The Swimmer

By Jonathan Perkins

Published on Sep 1, 2021


WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between college men. If sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive or if you are under legal age, do not go any further and do not read this story. The characters are fictional and do not represent any real person, living or dead or any real events or happenings.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except to the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author.

Your comments or suggestions are always welcome. Please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at

All of us enjoy the stories posted here so please support Nifty. I appreciate you reading my stories and Nifty appreciates your support.

This is the last chapter for now of the story of a young man going off to his first year of college, a little unsure of what lies ahead of him but his confidence builds as he settles in and makes new friends and new experiences that expand his sexual attitudes. This story is not just a 'we suck, we fuck, we do it again' story, although the sexual activity does increase as the story continues, but it also dwells on the personal development of Mark, the main character, as he matures into an very open minded young man and discovers new feelings.

The Swimmer Chapter Seven

As the boys were preparing to leave that afternoon, Dylan asked when we were planning on going home.

"Sometime next week, haven't got any day set in stone."

"Hope it's later in the week. Kyle and I won't be out here tomorrow or on the weekend. Saturday and Sunday is the big summer festival in town and we have to help set up on Friday and then work the festival. Then Monday is tear down and clean up. This year is going to be a fundraiser for a local five year old girl who needs a heart operation. The hospital and the insurance have the operation covered, it's the aftercare and medications that are hugely expensive. It's a lot of work setting up, working the festival and the clean up afterwards but it's for a good cause."

"Sounds like a lot of work, great that you are helping out."

"For sure. Set up on Friday is always tough with so many f the people involved having to work. But we get it done."

As they walked to their ATV's I stared at Dylan's bubble butt and smooth backside. He put his foot on the foot peg and swung his leg over the seat, hia cock and balls swinging free between his ourstreatched legs. Damn, four days before I see him again. I'm going to miss him.

Wait, what was I thinking? Am I becoming attached to that young man? Is this more than just a physical thing and my emotions are getting involved? I have to get a hold of myself.

"Going to miss those horndogs, huh Mark?" Bryson noted as he walked up behind me.

"Oh, ya, there good company."

"Oh sure, great company, but I was referring to them being fantastic lovers."

"Not lovers, just guys to get our rocks off with. That's all." I replied defensively.

"Ok, whatever. I'm going in and start making supper," as he smirked and walked away.

Was Bryson seeing something I didn't want to admit to? Was it obvious that I was developing feelings for Dylan? Maybe not seeing him for a few days would be good for me to be able to put things on perspective.

After supper was cleaned up, Frank suggested we go to town the next morning to restock supplies.

"With the festival this weekend the town will be crowded. And maybe we can offer a hand to help the boys with the set up. I'm sure they could use a couple of strong backs."

Everyone agreed it was a good idea. I smiled knowing I wouldn't have to wait four days to see Dylan again. But then the smile disappeared as I realized how I felt.

We all turned in early so we could get to town early the next morning. I pulled my blanket over me as I watched Bryson coming back from a visit to the piss tree. He looked at me and smiled and I smiled back while turning back the blanket inviting him to share with me. We lay side ny side under the blankets, not saying anything other than 'good night'. I rolled on my side facing away from him. He rolled on his side facing my back and moved up to me and laid his arm across my body.

"More comfortable this way. But if you call me Dylan in your sleep I'll punch you," Bryson snickered.

"Shut up ass hat and go to sleep." I locked my arm over his and cuddled up tight to him.

Frank rousted us up early the next morning, grabbed a quick breakfast of cereal and headed to town. First stop was the local store where we had shopped before. We were loading our supplies into the motor home when the sheriff came by.

"Good morning boys. Everything going ok at the lake? Hope my boys aren't being too much of a nuisance."

"It's been a great time out there, Dylan and Kyle have been good company, we're glad they come out to visit. They told us about the festival this weekend so we thought after we were done shopping we'd see if we could offer a hand with the set up work."

"That would be wonderful. You can find the boys down at the community field at the south end of town. They can show you were to park your rig where it will be out of the way and in some shade."

Frank pulled back on the road and headed south on the main road. The sheriff pulled out of a side street in front of us and led the way to the field. We stopped at the field behind the sheriff and he let out two quick blasts of his siren. Everyone looked up to see what was happening and when the boys saw us, they dropped what they were doing and came running.

"I found these four delinquents loitering around town and am leaving them in your custody," the sheriff laughed as the boys reached us. "They're sentenced to one day of hard labor. Think you two can handle them?"

"We sure can, dad," Dylan replied, "We know just how to handle lay abouts like these," smirking in my direction.

Dylan showed us where to park and we headed to the set up area.

"It will be general labor now, the HARD labor will be later," Kyle suggested.

