The Swimmer

By Jonathan Perkins

Published on Aug 31, 2021


WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between college men. If sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive or if you are under legal age, do not go any further and do not read this story. The characters are fictional and do not represent any real person, living or dead or any real events or happenings.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except to the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author.

Your comments or suggestions are always welcome. Please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at

All of us enjoy the stories posted here so please support Nifty. I appreciate you reading my stories and Nifty appreciates your support.

This is a story of a young man going off to his first year of college, a little unsure of what lies ahead of him but his confidence builds as he settles in and makes new friends and new experiences that expand his sexual attitudes. This story is not just a 'we suck, we fuck, we do it again' story, although the sexual activity does increase as the story continues, but it also dwells on the personal development of Mark, the main character, as he matures into an very open minded young man.

The Swimmer Chapter Six

I was the first one awake the next morning. We had all pretty much stayed where we went to sleep we were so tired. Bryson was on the outside, mouth open and snoring loudly. Billy was in the middle, still cuddled up to my backside and I was on the other side of the bed with my back to Billy. As I started to stir Billy woke up but was startled by Bryson's snoring.

"What the hell is that?"

"That's Bryson, Billy. Give him an elbow and wake him up," which he promptly did.

"Hmm, what, hey, what was that for?" Now awake, "Did I grab you or something Billy?"

"That I might have enjoyed but your snoring was torture."

I hit the bathroom first, followed by the other two. I headed to the kitchen to the smell of fresh coffee that Frank had made.

"Geez, I thought you guys would never wake up. What the hell did you three do last night? This place smells of nothing but cum, and lots of it. And what's with the puke covered clothes in the bag? Which one of you can't hold his alcohol?"

Bryson came and sat down at the table with his coffee.

"We celebrated as only we know how," Bryson giggled. But the clothes were from my date at the frat party coming down with the flu."

"Better she came down with that than going down with you, Bryson."

"Shut up Frank, she was more disappointed than I was."

"Yeah, because you all came back here and had a freaking orgy. And didn't even invite me."

"One thing led to another and things got out of hand."

Billy jumped in, "Out of hand and into mouths and asshole!"

"You horny bastards!"

They were all having a good time and joking about last night but I was still conflicted. And my ass was a little sore. I have to admit I did enjoy having Billy's cock in me but was that because he kept hitting my sweet spot and that was what made it so good? Or was it the idea of being butt fucked by a stiff cock? I wasn't sure and wanted some time to think about it all.

"I'm going to shower and get dressed then go over and see how Sarah is feeling this morning."

"Always the good boyfriend," Frank said with some sass.

Yes, I like to think I am. But who's boyfriend am I now? Billy's, Bryson's or Sarah's? Fuck, hell no, I'm Sarah's boyfriend, first, foremost and only. The other stuff is just, well, other stuff. Or something.

As I left to go take my shower, Bryson called next shower, and then Billy suggested we all shower together. Frank was totally on board for that, having missed out on last night's fun. He never did say if he got any action with his girl, but I assumed he didn't considering his elevated state of horniness. Wait a minute, this is Frank I'm talking about. He's always at Defcon 5 on the horny scale.

"I'm a single this morning, you guys can do what ever you want after I'm done."

They all laughed and ended up taking showers one by one.

I texted Sarah while I was half way there to make sure she was awake and let her know I was coming over. My phone rang a minute later.

"Oh Mark, thanks for thinking of me but you can't come over. I'm an absolute mess. My hair is going in every different direction, my breath could stop a freight train and I haven't had a shower in two days."

"Then it's the real you," I laughed. "I'm coming over anyway. How is your roommate doing? She had a rough night I presume."

"She's feeling better than I am, and looks better, too. Maybe come by tomorrow?"

"Nope, not waiting that long to see the woman I love. You know all that 'in sickness and health' crap in wedding vows?"

"Sure, but we're not married, remember?"

"No, but we've been trying out the sex like married folks so this is as good a time as any to do the 'in sickness' thing. I'm stopping by the cafeteria to get you both a hot chocolate, with whipped cream, just the way you like."

"Alright, but give me a half hour to clean up a little."

I got to her door and quietly knocked in case her roommate was sleeping, but she answered the door.

"Oh Mark, I so sorry about throwing up on your three last night. I was so embarrassed. I hope you can forgive me."

"No worries. No one has to vomit at a convenient time or place. That's just life. And it worked out just as well for us. We were bored with the party and needed an excuse to leave."

"You sure I didn't ruin your evening?"

No, we all went back to my room, got naked and had wild sex with each other all night. Nope, can think that but can't say it. Just then Sarah came out of the bathroom, still kind of rough looking but I was glad to see her. She came over and took the drinks and then turned back and gave me a hug. All was definitely right with the world. They say the sense of smell can be the strongest sense of all and a particular odor can trigger a forgotten memory. As dumb as it sounds, as I hugged her, her touch and the smell of her deodorant, yes her deodorant that she always uses gave me a warm feeling. It also gave me boner in a New York minute. YES! I wasn't gay! Bi, maybe, still to be determined. But the hug and smell of her still stirred my fires. We chatted a little as they drank their hot chocolate and then I stood up to leave.

"I'm getting out of here in case those hot drinks don't sit too well in you stomach and you're both going to use me for target practice," giving Sarah a wink and her roommate a quick giggle.

"Get out of her, you fucking turd!" was her response.

As I headed across campus and back to my dorm, I started taking notice of the guys I passed. Good build, nice hair, nodded hello and had a nice smile, all of the pluses and minuses of them. And yet none got any kind of a reaction from my crotch. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Guess I'm not bi either. I'm not into guys at all, just enjoy my close friends. But are they boyfriends? No, just an outlet for some pent up sexual tension. If any of them disappeared from my life I'd miss them, but for the camaraderie we shared and not for the sex. Sure the sex is fun, but simply an offshoot of enjoying their company.

Having gotten my head around that I was much more relaxed and felt so much better about myself. Now we could jerk off, suck and fuck with no remorse or doubts afterwards.

