The Tattoo

By Peyton Jones

Published on May 22, 2020


The Tattoo

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Part Five

By Chrissy and Peyton

It was a crisp and cool October day and the sun was shining bright. This wasn't the first time Mia had come here to lay flowers by the headstone and sit and talk to the grave as if she was talking to a real person. She talked about her life and what was going on since the previous time she had been there. She always came on three specific dates each year plus various other times during the year. This was one of those specific dates. She had just sat down having placed the flowers then touching the headstone kissing it gently.

"I always wondered who was placing the flowers on my cousin's grave," a voice behind her said startling her.

Mia turned quickly then gasped and grabbed her mouth with her hand. She almost fell over from what she saw having to place her hand on the headstone next to her for support.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Did you know my cousin?" the person asked.

Mia thought she was dreaming. Standing next to her was a girl maybe five years younger than her that was the striking image of Stephanie. Yet she was sitting next to Stephanie's grave that she had been coming to the last five years since she died in a motorcycle accident. "I didn't know Stephanie had a cousin?" she stuttered not taking her eyes off of the person standing there.

"My mother was Stephanie's aunt. She was Stephanie's dad and uncle's sister. That's her and my dad's grave next to Stephanie. Whenever I come and I see flowers on Stephanie's grave I ask my uncle if he is the one placing the flowers. He would tell me he had no idea who was placing the flowers. I kept coming at times when I would notice the freshness of the flowers that had been placed hoping someday to see the person who was placing them. My name is Sophie Baker."

"I'm Mia Fernandez," Mia finally was able to say still not able to take her eyes off of Sophie. "Stephanie and I had been close friends at one time. I'm sorry about your loss. You know you are an identical younger image of Stephanie?"

Sophie laughed. "I've been told that before. My mom used to joke about Stephanie and I being cloned and then being divided up and given to different parents, Stephanie's mom and dad getting her, and my mom and dad getting me."

"I think that is why I was so startled. I thought I was looking at her," Mia said.

"How often do you come to visit her grave?" Sophie asked.

"I come on today the day she died, her birthday and on the day I met her. It's my way of staying close to her."

"Were you her girlfriend?"

Mia was a little stunned by Sophie's boldness to ask such a question but seeing as she was family she probable already made that assumption, "I was but we broke up almost five years ago. I feel responsible for her death as we had a major argument the day she died. It was then she told me we were finished. Ever since I keep coming here to talk to her and tell her how things are going in my life."

"I'm glad she has you. I come to visit my mom and talk too. Stephanie's dad won't come here. He says it hurts too much because he was the one who got her into motorcycles. He won't even go by her old house because it brings back memories."

"May I sit with you?" Sophie asked sitting down before Mia could respond.

"Sure," Mia said giving a really close look still not believing she was not seeing Stephanie.

"I wonder why Stephanie never mentioned she had a cousin especially one that looks so much like her?" Mia asked.

"How long ago did you say you broke up with her?" Sophie questioned Mia.

"We broke up five years ago today," Mia said sounding defeated.

"That explains it. You see my mom was always sort of an independent headstrong shoot from the hip type of person. She never paid much attention to what others thought and never looked farther than what she wanted to do on that day. When she graduated from high school which was long before both Stephanie and I were even thought of, she had a boyfriend who had wild ideas of living on the west coast and surfing all the time, winning contest to earn a living. She, against my grandparent's insistence, left one day with him for the west coast. Within a month of being out there he left her for a bleach blonde bimbo with big tits. That's when my mom met my dad and I don't know if it was out of embarrassment or pride but she never came back here and pretty much didn't communicate with any of the family here. I'm not sure Stephanie even knew I existed." Sophie explained to Mia.

"When did you come back here and what happened to your parents? I see the date on their grave and it is three years before Stephanie and I were even together?" Mia questioned somewhat confused.

"I see why you are confused," Sophie continued. "My mom and dad were coming back from a business trip in the Sonora Valley area when they were killed in an auto accident. My mom in her will asked to be buried back here where she was born. My dad's only request was to be buried next to my mom where ever she was buried so they were sent here for burial. I was only fifteen at the time and I didn't want to leave the only place I had ever lived, at least until I finished high school, so my mom's best friend agreed to take me in and raise me," Sophie tried to explain.

"That was very generous of your mom's friend to offer to do that. Did they have kids of their own?"

"No, they never had kids but always thought of me as their daughter. Taking me in was not a big deal for them or for me. It wasn't going to cost them anything either. My dad was some sort of financial wizard, and between what he had invested and his and my mom's life insurance policy, which had a sizeable accidental death clause, I inherited a very large amount of money. The interest it earns alone was enough to pay any expenses my adopted mom as I call her occurred and still have enough for me to have an income to live off and not have to work. Once I turned eighteen all of the money came to me. Now I don't have to work if I don't want to and my so called friends out in California started coming to me for money which is why I ended up here to get away from them. I also wanted to be close to my real mom and dad and my extended family I had never met. I didn't come out here for their burial. I only attended the service we had in California."

"I'm sorry for your loss. You sound as if you have adjusted well being out here. Do you live with your uncle now?" Mia asked.

"No, actually I'm living in Stephanie's house. Her dad of course got everything when she died and he didn't or wouldn't go in the house," Sophie explained. "I moved out here shortly after her accident and he asked me to stay there because he couldn't come to selling it. I convinced him to let me buy it from him. He holds the note and I make my payments to him. It is better because I don't pay interest to a bank but to him and the rate is half what the bank wanted to charge. Plus he gets more for it this way too and if I'm late he doesn't care."

"That sounds like a good arrangement," Mia offered, "A win-win for both of you."

"Yes it is. The only catch is he insisted that I not get rid of her things so they are packed up and in the garage except her motorcycle which he donated to a biker club in town," Sophia explained.

"I thought she died riding her bike? Wasn't it wrecked by the accident?"

"That was a different bike. She wasn't riding her bike at the time of the accident but she was on the back of another person's bike. Something about she was really a mess that day and couldn't concentrate so she parked her bike and rode behind one of her friends."

