The taming of Jesse: Marine instructor extraordinaire

By Jus Lookin

Published on Apr 22, 2014



This is a fictional story, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence. This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation intended to entertain adults if you are offended by this content don't read it, is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. Important note: If you read this story you are certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Content copyright of Jus Lookin. Unauthorized reproduction is not permitted. Contact me at witch comments, ideas, pics and requests to reuse.

Jesse couldn't believe how he'd gotten to this place: hands tied behind his back, on his knees, and ass high in the air. He could feel his asscheeks quivering, anticipating a hard spanking. The boy, Seth, would be vicious. Jesse had made too many promises and boasts of owning the boy's ass...

He'd "met" Seth on grindr. Seth had been visiting a town nearby, and Jesse had known he had to hit him up the moment he saw his pic. Right hand behind his head, lightly furred left armpit exposed. Sexy lips pouting. Sexy stubble. The stats were a good match too: at 6'3" and 200 pounds, the boy was as tall as the hulking Marine instructor, and just 25 pounds lighter.

The boy needed to be tamed and used, Jesse knew. So he pinged him. The boy said he was "mostly" a top, but they all said that. He "rarely" bottomed, but the moment he saw Jesse's 9 inch monster cock, he sent a pic of his hot hairy buns and asked Jessy to "tear his hole up". Jesse had wanted none of that, and made it clear he preferred a bottom who resisted, so there could be active foreplay.

In the end, they'd agreed to a wrestling match, and with his 8 black belts in Judo, Jesse knew he'd dominate the brown belt in no time. They decided to meet the next day at the boy, Seth's place, and Jesse's monster cock tented his shorts all night as he refrained from jacking off so he'd have enough cum the next day to feed his new muscle bitch many times over. If only he'd known...

SLAP! Jesse felt his ass burn and his body jerk involuntarily. His mind was forced back to the present as the boy brought his hand down hard on Jesse's ass. He had looked for a strong boy because he'd wanted to dominate one. He'd even said he did get fucked every now and then if he was made to submit!

While true, that hadn't happened in a long time. He certainly hadn't expected it this time. He had been so sure he'd have his way. It should have been the boy with his ass being spanked...

"What was that, BOY?", Seth yelled. "I thought you were a tough marine instructor, not some pansy bitch that jumps at a light smack!"

No boy cunt DARED talk to Jesse that way. Enraged, not caring that his hands and legs were bound, he raised his powerful body, and smacked his head hard against the boy's abdomen. It would never have worked except the boy had been completely surprised, and he failed to tighten his abs in time.

The boy fell on his bed, gasping for breath. Before he could regain it, Jesse spun himself onto his side, reared back his legs and kicked at the boy's balls. Hard enough to make him pass out with pain, but (hopefully) not enough to cause permanent damage.

  • * * Seth couldn't believe that bitch had pulled a move like that. Trying to catch his breath, he saw Jesse swing his tied legs towards his balls. He felt them tighten in fear, and frantically moved his hands to block the blow. He connected with the bitch's feet, but he couldn't fully stop them.

He'd still not fully caught his breath when he felt excruciating pain blossom from his testicles. His hard 7.5 inch cock shriveled up, and he yelled out in pain. But he'd seen the kick coming. It cost a lot, but he jerked up his body and moved out of range of the bitch. Even winded and injured, he knew he would be faster than Jesse who was tied up hand and foot.

So he gave in to instinct, and bent his torso, trying to curl up over his aching balls. He kept an eye on the bitch, though, and saw him shaking with satisfied laughter.

"Boy I lost to you because I was so horny for your cunt I got distracted. Now you've made the same mistake, and you're going to PAY!". With that, Jesse launched himself with incredible speed at Seth, who barely had time to react.

Soon they were grappling and flailing about. Jesse was tied up, but he used his incredible agility and upper body strength to stay in the game. Years instructing marine recruits in fighting techniques meant that he was able to stretch what should have been a short fight for quite some time. Seth was winded and in pain, but was free to fight back with all his limbs.

In the end, though, the wrestling match was no match at all. Jesse could do only so much with his hands tied, and Seth recovered from his pain quickly enough to finally have Jesse pinned under him in a full Nelson. Jesse's tied hands dug into Seth's hard abdomen, but they could find no leverage to inflict pain.

Seth, breathing hard, bent his neck. As Jesse bucked and tried to throw him off, he clamped his teeth around the bitch's ear, just short of hard enough to draw blood. He'd seen wolves do this, and he wanted to use this primal method to similarly establish his dominance and also mark the man he now KNEW he had to make his.