The rest of our freshman year continued much the same as it had. We studied our asses off and all of us made the Dean's List by the end of the year. The four of us would still meet for some sex fun, together or one on one. The shaving had gotten to be such a routine that it was no big deal anymore. Sometimes one of them just wanted to jerk off and fuck without even needing a shave. That happened often with Jake who became a real regular getting 'groomed'. He made no more pretenses about it. He'd just text me and ask me if I was busy for a half-hour or so and show up to get off, whether I shaved him or not. He never asked to do anything to me so I'm not sure if he had someone else to do that with or he just relied on me for his pleasures. I highly doubt I could fill the Python's jock strap so I just assumed he used me like we used each other. An opportunity to get off when nothing else was available. Either way, I was ok with it all. Frank, Bryson and I were dating our regular girl friends and having regular sex with them as well. Billy played the field and never dated anyone girl steady. He said that would cut into his swim practice, which he kept at five days a week. Being heroes on campus from our swim victory afforded us many perks. Extra servings of the daily special at the cafeteria, which could be considered a perk or a curse, depending on the special. Billy was given a key to the pool house so he could practice on his own schedule. He just couldn't swim alone. Bryson or myself were often his second and swam with him.

As finals were upon us, we spend many sleepless nights studying and get prepared, all of which paid off in the end. With our finals behind us it was time to get ready for the summer break. We discussed our plans for the summer but no one had anything special they were doing. Just catching up with old friends, lazy days at the beach or the pool and decompressing after an eventful freshman year. The Dean approached Frank and I about staying on as RA's for our dorm and keeping the same room. Are you kidding, of course we agreed. With that settled we could leave most of our stuff in the room for the summer. Again, Frank and I were charged with checking the rooms after final check out. Frank left early with his brother and I stayed an extra day. I almost didn't open the door to Jake's room after the last incident. But I didn't want to do a half-assed job. I unlocked the door and went in. One lamp was on beside the bed and Jake was lying on his stomach, naked with a pillow under him.

"I was hoping you'd be doing the room check again. I'm ready for you this time. One last ride before summer?" lifting his ass into the air.

I took the hint and dropped my shorts and pulled off my shirt. As I walked over to him I could see he had already lubed up his hole. He offered me his tube of lube and I worked it all over my cock. I knelt down beside him and then threw one leg over him and lay on top. I worked my cock up and down his crack and then found my target. I gently pushed in and being little resistance, I was soon balls deep.

"Take your time, this one has to last all summer," me whispered over his shoulder.

I obliged and slowly went in and out of his ass.

"Oh, that's perfect. You feel so good in there. I've had a lot of different cocks in my ass but you have the best technique of anyone," as he continue to moan his approval.

I'm not sure if it was his compliments or the fact that he wanted it slow and special to last him all summer, but I did something to him I never thought I would.

"You special too, Jake, you have the best ass I've ever cum in," as I lowered my head to the side of his and kissed his neck, then his ears. He turned his head and we kissed as I slowly and deeply pressed into him. Even taking my time I was getting close. I stopped but Jake urged me to keep going.

"Finish off and plant it deep inside me so I can keep it there until fall.'

With one final thrust, I let go and did as he asked. I'm sure it wouldn't last in there until fall but it was more metaphorically speaking than reality. As I caught my breath and calmly withdrew my softening cock, Jake rolled over and looked me in the eye.

"A perfect ending to a perfect fuck. Thank you."

Again, I stepped out of character. As he was lying on his back I knelt back down and told a hold of his stiff cock, all wet with precum and a little white cum from when I hit his sweet spot.

"A perfect fuck deserves a happy ending as well," as I proceeded to give him a blowjob.

After he had cum, he laughed and observed,

"Same room, same scenario but different players in different roles. And even better!"

"See you in the fall, big guy. Lock up when you leave." And with that I kissed him on the cheek and left the room.

My room check completed I took one last walk around campus. No real need for nostalgia, I'd be back here in a few months. But nothing would be like freshman year. All the new experiences of college life and especially the dorm life. I spotted Billy unlocking the door and going in the pool house. I ran over to catch up with him, hoping he wasn't going for one more swim.

"Hey Billy, what's up?" as I entered the pool area.

"Just one last smell of the chlorine before I leave."

"Yeah, that's a smell only a swimmer can appreciate. I'm really looking forward to the new year and being a full fledged member of the team right from the start."

"Yeah, next year. It won't be the same, though." He said rather wistfully."

"What do you mean? It will be better. We'll be defending champs."

" But if we win again it will be just another victory and another trophy."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"No, not at all. But this year's win totally changed me from the quiet dork in the outside lane into a real person with real friends and an excitement for life. That awakening and the special feeling that went with it can only happen once in your life. And I loved it but I can never get that back again."

"No you can't. But there are many more great moments in your life that will feel even better. You've been dating a lot but still haven't found that one special girl that makes your heart flutter and your pulse jump when you see her. Your wedding day. The moment you hold you first child and then years later when you attend their wedding and have grandchildren. And don't forget your first time on the podium when they play the US National Anthem and award you your Gold Medal in swimming."

"You always know just the right things to say, don't you."

Billy grabbed me and gave me a strong, prolonged hug, rubbing his hands up and down my back. As he broke the hug he brought his mouth to mine and gave me a deep open mouth kiss than lasted for several minutes.

"The next special moment in my life will be when I return in the fall and get my dick in your ass and fuck the hell out of you!" as he punched my arm and wiped a tear from his eye.

"Only if I'm still wanting a scrawny little dick in me and I haven't moved up to a man sized cock."

We put our arms around each other's shoulders, took one last look at the pool and left the building.

When I arrived home, my mother and father had a big cookout and invited everyone to come, family, friends, and a stranger walking past our house. You'd think I had graduated already not just survived a freshman year. As the party wore down and Dad and I were the only ones left on the patio, he philosophically asked me,

"So what did you learn at college, son? Not just book learning, but about life, about you as a person?"

I thought for a minute to temper my answer somewhat.

"I went to school like a scared mouse, wondering how I would ever survive being on my own. But it all started to turn around when I met my roommate. Frank and I became real friends almost immediately. From there it was one new experience after another, most of them turning out ok, some not. But I gained more and more confidence in myself at every turn and realized I could handle anything that was thrown at me. I had my doubts about some experiences, but worked through them just fine. I think I've grown in way I never thought possible and now know who I am and where I'm headed in life."

"That's exactly what I waned to hear. College is as much about learning whom you are and what you're capable of, as it is book learning. Exploring and experimenting different things is the most important aspect of school."

We just sat and watched the fire burn down in silence and then off to bed. As I lay in bed, I thought about what he said about 'exploring and experimenting' and what his college years were like. But that was his time and this is my time.

The first week had passed and I had caught up with all my old friends and had actually run out of things to keep me occupied. Could I go all summer without having any sex other than jerking off? I wouldn't cheat on Sarah and I didn't know any of my old high school buddies who would be into the games I played at college. But then I got a text from Frank.