We spent the morning erecting booths, hanging signs, marking out parking areas and all the other tasks assigned to us. The boys knew exactly what needed to be done and we all worked as a team. Bryson made sandwiches and cold drinks for everyone, using up most of the supplies we had bought for the next week. Then back to work for the afternoon. I t was just starting to get dark when everything was ready for the next day. The sheriff came by and thanked us for our help and invited us to stay parked where we were if we wanted to attend the festival.

"Sounds good, we'd love to be here tomorrow and enjoy the fruits of our labor," Frank replied.

"Heard you fed the whole crew here today. I'll make sure you get paid for your supplies."

"No worries, consider it our donation towards the cause."

"See dad, I told they are nice guys," Kyle spoke up. "We figured we'd sleep on the grounds tonight, just for added security to make sure nobody messes with anything here."

"I might question your motives for security, and think it's just an excuse to hang with these guys. But it's a pretty good excuse. Turn in early, going to be a long day tomorrow." The sheriff got in his car and drove away.

"You heard dad, we have to turn in early. Let's go to bed." Kyle was anxious to get together with Bryson.

"Whoa, we're here to do security so you have to patrol the perimeter, not go hook up," Frank looked at Kyle.

"Seriously? That was just an excuse. Nobody would dare screw with anything here."

We all laughed at Kyle as we went in the motor home and figure out who was sleeping where. With who was already a given. Frank and Billy got the queen bed in the back. Bryson and Kyle got the fold down dinette, and Dylan and I had the fold out bench seat in the front. As tired as we all were, it was mostly spooning and cuddling before everyone fell asleep.

We were up early the next morning so as not to be caught sleeping naked with each other when the sheriff arrived. We ate breakfast and were already outside when he showed up. He gave out assignments to people directing traffic and parking cars. The boys took us to help with people manning the booths and assisting where ever we could. We had decided over breakfast that once things were underway and going smoothly we'd head back on by one, or tow by two, and grab showers in the motor home. We were all getting pretty rank by now. Frank and Billy had the first shower, then Bryson and Kyle and finally Dylan and I . Motor home showers are different than normal showers to conserve water. You set the temperature, get wet all over then turn off the water. You soap up all over then turn the water back on to rinse off.

Dylan and I stripped off as soon as we closed the door. He had boned up and the sight of his hot body and stiff cock made mine react the same. As I was setting the temperature, Dylan was standing behind me running his hands over my back and across my ass, then reaching around to play with my cock.

"Business first, play second," I told him as I got into the shower. It's a small shower, not big enough for two. As soon as I was wet all over, I turned off the water and began to soap up.

"Let me," Dylan offered as he grabbed the body wash and spread it on his hands and then all over my body, giving special attention to certain parts of my body.

"Want this nice and clean for later."

When I felt his attention to cleaning my cock had gotten to the point of prematurely ending any hope of 'later', I pulled his hands away and turned the water back on to rinse. Now it was his turn. I offered the same service to him to make sure he was good and clean. He rinsed and we dried each other off. I was admiring his body again when he caught me smiling as I did.

"You really like what you see in front of you, don't you?"

"You know what's my second favorite thing about these fairs? Cotton candy."

"What your most favorite?"

"You!" as I grabbed him and hugged him tight. He nuzzled his head again my neck and softly kissing my neck then my ears. I so wanted to Lean into him and kiss him on the mouth but I felt that would stoke my emotions for him even more. I pushed him back playfully, landing on the bed next to the shower stall. He smiled at me as I moved between his legs and massaged his thighs.

"Better make this one a quickie before my dad comes looking for us."

"You wish is my command, stud," moving up and stroking his cock a few times before taking it in my mouth. It didn't take very long and he was arching his back and filling my mouth with his cum. All of which I gladly swallowed.

"Stretch out, it's your turn now."

But before I could get spread out, there was a knock on the door. It was Frank/

"Hey Mark, the sheriff was looking was Dylan. I told him I saw him last on the far side of the festival grounds. Better get finished in there."

"Be right out."

Dylan jumped up to get dressed.

"Sorry you didn't get yours. I owe you one."

"No worries, there will be more time later."

As I got dressed I wasn't disappointed as I thought I would be that I hadn't gotten sucked off. I was more concerned that I had pleased him and he had gotten off. Not usually the way I feel when it goes this way. Are his feelings taking a priority over mine?

I went off with Frank while Dylan went and found his dad.

"Heard you were looking for me?"

"Yes, you mother asked me to ask you to invite your friends over to the house tonight for supper after the festival closes. She just wants to repay them for their help."

"I'm sure they don't feel they are owed anything but I'll ask them,"

"I know, but it would make your mother happy."

"In that case, I'll tell them they're coming to supper, no choice," Dylan laughed.

Dylan found us and told us about the invite. We all agreed it be nice to meet his mother. We headed over to their house after the close of the festival for the night. The sheriff answered the door and invited us into the loving room where the boys mother was sitting on the couch. She rose to meet us, each one of us introducing ourselves. When it was Jimmy turn, he stepped up in front of her and put his hand out.

