The Summer Rental

By Joe Lewin

Published on Feb 26, 2023



This is a sequel to my story "The Boy on the Bike," a two-parter that you can read on this site.

You can find that story and some of my other stories by looking me up under "Joe Lewin" on the "Prolific Authors Directory." (And while you're at it, look up another story of mine called "A Boy, Bracelets and the Back Bay" that somehow got left off my Author's list in the directory (

This is a work of fiction between consenting adults. If you enjoy this story or any of my other stories, please let me know at I love to hear from you. But please don't send me unsolicited pictures or attachments.

And please make a donation to Nifty so that they can keep these stories cum You can find that story and some of my other stories by looking me up under "Joe Lewin" on the "Prolific Authors Directory." (And while you're at it, look up another story of mine called "A Boy, Bracelets and the Back Bay" that somehow got left off my Author's list in the directory (

This is a work of fiction between consenting adults. You can find my other stories in the Authors section here at Nifty. If you enjoy this story or any of my other stories, please let me know at I love to hear from you. But please don't send me unsolicited pictures or attachments. I will delete any email with an unsolicited picture or attachment.

And please make a donation to Nifty so that they can keep these stories cumming.

The Summer Rental (Part One)

My roommate Pete and I rented the upstairs apartment of a two-story duplex our sophomore year at college. The semester was almost over. Pete was going home to Chicago for the summer. I was probably going home to Columbus; I couldn't afford our two-bedroom apartment alone. Pete and I loved the place and were sad that we would probably lose it to renters who might want it for the summer and the school year.

In early April I was returning home and Derek, our landlord who lived downstairs, was in the driveway, washing his car. It was in the mid 70's and sunny. A good day for a car wash.

"Hey," Derek said, "been meaning to talk to you about your lease. Any thoughts on what you guys are going to do?"

"Well," I said, "it's up the end of May, right? To be honest, neither of us wants to give it up, but Pete is going home and I can't afford to keep the place alone."

"So," he asked, "you're returning home only because you can't afford this place alone? You would stay if the rent was cheaper?"

We talked for a bit. I told him that I would prefer to stay but I would need to save money, and paying for an apartment alone was not going to permit me to save much. After chatting for a few minutes he said: "I have a proposition for you. I like you two and I think you both like living here. Finding new renters is a pain in the ass. You guys pay on time. And you don't make a lot of noise or beat the place up. That's tough to find. I'd really prefer it if you stay, so here's the deal: I'm going to Europe for most of the summer. If you agree that you guys will start paying rent again in September and renew until at least next June, and if you agree to keep a watch on the place, mow the lawn, take in the mail and things like that while I'm gone, I'll let you stay in your place rent free for the summer. How's that sound?"

I was stunned. Blown away, really. Without a second's hesitation I said "yes." He smiled and said "Excellent."

As expected, Pete was happy to hear the news. Not only did it mean that we didn't have to find a possibly lesser place for next year it also meant that we wouldn't have to move our stuff home and then lug it back in late August.

During the last weeks of the term Pete and I got to know Derek a bit better. He invited us down to share the occasional pizza and we began offering to help him do things around the house. I got the mower out one day and mowed the lawn, which surprised Derek. "I might as well get used to it," I said. And things went on from there.

The school term ended and Pete went home, vowing to come down and visit me during the summer and making me promise to come up to Chicago for the 4th of July if I could get the time off from work.

It was the first Friday night after Pete had left and I was sitting on our back deck, looking down at the back lawn. The campus town had pretty much emptied out. I was enjoying the quiet and a cold beer, thinking about what I would have for dinner. Derek came out into the backyard below me. I yelled "hey" to him. He yelled back and asked me if I wanted to join him for steaks on the grill. He didn't have to ask me twice.

I grabbed my cooler and my beer and went down the stairs, placing both beside one of the Adirondack chairs he kept in his tidy backyard.

