The Surprise

By moc.loa@02yuGTJ

Published on Dec 20, 2004



The story that follows is true. It involves a friend of mine I've had since middle school. It happened not too long ago, and I decided to sit down and transcribe the event. Questions or comments can be sent to me at

I didn't have anything else to do, so I figured it was as good a time as any to jump in the bath and soak a while. I don't like showers, so most of the time I draw a hot tub of water and let the heat relax my muscles after a long day. Taking a bath is also a great way to keep up with my shaving. Since I was about 14 I've shaved most of my pubic hair, only leaving a strip just above my penis. Normally I keep that trimmed very close as well, but lately I've let it grow a bit. It's the best of both worlds; a smooth sack and lots of skin on the sides and underneath, but enough hair to form a little bush.

I started the bath water and began gathering the necessary supplies. Shaving cream, new razor, washrag, etc. I set all of it on the edge of the tub and turned around to face the mirror as I undressed. I've always been pleased with the way I look, enough that masturbating in front of a mirror is enough to get me off. And, there's something sexy about shaving that area of your body, no matter how many times you've done it before.

I pulled off my shirt and looked at myself for a minute. My upper body is not the nicest, but I don't have chest hair or anything and I like the smoothness. My arms could use a little work, but they're not flabby by any means. The jeans came next. Since they were tight, it took a bit of wiggling to get them to my ankles. As I stepped out of them I had to admire the way my package was accentuated by the gray cotton boxers I was wearing that day. They're still one of my favorite pairs. I wasn't hard, but I could definitely see the unmistakable shape of my penis protruding in the front. The shape of the head was visible as well, and the material was so thin you could certainly tell I am circumcised.

I knew if I stood there long enough my dick would start to get hard. I could already see part of the shaft through the opening in the front of my shorts. So, without waiting any longer, I stuck both thumbs into the waist and dropped them to the ground. Looking in the mirror, it was hard to tell that I needed a fresh shave. The distance didn't allow my eyes to see the stubble of growth around my privates. Looking down, however, it was clear it had been a couple of days. Tiny little black hairs were poking up, asking to be shaved away by a sharp new razor. My balls were tucked close to my body because it was cold in the bathroom. I enjoy the way they feel like this; instinctively my hand went down and began to massage them. The smoothness felt absolutely incredible, but the warmth caused them to begin to drop. After they had expanded all the way, I took my hand off and turned toward the tub.

The water was about halfway up, steaming and extremely inviting. I put a toe into the water to test the temperature and, after it registered the perfect bath, stepped into the tub. As I sat down, I grabbed the washcloth and placed it behind my neck so I could lay back for a bit. The tub filled and I turned the faucets off with my right foot. I closed my eyes and let the hot water pull all the tension from my body.

After a few minutes of soaking, I decided the water had had enough time to soften the bristly hair down there. I grabbed the shaving cream dispenser and squeezed a generous amount onto my hand. I lathered the right side of my privates, took the plastic guard off the razor, and began to shave. The stubble yielded right away, revealing the soft, clear skin underneath. Resisting the urge to rub my fingers along the freshly shaved area, I continued down the crease of my right thigh and around my buttocks.

After applying fresh shaving cream, I worked on the underside, from my asshole up to the bottom of my sack. Then up the left thigh in a mirror of what I had done on the right side. Shaving with the grain, there were no nicks or cuts. When I was done with the left side, I re-lathered the right and gave one stroke against the grain, getting the closest possible shave. This procedure, once again, was repeated over the entire genital area. One stroke only on each spot; I don't want to get razor burn. When the sides and underside were completely smooth, it was time to lather up my balls. This is always a tricky part, as there is so much loose skin to get in the way. Of course, by this time I had a raging hard-on. Seeing myself in an almost pre-pubescent state down there always gets me excited. A few times I've shaved all the hair, just to complete the fantasy of being nine or ten again. If it weren't for the pretty generous size of my manhood, I'd look like a kid again.

