The Swimmer

By Jonathan Perkins

Published on Jul 10, 2021


WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between college men. If sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive or if you are under legal age, do not go any further and do not read this story. The characters are fictional and do not represent any real person, living or dead or any real events or happenings.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except to the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author.

Your comments or suggestions are always welcome. Please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at

All of us enjoy the stories posted here so please support Nifty. I appreciate you reading my stories and Nifty appreciates your support.

This is a story of a young man going off to his first year of college, a little unsure of what lies ahead of him but his confidence builds as he settles in and makes new friends and new experiences that expand his sexual attitudes. This story is not just a 'we suck, we fuck, we do it again' story, although the sexual activity does increase as the story continues, but it also dwells on the personal development of Mark, the main character, as he matures into an very open minded young man.

The Swimmer Chapter Four

I woke up the next morning after having the weirdest dream. I was shaving guy's junk and had a line of 50 guys waiting for their turn. The Dean walked past the line and approached me about heading up a barber school for erotic shavings. He was going to have our old room that was being rebuild converted into a barbershop with a massage table set up instead of a barber chair. While the Dean was talking to me the guys in line were all yelling to hurry up, their girlfriends were all waiting to suck their smooth cocks.

Damn! No more chili fries before I go to bed. As I cleared my head I became aware of the bed moving. Frank has is eyes closed and was furiously stroking his cock.

"Dude, can't you take that into the bathroom?"

"Oh, sorry man, thought you were sleeping. My bad. You want to help?" Frank smirked.

"Too early for that. I haven't even had a coffee yet. Speaking of which, I'll go make coffee and let you finish."

"Thanks. Won't be long now. Hehe."

I started the coffee and while I waited I thought about Frank jerking off in bed. My cock started to wake up and chub up. I walked back to the door to the bedroom and looked at Frank. He had his eyes closed again and had thrown the covers back. The end of his cock was wet and shiny with precum, his balls slapping back and forth from side to side. I reached for my cock and gave it a few tugs. I moved over to the edge of the bed and stood there watching Frank. I cleared my throat and he opened his eyes.

"Hey, looks like you've decided to join the club."

"This is all your fault, you know. I was perfectly happy to just sit and have a morning coffee but thanks to you now I need a morning jerk as well."

Frank reached out with his other hand and pushed my hand off my cock and replaced it with his.

"If it's my fault, let me fix the problem."

Frank was now stroking my cock just as fast as his. I pushed my hips forward towards him and reached down to hold my balls that were taking a beating from the rough treatment Frank was giving my cock. Being stroked by him and watching his cock getting the works made me suddenly shoot my load across Frank's chest.

"Sorry, I didn't feel it coming. I hadn't planned to soak you."

"No worries, I needed a little help," as he scooped up a finger full of my cum and stuck his finger in his mouth. As he licked it clean and went back for another he stiffened his body and finally let his cum loose, spraying all over as he kept stroking furiously. When he caught his breath, "My turn to change the sheets this time."

"Coffee is ready when you are. Just clean up a little before you come in the kitchen."

Frank used the bathroom and then came for his coffee. We sat opposite one another, naked, and sipping our coffee chatting about our plans for the day. What we had done was no big deal. No feelings of remorse anymore nor any feelings of endearment. Just getting rid of our morning loads.

I took my shower, got dressed and headed out to class. Swim practice that afternoon was intense. We were in first place in the league with one more meet to go. Our last opponent was a weak team so it should be an easy win. But the Coach picked up on our over confidence and pushed us hard so we'd be ready for anything. At the end of the practice the Coach called me into his office before I had a chance to shower and change.

"Mark, we have a few team members out sick and the team is just at the minimum number to compete at regionals. I spoke with the Dean and he gave me permission to add you to the team roster in case we loose one more swimmer."

"Thanks, Coach, but I really hadn't expected to be an official member until next year."

"This is just a precaution. After the team's hard work all season and a winning record we would be eliminated from regionals if we lost another swimmer if you weren't there to take his place. You wouldn't want to let the team down, would you?"

The Coach always knew were to hit people's weak spots.

"Ok, I'll sign up but just as a backup. I don't want to take anyone's place who has swam all season and be pushed out in the regionals."