"My name is Jimmy and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ma'am," firmly but gently shaking her hand. The sheriff looked at Jimmy then us with a smirk on his face, remembering the advice he gave Jimmy the first time they met.

"And you as well, young man."

His mother was very pleasant and we chatted, telling her a little about each one of our backgrounds. When we were done, Dylan spoke up.

"I hope you don't mind, Mom, but I already told the guys about us and what happened."

"That's family business, son, something to be kept in house," the sheriff stated firmly.

"From what Dylan told us, none of what happened could have been avoided. What matters is you have all dealt with the tragedies and become a strong and united family, loving and supporting each other," Frank interrupted. "Now, what was everyone's favorite thing they enjoyed today?" moving to change the subject.

The mood lightened again and we continued to talk until it was time to go.

"Thank you boys for coming to supper tonight. I was very glad to meet the people my boys have been spending so much time with. They made a wise choice of new friends," their mother hugged us each as we left. The sheriff wanted his boys to stay home for the night so they came out front to say good night. Dylan and I were shielded from the house by the others so he gave me a tight hug, reaching in to kiss my neck.

"Until tomorrow," he whispered.

I smiled as my cock responded to his hug and even more so to his kiss. As walked towards the motor home, Billy started chanting,

"Markie has a boyfriend, Markie has a boyfriend."

Frank turned and punched Billy hard on the shoulder, almost knocking him to the ground.

"And Billy has a sore shoulder. So shut the fuck up and let's get some sleep.

Billy was mad at Frank so he slept on the floor instead of in the rear bed. Bryson slept on the dinette fold out and I was on the front sofa. As I lay there trying to sleep, I suddenly felt lonely. I hadn't slept alone since we left home. I didn't ask Bryson to come sleep with me because I realized it was Dylan I wanted next to me in bed right then. Images of him from the past few days kept running through my mind. His hot smooth body, his sweet cock, his bubble butt and his cute smile. Bryson called over from his bed,

"Hey Mark, you want company?"

"Not tonight, Bryson, but thanks anyway."

"Well, good night then. Enjoy your dreams."

I couldn't see his face in the dark but just the way he said that I knew he was smiling.

We were up early again and ready for another day at the festival. The weather was perfect and the crowds started showing up. Today Dylan's girlfriend was working in the kissing booth today. I made thc comment to Dylan that I didn't think this type of thing still existed these days.

"It's a small town, you know," came the standard reply.

When we got around to Dylan's girlfriend, he walked up to the booth and they exchanged small talk for a minute or so. Then he plinked down a twenty dollar bill and turned to us and laughed,

"This will be a while guys. I'll catch up to you."

"Down go anywhere you guys, it's one per customer, no matter who the customer is," she replied to us all and counted out his change.

"Keep the change, I'll collect the rest tonight when I see you after the close," as he leaned in for his kiss.

It was a long day with a mix of enjoying the festival and helping out where ever we could. At the close the workers and organizers held a victory celebration, complete with food and beer.

"We had a successful festival and raised almost $3000 for Margret's medical needs. I want to thank everyone who made this happen, including our visitors from the East," as he point to us. Frank started the round of applause and everyone joined in. The sheriff came over to us and offered us a beer.

"Thanks, but we'll just stick with sodas. We don't want to ruin our image as good wholesome young men,' Frank responded.

"Come on, I know you guys enjoy a beer now and then. Those two cases didn't just evaporate on their own, now did they?"

"You knew about that?"

"It's a small town, you know. Besides, who do you think bought the beer for the boys to deliver?"

"A small town, but a friendly town, huh. We made sure they didn't drink any, honest."

"Oh, I'm sure they didn't. The boys and I have discussed drinking at length and I trust them when they say they will wait until their old enough. I get after them from time to time but I know they're good kids. Teenagers and will do what teenagers do sometimes, but good at heart."

"You've raised them right, that's for sure."

We all took one beer to be sociable and enjoyed the food. Dylan was no where to be seen. Kyle told me he has a date with his girlfriend an told him not to wait up for him.

"I think he plans on getting lucky tonight with her."

The party broke up and we went to the motor home to get a good night's sleep. The sheriff was waiting up watching TV when Dylan finally came home. He had a really goofy smile on his face.

"Good evening father, how was the party?"

"It was good, we missed you but I understand you had a date." The sheriff looked at Dylan's face and told him, "I only have two questions for you."


"Did you respect her tonight and will you respect her in the morning? And did you use protection?"

"That's technically three questions. But yes on all three." Dylan proudly answered.

"Good. Now let's get to bed. We have a another long day tomorrow taking everything down and packing it up for next year." The sheriff put his arm around Dylan's shoulder as they walked out of the living room.

We got up a little later the nest morning and helped break down the booths, clean up the grounds and put everything away for next year. When the sheriff stopped by to see how things were going, Frank approached him and asked him how the fundraising was making out towards reaching its goal.

