The Sweet Life

By colton henry

Published on Feb 14, 2008


Disclaimer: I do not own "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" nor do I know any of the celebrities who play the characters. This work is that of complete fiction, made up by me. If gay sex between two minors offends you or you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to be reading this, then stop reading!

I also do not know Jake T Austin and the events that happen to him in this story are completely fictional.

I'm not going to write stories if no one is reading them. So, if you want me to continue writing Sprouse twin stories then you have to e-mail me at

This story takes part right after the episode of "Free Tippy".

The Martin twins had successfully managed to save a horse and an old man's job in the same day. Both were looking to "celebrate" but unfortunately their mother was cleaning their rooms.

"Aww, come on mom, we said we'd clean it...besides me and Cody are...really tired and need a nap." Zack said.

"Look, guys, if I don't clean it, it'll never get done." Carey responded. "Why don't you guys go for a swim or something?"

"Oh all right..." Cody said rolling his eyes grabbing his trunks and heading out the door.

Zack headed over to the other side of the room, grabbed his red and white swimming trunks and headed into the bathroom so he and his brother could change. Zack shut the door behind him and started tearing off pieces of clothing along with his brother.

"You know, we could fuck in here, Cody." Zack stated naked from the waist up, his pert nipples growing accustomed to the cold air.

"She'll hear us Zack, do you really want our secret found out." Cody said with disappointment in his voice. He wanted to fuck his brother's ass so bad. It had been two days since they had fooled around. There was not a 60 second period that went by when Cody didn't think about horny he was.

Zack and Cody were now completely naked now and were admiring the other. Their flaccid dicks hanging down from their pelvis, larger than normal because of their duration of abstinence. Cody put one of his legs through the holes of his swimming trunks and then the other. He pulled them up ending the show for Zack. Zack shook his head and recovered from his daze and pulled up his swimming suit as well.

Both boys exited the bathroom, walked over the door, put on their flip-flops and headed out the door.

"Love you, guys" Carey shouted from their room.

"Love you." The two shouted in unison.

Zack and Cody were a little disappointed they were not naked, exploring each other's bodies right now so they just sat by the pool with their almost hairless legs dangling in the water. They didn't say anything, nothing needed to be said. They were sending messages using their telepathic twin messaging system. Zack was complaining about how much this sucked, and Cody was trying to calculate in his mind when their mother would be done.

"Well it takes her about 13 minutes to cleaning the living room. And the living room is approximately 7/8 the size of our bedroom..." Cody started quietly.

"Cody." Zack interrupted "Shut up." still obviously feeling horrible about the whole event.

Unbeknownst to the twins, someone was watching them. A short, brown haired kid had stopped what he was doing and was checking the two brothers out. Zack noticed the kid a few minutes later and nudged Cody in the ribs.

"Ouch, what's the matter? I almost had it figured out."

"Never mind that...look at that kid staring at us." Zack said "He hasn't taken his eyes off us since we got here."

Cody looked in the direction of Zack and saw the cute, wet kid. The kid noticed the twins staring at him, but did not try to turn away. Instead he started walking in the waist deep water towards the boys.

"Do you think he's hot?" Cody asked seeing Zack's rising excitement in his shorts.

"Not as hot as you...but yah kinda." Zack replied. He felt a little bad knowing he was checking someone besides his brother out.

"Me too." Cody said

The kid had finally reached the boys and introduced himself as Jake T Austin.

"No way...from that show?" Zack asked

"Yah, on the Disney channel." replied Jake

Cody could see Zack's bulge grow even more which in turn made his pecker stand at attention as well. Jake stuck out a hand to introduce himself and Zack reached out his in good favor, keeping the other covering his crouch for obvious reasons. But instead of shaking his hand Jake pulled Zack off the wall sending him into the water.

"Bah..." Zack said as his head broke the surface of the water.

Cody and Jake started to laugh their cute boy laughs until Zack couldn't take it anymore and splashed Jake in the face with water. He stopped and started to splash back.

"Hey what about him?" Jake asked as he pointed at Cody.

"Yah, Cody, get your butt in here." said Zack

Cody tried to stand up but was pulled into the pool with the other boys. They continued their splash fest, with Zack and Cody trying to get as close to Jake as possible. It seemed as though Jake was trying to get as close to Zack and Cody as well. He was trying to rub his half naked body on theirs. All three boys were erect, but under the water no one else could tell but them.