That statement only served to hurt Mia more hearing Stephanie was too upset to ride her own bike and knowing she was the reason Stephanie was upset. Had she not been upset she might have been able to ride and not in the accident. Not wanting this person to see her hurt she quickly recovered and continued the conversation.

"You said her dad gave it to a biker club?"

"Yes two guys came out one day to get it. They both sat on the floor of the garage touching the bike and reminiscing about their times with Stephanie. They both at times shed tears because they missed her so much. It was a Slim or Stan or..."

"Sam?" offered Mia.

"Yes, that's him. Sam and the other guy I think was called Doc," Sophie said.

"Dr. Bob?" Mia asked.

"Yes, you obviously know both of them. They loaded the bike up and told me how sorry they were for losing Stephanie and how much she meant to them and many others. They said she died of a broken heart not the accident. They left their names which I have at the house in case I ever needed anything.

Mia's heart was aching more than ever now as everything that Sophie said about Stephanie's accident was like a stab in her heart knowing the pain she caused Stephanie that day and leading up to it. She hoped that coming to visit her grave would help with her pain and she would forgive Mia in time.

"There's so much I never got to talk to her about," Mia finally said breaking the silence that had existed for the last few minutes.

"You're talking to her now. I believe she hears everything we want her to hear," Sophie softly said and reached over and touched Mia's arm.

"Maybe you're right. I tell her everything now. I just wish I could have said those exact things when she was alive and we were together," Mia said sadly.

"She understands. Stephanie was a very patient and caring person who always tried to give more than she received. I really believe she is listening now and in her way will find a way to let us know she is listening," Sophie told Mia looking at her with a soft smile.

"You know your phone has been blowing up since we have been here. Someone is really trying to get a hold of you," Sophie said.

"Yeah, that's my clinic calling. They probably are wondering why I haven't arrived there yet and want to know when I will be there. I probably have people waiting for me," Mia responded.

"Are you a doctor? You are wearing scrubs," Sophie asked curiously.

"I'm a veterinarian. I have my own clinic for almost a year now. I should be getting on over there and not make people wait. It was really nice meeting you Sophie. I'm glad we got to talk. If you see either of your aunts or your uncle, tell them Mia said hi and that I really miss Stephanie as much as they do."

"Mia, before you go," Sophie started as she got up with Mia. "I really did enjoy talking with you and would like to get together again and talk some more about Stephanie and about anything else we want to talk about. Would you be willing to meet me some time and talk?"

"I would like that Sophie," Mia smiled and replied. "Having someone to talk to about Stephanie would be nice."

"Good, what is your number?" Sophie asked and took out her phone. She entered the number that Mia gave her and seconds later Mia received a text from Sophie with a smiley face emoji followed by one blowing a kiss to her.

Mia smiled and then they hugged as she walked back to her car. On the way to her clinic she thought of Sophie and how nice it was to meet her and how nice it would be to have someone to talk about Stephanie with.

Three days later and it was Friday and Mia was anxious to close up and get home. It had been a very busy week and she was tired and needed the rest. She had two more appointments which were well check-ups with both dogs needing their distemper shots before she could leave. Her second to last appointment had just called and they were running late because of traffic. Mia was standing at the counter looking out at the parking lot. Her phone rang indicating a text and she jumped out of the trance she was in. She had to laugh as she was completely lost in thought for the phone to startle her that much.

"Hi Mia. Would you be up for a drink after work? We could meet at the Beer Mart and sit out on their patio and talk."

Because she had entered Sophie's number in her phone she knew from the text it was Sophie. She hesitated being so tired but then thought it would be nice to see Sophie again and talk.

She texted back, "Sounds great. I could use a drink after this busy week. See you there at six?"

A couple of seconds later she received a text reply with a thumbs up emoji.

Upon arriving at the Beer Mart Mia entered the gate to the patio area seeing Sophie sitting at a high top table for two. She waved at Mia who smiled and headed towards her table. Sophie got off her stool and upon Mia getting there gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.

"Do you ever wear anything but scrubs girl?" Sophie said and laughed. "We need to meet sometime when you are wearing something else unless that is all you own!"

Mia laughed and responded, "Well during the week until I get home that is all I wear. The weekends are for normal clothes. It's good to see you Sophie. How have you been?"

"I'm fine. So work was hectic this week? I detected a little "get me out of here" from your text," Sophie asked.

"Yeah it was real busy and to be honest I was going to go home, take a long hot bath and probably jump in bed. But you twisted my arm instead."

"Well I won't keep you out late. I just thought it would be nice to get together and the fact you came being so tired I really do appreciate you coming," Sophie said smiling and touching Mia's hand.

They talked a few minutes more about the past week and what each other had done before Sophie started asking Mia about her time with Stephanie.

You and Stephanie were together for around a year?"

Yes it was just over a year," Mia said.

"How did you two meet?"

Mia laughed remembering the day she met Stephanie. "Sophie, you aren't going to believe this but every bit of it is true. I was in college and working part-time at the hospital when I received a call from a neighbor that my trailer I was living in at the time was on fire. I tried to rush home, driving way too fast and past Stephanie on her motorcycle. In my attempt to get home and salvage anything I could from the fire, my tire blew out after I passed Stephanie and she ran off the road into a field trying to avoid the tire pieces that came off my car. When I was able to stop and run back to her she was cussing up a storm and then I saw a trail of blood dripping down her arm."

"Long story short I bandaged her arm and we talked. She got Sam, Dr. Bob and others to come and tow my car off all of them paying for all my repairs and then some. Stephanie took me on her motorcycle to my trailer but by then it was completely gone. I had lost everything and had no money or insurance. Stephanie took me in and we lived together for a little over a year after that."

"That sounds like Stephanie. I was told she was always there whether on purpose or by accident to help those in need," Sophie said. "I once told her dad she should have been born a saint because she had helped so many people. If it is not too personal what caused you two to break up?"