Anyway, I spread the shaving cream all over my nutsack and gingerly began to shave it too. Luckily there's not as much hair, and the entire process only takes about three minutes. I stretch the skin and then shave a stroke, move to another spot and repeat. Before too long, all evidence of pubic hair is removed from my scrotum. This is probably the nicest feeling of all. Sometimes (even as I sit here and write this) I can't help but to reach down and run my fingers over the silky skin. It's also amazing during masturbation with lotion.

The next part simply can't happen in the tub. I step out and lay a towel on the floor. Then, I carefully lower myself down onto it, with my back against the side of the bathtub. With the aid of a hand mirror, I spread my legs and very carefully begin to shave around my tight hole. The razor feels oddly stimulating as it passes over it, and I see my dick suddenly grow an inch or so. I have to smile at myself, because it is an awkward position. When I'm done with my ass, I get back into the water and rinse all the shaving cream off my body. I use the washrag to scrub the rest of my body, and finally the areas I'd just shaved. I read somewhere that this aids in the prevention of razor burn.

Stepping out of the tub, I admire my wet, naked self in the mirror. From all the activity, my cock is at about half-mast, standing nearly perpendicular from my body. I turn sideways and look at it in the mirror. Even with only half an erection, it's pretty big. It sticks out at least five inches. I know that in a few minutes I will have to give it some attention.

I get good and dry, then spread a liberal amount of baby oil over my dick, balls, and thighs. Yes, it feels extremely good. Since I'm the only one in the house, I simply walk naked from the bathroom to my bedroom. The silk sheets on my bed are inviting, and by this time I absolutely had to cum. Since I was feeling extraordinarily kinky, I made the decision to do a couple of things differently this day. First, I looked under my bed and pulled out my camcorder bag. It has a nice, collapsible tripod. I set this up at the corner of my bed, plugging the electronic power cord into the wall. I focus the camera on the foot of my bed, because in addition to filming myself get off, I planned on cumming into my mouth. I don't do that very often, mostly because the position is so awkward.

I grabbed a couple of pillows from the bed and plopped them down onto the floor. I wasn't going to spend the entire session with my legs up over my head, so I simply sat on the corner of the matress and turned the camera on. When the red dot came on, signifying that the camera was recording, I began to feel myself up.

The baby oil was still fresh, and my had slid easily along my privates. My dick sprang up within seconds. The act of masturbation in itself is pleasurable, but going to the extremes with the video camera and the idea of my own semen on my tongue made things all the better. I had the viewscreen of the camcorder turned around so that I could see what the camera was recording, and the view was remarkable. I had to shift slightly to keep everything in frame; the shot was tight and, as I mentioned before, I'm pretty well-endowed.

Satisfied that all seven inches of my rod were in the viewfinder, I began to slowly stroke. I'm normally not very vocal, but on this occasion I couldn't help moaning as my hand slid effortlessly over my rock-hard prick. The baby oil was a welcome change of pace, as I usually don't use any lubricants.

I watched as the head of my dick began to change color. It started at a light shade of pink, but with every stroke it became more and more purple. It swelled with every pass of my hand, ballooning from the top of my fist. Uncontrollably, my legs began to twitch. I reached down with my other hand and started exploring the incredible smoothness surrounding my genitals. I found my slick ballsack and massaged it gently, giving it a tug occasionally.

I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. I stood up and shifted the focus of the camcorder slightly, so it would have an unobstructed view. I also zoomed out a bit, to allow the camera to see not only my midsection, but my mouth as well. I sat down on the floor and then laid on my back. I lifted my hips and began to scoot my butt up the side of the bed. Before long, I was practically upside down, with my neck resting on the pillows I had thrown down.

My hard, purple cockhead was just inches from my lips, and I stuck my tongue out to have a lick. With a little effort, I was able to make contact with the tip of my tongue, and I was rewarded with the salty-sweet taste of precum. A glance to the viewfinder to make sure the camera was getting all this, and my hand resumed its pace on my erection.

