The Swim Camp

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 24, 2020



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The Swim Camp

Colby Blake had been first string on his high school swim team in Detroit, MI. He was good enough to get a partial athletic scholarship to the University of Michigan. Winning the scholarship fueled Olympic ambitions in the young man.

He wanted to assure that his scholarship would be safe so he did a little research, and located a very special camp in The Catskill Mountains in upstate New York. The Camp was simply called, Christian Boys Swim Camp. It was open for six weeks in the summer, and admitted only twenty-four boys each year. The camp was run by the YMCA, and the applicants were admitted by merit only. In spite of the name, religion was not a factor in the admission procedure. There was no cost to the boys or their families. The mission of the camp was to train aspiring swimmers for competition.

Colby submitted his application. His scholarship and his high school win record assured him entry to the camp. When he received his acceptance letter in April, he got so excited that he began to pack weeks before departure time. The letter provided recommendations for what the boys should take with them. The camp would be open during the month of July and the first two weeks of August.

The boys were to meet in New York City's Grand Central Station. The cost of transportation to the station was to be borne by the families. From there they would be bussed to the mountain camp.

The bus driver loaded their gear into the storage area under the bus. While he was doing that, the head camp counselor, Mark Finley, had the boys board the bus in alphabetical order. Colby Blake shared a seat with Carl Barnard.

They introduced each other and they both got really excited. Carl grew up in Dearborn, MI, and both of them were going to start their freshman year at The University of Michigan in the fall. They had been on different flights coming to New York. Carl arrived a day earlier. He had never been to New York before, and he decided to spend a sight-seeing day there. When they compared notes, and realized that they were on the same flight returning to Detroit, they grew even more excited.

"I think fate has brought us together," Carl opined, and Colby agreed.

The boys were all wearing shorts on this blistering hot summer day. When Carl sat down next to Colby, their thighs touched. Carl did not seem to notice, but Colby became extremely uncomfortable. Two years ago, he finally admitted to himself that he was gay. The restraint he showed in the locker room after practice, or after a meet, was truly admirable. But now he grew very frightened. For the next six weeks he was going to be living with twenty-three other nubile, handsome, athletic young men. He was most attracted to Carl, whose naked skin was rubbing against his. Mark Finley was in his thirties, but he was just as hot as the young boys. The bus driver was in his forties, but Colby was even attracted to him. Restraining his urges was going to be difficult.

When all the boys were aboard, Mark addressed them. "The trip will take between two and a half to three hours," he informed them, "so get comfortable. There's a rest room in the back of the bus, if you need it." He sat down in the seat immediately behind the bus driver.

As soon as they set out, Carl placed his hand on Colby's package. Colby made no move to push him away. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"You know you want me to get you off, so don't fight it."

"Yeah," Colby said, "but not here, not like this."

"Have it your way," Carl sighed, "but I will get you off. In fact, before we go home, I intend to seduce every guy in the camp including Mark and the bus driver, even the straight ones. Besides, my gaydar tells me you're gay."

"Your gaydar tells you right, but I'm in the closet. Could we keep it that way?"

"Sure. Why not? You're worth waiting for."

Colby wanted to say thanks for the compliment, but he kept his mouth shut. He was too frightened to say anything.

Close to three hours later, Mark stood up to make an announcement. "We'll be arriving in about fifteen minutes," he said. "It's nearly dinner time, so we'll go right to the mess hall, and after dinner I'll assign you to your bunks in the barracks. I urge you to get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow I'm going to work your asses off."

The barracks consisted of twelve double bunk beds, six on each side. There were two small lockers against the wall between each bunk. There was a communal shower and a head at one end, and at the other end there was a small, private bedroom for Mark and the bus driver. Mark had introduced himself as head counselor, but in fact, he was the only counselor, and he was the campers' swimming coach as well. He introduced the bus driver as Jim, and offered no surname. On one side, next to the barracks there was a small mess hall and the cook slept in a room in the rear of the mess hall. He used the shower and bathroom facilities in the campers' barracks. On the other side there was a swimming pool built to Olympic specifications.

The bunks were also assigned alphabetically. Colby drew an upper bunk and Carl ended up in the lower bunk. The campers were oriented as to the location and use of the showers and bathroom facilities, and Mark said, "You'll each find a laundry bag on your bunk. It's marked with your bunk number. Put your dirty laundry in there. A laundry service from a nearby town will pick it up every Thursday morning, and you'll find it on your bunk sometime the next day.

"Reveille is at 6:30 (groans from the campers). You'll have until 8 AM to do your morning things. Be at the mess hall at that time. If you miss breakfast you're shit out of luck until lunch."