At this point I should probably describe myself and Derek. I was 19 that summer. I weighed about 135 pounds soaking wet and stood about 5 feet and 9 inches tall. I was lean with little real muscle mass. It didn't matter how much I ate, I couldn't seem to gain any weight. I had a mop of brown hair on my head, green eyes and I had had enough girlfriends to know that I was considered cute by some. I was never going to go home with the lead cheerleader if what she wanted was muscle mass and a square head, but I was ok with that.

What the girls I did go out with sometimes found out was that I had a nice cock. Hanging soft it was typically around 4". Fully hard it was just under 8" and almost as thick as a coke can. Not quite, but almost. I had been expertly cut by a doctor who knew what he was doing 19 years earlier. This was the early 80's, so shaving was not a "thing," and I had nice pleasure trail that started at my belly button and snaked down to a big brown bush that surrounded my cock and balls.

Derek was in his late 20's. He was good looking. He had straight blonde hair, that he parted in the middle and that went down to just above his shoulders. He probably weighed about 160 or so and was about an inch taller than me. He wasn't buffed out but he did have some defined muscles that I later learned he earned by lifting weights a few times a week.

Both Pete and I were curious about Derek. He was really only a few years older than we were; we both had older brothers who were his age. He owned the duplex we lived in, and we knew he owned a few others in our college town. We were curious how he managed to do all that by such a young age.

Derek pointed me to the kitchen and told me to make up a salad. I grabbed my beer, headed in and he tended to the steaks on the grill. After a bit, he came in and dropped some corn into a pot that had been boiling and uncovered a pan of greens. It was only then that I realized that he had intended to be cooking for more than himself, but my thoughts progressed no further than that observation.

The steaks and the corn were ready, so we loaded up our plates and went out back to the Adirondacks. We ate and talked. When we finished, we quickly cleaned up and went back outside to have another beer. It was turning dark by now. I had a nice buzz going. I wasn't drunk but I was certainly feeling good.

This was my chance to find out what Derek's deal was, I thought. "So," I asked him, "how is it that you own this house and some other houses in town and you're probably not yet 30?"

He smiled and said, "bet you two have been wanting to ask that for most of the year." We both laughed and I admitted that we did talk about it.

He then told me his story. His parents lived in upstate New York and they were pretty wealthy. "Generational wealth," he called it. So, even if he didn't own the seven (we were off by 3 or 4!) duplexes in our college town that he did, he would still not really need to work for someone else.

"I came out here to school where no one would automatically know my last name," he told me. "While I was in college, I decided to buy the place I was living in," he said. "That was this place. I spent a lot of time and invested some money to modernize it and fix it up. I've continued buying, fixing up and renting for the last six years. I now have seven duplexes spread across town. The other six are managed by a guy I hired, so I don't have to deal with them. I like it here and have decided at least for now to hang for a while."

We sat and drank. "I do have one other question if it's ok to ask," I said. "Sure," he responded.

"I never see a girl around. You're a good looking guy. What's up with that?" He looked a little startled. I actually surprised myself. Pete and I had speculated about Derek's sexuality. We'd never seen a guy come to the house, but we'd never seen a girl come by either. He was good looking. He was young. Obviously doing well--he drove a newer Corvette in the summer and a new Jeep in the other months. And yet we'd never seen a pretty young thing doing the walk of shame down the driveway at dawn.

Derek squared around to look at me and he said, "I hope this doesn't change our relationship, but I'm just not into women." He looked at me closely to see if there was any negative reaction.

I nodded in response but didn't say anything. "You ok with that," he asked. "Sure," I said, "it's your life and from my perspective it doesn't change a thing."

Derek let out a little sigh and asked "Really?"

"Really," I said. But my mind was buzzing.

So, we sat in silence for a while. And then Derek said: "I knew you'd be cool about it. I wasn't sure but I pretty much knew."

And then he asked me something that I wasn't expecting: "have you ever thought about being with a guy?"

Now, if anyone else had asked me that my immediate response would have been: "no way." But that would be a lie and I made a split-second decision to tell the truth.