"Yesterday helped quite a lot but we still have a ways to go. We're about $4000 short of what we would like to have. And we only have until mid October to get there. That's when Margret's surgery is scheduled. But we'll keep pushing."

Frank thanked him and walked off with a serious look on his face. He had noticed the signs up saying donations could be made to a fund managed by the Union Bank in town. Frank told us he'd be right back. He had something he needed to do. He left us and went walked downtown to the Union Bank. He entered and asked for the person in charge of the charity fund.

"I'm Mr Morrison, how can I help you?"

"I want to make an anonymous donation to the fund for Margret using a bank transfer."

"Certainly. A little unusual but I'd be glad to help you."

Frank asked to use his phone and called his father's law office.

"Agnes, this is Frank. I need you to arrange a bank transfer from my personal account. It will be for $10,000. I'll give you the bank manager who can take all the information."

"Oh my, is everything alright? Are you in trouble?"

"No, nothing like that. Just making a donation to a worthy cause. Here's Mr Morrison."

The bank manager had an astonished look on his face as he took the phone back from Frank and made the arrangements with Agnes. When he was done he hung up and looked up at Frank.

"That's a very generous donation. Are you sure about the amount?"

"Yes I am. And remember, this has to be anonymous. No one can know where it came from."

"Certainly. You have my word."

Frank came back and finished helping with the work. Towards the end of the day Dylan asked again when we were leaving to head home.

"Probably Wednesday or Thursday, nothing definite."

"Great. If you can stay until Friday at least Kyle and I have surprise for you as a thank for everything you've done for us, and to us, since you arrived."

"Ya, that's no problem."

At the end of the day the boys said they had some arrangements to make for our surprise and would see us in the morning.

"Don't make any plans for the next couple of days," they advised us as they ran off.

We ate at the local restaurant and turned in early. We awoke the next morning to the sound of ATV's outside the motor home and Dylan banging on our door.

"Wake up you guys, we're burning daylight!"

I opened the door to find four ATV's, two with small trailers packed full, and Dylan and Kyle with two of their friends.

"This is Brent and Sean. They're going to join us on our trek. Hurry up and eat something so we can get going. It's a long ride to get to where we're going. And bring some warm clothes. It can get chilly at night there."

I had no idea where the boys were taking us so I got everyone else up, got ready and we went out to meet Brent and Sean. After brief introductions, we paired off to ride double on the ATV's. Kyle and Bryson, Sean and Frank, Brent and Billy and of course, Dylan and myself. Dylan announced he was taking us to the 'Ridgeline', whatever that was. After an hour's ride through the trails we came to a gate that went off to a side trail with a stern warning on it. 'Government property, no trespassing, No ATV's, dirt bikes or other motorized vehicles allowed. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.' It was posted by the US Forestry Department. Dylan got off and used a key to unlock the gate and motioned the others through.

"Ah, Dylan, didn't you read the sign? And why do you have a key to the lock?"

"It's ok It's my dad's key and he suggested we bring you up here before you left. Its s special place for him and for Kyle and I. It's where we go when we need to get away from things and clear our heads. He spent a lot of time up her after my mom died and Kyle and I spent many a day up here after his father died. You can get in touch will your inner self."

I felt honored that they would share this special place with us.

"But what about the 'No Trespassing' sign? I don't want to be arrested by the Feds."

"My dad made an arrangement with them to help keep the off road crowd out of here. He checks up here so the Forestry guys don't have to come all the way out here."

As the last machine had passed though the gate, Dylan closed and locked it. Then he pilled a piece of chain link fence from behind a bush and tied it to his ATV.

"We drag this to wipe out our tracks so it no one can tell we're up here. Part of our agreement. Now that we're totally on our own, everyone off with their clothes."

The four of us looked at each other and then at the new friends who were getting off their machines and smiling.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that Brent and Sean are nudist as well?" he smirked.

We all undressed, stashed our clothes and got back on the ATV's to continue our journey. I had my arms wrapped around Dylan to hold on as the trail was getting rougher. The contact with his naked back and my arms around his smooth skin had the expected results of my cock chubbing up. It was pressed into the top of Dylan's ass crack and wiggled around with every bump.

"Make yourself at home back there, why don't you?" Dylan laughed over his shoulder.

"Don't hit so many bumps if you don't like it."

"Why do you think I'm hitting these bumps on purpose."

I moved my hand down and grabbed Dylan's cock which was also reacting to my contact with him and was hard. I gave it a few quick strokes and then moved my arm back up to hold onto his upper body.

"There's more where that came from," I yelled over the noise of the engine..

I glanced back at Kyle and Bryson and saw Kyle was in the same condition as Dylan, a boner and a smile and enjoying the ride. Bryson was smiling as well so I can only imagine his condition. Frank and Billy were trying to keep some distance between themselves and Brent and Sean, probably not wanting to be poking the new guys in the back. Sean and Brent seemed to be flaccid but enjoying themselves.