He asked if there were any questions. There weren't any so he continued. "You'll also find two speedos on your bunks. You're all about the same size, but if your suits don't fit see me in the morning. I'm turning in now, and I suggest you do to. This camp is not for sissies or for guys too sleepy to participate."

Colby and Carl settled into their bunks. As soon as the lights went out, Carl stood up and said, "Colby, baby, this is it. He placed his hand on Colby's cock and removed it from the boy's jockey shorts.

"Are you crazy?" Colby dared ask. "They'll see us."

"So, what. This isn't the army. When these guys see what I'm doing to you, they'll all be begging me to do it to them."

As Carl stood at the side of the bunk his head was even with Colby's. He shocked his bunkmate by kissing him. Then he moved further down and engulfed Colby's cock in his mouth.

Colby wanted to resist, but his virgin body desired a blow job more. He came quickly, and when he did, he stifled his moan. Carl swallowed everything, and Colby had to beg him to stop.

"That was great fun," Carl said. "Tomorrow you'll do that to me."

Colby couldn't sleep. He was scared stiff.

The next day Mark did indeed work their butts off. He had them swim from 9 AM to noon without a break. They did the freestyle stroke, the breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly stroke, sidestroke, relays, underwater exercises, etc. He had them dive into the water over and over until they achieved maximum distance on their entries. He instructed them as a group and as individuals. The twenty-four aspiring Olympic athletes were thoroughly exhausted when at last they broke for lunch. Their respite consisted of a ham and cheese sandwich and a glass of milk.

While they were eating, Mark advised them to rest up a little, and then to be back in the pool by 1:30 PM for another three-hour class. At 1:15 PM Carl grabbed Colby's hand and pulled him into the pool.

"Let's warm up," he said, but he had no such intention. He dragged Colby to the edge of the pool in chest high water, and they leaned against the side of the pool. Suddenly Carl began to massage Colby's cock under the water. Colby grew frightened. Even so, when Carl attempted to remove his cock from his swim suit, Colby helped him. In no time at all, Colby ejaculated his seed into the water. He immediately returned his cock inside his suit.

"Aren't you going to do me?" Carl asked.

"Sure, but I'm too nervous. Not here and not now. I'll take care of you after lights out tonight."

"I'm counting on it," Carl whispered as he swam away.

True to his word, Colby waited until ten minutes after lights out. He could hear mild snoring throughout the barracks. The campers were totally exhausted. Colby slithered out of his upper bunk and right into Carl's lower one. As silently as they could they played sixty-nine, but stopped short of cumming.

Colby turned around. He returned the favor of last night by leaning over Carl and giving him head.

"I can't wait until we get to the university and have some privacy, so we can fuck each other," Carl whispered. Colby barely heard him. He was too busy swallowing Carl's cum.

Colby jumped up into his bed, but Carl said that he had to go the head. The barracks were pitch black, but Carl could hear well enough. He decided to walk all around the barracks to determine who else, if anyone, might be having sex.

His investigation bore fruit. He didn't hear any sounds of passion coming from any of the campers, but when he passed by Mark and Jim's room, there wasn't a single doubt in his mind that they were going at it. They had a private room and so they weren't too quiet. He returned quickly to his bunk. There he fondled Colby, kissed him goodnight, and finally turned in. As he fell asleep, he kept stroking his own boner, while he envisioned Mark and Jim fucking each other.

The days flew by swiftly, quicker than the campers would have liked. Mark did indeed work their asses off all day long, but it was worth it. Every man there had become a better swimmer. Every night, Carl and Colby managed to have oral sex in one of their bunks. They couldn't wait to get to the university to enjoy anal sex as well. They even called university housing, and got themselves reassigned to the same dorm room.

Neither of them realized it, but their nocturnal activities had gone way beyond having sex. Every night they made love to each other. It became more and more difficult to separate and move to the upper or lower bunk.

And then one day they were packing for the bus ride home. Neither was sad. In less than two weeks they would be rooming together. Just to make conversation on the homeward bound bus, Colby asked, "So Carl, how close did you come to your goal?"

"What goal?"

"You know. You told me that you intended on sleeping with every camper, Mark and Jim before we had to go home."

Carl started to laugh. He took Colby's hand, and whispered, "You're a real dufus, you know. Don't you know that I fell in love with you the first day out. I had no desire to be with anyone else but you. Believe me, it was quite a shock to my system. Do you think you could love me a little also?"

"No, I can't love you a little, DUFUS, because I love you a lot, but I was afraid to tell you because it seemed to me that you were a total player."

Carl leaned over, and oblivious to all the other campers he smacked one right on Colby's lips. "It's going to be a great four years at the university," he said.

"It's going to be a great lifetime for you and me," Colby corrected him.

Author's Note: The Christian Boys Swim Camp is a figment of my imagination. If such a place exists, it is purely coincidental. HWB

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