"Big news! Big plans! Going to be a hell of a summer! Will call tonight."

I tried calling him but it went straight to voice mail.

"Call me know, you shithead, don't keep me in suspense."

But no call. I tried several times to call him throughout the day but kept going directly to voice mail. Finally at about 7:00 PM I got his call.

"You're not going to believe this, but we're all going on a major road trip this summer!

"Who is all? You traveling with your family?"

"No dildo, the four of us guys and our girls friends."

"Where are we going and how are we going to get there?"

"The actual itinerary had to worked out but its going to include some time in camping in Colorado on some land my father owns on a lake. But this will definitely be a cross country trip, maybe all summer."

"Whoa, slow down. It sounds good but seven of us in one car will be cramped going cross-country. I need more details."

"You don't get it. My brother was going to take the trip out to Colorado in a motor home he was going to rent but he had a case come up and couldn't go when his fiancé had time off. She got pissed and instead said he would have to take her to France later in the summer. But my Dad was going to surprise them by buying the motor home instead of renting it. He wrote it off as a business expense. So now I, or rather we, have the use of it all summer if we want. You're the first one I've told so I have to call everyone else and let them know. Then we'll have a zoom meeting to discuss all the details. This will be freaking awesome!"

"Yeah, it certainly will. Text me when you get the meeting scheduled."

I hung up and immediately call Sarah to tell her about it. She would go if the other girls could go. And she couldn't be gone all summer, maybe two weeks at the most. I just told her we'd discuss all that on the zoom meeting.

We had a zoom meeting the next day with all four of us guys and the three girls. We decided the first two weeks would be Frank, Bryson and myself with our girlfriend and then they would fly home. Billy would join us then for the rest of the trip, another three weeks. Frank's father was so impressed that we had the insurance money from the college set aside for Ralph's tuition that he offered up the same amount, $10K to bankroll the trip. He set up a zoom meeting with all the parents for the next night to explain everything to them. Some of them thought this would be a wild party trip in a 1968 VW bus, painted with flowers and rainbows, I guess like they did when they were in college, but Frank's Dad took his laptop out and showed them his land yacht. A 40 foot, $200K palace on wheels. Sarah's parents wanted to take her place on the trip. With the girls, we would tour some older cities, working half way across the country. Then they would fly home, Billy would fly out and we would continue on to the West Coast, stopping to spend a week camping on some land Frank's father owned in Colorado. No house or cabin, just 120 acres surrounding a 30-acre lake that he bought for an investment sight unseen.

The girls all flew in to meet us at Frank's house and we were off. It was two weeks of fun and frolic, and awesome sex. When we were traveling on the open road, the girls got more relaxed and their clothing became sparser. The windows were tinted so no one could see in, except through the windshield. By the time week two came along, the daily dress code for the girls was topless with see thru thongs. We were sometimes just naked or wearing very small men's bikini underwear that didn't do much to conceal out almost constant boners we had from watching the girls parade around. Frank was driving on a particularly bumping road under construction while Bryson and his girl were in the back bed fucking. As the motor home bounced up and down, the yells and screams of sheer delight from the back bedroom increased as the rough ride got roughed. They eventually came out of the back bedroom, disheveled, out of breath but smiling ear to ear. Let's turn around and let everyone enjoy that stretch of road was the only thing Bryson said.

Th two weeks went by in a flash. The girls flew home and we picked up Billy. And headed West. Billy liked our new dress code, naked or close to it. We were in the second lane of a multi lane highway traveling with traffic. I was sitting up front in the passenger's side. Billy came up and crept in front of me, got between my legs and started to suck my cock.

"I have so missed this, I'm glad we could all get together again."

As he worked on my cock, a convertible with two really hot girls pulled up on the right side of us. I looked down into their car and the passenger flashed a huge smile and pulled her top down, showing me a beautiful set of size 38" firm teats.

"Wow, the sights you see when you're traveling."

I told the other guys to look out the window so Billy got up on his knees to look out the side window. When the driver saw him pop up from my lap, she surmised what he was doing. Her mouth dropped open; she reached over to pull up her friend's top and sped off away from us. We all had a good laugh and Billy went back to what he was doing. About ten miles further down the road, Frank pulled into a service plaza for gas.

"We need gas already? How much gas does this monster eat?" I asked.

"Don't really need gas but look who is at the other pump," Frank pointed to the convertible with the two hot girls.

Billy went bounding out the door and went over to talk to them. We all laughed and went inside for some snacks while the attendant pumped the gas. When we came out we could see in the back window as the two girls were sitting up, bouncing up and down on Billy, one on his cock and one on his face. He managed to convince them he was just trying to find my phone that had slid under my seat. Frank quietly got in and moved the motor home away from the pump and parked out of the way. When the girls came out, hair all disheveled, adjusting their clothes, they just smiled and got in their car and drove off. We went in to find Billy naked on the rear bed with a grin from ear to ear.

"Wake me when we get to Colorado. I need my rest."

After spending two weeks with our girlfriends and now Billy's horniness was satisfied, the rest of the trip to Colorado was just four guys traveling naked enjoying the country. When we arrived in Benson, about two miles from the lake property, we stopped in town to stock up on food. As we came out of the local market with two baskets of food, the local sheriff was leaning against our motor home.

"Looks like you boys are all set for a while."

"Yes sir, stocking up for a week or two." Frank politely answered.

"You'll need a key for the lock on the gate to get to the lake," as he handed Frank a key.

"How did you know where we were going?"

"It's a small town, son. We I see an expensive rig like this come into town with out of state plates and four young men get out, a couple not even old enough to shave,"

"We all shave, and then some," Bryson interrupted as we all snickered.

"I ran a check of the plates, called the registered owner and inquired if the rig was stolen or on loan." The sheriff looked at Frank, "Your Dad told me about your victory tour of the country, including a stop at the lake property."

"How did you know which one of us was the son?"

"You're the only one who doesn't look like a swimmer, no offense."

"Well, glad to meet you, sheriff, I'm Frank," extending his hand to the sheriff. We all followed suit, introducing our selves and shaking his hand. Billy was the last and lowered his head when he said his name and gave the sheriff a halfhearted handshake.

"Son, look a man in the eye when you say your name and give him a firm hand shake that shows you mean it. You boys have a good time. If you need anything, just get in touch."

