The Taped Cock

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 17, 2005



The Taped Cock By

I'd met Don through the jack-off network, and had found him to be a level-headed guy, 65 years old, and standing about 5'6", a bit shorter than I am. He had short salt-and-pepper hair and a neatly trimmed beard in contrast to my clean-shaven face. We both wore glasses. He was only four years older than I, and we shared a lot of characteristics, such as being devoted to solo and mutual jacking. When he invited me to spend a weekend at his house, I accepted eagerly.

We'd met for dinner at an Italian restaurant that Friday evening, and then had gone to his place, a large detached house with a walled back yard. Next to his patio was a sunken hot tub, which appeared very attractive on that spring evening. It was right outside the arcadia door to his bedroom, and we quickly stripped down and went outside. I saw that Bob's prick looked a lot like mine, a smooth shaft with a large bulge in the skin covering the head, and it tapered to a nipple in front, just as mine did. However, the nipple was encased in white surgical tape. When I asked about this, Don explained:

"When I was a kid, my cock looked just like yours. Puberty changed that. My big mushroom cock-head just grew out of my foreskin. I ended up with the skin covering only about three-quarters of my cock-head, and I didn't like to have the tip of it exposed and rubbing against my clothing. When I asked a doctor what I could do about that, he just laughed and said he could circumcise me. I didn't like that at all, and never went back to that doctor. A few months ago, I heard that I could stretch my foreskin by taping it closed in front of the head. I tried that, and it worked. Right now, my foreskin goes right to the end, although I intend to keep taping until I've got a nipple like yours. Here, let me show you what I've got." He peeled the tape from the end of his hood, and I watched the nipple disappear as the foreskin slipped back to form a slight pucker right at the end of his bulging mushroom head. I looked and nodded.

"I like to skin back when I'm in the hot tub," he said as he drew his ample foreskin back to lock behind his high ridge. "The hot water feel good on my naked tip. Anyway, I've had the tape on for three days, and the head needs a good rinse." I did the same, and we stepped into the tub, relishing the bubbles that climbed up our bodies as we enjoyed the heat.

"I'd heard of cut guys using tape to stretch the skin of their cocks to form foreskins," I said as we lolled in the water. "You're the only guy I'd heard of or met who used tape to stretch what he already had. It seems to be working."

"Well, I feel that I just want a little more length," he explained. "That's what I like about your dick. You've got a nice long foreskin, and that must give you a nice long stroke when you massage it. Anyway, I'll find out how long a stroke you get when we get serious later."

During the conversation, I also found out that he'd experimented extensively in subtle ways to stimulate his cock, as I had, and we enjoyed sharing techniques. Both of us would use different techniques during a single session, sometimes jacking with our foreskins, rolling them sensually over the head, but also trying various bare-headed methods for variety. Strangely, we didn't get very hard despite the sex talk, although I felt my prick stirring with a half-erection in the warm water. After about half an hour, we'd had enough, and went inside to dry ourselves.

"I see your tip swells in the warm water, just like mine," he observed. My cock-head was swollen and glossy, with the foreskin still bunched up behind the high ridge. His mushroom was purple and even wider than my glans.

"Well, I think the tight foreskin behind the ridge forms a sort of tourniquet, making it swell," I replied as I snapped my hood forward to re-cover my glans. The hot water had relaxed the ring muscle in my foreskin, and now the opening gaped, a one-inch diameter orifice through which I could see the front part of my domed glans. "I see yours really swells too. How are you going to get the skin back over it?" I asked. By this time we were both full-hard, and our cocks were eager for stimulation.

"No problem," Don said, reaching for a plastic squeeze bottle on the bedside table. "This is glycerin, which is a terrific lube and it mixes well with pre-cum, unlike a lot of other artificial lubes. Watch this." He pulled back hard on his foreskin, exposing the deep groove behind the ridge, and squeezed a few drops into the crack. Then he pulled forward, and the hood slipped neatly over his glans, stopping half-way down the length. Meanwhile the cool air had made my hood shrink to its usual snug fit.

"It gives a warm feeling, too, but much more gentle than any sort of liniment. Here, try some." He held the bottle over my cock and I pulled back hard on my foreskin to let him squeeze some lube into my hood. I pulled the foreskin forward, and felt the sensuous friction as the tight ring of foreskin ran over my high ridge, then down-hill to the end of my glans.

"See, you've got enough skin for a full stroke," Don pointed out. "Mine only comes half-way up the head. I reached for his cock, tugging gently but unable to bring the hood farther down his swollen glans. I pulled it all the way back, then forward, with the same results. Now I shifted my grip and grasped his foreskin with my five fingertips, right over the ridge, and began stroking it sideways around the corona. His cock throbbed in my fingers, and I knew I'd reached him.

"I think that'll take care of stroking your foreskin," I said with a smile as I continued. Don wrapped his fist around mine and began stripping it back from the head slowly and lovingly as he commented on my penis:

"I really like your cock," he said. "It's not only the long foreskin, it's the big German helmet under it. I like the big flaring ridge because it looks so sexy, and I like the way your piss-hole looks like a teardrop. I like the pink color around the hole, and how it darkens to purple farther back on the head. Look at this." He pulled my foreskin back beyond the rim, and we looked at the back-face of my ridge.