The scenery was spectacular as we continued higher in the mountains. I got so into looking at the scenery my cock when soft. Then Dylan would hit a few bumps and it would stiffen up again as our bodies moved against each other. I couldn't resist the temptation and at one point a moved my head up next to Dylan's and with much difficulty due to the helmets, gave him a kiss on his neck.

"No fraternization with the driver. I have to keep my attention on the trail so I don't go off the side of the mountain."

"Ok, you're in the driver's seat today," as I leaned forward and gave him another kiss.

I lost track of time admiring the view as we climbed higher on the mountain. The trail was getting narrower and closer to the edge as we neared the top when Dylan stopped and announced we had reached our destination.

"This is the 'Ridgeline'. From here you can reach up and touch the sky."

I felt we could see at least half of Colorado from this vantage point. It was simply breathtaking. I looked to my left and saw what looked like a cave.

"Is that a cave, Dylan?"

"No, that's our home for the next few days. Hope you not claustrophobic?"

We got off the ATV"s and stood taking in the view. Dylan was standing next to me and put his arm around my waist. I put my arm around his shoulder and we pulled each other in tight. No words were spoken but I felt a connection to him like I had never felt with anyone before. Sean yelled over to us,

"Hey you two, get a cave!"

The laughter broke the silence and we moved apart slightly. My face had turned red and Dylan just laughed.

"That's what we're here for. Jealous?" Dylan shot back.

"Nope, the day is young yet so we'll see what it brings."

I couldn't help wonder what Sean meant by that. Were he and Brent more than just fellow nudist? Did Dylan invite them with us to pair them up with Frank and Billy? I guess I'll just wait and see.

We unloaded the dear out of the trailers and stowed it in the cave, There was already some gear inside, blankets, sleeping bags and assorted cooking and camping equipment.

"So big guy, you come here often?" I quipped to Dylan as I pointed to the pile of camping gear.

"Often enough to be prepared. As long as we keep it in the cave and out of sight, it's not a problem."

Sean was the taller of the two new guys, standing at 6'2". He was 18 and Brent was a year younger at 17. Sean had a muscular build, mostly smooth upper body and no facial hair. His cut cock looked to be about 5" when soft, probably much bigger when stiff. Light brown curly hair that always had that tussled look. Brent was shorter, maybe 5'10 at most and heavier. Not fat but just more meat on his bones. His uncut cock hung at 6" with a set of big balls hanging low. Black hair, some facial stubble and a moderately hairy body. Both had an infectious smile and an easy attitude about them.

After eating lunch and making small talk, Sean and Frank got up to take a walk, Bryson and Kyle cleaned up from lunch and sat towards the edge of the trail, with their arms around each other. Brent and Billy went to the back of the cave to see how far back it went. I have a feeling that they went all the way, if you know what I mean. Dylan grabbed his back pack and put some waters and sunscreen in it and invited me to follow him. We went to the end of the trail and then up a small path that lead to the very peak of the mountain.

"This is the spot that means so much to all of us. Looking out on the valleys from up here makes you realize how small everything is below and how small your problems actually are."

"You right. This makes me feel so free from anything, just you and I and the sky."

"It's special for me and I want it to be special for you as well."

Dylan leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. We embraced and I kissed him back on the neck. I wanted to kiss him on the mouth but was leery because this was definitely involving emotion, not just a mechanical thing. But the feeling of being above everything in our own world, I gave in and kissed him on the mouth. He returned the kiss, gently as first, but then more passionately as our tongues slid into each other's mouths. We lay back on the soft moss that covered the ground beneath us, keeping our mouths locked together. Dylan rolled his body over mine and lay on top of me, our stiffening cocks rubbing against one another. My hands were all over his back and every over spot on his body that I could reach as he held my head with both hands and continued our make out session. He broke our kiss and pulled his head back to look me in the eyes.

"My special place with my special friend."

"My new special place with my new special friend." I whispered to him.

He came back in for more kissing and more groping of one another.

"You meant so much to me and taught Kyle and I so much about ourselves, I want to do something special for you."

"More than this?"

"Yes, much more. I want you to be my first."

"You and Kyle already shared that experience."

"But not this one."

He reached over and open his back pack to take out the sunscreen. He poured some on my stiff cock and stroked it up and down a few times.

"Oh yea, that feel great." I moaned.

"It gets better."

He then smeared some of his ass and threw the bottle to the side. He climbed back on top on me and kissed me again while moving his body around on top of mine. He sat up up with his legs straddling me, moving back so his ass was just over my cock. He reached back and took hold of me, rubbing my boner up and down his ass crack.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him

"Never more sure of anything in my life. I hope this is as special for you as it will be for me."