"Just one question, sheriff, Dad didn't mention anything about a locked gate at the driveway. What's with that?"

"We were having a lot of problems with people partying and leaving the place a mess so I called your Dad and asked about getting a gate put up. He hired a local guy to put in a gate and lock and I have a key, the fire department has a key and the forestry has a key, as well as one I sent to your Dad. Guess it slipped his mind. There are still a few that go through the woods on ATV's but its manageable now."

"Ok, thanks for looking out for his property."

"It's a small town. It's what we do," as he walked back to his car and drove off.

We loaded our supplies and headed to the lake. I got out and unlocked the gate then closing and locking it after Frank drove through. We followed the driveway and came upon the lake. Frank stopped and we took in the awesome view of the lake and the mountains in the background. As we came down a small hill to find an ideal spot to park, we saw two young guys, probably mid teens, come out of the water naked, climb on their ATV's and speed off into the woods.

"Guess the sheriff was right. They must be the two he was referring to. At least they know the only way to swim is without swim wear." We all chuckled. "Dress code of the day - naked!"

As we were leveling the motor home and setting up our area, I noticed the two boys had stopped at the top of the hill where we had just come in. They sat there watching us set up, still naked. I waved to them and they gave a slight nod and then disappeared.

"As leader of this happy go lucky group, I'm assigning duties for the time we're here. Bryson, you said you like to cook, So you're in charge of the meals. Mark, you're the organized one so you'll be in charge of any planning that needs to be done. Billy, you're the horny one, so, well, you know what to do," Frank directed.

"And what about you, Frank" What's your responsibility?"

"To be ready and available when ever anyone one of you needs a willing se partner."

"That will be a full time job, Frank, hope you up to it," Billy replied to him.

"I'm up to it, I just hope you guys are up to it."

That sparked an impromptu game of grab ass, with everyone getting hard. As we ran to jump in the lake, I looked back and saw the two boy had returned to the top of the hill, still naked and just sitting on the machines. I waved at them again and they nodded their heads, one of them waving back. I motioned them to come down and join us for a swim. They looked at each other and slowly started down the hill. They parked nest to the motor home and just sat there. I motioned again for them to join us. They got off and walked over to the waster's edge, seemingly comfortable being naked in front of four strangers.

"I'm Dylan and this is my younger brother Kyle, the blond haired boy said.

"You're only older by two months, shit head," the other boy snapped.

"Still older, and better looking and a bigger cock as well," Dylan laughed. "We're step brothers but also best friends. We always have each other's backs."

"And fronts," Kyle snickered quietly.

"Shut up, asshole," Dylan growled back as he ran and jumped in the water. He swam over to us and continued his introduction. "Hope we're not intruding on your privacy by trespassing on your lake like this."

"How did you know it was our property?" Frank asked.

"It's a small town," came a familiar reply.

"Not at all. Always glad to have a couple more swimmers in the group."

We hadn't gotten around to asking their ages but I assumed there were 15 or 16. All over tans and firm young bodies, something I never would have noticed before. Dylan, the blond, had light blond hair all over his body, not excessive but just enough. Kyle, the brown haired boy, was fairly smooth with hair limited to his pits and his crotch. Both had nice cocks, shriveled up at the moment from the cool lake water as well as their sacks tucked up tight underneath their cocks.

"Do you boys always go naked around here?"

"Mostly," replied Dylan, "We enjoy the freedom and we almost always the only ones here. But we noticed you guys like to be naked, and you've got no pubes? What's with that?"

I explained the whole situation to them and they nodded in approval. They chatted as we tread water, telling us all the local places to visit while we were here, what was good and what was not so good.

Just then, Billy pointed up when we had parked.

"Oh shit, are we in trouble. Naked in the water with two underage boys and here comes the sheriff!"

Sure enough, the sheriff was slowly walking down towards the water.

"I knew you two might be up here pestering these nice people. How many times have I told you this isn't your private swimming hole?" he snarled at the two boys.

"It's ok, we invited them in for a swim," I explained, not thinking how it would sound. 'Oh sure, we invited these two underage boys to swim naked with us, you know, just for some fun.' "And they have been filling us in on the local places we should visit to make our stay here complete."

"Ya, Dad, we're not pestering them. Just being neighborly, like a small town should be, remember?" Dylan added.

"Holy fuck!" Billy softly muttered, "We naked in the water with the sheriff's two underage boys. They'll never even find our bodies, just the burned out shell of a motor home!"

"Well, if you're sure they are bothering you, I'll be on my way. The cell reception down here is spotty so I'll leave one of my hand held radios here for you in case you guys have any trouble from anyone while you're here. And the two of you be home in time for supper. And for crying out loud, get dressed before you head home. I don't want you getting seen again riding naked." With that he left a walkie talkie on the steps of the motor home and left.

"You could have told us you were the sheriff's sons, how old are you anyway?" I scolded them.

"But then you never would have let us swim with you. My mother is a nudist and we are as well. But we're the only ones around here and don't get a chance to enjoy being nude around other people. It's small town, you know."

"Ya, I've heard that somewhere before."

"My Dad doesn't approve, thinks it's a bad image for the sheriff's family to be nudist. But the only time anyone really says anything is when we get caught naked in public when we shouldn't be. By the way, I'm 16 years old and Kyle is also 16. So we're of legal age, not worries about what we're doing."

"See, we're the same age, Dylan, just like I always say," as he swam past his bother and grabbed his cock. The two of them started with the grab ass and before we knew it, the game had spread to all of us, grabbing an ass or cock and then swimming away before retaliation could strike. The boys were strong swimmers but not as quick as we were. So we always got in our grabs and then eluded them. By now we had all boned up despite the cold water. Dylan came up behind me and grabbed me around my waist so I couldn't get away and then reached around to grab my cock. But instead of a grab and release, he held on and started to stroke if a few times. I reached back between us and grabbed his cock and did the same. Next, Bryson and Kyle were doing the same then Frank and Billy. It was a major tug fest in the water. Kyle was getting cold and suggested we all get out and continue this on shore. We partnered up again, the same as in the water, and keep stroking one another. Billy and Frank flipped around and started sucking each other. The two boys stopped stroking for a minute and stared at Frank and Billy.

"Wow, we've heard about sucking but never actually seen it in real life. It looks awesome."

"Would you like to try?" I offered. "I can suck you or you can suck me, whatever."

"It sounds hot, but I've never done anything more than stroke off Kyle and he has done me but nothing more. If you don't mind, I'd kinda like my first time to be with him. We'll talk about it tonight at home and maybe do it tomorrow down here."