Mia hesitated wanting to tell this to Sophie but she already knew she and Stephanie were girlfriends so she knew that they were romantically involved. Mia began talking looking around to be sure no one was close to them or listening to their conversation. She talked more quietly as she explained, "I had never been involved with a woman before and I couldn't allow it to be known as I felt it would affect my chances of getting in Vet school and finding work afterwards. Stephanie kept after me to attend public functions with her as her date and I would refuse even refusing to go out to dinner to nice places that were considered more the romantic spots. She and I had many disagreements about me and then there was this one function that was coming up and she basically told me if I wouldn't go as her date we needed to part ways. Things are a little fuzzy after that but I know we never talked again as that was the day she died."

"So it was over you coming out and admitting you were gay?" Sophie asked.

"Yes," Mia admitted.

"And how do you feel about it now that you have a career established and now that Stephanie is gone?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry I couldn't be what Stephanie wanted and I regret not being there for her, but that is all in the past now."

"But if you meet someone now will you still be the same or will you be able to acknowledge your sexuality and not worry about the consequences for being with the person you love?" Sophie asked her being serious.

"I can't answer that because I am not in that position with anyone. I can tell you none of my employees know, but then I do not discuss my personal life with any of them either. Other than them there is no one right now since all of my time is either at work or at home."

"Are you home because you are that tired or are you home because you have no one to be with out and about doing things?" Sophie asked continuing to dig deeper into Mia's feelings.

"Probably both," Mia reluctantly responded.

"Are you ashamed of your sexuality?" Sophie asked her.

"No, I'm not ashamed of it," Mia responded a little more defensively.

""If you are not ashamed then what does it matter? It isn't anyone else's business who you love and spend your time with."

"You're beginning to sound a lot like Stephanie. Can we talk about something else? I'm a little uncomfortable discussing my sexuality especially out in the open like we are."

"Certainly but it sounds as if you still don't want people to know," Sophie said. "Tell me how you ended up with a practice all by yourself so soon out of vet school."

"Just like meeting Stephanie it was by accident, I stumbled into my practice too. While in vet school I did my interning with this vet. He really took a liking to me because he saw how I really cared for the animals we attended too. He told me someday when I was a vet showing the compassion for animals would result in a better practice. Clients would be able to see that compassion and if you treat their pets that way they will trust you coming back and recommending you to their friends. As I was ready to graduate I came across a dog that had been hit by a car. I immediately took the dog to him and he let me treat the dog posing as my assistant He told me I had saved its life and neither the dog nor its owner would ever forget that. They are still patients of mine today. After graduating he offered me to work as a partner with him which I gladly accepted. Within months after working there he said he was going to retire because of his heart and he wanted me to take over the clinic. So we made a deal and I pay him every month until I pay off our agreement."

"I see," Sophie said. "Sounds like he made his decision about you without knowing anything about you other than how you treated your clients?'

"If you are asking me if he knew about my sexuality he did not at least as far as I knew," Mia responded seeing what Sophie was insinuating.

"He made his decision on other factors and didn't ask or care about your personal life?" Sophie asked but it really was a statement.

"No, I suppose he didn't," Mia said as if a if a small light went off in her head.

The girls continued to talk and get to know each other staying away from the sexuality issues the rest of their time together. After having one beer and ordering a second Mia yawned a few times and Sophie could see Mia needed to get home.

"Mia, you look exhausted and I don't want to keep you out any later. Are you okay to drive home or do you want me to drive you?" Sophie asked Mia concerned.

"Thank you but I just live several blocks down the road at the Renaissance Apartments so I can make it that far. But thank you for your concern."

"Okay but only if you are absolutely sure? I don't want anything to happen to you because we had a few drinks and you are too tired," Sophie again said sounding very concerned. "Why don't I at least follow you home to be sure you get there safely?"

"No really, I'm fine. If I felt I couldn't make it safely I wouldn't hesitate having you drive me since it isn't that far but really I'm fine."

"Well I'm still going to follow you so I know where you live. Then the next time we go out I will know where to go to pick you up," Sophie stated.

They hugged and Sophie again kissed Mia on the cheek before they departed Mia taking note of what Sophie said about the next time they go out.

It was two weeks before Mia heard from Sophie again, actually because she hadn't heard, she texted Sophie.

"Hey, girl, what's up? Haven't heard from you. Hope everything is good. Want to get together this weekend for dinner?"

A few minutes later she received a text back from Sophie. "Hey, sorry was doing some painting and lost track of time. Dinner sounds great. What did you have in mind?"

"Want to meet me at Jimmy's Place at seven?"

"It's a date. I'll be there."

Saturday came and Mia pulled into the parking lot of Jimmy's Place. The last time she had been here was with Stephanie. She saw Sophie walking from her car towards the front door and she honked her horn as she got out and locked her car. They hugged before walking inside. They were having a good time over dinner as Mia told Sophie the last time she was here with Stephanie and how it was disappointing to Stephanie because she had wanted to go to a romantic spot.

"And you still afraid of people knowing your sexuality?" Sophie asked.

Mia just nodded her head.

Sophie took her hands and reached over taking the right hand of Mia's palm down. With her two thumbs she caressed the top of Mia's hand. Mia started to pull back her hand but Sophie increased her hold on her hand using her other fingers preventing Mia from pulling her hand away.

"Are you embarrassed or scared right now that I'm holding your hand in a public restaurant for all to see?" Sophie asked.

"Both. Why are you doing this?" Mia said quietly and again tried to pull her hand back but not trying very hard.

"Do you not like me holding your hand and caressing it like I am doing with my thumbs?"

Mia looked at her hand and Sophie's two fingers and she really did like what Sophie was doing but it was in a restaurant. She didn't pull back or say anything but she did curl her fingers around Sophie's letting her know she liked it.

"Are you worried about us being seen by others in here?" Sophie then asked. As Mia started to turn her head to look around Sophie continued, "Don't look at anyone else. Look at me Mia. Look at my eyes when I talk to you. Are you worried about what others are saying if they see us holding hands?"

Mia slightly nodded and tried to look around. "Don't look anywhere but at my eyes Mia. Right now that is all that counts. Look at me. We are holding hands in public, in a restaurant full of people out for the night eating and having a good time."