I just smiled at him and nodded my head. I put my arms up to put a hand on either side of his torso to steady him. He positioned my cock at his hole and slowly sat back to apply some pressure.

"Take you time and go easy. It will probably hurt being your first time."

"I'm good. You just lie there and enjoy."

I could feel his ass twitch as he flexed and relaxed his sphincter muscle. It was making me so hot succumbing to his control, sitting on top of me. He pushed out with his ass and slowly lowered himself to try and get me inside of him. I felt the tip of my cock enter the warmth of his ass as he gave out a slight 'ugh' and grimaced.

"Just stay still until I get used to you."

"You're the driver remember?"

He smiled and lowered himself a little more, letting more of me inside him. I couldn't help myself as my cock pulsed a little as he engulfed me. He was finally all the way down on my cock. He leaned forward and put his hands on my chest.

"This feels so great. Let me just sit here and enjoy the sensation before you start fucking me."

He was right. This felt like our bodies had become one, not a mere sexual exercise but a joining of our souls. How the hell could this feel so right when this was not something I ever intended to happen. I'm into sex with other guys just for the release of my cum, nothing more. But I could have stayed like this all day. Finally Dylan started moving, slowly up and down on my cock. I started to move wih him but he held his finger to his mouth.

"Don't say anything or do anything. This is all me for your pleasure."

We;; there it was. My justification for this,I wasn't fucking him, he was raping me. He was in control of me and doing what he wanted to me. No, it wasn't rape. It was just me being submissive to this hot young stud. And loving every second of it. As he moved up and down he also moved forward and back, changing the angle of his cock in me. He was hitting his prostrate and oozing some cum out of his cock, dripping it on my stomach. I lowered my hand from his side to take a hold of his cock. Again, with the rebuke.

"Later, just be still."

I closed my eyes and got totally immersed in the sensations. It almost felt like my whole being was one giant cock being swallowed up by Dylan's body. Not just my cock but all of me was inside him giving him as much pleasure as he was giving me. I could hear his breathing getting quicker and his movements faster. I opened my eyes to see he had closed his. He had been riding my cock at just the right angle to stimulate him to an orgasm. I cold feel his ass tighten around my cock as he shot his load of cum all over my chest and stomach. The first shot actually landed on my chin so I stuck out my tongue and licked off. The taste of his cum, his ass tightening around me, and the looks of pure pleasure on his face pushed me over the edge. I raised my hips as I blasted his insides with the biggest load I've ever shot. My whole body was quivering as I lie there and tried to recover. Dylan lowered himself to me, still keeping my cock deep in him. Our mouths met and kissed with the gentleness of the afterglow of orgasms. We kept up with short gentle kisses as my cock slowly went soft, finally falling out of him. I fully expected his cum to flow out all over my balls but I must have been so deep and his ass contracting so hard when we both came that my seed was deeply implanted in him, never to escape. We were truly one soul now. The connection I felt was something I had never experienced before with anyone, not even Sarah. This made me feel so at peace, but also conflicted. Then Dylan spoke.

"Now this place is special for you, I hope."

"You will never truly understand how special it is. It will be even more so when I can do the same with you inside me."

"Later. Let's just enjoy our moment on the 'Ridgeline'"

Dylan rolled off me and we lay there side by side with no rush to move. We heard Kyle holler from below,

"Hey, are guys coming down for supper?"

We didn't realize we had spent the entire afternoon up here.

"Yes, be right there," Dylan answered back. "Time to go and join the rest of the group and see how their afternoon went."

"Not as great as ours, no matter what they did."

Dylan got a towel out of his backpack and we wiped ourselves off. As we came back to the entrance to the cave, Kyle smiled and looked at us.

"Here's the happy couple."

I felt my face turn red but Dylan answered back as he looked around.

"Looks like there is more than one couple enjoying themselves."

Kyle and Bryson were leaning against the opening of the cave stroking each other. Sean and Frank were laying side by side with their legs intertwined and semi hard cocks. Brent was sitting between Billy's spread legs leaning back against Billy as he stroked his cock and turned his head for a quick kiss from Billy. Again, Dylan broke the ice.

"It looks like everyone is having a sausage for supper?"

"No, that was our afternoon snack along with beef jerky," Kyle joked.

Bryson and Kyle got up and broke out some rations for supper. Everyone else moved from where they were to help get the meal ready. We ate and then all just sat out side the cave, each couple sitting together as we watched the most beautiful sunset we ever witnessed. As the full moon rose over the mountains one by one everyone went into the cave to turn in. All except Dylan and myself. The full moon was now high in the sky and was so bright it was almost like daylight.

"There is plenty of moonlight if you'd like to go back up to the top again," I looked at Dylan.