After a couple more minutes of giggling and splashing care free in the pool, Cody got out and wrapped a towel around his waist. Zack followed suit, but Jake seemed disappointment that the fun with his two new sexy friends was over.

"Why don't you come back to our place man? Zack said

"Yah, we could play some video games or something." Suggested Cody.

"Yah, sounds great." Jake replied.

The three boys toweled off. Zack and Cody took a few steps towards the pool door and once they thought they were out of ear shot of anyone Zack spoke to Cody.

"So what do you think? Should we try and get him involved in our games?"

"Sure...but we need to make sure Zack. We need to make sure he won't tell anyone." answered Cody.

"Yah, yah, you're so technical Cody...I just want to fuck him on my bed, I don't care who he tells." Zack laughed

Cody laughed with him and headed to the door. The naïve twins thought that no one had heard them, but Jake had heard every word as was smiling ear to ear.

"This is going to be fun." Jake thought to himself .

All three boys walked into Zack's and Cody's suite with towels wrapped around their waists. Cody found the note left on the table.

"Dear guys. Left for my show early tonight. I finished with your room. There is leftover pasta in the fridge. Don't fight and don't cause Mr. Moseby anymore grief today. Love you, Mom." Read Cody.

"Where are your clothes man?" Asked Zack seeing that Jake didn't bring this clothes with him to change into.

"I forgot them at the pool, sorry, I'll run back and get them."

"Wait, you can just borrow some of mine, let's go to our room, and you can pick something out." Answered Zack.

All three boys ditched their towels on the kitchen table's chairs and headed into the bedroom. Zack picked out something that he thought would look sexy on Jake. He laid out a orange top and cargo shorts on his bed while and he and Cody left the room so Jake could change in private.

"Can you imagine what he looks like naked" inquired Cole.

"Like I said little bro, not half as good as you." Zack responded.

Cole blushed as he dipped in and every so gently brushed his lips next to Zack's. However, there kiss was interrupted by a huge moan coming from the other side of the door. They looked at each other and Zack was quick to open the door.

There, on Zack's bed, was Jake T Austin, naked as the day he was born, stroking his boy cock every so gently. His head was resting on Zack's pillow and his knees were bent and spread apart, giving Zack and Cody and wide open view to the spectacular showing. In less then 5 seconds both Zack and Cody's dicks were pressing against their swim suits.

Jake was almost as perfect as the twins. His beady eyes glistened as he concentrated on the twin's expressions. He was hairless, and was thin. His tiny ball sack was scrunched up against his pelvis and his wide open legs gave a partial view of his light brown asshole. He stopped stroking long enough to give Zack and Cody a good view of his 4.5 inches. However, Jake was uncut. Something Zack and Cody hadn't dealt with before.

"Well get over here and help me" Giggled Jake.

Zack and Cody looked at each other then back at Jake. They untied their swim suits and let them drop to the floor. Both of them ran to the bed and jump on top of Jake. All three started to giggle like the little boys they were. Zack was on Jake's right and Cody on his left. Jake reached out with both hands and started to run his fingers against Cody and Zack's aching shafts.

Zack bent over and kissed Jake. Not wanting to be outdone, Cody bent over and took Jake's erection in his mouth.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" Jake yelled pulling off the kiss from Zack.

"We're just getting started Jake, so lay back and enjoy the ride." Zack responded.

Jake through his head back in pleasure as Cody let the foreskin roll around between his lips. He then probed his tongue into the hole of skin and started circling the head. Zack, meanwhile, was nibbling on Jake's right nipple, making sure a good amount of his spit would coat Jake's chest.

"This is weird, but fun at the same time." Said Cody gesturing to the foreskin Jake had. "I wish we had our skin still, Zack."

"You know it, Cody." Zack replied. "Hey Jake, have you ever been fucked?"

"Huh? What? No, I've never done anything with a guy, but this is great." Jake said startled by the question.

"Well then, you're in for a treat, cause I'm going to fuck your ass until my dick is sore." Zack laughed.

Jake's eyes rolled back into his head. Zack lubed up his 5 inches and proceeded to lift Jake's ass off the bed with the help of some pillows. Jake had a look of anxiousness, fear and anticipation. Cody took his mouth of Jake's dick and gave his own member a few quick strokes to obtain maximum hardness.

"Here Jakey, suck on this" Cody said offering his dick to Jake. "It'll help keep your mind off the pain in your ass. Zack is pretty big."