"Do you think they care if we hold hands?" Mia again started to look around. "Don't look anywhere but at me. Do you think they care if we are holding hands?"

Mia looked at Sophie not knowing what to say but had a very scared look on her face. There was something about Sophie though she trusted and felt comfortable with.

"Mia, has the world changed since I have been holding your hand? Have you lost any friends or business since I have been holding your hand?"

Mia shook her head tentatively.

"Has anyone come over here and said get out because we are holding hands?"

Mia again shook her head.

"No one cares about us right now Mia. They are too busy with their own lives and having fun. Unless we do something so obvious to catch their attention they aren't even looking at us. And if they are they aren't doing anything about it, why then would you care if we hold hands in public?"

Mia finally found her voice, "I don't know."

"You shouldn't care. We are just two people like the many others in here having dinner and not bothering anyone else. There is always that small percentage of people who will make a big deal of it but they are neither the kind you want as your friend or as a client for your business. In your business your old partner only looked at your capabilities and your compassion deciding he wanted you in his business. He never asked you about your sexuality. It didn't matter to him or his patients. It's no different in your personal life too. Yes you might lose some friends but they were not your real friends to begin with. Your true friends will stick with you regardless."

Sophie took her left hand and intertwined her fingers with Mia's hand taking her other hand back. "Your sexuality is your business and no one has a right to deny you who you are. You should neither be ashamed, embarrassed nor hide who you are. If you find someone you love, don't throw it away because you are afraid someone else will not approve of who you love. Only your partner is the one you need to be concerned with."

Mia allowed a few tears to run down her cheek as she realized what Sophie was saying and how it had affected her life with Stephanie.

After they were finishing eating Sophie paid the bill and took Mia by the arm and they left the restaurant. Once they were outside in the parking lot Mia turned to Sophie, "Thank you. That was hard to do but you helped me see how foolish I have been."

"You are welcome and you haven't been foolish. You are scared and that is natural. It will take some time for you to be able to show public displays but with the right person it will come easier," Sophie said.

"I didn't realize you were gay too," Mia said.

"I never said I was. My sexuality is my business and I will choose who to love and not love and show my love to. But between you and me, yes I am gay and have been for many years."

Sophie walked Mia to her car and before she left gave her a big hug and kissed her on the cheek.

Over the next couple of weeks Mia began to think more of what Sophie did to her at Jimmy's Place and how she had enjoyed the times she had spent with Sophie. She wasn't sure where it would lead but she thought after all these years it was time to move on. She thought of going to the cemetery to discuss it with Stephanie because this was her cousin after all and to have a relationship with her cousin she wasn't sure how appropriate it would be.

"Dr. Fernandez, there's a lady in the waiting area here to see you but she doesn't have a pet or an appointment. However she did say she was your soon to be girlfriend and that she wanted to talk to you," one of Mia's vet techs said to her while she was running some test from the blood and stool sample she had taken from a clients puppy.

"Did she say her name?" Mia asked sounding confused and a little irritated.

"No ma'am she said you would know who she is."

"Well tell her I'm busy at the moment and it'll be a little bit before I can come out there," Mia told the tech.

Mia was somewhat irritated someone would come into her place of business and make such an insinuation. She figured she would straighten it out after she finished with this cute little ten week old German shepherd she was working on for a long time client. After she was finished with the puppy she walked back through the back of the clinic and out to the reception area to see who this person was alleging she was her soon to be girlfriend. As soon as she turned the corner she saw Sophie sitting in a chair next to another client petting their poodle who was sitting in her lap.

Mia laughed as she got to the counter that separated the reception area from the rest of the clinic. "I should have known it was you coming in here making allegations like that. What brings you this way?" she said to Sophie.

Sophie handed the poodle back to its owner and smiling came over to the counter. "I had to get your attention somehow since you haven't called me."

"Ladies, this is Sophie Baker, a friend who also has a way of causing scenes where ever she goes," Mia said to her staff at the counter.

"Mrs. Roberts, why don't you take Pricilla into exam room two and I'll be in there in a second," Mia said to the lady with the poodle. She motioned Sophie through the gate at the counter and led her to the back area where the operating room and lab were.

"Sorry to just walk in on you like this but I really was passing by and thought I would stop in and see how you were doing and if you would like to get together sometime soon since we haven't talked much lately," Sophie said.

"I've been thinking of you and been meaning to call. You want to get together tonight after I close up?" Mia asked.

"Yes, tonight's perfect. I'll pick you up at eight and dress elegant. No scrubs or jeans. Heels and dress preferred," Sophie said.

"Whoa, wait, you don't know which apartment number where I live and why heels?"

"Give me your apartment number and I will. Wear heels because I want to see you in something other than scrubs or jeans. Now we can stand here and debate this and keep Mrs. Roberts and Pricilla waiting or you can just say yes and give me your apartment number," Sophie said defiantly but smiling the whole time.

Mia for some reason felt like Sophie had this control over her and she couldn't tell the girl no so she gave her apartment number to her and told her she would see her at eight.

After work Mia hurried home to shower, grab something to eat because dinner wasn't discussed so she wasn't sure if tonight was about dinner or going somewhere for drinks and talk. She debated what to wear though she really didn't have many options as she had never got around to buying dressy clothes as she never went anywhere to wear them. She pulled out the three dresses she had and from that picked the one she thought would be most appropriate.

It was dark blue with lighter blue designs running through it. A scoop neck which showed some cleavage if she bent over and the hem was just above her knees. It was fitted at the waist but also had a belt to pull it tighter or simply for accent. The sleeves were over the shoulders but not down her arms and it zipped up on the side to the right. Her shoes were the color of the dress and had two inch heels opened toed. She normally wore a light blue or white sweater with it choosing the white which she left unbuttoned. She had to admit with her hair done where it hung to her shoulders and small bangs up front she looked pretty nice. She added earrings that hung down a few inches below her lobes and sparkled when they moved with the light on them. She was admiring herself when she heard a knock on her door.