"Actually," I said, "I don't think it really counts as a true gay experience, but my next-door neighbor and I jacked each other off on a routine basis. I'm not sure how it started but we both figured out that it felt better having someone else touching your cock, and we regularly jacked each other off whenever we could for two years, until he moved away."

"I've never told anyone that," I said.

After a pause he said, you didn't really answer my question because jacking another guy off and having him jack you off is certainly being with another guy, but, as you said, it's really not the same thing.

The truth was that I actually had wanted to take our mutual jacking to the next level, but I was always too afraid to suggest it. When my friend moved away, I regretted not trying. But I'd never acted on it. Now, with this good-looking guy sitting next to me and no one around, did I dare?

I took a deep breath and told him the truth: that while I didn't actively think about it, I did sometimes fantasize about being with a guy. The girls who had blown me would get me off, but it always felt like they didn't have a clue about what they were doing. And, if I were really being honest, I did sometimes look at a guy and wonder about what was hiding behind his zipper and the thought of sucking a cock was never far behind that first thought. But my thoughts hadn't turned into action.

We talked for a bit and then sat for a bit. After a while Derek said, "Ok, look, I'm not going to pressure you and it won't change thing for me either way, but I'm just going to throw it out there: "voulez vous coucher avec moi?"

We both burst out laughing. No one our age didn't know that 1974 Labelle classic. I for one, however, had never had anyone pose that question to me like that.

Thinking back, it was the perfect way to ask. I could laugh it off or I could take it seriously. I'd studied French since junior high and with little hesitation answered: "oui je voudrais coucher avec toi," and laughed.

"Well," said Derek, "I don't speak French but I know "oui" means "yes" and I can assume the rest.

I told Derek that I was willing to explore a bit as long as it was strictly between us. I also said that while I thought I wanted to try some man-to-man exploration, I hoped it would be cool if I changed my mind. I wanted to make sure we would still be cool after.

Derek assured me that we could go at my pace and that whatever the outcome it would not change our relationship.

Ok, I told him. But there's one last thing: I haven't had a shower all day. I'll run upstairs and get cleaned up and come back down.

"You can," he said, "or we could shower together down here and start to get to know each other."

I thought about it for just an instant and agreed. I'm sure Derek was thinking that if I went upstairs I might reconsider. However, what he didn't know was that since he first asked me the question, I could feel my cock get stiff and I was 100% in.

We went inside. I'd seen his kitchen and living room before, but I'd never been in his bedroom. He opened the door to a very large room--it took up the same footprint as Pete and my two bedrooms a floor above. It had a huge king bed against the back wall. The bed sat between two doors. The one on the left led to a very nicely updated large bathroom that featured a full walk-in shower at the back. The wall of the shower facing the bathroom was made up of glass blocks. The blocks were framed in low blue light which gave the room a very sexy glow.

All this I saw from the door of the bathroom. Derek came up behind me and put his arm around my waste, drawing me back to his chest. I relaxed into him. He leaned down and kissed me lightly below the left ear, tracing his tongue down my neck. He pulled me backwards while he nuzzled me, back into the bedroom. I didn't stop him.

Derek grabbed me below each arm and raised them both over my head. He then took the bottom of my tee shirt and rolled it up and off me. That left me only in my shorts. I always go commando. When he reached around the front and undid the clasp and zipped down my shorts, they fell to my feet, exposing my virgin ass. Derek let out a low moan and his hands reached down and rubbed each of my small ass cheeks.

He turned me around. He looked down and gave out another low moan, this one deeper and from farther down in his diaphragm. "Wow," he said, "your cock is magnificent."

My cock had filled out to its full almost 8" and had expanded to its full width.

Derek lifted my arms and studied my arm pits. They were bushy and a bit moist. He touched both of them at the same time. He then leaned forward and licked myleft pit from bottom to top and then from top to bottom. My knees wavered. I couldn't believe the feeling.

He then sank to his knees and looked directly at my cock. He picked it up and studied my balls. He leaned forward and gave my head a very quick lick. I could see a strand of precum connecting his lips to my cock head, illuminated in the blue light coming from the bathroom. He held my balls in his left hand. He lowered his mouth while he pulled me forward and sucked first one nut and then the second into his mouth. I'd never felt anything like that before and in an instant I knew that I would forever want my balls sucked and chewed on by someone who enjoyed doing just that.