"Great! There is one other thing, though. To be eligible you have to have competed in one regular season meet. You'll be swimming in the meet this weekend. I spoke with Phil about this and he asked for volunteers to sit this meet out. Bryson said he was happy to let you take his place."

"Bryson is a good friend and as long as he volunteered, I'm ok with that as well."

"I knew this would work out. Now go hit the showers. I have roster changes to make."

By the time I was finished with Coach Talbot, most of the rest of the team had showered and were dressing. I dropped my speedos, grabbed my towel and off to the showers. I didn't hear the banging on the locker room door or the commotion. Phil had answered the door to find Bubba and rest of the football work out squad standing in the hallway soaking wet and shivering. A cold rain had come up suddenly while they were on the field.

"Hey man, I know the swim team has the locker room now and we don't want to evade your grass but we were wondering if we could come in and get out of these wet uniforms."

"Evade our grass? What the hell are you talking about?" Phil asked Bubba trying to understand his request. Bryson heard Bubba's comment and starting laughing. Phil asked him to come over and interpret.

"Mark and Bubba were having a talk in the cafeteria and Mark told Bubba he and I had 'invaded the football team's turf' by being here during the football team's scheduled time."

"Oh, now I understand. Bubba, in the spirit of sportmanship you are welcome to come in and share the locker room and the showers with us. We're almost all finished anyway."

"Thanks, we really appreciate it."

The football players steamed in and went to their section. They stripped off the uniforms and headed for the showers. When Bubba saw Mark, he stammered to explain that Phil had told them it was ok to share the room.

"No problem, Bubba. I'm almost finished so my naked cock won't be here long enough to bother you."

"That's fine, you take your time."

As everyone was lathering up under the hot water, someone yelled out, "Anderson has a boner!"

"Way to go, Anderson. You know the custom. Front and center and start stroking your meat" Bubba ordered.

A short guy, Anderson I presumed, worked his way to the center of the shower area. He certainly was sporting a boner, long and thick and so stiff you could pound a nail with it. His face was red, not from the hot water, but the embarrassment of what he was about to do. He started stroking his cock, slowly and timidly at first but then got into it as his team mates all cheered and encouraged him. A few more guys chubbed up and in a few minutes several were quietly jerking their cocks.

"What the hell kind of a custom is this?" I asked

"Started before I joined the team to discouraged guys from getting a hardon in the showers. The first one to get hard has to jerk off in front of the team. That's the custom. And you can't ignore a custom. Bad luck for your next game."

"Oh, I see. Well, Bubba, you're in here on Swim team time. And we have a different custom."

"What's that?"

"The first time someone showers with the swim team, they get shaved, just like me. You guys wait here, I'll go get my razor and shaving cream. Oh, and it's easier if your hard so Anderson will be first. And I can see who will be the next couple of guys." I laughed as I turned to leave the showers.

"Whoa, wait just a fucking minute! We're not swim team guys so it doesn't apply to us. No shaving cocks today." Bubba protested.

"But it's a custom, Bubba. And you don't want to break a custom just before our last big meet of the regular season. If we loose it will be all your fault for bringing bad luck on us. I'll be right back," again turning to leave.

"Wait, man. We don't want to bring you bad luck but we don't want to get shaved either. Isn't there another custom you have that we could do?" Bubba pleaded.

I heard a roar of laugher from the back of the showers. The players moved and I saw a player by himself, still soaping and washing with his back to the rest of us. I wasn't sure about the voice or the laughter but I recognized that muscular ass. The sight of it pumping up and down as his cock pounded the hell out of a slim jock lying underneath him was a sight you can't unsee. He turned around and sure enough, it was Jake, the team captain.

"Bubba, you dense mother fucker, he's screwing with you. Let Anderson finish jerking off and get done in here." Jake turned back to his shower head, laughing out loud.

"You was just screwing me?" Bubba flared.

"Not screwing you, shit head, just pranking you." Jake hollered back.

"Oh ya, Bubba, that is the other custom you wanted to do. We play jokes on each other all the time. So now that I've pranked you, there will be no bad luck and we'll win our match. No hard feelings?"

"Well, when you put it that way, I'm glad I could help your team win."

Bryson was waiting for me as I came out of the showers to get dressed.