As I jacked off, my balls bounced up and down. Of course, being upside down, they hung to about midway down the shaft of my dick. About every third stroke, I would use the palm of my hand to give them a rub. My penis was dripping precum by now, and I opened my mouth in an effort to catch as much of it as I could. It dripped onto my chin, my cheeks, and my lips, but fortunately a good amount made it down my throat. I knew I was only seconds away from a mind-blowing orgasm, and I kept my mouth open in anticipation of the hot, white, liquid I knew I was going to blow.

Out of nowhere, there's a knock at my window. My bedroom is in the back of the house, and since there are no neighbors I very rarely close the blinds. Being autumn, I also had the window open to admit some fresh, cool air.

"Come to the door," I heard a familiar male voice say.

Obviously, I didn't have anything to say. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that A.J. had seen what was going on. I reached up and hit the camera button, stopping the tape inside. I looked vainly around for my pants, then realized I had come in from the bathroom and didn't have any handy. Knowing that I had to go open the door and face humiliation, I took my time looking through my dresser for something to put on. In the top drawer, buried under socks and boxers, I saw something black. I knew what it was; my old pair of bicycle shorts. Back in my early teenage years I had worn these around A.J. whenever he'd spend the night, hoping he'd finally get the courage to reach down and see what was underneath them. He and I finally did end up fooling around a bit; but that had been at his house, and I hadn't been wearing the shorts.

On a whim, I picked them out of the drawer and slipped them over my bare skin. The spandex material was tight, accentuating my package and, I guessed, my ass as well. I figured that as long as he'd seen what I was doing, I might as well try to get some male- on-male fun out of the deal.

When I finally opened the door, A.J. was standing there looking serious. I had expected him to be laughing his ass off, or at least to make some comment about what he'd seen. Instead, he seemed introspective. I opened the door wider to allow him to come in, and he glanced down and saw my shorts. His eyes lingered for a split second before he composed himself and walked into the house.

"I wasn't really expecting company," I said, a bit shyly.

"Yeah...I...uh...I guess not."

I motioned for him to follow me into my bedroom, and started down the hall. I could hear him behind me, and I hoped he was taking a good long look at the bicycle shorts. When we got to my room, I simply sat on the edge of the bed, in the same spot I'd begun masturbating only a few minutes before. I spread my legs slightly, just to show off the bulge of my scrotum.

"So...what's up?" I ask, with a certain amount of coyness.

"Nothing. I just thought I'd drop by. Haven't seen you in a while."

"Well, I guess today you've seen a lot of me," I said with a giggle.

"Mmm hmm."

Though he was trying to hide it, his eyes were on my crotch almost as much as they were on my face. My erection had subsided quickly when I'd heard tapping on my window, but now it was painfully obvious that, while I wasn't hard, I wasn't wearing any underwear. Knowing he was looking at me that way made my penis begin to swell again, a fact I did not attempt to hide. At this point, why should I?

Neither myself nor A.J. are what you would consider "gay." Hell, by this point he'd already gotten married. I myself was single, but more or less heterosexual. Yeah, we'd shared some intimate times a few years ago, but nothing since then. I had not repeated the exercise with any other guys either. Just not all that appealing. However, being as horny as I was at that moment, combined with every guy's deep fantasy about another male, I didn't care if I looked gay, bi, or what. I just wanted some action.

"How long were you looking through the window?"

"Oh, uh, not long."

"Liar...seriously, what all did you see?"

He shifted on his feet for a second or two before finally coming clean.

"Ok, I watched the whole thing. From the time you walked into the room."

This was shocking to me. I had no idea he'd been there the whole time. But, I also knew that he was watching for a reason. It seemed to me that both of us wanted an encore of our pubescent encounters.

"I tell you what," I said, "why don't you take this camera off the tripod, start recording, and I'll be a good boy and take whatever direction you give me."