After a few minutes of this he stood up. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. This surprised me but I didn't hesitate when I felt his tongue slip between my lips. I opened up and let him enter my mouth with his tongue. As he explored my mouth, I did the same to him. As we French kissed, I felt his hands moving across my body, stopping to tweak first one then another nipple, slipping underneath my arms to play with my armpit hair.

My hands found their way down his back, rubbing his ass through his shorts. I reached around front, and while my tongue was still actively exploring his mouth, my fingers undid the clasp on his shorts and slid the zipper down. His shorts fell to the floor and he shucked them to the side. I was naked and he was standing there in his t-shirt and cotton briefs. I pulled back from the kiss and looked down. He had a nice bulge that went up and to the left below the cotton fabric. My hand cupped his cock for an instant and then I slipped my fingers behind the waist band and pulled his undies down. While I was doing that, he grabbed his t-shirt from the bottom and whipped it up over his head.

While his arms reached up, I looked at his sparse, blonde armpit hair. I'd never done anything like this in my life, but I was possessed: I leaned into his left pit and started licking and sucking on his hair, while my fist wrapped around his cock, slowly stroking him up and down.

His hands were roaming through my pubes and reaching around to stroke my ass.

We pulled away and he led me into the shower. He turned the shower on and within seconds we were both standing in the shower stall. He grabbed a bar of soap and started to soap me up, paying special attention to my armpits first and then my crotch. He then turned me around and soaped up my back, slipping the soap low between my cheeks and lathering up my ass. He expertly washed me with a washcloth and when he finished, he handed the cloth to me. I matched his every move.

I sunk to my knees when I got to the point where I was cleaning his ass. I lathered up real good and spread the soap across one cheek and then the other. I opened his cheeks and lathered around his crack. I noticed that he had little to no hair surrounding his pink hole. I spent a while just rubbing his button with my lathered hands. I then turned him around, holding him by the hips. His cock was even with my face. It was between 5" and 6" and cut. He had bushy blonde pubic hair that was thick and springy. Drops from the shower clung to his pubes and dropped to the floor. His balls hung low below his cock. I looked at his package for a second and then finished rinsing his backside off under the cascading shower water. When I thought he was rinsed off, I rotated his hips back so that his ass was once again facing me.

Again, I was a man possessed--wanting to try all of my fantasies at once, and I moved my lips in between his ass cheeks, my tongue extending from my mouth. I licked the sides of his cheeks and then let my tongue lap its way down to his cute little hole. I licked it, tentatively at first, and then more voraciously like a cat licking at a bowl of milk. I couldn't get enough. I then took the complete plunge and inserted my tongue into his hole. His body arched up and I heard him groan. And then he leaned over, giving me complete access to his inner cavity. I licked and sucked on his hole, plunging my tongue in and out.

During this tongue fucking my hands were not idle. I had my right hand holding on to his right thigh, stroking his leg muscle in time with my left hand, which was stroking his engorged cock. I sucked on his hole and jacked on his cock for a few minutes. With a groan, he reached back and pulled my head up.

"Stop," he moaned, "I don't want to cum yet."

He picked me up and continued our earlier game, where one of us was following the moves of the other. He got down on his knees and pulled my cheeks apart. With the water cascading on my head, I felt his tongue tickle the edges of my virgin hole. His tongue plunged into my hole and I gasped. My knees went weak, and my legs were shaking. While he continued to fuck me deep with his tongue his hands went around the front and played with my balls before grabbing my cock and stroking me long and slow.

This was all too new to me and before I knew it or could stop, I started convulsing with a fury, sending ropes of heavy cream out toward the bathroom wall. My anus muscles contracted around Derek's tongue as he continued to eat me as I spasmed jizz like a small fountain.

"Oh, shit," I murmured, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

He stood up and while saying "shhhh" he kissed me on the lips. His tongue once again exploring my mouth.