"It's such a deep purple it's almost black," he said. "It's also got those little studs you don't see on too many guys. Those are all little nerve endings, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, they are, and they're very sensitive." I recalled the times a partner had given me direct action on those little nerve buds and brought on a howling orgasm that left me helpless and gasping.

"But most of all, I like that long foreskin," Don said as he relaxed the tension and began dragging my foreskin forward again as we sat on the queen-size bed. Don had spread a large towel under us as we faced each other, legs apart, and worked on our cocks. I cupped Don's balls as I slowly rotated his foreskin over the ridge of his big purple mushroom, and watched the drops of pre-cum flowing down to mix with the lubricant. In turn, he stroked my hood back and forth in long, sensual strokes, and I felt the familiar tickle in my cock-root as the first drops of lube began their long crawl up my tube.

After several minutes, Don's shaft became so runny with lubricant that my fingers slipped over his foreskin. I grasped his shaft-skin at the base and pulled it hard to uncap his glans, glossy with lubricant. I began running my fingertips slowly over every inch of the tender surface, keeping my touch very light so that I wouldn't precipitate his orgasm. As each tear appeared at the cock-eye at the end of his glans, I spread it over the delicate surface. At the same time, I felt my glans sloshing around inside the foreskin that Don kept stroking along its length. Despite the lubrication dulling the friction, we were both getting pretty hot, and it would be a guess as to who'd go first into the uncontrolled free-fall of orgasm.

Don groaned, and I felt he was closer to the end than I. I slowed my touches, and asked:

"Ready for it now? I can make you come in just a few seconds."

"Oh, I'm ready to come, but try to stretch it out, will you? I want to enjoy the plateau as long as I can." I kept rubbing my fingertips over his hot, swollen glans, hitting different places so as not to tire out the nerve endings by excessive friction. I watched Don's face as I massaged his glans with my fingertip strokes, and saw his jaw tighten as his arousal built. His stomach muscles started to contract spasmodically, and I felt the surface of his mushroom head harden under my fingertips. He was in the final stage, anticipating the explosive release that was seconds away, while I ministered to his lovely cock. A steady dribble of clear fluid flowed from his opening, and I felt his shaft harden and tighten in my fist. His breathing was labored now, and I decided to go for broke.

My fingers danced over his swollen tissues, and Don began going "Hah-hah-hah" as the orgasm rushed at him. I saw his legs trembling in uncontrollable spasms as I pumped more sensations into his cock-head. I felt his hand relax around my cock, and then drop away as the storm of orgasm occupied his entire attention. His penis throbbed hard in my hand, and I heard him groan "HAHHHHH!" as a hard jet of jizm shot from his tip into my palm. His cock jerked again, and another hot surge of cream shot into my hand to drop onto the towel underneath. I saw his eyes were closed and his lips had drawn back, exposing his teeth, as spasm after orgasmic spasm wracked his body.

More surges of white cream erupted from his prick, but with less force now that his tank was draining. The last few throbs in his prick produced only dribbles that fell directly on to the towel under his groin. He took a deep breath, then relaxed. I was surprised at how quickly Don recovered from the orgasm, because he was up and into the bathroom within seconds after the last drops had dribbled from his tip. I followed, watching as he washed his prick, dried it carefully, and applied another ring of tape around his extended foreskin.

"Gotta keep it taped as many hours a day as I can," he explained. "The longer I keep the skin stretched out, the faster it'll take its new shape. Now let's take care of your prick." My erection had softened, and Don led me back to the bed, where I lay flat on my back as he began rolling my limp cock between his palms. This gave me pressure, friction, and stretching, all on the same nerve endings, and it had its effect. Within seconds, my cock was at full attention, the engorged head hungering for more. Don kept massaging my hot glans through the enveloping hood, as I gasped and groaned, helpless on the bed.

The overwhelming intensity of the sensations in my dick washed out my conscious mind, leaving me in a vegetative state, a mass of sensations. I was unaware of the world around me, only the hot tingling feeling in my cock. Don brought me over the edge, and I cried out helplessly as the first hot throb in my cock-root sent a white jet shooting from my orifice. Some flowed under my foreskin, and I felt the hot liquid wash over my sensitive glans. More throbs followed, and it felt as if my cock-root was pumping out every drop of liquid in my body. The torrent of white juice filled my long hood and dribbled out the snug opening onto the towel.

I don't know how long my orgasm lasted, nor when it ended. The transition from orgasm to the dazed state that followed was seamless, and I gradually became aware that Don had stopped rolling my prick between his hands but was pressing a finger up along the underside of the shaft, forcing out the last droplets. I opened my eyes and saw that he had my foreskin fully back, locked behind the ridge, and was dabbing at the white drops that oozed from my tip. He went into the bathroom, returning with a washcloth moistened with hot water, and wiped the thick cream off my still swollen glans. Then he pulled it forward to envelop my shrinking cock-head and we snuggled up for sleep.

The end

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