This causes him to blush, but I notice that there is a distinct bulge in the front of his jeans. The idea excites him.

"Go ahead. Look, I won't tell your wife, and this doesn't mean anything, okay? We're just two friends doing what a lot of friends do. Besides, it's not like we haven't done shit before."

"Yeah, you have a point."

I grabbed the camera from the tripod and basically threw it at him. He took it without hesitation, turned the viewfinder around so he could see it, and started recording.

"Okay director, direct!"

"Lay back on the bed," he told me, gaining confidence.

I do as I'm told, laying flat on the bed because my pillows are still on the floor. My hard-on has returned with a vengeance, desperately trying to get out of the tight elastic material surrounding it.

"Rub yourself," A.J. directs, taking a few steps back to get everything on the screen.

I reach down with my right hand and start rubbing my palm up and down the outside of the shorts. The spandex feels spectacular against the bare flesh below. A.J. moves to the right side of the bed, his gaze focused on the camera's viewfinder. I can't see what exactly he's filming, but I notice the zoom lens moving in and out. It's vaguely sexual.

"That's good," he tells me, "now pull it out."

I do as instructed, pulling my hard prick out and holding the waistband of the shorts down low. My erection stands at its full length, the head still a shade of purple. Holding the waistband down with my left hand, I begin running my fingertips around the head and shaft, waiting for my next direction.

"Spit on your hand and jack off for me."

The warm saliva aids the baby oil remaining on my package as I bring my fist up and down around my shaft. The feeling of doing something like this in front of a guy is kind of bizarre, but kinky and sexy at the same time. I'm relishing it.

I close my eyes and continue to masturbate for A.J. The sound of my cock in my hand is wet and satisfying. I can tell that I'm oozing precum again, and I bring a bit to my mouth to taste. A.J. continues to roll, but with his free hand reaches down and starts rubbing himself through his jeans. It's obvious he's as hard as I am.

"Get on all fours," he commands, and I oblige. I've never been much for anal play, but as long as he doesn't want to fuck me I'll do whatever he wants.

"You know what I want to see."

Indeed I do. I stick the middle finger of my right hand deep into my mouth, running my tongue up and down it and getting it thoroughly soaked in spit. I then reach back between my legs and timidly begin tracing circles around my virgin hole. My ass is sticking up in the air, and A.J. moves the camera in close to record what I'm doing. The camera's lens is only about a foot away from my butt, but I don't care. If it makes him horny I'm perfectly willing.

"Finger yourself for me," he says, more a request than a demand.

"Mmmmm." I say, as I penetrate my anus clear to the knuckle.

I move the finger in and out, massaging my prostate and enjoying the way A.J. is looking at me. I can see back between my legs, and he still has the camera right there. If I wasn't in such an awkward position I'd play with my dick, but it's not really practical at this moment. A.J. watches me fingerbang my ass for a few minutes, then tells me to sit up and move to the edge of the bed. I have a feeling I know what's coming up next.

He keeps the camera on my face as he reaches down and unsnaps his jeans. I take the cue and reach up, unzipping them and pulling them down to his knees. Unlike me, he wears boxer-briefs, and his small prick juts out inside the material. Looking up, I confirm that the camera is recording my every move before yanking his undies down. His penis is quite a bit smaller than mine, and has a bit of a banana shape to it. Also unlike me, he does not trim or shave down there. His balls are in a tight package just under the base of his hard dick, and I immediately cup them in my left hand. With my right, I reach for the I haven't seen or touched in years.and begin to masturbate my friend.

"Yeah, that feels good. Look at the camera," he tells me.

"Do you like that?" I ask, my eyes locked into the lens.

"Mmm hmm."

"Then maybe you'll like this, too."