Mia grabbed her purse and headed out of the bedroom half closing the door to hide the mess she left with her other clothes laying on the bed and the floor. She opened the door to see Sophie standing there and she almost gasped at how beautiful she was. Sophie was wearing a light yellow sleeveless, crop-top silk maxi dress that came down to her ankles. Because it was a crop top her belly button stud she wore was visible. She was wearing gold ankle strapped heels and a multicolored charm type necklace that came down mid abdomen. Her long hair evident now as it was no longer in a pony tail or braids but hung down and off to her side and partially over her shoulder.

"You look, oh my god, you look absolutely stunning," Mia blurted out.

"I think you do too. Aren't you going to invite me in so we can have some of this before we go out?" Sophie asked holding up a bottle of white wine.

"Yes, of course, come in," Mia said. She led Sophie into the kitchen to get a wine opener and two glasses so they could drink the wine. "Just where are we going that we need to be dressed this fancy?"

"You'll have to wait until we get there. Surprises are best if they aren't revealed before they should be. Here's to a nice night for two beautiful friends," Sophie said after the wine had been poured and they toasted their glasses.

They drank their wine and decided to leave. Sophie drove and it only took them thirty minutes to get to the location. It was a nondescript building with a neon sign out front that read "Joanie's."

After they parked and walked to the front, the doorman opened the door greeting them, "Welcome to Joanie's, ladies. Have a wonderful time. If you need a cab to get home let your waiter know and I'll have it here waiting for you."

"This is really nice, Sophie. I've never heard of it before."

"That's because it is out of the way a little and most of it is by word of mouth. You'll like it though, I'm sure."

They were met by a hostess who escorted them to a table about mid-way in the main room. Before they were seated a waitress was at their table asking their drink order and leaving a four page pamphlet listing appetizers and other specialty drinks they could order.

Mia looked around and while dark she could see a stage and what appeared to be a dance floor in front of the stage. It wasn't packed but there were many tables with people sitting around them. They received their drinks and ordered a couple of appetizers to munch on while they drank. Mia noticed several couples dancing to the music which right now was a slow song.

Sophie got up and took Mia's hand making her get up too. "Come with me," Sophie told her.

Mia began to complain telling Sophie she didn't want to dance but Sophie continued to pull her to the dance floor. Sophie pulled Mia to the center of the floor and took her one hand holding it to her shoulder placing her other hand around Mia's waist and pulled her into her. "You can stand there and not move and draw all sorts of attention to yourself or you can dance with me and no one will mind," Sophie told her.

Mia put her arm around Sophie's waist and the two began to dance together their heads leaning in to each other with their mouths by the other's ear. "See that wasn't so hard to do was it," Sophie told Mia.

"I'm scared," Mia whispered to Sophie.

"Scared of what? Scared of people watching us and thinking how beautiful we are together or scared of people watching us and thinking we are a couple of lesbians?"

"Both," Mia said.

"Sweetheart as beautiful as you are, you will always have people looking at you. You can't do anything about that. And while we are two lesbians it doesn't mean we are fucking each other. We are just two friends out for a good time. If anybody said anything we can honestly tell them we are only two friends out for a good time and there is no sex happening between us."

Sophie had a way of calming Mia and showing her it was okay to be close to someone in public without having to hide or be embarrassed about your feelings about that person. The tension she had at the beginning of the song by the end had been eased greatly. They danced a few more songs all of which were slow songs before sitting back down.

Over the next few hours they danced to more songs all of which were slow songs but then again Mia noticed they were mostly all slow songs. She also began to notice most of the couples in there were same sex couples with only a few who were not.

"Is this a gay club?" she finally asked Sophie.

Sophie smiled at her and took her hand. "It took you long enough to pick up on that. You don't think I would trick you into going to a straight club and dancing with you cheek to cheek knowing how you feel about public displays do you?"

"So this was a set-up then?"

"In a way, yes. If you are going to get over your fear of public displays and who all knows or doesn't know about your sexuality this is the place to start. Here no one cares if we are a couple or not because they are all in the same boat. If you are at ease with dancing with me here and holding my hand and kissing me then we will move on to the next place until you lose that fear there."

"We haven't done anything but dance and yes I am still not quite at ease but I am better now than when we came in here," Mia said.

That was Sophie's cue and she held out her hand to Mia taking her to the dance floor again. This time though she was a little more aggressive holding Mia closer and letting her hand run up and down Mia's back as they danced. Still cheek to cheek she could feel Mia's heart beating faster and her breathing change which Sophie knew Mia was having the feelings Sophie wanted her to have. At the end of the third song before they parted Sophie pulled her head back leaving her arm around Mia. She looked her in the eyes gauging her response then leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips.

At first Mia didn't kiss back but the soft lips of Sophie and the intoxicating feelings of holding her in her arms got the better of her and she soon found she was returning the kiss. After what seemed like a minute or more they broke the kiss and Sophie holding Mia's hand, led her back to their table. Before they sat she pulled her in again this time kissing her harder.

Mia became flustered but more importantly she didn't want the kiss to end and when she sat down she kept a hold of Sophie's hand. She could feel her body react and she knew what she wanted before the night was over.

"Would you mind if we leave?" she asked Sophie giving her a smile and giving her hand a light squeeze.

"Not at all," Sophie said smiling back at Mia and returning the light squeeze.

They paid the bill and left the club. Once they got to Mia's she asked Sophie to come up to her apartment. They walked inside and Mia turned and pinned Sophie against the wall. She kissed her lips eliciting a moan from Sophie. Mia kept Sophie against the wall but her hands were already fumbling at the zipper on Sophie's dress. Sophie offered no resistance to what Mia was doing and seemed happy that Mia was feeling this way and taking the initiative. She moved her arm to allow Mia to easily get to her zipper allowing Mia to unzip her dress from the waist down the side. There was also a buttoned flap over the top of the zipper which she unbuttoned allowing the dress to fall to the floor.

Sophie stood there wearing yellow lace hipster panties, her crop top and still wearing her heels. Mia moaned at how pretty Sophie looked. Her hands went for the bare midriff skin of Sophie as she melted into her kissing Sophie and letting her hands move up under the Sophie's top coming to her bra.