"I think that's great. I don't mind that at all," as I went back to stroking him and he picked up where he left off on me. It wasn't long before the two boys were the first to shoot their loads, spewing all over the place. I put my hand to my mouth and licked his cum off my fingers/

"Mmmm, Kyle will enjoy this, I'm sure."

Dylan and Kyle both keep up until Bryson and I got off.

"I hope you don't mind, but can I ask if you guys are gay?" Dylan asked.

"By all means, you can ask. And no, we're not gay. We just spent two weeks with our girlfriends making love half way across the country. We're just really good college friends who found this is a fun way to release some sexual tension. No, more than that. Just physical recreational sex."

"Nice. Kyle and I date but the pickings are slim around here. And most of the girls won't let you get past playing with their boobs. Small town, you know. And having the sheriff always looking over your shoulder doesn't help matters. So we jerk off a lot, a whole lot. But nothing else. We're afraid it might make us gay."

"Enjoying sex with another guy won't make you gay. You either are, or you aren't. I had the same concerns when we all started screwing around but after a while I learned its just sex, no emotion, no feelings, just sex. I've enjoyed it so much more since that realization."

"Wow, thanks. That's great to hear." As they waved good bye and headed up the hill towards their rides.

"And remember, put your clothes on before you ride out of here. We don't want any trouble from you father!"

"Ok, we will, promise."

We were all quiet for a while, then Frank was the first one to speak up.

"Ya know, I don't usually notice other guy's bodies, but damn, those boys were hot! I hope they come back tomorrow and we all get to play with them."

"I hate to admit it, but I feel the same way," I spoke up next. "Having Dylan jerk my cock was awesome. And his was pretty damn nice as well."

"Ok, Bryson, you and Kyle were going pretty hot and heavy so you were really into jerking him. Now who are the horn dogs here," Billy noted.

"You and always you, Billy. The rest of us could never keep up with you," Frank chimed in, getting a round of applause and laughter from the rest of us.

We went to the edge of the lake and washed off the cum left on our bodies. Then Bryson went in the motor home to start making supper while the rest of us gathered wood for a fire. We ate supper and sat watching the fire, listening to the nighttime sounds of the woods around us. We didn't want to go to bed with the fire still burning so Bryson suggested we get some blankets and sleep under the stars. We laid out our blankets around the fire pit and settled down for the night. As I was starting to doze off I felt my blanket being lifted off me on my right side.

"It might get cold during the night so I thought it would be warmer this way," Bryson said as he got under my blanket and moved over close to me.

"Warmer, and nicer," was my response as I moved towards him. As we cuddled, he leaned in and kissed me. It felt totally natural, coming from Bryson, and not gay at all. Or was it? But it felt nice and I really didn't care at this point how it could be classified. I kissed him back and after several minutes of intense kissing and hugging, we drifted off to sleep in each other's arm. Frank and Billy had also joined up under one blanket.

As I awoke the next morning, Bryson had already gotten up and was making breakfast. Dylan and Kyle were sitting on the ground next to me.

"About time you woke up. I didn't think you were ever going to get up," Dylan teased me.

"Hey look, Dylan," Kyle interrupted, someone is up already," as he pointed to where Frank and Billy were sleeping with Frank's morning boner making a tent of the blanket.

Billy opened his eyes at the sound of the voices, pulled back the blanket and smiled at us as he lowered himself to Frank's stiff cock.

"Ahhh, the breakfast of champions!" as he proceeded to wake Frank with a warm wet morning blowjob.

Frank woke up moaning and raising his hips to meet Billy's movements. Billy reached up and pinched Frank's nipples and then put his hands back around the base of Frank's cock. It wasn't long before Frank yelled, "Good morning, Colorado!" and let his load go in Billy's receptive mouth.

"So that's how it's done?" asked Dylan.

"No, that's how a quickie is done. A true and proper cock sucking takes more time and foreplay, not just a slam, bang, thank you ma'am. I'll show you after we eat a real breakfast."

"He's right, Billy is good and always ready but Mark here is the best at what he does, all of it." Frank added.

"Well alright! Bryson, do you need a hand getting breakfast ready? We're anxious to eat and then eat again." Dylan yelled into the motor home.

After we had eaten and cleaned up, Dylan was anxious to get some advice on giving and getting bj's.

"There are two ways to go about this, Dylan," I started. "You can do a quickie just for the purpose of getting your partner off or you can take your time and do it slow and sensual. Anyone can just stick a cock in their mouth and suck so I want to show you how to take your time. Bryson, come over here and lay down."

"Sure thing, glad to help."

When Bryson had gotten comfortable, I knelt down in front of him.

"You can start by running your hands up his legs, massaging his muscles and paying particular attention to his inner thighs, a very sensual part of the human body. Then move past his crotch without touching anything other than his hips and up to his chest. Play with his nipples and caress his neck and face."

"But what has this all got to do with sucking his cock?" Dylan asked.

"Shut up and pay attention, Dylan, he's getting me horny already and he hasn't even gotten to the good part yet," Kyle noted.

"Anticipation can be very arousing. Remember, take you time and get your partner ready. Notice how Bryson's cock is chubbing up and I haven't even touched it yet? Then bring your hands back down his body, slowly closing in on his cock. Take a hold of it and give it a few slow tight strokes and it will get him good and hard. Stop stroking and just squeeze his cock as you take your other hand and fondle his balls. Now lay down between his legs and get comfortable. Push his cock back towards his stomach and bring your mouth to his balls. Take them in your mouth and roll them around with your tongue, still holding tight to his cock. After you've played with his balls for a while, loosen your grip so you can lick your way up his shaft. Notice how Bryson's cock is twitching in anticipation? Lick to the top but don't touch the tip yet. Then lick down the sides and all over the shaft. By now there is some precum oozing out of his piss slit. Going back to the top, now lick the precum on the tip. Then swirl your tongue around the tip getting another taste of his precum. Now slowly lower your mouth over his cock, taking as much in your mouth as you can without gagging. Just hold it there and feel it twitch and pulse in your mouth. Apply some pressure with your tongue against the tip and move your tongue back and forth. Now pull your mouth back almost all the way off and then back down again, developing a steady rhythm up and down, sucking on it as you withdraw your mouth. Occasionally stop and take his cock as deep as you can, going deeper if you are able, and swirling your tongue on his cock. You can judge by Bryson's breathing and his movements he is getting closer to cumming. Now just move your mouth up and down on his cock quicker and soon he will be filling your mouth with his hot cum."