"Damn, Mark, You just can't resist pulling the tiger's tail can you. And you get away with it! To think I hung around to make sure they didn't harass you like last time."

"No offense Bryson, but just what were you going to do it a fight broke out? Take on the rest of the team with me?"

"Of course! We best buds, remember? But I suppose getting beat up wouldn't have helped so maybe I would have just called 911 and then ran like hell," Bryson giggled.

We got dressed and headed for supper. We discussed the upcoming meet and I thanked him for giving up his spot for me.

"No worries. I have a date the night before and I'll probably be too tired out to perform anyway."

"Too tired to perform on the date or the at the meet?"

"Fuck you, asshat. Just for that I may not give you the privilege of shaving my pubes before my date so I can get as much action as you and Frank."

"Privilege? Sounds more like a huge favor your asking. Or should I say a small favor. It takes more than a smooth cock to get what we get, you know."

"I haven't heard any complaints yet, so shut the fuck up." Bryson replied with mock annoyance.

"I'll have to think about it. I have a big weekend planned with Sara as well, you know."

"Getting busy?"

"Eventually. We're going out the Saturday morning for a nice brunch, then to look at some of the churches in the area. She's fascinated by the structure and beauty of the larger old churches and cathedrals in the area. Then back to her room for an evening of romance."

"Guess we're both getting lucky this weekend. So will you give me a trim? I gave up my spot for you, you know?"

"And you already said why so don't lay a guilt trip on me. But, yes, I give you a trim. Stop by my room when you're done with classes. And bring the beer. That's the price of admission to my barber shop."

As I headed off t my classes I wondered if this was going to be a new thing, shaving guy's cocks. Not that I minded helping out Frank or Bryson, but its not something I wanted to be known on campus for. 'Got a hairy crotch, go see Mark'.

I got back to my room earlier than usual as my last class was cancelled. Jake was hanging around the lobby of the dorm and approached me as I came in.

"Hey Mark, I'm here to uphold the good name of the football team and honor your shower room custom."

"You what?"

"The swim team custom, getting shaved. I'm here to take one for the team."

"Oh that. You figured it out, I was just busting Bubba's balls. And he fell for it big time."

"I know, but I don't want any bad luck to come your way for your last meet. So do I get a shave or not?"

"Are you for real? Or are you just busting my balls?"

"Let's go to your room and do this. I'm anxious to see how good it feels. I've heard good things about being shaved." Jake smirked as he led the way to my room.

I wasn't sure about is real reasons but I figured I better play along and see where this goes. I unlocked the door and we both went in.

"If you're really serious Jake, go get undressed and take a shower. I'll be right in."

As Jake headed for bathroom and stripped down, I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and downed it. The shower was still running so I downed a second one to get mentally prepared for this.

"I'm clean and ready. You can start anytime now."

I went in and grabbed my razor. I was all out of shaving cream so I used the hair conditioner, a good substitute. Jake turned to face me and was hard, a thick well formed 8" cock staring at me. He was hairy as hell so this was going to take some time. I explained I'd need my scissors to take off the bulk of the hair and then get to the shaving. As I trimmed his hair I had to move his cock and his balls to get most of the long hair. I glanced up and he had his eyes closed and a smile on his face. He was certainly enjoying this more than I thought he would. Once the trimming was done I smeared conditioner all over his cock and balls, reaching back to get his taint as well. He moaned and commented it felt really nice. His cock would twitch every time I touched it.

"Try not to twitch when I start shaving. Could be dangerous," I smirked.

"Well then make sure you get a good tight hold on it and keep it under control. It kind of has a mind of it's own at times like this."

I went to work shaving the stubble left from the scissors. Soon his crotch was as naked as the day he was born. And as usual I had to check for any missed spots. That meant running my hands all over him, sliding my hand up and down his stiff cock, a similar motion if I was jerking him off.

"Just checking to make sure I didn't miss any spots. Want to make sure it smooth all over."

"Please do! I want a quality job," as he moved his hips back and forth slightly in sync with my stroking. Yes, I was jerking off the captain of the football team after just shaving him.

"Speaking of a quality job, do you want the ass hairs shaved off as well?" I inquired. As much as we were both enjoying the handjob, I didn't know how he would react if he shot his load.