As Mia swooned over how wonderful Sophie's body felt in her hands, Sophie began to unzip Mia's dress and unlatch the belt. Once she had it undone Sophie pulled the dress off of Mia's shoulders and let it drop to the floor. They both stood there in their heels, panties, bras, with Sophie still with her top on. They kissed with their hands roaming up and down each other's sides and back.

The kissing had them breathing faster but neither had moved from the wall they were against since they came in the apartment. Mia moved her hand down to cover Sophie's mound and ran her fingers down between Sophie's legs and back up. Sophie moaned and lifted her leg up wrapping it around the back of Mia's leg giving Mia more access to her.

Mia's fingers were running through Sophie's slit over her panties and they were getting wetter with each movement from Mia. "Oh god, Mia. That feels so good," Sophie moaned into Mia's ear as she held onto to Mia. "I need you Mia. I'm yours!" she said gasping with her hips moving back and forth against Mia's hand.

Mia moved her fingers to the side of Sophie's panties and pushed them over so her fingers could feel Sophie without any material between them. Her slick wet pussy felt warm and inviting and she pushed two fingers inside of Sophie.

This only caused Sophie to moan even louder and pull harder into Mia as her hips continued to move back and forth. "Fuck, yes, harder! God your fingers feel so good," she moaned.

Mia kept fingering Sophie as their mouths came back together and they kissed passionately. Sophie grabbed the back of Mia's head and holding it to hers keeping the pressure on it while they kissed. Her breath was fast and shallow and she was having a hard time standing up but she so wanted Mia to make her cum.

"Yes, yes, Mia. Oh, oh, ahhhgggg!" Sophie cried out as her orgasm overcame her. She bit Mia's lip almost enough to draw blood as she came and her nails dug into Mia's back as she pulled Mia to her.

Mia kept pushing her fingers in and out of Sophie until she could feel Sophie's body become weak and unable to stop shaking. Sophie's skin had become clammy from the sweat her body had created from her intense orgasm. She fell into Mia's arms almost sagging to the floor as her body relaxed.

"Do you think it would be better and more comfortable if we moved to your bedroom?" Sophie finally asked Mia softly.

"Oh, yeah, it might. I'm not sure I can hold you up any longer, Mia chuckled.

They stepped out of their dresses lying on the floor picking them up and walking into Mia's bedroom.

"Oops, sorry," Mia said as they walked in and she could see all the clothes she had left lying on her bed when she was trying to decide what to wear tonight.

"Are you that indecisive or were you trying to impress me? Sophie asked Mia as she laid her dress over the back of a chair in Mia's bedroom.

Mia blushed and Sophie knew her answer. She took her top off and unhooked her bra placing it on the chair too. She had to sit to undo her heals so she walked over to the bed where Mia was gathering up the clothes she had left earlier in the night.

Mia placed all of her clothes on a bench stool she had at the end of her bed and seeing Sophie pulling her leg up to unstrap her high-heel she told Sophie, "Wait let me do that." She hurriedly undid her bra letting it drop to the bench and stepped out of her heals leaving her in her panties. Mia knelt at the side of the bed and took Sophie's left foot bringing it up to her thigh. She looked up at Sophie who was staring at her with a smile on her face. Mia unstrapped the shoe pulling it off and caressing Sophie's foot. She brought Sophie's foot up to her face and she kissed the underside then she kissed the big toe before sucking it into her mouth looking into Sophie's smiling and now excited face.

She kissed and sucked on Sophie's foot until she had sucked and kissed each toe then let it down gently to pick up the next foot. As she did she noticed apparently for the first time Sophie had a tattoo on her foot. It was a beautiful pink and black butterfly that appears to be hovering over three red flowers with stems. "I never noticed this before. It is really beautiful and sexy too," Mia said.

Sophie smiled at Mia. She loved the feeling of Mia rubbing her feet and the eroticism of her kissing them. She was already getting quite aroused with what Mia was doing to her. At the same time she smiled, she moaned as Mia continued kissing her foot.

Mia enjoyed how Sophie was reacting to her touch. She knew it was turning her on as she was turned on herself. Stephanie and Mia had played this erotic game before and Mia remembered how wet they both got and how strong their orgasms were when they came after playing this seduction game. Mia placed Sophie's foot on her shoulder where she was kneeling and began to kiss her way up Sophie's leg. She got above the knee as Sophie was moaning and gasping how good it was feeling.

Mia kissed her way to Sophie's hip and kissed her way across over top of Sophie's panties to the other side. Sophie now lying down on the bed propped herself up with her elbows taking in the excitement she was receiving from Mia. As Mia kissed her way back to the middle of Sophie she put her fingers inside the waistband of Sophie's panties pulling them down. Sophie raised her hips a little to allow her panties to slide off. She was now completely nude and Mia's face was between her legs looking up at her very wet and aroused pussy.

"Don't make me wait gorgeous," Sophie whispered to Mia. "I need your tongue inside of me."

Sophie opened her legs a little more and brought her feet up to place them on the edge of the bed. Mia hooked her arms around Sophie's legs and leaned forward allowing her tongue to lick from Sophie's bottom to the top of her pussy.

"Oh Mia, oh god, you have me so turned on," Sophie moaned.

Mia continued to lick Sophie moving up then back down through her opening taking in the aroma that Sophie was giving off and enjoying the taste of Sophie's juices that were now freely flowing.

"Oh Mia, that feels so good. Keep licking me," Sophie moaned to Mia as her head would watch Mia then fall back on the bed before lifting up to watch Mia again.

Mia kept licking moaning to herself as she felt her loneliness of losing Stephanie was finally coming to an end. She moved her right hand over top of Sophie's mound finding her little bud and began rubbing her thumb back and forth over Sophie's clit.

Sophie loved what Mia was doing until Mia's thumb found her clit. The sensation of her thumb rubbing circles on her clit with Mia's mouth teasing her pussy sent Sophie into a world of her own. Her hips began to move in rhythm with Mia's licks and she knew she was beginning to lose control as her body moved involuntarily. "Oh Mia, I am so close. I can feel it coming. Don't stop!" she moaned to Mia.