Without waiting for a question or statement, I bring my lips down to the level of his cock and kiss the head. I feel the entire thing swell in my hand, and take this as a very good sign. I continue to kiss all around the head, then, pushing his prick up so that it was flat against his belly, I kiss up and down the shaft. This is only my second time to put my mouth on his manhood, and the first time I had insisted that he wear a rubber. This time, though, I'm not as nervous. My heart is beating wildly in my chest, but in the years since that first encounter I've lost some of my shyness.

With my right hand still on his shaft, I slowly lick the seam in the middle of his scrotum. It's a little hairy, but at this point I don't care. I lick back down, tracing my tongue around his testicles with infinite care. They begin to loosen and drop, and I let each rest on my tongue for a few seconds. Then, with not much in the way of warning, I let my tongue roam its way back up his shaft and all around the head. Now he's the one pumping precum, and I greedily lap the drops he's given me.

The camera is still recording all this, of course, but it's obvious that A.J.'s having a much harder time keeping himself together.

"Tell you what," I say, letting his erection slide out of my mouth, "why don't we put this back on the tripod so we can continue."

"Good idea."

The camera is put atop the tripod, and the entire assembly is moved to the best spot. He sits down on the bed and I kneel on the floor in front of him to continue the blowjob. His penis feels spectacular in my mouth. Since he's small, I can take him all the way in. I'd estimate him at five inches, so with my lips touching his pubic hair the head of it wasn't even at the back of my throat. I start really slowly, going fully down, then coming back up. As my mouth reaches the head, I let it pop out and wiggle my tongue around it, just the way I like it done to me.

I switch hands, putting my left onto his shaft and moving the right down to myself. There's something about having a dick in each hand that can't be explained. Add to that having one in your mouth while you masturbate, and it's damned near impossible not to spray all over yourself.

I suck him like this for what seems like ages, until my jaw begins to ache. Standing up, all seven inches of my rod are in his face, and he leaps at the opportunity. Instead of starting gently, like me, he instead tries to take me completely in at once. My eyes instinctively close and my head goes back as I feel the tip of my prick against the back of his throat. During our first encounter, he'd wanted to suck me off but I'd refused. This time, he hadn't given me that option. The feeling, I confess, is much the same as any straight blowjob, but having the memory of his hard-on in my mouth, plus the taste of precum, made the experience different.

I looked down to see him almost violently pull my cock out of his mouth, slam it against my belly, and begin licking my freshly-shaven balls.

"Mmmm," I cooed, "you like them shaved?"


The way he's trying to devour me reminds me of someone who hasn't eaten in a week and is suddenly presented with a five-course feast. I'm suddenly very glad that I'd just taken a bath. Before long, he admits that his jaw is aching, that I'm just too big to keep sucking. I laugh and suggest that we both lay down.

The camera records everything as we grab the pillows from the floor and proceed to find comfortable spots on the bed. We're both sitting indian-style, facing each other, unsure of what to do next.

"Look," he says, "don't take this the wrong way or anything, but I really want to, um, lick your...your..."

"What, my ass?"

He blushes and looks away.

"Yeah.don't think I'm a freak or anything, please."

"Hey," I reply, "if it's something you want to do, then it's cool."

With that, I get back on all fours. I've arranged myself so that the camera can see the action of his tongue on my back door, since I obviously can't see it myself. The viewfinder is turned around so I can watch.

"Go ahead man, it's okay," I tell him.

Very gingerly, he brings his hands to my buttocks and spreads me open. In the camera's viewfinder I see my perfectly round circle, completely smooth from the shave earlier. He leans in and gives me a teasing first lick. It's obvious this is his first time. Hell, it's mine too.

Having someone lick your ass is unique. There's really not another feeling in the world like it. To be honest, I wasn't all that comfortable with the prospect, but once he started to draw circles along the outer perimeter, I was ready to beg for more. It was doubly exciting to be able to watch this as it happened; I also knew there would be many solitary masturbation sessions in the future with the tape.