"Is that part of the normal shave? Then of course. I wouldn't want anything less" as he turned his back towards me and bent over.

I applied some lotion to his ass and rubbed it all up and down his crack, making sure to run my finger over his pink hole. He wiggled his ass when I made contact with his hole but didn't say anything. I proceeded to do my thing and then check for smoothness.

"Did you get it all?" Jake asked.

"I think so. I'm just checking it now," as I rubbed my hand over his cheeks and let my fingers drift into his crack.

"Make sure, I don't want a half assed job, I want a full ass job,' he laughed out loud.

"Ok, I make doubly sure I got it all."

I ran my hands over him again but paid special attention to his hole. As I circled my finger around it he puckered it in and out, inviting my finger to slide in. He did say he wanted a 'full ass' job.

"I just want to make sure there is no hair left just inside, ok?"

"You do what you need to do."

With his acceptance of my intrusion, I slide my finger in his hole, pushing it deep and wiggling it around.

"So that's why that skinny little slut enjoy me fucking him so much. Don't you have anything bigger you can put in there?" Jake was definitely enjoying this. I pushed a second finger in and then a third. I was getting finger cramps from pushing hard against him.

"That's the best you got? I want to try something as big as me in there, just to see how it feels."

"Jake, if you want something that big, I'll have to go find a horse and drag him in here."

"Do the best you can." Jake laughed at my horse comment.

Following his wishes, I dropped my shorts and let me already hard cock loose. I slathered it with lotion and brought it up to his hole.

"This might hurt, so let me know if you want me t stop."

"You can't hurt me anymore than a 250 pound lineman coming undefended at me at a full run. That's not fun, this is going to be."

I leaned in and pressed against him. He gasped a little when I got past his sphincter but then actually pushed back against me to take my cock all the way to my balls. I stayed still for a minute to let him get used to me but he was ready to be fucked. He made the rhythm and I was just a stiff cock, a human dildo if you will. I felt I should do more so I reached around in front of him and stroked his cock. As he was fucking my cock, he would tighten and loosen his sphincter muscle to actually be stoking my cock with his hole. It didn't take me long to shoot my load in his ass. I let go of his cock and grabbed his hips and pulled myself deep into him in a post orgasmic euphoria. He grabbed his cock and finished what I had started. As he climaxed, his ass tightened around my cock. If was awesome! I pulled out and backed away from him. He straightened up and turned to face me.

"Best shave and a haircut I've ever had. My hair grows fast you know so we'll have to do this again soon."

"You know where to find me," I grinned.

We both cleaned up and dried off. As Jake got to the door he turned and gave me a hug.

"Swim teams dudes aren't so bad after all," he roared as he left.

As I sat naked on the couch, my mind was swirling. I really shouldn't have been surprised that Jake was into guy on guy sex. But last time I saw him, he was on top. But I felt weird that I hadn't really fucked him, he had ass fucked me, just using my hard cock for him to get off. With Frank, I was in control and I was taking the lead. With Jake, I was just a piece of meat. It did feel good, but not as good as with Frank. I guess the emotional dynamics of this can vary greatly from individual to individual.

There was a knock on the door so I got up to answer the door, too deep in thought to remember I was naked.

"Hey, what the hell? Did you start without me?" Bryson asked.

"Oh, shit, sorry. Long story."

"The only long part if this story is the length of Jake's cock. I saw him leaving as I came up the stairs. He had a shit eating grin on his face. And you sitting here naked. I'm not good at calculus but I can add 1 and 1 and figure out what went on in here." Laughing at my discomfort.

"You're going to have to speculate because I don't shave and tell. Did you bring the beer and pizza?"

"Of course I did. That was the deal."

We drank some beer and ate the pizza and then went to the bathroom. Bryson stripped down and got in the shower. He washed quickly and then turned towards me with a chubbed up cock.

"Ok, do your thing"

"The stiffer you are the easier it is for me. You're only half way there."

"It won't take long once you get your hands on it," Bryson smirked.

Sure enough, I spread some shaving cream on his cock and it got rock hard. I took hold of it and started to shave his cock, then his balls and finally his taint. Having just gotten off with Jake, I wasn't as horny so I didn't ask him to turn around and get his ass taken care of as well.

"You're all set, smooth as can be."