Jesse slowly stilled, trying to breath hard, even with his face pressed against the mattress. Seth put more pressure on Jesse's neck, making breathing even harder, and said, "You're soon going to be a well used slave begging for more cock. Your mouth will be my cum dump, you whore and you'll beg for more."

Despite having a hard time breathing, the bitch yelled out, "Come anywhere near my mouth and I'll bite that cock off, boy!"

Seth chuckled.

He'd anticipated that response. And worrying about it had been part of why he had insisted their wrestling match take place at his place. He reached over to the night stand for rope that was left over from when he'd first tied the bitch up. Unspooling it, he quickly changed position so he was now sitting on the bitch's back, ankles crossed over Jesse's neck and pressing down hard.

With Seth's weight lifted from his legs, Jesse was quick to use the opportunity to try and kick. Seth had counted on that, and deftly caught Jesse's ankles. Holding them in place, he quickly looped some rope through the ankle ties and secured one end of his planned hogtie. He quickly tied the other end securely to the hand restraints, then spread the bitch's legs wide.

That had been his mistake the first time. Jesse had been given too much freedom to move. Working quickly, Seth corrected that, making sure he had access to the bitch's butt, while ensuring that the legs couldn't move at all. And he made the knots just a little too tight, straining Jesse's abs, making it slightly harder to take deep breaths.

The stream of invective Jesse had been spewing all along came to a sudden end. "Then I'm going to shave off all your hair boy, and whip your smooth ski...AAAARRRGGGHH", the bitch yelled.

Seth had, without warning or preparation, inserted two of his fingers up Jesse's hole.

" Shut the FUCK up cunt," Seth said. He rammed both fingers up to the knuckle, and proceeded to finger fuck Jesse's cunt dry till the bitch's screams were hoarse and weak. Yanking his fingers out, Seth said, "That, bitch, is nothing compared to the pain you're going to experience when I punish you for attempting to escape. Now see if you can keep quite for a few minutes."

Seth went over to his "tool cupboard", leaving behind a silenced (for now) Jesse. He rummaged in his drawers and quickly picked out what looked like an enormous, weird, watch. A slim ring of wood was attached to two wide, long leader straps at two ends.

Walking back to Jesse, Seth dangled the contraption in front of his eyes. " This is no ordinary ring gag, cunt. See the inner groove? There's a layer of soft chewy gum, but below that its sharp edges that'll dig into your gums. Bite down hard and we'll find out just how much you cry when you're in extreme pain. Better for you to act as if the gag weren't necessary. Like you're a cheap 2 dollar whore who opens wide when he sees a dick that's needs servicing..."

Jesse's eyes widened as he saw the gag, and he snapped his mouth shut and clamped down hard. There was no way that gag was entering his mouth.

Seeing that, Seth chuckled again. He knew he could force the bitch's jaws wide, but why not enjoy the process? He was going to make the bitch open his mouth wide without directly forcing them.

Knees on both sides of Jesse's shoulders, Seth reached down and slowly rolled the bitch over. It was by no means a smooth roll, and the new position on his back was clearly very uncomfortable for Jesse, but he refused to give the boy the satisfaction of showing his discomfort, and definitely didn't open his mouth.

Seth scooted back, looked down at his prize and grinned again. The bitch was a sight to behold. Handsome face with a straight nose and thick eyebrows, stubble giving him a rough look. Tight pecs completely devoid of fat or hair, dollar size nipples, wide shoulders... He felt his dick rise and stand firm, anticipating the pleasure of OWNING this hunk of a marine trainer.

He sat down, letting his ass rest against Jesse's already strained abs. Jesse grunted in pain. Seth could feel the bitch's flaccid cock nestled between his butt cheeks. The cock was 9 inches long hard, Jesse claimed, and the pic he'd sent seemed to validate that. Even soft it couldn't be less than 7 inches long. Thinking, Seth swiftly flexed his butt cheeks. He felt the monster dick below him stir, and smiled. Looking up, he noticed Jesse's eyes had widened. The bitch had probably guessed his idea.

Slowly, Seth started gyrating his hips, stimulating the now semi-hard cock that was trapped between his ass and Jesse's own abdomen. As it grew, the cock strained to rise up, but Seth's ass held it down. It had no place to go but parallel to Jesse's washboard abs.

  • * * Jesse watched in horror as the boy stimulated his cock. Despite the pain he felt, despite the strain on his abs, he felt incredible as his cock snaked its way up his abs. He'd never experienced a coming hard-on quite like this before. His incredibly sensitive cock was stimulated on one end by Seth's hot ass crack. On the other end it was pressed firm against Jesse's abs. And since those abs were strained and a little concave, the taut skin over those hard slabs of muscle was even more sensitive. It really did feel like a snake was crawling up his belly.