"I'll go slow." said Zack

"Thanks" Jake managed to say as he let a cock slip between his lips for the first time.

Jake turned his head to the left to allow more of the penis to work it's rightful into his mouth. However, the inexperienced Jake could only get Cody's pink head in.

"It's ok, you're doing great." Cody said scratching Jake's hair.

Zack had finally lubed up his cock and Jake's willing, open hole. It was like it was begging Zack to be fucked.

"Normally, for a virgin you should widen it with some fingers, but since my dick needs your ass now, I think we'll skip that step." chuckled Zack again.

Jake could respond because of Cody's meat invading in his mouth. Jake just ran his tongue around in circles along the head. It seemed to be working because Cody was moaning like the boy whore he was. Zack didn't want to interrupt their little love fest so he decided to just ram his dick home. He slowly pressed his cock against the entrance and Jake's boy pussy opened around it. It slowly began to engulf the head. Zack thought it was best if he stopped here and let Jake get used to it. The pain was too much for Jake though and he tried to pull his mouth off Cody's dick so he could tell Zack to pull out. Cody would have none of it though and placed his hands around the back of Jake's head, keeping it in place.

"Oh, fuck, Cody. He's so tight. Tighter than you even." Zack said as boy boys laughed at their unbelievable luck.

Zack pushed in a little more than pulled out, then in and out. Jake had stopped sucking Cody because he was moaning too much. Cody just continued to play with Jake's hair and with the other hand, rub his nipples.

"Oh fuck, I'm close Cody...he's so tight, and I got his virginity." Yelled Zack.

Zack took another few small strokes inside Jake's ass and then pulled out. Jake's own cock was at full attention and no one had even touched it in the last 5 minutes. Zack stroked his cock with fury using Jake's ass juices as the perfect lube. He shot all over Jake's cock and balls, making Jake's white cock even whiter. It started to slide down the shaft and collect on his marble sized balls.

"Oh, fuck, Jake. Look, my cum is all over your dick. Just remember that every time you jerk this thing off. It was once covered with my seed." Zack smiled.

" I cum..." Cody said and he shot 3 good sized shots into the tiny mouth of Jake T Austin and then a good size more dribbled out.

Cum came draining out the sides of his mouth. Zack seeing this as a perfect opportunity bent over the naked boy so that their genitals were touching. Zack could feel his still warm cum being transferred from Jake's cock to his. Zack then put his mouth over Jake's lips and the two boys shared not only a passionate kiss, but Cody's sperm as well. The cum was still too much for the boys to share and it bubbled out of the two joined mouths.

"Hot." Cody mustered to say.

Zack got back up but noticed Jake's raging hard-on, still soaking in his cum.

"What do you say , Cody? You want to show Jake what real pleasure is."

"Well...If I have to" Cody responded.

The two martin twins got on either side of Jake's cock and started to curl their tongues around the shaft. The were eating Zack's man seed while at the same time giving Jake some amazing boy pleasure. Jake simply closed his eyes again, twined his hands together, and placed them behind his mouth. His ass still had a sting to it, but the expertise of the Martin's mouth was making up for it.

Zack and Cody were almost French kissing with Jake's phallus right in the middle. Cody then moved to soak up the cum that had landed near his balls and Zack went to explore for the first time what an uncut cock felt like in his mouth.

"Oh good lord, I think I'm gonna...fuck!" Jake screamed as cum came screaming out of his dick.

Because the skin had not been pulled back though, his cum hit the skin and came dribbling down towards his balls. Zack and Cody eagerly fought each other with their tongues as to who would get to slurp up the precious cum. In the end, both boys got to eat a fair supply of Jake's seed and were satisfied at last.

"Thanks, guys, maybe we can do that again soon..." Jake said nervously

"Are you kidding, I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other this weekend" Cody said.

Ok...part 5 is done. Sorry for the delay guys, college work and my roommate are diminishing the chances I get to write these stories for you. Also, I hope you enjoyed the addition of Jake Austin. Hopefully it makes you guys realize that I do read your e-mails and do use your suggestions, so if you have any, e-mail me. Also, this is important...I'm thinking about writing some more of the story "Sproused", so let me know what you think about that, either yes or no. If I get more people saying yes, than I'll write more of that story but if more people say no, devote all your attention to this story then I won't write more of "Sproused." So e-mail me...until next time.

Next: Chapter 6

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