I was having a hard time successfully sucking Bryson's cock and keeping up the running commentary but my efforts were paying off. Bryson grabbed my head and held it to his crotch.

"Fuck yeah, that's the way to suck a cock!" Bryson shouted as he pumped my mouth full.

I swallowed his warm juices and lay there for a minute with his cock in my mouth, letting him go soft.

"If you keep your mouth on his cock after he shoots, don't move at all. It's very sensitive. Just let him go soft. Unless of course, you're like Billy. He'll only get half soft and then stiffen back up and want seconds."

"Damn right, Mark." Billy said as he was stroking while he watched me suck Bryson.

"There you go, guys. Now have some fun with each other and enjoy your first blow job."

"Awesome, Mark. You made it sound so natural and not gay at all."

"If you're just doing any guy who will drop his pants, that's kind of gay. But if you are doing it with someone you are close to and just doing it for the physical enjoyment, that's just a bro helping a bro, like us."

Dylan and Kyle had discussed this the night before and Dylan decided he would give a blowjob to Kyle first. Kyle lay back on my blanket and Dylan moved into position between his legs. He started as I had instructed him, slowly working on Kyle's body, getting him good and hard. Which really didn't take much. Once he brought his hands down to touch Kyle's throbbing cock, he lost his patience and just dropped his mouth over it and began to go to town on him.

"Oh man! This is fucking awesome Dylan!"

"Hghgh, mmm, hghbh" was all Dylan could get out as he ate Kyle's cock like the last supper for a dying man. Kyle wasn't going to last long at all at this rate.

"Hell ya, here it comes! Swallow my sperm, you cocksucker!" as Kyle shoots his load, pumping hot cum into Dylan's mouth until it ran down the side of his cheeks.

As Dylan lay there trying to catch his breath, Kyle lifted his head with a huge smile and cum running down his chin.

"Next I'll go slow, but this was awesome. I never expected to feel so erotic, his stiff cock pulsing in my mouth as it filled me with his cum."

"My turn to suck you, roll over on your back." Dylan commanded.

Dylan pretty much followed what Kyle had done, starting slow but then just jumping in and sucking Kyle for a quick reward.

"That was fucking awesome, Dylan. The only thing that could make it better would be if you had a pussy planted on my face as you sucked me."

We all laughed at Kyle's remark and just lay there enjoying the smiles on the boys faces after giving and getting their first blowjobs.

"Ok, who's next?" Dylan asked as he jumped up and ran over to me. "I'm ready for more cock!"

"Me too." Announced Kyle as he moved over to suck Bryson's stiff cock.

Dylan knelt down on his hands and knees and grabbed a hold of my stiffening cock. He stroked it a few times to get me nice and hard, then turned and looked at me and smiled.

"Let me know how I do, teacher."

I just smiled back at him as he lowered his mouth onto my cock. He slowly went as deep as he could before he gagged then backed off a little and began and slow and steady rhythm up and down with a little tongue action every now and then. He was definitely learning how to give great head. I reached my hand up and rubbed his head, then down onto his shoulders and finally rubbing his back. His body felt so fucking hot. Smooth and muscular, a real teenage hottie. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed his mouth on my cock and kept rubbing my hands all over him, whereever I could reach. O moved over a little to extend my reach and grabbed his ass cheek and massaged it. He turned and lay on his side so he was facing me, still at a ninety-degree angle to me. I moved my hand to rub his chest, flicking my fingers over his nipples. He moaned and gave a deep suck on me. His chest and abdomen were just as smooth and hard as his backside. The touch of his warm skin was pushing me to a new high of excitement. I moved my hand down and ran it over his stiff cock and down to his balls, rolling them between my fingers. Dylan moaned ever louder and gave out with a "Yes", slightly muffled by his mouth being full of me. He slid his body closer to me so I had a better angle to reach more of him. I reached under his balls and between his ass crack and rubbed his hole lightly. He reacted by thrusting himself at me. He laid his arm over my body and pulled me to him, going deeper on my cock and grabbing my ass. His cock was hard and dripping as it got closer to my face. I moved my hand back from his ass and wrapped it around the base of his cock. I brought it to my mouth and licked the precum of the tip with my tongue. Dylan was really going to work on my cock and I was hoping I was going to hold out and not cum yet.

"Damn it, Mark, suck it already! You're driving me crazy!"

I just laughed and kept licking the tip. He pushed his hips further towards me so I obliged him partially by taking his cock in my mouth but I didn't move. I just held his cock still. It was twitching and he was trying to thrust it into me but I just held it firmly between my lips. Some drool was leaking out the side of my mouth so I wet my finger with it and went back to playing with his hole as I stayed still on his cock. I ran my wet finger around his hole and felt it pulsing at the same time his cock was twitching and pulsing in my mouth. I applied some pressure and slide my finger inside him as deep as I could go. He gave out with a weird sound and pushed back against my finger then thrust forward to try and fuck my mouth. He was so conflicted on with felt better, my mouth or my finger. But it really didn't matter as he shook his head from side to side on my cock as I let my cum unload into his mouth. As soon as I was finished shooting, I released my grip on his cock and started to suck him with a passion as I wiggled my finger around inside his ass. It didn't take very long and he was exploding in a body shaking orgasm.

"Fuck ya . . . oh hell . . . damn I think I'm going to pass out!"

I held his cock in my mouth when he was done but it really didn't get very soft. I started to slowly bob up and down on his cum covered cock but he was too sensitive and pulled out of my mouth.

"I've still got a lot to learn about giving a blow job."

"You did pretty good for your second time. I thought it was great."

"If mine was great, yours was fucking awesome with a capital 'BJ'."

"Remember what I told you about anticipation. The build up makes the finale much better."

"It sure as hell does!"

We both looked over at Kyle and Bryson just in time to see them reach their climax. Bryson was lying on his back being face fucked and Kyle lying on top of him slowly sucking Bryson's cock. Bryson gave a thrust up with his hips as he deposited his load in Kyle's mouth and Kyle gave out with a whimper as he did the same to Bryson. They lay there while they caught their breath and then Kyle rolled off of Bryson.

"Hell of a way to start the morning," Kyle remarked.

"There is none better," Bryson answered.

"Sure there is, having Mark on your cock is the absolute best!" Dylan proclaimed.

"It's all good, no matter who is doing it. All of us guys know how to give head better than the girls do." I responded to level the playing field.