"Are you sure? Do you want to check it and make sure you got it all?"

I took the invitation and put some shaving cream on his cock and ran my hand up and down it twice.

"Yup, got it all. Nice and smooth."

:"Are you just teasing me or what?"

"Ok, I'll check again," and proceeded to tighten my grip on his skipper cock and speed up my strokes. Only took a few minutes and he shot his load on my arm.

"Yea, man, a good job. You didn't cut off anything important, it still works."

We both laughed as he turned back to the shower head to rinse himself off.

"Want me to check yours and see if it needs another shave?" Bryson asked provocatively.

"No, I'm good right now. Maybe next time."

Saturday I met up with Sarah and we had a fantastic day together. I would half chubbed up all day thinking about how great the evening was going to be and the hot sex we were going to enjoy. We returned to her room and her roommate was still there. She had been fighting with her boyfriend. She was a mess, upset and crying. Sarah tried to calm her down but it wasn't working. Sarah looked at me as if to say, 'Sorry, no sex tonight'. I took the hint and was a gentleman about it.

"Sarah, that head ache I had this afternoon has gotten worse, not better. I think I'm going to go home early. I hope you're not too disappointed."

Playing along, "You'd be no fun with a head ache anyway. You go home and take care of yourself."

I decided to go the local pizza joint and get something to eat before I went back to my room. I never realized before how much pizza college students actually consumed. I placed my order and heard Bryson call my name from one of the booths. He was sitting with two girls and just finishing their meals so I walked over.

"Hey, what's up? I thought you had a big night planned?"

"We did. This is Mia, I think you've met her before?"

"Yes, briefly. How are you Mia?"

"Just great! My friend has an extra ticket to the concert tonight and asked me to go. Bryson isn't happy but he'll get over it."

"As long as you make it up to me. In a big way." Bryson replied with no expression. He was disappointed but didn't want to be an ass and make an issue out of it. "Have a good time," he wished them as they left. "So what are you doing here all by yourself? You had a big evening planned with Sarah?"

I explained my situation so we decided to get my food to go and head back to my room to commiserate our misfortunes together.

"I ran into Frank this morning and he asked me if you've gotten around to shaving me yet. I didn't answer him but I guess my red face gave away the answer. He asked if I got the full treatment or not. What's the full treatment?"

"It's none of his business what you and I do. Tell him to mind his own fucking business."

"I guess he considers the three of us as good friends so he was ok asking me. I really didn't mind, it just caught me off guard, that's all. But what's the full treatment?"

"If you must know, Frank had me shave his ass as well so his girlfriend would rim him."

"Oh, that sound's hot. Maybe you should shave mine as well and I can call Mia's payback by having her rim me. What do you say? I don't have any pizza or beer for payment, but I can owe you." Bryson smiled and gave me a wink.

"You never know when to quit, do you. First your cock, now your ass, nest it will be the gorilla hair on your back."

"I don't have any hair on my back."

"Have you looked back there lately?"

"You know I can't see my back, you moron. So will you or not?"

"Ok, go get in the shower and wash it off good. I don't do smelly or dirty holes."

Bryson headed for the bathroom as I sat there contemplating this. Neither one of us had drank any beer so what might happen in the shower couldn't be blamed on a buzz either one of us had. I had seen Bryson's ass plenty of times in the gym showers. It was a nice bubble butt but had never gotten any reaction from me. But know I was getting hard thinking about getting up close and personal with it.

"Hey, it's ready for the barber," he yelled.

I went in and just gazed on his wet ass, sticking out at me as he bent over. I smeared the shaving cream on is and ran my fingers up and down his crack. I didn't slow down as I passed over his pucker the first few times. I took my razor and spread his cheeks as I proceeded to give me a slow and tender shave.

"Its feels better already. I knew I was going to like this," he almost whispered.

"Just going to check and make sure I got it all," as I ran my hands over his cheeks and then up and down his crack. I stopped at his hole and rubbed it with one finger. "Going to check and make sure there is no hair on the inside either."

"You're the expert. Do what you do."

I pressed my finger against his hole and slid it in him. He groaned as I felt his sphincter's reaction to my intrusion as it tightened against my finger.

"Relax and loosen up."