Constrained as he was, Jesse just couldn't do what his body demanded. He couldn't thrust up and claim the hole that belonged to that boy who was tormenting him. He was breathing hard, and if he hadn't clamped his mouth shut, he'd have been panting.

When his cock was fully hard, the head broke free, into fresh air right in front of Seth's balls. Jesse almost came when the hair on the boy's balls tickled his glans, and he gave a deep groan that vibrated his chest. He was straining in his bonds, the intense pain and almost orgasmic pleasure clashing with his firm wish to keep his mouth closed. His teeth were gnashing hard against each other, and his jaw muscles already ached from keeping his mouth closed against so much inducement to open them wide.

As he slowly came down from his almost orgasm, he noticed that the boy was staring at him in fascination. Where had things gone wrong? Those hot pursed lips should have been wide open and chocking on Jesse's cock right now. Seth's hazel brown eyes should have been worshipfully looking up at his master, and his dark, ash blond hair should have been gripped in clumps by Jesse's fists as he forcefully fucked his slave boy's cum dump of a mouth.

As these thoughts flashed through Jesse's mind, his cock strained even more in its velvety soft prison. He'd always been a prodigious leaker, and now he felt a flood of precum coat his abs.

Seth gave him a smirk, and Jesse got the uncomfortable feeling the boy had figured out exactly what he was thinking. Damn it. The more the boy learned, the easier he would find manipulating Jesse. I HAVE to control myself, Jesse thought, clamping his mouth shut with greater determination.

Seth placed the index finger of his right hand at Seth's sternum, and slowly traced a straight route down to the pool of precum at his abdomen. He scooped up as much as he could, and lifted his hand.

"What a little slut you are. Trapped and about to be used, and you're wet at the thought", said Seth contemptuously, an infuriating smirk on his face.

*I'm wet at the thought of using YOU, whore *Jesse wanted to shout. He contended himself with glowering at his captor instead.

  • * * Seth felt almost like laughing out loud at the look of fury in Jesse's eyes. He'd KNOWN that the bitch would get furious at the implication that he was as eager to please as... well a bitch in heat. He hasn't expected Jesse to open his mouth, but just building his anger was enough.

Slowly, Seth moved his hand towards the bitch's face. Time to throw in some humiliation. Seth slowly and lovingly spread the precum all over Jesse's silky lips. The bitch twisted and turned his face, of course, but Seth simply reached down and gently tapped Jesse's penis, right where the glans met the head. The message was clear, and the bitch lay still.

Seth scooped up more precum and generously applied them to Jesse's huge left nipple. They were a sensitive spot, it seemed, as the moment Jesse started coating them, he felt the cock that was trapped beneath him twitch. What a way to detect what the bitch felt, Seth thought.

As he stroked, pinched and rubbed the left nipple, Jesses cock spurted out more precum, which Seth promptly applied to the right nipple in a similar manner. He couldn't believe how much precum was pooling below him. Jesse's huge balls must be churning out a huge load, and Seth had seemingly found the key to keep the river flowing.

Through out his ministrations, Jesse was groaning and grunting through his teeth. When Seth started playing with both nipples at once, Jesse's eyes fluttered closed. He moaned, and his muscles stiffened. His cock twitched and became even harder under Seth. He was about to have an explosive orgasm.

Just as Jesse's entire body contracted, every muscle straining in anticipation of release, Seth firmed his grip on both nipples and YANKED! Despite being bound, the bitch's body thrashed a little, and his head jerked up. His eyes flew open, and he groaned deeply. His cock pulsed wildly under Seth, but no sperm flew out.

Disappointingly, Jesse did not open his mouth and scream. He grunted wildly and his eyes watered, to be sure. He was breathing in short gasps between his groans, and now there was saliva bubbling between his clenched teeth and parted lips. All this was wildly thrilling to watch, and Seth could have cum just then from the rush of power he felt, but the main objective of his actions was unmet.

It appeared this bitch wasn't going to be the easiest nut to crack. But to Seth, that was an even greater thrill! The more Jesse resisted, the more inventive he'd have to be, and the more inventive ways he thought of to give pain to Jesse, the greater pleasure Seth would get.

Shivering with anticipation, Seth brought his hands down to the still trapped, though not nearly as hard, cock below his butt. Gently stroking the piss slit, he thought, time for phase two...

To be continued.

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