Frank and Billy were sitting in the shade quietly watching all of us and stoking their hard cock.

"We'll be next, right after lunch so you'll have a chance to recover and be at your best." Frank proposed.

"Sounds like a plan," Dylan replied.

The rest of the morning we spent just lying around in the sun, chatting and enjoying each other's company. At noon, Bryson went in to make sandwiches for everyone. He set down a plate of sandwiches and Dylan and Kyle jogged off to where they had parked their ATV's.

"Guess they didn't like what was on the menu?"

The two boys returned, each carrying a case of beer.

"We figured we bring the refreshments to celebrate our first time this morning."

"Whoa, not so fast. You two are underage and if your father caught you drinking with us we be in jail before we knew what hit us." I warned them.

"Not for us, for you guys. We don't drink. Our Dad is like a human Breathalyzer, he can tell how many beers someone has had just by smelling their breath and looking at their eyes. We'd be caught if we had so much a one beer. Underage drinking is one of his pet peeves. All of our friends know that. He's been that way since the incident with Kyle's father."

We all looked at Dylan then Kyle with a look of concern.

"It's ok, Dylan, you can tell them."

"Are you sure, Kyle? I don't want to stir up bad memories."

"No, it's alright. I've gotten over it mostly."

Dylan explained.

"Our their parents were in school together and were good friends after high school. My dad went to community college and got a degree in law enforcement, eventually becoming sheriff. Kyle's father went to work right out of high school and started working as a mechanic at the local garage. They had all enjoyed the usual teenage drinking but my dad stopped when he got his first job with his predecessor in the sheriff's office. Kyle's father was still drinking and it wasn't long before it became a problem and got him fired from his job. He cleaned up his act for a few months, got a new job but then went back to drinking. He stopped drinking for a few years when Kyle was born but then got laid off due to no fault of his. This sent him back to drinking and jumping from job to job. He had become very bitter and abusive to Kyle's mother. It got so whenever he got drunk, Kyle's mother would send Kyle to our house for a "sleepover" to get him out of harm's way. My dad would get a call and go and pick up the drunk and try to cool him off and sober him up but eventually it got to the point of having to lock him up overnight. That made things even worse. Kyle's dad thought he was being locked up for the night because his wife and my dad were having an affaire. It all came to a violent end one Saturday night when my dad went to Kyle's house for report of gunfire. Kyle was at our house as usual but his mom and dad were at home. When my dad pulled up in the driveway, Kyle's dad came to the front door and fires a shot at the car, shooting out a headlight. He warned my dad to leave or he would shoot him and then Kyle's mom. She tried to run out the front door, but he grabbed her and held the gun to her head, again ordering my dad to leave or they would both end up dead. Kyle's mom fainted and fell from his grip. He fired another round at the car and my dad was forced to shoot back, fearing for Kyle's mom. He killed him with one shot. It was the worst night this small town had ever experienced."

"Oh my god, Kyle, that must have been horrible for you. How old were you then?"

"I was ten. But he wasn't the dad I loved. He had become a monster that bet my mother and was nothing but mean and cruel to me. I missed the dad I used to have but was glad drunk dad was out of our lives."

"Damn, that sucks every which way."

"Ya, I was upset because I hoped dad would stop drinking and go back to being himself but I realized that was never going to happen. Dylan helped we work through it like I had done with him.

"Dylan, you lost someone close?"

"My mother died a few years before that from cancer. She had fought it for a few years so it wasn't unexpected but it still hurt. Kyle stayed with us for a few weeks after the funeral and then again after his father died so we became soul mates, leaning on each other."

"Wow, you guys were lucky to have each other to get through that. I don't know what I would have done if I lost a parent at that age."

"My dad and Kyle's mom helped a lot as well. Kyle's mom eventually moved in with us and then married dad. We're a family again and all the rest is behind us, mostly. Now, enough of this morbid talk, lets pop a beer and start the celebration," as Dylan passed around the beers. He and Dylan were drinking bottled water not beer, as they said was their choice.

We sat and drank our beer in deep thought about what the boys had just told us. As we downed our first beer, Dylan shouted,

"Last one in the lake has to wear clothes for the day," and ran off to dive in the water, followed by everyone else. I was the last one to the water.

"Haha, Mark can't be naked for the rest of the day," Kyle shouted.

"You really want me to conceal this awesome specimen of the perfect male body?" I asked as I spread my arms straight out to my side.

"It ain't perfect and it ain't awesome but it's not bad I suppose. Ok, you can stay naked," Dylan laughed.

We swam for a bit to cool off and then back on shore and back to the beers. Frank and Billy were drinking a little faster than the rest of us and Billy was the first to get up to take a piss. We had designated a 'Pissing Tree' away from the motor home so it didn't smell too bad. As Billy was just getting to the tree, Frank got up to take a piss as well. He stood next to Billy as Billy started a stream of clear beer piss. He looked at Frank and grinned, aiming his stream at Frank's ankles.

"Hey, what the fuck! Watch what you doing, you're pissing on my ankles!" Frank yelled/

"Oh, my bad, I was aiming higher," as he raised his cock up and pissed all over Frank's upper leg and his cock.

"You mother fucker!" Frank cured as he turned and started aiming his piss stream at Billy. Billy aimed even higher and was shooting all over Frank's chest. Frank retaliated in like fashion. Billy had started first so was running out of piss. As we all laughed and watched the show, Billy turned and ran for the lake. Frank ran after him, still dribbling piss from his cock as it was chubbing up. Billy tripped and fell half way to the water and that let Frank catch up. He held his foot on Billy's chest so he couldn't get up and continued to soak him with piss. As his stream slowed he yelled to us to come help him. We looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and got up to go help Frank. After all, Billy had started this whole thing. Kyle and Dylan stayed where they were and looked on as we surrounded Billy and joined the soaking. .

"Come on you two, we need all the help we can get," yelled Frank.

Dylan and Kyle looked at each other, smiled and ran over and stood on either side of Billy. They started to piss and because they hadn't been drinking beer, their piss was dark yellow.

"Alright, the good stuff. Lay it on him," encouraged Frank.

But instead of aiming at Billy, they turned and began to shoot their piss at Frank. He was startled and jumped back, allowing Billy to roll over and get up on his feet.

"What the hell! It's Billy you're supposed to soaking!"

"We just wanted to even the odds. He was badly outnumbered." Dylan laughed at Frank.