He smiled and nodded. He grabbed his backpack and we headed off. We reached the spot of earlier and lay down, Dylan on the bottom and me on the top. Me made out, our tongues swirling and twirling inside each other's mouths doing a dance of desire. We moved around to be opposite one another and took each other's cock in our mouths, our tongues doing the same dance of desire only this time on our cocks instead of our mouths. I could feel Dylan was getting tense and was close to cumming.

"Not this way, Dylan, I want what you got this afternoon."

I could see the smile on Dylan's face in the moonlight. He got his sunscreen out and slathered it on his cock and massaged it into my hole and all over my ass. I rolled on my back and raised my legs for him. He got between my legs and moved up close to me. I lowered my legs onto his shoulders and raised my ass waiting for his steaming piece of meat to enter me. He didn't disappoint. He pressed against me and slid in as I relaxed myself to accept him. I pushed back against him as continued his gradual welcome invasion of my body. When he was fully inside me, I begged him to fuck me hard and fast. I wanted him to release all the passion he had and give it to me as only a young stud could. He certainly obliged my wishes. He was slamming into me so hard he was pushing me back away from him. I used my legs to pull against his shoulders so he could keep pummeling my hole. In short order he tensed up and told me he was ready to cum.

"Yes, do it! Give me all you've got. I want you to cum deep in me now!"

He let out with a groan and gave a couple of short thrusts as he shot his load. Then just pressed hard against me for his final spasm. He backed out and dropped his head between my legs to take my cock in his mouth and finish me off with a masterful blowjob.

As we lay there recovering, he told me he how much I meant to him and how much he had learned from me.

"Remember the advice about taking my time to build up desire when giving a blowjob."

"Yes. This time the desire was already at a peak, though."

"Yea, I know. But I'm talking about the technique you showed me. Well I used those skills on my girlfriend last night. Instead of just grabbing her boobs, I took my time and worked her body all over, getting her so hot to my touch."

"So I take it you got more than a handful of tit last night," I joked.

"Much more. We didn't just fuck, we made love in every sense of the word. That's why I wanted to do the same with you this afternoon. We didn't just fuck, we made honest passionate love to each other."

OMG, that caught me so off guard I didn't know what to say.

"And it was beautiful. As good as last night. This is one weekend I will savior for the rest of my life."

Again I was speechless. I was just looking for some hot sex with these boys, not falling in love with anyone. And yet as much as my emotions have peaked with Dylan it seems like his have done the same.

"As will I, Dylan. But you do realize we will be leaving soon and we may never run into each other again, right?"

"Oh, of course. Did you ever go out to a fine restaurant and have the finest steak on the menu, cooked to perfection?. It was so perfect you can still imagine the taste years later, knowing you'll never enjoy another meal like it again?"

"Yes, I have that happen."

"Well you're my piece of meat, buddy!" he fell over laughing. "It was a once in a life time experience probably never to be repeated again."

"So I'm just a piece of meat, am I?"

"Yes, but a damn fine one at that."

I reached out and began to tickle him as we rolled around. He had taken some of the seriousness out of the moment but still let me know that as much as this meant for both of us, it was only a fleeting moment.

We kissed and cuddled until the evening chill got too much for our naked bodies. We made our way back down to the cave and crawled under our blankets. I spooned against him, kissed his neck and said goodnight.

"Yes it was, best night ever," as Dylan and I dozed off to sleep.

The next morning the weather looked like it was going to turn bad. From our vantagepoint on the mountain we could see a front coming from miles away. Dylan decided it was best if we left as soon as we had eaten breakfast and cleaned up the site. We stored the camping gear for the boy's next visit and loaded the little trailers with everything we had to carry out. Dylan hooked the chain link drag behind his ATV and we headed back down the mountain. There wasn't much conversation as we prepared to leave but a lot of smiles exchanged. Our time on the mountain had been special for all of us, some more than others. Dylan explained to me later Sean and Brent had never done anything sexual with them and had hinted a few times but never more than that. He had a feeling that they would be into some exploring if the right situation presented itself. He was spot on. We reached the gate, stowed the chain link drag and put our clothes on for the rest of the trip home. I looked back at the peak of the mountain where we had just been and had mixed feelings. That of remorse that it was over, relief that it was over and questioning if it was really over or something new just beginning. We got back to the motor home and said our good byes to Sean and Brent as they took off to get home before the storm broke. The skies were growing darker and more ominous by the minute. Dylan and I gave each other a long and tight hug as did Bryson and Kyle, theirs just not as long or intimate. We decided to leave the following day as more bad weather was predicted and we didn't want to get caught driving in it.

"We'll be leaving early in the morning so I guess this will be good bye. All four of us want to thank you two for a great time. We would never imagined this trip would turn out like this."

"Nor us. You came into town as four privileged college boys and are leaving town as good friends who gave us life long memories. We hope you come back next summer."

"You never know, we just might."

One last hug and the boys sped off on their ATV's just as the rain was beginning. We piled in the motor home and headed back to the lake to break camp there. Once everything was cleaned up we stood in the rain looking out over the lake.