He started to relax as I pushed my finger deeper inside him, then a second finger, wiggling them as I went. He was totally relaxed and moving his hips slightly. I removed my fingers and put the tip of my cock against his hole.

"Be gentle, it's my first time," was his only comment. He evidently knew exactly where ass shaving was going to lead.

I pushed it as he let out a yelp. I waited up he relaxed again and told me to go in further. I moved gently and steadily, getting my entire cock in his ass. I rested for a minute and then started to fuck him. He just steadied himself against the front of the shower stall as I pounded away at his ass. I was so horny from being stood up, angry at Frank for babbling to Bryson about the 'full treatment' that I was only intent on getting my rocks off. With Frank it had been a timid kind of thing, going into uncharted waters. With Jake, He was using me as a piece of man meat. But this was just a savage attack on my friend's body. As I could feel my body getting close to it's release I grabbed Bryson by the hips and plowed into him as ferociously as I had witnessed Jake pummel his victim in his room. At the moment of climax, I pulled him tight against me and deposited my cum deep inside him. I had not even considered whether he was enjoying this or getting off or anything to do with him. It was all about me. As I slid out of him, he looked back at me.

"Wow, when Frank said the 'full treatment' he didn't mention that my ass would be 'full' of your cock and your cum."

I just looked at him, embarrassed at how vicious I was on his ass, and grabbed a towel as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey, are you alright?" Bryson asked as he followed me out.

"Man, I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me in there. That was way over the top."

"Hell, that was awesome. It hurt at first, but once I relaxed it was amazing. Have you ever been fucked?"

"No, I've never had the opportunity. Guess I'm just a selfish bastard only fucking other guys, well, three up to this point."

"I was honored to have you take my cherry and I'd be honored as well to take yours if you ever want to try it. Believe me, I highly recommend it," he laughed.

"I'm usually not that rough, though. I really got carried away."

"Save the gentle fucking for the girls, just be sure and pork my ass the same way next time."

"Next time? You want to dot hat again?"

"Hell, yes. The next time I've been stood up by Mia and I'm horny, I'm coming knocking at your door and you better be knocking my back door. Your cock up my ass gave me best orgasm I've had in a long time."

"You shot your load?" I was so intent on what I was doing and how I was feeling I didn't even notice that he had climaxed.

"Sure did! A big one at that."

I dried off and got a pair of shorts and a shirt.

"We better get dressed incase Frank comes back and wonders what's up if we're both naked."

"Oh, he'll know whether we dressed or not. No way this smile is getting wiped off my face anytime soon."

I gave Bryson a half hearted smile and walked out into the kitchen as he got dressed. I was sitting on the couch when he came out of the bedroom and approached me.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"I guess so. Just not how I had envisioned our first time would be, That's all."

"Remember how you insisted that time I jerked you off wouldn't affect our friendship? Well the same goes here. If you want to forget this ever happened and never do it again, that's ok with me. But I enjoyed it and hope we can do it again sometime. I just don't want it to come in the way of our friendship."

I looked up at him and gave him a full smile.

"Ok, so now I have a man slut for a friend?"

"No, just your slut that you have to share with Mia, and every other girl on campus. No exclusivity here," he laughed.


Bryson pulled my up from the couch and gave me a big bro hug.

"You good if I head back to my dorm? I don't know why, but I'm exhausted."

"I don't know why, I did all the work. Ya, head out and I see you tomorrow."

Bryson turned before he went out the door, smiled and blew me a kiss. What the hell was that all about? Certainly not just a bro thing. Have I inadvertently started something I didn't intend to?

If you enjoyed this story you may enjoy some of my other stories posted on Nifty. Feed back is always welcome to Jonathan at

If you can't find them, from the main menu select "Authors". In the upper right hand corner, select "Search". Under keywords, enter "Jonathan Perkins" (be sure and put the name in quotation marks).

Small Town Dilemma adult-youth 09-23-19

Uncomplicated Life beginnings 02-18-20

North Woods Adventure adult-youth 08-25-19

Pleasant Surprise beginnings 08-25-19

Enduring Friends high school 02-12-19

A Week in the Woods high school 06-07-20


Going to the Dogs adult-youth 01-11-19

The Slat Water Marsh adult-youth 02-13-20

Next: Chapter 5

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