Billy ran to the water and jumped in followed by Dylan and Kyle who had emptied their bladders and finally Frank. Bryson and I just stood and watched as they all slashed and dunked each other and played grab ass in the water.

"Those two are something else. They just bared their souls of the most horrendous events in their young lives and look at them now, laughing and playing like nothing ever happened." Bryson noted.

"Ya, they are pretty special buys. Let's join in the fun."

We ran and jumped in to join the fun. I grabbed Dylan who was getting the better of Billy and threw him off to the side.

"Thanks, Mark," Billy acknowledged and then went after Frank who was wrestling with Kyle.

I was paying attention as Dylan came after me and jumped on my back, knocking me off balance and going under water. I came up quick but could find Dylan. Suddenly I felt him swim between my legs and grab my cock as he came out in front of me. He laughed and then tried to swim away. Swim away from a swim team hero? I think not. I caught up to him in a few strokes and grabbed his legs, pulling him back towards me. As I did I ran my hands up his legs until I reached his crotch, grabbing his cock and squeezing it hard.

"Think you could get away with a grab and run, did you?"

As he trashed and tried to get away his cock was getting harder by the moment. So was mine.

"Okay, okay, you win," Dylan conceded. I relaxed my grip but didn't let go. He stood up and reached out for my cock, giving it a couple of tugs that made it reach full hardness. We stood there in the water smiling at each other and stroking each other's cocks. Dylan suggested it would be more comfortable on shore. As we headed for shore we noticed the others had paired up as well, Bryson with Kyle and Frank with Billy. Once on shore Dylan and I laid side by side as we caught our breath. Dylan reached over and took a hold of my boner and gave it a few strokes.

"Now its my turn to try it your way," as he rolled over and lay between my legs.

He gently rubbed my legs, moving further up my thighs with each pass, going past my crotch and across my stomach up to my chest. He has raised his upper body so as not to make any contact with my cock. His fingers circled my nipples then tweaked them with his fingertips. He got up on his hands and knees and brought his mouth to my nipples, swirling his tongue around them before making direct contact. Hs sucked on them and tongued them all at the same time, making me moan with pleasure. He kissed his way back down my body, again avoiding my groin as he lowered himself to my thighs. This time he kissed and licked his way back up my legs all the while running his hands all over my upper body. He was hitting all the right places and had me spreading my legs to give him more room to get at me. He reached my privates and pushed back my balls and cock as he ran his tongue up and down my taint. I could feel my first of many releases of precum. He held my cock back out of the way and began to suck on my balls, pushing my sack around with his tongue and gently tugging on each testicle as he came to it. Then he went back down to my taint and pushed further down as I raised my legs up in the ass. Sure enough, his tongue was going for my ass, he swirled around my hole, pressing on it but not enough to open it up. He gave it a kiss and then went back to my balls. From there he worked his way up my shaft with his tongue and mouth, kissing and licking as he went. I was rubbing my hands all over his head and his shoulders and anywhere else I could reach. When he got to the tip he stuck out his tongue to lick my precum, making my cock twitch at his touch. Swirling his tongue around the head, he slowly lowered his mouth down to take my entire cock in his mouth.

"Oh hell, yes, that feel so fantastic, Dylan."

He just muttered something I couldn't understand with my cock embedded in his mouth. Slowly withdrawing and then moving back down, stopping to enjoy the continued flow of precum, I was beginning to move my hips in anticipation of his moves. Each time he had taken as much of me in as he could, he'd swirl his tongue around then back off while sucking hard. I was gripping his shoulders tightly and thrusting up as he came back down. I was moaning and whimpering like a baby as he brought out the passion in me. He pushed my legs apart even further, wet his finger and moved his hand down to my ass. His finger played with my hole then firmly pushed its way in. I arched my back and had to concentrate to not blow my load right then. Feeling me getting super aroused, he sped up his movements, going up and down faster eliminating the tongue swirl but still sucking hard on each up stroke. My body started to tense and my leg muscles stiffened as I reached the point of no return. My cock got harder as I let loose with my first shot of cum, followed by five more intense spasms into his mouth as my ass muscle tightened around his invading finger. He sucked down every drop. I lay there panting, rubbing his head and shoulders while my cock softened in his mouth. He let it slide out and moved up and kissed me on the mouth, letting me taste my residual in his mouth. He pulled his head back and looked in my eyes.

"Was that the way you taught me to do it slowly?"

"Fuck there, that was awesome. You're a great student and a quick learner."

"I had a good teacher. Now how about a fast and furious one?" he asked as he looked down at his stiff cock.

"My pleasure, really," as I moved to get my mouth around his cock. I went right to sucking him and it took him no time at all to reach his orgasm, spewing more cum than my mouth could handle. As I sat up with cum running down my chin he leaned over and licked it clean for me. We were so intent on each other we hadn't noticed the others had come out of the water and were watching us.

"Great show, you two. Enjoyed every minute of it," as they all started clapping.

I've never been shy and didn't care if anyone was watching what I was doing with someone, but I could feel my face turning red. Dylan just stood up and gave a bow then went over and got a bottled water. I felt self-conscious, not because they were watching the oral sex but because the kiss Dylan gave me sent a shiver through my entire body. I've been kissed by a guy before but it was strictly a mechanical thing, exchanging cum or whatever. But this was different. There was an emotional element to it, if not for Dylan, there certainly was for me. As his tongue entered my mouth to give me a taste of cum, my tongue slid into his and I wanted it to continue long after he did. Looking into each other's eyes before and after the kiss was more than just a glance, at least for me. I'm not sure how Dylan felt at all and his casually getting up, taking a bow and going for a water made me think it was all just the physical aspect for him. Confusing as hell for me. I always claimed it was physical for me as well, just a bro helping a bro. But this seemed so much more.

If you enjoyed this story you may enjoy some of my other stories posted on Nifty. Feed back is always welcome to Jonathan at

If you can't find them, from the main menu select "Authors". In the upper right hand corner, select "Search". Under keywords, enter "Jonathan Perkins" (be sure and put the name in quotation marks).

Small Town Dilemma adult-youth 09-23-19

Uncomplicated Life beginnings 02-18-20

North Woods Adventure adult-youth 08-25-19

Pleasant Surprise beginnings 08-25-19

Enduring Friends high school 02-12-19

A Week in the Woods high school 06-07-20


Going to the Dogs adult-youth 01-11-19

The Slat Water Marsh adult-youth 02-13-20

Next: Chapter 7

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