He held me for a few minutes. My cock deflated a little but didn't really lose too much of its stiffness. I was still horny as hell. His cock was rock hard and was sandwiched between our lower bellies as we pressed into each other.

After a while the water started to turn a little cool. He reached over and shut it off.

We stepped out of the shower and toweled each other off.

Not quite fully dry, he took me by the hand and led me to his bed.

I lay back on his pillows. He scooted down so that his mouth was level with my cock. He took my pulsing prick in his left hand. It was once again fully erect, hard and ready for him. He held it for a second and looked at it. Then he leaned forward and his tongue dropped out of his mouth so that it's end was just about even with his chin. He slowly licked the underside of my cock, starting at the base, near my balls, and slowly lapping up the stem to the head. He licked the tip and plunged it into his mouth. His left hand stroked my cock in and out of his mouth. I can't catalog every move he made but it was something like this: he would lick my head and then plunge my cock in his mouth, pulling my cock out of his mouth, his tongue would swirl and lick its way around and around the head and then down the stem on the topside and then the bottom side. He was possessed. He would then push my cock in his mouth and swallow it down, while his hands played with my pubic hair and balls.

Suddenly, he stopped. He grabbed my hips and flipped me over, pushing me up on my knees. My ass cheeks were spread apart and my cock was hard against the mattress. He reached through my legs with his left hand and grabbed my cock, pulling it back through my legs. He then resumed what he had been doing earlier--licking my cock with his tongue, giving it a tongue bath from tip to balls and back again and then pushing it into his mouth and sucking. His hands held the back of each of my thighs and his mouth was attached to my cock. It felt like his lips had a vacuum seal on my cock as it went in and out of his mouth.

I'd never, ever been blown from behind like that. Once again, I was hooked for life. But I'd had enough of being serviced. I wanted to serve.

So, I rolled away from him with a laugh as he tried to keep my cock in his mouth.

I scooted down the bed and grabbed him by the legs, pushing him up toward the headboard. He did not resist and soon my mouth was in his lap. His cock was mere inches away from my lips. Without using my hands, I picked my head up and put my lips around the tip of his cock. My tongue reached out and licked the underside and then proceeded to swirl and dance around the cockhead.

I hear him say, "not quite as big as yours but I hope you like it." "I love it," I murmured, with his cock in my mouth.

I slowly took him deeper, all the time my tongue licked and bathed his steel-silky soft rod as it went down my throat, until my nose was buried in his blonde pubes. I inhaled deeply, trying to get all my sense engaged. I gagged for a split second and then I was ok. I stayed down on him for a second, not wanting to move.

He, however, very much wanted to move and started to pull out and push in, face fucking me with a quiet fury. I let him. My hands found his balls and started to roll them and squeeze them. One hand traveled a little bit further in and found his pucker. I stopped sucking only long enough to bathe my fore- and middle-finger in saliva. My mouth went down on his cock as my fingers entered his hole and started to fuck him with long and slow strides. He started bucking and I knew he was close. I had never swallowed cum before, but I wanted it. My fingers plunged in and out while my mouth just became a receptacle for his thrusting cock, in and out he went until I felt his ass muscles tighten around my finger almost at the same time as a thick wad of cum exploded into my mouth, only to be followed by countless more. I swallowed and tried to keep my lips on his cock and my fingers buried in his ass. This was no easy trick, since he was moving in and out and all around with a frenzy.

He finally stopped and I savored the taste of his cum in my mouth. I'd tasted my own cum before and found it to be slightly salty. His cum was sweet. Amazingly sweet. I swirled it around a little bit and then swallowed.

We both lay there. I was rock hard and ready to go but didn't want to disturb the moment, so I let my head rest on his thigh and licked his balls a little while I lay there. He seemed a little spent. He was prone against the headboard, his hands at his sides. We lay like that for a few minutes and then I felt his hands running through my hair.

"Fuck," he said, "maybe I should rethink going to Europe." I smiled and drifted off for a short nap.

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