He ate my ass like it was a pussy, flicking it with his tongue, using hard, broad strokes, even parting me with his tongue and moving it in and out. His hand reached around and began to play with my penis again. Instead of jacking me off though, he put it into his hand and began to turn it, as if revving a motorcycle. All the friction against the head was amazing, and I made a mental note to try the technique on myself at some later date.

After about ten minutes of this, I knew I was close to orgasm. I sat up and he backed away, thinking I didn't like it.

"No, it's good," I said, "I just got a little, uh, close."

"Oh, I see."

I flopped down on my back, resting my head on my pillow. By this point I had nothing to be self-conscious about. This guy had just licked my ass. He asked me if I had any lotion or anything, and I reached over to my nightstand and pulled out a bottle. Handing it to him, I asked what he had in mind.

"Something I always wanted to try when we were younger," he says.

He takes a generous amount of lotion and completely covers his entire pubic area. He squeezes another huge glob out and covers mine as well. Before I know it, he's on top of me. I'm not entirely sure what he's up to, so I just keep still. His eyes are looking into mine as he starts to hump me, almost like you would a woman. Except, in this instance, our pricks are together. They slide up and down each other, and our balls are mashed together. They're slippery also, and he says the feeling of my shaved sack on his is awesome. He continues to hump me like this and I decide to take at least some part in the action. I reach down and take both of our members into my hand, squeezing them together as they slide up and down.

"Oh my God," he whispers.

"'s good," I manage.

And it is. In fact, it's downright incredible. My eyes are closed and I don't see him as he moves his lips to mine.

Now, let me explain something. I'd always been fine with jacking A.J. off, or sucking his dick, or whatever, but we had never, ever kissed. To me, kissing had always been off-limits. Today I wouldn't kiss another guy. But it happened so fast, and I was in ecstasy.

My eyes snap open as I realize we're kissing. My first instinct is to break it off, but I figured what the hell. His tongue parts my lips and penetrates my mouth. He finds my tongue and suddenly, we're French-kissing. Our tongues roll around each other; he seems to want his all the way down my throat. After a couple of minutes, he breaks it and apologizes.

"I've never wanted to do that before," he says.

"Well, me either, but that time it was okay," I reply.

He stops grinding into me and sits up. His hand moves down to his erection and he looks at me.

"Were you really going to cum into your own mouth?"

"Well, yeah."

"Would you do it and let me watch?"


And with that, the deal is set. We stand again and he moves the camera into position. I get back down on the floor, my legs up above my head. My dick, once again, is mere inches from my mouth. I know I'm very close to orgasm, but this time I get to finally release. He stands above me, straddling me. He's already masturbating as I reach for my own member. It only takes about fifteen strokes before I feel the rush of semen at the base of my shaft. I open my mouth and stick out my tongue, ready to both feel and taste the salty mixture. I watch as the head of my prick goes deep purple and the first spasm hits me. The initial spurt of cum is huge, and lands right on the center of my tongue. I swallow and stick my tongue out again, ready for more.

This, apparently, sends A.J. over the edge as well. His entire body tenses as his climax hits. Another large spurt of semen drops, this time from his dick. Of course, I'm directly underneath, and it winds up a fraction of an inch away from my mouth. We both continue to spurt our hot, white, thick liquid, and I do my best to catch it all. His semen mixes with mine on my lips and tongue. Between us, we produce at least 5 tablespoons of the stuff, most of it winding up in my mouth.

Before I'm completely done, he drops to his knees and I feel his gooey privates on my belly. He leans down and begins to lick our sperm from my face, moving from my cheek to my chin and, finally, to my lips. This startled me, and I still had a mouthful of the stuff. Once again, his lips make contact with mine and I feel his tongue in my mouth. Our wads are traded back and forth for a good minute and a half before we swallow what's left. He stands up and begins to look for something to clean up with. Being my room, I stand and find a towel. We clean up in silence. The camera is turned off. Without saying another word, he walks out the door and gets in his car. As he pulls out of the driveway, I lick my salty lips and glance at the camera. I have a feeling that particular tape will be viewed many, many times.

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