Mia had no intention of stopping. She increased her speed of licking and rubbing Sophie's pussy and clit feeling Sophie getting near what Mia wanted to get from Sophie. She moved her tongue inside as deep as she could while applying more pressure on Sophie's clit and that seemed to be all that Sophie needed and her orgasm overcame her.

"Fuck, oh god, aaawwwkkk!" Sophie exclaimed as her hips lifted up and her body shook. Her head pressed into the bed and she grabbed fistfuls of the bed sheets trying to hold on as her body convulsed from her orgasm.

Mia slowed her licking and released the pressure she had on Sophie's clit allowing Sophie to slowly come down from her orgasm. She licked her pussy a few more times savoring the taste of this girl before she moved up leaning over Sophie. Sophie was lying with her eyes closed and her beautiful chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath. She slowly opened her eyes to see Mia looking down on her smiling. Sophie lifted her arms up pulling Mia to her face and kissed her passionately on the lips. "That was unbelievable. Wow, you really know how to bring a girl to her peak and push her over the top don't you?" Sophie softly said to Mia and smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I know I really did. You taste exquisite and I love how smooth and silky your skin feels," Mia said back to Sophie.

Sophie hugged Mia and kissed her lips and cheek moving to her ear gently biting on her ear lobe then using her tongue to lick Mia's ear. Mia moaned and Sophie could feel Mia's body give in to her touch. She rolled Mia over not breaking the kissing and licking. Once on top she moved Mia's hands over her head and kissed her arms moving down to her armpits then lower across Mia's upper chest. Her legs were straddling Mia's leg and she allowed her hips to move up and down putting pressure on Mia's pussy and hers at the same time. They both were breathing faster and were slightly moaning with each movement. Sophie kissed the top of each of Mia's breasts then the cleavage between them.

Sophie moved down a little so she could kiss each of Mia's breasts all around the nipple and areola before she kissed then sucked each nipple into her mouth and twirling her tongue around it. She grabbed Mia's nipple with her teeth pulling her head back as her teeth pulled on the nipple before Sophie let it go.

"Oh gawd, that feels so good," Mia moaned.

Sophie smiled and moved lower kissing her way down Mia's stomach to the top of her panties. She palmed Mia's mound letting her fingers down enough to put pressure on Mia's opening. Mia opened her legs up as Sophie moved lower now completely between Mia's legs. Sophie picked Mia's legs up and held them up before she reached down with both hands grabbing the waistband of Mia's panties pulling them off and up over her legs. Mia now was completely naked as was Sophie. Mia placed her legs down on the bed her feet flat on the bed and opened her legs wide. Sophie smiled and immediately moved down and inhaled when she was just inches away from Mia's pussy taking in the sweet aroma that Mia was giving off. She then parted Mia's lips and leaned in to get her first taste of Mia's very wet pussy.

Mia moaned as her hands moved to either side of Sophie gently holding her head against her pussy. "Yes, yes, Sophie, lick me, make me come," she moaned.

Sophie wasn't going to tease Mia or make her wait and she began to tongue fuck Mia tasting her for the first time. Her tongue was moving in and around Mia's opening not leaving her clit out as she would move to the top and twirl her tongue around it before moving south again. Mia's hips were moving up and down trying to keep contact with Sophie's tongue.

Mia continued to moan and hold Sophie's head to her pussy as Sophie continued to lick and suck on Mia's juices and pussy. Mia's breathing became more rapid. Sophie sensing Mia was approaching her orgasm inserted two fingers inside of Mia pushing them in and out of her. Her tongue moved up and Sophie sucked and twirled her tongue on Mia's clit.

Mia was in a state of bliss and unable to talk but she could feel her orgasm as it rose and she knew any second it would hit. She let go of Sophie's head and grabbed the bed sheets with both hands none too soon as her orgasm hit her. "Fuck, oh my gawd, yes!" she squealed and her body tensed as she peaked. Her head went from side to side on the bed and she cried out her face scrunched up from the intense explosion inside of her.

Sophie eased back on her assault and moved up next to Mia cradling her head against her shoulder holding Mia as she journeyed through her experience. Sophie held Mia kissing the top of her head until Mia finally came back to normal.

"Wow! That was some explosion," Mia whispered to Sophie. They lay there in silence for a while each feeling the heartbeat and breathing of the other. "Tell me about the tattoo you have on your foot."

"It was a long time ago and in a different life," Sophie softly said to Mia.

"You have an attachment to it don't you?" Mia questioned Sophie putting her fingers on her chin and jaw.

"It's part of my past and now I'm in the present," Sophie told her being obvious she wasn't wanting to discuss it with Mia.

Sophie then sighed whispering to Mia, "I'll tell you about it someday just not today. Today is about us in the present."

Mia smiled up at Sophie as they moved up to the pillows and lay beside of each other running their hands through the other's hair or shoulder. They kissed a few times before their eyes became heavy and they both drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Mia awoke first easing out of bed and into the bathroom. She put on a men's long sleeve button up flannel shirt she had taken from Stephanie's house years before and slipping on a pair of panties. She got a long sleep-shirt out and laid it on Sophie's clothes so she would have something to put on when she got up and went out to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast for her and Sophie.

She had started the coffee maker and had retrieved eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, shredded cheese, and bell peppers to make omelets for breakfast. She was dicing the bell peppers into small pieces not knowing that Sophie was up and standing a few feet behind her watching her as she swayed her hips from side to side humming a song that played in her head from last night. Mia put the knife down and was reaching for the tomatoes when Sophie placed her arms around Mia pulling her back into Sophie.

Sophie nibbled on Mia's neck and ear whispering, "Good morning. Someone's in a good mood this morning all energetic fixing breakfast."

Mia leaned back into Sophie raising her one hand to caress Sophie's face that was on her shoulder. "After last night I woke up feeling really good and wanted to make breakfast for you," she told Sophie.

