out and have a proper relationship that moves at normal speed. Like how you started with Birch but not moving in after 5 minutes and trying to be super blue." Gervais says.

"Because I stifle things." Blue says.

"Yes and because you clam up and think the worst. I know that I am risking us never happening in the future by pushing you to get back out there but a healthy me is most important." Gervais says.

"To both of us. I know you'll always have issues. So will I. We've been through too much to be together. It is too much to put on anyone, our issues but way, way too much together. No wasting but no saying never. No we need to act like we will never happen else we won't have real relationships. Not that I think I ever will." Blue sighs.

"Why not?" Gervais asks.

"I'm too much. Too much drama, too much money, too smart, too veggie, too hippie, too fucking clueless." Blue says with a snort.

"Beautiful, smart, sexy and rich is a heady combination. Take your goods and use them. Maybe not the rich you suck at being a rich guy, so do I. We're never going to be the woolen overcoat, shines shoes, fancy restaurant type." Gervais says.

"No we won't." Blue laughs at the thought.

"Maybe we should try one day." Gervais laughs.

"How do we make sure we're moving forward and not waiting on each other?" Blue asks.

"Well we're about to be on opposite sides of the world. I've lined up a therapist for the summer. You were over me. You were ready for the real deal with Birch. You've been low since your breakup and let me in. I worked for it lets be honest this is the most I have ever worked at things with you. I've loved it actually. Sorry, off track, you were vulnerable so I slipped back in. I could slip back out again while you're away. When we meet up in august I bet we'll both be ready to be friends. You'll have fucked your way round Australia and I'll have had a lovely family summer or normalcy and no drama with the kids." Gervais says.

"You think space will be enough and we won't want to rip each other's clothes off the second we see each other?" Blue asks.

"Well I expect I will always want that." Gervais says.

"Me too. You are my ultimate. Sex with Birch was great. Amazing, loads and loads. I loved it. If I was in the mood to top then I'd say and he's let me. With you I had to let you take the lead that way." Blue says holding Gervais close in the water and loving the feel of his super soft skin.

"I want to say I'd accommodate what you want but we're supposed to be talking about how to deal with not being together." Gervais says.

"I know. I don't want to be angry with you all the time and I don't want you to hurt me so badly when you're just trying to push me away. I know I don't go easily. I can work on that." Blue says.

"Good because hurting you sucks. I know I've been the worst. Over and over the worst." Gervais says.

"You have and I know you're trying. We're trying. So friends who don't fuck and don't screw each other over or hurt each other on purpose." Blue says.

"Yeah. Not sex ever, after today. No putting a relationship on the table. No fighting over guys. No me fucking anyone's brother." Gervais says.

"No sex after tomorrow." Blue says.

"Mmm morning goodbye sex is good. I love you Blue." Gervais says.

"I love you too. Hating each other doesn't work. Dating really doesn't work. We really have to make friends work because I hate indifference." Blue says.

"Me too. You are very comfy but the water is getting cold." Gervais says.

"Bed. Bed with my baby." Blue says.

On another floor of the hotel Birch and Robin are sharing a room. Grant has gone ahead to LA to stay with family for a few days. The noise of a couple in the next room fucking loudly is getting them both riled up and they keep glancing across the room to each other instead of watching the movie.

"Come on over." Robin says and Birch is there before the words are out.

"I thought you were back to girls." Birch says.

"Mei and I are on a break for summer." Robin says his breath tightening at the proximity of Birch. He thought the breakup would kiss his crush but it hasn't.

They start to make out and soon clothes are flying off and mouths are moving south.

"Mmmm." Robin moans enjoying a great blow job. He pushes Birch away to take his turn.

"Oh yeah, you're so good. So gooooooood." Birch groans.

Robin looks up and smiles.

"Fuck me. Please. Fuck me." Birch growls moving Robin's hand to his ass.

"No." Robin says backing off.

"Come on you're so hard for me." Birch moans.

"No." Robin repeats and backs further away his cock softening and his crush slipping away. He has no idea what it was. Blue has begged to be fucked before but it was different. Still hot.

"Sorry this is just weird without Blue." Robin says.

"Really? I thought you were hot for me?" Birch says a little confused.

"Me too. Fuck. I've been avoiding Blue because I thought I was in to you and I was so confused." Robin says.

"What a fucking mess." Birch says.

"Yeah and now we're all going to Australia and he hates us 3 and is going to be isolated again when he's done nothing wrong." Robin sighs.

"You can make friends with him. No hope for me. I said some unforgivable things to him when we broke up." Birch admits.

"Break ups suck. He'll forgive you if you apologize." Robin says.

"I think if he hadn't lost you guys we'd have had a shot at friends at some point, especially given how often he forgives Gervais but it feels wrong to even try when he lost you three." Birch says.

"Not even for the sake of the trip?" Robin asks.

"You haven't made peace." Birch says.

"I know. I fucked up and left it too long." Robin says.

The two have an uneasy night's sleep.

In the morning Blue and Gervais share a fuck and a teary goodbye. They know time apart will be good for them but they are also frustrated to be apart when they are getting on so well.

"You go find about all the wine. I want lots of reports on all of it. I want to know everything." Gervais says trying to focus Blue on the reason for his trip and not on what he'll be missing.

"I promise to drink so much I float." Blue grins.

"I love you." Gervais says and hugs Blue before running off to his own flight.

Blue keeps away from the gate hoping he doesn't run into the other three. He has a big itinerary for the trip and a bunch of guide books on his tablet. He is going to focus on doing what he wanted to do and hopes he'll make some friends as he goes.

Birch and Robin sit next to each other awkwardly. They have barely spoken since they woke and Robin has half a mind to stay home.

They file on to the plane. Blue is excited to have two empty seats next to him until just before the doors close.

"Hey big bro. Ready for a long ass journey?" Bea asks settling herself down.

Next: Chapter 123

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