"A hell of a road trip, gentlemen, a hell of a road trip," I declared.

"Yes it was. But looking forward to getting back home and back to the big city," Frank laughed.

"Ya, this is a small town, isn't it?"

"I've heard that somewhere."

Next morning we left the lake, locked up the gate and headed into town to return the key to the sheriff, gas up the motor home and get a few more supplies for the trip home. The sheriff met us at the gas station.

"So you boys are headed back home?"

"Yes, it's been a great week out by the lake and here in town. We were glad we could help and be a part of the fundraising festival."

"Yes, that. We want to thank you for your generous 'anonymous' donations for Margret."

"What donation?" Frank asked. "If it was 'anonymous' what makes you think we have anything to do with it?"

"It's a small town remember? No one farts in this town without somebody knowing about it."

"And what do you mean 'donations'?" Wasn't there only one?"

"Nope. Two came in, one right after another from the same bank, different accounts but same bank. There is someone else here who wants to thank you as well." He motioned to his car and a man and woman got out and came over to us.

"Boys, this is Margret's mother and father." Both stuck out there hands to shake ours.

"You four will never know how much your donation means to our little girl. We can go ahead with her operation knowing we can afford the medicine and after care she will need. You have saved her life." The mother started crying and the father also had tears running down his cheeks.

"We aren't claiming credit for anything but if we did it would be because she deserves a chance at life. If this was some teenager or older who needed medical help because they got drunk and crashed or over dosed on drugs or some other foolish judgement call they made, we probably wouldn't be involved. But Margret is too young to have caused her condition and deserves a chance to grow up and enjoy her life. That's all. But again, we disavow any knowledge of this." Frank smiled as he looked at the parents. They both grabbed him for a hug and went back to the sheriff's car.

"You boys drive careful and come back and visit any time. We'll be glad to have you in town any time." He put his hand out to shake each one of our hands. Jimmy stood to the back of the group and when the sheriff reached out to him, Jimmy stepped forward, stood straight and tall, taking the sheriff's hand in a firm handshake, and said in a loud and commanding voice,

"My name is Jimmy, and it's been an honor and a privilege to make your acquaintance, you hard nosed son-of-a-bitch!"

The sheriff broke out in a hearty belly laugh, first time we'd seen anything more than just a slight smile from him.

"Well, son, it's been my pleasure to get to know you as well, you insolent little peckerhead!"

We all broke out in laughter and left the gas station for the grocery store. While we went into shop, Frank headed over to the bank and walked right up to the manager's desk.

"Mr. Morrison, I thought we had an agreement about the donation?"

"Oh, that. Yes we did and I'm sorry. The sheriff has a very persuasive way about him. And a sharp eye. He saw you come into the bank and then shortly thereafter the donation was posted. It's a small town and not much gets past him."

"Yes, I've heard that. But he also said there were two donations, same bank but different accounts?"

"Yes. Your contact person, Agnes, gave me the information on the other donation, just twice what yours was."

"Damn him!. My father always has to upstage anything I do."

"Your personal feelings aside, those two donations have put Margret's parents at ease and her life will be extended. Isn't that what really counts?"

"Your right. Thank you for your help"

Frank came back out and we headed out of town. As we approached the end of Main Street, there were people lined up on each side of the road, waving and cheering as we drove by. At the very end of the people was the sheriff standing next to his car, giving us a salute. We stopped, all gathered at the picture window on that side and saluted back. On down the road we came up to the entrance to the interstate headed home. On the hill on the side of the road was Dylan and Kyle, naked as usual, standing up on the foot pegs of their ATV's waving at us with their hard cocks waving in the breeze. Frank stopped the motor home and we all bailed out, lined up one that side and dropped our draws to moon the boys. Then we turned and waved and got on the interstate headed home. We laughed and joked about them for a few miles then we all fell silent. Each one of us was reliving the events of the past two weeks and what it meant to each of us. I for one knew that Dylan would forever have a place in my heart, even if I never did see him again. I was glad I got to know him and what we shared but I was also concerned about my life ahead of me. I promised myself I would never let myself get that emotionally involved with a guy again. I guess this departure from 'just helping a bro' means I'm officially bi. I'm so looking forward to getting back to Sarah so I guess at least I'm not full blown gay. Not that that would be a bad thing I suppose.

If you enjoyed this story you may enjoy some of my other stories posted on Nifty. Feed back is always welcome to Jonathan at

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Small Town Dilemma adult-youth 09-23-19

Uncomplicated Life beginnings 02-18-20

North Woods Adventure adult-youth 08-25-19

Pleasant Surprise beginnings 08-25-19

Enduring Friends high school 02-12-19

A Week in the Woods high school 06-07-20


Going to the Dogs adult-youth 01-11-19

The Slat Water Marsh adult-youth 02-13-20

Next: Chapter 8

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