Sophie brought her hands up to cup Mia's breasts which were exposed since Mia hadn't buttoned up the shirt but a few buttons in the middle. "I'm not quite ready for breakfast yet. I still need to complete my meal from last night," she whispered into Mia's ear. Sophie continued to massage and play with Mia's nipples and Mia felt defenseless as Sophie seemed to have a way of making her melt in her arms.

Mia moaned and turned in Sophie's arms to face her. They kissed with Sophie's hands under the shirt Mia was wearing and holding her to the sides of each breast. She maneuvered Mia away from the food then lifted her up onto the counter so Mia was now sitting on the counter. Sophie moved between Mia's legs standing looking at Mia before leaning in and kissing her again. Her hands still on Mia's sides from lifting her up onto the counter she moved in and again cupped both of Mia's breasts.

Sophie's fingers found Mia's nipples and she twirled them in her fingers making them grow hard and protrude out from Mia's breasts. Mia moaned her hands around Sophie's shoulder holding her to her as they kissed. Sophie broke the kiss and pulled back a little from Mia. She smiled at her then her hands went down and she put them inside of Mia's waistband of her panties. "Lift up a little honey so I can slide these off of you," Sophie said to Mia.

Mia used her hands to life her body up enough from the counter to allow Sophie to pull her panties off of her. Sophie then pushed Mia's legs out wider smiling up at Mia as she lowered her head and licked Mia's pussy teasing her clit when she got to the top.

"Oh gawd," Mia moaned as she watched what Sophie was doing to her. She placed one hand on the back of Sophie's head and she used the other to balance her as she arched her body forward as Sophie began to lick her pussy.

Mia moaned and arched trying to keep contact with Sophie's tongue as it licked and prodded her insides. Sophie licked and sucked enjoying the taste of Mia and how her body reacted to her tongue. She teased Mia's clit before moving Mia's hand from behind her head to Mia's clit moving Mia's hand up and down letting her know she wanted her to rub her own clit while Sophie ate her pussy. Mia began rubbing her clit and moaning louder as Sophie ate and sucked on her pussy.

It took only a few minutes of Mia rubbing her clit before the pains of an orgasm began to rise and she knew she was going to explode in a big way. "Oh gawd, Sophie. I'm going to cum. I can feel it, its...aawwwkkkk!"

Mia exploded in another big orgasm as Sophie continued to lick any juices from her cum. Mia's head hit the cupboard behind her and her body continued to spasm as her orgasm made its way through her body. Sophie slowed her licking down and gave one long last lick from the bottom to the top of Mia's pussy before she stood up straight and kissed Mia passionately on the lips.

She pulled back from Mia whose eyes were still only half opened and whose body was still quivering from Sophie's attention. "Okay, now I'm ready for breakfast. What are you fixing me?" Sophie said as if nothing had just happened.

Mia having gained her composure wrapped her legs around Sophie and squeezed her tight into her. She grabbed the sleep-shirt in her fist pulling Sophie to her face. "I think you should make me breakfast after that." Mia then kissed Sophie and smiled at her. She put her arms around Sophie's neck and shoulders leaving her legs around Sophie but easing the tension she had on her, "Help me down. I think I'm too weak to do it on my own." She then placed her forehead to Sophie's forehead. "I don't know what it is about you Sophie, but I can't seem to resist you and melt whenever I am around you."

"Then my spell is working. Pretty soon I'll have you where I want you," Sophie said as she lifted Mia off the counter and let her down on the floor.

"And where is it you want me?" Mia asked keeping her arms around Sophie's neck.

"Where you should be my love," Sophie said and pulled away from Mia to pour her and Mia a cup of coffee.

Mia finished making omelets for them with Sophie's help and then they cleaned up the kitchen. They took a shower after breakfast again making each other cum by fingering and licking the other's pussy. Sophie left Mia around noon to go home leaving Mia to herself.

After doing some house cleaning and laundry Mia sat down at the kitchen table while she drank a soda and munched on some raw vegetables.

"Stephanie, I do miss you and love you so much. But it's been so many years and I have missed having someone to be intimate with and love on. Sophie seems to be the one. I really think I could very easily fall in love with her. I hope you don't mind if I do as I need someone in my life. I will try not to make the same mistakes I made with you. Sophie has already shown me a few times that people don't really care. I will try my best to feel comfortable in public with her. I do love you Stephanie and wish you were here," Mia said to herself as she thought about both Stephanie and Sophie.

Later that day she realized when Sophie left they had not discussed doing anything else over the rest of the weekend. She decided to give Sophie a call and see if she would like to do something that night and maybe tomorrow. She pulled out her phone and called Sophie.

"Miss me already? Sophie said when she answered her phone.

Mia chuckled when Sophie answered then getting serious she said, "Actually I do and I was wondering if you would like to do something tonight and maybe tomorrow. I don't feel like being alone the rest of the weekend."

"I would love to spend the rest of the weekend with you babe. Did you have anything in mind or did you want to just hang out?" Sophie replied.

"Nothing in particular, just hang out," Mia said but for some reason she wanted to be with and do whatever Sophie wanted to do.

"That's cool. Why don't you pack a bag, just casual wear, and come over. We can figure something out once you are over here. I can come up with some ideas before then too and if you think of some things and we can bounce them around and come up with something to do," Sophie suggested.

"Okay, I'm still waiting on the dryer to finish up with a load but once I fold and put them away I will pack a bag and come over. You sure I'm not intruding on other plans you might have?" Mia said apologetically.

"No hun, I had no other plans and was hoping you would call. I'll see you when you get here. Kisses babe," Sophie said and hung up.

Mia smiled as she hung up her phone. She enjoyed being around Sophie and something about her felt so right and almost too good to be true. Mia finished folding the clothes that were in the dryer and packed a bag with some casual clothes and something to wear to sleep in as she most likely would or wanted to sleep with Sophie tonight. She got in her car knowing the way to Sophie's. She thought how strange it would be to be in the same house that she and Stephanie shared and if she did in fact spend the night, would she be able to make love to Sophie knowing she had made love to Stephanie in the same house.

A chill came over her and she wondered if she was doing the right thing or should she had insisted Sophie come to her place.

End of Chapter Five

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 6

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